nSlfiWl,j i , 0 c t x u MY HOME. XVMRS. B. IICPDOK. O, I havo wandored oarlli arooitd Ou faney'aeiry plume; -A ad sought to 6ml dome spot prgrocuti Where I migli'. fiod home? ! Betides th city's gilded dome . 1 choose nidtmiou fair, And tboogh "Here will I B J home. But eonielbiug mid, A'i1 there." found a lovely rornl cot lleside a crjetol stream, A ad '.here 'mid nature's tinilo'i, I thought To pa life transient dream. Tfes here ot last my heart tball.rrtt, And breathe its tve-ning pravrr j This will be koine, 1 shall be til.nt. Hut emeUiing euiil, 'Notthere." , Where, then, my weary ppirit cried j lt'a on some.lairy isle Away, where aoutberu ocean glide 'Neatb summer' chaojceless smile T Where nature wears her !adeless.recli, And ikieisre pure ond fair, in there borne of rest sertneT , JV. whisper came, "AeJ there." "There is no home on earth for I bee, No rest in this dark sphere ; Tbou art journeying to eternity, Build nut thy .mansion here ; 3Put earth, with all iu.g nn std fli;wtra, Its bending azure ikt-s, dn prison holds the spirit's powers, Which struggle still to rise." "Away beyond each shining star, In climes by angi ls trod, There is a bind more radieiit far. Bright with the sniili-S uf tied. And there ore those who wait thee there And softly whisper, 'Come 1' And bid tboe hasten to p opnro Tor Heaven, only home." fanners' Department. Work for Juno. Cork. Thii crop requires the special care of tbo cultivator during the month of June. As soon as the "stand" is ficure from the worm and bird, thin to two or three plants to tbo hill, according to the strength of your land. As we have repeatedly urged before, let the working of tbo crop be done early. After planting at proper distance on ground properly prepared and manured, the crop should be quickly worked and early let clone. There is more loss to the erop by working after harvest than by all other disasters to gether. Think of a man working and spend ing all proper means to get a beautiful, luxu riant growib, and then, at the vert time when it is most in need of ample supplies of fiatriment, and when a tbnusaud mouths are seeding it from every source, a murderous implement is put in to tare up and destroy these channels of supply. "Surely, an enemy iiaiu done ibis I In working corn bear in mind the object you have in view, viz ; to destroy the young grass and keep the surface loose. For these purposes shallow cultivation is sufficient, and the ordinary corn cultivator the proper nn plement. Should the grass, at any time, get the start ot you, the mould board will be lie cessary to sabdao it. Potatoes We ventured the opinion last month, in opposition to the very general ad vice upon the subject, that the best time for planting, for the main crop of potatoes, is not before the middle of June. As the sun bas much power at that time, there are some cautions to be observed in planting, to insure the coming np of the seed. The plxotings should be prepared some weeks 10 advance of the time of planting, and spread out where they will beal without being boated; unless you prefer planting whole potatoes of small size. The potatoes should not be exposed in the Celd, by being allowed to remain in tie bot sun, id baskets or otbewiso. I hey should be dropped in tho fresh furrow immediately alter it is opened, and covered without delay Attention to these suggestion will insure the regular comibg up of the crop, unless the potato bas been damaged previously. As eooo as the plants begin to grow, run the barrow over the ground, to break the crust and destroy such weeds or grass os may be germinating. Une or two seasonable work iogs of this sort, will save much hoe work. Hit Making. The clover end orchard crass will be fit Cor hay making this month The proper time of cutting is a point of much importance. It is suggested thut tbe in ntincts of bees and ether insects are a safe guide for us. They suck the blossoms when the sugar is developed la tue plant, and iudi eate the period when we may most profitably Dot in tbe scylbe. I rottssor liorsioid uu termined by experiment, that clover cut when the Loads juBt begin to appear, produced only 0.80 per cent, of sugar : but wben tully us veloped, produced 1.15 per cent, of sugar vary near fifty per cent, more than that cut first. As to caring, we quote from a valuable May we published a year ago, on clover cul tare : "Tbe water contained in green clover bay when first cut, amounts to from seventy-five to eiehtv-three per cent. It also contains certain amount of Fuzar, which is easily fer tuented. Therefore, when cnt or placed in a barn or stack, fermentation will be produced which will destroy tbe sugar and other uutri tive qualities, ond vinegar or acid will be pro doced. rendering the hay sour and unfit foi food. Tbe clover may be cut, and permitted to lav ia tbe swarth a few boursto wilt. Let it then be to cure end partly dry. Wbon is dc-tired to bouse it let tbe bunches be open and exposed to the air a few hours, and it is then lit to go to tue oarn. a nine sail may be scattered broadcast over the layers. Never let the bay dry so much in held as t have the leaves or beads drop off by band licg or hauling." Gknebal Cci.titation. Millet, Ilungari on Grass. Suaar Millet, Pumpkins, Ctimblins, Sugar Beet, Broadcast Corn, Field reus These mav all be planted still, but tbe soon er tbe better. It is of tbe greatest impor- taace to net Tour work lu a state or forward nmi. Il ia essential to the proper cultiva tinn nfeveiv hoed crop that the crass Le Vent thoroughly subdued while young, and never allowed to get a strong bold upen the ground. Tbe homely aid provero, tnai-i atitcb in time saves uineiB very applicabl here. You will uow be anticipating too, th engrossing lobors of wheat harvest, on enter inir which everv boed crop should be let thor cuehly clear of grass, and your corn, if you liave followed our advice, "laid by. Potato I!ke Risi.nos. 1 bave seen great many pieces about making good bread nd 1 nave irieu a prom umujr wj, nu uuu T like to well as with potato beer Take dnnhla handfull of Botutocs and boil tbem .nf. and in ash them, put tbem through ir not a iralloo of water with tbem, the put it in a stone jar, ar.d after it is cool enough so as cot to scald tbe yeaBt, add to it a pint nfimod veast. Do this the evening Derore you wanttobak. Ifitgetstoocoldthrougb the nieht. set vour Jar lu a kettle ol bot wal r io tbe morning, and stir it tilt it is warm enough to let your rising, nave your hohi warm and ready, then take your beer and se th rising, stir it as thiok as you can wel n iron sdoou or paddle. H will rise in half .n hniir. ar at the lonrest aa hoar. Wben ..n knd It. add to it a ooart of warm milk - U water, knead it well, and let it rise again ik.n t.ka it cut in loaves, bave your oven ready, aud bake at usual It. A. ., ia Ohi Cultivator. ScrofUla, or King's Evil, 1 a eonrtltnrtonal disease, a corruption of the blood, by -which this fluid becomes vitiated, weak, and poor. Being in tbe circulation, it pervadus the whale body, and may bunt out in disease on any part of it. No organ is free from its attacks, nor is there one which it may not destroy. The scrofulous taint it variously caused by mercurial disease, -low living, dis ordered or unhealthy food, impure air, filth and filthy habits, the depressing vices, and, 'above all, by the 'venerea! infection. AVhat ever be its origin, it is hereditary-in the con stitution, descending ' from parents to children unto the third and fourth generation ;" indeed, it seems to be the rod of Him who says, "I will visit tho iniquities of tho fathers upon their children." Its effects oommence br deposition from the blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in tbe lungs, liver, ana internal organs, is lermca uberclesi In the glands, swellings; ana on the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cor ruption, which genders in the blood, depresses . i p i i . . 1 r 1 - ine energies ox uie, so mat scruiuiuus vuiuuitu tions not only sutler from scrofulous com plaints, but they have far less power to with stand the attacks of other diseases ; conse quently, vast numbers 'perish by disorders which, although not scrofulous in their naturo, are still rendered fatal by this taint in the system. Most of .the consumption which de-' ciinates the human family lias its origin directly in this scrofulous contamination ; and marry destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all .the organs, oribO from or ore aggravated by the same cause. One quarter of all our people are scrofulous ; their persons are invaded by this lurking in fection, and their neuitn is undermined by it. To cleanse it from the system we must renovate the blood by an alterative medicine, and in vigorate it by healthy food and exercise. Such a medicine we supply in AVER'S omponnd Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most effectual remedy which the medical skill of our times can devise for this cverv where prevailing and fatal maladv. It is com. bincd from the most active rcmedials that have been discovered for tho expurgation of this foul uLsuruiT i rum me oioou, ana tne rescue ot tne system from its destructive consequences. Hence it should be employed for tho cure of noi oniy scrotuia, but also thoso other affec tions which arise from it, such as Ekuptivb and Skim Disbases, St. Anthony's Firs, Rose, or Erysipelas, Fimpi.bs, Pustules, Blotches, Blains and Boils, Tumors, Tettbii and Salt KnEUM, Scaia Head, RiNOwon, Rheumatism, Syphilitic and Mercurial Dis eases, DnopsY, Dtsfepsia, Debility, and, indeed, all Complaints arisino from Vitia ted or Impurb Blood, The popular belief in " impurity of the blood " is founded in truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. Tho particular purpose and -virtue of this Sarsapa rilla is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid, without which sound health is impossible in contamuiatea -constitutions. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIO, are so composed that disease within the ranee of their action can rarely withstand or evade them Their penetrating properties search, and cleanse, and invigorate every portion of the human organ ism, correcting its diseased action, and restoring its healthy vitalities. As a consequence of these nroDcrties. the invalid who is bowed down with pain or physical debility is astonished to find his health or energy restored by a remedy at onoe se simple nnu lmuiug. Not only do they euro the every-day complaints of every body, but also many formidable and dangerous diseases. Tho agent below named is pleased to furnish gratis my American Almanao, . ' -r 1 .1: for their use in the following complaints : Costire ttess, Heartburn, Headache arising from disordered Stomach, Nausea, Indigestion, Pain in and Morbid Inaction oj the iiotcets, flatulency, loss oj Appe tite, Jaundice, and other kindred complaints, arising from a low state of the body or obstruction of its Junctions. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, for the rapid curb op Conghs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consump tion, and for the relief of Consumptive Fatients in advanced stage of the disease. "So wide is the field of its usefulness and so nu merous are the coses of its cures, that almost every section of country abounds in persons pub licly known, who have been restored from alarming end even desperate diseases of the lungs by its use. When once tried, its superiority over every other medicine of its kind is too apparent to escape observation, and where its virtues are known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ fur the distressing and dangerous affections of the pulmonnry organs that are incident to our climate. While many inferior remedies thrust upon the community have foiled and been discarded, this has gained friends by every trial, conferred benefits on the afflicted they can never forget, and pro duced cures too numerous and too remarkable to be forgotten. PREPARED BY DR. J. C. AYI.lt & CO. LOWELL, MASS. Friling 4 (irunt and A. W. Fisher, Sunbury, It. U. McCoy, Northumberland, A . T. liisel, Turbutville, F. Stotz, Wind tlap, J. F. (,'uf-luw, Milion, G. 13. Codwalder, Shamokia, P. I'hli r, Lhlcrsville, And by all liruggisls and Merchants. April 16, I8f.a. ly NEW YOHK LINES- TUF. CAMDEN' AM BOY AND PIJILADKM'HIA AND TRKNTON RAILROAD CO 'S LINKS, From Philadelphia to A'eic York and Way I laces. From Walnut Street Wharf, Philadelphia, will leave as follows, vias : sass. At 6 A M, via Cumikn sad AinUoy C & A Accom modation, f'J At S A M, vm Cunulni soil Jersey City New Jer. evai.'CiliiiiiHlation, 9 At S A M, via Cuiiiden snd Jersey city Morning Mini. 1 00 At 11 A M, by Steamboat, via Tucony and Jeraey city Morinuft Kxpreas, 3 00 At t V M, via Cuiwien and Amboy C and A. Ex- pr.-BS, 3 00 At 3) V M, by Steamboat, via Tacouy and Jersey eilv, Kveiiini( Express, 3 OG At 3 FM,by t-uiin,b..;it, vis Tacony aud Jer ey t'liy. vti cinsa j icsei, v At 6 P M, via Cunnkn It Jersey city Evening Mail 3 1 0 At II P M, via Cumden und Jeraey cily NiglitMull 1125 AI2 P M. via (.aimlrn aud AmUiyAraoinm'Hlu- tiou. (Fieigbt and Pusseuger,) 1st class ticket, 9 'J1 Sd 1 60 At 5 P M. Via Camden and Amlmy Accommoda tion, (Freisjbt snd Passenger,) 1st class ticket, t 9S lid " 1 74 The ( P. M. Mail Line runs daily. Ths It Niglil Mail, Saltmttiya exeenled. I f Espirss Lines stop at principal station only. For Helvidcre, KiiNtou, FleimnKioii, Ac., at 0 A.M.. and 3) P. M , from Walnut street wharf. rot w uu-r cup, ruouufuur)!, ncrauiou, wnsesoarre, MiiiitroM., tireut Ufml, Ac., nt 0 A M, vis Delaware, ljK'kawauna ami Wcaiern Kailroad. For Freehold, at A. M. and P. M. For Mount lloliy, ul aud MAM, and S, 4.) and A P. M. WAY UN ICS, For Bristol, Trenton, 4c., st 3 aud 4 P. M., front Walnut street wharf. For Pulinyia. lieluuco, Beverly, Burlington, Borden town, Ac , ui ii P. M. Steamboat Jiilin Nelsoit, for Bordentown and intermedi ate plueea. at 3) P. M. Steainbiait Tiert'm, for Bristol. Umlingtoa and interme diate plu.'H, al I'J M and 4J P. M. Fifty pounds of ltHcsi;e only, ull.wed each passenger, P;ttseuy,ris are ptolnb.icd from taking anytluite; as Bug fuse but llieir wetirmg apparel. Ail liugguge over titty pouuda to la paid for extra. Ths Comimny limit their rerrwuifiliili'y for Dneenge to Une Dollar per pound, and will nn lw hible for auramount beyond 100 DolUia, ex cent by special eonlraet. WM, II, C ATM ER, Agent. April 1st. IMC np. 30. 'W. JOSEPH FUSSELL, i. 2, Kvrtk Fourth Street, PHILADELPHIA ANUFACTURER of be quality of UM, 13EKLLAS and PARASOLS invites the attention of buyers to bis extensive slock, embracing many styles not heretofore introduced. Philedelt.hiaJM srch l, IBSH lrKT RBCKIVKI) a general assortment of New fJoods at the Store of t. H. ENGEL. 8 u nb ury, Dec. 11. 185g. STOVES- FOR 6LE 1) an excellent second-hand Ceok iof Stove, lso several Cylinder Ceal Stoves Enquire at this efflc. . WHOLE8ALB DALn IN DHANDIES. WINES, OINS.&C riiHK subscribers bsve opened in Thompson's - Drick Huildimr, Mill street, Danville, a large and complete stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, comprising the best brands of Brandies, Gin, Old Itye. Scotch and Irish Whiskey, Port, Sherry, Maderis, Champsgne and other Wines f all grades, all of which will be sold Wholesale at Hie lowest city prices. Tsvern-keepcrs by buy ing of us csn save at least the freight. I'er.ons desirous of purchasing liquers for FAMILY IT8E, may rely upon being furnished with a pure and unadulterated article. 1ST Being determined to establish a reputation for selling cheap they respectfully solicit the pa tronage of ths pubic. All orders prompt at tended to. 8HJ:RIFF & HALL. Danville, April 9, 1859. Market Street, Sunbury -Pa. ' vH'K subscriber respectfully informs the citi--- tens of Sunbury, and tho public generally, that he has taken possession of the above well known stand, formerly kept by John I.eiser. He is determined to use every exertion to make bis house one of the best in the Slate, and offers r re inducements for persons who spend a short time in one nf the most pleasant towns in central l'eiinsylTaiiia. His table will be supplied with tbe best the market can produce. His bar will be supplied with the purest liquors. Careful and obliging servants nlways in atten dance. A sbure of the local and traveling com munity is most respectfully solicited. SIMON SNYDER, April 2d, 1859. Gin -Proprietor. noticei ADAMS EXPRESS CO., Give notice that they hove concluded arrange ments with the Northern Central Kail Koail Company, to run trains from Baltimore for York, Hairisburg, Daupbin, lialltax, 1 revorton, Bun- bury. Northumberland, l.ewi.burg, Milton, Mun cy, Williameport, and all intermediate Stations. Connecting at Harnsburgh witn tne UKW 1 WESTERN EXPKE88 for Pittsburg, Cincin- nati, ol. I.ouis and tne West. Also with Howard & Co's Express at Milton or Danville, Bloomsburg, Wilkesharre, Pulsion, Scranton, and intermedials Stations on tho Cat tawisss, Lackawana and Bloomsburg Kail Koads. At Williamsport.by Howard & Co s Express to Jersey Shore and Lock H aven. Also, by How ard ce Co., and their coanections, lor uanton, Troy, Elmira, Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara, and to all accessible points in Western New York and Canada, by which they will lorward Merchandise, Specie, Bank Notes, Jewelry, and Voluable Packages of ervery description. Also. Notes, Drafts and Bills for Collection. Experienced snd efficient messengers employed and every eUortwill be made to render satisfac tion. JOHN BINGHAM, Superintendent Penn'a Division, Phil'a. A. W. FISH E 15, Agent for Sunbury. April 9, 18f9. CENTRAL HOTEL, STTNEURY, Northumberland Cofinty. Pa npiIIS lane and comm. iJioua Hotel, now fin- -L isheil aria completely furnished with entire new furniture, at a large expense tV N.criti Van dyke, and situate at the Kailrond Depot north east corner of Market Square. .Sunbury, and at the terminus of the Sunbury V brie and iorth cm Central Railroads, will be open fortheaccom modal ion of I ravelera and the public in general on the FIRST DAY OF JANUARY, 1859. The proprietor will give hi exclusive atten tion, totLe comfort and convenience of his guesla and is determined to make this estubiUhment rank among the first in the State. lk table will be supplied with the best the market can produce having the advantace of daily communination by cars direct from Haiti more, and o from those bringing produce from the surrounding country. His bar will be supplied with the purest liquors the market can produce (Ja-eful and obliging servants always in at tendance. A share of the local and traveling community is most respectfully solicited. JOSEPH MOIST, Lessee. Sunbury, Dec. 18. IBSft. Peipher's line, Hailroad Freight Cars BETWEEN Philadelphia & Sunbury. rt'lli: subscrilier is luuuiiift s line of freight cars to and L from Philadelphia without re-shipment, and hopes to enLublish s guud business by prompt deliveries at reasona ble rates. Warehouse In Philnrlelpliis with Freed, Ward A Freed, Bit Market street, vt here gisids Ac. for Sunbury and inter mediate points should Ik left. THOMAS PEIPIIER, Harrisburg. Mnreh HI, MH. 3m BUT THE WAEISUTTA PRINTtS. They are the best Calicoes yet oll'ered to the public for the money. Wholesale Adepts t DrrCEEST,xHIISTHOIIO k CO., NEW YORK. April 23, 18S9 4m3I PKES'ripiCES!!! SPICES ! ! ! Pure and No. 1 Giound IV p per. (.linger. Cinnamon, Allfpice, Mofe. American mid Englntt M unlaid. Ceycnne Peppar, Nutmte, Mure. Sup. Carb tSnla. lNilt,)eire, Saicrutm, Hit Hk1o, Indigo. Curuwuvand Curiuiulcr 9tH. A Mliton Dairy aud U round St It, Atfi. Kr tule at the Kucle Mill No. 244 audSlONorih Front Ueet earner uf iNevv, PinlndelphiH. 17" Purchnaera will ft mi it icrea.ly to their interest butli in ( ii ii hi v and price to buy tlieae gKdi, which are war luiitixJ ai repreienttfd or lurlViled. A trial ia aultciltd. rnitadt-lpliia, .Mnrcu 1U, lfcou. BLINDS AND SHADES, CHEAP FOR CASH. H. J. WILLIAMS, Nn. 18 North Sixth Street, Philadel phia, is the largest Manufacturer uf wixdow ; IILIXDS. a: d bealis is WINDOW SHADES, OF EVERY VAHIETY. lis is ths Originator of all New Pi vies ami tins a Cue stock to h sold al I1KDI CK1) I'K 1C Kf. BUFP, AM) AM. OTHKK COl.OHS OK UNEN rMlAI'KS, T HI. MM IN US, FIXTURES, Ac. PTOKh SHADES painted to order. I o K. J. W. invites eitiseiis nf this eountv to call be fore put chasing, and assures them be can aell s better article fur the nioitey tlutu any other esiatriishineut in tho Lliilaa-statea. Marcs tie, u.w. Jiuajc. ECEIVED larga assortment nf Salinett, Casaimere and Cloth, at J. II. ENGEL a. Sunbury, Dec. II, l&AS. L'RE OLIVE OIL for table use, two 1 at 87 J and 62$ cents just received by A. V. FISHER. July 17, 'SU. . JUST RECEIVED a large lot of ready made CLUTHIKU, Cheap at J. H. EN GEL'S. Sunqnry, Dec. 11, 185S. PLATFORM SCALES, 1 O' Jl coal, P EVERY DESCRIPTION, 8UITABI.K FOll KAlLROAUtf, Ac.,. fur weiahilia hnr, ore snd merchaialise ceiicrally. l'ureliasers run no risk, every scale is aaaranteetl correct, and if, after trial, not found satisfactory, eaa be returned wilituut charte. I IT FaeUxy at tlis old stand, established for aura tbaa thirir-five years. A UHOTT st Co., Corns of Ninth and Meina Streets, Mareb 26tli, 1849. 3inJ0. J'uiladelplila. SYMPHONIAN8, grand musical instnimenU just received from Snow Hill, London, and for aale by T. G. COOPER. Bunutiry, February W, 1859. SILVER WATCH E8 A few doubU case English Nvw Watches, for aale at very low frieee by H. B MAB6ER. WHUELER & "WILSON MANTJFACTUnWa OOiS FAMILY SEWING MACHINES. ' IT K unanimous favor which has attended ths Intrtxtue. 1 tion uf Wiikslks k Wilson's Family Sewing M elilne, Is indicirnt eviilene of its excellence. Il is need iest now to my, that this useful inurnment is becoming s domestic insliluliun : the fact is recognized by Its sneerm. fill use in thou units of Fomilles in every rank In life. T those who huve hillierto mfmined from ni'mlini themselves nf its artvahlases. il mav not he ainin to lav. that its util- "lyaiiota problem to be solved, but am cess already imliir-ed." The hifhesttntmnny is constantly offered, con firming the verdict which hna given this iiKtrucmtiiloin wwe mm eiivnuiie s repuiution. Thia Morhine is conceived on s principle entirely origi- imi, ucma .necmiiy ana aumirumy aurpieu ionic mo.i per feel work cm every kind of innteriul j and.'having been kiihjfcted tun three ynirs test of the mont leflicMng clinrnetei by Families, nmt in various branches of Mtniu t'neture, Willi distiiiffuishrtt luceces, it is believed that in i Mil the gmt points requisite ton complete and practical Sewine Muuhiiie, itramtitt he approached in excellence Armmir the umfoubted ntliintuies it possesses over SI) other, may he named the following; t. Its simplicity of eons'.ructimt, mid consequent free dom from deraupt'ment snd need of repairs 9. Its unexampled rapidity und ruse of opeiation. 3 Its noiseless movement. 4. The prent variety nf purpose to which It can be an- plied, which can be achieved by n Other mechanical mentis. And, 6. The pre-eminent beauty and durnbilhy of the work. "I find your Machine invnlunble I h:ive ird it a year, and it bus never been out of ordr. The st itch is vei y du ra Me, and can le adopted to hue or eonrfe materials. It works with the rapidity of a dozen pair of hands ; snres much time, fatigue and expense. One of your Machines is iisix! in my futlier's family ; another in Hie household nf ft sister; and others by various friends. The opinions of all accord with thai I nave just ex pressed. "Mrs Anus Con Ritchie. "There is but one Sewing- Machine : and thnt ts Whre ler and Wilson's.'1 Judge Meigs, of the American lusli tnie. 'The Sewing Machine purchased of you has'heeti whol ly serviceable Rev. Dr. "Sammf! Osgoud. No family can aflord to do without it. OrrviuTts or thb New Yobs Trkss. We prnfsr them for family use. Tribune They ate the favorites fur families Times, Are without a rival.'-Scieiililic Ainericim. Works more nnifotmly than the huud Herald. Do the work of ten ordinary sewers Jour Com. K(oul to nine sea in tresses. Dome Jotirn.fl Tux machine, for family use. Advocate V Jonrnul. Most honorable to Amerlcnn genuis ludepemleut. We cannot imagine anything more perfect Evangelist. Will cive entire satisfaction. (Jliterver. The best ever invented. Christian Inquirer. In looking for the best, see these Kxatniiier. Admirably adapted for family use. Chronicle. Indispensable in every family. The Preacher. We praise it with enthusiasm. Christian lntcllieenccr. Worthy of the highest wuid. Siilibuth Recorder. A Itenefiiction of the age. Putnam's Magazine. Magkal in operation. Mrs. Stephens' Monthly. Ueyond all question, the machines. Life Illustrated. The stitch cannot be unraveled. Am Agriculturist. They maintain the pre-eminence Kxpress. Svives the time and health v( ten women. Water Cure. Our household is in eestacieswitli it. rotter's Spirit. Supply the fashionable world. Daily News. A re pre-eminently superior. Indies' Visitor. One of our household godtU. S. Jouruul. I'lirivulletl in every qua'ity. Day BHk. I'tetiy, useful, magical.- Leslie's da7ette. Have no equal for fumilv use. Musical World A triumph of mechanical genius N. Y. J unia1, Combine every requirement. Family Magazine. Vastly superior to all others Golden Prize. We cannot tire in its praise New Yorker. For further particulars apply to II. B. Manser. Sunl oryt Pa., agent of the manufacturer, who will supply machines at the manufacturers' prices. i Snnbiirc, May 15, 18.18. tf riHE undersigned having received a large and X veil selvcteil stock of Pure Urugs and Chemicals, Dyeetuffa, OiU.'Paints, Glass snd Putty, is now ready to (ill ordorsat a moments notice. In connection with the above you will find an assortment of Knnry Notions, Toilet Articles and IVifmncry of all kinds, Tontti, Hair, Nails and Clollu s 13 rutin's of every variety. Customers will' find his stock rnmnlete, com prising many articles it is impossible here to enumerate. KEMLMBER the 'place, under tlx office of tl.s 'Sunlury American. I bysicians' rrecriptions compounded accurate' r and carefully. A. W.FISHER. Sunlmry. April 2d, W9. NEW GOODS At the Mammoth Store of ik a. t ci.i:tih.t, NO. 1 MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, PA. fl'MIE subscriber haa just opened at his well 1 known establishment in Sunhurv, one of the cheapest and most desirable slocks of Fall and Winter Goods, that has ever been oflered in the place, and which he will sell for CASH or exchange fur Country Produce. Those desiring to purchase goods wiil do well to call ami examine his stuck. BLACK AND FANCY SILKS. All Wool Dejains, Figured, Striped and Plain, French Merino, all colors, lleautiful Dress Kubcs, Cashmeres, Shaded, i'lain and Striped must be seen te form an idea of the extent and variety. siann: "lcSr7" HLs 9 Mantle, Slelln, Chenille, French Wool Shawls, Thibet and Drochs Shawls. Cloths Cassimeres and Satinet For Men and Boys' Wear, Black Cassimeres, Fancy Cassiuieics, side stripes heavy, Doe Skin Cassimeres, Satinets all kinds. FLANNELS, White and Red Flannels, all grades and pricea, Bay State Suck Flannels, colors finest qnslitios. READY-MADE CLOTHING. Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, &c, j c, all of which wore selected with great rare, and will compare favorably, as regards quality, style and price, with any in the country. HARDWARE, a full assortment. Wood and Willow Ware, yueensware, of all descriptions. Groceries, a full stock in store. Carpet Chains, 4c, Paints, Oils, Glass, Dye Stuffs. Thankful for the patronage heretofore received he will spare no pains to please all who may favor him wilb their custom in the future. Sunburv, Not. 6, 1858. SUNBURY FOUNDRY ! rilHE subscribers resjiectfully inform the citi A tens of iS'unbury and the public generally, that they have leased the Sunbury Foundry oc cupied by George Hohrbarb.andthatthey will lake possession on the first day of April, next, wben they will be enabled to furnish all kinds of Cast ings, such as Plows, Stoves, dec, &.C., at as low rates aa they can be bad any where else. They are also manufacturing thrashing niacbines, and do repairing at short notice. All orders addressed to them will be promptly attended to. Country produce taken in exchange for Cast ings at all limes. CLINTON ROHRBACII. JACOB ROHKPACH. Jr. Sunbury, March 5, 1 8-"9. 3tu NET CASH DRV OOODS HOUSuT EYKE & LANDELL, FOURTH A ARCH Streets, I'HILAUEI.rillA, ARE now opening a full assort ineut of HEW GOODS, FOR THE bPRINO OF lbit. Spring Silks of New Styles, Fasliiiuaitds Double Skin Rolies, fehawla of the New Spring Styles, lie Lames ih1 Fsucy Diess Goods, Summer Poplina and Valencies, Travelling Dress Uooda, luU variety, Blankeu, Sheeting ami Housekeeping Goods. N. B. Storekeepers sro resiieclfclly leqneaied to ex. sarins our Slock ol ULACK SILKS, and SHAWLS, tax fore purchasing. P. S. New Goods received daily, and good Bargains iiuui .no Auvumia ui new l ora aim una iny isr Tsaiss Nsvv Cssa Psicsa Low. area Uib, 3 saWii IUST RECEIVED a lot of Ladies CLOTH CLOAKS, at I. H. EN GEL'S Store. 1, 1858. Sunbury, Dec. I SAWS Wood. Cross Cut and Mrll Saws. Runsriryr srtu-la st , FlMHriCSJ eun'iiwy, July inh, li. HIGHLY I M PORT ANT KXWS M. C. GEARIIAUT, . Has returned" rhh a new 8 look of Confeotlonariei, Fruit and Toys. TTseens as if a sew age, a new life was open ing upon , animating ierf heart to nobler deeds and higher aims t Art, Literature and Sci ence will glow anew and seek to develops sub- timer beautiea and grander conception. The business world too must feel the new in fluence aad every part be quickened and strength ened by sn-inrreased vitality, which shall urge ns on with 'electric speed to the tons ummatian of greater things than was ever dreamed af in the Philosophy of the past. Animated by the enthusiasm which prevades all classes, and desirous of doing his share to wards "The great events of the Age," (he sub scriber would respectfully 'inform the food pco plo of BUKUUKY and the ptlblic generally, that he has just returned from the city ef Philadel phia with tli a largest and choicest stock of Con fectionaries, Fruit and Toya that has ever been brought to this section of country. He is also manufacturing all kinds of Confectioneries, &c, to Oil up orders, wbolesa'e or retail, at abort no tice. Among his slock of Confectioneries, may be found French Secrete. Gum Drops, sll kinds of scent, love Props, Mini Drops, red and while, Jelly Cakes, Pruit Drops, Slick fondles, el all sveuts Hock Candy, Almond Gaudy, ilurncd Almonds Cream White, " Ijctnon Rose, 11 Vanilla, Common Seereis. Liquorice, rlenaims, Prunes, Dates, Ftes, Currants dried, Citrons, A Inlands, Rnisnns, Nuls of all kuida LEMON SYRUP of a superior quality, by the single or dozen. A superior quality of Yegors and Tobacco, and a variety of Confrclinnaries, fruit, Toys, ic, all of which is offered cheap at wholesale or retail. fjr Jieinenibcr the name and place. M. C.GEAKHAKT, Market St., 3 doors west of Fisher's Drug store. Siiiihur. October 30, 1 858 ly COlLMSP.CIAL HOUSE No. 20 Sixth Street, above Chesnul, Philad'a, ERCHANTS, business men, and persona genciqlly will find this hotel one of the most convenient and pleasant in the city. The proprietor will ass his bast efforts to accommo date bis cucuts, and at reasonable prices. December 4, 1858. ly N0BLIT, BROWN & N0BLIT, Cabinet Maker' Finding Slorc AND BEDDING WARE-ROOMS, Having REMOVED to the new Iron Front Warehouse, No. 22 South Second Street, below Dock, West Side, PHILLDELPHIA. jV OW offer to thcr customers and the public " generally, a new and full assortment of CABINET HARDWARE & MATERIALS. They invito the attention of the trade to their stock of Hair Seating and Curled Hair, of their their own manufacture ; Also to a full assort' ment of BEDDING AND UPHOLSTERY". Philadelphia, July U, 1858 ly Doming,, COFFEE POT TOsEL Pot, Being based, aa Dr. Hall, of tho Journal of Health, says, "on fcoienco and common sense," aro rapidly coming into use, and destined soon to supercede all others. ARTHUR, BURN II AM, & GILROY, 117 & 119 S. Tenth St, Philadelphia, Sols Manufacturers under the Patent. srj-For sale lr Dealers in Hons kecplnic Articles, and Storekeepers reuerailly December 4, 1859. Gxoasi P. Assit. Jims A. Narv. .A. BEE'S" 6s NEFP, No. ICS North TlllltD Street, (three doors above Vine ) PHILADELPHIA. TBS OLD HARDWAHE STAND. (EsTlBLIStltD TwENTJ-l'ocri Veabs.) T?VF.HV description nf Bnildins, Mechanical, Farming J and llouichiild H AKDWAKK, is mw in l,ir?, and will be nOcred at the Inwett niinket pricea, to Cash and prnnipt sis nionilis buyeis. iaits al Manufacturers' pri ces inr Cnsli. Orders frnin new enftomers will receive strict and accu rate auentii'ii, ond all goods sent from this huass will b as represented. fe CncsTFT Merchants, nn their nest visit to nor city to make their Spring purchases, are cordially invited to call and examine our block ami Trices before parclias ing. March 12th, Ib56 UinW.T THE GREAT AMERICAN & FOREIGN PATENT AGENCY OFFICES. Inventory, Secure your Eights ! HOW TO OBTAIN LETTERS PATENT. Mi. Mdn!I A Co., Editors ami Proprietors nf the Scieiililie Auieircau, are ciiutliicliiifr the most succeaai'ul Agency for securtn); the Rights uf Inventors, to be found in the United States. They huve been personally fninil. Iiur with the progress uf Invention and Discovery for llis past liiteen years, and have prepared and conducted with in this period, more Patent enscs than any other Agency in the World. As an evidence of the confidence reposed in their ability and integrity, they may with propriety ru fer to the extranrdinary fact, that nearly two thousand patents have been issued to Iheil clients, duriug the briel space of two yenis ; snd during the snnie pcri.id, Ihey have examiiied through liieir elBineut Branch Office lu Washington, into the novelty of arHit tjree thousand In ventiuiis.bus nUording to them a knowledge of the con tents of the Patent Office, unnvalled'by an existing agen cy. Not only this, bul more than one half nf all ilie Pa tents secured by American ctlisena ta tne European couil tiles, aretukeu through Munn Co.'e Agtnciet in London, Paris, Brussels, Berlin and It'ennn. Cirentnrsal Advice llnw to Secure American end Foreign Patents, will he sent, free oi charge, to all wlin may wish for them. Messrs. Mans A Co.'s priiN-pat nf. fices in New York are tn tne new Park lluiiduias, No. 37 Park Huw, eusteru side of the City ll;ill Park, where all communications should be addressed, and where Inven tors are oordialiy invited to call whenever they visit the city. Messrs. Munn X Co. refer by permission to Hon rhns. Mjh, Ez.Caurnissioner of Patents, Hon. Joseph Unit. Postmaster General nud Ex- Commissioner of Patents, and also to oui seven thousand Inventors in the V'nited States, whose papers have been prepared snd prosecuted tliniugh their Agency. Address Ml'NN k CO. No. 37 Park Uow, New York. March l, ISSB. THE INTERNATIONAL HOTEL. BROADWAY, COKNEsX OF FRANKLIN STREET, NEW YORK OITTT, ring beeu receutly rerutedj Ths Rooms sis newly carpeted, The Furniture and Beds are sspers, And the linlha aie unsarpsssed. TAYLOR'S CELLBHATIIU SALOONS ASS COXNCt-TKD WITH THB MOTKJ.. Here is concentrated all the comforts of a home, with ths luxuries of a palace TIIK SPLENDID LADIES' PARLOR Commands and aneqnalled. VIKW Or BROXUWAV, THE INTERNATIONAL is ths moat central of any of the S st class Hotels for busi ness, or places of smusement, and offers unsurpassed ad vantages to families snd gentlemen visiting New York. Alfssd Fssimas, Proprietor. New Ysrk, July 3, less ly BUSIIONG'S & SONS' Fluid, for aala at Superior Burring FISHER'S Drug ard Chemical Emporium. ftunuuryJuly 17, 18&8. Pure Wlues aud Liquor. JUS 7 received at FISUER'8 Drug and CheJ mical Emporium. Sunbury, Oct. 1858. P ARRIS' Soothing Byrap, for Children teeth ing. For aale at FISHER'S Oetober 16, '68. JUST RECEIVED lot of Gentlemens SHAWLS and BLANKETS, at -J. H. ENGEL'8 Store. Banbury Dee. 11,4858. . VANILLA BEANS, Figs, Dates, Oranges, Lemons, Prune, nuts of all kinds, just re eeived and for sals at the CeBJeciienary Store of M. C.GEAKHAKT. Borfcur April IS, 1859 ' FUERITTJREI PPRMITUEgll THE LARGEST STOCK EVER OTTERED IN SUNBURT. FaatilonabU, Cheap and I'lcftd THE subscriber, long established as a Cabinet and Chair Manufacturer in Sunbury, thank ful for past favors, solicits a continuance of the public patronage. His stock of Cabinet-Ware, Chairs, 4 c, embraces KVFRY TARIETT, CSF.Pl'L AD OltN. fttstNTAL 1n housekeeping. It la unnecessary to enume rate, as anything that may be required in hia line can be had at moderate prices, Cheap for Cash, or Country Produoe'takefl in exchange. Lstalilishment South Hast Corner ef Market Square. ty Those knowing themselves indebted to the subscriber would oblige him by making pay SEDASTIAN HALTT. BunbufY, April 4, H57 tf PHILIP H. PTJPkDT. WIIOLSSALS 111 UIT1I1 Grocery, Wins and Liquor Store, S. E. cor. Walnut and Water Streets, PHILADELPHIA, DEALERS and families will be promptly supplied at the lowest pricea. October 4, 1 856. tf SUNBURY FLOUR STORE FOR 1869 jpi O. HAVEN, is yet at his old stand, South V y side of Market Square, eiunbvry, and keeps constantly on hand a good stock of Flour, reed and all things in his line' Ha has now on hand a fresh supply of No. I. superfine FLO UK No. I Extra, and Eztra Family in barrels.; Williumsport double extra in quarter barrel sacks i(ye Hour, Uucljwheul Flour, Corn meal and 'chop if all kinds for Sale cheap for CASH. He is always ready to supply the wants ef his customers, in small or large qantitirs. A LSO, Oackers of all kinds for aale at resu lar wholesale prices. He hopes by careful atten tion to business, to merit and continue to receive the patronage of his customers. C. O. HAVEN. Sunbuty, Jan. 19. 1 853. If. HERXlXNCr'S SAFE. AGAIN THE CHAMPION 1 1 The ony Sale which, in every instance, preserved their en tire contents in the late ex tensive fire. At the burning of the Art! Mun Buildings, April 10th, jand in the OK EAT FIRE in Market street, May 1st, 1K&G, HERRING SAFE Preserved tbe Jewelry of Gee. W. Simons cV Bro.; Books, Papers, cVc, of Fisher & Uro.,and Edward Seamana &. Co., after remaining ex posed in the burning ruina for ncirly FORTY HOURS, and proving conclusively whit we Miave always claimed for them, THEIR GREAT SUPERIORITY over atl securities now known. In these fires, THE HERRING'S SAFE, standing side by side with those advertised as "wurrantcd to stand 10 per cent, more fire than Heiring a, came forth the ACKNOWLEDGED VICTOR, not only preserving their contents In EXCELLENT order, hut being in themselves in a condition to go throngh another ordeal, while tbe boasted ''Salamanders" of other ma kers were badly used up in every instance, and in some caaca their entire contents completely destroyed. To the public he would simply tny, that, du ring the fourteen years the HERRING'S SAFE hss been before them, more than two hundred have passed through accidental fires without ths occurrence of a single loss. We would, therefore, CAL'TION purchasers against the misrepresentation of interested par ties. The HERRING'S PATENT is the only FIRE PROOF SAFE made in this city, which is protected by a PATENT RIGHT, and we will guarantee it to resist more then double the amount of heat of any other Safe now known. Farrcl, Ilerrlug & Co., Kola Manufacturers n this State of "Herring's Patent Champion Safes." 34 Walnut ft., Philada. I V "Evans 4 Watson's Improved Salaman ders," "Oliver Evans'," "C. S. Gayler's," and "Scott's Abselos," Iron Chests, (a large assort ment having been taken in part payment for "Herring a, ) will be sold at low prices. Philadelphia, July 10, 1858. ly Wholesale Grocer)'. EBY Sc KTJNKEL, Opposite the 1'enniylva liaRail Road Depot HARRIS!) URG, PA. EEP a large stock of the following nanied articles, and will sell cheaper than any otlur house this side of Philadelphia. Call and see pries ef Coft'ee, I.ard oil, Fish oil, Sugar, - Fish, Tar, Tea, Suit, Rosin, Spices, Hams, Pilch, Tobacco, Shoulders, Oakum Cigars, Flour, Robes, V inegar, Fluid, Calcined Plaster Cheese, Soap, Candles ic. S. II. Molasses, Syrups, N. O. Molasses, Also, Cement, Safety Fuse, Crow Bars, Sledu.es, Iron and Nails, for sale at very small prulits. July .1, '858. ly FBILADELruiA AND BAILROAD. KBAOINa CHARGE OF HOTJHS. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, July S, IK, the down mornlns Passenger train will hsava I'ollavilb al 14 A. M , passing Kuduig al v Al A. Al , and arriving at Philudelphat at H.U5, noon. The down Afternoon Train will leave Pnttsville at 3 30 P. 1 , pussing Heading al 6.00, aud arriving nt Philadel. phiaatT.40, P.M. Morning and Afternoon Passenger Trains leave Thila delntuaat same hours as heretofore, 7.JU A. M. and 3J0 r . passing neauing al 10 03 A. Al. aud a 0? P. M LEBANON VALLEY BRANCH. rasseuger Train leaves Reading at lu.Oe A. M , (after arrival of Down and Up Morning Passenger Tram from Piitisvilie and Philadelphia,) and arrivea ai Harrisburg at 111 noon, in time to connect with Passenger Trains for Bunoury, iiusmsporr, r.linira, rituourg, Ulianibersburg, iMiiuiiuit unit lAiHuin. neiuruiug, reaves tlainsuuri at l !i P. M , after arrival of Passenger Trains from al above points, and arrives at Heading at 4 83, in lime to connect witn u p and jjown Passenger Trains to Potts- viue sua i'uiiaueipnia, tue same evening G. A. N I COLLS, Engineer and Superintendent. Ally 17, tS58.-tf SADELRY AND HARNESS MAKING ' IHE subscribers respectfully inform tho citi A. gens of Sunbury and vicinity that they have commenced the above business a few dooraebove the Post Office, Market Square, Sunbury, Pa. work 01 all fcinna in their line or business will be done promptly and neatly on the most rea sonable terma. CLEMENT & OYSTER, February 13, 1858. STOPPERS f bar bottles for aala by 1 Sunhurv. Joly 18. I find. H. B MASSER. P. MELANCHTON SHINDEL. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE STJNBTJIOr. jP-eV. Office in Deer Street, immediately opposite the Public School House. . All business promptly attended tn. Monies collected and all ordinary writinga dne. Sunbury, April S5. 1857 tf ORT and MADERIA WINES, Schiedam Schnapps, Wild Cherry brandy, Blackberry and Lavender brandies for medicinal purposes at July 17. 'St. A. V. FISHER. P'isbing Taolcle.-- too aud Linen Lis Red Cork, Grass, Cot- nee. Out Lines, Sea. Grass by the yard, Snoods, Flies, Kirby, Limerick and Carlisle Hooks, Rods, Ac, for ssla by July 17,'6i. . A. W. FISHER. ALMONDS, RAISONS. FIGS, LEMONS. Ac., Ac, lust received a fresh anpply and lor sale at the Confectionary atora of - M. C. GEARHART. Sunbury, May It, ! ft! the genuine ISAAC M.WILKERSQtf. TvT.VNUFAaTTJUIvIVOIr" FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Sofas, DKan. aud Loaogci Rn.U?lB.c.r5t,e,' Sideboard, JSSlx' vHAJlFm ANB MJIlNfl TABLES J and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to PhU? RPrnrtTie a ti nrmfect. ,oEr,,rf7-,rtlcU,nihi ,in-rhii I ul'scriber respeotftiUy calls tbo .tan-.u. A ofthepublie to hia larae an J 1 aortment .? ever, quality .TpriJ ' CAIHNET-WAUE Which esnnot fail to recommend Kselfto,,.,. ho will examln. it, on account of iiS. workmanship and splendid finish, mad. , o?Z best stocK to be had In the citv Nn .a . ' spared in ,h. manufcetur. 'ot hUw. tfZ subscriber is determined to keep Up'w"h , U man, improvements which are constantly k inj He a'..o manufacture all kinds andqu.Htiee ldi C1IAIHS. ncluding vaxnetrea never before to l had Jr Sunbury, auch a. Mahoosbt, Buck Wslwvc of the latest styles, and warranted to lie eicell. 1 by none manufactured in the Citie. or elsewhere. The subscriber is determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purchsse furniture ia the cities, a. every confidence e... be entertaW CSaTrs ly nJ C"ish 0f hU " ,nc' These articles will be disposed of on ks rood term as they can be purchased elsewhere. Cetu.! try produce taken in payment for work. j - UNDERTAKING. -Having provided a handsome Hixnss, he is now prepared fo. Undertaking, and attending funerals, in this vi. cinity.or atany convenient distance from this place Tn)V,r R"n U In Fawn Street, be low V eaver's Hotel. He haa also purchssed Ihe right of manifae tunng and selling in Northumbsrlsnd coanty, Goulds patent Eicelsoir Spring Red, which he wi 1 furnish at reasonable ratca. 8prin8. put in ttl ll hn, I sir on I T-m lL. 1 ISXAC M. WILKERSON. Bunhury, April 1, 1859 tf. RIVIEREI HOUSE, (Fotmerh Klaie's HotsL) ' lj:wiiiH.nrj, iMoft co., pa. H. CJ.IIETZEL. Pronrletnr I r. ?v.rn "'".'"T" furnished Ilntst. '. ?.!.:! H Ml "'" It is mealed in Ilie business mu The niZ,,';,(ll tl'""'VHel in Market SoVrel Ilie nr iprietirr is detetfnined. to nin am. i.eivisourg, June 13, IS58. ITISS LOUISA SHISSUER, respectfully ir forms the citizens of Trsmn,,. .1 .... rounding county, that she has opened a net store of .Millinery and Fancy Good's, at Trevor tonmShamokm street, nearly opposite Knouse' "ueie nn sinus ei uonnets snd Fane Goods can be had at the lowest terms. uress making also attended lo in ,h bet manner and latest stvle. April 25, 1858 If GOLD PENS with and withoufea.ee, of" very superior quality, jost received. iso a irasu supply ui Wnting riuid, for sa 1'7 ii. tl. MSSElt. Silnl.urv. Dee. ST. 1858- C. EElTEEPsT'S wnnLrsiLS xnn RsTxir. 1BOOT STORE 40 South Fourth S.t, thevt Chesnnt, Phil' UU J b, Shoes, H.ilers, 4c. promptly ma, M to order in the vsrv beat tvl,. A f .1 best malarial. Philadelphia. May I, 1857. LJLANK Parchment Paper Deads and bla Moiteaucs, Bonds. Exscations. Snmmn, Ac, for sale b H. B. MASsl-r, Sunbury .April J6. 1HM p ORT MONAIES, Tooth "and TlLTTiTr'ui all fualilics, aud any quanti v.'for sale by , , . ' A.W. FJSHLR. July 17. 58. M00RB & CAMPION, ' .Vo. 261 Svuth Secoml Street, 6 doors ui. Spruce, PHILADELPHIA, HAVE now on nand the largest ss.01 liner. 1'1E CABINET Fl It Ml IKK Thsn they have ever had at any previous i!l and they invite the public to call and eianii their stock before purchasing, as tliey feel coi dent that their pricea will be a sufficient indu meut lor all who want good furniture to buy their establishment. A large assortment of Prstt's Rack and Pini Dining Extension Tables always on hand.Sprr and hair Mstlresses furnished at lowest prices Furniture carefully packed and on reasona terms. I'Uiladcltihia, July U, 1888. ly PATCHOULV. JOCKEY CLUB, SPRI.' FLOWERS, Ac, of the beat quality fresh supply just received and for sj!s st Drug Store of A. W. FISHER ianbary, July 17, 18(1. rTTobacco aud Bcgars. 20,000 impoi Segara of various brands. Eldorado, 1 Cavendish and line cut tobacco at A. W. FISHER'S Sunbury, July 17, 18.S8. ' IIEN11Y D05NEL, ATTORNEY AT LAX Ujjlct opposite the Court Houst, Sunbury, Northumberland County I Prompt attention to business in adjoii Sountiet. "JURE CIDER VINEGAR, -- PURE CIDER VINEGAR, - PURE CIDER VINEGAR, By the quart, gallon and barrel, for ssle by M. C. GEARHAR" Sunbury, July 31, 18. S16XTE&, CO., OYSTER TACICERS iVo. 9 Albemarle street and No. 10 S. I street, Baltimore, Md. Ak Srm'a Cbs-k, Portshouth, Va RE87AUR.CNTS supplied at ell seaso th year with all the aalt water delic found in tbe city markets. All orders promptly and faithfully attends. September II, 1858. ly Stationery- A Ur ,uni''y of fcne? Paper and Envelopea, Mourning, Li and Cap Paper, Pane, Ink, Sand, &. ' July 17, "68. A. W. FISHhR. TlROWN'S and Breinig's Essence of G: MJ anJ Ipshand s Magnesia at Fisirra July 17. '88. Citrate of Magnesia TA8TELE88 SALTS. TlUs preparation is recommended aa a collant laialiva and purgative. It op. mildly, is entirely free from any unpleasant resembling lemonade in flavor, prep.d.ij "Sunbury. Jury 1. PUKE CONCENTRATED LYE OI PO PONIFIER, fcr sal at r KJHBK a Store. Price SO ouw