Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, June 25, 1859, Image 3
feaaufactnreri, Xeoh&nici & Inventor i. THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAS To be Enlarged. A NEW VOLT7ME-NBW SERIES. TO COMMENCE ON JULY M, liol.. Instead of 411 pages, the Yearly Volnme, Enlarged cries, wHI eoatain E10BT I1UNDRED AND THIRTY-TWO PAGES of Valoabla Readinc Matter, aaefal and lastractir to all ctmm. THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Ie puMiahed weekly in quarto foim, 'euiteble far binding, and the aumbora lor a aingle year Contain! information in retard to new invention!, machinery, all branohea of mannfactanng pro eessre, agrtcultuial implement!, engineering, aaillwrighu ing, iron manufacture, chemistry in fact, almoet every Industrial pursuit receive! mere 01 leee atlaution in ita colt) nine. All patent elalma officially published arery week, at re ported fiom the Patent Office ) and for INVENTORS AND PATENTEES it contains information not to be obtained elsewhere, and winch no tnevhauie, inventor or patentee can well da without. An Family Journal it hai no superior for real practical nlilitv, aiue iu ila column! will be foaud oaeful practical tecipea. Careful attmlioa will be given, from time to time, to teporta of the metal, lombei, and other marketa. Bvcry number will contain aixteen pagea and forty-eight coluinna of matter, with aeveral illuitialiona of patented machine! and other engraving!, ciraurising in a aingle year about BIX HUNDRED ORIGINAL ENGRAVINGB. With the enlarged aeries la preeented an opportunity to eubaenbe not likely to occur again far many yeara. It will be like commencing a new woik Vol. I, No. I, New Brnre. Send in yout aubecriptiona without delay, an aa to begin the new volume July f next. Ttrms ?2 a leor-tl for Six Montis. Southern, Western and Canadian money or Poat Office etampa taken et-par for eubecriptioiia. Canadian aubacri liere will plenae to remit tttenty-iix cent! extia oa each ycar'a subscription, to pre-pay postage. A liberal discount to eluba. A prnapectui giving full particular of the inducement! for clubs, with ipecimea copiea of the paper, and a pamphlet of information ton ccruing the procaring of Patenta may ba had gratia, by rMicssing MINN CO, Publiahera of the Scientific American, June 21, 1S.'. 37 Park Row, New York. Not ire to Tresspassers. rMnHE nudersignerl who have hereuntoset A their n:ime, citizens of Upper Aognsto, township. Northumberland county, hereby give notice, that they will exact the penalties of the law upon their enclosures for the pur pose of hunting, or shall carry er shoot off a pun thereon, or shall tresspass upon the fields of the same with doRi, or lt ny other act that shall come nntlur the head of tresspass, nd BO persou shall be allowed to take or carry off any fruit from said farms or enclo sures, pull or throw down any fence or fences ajpoa the premises or the undersignod, for all And eTerv of the offence! above state fl, or any act in the form of tresspass, the penalties of the law will be rigorously executed upon the otrenoers : Robert Campboll, Henry Slaghl, Ira isbipe, Jeremiah Ctilft, William Snyder, A brain Suyiier, Davis Jones, Paniel 13. KuU, John ("lark, Wm. Shipe, John Smith, Harmon G. Kline, Lewis Rockefeller, Wm. Clark, Charles Bacon, Abraham Clemens, Kli Keoler, John Jones, Daniel Neidig, Wm. Reed, Reed Neidig, James Campbell, Harmon Campbell, Teter Louie, .Inhn P. Kline. Upper Angosta twp., June 25, 1859. 3t JUST la-TJJSTjISSIEIJ- Sch Method lor the 1'lnuo I'orte, UY CHARLES GROHE. Orca 1100. fire, MSOaett. Bound in Cluth, 3 1 A good iiutruction book for the Piano hat 'ong been bruiting, and Mr Charles Urobe has perlormed the lanor, in getting this one up ill a moot admirable and aatiafactory manner. It will pr-ive itsdf to be one of the uvot valuable guide! ia theinatructioL of the nrt ol playing the Piauo. Conaidaring the nuthor'a well-kunwu eupacity, and long a rd uurt iniltiiiz devotion to the tank of elementary teach ing, wo have strung reaaon to hope that the public are now to be fuinialied with a thorough, systematic, pro gressive, and eitertoiuiiig method of tlie Piano. We can conhueutly recemmend it to teacueri aud pupils aa better atlapted to the purposes ofelenwnUry inabuoliou than any o'-htr a with which we are acquaiutwi. The plan purauud in thia work ia suUtanlially the name Tie that developed in Oilendorfl a method of teaching lan guagea. It commences wtth the simplest elements. The nrogrcit in'ide will be giadnal ao that every st,i will be pericctiv intelligible, aiul be rendered of poaitive value to the pupil. Every difficulty 11 met wi.h singly, aud after Ihu.-'Hi'jh analysis, oveicoine by practice. This method will, undoubtedly, provide teacher, with a well digested, progreaiivo end entetuiiaing plan by which a aound aud correct knowledge of the art of playing the pi:ino may be required with comparatively little labor, and in sj hm a swce uf time as will almost aeem Uicredible to thoae who have confined themselves tosuuw of the te dious avatema heretofore in nsc. This'wMr contain, teu engiaved figurea, illartiating the different pmitlona of the hand, and j and saw a like iimi M" tin, a'llh ,r. Ita typ'tgnphical acenracy and appearance have never c-een a uui:e.t m any musical wi-n urn, ua. I..... luaiiM.l finm il... nri... or oihtfi e-miitrv. C pi; will be aunt by mail, free of postage, on tha receli.t ut le ruut.ui pri"i. TjW Chestnut .licet, Philadelphia. June '25, lC-9. TlrlE DKIGGS' VATENT PIANO-FORTE. WU.MAM HAI.L A SON, New-York. fTh. (,. ii nrmiJ and noble : it haa rreater eanaeltt far auataining tlie Bound or ainging. and ita volume if tone ui powur I have never neaMlcxceuea luucpm, puniy, uu .......mitiii. inKinru.11 S. TauLautae. "Tlie bine, in ricneaa,)cptk, aad brilliancy, equal, that of the beat Oraud t'lauoe, aim exceeua uism in pure maai ril mt,ii,!i..n und actual tune rower, Ihul apprixiniaung r. isei to what we con.ulcr perfection in the inatruinent than ha. ) el been achieved by any oiner ayatein oi maua lai'turc." v,n Maann. K M GotUckalk. Tho. Fi.feldt, U'a A hUug, Maurice Btraktvlii, Mas MareUek, 11. A. W- "enliaup'. " Vuur Piano excela the beat Grand I'iauoa is pare ma aii-nl intonation aud actual tone power ; in a woid, it ti Piano exiting " Wai II Far. ' We have now an Inatrumeal without an equal All that wu cuinbereome hn. beeu done away with. The tram of the atringa ia brouglit to bear on tha iron frame only, and the aouiKi-bnaide, or tone uiagiuucra, are aa de ia -owl and eihratory aa ihey ean bo, mereiy becauae there i. nothing whatever to uitcifere wuu men uuca.-., v 'eim-B 'The power, di.tinctne.., and vocal quality of ilitoae., aro like a band of well trained voicea, aa it breathes forth it impnaaionrd tne under too nunu oi a annum penor. mi " N. V. Observer. . The m.iat atiikini advantage which aeem to ba gain ad by the new method, are a greater richneas and parity ot tone, and an tinmeuac mcieuae of power." A. j. . tler ..i li B. MASSER, Agent, Buubury. Fa., who win furniah taeae Fimos at the manuuetureia' piicea iu New York. June id lc5. P 4 D3 P m ft c H et as a 4 MACKEREL, MACKEREL, SALMON, SALMON, HERRING, HERRING, MACKEREL, SALMON, HERRING. 9 H O i - H"K1CHT & BOi 6a " in store and Qfl'er for eale a choice lot or t lM. Munbury, June 18, 1858. LIFE ISSUE ANCE & TRUST COMPT r.APITAL STOCK aUOO.OSO, Company'! Building, Wainnt 8treet,8.E.ooniero Foartfc " ' tillll anCI PMiA T1FE INSURANCE AT THE USUAL MUTUAL HATES. Of at Joint Stock raloa at about to per aenl leaa, or at J.C. Sim, Secretary. Juno l, lto-ly nissnlntion of Partnerslup. i 1 1.' tm bIviii I n.i tha r art nap. vui iuu ta a" - r- ID .li. Lxinfiin uTiatin.' halaiean Joieob Bird and John B. Douty, under the firm and nam or Bira vouiy, uia.wt" niatual consent open tha 9tb day o( May, . roita J rK.t. Hv iKa larma of tba A- loo, - - - j - --- - - -acreemeot then meda and entered ioto, the nndersigoea is iminw " r?',i ... ir.iiokiail lAiaM Bird t Dout? Ait ier.uu 1 1. v. w " - - ,;, r.q.u.d to -k. "niilfptln l the Buuern;oao. XOTICX TO BRIDQE-BUILDESS. COALED PROPOSALS will be revived by tha underaigned, en Taarsdav, the 7th day of July hext, between the hours of 9 A. M. end 8 P. M. of that day, at the CommUaioners' Office, in the borough of Sunbury, Northumberland county, (or the building ef three bsidges, vixt No. I. Bridge acroaa Green Briar Creek, en the road leading from 8mitb'a Tavern to Minors, villa, a short distance belew Oenaarl'a Oriat Mill, in Washington township, in said county. This bridge is to be a truia, with a span el 88 feel between the abuttment and double cords. A good part of the stone on the ground. No. t. Bridge serosa Gravel Run, en the line of Upper Ajiguata and Rueb townsbipe, eu the road leading from Sunbury to Danville, close by Wm. 8. Snyder, in Upper Augusta township, in said county. This bridge is to be an arch bridge, built with st one altogether, with a span of It feet between the abultments, On the one side of the run there is a rock for 1 abultmenl. On the other side an abutment must be built, with a 4 foot thick wall for the arch to reat on, with good heavy stone. The whole length of the wall across the etream, including wing walla, abutt ment and span, 10 feet, is to bo 84 feet long each side of bridge. ' No. 3. Bridge across Logan Run, at Boyd s Mill, in Rush township, in said county, on the road leading from the Danville Turnpike to Cattawiiwa. This bridge is to be an arch bridge built with stone altogether, with a span of 10 feet between the abultments, and right below the j other bridge that ta there at present. Where this bridge is to be built there is a bed of reck in the run, solid foundation, the wall for the abuttment to be 4 feet thick for the arch to reat on, with good heavy stone, a good part of the etone on the ground. The whole length of the wall across , the stream including wing walls, abuttment and span, 16 feet, is to be 47 faet long each side of bridge. When the proposals aro handed in, please number them on the otilaids, as yeu see the different numbers for the bridges. Kpecificatione will be exhibited en the day of letting for each ef said bridges. FREDERICK HAAS, ) SAMUEL ENT, S Com're. JOSEPH EVERITT.) Coummiesioners' Office, ) Sunbury, June 18, 1859. 3t ) THE INTERNATIONAL HOTEL. BROADWAY, CORNER OF FRANKLIN 8TREET, NEW Tronic CITT, Offers inducements to Merchants and Tourists visiting Maw York, by auy in the Metropolis. 1 lie luiiowmg are among tna aavnatages wnicn it posses ses, aud wmclt will be appreciated hy all uaveiere. st. A central location, convenient to place, of business, as well as place, of amusement. Zd. Scrupulously clean, well lurni.neu silting room., with a magnificent l.adea Failor, commanding aa exten sive view of Broadway 3d. Urge and luperbly furnished anting rooma, with a magiiifieut Fallot, commanding au exteu.ive view of uroaawny. 4 tli. Uciiii conducted on the furopeaa plan, visitors ean live in Ike beat atyle, with the greutc.t economy. sin. It 1. connected wuu Tujlr'a Celebrated Saloons, where vi.itora can have their meala, or, if theydeatra they will be ftiruislitd in their own rooms. Stta. The fare served in Ike ttalonns and Hotel ia ac knowledged by epicuiea, to be vastly supeiior to that of iv other Hotel iu the city. With all the. a advantages, tha cost of lirinr ia tha International, is much below that of any other 6m class Hotel. A. FREEMAN, Proprietor. June IS, 1S59. ly GREAT WESTERN. F1KE lsJUKANCK at TRUST COMT'Y. CHARTER FKRPETUAL CAPITAL 300,0O0. Company'a Office, N. W. corner Fourth and Walnut streeta, rniiaucipnia. RISKS taken oa BuiMinga. 6tmes, Merchandise, Fur. aituie, Ac , on the mo.t liberal terras. C LATH HOP, rresidenU Jams. WaMSir, Sec'y. aad Treaauier, Applications and all necessary information aaa ba ob tained by calling on 4. v. ? tiusu.K, Agent. Sunbury, Jnnc IS, lajB ly "SH6EMAKEES,TeTTlENTidK Bright & Son, Sunbury, Fa., HAVE received a very nice stork ef Moroecos, Binding-Skin, tc, &c, Shoe Thread, Awls, Awl-Halfs, Knives, Iiubbers, Pegs, Tacks, ftize Sticks, b'hoe Nails, Lasts, Boot Webb, Heel Ball, Kaeps, Fudge Wheels, Seam Setls, Stamps, Key Wheels, Hammers, Punches, Pincors, die. ltemembcr the place, E. Y. BRIGHT k SON, SIJNBUEY.PA. June 18 '1859. SSEB.IPF SALES. BY virtue of a certain Testatum writ of Vis B1TI05I Exroms, insued out of the District Court of the city and county of Philadelphia, ta me directeJ, will be exposed to public sale, on the premises, in the borough of Northumberland, Northumberland county, and Slate oi Pennsyl vania, on Saturday, the Zd day of duly, 1859, at i o'clock P. the following described Real Ea'.ate, to wit : Two certain lots of ground, in the beroush of Northumberland, Northumberland county, Penn sylvania, marked in the general plan of town Nos. 98 and 99, and bounded on the North-East by Duke street, and South-West by WeauWay, and South East by .H No. 100, North-West by lot No. 97. containing each sixty feet in front and two hundred and forty feet in depth and also on lot No. 28, in aaid borough, bounded on the North East by Market square or King street, and Houth-Eait by lot No. 29, or what is now called the Methodist Church lot, and South-West by a twenty foot alley.end North-West by lot No. 37, containing aixty feet in front and two hundred foet in depth ; and alao, aeventeen acres of land, more or leas, in said borough, bounded on the South-East by lands of Henry J. Williams, and on the North-Wast by lends of John Hummel, and on the Soulh-Wesl by the West Branch of the river 6usquehsnnah and Nerth-East by West-Way, all of which is cleared. SeixeJ, taken ia execution, and to be sold as the property of Josephine C. B. Nourse. ALSO: BY virtue of sundry writs of YsNDtTtoai Eipok.s and an alias writ of Livabi Pa- etas, issued out of the eourt of Common Pleas of Northumberland county, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale, at the Central Hotel, in the borough of Sunbury, Northumberland county, on Saturday, the fcHb day of July, 1859, at 10 o clocl A. M-, the following deecribed Real state, to wit :- A certain lot of ground, sitnste in the borough of Sui.bury, Northumberland county, and bound ed on the North by a lot of rbilip Kenn, now in possession of lease M. Wilkerson, on the South by a lot of Solomon Blroh, on the East by an alley, and fronting en Fawn street on the West, containing in front SO feet, and in depth S80 feet, whereon are erected a two-story Brick Dwelling House, with a 1 story brick kitchen sttached, a frame stable and slaughter-hou outbuildings, eke. Seized, taken in execution, and te be sold as tbs property of Elias Brosioue. ALSO t A certain tract or piece of land, situate fat Jordan township, Northumbe'land rounry, bound' ed on the North by land of Daniel Broaius, en the East and South by land of John Bohner, ana en the west by lead formerly owned by Mosss Bush, containing 118 acres, more or less, about 00 acres of which are cleared, whereon i erected a two story dwelling house, a stone stable, orchard, oVc Seised, taken in execution, and te be eold as the property of Mathiaw D. Bohnar aad Jonas Bohner. ALSO t At tbe same time and plate, a certain Lot I Urouod, situate in tba tow a or ehamok in in Coal township, Northumberland eoonty, uouuu-ea an toe west oy a lot oi Henry van uastin, on tna tssi ty a lot oi voha AJuokie barter, on tba north by , aad on tha south by tba Railroad, whereon ia arsoted small frame bouse and atable. Also, aa other certain lot ef ground, situate in tba towaef ShamokiD, aforesaid, bouaded on tbe north by a street, on tba south by Shamokin Creek and a strsat, en tha aast by a lot of Henry Baamgerdoor and on tho west by a lot of Reaben Eisenbart, "hereon ia oreeted two itory frame House. Beiied, taken in eiscutton and to bo told ai the property of Daniel XI arts. . ALSOi At tba lane time and place, two oertala coMigaoos Iota of ground, situate la the town cf bbsmokivla Coal towoikip, isotth" ' land eeonly, booodel oa tho aortVtatt by Sunbury strset, on tbe south-went by the Shamokin Valley and roltsrille Rail Road on tba north and west by a lot of John Bord ner, and on the sontb-aast by a lot belonging to Wm. Atwatsr, containing each 25 feot in width and feet in depth, whereon ia erod ed a two story frame dwelling House and Eitcheo and a frame stable. Alao, another certain let of ground, eitnale in tho town of Shamokin, eforesaiJ, boing lot No. 1 in block No. 106, fronting on Firth street and bounded on the south by lot No. 1, and on tha north by lot No. 3 in same block, and on tho west by an alley, contain ing 25 feet in froot aad feet ia depth. Also, another Lot No. 6 in block No. 107 insane town fronting on Fifth street aod bounded oo tho south by lot No. 5, in same block, on tha oast by Carbon Run and on tha north by lot No. 7 in same block, con taining 25 faet in front, and feet In depth. Also, Lot No. 10 ia block No. 79 in the town of Trerorton in Zerbo township. Nor tbomberlaad coanty, fronting on Market street in said town, and bounded on the west by lot No. 9, aod on the east by lot No. 11 in same block, on tba north by Rail Road strset, containing 25 feet in front aod 125 foet in depth to Rail Road street. Also, Lot No. 12 in blosk No. 78 in said towo of Trevortou. fronting on Market street, and boundsd by lot Xo. 11 on tba west and lot No. 13 on tha east in same block, and by Rail Road street on tha north, contaiuing 25 feet in freut and 125 feet In depth to Rail Koad street. Seized, taken in rxeentian and to be sold as the property of Daniel Marta and Benje. tnin Marti. ALSO: At the same time and place, two certain Lots of Ground in the borough of Sunbury, Northumberland county, marked in the gen eral plaa of said town, Nos. 179 and 180, fronting on Blackberry street on the south, and bounded by an alley on the north, an alley oo tba west aod by lot No. 178 on the east, being each 60 feet in front, and 230 feet in depth, en tot No. 180 is erected a two story dwelliug House and Kitchen, well of water, frame Barn out-buildings, ic. Upon lot No. 179, is erected a large log building, (rough east in front) formerly used as a Potter's Shop, several fruit trees, Ae. Seized, takeo in execution and to be sold as tbe property of John 1. Fartul. ALSO: At the sanio aims and place, a certain Lot of ground situate io the Borough of Sunbury Northnmburlur.d County, marked on tbe general plan of laid town No. 163 fronting oo Blackberry street on tho noutn, and bounded by Barberry Alley on the North, Deer, itreet on the West and Lot No, 168 on the East containing 60 feet in front aad 230 feet in depth, whereon ii erected a two story Brick House, and Kitchen, a frame Office, frame Stable and out buildings. Seized taken in execution aod to tfa sold as the property of Jeremiah H. Zimmerman. ALSO: . At the lama time and place, all that cer tain Lot or piece of ground situate in the town nf Trevcrtoo Northumberland County, bounded on the North by the Rail Road, on tbe East by Lot of Abraham Deppen, en the South by Market street and cu the West by Lot of Isaiah Morgan oDd wife, containing 25 feet in front and 125 feet ia depth, where on are erected a two story frame dwelling House and frame Stable. Seized taken ir execntion ar.d to br sold ai the property of Benjamin Derk nnd Israel Uunkleberger. ALSO ; At tbe same time and place laat aforesaid, a certain tract or piece of lund, situate in Came ron townaliip, Northumberland count, bound ed by lands of John Haupt and others en the East, John Boyer on the South, William Long and Teter Weikel on the We.t, and Poter and Michael .Yeikel en the North, containing 6T acres, ISO perches, strict measure, more or less, about 60 acrea of which are cleared, wbereoa are erected a two-story frame dwelling house, a bank barn, a spring house, outbuildings, &e. - Also, a large orchard of excellent fruit treos, ckc. Also, lbs undivided one third part of another certain tract ef land, situate in same townaliip, adjoining lands ef John Boyer snd others on the North, lund surveyed to Luke Smith on the West, and land surveyed to Luke Dar and others en the South, containing 172 acres, S perches, and allowance, more or less being timber land. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of John Long. ALSO, . At the public house of Mrs. Reader in Tor- bntville, in Levis township, Northumberland connty, on Monday the 1 lib day of JULY, 1859, at 11 o'clock, A. M., a certain lot of Ground, situate in tha borough of Turbutrille, in Lewis township, Northumberland coanty. bounded en the west lv raracise street, on the north by Virgin alley, and on the eastbi an allay and on tna south by a lot of V. L.. Dieoenbacber, containing one ball of an acre, mora or lei?, whereon is erected a two story frame dwelling Uou6S and Cooper Shop. Seized takeo iu execution and to be sold ai the property of Samuel Jarret, Jr. JAMES VANDYKE, Sheriff. Sheriffs Office, Suabory, JVrno IS, 1859. 1000 feet of Moulding, OF different width, for sale at COOPER'S VARIETY STORE. Jnne 18. 1859. Cloth, Fancy Cauimeres, AND BOYS' WEAR, erj cheep, jolt "- received aad lor sale at COOPER'S VARIETY STORE. Jane 18, 1859. T- W. & J- A- YOST, SUCCESSOR TO BCSIIXELL k TULL MAXUFACTVKERS OF VELOCIPEDES, O-IGtS. CHAISE, FkRAMUt LATORB WHEEL-BARROWS, H00BY-HOKSE3, Bl.KIOIIS, Aa ait lwc. eiirvi, .wit. eccoH, rritSjAlff.irillA. i ana It, IS6U 3ui T Housekeeper:. BEST O MEDICINAL SALKHATta. (Q Is aMouraetured from eofnmon aalt, ana is pre-. CO Ol mred emirelv different front other Balerai us. A 111 03 pared en'trelv different tram other Saleratus. All tlie deleterious matter extracted lusucba aiaaoai aMS 'aa to oroduce Bread. Biscuit, and ail kind, oi 0aka, without coutaiiiiiif a particle of Baleialua 71 when trie Bread or lake is oaaea j weretiy pro s Vldueiiia wBoleaonaa reeulta. Everv earticla oi Saleruiuaia turned to gaa ai4 passes through, the onaa Off i lacuil aoiiio naaiag ( oonaetjueatiy nothing remain, but eoaauioo eWIL Water aud Floor. Yoa will readilv aerceive bv the taetr let thia Baiwaiua that it is soureiv duToiaui from r)t ower Boioratua. I It ia packed in one ponnd papara, each wiap Jper breaded, "B. T. Haubu'e Beat Medieina ""iKaleratuat alao, picture, twisted leal of bread 68 Iwilh a 1. H nf r rTrw.b-i na mm k (mm 7Qj When yno purehaae one paper yoa ahoukt pre-?fj nexi ezaefiy ii.e wa rat-araoo aa aoove. Full direction, for makiao Biaad with thtet Beieraiaa and Boar Milk oe vraaia Taller, will r!WMWl " - 1 ' I 1HMIUJ "ltrt making all kind, of Paativ j alao, fee aaakuaj o- (3 MAKK TOCR own aoAf. with I. T . BABBITT'S rUIE CONCENTRATED POTASH, 70 70 Warranted doable Us atrerurtk of ordinarr Pot aaa ; pat Bp in cans 1 s lbs, I ids, e Iba., aad It lbs. with full direction, for nataiac Hard and 68 68 Soft Boap. Consumers will And thia cheap! ruiwi ia oaaiaev Maaofactwad aad for sale bv B. T. BABBITT. Nos. II aad TO Waabingtoa st , New York, A 701' 70 aad o. 7 luow-Bt . at tua. SHOfit AND BOOTS, BOOTS AND SHOES, SHOES AND BOOTS, BOOTS AND 8HOES,! Ladiea City Kid Durkiits, M " Blipppera, Morocco " - - Ties, m Heeled Boots, Kid " " Calf " . " " Enameled Boots, Black Lasting Gaiters, Colored M " Hoel " " Misses' Kid Heeled Boots, .i o9 - City Morocco " Heeled Beols, Jenny Linds, Calf Spring Boots, ' Goat Heel Boots, Black and Colored Gaiters, H eeled Oaitsrs, Men's Kip Boors, Coarse " " Fine Calf Boats. " Heavy " " " Grain Boota, ' " Morocco Shoes, Calf V ip " Hcsvy Beogans, Buckakin Gaiters, " Calf Gloved - " Enameled OtforrU, Fine Monroes, Boys' ahoes of all kinds. Children's shoes of all kinds. Our ateck of the above is Isrgs, and our prices ery low. E. Y. BRIGHT dt SON. Sunbury, June II, 1859. tf If you want If you want If yon want If you want Ready Made Clothing Keady Made Clothing Keady .Made Clothing Ready Made Clothing Very Cheap and Good, Vary Cheap and Good, Very Cheap and Good. Very Cheap and Goad, Co to Bright & Son, G to Bright Sc (ton. Go to Bright ic Boa, Go to Bright dt Soa, Bunbury, June 1 1, 185. ti flats snd Caps, Hats and Cajis, Hats snd Caps. Hats and Caps, Handsome and Durable, Hsndsoine and Durable, Handsome and Durable, Handsome and Durable, The very latest style, Ths very latest stylos, Tha very latest styles, Tho very latest strle. At low prices. At lew, KX lew prires. At low pi lee. Bright Sc on, Bright eV Son, Bright & Bon, Bright dr. Sea. Sunbury, June II, 1859. tf Notice to the Tax-Payers. 14J OTICE is hereby given to tbe tax-payers of 1 Northumberland county that all those pav ing their State Tax on or before the 20tb day o. uly next, will be allowed an abatement of firs per cent. And also to the delinquent collectors ef ssid county, that we, the undersigned, want them to settle eQ the duplicates in their bende oo Or be fore the next August Court, without fail. We intend thia to be tba last notice given ia the newspapers. r KEDEKICK HAAS, SAM L'EL E.T, S Cein'rs. JOSEPH EVERITT. 5 Sunbury ,'Jono 11, ISSd. VALUABLE MILL PE0PBRTY rOH . . SALE. rpiIE subscriber will expose to sale, by public vendue, -on the pretniacs, en Tuesdsv, the 5th day of July neat, his interest, being the one undivided half part ef the new brick GRIST MILL, situated in Jackson township. Northum berland county, on the btate read. Ths Mill is a substantial three story biick building, 40 by 50 fret, with four run of stone, located on Mahenov creek, near the railroad, and aix miles essl of Trevorton. The stream ia a never failing one, and there is alwaya an abundance of water. Its location near the coal region makes it a valuaMo properly for any ene de.irotia of entering into that business. The terms, which will be reasonable, wi'.l be made known on the day of sale. SAMUEL B. DUKKEI.BEliGER. Jackson township, June II, 1849. 4 1 T. P. EHEEBDESE & 8 ON, CABINET MAKERS vo. zu oouln Second it., teliw Uott, V?HZI.ASEX.1HZA. CONSTANTLY ON HAND, e large and euperior stack ef ROSEWOOD, WAI,. NUT, MAHOGANY and other FCRNITUKE. to which the attention of our friends andlhe public generally is respectfully invitad. fhiladelphia, June 4, IBSI Sal J. W. PEAL. E. R. DODGE. Dr. J. W. PEAL AND DR. E- R. LODGE fv TTAVE entered into copartnership In the practice of medicine and surgery. Although Dr. Peal will be absent a part of bis time, he will aid his partner in any and every caae in which it may be desired. Thankful for past patronage, be solicits a continuance of the same to the firm of real ex Dodge, who will promptly and faithfully attend to all professionsl calls. He takes pleasure in recommending Dr. Dodge te his old friends aa an experienced physician, in whose hands they msy feel safe. Ths firm msy be consulted st the office ef Dr real, in fiunbury. Sunbury, June 4, ll9. ly . 409 BBOADWAV, NEW YOXLK. Ballos's French Toka Shirt Emporium, d09 Broadway, A ear Jort, PREMIUM SHIRT MANUFACTURERS. Shirt made to order froas Scientific Measure. tl the beat material, eewed by hand, and war ranted la fit, at loss than the usoal price. BALLOU BROTHER. Jane 4. U0. 409 Broadway, N. Y. tJAWJ Wood Croee Out sai Mill Sews Super uy article si SnnStry, Jury ITU, FISHER'S. For th Fourth ef July I FIRE WORKS ef all kiada last received 'COOPER'S VARIETY bfORE. Jaoi 18, 1859. up..Y.y THE MAMMOTH STORE ! THE MAMMOTH STORE! REsrECTFULLY beg leave to announce to the eitlxens el 8UNBUKT and vlatnite that the EXTENSION of their Btore-Room is completed, and that their iwjautv ra cb jsj tam, - (filling ihefr entire establishment to a perfect jam,) have arrived. We bav now not onf tb bandaomest,but the ' .. LARGEST .STORE IN CENTRAL PENH 8 YLV AN I A I andaatockof NEW GOODS which, in extent, variety, quality arid lowiisaa In nrir ... nv RIVALLED! We need not particularise, for P " U:t' W n HAVE E V SR7 THINGUI We Lava oonstantly on hand all kinds oi DRUGS. HARDWARE. QUEENSWAUK, DRY GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHING. UrtOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES, Ac, Ac which we will dispose of st the VERY LOWEST PRICES. Country Produce la Iran inexchsnga at the highest prices. Pur stand is one of the oldest in thia section of eonntry, and has always been favored bv the LARGEST and BEST run of custom in Hie neighborhood. We sjsJhsnkful for fntronaRO we have received in the psst, and hope that by a cbntinual effort to ammolate our friends and customer, aad in consequence of tbe largeness and variety of our stock, we will merit aud receive a continuance nf the support sml good will or the We cordially iavite yea to give us e call I Very Largest nnd in this section of the State I! Remember the old House. 8nnbury, May 28, 1859. ly E. V. BRIGHT & SON. nAVE received a large and haudaome stick of NEW GOODS, which they intend to dispose of at the lowest prices. Our present stock comprise a rich and varied assortmmt of DRY GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, IIOSIEIIY, "B TK Trrn Ti &. ft? "-f Tki "3 Ml it ii U LZi -U 'J ij HATS AND CAPS, HARDWARE, GItOC E li I E S QUEENSWAHE, STOITIWARS Calaastrnre, WOOD AND WILLOW WAKE, Ao., As, We invite the publie to call and examine our stock and learn our list of price. E. V. BRIGHT 1 SON. Sunbury, June 4, 1839. NEW ROUTE FOB TRAVELERS ! "Nrt rihi ni tVnfi'nl lisiilivnvM SU1DIER ARRANGEMENT. O ASD AFTER MOMDAT, MY 23(1, 1PS, tha Traina on this roail wilt ruu to lLa foilowios atUauule : . OOIMO NORTH. Bt'FPALO ARO NIAGARA BXPItr.aS TKAIIV From BALTIMCnHK to SUNBURY vVIL'.MPi'ORT. Arrive Leav. Calvert Stalioa, 1 0 P.M. York, Brklfeporl, 01 a V7 7 14 7 fci (47 47 t OI S OS e ae a jo t 41 1 4-J S J 1 IA Huliiax, MiilereOiirg, Geo i gcluwn, Trevoraoa JaaaUias Bellns-Grova, aUnBlltY, Northuinberlana Chillisquaiioa, IO 10) 10 lit to ao . to a I li iou 10 40 10 4'J 10 sa it os 11 15 II IS tl St 11 14 lilt lilt it at ti it It 17 It li7 It 44 II 44 11 at U 11 ll It eoirta bovth iewisu'jrg, Milton, Wataonlowa. fjniontowa, Kyatera, Alonlfroinery, berger's Muncy, Montoarsvlfe, Wuliani.port, rroa Wiuuisaroar la SUNBURT 4 BALTIMORE Arrive. Leave. to ou p. H 10 II 10 II 10 IU 30 10 37 10 37 10 ft! 10 3 10 41 10 41 10 41 10 40 10 6 10 61 It OA tl OS 11 IS 11 M tl II II II II M It M ltH 1141 II ta II M li te u in. 14 is n 1147 is o I et i es a u i m 4 N 4 II 7 II WiUiam.ooit. Montour sviUa, Muncy, Verger's, Montgomery, Kystcr's Viuonlown, Wataoiitowii. Milton, lwnLurf, t.'atllisquaque, NorltiumberlaiH, lfilHY, cViina-Cirova, Trevorton Junetioa Georgetowu, MillersMirg, Halifax, Undgeyort, Yoik, Calvert autina. JVIAIL TRAIN. (iOINO SOUTH From BALT1MORK to ab'NBtUT TtnL'iltFORT Amve. Iauvo. IH1.U ie it io ts It 7 11 M I 33 1 3 t-tl I St 1 01 1 07 t ia i it i u a i t ii i a ii a 4 ae in a is ii t si i ti t So 1)1 14 1 40 1 SO I so 4 OO III 4 II 4 II 4 IS 4 11 4 11 4 14 4 te in 31 . 4 3.1 41 4 4S 1 on Calvert atatioa. York Bridneoort Claik'a Farrf Hatfax MillelriM Boehanan Makoiitonx Oeoryetown Trevottoa Jaaealnai 0titia-Grova etl.NUUUY. Northuinberfasat Chillisquaqa lwiauarg Milton Wataootows Uuionlowu Eyelet's Montfomary Herfer'a Mnucy Montoursvillo WiUiaauourt 6OIN0 BOL'TH Flora Wa-Litataroat lofcl'NBURY A BALTIMORE Arriva. Imtivo. Nil 4e a 40 4 a m 10 Oil IU (10 io n io in 10 04 10 04 to ie u to ! te io it 10 44 10 ti 10 19 10 M IS ia 14 10 4S 11 44 10 to isn 11 03 11 OS II 11 II II It an ii in tl IS It M 1144 1144 II 4i It W 14 04 11 04 14 11 lilt t -( Hi 19 ii :s i aa 1 44 t t . s Wllliaroaport, Moatoaravilla, Muney, Heifer's Mont, ornery Kyat.r's linwotowa Wataonlvwa Milton, Lewiatairg CfaiUisquaqua Northumeerlani rUNBUHY, rVlins Omve I'revmloa J uawloai Georgetown, Mahantongo Buchanan, Milleiatxuf . H .lil.l Ciark'a Feny Iteaphi Brnlreport York Calvert atatia June 4, lett people. COME ALL I You will never regret a visit to the C'lienprst Store, stand, MARKET SQUARE, near the Cenrt Interesting to Druggists- AND ALL OTHERS WHO PKM, soda "w.a.t:eiv 7 HE A MEXICAN TEA DES CO Mr A NV, 22 and 24 Frankfort Street, Ntm York. aUMCTiCTURERS OF VAN-ALLEN'S PATENT rOKTAELlS SODA FOUNTAIN, flAKE great pleasure in calling the attention - ef Druggists, Confectioners, snd others to this invention as its simplicity and economy can' not fail to commend it to all who prepare the delightful and refreshing beversge fur tbe Sunt' uier season. Tit Van-Allen Soda Fountain msy truly te regarded as invaluable. It enables sny one to manufacture, with gTeat facility, an indefinite supply of the moat duhcioua Soda Water, at a ' coal of only about THREE OR FOUR CENTS PER GALLON I The risk and expense of Copper Fountains are not incurred, and a few momenta only are re quired to prepare the water. Dut little ice ia noeded to keep the fountain so cool es to render j it unnecessary to use any in glasses. The two ingredients urd are diesolvcd in seperato stone j jars and are farced by action of a simple pump, !'" 1uti quantities into a lined cast-iron gasomc- ter, where they become instantly united and the ooua is lunncu. io copper or brass comes In contact with any of the ingredients. No Mineral Water can be more delightful than that maim faetured by this process j snd whilst it is, perhaps purer than any other, it has all the requisite pungency. fio manufacturer of f oda Water who onee uses the Van-Allen Fountain, can be induced to resort to any other process of manufacture : aa evidence ef thia see accompanying testimonials The above cut represents the whol apparatus in its simple form : but they will be manufacture ed in mauy ornamental stylea to suit the taste of purchasers. It is nut at ail likely to net out of order, becaUHe of its great simplicity and dura unity ; DesMes Deing n portable as to bs bandlsd with esse, rendering it peculiarly valuable for PICNICS and oilier RURAL FESTIVALS. This little contrivance can be made attractive to the eye, no less than profitable to the pocket. No VII.LAUK or CITY ViiVii STORE or Coii rr.CTIONER should be without one ( these HEALTH-GIVING FOUNTAIN, Nor can owners of large FACTORIES do better thing than to have ene, to refresh their operative during tbe hot summer month. They can be introduced into private familiea to great advantage, aa the expense is so trilling, 1 he ingredients used are to be bad in any Drug Store, and a recetpe for preparing aymps to flavor the Soda Water, will accompany each Fountain. The whole apparatus occupies but a small apnee not more than an oidinary aized wash-stand ana can do uaea on tne corner oi a street as well as in-door. A full sized one csn be seep at "The American Trades Company's OMce, PRICE From H0o $AU, sccording lo aizs and IliiHli. ihey can be snippet! to any part oi tne t nnea o talcs or Canada at an cipenee of $1 er ;1 for boxing, and ordera will be fiUod promptly by express or otherwise. ylJdress, UAI.l,Allr.K S Purchasing Bureau, 1 LIBERTY STREET, N. I. or H. 11. MASSER, Sunbury, Pa. New York May, SI. 16M tf CENTRAL HOTEL Sale and Livery Stable. ri'IIE subscriber respectfully announces to the -n- public Ihst he ia prepared to accommodate them with Saddle-Horses, Homes and Unggtrs, Sulkies, Carriages, Eockaways end Hacks, at the shortest uolice. His stuck of Horses ars admired for speed and gentleness. The vehicles are beat and in good order. Careful drivers will always be in readiness lo carry passenger to any point desired. fV1" Omnibusses for parlies end pic-nics ean be bed at all limes with or without driver. Tbe patronage of the public is respectfully so licited. JOS. MOIST, Lessee. Sunbury, Msy S8, 159. lXnto o Jacob Jurit tt dcccai! Henry J. Ksadur, alienee') la the Orphan's ol lease Jarrett, j i.ourt or .orlbna- va. Tbe heirs of Jscob Jsrctt. berland county, Writ of Paititioa decessed. j Valuation Returnable to Aiigu.t Term, 1859. To Henry J Reader, alienee of Isaac Jarre'.t ; Henry, Samuel, Daniel and (inutga Jarrett, and Catharine Bmiih late Catharine Jarrctt, lluvid Lilly and Lydia his wife, late Lydia Jarrett; John Barrett and Elisabeth hi wife, late Elua belli Jariait, and John Doebler and Sarah hi wife Lite tJamh Jarrett, litire and legal lepreaen I tlive of Jacob Jarrett, deceased. You and each or you are hereby notified that by virtue ol Ihe anove writ te mo directed an In quest will be held en the Real Ktto of aaid deceased, to wit : A certain lot or piece of ground situate in Lewi to v. ship, Northumberland coun ty, hounded by laud of (irorge Chriatman, Christian Mensemoyer, Jacob Hhatle and others contaiuing about four acres. Also, another lot or piece of ground in asms towuship, adjoining lands of Jacob Werlman, Benjamin Smith, Wm Levaa and others, tontsining skout four acres, on Tuesday the 28th day ol Jane, 1.9, at 10 o'clock A. H.oa the prenvsea, lor tkepurp of making partition of or to value and appraiusstd rsal estate, at which time and places you may ellend if yoa ace proper. JAMES VANDYKE, Bberirt Sheriff's Office, ) Suubury, Msy 14, 1851. , NOTICE. M lb Court ef Common Plea ef Korthnro. t ber!snd county, April Term, il is thus eon teioeil, to vit: Ainil 16, If 59. The petition of a number ol the rilixene at the town of Shamokin. Coal township, in aaid county, prrttei lo the (aid eourt, praying to b iucu'tmratrj as HTh bhamokin Cemetary Cimany, upon Ihetorins therein set forth t Whereupon it to rdersil, that if no auflittont eaus is sht)ii te the contrary on tho first das of neit term, the prayet of the peli'iuuere v. Ill be giMtsd, according to the eet of Aascmbly, in such case msde aud provided. By the L'-oajrt. DANIEL BECK1.KV, P.otb'y. Prothonotayy' OITito, 1 Sunbury, June V 1IH.4I j SILVER WATCH E8.A Lew double oaa EngliA KUvo WatrtMSA, tm sale a veasj Urn prioee by H. U WAftaWaV. (VL-rAINTlNCS with Gilded ' lot itrat teceivsd and ! at COfrf.' Tavtety fsior. 1 fenbury.Msy 81, 'et. T. fi. COOPEM'9 NEW DRY GOOD VARIETY STOIVl Marktt Sqvart, ' or Wti of tht t Ojict, SUNB UJi r, ra. THE subscriber has just " fetnraed fi tbe city with en entire new ateck ef 1 Goods aud a general variety of Notions, sslectinus, which are different from soyth ever brought to this place, have been made fr lh ano.t eitensive wholesale estalilishaieaU Philadelphia. His stock consists of Uluck Clwtha, Fancy C'anslmor Silks, Ginghams, Delaines, Alspaess, Ohii Calicnes, White Goods, Flsnnels, Mu.tins Circulars, Mantillas, Shawls, Meiino, Marseilles, Cotton Plaids, HATS -A.3ST2D CAPS Flata, Children's Donnels, Trimmings ef ev variety, Glovea, Hosiery, Shirt Boaoms, Bl Collars, Gingham Cravats, Black Silk Crava Fancy Scarf., Ae Ac. The list of NOTIONS comprises in part. Heart ttregcn, Bead NecUlnccN, Fsncy Bends, Knry Basket. Toys ofsll kin Fancy Hair Pins. Fancy Brarelels, Gold Ear Drops, Gold Breast Pins, Gold tUuch, Gold Pens, Lathes' Recti, rules. Outtons, Urunhea, Toi lets, Combs, Fancy Hoaris, Perfumery, Fancy China VVaie, STATION BUT, PICT U R E i and a variety of ether Fancy articles tot nurr rous to mention. All articles not on hand when asked for w be ordered from Philadelphia immediately, wit out entra charge, the proprietor having m arrangements to be supplied with deficienci whenever required. Hi stock will be disposed of on rash prim pies, deducting 5 per cent, from purchssrs mounting to more than ore dollar. fly strict attention to business, he hope receive a rhare of publie patronage. He tuvil all to call and examine for themselves, and ' convinced that he has on band the largest sto of Fancy Goods ever brought to the phco. THOS. G. COOPER. fnnbury, May 7. 18"9. FLOUR AND FEED. O. HAVEN haa constantly on hand large and full supply of FLOUR si c. FEED, which he will sell at as low, or low profits, than any place in this 'Market. Tho; wanting Ceur will find it an object to call at t! Wholesale and Retail Flour Slore before putcii sing elsewhere. Being thankful fur paal fitoi asks a continuance of tho same. C, O. HAVEN. Sunbury, May T, 1859. FRENCH ETjUR MILI, 8TONU MAXliACTOni r"I,HK undersigned keeps constantly on bur A FRENCH BURRS of all sizes, and every article required by the milling tradc- Cumplet satisfaction guaranteed for every art., sold. Mitlors who prefer the solid Burr, by ei ing 4 lo 6 months notice, ean have their onie executed at the quarries in France. Address, WM. II. KEPNER, April 3, 11b 6rn Harrisburg I. II., Pa,. RBW BOOT AND SHOI STORE. JAMES HEARD having retarned fiom Phi adelpbia with the latest and most fashionab styles of HOOTS, SHOES, H ATS and CAP! would invite his numerous friends aud the pull generally, to call at his store la MA KICK SQUARE, one donr east of Ihe Post Ofiic where ho will be happy to exhibit his gcucn assortment of gooda. His gooda eonsists of (enllcmsn's D'1' hoes. Call Skin, Morocco, Patent I.rathe and Slippers, Pstent Leather, Morccc Calf Gaiter of all dercriptions. Indies' Sbacs of every description and stl such ss Gaiters, Low lioots, Slippers, Uu kins, oVc Mi.iee' bhoes, Boets, Gaiters and Slippers every description snd style and material. Boys' bhoes, Roots, Gaiters, fitc, of every de scription vl style and material. Youtha' and Children' bhoes, Boots, Gaiter Slipper, dec, of evsiy description sc style, &c. ALSO': A genrral essertmsnt of HATH sr. CAPS. All of which hs will sell Iot for CASH . Country Produce. His motto ia 'better a nic sixpence then a alow shilling." JAMEat I1EAIU). Sunbury, May H, 1859 If "GET THE BEST" WEBSTER UNABRIDGED PICTOMA: EBITIOW I I 1 000 I'icuxial liiastiattons. Webster's Unabridgec DICTIONARY. ,cu IMcforinI Cdilion. f cdtlum tf Wr biter 't t'iiutri()?eQ bicliciiiiry, cm tat ui iig ImiU PicttHUii llluBtratiirftR, beautifu l)' if.ruic. WM iu 10.UO0 new wtyiki in the VuculiQltuy TaU Synonyms, dy I'rtif. UUODHirH. in wim-h mr tim two Utuuftuid wurdt ara 4icrJlly diciiiutimtt-l( 1'rrni:: aia.urwiMit ou t.-tn!' t n. ci HMrlf, liinn other .Rtued, biili Oiabb, tud beuevetl in miiuiire t f tr TVu.e b i vine FrontiuciaiUvuU Namcio! wnJO ditMijrmvtH per i o( Mu eru Tttur. pculr uft of V'oiti Terma in tha Fitl(, wi't tUer rcr fptittiird, trtrth, with all tfa MATTKU OK I'ULViOL SliDlTHs. We hnva Bern ipejimen ihteiu nf the IVtorial Jsli.rr tueni,. 'frie tire well cicrutrd, atul wt;l i.ftPn tie vartut in J.vii f a moch mr re correct i1ea of an t-t Uau can t iHrtatiiei by a dliiii.ion.!l--New urlc fr Uiiii, Apt it lrt, l3-"y VV liava uneu ipectmen iheeta of theac illutru.ii, ai'. ran hartiijr Me htw ttity enull bs improved iu bcatuty . accurucy.' nditnn UvtumK Tiaiacnpt. An exsiuiiiiutitiu of prwia baa Poiiinr1 ut U.nt tit. ia by fnr tlie numi perfect form auy UiciMuary ha pv assumed AU the ingenuity ever apr-l'd to lunfruK ii"t give Ibat idea of it mechanical ilc-v wliu:n a .tiiil t ut wm uu. ii i a.mtvi irnpni:( lor uie m n iitf ' gent mi ad to p-t a clear loVa of a ii.eiipe. a, a hi or ijiu-tfti Kt r.tof, - nnvlbiiif riae in urcliiierture, fr- i a tlriluituMi, a intiU eiraviisf brings ii up at o.ic The illuHraU'tna f I lie ut-w eriiiion are rnU)'ia truly eipelietit, in lull keeping with lit auPTt-r;ty r.( gfeit standard hk Several Uk'Miaawi new w-rj at been aJ.leJ to it. a.i tliut it u ikt noaaible to iinHi. e mntt pei fevl wtnk t,.f the kind. Yor re. arctic in .'iHK! and lor the yuuua; it 11 noscatd oi m vary peculiar vhIu Daily Rvening Uulteiiii. Hpecinatn paifps wd ba furnished wltlinnt f ss-r, o aprUifatitM to tlie pablishere. Will be told hy all Ho. 4 setters. CTKTTHU fitter." Cm WEE?TFfT. prtj jflcld, Mase.tMnv1. Ifr9 Zm INDIA RUBBER r ENS A NKW WRITING INSTRUMENT, II ANtTACTVRKl) VNPK QOODYEARS' PATENTS. IlTCIi- P321T Cn 57 Liberty Si-, New-York. Art for S'lU h'j Bruil-ullen and Stationer: generally, tltrovgAiut Uit United Slatet. Tlllla4ia ttnUm Fens ar supariur to all rthcr Vuil aswr ia vac, puaatMiiif all Um-fnod ajualitise ,.f u. fju-ir, witu awoa ol tlia i t,,.-liJiii. faatusa tf ta use f.u. rucv hivoall taa t.steiiy nf tho quill, vviibnut IV spatu-f i.iaf and srrapina of thai luatrainaut, (tha pciftU W in wrlrvli) ua-iuih.) aii4 IM laat a-iigar. Tary ara. iu.wim, aorwUir hi tha steel pea. In la. tlicy ar rn-i tlastw, wear aiuch lonjer, aaU v. iw ourr.Hlo t ha liotla Rnhhev Ptaa are paniliariv ana,td to tt.. wa-,is of 1'iU.m, Iwrrrs, tlrmi"u, tManrius.aiu! (. tcaMonal fau gcocrally. liMf Irsa tiraarini. ti luc kai.4 an at. nir.nai iu a.tinai, than any oth.r n im.w ti we. i nay ars raaiipci uuiii quill aat, aud ara lUtfld .1 a piic BM ucwdii,)! thai oi iu. teat stfcl paaa Tl a liulia Hutlr f aw r-at a iu taiaw, aMliawia ona froas earn. Wit a. Iv.rtrr. at Thica ooiiar. par m,e aad wia a aaMlaat, aaat(r, ao onv aaVltros, bi ia eeitK aT tstc Mafia1. A libaral diaNaaaaVrt4 ta tt TTaM,U!V( ,: aa4 rabii laatttntMo. Atklrraa, TUK IMUtA L BBtR PKN C4 w - l fa--,47,N- laaa. New Toia.May (a, ao. IN KUHOPE! 1SA.013 -A.T HOl-ISi OK 105 flAKItEUS of EiUaat.d Double r.str " Plenr, jn.t serci. ani fcr sal CH K K I l'T .... C.O, HiVgJf. uiw. Msy l,S5J. f