Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 21, 1860, Image 3

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Parii correspondent of the Loodou
iuormng otar writes as rollows i
A family council, presided oyer by the Em
peror, and comDrisinir Prince Jernmn. I'ritip
Napoleon, the Princess Matliilde, and two of
...v. vhuiuui luiuisivra, ia sani 10 nave oeen
hold at the Palais recontly, to bold a confer
ence concerning me proper steps to be adop
ted in the affair of Jerome Patterson, which
is beginning to give great annoyance to the
Imperial family. The publication of the par
ticulars of the first marriage or Prince Jerome
Uonaparte at that time merely Lieulonaut
uonaparte, in me service or the t rench lie
public with Miss Patterson, an American
citizen, as detailed in the last volume of
"liners' History of the Consulate and Em
pire," has roused the ingenuity as well as the
sense of justice in the bosom of Jerome Pat
terson ; and. upon reading the account, as
given by Thiers, he immediately sent bis
protestation, with copy of the letter writ
ten by Pius VII on the occasion of the sec
end marriage, wherin his Holiness refuses to
annul the first, there existing, according to
the Romish law, no reason whatever for so
doing. The Emperor Napoleon then, taking
advantage of tbe old Imperial privilege
claimed by every royal and imperial bouse in
Kurope, of sanctioning or annulling a mar
riage contracted by any of its members by
the will declared, in spite of the Pope, that
the marriage was void, and that bis brother
Jerome must forthwith marry the Princess
Charlotte of Wurtemburg.
Now, Jerome, who bad been quietly enjoy
ing a country life with the wisdom aud digni
ty of a man little caring for the greatness
which be beholds as the affliction of his fam
ily, is suddenly awakened to the idea that it '
is the second not the first marriage which
is illegal. It was Madame Bonaparte's con
sent which had been considorod necessary in
order to legalize the first marriage. She bad
been consulted on that occasion, as she was,
according to French law, by the death of ber
husband, the bead of tbe family. This was
therefore, tbe act by which tbe Patterson
marriage was dissolved, without consent of
the widowed head of the Imperial family. As
civil formality, and in actual defiance or the
Pope's decree as a religious necessity, it must
naturally be regarded as contrary to the
jurisprudence of tbe country, and conse
quently of no effect noil and void he who
untructed it unconsciously guilty of bigamy,
and the issue of such marriage to stand so
cood as recognized children, not of right tbe
heirs of tbe contractor.
The summons sent by tbe huissicr to tbe
publisher of tbe second edition of tbe volume
was of course complied with, the law for pub
lishers having lately been made more strin
gent than ever on this point, and the conse
quence was the seizure of tbe whole edition
before it bad left tbe printer's office, and tbe
expunging of the offensive letter of tbe Pope
with Jerome Patterson's protestation. No
tice of protest was immediately served Upon
the publisher, and his application to the min
ister resulted in an address to tbe throne
itse.1T for advice in this dilemma,
Jerome Patterson's defence of bis conduct
is most independent and noble. "For myself
I eevlt nothing. I am as proud of my glori
ous title of an American citizen as 1 should
be of that of Prince Imperial of France.
During Prince Jerome's lifetime do measure
shall be adopted to restore those who are de
pendent on my love to their rightful position,
protestation is necessary for their secnrity 'in
future years."
It has been decided that the volume must
appear with the letter and protest another
protest to come before the public, by Otoyof
answer, immediately afterwards. Tbe affair
is looked upon as a great annoyance, nothing
more ; but it ie that ; end wore it not for the
calmness with which the Eoiporor himself
guides bis fumily affairs, much barm mfebt.
be occasioned by it. The strictest seeresy is '
meanwhile commanded to tbe journals, to all
of which it baa been intimated en masse that
it would be considered ao offenco a la suvpres
um to speak of it for the present. Mean-
wtiiie 1 biers rubs sis Little bands, and rejoices
that tbe world will say Who would have
thought the old man bad so much mischief
in him yet t
Science some sixty years ago, started the in
quiry "will the coal Fields hold out t" and
gave an uopropitioas and alarming answer to
it. An abstract of the report of Professor
Kogers on tbe coal trade of America and.
Ureut Britain shows, tbe enormous amount
now annually consumed, and tbe ratio in
which that consumption has increased within
tbe last third of a century. Tbe produce of
tbe American fields during tbe year 183!), has
been computed at 9,000,000 of tons. Tbe
produce of Great britian during tbe fame
year was 68,000,000. The entiie produce of
the coal fields of the world is estimated for
the same time at 100,000,000. These figures
are startling enough. But when we recollect
the rapidity with which they bave been reach
ed from comparatively email amounts, the
vista they disclose is incomparably more so.
The British coal trade has heretofore doubled
itself in about twenty-four years. This, bow
ever, is a slow rate of advance compared with
that which has been made ic our own trade.
We take tbe produce of tbe anthracite mines
of Pennsylvania as it is exhibited in tbe
tables of Professor Rogers, as an example.
In thirty-eight years from 1820 to 1858, it
advanced at the rate of 18-1,000 tons per an
nam, and 1839 to 1849, the produce doubled
itself in each five years, while it has again
doubled itself in eight years. We bave seen
that the American coal trade began in 1820,
with 350 tons, and bad reached in 1859,
9,000,000 1 And then with tbe increase of
wealth and the consequent increase of wants,
with the constantly multiplying applications
and uses of coal iu tbe arts, with the opening
of new mines of the various metals, all of
which muBt be worked by tbe abundant con
sumption of coal ; with the rapid exhaustion
of what remains of tbe forests ; with tbe pro
gressive exploration and civilization of doc-coal-producing
countries, and tbe growing de
mand for closer connection and more fre
quent intercourse between remote nations, it
is difficult to predict or conceive tbe extent
wbicb tbe use of mineral fuel may reach in
the next twenty-live years. Ine inquiry in
voluntarily arises "Will the Coal Fields bold
out !" Notwithstanding tbe appalling amouDt
covered in tbe figures, eminent geologists
bave given some comforts to mankind, by
Gradually postponing tbe period of exhaus
tion. Mr. Bailey predicted tbe supply of the
Durham and Northumberland coal fields
would only last 200 years. Dr. McNab
named 373 years. Dr. Bucklaod conceded
400 years. Professor Thompson extended
extendend tbe period to 1000 years. Mr
Jlugb Taylor, (more liberal tbao previous
calculators) granted 1727 years. There are
men now living in tbis city who remember
the panic once created here, by tbe an
nouncement tbat the workmen bad reached
tbe bottom of tbe Maucn Chunk coal mine.
Tha stock of tbe Lehigh Coal and Naviga
tion Company fell twenty per cent., and
gloomy presentiments nneo toe geDerai mioa,
These apprehensions were caused by igno
rance of the nature of tbe coal formations,
which, unlike other mines, occar in strata or
seams, and tbe bop of abundant lupply lies
in extent rather than the ihicLnets of lliese
seams. In tbe great Northern, or Newcastle
Geld in England, there are about 57 diferent
seams of coal. These vary in thickness from
1 inch to 6 feet, and they form an aggregate
f ihout 76 feet of coal. Tbe average thick
ness of tbe great coal fields of the world va-
ries trom ill to ou lees wet. i uaw a vuai ma
should be worked through in do long time
was of course to be expected, and was oo JUit
ground oi aiurm. t nuaacij-Kiu .coyrr.
Treasurer's Sale of Heal Estate.
Agreeably to tbe provisions of the Act of
Assembly, entitled "an Act to reduce the
Mate debt, Ac, passed tbe 29lh day of April
1811, for non-payment of taxes, and its sod
jrplcment tberotot the Treasurer of Northum
berland county hereby gives notice to all
persons concerned therein, that unless tho
County, btato, lload and School Taxes, Ac
due on the following real estate in tbeceunty
of Northumberland, are not paid before tbe
day of sale, tbe whole, or such parts or each
as will pay tbe charges and costs chargeable
thereon, will be sold at the Court House, in
the borooch of Sunbury. county of Nortbum
berland, oo Moodiy, the 11th day of Jane
next: and the sale will be continued by ad
journment from day to day, for arrearages of
taxes duo tbe said county, and tne cost
accruing on eacn respectively t
Amount of Tax.
Coal Township,
1 Lot, No. 4, block S3, S. M. Kaie,
1 year, $0 13
31 " Wm. Kichline, 2 years, 8
8 " Francis Kennon, 1 year. 80
8 " Christian Keffer, 1 " 80
2 " .No. 1 and 8, block 198, James
Luckes, 2 years, 63
2 " No. 10 & 11, block 190, Geo.
Leisenring, 1 year, 24
8 " Barry McUran, 1 year, 80
2 " No. 423 k 424, block 7, 8 toco
A Company, 1 year, 32
1 " Xo. 2, block 80, Leah Fisher,
1 year, CI
Zerbe Township.
3 " No. 1, 2 3, block 78, Wm. J.
Phillips, I year, 3 33
1 " No. 13, block 13, 118, Jonas
Uergstresser, 1 year, CI
I " No. 11, block 23, George
Weaver, I year, 1 20
122 " C. P. Ilelfcnstein. 1 year. 1 97
5 ten acre lots, " " 1 " 80
3 one acre lots, " " 1 " 14
1 Lot, N o. 6, block 13-1, John Camp
bell, 1 year, C5
1 " No. 1,2, block 118, Abraham
Zartman, 1 year, 40
2 " No. 12, 13, block 92, Daniel
Slepick, 1 year, 93
1 M No. 3, block 121, Wm. Stan-
ton, 2 years, 08
3 " No. 8, 7, 8, block 92, Phister
Davis, 1 year, 1 14
1 " No. 6, block 80, Levi John,
1 year, 40
1 " No. C, block 125, Jonas Kel-
Ber, 1 year, 80
1 " No. 7, block 119, Teler
llangbawout, 1 year, 21
2 " John Zimmerman, 1 year, 29
1 " No. 5, block 88, Isaac Taylor,
2 years, 41
1 " No. 10. block 130, Thomas
Foulds, Sr., 1 year, 39
1 " No. 8, block 78, Joseph Kel-
1 " No. 9, block 40,'charles Heg-
gens, 2 years, 1 12
1 " Thomas Highlander, 2
years, - 90
1 " Ne. 5 or 8, block 130, Har
mon Uutlep, 1 year, 74
2 " No. 1 and 2, block 15, David
Donbach, 2 years, 1 CO
1 " No. 3, block 93, .Simon Cam
eron, 2 years, 55
1 " No. 6, block 55, Martin Oneal,
1 year, 24
1 " No. 3, blosh 54, Sarftta Oa-
laspy, 1 year, 1 25
1 " No. 9, block 69, Jehn Bates,
I year, 96
1 M No. 7, block 131, Tbomas
Brison, 1 year, 60
ifaunt Carmel Township.
2 - Xo. 25, 26, block 51, William
Parsing, 1 year, 1 30
1 u No. 14, block 61, J. E. Mi-
nleh, 2 years, 61
1 " No. 3, block 23, Eobort Mar-
fy, 3 years, 1 08
1 " Xo, 14, block 41, Tbomas J.
Morgan, 2 yean, 42
1 " No. 3, Meek 23, James Ken
nedy, 1 year, 27
2 " No. 12, block 43, Jonas
Thomas, 1 year, 40
1 u No. 1, block 67, Themes Jen
kins, I year, 21
159 u Wm.L.Dewart,3years,137 48
1 M No. 25, bleck 23, Patrick
Carter, 3 years, 1 56
07 " Alexander Jordan, 1 year, 20 10
1 " No. 9, block 52, Tbomas Earl,
2 years, 51
2 " No. 12 & 13, block 23, David
f avis, 1 year, 7 CO
Lower Mahanoy.
2 M Peter Herald, 1 year, 2 73
Coal Township.
30 acres, Martin Weaver, part of
McCarty k Weaver's tract,
1 year. 115
380 " Jas. Mathews 1 12 16
I " McCarty & Weaver, 2 " 6 00
Zerb Township.
3G0 " Mathias Reed, 2 " 11 83
164 " Carbon Kun Imp. Co.2 " 28 00
112 " George Beebe, 3 " 157 24
Mount Carmel.
43" Jane or Jos. Stephens. 2 " 13 83
130" Mt. Carmel Comp. 2 " 47 15
17A8" Kiniber Cleaver, 2 " 6 21
I.otccr Augusta.
2 " Martio Ranolds, 3 2 96
60 " Henry Keiser. J " 8 47
100 " Susan Bcstian, 4 " 46 37
IJa.p, Joun llano, 3 " 4 82
18 " Michael Greasicger, 3 " 3 92
Hush Township.
20 " William Leffler, 2 " 2 87
J'oini Township.
35 " William Cook, 1 " 3 40
60 " William Jloueol, 1 " 43
Lower ilahanoy.
12 " Jobn Herold, 1 " 6 33
60 " George Herold, 2 " 2 26
2 " Harrison Herold er
Philip, 2 51
Banbury, April 14, 1890. Treasurer.
. LIST of tbe Unseated lands advertised
for sale by J acob F. Rohrbacb, Treasurer
of Northumberland connty, agreeably to an
Act of tbe General Assembly of tbe Com.
mouweakh of PeDnsylvauio, passed tbe I3lb
day of March, 1845, and the supplement
thereto, entitled an Act directing the mode
of selling Unseated Lands for taxes and other
purposes, will be exposed to pnblio sale, at
tbe Court House, in the Borough of Sunbury,
on the 11th day of June, 1860. at 10 o'clock,
a. m., the following described Tracts of Land
for arrearages of Taxes due and tbe costs
accruing on each tract respectively, to wit :
If not sold on tbe day above mentioned, to be
adjourned fren day te day.
Acres. Warrantee's Kernes. Am't Dae.
Antis Henry
Adams Tbomas
1C74 Jenkins James
Antis Frederick f Coal 8788 58
Adams Uobert
Foster Thomas
Jobn Jenkins
F. Antis
R. Adams
1704 Kicbard Salman t Mt.Car'l 477 09
Richard Manning
Edmund Hoff
James Grier
Themes Grier
Robert Cbamplsiu
Tbos. CbaanDiain
967 Was. Morrison i Mt. Carmel,
James RWphrmon f 37'J 07
J inn r ' " "
159 Daily Jobn N. Zerbe $94 00
147 Boyd Jobn Coil 126 23
60 Broeious Peter " 22 98
210 Billington Thomas Mt. Carmel 23 57
40 Bellas ilocb " 16 20
344 Dower Christian " 19 26
CO Doyle Luke Cunieron 1 85
3481 Dalton Samuel " 9 47
425 Detterton Bonj. Slmmokio 9 55
100 Bertram Alex. Poiut 80
1C0 Darren John, jr. " 1 28
80 Doyd Johu " 64
1601 1,ra(y Jo Coal 117 37
45 Brady John 131 15
258 Dradv W. P. ' 66 62
15 Brady Walter Low. Aognsta 26
164 72 Betterton Benj. Cbilisquaqiie 1 36
403 Big MoDot'n. Imp. Co. Coal 132 78
30'J J. iioglin Coal - aui uu
197 J. lloflliu " 2 33
390 Wm. Adams A others, Coal 128 31
200 Bebanan James Mt. Carmel 56 00
S67 Brook John " 26 97
14 Cleaver Kirober u 69
8 Cleiver Kimber " 2 69
6 Cleaver Kimber " 2 03
69 Cleaver Kimbei1 Coal 12 98
362f Cowden Jobn Zerbe IaJ
1961 Carson Jobn Coal 83 III
22"T 85 Cook Wiliiam Cameron 26 10
947 Carbon Run Imp. Co., Coal 31165
399 Darr John Cameron 13 90
264 Did Jobn " iia vi
250 Darr Mary " "
60 Darr Peter " 8 18
80 . Darr Lgko " 2 98
130 Did John Up. Mahanoy 6 OH
100 Darr Mary " 4 35
159 Darr Teter " 6 92
181 Darr Luke " 7 87
1971 Dowart William Lit. Mabanoy 160
220 DewartJehn " 1 7b
196 Dcwart Wm. Lew. Augusta 3 14
148 Dewarl Jobn " I J"
308 Elliott William Mt. Carmel 41 23
S2I Elliott Wiliam " 12 36
115 Kplay Andrew Toint 92
831 Evens Smith Mt. Carmol 4 90
360 Estricbirco , owners, " 108 80
90 Fegely Reuben " 42 78
280 FegelyWm.4 Solomon, Cool 3 29
170 File Luke Cameron 13 61
269 Wm. Pritcbard Mt. Carmel 37 69
165 Wsn.Sheed, (part) " 23 10
327 Andrew Shuber " 45 76
288 William Boyd " 29 17
20 Wm. or C. Boyd 14 5 60
181 Merrick Starr, (part) " 42 53
36 Valentine Brobst " 1108
28 Gordon Joseph " 7 84
173 Grant Thomas " 29 12
259 Grant Tbomas Zerbe 103 Q6
120 Grant Thomas Cameron 4 99
207i Gray Robert Coal 87 87
253i Oreoo William " 130 90.
50 Grant Thomas " 4 70
160 Grant Tbomas " 22 46
100 Gardner Archibald " 3 72
300 Gardner Archibald " 9 CO
100 Gardner Archibald " 120
109 Gardner Wm. P. Jackson 90
300 Gardner Archibald, Point 2 40
129 Gardner Wm. P. " 1 02
200 Gardner A rcbibald.Lit.Mahanoy 1 69
300 Gardner Wm P " 2 40
250 Harrison Wm Cameron 8 83
100 Harrison Wm, Up. Mahanoy 4 35
40 llousel John " 1 74
100 Hooter Alexander Shamokin 2 25
426 Hunter James Lit. Mahanoy 3 42
219 Hall Charles 1 72
57 Hoffa Alexander " 46
218 Hall Charles Low. AogQsta 3 50
104 Hubley Bernard Zerbe C3 66
193 Hoirnelricb Henry " 73 36
221 Heiinelricb Henry Coal 51 79
0 Heller Jacob, Zerbe 34 20
80 Ililetnan Isaac C. Cameron 6 60
203 Jackson Jeremiah M( Carmel 5 65
203 Jackson Jeremiah " 5 C5
91 Jordan lames Low. Augusta 1 50
300 Irwin Robert Up. Mabanoy 14 05
354 Irwin Robert Point 2 84
160 Kroll Michael Coal 45 09
66 Kroll Michael Zerbe 30 10
288f Kidd Jobn Lit. Mahanoy 2 30
20 Kintwng Abra'm Point 16
200 Kjng Etekiet 1 60
187 King Ezekiel Cbilisqoaque 1 50
345 Lukios Abigail Coal 34 49
327 Lukins Smith 3 59
220 Lake Richard " 27
215 Lake Richard 2 53
107 Lake Richard 4 88
103 Lewis James ' 2 40
08 Lake Richard ackson 44
300 Lake Richard Lit. Mabouoy 2 40
80 Lyon John " C4
200 Lake Richard Point 1 60
121 Lake Riebard Cbilisqoaque 96
31 Morgan Samuel Mt Carmel 17 53
156 Maury Peter Zerbe 93 40
29 Martin J U " 17 51
140 Miller obn 5 40
100 Meyer George " 4 56
50 Meadling John Cameron 1 75
111 Meadling John Up. Mabanoy 4 85
200 Martin Peter Point, I 60
50 Martznerohn D ' 86
200 Martin Petor " 1 60
9C Marshall Wm, owner, Comeron 23 70
10 Marshall Wm II, owner, Coal 1 88
50 Miller Christian, Up. Augusta 1 88
211 Ncddenent James Point 1 70
110 Prince lieerge Coal 43 05
108 Rees Sarah ' 47 63
89 Rees Sarah Mt Carmel 46 43
206 Rees Daniel Coal 81 30
809 ReesTboma, jr, " 85 80
127 Rustan Thomas Mt Carmel 1 83
23 1 4 Rustan Mary " 3 39
211 Reynolds John " 1 69
269 Rustan Charlotte " 3 90
233 Rees Daniel, 3 3'
100 Rees Thomas Jackson 92
239 Roes Tbomas Lit. Mabanoy 1 92
188 Sa8soman Peter Mt Carmel 84 56
333 Shanoen Wm " 36 70
235 Smith Mary 3 96
463 btetmaa William " 5 64
171 fecott Abraham " 4 oi
438 Smith Loke Cameron 15 31
107 Biuitb Abigail 2 73
88 Smith Evans 3 28
300 Smith Jobn Up. Mabanov 9 15
171 Scott Abraham Shamokin 3 85
147 Smith Daniel Lit. Mahanov 1 18
173 82 Scott Samuel Cameron 21 43
341 Tunes Ricbart Mt Carmel 45 90
203 Titsworth Jobn Coal 2 37
170 Titsworth Jobn 1 99
197 Taggart Robert 2 34
227 Tyson Joseph " 8 00
303 Titsworth John Shamokin 6 80
297 Taggart Robert " 4 44
203 Trickel Cbas. G, Jackson 82
200 Trickel Cbas G, Lit. Mabanoy 1 62
48 Thompson Mt Carmel 20 18
304 Whites John Coal 114 39
218 Wilson William " 41 31
318 Walker Lewis " 31 40
40 Weikel Jacob 1 41
61 Yortbimer Ueory " 24 65
35 Zeigler luauo Zerbe 21 35
75 Zeigler Isaac Coal 28 20
306 Zimmerman Math. 87 49
Treasurer's OSce, 1
Sunbury, April 14tb, L860. J
Short Notice.
fiHE subscriber having retired from buuineca
tereby noluioa all peranns indebted lo him
on Book account or otherwiM, to call and
cattle tha same without delay, olherwiae they will
be put into lhabamwola Jualice lor colleclion.
unbary, Nov. 8. IIS if
Vir.rnRKikfEJi MnrT And CnfTfi. laroa Aflanrt
meot of Furs different styles, aizes and prices
for sale at COOPER'S Variety Store.
0VEKCO4T8, DKE8S-COAT8, &e.,ju.t
received and for sale at reasonable prices at
the Maimnoin uioioing emporium oi
.-i...!ury, 3n. 14, I860.
THE subscriber oiTcrs at private idle, on re
Ron a hie terma, the well known TAVEKW
STAND, in Sunl.urv, Northumberland county,
I'a., kept as auch by Michael Wilvert. I he
huuaeia luratod on Fawn street, near the Sha
mokin Valley and PotUville Kail Koad Depot,
and if doing an excellent buainew. 1 he build
ing ii a LARGE KKAME HOUSE, being near
ly new. There is also on the preminei a largo
stable and fcshed, lately erected, wilh an lie
House and other convenience. The property
iaingoud repair, with a good garden and choice
fruit on the lot.
He also offcra Tor sale a valuable Lot in tho
upper end of the tnwn.
For further particulars apply to
March 31, lHO. Sunbury, I'. ,
riVHE subscriber has on hand and for aale, at
tha Central Hotel Stable in Banbury, a
number of Draft, Boat and Family HORSES.
Persona in want of good horses, fur any of the
above purposes will do well to call and examine
his stock belore purchasing elsewhere.
J AnUl n.u.
8unbury, March 31, I860
IN this place, on Saturday .night, the 31st ult.,
about 150 feet of li inch rope. The owner
can have the same by applying at this office, on
the payment of charges, &c.
April 14, 1860 :it
No. 16 North Sixth Street, PHILADELPHIA
Venetian Itllads
Hiortincnt in the City, at the
Lowest Cash Prices.
E7 Store Shades made and Lettered.
April 14, 1800. 2m
Letter) Testamentary.
Estate of Sarah lane Moore, lata of Lower
Augusta township, Northumberland county,
jVOTICE is hereby given that letters testa-
mcntary have this day been granted to the
subscriber, on the estate of Sarah Jane Moore,
late of Upper Augusta township, deceased. All
persons indebted to said estate are requested to
make immediate paymont, and those having
claims will present them, properly authenticated,
to the undersigned.
JACOB KEN.T, Executor,
Lower Augusta township.
April 7th, I860. 6t
Z3 ILa QD tS2 H S3" C .
THE subscriber haa just received by Railroad
a new Stock of Ready Mady Clothing, con
sisting of
such as
a large variety of ready made Shirts, in price from
ou cts. to $2,eu.
Also, a largo assortment of JVtens' and Boys'
of all kinds.
Persons who are in want of Clothing should
call at once as th:y will save money.
Mora Room on the corner of Marke and Fawn
streets, nearly opposite Weaver's Hotel.
Sunbury, April 7, 18110. lyjanc
To tie School Directors of Northumber-
land County.
Oektlsmkn : In pursuance of the 43d sec
tion of the Act of 8th May, 1854, you are hereby
notified to meet in Convention, at the Court
House in Sunbury, on the first Monday in May,
I860, being the seventh day of the month, at 1
o'clock in the afternoon, and select viva voce, by
a majority of the whole number of directors pre
sent, one person of literary and scientific acquire
ments and skill and experience in the art of
teaching, as County Superintendent for the three
succeeding years ; determine the amount of
compensations for the same; and certify the
result to the State Superientendent at Harris-
burg, as required by the 3'Jlh and 40th sections
of said act.
Co. Supt. of Northumberland County.
April 7th. 1S60 5t
Orphans' Court Sale,
IN pursuance of an order ef the Orphans'
Court of Northumberland county, will be
exposed to Public Sale, on tbe premises, on
Saturday, the 5tb day of May next, tbe
following described real estate, to wit :
I'urpart No. 2 of tbe lauds late oT John
Tscbupp, deceased, situate in Milllio town-
ebip, JJuupbio county, bounded by Mabontoa-
go creek, lands of George Kbrbart, Benjamin
uigei, ana other lands oi the said Jobn
Iscbupp, dee d., containing eighty acres and
one hundred and forty-nine perches, forty
acres of wbicb are cleared and tbe balance
well timbered. Whereon are erected a log
house, log stablos and outbuildings, an excel
lent young orchard, a well of water at tbe
door. Also, purpart No. 3 of said lands,
situate in Mifllin township, Dauphin county,
bounded by Mahontongo creek, lands of
Daniol Frautz, David Kiubach, and tract No.
2, above described, containing eleven acres
and 139 perches, three acres of which are
cleared, and the balance well timbered, late
the estate of Jobn Tscbupp, deceased.
sale to commence at 10 oclock A. M. of
said day, when the terms and conditions of
sale will be made known by
ISAAC 11. IlLSSLEU, Trustee.
Hy order of the Court
B. MASSER, Clk., O. C
Sunbury, April 7, I860.
Dissolution of Co-Partnership.
THE partnership heretofore existing between
Lavina Douty and William H. Douty, under
tbe name of L. Douty dt Son, is una day by
mutual consent? dissolved. William H. Douty
having bought all ol Lavina Douty's interest in
the concern, the business -if mining will be car
ried on hereafter in the name of Wm. H. Douty
& Co., Win. H. Douty having associated with
him John H. Douty, as partner, as per agreement
made this, the 31st day of March, and recorded.
Natiee is hereby Riven to all persons having
business transactions with L. Douty Sl Son, that
all accounts of the late firm of L. Douty oV. Son,
are to be settled by
wm. II. uuui x.
Shamokin, April 7, I860 3t -
1 forIbale.
OFFERS at private sale of FOUR VACANT
LOTS OF OROUN'D. Nos. 14,53, Ti5and
127. as marked in the general plan of the towr.
of Sunbury, belonging to the estate of John
Lukens, deceased, will be received by
Tbe Administratrix, with the will annexed of
said estate,
10th and Chestnut streets, Philadelphia,
and by bar agent, HENRY DON N EL,
March 91, I860. 4t Sunbury, Pa.
rpVO LOTS situate in Market street, in tha
-1- town of Trevorton, Nos. IS and 13, in block
Ne. 90. ' Apply to WM. UAUULbK, Solins
grove, or H. It. MASSER, Sunbury.
SPALPINUt) Prepared Glue, and Sbilleys Mucilage
Pries per bottle and brush ti cents.
Csrdusl Eluir of Calisaya Bark k llcuzine.for removing
f utibusy, Marca 17t td.
Be port of the Auditors of Northum
t erland County for 1869.
Jesse M. Simpson, Eso., Treasurer, in account
with the County of Northumberland, from
the Jirst day nf January, 1809, lo the last
day of Lecember of the same year, inclu
sive. To amount in hands of Trcisurer, as
per last Auditor's lleport, $3,218 2Sj
To amount of outstanding county tax
for 18SS and previous years, U,-1f!7 21 j
To amount of lax assessed for 1R59. U.108 S'J
received on seated laud book, 4 84
Tocash refunded by collectors which
bad been exonerated and after
wards paid, 19 28
To amount reseived for rent of pub
lic buildings, 30 45J
To cost refunded hi case of Common
wealth vs A. Strousc, 26 00
To Commonwealth cots, II. Flickinger 31 15
To costs from Jno Heinpgeld and others 63 36
To amount of Jury funds and Court funds 5S 00
To amount received for lumber, sta
tionery. Ac. 4 95
To redemption money, paid by A.
Jordan, for Wi:,. McOalfee on lot
bought by Commissioners, C fXI
$21, 811 051
Uy ameunt of outstanding taxes fur
180'J and previous yours 8,C1 10
Dy amount exonerations allowed
Collectors, 437 E"1
' Commissions, 424 03
" Eriors in duplicates, C3 23
" Paid on county orders, 12,001 85 J
" Treasurer's commission on
$12,001 85j, 300 lj
" Depreciated money, 1 1 00
" Dalance in hands of Treasurer 25 IP)
3 1.91 1 05
Jesse M. Simpson, Esq , Treasurer of Nor
thtSHwerlantl county, in account with the same
resvectinq State Tux on Ileal and Personal.
1 J Pit.
To amount in bands of Treasurer,
as per report of Auditors, Jan.
1859. for tbe year lSSa. S2305 1U
To aoiounn of outstanding State
I ax, as per report of Auditors,
Jan. 1859, fur the year 165S, 3875 IC
To amount of State Tax asse&sod
for 1859, 13,701 08
To amount assessed on uaeated
lands iu unseated land book 7S5 65
To amount overpaid by County
treasurer, l Vo
Cll. S
20.GC3 221
By amount of outstanding tax for
1859 and previous years
By amount of exonerations for
1859 and previous years
Dy amount of Commissions allow
ed collectors,
By error in Duplicate,
By cash paid State Treasurer, as
per receipt of Feb 9th, 1859,
$4894 45
387 9C
492 93
4 50
991 18
12,219 71
C43 II
785 C5
132 11
115 44
1 15J
By cash paid Stato Treasurer, as
per receipt of July 29th, 1S59,
By abatement allowed by State
By amount outstanding on unseat
ed land book for 1859,
By Treasurer's Commission on
$13,210 fc9,
By cash paid State Treasurer, as
per receipt, Jan. '25th, 18G0,
By Treasurer's Commission on
$115 44.
S20.GG8 22
Jesse if. Simpson, Esq , Treasurer, in account
with the Commomcealth of I'ennsylvania,
respecting Licenses for Restaurants, Liquor
Stores and Taverns, for 1859.
To amount received for License for Restaurants, $320 00
llf comAtisaiou of 5 per cent on Sill, flrt 00
Hy Stala Truii'irei's receipt, d July 98, '50, l'.W 9(1
Uy Suite Truasuier's receipt, doled Jan. 23, '60, lot 6S
To umotiut rco'd. for License for Taverns, 1,412 SO
Dy commission of 5 percent, on 100.1, and 1 per
cent m SO, VX 11
Uy State Treasurer's receipt, da:ed Julylilth, '59, Oi
Yeahs. Collectors Namrb.
Lower Mahanoy,
Mt. Carmel,
Mt. Carmel,
Upper Aogoeta,
Lower Mabanoy,
Lower Augusta,
Lower Mahanoy,
Littlo Mabanoy,
Mt. Carmel,
Upper Augusta,
Upper Mahanoy,
Jacob Bingoman,
Wm. B. Irwin,
Joseph Kcbert,
James Lyon,
A. J. Conrad,
l'eter l'ursel,
Jacob Bloom,
Anthony Galaspey,
tieorge A Keelcr,
Samuul Stabluecker,
Joseph llogeodocbler,
J. B. Wasser,
Jacob Miller,
William Hoover,
George Zimmerman,
Klias Kiseobart,
J. 1 Bucher
John Kerstetter,
James Oakes,
Davkl Haiu,
Klias Eieeuhart,
William Tardo,
Joho Kerstetter,
James Oakes,
B-auiel Wolf,
Kdward Baum,
Jacob Hunsicker,
Jacob U. Clark,
(ieorge Harris,
l'hilip Kerstetter,
John V. Uoodlander,
l)avid Ileiser,
II. It. Culp,
Joseph Johnson,
O. P. Mertz,
Abraham KckmoD,
BeajamiD Bohner,
Joho U. Young,
Jobo Lanpbar,
Joseph Bitter,
Jobo Farnswortb,
Abraham Geist,
John Bamford,
Those marked with a star () bave since paid.
Statement of Finances of Northumberland
County, January 1st, I860.
To amount of outstanding Commissioners' orders
for 1S5U, and previous years, ewv
To drheieucy iuanioLnt assessed for Slnte pur-
Kisesfor 150, to meet the amount tiled by the
evenus Commissioners lor Noilhuuilierluud
county for leou, 39 68
To exceaa of county funds above the indebted
ness of tho county, 553 i
CR. '.0,l7l 66
By balance in hands of Jesse M. tmnpaon, Esq ,
' i- BMA IS1
county iinuuici, "i
By amount ol outstanding County Taxes for lt59,
' - - " muq ins
ana previous ), --4
By amount dus from Fraacia Ilueh tr of which
1)100 has been paid to Jacob Roiitbach, the pre
sent Treasurer, 800 00
We the undersigned Auditors of Northumberland court '
ty, Btate of Pennsylvania, do certify that in pursuance of
the 4 til section of an Act, regulating counties Slid town
ships, passed the lSlh day of Apiil, I S3 1, we met at the
Commissioners' Othce, in theboroushnf Sunbury, oil the
16th day of January, lotto, and adjourned Iroiu time to
time, and did audit and Battle tha several accounts required
Mr. L. A LLEM A V, Teacher of the Shamokin
High (School, will be presented to the Convention
of School Directors, to meet in May next, for the
otfice of County Superintendent of Northumber
land county.
fchamokin. March 31, lHG0.-5t
I :MVE Barrels Tdrlland Kerosera Oil, the best
ia market, at FRILING 4 CHANT'S.
Bunbury, January 28, 1860
Hy Ststa Treasure's itceipt, datcil Jan 8S, tin", 7 II
) 1)11. tl,')U
Ti am't received fi License for Liquor St ircs, KS 00
Hy cnmmiRHior il 5 per cent, on S-2-21, 1 1 2",
Hy .tt liraiurei s rcveipt, duteil Jul) 10. W, 213 ?
iiifj uu
Jcssi M. Simpson, Lsq., Treasurer, in account
with the Commonwealth of Pennstjlvaum,
respecting lietaiters, Millers, Ureweries,
Billiard Jlooms, Patent Jfedicincs, CoaU
Lumber Yards, 4-c.
To Merrnnlile Approver's Kf-pirt, Sl,?."jOOt
Tnmmmnt due Conunuiiwealtli us per Auditor's
Kenurl, for 1B5S, (.0
1 1, 730 UII
Hy einneralims. flMM)
My cinimii"ii of 6 per cent, on 81000, mid t
per cent on ftsSS. S3 55
Hy K. II. Trick's receipt for puUinhing Mrrcan-
Hie Appetiser's List, VIS nniucs, Inr I Bill, tl AO
Hy C, O. Ilnihnmn's ii-oipt lor publishing; Mer-
eintiio Appruiser't list, unities, for 'J'.l, Sl SO
Ry J. t). A: A. A. Youiiamsti's ru-eipt lor publish-
itiff Men-antile Appraiser liist, -44lt unifies tor V9, 91 rVt
Hy rtali5 Trmsuier's reraipt, dated Feb. !, I.'8, till
Hy Suite Treimner's R script, dntrd Jan 45, IWK), 1,41 M
Uy Htats I rnauicr's Receipt, dated Jun K7, li-SO, 0 M
Bit. ei,7SO 00
To 12 copies rasnphl t laws, SO Oil
Hy cotnmisftion of a per cent. 3 0
By Utale Ticnsuier's receipt dateit July SO, IW, 5 7 0
1 (Ki
Jesse M. Simpson, Esq., Treasurer, in account
with tha Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, re
specting Militia Pines, 1S59.
To amount due Comuiunwenhti, us pt r Asdi-
tot's Report for InSH SSJ3 5j
To amount of siiid finos outslanding for hH7 and
prcviuus years, as per Auditors' reporiof ISO?, i'
fit. ewi w
Uy State Treasurer's receipt, dated February
th, lean, S! SI
U7 atiiuuut outrtaudinft Pee. 31st, 163!, 117 41
Hy exonenitioiis allowed coll.-etois A tHl
Hy commission allowed collectors, to til
Hy eouimissioti allowed 'i'reasurri, 1 lt
Hy Slate Tieasutcr'a reeeipl, dated July V, 15 W, 01 57
fly Statu Trausuitr'a tcccipl dated Jun. ii, Ifiif, lu:) K7
Exoendilurcs and Receipts of Northumber
land County, J'rim the 1st day of Jan., 1859,
fi Dec. Zlst of same year, both dvys included.
To 135 Orders issued ly Cominisainnera for re
viewing and suiveymg roads and
bridge., 81M 00
To M orders lor Koa Scalps, Si SS
To OI orders for Undue liuikline and repairs, t,i-0 6(1
To Murders for Coronal 'a luuucsts lrt OU
To 4 orders fur Stationery Si 41
To 3! orders for Oommoiiweaitn costs 300 Oi
To 13 orders for lload UainaKes Bi JU
ii ju u (i Constables pay for mnking re
turns and unending court 357 34
ii j.j ii i Juror's Pay Wrf IS
ti ii it public Huildinga 114 43
i i. ii Frederic Haas Commissioner's
py 817 811
n 4 ii ii Job Kveritt, Commissioners pay 151 5U
ii 8 ii " Samuel Kin's pay ItKI 75
. i .i ti Philip Clark's pay SO OS
S6 " Geo Martin, Clerk's pay 4i5 OU
ii 4 ii ii Proihouotary'a fens IVi tit)
55 i:ieetion Kxpenssa rati 4'J
ti a " u Pltson Kxiielisaa 'i til)
"37 " " Assessol'Siiay S'Jtl 111
ii 4 ii ii Fuel 12 75
i 13 ' ' Court Criet'B pay la 50
' US ' " Incidental Expenses Sim B9
ii ii Agricultural lull UU
it 4 ti it Auditors' pny for auditing aeoounta
forlB.'.S 1W00
i i ii ii Unseated LnudsSehoo! Tax 3 IS
" 1 " " Attorney's 1'ees for County 05 8(1
i. 4 ii ii Prosecuting Attorney 7d 00
ii s ' 11 Printing for county 353 i
ii 3 ii Refunding Pl S3
ii i ii Kantern Penetentiary 64 34
ii n ii ' Slieriirs Fees, Jaisca Vandyke 148 TU
.1 urilf-ra.
Amount af oatstanding county orders for 1659 and
prcvlouB years 1 5
Depreciated ininey 1 1 tiO
I rcasurer a cuutiutssiou oo ci,w
By Imlnnce duo county ly Jesse M. Fimps tn,
Ksij , Trrasurcr, ns per report of 1K51 3,'il8 2?)
Casli rcceiveu from Collectors for lr5U and pre
vious years 85-l'2 C4
Cash re.-eived on Seuted Lands 4 bt
Caali refunded by Collectors, which had been
exoueriiUd aud since pfitd 19 B'
Amount received for tei.t of Public Riuldinga Sfl 45f
Commonwenltli costs refunded by A Strouse VH UO
Commonwealth coBt relundeil by K. Kliekinger 34 15
Costa paid liy Jucob Ilempfield and others S3 36
Amount of Jury Funds and Conrt Fines, 53 Oil
Amount received for l.umlr, Stationary, n 4 71J
ltedeuiption money paid by A. Jordan lor Win.
McCalfec'a lot bought by Couimissioners S ii
By amount of excess of expenditures the
leecipis 2S SI
tu;j C3J
817 44J
86 00
47 50
32 00
19 42
19 00
23 00
8229 56
100 79
121 48
C2 61
76 32
133 24
117 61
114 85
2C6 60
129 65
276 22
335 37
91 51
326 50
292 81
198 11
310 03
224 32
118 23
97 26
6S5 31
' 291 07
37 58
397 83
4J8 17
131 93
404 37
207 78
149 90
461 62
432 22
207 88
04 89
252 96
123 15
lt)3 86
1C6 23
270 53
285 43
882 83
415 60
C4 77
325 21
860 19
140 86
103 50
22 01
223 64
69 59
19 74
75 43
149 47
162 51
233 41
230 30
302 53
859 58
05 67
81,894 45 88,646 10 8145 42
By amount due from Jucob Young as per speeiul
Auditor's Report, 1178 27
By Uiutnce auuuait Jacob Youne. omitted bv Sn
i-ial Aii.lil.,ra t'Kl lin
eial Auditors.
8 111,171 SOJ
County of Northumberland iii account with
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for 1859.
To amount axed by tha Rsvenue Commissioners
for Ibia. Jl,oi3(Jt
By amount nf State Tax assessed on seated
luudsaud personal property fol WJ, $13,701 09
By amount asarased on unaeuled lauds in en
sealed laud book for Ir5U, 7r5 f5
liy balunce due Commonwealth, 43 sl)
tl4.-.'5 fSJ
of usseieeahle to the said Acts of and aiinnle-
liiauta thereto, acroidnts to the lieat of our judirtneins sml
atiilitiea And wedo turllier eerlifv that unon due esHini.
nation of the expense bonk of the county, the indebtedness
of Hie sums yet unpaid iu orders ta HITtl .5.
C. i'ATTUN, 1
C P. I.ITT1.K. Auditors
I. VY. tiltA Y. j
GARDEN, Field and Flower SacJa, a choirs
variety at the "People's One Price Store"
of UlUUliT & SON.
Sunbury, April 7, I860.
rf) TONS prime Nova Scotia Sott PlaMer f.n
sale by BHItillU' di SON.
Sunbury, April 7, I SCO.
M. C.
Has returned
T seems as if a K
iug upon as, atiiulv
dee'ls and blither arlrlsv
euce will r,uvt anew and k
tinier beauties and grainier Cv
2"ho biisinesa world loo inat
flucnre and every part l (jun.knieo ...
eni'd by an itirrearwd vitality, wltiIt shall Ui.
usonwith electric spenl tu tho Sinoi!imiitii.n
of rfrnatcr tbings thon was ever dreamed ef in the
Philosophy of the pout.
Animated by the enthusiasm whit-h pri-vadsn
all clsssea, and ilenirous mf dring khsre In
wards 'Hie Rrent events of the A e," the mit
scrilier would respectfully inform tho 1.00J peo.
pie of HPNUTKY and the pntdtt: Kutictall;, t;ai
he has just returned fruit tbe city el 'iilrU4
phia with the largest and choicest shu-lt ol (Vn
fectionaries, Fruit and Toys that lias rur been
brought to this section of ctinrtry. He is alu
raanufacturins; 01. ' !i,da of Coiifrcljoiiarii.K, Ve.,
to fill up atders, whi. n'e or ratail, .t l,ott '.
Among his stoxk of ConitaUooarita, ury le
fuuud :
Krcnch feoreta.
Gam l.,p. an kinds or scent,
Lore L)iots,
Mint r)ror, red and wutu,
Jelly Cakea,
f lull llrops,
S"tieli Carnltea, of aN scents
RmoIt Caitilr,
A Intend Cniidy,
Burned Almonds,
(Veara White,
" t,Binon
" Vanilla,
CaimniHi Rcetels.
CurrautB dried,
Raiaisis, .Xuts of all kun
of a superior quality, by the aviiigie or down. A
Bttjierior qunlity of Segors and Toliacev, and a
variety of Cotifcctionarics, fruit, Toys, Ate, sll of
which is ollored cheap at wholesule or retail.
tST Kcmembcr the name and place. jt
Market st., 3 doors west of E. Y. llrighl & Sun's
Sunlturv, April 14, I860. ly
TV021CE is hereby given that letters of ailinin.
istration having been granted to ihesuliseri
1.0 rs on the estate of John Moore, late of Sha
mokin towiifhlp, Northumberland county, dcc'tl.
All persons indehud are rcqtietrd to make pay.
ment and those having claims to prct-ent them
for settlement to the undersigned, vtko will alien,!
at the late residence of the decedent for that pur
pose, on Monday the 14th day of Mnv next.
Shamokin twp., April 7, I860. Gt Adin'is.
Northumberland Bridge Company.
JK election for otiicers and mannpers of the
Northumberland llridge Canipany will Le
held at the h 01 so of Mrs. Hurr, in tLe tirroti;li
of jVorthumbcriund, on the first Monday of May
next. The election will open at 2 o'luck and
closed at 4 1. M.
M.TAGfJAItT, President.
Northumlierland, April 7, IS6u. 4t
TOTICE is hereby given that the Auditors of
Upper Augusta townnhip, will meet at the
Commissioners' Office in tjunhiiry, on Thursday
and Friday the 19th and SOth of April, iustmit,
when all persons indebted, or having claims
against said township are requested to attend.
The Overseers of the Poor and Supervisors
elect for I860, arc requested lo enter security on
that day according the lute Act of Assembly.
Up. Augusta twp, April 7, 'GO. Auditor.
ttato of Johu Twclsojtp, tlec' tl.
VOTICE is hereby given that letters of mi-
miiiistration having been grunted lo the hb
scribcr, on the cslato of John 2'schopp, lute
Lower Mahonoy townHhip.Notlliuiuherlaiul coun
ty, deceased. All perilous indebted to said i nuitt'
are requested to make immediate, payment ui.J
those having claims to pre -cut the.-n for B.-ttlc-
ment. ISAAC H. PvESSLLK, Adm'r.
Lower Mahonoy, April 7, I8O4). 6t
riHE subscriber, for several years a resident ot
I. Asia, discovered while thete, a simido ver-o
table remedy a sure ('tue far Consumption,
Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, and Nervous
Debility. For the benefit off Consumptivej and
Nervous Sufferers, ho is willing to make the
same public.
To those who desire it, he will send tha Pro.
scription, with full directions (free of charge)
also a sample of tho medicine, whlah they w ill
find a beautiful combination of Nature's simple
herbs. Those desiring the remedy can obtain it
hy return mail, by addressing
J. E.CL'THBEK'A Botanic Physician,
No. 429 Broadway, New York.
April 14, 1SGO. 8m
Administrator's Notioo.
Estate of Catharine Shafer, deceased, late of
Lower Mbhanoy township, Northumberland
TVOTICB is hereby given that the subscriber
v has obtained letters of adtniaistrutian on tha
estate of Catharine tshafcr, deceased, late of
Lower Mahanoy township, Norlhutnbeiluitd
county. Those indebted to said estate are re
quested to make iitunediato payment, and thoao
having claims will present them, properly au
thenticated, to the undersigned.
tiEOKUE SIX APE It, Administrator.
I. ewer Mahanoy tp., Feb. 25, 1 8K0. tit
Administrator's Notice.
NOTICE is hereby given, that letters of aJ
' ministration have been granted to the sua:
acriber on the estate of Jacob Miller, late of Ki-il.o
township, Northumberland county, deceased. AN
persons iudehled are requested to make immadi:
ate payment, and those having claims to ptoemt
them for settlement.
Trevorton, March 10, 18G0 6t
Atliuiultratora Notice.
NOTICK is hereby given that lettera of ad
ministration have been grunted lo tbe tuh
xcriher, on the estate of Silas S. Wolverlon, lain
I'ppcr Augusta township, Northumberland coun
ty, deceased. All persons indebted lo said rsttto
are requested to make immediate payment, ai d
those having claims to present them settleim i i
WM. RKED, Adr.i'r.
I'ppcr Augusta twp., March 10, 1S60. tit
4 LL persons indebted to the firm of Fti!iti,t tV.
(Jraul are respectfully requested to con.o
forward and pay up their accounts between thi
and the 1st of April, as Ihey wish to gu to llu
city to lay in their spring supplies.
Sunbury, March 10, lb GO.
pi.'ltE AND FKESII finoCEltlES, ..I nil
- kinds, just received by
E. Y. BRIGHT Si, fcOV.
Runhurv, August 80, ift.ty.
IMlIt the Inttaui Rebel and retiuatiuit Curt ul th
distress uig eoiuflaiul uss
IlrontUlal llKarettea),
.Muds l.y C. U.SKVMtlCK CO., Iu7 NaBamSitt
New oik. 1'iiK.all H-r li; sent free by uia(
Vf I'm d at all l)i uijish. mar St, '). bin
IKlUNtl i GRANT have just received ,v
railroad the large! assortment of 1 I ' 1' E N b
WAHE and Gl.ASSWARH naer hr.nki t
Sunbury. Also, a fresh supply nf DRY tiOlUl.s,
consisting of Spring Dreta Goods, Prints. Mas'
lint and Notion. pr 7, IMtiu.
ii CO'H llennns, athiih remove paint spota
areas. Ac, A-c. and cleans ulovea. silks. rit,l,.,i,-
1 Ac., equnl to new, without the alightvat injur) ta
j color ot fabric. SolJ hy all lf nt-lv ala m
1 alVice. cents par hull If,