Jimp Uttos. TOEt ANT PBOM EUBOPE. tOCn DATS LATER. lit j of WaiMngtoa off Cape Race ii naif battls on on 21it or mat. Yl 0 11T AT MONTBKLLO. U on th Frtnch by th Austrian A. t Repulsed by th French Lost of Aut. n 20000 Allies, 700 A Pottage ced over th Sesi by the Sardinian!' olutionary movements in Lombard y th of th King of Naples -Franc Ad- i to th Abolition of Privateering "A tral Flag Coven th Enemy' Good.' St. Johns, N. 13., June 4, 1859, 1 ateamibip City of Waibingtoo which iverpool od the 25th nit , di1 bound to York, hat been intercepted off tbii point 1 AMOciaied rreai, iNews xacbt. r uewi ii of great importance a annoin- he firit important blow in Italy. The 1 and Austrian farce bare met, and the been defeated. 1 aleamer Africa, from New York, had id at Liverpool. battle between the Aoitriaoi and the 1 took place at Montebello, a town of run Italy. The Austrian were 15,000 i and made the attack. After a severe ;eraent they were obliged to retreat. Allied army lost 700, while tbe Austri osi is estimated at 2,000. A number of nana bad been captured and taken pri a to Marseilles. a Liverpool Cotton market was quiet; 1 were somewbat easier, but there is no ;e reported in the quotation. Bread were dull, and Provisions steady. IE BATTLE OP MONTEBELLO. here are two towns of Montebello in . as described in the Gazetteers. The .tch does not give tbe position of the t which tbis battle took place. e of tbe Montebellos is a town of Aub Italy, ten miles S. W. of Vicenza, and ended by two castles. .d the other a village twenty-three miles . E. of Alessandria, where tbe Austriaos defeated by tbe French in 1612. It will en that tbe rosts were occupied by Mar J. llilliera of tbe French army. By the uus accounts this General was posted in tain rued from Novi tu Ueaoa. Rtpor. ' tke Associated Prets a battle of Montebello took place on tbe of Mav. e Austrian, who were commanded by rul Stadion, attack tbe posts of Marshal aituav D'llilliurs. They were driven by General Forrie' divikiua, after a fu combat, which lasted lour hours. e Allies carried Montebello, but did not le tbe Austrian. 10 hundred of tbe Austrians, including a it-1, were captured and lukeu to Mar 'a. .e A ustrians ware fifteen, thousand strong. ' lost 2,000 men. , Allies tost 700 among whont were ma Xcars. ie A ustrians' account of the battle differs ly from tbe above. .0 actual force of the French is not sta It is resorted, however, that it num 1 6,000 men, betides a regiment of tiardi- cavalry. 'AOS Or TBI SUSIA BY THE SARDINIANS bulletin issued by tbe Sardinia Govern- , anneunces that the extreme left of tbe m inn aruiv under General Baldini had d a passage over tbe river Sotia putting Austrian to Uignt. meritl Garibaldi had entered Gven (?) 6,000 men for the revolutionary purpose. .OLieu Mix or-W a in tut. Adriatic. is rouiored that six English uiuu of-wr eutercd the Adriatic sea. THE LATEST. ilution in LvmbatJy Death ef th King of Naples. dvolutloosry movements are reported in bardv. ie blitia- of Naples is dead, and Francis a atsuined tbe Government of Nuples. sgland. The British Admiralty has ally invited lenders for the carriage of a Ibly mail to a from Austria via i'anama. general meeting of tbe stockholders of Alluuttc lelocrapn Uumpany nu oeeo id to sanction the agreement with tbe eminent, and to issue 600,000 of a new tul. kancr The Tana Mooitear aooonnces France adheres to tbe abolition of pri- ering, and the principle that "the neulrul covers tbe enemy's goods." bo l'uris Bourse closed firm, and threes a quoted at 60f. uk Kiaa or Kaplki. King Ferdinand of lo(, whose death bal beeo juit announced yed tbe uoen viable reputation of being tbe j t cruel, ae well at the most crafty aod iled of ibe present monarch or Europe. succeeded lo tbe tbrone in 1830. Oo tbe ! iking out of the revolutionary spirit of I 3, be pretended to lull id who me popular .imeut, and offered bia subjects a political ititatioD, which be afterward confirmed bom by ao oatb, and even lent troops to t Sardiuia In ber revolt egainsi Amine. seauentlv. be repudiated all bis acts, bom- ded tbe citv from which act be got tbe imenced the political persecutions and iliies which have made his name iofamous. i dauceons of Naples were crowded. Tbe rmous number of thirteen thousand politi Drisoos of the kingdom. Death carried off jy of them, and it was only recently tbat w ascaDed on condition of being expatri- i Tha famous "can of science," one of I instruments of torture used on the pri ors, as alleged, was so arranged with cords screws as 10 produce acoiibiricnuu oi tu d and so prevent the miserabla wearer n ntteriair a err when heated or tortured. i Ooveroient denied, however, that sucb an trament of torture ever was used ; but from other barbarities committed, tbe world is posed to give tbo King the credit of tbis - at rruelt whether be deserves it or not. ie inflicted torture upon others, his life, ards its letter end, was one of misery to iself. Scrofula tainted his whole phjsical , . v. na mvorsd with ulcers and ab- sses.'and for weeks before be died be was i potrifving mess. I no young mog, r ran- ii who succeeds to tbe throne, was bora air, and haa iusi been married to Bava- i princess. His education has been chiefly lis iiaxds of the nriests. end he is described i very assiduous devotee in bil religious ies. . Jiis poiiiicai ajuipiui... mfirA in fivor of Iialv tban Austria, end is nearly reVated to Victor Emanuel, of 'dime, i ueee laeis create uujjcs u w I be found listening to tbe appeal of tbe lians iu the present streggle for independ- and lend them bis eid. An opposite irse wooid tend to (bake bis bold open ver. Moncipal Ei.ictiow at Stw 0l4. ui Orleans, Jun 6. Tbe election for Comp Her aod Alderman, held to day, resulted in . tneraea of the American ticket, by 2000 jority. No seriooi disturbance occurred, r ....... rv Mi-Pnrmick. the inventor ef B. J 1 D Bs a A a- a , "-- ......j .innnnn I reepiug-wacuine, oas preseoieu tbeeodownmeni oi lour prwieeavsa-f. ,'beolgicel Seminary t Chicago, iiiioow. . . , b i r, , The weitern ilope or mrginie xme muf red i wltb nraiiont oi Tn STBtNimi or Tan ITornui Aimtti. j We read in a letter from Turin Mae IT "With respect to th strength of th armies, juiui ui muon iiuerest, 11 is not eaiy to ob tain accurate information, as th numbers vary irom day to day. ir w state the Pied monies at 80,000 effective men, it is very liberal estimate, and in thee are included the volunteers about 10,000 to 12,000, who enlisted in tbo regular army. It ery proba- oiy wouig also mtiude Garibaldi' corps, Which is 86 00 paper, about 3000 effective. There it another corps in progress of for mation, which was to have been Ulloa't, and which will probably be about 8000 more. At regards the French, all that I can tell yon as positive, derived from official sources, is that up to and on the 6th instant, 64,000 tuen had landed at Genoa. The date is rather remote, and there have been many arrivals tine then to tsy nothing 01 those troops met came over Mont Cenis, and whose numbers it is scarcely possible to estimate, even approximately. I bo general belief seems to be mat mere are now 130.000 Freacu in to saramian States. There mey be more, but I do not think there can be many less. They are still defi cient in cavalry, artilery, and camp equipage. At Lyons a tiemendous siege train is prepar ing, destined, of course, for th Lombard for tresses. With respect to the Austrian in formation, on which I place great reliance, and which is np to lb most recent date, states the whole force in Italy at about 220, 000 mpn, distributed as follows : At Ancona 7000, Ferrara 40"0, Venice 12.000 to ID.uuu, Iiegnago 1000, Mantua 400i Verona 6000, Pescbiera 2000. Piacenza 5000. Brescia, Mi lan, Bergamo Cremona, and other places in that district 20,000 to 25,000. Besides these, within tbe last day or two about 20,000 men have been concentrated about Piacenza. Non-combatants and sick are set down at 20 000. Including tbe 20.000 men that have just been drawn from it and assemblod round Piacenza, and 4000 or 6000 that are in ravia, tbe effective strength of tbe Austrian army in Piedmont it abcut 130,000 men. 1 have ttronir reasons for believios tbe above uirures to be substantially correct. Monriir's Europba.i Victories. Tbe Chess Monthly gives a table showing Mr. Mornhy's scores ia Europe. Out 149 even games be won 117.1ost 19, and 13 were drawn Or 33 blindfold games be won ZU, lost 1, ana 12 were drawn.. Of 35 consultation games be woo 1?. lost 2, and 16 were drawn. Giving tbo pawn and move, he won 18 games lost I and it were drawn. Giviog pawu ana two moves, he won 14 games, lost 2, and I was drawn. Tan Hail Storm The Hanover, Pa, Spectator says the damage done by tbe hail storm on Mouday last was immense in that vicinity. Whole Gelds of wheat and rye, as far as the storm extended, were beaten down and utterly destroyed. From 3 to 4 thousand panes 01 window glass were shattered wilmn the limits of tbe town. At McSherry town and New Oxford it is also reported as having been very destructive. New Advertisements. 409 SBOASWAT, NEW YOXUC. Ballon's French Yoke Shirt Emporium, 409 Broadway, jVeur York, PREMIUM SHIRT MANUFACTURERS. Shirts made to order from Scientific Meaaurea, cf tbe best material, aewed by band, and war ranted to fit, at leaa than the uaual prises. BALI.OU UKUTI1EKH. June 4, 18.9. 400 Uroadway, N. V. E. V. BRIGHT & SON, HAVE received a large and handsome atock of NEW GOODS, which thev intend to disoose of at the lowest prices. Our present atock compares a rich and varied assortment of DEY GOODS READY-MADE CLOTHING.. HOSIERY, HATS AND CAPS, HARDWARE, GROCERIES, QUEENflWAKE, 3TOlTElr7i.?s2 Glassware WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, Ae.. Ao. We invite tbe public te call and eiamine oar etock and larn our liat of prices. E. Y. BRIGHT A 80N. Banbury, June 4, 1 459. T. P. BHEEBOEHE ft SOU, CABINET XKAKEI.8. Jo. Z.U AoufA tecona H., Mom Vote), rHXZsASSIirHZA. I 'WOi tPOWSTANTLY ON HAND, a large end lj ,up.rior ,uk ef ROSEWOOD. WAL. N-n MAii NUT. MAHOGANY end other FURNITURE, lo which the attention ef our friend and lb I l i: nM .....r..n. l..:,.j Pu ...., - uf.y.sJ i - r-- - ' -lwi" 1 - 3STOTICE- I 1 N th Court of Common Pleas f Horlbjim- berland county, Af til Term, it Is thus con tained, to wit : April 16, 1 859. The petition of a number oi the cititena of th town of Bhamokin, Coal township, In said county, was presented to the said court, praying to be incorporated at "The Bhamekin Cemetery Company, upon tbe terms therein set forth t 'Whereupon it is ordered, that if no sufficient cause is ehown lo the contrary on the first day of next term, the prayer of Ibe petitioners will be granted, according to the ect of Assembly, in such cam made and provided. Uy the Court, DANIEL BECKLEY. ProthV Frethonotary'e Oflleo, Bunbnry, June 4 1P69 CAUTION 1 CAUTION 1 1 ALL Railroad Companies, or any person or persons, are hereby notified and" cautioned that I. the underlined, claim to be the owner ef an equal, undivided, thin! part of all lhat certain invention lately patented to Jacob Toung- man, of Sunhury, Pennsylvania ( being an Im proved RAILROAD SWITCH, and that all Railroad Companies and every person or persons buying, vending, Or using said Switch, so as aforesaid patented, will be held accountable te me Tor all such acts, use, damage, or otnev mat ters, which I shall he entitled to, according lo law. LEONARD J. WRIGHT. Sunhury. June 4th, 1869.-31 J. W. PKAL. E. R. DODOK Dr. J. W. PEAL AND DR. E- R. DODGE f AVE entered into copartnership M.I in th nraclice of medicine and surgery. Although Dr. Peal will be absent a part of his time, be will aid his partner in any and every case in which it may be desired. Thankful for past patronage, he solicits a continuance of the same to the firm of Peal at Dodge, who will promptly and faithfully attend to all professional calls. He takes pleasure in recommending Dr. Dodge to his old friends as an experienced physician, in whose hands they may feel safe. The firm may be consulted st tbe office of Dr. Peal, in Sunbury. Sunbury. June 4, 1 859.- ly CENTRAL HOTEL Sale and Livery Stable. rilHE subscriber respectfully announces to the A public that he is prepared to accommodate Hi e in with Saddle-Uorses, Horses and Buggies, Sulkies, Carriages, Rockaways and Hacks, at the shortest notice. His stock of Horses are admired for speed and gentleness. The vchiclos are neat and in good order. Careful drivers will always be in readiness to carry passengers to any point desired. fj" Omnibusses fur parlies and pic-nice can be had at all times with or without driver. The patronage of tbe public is respectfully so licited. JOS. MOIST, Lessee. Sunbury, May 88, 1859. newIroute for TRAVELERS ! Northern Central Itailwny ! ! SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. ll AND AFTER MONDAY, MAY 33d. 1859, J the Trsine on tbis road will run to lbs following aciicduis : GOI.NO NORTH BUFFALO AND NIAGARA F.XPREIS TBAINkj From BALTIMORE ta SUNBURY 4 WIL'MSl'OR frl Arrivs ut. Calvert Sutioa, 1 00 p. U York, S OS 07 Bridgeport, V IS V 40 Halifax, S 47 47 Millerahurf, 01 OS Genigelown, It t Trevoraou Junetliaa, 49 ScluisUrova, H ID kUKBUKV, 10 10 10 1.1 Northuraberlaad, 10 SO 10 St Chillisquaqua, le ii 10 S.1 Lewisburx , 10 40 10 ii .Milton, I0S4 II OS Watsontowa, 1 1 IS II IS Umontowa, II W II 14 Eysters, 11 SI II 31 .Montgomery, II 34. 41 44 berger'a V 87 II 37 Muucy, 1144 1144 MnntoursvlBa, 19 tl 19 01 Williurospert, 19 It aiLrii-v iuviii From WlLUAHseoar U tV.NBURT BALTIMOltE. Arrive. Leave. Williamtpoil, tu 00 p. al MontoursviUs, 10 19 10 19 Muncy, 10 9 10 30 Bergr)s, 10 37 10 37 Moiitgumeri, 10 3 10 3 K) iter's 10 49 10 49 L'montown, 10 4 10 4S Wauouiowa, IV M I0U MllUm, II M II OS l.ewisburg, II 13 II l Cblllisquuqu, 11 91 . II 91 Northumberland, II 33 II 33 liUltBUHV, II 38 II 41 grlins-Grove, II 61 IIS Travorton JuuSis 19 10 19 ie Geoigetown, 19 94 19 94 Millersbuig, 19 47 14 30 Halifax, I 04 1 OS llndgrpurt, 4 US t ti York, 4 14 I Calvert Statioa, V 13 MAIL TRAIN. OOI.NO NOItTU From BALTIMORE lo BL'.NBlKT A WIL'MBPORT Arnva. Leave. 7 30 A. At IS 41 10 SS 11 37 13 M I 33 I 33 I St I SI 9 01 t 07 S 19 4 19 I It 9 19 4 31 4 31 . 4 43 4 44 4 59 3 01 Calvert Staliua. York Bridgeport Clam s Ferrf Hallas Miller sburf Buchanan Mahontonge senrget4wn Trevoitoti Juasai4Sl Seluis-rirova SUNBURY, Norlliuinberlan4 Chillisquaqus I 13 3 16 4 44 4 93 t 33 4 33 4 40 3 40 3 30 4 30 4 00 4 03 4 11 II IS 4 IS 4 91 4 94 4 94 l 4 33 4 33 4 4 4 44 5 00 BOI.NO SOUTH. Lewisburg Milton Watsontowa L'nioutowa Kyster'a IMontgomsrv Berger'a Mui.cy Mouiouraville Willismsporl From Wiutisnseoax t Kl'NUUltY BALTIMORE Arrivs. S 40 D 64 10 00 IU 09 10 1)4 10 10 10 IS 10 44 10 39 1 30 10 4 10 SO 11 03 It I II 48 ll in II 44 II 48 14 04 19 18 I.- 30 14 3 4 68 4 su Leave. Williamspart, Moatouraville, Muncy, 30 A. M. II 4u 34 10 00 10 09 10 04 10 10 10 I 10 44 10 39 10 34 10 4 10 S3 11 08 II IS II 98 11 3o II 44 II 34 14 04 19 IS 19 33 I 40 I el H tigers Monteoinsrv Kyster'a L moniowa Watsontowa Milton, Lewisburf Chillisquaqua Northumberiau SUNBURY, Selins Grovs Trevorton J unsaoa GeorgeUiwn, Mabantongo Buchanan, Nlillerstiurf Halifax . Clark's Fany Dauphin Bruigeeori York Calvsrt Sutioa. June 4, Estate o Jacob Jarrctt deceased Heury J. Reader, alienee "I In tbe Orphan'e of Isaac Jariatt, Court of IVorlbum- v. berland countv. Tbe heirs ef Jacob Jerett, I Writ ef Pattition deceaaed. J Valuation. Returnable to August Term, 1859. To Henry J. Header, alienee of Iaaae Jarrelt Henry. Samuel, Daniel and George Jarrelt, and Catharine Binith lata Catharine Jarrett, David Lilly and Lydia bia wife, late Lvdia Jarrett! John Barrett and Elizabeth hi wife, late Eliia both Jarrelt, and John Doebler and Sarah hi win lata baiah Jarrett, heira and legal represen titivea of Jacob Jarrett, deceased. V A I . . . - i ou ana cacu or you are Hereby notified that oy virtue oi we above wnl to cue directed an In quest will be held en the Real Kstale of aaid deceaaed, to wit i A certain lot or piece af ground auuaie in i.cwu low.nip, INorthuuiberlendcouu tv. bounded bs lamia nf r: fu.:., ft w VUII.IWIU, Christian Menaemoyer, Jacob Bbade and othera containing about four acrea. Also, aaother lot or piece of ground in earn township, adjoining Jande of Jacob Wertman, Benjamin firuilh. Was Levan and other, eontainiac aaout four krr.. on Tuesday the S8lh day of June. 1859. at in o'clock A. M., on the pranvses, for tkepurpeae of making pamuon oi or lo value and appraise eaid real etate, at wniee um and place you saty ai-vHU n yen sn propsr. JAMES VANDYKE, Sheriff eUerifTa Office, 1 Banbury, May H, rj. I E5K3 J!'1! ... 1 .!! 1 11 1 JL.J-I, P . 1 KM 1 THE MAMMOTH STORE ! THE MAMMOTH STORE IFIEtlLHSTQ- SC It ERPECTrfjLLY beg leave to announce to Ihe EXTENSION of their Store-Room le (filling their entire esUblishmvnl to a perfect Jam,) handsomest, but Ibe LARGEST STORE IN CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA! and a stock of NEW GOODS which, In extteot, variety, quality and loWneee in prioa, vre UN RIVALLED! . We need not particularise, for WE KAVZ3 EVEUV'TUINCIII We have eonstantly on hand all kinds of DRUGS, HARDWARE, QUEEN8WARB. DRY GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHING. Ac, etc. which wewIM dispose of at the VERY ineichsnce at the hiaVieet miens. Pur stand is nne ef the oldest in this errtion of country, and has always been lavorrd by the LARGEST and BEST run of custom in the iiARhhorhond We are tlim.kful for patronage we have received in Ihe past, and hope that by a continual effort to accommodate our friends em easterners, and in consequence of the largeness and a continuance of the suppdrt end good win u ine people. W cordially invite you to give ua a call I COMK A I.L t Tou will never regtet a visit to the Very Largest nntl In this section of th Slate 1 1 Remember Ihe old Hours Snnbury, May 98, 1859. ly "GET THE BEST" WEBSTER UNABRIDGED PICTORIAL EDITION I 1 1500 Pictorial lllustialiuua. Webster's Unabridged DICTIONARY. New Pictorial Edition. WE hove in Prim, to he issued at an early day, s new l,iinu of Webster's Dnabridsea Dictionary, con taining 1500 Pictorial Illustrations, Tmiitifiiilr caecuted WOO lo 10,000 new works in the Vocabulary Tuble of Synonyms, by Prof. GOODRICH, tn waich more titan two thouMiid words are carefully discriminated, forming a fullir work on Engnui pynnnyms, oi men, uuiii any other issued, lcaidt Crabs, and believed in advance nf that Table giving Pronunciation of Names olbOOO distinguished persons of Mil cm Times, peculiar use of Wo; da and Terms in the Eible, with other new features, together with all Ihe MATTER OK PREVIOUS EDITIONS. 'We hive aeen apejimen tlieeta nf the Pictorial Illustra tions. They are well executed, and will often be found useful in giving a mnch more correct idea nf an object than can Iw obtained by a dcSui ion." New York Tri bune, Apiil 1(1,1859 We have seen specimen sheets of these illustrious, and ean hardly aee how they could be improved in beauty or accusacy." Boston Evening Tiai.script. "An examination of prools lias convinced ua that this ia by fur Hie most perfect form any Dictionary has ever iimnnl All the imrnuitv evel annlied tu language will not give that idea of a mechanical device which a simple J cut will do. it ia annual imposainis lor ina mi.cui. gent mind to get a clear idea of a metope) a crochet, a hip or queen post roor, or anything elta in architecture, from a delliiiiioii, while a sinoll engraving brings it up at once. The illustrations of the new edition are copious and truly excellent, in full keeping with Ihe auperiority of a great standard work Several thousand new words have also been added to it. so that it ia not possible to imagine a mnrenerlect woia or ine aula, ror merenCT m khw, and for the young it is possessed ef a very peculiar value . limit F.vimina' Uullptin. Specimen pages will be furnished without charge, on application t the pabliahera. Will be sold by all Booksellers. ' tr"OKT TH E BEST." Oet WEBSTER. O.fc C.MERRIAM. nrli.gdeld. Mass. May 81, 1850 3m SALES. By virtue of sundry writs of Levari Facias and rritioiii Exponas to me directed, will be exposed to public sale at tbe Central Uotel, in tbe borouginof Buobury, on Satur day tbe llth day of June, 159, at Id o'ulocjc, A. Al., 108 lonowiug (iiueriT, m "ii. A, certain Lot or piece of ground, sitqat in the borooeh of Sunbure , Nortbumberlnq countv. bouuded on tbe north by'VYhortle berry street, on tbe south by ao alley, oo tbe east-by a lot of William McCarty, aod en tbe west by an alley, containing in front on Whertleberrv street CO feet, width TM feet, whereon are erected a two story frame dwel ling bouse and kitchen, and a carpenter ehop, stable, out-buildings, Seo. Seized taken in xecation and to be sold as the properly of Samuel Clement. ALSO: A certain tract or piece of land, situate in. Sbamokm township, iNert&umberlund couuty, onnded by land of George Keller and Al exander Yocaru on tbe north, Jacob Leisen- ring on the east, tbe blabtown or Valley road on ibe south, and land of David Adam on the west, eootaininir one hundred aud four acres, mere or less, about forty acres oi bicb are cleared, whereon are erected a frame dwelling bouse, a new bank barn, or chard, tc. Seized taken in execution and to be sold as tbe property of U U. Taggart, Josiab 11. Furman and Elisha C. Barton late trading under tbe Grm aod name of Taggart, t urman & barton. ALSO t All that certain tract or piece of land, sit uate ia Sbamokin township, Northumberland county, bounded oo the north by land of John Klase and George welzel, soum py ine turn pike, east by Jacob Treibly aod west by land of George Wetzel, containing 117 acres, about 90 acres of which are cleared aod whereon is erected at li story frame dwelling bouse, bank bam, well of water, orchard, &e. Seized taken in execution aod to be sold as tbe pro perty of John Lefiler. al.su : All that house, and lot whereon the same is erected, situate id tbe town of Trevorton, in Market street, and numbered in the geoeral plan of said town No. 3, in block No. 70 in tbo county oi orinumneriana. noma iKen o execution aod to be (old as tbd property oi William f biliips. ALSO : At the Public House of Alexander Blair, n the boroogn oi Billion, on aionuav, ine lUth da of June 1BS9. at one o'cluck I il.. tbe following described property to wit All that certain balf acre lot or piece or! i .l- i i. Vi;i.. . ' . . . . . ': Northumberland ceuoty, bounded on the west! ,.,..' . r.,.. ;, l . .,, ,h. . K by Locust Uey,on the north by Samuel J 1! ",y olUer' " h" ,he ,tlM' llePburn,E.q.,onthe east bytbe Buubur, ,' & tnlnahclattt of f.j, w,, onc, and Erie Railroad, and on tbe north by lot I v. i. . . .,.. , . of W n. F. Nagle whereon are erected two story Frame Dwelling House, Kitchen, frame Stable, ic. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Michael Graham. JAMES VAN DYKE, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Sunbury, t May 21, 1859. ) INDIA RUBBER PENS. A NEW WRITING INSTRUMENT, MANUFACTURED U.NDKR G00DYE ABS' PATENTS, T TUS IlTDIARUBBBRPSIlTCo 57 Liberty St., New-York, Are for sal by Booksellers and Stationers generally, tltrougnout tn On ilea states. THE India Rnbber Pens are superior lo all other kiuaa now iu use, possessing all uie ood qualities of the Quill, with nou of Ida objaetioiiabl feat urea of 4b ateel pen, 'm 1 II .1. - l ...III uiL.l .L. apaUATing and acraping of tbat tustrnineul, (las pointa "J"!" . ms pericetiy smoowj ana win am tungsr. Tney are, likewise, aupsriur to lbs steel peu. in thai thev ar loots elaslie, wear much kHiget, sad will not coriode. The India Rubber renear paculujriy adapted lo the wanta of bdiloia, Lawyers, Clargyimn, 6lu0cnU, and pro. feasional mea generally, being less tiresome lo lbs baud, aud snore uniform iu action, than any other pen now in use. They are cheaper than qaill pen, and are suited at a pries aut exceeding thai of tie beat steal pena Tl. India Hubber Pen are eat n iu boxes, eontaiuing one groaa each, with holder, al Thiea dnllara par gross. ona maa Men, wiw p,wn. iiic ."".i. .. ihin, and will be mailed, postage free, to any addiesa, upon re - Mint of tlM ntiea. A liberal uiseouat auowea so ma j raae, lOuegea, acnooia and Pubnt Institations. Address, Titc iuia hl' Hutu rr..- cu. Offic.,7 Liacrty-Sl., Nw Y'oik. Kaw York, May 48, IW. Notice to CoBtractori. THE beard ef School Director of Paint town hip, will meet at tbe Houae of John Pear ion, on Monday the 13ih day of June, 1839, fur the purpoa of receiving proposals for th build ing of a School House, m Poiwt township, near Chulaaky Furnace, en th land of Je Yocum. Tbe bona is to be built of Brick, it feet by 80, i .... I or piana m epacincauon (an oa D. STERNER, J. YOCUMs May SI, IS5i.. aRAlTi the citisensof SUNBURY and Vioinity, that completed, and that their have arrived. We have bow, hot only tbe D'JOTs AND SHOES, GROCERIES. LOWbST PRICES. Country Produce taken variety of our atock, we will merit and receive Cltrnpral More, attend, MARKET SQUARE, near the Court FIULIXG & GRAXT. Estate orSamuel Sleorei tfeceaued Joseph Haupt and wife,') Wrltol Partition end va ! Valuation. Returnable The heirs of Samuel f lo August Term, 1859 Moore, deceaaed. J To Joseph Haupt end Susan his wife, James Merrill and Hannah bie wife, raiding at l.e forty, 1 ioga eounty, Pa. Wm. Kulkeraon and Sarah bia wife, resiuinaat , l iooa countv Pa., John Moore, Elisha Moore, Itebccca Mocre end Esther Moore, residing in Shemokin town, ship, Northumberland co-ntT, 1'a; Michael Moore, residing t (as ia believed) Saint Antho nv e rails in Ihe State of Minnesota, Mari.1 Moore, widow of Isaac Moore, deceased, (who was a eon ol said attendant) and who died with in the lifclime of his said father, leaving issue L-atharme intermarried with John Boatian, liar, riet, intermarried with William Mabor, and Ann Charles, Milea end Alice Moore which aaid Charles Milee and Alice are minora and all of which widow and children of eaid Isaac Moore, deceased, reiide at Jackson. Lvcominc county, Pa.,) heirs and legal repreaentativee of tbe aaiu oomuel Moore, deceased. You and each of you are hereby notified that by virtue of the above writ, lo me directed. Inqucat will be held at the late resilience of the satd Samuel Moore, dereasetl, in Shemokin township, Northumberland county, Pennsylva nia, on Friday, the 17th day of June, 18 JO, at 10 o'clock, A. M., for the purpose of making partition of or to value and appraise the real estate of aaid deceaaed, at which lime and place you may attend if you aee proper. JAMES VANhlKE. BherilT. SheritTe OiBce, 8unbury, i May 14th. 1859. , VhtiXte ofjoliu HocKcy, Elcceaeed Jonathan Dockey, In the Orphana' v. Court of lorthum Th heirs of J. Docley.dcc'd j berland county. Writ of Partition and Valuation, returnable to August Term, 1859. To Michael Dockey. John Dockey, Philip Alessner and Mary Ins wile late Mary Dockey t .1 T,- li , n . . ujonaiiimi uocaey. uaviu retcrman ana I.liza eiSlielh his wife late Elizabeth Dockey, reaiding in irlJauphin county i Joseph Uockev, John Uinga man and Catharine hia wife late Catharine Doc- key, residing in Dauphin county ; Casper Tsropp and Sarah hia wife late Sarah Dockey, David Lnerkofler and Magdelrna hia wife late Magda lene Dockey, Benjamin Dockey. and Elian Doc key, heira and legal representatives of said John Dockey, deceased. You and each of you are hereby notified that by virtue of the above writ to me directed, an in quest will be held at the late residence of the aaid decendant in Lower Mahnnoy township, Nor thtimberland county, on Tuesday, the 11th day oi June, itjsu, at ie o clock A. M., Tor tho pur pose of making partition of or to value and ap praite the real estate of aaid decea ed at which time and place ynu may attend if you aee proper. JAMES VANDYKE, Sheriff. aherill a Officer. Sunbury, I MayU. 1659. S Interesting to Druggists- AND ALL OTHERS WHO SKLL SODA "W ATEE 7 tIE AMERICAN TRADES COMPASY, No. 22 and 24 Fittdfort Street, New York. MANUFACTURERS 6t "VjVIT-A.XTjE3N-'S PATENT PORTABLE SODA FOUNTAIN, rpAKE great pleasure in calling the attention -- of Druggists, Confectioners, and other to litis invention aa ita simplicity and economy can not fail lo commend it to all who prepare the delightlul and refreshing beverage for Ihe Sum mer season. The Van-Allen Soda Fountain may truly be regarded as invaluable. It enables any one to manufacture, with great facility, an indefinite aupply of the moat delicious Soda Water, at a coat of only about THREE OR FOUR CENTS PF.R GALLON! j Tbo risk and expenae of Copper Fountain are not incurred, and a few moment only are rc quirea to prepare tee water. 13 ut little ice u needed to keep ibe fountain ao cool a to render It unnecessary to use any in glub.es. The two ingredient used are dissolved in acperate atone jar and are forced by action of a simple pump, j . ... B...u.- I uecome msianuy uniiea and Uie Soda ia formed. I'o copper or bras cornea "nl"1 w"nny 0,lnf "T".. 0,M,BW" Water can be more delichtful than tbat menu furtnred bv this nrarru an,l nrln sf it ia. n,h.,,. e,orl ,ny pweM of B.nufic,u , evideIIC, 0t, U9 accompanying testimonial J he above cut represent Ibe wbole apparatus in itaaimplest form : but they will be manufactur ed in many ornamental atylea to auit Ihe taste of purcbaaer. 11 ia nut at all likely tn get out ol order, because of it great simplicity and dura bility i besides being ao portable aa to be bandied with ease, rendering il peculiarly valuable for riC-MUS and other RURAL FESTIVALS. This little contrivaace can be made attractive to tbe eye, no Ies than profitable to the pocket. No VILLAGE or CITY DfiL'G STORE or CONFECTIONER should be without one ef these H E A LTII-OI VI-NG FOUN TA IN 5, Nor ean owner of large FACTORIES do a belter thing than to have one, to refresh their operatives during tbe hot summer months. They can be introduced into private families to ' great advantage, a the expense ia o trifling. ' '1 he ingredient used are lo be bad in any Drug 1 Hlora, anil a rciiiA for mpnariiio- avriirw flavnr . ' ... . tha Sutla Water, will accomuanv each Fountain. The whole apparatus occupies but a email apace not more man an omiuary aiiea wash-stand and can be used on the corner ol a alreet a well a in-door. A full sized on can be seen at "The American Trade Company's Orhce, PRICE From $30 lo $50, according lo size and finish. 1 bey can be ahipped to auy part of the I'nited A' late or Canada at an aipeiue of till or t'J fur boxing, and ordere will be tilled , - - . : promptly by Express or otherwise. Address, GALLAHER'8 Purchaaing Bureau, St LIBERTY STREET, N. Y erll. 11. MASSER, Sunbury, Pa. New York May, SI. 1869. If aTklL-f AINTING8 wiih Gilded Framea, a lot V juat received and for al at COOPER'S Variety Store. Sunbury, May Sl,'59. WAR IN EUROPE I PEAOB JL.T HOME OB. 10 BARREL8 of Kilra and DouU Extra lAU Pleur, just received and (of sale CHEAP C. O. HAVEN'. (uiurj, May SI, 166. eV T.. COOFEIt'S NEW DET GOODS Aho Market Squart, on door Wftt of th Poet OJic,SUNBUItr,Pa. fWnilH subscriber ha juat returned from JL the city with an entire new atock of Dry Oooda and a aer.tral variety of Notions. His eelrctione, which are different from anything ever brought to Ibia place, have been made from tha Boost extensive wholesale eelabltihmenli la ftutadelphia. His etock tomiat of mack Clothe, Faucjr Cassliatoi t Silk, Ginghams, Delaines, Alapacaa, Chintt, Calicoes, While Goods, rlannela, nhislina Circular, Mantillas, Shawls, Meriira, Marseillee, Cotton rtaidt, HATS A 1ST ID i2Aa. Mat Children' Donnet. Trimming of every vartolV, utoVea, Hosiery, 8hirt Uoaonis, bliirt Collar. Uingham Cravats, Black Silk Cravats, Fancy Means, & c.-, Ae. Ihe list of INnilOISa rnmpntea in part, load DrcsNen, Ural JVtttilarce, Fancy Bead, Fncy Bankets, Toy of all kinds. 1-encv Hair J'ma. rnr.rjf Brarolel. n.itd EarDropa, Cold lirenst Tins, Gold Studs, Gold Pena, Ladies' Recti culea. Buttons, Uruhes, Toi lets, Cuintu, Fancy Moapi, Tcrfumerv. Kajin-y China Waie, StAtlOERY, riCTURES, and a variety of other Fan'cy article too nuore run to mention. All article not on hand when asked for will be ordered from Philadelphia immediately, with out eitra charge, the proprietor bavins; made arrangement" to tie supplied with deficiencies whenever required. His stock will be disposed of on cash princi ples, deducting 5 per cent, from purchase a niounting lo more than oi:a dollar. Cy atrict attention to business, he hope to receive a share of public patronage. He invite all lo call and eiamine for IherheelVea, and he convinced that he haa on hand the larenat atock of Fancy Good ever brought lo the place. THOS. U. GUUrEIt. Hunbury, May 7. 189. Estate of FREDERICK MUTCHLEE, Deceased, jVOTICE is herebv given tbat tetter of admin- iatration having been granted to Ihe sub scriber on the estate of Frederick Mutchler, late of Sliamokin townehl, Northumberland couhly, deceaHcd. All peraoti indebted are requeated to make payment on or before the 18lh dav of June, next, to the aubacriber, and those having claiina lo present them duly authenticated for settlement. JACOB MUTCHLER. Adm'r. 9hamokin township, Mav 14, 1859. 8t FLOUR AND FEED. O. HAVEN has constantly on hand a large and full supply of FLOUR and c. FEED, which he will sell at low, or lower profits, than any place in thia 'Market Those wanting flour will find it an ohjrct to call at the .Wholesale and Retail Flour Store before purcha sing elsewhere, licing thankful lor past favors, ask a continuance of the aame. C. O. HAVEN. Sunbury, My 7, 1859 Berth ! Health. ! Health ! ! I 1' HE MOST. REMARKABLE CURE OS RECORD. DR. SWAY.NE'S COMPOUND YRUP OF "WILD CHERRY. Poijit or Rocks, Kaanaaics CoraTT, Ma. Da SwATna : Dear Mir Believing it a duly 1 owe to the publie, and iu justice to you, 1 have thought proper to make known one of the moat extraordinary cuies, in my owu case, that has ever been truly recorded. In the mouth of October last, I wus atilicted with a severe gath ering in my breast, which formed a Inigc abscess, and also coimnuuiciiud lo ray 1-unga and very much atilicted them, and discliuiged large quantities of enriuption, external and internal. My breath enuld pass throne my LuihtI and out through the cuvity of my breast with uppureut ease, attended wiUi a violent eough', day and mglit, loss of ap petite, aud extreme debility, so that my physician thought my ease hopeless and beyond the power of mediciue- I remained in thia wretched condition for a long time, until I was wasted to a ineie skeleton, and there seemed to be no hope foi me ; but having read in the public papers of tlm mnv urnniLrfnl i . r . nrfnrm-ri l.w va.nr (imMin.n Bvacr or Wild Cnanar, liiumedhitely sent to Bultimorei lor nve bouiea anu commence ita uae, and to my great satisfaction and my anxious family, the abscess or opening iu my Liungs begun to heal, and the cough subsided, andou using ten boltles 1 was restored to perfect health. uver nve years have eiapseu, aim 1 still remain a per fectly hearty man to this day, June 4, l!8. I have not bad a duy's sickness for eighteen mouths. I'leuse accept my graceful acknowledgemeuts. Yours, ve:y respectfully. THOMAS D.XON. Tbe subscriber is well acauninted with Thomas Dixnn, and cau testify lhat he has been afflicted as ab.ve repre sented 1 regard his recovery as almost s miracle, lie la a worthy member of aociety. JA.Mt-.S K. Lit IflfUKUW , Pastor nf Berlin Circuit, lialtimure Confereuce. CVT" The above iuvalvnble niedicitia nrenared oulv bv Du If. ' wVNt & Sin, No. a, North 7th St., hlve Mar ket, Philadelphia. "No oiiu Wild Cuxaav rasiASa- TION OKNUINS 11 SWAYNES1 SARSAPARftt.A AND TAR PILLS. The sick peraon who stands iu need of a prompt purify- us narrative, should use Lia. bwitsi'i l-gas CoatkS ft rsa PASILL4 AMU Ta Pills, they remove all unhralthy billious secretions of the Stomach aud Dawela, causing a perfect state of health. BWAYNK'3 CELEBRATED VERMIFUGE, DR. SWAYNK'S BOWEL CORDIAL, An Invaluable remedy for Diarhra, Djseutery, Chelios, Cholera, aud all Bowel Complaints. DYSPEPTICS ! There is no treatment that has ever been tried, that ia so effectual iu curing lneigcstiuu. in all iia forms, a "DR. VIVaYNE'S UfrTKIt CATHOLICON." It imnurtt new life and invigorate the aystem, the iale and delicate will gaiu strength and a good appetite by using these traiy vaiuaiiie uitters. t nee i.uy ou eeme. Pieraied nuly bv Dr. II 8WAINE A SON. No. ( Nrlh7th Street, Philadelphu. SOLD AT Fisher's Drug and Chemlcd Stor May 7lh, IbiJ; BOOT AND SIX OX2 STORE- TAMES BEARD having returned frofh Phil adeliihia with the latent and most fashionable style of BOOTS. SHOES, HATS and CAPS, would invite bia numerous friend am) the public generally, to call at hia atnre in MARKET SQUARE, one door east of the Post OlTice, where he will bo ho'p to exhibit hi general assortment of good. Hi good consist of Gentleman Boot, Shoe. Calf Skir, Morocco, Patent Leather; and Slipper, Patent Leather, Morocco, Calf Gaiter of all description. Ladle' Shoe of every description and t1c. uch a Gaiter, Low Boots, Slipper, Uus Itina, die. Missce' Shoes, Boots, Gaitere and Slipper of every description and style and material. Boy' Shoei, Boots, tieilere, Ac j of every de scription of atyle end niateriul. Yo'jlhV and Children' Shoea, Boota, Gaiters, Clipper; dec; of eveiy deacripium aud style, 4c. ALSO: A general assoitmrnt ofHATSand CAPS. All of which he will a. II low fur CA8II or Country Produce. Hi motto ia Utter a quick ixpenc than a alow hilliiig.n JAMES BEARD. Sunbury, My 14, 1850. If PHILADELPHIA, HEADING KAIL 110AD Smuiuir Arraiiceiuctit. AFltlL U, IbM. TWO PASSENGER Trains Wave MarUkurr BmIt, (Sunday exvenird,) al .( A M, and 1 13 P Al . fl thi'l adeldst airivisg lUere at II 60 u'Hn sad Mo p. ,M Ketuiuing.LvavaPkiiapalphaiuirjeA. M , and l.e P. M , arriving st llmiriaburgai UIU no. a aud I Va P. M. Faass : Tu IMiikuloUia, No. I Cars, S3 ; Mo. b aim Ham.) SI 70. Faaaa s To Heading, SI. 09 aad SI 30. Al Heading, canuecl won Irauis lu PodsrUt,tinsrs Vilte, Taiiuup, Cuuwisaa, Ae. r'our Trains leave Ksaduic for Pkiladelpnia daily, al A M, 10 la A M, I JU no"s and IMP.N lri Pkihtdelpkis fo, Heading al T JO A M, t P. M. 1.30PM, and 4tPMj Faaas. Hawtnif to Philadelphia, SI Hand SI ti. Tha Morning. Tram from Hariiaburg cornier ui Handing With ap tram toe IViikeeuarre, Pitistna and eicrsnUtn. For tkruogb Itekaia and aihar iufnfntfn atplv ao I t. CXYUR. Seuend Agjenl ApttU4 leSO-lf ' look to totjr owi iima P DOOT!) f AND ft IWS II O H S . IJEMOYAL The ulcriber respectful form ihe cltiren of Huuhury and vi that be ha removed hia establishment fron old end W Mm olfice formerly occupied by Awl, in Mrkl S,ur, Sunhury, near ihe Nt thra Central KailUiJ. Having mi band e wU aelectexl alock of good ftabvinle, he ia ready lo upply hi customer and other promptly with work ready made or made up lo order, in Ihe latest and best atyle and on the mo. reasonable lorni. Believing the c!.h evsiem Ii ll. h. r..t l.-.u the customer tnd hiinwlf. he will eudoavor Iu offer euch inducement will five satisfaction loall who may lavor him with Ihefr coitonl. P . 9. Those imlcl.tr J. are rc'i)utd to call and settle theit account without delay. WM. II. MILLER) . Mtry,. April 16, IR.Ssy rxiEN cu Btrnn All Lis 81 OM; IlIAMrtCTORY. npilfi Underalurif, krrp constantly on hani PHENCII UL'KRflofallaiies.and furniahoe every article required hy ihe milling irailo. Complete satisfaction gtiaiantecd for every article ai ld. Miller who prefer the aolid Rnrr, by glv. ing 4 to 8 month notice, can have their orders tiWtitvd at the tuarrle in Franc. AdJrfea, WM. IL KEPNEH, April 2, IS596m llariihulg P. U., P. SPR 1UG Ik SUMMER ' a:; esxaiiajci JUST AKUIVED AT TIIEBTOHE OP J. II. KSCLL.. of Sunbury, Ph., A aplendid aleck of Spring and Hummer Gooda from Philadelphia, to which be re peclfully invito hia fri'en'.la Kitd tha Publie td call and inspect, ho will apnro ho time in show in them. Among hisst.nk of ftrods will be found, FINE BLI.'E AND BLACK PaElTCH CLCTZ. Fine Black and Fancy C'nsiineree '1 weed. Sat inelt, Jean and Fa'cy Vesting, also a large as sortment of Iieedy-made CLOTULNU for mea and hoy a (cheap.) FOR LADIES WEAR, Black arid Fancy Dttss filk very cheap, Silk Tissue, Ben-ires, Clisli and Chnli Kolms, Bereg Delaine, Berege Robes, Figured Brilliant end a variety of o.her Dress Goods, Hpring and bum mer Shawls, Mantilla, Ptrisols, a good assort ment of white goods, Collar, Sleeves, Irish Linen, Shirt fronts, Marseilles, Brilliant Ac A general akajrtmetlt of domestic Dry Go da. Also a large dock of liat and Cap, Boot and hoe. Hardware, Queen and Glassware, Groceries, Cedarware, Stone and Earthenware, 'Tlruga and Paints, Salt, Fiab, Cheese, 11 am, Od, Tar ice. &e. N. B. Wall and Window Paper. Floor and htTable Oil Cloth, Carpets, all Ihe above will he - , 1 . , : r v. . . aoiu m iow prices tor casn or country prouuee ta en in exchange for Gooda. J. II. BNGEL. Sunhury, May 14, 185?. tf. NEW TLOtTK, FEED, FRUIT AND PROVISION STORE riMIE aubacriber respectfully inform the cill JL ions of Sunbury and the surrounding nuijjli borbood, lhat ha haa opened a cMore at the north west cornerof Maiket Square, oppotite Vandyke' Ii ail road lintel, where he ia receiving, and niit keep on hand, Flour, Feed, Fruit and provision of all kinds, toch a WHEAT, RYE ir BUCICWHEAT FLOUR, Oal. Corn tnd all kind of Feed, Cracker, Oranges, Nut Ac, Fresh Shad in aca on, Early Vegetable Fruit dec., from the South. He will constantly receive, by Riilroad, front Baltimore and Philadelphia all th dclicaaie of the eaon, aa they come into market, and trusts, by prompt attention and reasonable jiricca to re ceive a stare of the public patronage. WM. HOOVE IL Sunbury, April 16, 1859.- ly. ffi-10,00 Pays for a full dome in the Iron Cliy Cnllaga, th sug gest, most extensively patronized aud besiwgautsad CXnt merciul Sell. h1 iu lb United Stales. 3S7 STUDENTS ATTKNDI.NO DAILY, Maroa, IBoe Usual time to complete a full amirse, from 0 lo 10 wete Every ttudeul. Upon grnduatlur. Is guaraulecd lo be aaus petenl to mauage Ihe Books of auy Uusunsaa, and aalk nod lo earn a salary of fiom ssootoeiooa indents snlar al auy Urna No Yacaaist Bavtaw al pleasuis. SI Premium Tor beet Penmanship awaniad ia IMS. frT Minister' Sons received at half price. For Card Circulnr ttptcunene of Busineaa and Oruo meiital Wiiiing inclose twii snitnns. and address. " V W. JliNMNS, Pnuujuigb, P. April , 18J ch ap ti, 't ly SARATOGA WATE2. " Analysis of Empire Spring. The Analyst of the Empire Water, by Prof Emtoon, i a follow : Chlorade of Sodium, S9.6SS Biratbonate of Lime. II1.N24 Bicarbonate ol Magnesia, 41,3X4 Bicarbonate Of Seda, I0.S48 Hydnodate of Soda or Ltd'ne H,00( Bicatbohate of Iron, a trace, 000 Bblid contents in a gallon, 496,J53 Specific gravity, 1,039 EMPIRE SPJilSC. The water of the Empire Spring I holtlsJ with th utmost care, and packed iu etrmg bo ies, suitable for exportation, by ihe aubacri ber. The Cork Ol all genuine Empire Water are branded, -EMPIRE SPUING." G. W. WESTON & CO. Orders may be addressed to the Proprietor, G. W; Weaion ii Co., Saratoga Springe, N. Y., r at thtir DETOT, 410 BROAD WA Y, Near Canal Street, Sew York. ClSTirtCATII. Extract from a communication from Dr. North, of Saratoga Spiinge, ta tha Boaton Medical and Surgical Journal, dated June the 6th, 1851 : "The New Empire Spring ia working charm ingly for Scrofula. Do the profession kuow that there ar twelve grain of liydriodale of da. or Iodine, in a gallon of water- double any other Spring I There being only a trace of lion iu the water, I aend my consumptive palieuta to lhat Spring unhesitatingly, hitherto with moat satisfactory results." Empir Spring, ly R. L. AUcn. 3L D, a Resident Physician, Saratoga Springs. This fuuuUin haa more tban anawerad lb eiptvtatioiia ol' ita friends; a a br(, eu inliululaiiia who have drank it daily ler aeveraf year past, cannot be rnduete) tu aaale a ahal lute oi' any other ring. . A a rathanic end allrralrve, my past cxper. etire cutielv ine to sy, that in iny opii.ion it ha no superior bar or elsewhere, ha exemp tion from clay. nd Ihe small re !! quaniitir' of iruu whn b cuter h coinpoahion. render it on of the beat if ua lb Very heal aeinenel Waler for coinasvrciat purjsea, while il ability to with stand lb trying inSuenre of warm climate an 4 se voyages, make il a very deskahl wabtr fur bottling perpaoaa. The properties, togerher' Veitb the gentle niauly sere of iu pretcnt preprietora, have given il a circulation aad uae abroad which haa hereto fore beeo unprecedented hi the buu'ory ef cW braled mineral alra. May, 1S5T. ,,'' ' April 1 at C I? 1' tow cove