v ' 7 SARATOGA V7ATES. ! Analysis of Empire Rprin g. ' Tm Anelysieeif the Empire Vtcr, by Ti of miaous, is 1 follows t Chlornde of Bidium, I6S.C9Q Bicarbonate of l ime, ! 141 H1U Vicarbonate of Magi. esse, 41,3k Mearbonate of Sada, 80.R48 Hydiiodete or Mods (ir Iodine, U.COO BicatlsoMie of Iron, a truce, 000 fcolid contents in gallon, 498, SM fc'j'tiififi gravity, 1,039 EMPIRE SPJILXU. The water of lie Empire Spring iitottlrd ilh the utmost care, and paeVsd in sir ng o&ts, suitable fr ei pollution, by l,t euUeri er. The CotVs of ll genuine Empbe Water are ratitpj, EMnni: spring." CJ. V. V EsTOX Jt CO. Orders may he e ik'retsetl to tue Proprietors, 1. W. Weiton i Co., Saratoga t-pringi, A. V., ( at thrir lepo r, 4io bp.oa d wa r, JW Cnnal Street, At-ic l'ork. CikrincA i vi. E -.tract from a communication from Dr. North, f Saratoga nns, to lite Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, tinted June the 6th, 1851 1 "Ti e New Empire Spring it working charru ugly fur Scrofula. Do the profession know that he-? are twelve grains if ilvdriudate if Jd, r Iuuiue. in a guilcn of water- double any olhr lptii:;1 There Icing only o trt'co of Iron In lie water, I eend my cni-umptive patients to lt.it earing unhesitatingly, Lilhcrlo with tiioit aiisfkttvry reiulta." iw;.t're Spring, ly Ii. L. Alltn, II. D., a Ittsident I'liysician, Sarati.ya Springi. This fountain has more than answered the jepectatiutis of ill friends; at a beverage, our nhahitants who have drunk it daily for aeveral can past, cannot be induced to make a substi ute of any other earing. As a cathartic and alterative, my poet cxreri. nee compel! ine to say, that in my oj.ii.ion it me no superior liere or elsewhere. It eiemp lon from-clay, and the unall relative quantities .f iron which enter its composition, render it one .f the best if not the very best mineral water for ommercial purposes; while iU ability to with land the Irving it. Alienees of warm climateiand ca voyage, moke it a very desirable water for .oKiing purposes. These properties, together wilh the gentle natilv enre of iti present proprietor!, have given t a circulation and uee abroad which hai hereto ore been unprecedented in the hiitory of cele irated mineral water. Uy. 1657. R. L. ALLEN, M. D. Tor ealc by H. B. MASbiuK. April 23, 1RS0. Punhury, Pa. Health! Health li Health I J I MEMOS! HEM A UK A RLE CURE OX 1LECOHD. PR. BWAYXE'9 CCMroCND SYRUP OF "Will ID CHERRY. 101 XT OF Rui'K4, l-'KLDKBICK. CuONTT, MO. V'K Fwaykb: lirut t?ir BtJie ing u u duly I cive o he i-uUic, mid in justice to you, 1 imvo liioncht proj er to G'iko kiMwn owe d the mvul etruordiimry cuicn, iu niy vu C3bp, tli.it Hji ever been truly ircordeil. In I ho a.mlh of Ucti'bfr luit, I wn nfiiipter' with n ktvere cr-.it h- 11113 in my bieust, witivh iennett a Jniire sbecrso, at id ulto omi'UMi:c.ttel u my Lungaanit vrry niurh alHiclfd tlitin. ad diwlufgcd Ittige qaauitlics of criuptiv-ji, exien.ul and litefitul. My l.rca'h otnitd puts throng h i.iy Lungi ui.d tut ihiuuh the ruvny tti' my hrcust with uppui cut tlt'nded with a violent cough, Uuy ami inj-ht, loss of 0 rt.'.e, zvA extreme debility, m liiul my phyiicbm tticug.'it caw li m e! -as mul beyond ti e power of uwdieice. 1 eiaaiiied in Hot wit-ic bed t-iiiditiou for n long nine, nntil wai wetted to a mere 8ie.rioii, oid tbete eemtd to be i:)pe (at me; but hnvtng rend in the public pnpert of ne many wonderful curea performed by your Compound Witrp of Wh.d Chehrt, I immeuiuuty icut to IJuUiuiure or fivu hotl.rs aad conimettred its use, nnd to uiy Rroit d.jibction und my anxiom fcmily, tfie abscess or opening 1 mf l.uniii begun to heal, met tbe'. :u'h eubH.ded. uudun tea buttles I was restored to periect henlth. Over live yetrs have eliipsed. and 1 ft ill renin in per ectly beuny innn to Ibis dm, June ti, I have uot tad - day's sickneti for eigiitefAiontlis. Tleuae ac-ept my graceiul tli wlcdeuien'.f. - Vouie. ve;y lenpetttuilv. THOMAS D.XON. The iiiljfcriber it well acquainted with Thomas Dix-.n, rtd can tesufV tlmt ie iut been rf.ielrd as abeve ru-re-eiited 1 regard his recovery as ahuusl a miracle. lie is . tr jrthy menibet cf aucietv. JAMFS R. Dt'RBOROW. Tiistor of Berlin Circuit. Br.liimore Ci'toereur. The above iuvttlwibla iiifiicine prepared iiIt by )r 11. waym H Pox, No a, North 7th St., above Mar at, I'nitadelphm. "Aootub Wild Cuicbat rHtvx3A- WAYNLS' SARSApARILLA AND TAR TILI3. Tl'S tick person who stand in need of a prompt purifj iu u.-ijuiive, should ucc L b. watt.nk's ogar Coatud a a ka J'ak illa and Tab Pill", they remove ull Diiheidlhy tiliouss-tuii na of the Siwuaicli aud jUAWeit, causing a er:ett st;te of health. T AYNE'S CKI.KRR ATrf) VHRMirVGE, l-K.-'VVAYMi'S CORDIAL, .n ;i:'ilaAb:e remetly for JjiarrWa, Dyseutery, Ct.cliet, t-vUiUj ad all tiowel Complaititt. DYSPEPTICS ! beie is no treatment thut hus ever been tried, that it to urctuitl iHiunnc 1neit;eittion in a:l i:t torn.t. ns 'UU. WAYNK'i BrrTKlt CVriiJUCON." it in.carts ev life mtd invigorates the sy stem, the pa!e and delicate .tii gam strength end a guod appetite by using these tiuiy tin 1 bio Uitters. Piice ui'.y 6u cents. Firpitied m iy by Dr. II SWAYNE k So.N, Nu. $ Ik'.U tm Street, rhtludelpala. SOLD AT Tiiihct'i Drug and Chemical St or a. 11 r i". "5?4 FL0U2. PEED. mUIT AND PROVISION STOKE! fpHC autweriber rfs(.cttfullv iuforina the ci lift- zeni of Siiubury and ll.e lurronndinjr neigh orr.jjj, that he Lai opened Store at the nrrth "est corncrof Market Square, oppoiile Vandyke'i biiroed Hotel, where be ii receiving, and will cep cn hand, Flour, Feed, Fruit and jrovi.iona f ail kindi, eoch ai iVHEAT, RYE ir BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, Can, Corn and all V'tntU of Feed, Cracker j, Orargei, Nuti Ac, Fretb Shad iu iea aon, Early Veg'tablci Fruit Ac, fror.i the South, lie will constantly receive, by Railroad, front .aUiuiiitf and I'hiladelptiiu, all the delicaeiei ol rrcron, ea tuey come into market, and trutta, y prompt attention and reasonable pricti to re civs a bara of the public patronage. VM. HOOVER. Hunbury, April 18, J0.- ly. S40.00 Part for o fell eourw iu ll Iron Tliy Collet., tha Iu r.t, riu,.t rsr.iitivrly pulronird and beat oi gauufej Com n biti'ttl m tlie t'nitcd Statel. . 7 S TL'DliNTi ATTENBIXti DAILY, March, 18Jt Coiril tiut. to con.p'ete a full eur.e, frurn 6 to 10 we very .tuJcui, upui find'jBtiiijr, is guaranteed to be eiiv teitnt i,;uuu. ti BmI.i ol any butiuaat, aud qua! lul I., curu i aaiitrf of Iioq 8iL.l in Clr0 f" i-Vnit enter at aur Umc N Viciao R.tI.w .1 i-crtiui. II f.tm.uTi fur bett rcnmmialiip awarded la tM Cf MiiiiiU,.1 Bona reneivetl at U If price. I"r C'yiJ Cicf iUc S.riuieii. of Uuiinrsa and Orua-ii..;-ai it'miiif .luci.iM iwru uiiipi, aurt adnrcM. K W. JKNK.IN!-. ritlabaiah. Ajjli! , '.E58 ch i.p Si '4tty LOOS TO YOUR OWN INTEEEST5 1 ! r is o o t s VH AND mrrP, HOES rEVOYAI.-Thssu!,scril,r respectfully in- , ".- vi ouiinury anil v.cimty hit tie has removed bis establishment from bis ild sland lo the office fjrnierly occupied by Dr. Awl. iu Mark! Square, Sunbury, near the Nor hj.rn Ciiw.l R.j!r j. H tvlof a btnJ , iclcc ad itock of good materials, ba is rssdy to supply bit customer and elbsrs promplly with UuV'M m,J. r nJoPlo order, ia the tsroiL ' "J nd 0n ,U mM """n1" flei",'"1 'h C?,h ,y,ita U lL for both cL u bV't mai bi""ir' t MJe..o, to to. I -li 0uM'"'--' "iU eaiislactioq to. i h. m.y h. with thaieuatenv. ai 'Jt'iLTl " U,eb,,J' ' 'qusted le" earl M,,W u eceouuu without delay. . , f-7. Jertl 14, ir !y vM. H. MILLER, rir Aycr's Sarsaparilla A oompound rcmtdly; in' which we tiiv la bored to produce the most effectual alterative that con be made. It ii a concentrated extract cf Tara Samnparilla, so eonibinrd with other tlwtancM of still greater alterative power at to alTurd an effective antidote for the diseases Saraaporilla la reputed to cure. It is believed that iuchft rerniMly U wwitcd by those who euffet from Strumous complaints, nnd that one whioh will ecenmplisli theif euro must prove of Immense acrvico to this large close of our oiilicted fellow-citizens. How completely thie compound will do It has been proven by exper Iniunt on many of tha worst cases to be found of tha following complaints t Scsotuxa and Bcnovui.orja Complaints, P.HUPTIOKI AMD F,HUPT1VE DISEASES, ULCEUS, PtUFLivs, Blotciiej, I'tJVoHS, Salt K II bum, Scald Head, Syphilis axd SvrniLuio Ar ncTUMs, MEitcvniaL Disb.vsx, Duor-T, Np.u- kALOIA OS TtO DoLLOfEEUX, IrDILITY, DyS fEPSIA AND IXDIOPSTIOS, . EaYSIPELAS, lloSB oa Sr. Amtiion y's Fire, and indeed the wholo class of complaint arising from Impurity or THE Blood. This compound will bs found a great pro moter of hculth, when taken in tho spring, to expel the foul humors which fester in the blood at that season of tha year. ly tho time ly expulsion of them many rnnklincr disorders re nipped in tho bud. Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, spare themselves from the endurance cf foul eruptions and ulcerous ore's through which the system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do Uus through tho natural channels ot the body by an alterative medicine. Cleanse out the vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, or sores ; cleanse it when you iind it is ob structed and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Even where no particular disorder U felt, peoplo enjoy better health, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep tho blood healthy, nnd all is veil i but with this rabr.lam of "life disordered, there can be no lasting health. Sooner or later something must go wrong, ana tho groat machinery ut life is disordered or overthrown. Sarsaparilla has, nnd deserves much, the reputation, of accomplishing theso ends. But tho world has been egrcgiously deceived by preparations of it, partly because tho drug alono has not all -the virtue that is churned for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to be concentrated extracts of itK contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla, or any thing else. During hrte years the public have been mis led by large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Most cf these have been frauds upon tho sick, for they not only contain little, if any, Sarsapa rilla, but often no curative properties whatev er. Hence, bitter nnd painful disappointment has followed the u?e of the various extracts of Sarsaparilla which Hoed the market, until the name iteelf is justly despised, and hns become synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still we coil this compound Sarfp.pr.rilln, mid intend to supply such a remedy ns thall rescue tho tannic frcm tho load cf obloquy which rests tipon it. And we think we hove ground for believing it has virtues which are irresistible by tho ordinary run of the diseases it is intend ed to cure. In order to secure their complcto eradication from the system, the remedy should be judiciously taken according to directions on the bottle. TOEPAREn nv DIt. J. C. AVER CO. LOWELL, MASS. Price, 01 P Buttle t Six Bottles for $3 Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, has won for itself such a renown for the cure of every variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, that it ia entirely unnecessary for us to recount the evidence of its virtues, wherever it has been em ployed. As it has loriK been in constant use throughout this section, we need not do more than assure the people its quality is kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do for their relief all it has ever been found to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOB TEE CUBE 07 Csstlventu, Jaundice, Dyspeptia, Indirett'ion, Dysmttry, Foul Stotnnch, Erytijttlta, Headache, riles, Rheumatism, Eruptions and Skin Diseases, Liver Complaint, Drops;, Tetter, Tumors and gilt Rfiwm, )'ori, Govt, A'waoio, at a Dinner nil, eurf for Purifying the Blood. Tbey arc iugar-coated4 so that the most sensi tive can take tbcm pleasantly, and they are the best aperient in the world for all the purposes of taniily physic. Prico 25 cents pr Pot ; five boxes for $1.00. Great numbers of Clergymen, rtiysicianp, States men, and eminent peuonaecs, hnvo lent their names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of thrso remedies, but our space here will r?t permit the inert;..,, nf them. The A cents below named fur- r.iih Riatis our Amphican Almanac in which they tire given j with also full descriptions of the abovo complaint!, and the treatment that should be fol lowed for their cuic. . Do not be put otf by unprincipled dealers with other preparations tbey make more profit on. Demand Ayeu'b. and take no otten. The sick want the best aid there is for them, and they should have it. All our Pvemodics are for sale by 1 riling 6i lirant and A. YV. t'iiher, 8unbury, R. H. McCoy. Northumberland, A. T. liUcl, 'i'ur'jutviile, F. feints, Wind Cup, J. F. Cu.-low, Milton, G. Ii. Cadwalder, Shaiookin, 1. Uhler. t'hlersville, And by all Druggists and Merchants. April 10. W.i ly SPRING Sl Gurdrvisa JUST ARRIVED AT THE STORE OF J. BI- E.tiL;jL. orsuubiiry, Pa , A splendid stuck of Spring snd Bummer E CooJs from Philadelphia, to which be ici ectfully iuviles his friends and the Publie to call and inspect, be will spare no time in show ing the in. Among his st,k of goods will be found, FINE ELL'E AND BLACK PESITCE CLOTZ. Fine Li.icK. snd Fancy Casi.nerca 1 weeds, 8at inetts, Jeans and Faecy Vesting, stai a large as sortment of Peady-maJe C'LUT111U for men and boys (cheap.) FOR LADIES WE All, Black and Fancy Dress Silk very cheap, Silk Tissue, Ucreges, Cliali and Chali ltol.es, Urrege Delaine, Eerege Robes, Figured Urilliaul and a variety of o her Dress Goods, bpting and Sum mer bbawta, Maulillai, Parasols, a good assort ment of white goods, Collars, Sleeves, Irith Linen, fehiit fronts, Marseilles, brilliant Ac. A general asuitment of domestic llry (Jo ds. Also large stock of Hats and Caps, llools and shoes. Hardware, Queens and (ilutsware, (irocerics, Cedarware, Stone snd Eatlhenware, Drugs and Paints, fait, Fish, Cheese, Haw, Oil, Tar &lc. &lc. N. H. Wall and Window Paper, Floor and Table Uil Cbiib, Carpels, sll the above will be sold at low piiees for cash or country produce ta en in exchange for Goods. J. U. ENGEL. Sunbury, May H, 1859. tf. - PHILADELPHIA AND IiKADING KAIL ROAD u;u:ncr Arrangf meiit APItlL 13, 1869. TWO PASSK.NGKK Trains leave Har-isburg Dailv, (TuKlas execplcd,) ul .( U A ill, and 45 P St., In i'Ull ujelluu, amviun titere at II AO iiimui iind 7.40 t. IU i(iluii..itr, l.iuve I'lilUipelaUla al 7.10 A. M , and J t) P. ..1 ,..rui.. ul IJairialiuxal W.4U iiu-4. and B ii P. M. Fs.: 'to IMuuiadoliia, No. 1 Cart, sVJ i No. (is mine Hum ) im 7U I-Arts i 'I ii iteadinir. AI fd and tl 30. At Ivcuiliiit.coiuiiit wilh trams fur f oltsville, Uinsrs- viue, J uuuic.ii'1, Cuuiwittn. lie, I-our 'I rains leave Heading lor Philadelphia daily, at f .-, iu la a ai , i-j jo ikiou anil a in r. M l-ave I'hiUilelplna foi Heading, at 7 SO A M, 1 30 f. M 3 "Si H M , a:i l 4 45 H M l FiStt Iteailing to Philadelphia. ! 71 ami (I IS. I lie Miwiniig Train I ruin llanitlalig oounew Aoadlllf v-i.u up irem uw iv ntctiMirre, iiiilo ana pcrani..fl. . For Uiruugb iickaia and oilier iittoriiMiioa apply lo . , J J. CLYDE, Gentrul Ageut Aprlle. iMO If ' TVBACCO. 8eeara. Banff. At., ire., far amU i ai vuurr.it g, vsitery etera. Sunbury, Msy V, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN j BRANDIES, WINES, 0INS.&C. WlIE subscribers have opened In Thompson's - Brick Huilding, Mill itreet, Danville, large and complete etitck of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, comprising tho boathranilaof Brandies, Gin, Old Rye. Scotch and Irish Whiskey, - Port, Sherry, Maderia, Champagne and other Winei of all prides, all of which will be sold Wholesale at the lowest city prices. Tavern-keepers by buy ing of ns can lave at least the freight. 1'ersons desirous or purchasing liquors for FAMILY USE. may rely upon being furnished with pure and unadulterated article. t7 Being determined to establish a reputation for selling cheap they respectfully s.rlicit the pa tronage of the pul l c. A 11 orders promptly at tended to. SHERIFF & II ALL. Danville, April 9, 1839. Market Street, Snnbury Fa. . rpHE substrilier respectfully informs the citi xens of Sunhury, und the public generally, that he has taken possession of the above well known stand, formerly kept by John Lciser. lis is determined to use every exertion to make his house one of the best in the Slate, and oflVis r ra Inducements for persona who spend a short time in one of the most pleasant towns In central j'erinsy Ivania. . - His table will be supplied with the best lbs market can produce. ' Ills bar will be supplied with the purest liquors. Careful and obliging servant! always in alien ante. A share of the local and traveling com munity u most respectfully solicited. April 2J, l859. 6:a Proprietor. notice! ADATIS EXPEESS CO., Give notice that they have concluded arrange ments with the Northern Centrul Kail lioad Company, to run Irains from l.'ultimore for York, Hairisburg, Dauphin, Halifax. Trevorton, Sun bury, Northumberland, l.ewUburg. Milton, Mun cy, Williamspoit, and all intermediate Stntiuns. Connecting at Harnsburgli with the UitCAi WESTEKN EAl'UESS fr Filtsburg, Cincin nati, o: . J.ouis sou tue west. Also wilh Howard A' Co'a Express at Milton or Danville, Uloomsburg, W ikesli.irre, l'iti.it mi, Scranton, and intermedials Stations on llie Cut- lawieea, I.uckawana and lilonmsmirir, Kill Koails. At Williamsport, by Howard & Co'a Express to Jersey Shore and Lock Haven. Alsn, by How ard x Co., and llieir conneclutis, lor Canton, 'J'rov. Elinin. Rochester, HulEilo, Niagara, and tj all accessible points in Western New York and Canada, by which they will forward Mcrchandife, Specie, Bank Notes. Jewelry, and Valuable Packages of every description. Also, Notes, Drafts and .Bills for Collection. Experienced and efficient messengers employed and every eli'ort will be made to .render satisfac tion. JOHN BtNGHAM, Superintendent Tenu'a Division, I'bil'a. A. W. FISH EH, Agent for Sunhury. April o. IK59. CEHTKAL HOTEL, SUXBUflY, Northumberland Comity, Pa THIS large and cnnim'.dioua Hotel, now fin ished and completely furnished with enliie new furniture, at a large expense hy Ssberill' Van dyke, and situate at the Itailroad Depot north east corner of Market ISquaro. SSunbury, and at the terminus of the Sunbury If Erie and North ern Central Railroads, will be open fur the accom modation of Travelers and the public in general on the FI15ST DAY OF JANUAKY, IKS9. The pr iprietor will give bis exclusive atten tion, totbe comfort and convenience of his guesls and is de ertnined to make this establishment rank among the first in the State Hi; table will be supplied with the best the ma'ket can produce having the advantage of daily covntnuniiiulion by cars direct fioin Jlatii more, and also from ihote bringing produce from the surrounding country. I His bar will be supplied with the purest liquors the market can produce Ca-eful and obliging s;r.vanls always in at tendance. A share ol the local and traveling communit is most respectfully solicited. , JOSEPH MOIST, Lessee. Punhury. Dec. 18, 18S8. NEW YOKK LINES. TUK CAMDEN Ac AMIIOY AND rillLADKLPUiA AND TIinXTOX IIAILITOAI) CO -S I.INK3, From PltHadtlphia ta .Veto York und Way Places. From Walnut Street Wharf, PliiLJcl; lila, will leave at follows, vu : Sahu. Al 6 A M, via Camden aud Amboy C At A Accom modation, S'J 25 At 0 A M, via Camden and Jersey City New Jer sey accoiiuiiiid.il ion, At 9 A M, via Camden and Jersey city Morning Mail, At 11 AM. by SteamlKwt, via Tacony and Jersey city MoruiuK Kxprett, At P M, via Caiadeu and Amboy C and A. V.z- preiit. At 3 I' M. by Sleainboal, via Tacony ind Jersey city, Kveiiih:? Ks;iie!s, AtLJ PM,ly t-teamli .at, via Tuci.lv and Jei ey city. Sit Class Ticket, At 6 H M, viu CanaJeu A; Jersey citv Kveuine Mail 9 25 3 00 3 00 3 Oil 3 00 5 21 310 At II 1 M, via Camden end Jersey city Nuglit Mi ll It 25 AI2j r ill. via Caiiiiteu and Ainu y Aecoiuiu.ida Uoo. (Kieigiilaud Patacnier,) Itt clutt ticket, Al 5 F M. via Camden and Amlmv Aecimmoda- S2J 1 &U lion, (Fieiatuud Passenger,) tat elate ticket, i 25 Sd " 1 7J The 8 P. M. Mail Line runs daily. The 11 NitluMu;i. oamiiuys exi-eineu. IV Kxpleta Lines stop at principal station only. i'ot Helvidere, Kaaton, Fleuiuitoii, Ate., alO A. M., and P. M , from Wuhiut street wharf. Fur Water Gap, t-troudsburj;, K:rautnii, Willcesbarre, Montrose, Great Bend, Ac, ut 0 AM, via Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Ruiir.iad. I'll Freehold, at 0 A. iM. and 2 P.M. For Mount iiolly, all) and 0 AM, and 2, It and if. a. WAV LINKS, For Britlol, Tretiton, 4c, at 3J and 4) P. M., from Wuli.ul ttrct whan'. For Paiinvra. Deliinco, Beverly, Burlington, Borden tnwii. Ac , utgl P. M. teuinUait John Nelson, f-r I!jrdeutiwii and intermedi ate p'ueet. ul '.li, P. M. bteuinlx.nl I lent'.u, t'r unstoi. uuiliuguin aad iiiteriua diate placet, at IK M and 1J P. M. F ifty (Hiundt ol Uai'iHKe only, allow-ed each pataenger, Passeiieeis ore puihiti li-d front taking ouylliiug nt Jiarr gaeje ..ut their wenrmg apparel. All HaKnuca over fiiiy pouuiiu i' i pant ror extra, 'ihe compuuy limit their retnoutiliility f. Raeiriige to due Dollar ner pound, and will not I liable for miv amount beyond ICO llullais, ex cept by special contract. -v .11. u. UAT.ut.il., a cent. April 1st. V ap. 90. M". JOSEPH FU88ELL, AV. 2, Xurth Fourth Street, 1 llll.ADF.I.rHl A. MANCFACTUHEn of be-l quality of CM. B HELL A3 und FAIt AisOI.S invites the alieMion of buyers lo his eilensive slock, embracing many styles not heretofore introduced. t'liilailclpliia, March 13, 18S9 - Jl'sT Ur.CF.l VLU a general assortment of New floods al ilia Klnra nf J. H. ENGEL. Sunbury, Dee. 1 1, I6fift RLCLfVED larga assorln.ent nf Salinett, Cassimcis Mid Cloth, at J. II. ENGEL'S. Sunbury, Dec. It, l6-8 tJL'RE OLIVE OIL for labia use.-two at 37J end C2J cents just received by A. W. FISHER, July n.'fttl. JUST RECEIVED t large Tol of ready made CLOTHING, Cheap sl J. II. ENGEL'S. Sunqnry, Dee. 11, 185S. ' JUT RECEIVED a lot of Ladies CLOTH CLOAK, at I. II ENUELS Store. Sunbury, Dee. 11, 1858. STOVES- FOR SLE B ta excellent second-hand Cook' ins; Sloes, also several Cylinder Coal ttore. Enquire at this offle. WHEELER &. WILSON M-ANTJFACTUXUNO CO,9 FAMILY SEWING MACHINES. Mm ' WlG ananlmmii favor which huiaupmialili Introdnc J tKul uf Wheilsr It Wil.SMs'i Kulnlly Sewing Mn Chine, im ufflcii'iil eviilenca of ill exceilt-iice. Il is nenl Irm in. iv to tay, tluit this umul iiunrumriit it lieroimug a dmnntie iinliluli'Mi th lull is reongnired by in suco Ft- ful urns in thi.n a.Mfli nf Pmnilirl inevflrv rnnk III life. J'a th'we who h.-ive Inthrrtorei'minftl frum availing themBclves nr us ailvantoges, it may not he ohiifs Ui say, tnai its uiii ruvaiiola rr.'l.lom to lie solved, but a aticcea alreaily n-aliired. The hi-limt tcilmnnv is eomtantlv offvreil.wni- Grilling the verdict which has given thie luitracmeiitons wine muienviuuie a repniainiii. 'Mm Alnchine is conceived on a principle entirety ongv nnl. beins snwiallv mul atlmirablr adrnted to the most per fect W'irk on every suit! of ma'leriai i and, having heeti mlijiM'tid ton three years' test of the mist lemehmg rliiirnclei hy Fumilies, anil in vn'i"it branches of Manii fuetnre, witlnhatineuislieil sneeess, il is lielieveU llmt in all the erent points remnsite lo a aomiilele and nrac'icul Se ving Miiehiiie. it camml he opproaihcil in excellence Ainunz tha umloulili'd arivntiiiigea it possesses over no olhers, mm- he named the fnlluWlng; I. lie simplicity uf "ini ruction, and consequent free dom troiri deranpemeiit anil need of reimira II. Its unexampled rnpnlitv und ease of operation. 3 Its noiseless movement 4. The great vnrietv of purpnae to which II can he ap plieo, which can be achieved by lis other mechanical uii-ans. And, 5. The pre-eminent henutv and durability of tha wots "I find your Maehiue invaluable I have used it a year, and it hns nevel been oiilof unler. The slitch is very du rable, nml can be nihtpied to fine or coarse materials. It worka with the rupiility of n di zen pair of hnmls j saves much tune, fnlieue ami expense. One of your Machines it ueil in iiiv Iniher't fiiinily uiiolher in Ihe lioutehohl of a imter ; ami others by vnrio is friends. The opinions of all accord with thai 1 luive just expnssed."-Mrs Anna Cora Ritchie. "Thire in but one Pewinff MnehinJ t nnd that IB Wire. I.M mid W ilson's." Judge Aleigt, nf the American Insti tute. 'TherVwiue Machine purrhaaed of yon has been whol ly rervieenble Hev. LIT. Snrnnel Osg.HHl. No family can afford to do without it. (Ipixiom or ins Niw Vena TaKss. 'Ve prefrr them for latnily use. Tribune They nte the fuvoriles for families Times, Are without a rivul. tVieulllic American. Works mote uniformly than the huuil IterVd. 1 hi ibe work of ten onfinuiy sowers Jour Cum. Iiuul to nine seatnlrestes. tteme Jonrn..l 'I'iik machine, f ir futility use. Ailvoeale & Journal. Motl huuonilile to Ainerlenil genuis Independent. We cannot imagine anything more perfect Evangelist. Will uive entire satisfnelion. -Ohseiver. The best ever invented. -Cliristtun lnittirer. In limkiiig for the bent, tee t'ieie K.X'imliier. Aiilliilah:)' adapted for family use Chronicle. linbii(Hiiiable in every family. The lrearlu-r. We p'nise it wiiii eiiilumuimn Chrisli.in luteMieeucer. Worthy of the l.ihel u .vaiil. Snblwitti tteeorder. A beiiel-il-tnin ef Ihe age I'nt'iaili's Mnnine. Mazunl in oporatiou .Mrs. Stephens' Mi nlhly. llionl ail question, the maeloin'3 l.iie M"tra!ed. The itileh cannot be unruveled. Am A;iiculuiifet. They m-itulalii Ihe pre-eminence. Kxprets. S:ives the lime und health i'f ten women. Water Cure. Our Itoutihold is iu eetiitiieswiih it. IVttei'jSpirit. Supply llie futhioiiable world Daily Newt. Arepre-einiuen'ly superioi. jidiee' Visitor. (Ineofoiii boiiellid g 'ds U. S. Joiinul. I'nrivalled in every qun'ily. lav Hook. l'ietty,uteful, mnitieiil. l.esile'1 (inzelle. fluve n eijiinl f"r rmnilv ute Miitieul World A tiiumph of mei-hiinii-nl freniut N. Y. Journal. Combine every requirement. Family Magazine. Vntllv superior to all ntlieia l.oKten Prize. We I'uiinol lire iu its prune New Yorker. For further particulars apply to H. TJ. Masser, Sunl urv, Pa., agent of the manufacturer, who will supply machines at the manufacturers' prices. Sunlmry, May 15, IK". If rjPtHE undersigned having received a large and JL well selected stock of 1'iiro Drugs mid Clicmlcstls, DyesttifJfs, OiN, ruints, Class and Putly, is now ready to fill orders ut a nioinents notice. In connection with the ubave you wiMTiml an assortment uf Fancy Notions, Toilet vlr'ii les and Peifutnery of nil kinds, Tooth, Hair, Nails and Clolbes li rushes of evers variety. Customers will' find bis stock complete, com prising many articles it is impossible here lo enumerate. KE.MEMBER the 'place, under the office of the ,-Sunbury American." Physicians' Preemptions compounded accurate Iv and carefully. A. W.FISHER. Sunhury, April 5d, IS-9. NF.W GOODS Atthe Mammoth Store of lie a t ij;:si;i, NO. I MAKKET STKKKT, SUNDUKY, PA. rivll F. siiliscnlier has just opened nt his well I known establishment in Sunbury, one of the cheapest and most desiraLle stocks of Fall and Winter Goods, that has ever been nflered in the place, anil which be will sell for CASH or exchange for Country I'rvduce. i'hos.e desiring lo purchase goods will do well to call and examine linstock. BLACK AND FANCY SILKS. All Wool Delains, Figuied, Striped und Tlain, French Merino, all colors, beautiful Dress Robes, Cashinetes, Shaded, Plain uud Striped mut be seen to form an idea of the extent and vutietv. Mantle, Stella, Chenille, French Wool Shaw Thibet and llrocha Shawls. Cloths Cassimeres and Satinet For Men and Uoys' Wear, black Cassi meres, Fancy Cassimeres, side stripes heavy. Doe Skin CuHnimeiea, p'ulineU all kinds. FLANNELS, While and Red Flannels, all grades and prices, liay State Suck Flannels, colors Onet qiinlitioB. READY-MA DE CLOTH I N U. Boots snd Sbnrs, Hats and Caps, Ac., 4c, all nf which were selected with great care, and will compare favorably, as regards quality, st)le and price, with any in the country. II A Ul) WA UK, a full uSsurlmtBt. Wood aud Willow Ware, (jueeuswaie, of all descriptions, Groi erics, a full stock in store, Carpet Chsins, Ac, Faints, Oils. Gluss, Dye Stuffs. Thankful lor the patronage heretofore received he will spare no pains to please all who way favor him with their custom in the future. Sunbury, Nov. C, 1808. Peipber's Line, fiailroad Freight Cars lll.'-I'll'L' I'XT . iSirS Philni?Blnhia & Rnnrinrvr ttifl Philadelphia & Sunhury. r i II K talwcriliel is running a line nf freislil cart t ami X titan I'iiiludeliiina wiiliiiat re-shipiiient, a.iJ li-.pet lo e.iaUisli a guuU business by r.iooii4 deliveries at rcaswiia ble rales. VViiieiKiust in I'liilailelplila with Frerl, Ward & Freed, 811 Market street, where g.axls Jtc. fr rimitury aud inter. Dieduiti poiuis slioultl 1 leit. THOMAS rCIPUKU, llarrisburg. Slareh 10, ieS9. 3m ' Btj-y" THE WATvISUTTA PHINTS. They are the best Calicoes yet offered lo the publicj lor llie money. Wksiihh Assits i DXrOBEST, AjajdSTIlOMO sV CO., N K W YORK. April S3, I SCO 4m31 SPICES! SPICES!! SPICES!!! Pure and No. Ground Tepper. Ginger. CiniMtinnii, Aliafiiva, t tare. Anirrit-uii ud Knplihh Muttard. Ctjyetine IVpiMtr, Nuinifg. Mar. Sop. Curb Vil. Sultpeiri;, tiateiatui, ISul, cVulii, IimJih. CuruwavaiHl 0afiander Seed. siiimsh MMHJT SlUU UlS'UlaU at It, ajg, Ir'or kulat tat irUiala MtilKu44 andt49Norlli rroat nwt sjKrujr of js.w, riiiUtiripbui. ilUWAUsO WORRELL. tV Parrhasera will nod u granelv li thatr mierv4 Uta In quality ami prica to Uiy ttiena aKeds), wbioh ar WU iantd aa repreawiUft ir CsarieKaiJ. A truu H) aoltcited. Paiiadrlphta, Jalarek 19. ltoaXiW 1 ) 4. SVMPH0MAN8, (raoj musical lottrumtnta jut rectnvtd from 8oow Hill, Lndtm. and HIGHLY -IM rORTANT NEWS M. 0. GK AIM ART, Has returned with new Stock of Confectionuies, Fruit and Toyi. TTseerrs as if new age, a new life ws open- ing upon ns, animating every heart to nobler dof ds and higher aims! Art, Literature and Sci ence will glow anew and seek In develops sub liiner beauties and grander conception. Tn business world too mint feel the new in fluence and every part be quickened and strength, eucd by in incrcmed vitality, whiib shall urge us on with electric speed lo the consummation of greater tilings than wsi ever d'roamed f in the I'hilosiiphy of the past, Animated by the enthusiasm which prevades sll classes, and desirous of doing his share to wards "The great eventa of the Age," the aub scriber would respectfully inform the (food peo ple of SUN UURY and Ihe public generally, that ha has just returned from Ihe city ef Philadel phia wilh tha largest and choicest stock of Con fectionariei. Fruit and Toys that has ever been brought to this section of countrv. He Is also mmslacloring all kinds of Confectioneries, 4e., to uil up orders, wbolesa'e or retail, at short no tice. Among his stock of Confectionaries, may ba loumi i French Secrets, Gum Crops, all kinds of sctiil, siuriieu iimimut, lnvc uiopt, Cream White, Mint Urnpt, red and white, " Ieinop. Jelly Cakes, 1 ltiaie, Fruit Drnpi, " Vanilla. filick Candtes, ef ill saeuls Comrmn Secrets. Ruck Candy, Liquorice, Almond Caady, FRUIT. Bananas, I'runei, Datea, V iga, .Currants drieit, Citrous, : Ahnoudt, rtiimns, Nuti of all kuidi LEMON SYRUP of superior mistily, by the single or dozen. A superior quality of Segara and Tobacco, snd variety of Confectionaries, fruit, Toys, Ac, all nf winch ii oflerej cheap at wholesale or retail. tST Remember tho name and place. 3 M. C.fiEARHART, Market St., 3 doors west of Fiahcr's Drugstore Siinbiirir, October 30, l8-'8. ly BLAIE'S Sixth Street, above Chesnut, I'lalada, ERCHANTS, business men, and persons cenetally will find this houL one of Ihe must conveniet.t and pleasant tn the city. 1 111 nrouiielor will use his best efforts to sccommo. date bis quests, end at reasonable prices. December 4. IHSS. ly NOBLIT, BROWN ft HOBLIT, Cabinet IHnUtiV Iliulluff store AND BEDDING WARE-HOOMS, ItavinR REMOVED to the new Iron Front Warehouse, No. 22? Poulh Second Street, below Dock, West Side, I'll I1.LDEI.PH1 A. V OW offer to flier customers and the public I generally, a new and full assortment of CABINET HARDWARE & MATERIAL. They invite the attention of the trade lo their stock of Hair Sealing and Curled Hair, of their llieir own manufacture ; Also to full enroll ment of llf.DL.INCr AND LTHOJ.STEhY. Philadelphia. Julv :). jr'8. lj T BC 3S1 Doming,, COFFEE POT Tea 3kPot, Being banod, as Dr. nail, of tha Journal of Health, says, "on bOienco and common sense," are rapidly coming into uso, and destined soon to supercede all others. ARTHUR, BURN HAM, & GILROY, 117 & 110 S. Tenth St., Philadelphia, Sole Manufacturers under the Patent. st-For isle by Dealcre 111 House ket-pluc Articles, autt Storekeepers generally. December 4, 1819. GeoROI T. A HSE7. JoM!t A. NfcFT. ABBEY &c NEJtr, No. 30S Nnrtli TUItU) trret, (iltree dooi uLuv Vine. ) niii.ADnisr.iiA. THE OX.Z) HARrWAnn STAI7D. (KsTiULlSJlKU Ttt'fiM i-Tour Vbari.) IVr.HY d-'sciiiitinn "f liuiltiitijr, Methaiiirnl, Furmiiit 4 mid M- ii-fU"ii UAltr'A'ANti, in ikw hi -:rtri, ai.J will l.e ".ficittt nt we liAvett nmikel prinf, tj Caah and prompt fix iiKHiitis bun. Nuii at .Mjnufactureri' pn-ci-a hr Cufli . , Dfilrn Tnun new r nitomrtt will recrivr mrict anrl urea mte nitcmiiiii, ami all jjoxis tent I rum U111 lionet wtii Le mi rfpffwiiictl. (V i;'VNTHf p.RHATr, on their next visit ta rnr rtty tn iii:ike llieir Spring puri-tiiwea. nr coiriially mvilrd to cull auii txiiaiut uur tnik m A Pru'er. Infoie pttrrdat ii.j. .MmicIi l-2Ut 1F5. 3iu .1. THE GREAT AMERICAN & I0112IUN PATENT AGENCY OFFICES. Inventors, Seouro your Eights! HOW TO OBTAIN IeKTTER9 1'ATENT. (Mtfr.a. Mu.xTt 9c Co., I-AiiUtra and Proprirtnrs of the Scicnuli.: Aniciu'iiui nre contliiclina: mo.i aucccaai'ij! I Ajjcnoy for arcurinijE iln ItiftMta uf tnvrntois, lo be l"tind in llie I uilrd !au:s. They hnve bern pfii. ?iuMy ftimiU linr with ll.e prtiprest of liivenlinn and l)ivctvery ftr tnv piiai rntren ytinTand liiivt pre pored and coii'tueli-.l wilh in this pt-ri Hi, mr Pntent msea limit any t lirr Agency in Uio W 'li't. Aa an evidence tif llie nuiftdciii'e Up led ' in llieir aitiiity and i'ltcgiity. Ihey may with propriety re fer t 'he extraordinary f(f tiiat Hourly lv Ifmiiannd Iiianta huve befji iiitui-d tn tbeii clieiitK, during ihe brief a I wire of tu'nyruia; and durinfr Iht. anine neiiod, llicy Iriva rx:imineil ttirngli their erik-tcnt lirnnfh f)tTice in Hat iiitgtttti. nit t!te no vet I y v nlxnit t-irve thuMiiid Iu, Venii -n, thus tirJordini; M them a Ittiowlct'ye -f ibe cuu Uu'.i f the Piiient Oihce.unrivtiilt-d Uy any exiaiini at-'n rv. N"l only Una, but more thtm unc hull of all ihe I'u tenia arpnred hy American citizen! iu iba Kun.amn coun tuff, iiretuiaen through Munn i' Co.'$ Agcnde in London, Paris, Lrusstte, Berlin and Vienna. C Irra'ut of Advice IIow to Prcnre AmerUfiii and roreifiii I'ateiit, will Im aent, free l rhuit;. to hi who m:iv witli fur tiietn, Mttaara. Mitnn .V Co.1 prtneipul nf. ticea in New Voie. nr in tha new Park Uuihiinga, No. 37 Park Kjvv, eiftteni aide of tha City Hull Parki where ail eominunuttli 'in ylumtd be addresjcdt nnd wheru lu en l'r are vonliully invited to eali whenever tlicy viut tiie city. Mr Mr. Maim Co. refer by rterrnianon to I!n Chne. A!ua 'ii, Kx-Coiiimiaanijier oJ Patent, ll ni. Joteph iiult, Pn&tnisittrr Oeneial and Kt- Conim;fsi.ntr rf rnieriia,ni'd also u tmi aeven tn HiMind luventora m the Unitf d bu;ca, wh'( papera buva beet) prepared and prosecuted thfiruglt their Agency. Adureaa No. 37 Patk How, New York. Mnroh gfl, 159. ' SUNBURY FOUNDRY ! fltHK lubscriliers respectfully inform Ihe eiti i. tens of Sunhury snd the I'lI.IIc ccnerallv. that they have leased the Sunbury Foundry oc cupied by George Kohrhach.andthal ihey will lake possession en the first day of April, next, when they will be enabled ta furnish all kinds of Cast ings, such aa IMowa, Stoves, &c, Ac, als lots rates aa they can be had any where else. They are also manufacturing thrashing machines, and da repairing at short notice. All orders addressed to tliein will be promptly attended lo. ' Country produce taken in exchange for Cast ings at all times. CLINTON ROHRBACH. JACOB KOJIRUACH, Jr. 8unbury, Msrch 6, I8."9. 3m BL'VMONG's Ac SONS' 6npMiorBurting Fluid, for sale at USHER'S Drug ard Chemical Emporium. Punhtiry July 17, IR.'.e. 1'ure Wlnca uud Liquor. JL'Ur received at FI311EIt'8 Drug end CheJ mie.al F.isiiAriam. Sunhury, Oct. t 1858. IJARRIS' Soothing byrup, for Children lewth - ing. For tale sl FISHER'S- Oetoher 16, '&. J L'tiT RECEIVED lot of GeiiUemeo 8HAWL8 end BLANKETS, at J. H. ENGEL'S Stow- Bunbury Dec II, 1858. VANILLA BEANS, Fgs. Dales, Oranges, l.an.ona. Pruasa. nuts of all kinds, lust re- a-IraJ fur ula at l ha CoBfselieiiar tttore ef MC.GEARHART. Bunbur April , 15 FURNITURE I FURHITTTRE ! ! THE LARGEST STOCK EVER OFFERED IN 8UNBURY. FatLlonablB, Cheap and rscfal THE subscriber, long established as a Cabinet and Chair Manufacturer in Sunbury, thank ful for post favors, solicits continuance of the publie patronage, linstock el uDine w are, Chain, 4 o., embraces EVFRY VARIETT, UEPtX P OltKA. RiMTAL in houiekeepinu;. It is unnecessary to enume rate, as anything that may be required In hit line can be bad at moderate prices, ineap tor Cash, or Country ProduceMaken in exchange. Establishment South East Corner of Marlet Squart. E7 Those knowing themselves Indebted to the subscriber would oblige him by making pay. menl. SEBASTIAN II A LPT. Punburv, April 4, H57. tf WBOLSS1LS inn BSTIII. Grocery, Wine and Liquor 8tore, 5. E. cor. Walnut and Water Streets, PHILAlELriHA, DEALERS and families will be promptly supplied at the lowest prices. October 4, 1856. tf . SUNBURY FI0UR STORE FOR 1859 tfl O. HAVEN, is yet at his old stand, South VJi aide of Market Suuare. Sunbfrv. and keeps constantly on hand a good stock of Flour, reed ana all things in bis line' He has now on hand a fresh supply of No. I. superfine FLOUK Jo. 1 Extra, and Ultra Family in barrels; U illiamsport double extra tn quartet battel sacks ie flour, Buckwheat Flour, Corn meal and chop (fall kinds for bale cheap for CASH. He is always ready lo;upply the wants of his customers, in small or largo qnntities. A LSI), Crackers of sll kinds for sale at rcgu lar wholesale prices. Ha hopes by careful aittn tion to business, to merit and conuaae to receive the patronage uf his customers. C. O. HAVEJf. Sunbuiy, Jan. 19. 1S59. tf. XIEKRIIiG'S SA?D. Ati.VIN 'I' HE i, At the l.urning of tho Art. .xan liulUiinn, Aiuil HIlll, V4Sf l 4gi.mt in me i.i.Ciai rtur. in jpZJ!ji?? Market street, Msy l.t, IS06, the genuine IIKKRING SAFR Preserved llie Jewelry of Om, W. 5:nons & lltii.i Koolcs, Papers, &c, of Fisher & liro.,and EJward IScaniaiia ii Co., after remaining en posed in the burr.in; tuins for nearly FOKTV Hii;i;S. and nri.vine conclusivelv what we have aluavii cluiiiied lor them, Ti! IWR CHEAT eil.'PKKIOHn' Y over all eecurilies now known. In lhc Cres, TUB HERRING'S SAFE, HanJinff side by side nilh thoe fiiivcrliscd as "warranted lo stand 10 per cent, inure fire than Herring's," came forth the ACKNOWLEDGED VICl'UR, not only preserving their contents in EXCELLENT order, but being in themselves in a condition to go llironi;U anotner orucui, while the boasted "Salamanders" of other ma kers were badly used up in every instance, and in some casca their entire contents completely de? 1 1 o ed. To the public he would sinriyly say, that, du ring the fontieen years the HERRING'M SAFE has been before thetn, more than, two hundred have passed through accidental tires without the occurrence of a single loss. We would, therefore, C ACTION purchasers against the misrcprtsenlalion of interested par tic-. The HERRING'S PATENT is tho only FIRE PROuF SAFE made in this city, which is protected by a PATENT RIGHT, and we will guarantee it to resUt more then double the amount of heat of ar.y other Safa now known. Farril, Ilcrrln; Si. Co., Sole Manufacturer! :n this Stale ef "Herring's Patent Champion Eafes," 34 Walnut XI., Philada. ITT" "Evani & Watson's Improved SSalimsn- ders," "Oliver Evans'," ''C. S. Ctayler's," and ' Scott's Absetos," Iron ChcsU, (a larye assort ment hnvin been taken in part payment for "Herring's,'') will be sold at low prices. Philadelphia, July 10, le58. ly Yt.oJca!e firoccry. Opposite the Penrijlva lilluil Road Depot HARRlsULRG, PA. "CT" EEP a large atock of the following named X'. article's, and will cell cheaper than ar.y otlur house this side of Philadelphia. Call and see price of Coffee, ' Lard oil, Fisti" oil. Hufar, lish, lar, 'lea, talt, Resin, Spicei, Hams, I'iti-h, Tobacco, Shoulders, Oakum Cigars, Flour, Kobei, Vinegar, Fluid, ' Cslcined Plaster Cheese, Soap, Candlci A-c. 5. II. Molaues, Syru't, N. O. Molasses. Also, Cement, Safely Fuse, Crow liars, Sledges, Iron aud Nans, for ills at very small profits. July 3, 1859. !r ri2XLvci.Fiss-A irvD r.AS!Ha Riil-XtOAb. CHARGE OJF HOURS. ON AND AFTliK MONDAY, July S, IsftB. llie down niotill.iii I'uRscuirtfr train will le-ive l-nttsvilb at 8.13 A. M, parsing Heading at 0.61 A.M., and striving ut I'liil.idi liliia nt U-i -, I.-'.-it. i ne a.iwu Afirrii'MU T.mn will leave Pntttvilte at 3 30 P. M., piipsmg Iteadiitg at A.., bud atiivdi ai i'Uuudel pl.ia ul 74U, I'. M Moruine and Afternnon Pasaenrer Trains leave Thila ilelplna ut suiu.-liouis us heretofore, 7 30 A. M. and 3.3U P. il , puuing Ucuding ut lo.M A. I. and 0.07 P. M. LKRANAN VAt.l r.Y llilANCU. fatsenger 'i'rum leaves teuduig al lo.otr A. M , (after arrival ui Down and b'o Mornine; I'assei.acr Train fr.'io ri-ttsvit!e and Philailrlpliia.) and arrives ut Ilarnshure ut l-i.3j iiik.ii. m time ti cut.. .eel with Passenger Tia.ns for eiuiiliury, Williainspiat, Litniru, Tittsbarg, C miniiiersliure, Ualtiin.ire and Ijiiii aster. Heturiiiiis:, teuves HuinsbuiK al 2 'iS V M , utter arrival of Passenger Tniint from all ulu.ve pi.liils, and amves at Readins' ut 4.AA, in time to connect with I'pand Down I'aaaeuger Truins to Polls- vuicaua I'liiiuueluLia, llie saina tveiiing. O. A. MCOl.t.S, Kngineer and t-upermteiident July 17, l858.-tf SADELRY AND HAENESS MAKIJI0. fHE suhscribers respectfully inform Ihe citi tens of Sunhury and vicinity that they havi commence. Ihe above business a few doorsebovs the Post Olltre, Market Square, bunbury, Fa. Work of all kinds in their line of business will be done promptly snd neatly on ths most rea sonable terms. CLEMENT - Uibl til. February 13, 1858. )ATE.Vr BRITTANIA Sl OFFERS ear ootuei tor saie uy II. D MASSER. Btinhury, July 19, I find. P. 1IELANCHT0N SHINDEL, JUSTICE: Of TIIK I'L'ACB, OJHct in Deer Street, immediately oppotitt the Pulhc School House. A II business promptly attended to. Monies collected and all ordinary writings done. Bunbury, April 35. lo7. If IJORTend MADERIA WINES, :hiedam Behnapps, Wild Cherry brandy, BrVrlberry and Lavender brandies for medicinal purposes at July 17. '5S. A. W. USHER. 1 fishing Tackle. Rd Cork, Grass, Cot . ton and Linen Liaes, Out Lines, 8ea Grass by the yard. Snoods, Flies, letstby, Limerick end Carlisle Hooka, Rods, Ac, for sale by July 17, '6. A. W. FI3HCR. ' A LMON US, RAletONS,- FIGS, LEMONS. Ac, Ae just received fresh supply end for tele al IU Confectionery store of M, C. C2ARHABT.' anbury, Msy It, fil7- ''J ".A l' t The ony Sale wlkkrh, in every fill Wr' Urv 'ni,nl,t'-' preserved the'.r en- , ,1 fi. f 'lTji t Jri llro coi.ieuis in me lata ex &W$bM tensive fire. ISAAC M. WILKEHSON, MANTJrAOTTTRER.Oy ' FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Sola, Divan and Lounges ( nFi . &e.c.r!tarie Sideboards, SOFA, BRKAKK1XT lD mvivn riDiire i and also VENETIAN BLINDaul wTblif nT-a. . . ""t""" manuiecture. BEDRTEATI8, of everv n.r. A bTANDS, tOILKT TAKLES AND EXTENSION TABLKS. In short, every article In this line of his business oflhepubhe to hi. large and splendid si sortment of every quality ,ml price of . CJARIffsGT-WAIIFs which cannot fail to recommend itself loeverf one who will, examine it. on aern,,n r i.. j.r.. . workmanship and splendid finiih, made up of Ihe best stock to be had in the eily. N0 eflbrt ia spared in the manufacture of his ware, and the aulscnber is determined lo kn -.i.u.i. s f TV ((SJ many Improveiuento which tr constantly b in m til ot J Hf .o manufacture ell kinds endiiimlitie- CHAIRS. nclndinj varieties never before in h. I... I i- Sunbury, such as Msitooairt, Blac Walxct f.ll.M.a "B,""l,u""llli 1KD WltMoi CHAllfS. SJID VAKCT Plsn S. .. . u.. niiicu ere of the latest etyles, and warranted to be excelled l.y none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscriber is determined that there shall be no excuse persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can be entertained1 about the quality and finish of his ware and Ciatrs These articles will lie disposed of on as good term aa they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun! ivy produce taken in pvment for work. ; UNDERTAKING. Having provided a handsome Hsahsk, be ia now prepared for Undertaking-, and attending funerals, in this vi cituty, or at sny convenient distance from thir place , . T'Ware Room is in Fawn Street, be low A caver i Hotel. He has also purchased the riht of manufasw turine and selling in Northumberland eout.tv. wot ui. patent txcelsoir S,.ring Eed, which he w. I furnish at rra.onable rates. (Spring, put in old bed-lead Tor three dollars. ISitAC M. WILKERf ON. Sunbury, April 18, jgjg tr. (..tnierl)- Klin's Hot:,) " Ii.Wltflrt.-UG, U.MO.N CO., PA IS. CEIKTZKS,, Proprietor. T't'ii? i!"'?ri!i"1',"'l!I"5 '' furnished llot.lt o r-f 'he tii n. lit bpiiif.' ., ; :H , '. ""'!" P' -Hi ........ ... 1 111 .oarKet quore 1 1 -i-- ui-niii:ifi-, to qi0 every exritiim to n ,ic ''I" ' "f ll.e tat ... t.. Slate a" t ,X , JLTIPS LOUISA eiUSSI.KR, respectfully in. -Lf- firms the eitizens of Trvvorlon snd aur roundinp cminly, tiiat she has opened a new store of Millinery and Fancy Gnog's, nt Trevor ton in Shamokin street, nearly opposite Kimuse's Tavern, where all kinds of Bonnets and Fancy Goods can he had at the lonasl ternn. Dress nialiinS also atlended la m fl,o best manner and latest slvle. April SS, IM.VJ. If J1 OLD PENS with end without case, vjjt vary suiierior qualitv. iust receive,!. of Also a lrkh supply of Writing Fluid, for u by , , II. If. MASSER. Siiiilittrv. Dec. S7. IS5U- WHOLVSALX A It D lltrAIL SOOT STORE, -19 Snith Fourth S.t, alort Chtsnnt, PXiVa. H900TS,t-hos,Gai,rs.c, promptly made Us to order m the very best style, and of the test matcn.,1. Philadelphia. May 9, 1S57. OLANlv rarchmens Fapcr Deeds und blank Mortgages, Bonds, Executions, Summons Ac, firs.-iieb U. jj. MASfeEv. ulltlrv .April 56. IP6S PORT MONAIES.Toolh erd "L'airL7u7hl x all iua:it;cs, und any snti v.'l'nr sale by , , , A. Vi'. FISHER. July 17, '.-.3. 1I0OEE & CA3IH0JT. o. lot oou.'j Aecon, Srei!, G , .or- cLott spruce, rKIZiADEI.PHXA, HAVE now on nand l-.o Li.-.t H-rtment cf riE cauii:t i i km h uk Than they have ever had at anv previous time, and they invite tho public lo cull and examine' their slock beluro purchasing, as they feel emit!, dent that the:.- prices uil! be n suflicient indues ment lor all who want good furniture lo buy al their establishment. A large asscrtmert of Pratt's Ra,ek snd Tiiiioii Dining Extension Tables alwavs on hand, Kmng and hair Mattresses fituUhrJ ai luiCtTt prices. Furniture curef. y J a..s,cd aud on reasonable terms, Fhiladclphia, July t IC5S JV T3ATCHOI LV, JOCKEV CLUB. SPRING i- FLOW ERs. of il. n.iii . - i. i ... . .' . . 1 -V ic-su auj.oiy juti reccivea and lor sale st the Urug btors of A. W. unliiiry, July 17, IMS. l-'ISHER. riobaCCO and Segai'S SO.UOO Imported fc'egara of various brand. Eldorado, Fig, Cavendish and fine cut tobacco at A. W.flSHEK'S. ftunbury, July 17. 1IEX11Y D0KXEL, ATTORNEY AT XjAVJ. Ojjict epi-Mitt the Court House, Sunbury, Nortiunileiiand County Pa. Piempt atlealion la business in edioinin bounties. JJl'KE CIDER VINEGAR, I'l.RE CIDER VINEGAR, FURE CIDEII VINEGAR, By the quart, gallon and barrel. I'cr sale hy JL C. GEAR II A RT". Sunbury, July 31, loSS. . XC a. i. O 0 s a OYSTJat PACKKIIS. Xo. 9 Albemarle itreet and A'o. 10 S. Front ttrett, Baltimore, Mil. An Scott's Creek, Poktsmoitii, Va. JES7 AURA NTS aupplied at all lesions of tl-e jesr Wjlh all the aalt water dclicaciee found in the city markets. All orders prumptly snd faithfully attended to. September II, 1858. ly stationery. A U'ge eupuly of fancy Aote Paper and Envelopes, Mourning, Letter, snd Cap Taper, I'eus, Ink, hand, Ac., at July 17. '58. A. W. FISHER'S. R0V.N'8 and Breiuic'a Esssuce of Gingst and iiusband's Magnesia et July 17,'ftg. FISHETl'S Citrate of Magnesia " OB TA8TELE88 8 ALTS. preparation is recommended as an ex. cellent laxative end purgative. It oratee mildly, ia entirely free from euy unpleasant taste, reseiuliiiug lemouade in Cavor, ptepared and sold oj A, W. FISHER. Sunbury, July IT, 1839. PURE CONCENTRATED LYE ORRA. PONIFIEH, far ssle et MH1EK 8 I rf Ptese. Friee SO ota. .--- - 1 .