l'HT. KAHHOTUSTOIiE ! K.sl'hJTFI I !.V ) ra,e lo nniiounco to tho citizens of Sl'NDCRY ami vicinity, that Ihe O.V ''!' Sl'.lN nf t' nir .store-Idiom p, completed, and that their (filliiie llllllll.ll ii'ire ' iH:.tiH!iiurnt to a peifecl jiln,) It- J E I ST 0 R S I N CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA! I : M'Y CdMPrt vlii. Ii, in extent, urkfy, quality and lowncss in ri:c, ire L'N ! We need not particularize, lor I-1 1' .! r V V? ft VT T TJ,r'W W mTTTMflll! Ar) a. A ... W JSJ w V.'e ! ...i . ii liana nil kinds nf ,: Si Kl)WAIifi, il liKN'SWAlii:, dry goods, leady-m a he clothing iimoTh AM shoes, groceries, wilt Ji pore of at the Vi:i!Y LOWEST PRICES. Countiy Produce taken I .lo li,;ti;'st pner. Ac, A'. ill cull III'.0 Cur f Miit lie nl Hie oblce! ill tins section ni largfkt lid 1'-K-;T run f custom in the ni i;lil I.-., rci.ivij in the noil, una ii VP him ny a rui.unuui eilurl to acniminoilittc inir fr ii-iuli nn.l cutomci and i.i const qneiicc nf Ilia largeness und A cwr.'UUfc .ic "I '" supj'ort a"1' E00'1 KI" '" people. Ac turuiully invite you ti (:iv us a call ! t'OMH ALL Yuu will never regret a visit to the Very Larue! and heniHft More, I' il.i- i'cti. i. a U:s state : : ncincmuir ino oin 1j.-u.-c Sno'.iury Jif. r. iSiO. ly PALS, & W 1 N TEH .tV" ARRIVED" AT THE STOKE OK ... i t. E':5'5.. ol' Kunbiiry. Pa., lid b k if FALL and WINTER :,:.,;: lr.-iii I'uil d liii, to which he I'v in iter lis tin mis U i.,!, l,c v- .!l .urc id the Tuldic to tin tiiim in t-hr.w- iir; t A ni'n E Ui.l' m.M ni (inoils will be Ml I! LACK ;1V i'ir I.lntii . 'id 1'ai -. .1. 3i nnu I' ai cv ' 'ainincriM 'f weedti, b',it. c. tine, also a larcc us -nt ol .'Vt'UI .-made CLO'J'llirSU for men i.a ow " i'up. i 1 ill LAD I EH WEAR, 1! r..1 F iti. v I'M-- tJilk very cl.cai, S'ilk 'i . nc, li. a ic i- Vlu li and (;hali IIoIick, tierege V -! -i.i-, I r- t i.'..!.t Eii;tireJ lirillimit and a iiii -v of ) I rc.-.s linmla, Spring and Sum- i , : .' ii illaK, I'urasolt., a good as.-urt- i..;H r , !,; ! -.'ids Collars. Sleeves, Irinh 1 iin'ii. .-'..nt I. .nit.-, Murniilics, Urilliant &c. A ccoi'in! j.-tiuii:t nf domestic Dry tiO'tla. AUn a i.i., c Mcrk of ll:is and Caps, Coots iiii t'lA -. liar .'.cure, (jucens anil Olasiware, i.'roc .i-', ' i 1 1 '.are, Stone and Earthenware, i'r'. tii.il I'aiutx, &.i!t. Fi ill, Cheese, Hani, Oil, 1 r .AC. S'-. , il. -Wall and Window Paper, Floor and 'j'aliic i ii I'lotii, Carpetti, all the above will he n.ild :.t low prices lor cash or country produce ta rn in cxil. .riyc for Cioodij. J. II. EXCEL. o:.!mi:v Vv. 19, 1 8.ri9. If. SUSQUEHANNA FmiALE COLLEGE, s i: u i x s - u n o v k , i a . , tktills Sciiool in iiiti'iiilc! to iilTonl the very brut advon I. t::.i i.. at u iinKlfratui-liar:!' to such na limy be entrunt : t.i i:k i .ue. Thu l..iilii.,'. is Uiri;c, well itirmicet, :iu u. ilsin'il , ilh evciy lliiim ili-ceii.sui y t health Hud eonl n :. r...v.in anil iju.iiiliiiMs are inviteil to examine its el.iii s ml to mipivut it only in so far ua it may be loanil in i"iiiJi.UA real incut. r.ci i.tv. Kiv. t". C. n.U CII.MAN, A. M , f'nneiKil. Mn .M. I.. liAt'OIIMAN, ) ... .: Jlt.iA A. I'ATLIN, ) I f 1! HOLM ; Rkv. II. Kl'RTZ. D.D. I,. L.D.I Re S D(J.Mi:il,A. M , LcetmuB. j:XI'L:NSi:t. 1.-U''ii;iv tuitiini iii the re.eiitir eourse incluilnur j.' i:, w'ihIiui, liJits, fuel unit use of funti&licil ni.im .ir sension of 5 mouth, on I-'eo lor Heading Kikhii, 1 oe DAY SCHOLARS, 'i'uiti-.n ni '.he Collegiate beia truent r icmion, f 1.1 Wi " Aeinlcinie " " " IU no 'iieitlviital charge li.r fuel, ink. chalk, Ac. 1 5'a KXTRA C1IAK1.KS. Mi.mc ( n tha Pinuo with nseof Instiuiucnt, u 20(10 ' ' " .Melmleoil " " 17 11(1 ' " " (iuilar " II Ou ' " " Harp, " " 1W (Ml s ..-enil iiii.triieiii.ii in .enl Mutic 5 do iiravvini. With url ofir.fKlclii, t 00 (1,1 I'.uuiliR, 11 ' 1-J (10 Ore, i7 (juriti in it 1 1 el French eiieh, (I IjU r.ivini'iits to hi: iiia.lu halt in uilyance, ami Ihc. balance lie1 iniilille of the BeHu.n. i litie will be no Ueilnetinii fur ahseiiee, exi'ft in cases ol' imiUiii'tut 8lel..i..Ai'. A liberal deduction will be UKnic 1. lavor .it the ilaltiilttem ot Clcrityiiiali. I -l 1'ireulam AililliliC RiV.C.C. ItM GHMAN, (Ir Rev. UU.MKK. Silnn (.i .vc, l'a., fe(it. Id, troll. I y rs c. ir 77 jp ECONOMY: i' Save tbe Pieces ! A a uUnta will li:ipj n, even in well rcubteil fumi l.ts, it im very ilo,iiiitiic l h:ive ti(ieciie;iip audvunvtuiviit SPALDING'S PKEPARED GLUE meets ull such elut-rt'elieics, and no household call nil. ird t Ih vithoul it. It la always ready and up to the stirkiii point. There is no longer a necessity for limpim; chairs, splinters veneers, headless dolls, mid broken eiadles it is just tlie article for cone, shell, unit other oriiameulul work, i... popular with ladies of lefineuieiit and taste. Tins admirable pi eviration is uml cold, beinj; chemically hi id in solution, mid Mr.sessiu ull the valuable qualities ol ti.e hi-ht eabniLt. maker's dine. It may be ueed lu Ihc pli.ee of urdiiinry itiueilegc, being vaitl inure adhesive. 'USEFUL IN ItVKUY HOISE1' N IJ A ttruah aceouimnies each bottle. i'nee cents. Wholesale Depot, No Ctdar street, New Vork. A.W.tos, til.NK Y C. ril'A 1.1)1 U fc Co., Itox No. a,td0, New Vork. Put up for Dealers in cnsescoiitainine; Four F.iqht, and 'twelve jloztn a beautiful Lithographic feliow Curd uc e: .iipinyius t-aeli pack.iee. A single b'litlc ol Sfialdine's Prepared Glue will save I. ii times cost iinmiallv to every I101i81.-I1.1ld. S. Id by all proi, mi. nt SLitinueis, Druggists, Hardware nu t l urintuic Dcders, (iroeers, uud Fancy hmies. t-'ouiiiry Meiehanis should ni. ike a note of hpaMiiifr's prepar.-d Ulue. when they make up their hit. It wd und any elimalu. For sale at thisoQjcc, March lu, lr6o. ly LOOK HERE, VOL! WANT TO I11Y chp.ap rnn IF O AMI. CIO TO VM. II. MILLER, he has received ff from Philadelphia a larijc stock of HOOTS & SHOES' His stock Coiibists ot fien'U Kipplloots, Youths' Kipp Boots. Cliilditu's Calf Boots. AUo a vaiiety of ,i uincii a .uu i. ace iioois, v onietrs Morocco I ....A 11...... I'l.ll! I., ft, - . . wuuu,, iviiuuicii a nturucco ana tjall Lace Boots, all of which ho will sell cheap for CASH. Cull and ex amine for yourselves. A 1. 60, first quality of Tumpero Muroco for stile tor sa:,n. WM.H. MILLER. tuiibury, January 7, lHfiO. CHEAPEST ! U1.S1V ! LARGEST 1 ! rt5,90 Tuys for Tuition in Single and Doable I'.iitiy Book-Kesp-lug, Writing, Commereisl Aiitlunetic uud Leelares. IJ jardB weeks f JO, Siuliouury 87, Tuitiou 815, entire expenses 864. I. sual time from 8 to 10 wscks. Fvury Stadeut, upon graduating, is guuruuleed eninpeleiil lo inanase the books ol any buauiess, uud quuhlicd lo cam u salary of from $500 to $1000. Ptmlents eater at any time -No vacation Review at pleasure. First Premiums for Best' Business Waiting for 1650, received at Pitlaburgh, Philrdelphiu and Ohio hlato Fairs. Also, at tlie principal Fain of the Union ior the past four years, nf- Ministers' Sous received at half price. For Circuluis, Specimens and Kuibcmahed View of Uis College, uiclose live letter siudii in F W. JKNkl.N'a.FiitshUigh, Pa. 'suuary SI 'W. Oct. S, '. ly THE MAMMOTH STORE! have arrivrd. Wo have now, not only the aui A A J. ah ' country, nnd linn nlwnvs l rcn lavorcd hv the uihood. W arc tlianklul for patronage wo vaiicty .f our stock, We will merit and receive n.niu, ftiAKhlir StJ.UA I! E, near the Court rniMVK & Git A XT. NEW GOODS Atthe II am moth Store of I A t, CLK.niiA'T, NO. I MAKKKT Sl'HtiKT, gt:MH RV, PA. E ' " sulisciiher hiia just opened at his well m. known catiililislinictit in frunhurv, one of the iieapcslaml most ilcMralle slocks of Fall and Winter Goods. that haj ever heen olTered in the place, and which no will sell f.,r CASH or exchange for Country 1'roduce. Those desiring to purchase gondii w ill no wen in can ana examino lusst.uk. BLACK AND FANCY SILK, All Wool Deluins. Figured, Striped and I'luin rrcticli Merino, all colors, Ueautiful Dtcfs Kobc8, Coshmeies iShaded, i'lain and Striped must he ccn to form an idea of the extent and variety i.iaiiiie, ou na, L iiciiille, f lencli W ool tshawls, 1 l.iliet anil lirochc Shawls. Cloths Cassimeros and Satinet. tor Men and boya' Wear, ltlack C'assimercs, fancy CastmerCF, side stripes heavy, Doc Ckin t.assimercs, But, nets nil kinds. line anu ncu i lanneis, all grades and prices, cay ffiaie imick flannels, colors finest ipiallios KUADI-iMADJJ CLUTIliiSG Boots and Shoes, Hals and Cans, &.C., &c. all of which were selected w ith jreat care, nnd will compare favorably, aa regards quality, btylo ana price, witn any in tlie country. II AUinVAllH, a fullassortmotit. Wo'id and Willow Ware, yucensware, of all descriptions, Groceries, a full stock in store, Carpel Chains, ccc, Faints, Oils, Class, Dye Stuffs. Thankful for the patronage heretofore received he will spare no pains to please all who may favor him with their custom in the future. Sunliury.Oct. 22, 185U. To Housekeepers. SOMETHING NKW.-ll. T. UAUBITT'S BEST M KDICI.NAL SA LI '.It A TUS. CV Is maniifnctnred from common suit, and is pre- PQ JJ parsd entirely diiforent froai othei Saleiiitua. All OO ' the deleterious matter extracted iusurha manner! AND as to produce Urend, Hisouit, nnil all kinds of AND iCakc, without eoiiuiininir a parlielu of aleratiiR: TQ when the litend or Cake is baked ; thereby pro. ( w diiciup; wholi-sotna results. K.very particle ol ' O .Snlerntiisis turned to cas uml passes tliroiili tlie 'Hread or I :iscn it K'hile Itakuifr ; eonsriiuently luutliing remains but common Silt, Water nnd' jl'lour. Vou will readily pereeive by the tnsie jof this Suleratus llitit it is entirely diflemit from' (jS other fcialerntin. f!Q , it is packed in one pound papers, each wrap- per bninildl, "II. T. ltabbit'a Ural Meilieinal -N0,tiiileliinis; ulso, picture, twisted loal of bread, XD 'with a glass of efleivcB'-iiur water on the top. (j When you purchase one paper you should prc-;T() cive the wmpper. and be particular to get the 1 next exaetly like tlie first brand na alxice. IjS Full direelioiia lor uiakine JJicnd with tli jlcrtitUM and Sour M ilk nr Cm.io Tartiir. will ;icc"nii:niy eitch prickupe ; utisa, (Iiiwtinna for AND E.G8 niiiKiii' all Minle! of I'uKtty I '"'so, fur liiaknv tlu Water ami itilit, rewdera. 70 make vorn iV. SO AT. I with ! 23. T. BABBITT'S ! rt'RE CON C KIN TK ATKD l'OTAII, Wiirniiitcil il'juMc Ike sirenlh nf ordinnry P)t' ar.li ; put up in c:imb 1 Hi., J lbs, J lint, t HH.f mid 70 Nil ub. wuii uui uirtcuons ur iimKin'; iiaiuunu Stift mp. CdiieuituTS will tind tins cheapest roiut.li in muikt't OS MaiiufactaieJ uiul for Kile v U. T. UAKH1TT, Nos.CS and 79 Wasliington-it., Nrw-Vuik, j and Nu. 3S lndi&t.. HoHtiiii. 70 i June II, ly. iy Ju NEW DRY GOODS AT T. ii. t'OOI'EK'H VARIETY STORE, Market Square, one door West of the Post Office, SUN BURY, Pa. fgnilE subscriber has just returned from JL the city with an entire new slock bf Dry Goods and a rci cral variety of Notions. His selections, which arc dillcrent from anything ever brought to this place, have been made from the most extensive wholcsolo establishments in Philadelphia. His stock consists of RlacU Cloths, Fancy Casslnisrca Silks, (iinghauis, Delaines, Alapacas, Chintz, Calicoes, White Goods, Flannels, Muslins, Circulars, Mantillas, Shawls, Merino, Marseilles, Cotton Plaids, HATS A3ST3D CAPS. Flats, Children's Bonnets, Trimmings of every variety, Cloves, Hosiery, Hliirt Bosoms, Sliirl Collurs, fiinghani Cravats, Black Silk Cravats, Fancy Scarfs, &c, & c. The li.it of NOTIONS comprises in part. Head OrcssoN, Itcad .ccKlaces, aucy Beads, Fancy Baskets, Toys of all kinds, Fancy Hair Pins. Fancy Bracelets, (Jold Fin-Drop, (iold U roast Pins, Cold Studs, Cold Fens, Ladies' Hccti culcs. Buttons, liruhhes, Toi Icts, Combs, Fancy Soaps, Perfumery, Fancy China Waie, STATIONERY, PICTURES, and a variety of other Fancy articles too nume rous tO 111 l ilt i.in , All articles not on hind when asked for will be ordered from Philadelphia immediately, with out extra charso. the rronrietiir haviiia- nimbi arrangements l be supplied with deficiencies whenever required. His stuck will be disposed of on ca.-h princi ples, deducting 5 per cent, from purchases a mounting to morn than ore dollar. liy strict attention to business, ha hopes to receive a shnre of public patronage. He invites autocall and examine for themselves, and be convinced that ho has cn hand the largest stock t amy uoous ever brought to the place. w , , TIIOK.U.COOPUft, fcuuhury, October !fl, lsl.VJ E0CKEFELLER & B0YER. Attorneys at Law, QTJJSrUTJRY, .4. Jordan Hoc U4 feller and Solomon II. lloyer, respectfully announce that they entered into Copartnership in the practice of their profession, and will continue to attend to all busi ness entrusted to their charge in the countiea ol Northumberland, Union, Snyder and Montour, promptly, fuithfully and carefully. Special at tention will be given to ths COLLECTIONS OF CLAI.M3. Consultations can bo bad in the GERMAN language. Ollice, --Market Street, opposite Weaver's Hotel Sunbury, February 4, 1801). 01JJJCieSSi Victorrikes MuOT sod CuiTa, large assort rooDt of Furs difl'uren'. styles, sizes and prices for salt at COO FEU'S Variety Store. Report Of thO Auditors Of NOrthum- D) bcrland County for 1850, 1 Jnse lit. Simpson, Esq., Treasurer, in account To Htth the County of A'urlhumbcrland, from tht first day of January, 1859, to the last day nf December of the sum year, inclu ticc. To amount in hands of Treisurcr, ai per lust Auditor's Kcnort. 3.24 8 38i To amount of outstanding county lax lor I s-jN and previous years, U,nr,7 511 To aaiount of tax assossed for 1R59. 9,108 29 ' received on seated land bonk. 4 64 To cash refunded by collectors which naa been exonerated and after wards paid, 13 28 To amount received for rent nf imb- lie buildincs, 30 4.r) To cost refunded in case of Common- wealth vs A. Slrouse, 20 00 To Commonwealth costs, H. Flickineer t)4 15 To costs from Jno Hempgel.l and others CI) tlR To amount ofjury funds and Court funds 58 00 To amount received for lumber, bta lioncry, Ac, 4 041 To redemption money, paid by IS. Jordan, for Win. McCuifcc on lot bought by Commissioners, S 23 IJ.21, Oil Ho, CR. Uy amooiit of outstanding taxes for 1 8 ft 9 anil previous years 8,6lfl 10J liy amount exonerations allowed Collectors, 437 61 ' Comini.-'sions, 424 03 " Euors in iltiolicatcp. fi3 23 " Fa id oncminty orders, 12,001 85J " Treasurer's comniission on !j:l2,001 8m,'. 300 OU " Depreciated mont-y, 1 1 t'O " I! (tlauce in hands of Treasurer 85 1PJ SiSl.'Jll 05 esse PI. rimison, J:n , Ji tasurer of Aor thmnlerland count y,xn account with the same rcspechnn t-tatc lux on lieul una. l'cr tonal 1 J J)ll. To amount in Lands of Treasurer, ob per report of Auditors, Jan. 1850, fur the year la."W. To amount! of outstanding State IS I us, ni per report of Auditors, Jan. Ib.i'J, for tbo year oPi.) 375 16 To amount of8iato Tax assessed for 185!), 13,701 08 To amount assessed on unseated lands in unseated land bonk S5 C5 To umoiint overpaid by County Treasurer, 1 IjJ Cli. S'20,CC8 liy amount of ontstiinding las for 18;'.) and previous years liy amount, of exonerations S-180-1 45 for 8.VJ and previous years Dy amount oT Commisbious allow ed collectors, liy error iu Duplicate, liy cash paid State Treasurer, 03 per rrcoipt of Fob 9th, 1851), liy cash paid State Treasurer, as per receipt or July Mil), 1859, liy ahutomcnt allowed by iSUto Treasurer, Dy amount outstanding on unseat ed land book fur 1859, Uy Treasurer's Commission on $13,210 89, liy cash paid State Treasurer, as por receipt, Jan. 25th, 18C0, Uy Treasurer's Commission on 115 41. 7 50 m 93 4 50 991 19 12,219 71 C13 li 785 C5 132 It 115 41 1 1 S20.CC8 22 Jesse M. Simpson, Esq , Treasurer, in accoun with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania respecting Liccnsis for Pcstauraiits, Liquor Stores and 2'acerns, for 1859. DR. To amount received for License for Reslaarauts, 320 00 CR Uy commission of 5 per cent on 8TI0, SIB 00 liy Piute Treasurer's receipt, dated July 41), '50, 100 50 Dy Slule Treasuier's receipt, dated Juu. 45, '60, tut 50 DR. To amount ree'd. fur License for Taverns, 1,512 50 Clt. By commission of 5 percent, on 100'.), and 1 per t ent vn 944 50, 3 43 By statu Treasurer's receipt, du:cd July2'.)lli, '59, tl?4 08 OUTSTA.XDI.XG TAXEi POR Years. CoixECTort9 Namhs. Townships. m I.owor Mahauoy, Delaware, Miltoo, bhamokin, JCerbo. Sunbury, KorlhumberlanJ, Zorbe, Mt. Carmcl, Lewis, Milton, M t. Carinel, 1'oint, Sunbury, L'ppcr Aogueta, Coal, C'bilisquaquc, Cameron, Delaware, Lower Mahunoy, Coal, C'bilisquaquo, Cameron, Delaware, Jackson, Jordan, Lewis, Lower Augusta, Lower Mahanny, Little Mabanoy, Milton, Mt. Carinel, McKweusvillo, Northomberland, l'oint, Hush, Shamokiu, Sunbury, Turbutvillo, Turbut, Upper Augusta, Upper Mahaooy, Zerbo, 1851, lt5.1, 1854, 1855, 44 1S5C, tl 1857, n ii 1853, Jacob liingemao, Wm. 15. Irwin, Joseph Kcbort, James fvynD, A.J. (Conrad, l't'ter l'urstl, Jacob lilooor, Anthony Gulappcy, Ceorge A Kccltr, Samuel Stahlnecker, Joseph lloetuloeblcr, J. 11. Wasscr, Jacob Miller. William Hoover, George ZimmcruiBn, F.lias Kisenhart, J. F. liucher, John Kcretotter, James Oukes, David Haiti, F.lins Kiscuhart, William 1'ardo, John Kerstettcr, James Oakes, Daniel Wolf, I'.Jward liaum, Jacob Hunsickcr, Jacob H. Clark, (jeorge Harris, l'liilip Kcrslottor, John V. Goodlandor, David IJeiser, II. It. Culp, Joseph Johnson, ti. 1'. Mertz, Abraham Kckman, lienjamin Kohner, John li. Young, John Lanpbar, Joseph Hitler, John Farnsworth, Abraham Geist, John liuuiford, 1859, Th060 marked ft ill a star () Lave sifico paid. Sta'-:nient of Pittances of Northumberland County, January 1st, 18C0. DR. To mount of outstanding Comiuissioneis' orders I IS'iU, and previous years, 8170 35 To di-bcicucy m amount assessed for State pnr- Kisesior 150, to meet the amount tixed by the evenue Commissioners lor NoiihuiuUcrlund county for lr5U, 438 69 To excess tsf county funds above the Indebted ness of the county, 9,553 53 CR. 7o,l71 56; Uy balance in hands of Jesse M. Biinpaon, E) , county Treasurer, $95 IP By uiisiual ol outstanding County Tuxes for 1859, and pievioua yenra, e643 10 uy amount due litun i-raaeis Ifucner ol which 8100 lis. been paid to Jacob Rolnbaeh, the pre sent Treasurer, SOfl 00 We the undersigned Auditors of Northumberland coun ty, Scute of Pennsylvania, do certify tluit in pursuance of llie4thseeiiuii ol' ait Act, reguluting eouuties and town slops, pusasd the 15th day of Apul, ISIII. we met at the Commissioners' Otfiee, in tlieboiosghof Sunbury, ou ths lOtlidayof Junuaiy, Isoo, and adjourned from little In time, and did audit aud seule the aevaial aooounU required READ AND CIRCULATE the Tcnnijlvaula State Journal." J. M. BOSTIAN, Agent, January 7, 1860. 1 0.000 1'IECBSof Wall Paper, just receW- stylea very low at FKILINUs O KANT'S. Suubury. January H, I860. 7 43 m u ain't received fnt License for Liquor Stores, ISJ W CR Ry enminissioi; of 5 por cent, on $325, 11 88 liy flato Tretiiurci a receipt, dated July JO, '20, SI3 73 t-tlS 00- Jesse M. Simpson, Esq., Treasurer, in account with the Oommonweatlh of Pennsylvania, respecting llctailert, Millers, Breweries, liilliard Unoms, Patent fedilines, Coat, Lumber Yards, j c. DR. To Mercantile Appraiser's Report, tf 1,750 00 ii nuiount Hue liominonweaun us per abuiiot a Report, for 1S0S, cn. Sl,T."n0O Ry exonerations, Rv commission of & tier cent, mi fitOOO. audi H03UO icr cent on 555. 65 55 l!y R. H. Prick's receipt for publishing Mctoau- tile Appraiser's Liat, li!8 imines, lor IfS'.i, 81 CO Rv C. C). Itaihuuiii'a receint Tor niihlishina .Mer- -niitile Anpntiser's list, 215 nnnica, for '.(. fit 50 Ity J. G. It A. A. Vouiigmuif s receipt tor publish- nig Mercantile Appraiser's list, 4U nnmes on ;, ji Rv tMate Trenaurer'a receipt, dnied Feb. 0, 1S, 00 By Stnte Treasurer's Receipt, dntcd Jan 9.1, IS-ti", 1 ,4 tf f'J By State Trcuaurer's Receipt, dated Jan 47, ItSO, 8 t3 PR. et,750 60 To tl copies Pamphl t Laws, t W CR Hv commission of IS per cent. Uy State Tionauier's receipt doted July 20, tfdO, 3 0 S 7 0 (0 (10 Jesse M. Simpson, Esq., Treasurer, in account u ilh the Commonwealth of Pennsylvama.re specling Militia Pines, 1859. DU. To ninnnnt dill, rnmmnnweullll. AS tier Audi- tor's Report lor lab Ji r.iniuiinnl of said fines outstanding for Ie57 and previous years, as per Auditors' report of ISjS, 403 lJ R. fc-UI HV Dy State Treasurer's receipt, dated February 0th. l5. 93!g 5) lif liillolillt outetiuidillg Dec. Otst, 1S50, liy exonerations allowed collectors Uy commission allowed collectors, J I v commission allowed Treasurei, .. ... . .i t .i.. oc irirt 117 43 4 Oil SS 2 J 1 '.it liy Male l leasuicr a receipt, uaien -iu . , i, 01 5 liy (Hale Trcaaaier's rccet dated Jaii.VS, 1S0U, lu3 '27 tfiOl 9 Exocnditurcs and Receipts of Aorlhwnber Ignd County, from the 1st day of Jan., 1859, to Dec. Zlst of same year, both days included. DR. To 125 Orders issued by Commissioners for re viewing and suiveyiug rouds and brulgesf file 00 To oil orders for Fox Scalps, S 48 To 01 outers for llndge building and repairs, t,V-n 60 I'.i l lordera for Connier'a linjuesis 1st '-HI To 4 ordera lor Stationery Ai 4t To 3;i orders for C-unmonweallti costs 3() W To 13 orders for Road Damages btl) 30 ConaUtbles siy for intiking ro- turns unit attending court " Juror's Pay " Piibho UuiUliugs Fietleric Haus Commissioners pay " Jos Kveritt, Commiasiuucrs pay &imtci F.nt's pay " Philip Clink's pay Geo Martin, Clerk's pay " Prothoiiotary's fees ' Kleetion F.xpenses u Piisoll Kxpensea " Assessul'spny " Fuel Court Criel's pay " Iiieiilental I'.xpeiises 357 31 SJtS H IH 43 917 4(1 151 40 l!!J 75 All 00 4 J5 HO V.li V'.l fi-i 4K 14 ;) SI'll (II 14 75 l'-'H 50 6i no 100 00 " 14 " 44 i: " 4 " tl ' 1 " 90 u 4 . 55 - S 37 " 4 " U i a9 i " 1 ' "4 ' " 1 " I ' '4 " 6 1 3 ' " 1 ' "4 ' " Agriculiurai Auditors' ivoy for auditing aeeouats for I'M 00 " UnsentiHi Iiiida)cho.il Tux 3 IS " Attomey'a I'eea for County 05 fcO " Prosecutmg Attorney 78 10 " Printing for county 333 30 Refunding K'l 3 Katern l'elietentiary 64 31 " Slumps Fees, James Vundvke 14S 70 5M orders. Amount of outstanding county orders for 1853 and previous ycats 177 35 Depreciated innney 1100 Treusurci's t'uiiimissioii on f 14,001 e3J 300 oil 814,364 H3i CR. By balance due county by Jesse M. Himpaon, Fsi , Treasurer, us per lepurt of ti 83,318 'i'l Cash received from Collectors ibr 150 and pre- vious yeaia Cash received on Seated Ijnila Cash refunded by Collectors, which had been exonerated uud since paid Ainiiunl received for rcU of Public Buildings Ciiinmoiiwcalth coats refunded by A Stroiis Couunouwealtli costs refunded by F. Flickuiger Cosis paid by Jacob Hempiield and others Amount of Jury Funds and Court Fines, Amount received for Lumber, Slut ary, &e Reileiiiptiou money paid by A. Jordan lor Win. McCalfee's lot bought by Commissioners By uiiiount of excess of expenditures above the leceipis 4 M 1!) 30 45) 96 (10 34 15 J 36 fc 00 ?4 it 25 81 J fcl4,3rtt 03J 1859 AND PREVIOUS TEAKS. State. 8229 5 100 79 121 43 U2 CI 7G 32 133 24 117 CI 114 85 2GG CO 129 65 276 22 Col'ntt. Militia, 0 00 17 50 32 50 19 42 19 00 2300 $17 41 72 79 93 2'i 335 37 91 51 320 50 292 61 198 11 310 03 224 32 US 23 97 20 93 C 400 70 79 C6 585 31 291 07 37 58 397 83 427 11 448 17 131 93 401 207 37 78 149 90 22 01 223 C4 89 59 19 71 75 12 1447 1G2 51 233 41 230 3C S02 53 4G1 C2 22 88 432 207 54 89 252 90 123 15 103 80 ICG 23 270 53 285 48 382 83 415 CO C4 77 325 21 300 19 140 8G 108 0 359 08 55 67 91,894 45 8,040 10 $143 42 By amount due from Jacob Young as per special Auditni's Report, 117S 37 By Isilance aeaiust Jacob Young, omitted by 8pe eiul Aadilurs. 140 00 810,171 661 County of Northumberland in account with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for 1359. DR. To amount fixed by tin Reveime Corauiissioaers for lb5l. 44,045 03 CR. By amount of State Tax assessed un seated land, and personal pmpariy to. 159, 811,701 06 By auiouul assessed ou uuseaisd lands in un sealed land Issik for IS5D, 75 f5 By balance due Couuaonwuilth, 438 69 11,045 S3 of us ssieeable to ths said Acta of Assembly and sunpls meats ihereio, accoidiiig to the beat ol our judgments sua abilities AiMwedolurthercerttfvtltat upoi ai iiutiou of the expense book of the county, the iudcbleduess of ths same yet unpaid in ordera ia s-170 V5 C. O. PAT'I'ON,) u r. i.i 1 1 i.e., lAuuiuus. P. W. tiRA'. NOTICE ALL persons indebted to the Arm of Filling ot (Irani ara respectfully requested to cpme forward and pay up their accounts between this and the 1st of April, as tbey wish to go to the city to lay in their spring supplies. FRILINU cV GRANT. Sunbury, March 10, I860. PUKE AND FRESH GROCERIES, of aU , hinds, just recoivad by ti. 1 . ISHIliliT a toOM. Sunbury, stugitiil to, !B99. Stale Treasurer's icctipt, dated Jan. S5, ttOO, EVANS & WATroj: s Salamander K I a. 304 Chesnut Street, ahov Third. PIlIl.ADF.I.rillA, PlliLADiLi niA, Sept. 29, 1M0. To tho President of the Pennsylvania Agricultural Society : The aubseriliers. vonr cnmmitlce to examine tbe con tents of a 9 A LA M A ft U Ml SAFE of Kviuia A Watson, after bciitft exposed to a strong lire on the fair groands for eint hmirs.respecuuiiy repieseni Thai, srter seven cords oi cms. wooa ami tnrce pi nine had lieen eonsumad around the snfe. it was openett, in the ppesenee of the committee, and the contents taken oat, a little wnrmd, but not even scorched. Peveinl Silver Medals, heretoroie rcceiveil ny ins rnsnu faeturers, and a large quantity of documents, were in the safe, flUid enme out entirely uninjured. The experiment satisfied us of Die cnpaeity of Safes o this kind to protect contents from any fire to which they mev lie exposed. J lis Committee awaiueu a uipmma nnu silver ninmi, (ii'.o. w woodward, JOHN W. RKARY, J. P. Rl'THKRt'ohn, AI.FRKD S. UILLKTT. 8T11.L ANOl'llKR. Wilmikotox, Sept. 17, 1S59 Messrs. fcvns V Wat son, I'liiltidelphla i.eiuiemen i i ne miuimnndcr t ire rroof SaTe of your mani'ure, purcensed by na from your Agent, Ferria mid Kairctt, of our city, some nine months ago, was severely tried by burglars last futurdny night, and although they had a sledge hammer, cold chisels, ami giinimwdel. Ihcv did not succeed inopenihg ihc fnfe. The lock being one of "Unit's I'ntciit Powder-proof," they coukl not gel the powder into it, but drilled n hule in the lower panel and lorccd in a large chaige, wliict win ignited, and although the door, insiilennd oat, showed the explosion not to hitve been a small oug, it wus not forced open. We suppose tln'v were the tfrrnter nnrt of the ni..l.i hi ..,rk .... v. .i rrnieli cniiifiednl the result of teo utteirtpt to enter it, and if the nls.ve factsure of any service, you are at liberty to use "'wi. i ouis, naiy, BAYNARD A JONKS. Great Eire 'Another Triumph ! ! K.xoxvrti,K, Tcnnessco, Mmeh 13th, 1659. Messrs Kvnns and Watson, nentlcmnn It ntforda me great plciisunctostiy to you that the Salamander Safe, which 1 purchased of yon in February, Ir-5, proved to be wl.at you tecomniended it a sure nroteetlon from lire Mv storehouse, together with sevend others, was burned tothe gr.iunii in March lust. 1 hccule full through into ihcjeel lar, and wus exposed lo intense heat for six or eiirltt hours. and when it was taken from the ruins nnd opened all its contents where louml to lie in n peileel stale, the books and tne papers not heing iniure.1 any wluttever. I can cheer. I ii ll v recommend your Safes to tho community, believing, as I do, that they are as near hre-proof ns it is possible fi any Safe to bemiide. THOMAS.I. POWF.I.L. t7 A litrce assortment ' f the idsive SA fh.H nlwavs na ham), nt 301 Chesnut street, (Iate3l South Fourth su rhiladilphia. Oifiber IS, IPiO. ely dte;rsive soap This Celebrated Washing Soap is now in mar kci ior more man a year, and mat it lias given universal satisfaction, is evident mini Ihc fact tliut the Manufacturers of it, in order to supply the demaud, hava been obliged to incrsase their capacity to make equal to One Hundred Thou sand Pounds per Week. It is decidedly the best and cheapest Soap ever made in tnis Country One Pound of it will go as far, foi any use, a J'hree of tho Common Soap in general use. I is made upon a new principle, of the best materi als, end known only to It.i 1Iam;x & M Ki;iie. It does away entirely with the wash. board saves the necessity of boiling the clothes, it does not shrink Flannels, be.moves chkask imc on paint si'ols pcrfcctliy, and from the mast delicate fabric, eaves fully one half the time and labor usually spent to do the washing It is warranted tree Irom S.M, SODA, orotli injurious alkalies, and guaranteed not to rot or injure i tie clothes. ror oate oy an respectable Grocers, an holeralc by THAIN & McKEONl, NU 53 and M South Wharves, Philadelphia. Ci A TTTTnTT There being several imitation brands' of Dcler sive Boap is Market, tho public are notified that none is genuine execut Va Hiaue at Mc. KtoE is Stamped upon each Bar of the Soap as wen as me u ixcs. Sunbury, Oct.2'J, I8.r9. TAILORING ! TAILORING ! ! JACO.B O. BECK, 1) F.SPF.CTFl'I.LV informs Ins friends and the public V generally, that he will herein u-r conduct the above business, at the old stand iii Market aticet, iIlxucbt, uu Ilia own account. He will be prepared lo make up all kinda of CLOTH INljinlho Latest and most Approved Style and Fashion. Thankful for the lil.end pntronage heretofore received, he trusts by reasonable charges uud prompt utteutiou to busii.i-ss. to continue the same. I?" All kinds of produce taken in exchange for work, at maiket price. Sunbury, December 17, l.'i! tfm LOCATKD AT Philadelphia, New York, Buffalo, Albany, Cleveland, Detroit and Chicago. PHILADELPHIA COLLEGE, tj. E. Corner Seventh and Chesnut Streets. IIIUI.1CH John n. Myera. I Munis L. Hallowcll, Proi. Joku S. Hart. H Cowperthwuit, J. B. Lippiucott. COl'.NTlNO HOUSE COL'RSK, Comprises Hook-Keeping for Mercantile, Banking, Rail naid, and Miiiiulucturing Uusiness Willi Penmanship, Cal. ealationsr Correspondeuee, Ac, Ac., fully qualifying tlie Student fur actual basiuess. Students receive iudu iduul Instruction. Diplomas are awarded to gradaates. 835 pays for Life Scholarship good in seven Colleges! 845 for Pirtiul Coarse, t y For Catalogue and Sjieeiuiens of Writing, Addtess, inelosiiig two Postiise Siainpa, URVANT i STRATTUN.Philad'a. August Otli, 135!). COLLEGIATE DEPARTMENT o I The iilistjioiiary Institute, Sclinsgrove, Fa-, FACILTV. Rev. P. BORN, A. M., Principal, and Prof Greet and Knglish Literature. THKOPM ILL'S WEVER, A. M. Vice Prin cipal aud Prof, of Latin and Natural Sciences. WM. NOETLLNG. A. B. U- E., Prof ol Math, ('ure and Applied ) riHE second scllolaslic year of this Institute will commence on Thursday, tlie 2?d of September next. Tbe Collegiate Department embraces an English scientific and classical course of instruction, including ancient and modern languages, mathematics, natural sciences, Aic. Tksms Boarding may be bad from $ 1 CO to $2 per week. Tuition, per session, (of thirteen weeks) $5, $7 and $9, according to the grade of studies pursued. Tuition in all cases, aud boarding, if obtained in the Institute building, must be paid in advance. The Piincipal will be assisted by competent and experienced teachers. For further particulars address any of the Pro fessors, Kelinsgrove, Pa., August 17, 1859. Iy Drawing Paper, JRACUS Holders, Knives, Nte fiaoks, Rc V c'Pl Hooks, Memorandum Books, Stationery, or all kinds, &c., at COOPER'S. Sunbury, Oct. 15, 1859. CJAV 8 Wood. Cross Cut and Mill 8sws Superior article at FISHER'S Bun'iurv. July 17th, 1858... AND WARRANTS. The highest price -will be given for Land Warrants by ths aub acubei. if. k liLAsmt. nOSTETTER'S STCfilAGH BiTTERS. Tt U a fact that, at aomo period, overy mem- Ther of the human family is subject to discaso or disturbance of the bodily functions; but, Vith the aid of a good tonio and tho excrciso of plain common sense, they may do ama o io regulate tho system as to secure permanent hcalta. ip oraar io aceoinpiisn mis ura object, tho truo course to pursue is certainly that Tfhioh will produco a natural state of thingTi at the least hazard of tital strength mid life. For thi4 purpose, Dr. llostetter has in- troducea to this country a pioparnuon Dcuiuig his nnme, wlych is not a new medicine, but ono that has been tried for years, giving satisfac tion te all who nave usca it. J no inner operate powerfully upon the stomach, bowels, and liver, restoring thorn to a lutolthy and vigorous action, and thus, by the simple pro cess of strengthening nature, enable the sys tem to triumph over disease. For the cure of Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Xau scn, Flatuloncy, Loss of Appetite, or any Bflious Complaints, arising from a morbid inaction or tho Stomacn or uoweis, producing wainps, Dysentery, Colic, Cholera Morbus, &c, thcuo Bitters havo no equal. Diarrhoea, dysentery or flttj, 60 generally con tracted by new settlors, and cauacd principally by tho change or water and diet, wyl bo speedily regulated by a brief use of Ihis preparation. Dyspepsia, a disease which is probably more prevalent, in all its various forms, than any Other, and the cause of which may alwnys be attributed to derangements of the digestivo organs, can bo curea without inn By using HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS, as per directions on the bottle. For this disease every physician will recommend Bittcrtof some kind; then why not use an article known to bo infal lible t All nations Iiave their Bitters, as a pre ventive of disenso and strengthener of the sys tem in general ; and among them all there is not to bo found a more healthy people than the Germans, from whom this preparation ema nated, based upon qgiontiflc experiments which havo teadea to prove tho valurc ol tins great preparation :n the scale of medical science. t ever AMD Aoue. This trying and provok ing disease, which fixes Its relcntjcss grasp on the body of roan, roducing him to a mere sha dow in a Bhort timo, and rendering him phy sically and mentally tucloss, can ho driven from tho body hy tho use of llOSTETTEIl'3 KLXUVt . ED DIT l tKS. Further, none or tho above-stated discuses can bo contracted, even in exposed situations, if tho Bitters aro usod as per directions. And as they neither creato nauxca nor offend tho palate, und render un necessary any change of diet or interruption of ordinary pursuits, but promote sound sleep and healthy digestion, tho complaint is ro nioved as speedily as is consistent With the pro duction of a thorough nnd permanent cure Por Persons in Adc&nced Years, who aro suffering from an enfeebled constitution and infirm body, these Bitters ore invaluable as a restorative of strength and vigor, and need only bo tried to bo appreciated. And to a mother while nursing tkoso Bitters are indis pensable, especially where the niolhcr's nour ishment is inadequtrto to tho demands of the child, consequently her strength must yield, nnd hero it is where a good tonic, such ns Hostettcr's Stomach Bitters, isneeded to impart temporary strength and igor to the system. Ladies should by aU mcaus try this remedy for all cases of debility, nnd, before e doing, should ask thoir physieian, who, if he is acquainted with the VTrtue of the Bitters, will recommend tJieir use in all cases of wcukuoss. CAtm05 'Wo caution U)o public agoinsi. using ally of the many Imitations or counterfeits, but ask for UosTj:rTE:'s Celeobated Stomach Bitters, and tee that each bottlo bos the words "Dr. J. Hostettcr's Stomach Bitters" blown on tho eido Of the bottle, and stamped oq tho metallic cap covering tho cork, ond observe that our autograph signature is on tho label. f Propared and sold by BOBTETTEB ft SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa., and sold by all druggists, scocera, and doalors generally throughout the United States, Canada, South America, and Germany. SOLD. BY Gro. Bright, Sunbury, It. B. McCay, Northumberland, Cvrus Brown, Miltoo, S. M. G. Wknpk, Mchwensville. October 8, 1859. ly LIFE INSURANCE & TRUST COMF Y CAPITAL STOCK 8500,000, Company'aUiiilding. Wntiiut Sireei.S. K. corner of Fourth riiu.Aiii.i.riiiA. LIPE INSURANCE AT THE USUAL MUTUAL RATES. Or at Joint Stock rates nt alsiut 90 per cent less, or at soiai Abstinence Jiuies, the lowest mine wouu. A. WHILD1.N, President. J. C. Sims, Secretary. J. P. SHINDEL GOBI. Agent, SIXHURY.PA. Jane l, IrM ly FURNITURE ! FURNITURE ! Faslilonablc, Cheap and Ttierul THE LARGEST STOCK EVER OFFERED IN SFNBURY. rTiHE subscriber, long established as a Cabinet and Chair Manufacturer in Sunbury, thank fill for past favors, solicits a continuance nf the public patronage. His stock of Cabinet-Ware, Chairs, dj c, embraces KVl.lt Y VARIETY, ISEFIL AND OR IV A DiEMAL in housekeeping. It is unnecessary to enume rate, as anything that may be .required in his line can be had at moderate prices, Cheap for iasti, or country rrouuee taken in exchange, bstauusnmeni South East Corner of Market Smiare. I V Those knowing themselves indebted to the subscriber would oblige him by making pay mcnt. SEBASTIAN 1IAUPT. Sunbury, Nov. 19, 1859 tf 409 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Ballou'8 French Yoke Shirt Emporium, u vroailicay, New York, PREMIUM SHIRT MANUFACTURERS, Shirts made to order from Scientific Measures. material, sewed by hand, and war mcu to ni, ai less man the usual prices. BALLOC BROTHERS. June 4, 18.S9. i09 Broadway, N. Y. THE INTERNATIONAL HTET.. ROADWAY, CO km; a OF FRAKKUN SrRLET, BW YORK CITY. Offers iiiiluceineiils to Mercksnts and Touriata nailing .Vn w, ,,"' """"Passed by any Hotel lu the Metropolla. . us .om.wing are aitt.ni; the sdvsnuiges whick it pesas. ses, sud which will be aireeialcd by all Uavclers. ii i '"cuiioii.ooiivciiieat lo places ol buaiacaa, wv mm .HH.-va Ol IllUSCUieill. ltd. Scrupulously clean, wed furnished sitliiut rooais, wub a Biagniheeut Ladies Pailur, eouuuauduig su ulcu siv view of Broadway. 3d. large and superbly furnished siuiug moms, with a nugiiineut i'uMot, ouaiuisudiu au cxtciuavs view of Bioudway. 4lit. Being conducted ssi tbs Kuropesn plan, visitors eaii live ui the boot style, wilb ths grtwwst eotuiooay. tlh. It is gonnettted wilb Tajlar'i Celebrated Saloons, where visitors saw bava their n east, or, if Ibey desire they will he furnished in tbeil own naims. lb. Ths fare served lu lbs ISalooaa and Hotel Is ac knowledged by spicule, lo b vastly superior lo that ot say oiitor Hotel ui la. oily. Wilk all tkeas advaauuies, Us cost of living in Ike Interna UuiuU. u suucb bakiw Ibal nf any other brat class ll. i.l. A FBrJiMAN, Prunivlor. June 18, 1MB - It NEW FLOUR, FEED, FRUIT AND PROVISION STORE ! TpIIE subscrilwr respectfully Informs the c-iti 1 JL tens of Sunbury and the surrounding neigh borhood, that ba has opened a Store at the north west corner of Maiket Square, oppniite Vandyke's Railroad Hotel, where he Is receiving, and will keep on hand, Flour, Feed, Fruit and provisions of all kinds, soch as WHEAT, RYK If Bl'CKWHEAT FLOUR, Oats, Corn and all kinds of Feed, Crackers, Oranges, Nuts Ac, Fresh Shad in sea son, Early Vegetables Fruit inc., from the South. He w ill constantly receive, by Railroad, from Baltimore and Philadelphia, all the delicacies of the season, as they come into market, and trusts, by prompt attention and reasonable prices to rt reivo a shore of the public patronage. WM. HOOVER. Sunbury, April 16, 1859.- ly. NOTICE I THE ADAM'S EXPRESS CO., Give notice that they have concluded arrange ments with the Northern Central Rail Road Company, to run trains from Baltimore fur York, Harrisburg, Dauphin, Halifax, Trevorlon, Sun bury, Northumberland, Lewisburg, Milton, Mun cy, Williamsport, and all intermediate Stations. Conncctiup; at Marrisburgh with the GREAT WESTERN EXPRESS for Pittsburg, Cincin nati, St. Louis and the West. Also with Howard & (Vs Express nt Milton or Danville, Blooinsburg, Wilkesb.irre, Piliston, Scran ton, and intermedials Stations on the Cat tawissa, Lackawana and Bloomsburg Rail Roads. At Williamsport, by Howard & Co's Express b Jersey Shore and Lock Haven. Also, by How ard &. Co., and their connections, for Canton, Tro). Lliuira, Rochester, Bullalo, Niagara, and to all accessible points in Western New York and Canada, by which they will forward Merchandise, Specie, Bank Notes, Jewelry, and Valuable Packages of every description. Also, Notes, Drafts and A'ills for Collection. . Experienced and eljicient messengers employed and every ellurtwill be mado to render satisfac tion. JOHN BINGHAM, Superintendent Penn'a DNision, Pbil'a. A. W. FISHER, Agent for Sunbury. April 9, IN.VJ.. T XX Id ll04 Doming,, COFFEE POT A tin Too, Pot, Being baaed, ns Dr. Hall, of the J ournal of Health, says, "on soiencq and common sense," aro rapidly coming into uso, and destined soon to supcrcedo all others. ARTHUR, IONIUM, t CILROY, 117 & 119 S. Tenth St., Philadelphia, Hub) Manufacturers under the Patent. eif-Fop Hit 1 liy Denier. i, Hous-kru-liis; Articles, cud Storekeepers Ketx rnlly, December i, 1859. THE undersigned having received a large and well selocted stock of l'Hre Drugs and Chemicals, Dyestufft, OiN, Paints, Glass and Putty, is now ready to fillordcrsat a momenta nnlisp. In connection wnli the above yuu will find nn assortment of Fancy Notions, Toilet Articles and Perfumery of all kinds, Tooth, Hair, Nails and Chillies B ius'ies of every variety. Customers will- find his stock complete, com prising many articles it is impossible here to enumerate. REMEMBER the 'place, under the office of the "Sunbury American." Physicians' Precriptious compouuded accurate ly and carckilly. A. W. FISHER. Sunbury, April Sd, 18.19. P. MELANCHTON SHINDEL, J18TK K OV TIIK PEaOE, SUNBURY, Office in Deer Street, immediately opposite the Public School House. All business promptly attended to. Miuiirs collected and all onlinury writings done. Sunbury, April 35. IS5V if WHOLESALE DEALERS IN BRANDIES. WINES, GINS, &C 'I'HL subscribers have opened in Tli x Brick Building, Mill street, Danvili and complete stock of lompson s a laigo FORF.IUX AND DOMESTIC LIQUORfl, comprising the best hrandsuf Brandies, Gin, Old Rye, Scotch and Irish Whiskey, Port, Slierry, Madcria, Chanipa'jne and other Wines of ail grades, all of which will be s,.d Wholesale at tha lowest tily prices. Tavc m-kecpers by buy ing of us rati save at least il-.e freight. Persons desirous of purchasing liquors for FAMILY USE, may rely upon being furnished with a pure anJ unadulterated article. Cy Being determined to establish a reputation for selling cheap they respectfully solicit the pa tronage of the public. All orders promptly at. tended to. SHERIFF cV HALL. Danville, April 9, 1859. "HENRY DONXEL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OjjKce opposite the Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County Pa. n Prompt attention to business in adjoining wCuuties. SYMPHONIANS, grand musical instruments just received from Snow Hill, London, and for aale by T. G. COOPER. Sunbury, February 12, 1859. Oof) SACKS G. A. SALT just rccciveJ anJ '''""for sale by E. Y. BRIGHT & SON. Sunbury, August 80, 1859. aOTS BOOTSand S-HOF.S, cheap for ca.lt WM. MILLER'S. Sun' ury, August 27, 169. Cloth, Fancy Cassimeres, AND BOYS' WKAR, very cheap, just received and for sale at I'OOl'LU'S VARIETY STOUE. June 18, 1859. VLVONDS, RAISONS. FIGS, LEMONS. 4c, Ac, just received a fresh supply and for sale at tha Confectionary store of M. V. GEAR1IART. Sunbury, May 16, 1857. f JATENT BK1TTANIA STOPPERS for bar bottles for sale by H. B MASSE R. LEG Eli ILAT6, LEGE It CAl'S, COLLEGE Caps, Boys' Caps, Oil Clolh Caps, all the latest styles, at COOPER . Sunbury, Oct. 16, 18M). . BLANK Parchment Paper Deeds anJ blank Mortgages, Bonds, Executions, Summons, sVc, for sale b H. B. MASSE H. SHAWLS. SHAWLS, Cloaks, Caps, Nubies.Hoods 4 c, COOPER'S VARIETY STORK, funbury, October 15, 159.