Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, June 18, 1859, Image 2

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DA211.E olPPAlESTnO.
tnim'oit Account of itColur of 1000
Austrian Pritoners and Eight Cum
Austriant Retreating Across tht Ticin
Vaftut Rtpvlse of Omiialdi., June 11 TLo steamer Kuropa
I arrived at Halifax, with Liverpool daiei
tbe 4th instant.
The advices from Italy confirm the capture
I'iriaatro. by Iba Sardinian. Tbe King,
ivtor Emmanuel, commanded in person, and
liibited the greatest gallantry.
TbaC Auslriuns twice endeavored to retake
ilestro, but were reputed after eauguinary
eotusters. Tbe Sardinian reports any that
ey captured ouo thousand prisoners auJ
lit e'uns.
Tbaluteet despatch frera Turn reports the
usteiacs in full retreat across the Ticino
to libmbardy.
Thaireporr, received by previous arrivals,
at tie: Garibaldi had met with a repulse
asuperior Austrian force is confirmed ;
t it not appears that be was succesBful in
entering Conic
Thai Austrian efforts to retake Palestro
e described to hare been very sanguinary,
t one time the Sardinian troops were out
nkod on the right, when the Zouaves came
the rescue, and repulsed the Austrian.
The Austrian version of the battle has not
Tbe Austrians bad retreated from Bobbio
d - specinl telegraphic despatch to tbe
jndon Daily News, dated Turin, Friday,
inn. 3J, says the Austrians were in full re
jttfr across the Ticino.
Tbe French headquarters were at Vercelli.
(Jaribaldi had been driven into the moun
ins'by the Austrian troops, under General
rban, who retook Varese; but a telegraph
spatch received via Turin, states that Geo.
sribaldi, after gathering reinforcement, re
rned and, surprising the' Austrians, recap
red Varese, and subsequently re-entered
onto in triumph.
(Jen. Niel, who bad been sent to the assist
co of Geo. Garibaldi, bad occupied Novara.
1'ba irrarrection in Lombard; was spread
g rapidly.
Trni.v, May 31. A fresh victory has been
iincl by our troops. At 7 o'clock this
orffiujr a forea of 25,000 Austrian! eodea-
rod to re-tuke Talestro. The King of
irdinia commanding the Fourth Division in
rstit), and General Gialdiui at the head of
o Third llegiment of Zouaves, resisted tbe
t;rc It for a considerable time, and then,
.vnig successfully assnmed the offensive,
trsued tbe enemy, taking thousand pri
ue'ra and eapturing eight guns, Ave of which
re obtained by the Zouaves. Five hundred
ustriang were drowned in a canal during
e. fight.
Another fight took place at Confreoza, in
e, province of Somelline, in which the enemy
iro repulsed by the division under General
jrey, of tho First Corps of tbe French
my, after two hoars' conflict. Last eight
picket of the enumy endeavored to pass tbe
o'fil Cerveseria, but tbey were repulsed by
u uiuaouuuis oi luai vicinity.
'Ebo Austrians bave evacuated Yaro, in
o. province of Bobbio.
The Sardinians are believed to have been
rribly cut np at tbe various conflicts about
(estro, but tbe number of tbeir loss is not
lutioned in tbe despatches received.
Napoleon subsequently visited the battle
Id, and congratulated the Sardinians. An
uelrian General ia reported among tbe
Turi.v, June 3 The Austrians have with
u,wn to the eastern baujj of tbe Fo, abau
ninpr Terre Berilla and the neighboring
u n try.
The French despatches confirm the i5ar
liou bulletins, and say tbe latter behaved
.'ft valiantly at 1'alestro. The Zouaves,
.hough unsupported and io front of au
ustriun battery of eight guns, crossed tbe
cal, ascended tbe heights, which were very
;ep, and charged the Austrians with the
youet. More than four hundred Austrians
ire thrown iuto tbe canal and six pieces of
on no taken.
Tho Emperor conferred the Grand Cross
tho Legion of Honor on Geo. Forey, for
i gulluiit conduct during this battle.
Fr.OM Pike's Fsak Favorable Accounts
Leavenworth, June. 13. Tbe express from
nver City has arrived, having been seven
ys on tbe route. ItbriugsjfUOO in gold
at. Tbe accounts from tbe mines continue
bo favorable, and the practicability of the
ncg is not considered to be established.
The first supply trains bad arrived out, and
a provisions commanded good prices and
iily sales.
.esia. Ronton, Jvne 13 l'be Emperor or
usiu has presented a diamond brooch, val
d at $5,000, to the wife or Capt. Huddson
ackuewtedguu-ot for the courtesies exten
d by him to some Russian officers while en
gcd ia laying the Atlantic Telegraph Ca-
u.LEi). St. Louis, June 13. A special
spatcb from ludependence to the Kepubli
n, says that a party of LT. S. soldiers sur
ged about eighty lodges of Camaoehes,
ar Pawnee Rock, and kill 23 men and 20
Pkstbiotios or thi Salt Crop..Vw
irk; June, 13. Tbe schooner L. B. James
this polut, from Grand Tnrk, 2d inst.,
ports heavy rains at the islands, destrcyiag
oat of tbe salt ob hand aud overflowing tbe
It pens.
AitTBiA Viknna, Mai 23. The bjockede
Vtniue seriously iuconveciences tbe Aus
isn Government, as it can no longer send
oops from Trieste to that port, but fortu
ity, tbe whole of tbe 9tb eorvi d'armtt
;ich is under tbe command of General Coent
;baaft'otsche, was iu Italy before tbe French
niters entered the Adriatic. The 1st corpi
trmte. which is commanded by Gen. Count
lam-Gallis, willl, 0 a fow days, go from Bo
nua to lnospruck by way of Dresden, 11 of,
amberg, Nuremberg and Monieb. Tbe
rps consists of 40,000 men, with the eutto
ry number or guui. "Six cavalry regiments
e also oil their way from Gallicia to Inn
reek. 'Hie Aastriaa army at present consists or
. Corpg U'armte, but in order to raise four
w corps ia likely to be issued. In a fw
y, ao Imperial ordinance for a"cooscrin
u ' or 100,000 inea, will be publiihed. The
le Marshal Maruioot aaed to say that Aus
a could "stamp armies out r tbe tarth"
d Louis Napoleon will find that such is
ally tbe case, llow Austria ia to maiuttiu
eb a vast host is a problem which wiser men
aa inyietr are uuable to solve. Tbere are
six Aastriaa corps consisting of about
0.000 ineu, io Italy, aud by the middle f
a month or Jane, the army will probably be
5,003 strong, with 75,000 bories, and from
0 to 000 guns. There are ceople wb talk
the war being ended in one campaign j but
apoleon has an eaemy to deal with whom be
11 either not be able to overcome afall, or
ly after aloof and deadly struggle. Tbe
aa or "localising" the war Is absard. for the
listian population in Koropean Turkey are
f for mischief, aud then will loan t a
oeral risiog amoeg tbson,
S XJ 3M 13 UHY , PA.
2"8ATrapAT, JUNE 18, 1859.
II. B. MASSEli, Editor and Proprietor.
To ADratTittat.--Tht circulation or the "rnrtKY
AntRfe among the different tewnsoii tUe 9u,quehaima
ia n"t exceeded, If eqnalled by any paper palliahcd In
Noitheni Peniiavlvaiiia.
Democratic State Ticket, Nominated by
the Convention of March 10.
1W Auditor Gtneral,
tW HAHUSO.N I.. W RIGHT, of Pliilndrlpbla.
l'cr Surrftoritncrnl,
JOHN r.OWE.of Franklin.
I . J i
ttsF District Attorney. We bave been
requested to state that 3. B. Cover, Esq., on
Sotibury, will be an independent candidate
for District Attorney, at tbo next election.
CS" We are requested to say that Henry
B. Weaver of Trevorton, will be an Independ
ent Candidate for County Commissioner at
the enduing election.
CS" Godet for July ia already on our table.
Tbero are several new features in this num
ber that will attract attention. Godey i
always getting np something new for tbo
ls? Hoover is regularly receiving supplies
of strawberries, peas, beans and all such
Lost. Between Sbadel's Tavern and
Georgetown, a small memorandum book be
longing to J. S. Hall. Tbe finder will be re
warded by leaving thesamo at this office.
CJ" Nkw Goods. Thomas G. Cooper re
quests us to soy that be has received a new
supply or goods, viz : cassimeres, mouldings,
fire crackers, and other notions.
C3 Strawberries. AVe ore pleased to
see that our citizens are paying more atten
tion to the cultivation of this and other fruits.
Few places can boast of more fruitful gardens
than Sunbdry and vicinity, bnt thry might
be greatly improved. Strawberries measur
ing five inches ia circumference have been
picked in this place. Friend Get?, of the
Reading Gazette, reccutly visited a five acre
patch near Hamburg, and says be was pre
sented with a basket full, ooe of tbe largest of
which measured five and three quarter inches
io circuml'ereice.
CV Layiko or a Corner Stoke. The
cornerstone of thenew Evangelical Lutheran
Church, to be erected near tbe residence of
Squire Follmer, East of Milton, ia this coun
ty, will be laid, with appropriate ceremonies,
on Saturday, tbe 2d of July next. A number
of addresses, by eminent clergymen, will be
delivered on tbe occasion. Tbe publio in
general and the friends of religion are most
cordially invited to attend.
C3T Ton Cnorg. 1'erhaps, do section of
tbe anion has suffered more during the last
three years, from the eOects of weevil than
this and our neighboring counties, and we
bad supposed that the promising crops of
this season would be wholly exempt from
disasters of any kind, but we have learned
that the weevil is again at work in the wheat.
We hope however, that their ravages will
prove light and not as extessive as in former
S3 Pinckstha This day, known as Whit
Moqday in English, was duly celebrated at
Georgetown, on Monday last by our German
friends. A number of our townsmen west
dowa in the 11 o'clock train. Candidates for
office were there as a matter of course.
R5 Tub Good Intent Firb Coupant.
We witnessed on Saturday last, the perform
ance of tbe new engine, belonging to this
company, tbe "Heroine" lately purchased at
Baltimore. Tbe engine was placed on Haas
k Bowens, Coal Wharf and drew her water
by suction bose from tbe river, forcing wo
streams through two sections or bose, of
about 200 feet each ia length, and threw both
streams over Mr. McCarty'a three story
dwelling. We were surprised in witnessing
the power of this beautiful little eogiue,
drawing water from the liver sod forcing
through the bose two eontinaed streams over
a three story building, two hundred feet dig
tant. -
3T Goon Naws. It is stated that tbe
peach crop in the vicinity of Cecilton, Cecil
county, Md., bids fair to be the most exten
eiv ever raised in that section. Tbe trees
in some instances, are so full that, had tbere
been frost at ail, they could not bave sustain
Wined tbe weight of tbe fruit. The light frost
of the spring is therefore considered to bave
proved beaeficiul rather than otherwise.
tVJT At aa eleetion of tbe first Brigade
Eighth Division of Pennsylvania Uniformed
Volunteers, held on the 6th inst., the follow.
ing officers were elected for the ensuingterm
JJrigdditr General Jeremiah li. Zimmer
Brigade InpectorK m. K. Marlx.
lieutenant Colnutl James Shade!
Mujor J. H. Adam.
At an election Tor officers of tbe Mukonoy
Guards, held oo the same day, tbe following
were elected t
Captain IT. B. Latsba.
( Lieutenant lsaae Keitx.
I t Johu Lebo.
2' " Simon Zar&og.
kixrgeant E. S. ZartmaQ.
HJJ" 'I ii a Lwkrnalional Hotel New York.
We era fr..lifid o find that this hotel,
which is over Taylor's celebrated Saloons, is
"joying aa extensive patronage. Sioated io
the im,.i Central part of tbe city, and con-
uutieu iyoeorNew York's most euterpri
sing men, it is entitled to the patreasge it
vi.ilors, and we are not surprised to bear of
its success,
sW I'lsTBassiaa Accidxm. We regret to
learo that the eldest sou or William T. For
ytb, Esq., of Northumberland, a fine hoy of
about seven years or age was accidentally
drowned la tbe Canal at that place oa Wed
oesday kt Tha -Kil.l I,. A w... ....:
1 the a karf and fell Uo the Caaal.
E7 Xkw Projects. Oor neighbor of tbe
Cuzettt ie at work, endeavoring to arouse our
citizens, aud others interested, with a view of
making efforts for tbe construction of a bridge
over tbe Susquehanna at this place. It is a
project that would, no doubt, prove not only
profitable, but would add greatly to tbe busi
net of this place and neighborhood. But
would it be right to tresspass on tbe lime
nonorej lights of the proprietor oT the old
ferry In this progressive age we should be
careful how we denrive our neichbori of their
ancient and venerable privilege of taxing
others a shilling, even though the whole
country should suffer great inconvenience and
loss of time. Would not the legislature and
even some of our own Council protest against
this new filibuster scheme, got up to deprive
ao Individual or the veuerable and ines
timable privilege or taxing the community
for his own benefit t
Our neighbor of the Selinarove Times, has
also started a new project. He is out in fa.
vor of a "revival of the Shad Fisheries," and
fivors revival niei tings for that purpose. He
thinks the canal a matter of secondary im
portance, and that tie schutes in tbe dams
should be altered and even tbe canal de
molished and abandoned if necessary to ac
complish tbe result. Tbe editor says, "the
idea is not wholly orieiual."and gives our eld
friend Dr. Hotteustein a portion of the credit.
V e tbiuk this probable, as such a grand con
ception would bo entirely too much for one
The Washington Constitution of Tuesday last
in reference to the Overland California Mail,
says that tbe Postmaster General with a view
to reduce tbe expenses of the Department
was anxious to reduce the service to a weekly
instead of a lemi weekly mail. The Attorney
General has decided, however, that the con
tract is irrevocable for six years from tbe
ICtb of September, 18.r8. The annual ex
pense is $000,000, and the change proposed
would bave effected, a saving of $150,000 per
annum, but it appears that tbe usual stipula
tion, giving the bead of tbe Department 'a
revisory power over all contracts for delivery
of mails, was omitted iu that with Messrs.
Butterfield & Co., end the Government bas
no alternative but to submit. This route.
judging from its present receipts, after deduc
ting the commissions of the postmasters, will
yield an annual revenue probably, not ex
ceeding fifteen thousand dollars. Tbe ac
count between this Overland Mail Company
and tbe Post-office Department will stand
thus at the close of the contract ; Expendi
tures by the Department, three millions six
bundrod thousand dollars; receipts ninety
thousand dollars showing a clear loss from
the route of three millions Gve hanHred and
ten thousand dollars.
J2r Named at Last. The naming of the
new Hotel on tbe corner or ninth and Ches
nnt streets, Philadelphia, bas exercised the
wit and ingenuity of oar Quaker friends, for
the last few months, and-after several inefiec
tual attempts, tbe seven directors bave come
to a conclusion, and the new Hotel is to be
called and known as"Tbe Continental Hotel."
The Ledger does not thiuk that there is much
in this name. We tbiuk it will do very well,
though, perhaps, a little too old fashioned
for dandyism end tbe upper ten exquisites
To us the word Continental, is always sug.
gestive of fair top loather boots, woru outsida
as high as tbe knee, a vest reaching below
the hips, with rounded corners and flaps over
the pockets. Tbe namo is, at least, venera
ble and respectable, aed connected with pa
triotic and noble associations:
CiT The Hoi.i.ibATsucRa Bank. The Cen.
tral Bank of Pennsylvania, at Ilollidaysburg,
which bas fallen into discredit eevreel times
during its brief career, shut its doors, and
refuted payment of its notes lust week, but
recommenced redeeming them iu small quan
tities on Tuesday lust. We advise oor read
ers not to touch its notes as long as tbey can
get any thing better.
6i" Oir Mi'sicai. Friknu. This is the
title of a weekly publication of music by C.
B. Seymour, & Co. 107 Nassau street New
York. Each number ceutains abont Gve
pieces ef music well selected and ol tbe nsual
size. Price ten cents per number or $5 per
anuum so that at tho end of the year eubscri
bers will bave over six hundred pages of ex
cellent music ready for binding for Gve dol
lar or less than a peuuy a pojfe.
Water Coolers and liKFttiGsitATOP.s.
Tbe season is at baud when tbusu articles
will be wanted, and we can do our readers uo
better service than to recommend tbo Porce
lain Lined Water Cooler and tbe Dr. Kane
Uefrigerator, the best refrigerator made, both
manufactured by Messrs. Farsoo & Brown,
Dock street, Philadelphia. The water cooler
is the only kind or cooler fit to bo used, and
is as much superior for the purpose to tho
metal ones as a China pitcher is to a tin one,
We suggested this improvement in water
coolers several years since, to Mr. Farson,
who is a practicul and experienced manufac
turer. That tbey will eventually supersede
all others, we bave no doubt.
Specimens of both can be seen by calling
on the editor, who will supply them at city
(3 The lute severe frost seems to have
extended over a great portion of tbe uuiop.
Later accounts, however, from Ohio, say tbe
damages is not as great oa had been auticipa
ted. In this locality, little, or at least no se
rious damage bas been done. Vegetation hav.
iog been too far advanced to be much alluded.
In our garden we observed that a nnaibcr of
apples bad fallen from its e fleets, thug thinning
out tbe crop. This, bowsver, ig sometimes
benefical, as the lotg is made op iu larger
Super Pdosi-hatk op Lik. Wa bave on
band four or live barrels or tbig popular fer
tilizer, which we will sell at Philadelphia
A Liverpool attornit kissed a pietty little
bar-maid she looked so tempting be couldn't
help it and when heraiamma remonstrated
be kissed her too, the family pleased him go j
for which ofiencos a magistrate fined him $5.
He paid it cheerfully, considering it tbe dear
est and sweotegl kissing that bad ever fallen
to big lot. .
Naw Covktbrpbit.A counterfoil $5 bill
on tbe Commercial Bank, Erie, t'a , la in cir
culation. It la well exeeulad. and calculated
to deer-ire. Tbe Vignette in tbe eeotre rep
resents a Uk alaamar, aad at tkt eads are
or Washington and Uay. Look oat for tbem
In MoDsieor Abaul's recent pamphlet oi
the Uoman Question, there occurs a para
graph, which ig go much In the style of A me.
ricftn familiar editorial comment, and so alto
gether unlike the ordinary style of a French
man, that we are not astonished at its being
extensively republishes1, like the one eloquent
paragraph in Dana's book on Cuba, io many
cotemporaries. Tbe crap te which wu refer
is tho following :
A Romas Not.t ok Twenty-five. At that
nse an American has practised ten trades,
made four fortune", one failure, and two cam
paigns bas conducted a lawsuit, preached a
religion, killed six men with a revolver,
emancipated a negress, and annexed an island.
Au Kneiisbmon bas written two themes,
followed an embassy, found a bauk, converted
Catholic, travelled Touad trio world, aud
read the collected works of Sir Walter Scott.
A Frenchman bas written a tragedy, con
tributed to two newspapers, received three
sword-cuts, rnado two attempts at suicide,
persecuted Tour husbands, and undergone
nineteen changes of political opinion. A
German bag wounded fourteen or his inti
mate friends, bas swallowed sixty raskfulls of
beer (besides the philosophy or Hegel,) bus
sang eleven thousand songs, compromised
one young lady, smoked a million or pipes,
and dipped himself into two revolution".
But the lloman prince bas done nothing,
seen nothing, learned nothing, loved nothing,
suffered nothing. Opon the grated door of
cloister, and a young girl appears quite as
experienced as he.
A Strawbkrrt Exccrsion. We paid a
visit to the Hamburg Truck Farm, last Mon
day, by invitation of its enterprising proprie
tor, our Irieod llorlocner, to assist his dots
and girls in picking strawberiies. Mr. llol-
ocber bas now live acres planted witu straw
berries, and the vines never yielded so abnn
dautly as they do this season. He cultivates
several of the most approved varieties, to
wit: The Early Scarlet, Curbing, Albany
Seedling, Iloxey's Seedling, llautbois, and
May Queen. Ut lliese, bis lavorite ia tbe
May Queen, ten years experiecce having
satisfied him that it is tbe most constant
bearer, and that the berries, in size, color, and
flavor, are more uniformly fius thao thoso of
any other variety. Some of the Albany Secd
lingsare larger we bad one in our basket that
measured 5J inches in circumference but, to
our taste, tbey are not equal to the May
Queens in flavor.
Mr. llorlocner commenced picking irom
his vines some 13 days ago, and expects that
tbey will continue to bear fruit two weeks
longer. At the rate they have yielded thus
lar, be will gatner more tnau live tnousana
boxes, containg a full quart each. He has)a
large troop ef boys and girls at work every
day picking the berries for market. ery
raw, if any, ol tne products oi tue unninnrg
Truck Farm, come to Heading. Mr. II. finds
a better market for bis Strawberries, as we,l
as for the other fruit and vegetables lie raises,
iu Pottsville, Tamaqua, Danville, Milton, and
other points on the Oatawirba IUilroad. up
- 1- I.- -..1.
as lar as cuuira. j.very wuiuu, iib eeua a
large quantity of Strawberries in Eluiira. i
Reading Jjemocrut.
Ijinamw hi, I i, iwi hi naa an i ill
lrcuuncj3 iitorial avtlr Selected.
Curat Bctter This tnorBiig grass butler
of the very finest qaality.'sold for a sbilliog
a pound. These figures were too low to suit
our rural frieuds, and they grumbled consider
ably. It is not often that butter comes down
to a shilling in this xiarket. llarriburg Tel
graph, Mepitrrra.neax VERSfg WnnK Wheat.
From what we caa learn, the Mediterranean
wheat tacks twenty per cent belter than tbe
white, end tbe experience of tbe farmers will
prove that this is the safest and most profita
ble. Messrs. Reynolds and Ci.av, well known'
Eneineers on the Western division of tbe
Sunbury uod Erie Railroad, bave been trans
ferred to tbe Middle Division.
A Ikxuuci. Some envious, sour-faced old
bachelor, says there is a great deal of humbug
in this world mora in fact than it is credited
with and the most outrageous humbug is to
see two pretty women kitsiog on tho door
step. We do not see wbylbey could uot as well
call up a fellow to do the job for tlieni. For'
our part we like to see ladies kiss. It keeps
them in practice, aad uot unlrequently pots
them in the notion of trying it on with u mas
culine friend.
J. Edgar Thompson, Esq., President of the
Pennsylvania Central R.iilroad, has recently
been elected one of tho Directors of the Du
buque and Pacific Railroad, running west
from Dubuque. This railroad has one of tbe
richest iund grants in the Luion, and will run
through one or the finest portions of Iowa, to
Sioux city on the Missouri.
2 President Buchanan, iu bis recent tour.
thus speaks of intemperance.
The great curse of our eountry, which bas
involved so many in crime, is drunkenness.
It is more dreadful than tkepestileoce, thau
the yellow fever, than tbe plague, than all the
calamities that visit mau. In it we bring oo
ourselves a greater calamity than Heaven has
brought npon us iu any form or shape or mis
ery. A Steam Canal Boat is now in course of
building by Messrs Richards & Dingee, of
Port Providence, neur Phccnixville, for thi
Schuylkill Canal Company, Should the ex-1
periuieul succeed, steam canal boats will soon
bo quite eommou on tne aciinymui .nav.'ga
C3" Unoratki'ci.. Mr. Buchanan, lately
appointed John P. Barnes, of Alabama, one
of tbe visitors to the West Point Academy,
who writes a letter declining the honor. He
says :
"I am well aware that there is adiierepan
cy or opinion as to the cxisteuce or any real
danger to tbe icstitutions and interests or the
South at prukeut, but 1 am aUo well aware
that the Piesiduut has been guilty or a fatal
error to the iuterestg and welfare or the whole
country that or maintaining his own peculiar
notions ol toe policy, vitnout improving tin
coudition of the Democratic party : and wheth
er tho South is to suffer from the imbecility
ol a superannuated l resident, or tiie cootu
inauioua Imprudence of tbe Nolhern Abol
ilionists, time will only show."
A son of Mr. Jacoby Hartman, living
about a mile east or this sorougu, while re
turning a borrowed corn sheller in the neigh
borbood of McKweosville, wa thrown out of
the wagon by gome mishap, the wheels going
over b:a bead and chest, injuring bim go sen
ously that be cannot recover, aud perhaps
lies a corpse while we are penning this arti
cle. P. S. Since peoning the above, we are in
fanned that he died last eveuiog. Miltoniun
June 10M.
Dr. WiNsuir, who was so overpowered by
bis attempt to address a public assemblage in
Boston, that be bad to be carried ont of tbe
room, bas since delivered bie lecture, aud
exhibited feats of herculean strength. One
of bis feats waa to reiae 92G pounds aud anotb
er wag to raise a barrel of Hour to big' shoul
der sod bold it tbere. He is five feet seven
inches bigb, and weighs one hundred aad
forty-one poouds. Tbe object of these exper
iuaeta was to ebow what physical education
conld do to strengthen the body. Dr. W. ie
said to be tbe strongest man ia tbe world.
tie never practices over ball an boar a day,
Coal exists io eighty one of tbe counties of
Illinois, and ever a nuodreii mints are bow
worked In tbirty-eigbt different counties
A Good Ixvestmekt. Any Investment o'
money that ig certain to bring health, comfort
and happiness to tbe family circle, must be a
good one. Thj purchase of a Grovrr & Ba
ker Sewing Machine will do all this, and
bring more Joyous gmiles to the face of a
house-wife, than any other investment of a
like ram of money. It is a deed of emancipa
tion from tbe toilg of hand sewing, and will
give her time for self-improvement, or for the
mental culture of her children, and every
family should be provided wite cne.
According to the provisions of an act of the
last Legislature of this Stale, persons who
may desire to bave tbeir names changed, can
do so by appliug to tbe Court of Common
The son of Henry S. Gunn, of Mississippi,
ran off two weeks ago with his father's sec
ond wife. The yoeng "son of a gun" has not
been beard of since.
Death of Joseph Ykaoer. We regret to
annouuee the death of Joseph Yeager, Pre
sident of the Harrisburg and Lancaster Rail
road which occurred on Thursday, at his resi
dence iu Philadelphia, in the 67th year of bis
A Burolar Shot. A Burglar attempted
to enter the Jewelry shop of Mr. Beuner, in
New Lisbon, and was shot by that gentleman.
Tho thief is not expected to recover.
The Northern Central "Railway.
Arrivnl mid trpurtiir o I'usaetigitr Tinina on aad after
Mat UJJ, lbSU, at SosBi'at, aa followa :
1'RAi.ta. For Harrnburg & Dultiinorc, Lcaveaaiibury,
Mull Traiu, .... HI M A. M.
Ilullalu tt Niii(tnr Kprci. . 11.41 P.M.
Uurdua and l'usacncer, .Mui)lvi)le, - V20 "
Tkaixi. from llutntliurg & liult., Arrive at Sunbury
Mail Train, .... 3.13 P. M.
HuHiilutnd Niupara Express, - HI. 10 "
Uuidcn Kt PeaaeiigT, fimn Mnrylvills, t it A. M.
Traini. For Willi. imKrl Elmira, I.euvta Sunbury,
Mini Train, - 3.10 P.M.
lliiirnlo mid Niagara Kxprera, . - III. 1,0 '
liurdt'U and FtUfiehfier, ... 7.UDA.M-
Tkaixs. Frflm Ulmira & Wiltmmap't, Arrive at Snnbnry
Mail Train. .... IO.SOA.M
Hiiimlu and Xinenrn Kxprm, . II :t-j P. M"
Buidtn and Puaaellgcr. ... g.Jj .
Tha aiiainokln Vnllf j-niid.rotlatllle nailroad.
Paiaenper train leaves Piintmiv lit . 5.15 A M
' " " Ml.Carmtl. . 4.3U P. M
A New Style. Price $50.
4113 IlltOADWAY, NEW YOftK.
3i chksni:tstri;kt, piiii.ali-.u'hia.
These Machine eew from two spool, ami
form a scam of unequalled strength, beauty, and
elaaticily , which will not rip, even if every fourth
stitch t e cut. They are umiurstionably the beat
in market tor fniinly use.
II. B. M.iKun Agent, Sunbury. Nortliuuiber.
land county I'a.
November 27. 18M
FAKHEL, irsnatWG & CO'S
nmLMUF, Jan. 7, ltJ9.
Gome: 1 am requeued 1" Mr. T. A. C. Cochrane , of
line nluce, in any l y.'ii that on the- morning; ttl 'tn
instant, nlmut U li'clorit, tiia store t.Hk fire, and the entire
tt.K'lt of cd was deatroyed. The heut bewiiiie sud
denly inu-nao liiHl ii"ne " f the gutrtia could poafibly be
saved: l,nt fortunately his hooka and mipeia. which were
in one of your Chmnpi'ut Sil'e. viT,t alt pieacrvrd pel
ftclly. Aud well they nwv lc culled Chuiupioii, for during
the whole eoiirlngmtiun there wufl one ini-eFfintt
I tliiine directly upon tliesnle wlitcn coiirumea mem
Aud still, upon Lpt-nine it, the inside wus t-'Uiw to he
iirccly wunn. while Ilia outside wns iu"sl si-verely
sci.n hid. Youis truly, N. A. Mcl'l.t'HK.
Ileuiue's latent Ctiumpti.n r lie and H'iiatur-rr'.or
fes. with HAl.l.'S I'ATKNT I'OWUKH-l'UOOF
LOCKS, olfurd the (rreuient senility of any si-fa in Ihe
world. Abo !1deburd and Furlor safes, of elegant work
llinuahip and finis'l, for plnte, Are.
F AH K hi,, HKKtll.Nlj & uo. nave removed irom ai
Walnut St.. .i their new store, X". OJii C'hertmit Ml ,
(Jiirue's Hull.) where the largest assortment ol it.Cd iu
tbc'wortd can be found.
t AlUtL-L. IlliKHlMJ ft CO.,
(Jiiyne's Hull.)
Muroli in, 139. 3m 1Mlll.AIr.l.rillA.
Save Time Hitd you Nave Moiiev
Hencc if yon proceed on your arrival at 1'hila-
delphiato ZIEOI.ER & SMITH, (W holc-a'.e
Drug, 1 Hint and disss Dealers)
you will have an optortunity of purchasing from
a larger, bctter and cheaper atock of WHITE
LEAD, ZI.NC, colored Paints and Window
lilasa of assorted sizos anil qualities than can be
found at anv other more there.
Feb. 5, '5'J. ly wx
At Northumberland on the 14th inst., of
scarlet fevor, DAN1KI. KUCK IllLLson of
II. ti. Leieeoting ol Uiuladi'lpbu aged about
5 years.
In Selin's Grove, on the 4th inst., JOHN
liASSLLU, aged 81 years 1 month 10 days.
Ouain Wlii'ot, there were sale of red at loOj
155 cts. for fair to good Iota, and white at 1 G5a
I HO cts. for fuir, aiul ISol 80 its. for prime par
cels of do. Corn, rules of good yellow at lU.iK7
eta., and of fuir to prime while at 8i eta. SHu9l
There were sulfa of Virginia Oats at 50 cts. and
Pennsylvania du, at 55a50 cts. Thcie were
somo Pennsylvania Rye offered and sold at 00
cts. Maryland Ryaat 90 cts. per bushel.
Wheat, $1 70 a 75 Butter, . $ 16
Rye, .... 5 L'gg., . - . 1$
Corn, - 63 Tallow, . . . I'i
Oats, .... 45 Lard, ... 13
Buckwheat, . . 63 Pork, .... 6
Potatoes, fiO Beeswax, 21
New Advertisements.
Bright & Son, Sunbury, Pa.,
HAVE received a very nice Mock of Morocco,
liiiidtng-ISkiii, &.C., &.C., (Shoe Thread, Awls,
Awl-llslfs. Knives, Rubbers, Tacks, Hue
(Sticks, khoe Nails, Lasts, Boot Webb, Heel
Ball, Rusps, Fudge Wheels, beam Setts, Stamps,
Key Wheels, Hammers, Punches, Pincers, Ac.
Remember the place,
June 18, 1859.
Dissolution of Partnership.
NOTICE is hereby piren that the partner
ship heretofore existing between Joseph
Bird and John V. Iouty, under tha firm and
nana of Bird & Douty. was dissolved by
mutual consent opon the 9th day of May,
A. V. 18.13. and that'by the terms or the
agreement then mad and entered into, tha
undersigned is entitled to all tho assets of tba
All persons indobted to said Bird & Douty
are requested to uiako immediate payment to
tbe undersigned. JU&lifU BlUk.
Sbantokio, Juno 18, tS59.3t
For the Fourth of July !
I7MRK WORKS of all kinds last reeeivsd
Juno 18, 1659.
1000 feet of Moulding:.
OF diOVraut width, for at
Jone 1H, 1B59,
Cloth, Fancy C&iiimeref, .
AND liOYS'.-WfiAK, vr cbeap, Jul
rtctived ftnd fortxU at
JaaalS. lbD9.
BALED ntOrOfJAI-S will be receded by
3 the undersigned, on Tbaradav, the 7lh day of
July hext, between the hours of B A. M. and I
1 M. of that day, at the Commissioneri' Office,
in tbe borough of Hunbury, Northumberland
county, for the building of three baidgei, vin
No. I. Bridge acroae Green Briar Creek, on
the road leading from Smith's Tavern to Mineia
ville, a short distance belew Oonaail's OrUt Mill,
in Waahingten township, in said ceunty. This
briJse ia to be a trues, with a span el 83 feet
between the ebutlment and double cords. A
good part of the stone on the ground.
No. 8. ltridge acron Gravel Run, en the line
of Upper Augusta and Rush townahips, en the
road leading from Sunbury to Danville, ( lose by
Wm. K. Bnyder, in Upper Augusta township, in
said county. This bridge ia to be an arch bridge,
built witli atuna altogether, with a span of 16
ftel between the abuttmenls, On the one side of
the run there is a rock for 1 abuttment. On the
other tide an abutment must be built, with a
4 foot thick wall for the arch to rest on, with
good heavy atone. The whole length of the wall
acroas tho stream, including wing walls, abutt
ment and apan, 16 feet, is te be 64 feet long each
side of bridge.
No. 3. Bridge across Logan Run, at Boyd's
Mill, in Rush tow n eh I p, in said county, on tbe
load leading from the Danville Turnpike to
Catlan itHa. This bridge is to be an arch bridge
built with stone altogether, with a apan of 16
fuel between the abutlments, and right below the
oilier bridgo that is there at present. Where this
brijgo is to be built there ia a bed of rock in tha
run, .olid fbundatiou, the wail for the abuttment
to be 4 feet thick for the arch to rest on, with
good heavy atone, a good part ef the atone on
the ground. The whole length of tbe wall acroas
the atream including wing walla, abuttment and
spin, 16 feet, ia to Le 47 feet long each side of
bridge. When the proposals are banded in,
plcam number them on the outside, as yea see
the different numbers for the bridges.
SlK-cifitationa will he exhibited on the day of
letting fur each of said biidges.
SAMUEL ENT, Coru'ra.
Counuiih-sioners' Office,
Sunbury, June 18, ISa'J. 3l J
I rr-
liiniTT Ar SDN tiara I. nor in at.ira and
jp uuvr ior so ib a cnuice im oi r ion.
ejunbury, June It), I t5S.
Ci niixinv's lluildliia. Walnut Strrct. 5. K. corner ut Fourth
Oi nt Joint Stork ratrs at ntKWt 90 ntr cent less, or at
Ti.uil Abs'.iiieuca Uutrs, the lowest in the wnrld.
A. Willi. DIN, Presideut.
J. C, Sim, Secrelury.
J. P. atllNUKL GOBI. As'iit,
SVMlL liy, PA.
Juns IV, IS09 iy
CHAItTElt I'tnrETt'AI CAPITAL $300,000.
Con.j.uuy 's OiTir-e, N. Y. corner ruuilh an4 Walnut
Streets, Philadelphia.
1)lSKStnknon Huildinira. Stoies, Meiehamtiw, Far
t inline, Vc , on the ssuat libr-rul trrius.
C LATUItuP, Presidont.
Jamkj Whioht, Pec'r- sad Treusuicr,
Anruirntions and all necessary inrurmalisn. esa as ob
tained by calling un
Fuubury, June IS, Isi'J ly
Offers iiiilucciiK'iitt to Merclinnli and Tdruii viiiiing
New York, unempaistd by any lU-lmi in Ihe Me.fM'Ojit.
The Iwil 'Wiiig uic uinoiig the tuJ vantage! which it putsci
ies, uud wlueii Will be upprecatrU by all iravtlfri.
isl. A iiirui locatKHi.cuiivriueitt to places Ol uusnieH,
aa well at place ul
"i. Scrupuluuily clean, wrll rurntihad att luff ruomi.
wuh a tuagtntiixiit lail!ea Tailor, Cuuiiiian4ui aa czlea
ivc view oi uruoawny
3'1. Irfiree and superbly furnished aittinc ruomi. with a
inugmheni iariur, cAiiiuiatidiag an ex.iei.aive view v(
4 1 it . lU.ux ronrlucted un the I uropean plan, visitors live in (Uo bi-st style, with the grotteat ccunuiny.
a ill. it is eunaei.'ieu with
Taylor's Celebrated Saloon,
where visitor inn have their meals, or, if tby desir
liit-y will be I'urinsUcd in (heir awn rixins.
Cth. T!ie fare served in iba haLtiis and Hotel is c
kuowlrdM hy t'picuiea. to fed vastly superior to that of
unv dther H"lel in the city.
Will, all these advantages,- the cost of living ia tha
littrnmlionul, is much bclw that of any other 6rat class
II -tel. A. FREEMAN, I Writ tor.
June 1ft, 1359. ly
"The tone is grand and noble ; it has greater capacity
for sustaining the son ad or singing, and its volume of tune
r pewer I ii.tve never heard excelled iu depth, purity, aud
syoiuthelic sweetness." H. TiULissaw.
The tone, in richnes, depth, and bf i!ltaucy, equals that
of the best Uruud Fiams, and exceeds them in pure must
cal iiilouutiou and actual tone ictwerhua a pproxi mating
cl'isei to what we consider perfection iu the instruiiieiit
thiiu hjs yet been achieved by any other system of man a
Wiu Mnson, L. M Gnttschalk, Tho. FisfeWt,
Wm A King, Maurice Strukoslh, Max Mare tack,
H. A. IVollenhuup.
' Your Pmiiu excels the liest Grand Pianoi in pure mil.
si cal intonation and actual tone povvet j in a wind, it is
beet Piano existing. " Wm lli iv.
MWe have now au instrument without a u eqnul All
that waa cumbersome bus beeu done away with. The
struiu ol the sir tugs is brought to bear ou the iron frame
only, aud tha aiuiid-buaids, or toua magnifiers, are as de
liixberi aud vibratory as they aan b, merely because there
is ii"tliuig wb&iovcr lu mtcilaie nk their ollices." N.
Y. T.incs.
"The power, distinctness, and vocal quality of itstmies,
are l.We a baud of well trained voioea, aa it breuthes forth
i impassioned tour under the hand of a sklhul perfur
yiei N. Y. Obasrvef.
"The most striking advantages which aeem to be gain
ed by tha new method, are a greater riohness and purity
of uuc, and au immense lucicuse ( power." N. Y. Her
ald. H- H MASSER, Agent, Sunbury, Pa , who wiU furnish
thcau Pianos at the luiuukidureis' pnees iu New York.
June Id lf5.
BY virtue of a certain Testatum writ f Vs.
bitioxi Exroms, issued out ef Ihe District
Court of the city anj count of fhiladelpbia, to
me direclej, will bo ejposaj to public sale, on
the premises, io the borough of Northumberland,
Normumberland county, aad State oi Pennsjrl
vania, on (Saturday , the Id day of July, 1839. at
J o'clock P. M., the following descri'jed Real
Estate, to wit :
Two certain lots ef (round, In the borough of
iNorlliuinUerlanJ, NorlhumUerlaiid county, Penn.
sylvania, marked in the general plan of town
No. 88 and 99, and bounded on the North-Bast
by Duke street, and South-West by West-Way,
ana bouth baat by lt No. 100, North-West by
lot No. 97, containing each aixty feet in front
ana two hundred and forty feet in depth ; and
also on lot No. 28, in said borough, boauded on
tbe North East by Market square or King street,
and by lot No. 29, or what is now
called the Methodist Church lot, sod South-West
by twenty foot alley, and North-West by lot
No. 27, containing sixty feel In front and two
Hundred feet iu depth and also, eesenteen
acres ef land, mora er less, in aaid borough,
bounded on the South-Cast by laada of Henry
J. Williams, and on the North- Wt by lands of
John Huaniel, and oa the Kouth-Weat by tne
West llranrh of the riser Bnsquehanna, and
North-East by Wast. Way, all ef which is cleared.
Seised, taken ia execution, and to be eolJ as the
property of Joaepuine C. II. Noura. ,
1V virtue of euadry writs of Vskoiumi
J Exvoase and an alias writ of Lsvaai Ki
cue, issued out of tbe court of Comaaon PUae
of Itforthumbarland county, let sne directed, will
be exposed to public sale, at the Ceutral Hotel,
in the borough of ttaubury, Northumberland
county, OO hatuiday, Ihe tin day ef July, iti'J,
t 10 o'clock A. M., the following described Real
Estate, to wit i-
A certain lot of ground, situate in tbe borough
of Sui.liary, Northumberland rounlj, and bound,
ed on the North by a lot of Philip Renn, now iu
posseasion of lssc M. WilUerson, on the South
by a let of Bolotnon Btroh, on the Esst by an
alley arrd fronting on Fawn street on the West,
containing in front CO feet, and in depth S3i
feet, whereon are erected a Ino-story Brick
Dwelling House, with a 1 J story brick kitchen
attached, trams stable and tlaitglitrr-house,
outbuildings, die. Seized, taken in execution,
and tc be sold aa the property iif Elias Lirosious.
A Certain tract or piece of land, situate in
Jordan township, Nortliumbe-land crtunry, bound
ed on the North by land of Daniel lirosius. on
the East and South by land of John liehner,
and on Ihe West hy laid formerly owned by
Moses Bush, containing 118 acres, more or less,
about 60 scree of which are cleared, whereon ii
erected a two story dwelling house, a stone stable.
orchard, sVc beutd, taken in execution, and to
be sold. as the property of Mathias D. l)uhnei
and Jonas Duhner.
At the same time and plate, n certain Lot
of UrouDd, situate in the town of Kbamckin
in Coal township, Northumberland county,
bounded ea the wast by a lot of Henry Tan
Qaskia, ob tbe east by a lot of John Dunkle
bsrger, on tba north by , and on tha
south by the Uailroad, whereon is arscted a
small frame bosse aud stable. Also, an
other certain lot of grouud, situate in tha
town of Sbamnkiu, aforesaid, bonudd on tha
north by a street, on the south by Suatnokiu
creelc and a street, ou the east by a lot or'
llepry Uaumgarduer and Ou tbe west by a'
lotoflleubeu Eisenhart, wberten is erected1
a two story frame Uouso.
Seized, takeu io execution and to be sold
as the property fcf DmiM Martz.
At the samo tinio and place, two certain'
contiguous lots of ground, situate in tbe towu'
of Shnmokiu in Coal township, Northumber
land county, bounded on the north east by
Sunbury street, on the soath-wet b; the
Sbaaiokin Vail, y aud 1'uttiiTille kail Road
on the north sod west by a lot of John Lford
ner, aud oil the south-east by a lot belonging;
to Wm. Atwutor, containing sack '2j feet in
width and feet in dbpth, whereon is erod
ed a Ino story frumo dwelling House uud
Kitchen and a frame stable.
AUo, another ce;tuiu lot of ground,
situate in town of Sliouiokin, aforebaid,
being lot No. 2 in bUck No. 1U6, fronting ou
Filth street and boundud on tbe south by lot
No. 1, and oa tl.e by lot No. 3 in same
block, and on the wtst by au a!ly. cuuloiu
iug 2." leet in front ui.d fct in depth.
Also, another hot N'o. 6 i.i block No.
107 iu sauirt town froijtin,; ta 1'ifili streut
and bounded on the sooth by lot No. 5, iiv
same block, on the eatt by Curbon Kun and
on the north by lot No. 7 in same block, con'
taining'Jj fett in front, uud feet in dt-ptii,
AUo, Lot No. ID in block No. 74 io the
towu of Trerorton io Ziftbe township, Not
tbinnbHrland coauty. froutiii? ca Market
stroet in suid town, mid boucdi-J oa tku west
by lot No. S. and t n tbo esst by lot No. 11
ia same bliicL, cu the north by Iil p.oxd)
street, coiitaiiiiuc 2j fet ia frout and 125
feet io depth to Hail Hoad street.
Also, Lot No. 12 in block No. 73 io siiJ
town ef Tfrfvorlon. fronting on Market strea.
and bonndej by let No. 11 ou the wen aud
lot No. t'.i oa the e.-t ia lame block, aud
by Hil KoaJ street wii ths uuttb, containing
2." ft-et iu front aud 12j fuel io depth to Hail
l.-oad street.
Suized, taken in execution aud to be solj
as the property of liauitl Marti aud Benja
mia Marts
At the same time and place, two certain
Lots of Ground iu the borough of Sunbury,
Northumberland county, marked in the gen
eral plso of said town, Nos. 17CI and ISO,
fronting c blackberry street ou tbe 6outh,
and bounded by an alley oo tl.e north, su alley
on the west and by lot No. 178 on the east,
being each CO foet ia front, and 2.'il) feet ia
depth, ou lot No. 130 is erdvleu a two story
dwelling House and Kitchen, wll of water,
frame Uarn out-bnildings, ie. Upon lot No.
I7l, is erected a large log building, (rough
cart in front) formerly used as a Potter's
Shop, severxl fruit trees, ie.
Seized, tako in execution and ta be sold
as the property of John I', f'urstl.
At tho same time and place, a certain Lot
of ground sitnale in tho Uoroogh r.f Sunbury
Northumberland County, marked on the
generul plua of said town' No. ICS fronting on
Blatkberry street on the South, aud bounded
by Barberry Alley un the North, Deer, stn-et
oo the West and Lot No. lfia on the Kust
cootaioing 60 feet in front and 2110 feet in
depth, wbereoa is erected a two tory Brick
Home, and Kitchen,-a frame OOee, fromo
Stable and out buildings.
Seized taken in execution and to be sold
as the property of Jeremiou II. ZimmoroiaD.
At the sawe time and place, all that cer
tain Lot or piece of groucd situate in tbe
town ol Trerorton Northumberland Couutr
It,. V...,'. U.t. . U:l i . J
the Kast by Lot of Abraham JJeppen,' on
the South by Market slrt t aud oo the West
by Lot of Isaiah Morgan and ife, containing
li feet io frost and 12j feet m depth, where
on are erected a two story framo dwelling
House and frame Stable.
Seized taken in execution and te be sold a
the property of Benjamin Dark and isamuct
At the public bonss of Mrs. Reader in Tor
butville, io Lewis township, Northumberland
eouuly, oo Mondsy the Hth day of JULY.
1859, at 11 o'clock. A. M., a certain lot of
Ground, situate iu the borough of Turbntvillr
lu Lewis township, Nortbumbsrlsnd count vj
bounded ea tbe west byi'aradise street, va
the horth by Virgin alley, and cn tbe esst by
an alley and ou tbe couth by a lot of I. L.
DieflVnbacber, containing one half of an acre,,
more or less, hereon is erected a two story
frame dwelling House and Cooper Shop
beized takeu iu execution and t be so!J
as tbe property ef Samuel Jarre, Jr.
Also, At the same time end place, two
contiguous tracts or p.ecee cf laud, situate in
said township of Lewis, bout one mile east
of Turbutvilie ; bounded and described ss
follows : One thereof, bvginniug at a stcna io
tbe centre of tbe road leadiag ftoui Turbst
ville tq Washiogtooville ; thence along the
saait, south 71 degrees east, 20 perches to a
stone; by the same north 62 degrees eatt
I 210 perches to a stone comer cf now cr
late Samuel Jarrett's lanJ; thence by tbe
same north 16 degrees east 24 7-10 perches
to a stone, north 75 degress east 6 2 10 per
ches to a sloue io the line of land now or late
belonging to Isaac ctaddco deceuaed, tod
by the same north 15 degrees west 41 2 10
perches to a post ; thence by land now or late
of Godfrey Slues, south e5 degrees west li
3-10 perches to a post, and thence by Iund of
Usury Miller south 9 degrees weet53 3-lU
rircbes to the place of beginuiog. coulainiog
acres aud 54 perches more or less, all if
wbieb is cleared. The other thereof begiu
oiag at a comer ia tbe aforesaid rosd, atd
ruaoing along the same, south 71 degites
east lb 4:14 perches, tueuce north 9 degrees
east 53 6-10 perches along the above descri
bed tract te a stone ; thence south 65 degree
east 21 410 perches along laod bow er lata
of Godfrey Stires, to a coroerj tbeace along
tea laod now or late of Jacob ICcable 37 3-10
perebc to the beginning, containing 6 acres
and 14 porches, more or less, all of which is
Seized, takes ia exentioa aoj to be Soil
U tha property of Henry Miller.
JAMES V ANUX'kE, aliefifr.
fcTberilTe Office, Saobury, 1
Juu 13, iaJ'j. j