Ov7VALKKW ASD THE mESIDEMT, Officii Statement of the Affair-Another Letter From lit Gov. Walker. Washington, lynday, Apl 20 To the Editors of the Nutional Intelligencer : rrviiF.M".': Avery inaccurate stntcmeut of 'v' testimony before tho Covode lovesli cMin" Committee "f Congrces has been pub. JicJ in the New-York papers. .Much and li ng os e moy have i differed on political qiiastioni, I have faith tht 500 will he wiiliiiR to do wejtiMice by a trathfui pub licatioo of the fucts of tho case. 1 ond you a correct statement or my evi dence -before the Committee ; also a copy of L letter of 28th Jooe, 1857, to Mr. Bucban an and to which bis of July 12th was a reply. Accompanvingtbis is my statement to the Committee as regards this letter, to produce which 1 reserved my right. I submit the whole to an impartial public with this comment only : That the correspon dence proves that Mr. Buchanan and myself concurred id tire Spring of 1857 in the con struotion of the Kansas and Nebraska act, that it required the submission of the Consti tution to the Voto of tho people of Kansas. To that construction of that act, which Mr. Buchanan and myself were both sworn to support, I adhered ; and therefore considered the refusal of tbo Convention to submit the Constitution to the vote of tho people as a clear violation of the Kansas and Nebraska net and therefore, under its distinct provi sioM, null and void. I was sworn to sup port thnt law, and so was Mr. Buchanan. I did support it, and therefore opposed the withholding of the Constitution from the vote or the people. It is quite clear, as was the opinion of Mr. Buchanan and myself, that the Kansas and Nebraska act requirod the sub mission of tho Constitution to tho vote of the pople; and any action in Kansas repugnant to that act was, under its provisions null and void. So 1 regarded 6uch action, and there fore ft was my duty to oppose it. But there were other reasons. 1 ho pro gramme finally adopted did not, as pretended submit even the Slavery question to the vote of the people; nay, it deliberately, and will fully, and fraudulently withheld that quostion from their vot'o. Tbo only question suWnit ted was, "For the Constitution with Slavery" "For the Constitution without Slavery;" thus excluding by a deliberate fraud from this vote all, constituting an overwhelming mnjor ity, who were opposed to the Constitution. And this was the vory reason given to me by Calhoun, the President or the Convention, why this peculiar language was selected. It was a wretched device of fraud and villainy. I u.-nd you a copy, preserved in the hand w riting of my Secretory, of my letter of the 28th June, 1857, to which Mr. Buchanans was a reply. That letter, disclosing my in most thoughts, and never intended to meet the public eye, will show bow false has been tho statement that my action in Kansas was hostile to the South. It was all in their ruvor, to the extent of the just and honest exercise of my power in Kansas. I believed, and so announced then my anxious desire, to the execution of which my life has been devo- j led. to preserve the "equilibrium or the laoy- : eminent. I indorsed lully the Dred Scott 1 decision, and especially that portion of it (always maintained by me) that the truo period when the people can -abolish bravery id a Territory is when they perform tnelirst act of sovereignty in forming a State Consti tution. 1 maintained this doctrine in an. elaborate argument, published over my Bigua. Hire in Juue, 1850, from which 1 have never departed. , . I consider mysoir, gentlemen, as much withdrawn from politics as if 1 had coused to exist, and now only ask the privilege of vin dicating myself and the truth of history. Yours, truly, It. J. Walker. , THE FHESIDKST'S ORGAN O OV. WAL KI.IVS TESTIMONY. From the Constitution of Saturday. For the present, we pass without com ment the testimony ofilon.lt. J. Walker, which has been so conspicuously heralded to tho world. Instead of answers to any inter fi gntory, it seecis to bo a carefully-prepared uccounl of his stewardship us Uovetnor of Kansas. . ... , . lie says the President favored the snbrnis eion of 'the Constitution of Kansas to the people, and so he did. That is fully admitted. This has never been denied. But he snys further, that during the progress of the Lc. co'iipton Convention ho was advised by Mr. Calhoun, the President, that the plan Coolly adopted, which Mr. Walker, Considers a great departure from the doctrine of submi3 won, was suggested and upproced by the Pres ident. Tho statement of Mr. Calhoun be did not believe, lie ucquits the Frcsideot of all knowledge of the programme adopted, and then he uses this exact lauguage : t is aisodue to frankness to further say . .. l , r,.'K. ininreosGil with the conviction tout x ."..j ."-i r . ,V .. that tho President himself did not gel up this pri'gramnu, luougn i ao ueiteve u qottcn up by "' of the Administration, or ". l,i ,b in nnthfiritv." Uluuie utj," - At this time tho propriety or impropriety care to deal. Who got it up, or whotber it nnnnrHnnon with Mr. walker's or tbo wua ii , l'rosident's idan is not put lu issue. But when Mr. Walker says "it was gotten np by some of tho Administration," he must mean nil tbo world will understand him to mean, v- tnnmhnr fif the Cabinet. Here arises a grave question. If any member of the Cabinet has sought, or tae taken steps, to change the line of action of tbo President in an imporiaui maner oi oium puucj, without the advico knowledge, or consent of tf'.o President, he has been guilty of an act of infidelity and bad faith which should iuvoko lis severest cenBuro. Indeed such conduct would be diehonqrablo, am, justly . i.,,f.,;inr nf his confidence. Iiltur u ....- - . ... In this view we think we have the right to demand of Mr, raiser vue naming oi me individual implicated. In tha absence of a i .1,1,11 mnintnin ha ia wbollv mint a. reniy, vo ou ? -- ken, or is wholly unablo to Bubstantiate the grounds of hia Deiiei. ir . .,,,,-nv A nril 23. Attornev General Black intends prosecuting Mr. Schoabel on the charge 01 perjury, gruwiug uui w mo v,..r- il.o Cnvnda Committee. Ilia most intimate friends Bay that be distinctly admitted the existence of the president's letter os recently published, but denied the ..' t r,a r,t t ha character the witness described in the course of conversation, and wbrh Mr. Walker never even pretended to have in hie possession. It ia further stated that Mr. Black, acting by the advice of his friends, has made no reply to Mr. W. ker ; . ' ..lHi-eaaai to Mr. Walkers ft ie'nd. senator Brown, and on Saturday de livered by Secretary Tbompsop, be denied theexisteDCo oi ouy rrw raniinQt him tO (TO OUt 01 1116 District to receive a hostile message even if te were not conscientiously opposed to that mode of adjusting aimcumes. w . l . A Death op Akothkb wtkbarv telcpraphio despatch announces the death, at Tarfytown. of the Hon. James K. Paolding. Mr Paulding was Secretary or the Navy in Mr. Polk's cabinet; but be is better known to the public for bis literary productions, beiug a novelist of no mean pretentions. He was early connected with wasningiou ir.uB Ja the Salmagundi, and some of the most atirical of those papers are ' Mr. Paulding's pen. He wrote the I utcu mau's Fireside," and "Vestward Ho." two rCls that were very popular in .....i hMa. retributed to most uf the lsd- '.l,l.rali(ma Of tho COUUtrV. g q q R t? SPRING GOODS, E. V. BRIGHT & SON, INVITE the public to call and cxamino their Block of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC CDEi'ff' (2QDCE:LES33 combining beauty and durability. N0TI0N8 AND HOSIERY a very large variety. BOOTS A1TD SHOES, all qualities and prices. GROCERIES, fresh and pure. HARDWARE, of every description. HATS AND CAPS, of the latest styles. QL'EENSWARE AND GLASSWARE, newest anil best designs. WILLOW AND WOODWARE, a first rate assortment, Ac, Ac., He. Oar stock of tho above is very largo. Purchasers will find it their interest to call and examine our assortment before pujehasing elsewhere. piST COUNTRY PRODUCE Wanted in exchange, at the highest prices. E. Y. BRIGHT & SON. Sunbury, April SI, I860. COOPER & CONAIU), 5. E. Corner Ninth and Market Strectt. PHILADELPHIA. I N VITE attention to the largest stock they have ever olicrcu, comprising in part, LADIES CLOTH Cf.OAK'8 Of plain, striped and mixed Oloi lis, of the newest shapes and material, got up in the most ELEGANT AND ARTISTIC manner, and to sell at very reasonable rates, LACE rOINTES AND MANTLES, Black Silk Mantles, Grey Dress Good?, Chenc Mixtures, Larcge Anglais, Pojilincttes, French Bareges, Barege Robes, Plaid Goodfe, Bayadere Goods, Black Dress Goods, Embroderies. Also, MENS' AND BOYS' WEAR. First rate Black Cloths, for $2 25, $2 50 and $3 Light Clem kings at $! 25, !$I 50 and S3. Stock of Cloths is very large, select and chcan. CASSIMERES. Fancy, neat, plain, mixed and Hack, (iooils especially for Boys' wear. Fine Black Casximcres. $ to $3 25. t cstings ol Silk, alenria and Marseilles. COUPEU If CONAItD, Ninth and Market Streets, Philadelphia, ylpril 21, 1810. School Letllng. rTHE Public Schools of the Borough of Nor--- thunibcrland, will he let for the Summer Sesfion, on Saturday, May 12tb, 18U0. An ex amination of Teachers will then be held at the Centra School House. All applicants for schools are hereby notified to be present so as to be ex amined before the Board of Directors. Examination to commence at 2 o'clock P. M. By order of the Board, JOSEPH P. TLSTIN, Scc'y. Narthnmberland, April 21, 18G0 3t NOTICE. THE Stockholders of the Shsmokin Steam Ferry and Towboat Company, are nolilirJ that an clectit.il for fivo directors for the ensuing year, will lie held at the office of the Comnanv in the borough of Sunbury, on Monday the 7th oi may next, rolls open irom a to ."o clock, P.M HENKY LONNEL, Sec'y. Sunhery. 21st, April IU60. CENTRAL HOTEL, SUNBURY, Northumberland County, Pa. mi ia large arid commodious Hotel, now managed by J. II. E C K B E K T . It is situate at the Railroad Depot North East comer of Market Square, Sunbury, and at the terminus of the Sunbury If Erie and North ern Centrul Railroads, and is open for the accom modation of Travelers and the public in general The priprictor will give his exclusive atten tion, toite comfort ami convenience of his guests and is determined to make this establishment rank among the first in the State. Htt table Will lie supplied with the best lh market can produce haviinr the ailv.nin,. nf uuuy comiuuiiiiiuuon ly cars direct from Balti more, and also Irom those bringing produce from the surrounding country. His bar will be supplied with the the market can produce Ca-eful and obliging servants always in at tendance. A share ol the local and traveling commnniu is most respectfully solicited. cunbury, January 12, 1800. The World's Great Exhibition Prize Medal AWARDED to C. MEYER. FOR 111S TWO HANOS, LONDON, OCTOUKR C METER, respectfully informs his friends and the public generally that he has con stantly on. hand Pus os, equal to those for which ue received the f rue Medal in London in 1 Hal. A I orders promptly attended to, and great care taken in the selection snd packing the same. He has received during the last fifteen yean more Medals than any other maker from the Franklin Institute also, first Premiums in -Boston, New York arid Baltimore. W arerooms No. 722 Arch Street, below 8lh, sou 111 side, fbiladelphia. April 14, .SCO Uaiw BTBAY COW, CJTRAYED from the premises f the aubscri- ber at Locust Dale, Butler township, Schuyl kill county. Wuiti in Baown Cow, wilh wide-spread horns, and had on a brass bell at tached to tne neck uy a leatnern straps. Dam animal is supposed to nave gone into the reigli borhoodof Sunbury. Any person notifying me of lh whereabout of aaid cow, will be suitably rewarded. JOSEPH fcEFLKK. April 21, 1800 St NOTICE. nTTCF. ia hereby civen that we bave ibis dav narcbased at bhenlTi Bala n lha nrnnmtv fif John Khisslof, 006 tWO D0rS6 wjigoD, three setts of harness, three mules and obe canal boat called "Two Brother's of Son bary." All ef which we have loaned to the laid John Shisslef during; our pleasure. ' Ifil iNii ,v r,U I funburv A . CENTRAL HOTEL Sale and Livery Stable. THE iulmcrilicr reupcctfully announces to tha public thnt he is prepared to accommodate them with Saddle-Homes, Horses and Uuggies, Sulkies, Carringcs, Rorkawnya and Hacks, at the shortest notice. His stock of Horses are admired lor speed and gentleness. The vehicles are neat and in Rood order. Careful drivers will always he In readiness to carry passengers to any point desired. !"" Ointiiliusses for parties and pic-nics can be had at all times with or without driver. The patronage of the public is rcepeclfully so licited. J. H. ECKUEHT, Manager. Sunbury, April 31, 18U0 In the Court of Common Pleas of Northumberland County. IN the matter of the petition of William L. Dcwart, praying the Court to award and de cree, to him, the balanre of the fund raised from the tale of part of his real estate remaining in Court, after payment and satisfaction of tha judgments to which it waa awarded by the audi tor as per report confirmed on the 2nd day of January, ISliO; notice is hereby given to all parties interested to appear in Court, upon the first Monday of May next, at ten o'clock, A.M., to shew cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted. D. BECKLEY, Proth"y. Prolhonotary's Office, ) Sunbury, April 21, 18G0. i 3t TAV ERNS TAN D FOn SALE. THE subscriber ofl'ers at private sale, on rea sonable terms, the well known TAVERN STAND, in Sunbury, Northumberland county, Pa., kept as such by Michael Wilvcrt. Tho house is located on Fawn street, near the Sha- Lmokin Valley and Pottsville Rail Road Depot, and is doing an excellent business. 1 he build ing is a LA HUE FRAME HOUSE, being near ly new. There is also on the premises a largo Stable and Shed, lately erected, with an lie. House and other conveniences. The property is in good repair, with a good garden and choice fruit on the lot. He also oilers for salo a valuable Lot in the upper end of the town. For further particulars apply to E MANUEL WILVERT, March 31, IHtiO. Sunbury, 1'a. fllHH subscriber has on hand and for sale, at the Central Hotel Stables in Sunbury, a number of Draft, Boat and Family HORSES. Persons in want of good horses, for any of tha above purposes will do well to call and examine his stock beforo purchasing elsewhere. JAMES VANDYKE. Sunbury, March 31, 18(10. A NEW STOCK OF 7" HMHE subscriber has just received by Railroad -- a new Stock of Ready Mady Clothing, con sisting of SPEINO AND SUMMER GOODS such as COATS, VESTS, TANTS, GAITERS, SHOES, &c. a large variety of ready made Shirts, in price from 50 cts. to $2,U0. Also, a large assortment of Mens' and Boys' HATS Sc GAPS, of all kinds. Persons who are in want of Clothing should call at once as thzy will save money. Store Room on the corner of Marke and Fawn streets, nearly opposite Weaver's Hotel. SCHWEITZER. HEILBKONNER & CO. Sunbury, April 7, 18(10. lyjnnc To the School Directors of Northumber' land County. Gestlkmkn : In pursuance of the 43d sec tion of the Act of 8th May, 1854, you are hereby notified to meet in Convention, at the CoOrt House in Sunbury, on the first Monday in May, 1860, licing the seventh day of the mouth, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, and select viva voce, by a majority of the whole number or directors pre sent, one person of literary and scientific acquire ments" and skill and experience in the art of teaching, aa County Superintendent for the tRVee succeeding years ; determine the amount of compensations for the same; and certify the result to the Slate Supericntemleiit at Harris burg, as required by the 39th and 40th sections of said act. JOHN' J. REIMEN'SNYDER, Co. Si.pt. of Northumberland County. April 7th, Intnl. 5t Orphan' Court Sule, IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' - Court of Northumberland county, will bo exposed to l'ublio Sule, on the premises, on Saturday, tho 5th day of May next, the following described real estate, to wit : Purpart No. 2 of the lands late of John Tscbupp, deceased, situate in Mifflin town ship, Dauphin county, bounded by Mahonton po creek, lands of Ueorgo Khrlmrt, Benjamin Itigel, and other lands ol the said John Tschupp, dee'd., containing eighty acres and one hundred and forty-nino perches, forty acres of which are cleared and the balance well timbered. Whereon are erected a log bouso, log stables and outbuildings, on excel lent young orchard, a well of water at the door. Also, purpart Xo. 3 of said lands, situate in Milllin township, Dauphin county, boundod by Mahontongo creek, lands of Daniel l'rontz, David Kiebacb, and tract No. 2, above described, containing eleven acres and 139 perches, three acres of which are cleared, aud the balance well timbered, late the estuto of John Tschupp, deceased. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, when the teims and conditions of 6ale will be made known by ISAAC II. KKbSLL-K, Trustee. By order of the Court B. MASSER.CIk., O. C, Sunbury, April 7, 18G0. FOR SALE. VACANT LOTS IN SUNBURY. OFFERS at private sale of FOUR VACANT LOTS OF GROUND, Nos. 14, 63, 125 and 127, as marked in the general plan of the town of Sunbury, belonging to the estate of John Lukens, deceased, will be received by S. L. KEEAK, The Administratrix, with the will annexed of said estate, 10th and Chestnut streets, Philadelphia, and by her agent, HENRY DONNEL, March 31, I860. 4t bunbury, ra. TWO LOTS situate in Market street, in the town of Trevorton, Nos. 12 and 13, in block No. 90. Apply to WM. OAUGLtR, Belina grove, or H. II. MASSE R, Sunbury. QPALDINU'8 Prepared Ulue, and PliclleysNuciluge O l"K-a per bottle and ttrih cents. gordiul fclnir ut Cuhiaya Usrs teiizuis,ior removing gisiise. Bunbury, March 17, 1W0. FOUND- IN this place, on Saturday night, the 81st ult. about ISO feet of 1 inch rope. The owner can have the same by applying at this office, on the payment of charges, 4c, April 14.1RG0 at Letteri Testamentary. Estate of Sarah Jane Moore, lata of Lower Augusta township, Northumborlaiyl coualy, deceased. (V'OTICE is hereby given that letters testa i mentary have this day been granted to the subscriber, on the estate of Sarah Jane Moore, late of L'ppar Augusta township, deceased. All persona indebted to aaid estate are requested to make immediate payment, and tnosa paving claims will present tnem, properly authenticated to the undersigned. JACOB RENN, Executor, Lower Augusta tusvnsbip, Ani' lp.-Pt Treasurer'! Sale of Real Estate. Agreeably to the provisions of the Act of Assembly, entitled "an Act to reduco tho State dobt, Ac, passed tbo 23th day of April, 1844, for non-payment of taxes, and its sup. plotncnt thereto, the Treasurer of Northum berland county hereby gives notice to all persons concerned therein, that unless the County, State, Koad and School Taxes, .to., dun on tho following real estate in tbo county of Northumberland, ere not paid before the day of sole, the whole, or such parts of each as will pay tho charges and costs chargeablo thereon, will be sold at the Court llonso, in the borough of Sunbury, county of Northum berland, on Monday, the 11th day of Jane next; nod the sale will be continued by ad journment from day to day, for arrearages of taxes due the said county, end tho cost accruing on each respectively : Amount or Tax. Coal 7'ocnnhip. 1 Lot, No. 4, block 53, S. M. Kase, 1 year, 31 " Wm. Kichlinc. 2 years. 0 13 8 22 80 80 G3 24 80 32 CI 3 33 Gl 8 " Francis Kenaon, 1 year, 8 " Christian Kefler, 1 " 2 " No. 1 aud 8, block 198, Jaincs Luckes, 2 yoars, 2 " No. 10 & 11, block 190, Goo. Leisenring, 1 year, 8 " Harry McUran, 1 year, 2 " Xo. 423 424, block 7, Stoce & Company, 1 year, 1 " No. 2, block 89, Leah Fisher, 1 year, Xcrbt Township. S " No. 1, 2 3, block 78, Wm. J. Phillips, I year, 1 " No. 13. block 13, 118, Jonas Horgfltreseer, 1 year, I " No. 11, block 23, George Weaver, 1 yeur, 122" 0. P. Ilclfenstein.lyoar, 5 ten acre lots, " " 1 " 3 one acre lots, " , " 1 " 1 Lot, No. G, block 134, John Camp boll, 1 year, 1 " No. 1, 2, block 118, Abraham Zurtman, 1 year, 2 " No. 12, 13, block H2, Daniel Slopick, 1 year, 1 " No. 3, block 121, Win. Slao ton, 2 years, 3 " No. 0, 7, 8, block 92, Phislor Davis, 1 year, 1 " No. C, block 80, Levi John, 1 yeor, 1 " No. 6, block 125, Jouai Rei ser, 1 year, 1 " No. 7, block 119, IVior ilaitghawout, I year, 2 " John Zimmerman, 1 year, 1 " No, 0, block 88, laono Taylor, 2 year", 1 " No. 10, block 13C, Thonins fouldR, Sr., 1 year, 1 " No. 8, block 78, Joseph Kel ly, 1 year, 1 " No. 9, block 40, Charles Ileg. pena, 2 years, 1 " Thomas Highlander, 2 years, 1 " No. 5 or 6, block 130, II am nion Gutlep, 1 year, 2 " No. 1 oud 2, block r5, David Doubacb, 2 years, 1 " No. 3, block 93, Simon Cam 1 20 1 97 80 14 C5 40 93 59 1 14 40 80 21 29 41 33 45 1 12 90 1 GO eron, 2 years, 1 " No. C, block SO, M artin OueaL 1 year, 1 " No. 3, block 51, Saruh Oa- laspy, 1 year, 1 1 " No. 9, block 89, John Dates, I year, 1 " No. 7, block 131, Thomas Hrison, I year, Mount Carmel Township. 2 " No. 25, 2G, block 51, William Persing, 1 year, 1 1 " No. 14, block 01, J. E. Mi. nich, 2 years, 1 " No. 3, block 23, ltoberl Mur- fy, 3 years, 1 1 " No. 14, block 41, Thomas J. Morgun, 2 years, 1 " No. 5, block 22, James Ken- nady, 1 year, 2 " No. 1 At 2, block 43, Jonas Thomas, 1 year, 1 " No. 1, bluck 07, Thomas Jen kins, I year, 159 " Wm L.Dewart, 3 years. 137 1 " JNO. 2,), block TJ, rutnek Carter, 3 years, 1 5f C7 " Alexander Jordan, 1 year, 20 10 1 " No. 9, block 52, Thouns Karl, 2 years, 51 2 " No. 12 Jfc 13, block 23, David Davis, 1 year, 7 CO Lower Mahanoy. 2 " Peter Herald, 1 year, 2 73 Coal Township. 3G aeres, M artin Weaver, port of McCurty 4 Weavers tract, 1 yeor, 1 15 380 " Jas. Mathews 1 12 1G 72 ' McCatty& U'eavor, 2 " C 00 Zerbe Township. 300 " Mathios Reed, 2 " 1183 1C4 " Carbon llun Imp. Co.2 " 28 00 112 " George lieebe, 3 " 157 29 Mount Carmel: 48" Jaoeor Jos. Stephens, 2 " 13 G3 130" Mt. Carmel Comp. 2 " 47 15 178" Kiniber Cleaver, 2 " 6 21 Lower Augusta. 1 " Martin Ilanolds, 3 " 2 96 CO " Henry Reiser, 3 " 8 47 100 " Susan Dcstian, 4 " 40 37 1 Ja 2p. John llt'tin, 3 " 4 b2 18 " "Michael Greasingor, 3 " . 3 92 Jiush Township. 20 " William Lolller, 2 " 2 37 Point Township, 35 " William Cook, 1 " 3 40 CO " William House), 1 43 L.ower Mahanoy. 12 " John Horold, 1 " C 33 CO " George Herold, 2 " 2 2G 2 " Harrison Herold or rbilip, 2 " 51 JACOB E. ROHllHACfl, Sunbury, April 14, 1890. TreasureY. ,4 LIST of the Unseated lands ad vortised for salo by Jacob F. Uohrbacb, Treasurer of Northumberland county, agreeably to an Actor the General Assembly or the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, paseod tbo 13th day of March, 1845, and the supplement thereto, entitled en Act directing tae mode of selling Unseated Lands for taxes and other purposes, will be exposed to public sale, at the Court House, in the Borough of Sunbury, on the 1 lib day of June, 18G0. at 10 o'clock, a. m., the following described Tracts of Land for arrearages of taxes due end the costs accruing on each tract respectively, to wit : ir not sold on the day above mentioned, to be adjourned from day to day. Acres. Warrantee's NarBes. Am't Due. Antia Uenry 1 Adams 1 nomas 1674 Jeukina James Antia Frederick Adame Robert Foster Tbomae John Jenkios V. Antia 11. Adaute 1704 lticbard Salman Hicbard Maouiog Edmund lloff James Crier Thomai Grier Coal S7SS 58 Mt.(sr1 477 09 Robert Champlain Tbos. Cbamplain 9C7 Win. Morrinoo James Stepbcntuo James Cowart - Isaac Neff Ut. Carmel, 379 07 159 147 GO 210 40 344 50 318j 425 100 100 80 1GGI 45 258 15 164 1 403 309 197 390 200 507 14 8 G GO 302 P.uily John N. Zerbe $3100 l!oyd John Coal 120 25 Jtrosious Peter " 22 98 lfillington Tuoiuas Mt. Curmel 23 57 Hulius llogli " 1G 20 Lower Christian " 10 20 Hoylo I.uku Cameron 1 85 Uattoo Samuel " 0 47 HutlertoD Uonj. SbatnokiD 9 55 Durtram Alex. Point 80 Darren John, jr. " 1 28 Doyd John " C4 Urady John Coal 117 37 Brady John " 131 15 Urady W. P. " CO 82 Hrady Walter Low. Augusta 20 Detli-rton Henj. CliiliaUniiio 1 30 Dig Mounl'n. Imp. Co. Coal 132 78 J. ilogliu roal J. Hoglin ' Wm. Adams & others, Coal Uohanan James Mt. Caruiul Ilrook John " Cleaver Kimber " Cleiver Kimber " Cleaver Kimbor " Cleaver Kimbor Coat Cowden John Zerbo (!arson Jobu Coal m 00 2 33 128 31 5G 00 2G 97 4 09 2 59 2 03 12 98 178 91 83 01 2U 10 190 i 227 85 Cook Wiliinm Cameron 917 399 204 250 50 80 1.10 100 153 181 197 220" 190 148 308 52 115 HHJ 300 90 280 170 2 CO IG. 327 20-j 21) 1K1 M 2.S 173 2.VJ 120 27 1 2.-.3J 50 100 1 Of I 300 1(10 10'.) I 300 12 J 200 J 300 250 100 40 100 420 219 57 218 193 22 1 i 00 80 203 203 94 300 351 100! CO 2 88 1 20 200 187 315 327 2201 215 107 103 08 J 300 80 200 I2L 156 29 140 100 50 Carbon ltun Imp. Co., Coal Durr John Csnierou DidJoLii " Durr Mary " Darr Peter " Durr Luke " Did John Up. Mahanoy linrr Mary " Durr Puter " Darr Ltike " Duwiirt William Lit. Mali no oy Dowart John " 311 13 32 9 8 2 5 4 G Duwart Wm. Duwart John Low. Aogusta 3 14 " 2 30 Llliott William Mt. Cormol Klliolt Wiliain Kploy Andrew Point Kvens Smith M t. Carmel Kstricb&co., owuers, " Pegi-ly llouben " I'Vgc.ly -Win.i: Solomon, Coal l'l Luko Cameron Win. PntChard Mt. Cormol Win. Slieed, (part) " Andrew .Sbulier " William Iloyd Wm. or C. 'lioyd " Merrick .Starr, (part) " Valentino llrobsl " Gordon Josoph " (rant Thomas " (.'runt Thomas Zr-rbe Grant Tliomav Cainerou (iray Hubert Coul Groen William " (J rant Tliomus " (irant Tliotmis " (Jardner Archibald " Gunlner Archibuld " (.aril nor Arehibuld " Gardner Win. P. Jackson Gardner Archibald, Point Gardner Wm. P. " 41 23 12 3i 92 4 00 100 80 42 78 3 29 13 01 37 09 45 70 i 29 17 5 CO 42 53 It OS 7 84 29 12 103 06 4 99 87 G7 130 90 4 70 22 46 3 72 9 CO 1 20 90 2 40 1 02 Gurdnor Archibald, I. it. Mahanoy 1 CO Gardner Wm P " 2 40 Harrison Wm Camerou 8 63 Harrison Wm, Up. Mahanoy 4 35 House! John 1 74 Hunter Alexander Shamokin. 2 25 HucterJumes Lit. M Jjunoy 3 42 Hall Charles " 1 72 Holfa Alexander " Hall Charles Low. Augusta 3 4G I 50 liuuley liemard .vroo Hcimulri'ch Henry " Huimelrich Henry Coal Heller Jacob, Zcrbo llileoiuu Isauc C. Cameron Jackson Jeremiah Mt Carmel Jackson Jeremiah " 03 CO I 3 :'.o 1 79 34 20 G 60 C5 05 50 05 5 f 1 14 Jordan James Low. Aurusla Irwin Robert Up. M;hunoy Point Coal Zorbo I rwia Robert Kroll Michael Kroll Michael Kidd Johu 2 64 45 09 30 10 2 30 16 Lit. Muhienoy lviotzing Abra'm 1 oint King hzukiul King Kzokiel Lukios Abigail Lukius Smith Lake Richard Lake Richard Lake Richard Lewis James Lako Richard CO 50 19 59 27 53 8 10 44 40 C4 C't 9G Cbilisquarpie Coal ,uckson Lit. Mahanoy t Point Luke Richard Lyon .objn L"ko Richard Lake Richard Cbilieqiiaqaa Morgan Samuol MtCurmul 17 53 Maury Peter Zerbo Martiu J (J " Miller John " Mover Gcorgo " Meadling Jobu Cameron Meodlius Jo'iia Up. Mhanoy Martin I'etor Point, Martzner John D ' Martin Peter " 93 40 17 94 5 4 50 200 96 10 50 211 110 108 89 20GJ 309 127 231 2111 209 233 100 239 188? 3;C! 2351 403 171 138 107 88 3oo 171 Marnhull Wm, owner, Comeron 23 70 Marshall Wm H, owner, Coal 1 rS Miller Christian, Up. Augusta 1 fcr) 1 70 43 05 47 C3 4G 43 81 30 S3 B0 1 fc3 3 39 1 C 3 90 3 37 92 .'voudenaut James i oiut 1'rince (Jeoreo Coal lees Sarah Hoes Surah Itoos Daniel llees Thomas, jr, ltustua Thomas Ituetan Mary Mt Carmel Coal Mt Carmel iteyooitis Joha " ltaston Charlotte " llees Daniel, " Hues Tborflus .ucksnn Kccs Thoma? Lit. Mahanoy fiasseman I'uter Ml Carmel Shannon Wm " fSiuith Mary " Stctman William " Scott Abrubuui " 1 64 36 3 5 4 Hmilh Luke tfniiib Abigail Smith Kvans Smith John Cameron 15 31 3 75 3 2$ 9 15 3 65 1 18 21 43 45 90 Up. Mabaooy Scott Abraham Smith Daniel MiauioKin Lit. Mahanoy Cameron Mt Carmel 117 173 32 Scott Samuel 34H Tunes ltichart 2031 170 1971 227 303 397 203 I itswortb John Titsworth John Coal 37 99 34 00 60 82 Taggart liobert " Tysou Joseph " 'i'tlsworth John Shamokin Taggart liobert " Trickel Chas. U, Jackon 200 48 3011 2lfci 318 40 Si' 75 306 1 nckel CO as (J, Thompson Whites John Wilson William Lit. Mahanoy 1 G2 Mt Carmel 20 18 Coal 114 39 41 31 31 40 1 41 24 C5 21 35 Walker Lewis " Weikol Jacob " Yortbimer Ilenry " Zeigler laao Zerbe Zeigler Isaao Coal Zimmerman Math. " 28 20 t7 49 JACOH V. ltOlIllBAClI. Treas. Treasurer's Oflke, ) Sunbary, April 14tb, 18G0. j Dissolution of Co-Partnership. 'THE partnership heretofore existing between - Lavina Douty and William II. Douty, unJer the name of L. Douty V Won, is this day by mutual consent, dissolved. William H. Douty having bought all ol Lavina Douty's interest in tne concern, the business 'if mining will lie car nvd on hereafter in tha name of Win. H. Douty A Co., Wm. II, Douty having associated with him lohn li. Douty, as partner, as per agreumenl mauu mis, tne jisi uuy ol tuarcn, ana recorded, l.W l.A DIM TY, WILLIAM DOUTV. Noliee is hereby given to all persons having business transactions with L. Douty it Hon, that all accounts of the late firm of L. Douty & Hon, are te ue willed hy WM. 11. DOUTY. Jiamokin, April 7, tfcCO 3t, Report of the Auditors of Northum berland County for 1860. f ..! Ji Simpson, Esq., Treasurer, in account tilth the County (if Northumberland, from the first day of January, 1859, to the last day nf Diccmbcr nf tha same year,iiiclu. sire. To amount in hands of Treisurcr, as per last Auditor's Report, $U,2I8 Seij To amount of outstanding county tax for 1S68 and previous years, 9,H07 2 1 J To amount of tax assessed for 18.)9, 9,108 - J ' received on seated land book, 4 HI To cash refunded by collectors which had besn exonerated and slier wards paid, 19 S8 To amount received for rent of pub lic buildings, 30 45 To cost refunded in case of Common wealth vs A. Strousc, 26 00 To Commonwealth costs, H. Flickingcr 01 15 To costs from Jno Hempgeld and others C3 'M To amount of Jury funds and Court funds 58 00 To amount received fur lumber, sta tionery, Stc, 4 91 To redemption moncv, paid by A. Jordan, for Win. McCullec on lot bought by Commissioners, S S3 .f a 1 , un 05 CR. Ry amevnt of outstanding taxes for 1859 and previous ears 8,018 1C J Uy amount exonerations allowed ellecWrs, 437 Gl Commixsions, i'it 03 " Enurs in duplicates, 03 S3 " Puid oil county orders, 15,001 85J " I'reasurer's couiiuUiiuii on $12,001 H.r)4', 300 0i; " Depreciated money, 1 1 00 " Ualunce in hands of Treasurer 25 1C $21,911 05 Jesse M. Simpson, '. , Treasurer of Nor thuinberland county, in account v:ith the same respecting State Tax on Heal and Personal DR. To amouDt in hand a of Treasurer, as pur report of Auditors, Jan. 1859, for the year 1858, 82305 1 To atnoutiu of outstanding Stale Tax, as per report of Auditors, Jan. 1859, for the year 1853, 5875 16 To amount of State Tux assossod for 1859, 13,701 08 To amount assessed on unseated lands in unseated land book 785 C5 To amount overpaid by County Treasurer, " 1 15 CR. S20.CG8 22 lly amount of outstanding tax for 1H59 and previous years $4891 45 15 y amount of exonerations for 1859 and previous years 387 9G Hy amount of Comtuiafiious ullow cd collectors, 492 93 By error in Duplicate, 4 50 Hy cash paid tiiate Treasurer, os per receipt of Feb 9th. 1859, 991 18 Hy cash puid State Treasurer, as per receipt of July 29th, 1859, 12,219 71 Dv abatement allowed by State Treasurer, C13 14 Ry Amount outstanding 00 unseat ed land book for lt:.VJ, 785 C5 Hy Treasurer's Commission on SU210 80, 132 11 l!y cash paid State Treasurer, as per receipt, Jan. 25th, 18C0, 115 44 Hy Treasurers Commission on 115 44. 1 J 5 S20.CC3 22 Jesse .V. Simpson, 7iV , Treasurer, in account with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania respecting Licenses for llestaurants, Liquor Stores and Taverns, for 1859. un. To amount received for License fur Itestuunuits, S320 00 III Hy rrniiminsion of S per cent on SIM. 81 00 Hy Mats Treasurer's receipt, dated July 25, '.', r.m 50 liy luts Trcnsjtcr's receipt, dated Jan. 2,, 'Go, lul 50 DR. To Amount ree'd . for License lor Taverns, 1,212 50 Cll. Dv conimisHti-ti of 5 percent, on 8100J, and t per cent tn Sf'22l 50, 13 Xt lly btute Treasurer's receipt, da;eJ July 2'Jih, 'if, 1 1;2 M OUTSTANDING TAXF FOU Years. 1851, 1853, 1851, 1S55, li 185G, it Cou.eciors Xamss. Jacob Ringeman, Wm. 11. lrwio, Joseph Ecbcrt, James Lynn, A. J. Conrad, Peter ruracl, Jacob Bloom, Anthony Galaspey. tSeorgo A Keeler, Samuel Stahlnecker, Joarspb llogeudocblur, J. 11. Wasser, Jacob Miller, William Hoover, (icorge Zimmerman, F.lius Kisetihart, J. F. Ditcher. John Kersteller, James Oakcs, David Hofn, F.lias Eiscnhurt, VTilliam Fardo, John Kerstelter, James Oakee, Daniel Wolf, Edward Damn, Jacob llunsicliur, Jacob U. Clark, (ieorge Harris, Fhilip Keratetter, John V. Goodlaodcr, David lleiser, 11. It. Culp, Joseph Johnson, fj. V. Merlz, Abraham Eckman, Denjan-.io Uohncr, rfohn i. Y'oung, John Lorphar, Joseph Hitter, John Fnrnswortb, Abraham (joist, John Karaford, Towxsiurst. Lower Muhuooy, Delaware, Milton, Sbamokiu, Zerbo. Sunbury, Northumberland, Zerbe, Mt. Carmel, Lewis, Milton, Mt. Carmel, l'oint, Sunbury, Upper Augusta, Coul, Chilisquaquc, Cameron, Delaware, Lower Mahanoy, Coal, . Chilisquaq'ie, Camerou, Delaware, Jjckson, Jordao, Lewis, Lower Anffusta, Lower Mahanoy, Little Mahanoy, Milton, Mt. Carmel, McEwcnsville, Northumberland, Foiut, Hush, Shamokin, Sunbury, Turbutville, Turbut, Upper Augusta, Upper MaUauoy, Zerbo, 1658, 1859, Th.iso marked witk a star () have since paid. Sta mi'iif of 1 1 na nee s of Iorlliumbcrlamt County, January 1st, I860. ' un. To mtnul of outstanding CoimuiMioiiers1 orders I r ISiV, Olid previous years, JSl.v 25 To kueieuey iiisutociit assessed for State pur. J uses for 150, lo meet llieuitlouut tixed by mo icveuua Cotiniiisaiottvri lor Noiiuuiulicrumd couiitv lor l-3'i, 4,S bsvl lies of the couiily, tf,r..13 .V.l Ity balanie in hands of Jesse M. intpsoi si , eouniy Treasurer, f-ts IJy Hiiwuiilol outstanding County Titles fo t5J9, and ptevious years. etIS it J Dy amount due ftoin rraseia Uttrlicr of whieli t-HKi hus been p.nd lo Jueb 'AoliiUirii, lbs pre sent Ireusuier, inO 00 We the iiudersisneA Auiblors of Northumberland couu tv, rotate ol t'eiutsv'.vaiiia, Uo eerlilV Out in pursuance ol the 4thseclioti iy, Hil Aet, regalalmg: comitaa anil tuwn ships, Jiae4the I5ls day i f Apitt, IMI, we 'he Collltlllkl-.l,elk, Odicu, in Itie hoiouclinl ruuliury, on the 16lhitavni Junnarv. ImkJ. and sdinumcl lliiio lime to twc,aiHl did audit aad set lie ise aevetal accounts rcpnieO ' Mr. I. XlLEMAX. Teacher of the Sb..n..li H.Bh School, will be presented to lb. Convention oflico of County Buperuiteudtul of Norlhuiuber land county. Shamokin. Marth3l, IS60.--M FVKUarrcUPoKlanJ Kerosera Oil, the be t a market, at FKIUXU 4 UK A.N TX 8U.rhry, January tM, I860 H)- State Treasurers iccci)-t, i'.eil Jan 23, tfon, 7 43 Nil. w . .. . . . . ni 1 rsrcireo 101 Lutok f ir Liiw-i Sir... . fx. Lit Hy cofr.mirainr. ol S per cn.i. on f :.-,, , - Hy fcula iri-iMur, mciyt, ituiwl July 20, 'aa, sis 7i 6j OO Jesse M, Simpson, Vsq., Tteantrer, in account with the Oomnionictulth of J'tnnsyhania, respecting Uctailers, Millers, Brcttcrh,, intiiaru Jiooms, Patent Medicines, Coal, Lumber l'udfi, Jr. UK. T.i Mi'Nunti'e APrraiwt' R,,rt. JI,Ti0U( Hqi.nl, fur ii, CO Ut. H.T.W VII Itv rMirr:iliii, tIM UO lly cuniimeiMfm n.it 5 jicr etnt. ell tlftw, end t ,M.-. Villi I'll .-. liy U. II. Friers ren-ipt fur pul.lhin? M. rnui- pi:r ct-nt on It bO SI .it) Uf C. O. Uhi Imian'n u-rript lr piilihliiiii M, r. ciintile Appnipt' Inl, HI', 11:11111 , i.ir 'S'.i, Ity J. i. At A A. Vimniiniiiir rrri-liit Inr nul.lmh. MK .-t-rn-,i,,ic n,illllinfl R nil, -Jin ntiini'N I11T VII, 21 U lly Multt Tiinauier'i receipt, ilutiil I tli. n, Ip.vi, mi lly ftiite'Triimiiret's locript,iliiUil .Inn 2S, IMili, ,4s by Slut I'mumicr'a Keutipt, dated Juu ST, 1-60, 0 in 1)1!. 1 1,7.10 6:1 t'J U.I To 12 copies I'umplil t liiiwii, Clt Hy eoiiiniiuion of 5 per ci'iit. By Slutc Tieusuil's rtvi.-ijit dalod Jul; 49, lhOH Hi (1,1 Jesse M. Simpson, Fs'p, Treasurer, in account mth the Commonwealth of I eimiyteama, re specting Militia Fines, 1859. Jjlt. To amnunt due Comiuonwea.'th, ns ryr Auili- tnr's U.po.i fur l-Ai HJ) 1 1 ronuitiuiii , if s-iiil lines oiiliiianuVnR fr l-."7 stul previiiui years, super Auditors' rt;iortuf Its.'iS 41V3 4t) lly Stala Treasurers receipt, dalej Ketuunry till., lja. S3HI 51 Ity uiiKiuut (lUtslHiiiling l)ec. 3lflt, 165'.', 117 U Uy exoneraliniis nllnwed eiilU.-etins 4 00 lly cmiiTiusmnn nll.iwed eolleetnis, 55 '21 lly ei'nliniisiim ulliiweilTreuBurer, 1 !S lly Wale Tieuurcr receipt, dntrd July 2, IV9, (II 57 lly Statu 'Vreasuier'i receipt dated Jan. 'ij, IbUO, 1U3 'J 7 SMII 119 Kxoendilurci and Receipts nf Northumber' fand County, frvnx the 1st day of Jan., 1859, to Dec. 21st ofsameycar,both days included. Mi. To 120 Orders issued !y Ciiuiiiiiwiou.ri fur re viewing and surveying runU and limltiei. SIM HO T .10 orders Inr l-nx Sealpf, S OS I'u 61 unlera for Unili:- tiuikliTiE snd repaim, S,5!-o u To t ) urders fur Cormier's Inquents 114 VO To 4 orders for Stationery it 41 I'u 3'J urderit lor Comumnwenitli cent Slid i t'o 14 order! for Houd UamuKes b IU M o 0 i Consialilep ihv for nvikiiig rs- turiiH and unending couil !1573I " 12 22 : " 4 " 0 .1 1 . " 26 4 " ii " 4 037 " 4 ' 13 11 .ia . " I 1 "4 ' ' t " I ' ' 4 " " & .3 ' 1 " 2 1 " Juror's I'ay SJert IS " I'uMio Hitiidingl W 4J (( Trederic Uuas Couuniiuiionel's pay SI" 50 ' Jos liveiitt. Commiiiiiioiierf pay 151 50 " Himuuel Kilt's puy 121 73 " I'liilip Clark's puy B VJ Upo Martin, Clerk's puy 425 td " Prollionotary's lees l!i'2 III' ' Klei.'linn I'.xpenses fc I'l " I'lison Expennus t'2 til " Assessvt'spay 21 01 " I'uel 12 7j ,l t'ourt Crier's pay 129 50 " Incidental Kxpensil 5Un lii " AKneulluriil lull UO o Auditors' puy for sudiliug 'iciuni lor IS' lilt) 00 " VusealeJ Lands Sehool Tax 3 If " All alley's l ees lor County flj fu " l'roeeulinir AUomey i on t'riutiiiK for county 21 n'fui.dnir fc'.'l r.nreru l'eneteutinry 51 34. hlieriirs Fees, Jml.e Vu.kJlte 143 Tu 5l orders. Amount of outstanding county oiJya for 1&3 aud previous years 177 05 Depreciated money II l"i Treasurers CouunissVu on 812,001 f3J 3uu btj 8l'.',al L'J; CH. By balance due county Ly Jcsfo M. Simin, i:i , Treasurer, as per report of 1Sj SJ.213 2-j Cash rci:eiveu from Collectors for Ib5l und pre vious years 612 54 Cnrh received on Pented Lands 4 H Cask refunded hy Collectors, which hud tieen exonerated rind since paid 19 i? Amount received lor rer.l of i'aldic Hnildings 3t l.'f Conunouweallll eoS'.s refunded by A Stroune 1.6 Oo Commonwealth costs refunded by K. I'lickiugel 3t IS Costs nidbv Jacob llcinpfiekl and others lii 38 Aiuouut of jury l'ltniU nut! Court Fines, 6i Oil Ainoiint received for l.umlier, Sutiouury, Ac 4 71 j Redemption nioiu-j pual by A. Jordan lor Win. MeCnllee's I"! liilulil by Comiilissioiiera 8 1 lly amount ol exeeEs ol expenditures uln.ve Hie receipts 'H f 12.181 u:tf 1S59 AND PPF.VIOCS YEARS. State. CoLNir. $17 41J MlLITI.l. en oo 47 50 32 50 19 42 19 00 23 00 C229 5G 100 79 121 43 02 CI 7G 32 133 24 117 CI 114 85 206 CO 129 fij 276 22 72 70 93 22 335 37 91 51 326 56 292 81 198 11 310 03 224 32 113 23 97 26 G 93 4G0 79 76 C6 427 14 418 17 585 31 291 07 37 58 397 b3 131 93 404 37 207 IS 149 90 461 C2 432 22 207 83 04 89 252 96 123 15 103 8G ICG 23 270 53 285 4S 882 83 415 CO CI 77 325 21 360 ia mo st; 108 50 22 01 223 64 89 59 19 74 75 42 111 47 162 51 233 41 230 36 302 53 359 58 55 C7 Z 1,894 45 58,0 tG U'J $115 4J Uy utnoitut due from J itvb Young as per special Auditoia Kepoit, 11T9 2? By Knltuiee uifaiiist iaci a Vounc, omitted l y Spe cial Audiloj. 120) f 1U.1M 5i;i County of Northumberland in account will. tie Commonwealth J Pennsylvania for la jJ. ' OK. To amnini tutcd by tin R avenue Caiimnasinsers lor InW. 5Jl,tw 2 Clt. BysiimuiitofPUileTax assessed on aenled land and pers-mal properly foi l,.Ul Bv uniounliuised oil unsealed lands ill UU- .... seated laud Ik for ISS9, 5 " liy liaiancc due tfounaoiiweutlh, ll,V25 W i'y uTe7rniHf to the fcuid Aelsof Annsl'v supple, meiilslheri lo, seiVMdiuii to the liesl ol our judemenls ami UMilincs Andwedolurlheii-itifylhat utioii due exsni.- ai of the expense boos, ol the nunilv, the indebtt!ues vt the sarin yet unpaid i orders is I7S .4. ' C O l'A I IDS, I If V I.ITTI.K, Aadlioi. '. V. liltAV. J FLOWER SEEDS!! ' p, AHOE.V. Wj $ j, variety at lb. ''' Hon! - . Sunlmry. Apnl 7, .o. TLASTER, ! l'LASTEll!! KQ TONS pn.tie Nova kcol a bo tl 1 la. for ' ' by HhlOIU 4.fO.N. Kunbury, -4H 7, I860. Ujj J