highly im portant news, j 11.. ,Mr,,r,l with new fmci ck of ' Crtifectionancs, Fruit ana ioys. ! new Tifo was open- T seems ssifa " 1 I a tvnttl.. in. ii,,nn us. aiiun"""ri " . , . .! Art, Literature ami Nci- .lrClU P1HI mgarr . . ,,.,.1.,.,, ,u,. flU'j.nK-J v,.,.li.y. which .Imll r ' with electric speed " ,h' '""" 1 rhil.vmiihr of the pal. ni.natcd l-v tlie enlhti-iasm wh'.li prrv.tdc. .Il'rlassea. mi j dcairous uf iloiiia hi share, to- ; Htl, "The prenl event of the .-Wilis enl- I wiilH't would rep,t,"llv if """ ll" '' I"'0' ofM NUl UY and the public generally, thnt ho hn lt returned from the city ( Fhilndcl. ; i!hia with t'l" largest n'"' choicest tock of Con- , fcotionnries. Fruit and Toy that has ever been tumisht o this section of country, lie is also iiamifai-tiiiiiifc all kiiiiU of Conlcclionaric. Ae . ; l.i till up orders, wholcsa'c or retail, si limt no tice. . I Among hit stock of Coiifcctionarics, may tr f..un.l : frrnfh Sivreis. llurnrtt Alinontls, rr.win White, Vniulla, rnmti Vci elt. Lia.i ire, Gum llT.ipj. uli km. ol eat, l.ove Mini Props, red and white, Jetly CiAce, Finn llro(, Ji:rk Candles, o( nil seems Rook Candy. A 'nr-ud Candy, Prunes, llndiwt, P iii'O. CllTntll'l itl LtKt. Aliueihlt, Rfli-Hit, Nut M III KUttU I.r.MOS SYKUl of a superior qnnli'y. by the single or doicn. A superior quality of SVfrars and Tobacco, ami a v.-.ncty of Confectioneries, fruit, Toys, c, all of w hich is otTored cheap at wholesale or retuil. 5" Remember tho name ami place. J M. I". (H'A KM AKT, Market s!., 3 door west of E. Y, Urijjlit &. Son's Hera. f.mburv, April 14, IPCO. 1r Administrator's Notice. JVOrlCE is hereby niven that letters of admin, i ittration having Wen granted to tho suhscri- j bcrs on the estato i f John Moore, lute of b!ia- j mokin township. Norlhuii.bcrland county, dee'd. j All parsons indebted are reiiie.-ted to make pa incut and thope having claims to present them far settlement to tho undersigned, who will attend at the late residence, of the decedent for that pur- ! loe, on Monday the Mth day of May "ext. j ' EMsHA MOOKE. WM. AMMKKMAN. j Shimokin tivp., April 7, 1800. fit Adm'rs. j Northnuiberlaud Eridge Coir.pany. A V C., iffiei mill ninnfli'rrit of the A'....., u ..i.i ii. ; r..n.-T,.u viil I,., ! IirUl at the houso of Mrs. Buir, in the borough of Northumberland, on the first Monday of May ;iiiijuaii.niuiiu ii"w U,..'..T next. The e!ei lion will open at 2 o'clock and closed at 4 1. M. M. TAfJOAK7 President. Northumberland, April 7, 16C0. 4t IVoticc. "NOTICE is hereby given that tho Auditors of t'pper Augusta township, will meet at tho Commissioners' Olliee in Sunbiiry, on Thursday and Friday the 19th and 20th of April, instant, when all persons indebted, or havinn claims against Faid township are reiuc6led to attend. Tho Overseers of the Poor and Supervisors elect for 1H6U, are roquested to enter security on that day according ,tie ,,l,e Act of Assembly. HERMAN CAMPBELL, ISAAC C AMPBEIjE, JAMK3 UACHKI.OK. Vp. Augusta twp, April 7, 'tiO. Auditor. Utitatc of Joliu TNClioi'i, ttce'd. V OTICE is hereby given that letters of ad i " ministration having been granted to tho sub. scril er, on the estate of John Ischopp, lute of Lower Mahonoy township.Norlhuinberland coun ty, deceased. All persons indebted to said estate aro requested to make immediate payment and those having claims to present them for settle ment. ISAAC H. KESSLER, Adm'r. Lower Mahonoy, April 7, 1800. Ct TO COIlS!5tl!ptiVi' JSI1 NERVOUS SUEFEHERS, rilllE subscriber, for several years a resident of A Asia, discovered while there, a simple vege1 table remedy a sure Cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, and Nervous Debility. Por the benefit of Consumptives and Nervous Sufferers, he is willing to make the same public. To those who ddi-ire it, he will send the Pre. eeriplion, with full directions (free of charge)' also a sample of tho medicine, which they will Cud a beautiful combination of Nature's simple herbs. Those desiring tho remedy can obtain it by return mail, by addressing J. E.CUTHUERT, Botanic Physician, No. 42'J Broadway, Nsw York. April 14, 1800. Sin AdttiinUtrntorii Notice- LTOXICE is hereby given that letters of ad ministration have been granted to the tub- enber, on the estate of Silas S. Wolverton, late Upper A ugusta township, .Northumberland coun ty, deceased. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and thoso having cluima to present them settlement. WM. lir.JUl), Adm'r, I'pper Augusta twp., March 10, 1800. (it SLIiTES AlTD"S5ADE"a. B. J. WILLIAMS, Xo. If, Xortl: Sirth -itred, PHILADELPHIA 1 THE MOST LX.JT.NS1YE M ANTFADTUIEH OF leiittiaii Itllntls AMI WINDOVT SHADES. (7- riiK LAKr.tsr ami n.i;r jj .las'irtinent in the City, at the Lowest Casli rriccM. r?" Store Shades made and Lettered. April 14, I mill- Sen ASTHMA.. I,' OH the limta'it Htl. fiu.il Piriiiniient Curs of Ih.s 0..ttcctui cuiiipluinl uc rENDTS sl'Clltlliitl tlaifttCH, Miula l y C. 11. SUY.MOl'R It CO., 107 Nmmu Slriwl Nlhv York. Piiee,fc.t per boa ; lent lice by post. I?" Vvt &tUt at all piugfiiits. mar '.'I, 'CJ Cin PHII,1G cV tilt A NT havejuai railroad the l-irccst assortment of ( , received bv ircest assortment ol ULLLas WAKE and (jiliAruSWAKH ever tiMiight to feunbury. Also, a fresh supply cf DRY (iUODS, consisting of Spring Dress lioods, I'rints, Mus. litis and Notions. apr 7, 1K60. fjHKrLi, IX A iX?A Nil 1. 1 KS-ll EG KM A?i Ai C'O'S Eeniine, which icinovcs paint spots prej.c, ic, ,Vc, and cleans gloves, si!!s, ribbons, cVc, equal lu new, without ihe slightes' injury to colur or fabric. Hold by all Druggists, also al this ofT.ce. 25 eenis j.er hoiile-. Short .otlce. rpiIE subscriber having retired from business hereby notifies all persons indebteJ to hint on Book account or otherwise, to call and settle the name without delay, otherwise they will ba put into the hands .,f a Justice f..r collection. GKOKliE KUHKUAC1'. Huubuty, Nov. 6. 1859. tf icrr. brinks Muff and Cuffs, lurfje assort tnwut of Furs ilifferent styles, sizes and prices for sale at COOPER S Variety Htore. ()VI.IU O ITS, DUESS-COATS, A:c.,ju7t received aud for sale at reaaonable prices at the Mammoth Clothing Emporium of fcCH WEITZEU, HEILURONNFR & CO. tSunbuejr, Jan. 14, I860. IIVE UuiteU PuitUnd Ksroaere Oil, Ihe beet tamarkot, at KKII.ING GRANT'S. i-uiii'Uiy, Janusrj SU, 1(10. THE MAMMOTHSTORE ! Vlk Fant'f.TFI'I.I.V beg leave to annnnnco to BtL the EXTENSION of their 8loro-I!oom la i (flllim their mtire eMabliHlinient tn perfect jam,) liava arrived. We havo now, not only tha honilKomcFt, luit the 1 LARGEST STORE IN CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA! and a Flock of .KV IOOI-S which. In extent, variety, qonlity and lawncsa in price, re UN K1VA J.I.K1)! Wc need not partinilarixe, for I W S3 HAVE BVEIlir THING!'! t have cmiKtiinlly oil hand all kind of lHU ti, HAKDWAKR, ijrKENSW AIJK, UUY IKMMW, KEALiY-M A1)E CLOTHINO 1!M)TH AM) KIIDES, fiROUEKIES, I r0 , a, c. which we nill diioe of at the YEKY LOWEST I'll ICES. Country Produce tuken incchiini:e nt IhehtKhent jirices. ... . , , . I'ur land i cm' of the iddet In lliia aectioti of country, and has alwnya heen favored hy the 1 I.A KliEsT and KKT run of etistotn in the ncichhurhood. We arc lluinkful for mlroiiai;c we : have rvcoixed in the jiapl, end hope that hy a continual elforl to acconimodnto our friends and ( u .tnini't. and in conwuncnce of the liirnonotw and variety of our stock, wo will merit and receive a c.inlinu.ince of the supp.vt and (rood will oflhe people. .Vc loidinlly invite vou to uive n a call ! t'O.MK ALL! Yon will never regn-t a visit to the Verv liflrgt'st ami C'licniit'tt .morr, iliU ..',ti..n uf l he Stutc ! : Keniemlur tne oia Joae. Sunliury, May 1650. ly chkmm-st: nrviv! t.ni.i:tT : : ; i? Pav f.-r Tuition in Hmcle aiiil 1) ahle Kntry Rook-Keep, li:'. Wrilliiil, CoininiTcuil Aililiiii'lie ami Llflnris. I)..nnl8 w.-.'ks S-.n, Statioimry tJ, Tuition entire f.Miitrs Sli-.. I fmial time from 0 to III !.. Kvmy Sfulcnt, lift"" I griilii.tiiK. in pu:it:inl competent I" nviniipe the books ! ol iiny biitiursi, iii.il 'i"ti!i!i'l t ' cam " ilary ol from j Satli) to if 1000. I ti intents enter hi liny time -No vaeaiiun Review at 1 '"Kirtt''i,re-iiiimii for Mist TJiuinrss Wiitinc for rreeivnl 'it 1'itiflmrcli. l'liilnlt Ijihm ami Ohio Mate Fair. ! Al, at llic irinciul rain ol the L nioa for the 1'asi loiit ! VC'IM. t . r" Ministers' Sims received at half price. I l-'or Circulam. Secn.ieiis am! KnibeUiiiicd View of the ! Ciillece, iiielose five letter .-.ini..p t" ; ' ' K V. JUNKING, ritltbnigh.rj. j Jnaunry 21. -iil'. Oct. ?, ViO 'y " IIOWAKD "ASSOCIATION, I PIIILADSLPniA. A Leiurolent Institution established ly tpeciul j J-M'lnwmnit, fur lite Relief of the Hick tuitl Unlre.wl,(iiuti'(luith Virulent and J'.jti ' dciitin iJiscase.i, nnd especially Jr the Cure I o f IKxeasvs of the Sexual Vnjuns. ; "liSEDIOAl. AUVICE Riven gratis, by the J.TX Acting Hurgcoti, to ell who apply by letter. with a description ot their condition, (ace, occu nation, bahits ol lite. cc..l and in cases ol - ,.r v v i I extiemo novcrty. Medicines furnUhed free of i ilinrce. VAI.UA IJI.E KE1 OK I o on W)icrmatorrh(ra, and other Hiseascs of the sexual Organs, and on tho NEW KEMED1ES emjiloycd in the Dispen sary, sent to tho alllicted in scaled letter envc. lones. ircc of chartre. Two or three stamps for iiostago will be acceptable. Address, DR. J. SKILM.V HOUGHTON Actinir Surccoii, llnward Association, No. S SSotith Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 13y order of tho Directors. EZRA D. HE AKT WELL, Trckident, Gro. FiiBcimiii, t-'ecrctary. January 14, 15'J ly E0CKEFELLEE & B0YER, Attorneys at Law, A. Jonlaii Rockefeller and Solomon tl. Slovcr, respectfully ennnunce that thry entered ilito Copartnership in tlic practice of tlieir profession, ami will continue to attend to all bust. ness entrusted to their charge in the counties of Northumberland, Union, Knyder and Montour, liromntlv, faithfully anil carefully. rpccial at tention will be piven to the COLLECTIONS OF CLAIMS. Consultations can be had in the GERMAN language. Oll'u-e, - Market Street, opposite Weaver's Hotel Sunbury, February ltJUO. WATCHES, JEWELRY AND SILVER WARE. WD vvonU rospretfully inform our fiienls, pntrons and the public aeoerallv, that we Inivo lew lupine and oft'er WUOl.KtfAl.K ANU Hhl'All., nt the lowest C;oh I'rircs, a laree u-ut verv ehoiee slivk of W'ATCM K!. JKWIM.KY. HUXK ANU fLA'l'bl) XVAKU, of even variety and stvle. Kverv ilenci union of DIAMOND WOItK and other Jl'.W i::.U V, tiuule to cr ler, nt bliort lDl.ee. f3f All liood Wariauteil to te ns represented. N. H Particular mteuiioii given to the repairing of Wutelies and Jewchy of everv dceripiton. STaCKFI K .V HAItl.F.Y, No. 6-2 Market Street, South Side, Philadelphia. February tijj ltio. -liiu Kerosene nnd Coal Oil Lamps ! EADQi:AHTF.i:.S and" Manufaclory. No. 1 14 South ScconJ Street, below Clitsnut, and INo. 1, Larter Street, Pliilailelplna. M. 13. Jiyotl's Excelsior Kerosene anil Coal Oil Uurner, Merrill & Jones' Sprintr Uurntr, anil all other good burners for Coal Oil, together with the largest unj liatiJboniet variety of LAMPS, of every descriution. C1IA.NDI2. I.IKKS, limn two to fifty turners Classes, Yicks, Shu'les, anil all aiticlcs icrtaiuin to the I'lisiness, tofclher with the best KEKtiSCXC OIL in the country W holcualo and Kclai! at the Manufacturers' lowest oriccs. Men-hauls and others will save money, hy ex amining our Stock and Prices. M. It. UYOTT'S. LAMP and UAS FLVITRB SIOKK and KACTOKV, No. 1 14 South Second atid So. 1 ('arter street. Mow Chesnut, Philadelphia. Fcbrturv 55. lBfiO. 3inUe FOR SALE. A FULL SETT OF BRASS BAND INSTRUMENTS. iiUANTS Cornet Baud offer for sale their XM full sett of iiistrumeuta consistirii of 12 pieces, pevvrnl of them being rotnry valves. l'nr further particulars upplv to 'I'll OS. D. (j RANT, Leader, or JAIUU C. lit V1N. l'rcsidi'nt. butbury, March 3, 1SC0. A VALUABLE HOUSE AND LOT FOX?, SALE. THE subscriber about removing, offers at pri vate sule tho following valuablo real estate, to wit : A C K I! T A IN H O I.' s E A N D LOT situate in the borough of Sunbury, Northumber land county, Pa , on the. i-a&tcrn sido of Deer Hired, above Market The lot contains ftO feet in width and "00 feet in dciuh, iv hereon is erect ed a frame dwelling II oue 10 by Hi feet, outfit, ehc.t, smoke-house, a good frame stable, and other outbuilding, a pump in the yard. There is Iko choice fn it on eavllut. The propeity will be disposed uf on reasonable terms. Tor fut'.her paiticulars apply to the sub sciiber on the premires. WILLIAM BRINDLE. Sunbury, January S8t IrtUH. 3m BLANK Parchiiu-ut Paper Deeds and Moitoages, Bonds, Executions, Sun blank ominous, aVc, for sale b H. B MASSKM. 11 AWLS, Cloaks, Caps, Nubies.HooJs 4c., very cheaji, al ClKiPr.U'S VARIi'TV STORK, fuiibury, October 15, IH.','J. NOTICE LL persons indebted to the firm of Filling dt Grant are resiiectfully requested In come forward and psy up tbeir accounts between this and tha 1st of April, as they wish to go it the city to lay In their spring supplies. FRILINU oV GRANT. Sunbury, March 10, lb60. 1URK AND FRESH GROCERIES, of iH klllild in.l PS-a-.11 v.J I.m K. V. BRlfJllTckSOlV. fcsnV-uiy, j(ugut 10, 1839. THE MAMMOTH STOUE! the elliien ol PUMU'U Y anil vicinity, lbt completed, ami that their siatui, MnliaCi Mjl AKb, near the court rnn.iYcj & cnisT. FALL & WXWTS 1 a cua sjb us Jl'ST AKRIVEI) AT THE STOKE OF J. II. rxUEI of filiJilturT. Pa , A splendid stoek of PALL and WINTER "A Goods from Philadelphia, to which he n m eitlully invites his friends and the Public to call and inspect, he will spare no time in show. ing them. Anions his st.K-k of cootie will be found, FINE BLUE AND BLACK CLOTH. Fine Black and Fancy Cusiineres '1 weeds, Snt inetts, .leans nnd Km cy Vesting, ulso a large as sortntcnt of Rcady-mudo CLOTHING for men and b.iys (ehrap.) tUli LAD I EH WE ARt Black nnd Fancy Dress Silk very cheap. Silk Tii-suc, Bereges, Chali and Chali Robes, Uerego Delaine, Bercp.e Robes, Figured Brilliant and a vaiicty of oilier Dre Goods, Spring and Sum mer Shawls, Mantillas, Parasols, a good assort mcnt of white goods, Collars, Sleeves, Irish Linen, Shirt fronts, Marseilles, Brilliant &c. A general assortment of domestic Dry (io ds. Also a lurge stock of Hats and Caps, Bnota nnd shoes. Hardware, Queens and Glassware, Groceries, Ccdarwaro, Stone nnd Earthenware, Drugs and Paints, Salt, Fish, Cheese, Ham, Oil, Tar &c. &c. N. B. Wall and Window Paper, Floor nnd Table Oil Cloth, Carpets, all the above will be sold at low prices for cash or country produco ta en in exchange fur Goods. 1. II. ENGEL. Sunbury, Nov. 10, 1 S.jf. tf. LOOK HERE, IF T.1U WANT TO Hl.'Y C1IHAP FOR CASH. O TO WM. II. MILLER, he has received 75 from Philndelihia a large stock of BOOTS & SHOES- His stock con-ists of Ocn'ts JCipp'Uoots, Vouths' Kipp Boots. Children's Culf Boots. Also a variety of Women's Calf Lace Boots, Women's Morocco Lace Boots, Children's Morocco and Calf Lace Boots, all of which ho will tell cheap for CASH. Call an 1 examine foryoursclves. ALSO, first quality of Tanipcro Muroco for sale for cash. WM. H. MILLER. Sunbury, January 7, 18(10. jo sTa ii b r y Xn& c o.f Flour and Grain Factors, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, For Ihe Pale of Produce in General, Brmd Street, bclew Vine, Ycat side, rilll.ADKI.PiHA. DeeeniUer 17,1 ess Jw$ THS PHILADELPHIA Ca&h Dnifj, Faint and Glass Store, g. v. con. runt i n .v cAi.i.owiiii.LsntKiiTs, Pllll.ADKLPlllA. Kl'GfilPTS, Merclianls, I'jniiem, and Ike public everyw here. 1 wiil ucil at wliolewile and retail, to the ,.niiff 1 rude of l-.no, n heavy stock ft liugs, Aie!i clues. (.'Iieuneuis. Ac.. Ace., Ac. JoMjii lloxes uf indow ubri, astorled sizes si-.d qunltlies. Hi, uoj Poum'.iof Putty, White, Dlack, Red, ic.,iu Uulk or lllailders 20,G0U Un I u l.imtiJ Oil, pinta Turpentine, Camphene Aleoliol, Are. ill Tons ol Pure White Leud. in bhls., J kbli., , SO, iS unit Vi; Ibl-ces. SUToiisi'f l!eal Snow White Lead, ill bl,l, t.t.Ia. In0, 50, W uud 1 -J i Hi. kces 4fl Tons vi New York U liite Lead, in bids., bb'.i, UK), S'J,Snnd I'.'i Hi. kefs. 35 Tonsol Pure Ku neli White Zinc, in bbls, Will, 100 60, C5nild lb kecs 40 Tons i f American M.mv Wlote Zilie, inbbli, bbls 100 SO, !' and I'.'t Hi kits. SJ T.ms of l.-in'-'li Aiuericau Zinc, in bbls, J bb!s, 100 CO, 25. and r.'J lb. kegs 5 T"ii ol Zinc i'juiis, of liilT-reiit colon, in LI 1st, i hb'.n. 11,0. oil. ii and !-. lb kis. 30 Tons of iMineral P onts, of dj'.Tercnt ol -ra dry or groaiid in Oil. 10,000 pounds of pare Trench tireen. Chrome Green, Yel low. Itiuc, Itlack and other eidoi-.. dry oi in oil. 1,000 pounds id Sin ills' asa .r;td Ulue,lll,ieli, lied, Urcen, und other colois. 100 Packs i.i bold Leaf, rjl-iziers' Diamonds, Glaziers' Puny. Hawk Knives. c. 3,0"0 OalU.iis tioilcd oil, viirniglies, Jupnus, Zine Dryer, Ac. Paint. Yann-h and t aUoiiune Uruulies. together with a e .uiptcte imsoitinent of clans Ooods euiLraeed ia Hie Drug and Paint Uutillcas. ALSO. S.llllO b'..:s. Homan Cement. U'l'iJ Itotiniinle amlllvdrnulic Ccnieut. I.coo " Culi in- d. Iiu.l. Dcnti-lrv. Cu.iiix Tln'ter, Ae. IV All of which 1 wi'l sed nt WlioleMleuid lielad, nt Iram 1U to per cent Icfs than uiher esial-bglinieuts. III VIIV O. D. BAhJ, Proprietor of ihe riiiladclpkin Cath I la.?, Puii.t and Glass Store, 8"uth-Vrsi corner of Fourth and Caltowanl bts., Phila. March 3, 1-OU 3in S". 27 ECONOMY! '4- CO Save the Pieces ! Asaeeideiils wili liatic a, even ill well-recalated fami lies, it is very de.ir.dile tn have some clie.ia and conveme-ut way for retain ing l-'uniiture, lo a. Crockery, Ac. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE inrctN uil nuch enirrstucit , uitd ni huuliIU tun allVird to Ims Without it. It ii ulwuyt reutly aitd tin to t lie iiickiiis ix-iiit. 'i'licrt ia no Idtb'er a iter run ty l'tr IminiiiK chuifi, fcoliiitem v iteei, licitllcH dolltHml broken ciud.is It im jutit tUe article for coiic. liell, oiulotlicr ornamenUil work, tt viul:r vriiii ladit uf icOiiciiH'tit und t.tte. Tlits utlutirjble uiepur itioii it uit-d (iUI, bciiif; fhemirally tield in solution, and rntiM-Miiig ull the VdluaMc qiiAtilieiut' the Wax mtiiiict'iDukcr'a tilue. It niuy be lived in Ue place oi urdttiary ir jeiUipe, being vaatly uim-e adlicaivo. "I'SKFl'I IN KVKRV IIOUbK N. B A liruah tticomuuiiea eaob buttle. Puce "iJ cetita. AVh iha.le Pt'iut. No 4 Ct-dnr atrrrl. New York. Addrt. HLMlV C irAl.l1Mi k CO., Ii .No, a.WW, New Vuik. Put ui for DeHleri in rHieaciuitainins Four Eiclit. and Twelve Liozen u 1eiitil'iil LuUugruptiic Hliow Curd ao- Aaiiicie boiueui sikaidiuE'i rrrnareaviiat win by ten timea ila cil aiiucallv tit every houseinild. KiUibv&H iMoiumeiit maiipi.ei. Uruesitti. U ard ware and Furniture ieulera. GriteiTs, and KuHty buues. Country Mrrcluinia ariuaid itmaoa wne uf rUfninK a pTcnarl Otu. wueu tuey make up titeif Uat, It w.l auuid auy ciiuutta. ror ea!e at Ihidoltice. Mach 10, ly READ AND CIRCULATE ih TcDUMjIvnnla State Journal" J. M. B08TIAN, Agent January 7, 1860. 1 i fififl PIECES of Wall Paper, just reeeiv JUUUU from'N,w v0,k, 60 differrnl styles very low at FRILINU 4 GRANT 8. 8uulrur. Jinuary 1,UOO. NEW GOODS Atth Mammoth Ster of i A 'i c is ij.il uivr, NO. I MARKt.T PTRl.KT, PUNUIIIY, FA. THE aubscriber has Just opened at his well . known establishment in Sunburv, one of the hea post (nil most desirable stocks of Fall and Winter Goods, that has ever been offered in the place, and which nc will sell for CASH or exchange lor country Produce. Those desiring to purchase gooda will do well to esll and examine his stock. BLACK AND FANCY SILK, All Wool Delaina, Figured, Striped and Tlain, French Merino, all colors. Beautiful Dresa Kobcs, Cashmeres, Shadod, 7lain nnd Striped must he seen to form an idea of the extent and variety. Mantle, Stella, Chenille, French Wool Shawls, Thibet and Uroche Shawls. Cloths Cassimercs and Satinet, For Men and Boys' Wear, Black C'assimeree, Fancy Cassimercs, side stripes heavy, Doe Skin Cnssimeres, Satinets all kinds. PTjANNELS. While and Red Flannels, all grades and prices, Bay Stale Sack Flannels, colors finest cinaltios. HEADY-MADE CLOTIIINQ Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps,' Ac, Jc, all of which were selected with great eare, nnd will compare favorably, as regards quality, style and price, with any in the country. II A uDWAKhi, a lull assortment. Wood and Willow Ware, (jueensware, of nil descriptions, Groceries, a full stock in store, Carpet Chains, Ac, Paints, Oils. Glass, Dye Stuffs. Thankful for the patronage heretofore rccoived he w ill spare no pains to please all who may favor him with their custom in the future Sunbury, Oct. 2'i, 1859. To tOouscltccperg. SOVKTItlNO NKW.TI. T. UAIIBITT'9 BEST MI'.lilCINAI. rMi.KHATU!. CJ' s manufactured from common salt, and is pre- (Q pared entirely different from other Suleratus. All " J liip itek-terious mnttef extnutcl hisiirlm mniiuer AND an to prtHiuce JJrciit), Uist-nit, and ult kinds of AND l.'jike, without eoiitiuin!i n particle of Saleratun T"M when the ltfn! or Cnkr is luikrd ; thereby pro- u finning w hoi iiita restiltt. l-.very pnrticla of hnlcriitus m tiirnttl to gns nnd pnnftct throuch tlie. JrniJ cr I infill t ivliilf) HnkiMfr ; couw(uriitlyl 'nothing remuiiii but common ftilL Wnttr mut 'Fltuir. Vou will readily perceive ly the niFiet uf tliitt Snlemtus Unit it is entirely diflcient froml (JS oihrr!nlerntUB. (Q It in imckcd in nnepnunil nriprrp, ench wiap- per bmnded, "11. T. Uanltit's Meat MtHliciiml' "D SiHtTHtus i ulso, pictute, twisted knit of bread, tAii0 with n gbM of ciler vesci n? water on the top. 0 ,riei you pnrchtiit! one pit per you slioutd pre-j ( .serve the wmpper, nnd be varttculnr tti Ret the. next exactly like the first brand as aUsve. (jQ Full directions for making Jlrefld with thi' S:deratus and Sour Milk nr Crenm Tartar, willi ad ,,trimPnM5r weh package; nlsn, directions for 0 i mnkmc all kinds of Piintiy ; alsffcr making Sh-(0q MARE YOtn OWN SOAP. with j 0 I 23 . T . BABBITT'S Warranted double tie strenrrth of ordinary Pot anh ; put up in cans I Ih., tl llm, 3 llw. U Iks., and1 D Vi lbs. Willi lull directions for making Hard uud no Suit timn. Consumers will find this clieatiel "C' Tfl Potash in inaiket v.', Maiiufuetured and for sale bv it. t. HAiinri'T, No. 08 and 70 Washington-si.. New- York, TO anu -o. 33 lndia-sl., Uoston. i June II, IS59.ly Je NEW DRY GOODS AT T.C COOPI.U H VARIETY STORE, Market Square, one door M'ett of the Post Ojfice,SLBUItr,Pa. THE subscriber has just returned from the city with an entire new stock of Dry Hoods and a ger.cral variety uf Notions. His selections, which are different from anything ever brought to this place, have been made from Ihe most extensive wholesale establishments in Philadelphia. His stock consists of Hlack ClotUs, Fancy raftglmercs Silks, Ginghams, Delaines, Alspacas, Chintz, Calicoes, White Gooda, Flannels, Muslins, Circulars, Mantillas, Shawls, Merino, Marseilles, Cotton Plaids, HATS -A-TsTTD CAPS. Flats, Children's Bonnets, Trimmings of every variety, Gloves, Hosiery, Shirt Bosoms, Shirt Collars, Gingham Cravats, Black &ilk Cravats, Fancy Scarf, & c, ic. Ihe list of NO I ION 8 comprises in part, Head Dresses, Head -ecklates, ancy Beads, Fancy Baskets, Toys of all kinds, fancy Hair Pins, raiicy Uracclels, Gold Ear-Drops, Gold Breast Pins, Gold Studs, Gol J Pens, Ladies' Recti rules. Buttons, Brushes, Toi lets, Combs, Fancy Soaps, Perfumery, Fancy China Weie, STATIONERY, PICTURES, and a variety of other t ancy articles too nume rous to mention. All articles not on band when asked for will be ordered from Philadelphia immediately, with out extra charge, the proprietor having made arrangements to bo supplied with deficiencies whenever required. His stock will be disposed of on cash princi pies, deducting 5 per cent, from purchases a mounting to mere than one dollar. By strict attention to business, he hopes to receive a share of public patronage. He invites all to call and examine for themselves, and be convinced that he has on hand the largest stock of i ancy Goods evci brought to the place. THUS. U.COOPER Sunbury, October IS, 18-19. SUSQUEHANNA FEMALE COLLEGE. SELIftS-OROVE, PA., THIS School is intended to afltird the very best advan tages, at a modcralecharaeto such as mav he enlrast. d to its eaie. Tito baildiag ia larpe, well airanired,aad urnliiied with every thing necessaiy to health and coin oil. Parents nnd Gaardiana are invited to examine us claims and to support it only ill so far as it may It found W pi'SSCM ICU1 UJC11I. FACl.'I.TV. Rev. C. C. BAl'GHMAM, A. M , Principal. Mrs. M. I.. ilAeuiiiCAM, ) Miss I.. W. KrNisj.L, Aaaistant Teachers. Miss Jtlu A. Catlin, Dr K. HOkM i Rev. B. Kl'RTZ.D D. U L.D.: Rev t I II VI L' U ft II a. u,ur.,A. Ill , ICCIUI CTI. EXPKN9E8. Boaidine, tuition in tha reealar eourss Ineliidmi 1-Mtin, washing, ligrlits, fuel and UK uf lainnlieJ room per session oi a mouuis, Fee for Heading Kiaim, DAY SCHOLARS. Tuitioa In the Collegiate Department perseeainn, " Aeademia o o i 0 00 1 us is 00 10 00 1 M SO N 17 00 14 00 SU Ul 5 Ul) 6 00 It) on Incidental charge lor fuel, ink, chalk, Ac EXTRA CHAU0K3. Muiie on ths Piano with use of Instrument. Li .1 .1 Lll.ul 1. .. IIITHUWII - Guitar " Hum. u ttvM inslrucllou in Vocal Muiie Drawing with use ol models, Oil Panning, ' lireek- tieriiutn aiul trench eaeh. ( 00 Paymenis lo be made half ia ait vanes, aud (ha rii.,. at the middle of the session. 1 here will U no deduct inn for alisene. eiceat In c..u of protracted siekneaa. A literal deduclioa will be mad in luvor ol ttia daugtitera uf Clergyman. Kor Circulars Audresa. Bw.C C. BAt'GH.MAN, Or Rev. H. DOM Kit. Pelins-Orove, Pa., Sept. 10, IMO.-ly TsOn Ir. HEATH'S IIOOK OF Vi Travels and great disonveriei of the Japanese V! and East India Mmlicinea, with fuU directions Air ihe cer. lam cura of Consumption, Bronchitis, Bouflis, Colds, Catarrh, Asthma, Fevers, Hoirl UiaeaH.rteml'ula, Cancer, Usiepsia. Liver Complaint, bravel aul Urinaiy Deposits Feuial Coniplainls, Ae. lllustraivd with hundreds of eerlifiuatea of cures aud engravings. For Ihe purpose uf rescuing us many suffering lellow-beinga as pouible from proiuaiuie death, il will be scut to muf part uf ilia soull uenl, by scndiiif IU cents lo ... , DR. HEATH, 647 Bioadway, New York City. B..M, als. by A.W.Fisher, riuubury, c.airud Weak, Norlhuinherbind j T 8. Caldwell, Lewisliurg : o. M. Ha. Senbueh, Ulwmisburg ; C)rus Bruwu, Wiltou . N. L- aud lank 4 Co., Danville. February IS, I156O ly. IP nunbu rs AND BHfiES, a large aasortment t KILIXB 4. GRANT'S unbury, January 2H, IU60. EVANS ft WATSON 8 Salamander Safe. Xe. 304 CbenxMt SVi(, nlmvt 'lliird. rUILADKI.PHlA, rHiLansM-Mis, 9ept. S!), 150. To the President of the Pennsylvania Agricultural Society : The suhsctilMirs, your committee to examine ths con trols M a S.ALA M Aftllr.H sI F. ufKvaas k Waiaoii. after tM-iiiR exposed to a ureas fire oa the fair grounds fur eiCltl lamrs, respeeiiuiiy rrnrwai That, after seven corns ol ink wood and tines ar nine hail lierri eoniiimfd eronad the safe, tt was opened, in the presence of the committee, nnd tha contents taken out, a little wiirmd, lint not even scorched. rVvrrnl Silver Medals, tk-retofine. received hyths msnu fnetnrers, and a large qanntity of documents, were in the safe, mid eame oat entirely uninjured. The experiment nullified as of the capacity of Snfex 0 lion kind to protect contents from any firs to which they mav he exposed. The Committee awarded n Diploma nnd Silver Medal. r,i:o. V. WOODWARD. JOHN W. riKAKY, i v. itcriiKKFoitr), A1.KKKD 3. OIU.KTT. bTII.L ANOTHER. Wiimixoto, Sept. 17, 1S59 Messrs. Eras t Wat- son,lMnlatelplila Oenileinen : The Salamander rire-Proof Safe of your mniunre, parceiised oy us from your Asent, t eiris nnd (airett,nf onreity, some nine months npo, wai severely tried liy luirplnrs last Saturday inejil, and allhoucli they had n sledge hammer, cold chisels, and pnnpowder, they did not succeed in opening the Nile. Tha lock being one of "Hall's Patent Powder-proof," they could not get the powder into it, hut drilled a hule in las lower panel nnd forced in a large charge, whic i was ignited, and although the door, lusideaiid out, showed ihe explosion not to have been a small one, it was not forced open. We suppose they were the gp sler part of Ihe night at work on it. We are much gratified at the result of lee attempt to enter it, and if the alsive fuelsare of any service, you are al liberty to use them. Yours, tiuly, UAY.NARD k JONES. Great Fire !-Another Triumph ! J KsnivriL. Tennessee, March 1.1th, 155ft. Messrs. Kvnns and Wo l son, firm reman It affords me rcat plctisnnet'osny to you that the Salamander rtafe, which I purchased of you in February, proved to be what you irroinmcndetl it a sure protection from fire My storehouse, together with sevcmloihcrs, was burned to the round in .March lust. ThcP.ilc full through into thefrel nr. nnd was exposed to intense heat for six or eight hours, aim when it was taken from the rums nnd opened nil its contents where found to lc m o p effect state, the lnoks nnd the (tapers nut being injured any whatever. Iran tbter fu'lv recommend your Safes t tha connnynity, be'ifvniff, as I do, that thry nre as near firr-pTitof ns it is poscilile foi anvS-tfe to be made. TIIOM ASJ. VOWKI.l.. ty A larco afsortmcnt ' f the hIkivc SA l-'KS always on hand, nt .KU Chesuut street, (late dl .South Fourth st., l'htladelphtn. October 15, 1f50. cty DETERSIVE SOAP This Celebrated Washing Soap is now in mar ket for more than a year, and that it has given universal satisfaction, is evident from the fact, that the Manufacturers of it, in order to supply the demand, have been obliged to increase their capacity to make equal to One Hundred Thou sand Pounds per Week. It is docidedly the bc and cheapest Soap ever made in tins Country ; One Pound of it will go ns far, foi any use, as 1 lirce of the Common Soap in general use. It is made upon a new principle, uf the beat materi als, and known only to Vu II ic.es & Mi ls, bonk. It does away entirely with the wanly board saves the necessity of boiling the clothes, it does not shrink Flannels, hemoves r.utisi:, ix or paint sen lb perfectliy, and from the most delicate fabric, saves fully one half the lime and labor usually spent to do the washing. It is warranted free from SAL SODA, or other injurious alkalies, and guaranteed not to rot or injure die clothes. for Sale by all respectablo Grocers, and Wholesale by TJIAIN & McKEUNr., No. S3 and 21 South Wharves. Philadelphia. . OA.TJTI03ST. There being several imitation brands ef Deter- aive Soap in Market, tho public are notified that none is genuine except Ya Hsaokx & Mc. KkONE is Stamiied upon each Bar of the oap as well as the B xes. Sunbury, Oct. 2'J, 18f)9. TAILORING ! TAILORING ! ! JAOO-B O. BECK, TE9PKCTFTI.1.Y informs his friends and the public JIV generally, that lie will hereiifu-r conduct the ulana business, at the old stand in Market itreet, sk uai aT, oil his own account. lie will be prepured to maku up ad kiadsof CLOTH l.Mi in the Latest and most Approved Style and Fashion. Thankful Air the libeml nntrounire. heretnf.irH received. helruns by reasonable charges uud prompt attention In burnt. cm, to continue the same. If All kinds of niuiluee tuken in tlcbaneo for work. at market price. r-ilutiury, Decemlier 17, 1-59 Bin cr I.OCATr.U AT Philadelphia, Ifew York; Buffalo, Albany, Cleveland, Detroit and Chicago. PHILADELPHIA COLLEGE, 8. E. Comer fcvenlli nnd Chcsnut Street. -iiriiiicn- John B. Myers. Prof, John . Hart. I Morns I.. HalloweU, I II L'ou'iierthwau, J. u. Linpiucott COI'XTIXO HOI SE COCRSE, Comprises Ibaik Keeping for Meienntile, Uankinz, Rnil nd, aiid.Mauuracturing Biisiuess Willi Penmanship, Cal culations, Correspondence, A e , Ac., fully qiialilytng the feiudcnt for actual busaiesa. Students receive individual luatiuction. Diplomni nre awarded to graduates. 835 pays for Life Seludaralnp good in seven Colleges! for I'jrlial Course. I"?' For Catalogue a:ld Spccimeiis ol' Writing, Addiess, iiiclosmc two Pailaee Slatnna. BUY ANT A &TKATTON, Philsda. August 8th, 1559. COLLEGIATE DErAHTMENT r The iTIisfeioiiary Institute, Selinsgrove, Fa-, FACI'LTY. Re. P. I30R.N, A. M., Principal, anil Trof Creel and Knglish Literature. THEOPHILLS WEVKK, A. M. Vie Trin cipal and Prof, of Latin and Natural Sciences. WM. NOETLLNU, A. B. C- B., Prof 01 Math. (Purs and Applied.) flHE second scholastic year of this Ins'.itute will commence on Thursday, tha S?d of September next. Ths Collegiate Department embraces an English scientific and classical course of instruction, including ancient and modern languages, mathematics, natural sciences, Ac Tsaiis Hoarding may be bad from $1 60 lo i per week. Tuition, per session, (of thirteen weeks) $7 and $9, according to the grade of studies pursued. Tuition In all cases, and bearding, if obtained in the Institute building, must be paid in advauee. The Principal will be assisted by competent and experienced teachers. For further particulars address any of the Pro fessors. Selinsgrofe, Pa., August 87, 1859. I y llra-iriiig- Taper. JKACL3 Holders, Knives, Note fjookt, Be Y eeil Books, Memorandum Uooks, Stationery, of all kinds, it, at COOPER'S. punnury, uct. lo, 1859. CAW Wood. CroM Cul and Mill Saws,. Superior article at FISHER'S. BunSury, July 17lh, 1858 f AND WARRANTS. The highest price -wjl be given for Land Warrants by the sub an sciiber. H H MANSER. HOSTETTER'S STCMACHJiTTERS. It U a fad that, at some period, mptt mom tier of the human family U vihjcct to diseaso cr disturbance of the bodily functions but, Villi the aid of a good tonic, and the exercise of plain common sense, they may be able so to regulate tha system as to secure, nermanrnt health. In order to accomplish this desired object, tho true course to pursue is certainly that which will produco a natural stato of things at the loast hatard of vital strength nnd life. For this purpose, Dr. HoMctter has in troducctt to this country a preparation bearing his namo, which is not a new medicine, but ono thai has been tried for years, giving imt it fac tion to all who havo used it. The Hitters oporale powerfully upon tho stomach, bowels, and liver, restoring them to a licttlthy and vigorous action, and thus, ry tne simple pro cess of strengthening nature, on&blo tha sys tem to triumph over disease. For the cure of Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Nan fea, Flatulency, Loss of Appetite, orany Bilious Complaints, arising from a morbid inaction of tho Stomach or Ilowcls, producing Cramps, Dysentery, Colic, Cholera Morbus, &c, theso Litters havo no equal. Diarrhoea, dysentery ot flux, so generally con tracted by new settlers, and caused principally by tho elmngo of writer and diet, will be speedily reeulatcd by a brief uso of this preparation. Dyspepsia, a disease which Is probably uioro prevalont, in all its -various forms, than any other, and tho causo of which may always bo attributed to derangements of the digestivo orprnns, can bo cured wilhout fail by using HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS, as per directions on tho bottle. For this disease every physician will recommend Ilillcrsof some kind; then why not uso an orticlo known to be infal lible ? All nations have their Litters, as a pre ventive of disottBO nnd strengthened of the sys tem iu general ; and among them all there is not U) bo found a more healthy people than the Germans, from whom this preparation ema nated, based upon scientific experiments which havo tended to provo tho value of this great preparation 'n the scale of medical science Fkvku ad Aoce. This trying and provok ing disease, which fixes its relentless grasp on the body of man, reducing him to a mere sha dow in a Bhort time, and rendering him phy sically and mentally useless, can be driven from the body bv tho use of HOSTETTER'S REN'OVYSED BITTERS. Further, nono of tho above-stated diseases can bo contracted, even in exposed situations, if the Bitters aro used as per directions. And ns they neither create nausea nor offend tho palate, and render un necessary nny chango of diet or interruption of ordinary pursuits, but promote sound sleep and hcaltliy digestion, mo conipiainr, is re moved as speedily as is consistent with the pro ductiou of a thorough nnd permanent cure Por J'crtoni in Advanced l'tarf, who are suffering from an enfeebled constitution and infirm body, thtfso Bitters aro invaluliblo as a restorative of strength and vigor, and need only bo tried to bo aprtccinted. And to a mother while nursing theso Bitters aro indis pensable, especially whero the nioUier's nour isliiucut is iuaduipinto to the demands of tho child, consequently her strength must yiold, nnd hero it is whero a good tonic, such ns Hosteltcr's Stomach Bittors, ia needed to impart temporary strength nud vigor to the system. Ladies should by all meuns try this remedy for all cases of debility, nnd, before so doing, should ask their physician, who, if ho is acquainted with tho virtue of the Bitters, will recommend their use in all cases of weakness. CAUTION. V.'o caution the public against using any of tho many imitations or counterfeits, but ask for Hoitetteh's Celebrated Stomach Btmns, and see that each bottlo has the words "Dr. J. llojtcttcr's Stomach Bitters" blown on the sido of the bottle, and stamped on tho rootallio eap covering the cork, and observe, that our autograph signature is on the label. S- Prepnred nnd sold by EOBTETTEIl & SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa, and sold by all druggists, srocers, and dealors generally throughout the United States, Canada, BouUa America, and Germany. SOLD BY Geo. Bkiciit, Sunbury, R. D. McCay, Northumberland, Cvrus Brows, Milton, 8. M. U. Wkkck, McKwecsville. October 8, 18;9. ly LIFE INSURANCE & TRUST C0MP Y CAPITAL 5 T O C K S5on,00O, Company's flu ildlne. Walnut Street, S. E. corner of Fourth l'llil.ADKLI'lIIA. LIFE 1XSURAXCE AT THE USUAL MUTUAL HATES. Or nt Joint Stock rates at about 20 per cent lees, or at Total Abstinence Rates, the lowest in the world. A. WI11LD1.N, President. J. C. Stiii, Secretary. J. P. &IIIMDELGOBI1. Aeent, tlNUURV,PA. June IS, th59 ly FURNITURE ! FURNITURE I " FaNhlonable, Clieap aud l ueful THE LARGEST STOCK EVER OFFERED IX 8UNBUKY. rilHE subscriber, long established as a Cabinet and Chair Manufacturer in Sunbury, thank ful for past favors, solicits a continuance of the public patronage. His stock of Cabinet-Ware, Chairs, 1) c, embraces EVERY VARIETY, ISRFIL ANU OR1A MKXTAL in housekeeping. It is unnecessary to enume rate, as anything that may be required in his line can be had at moderate prices. Cheap for Cash, or Country Produce taken iu exchange. Establishment SouM LVia'f Corner of Market Siuare. 17 Those knowing themselves indebted to the subscriber would oblige him by making pay ment. SEBASTIAN HAL'PT. Sunbunr, Nov. 19, 1859 tf 09 BROADWAY, NEW VOUk! Ballou'i French Yoke Shirt Emporium, 4U'J liroadicay, Aeio lork, PREMIUM SHIRT MANUFACTURERS. Shirts made to order from Scientific M cf the best material, sewed by hand, and war ranted to nt, at less than the usual prices. BALLOU BROTHERS. June 4, 1859. 409 Broadway, N. Y. THE INTERNATIONAL HOTEL. ROADWAY, CORNER OF FRANKLIN STREET, a.Mj.w arroit CITY, OiTeri (tw1iiismasiitai a n.rAi . New York . rJllV...",,iV" "urL"' '''' 1 ne loiiowing are among the advantage! Sea, and winch will be appreciated by a 1st. A eentral location, iuivenicnt to 1 as well as places of amusement. The fUow ... .,-,:T" ,ne r!lis. k S. ....r. rr uv.uiMgea wniea it poeees- all travelers. plueca ol business, e.i ......... u. .. . siv. view uf llruadway: ,-n.uuuaimg .a t,. isifife niHl unciuiv lUFiiiihM su.i.. ... . ...l ufwdwa'y. ,'"40' CMUauud'ut ail eaienave view of 4ih. Being eomliicted on the Europeaa plan, visitors can live, in the best etyle, will, ths ireuieM eionomy. 6th. Ii is ooiuioctod with Tarler't Celebrated Salooni. where visitors ean have their meals, or, if they deaire Ihey will be furinahed in Iheil own rooias. tih. The fare served ia the Bahama and Hotel is ae. knowledge.) by epieuiea. to be vaaily euperiui to thai of 9m. i.c ii ia uiv oily. With all llie.a advanugea, the eeart of living ia the International, la murk balow thai of any other Srat eleaa uF.Y.Sy'u Mtel. A t Kr.t.MA-N, flora let . June l. IWsIt NEW FLOUR. FEED. FEUTT Al; PROVISION STORE 1 riHIE subscrilier respectfully informs (he citi -L lens of Sunbury and the surrounding neigh borhood, that hs has opened a Slors at tha north west corner of Market Square, oppokite Vandyke's lisilroB.il Hotel, where he is receiving, and will' keep on hand, Flour, Feed, Fruit and provisions of all kinds, soch ss WHEAT, RYE BLCRWHEAT FLOUR,- Oals, Corn and all kinds of Feed, Crackers, Oranges, Nuts Ac, Fresh Shad in sea son, Early Vegetables Fruit Ac, from the South. He will constantly receive, by Railroad, from Baltimore and Philadelphia, all the delicacies oT the season, as they come into market, and trusts, by prompt attention and reasonable prices to rt-' ceive a shara of tha public patronage. . ... war. HOOVER.- Sunbury, April 18, li5,- ly. NOTICE! THE ADAM'S EXPRESS CO., Give notice that they have concluded arrange ments with the Northern Central Kail Koad Company, to run trains from Uullimorc foi York, Hatrisburg, Dauphin, Halifax, Trevorton, Sun bury, Northumberland, Lewishurg, Milton, Mun cy, Williamaport, anil all intermediate Stations. Connecting nt Harrisburgh with the CJKEAT WESTERN EXPRESS for Pittsburg, Cincin nati. St. Louis and the West. Also with Howard & Co'a Erprcn at Millon-' or Danville, Bhioinsburg, Wilkeabarre, Pitmtou, Scranton, and intermedials Stations on the Cat. tawissa, Lackawana and Hloomaburir, Rail ltoails. At Williamaport, by Howard & Co's Express to' Jersey Shore and Lock Haven. Also, by Hon ard & Co., and their connections, for Cantor, Tro). Elinira, Rochester, Bullulo, Niagara, ai d to all accessible points in Western New York and Canada, by which they will forward Merchandise, Specie, Hank Notes, Jewelry, and Valuable Packages of every description. Also, Notes, Drafts and iills for Collection. Experienced and efficient messengers emploted and every effort will be made to render satisfac tion. JOHN BINGHAM. Puperintendent Penn'a Division, Phil's. A. VV. FISHER, Agent for Sunbury. April 0, IN.,!). TKB tt04 Dominion COFFEE POT Tea Pot, Being based, as Dr. riall, of tha J ournal of Health, suys, "on boienco nnd common sense," aro rupidly eoming into use, and destined soon to supercede all others. ARTHUR, r.URN'HAM, i GII.R0Y, 117 & 119 S. Tenth St., Philadelphia, Solo Manufacturers under the Patent, i ror anle by Dalr In llonse krriituK ArllcltrV sad Storekeeper Ceuernlly, December 4, 18-19. sDHUO- &SHELCIGiLL rVIE undersigned having received a large and X wall selected stack of Pure Irups and Chemicals, Dyestuffa, Oila, Paints, Glass and Putty, is now ready tq fillordcrsat a moments noliaSJ. In connection with the above you will find an assortment of Fancy Notions, Toilet Articles and Perfumery of all kinds, Tooth, Hair, Nails and Clothes B.ush-s of every variety. Cuatoini rs will' find his stock complete, cum prising runny articles it is impossible hero U enumerate. REMEMBER the "place, under the office of I ho untmry Ameriaan. Physicians' I'rrcriptions compounded nri-nr.ta. I and carefully. A. W. FISHER. Sunbury, April 2d, 1859. P. LANCHT0N SEJLEL, J I STICK OF THE Pl'idP sxjrg-jBUPnr. pa. Office in Deer Street, immediately ojyotite tha I vine Schmd Ifouse. All business promptly attended to. Munlu collected and all ordinary writings done. ounuury, April 35. I8S7 tf WHOLESALE LKALERS IX BRANDIES, WINES, GINS, &C flHE subscribers have opened in Thompson's Urick Uuildinrr, Mill street. Danville. 1 a riM and complete stock of FOKKIUX AND DOMESTIC LU'ORS, comprising the bet brands of D randies, Cin, Old nye, sicotcli ami Irish Inshey, Purl, Slierry, Madciij, Cliamiiaene and other Wines of all grades, all of which will be ,.ld Wholesale at Ihe lowest city prices. Tavern-keeocr- l.v lo,v. ingof us can save at least the freight. Itrsons desireus of purchasing liquors for FAMILY ITS E. may rely upon being fgmished with a pure end unadulterated article. O'lleing determined to establish a reputation for selling cheap they respectfully solictt ihe pa tronage of the public. All orders pronjt.tly at tended to. ' ' SHEKIFF &. HALL. Danville, April 9, 1859. PANEL DOORS, WI.VOOW-S4SII AXU BLINDS, EH TTE Rs, cteC., Fob Sua si IRA T. CLEMENT. Sunbury, October S2, 1859. tf ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ojfice opposite the Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County Pa, Prompt attention to business in adjoini'mr. wonnties. ' 0 SYMPHONIAN8, grand musical instruments just received from fciuow Hill, London, and lor sale by T. U. COOPER. Bunbury. February U, 1839. 200 8ASKS G. A. HALT just received and for aale by E. Y. II RIGHT & HON. Jintury. August SO, 1859. TOY'S UUOTS and f HOKS, clip ficaTn WM. MILLER'S. Puii' ury, August ii, 1859. Cloth, Fancy Cassimeres, A NI) HOYS' AVE Afi, very cheap, jas - received and for s!e at COOTKH'd VAUIETY STORE. June IS, 1359. L.MONDS, RAISONS. FIGS, LEMONS. e., Ac, just received a fresh sujiply and for sale at the Confectionary slpre of M. C, UEAKIIART. riuubury, May 16, 1857 lATBNT BKITTANIA bar bottUis for sale by H. STOPPERS for B MA88ER. LEGER IIAT?, LEGER CArS, COLLEGE Caps. Boy.' Caps. Oil Cl.th Cans, all the latest styles, at COOPER . , Fuubuiy, Oct. IA, IH; 9.