y THE BVENIKO HOHN. BT . O. W. JMTtlM- The farmer t his pb" doth stop, Hie limbs are weak end worn 11 fit in would rense In toilsome work Hat wait! the Eveuing llt.ro. Hark. I (rum afiir. a mellow sonnd On eephvr's winps 'tin borne ll is, il is," the fxrinrr crirt, "It If the lCvi-iiinit Horn." TVilh j 'jful ha'.i lo now lcirot .ff II il work till niurruw morn, Ami next we ee him rut 111 iou.1 llo heard the Kveb'mg Ilitra. Th bleating shep wtnJ their way. A!otl,t the bvJye i f !h(t'i, And, by the cliiiuinri (if fnch bill. Answer Uic Eveniuij Horn Tb grop.ing cattle lift llivir leaJr, And now tlirir posture worn ; Fuel to tlia furm-binne m xt the) go They heurd the livvning H"in. ) u m o r 0 n s. . Dcctoving ttPij. Mr. Michael Fngan is a very worthy repre tentative from "Grpou l'rin," residing m a email dwelling in a small Villutge near Lloslon. Michael it iudjttrlous and strives bard to turn on honest penny to uccuunt, wleuever, ond however, there may be. the slightest f rospeel of profit. M icbuel I) is u little puteb of round behind bis boiiee, n litre he. sappotls a few ducks uud cliirkvus ; uud ibe IVesbi.tt rees in the neighborhood cud uUajs bo found ou bis premises, lor tn; never allows hituseir to be pnsesscd of mora than 0 singlo dozen at uny time before disposing if tbem, In ndiliiioii to his stock of poultry, Michael purchased b young ,ig, which lur lour mouths pelting und nursing, be prided bin. self upon exhibit ing to bis frit-uds aiAl oeqatttuUtiees, as one r f the "swatest uud Mi.ctt crmtliuis iu the wurld." Hat Mictinel's p'g took e'ik, nnd from bis c.oi)(,'hiU( ond sneezing syinptons, it wag cer tainly evideut that be bnd contracted a very bull cold. Close by the residence of this bonet Hi bernian, there dwells the village physiciaD, a kind beartet man, itr.d very skillful, whose practice is none of tbl largest. As ho cam from bis bouse, a short time since, Miilnel stooJ at his gnte, rtiuiinttting upon the (-halites io I'avo." of bis favorite poiker, and obser ving the doctor, Le builed iiiui with : "TLe top uv the morniu' to ye doctbur ?" "Ab, Michael, how ere you ?' "It's very well 1 nm meself doclhtir but perhaps ye'il be ti-lliu' u poor mBO what he'd bo aftber, dniu' for bis pi. uhoae ; ahone j he's very, si.k, doctbur." fig," exclaimed the doctor with a smile, "what pit:, Michael, and what's l ho matter with him Y" "Share he's very bed include so be is. A cowlil, doctbur, shncezn' and bsrkin the bead off him ami divil blutht the thing I can do wid Lim " "Well, really, Michael, I caa't say I'm Dot ft pig d -ctcr 1" "Share its myself Hint knows that. But if it tvns a gomnn instead uv the durlin' cray 1hiir what would I be aflber doing wid bitn for the cowlJ he has 1" "well.'' continued the doctor, considerately ''were it a child, Alichuul, perhaps I should recommend a iiiasturd Poultice to bis back, nsd his feet put in warm water." "It's oieself that's obliged to ye, doctbur, be dad 1 am," responded Mike, as the physiciuu passed along, und be entered his house, "13iddy 1" be added, addressing bis wife, "we'll cure the pig, so we wilJ." In a short time the porker was invested in r strong n-np. tatd plaster from bis tail to bis ears. Not withstanding his struggles, and his wheezings and torture from tlm uction of the unyielding plaster, a tub of almost boiling water vms prepared, and into il poor p'uey bus soubiI above his knees. The result may be easily conceived. Next morninc, bright and early, Michael stood nt the cato ouc more, awaiting the coming of the doctor, who soon mado his penrunce. "Good, morning, Mike, bow docs the come on ?" "O, be gorrab, docthnr ! it was mighty civil in ye to bo trailing a neighbor in op pie on that wiy, to it was." "Why. what is tbo tr.alter, what bas hap ccned, M iehael 1" "Happuii'd is it. I put Hie powltice on the va, so 1 did, on' be squealed murlbor, an' be dud it's no wonder, for the null roll'd oil bis , back from bead to toil, "Wbut!" "Didn't I put the pig's feet in hot. wather as ye tolwd me, an, be jdbers the hoofs tumbled eff uv hi in tnttrely 1 I'uor Mike spoke trnely. Through bis ig norance he had blistered ofl the briitles, aud with the hot wuter he scalded oil' poor crun- ter's feet. lie died under this double dose, and though Michael has never since I'.i-keii the doctor upon similar matters, be still insists that it was "a mane tlirn'K so it was. ' When we're murriou, Julia, you'll see bow I II drive you to the tastU in a carriage 'Uut, l)i-nnis, where is tl.u money tocouio from?" 'Oh, we dou't want any money; people do tilings now-u-davs on quite a new principal, I assure you." "Indeed !'' said Julia "Yes," replied Dennis, "und ofteu they do them without any principal at all.' Ingenius defence. A niun who was taken op for stealing a shirt mado the following ingenious defence : "I did not steul the shirt, I was passing by a shop, und 1 w the shirt banL'ins up. and then I took hold ofit.it drouued down into my hands, and 1 knew that If 1 stood there with it, uny one who suw me inn would think that I meant tosttvul it ; 60 1 ran off to prevoiit suspicion." Spbino Disksb. A very lorge amount of the vtiacoiuioit lussitiidc, depression und actu t! sickness which prevmls in the spring can madifiHd or wholly avoided by the exercise of a little redaction and sell del. la I One of the main objects of eating io winter t'.nia is to keep us warm, ond totuat emi, pro viilem nature, gives u vigorous appetite iu cold weather, but if a warm w eal tier ap proacbes we cut wilb the appetite of winter lue system not having time to adapt the ap petite to the temperature, mischief will follow as inevitably us ifu locomotive is diminished in speed ouu hulf while Ike lires are kept uuruuig as bercely us when it was moving at tne uuiioHullowd rapidity. A piompt di nunntion at tueb meal cf one-third of the amount eaten in winter, bfainning befor A pril in TUa Inttimdu of Kiw Yoi k, and ear lier farther sow would tiimii.iiU spring dis. upo w bu iiivuiLiaoie extent. CMUIKIRU J'KATUOr XOVHO i.ALT Wini.a Makiko Hr Wkdm.no Dke.s. A young lady named Mathilda Ijuwyer, residing at Port e y . w .i., iiici, wuu . snocaing aautti a usy or two since. Sho was silting ap muking her m-miiug uress ma ngni or a fluid lamp and lliiding thut the lluid was nearly alt cou somen, she attempted to fill the lump from a rauipucua cm, leaving one of t lie wicks burn lug, but no sooner did the tl'iul can, ia con lad with the 1 iu tit than it Cunillitllkipntc.it f, the can, whiub exoloded l;ka niiinl c.uu.. iog the contents around, ad setting fir to bar dress, burning bur so dreadfully that sh ziirei mi murium aiterward. Ad in. qoHit was held upon the body verdict act! caiuai oeaiD, a. Ti-iOun. Scroflila, or King's Evil, is constitutional disease, conniption of tb blood, by which this fluid becomes vitiated, weak, and poor. Being in th circulation, it pervades the whole body, and may burst out In disease on any part of it. No organ is free from its attack, nor is there one which it may not destroy. The scrofulous taint is variously caused by mercurial disease, low living, dis ordered or unhealthy, fowl, impure air, filth and filthy habits, the depressing vices, and, above aTl, by tbo venereal infection. "What ever bo its origin, it is hcreditury in the con stitution, descending " from parents to children unto the third and iourth generation j" indeed, it seems to be the rod of Him who fays, " I ty ill visit the iniquities of the fathers upon their children." Its effects commence by deposition from the blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in the lung;, liver, and internal organs, is termed tubercles t iu the glands, swellings; and on tbo surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cor ruption, which genders in the blood, depresses the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu tions not only suffer from scrofulous com plaints, but they have far less power to with stand the attacks of other diseases i conse quently, vast numbers perish bv disorders which, although not scrofulous in tneir nature, ore still rendered fatal by this taint in tbo system. Most of the consumption which de cimates the human family has its origin directly in this scrofulous contamination j nnd many destructive diseases of the liver, kidney, brain, and, indeed, cf all the organs, nrlso from or are aggravated by the same cause. One quarter of all our people are scrofulous ; their persons are invaded by this lurking in fection, and their health is undermined by it. To cleanso it from the system we must ronovato the blood by an alterntivo medicine, and in vigorate it by healthy food and exercise. Such a medicine we supply in AYER'S Compound Extract of Sarsnparilla, the most effectual remedy which the medical skill of cur times can devise for this every where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com bined from the most active remedials that have Wen discovered for rhe expurgation of this foul disorder from tbo blood, and the rescue of the system from its destructive consequences. Hence it should be employed for the cure of not only scrofula, but also those other mic tions which arise from it, such as Uuittivb and Skis Diseases, St. Anthoxv's Finn, lloss, or KnT9iriitA9, Pimples, Pustules, Blotchm, Slaws and Boas, Towns, Tetteii and Salt khevm, Scald Head, llixowonM, Rheumatism, Syphilitic nnd Mehcuiiial Dis eases, Dnorsr, Dyspepsia, Deiiility, and, indeed, all Complaints amsino from Vitia ted on iMrunn Blood. The popular belief in '" impurity of the blood " is founded in truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsnpa rilla is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid, without which' sound health is iinnoeublo in contaminated constitutions. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FDR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIO, are so composed that disease within the range of their notion can rarelv withstand or cvnile them Their penetmtiin properties search, nnd cleanse, and invigorate every portion oi me numan organ ism, correcting its "diseased action, and restoring its healthy vitalities. As a consequence of theso properties, the invalid who is bowed down with pain or physical debility is ostonisiied to Und his hcalt'.i or energy restored by a remedy at ouce so aimpte and invitinjr. Not onlv do they cure the every-day complaints of every bet1.;-, but olso many formidable nr.d cangcrous utteasca. jno ageni dciow nnincu is pleased to furnish gratia my American Almanac, containing cei tificates of their cures nnd directions for their use in the following complaints : L'ottivt vess. Heartburn, Headache arisinq from disordered . ... n' rif-..l... rtomacn, iattsea, inaifjestxon, rum m ami muiuiu Inaction of the Botce.'a, Flatulency, Loss of Appe tite, Jamidiee, and other kindred complaints, Brisintr from a low state cf the body or obstruction of its functions. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, FOR THE SAPID CUBE OP Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consump tion, and for the relief of Consumptive Faticnts in advanced stages of tbo disease. So wide is the field of its usefulness and so nu merous me the cases of its cures, that almost everv section of country Mounds in persons puD liclv'known, who have been restored from alarming and even desperate diseases of the lungs by its use. When once tried, its superiority over every other medicine of its kind is too apparent to escape observation, nnd where its virtues are known, the public no longer hesitate wnat antmote to employ for the distressing and dsnperous affections of the pulmonory organs that are incident to our climate. While many inferior remedies thrust upon the cnmmunitv have failed and been discarded, this has Rained friends by every trial, conferred benefits on the afflicted the'y can never forget, and pro duced cures too numerous and too remarkable to be forgotten. PREPARED BY DR. J. C. A1ER & CO. LOWELL, MASS. Tiiling & Giunt and A. XV. l'i.her, Sunbury, R. U. MrCov, Noitl.umherland, A.T. Uiuel. 'l'urliutville, F. Btoti, Wind flap. S. F. Cailow, Milton, G. 11 C'adwa der, Khnmakin, P. L'hler, Ubleraville, And by all Druscista ai d Merchants. April 16, 1859. ly BUT THF. WAMSUTTA PRINTS. I'hcy are the bc.t Calicoes yet ofi'ered to the public for the money. WllOLkSAI.E AlltJTI : DrrcncsT, aiiwsteono & co., N E W YORK. April 23, 1959. 4m3P SPICES! SPICES !! SPICES !I! Pure nml No. I Gtound IVpper. CuijiiT, cinHitHKMi, Ai fpicf, I luva. AnuTirnii umi Knlish .Mutianl. Crvcmie Pfpjier, Nulnn'tt, Mhcp. Su. Curb S ilu. Eni11c ire, baierutui. Hu). Sutn, Indigo. Carnv:iv tuid Crimider Sel. AM"ii Unirvutul (!r-uuil Sill, fcc. I or r-ule at tit Kuple Mill No 2A4 and 510 North Front ircct Ct'-nicr nf Stw, Philmlelphin. DCWAUi) WORRF.LL. PurclKiseri will find it grea.lv to tlieir interest both in qimlitv mul price tit lmy tine pkhIp, wliivli ro war-ijjiIi-0 nt repreentd tr forfeited. A triul 11 .ilicltid. Phiiadtlphiu, Mnrcb 10, Jeil. ly9. PLATFOKM SCALES, F KVKRY DKSCKII'TKJX, SriTATII.F. a ,' Con), 1'Oil HAIl.lKJALi, til-., for weiirtiin liny, ore und nterc)nnn. ar"ernlly. INiri-lnifeiS run no risk, every st'iile it nurimlet'd corrt-t, and if, after triul, not found suiiifuctury, cuu be rvturued witlmul cliaitre. IV Factory ot the old stand, established f r rriore Ihnn tli'rtv-five yeuis. AllUtiTT Co., Corner of Ninth and Mrl"ii Hrreets, Mureli Mill, lf 'O vin'.c. I'lnluJil.ij. fhencii ETjnn !IIIM. STO.IK MA.sVFACTOnV. flIIE undersiined keepe constantly nn hand F15ENCH UL'ilHSofall aiiea.and furnishea every arlicle required hy the milling trado. Complete satisfaction guaianteed for every arlicle told. .Millers will preler tne soim nurr, ny g:v. ing 4 to 0 months notice, can have their orders executed at the quarries in frame. Address, VM. H. KEPNFK, April 9, 1853 Cm Harrishurg P. O., Pa. JOSEPH FUSSELL, No. 2, Kuril Foukh Street, HIIJDEI.PHU ANITACTURERof he t quality of UM 13UE1.I.A8 end PARAOI.S invites ine utleeiiort of huvers to his eitensive elork, embracing many st) It's not heretofore introduced Philadelphia. March 13. 159 L'ST KKCKIVEU a Keural assortment of New Good at the Store of j. II. ENCEL. 8unbury, Dec. II, lSSg. CII.VEU WATCHES. A few double ease Englwh Stiver Wttrkess for aala at very low H B KASSBB. WII01.E8ALB DEALER IN BRANDIES, WINES, GINS.&C- rilHE smb.eriheri hav opened In Thompson's A Brick Bulldlnv, Mill street. Danville, large and complete stork of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, comprising tl. ) bet brands of D randies, Gin, Old Itye, Scolcli aud Irish Whiakey, fort, 8:ierry, Madcria, Champairne and otlur Wines of all grades, all of which will be sold Wholesale at the lowest rily prices. Tavern-keepers by buy ing of us can save at leant the freight. Persons desirous of purchasing liquors for F A M I I. r" USE, may rely upon being furnished with a pure and unadulterated article. Ijfl'cing determined lo establish a reputation fur selling cheap they respectfully solicit the pa tronage of th publ o. All orders promptly at tended to. SHERIFF A HALL. Danville, April 9, 1859. Market Etreet, Bunbury Pa. THE subscriber respectfully informs the titi 7'ris of Sunbury, ami the public generally, that he his taken possession of the above well known aland, formerly kept by John I.eiser. II. is determined to use every exertion to make his houa one of the hcsl in the Ktale, and offers r re inducements fur persons who spend a hort time in one of the moat pleasant towns in central Pennsylvania. His table will be supplied with the best the market can prot'uee. His bar will L supplied with the purest liquors. Careful and obliging servants always in atten dance. A share vi the local and traveling com munity is most respcctt'ullv solicited. SIMON SNYDER, April 2d, 1 S50. Cm Proprietor. jWotice! FT! tf? est rci as t'.mai THE ADAMS EXPRESS CO., Give notice that they have concluded arrange ments with the Northern Central Hail Koad Company, to run trains from lialtimore for York, Hairishurg, Dauphin, Halifax, Trevorton, Sun bury, Northumberland, I.ewi.burg, Milton, Mun cy, Williamport, timl all intermediate Stations. Connecting at llarrishurgh with the CHEAT WT.STEUN EXPRESS fr Pittsburg, Cincin nati, S I. onii and the West. Alao with Howard & (V Express at Milton or Danville, bloomshurg, Wilkesbarre, Pitiston, Scrantiin. and intermedials Stations on the Cut tawissa, l.iickawuna and Uloomshurg Rail Roads. At Williamsport, bv Howard & Co s Express lo Jersey Shore and Lock Haven. Also, "by How ard oc Co., and their connections, Tor Canton, Troy. Flmir.i. Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara and to all acccssil lo points in Western New York and Canada, hy which they will forward Merchandise, Specie, Bank Notes. Jewelry, and Valuable Packages of every description. Alo, Notes, Drafts and .Bills for Collection. Experienced and ellicient messengers employed nnd every effort will bo mado to render aatislac tion. .,. JOHN BI.VGHAM, Superintendent Vfnn'a Division, Phii'a. A. W. FISHER, Agent for Sunbury. April . lf9. CENTRAL HOTEL, SUNBU RY, Northumberland County, Pa TH4S largo and conim.nlioiiH Hotel, now fin Ulieil anil completely furnished with entire new furniUirv, at a large expense tiy Sheriff Van dyke, aud situate nt llic Kiiilroad Depot norll east corner of Market Square, Sunbury, nnd al the tcnninun of the Sunhury tj- trie and North ern Central Uaitroads, will l-e open fiirthenrcmn modatiou of Traveler and the public in general on the FIItST I A Y OV JANUARY, I8.VJ. 'J lie proprietor will give hi exclusive atten tion, to the comfort and convenience of hi guests and is determined to make this ctfiuWishment rank among the liml in tiie State. Hi; table will be supplied with the best the market can produce having the advantage of daily communinulion by cars direct from Haiti inure, and nUu from iIuikj bringing produce from the surrounding country His bar will be supplied with the purest liquors the market can produce ("aelul and obliging crvants a!wns in at tendance. A ehnra ol the local and traveling communiU is most respectful!)' solicited. JOSEPH MOIST, Lessee. Sunbury. Pre. 18. ltSa. telpher's line, .Railroad Freight Cars JggPhiladelphia & Suntury. J r pill. ui!rri!ei it runnini: n line nf freizlit run tn diid trum Plnlihlrlphin wiilmut re-fcliipmeiit, and li'ipe tn eklublitli u fitted Luiiutjs hy prompt deliveries nt reaim l!e rules. Wiiu'hpune in Pliiliidclphia willi Freed. Wurd Frrril, 81 1 Murkt-t itret i, wliere eKnu &c. for fSunl-ury and inter- rnetluile pontlB stiould l-r leu. 1 ItU.UAS IVJ lit I tl IJ-II I iPi'Uit Mnreh 19. IP.'O fti . SUNEURY FOUNDRY! rgiJIE subscribers respectfully inform tho eili- L zensol Sunburv and the public generally. that they have leased the Sunbury Foundry oc cupied by Gcoige Kohrbach, andlhat they nil! lake possession on Uie first day of April, next, when they will be enabled lo furnish all kinds of Cnst,- ings, auch as Plows, stoves, are., ic, at aa low rates na they can be had any where else. They are also manufacturing thrashing machines, and do renairinir at short notice. All orders addressed to tbern will be promptly attended to. Country produce taken in exchange for cast ings at all times. CUM ox nmiKUAcii. JACOK KOI1KUACH, Jr. Sunbury, March fi, tSSOIiin "Tjfr"CAS-i DRTT GOODS HOUSE. EYUE & LAN DELL, FOURTH & AIICII Blreels, l'UILADLI.PIIIA. VII K now openmir n full nwri inert of N1Y GOOD, I OU I Hi: tH'ltl.Mj UK tew. Spring ilksol'.New lhlcs, l-'uln-,niible Pnnl.l Skill Rbes, felmwls of til. New Si, mill Styl.s, l)e l.'ihiis mid l-'uucy 1)1 eb. Goods, Sii'ntnrr Poplins mid Vnlencin. Tnivtlling Uresa GokIs, full v.iriety, Ulunkels, Wheeling and llousekecjiing Goods. N. B. Storekeepers sre respecif lly reqne.lcl lo ex- amine our fn.ck i.f 1JLACK bILK, and SlIAWl.P.be. fire purclrisin. T. S New iioids rrneived duilv. and rood Dartraius froin the Auctions of New York uitd lliis Cily . . 'I'EhMt Nktt Cm d Psicks Low. areli l.tli. lejO. J niWa BLINDS jQ.I3D SKA BSC. C Ei RAP TOR CASH. H. J. WILLIAMS, No. IS N.irili Sixth Scrcet, l'hiladel phm, is iliehiigesi Muuutucturcr tf ni.uur m.i.vDs, A! B Br.XLia IN WINDOW BHAEE9, pOF KVIiltY VAltlKTY. Us is the Onginutor of nil New Hi vie. und hns a fine Stock to be nkl al HKDL'CKD IMilCKS. BUFF, AM) AM, O'l'UKll COI.CIlii OF LINEN SIlAliKS, TIIIMMIN'UiS, I'lXTL' RL8. Ac. PTDItK SIIADKa i-inled loonier. (V H. J. V. invites eiuzens of this county lo estl he roic puiehusing. and assures them he eati sell a better artiele firlli. money tluii any oihei eslnblishment in iho l ulled Suits. Mnreh fid, bM Jiir.'jc. lg LCEIVE1) Inrgj asaorlmcRt nf Salinett, r, Caasiinere and Cloth, at J. H. EXUEL'S. Sunburv, Dec. M.18S8 1 lau 1JI.KE OI.IVE OIL for table uso,lwo - nt 37j and ClJ cents, just received hy A. W. FISHER, Julyn.JSH; JUST RECEIVED a large lot of ready made CLOTHING, Cheap si ' J. H.ENGEL'S. Bunqnry, Dec, 11, 1858. JUST RECEIVED a lot of Ladies CLOTH CLOAKS, at I. H E NOEL'S Store, fttmhurv. Dee. 1 1. Iftoft SYMPHONIANS, grand musical instruments just received from Snow Hill, London, and lor eel by T. O. COOPER. BunVc-r, fetms-y 1, H VfllEELEIt & W1L80N ITANTJFACTTJHIIf Cr COtS FAMILY SEWING MACHINES. rPt1 uiinuimftus fnvnr wliieh htisnuriKteitths lntrotlnc Jl linn oi Whski.kr Wilson's Family bcwing Ma cUlne, is suiTiriftit vviilence nt tts exteilrice. It is need irsnmv i,. my, thut this useiul insirummt it becommfr a ttoinrstic inslmilion i Hie fact is reccgiiiztxl by its siiwess ust: in thtm sniuts n Ftimilies in every rnnk in life. To Unite who huve liitlirrtorufruiiml fnm nvnihnp themwlves of im mlvnutiifips, it niny imt hr oniits to siiy, thnt its otil nty s not o prnNem to Im snlverf, liut a siiccxs nlreufly tcMhiotl. Tne hif hesi trrtunoiiy is coiistHiitly pfTTrU,cmi (iriniiiR the venlit-l which tins given this iiiMrucinwitoi wii'e tnift cuvitible a ritmfntiin. This Muchme is coner ivet n a priitciptfi entirely oripi iml, tteinii tpiH'inlly mul iiihnirnMy ml t pled to the must per feci work on every kunl of mntoriul ; ami, having bt-ea fiibjwted tc three yirs' tvst of the mnrt ti-nirhing chnnistet by Families, ant I in various bTiinrhes of Manu fucture, xvilh liisttnetHslied iicceB8, it it believed thnt in ail the prent pomis requisite to a complete nnd prnctiuul BevviiiLi Miicliino. it einH)t lie spprnuelied in rxrelieitea Arming the undoubted arivtmtnges it possesses overall ollreri, mm be nunieil the fcilowing ; 1. Its simplicity (if Vnis'ructimi. nnd consequent free dom ('rum ricrn u t;ement and iieei of repairs - 'i. lit unexfiinpled rnpiibly anil ease of upeiation. 3 If a iiciitelert movement 4. The great vatiety of purpose to which it eon be np plied, which con be achieved hy no other mechanical uicniit. Ami, fi. Th pre-eminent htnuiy and durability of the work. "I find your Miiehine invn'lj:ilila I have 'incd il a yenr, ond it bus never been out nf urder. The stitch is vei y du rable, nnd en lie adnpteit to fine or coarre mnlerials. It works with the rapidity of n rinzen nnir cf hnnrit ; nves inni'h time, fntigne and expeme. Oneif your Mucliinrs is used in inv fin her1 fninil v : mint tier in the hoiiteho'd of a sitter ; nnd others byvnritu friends. The npimons of sll ucc -rd with that I huve just expressed. "Mrs Anna Corn Kitchie. There is but one Pewin Mnehine ; nnd thnt is Whre lei and Wilson's." Judge Meigs, of the American Insti tute. "The Sewing Machine purchased nf yon has been whol ly serviceable bv Dr. Samuel Osgood. No family can uflurd to do without it. Or i.i m nb op Tits New Vohx rKsas. Wc prefsr them for tnmily ne Tribune They me the favorites for f imilies Times, Are without u rival Scientific Ainericrni. Woiks more uitifoltuly tluni the hand Hemic. lo the work of ten onliiuiy sewers Jour Cora, l-'.quai to nine seamtreHRea. Monte J uni tl Tiik machine, for fhiniiy use Advounle sV Journal, Most honoriible to Amt-ricnii genu is Independent. We euiiuot imagine anything more pcrlecl ivungehst. Will t;ive entiru sutitliictioii. Obsciver, The best ever invented -Christian Inquirer, in looking for the lu-st, fee these Kxuminer. Admirably uduptetlfor fminly use. i hrnnicle. Indispeiisablc in every family. The Preacher. We praise it with cutluikiiitiii) ClmniHti hitellieeiiflfr. Worthy of the lngiirdl uwnid. Subhath Hei'ouler. A tieiieiabliviii "f Hie age. l'utuain'a Mnffiizine. MujfMnl in operation. Mrs. Stephens Monthly. Ilt-ycinri all qnetitlPo, the machines.. late lihisira'ed. The stilrh cannot he uuniveled. Am Agucultuiist. They in Million the pre-einuieree. llxprees. Suves the time and henlih 1 1 ten women. Water Cure. Our household is in eestaciet with it. Sorter's Spirit. Supply the fashi nitibiti world Daily News. Areprt!-eniineiiily supcrioi. Iadin1 Visitor. One of fair hoim-hold p ds II. S. Jotirnal. I'lirivalled in every qiiH'ity. Uny Honk. Ptetty, useful, m:wtc-il.- I e site's 0;iZL-tie. Have n etjuiil for fumilv ue Mcicn! World A triumph nf meclniuir.il genius N. Y. Jomnnl. (Combine every requireme nt. Fumily Mucuziue. Vnstly superior to till otlms (toiden I'rr.e. We eaniiot tire in its praise New YorUi r. For further partirblarn aply to H. B. Masser, Sunburv, Pa., agent of the manufacturer, who will Hupply machines at tha manufacturers' prices. SiinrvlTnv15,JW8.lf "DPJJG a CHEMICAL EMPORIUM. rglHC uixlrrsit'iioil liaving received a large and JL vrrll Bilecti'J slock of Pure Drugs ami Chemicals, Dypstufla. OiN, Points, Class and Putly, is now ready to fill ivrderant a moments notice. In connection wilh ll.e nliovn you will find nn assortment of Knncy Notions, Toilet ylrtit'Srs and IVifiimery nf all kinds, Tooth, Hair, Nails and Clothes Urulic of every variety. Customers will' find liis stoik complete, com prising many articles it is tmpossi'.ilo Iters to enumerate. KEME.MHEn tiie place, under the office of tho "Sunluiry American. Pliysiciiins' Precriptions compounded accurate ly and carefully. A. W'.riSHER. Suiilmrv, April CI, lf.in. THE INTERNATIONAL HOTEL. BROADWAY, COHNKIl Cf F HAN It LIN STREET, NEW -STORK CITT, Ibis hern recently refilled, The Rooms nie new ly c:irietetl, The Furniture und lieds nre iuperb, nd the lintlm nte uii?iirjisse(t. TAYI.HR'S CFl.Ellll A I KU SALOON'S ARB C"NSCTI-U WITH TIIEIIOTKL. Here is concentrated all liie couiluits of a home, wilh tho luxuries of n palace THE SJ'LUNBID LADIES' FAR LOR Cotumiuultt nnd Ui;eiiinlled V!CW OF UROAllWAY, THE INTERNATIONAL is the most eentrnl nf any of Ihefi si clnss Hotels for hnsi ni'ss.nr pl:iccs of tunu.eiiieut, nnd oflers unsiopiN.eil ad vunluf:s lo I'uunlies nnd p eiiilenun visituip NiwV"tli. At VRv.n Fuerxian, Prorictur. New Yoile, July 3, ls.Vj . ly NEV7 GOODS Atthe Mammoth Store of nt A t ' lb: ?.':. vq NO. I MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, FA. rBIlE subscriber has just opened at his well I known establishment in Sunburv, one of the cheapest and most dcsiruble slocks of Fall and Winter Goods, that has ever been offered in the place.aud which he will sell lor CASH or exchange for Country l'reduce. Those desiring to purchase goods wiil do well to call and examine Ins stock. BLACK AND FANCY SILKS, All VYeol Dclaius, Figured, Striped and Plain, French' Merino, all colors, lleautiful Dresa Robes, Caidimcics, Shaded, Plain and Striked inu.t be seen to form an idea of the extent and vuriety. Mantle, Stella, Chenille, French Wool Shawls, Thibet and llrocha blinwla. Cloths Cassimercs and Satinet For Men and Hoys' Wear, Ulack Cassimercs, Fancy Cassimerea, side snipes heavy, Doc Skin Cassimeres, Snlinels all kinds. White and Red Flannels, all grades and prices, LI ay Stute Sack Flannels, colors Guest qiulitius. HEADY-MADE CLOTHING. Coots aud Shoes, Hats and Caps, &c, jc , all nf which wero selected with great care, and will compare favorably, aa regards quality, atyle and price, with any in the country. 11AUDWA1JK, a full assortment. Wood and Willow Ware, (jueenswnre, of all descriptions, Groceriea, a full atock iu store, Carpel Chains, &c, Faints, Oils. Glass, Dye Stuffs. Thankful for the patronage heretofore received he will spare no pains to please all who may favor him with their custom in the future. Sunburv, Nov. 6, 1858. USHONG'J ci SONS' Superior Duninc Fluid, for sale at r IS11EIWS Drug ard Chemicul Emporium. EunhuryJuly 17, 1658. 1'ure sVliiea tiuj aMquwrsi. JU5 T received at FISHF.R'd Drug end Che mical Emporium. Sunbury, Oct. 8 18S8. - PARRI8 Soothing Syrup, for Children teeth ing. For sale at FlSHEK'S Octolier 16, 'SS. UST RECEIVED lot of Gentlemens SHAWLS and DLANKETS, at J. H.ENGEL'S Store. Sunbury Dec. 11, 18A8. fANILI-A BEAN:, Figs, Dates, Oranges, 1 Lemons Prunea, nut of all kinds, just re ceived auJ for sale at the Confectionary Store of M. C. OF. ARH ART. SunHur Afrit t9, 1639. niOHLYIlI POHTANT KV3 M. C. GBARHAUT, Has returned wlib new Slock or Confteotlonaries, Fruit &nd Toys. IT seem as If t new age, t new life was open ing upon ne, animating every heart to nobler deeds end higher aims I Art, Literature end Scl enoo will glow anew and seek to develop sub limer beauties and grander conception. The businrss world too must feel the new In fluence and everv part be quickened and strength enod by an iucressed vitality, which shall urge us on with electric speed to tho consummation of greater 'hings than was ever dreamed of in the Philosophy of the past Animated hy the enthusiasm which prevades atl clashes, end desirous of doing his ahar to wards "The great events of the Arp," the sub scriber would respectfully inform the rood peo ple of hUNUUUY and the public generally, that he has just returned from the city ef Philadel phia wilh the largest and choicest atock of Con fectioneries, fruit and Toys that has ever been brought to this section of country, lie is also manufacturing all kinds of Confectionaries, &c, to fill up orders, wlioleia'e or retail, at short no tice. Among his atock of Confectioneries, may be found t French Seereta. Gum Drops, all klnaa of scent, Ilamcil A Imonda, Love Dions, Crcum Whits, Mini Drops, red aud white, " Ieinnn Jelly Cakes, 1 Rose, Flint lrop " Vanilla, Puck Candies, el all eceuts Common 8srw. ( Reck Cnnrly, Liquorice, Almond Caady, FRUIT. Rnnanas, Prunes, Pales, F ici, Currants diied, Ciirons, Annelids, Itnuons, Nuts of all kind. LEMON SYItUP of a superior quality, hy the single or doien. A superior quality of Scgars anil Tobacco, and a variety of (.'onfectimiaries, fruit. Toys, Ac, oil of which is offered cheap at wholesale or retail. "EST Remember the name and place. .VJ M. C.CEARHART, Market at., 3 door wcRt of Viper's Drugstore. Sunhunr. October 3U, l8riK ly BLAIR'S CCll?kCIAL ZCTJSE iV. 20 Sixth Street, above Chetnut, Phil ad' a. MERCHANTS, hiisinera men, nnd persons generally will find this hotel one of Iho must convenient end pleasant in the city. The proprietor will use his lrt-t rlVuis to accommo date his guests, and nt reason, il'lu prices. JJrcrniheT 4, lS.'ifi. ly NOBLIT, EP.OWN & KOBLIT, CubUict MnhciH' IT lsifih.gr Store AND REDDING WAKE-UOOMS, Having REMOVED lo the new Iron Front Warehouse, No. SC'J K'nnth Second Street, below Dock, West Side, I'Hll.l.DELPHIA. X' O V ofier to ther customerrf bit the public 1 fjenerally, a new and lull atsortment of CABINET HARDWARE cV MATERIALS. They invite the attention of t!.e trade to their clock of Hnir Seating and Curled Hair, of their their own manufacture ! Also to a full assort ment ofllEDDING AND UPHOLSTERY. Philadelphia. July 3. 158 ly TUB tl0i3i Doming,, COFFEE POT To Pot, Being based, an Dr. Hall, of tha Journal of Health, says, "on buience and common sense," are rapidly coming into use, and destined soon to supercede all others. ARTHUR, BUItNIIAM, & GILROY, 117 & 119 S. Tenth St., Philadelphia, Sole Manufacturers under tho Patent. S?"For snle liy D.nlcrs In TIonse kerplnit Articles, uud Storekeepere (elii'i'RlJy. December 4, 1SVS. Giosos P. Abbit. John A. Nrr. ABBEY s NEFF, No. 308 North TlllliD Street, (three doors ubove Vine.) PHILADELPHIA. THE OLD HAH-'vlfAEIl STAND. (Estsbi imieu TwssTT.I'oca Ysxks.) IVERY deBciipti'in of Huildin, .Meclimiicot, Farming n.iu ll..uteh..;d HARDWARE, i. ivw in si"re, and will be i lfereil a: the lowett uiniket prices, to Cosh und prompt srx months buyeis. Nsils ut Munufucturers' pri ces l.ir LIiisli. Orders from sew enstomers wilt receive strict and accu rate attention, and all goods sent from tins house will be ns repre-cnted. te" C'Intrt Mrccn.STf, on their next visit to our city lo tiiuke their Sprinp purelin.es. nr. cnldinlly invited in can and examine our siocs ann rnres lu iore pureims. lug. March lh, ISia 3iuV:i. THE GREAT AMERICAN & FOREIGN PATENT AGENCY OFFICES. Inventors, Secura your Eights'! HOW TO OUTAIN LETTERS PATENT. Morns. Mrxx A Co., Editors and Proprietors of the Scientific AineiTcint, nra eoudiiclnicr the most succesil'ul Agency fur securing tlie Itiphts of Inventors, to be fining iu the I'uited Sillies. They have been personally luunl liur with the propre.s of Invculion and lli.cnvery for tl: past fifteen yeurs, mid liave prepared uud conducted wilh lu this peril'!, more Piitentcn.es limit uny 01 her Agency iu the World. As nn evidence of the confidence lcpiscd iu their nbility and integrity, they may Willi propriety re fer to the exlriiordinury fuct, tluil nenriy two thousand patents have been iseued to iheii clients, during the brief space of Iwoyeuts; and diinna Hit same period, they have examined through their elVuncnt llranch Olbce in Wafthiuglou, into the novelty of about t.iree thousand I11 veiithili., thus nflVirtlins to them a knowledge of the con tents of the P.llent Ollice, uiiriCHlled by any existing open cy. Not only this, but more than niicjuilf of nil ihe Pa tents secured hy American citizens in the European eoun lues, are taken through .1umi Co.'s Agencies in London, Paris, Brussels, Pierlin and Vienna. Cireuturs ol Advice How lo Secure Americfin and Foreign Patents, will be sent, free of chaige. to nil who moy wish for Ihein. Messrs. Muuil St Co.V iriucip:it nf. lices in New York are in the new Park lluiliiiiigs, No. 37 Park Row, eastern side of the Cily Hall Puik," where all communications should be adshtd, and where Inven tors are cordially luvited 10 cull whenever they visit the eitv. Messrs. Mnnn .V Co. refer by permission to Hon Chos. Mns"n, Ex-Coinnnssiouer of Patents. Hon. Joseph llnlr. Po.tiua.ter lieneral and Ex- Commiwioiier of Patents, and also lo oat seven thousand Inveutois in the L'uilcd Stales, whose papers have been prepared and prosecuted through their Agency. Address MUNNACO. No. 37 Park Row, New York. March S, 1E39. Select Winter Goods U A VERY LARGE STOCK!! SFLEITEID TAB.IET7 Just received at the People's One Price Store E. Y. BRIGHT & SON, SUNBURY, PA., OUR present slock includes a choice selection of Dry Goods, Ready Made Clothing. Boots and rihoea, Hardware, Groeeriee, Queens and Glassware, Ac., cVe. Our Dreaa Goods for Gents' and Ladies, contain all the new and desirable at) lea, which for fineness of texture, beau'y, du rability and cheapness cannot be surpassed. Our Ready Made Clothing was selected wilh great care, and all goods warranted to l what they are represented. Boots and Shoes of all kinds. Hats and Caps of every style and price, and we solicit a careful Inapection of our large assortment of HOSIERY, FANCY NOTIONS, ic. Groceries fresh end pure. Our Hardware embraces the largest stock of any other establish mnt in this section of country. Please call and examine. We 8tidtto Plsisi. K. Y. BRIGHT SON. fciunbury, November 87, 1858. "STOVES 10 R SLE B an excellent second-hand Cook' ing 8tove, also several Cylinder 'Coal Htnvee. Enquire at thia nffioa. AW3. W'ood Cross Cut and Mill taws. Buneriar article at FIMHKH'K puVtjr7, Juhy lTtlj, 1UB FURKTIURE I FTTRlflTXTRE 1 1 THE LARGEST STOCK EVER OFFERED IN SUNBURY. i Fashionable, Cheap nnd I'seful THE subscriber, long established as t Cahlnet and Chair Manufacturer in Sunbury, thank fill for peat favors, solicits continuance of the public patronage. Hie stock of Cabinet-Ware, Chaire, c, embraces strrRV VARIETY, imEFl'L ASD OR.tA. RiC-ITAL In housekeeping. It Is unnecessary to enume rate, as anything that may he required in his line csn be had at moderate prices, Cheap fur Cash, or Country Producetaken In exchange. Establishment South East Corner nf Market Square. VST Those knowing thcmselvee Indebted to the subscriber would oblige him by making pay ment. SEBASTIAN HAUPT. 8unburv, April 4, 185J. tf PHILIP E. PTJP.BY. WIIOLKSiLS ISO IISTAlt Grocery, Wine and Liquor Store, S. E. cor. Walnut and Water Streeli, PHILADELPHIA, DEALERS and families will be promptly supplied at the lowest prices. October 4. 1856. tf SUNBURY FLOUR STORE FOR 1859 CO. HAVEN, ia yet at his old stand, South a aide of Market Square, Suubory, and keeps cunslanlly on hand a good stock of Flour, reed and nil things in his line- He his now on hand a fresh supply of No. I. superfine FLOUR No. 1 Extra, and Futra Family in barrels. ; Williamsport double extra in quarter barrel sacks i(je flour, lluckwhenl Flour, Corn meal and chop if all kinds for Sale cheap for CASH. He is always ready to supply the wants of his customers, in small or large qniilities. ALSO, Crackers, of all kinds for aale at regu lar wholesale prices. He hopes by careful atten tion to business, to merit and continue to receive tho patronage of his customcis. C. 0. HAVEN. Runbuty, Jan. 19, 1 S50. tf. HERRING'S SAm. ,1 AGAIN THE 1:''0.hi CHAMPION 1 1 tCif",$3!.? ft jTS The ony Sale which, in every (ijAtiv'Lff- !JR 'nslnnci', preserved thcr en- Wmfrw ,iro ,cui'itnt ,nt"fi ,a, ex- At tne 1 liming 01 trie Aru iti Dtiildiiirr., April ICth, .eV " '-uyirjanu In uni'.i 1 rntr. 1 43eaPM.rktt street, May 1st, lf5u, the genuine HERRING 8AFE Preserved the Jewelry of Ceo. W. Simons cs. Dm.; Hooks, Papers, eVc, of Fisher it Uro.,and Edward Scaniana & Co., after remaining ex posed in the burning ruins for nc-irly FORTY ll"Li;rS anil proving conclusively whit we have always chimed for them, TH EIR GREAT SUPERIORITY over ail securities now known. In these fires, THE HERRING'S SAFE, standing side by sine with those advertired as "warranted tn sland 10 percent, more fire lhn Herring's," came forth the ACKNOWLEDGED VICTOR, not only preserving their contents in EXCELLENT order, but being in themselves in condition to go through another ordeal, while Ibe boasted ' Salamanders" of other ma kers were badly used up in every instance, and in some cases their entire contents completely destroyed. To the public ho would .imply say, that. Utt ring the fonrteen years the HEKh'INO'.S SAFE has been before them, rr.ore than two hundred have passed through accidental fjree without the occurrence of a single loss. We would, therefore, CAUTION purchasers against the misrepn scnlatien of interested par lies. The HERRING'S! PATENT is the only FIRE PROOF SAFE made in this city, wl ich ia protected by n PATENT RIGH T, nn l we will guarantee it lo resist more then donh'e the amount of her.t of any other Safa now kiiuwn. l an d, Hen Ins & t'o., Pole Manufacturer "n this Stalo of "Herring's Patent Champion Safes," 34 Walnut St., J'hiUfia. CiT "Evans A Watson's Improved Salaman ders." "Oliver Evans'," ,-C. S. Gayler's," nnd "Scotl's Abeelos," Iron Cheats, (a large asaort- ment having been taken in part payment for "Herring's,") will bo sold at low pricea. Philadelphia, July 10, 1858. ly Wholesale frJrocery. EBY Sz KUNKEL, Opposite the Pennsylvania Kail Road Depot 31 ARRISUURG, PA. EEP a large stock of the following named articles, and will sell cheaper than nny oilur house this side of Philadelphia. Call and see price of Cufl'ee, LnrJ oil, Fish ell, Bugar, Fish, Tar, Tea, ia!t, Rosin, Spices, Hams, Pitch, Tobacco, Shoulders, O.fkuai ' CigaiS, Flour, Robes, Vinegar, Fluid, Calcined Plaster Cheese. Soap, Candlea A c. S. 11. Molasss, Syrups, N. O. Molaates. Also, Cement, Safety Fuse, Crow Uara, Sledges, Iron and Noils, for sals at very small profits. Julv n. 'S.ia. ly PUILADELHIIA AND IIEAJDLNO f pATCHOCLY, JOCKEY CLUB SPRING RAILKOAS. 1 FLOWERS, 4c, of the best duality"- a CHARaB OF HOURS. fre.hsunt.lv in.t r-cil.l 1 r " "VN AM) AFTKlt MONDAY, July 5, ISSO, ihe down ZZnrPf . t' ' ,h KJ morning Pusseuger Irani will leuv. Poiuvilla ui H lj u u oioro ui A. N . 1-ISHEU. A. M., passing liea.ling ulO il A. M , und airivnig ut iSiiiMbury, July 17, ISM. Philadelphia ul 12C5, ni'ou. , Tiie down Afteru.Kin Train will leave Pnttsville at 3.30 lobaGOO and F.ncrn-a on non t P. M., passing Heading at 6 W, and arriving at Pniladel- X s e r .cegnrs. iO.llOO Imported phia .17.40, P.M. , fc"Bra of various brands. Eldorado, Fig, .Moruiin; uud Ai'ierunon Passenger Trains lenv. Phila- ' avcndisn and line cut tobacco at delphia al sain, hours us heretofore, 7 3n A. M . uud 3.J9 a w pit l r i-to P. ,M , passing Heading .1 lu U5 A. M. and 0.U7 P. M. Sunbury. July 17. 18.-.8. '"&IlU5S- I.KDANON VAI.l.l'.Y HRANCH ., Passenger Truiu leaves Heading at lli.Ub A. M , (after I1ENUY DOWEL arrival ol Down and L'n .Mnriiini: Pusseneer '1'ruin from " -XJ9 Pollsv'llle and Phllai'elidiia,) und univt-s nl llarrishura at A 'T T0 Tl.TTlJ i T1 T A I'i 35 noon, iu time to connect wilh Passenger Tiu. ns for Jti Ja. Al. JL JLXVV. Sunbury, VilliaiusMirl, I'iluiir;!, Pntsliurg, cnauiliers'iiirir, OjJlCC Opposite tht Court House Ilaltitnore and I monaster. leturniii, leio'es lluirishur): c V UT i nt i ii P M .alter arrival of Passenger Trains from all OUllDUry, M OrtUUIliDerlanfl CoUStV Pa. uliove points, and urnves at neailinji al 4 53, in nine to Pimnt -ti-i; u eoiiueet wilh l i sad Down Passenger Trains to Potts- rlompt aiieilllOn 10 business III adjoining ville aud Philudvlnhia, the auw evening -OUHties. G. A. NICOI.I.9, r , Engineer and Siq-riiueiHlent. VJURE CIDER VINEGAR, July 17, l?5S.-tf L IM.-ltR CIDER VINEGAR SADELRY AND HARNESS MAKING. PURE cider vinegar', riHE subscribers respeclf.'.ilv inform the citi- D? ,lle 1usrt Sa""n d barrel, for sale hv gens of Sunbury and vicinity lliut they have M. C. GEARHART. commenced the above business a few doomcbove Bunbury, July 31, 1888. the Post Office, Market Square, Sunbury, Pa. r.r-if 0 Work of all kinda in their line of businesa will s)KlT2 (Xi CrOej he done promptly and neatly on the most rea- i"YrQrP l.1 1 T I fll'Clo sonable terms. CLEM ENT Sc OYSTER. ' 1 O 1 J.U 1 . V UlV Vjh 5. Februaiy 13. 18.M4. No. 9 Albemarle strett and No. 10 5. Front 1 ATE NT PRITTAMA STOPPERS ? tlrett Baltimore, Md. bar boltlea for sale by Axd Scott's Cresk, I'ortsmoctu, Ya. H. B MASSER. f ESI AURA-NTS supplied st all se.sons rf Siinhtms. July 19. lWSR. A tt ejearwtth all Ihe aalt waler delicacies P. MELANCHTON SHINDEL, '""."n ini"'" ci'y m.1rk",' , r n .. t . . JUST II OF T II 11 PEACE, t ,7.-. ' ' SXJ3STBXJR-5C-, 0? A.. OJHct in Deer Street, immediattly opposite tht stationery. A large aupply of fancy Note Public School House. , 'Ve' nJ Envelopea. Mourning, Leltcr. .. . , , , ' . . and Cap Paper, Fans, Ink, Sand, Ac, at All business promptly attended to. Monies ,uiy 17. '68. A.W.FISHER'S, collected and all ordinary writings done. r . . ..- Sunbury, April 85. IHftT 11 HOWN'S and Breinig'e Essence of Ginger A and liusband'a Magnesia at IJORTand MADERIA WINES, Schiedam July IT.'ftS. FISHEWW. 41 Bchnapps, Wild Cherry brandy, Blackberry ..T 7 r TUT-. - ,', ind Lavender brandies for medicinal purpo.es at Irltr&te 01 iUag UcSlrt July 17. 'a. A. W. FISHER. oa liBhing TaoklO.-Red Cork, Gia. Col- TASTELESS SALTS. ton and Linen LiHea, Out Lines, Sa Grass 13 preparation ia recommended us an ex by tha yard, Snoods, Flies, Kirhy, Limerick aud A eo'l"" laialiva and purgative. It operates Carlisle Hooks, Rods, cVc, for sale by mildly, is entirely free from an unpleasant tas e July 17. 'fig. A. W. FISHER. rcsemblinj lemonade in flavor, prepared and sold i i . . . p. A. W. FISili-K. ALMONDS, BAIS0.N8, FIGS, LEMONS. Sunbury.July IT, l58, , Ac, Ac- ju.t received fresh supply and - - , . , s." for sal. at Dm Confectionary .tor. of IJU KB CONCENTRATED L ' E ! Oh ,SA. M. C. GEAFHAKT. POXIHER. for ..to at Druf t Rnnlmvy, May ! Ii7, ot. Ti. W e ISAAC M.WILKERON. JwtANTJ?9,OTTJl.r3H OP FURNITURE AND CHAIRS So0!!.908 r"hIonbl Style. Rn nFJ uBr?.cr.tariM- Sideboards, if' ?J4PA8T AMD DIMN6 TABLES I end -Iso VENETIAN BLINDS, equ.U, PhU.J nEDSTEAC'evertu"; end nANJgl JOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, ercry article in this Une 0f hi, buaines. A of the public to his large nd splendid as sortment of every quality nJ prjce of , CARINET-WARE which cannot fail to rocOmmend iUelftocvery eru. who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of Ibe best stock to he had in the city. No etfort ia spared in the manufacture of hia ware, and Ihe subscriber is determined to keep up with the many improvements which are coiiatantly U Ine made. He lso manufacture ell kinds endqualitics CHAIRS. rcluding varieties never before to be had ir Sunbury, such aiMoowr, Black Wl. "ati'.-"" UnsciAii 1 isn Wiirn.oH r it V . A.!,D T,lVCT .P,A!, Sr01"-. wliich are of the latest atyles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufnclured in the Cities or elsewhere. . .. -uosenner is determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cilies, as every confidence can be entertained about the quality and finish of hia ware and C.iairs These articles will ho dirposed of on as good term a; they enn be purchased elsewhere. Coun! try produce taken in payment for work. - UNDERTAKING. -Having provided a handsome Hssnait, he is now prepared for Undertaking-, and attending funerals, in Ihis vi runty, or at any conveniont diatance from this place , , Th,)vire r.oim is In Fatvn Street, be law Weaver's Hotel. He has also purchased the riRht of manufs. luring and selling i Northumberland county, Gonul. patent txceUir Spring Red, which V-e wi I furnish at reasonable rates. Spring, put lu eld bedstead for three dollars. I'M AO M. V.'ir.KERSON. Bunhur, April IS, lf:.3-tf. RXVIERK HOUSE, CPormerly Kline's Hotel.) 7 LEWlSliURti, IMO.V CO , TA. it Ci. HETZi:.,, r 1 oii H tor. rj'lllSi.oiieof the large,! ,d,t furnished Hotel, 4 the S est !i:im:h. It is lo, mul in Ihv l.uri, en ri 01 Ihe town, (it h-n.g ih. ,,lv H.ilri in Market Kiuare ) " P'oi''-'or is ,h-le,u,iue, ue every eri. lo n..ike his hon... c, ilthe liesi in l.ie Stale : nm it i-fie-s rre siit-ui- u'sfor persons wh . spend a Vli.irt t.me in "i.eol . m.t p,mB,ml ll)W, , sylVM.. Charges very inodernto. 1 n tewi.huig, June )i, S;s. 6TO E. f IsS LOUISA SHISsLER.re.pectrully in forms ihe cttizena ot Trevorton ami sur rounding county, that she has openej a new sloro of Millinery and Fancy Goo.is, at Trevor, ton in .Sliamokin street, nearly opposite Knouse's Tavern, where all kinds ef Ilonnets and Fancy Goods can be had at the lowest terms. Dress making also attended to in (l,e best manner and latest style. April g.r.. 1S.',3. t f OLU PEN 8 with and without eases, cf a Vi3 very superio; quality, just received. Also a f.esli aupply of VriSng Fluid, f ir s , , H. H. MAMSER. nunhiirT. Dee. 27. 1R5H- "T2sifz5jro WHOtlSllS .Ml Rl'.Til. -BOOT STOR2, 40 S'jvth Fourth S t, above Chesm.t. PKil'a. O OOT8, Shoes, Gaiters, Ac. promptly m.vln jASi to order in the very best style, and of tho bast material. Philadelphia, May 8, 1857. BLANK Parch mem Paper Deuds and blank M ...lnn ...... 1 w . 1.,iiu .Aecaiion., summons. etc., for sale b 1 Munbury .AbHI 2i. I86t 1 AbSLh. pORT MONAIES, Tooth ,r.i Hair Erushe all qualities, aud any quanti y.'.fnr sain by A. W. FISHER. Julv 17. 'ftg. IIOOUE & CAMPION, No. 2G1 Smith Second Street, 6 doori abort Spruce, PHILADELPHIA, HAVE now on nand the largest assoiinient of rixi: CAIIIXKT Ft U.S 1 X 5iE Thau they have ever had at nnv previous time, end they invite the public to call and examine their atock before purchasing, as lliey feel conli dent llut their prices will bo a suflicient induce, ment lor ail who want guod furniiure to buy at their estoblisbment. A large assortment of Prsit'a Rack and Pinion Dining Extension Tnble. always on hand, Sj-rinj and hsir Mattresses f.rnisiicd ut lowe-l piices. Furniture carefully packod and on rs.soiiable terms. Philadelphia, July X4, 1 fi58. 1 y -af jM."', f i