0 f 1 X IT Mil I WAS AN EDITOK. lr ; d. . it.li I was on Editor, I reslly 00 indeed ji ppMinf to me tliHt K illers t.Vt iwri thing llii'j I. i-o I, '1'linv !! 1 it hipircf-t nml the best, ( 'I VT tiling tlllll (jrilWH, A i: I kM hi fin- to i'irriif", r.d c -1 1 1 it kiinl rf sin ; A lii-n R mammoth t horse n cut, I i.fv .ja;ivj C'l S liirM. l-'nr sc.. ing Nil. Sinlili know? how To ii' ike it very ti c , ' J " h h !;i;l,:'st p'lirpkiti, t In- lonc-l beet, A ml other f ir.li'ii s'u'.V, Mn' ti ilitu I In- S iiicluiii ly A n iiilito-i..) puff ; 'J'Ihi lii;;(.'i'M Img will "-fi !; tutlicm, No matter linw l In-) ilr s, A l;;hby coat is nothing if Viii own n printing pres ; At Indies' Fun-si they nro almost hugged, Hy prtitty pirls who ktinw Tfcat lln'y will cr.uk np everything 'I ho Ladies huve Id show ; And Urns lin y pp( a Muw-uut fice At every putty feed j Tin1 reason is because lin y ftiite AnJ other pff lo rood. Uliscfllaitcous, Fnxivo ik tii;: Wkst Mr. Creely, writing t-Mi "Tribune," from Alcliinson,' Knusn, ivos the result of his nlisurviitinii on f..rnin, i.i! Ii if lino of route. In Southwestern Ne Y rk, he ey, wli,at w is niolTnlf iy ei.wn l".t fill nnd tliis Fpritij.', nnd who looking I! uulil the lute hot dry wvutlipr, wb.ii b ennsed it tn spindle, instead of rpreodinp, in) but for thu recent chutigo fto'ii a hot to b rnlil, moist ttinperutiuc, the full sonn wni.ld huve been ccriously damaged. Rye, of hich little woe B iwn, waa doing f.iirly. Oats promised an extensive yield. Corn it planted extueivoly. (jiruBi would have suffered, but for an pppor tune fall of ra;r. In Chicago, ho says, the country was never so h.re of food for tnnn or beat. Floor is liigher, and wheat nnl com 8i'urcely lower thun in New York or Liverpool. 0:s tire nearly the snme. Thousand of cattle through put the prairie States have died this Spring. Minnesota is baring flotir in Chicago by the thousand barrels. ;i lllii.ois, Jowa. and Missuuri, wbolo neihborlmds aro destitute of Dread, and ol tlm means to purchase it. At Qiincy, however, 2f!J milrs from Chicago, the larinurs nro resolved to look starvation in the lace, au;i are busy putting in ull Boris if grain. In Illinois and Iowa, tbey are doing their tituioU to grow more jjrain than ever. They urn, however, out of money, ojt of credit, u d in debt, und Lurdly ublo to keep the Fherill Iro.u the (!oor. Despite the bard times, Illinois is pioning. New block are bi? in erected in her cities, ami now buildings in the Tillages. Cultivation is being generally t x tended a great deal of work being done by oxen. The .Sute is rich in con! far moro bo tban any other state, but she I nks timber, which is obtained chiefly from Michigan, uud Wisconsin. Horrible Rkvei.atio.n dv a Murdkreb. Armstrong, one of tho murders of the mail carrier nour I? android, C. W. has aade ifu'l confession. During bis lifetime be has rob bed to the extent of filly thousnnd dollars in money and jewelry. The largest haul mode by him wus from the purser's office of t e Bteumer Empire Slate, wheu lying at a wharf fit builaln, the Bum u l n by him oa that occasion being two thousand cijilit hundred and ten dollars. Too robbery was effected by dressing himself up as a feinalo, and passing bimself olf as the wife of the cook of the beat. The clothes were furnished him by a prosti titute in a bouse of ill-fame tow Lorn lie gave three li n ud red dollar? for the nseolthem. A more startling pieee of villainy, however, to which he has confessed, is given by the Brunt ford paper : It Bt-ems that ou the itay of Tils discharge from jail, viz. the lllhof April last, ho bad a confidential conversation with Moore, oao of the convicts now uuder feutenee of duwlh, when the latter to Id lum that about a month previous an attempt had been made by him Fblf and I ho other convict to throw one of the t!raut Western trains t.f thti truck, with the intent, in the confusion which Would be cor tain to follow, to piilufjo hiid rob the paseeu gers, but their micinpi failed. The ciigiuecr of the train, ou seeing sotru obstruction on the truck, at once whiolled "down brakes' and reversed his engine, and ofierun investi gation of the cause cl obstruction and tiudii.g in damage done, lha train went on its way, nnd they (Over and Moore-) returned home. He alo slated that this occurrence took place between Faris and Llurrisburg. Horace Greeley, at LcavcnwoMh, met a gentleman who expressed great pleasure in fcueing do distinguished a plulunlhiophist, and iu wishing him success. "Indeed," replied Mr. Oreely, ' I am happy to hear such seiitimeuts, and to see euch ineu as yourself aud Col -.where I did not expect the least sympaty in this land where the ini.'juity of the nation is so tinnly rooted, (i id bd praised', the work goes bravely on." "With your aid," returned Mr. '., "sla very will soou cease to exist iu Missouri. The number of slaves is no fast decreasing." Here Mr. ti. attempted to withdraw with bis new fouud friend from observation. Mr. V. continue.), "I am myself doing something to wards removing theni. Oniy lust week l t iok away thirteen." "My good frieud, how T Rhere to?" "To New Uileans," "UreatUoJ!" txclainn-d Horace, "whul ! a dealer in human boiiIi V "Yes, bir, if that is what you cull it. I buy and sell negroes, 1 urn indebted to you for the profits of my business. Slaveholders here Bell me their slaves for hulf their value in the South, lo keep your uisciples from Bteuluig theiu." Eormnu a Friktino Okkitb. Scne un mitigated scamps robbed a prinliej i flico in Fiiiladelphiu, the otheHMbl. They ransack ed tie office, and carried olTull lite mom y thcreiu, amounting to three cents. The pro prietor must have f(-lt decidedly poor when ho (ii-envered that ull his funds bud but u thus rulhlejt-ly abstracted. A Yoi'ko Man, while undergoing nn cx aniinaliou for the purpose of beius udmilled to the bar, wasuakod "What are the consti tutional rerpiirenieuls vhirh rendi-r a man i-1'gabln to the office ef I'r-siiliiit of the 'niied States?" lid answered, "lie mit be thirty. five years oi l, anj a yuj lUntocrut!" Tun F.niToKs of l'inlestown sre & Tery clever set l fellows. 'Afew ilfiys ago, the editors of thu JntvWgrnctr gave on or'un griiidi-r live ci-nl 3 to peir.iini in fi-oni oflhe JJeiitiicnit i(?u-n. for the Huiiiseim nt of Ci.ptaio Jiavis.for which the laltci relurts thanks Id Lis lust k'tue. Fakkt Vkrs says she oneo had a norrnw esrfpe of being a minister's wife, and tells bow she would have acted in such a case. An exchange, iu commenting upon the matter, says that if she bad a narrower eecspa Ibuo the minister, then it was fearful lo contem plate, iudeej f It is said to be dangerous lo be workinpwith sewing machine near a windrw, when there . is a thunder storm. It is also very dangerous i sit near some seWing machines when there v io thunder storm, idem ai like flii They leapuirrs man's I lo lic,hl upou his seieo. Ayor'sSarsaparilla A compound remedy, hi which we have la bored to produce the most effectual alterative that can be made. It is a concentrated extract of Para Sarsaparllla, so combined with other substances of still greater alterative power as to afford an eftootive antidote for the diseases fiarneparilla is reputed, to cure. It is believed that such a remedy is wanted by those who suffer from Strumous complaints, and that one which will accomplish their cure must prove of immense service to this large class of our afflicted fellow-citiens. How completely this compound will do it has been proven by exper iment on many of the worst cases to bo found of the folldVing complaints: 8cnoFTL. ai Bcnoppr.ors Compt.atsts, Khittioms Ann EnrrnvB Disbasp.s, 1'i.cr.Rs, PmrLBi, ULOTciir.s, Tumors, Bai.t IIiii'.cmi Scalb Hnn, SvrHit.M axd Svruitmo Ap i uctions, MsncoHiAT, Hiseasi, BuorsY, Nlii ualoii or Tic DouLocnccx, llKnn.iTT, Hys rnraiA Awn ImnopsTiox, KuYsivEtAS, Ilosn on Sr. Anthony's Fi&r, nnd indeed the whole clans of complaints arising from lrti'uuiTY op tub liLoon. f This compound will be found a great pro motor of health, when taken in the spring, to expel tho foul humors which fester in tho blood nt that season of tho year. Hy tho time ly expulsion of them many rankling disorders aro nipped in tho bud. Multitudes can, by tho aid of this remedy, spare themselves from the endurance of foul eruptions nnd ulcerous sore, through which tho system will strivo to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through tho natural channels of tho body by an alterative medicine. Cleanso out tho vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through tho skin in pimples, eruptions, or sores ; cleanso it when you find it is ob structed and sluggish in the veins j cleanso it whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Even where no pnrtieulur disorder Is felt, pcoplo enjoy better health, and livo longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep the blood healthy, nnd all is well ; but with tliis finbulum of lifo disordered, thcro can bo no atuig health. Sooner or Inter something must go wrong, and the great mocluuery of life is disordered, or overthrown. Sarsnparilla has, and deserves much, tho reputation, of accomplishing these ends. Hut the .world has been cgregiously deceived by preparations of it, partly because the drus alone has not all the virtue that is claimed for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to be concentrated extracts of it, contain but littlo of the virtue of Sarsaparilla, OTtiny thing else. During lute years the public have been mis led by large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Most of these have been frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if any, Sarsapa rilla, but often no curative properties whatev er. Hence, bitter and painful disappointment has followed the uso of the various extracts of Sarsaparilla which flood the market, until tho name itself is justly despised, and has becomo synonymous with imposition end cheat. Still wo call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to supply such a remedy as shall rescue the name from tho load of obloquy which rests upon it. And wo think wo havo ground for believing it has virtues which nro irresistible by the ordinary run of tho diseases it is intend ed to cure. In order to secure their completo eradication from the system, the remedy should be judicioubly taken according to directions on tho bottle. TREPAItED BY DR. J. C. AVEIt & CO. LOWELL, MASS. Price, $1 per Bottle Six UoUlea for $9. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, has won for itself such a renown for the euro of every variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, that it is entirely unnecessary for us to recount the evidence of its virtues, wherever it has been em ployed. As it has long been in constant use throughout thia section, wo need not do more than assure the people its quality is kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do for their relief all it has ever been found to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, tor tej5 cuna or Costiveneu, Jaundice, Vyspeptia, Indigntion, Dysmtenj, Foul Stomach, Eryiipelas, Headache, Vila, Iiheumatism, Eruption! and Scin Diieaiei, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Tetter, Tumon and Salt liheum, l'orn, Goirf, Neuralgia, at a Dinner nil, and for Purifying the Blood. They are sugar-coated, so that the most sensi tive can take them pleasantly, and they are the best aperient in tho world for all the purposes of a family physic. Price 25 cents par Box; rive boxes for $L00. Orcat numbers of Clergymen, Thysicians, States men, and eminent per6onnfi.es, have lent their names to certify tho unparalleled usefulness of these remedies, but our space here will not permit tho insertion of them. The Agents below named fur nish gratis our American Almanac in which fliey arc given ; with also full descriptions of the above complaints, and tho treatment that should be fol lowed for their cure. l)o not be put off by unprincipled dealers with other preparations they make more profit on. Demand Aviat's, an4 take no others. The sick want the best aid there is for them, and they should have it. Ail our Remedies arc for sale by 1'riliiiK V (Jiai.t and A. W. 1'Uher, Suubury, It. U.Mil'ov, Noitl.umherlaiid, A.T. BUel.'TurbulviUe, K. .Stotz, Wind (iup, J. T. Ca-low, Milton, (J. li. Cadivalder, Shamokin, V. I'hltr, UhU rsvillc, And by all DrtipuUU and Merchants. April 1C, 1851). ly NEW YOlUv LINES- TI1K. CAMDLN & AM BOY AND riNLADCMillA AM) TUUXTO.N RAILROAD Cti.'S l.l.NKU, From 1'hiludtlpUa to A'ew York and ll'uy Places. From Walnut Slreel WUaif, I'lulaJJi'lna, will lenvraj full iwj, viz : rui At 6 A M, via Camden nail Anumr C A A Ac-cnui- rn'.Hlaii.iii, 8.5 At u A nl, via Cmnni'ii ana Jersey Uity ?iew Jlt ; M(-c.MnnMliition, At UA M, via C'uiuUeu am Jersey city Morning Mail. Al II A M, liy Ftenmli'iat, via Tacoujr auJ Jrrtey eity M.irniup Kxjtrr.i, At V I M, via Ciunileu untl Ainliuy C anil A. Kx- pri-.-n, AlDj I M, Ly Ptcaiiibmit, via Tucony e.:JJcrai-y eily, Iaciiiii lxpicu, At Si I'M, I'V fumiili ml, via Tucony aail Jul icy l itv. 'J.l I'l ita Tieki l, 2 Si 3 00 3 00 3 on 3 (( 9 M A l S I' Al, via t'uin'lni .V Jt-'mcy c-iiy Ki't-itini; Mnil 3 cu At 1 1 I' .il, via Cunuleii tliulJcury city .ii;ht .Mail 4 &5 A 1 I1 M. vld i'.iliiitt-ii nml Alilli'T Ai-culliniiKla- uo:i. (KiimLi and I'uknt-ngi-r,) Itl clun ticket, IM " A i 5 T M- via Cimilni and Ainloy-.Acciiuiuul-i. liuu, (Ficililaud l'tiueiigcr) Ibi etuv ticket, 1 &0 t M I li The ( P. M. Mail Line runs daily, H-tniiilnvs exrcplcil. The II Night M-il, 1 I.KiiH Linfs stop nt principal station ou'y. I'it HclviUcm, Kannn, Fleiiimct'iii, 4c, lit 8 AM, and 5J l. M , from Walnut meet wlurf I'ui Wnici Ou, Siroud.liuig, HcrmiUMi, Wilkcsliarre, M.iinr.!, Cicul Bend, Ac, at 6 A M, via Di towure, Lai'luwuiiii and Ve-.tern Itnilcnud. I'm 1'rn-lu.lil. in A. M and S 1'. M. 4 4. JlMuuut Uul;' kl9 B"J DAM, caJSJ.IJ nnd WAV LINKS', w,,f:Se,l;::r'4c-"3J "", t,wn:r:c,;,,"jr,.t'.'cH' 1,e""y' curi,". ate iru-'.'i'w sp r1"""' ''" D",Jtul" "d liitcilntdi- licaiiiU.Mt T,ci.,H,'f.ir rtri3i.il. Umliacinn Bj i,ilrni. dmlr ,,li,c., nl U M a, 41 ., M. b "u """' r'uiy iwuu.l. nl mrtc ,, y, nll..Wed eni l, tmser. r.in.n;.-i nro piolubilea r..iu luLii.g uny.li.. :, ente bul Hi. ir v.iiiiiiii aim.rtl. Ail I'ijcii-c i,v -r I uv .iUMilii l i l p ud fur ixtr.i. The Cunuy limit lh.11 r.-.,.,Ml,tlii, J-r II. .e I.. One D.'llu, ,.ei ,...ulj,..,d will n"t Ik- h .(.I.- f.ii any amount b. yund 10U D0II.U11 ex. ccit b) i.eciul conlriict. ' WM. II. OATiMF.R. Ai-rnl A,i il in. I530i. 30, 'J-i. i,t,rni. .7 0 S 10 T II FUSSELL, -Vo. 2, iYorii Fourth Street, I'lllLADEII'llIA. TRWANLTACTUKER of be,t quality of ;M. iVil DUKM.AH and 1'AKASOl.S imite, the ullentiuii of buyers to his extensive Hock, eniliruiiiig many t-lyles not heretofore introduced, rhiludclphia, March 12, 180'J. I'sT KKCKIVEU a general assortment of " New tioods at the Store of J. II. EN GEL. Suubury, Der. II, 1658. CJ'I-VER W ATt'H E8. A few double c.w Enahh Silw Wstchtv, for sale at very Iww P" '7 H. II MASKER. M'H0!.E8ALE PEAI.EHS IX BRANDIES, WINES, GINS. &C. ri'ITE sil:crihcrs have opened In Thompson's Urii k lioilJinj, Mill street, Danville, a large and complete stock of FOREIUN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, comprising the besthrandsof Drandies, Gin, Old Rye. Scoti h and Irih Whiskey, Port, 8herry, Maderia, Champagne and other Wines of all grades, all of which will be sold Whulcale at Hie lowest city prices. Tnvcrnikcfpors by boy in fC of us can save at least the freight. 1'rrsDiia desirous of purchasing liquors fot 7 A M I I. Y USE, may rrly upon being furniched with a pure and unndulleratcd article. fencing lU'lerinined to establish a reputation for selling cheap l!iry respectfully illicit the p4 Ir.niaue ul (lie pulil . All orders promptly at tended to. SHTRIFF Jc HALT.. Danville, A;il0, 18.' 9. J .1 VI , llarkct Street, Suubury Ta. 'yHK solwri! r reppectfully inforrtis tho cili- nf Snntttirv. sihil thc public generally. that he 1ms taken possession of the above well known stand, formerly kept by John Leiscr. Me is determined to use every exertion to make his house one of the best itl the Stale, and oll'crs r re induce inctitd for persona who spend a short time in one ef the most pleasant towns in central l'euns Ivania. His talile will be supplied with the best the mnrlipt can produce. His bur will bo supplied with the HircM liquors. Careful nnd ol'lining servants always in alien dance. A nhaie of the local and traveling com' ai unity is most rcspccll'ullv solicited. wl.MOiN SNYDER, April 2 J, 1850. 6m rroprietor. ' NOTICBl TUB ADASSS EXPEESS CO., (iive notice that they have concluded arrange ments Willi the Northern Central Kail Road Company, to run trains from Baltimore for York, Huiribburg, Dauphin, Halifax, Trevorton, Sun bury, Northumberland, I.cwisburg, Milton, Mon ey, Williamspnrt, and all intermediate Stations. Connecting at Hnrri-lmruh with thu GREAT WESTERN EXI'RESS for I'itUburg, Cincin nati, S Louis and the West. Also with Howard 61 (Vs Express at Milton or Danville, Hlaomsburg, Wilkrsbarre, I'itlst.m, St-raul'in, and intermedials Stations on the ('at tawissa, Lackawana and llloamsliurg Rail Roads. At Williumsport, by Howard &. Co's Express to Jersey Shore and Lock Haven. Also, by How ard & Co., and their connections, for Canton, Triy. Elinir.i, Rochester, Uullalu, Niagara, ami to all accessible points in Western New York and Canada, by whichhey will forward McrchnndUc, Spec-id, Bank Notes, Jewelry, and Valuable! I'uckagcsof every description. Also, Notes, Drafts and Mils for Collection. Experienced and elliciciit mesieiii-'ers employed and every efl'jrt will he inado to render satisfac tion. JOHN BINGHAM. Superintendent l'cnu'd Division, l'hii'a. A. W. nHEH, Ascnt for Sunbury. April !), lK.'i'J. CEKTE AL HOTEL, SUimuriY, Northumberland County, Pa CilIIS Inrgp atid cmiimMilious llutrl, now fin--- islic.l nnJ coinilolcIy luniislicil with entire new furiiituri", at a large fxpcnfc (y Slietill' Van dyke, mill fiiuate nt the Kuilruad Depot north east cmner cf Market quure, .Suubury, nnd at tho terminus of the Sunlury tV VUie and Korlh cm I'eutrnl Kailrondn, nill benjicn for tlie acc.mi. modation nf Travelers end the init'lie in general ...i". l-i i.-n mv mi i i v 1 1 A 1) v lwHO Ull Ulf I I UO . 17 I . '4 ..lilimill) ISi'rf. The priiirictor will Kive his exluivo e.ttcn- 1 . ... tion, toll c comfort i t and convenience nl litscuculs and is de crinined I) make Ibis entuhlishuu-iit rank anions ibe fimt in the filnte. llij table will be uilied with the best the ma'ket can produce having tho advaiitsc of daily CiXiiinuniiialion by cars direct from liulti murc, und uso from those bringing produce from tho surrounding country. His bar will be supplied with the purest liquors the market enn produce Ca-cful and obliging bcrvants always in at tendance. A share of the local ana traveling community is most respectfully solicited. JOSKMl jMOIST, Lessee. 1 Funburv. lVe. IH, lfi.58. 1'eipb.er's line, Kailroad Freight Cars -pj METWKEN -tY Philadelphia & Sanhury.; .l. fl'IIK uuli'i rllirr iu ruilcin n tine of frisiriit ran to and I from I'll iiK.U-liliia wil h xlt re-thlinneiit, uutl liopt-. In ei-lallitli a gout! 1.UMI1C&U liy i.riim.it ililivel ii'n i.t rcuiiU liif rules. Wiiieliinine iii Pliilidfli'tiiii with Frenl, Waril X Fri-al, 811 .Mnik. i mrt-i-l. wlieie xnU Jkc. f"r fuubury nml iiucr mtliaic poiiiii klioulil In- li-it. THOMAS riCIrill'.n, IlarrUbarg. Mnrr-li Id. t(-.-)fi.:iin BUT nn: V7ArvICUTTA PRINTS. TUey arc the best Calicoes jet oll'etcd lo the public for the money. WiniLKSAi e Agents ! DzrOEEST, AllWSTRONO 5; CO., N E V Y O R K . April S3, R.r9. ini'-W SPICES! SPICES!! SPICES!!! Inre anil No. 1 Ciumiu Pepper. iii'?f t'iiinionon, Al.ispice, ('loves. Aiii(?rieaii nml i'li-jlutlt Mustard. Ceyeune Prpper, uluit't;, Aluee. Slip. Curb Nm.u .fMltpcirc, Salcrulua. Kit. t. i.i , In'! mo. t'uriiwuv un-l Corin.idcr Pi'cd. Ahht in li.iiry utid .round ShIi, ,Ve- Tor mI nt tbe Kncle M ill No I'll and 31!) North Front street coracr of Nev. l'luliuir Iplna. lloWAlii) WOHUKMs. IV Purchasers will find il greasy to their interest buth in (jiiiiliiv u.k! prioe b buy tliette g"iMls( wliieh ure wur innti d ns n'ir'SriitKl or (orfeittxi. A trial is Sola-itLd. I'lok.dtli.i.u, Muicii lo, it:u.-lb. 7I-INI6 ADD SHADES, " CHHAP S'On CASH. V. J. WILLIAM. N'. 10 Noith Sixth Street, Pinladtl plim, is the luiL'ut Munufiteiurer of tlIHW , liLIXDS, a: s dialer ix WINDOW SHADES, l)F KVKKV VAIMKTV. lis it the Originator of all New Style. 11.1U Imi a fine .toc lc Hi lie ild at HFtll.'CKl) I'ltlCUS. KITH, AMI Al.l. OIIIKH CuLotlS HF IJK UtAMI S. Titl.MMIMJS, FIXTliKKM.Ac. UTOKK SHAUI.rt iKimted to order. LS" U. J. W. iuvilei eitizeu. nf thii countv to cull be- f na pui t-liTi.itifr, nnd nuniie. ilirm be run sell . better article fur the money Uiail say ollici ejlalili.l)int-nt in the i niieo t-uir. Man-li '.Hi, li-.-it). Uni-J;c. EtCniVED a larua ntsortmcnt of Suliiielt, ('usiuiere and Cloth, at J. II. ENGELU Suubury, Dec. 1 1, IS.'iS. 5 JI.'KE Ul.IVE Oil. for table lite,-two nl M71 n...l n-l : i i... at 31 J aud Gi cents- just received by A. V. riHUER, July 17, "Art. I VST ItKDF.IVEl) . lar,;e U of read, msd 9 CI.UTll'.NU, Uueapal 1. Jl.ENGElS. Bunqnry, Dec. 1 1, IK5S. PLATFORM SCALES, V J FU KAII.HUAD.4, Ac, for weiuhiiur Imy, eiwl, me ami uiereliamliM geuerally. Puri lniKi. r in no ri.W eveiy .rate ,. u.irunU!cJ eorrc t, ml il, uliet linn" satiac-tury, cuu be returned witUuut Uiinv-tiv. )ee. AllllOTT tc Co , Mi.r.l. n.:,. ,c -': ""'"' "muiki non pi reel. Fliiladt-ljiliia. Q i MPH0IA, grand tnunical iiuUruments jurt receiveJ from Boo Hill, London, and forsalaby T. U. COOl'ER WunVinry, February W, 1R9. STOVES. T?0n SLE B an eicellent seeond-hsnd Csok' luff Atuva .Iba ... I . . . , r. Roes. Ejjipjirr al tliis oflice. W I n.ri.i Cylinder Coal AVIIEr.LF.n A M'lLSON MANTJFACTTjBlNa OO18 FAMILY SEWING MACHINES. TtH UnHiiimTiP fnvnr which htm nttrndnltha Intnrfne- I timi i. cnlnc-, it 01 WiiKRi.Kit WinnN'i Fttiniljr Sewinff N miftirirMt tvntctw of Ml rxfeilffiCf. It netnt. it'fsiiuw t.t mv. thiit tlxti unnul iimtrument is liecnmtiiff d'Miirtlip iiiRiliiiD'n : Iht fnrt in rrptipnizcdby it iicc-f us. in iIhmi h-uhIaoI l-'nimlin in every rank in lif ltne who hnxchithtrUirefrmiietHroiniivatliiiBllitMi.BcIvci f im inh'uMtiipfH, it nmv l It nmira to any, that ! til ntytnoin problem w" I tolvn!, I'Ut n Kiircfi ulrwdy KfilMzrrl. The liifhfitt t"itninuy it finMnutly oflerftl,c'ii firming the verdict which linn given this iuHrucnienluin Wi'Jf niiri enviuhlc a repiittitmn. Tin Muchnir in cnuceivfil on n principle entirely origi nal, heiim iiei:itilfy nml ndmimltly tulrnted to the most per led work nn every kind of nmtcrml ; mid, havinp hH milijiTted tun three yenra1 test of the mnrt urmching rhnrnctci bv Familiri, nnd itl vnrtou brnneheaof Mtmu fnetiire. wilh diffdnaumliptl incccsn, it is believed tlmt in all the great potnls requisite to n complete and practiuil Se vim? Mm-iiine, it cniuiot le npprnrrcheil ttt etrellence AintmiT the undoubled advuntiipcs it possesses over oil ol hern, muv l nnnied t lie following; t. Its slmptirlly of oons'niKlon, oni. consequent fre dutn from dernnemcut and need of repairs 12. lis unexampled nipidMy and case of opetatlon. 3 Its iioiftclrM movement i. The grent variety of purpose to which it can be ap plies, which can be achieved by titf other mechanical im rum. And, ft. The pre-eminent beamy nnd durability of the work - 'I find your Machine invahmlile I have used it a yenr, and tt has never lecn onto, order. The stitch is veiy du rable, and can hendnpted to fine or coarse materials. It works with the rnpiility of a dozen pair of hands ; snves nutch time, fatipno nnd expense. One of your Machines is ustMi in my father's family ; another in the household of a sister; nnd others by various friends. 'Hie opinions of all accord with thai 1 uuve just expressed.11 Mrs Anna Com Kitchie. "Thcrf is but one Sewing Machine i and that is Whee lei Hnd Wilson's." Judge Meigs, of the American Insli tute. 'The Sewing Machine purchased of yon has been whol ly serviceable " Hv. Dr. Samuel Oskh). No family can ntfonl to do without it. Opinions of tmcNew Vobk Pbkss, .Ve prefsrthem for family use. Tribune They are the favorites for families -Timet, Are without a rival. Scientific American. Works more unifotuily than the hand Hern Id. Io the work of ten ordinary sewers Jour Com. Kq'ial to nine seauitresfcs. lltune Journal Tut machine, for family use. Advocate V Journal. Most houonible to American genuis Independent. W e cannot imagine anything more porlVel Kvungclist. Will give entire satisfaction. Observer. The best ever invented. -Christum Inquirer. In looking for the IkM, see these Kxamiuer. Admirably ndapted for family use. Chronicle. Inilispenruililc in every family. The Preacher. We praise it with cntlmsiumn Christian Intelligencer. Worthy of the highcnt award. Sabhath Kecorder. A U'nt'fitclioit of the ace Tntnam's Mngnine. .M up 1111I m operation. Mrs. Stephens1 Monthly. Ityotid all (po rtion, the niar-hines. Life Illustrated. The stitch vUiiot be unraveled. Am Agricuituiist. They iirniitiiiii the pre-i-iniiiei:ee. Kxprcss. Saves (lie time and health of ten women. Water dire. Our household is in ecstncicB with it. Porter's Spirit. Supply the fashionable world haily News. Art-pre-eminently siipcrioi, Iidieg1 Vimtor. One of our houofioia g nts L , S. Journal, rnrivalled in eveiy qna'ity. T)aj HiMik. Pit-tty, useful, magiejl.- LckIii'V Gazette. Have no equal foi fnmilv use Munical World A triumph of inecluinical genius N. Y. Journal. Combine evtry rcquiron nl. Kntuily Magazine. Vastly superior to nil oiliets ft olden Prize. We cannot lire in its pmte New Yorker. Kur dirthcr jiarlii-ulars apply lo II. B. Mas?er, Sunburv, PaM agent of tho manufacturer, who wiil Kunpty macliinos at the muiuifacturerV prires. Suntuir-, May 15, 159. if EMPORIUM. rpllE undersipned having received a large and Jl well selected stock of l'urc SJrus unci C Iiomlcnlut, iJyeKliifTs, OiU, Taints Glass and Putty, is now ready to fill urdersul a moment notice. In connection with the above vou will find nn . . , , , Vnifiii o, rry u...h.i. , i o ,. . n i .n I I'rlnmnrv nl nil Lllnld Innlll 1 1 n I l Aull.. Alwt j ... , ,-; . ' Clothes liiiidheii of every variety Customers will' find his i-tock complete, com prising many articles it is impossible here to enumerate. KEMEMUUK Ilia place, under the office of the Munbury Anicriran." I'hysiciaiis' I'rccriptions compounded accurate Iv and carefully. A. W. riSHEK. Sunlmrv, April 2d, 18S'J. NEV GOODS Atthe Mammoth Store of IK A T CLI-:.tIK.T, NO. I MAKKI'.T PTIlliKT, SU.NBIT.Y, l'A. f l''!! C subscriber has just opened at his well 1 known cslablishnient in Suubury, one of the cheapest and most desirable slocks of Pall and Winter Goods, that has ever been offered in the place, an J which he will sell for CASH or exchange f;ir Country I'loducc Those desiring to purchase goods will do well to call und examine linstock. ELACK AND FANCY SILKS. All Wool Dilains, Figured, Striped and Plain, French Merino, all colors. Lienutil'ul Dress 1'obes, Cashmeres, Shaded, V'laiu and striped must be icon to lorm an idea ol the extent and variety. Mantle, Stella, Chenille, French Wool Shawls, Thibet and Virochs Hiuuls. Cloths Cassiincres and Satinet For Men and Boys' Wear, Ulack Cassimeres, Fancy Cassimeres, side stripes heavy, Uoe Si.in Cassimeres, Hatinets all kinds. FLANNELS, White and lied Flannels, all grades and prices, Bay ttate Sack Flannels, colors finest qnalitios. HEADY-MADE CLOTHING. Boots and Shoes, Hals and Caps, Ac, 4C, all of which were selected with great care, and .will compare favorably, as regsrds quality, stylo and price, with any in the country. HAUDWAKK. a full assortniiiiit. Wood and Willow Ware, (jneensware, of all descriptions, Groceries, a full stock in store, Carpet Chains, &.C., Faints, Oils. Glass, Dye Stuffs. Thniikful for the patronage heretofore received be will spare no pains to please all who may favor him with their custom in the future. Kunburv, Nov. 6, lS.'id. . SUNBURY FOUNDRY ! FlHH subscribers respectfully inform the cili L zens of Sunbury and the public generally, that they have leased lha Sunbury Foundry oc cupied by George I'ohrbach.snJthat they will take possession on the first day of April, next, when they w ill be enabled to furnish all kinds of Cast ings, such as Flows, Stoves, ice, &e., at as tow rates as they can be had any where else. They are also manufacturing thrashing machines, and do repairing at short notice. All orders addressed to them will be promptly attended lo. Country produce taken in exchange for Cast ings ul all limes. CLINTON' KOHRBACII. JACOB KOIIKBACH, Jr. Suubury, March 5, 18r9 3iu "NET dsH DRY GOODS HOUSB EYKE k LAN DELL, FOI'RTII & ARCH Streets, I'WLADKI.PHl A, tF. now opening full aseortmeat of NbW GOOD9, Hill 'I UK Si'UlNl. Ulf lt9. .irins 8ilk. of New Style., Futliimubie Uuuble 8kiit Robes, bimwU if tlie New Spring Styles, le liiilt. and Fancy lleu Goods, Suiiimer p.iplin. aud Valencies , Travelling Drca Good., full variety, lilaiikeu, Wheeling and ilouMkeeUiig Good. N. D. Plorekeeiirr. are re.iRvifclly ieued lo e-aiiiiueourtiUK-korilLACK8lB,KS, aud 811AW1JS, b fure puruluisiiig. 1'. H. New Uoods received daily, snd good Bargaius from Hie Auctiim. of New York aud tliis City, u Tkkm Nits Cam Taicss Low. area lwih, 1 30. 3 oiV3 UT UECEIVED a lol of Ladies CLOTH - IM.r AK. mt I. If ENUEL S 8 lore. CLOAKS, at Sunbury, Dee. II, 1868.- CJAWS Wood. Croaa Cut and Mill Bsws. -J Superior article at Sundry, Kly I Till, I6ii FISHER'S. HIGHLY IM lORTANT IiEVS M. C. GEAIUIAIIT, Hal returned with a new Stock of Confeotionariog, Fruit and Toyi. TT seems as if a aew age, a new life was open Ing upon as, animating every heart to nobler deeds and higher aims! Art, Literature and Sci ence will glow shew and seek to develop sab timer beauties and grander conception. The business world too mut feel Ihe new in fluence sad every pari be quickened snd strength ened by an lutresed vitality, vthich .hill urge us on with electric speed to the consummation of greater things than was ever dreamed ef in tho Philosophy of the past. Animuted by the enthusiasm which prevades all classes, and desirous of doing his share to wsrds "The great events of the Age," the sub scriber would respectfully inform the food peo ple of SUABL'KY and the public generally, that lie has just returned from the city ef Philadel phia with the largest and choicest stock of Con feclionaries, Fruit and Toys that has ever been draught to this section of country. He is also manufacturing all kinds of Confcclionsries, &c, to lilt up orders, wholesa'e or retail, at short no lice. Among his stock of Confeclionarics, may be found t French ?tpi. Gum props, all kinds of scent, l.nve tiiops, Mint Drops, red and white, Jelly CHkis, Fruit Drops, flick C'nmltes, e( all soents lloek Cnmly, Almond Cnntiy, FRUIT. Praties, Fins, Citrons. Burned A linouds, Cream White, Ietnon ' lliwe, " Vanilla, Common Heeiets. Liquor ice, Renanas, Dates. Currants dried, Almoiiua, Rations, Kuts of .11 kinds LEMON SYRUP of a superior quality, by Ihe single or dozen. A superior quality of Hegsrs and Tobacco, and a variety of Confeclionarics, fruit, Toys, etc, alt of which is ollcrcd cheap at wholesale or retail. t3F Remember the name and place. jr M. C.GEAKHART, Market st., 3 doors west of Fisher's Drug store. iMinbur. October 30, 18-r8. ly C01MFkCX.L HOITSE No. 20 Sixth Street, above Clicsnut, Pliilad'a, MERCHANTS, business men, arid persons gencially will find ibis hotel one of the most convenient snd pleasant ii tho city. The proprietor will use his best efforts to accommo date his guests, and at reasonable prices. December 4, 1P58. ly NOELIT, BROWN & NOBLIT, Cnbltut IHnkriV I'litSfioi store AND BEDDING WARE-ROOMS, Having 1! E M O V E D lo the new Iron Front Warehouse, No. 222 South Second Street, below Dock, West Side, PIIIl.EDELPHIA. V OW oiler lo liter customers and the public 1 ' generally, a new and full assortment of CABINET HARDWARE & MATERIALS. They invito the attention of tho trade to their stock of Hair Seating and Curled Hair, of their their own manufacture ; AIo to a full ossort mrnt of BEDDING AND CPU (JLSTERY. Philadelphia. July :5. 1K!SH. ly il0va Doming,, COFFEE POT A!t9 TOb Pot, Being based, ns Dr. Hall, of the Journul of Ilenlth, says, "on feoienco nnd common Benso," are rapidly coming into uso, and destined soon to supercede all others. ARTHUR, BURNHAM, k GILROY, 117 & 119 S. Tenth StM Philadelphia, Sole Manufacturers under the Patent. ?r-For inle tr Dnlrn In Iloutc kerpliiv Arl Ic-lc, nud Stoit-kcricra Cenvt ally, December 4, 1S53. Gkoroi P. Ahbkv. J-ijis A.Nkff. ABBEY c NEFF, No. Sue Nurili TI11KL) Mnrt, (thice iiiHrt uUive Vine.) PIIILAIJI'LPHIA. TH33 OLD HARD7A3T5 STAND. (KsTAHLISHED TVK.Tt-l OfR YEAR.) MKHV (K'wiijttL'iM nf Hiiildiiivr, Mtch;niic;il, running j hiuI lli'iiirliolil IJAUUW Afii;( i now in Store, and will Ire ''flritM u! Ihe lowctt iii;h let pru-t-it, to C;ih nnd prompt ix iu nit hg bucii. INuiU ul .Muuuiuiturcra' pri tcs lor L':isli. (tftlen front new cnstoiners will rrct i strict and ncett Mle HiU'iiliou, and all goifc tent I'r.'iu llith i time will Lt h rt'pri'ffiiU'il. I?" I'oi'ntbt Mkbciust, on tlicir next visit to our eily to iitnke tlicir Sarins purt'ltMnrs, me coit:tlly invited to cull a i ill examine uur Mock nurt I'li-'es in f nt purc'ms mg. Man li lOili, !? 3mVn. THE GHEAT AMERICAN & FOREIGN PATENT AGENCY OFFICES. Inventors, Secure your IUtshte ! HOW TO OUTAI.N I.I.lTEIiS PATENT. MKffit. Muxji Sc Co., Kriimrai nnd Proprietors of tli Pcirntitic AiiH'iicmi. uio t'oiultictiti the in nt stu'crssiol Ageiiry for kfcurihir lue Kiiits nt luverilors, to I found in liie (iiiu-d Mtis. 'J'iiev luivt: I'trn pcusoiiitliy In mil har with the proj-rr of Invention mid lJin?.very lor the past hi'teru ycuts, und huve prrpared and conducted with in this period, in re l'utc-iit v.iwn tl;ui uny oilier Agunc-y in the World. As mi evidence of the ctrnhduice it-posrd in their ability und niteciity. they m;iy with propriety re fer t the extniordinary faet, that lu trly two thotmind Kttents have been irucd to iht ii clients, during the brief (are of two yearn; and during tin suiue peiid, they Imve rxutniiifd tii rough their eiliricnt Hrnnch Oilice in Wysliington, into the novilty of about taree thoiisaud In ventions, thus ad'ordine to ihem h knowledge of the con tents of ttin Puient Oinee.uiirivulled by any existing agen cy. Not only this, but mora than one hull of all the I'm tenia secureil by American citizens iu the Kuropeau co un tiles, are taken through Munn CoSs Agencies in London Parist Brussels, Berlin and Vienna. rtrentors of Advice How to Secure American and Foreign l'alenla, will be sent, free of charge, to ill who may with for Ihem. Meirs. Muim k. C'o.'i principal of. tires iu New York are in the new Park Ituildinga, No. 3? I'mk How, eastern nide of tho City Hall I'arkj where ull communications thou Id be addressed, and where Inven tors afe cordiully invited to cull whenever they visit the city. Messr. Munn .V Co. refer by perm is ion to Hon Chas. Mas ti, V.x-Coin miss ioum of IMenti, Hn. Joseph Holt, Postmaster (Jcnerul and I'.x- Connniwiouei of Pntents,and also to out seven thousand luventoia in the L'nited tStules, whose pajrer have been prepared and prosecuted through their Agency. Address MTN k CO. No. 37 Tark Kow. New York. March 2, 1S50. THE INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, BROADWAY, CORXKR OF FRANKLIN STREET, NEW YORK OITY, Has been recently rrhtttd, The Rooms nie newly carpel ed, The Furniture and Ileds are mpera, And the Hat lis ate unsurpnsed. BAYLOR'S I KLKHHA li:U SALOONS ARE CONNECTED WITH 1HK UOTEL. Here is concentrated ull the cotufurU of a home, with the luxuries of a palace. THE SPLENDID LADIES FARLOR Commands and unequalled VIKW Or BHOAllWAV, THE INTERNATIONAL is the moat central of any of thefi at clasa Hotels for busi iiesa,or places of amusement, and oflers ujisurjmssed ad Vanlugea to fumilies and nenttcnien visitm? New York. Ai.kukd Fmsruan, Proprietor. New Yoik, July 3, lb6et. ly B USHONG'S i 60X8' Superior Burring Fluid, for aale at FISHER'S Drug ard Chemical Emporium. Sunbury July 17, 1858. Pure lVluci nnd Llqiiorsi. JUS r received at FISHER'S Drug anj Cht mical Kmporium. Sunbury, Oct 8 1858. rAtlKI8' Soothing Byrup, for C'hiMren teeilu L ing. For sale al FlSHEK'8- October 16, 58. J18T RECEIVED lot of Geutlemens SHAWLS and BLANKETS, at J. H. ENGEL'd Store. Sunbury Dec. 11, 1868. -TANILLA DEANS, Figs, Dales, Orsnges, y Lemons. Truoes, nuts of all kinds, just raw ceived and for sale al ih Confectionary Hiors of M.C.GEARHAKT. Sunbur April IS, 1859. FURNITURE I FURNITURE M THE LARGEST STOCK EVEfToFFERED IN BUNBURY. FasUlonable, Cheap and I'Mrfiil r"piIE subscriber, long estsblishej as a Cabinet -- and Uhair Manufacturer in Runbory, thank, ful for past favors, solicits a continuance of the public patronage. His slock of Cabinet-Ware, Chairs, 4C., embraces EVrilY VARIETY, t'RP.FIL AKD ORSA. RiEKTAL in housekeeping. It is unnecessary to enume rate, as anything that may be required in his line can be had at moderate prices, Chesp for Cash, or Country rroJucsMakch in exchange. Establishment South Fast Corner ef Market Square. i V Those knowing themselves indebted to me sunscntier would oblige him by making pay. SEBASTIAN HAUPT. Bunhurt, April 4, 1857. tf PEILX? E. "PTOB7. ' WROLSSSLI ARB RtTlII. Grocery, Wine and Liquor Store, 5. E. cor. Walnut anil Water Street; PHILADELPHIA, DEALERS and families will be promptly supplied at the lowest prices. October 4, I8S6. If SUNBURY FLOUB STORE FOR 189 CO. 1MVE.N, is yet at his old stand, South a aide of Market Square, tiunbi'ry, and keeps constantly on hsnd a good stock of Flour, Feed and all thinns in his line' He has now on hand a fresh supply of No. I. superfine FLOUK Nn. 1 Extra, and Eztra Family in barrels ; V illiuinsnort double extra in quarter barrel sacks ,yc flour, lluckwheal Flour, Corn menl and chop tf all kinds for Sale cheap for CASH. He is always ready to supply the wants of his customers, in small or largo qnntitirs. ALSO, Crackers of all kinds for side at regu lar wholesale prices. He hopes by careful atten tion to business, to merit and continue lo receive the patronage of his customers. C. 0. HAVEN. Sunbuiy, Jan. 19, 1 B.r)9. tf. "HERRING'S 3 APE. AOAIN THE wfrftvrr&v CHAMPION I I . rt."1J-T I J-n The onv Sute which, in evcrv .1 - instanc, preserved their en tiro contents in the late ex tensive fire. At tho burning of the Arli- Hi.-;. '. ran Kuiliuniis, April 10th, and in the (iKKAT FIKE in Market street, May let, 156, the genuine HERRIN.O SAFE Preserved the Jewelry of (iso. W. Simons ct Ilro. j Iiooks, 1'spers, Ac, of Fisher it I)ro.,and Edward Seamans & Co., altur rcmaiuinc ex posed in the burning ruins for ne-irly FOKTY IKLRS, and proving conclusively whit we have always claimed for thern, TII EIR OK BAT srPEKIOKITV over nil securilies now known. In these fires, THE HERRING'S SAKE, standing side by side with those advertised as "warranted to stand 10 per cent, more fire than Herring's," came forth the ACKNOWLEDGED VICTOR, nut only preserving their contents in EXCELLENT order, but bring in themselves in a condition to go through another ordeal, while the boasted ' Salamanders" of other ma kers were badly used up ill every instance, mid in some cases their entire contents completely destroyed. To the pul lic hs would simply say, that, du rirg the fonneen years the 11 EURING'S SAFE has been beforo them, more than two hundred have passed through accidental tires without the occurrence of a single loss. We would, therefore, CAUTION purihuers sgainst the misrepresentation id interested par ties. The HERRING'S PATENT is the cmlv FIKE PROOF SAFE made in this eitv, whiih is protected by a PATENT RIGHT, and we will guarantee it to lesist more then djuble the amount of heat of any other Sato now known. l'arrel, Herring & C o., Sole Manufacturers !n this State of "Herring's Patent Champion Safes," 31 Walnut i'l., PLilada. "Evans cV Watson's Improved Salaman ders," -Oliver Evans'," C. S. dayler's," and 'Scott's Absetns," Iron Chests, (a largo assort ment having been taken in psrt pavn.eut for "Herring's,") will be sold nt low prices, Philadelphia, July 10, 1853. ly . Wholesale Grocery. Opposite the Pcni.iylva liaRail Road Depot H ARKIsUUKG, PA. EEP a brgo stock of the following namej articles, and will sell ibeaper than auv ollur Louse this side of Philadelphia. Call and sec pries of Coffee, Lard oil, Fish oil, Sugar, Fish, Tar, Tea, "Salt, Rosin, Spices, Hams, Pitch, Tobacco, Shoulders, Oakum Cigars, Flour, Rubes, Vinegar, Fluid, Calcined Plaster Cheese, Soap, Candles Ac. S. li. Molasses, Syrups, N. O. Molasses. Also, .Cement, Safety Fuse, Crow liars. Sledges, Iron and Nails, fur sale at very small profits. July n, 8S8. ly PHILADELPHIA AND P.CADINO HAIL, ROAD CHARGE OF HQURS. ON AND A FT Kit MONDAY, July 5, Irfs, lliednivn morning Passenger truiil will leave 1','ttsvllU ul B.15 A. M., passing Itendnig ul U.51 A.M., und uiriviug ul l'hilui)clhul at ikmmi. 'i he down Afternoon Tiuin will leave rmuville nt 3 30 P. M , paseiue K ending at 5.1, and arriving ut l'inladel pliiu at 7.40, P.M. Morning snd Afternoon Passenger Trains Irnve Phila delphia ut annu- hours us heretofurt., 7 30 A. M. und 3 3d P. M , passing Ueudlng at lU.Uj A.M. und 6.U7 V. M. LKBANON VAU.KV BUANCII Passenger Truiu N-.vi-s Heuding nt lo ob A. M , (afier srrivul ul' Down and l'p Morning Pussenrer Train fram Potisvllle and Pliiluitrlpluu,) und urrivt-s ut llarrisburg at l'i.35 noon, in time In connect with Pu.sengt.-r Tiu.iis for Kuiibur), VilliainsKrl, Klnnra, Pittsburg, t'luiuilu-rslMirg, Uultiumre und lim uster. Hcluniing, It-uvrs Hutnthu'v ut U io P. M , ufter arrival of Passenger Trains from ul, above points, and arrives at Reading ut 4 55, in time to connect with l'p and Down Pussenger Truius to Potts vitleund Philadeliihiu, the same evening. G. A. NICOU.S, Engineer an Superintendent. July 17, 1833. tf SADELRY AND HARNESS MAKING. 'MIE subscribers respectfully inform the citi tens of Sunbury and vicinity that they have commenced the above business a few doorsebove the Post Oilice, Market Square, Sunhury, Pa. Work of all kinds in their line of business will be done promptly and neatly on the most rea sonable terms. CLEMENT cV OYSTER. February 13, 1858. PATENT BRITTANIA STOPPERS f bar bottles for sale by H. B MASSER. Kunbunr, July 19. IftSfi. P. MELANCHTON SHINDEL, ji8Tii;i: or the peace, BUNBURY, IA.. 0ict in Deer Street, immediately eppotilt the J'ubha School lloute. All business promptly attended to. Monies collected and all ordinary writings done. Sunbury, April 25. 1857. tf .pORTand MADERIA WINES, SchieJam Bchnapps, Wild Cherry brsndy, blackberry inj Lavender brandies for uedicinal purposes at July 17. '6i. A. V. FISH EH. I?ishing Tackle. Red Cork. Grass. Cot- ton aud Linen Lines, Out Lines, Sea Grass by Ilia yard, Snoods, t lies, Kirby, Limerick and I'l 1 1 . - . usrusie nooks, nods, 4C, lor sale by July 17. '68. A. W. FISHER. 4 LM ON DS, UAISONS, FIGS, LEMONS. Ac, Ac, josl received a fresh supply aud for sal. at the Confectionary slur, of M, C. GEARHART. Sunbury, May 10, 1657. ii - ix i I y F'A.i I " . if . sl ? n L-J ' asssv- ISAAC M.WlLKKRSOft FURNITURE AND CHAll Of the most Fashionable Style. Sola, IMvitnn nnd I.onuVa A?.ure.RBI' Secretaries, Sideboards. SOFA. RRkJKIf.T ten 'nrv e , -fiilH.. and also VENETIAN ULINDS, equal?. Ph UI:.VrXEAll8' of 'very rettem aM fcTANl?i PILET TABLES AND extension tables, In .hort.very .rticl.ithi. ,in.of hi, I , "l-scrther respectfully oall. the .m... f the public to hi. lJst .ulenH sor.ment of aver, quality and pric. of . c:aiietvake whtoh cannot fail to recommend itself ioeTerT , who will examine It, account of iuj 37 ' best stock to b. had in the rjty. No ere" . spared in the manufacture of his w.re . ! sulWr iber is determined , "ep up Vhh -many improvement, which are co.nUy b H. a'..o. manufuctura l kinds andquali , CIIAIUS, CHRS1?1'"0,"."'1"' , . i : . 0 TAKCT 1 ,4o St". which of the latest ,tyC9, ,nd warranted to be .ice by none manufactured in the t.'iliesof rlsewh 1 he subscriber is determined that there s be no excuse for persons to purchase furnitur, the cities, ..every confidence can be entertai Chairs u""v "llu or hit waro I'heso artirla n-;n l. ,i: , , -- msjiosru oi on as e lerm as they can be purchased elsewhere. Ce - ' " " PR""in lor work. ; LNDERTAKING. Having prnvi a ll a lid some Hr.i,. k . - ' . . u , uuvr prepared Lndcrtaking, and attending funorals, in thii fimtv n, a .-, ..... m..,, convenient distance from place ThelVara Pn. t. I. r . low 1 caver's Hotel. Ho has slso purchosi-d the r'-'.i of manu turino- nnd sell inir tt, V..-tk...l i t Gould s patent Excelsoir Spring Bed, whicl will furnish at reasonable rates. Springs ro om Dcilslcad Tor three dollar. DM AO M. WILKERSO? Sunbury, April 18, 18f)9 tf. AWVrBRBHCUSBT (Pormerlj- Kluic's Hotel,) ' M:VliiHl-UO, VMtiN CO, p n. CIIETZKI Proprietor rr,',9';,n,'n' largest and Inst furnished Hoi, X the Wtsi Binnch. It is loniteil iu Hie busnxss nf the town, (it being the only Hotel iu Market r-(,. Ihe proprii-loT is deteiiuiiied. In use every noli ""sell's uei.f the Is-si in tue fliiti-; e,l it. rare indue, iii-uls for peisous wli i s, cn.l a slwit t nne of Ihe rm.st plennut loyyns in eentrul I'cuusvlt Chnrjr,-s very mralernie. Lewisbuig, June VI, 1S5S. 8TO E. AflLSS LOUISA SHISSLKR, respectfull forms the citizens ol Trevorton snd ' rouniling county, that she has opene J a store nf. Millinery and Fancy tiooiis, nt Tr. ton iu fhamokiii street, nearly opposite Kno Tavern, where all kinds ef Bonnets ond F Goods can he had at Ihe lowest terms. Dress making s!o attended to is (he manner and latest stvle. April 2S, 1858. if jTIOLD PENS with und without case, T very superior quality, just received. Also a fresh supply of Writing Fluid, t 'T H. H. MAM.SE Siinbury, Dee. 27. I85- " "C. SElTSZPsT'S" wnuLs1Lt id Retail BOOT STORE, 41) Snilh Fourth S.t, above Chmnnt, J1 E" OOTM, Shoes, Oaiters, Ac, promptly 9 o order in the very lest style, ar d i best material. Philadelphia, May , 1657. I H.ANK Parchmem Paper Deeds nml Mortgages, Bunds, Execution. Sue Ac, for saleb II. U. MASbl Sunburv .April 26, 1S64 pORT MONAIES. Tooth Vnd"l!8Tr" 1' A all qualities, aud any qunnti v,ri'r a.v. ri-sji i Jnlv 17. '.r)8. MOORE & CAMPION Ao. 2C1 Suuth Second Strctt, 6 doors Spruce, , PIIILADflZPHIA, HAVE now on nand the largest assorim nK C.111IET ri R.Ml t!. Than they hare ever haJ al any previous and they invito the public to call and ci their stock before purchasing, as they f, , dent that their prh-es will be a sufficient in menl lor ull who want good furniture to I their eitoblishment. A large assortment of Pratt's Rack and 1 Dining Extension Tables always on hand, I and hair Mattresses f.rnished at lowest ji'ri- Furniture carefully packed and on reasi lerms. Ihiladelphia, July !, 1FI8. ly PATCHOULV, JOCKEY CLUB, SP1 1 FLOWERS, Ac, of the best qualii fresh supply just received and for sule s Drug Store of A. W. Flsill uubury. July 17, 18U8. rpobacco and Segara so.ooo im Segars of various brands. Eldorado, Cavendish and fine cut tobacco at , A. W.FISHEI Sunbury, July 17, I8S8. HEN11Y DONNEL, AT TOXINS V AT LA VffiCt OVVQsitt the Cnurt Tf...... Suubury, Northuiuberland County I'lompt attention lo business in ;, -ounties. pi RE CIDER VINEGAR, PLRE CIDER VINEGAR, PURE CIDER VINEGAR, By the quart, gallon and barrel, for sale l i M. C. GEARHA Sunbury, July a I, 188. SMITH & CO., OYSTER PACKKR Ao. 0 Alltmarlt street and I'o. 10 S. street, Baltimore, Md. And Scott. Creek, Portsmoi tii, J ES'J AURA NTS supplied at all sea, the year Wth all Ihe salt water del found in the city markets. All .rders promptly and faithfully ettem September II, 1858. ly Ctattonery. A large supply of fsnr; Paper and Envelopes, Mourning, and Cap Paper, Pens, Iuk, Sand, Ac, nt July 17, '68. A. W. FISllE IS ROWN'S and Ureinis's Essence of and Husband's Msgucaiaat July 17;'ft8. FISIIB "Citrate of Magnesii TASTELE88 BAITS, Ttl!t preparation is recommended ss cellrnl Isxativ. and purgative. Il o mildly, is entirely fre. from any unpleassi resembling lemonade in flavor, prepared ai 0, A. W. FISjI Suubury, July 17, lftB. 131' KE CONCENTRATED L V E t A PONIFIER, for sal. at ilfcilbKa Store. Fric. 20 cts.