t TBARL3 HANDOM STRUNG' X . u....A(f.,k. l ui, d to the "rott I..- r,,." ..1 Tuolumne, who writ "A Node en the Tinnf Li ' W'n "T' u' I''"' ' . v 1 'ln c.l. n in. up. " 'I T.-ra t ttt. , cru iirgs, (1 I gcl- 01 Ibov, s.iy, ii. n't vi.ti see 7 j Yil'V-0 '.7l-T.-.l 1" I'i" hiifl'l, An 1 a.-k. .1 if I re "eit i IkI I l.nn rioter I- H'-r. "' Hid answer s, "l tt 1 1 J" 1 told a lovely 1 im bow 1 ' Adored uj'i U'vi J ln-r , VT.'tli tit :.n.; ti"l) aid J-iwncu-t eye ..-ho u.uin.iif'.d trut.'-Jv so !" I lock an OA-,h oil" r day Ti. ..-::.k ii.uinl.t li t ci'lu wui-'i A l.ni l'fii:!.u el' itn'm' '". ' ilijucu 3. 11 Im.liVt I'Hel." I told a seaman ho I tifinVt 'Pint v.o slum d have n blow. lie drew hiinc-lf p Vriy '-(lUil." And said "I wut t ? !" Thm I trot inn 1 und 11w1.ro uii oath IJ ni'f (i In blood uml (Lander .I .;awUv preenhnrn near in both " J at ili.i't. rail, "Well, 1 wonder!" 1 .;-. s ilniyiraij with bis dray l'a;' in a ifid hole stuck J MK.f ji. ii 10 liflp him 011 hi wnr. Wh-.-n h? said, "You're n brick !" A 'rutniny'' wallowed in the dirt, As '.in lie hn,l 11 tit Al,..l! An i-r v ii S....1 ' id him by ilm Mii.-t, Cut up and pit 1" t i uu s... irrigating" frif n-1 il liko to "t.. t" If! i;, 11 h. lt!an.'eii lnrt" nut 'no, A;-'! e.iid, "B-r'at.-p, ;' u hut 1" '." :o his "1 nil" jo dear !.. street ii. I holler.'' ire yon ttiit' f lu I hcur ! L u.y bliitolll do'.lnr." Ac it "U Ii. n "'.. i 1 nv a f. nv fellow, who Mci... l.v'-t Hi .flli.-. I im 11 f hia .'. leful ruo, dJ, "I'll tniasL jour mug !" 11. ;i-!.nl 11 li cmler On tho read 2 .t in i.uike ') nuifh fiu;t .. v ! "lit" iij;Ll up nnd faiJ, riy, ir I'll bust jourciust !'' j..1i ciii!i!, 0 ! Foot l.ur i-ot, M ilsi li-..m 11 y eli-ol pi n t'ip ;:l k il'n li isM in- 1 cli c, ". bet," Aii.! s,i j'lsl "let InT l ip 1" - , ,w-TrM....ix..:i';..vMiwaBBii ii morons A Mil' i'O IK OF AN Kxl'lli.SllKNT. WLell ;'. il d 1'' lis re v.aii pi jciii ii.g law iu lis liui'.'uio cojrts, he wus 11 pretty formidu !.l . tiiijjjuiitti, even in l!:it cUy of burs riid in t:-i.". Upon one ceeario't n witty lawyer, I.;, !'.. iiuMiH if Tulott, .!$ h; (.;;. "I'l-ul. .in! the latter, wish i 111; to (-linir tj tlio juiy IiiiiJ '.n.i:ily lb" rival cufru was I'nrtitii'd, ni.iu.i u-o ol' a phrasH wh;cu hu pri'tamcd woi.l.i ":n h;jn.n to l!i' if fce'iinH. "Not "i..ij" miM hp, "huve my cliciit'a ii'ut? beej thus 1:1 (itdi'd. bt.t olfio, in orOcr to 8 u 3 1 i 11 t mil im uafl, you find arrayed against liiin the h f t ti.!:it in tho ciuutiy 1 tiiay say tin iLlht UoiL-cr, of the pn.f.-sviou !" . "What linifP tbo g.'ntleiiian nn t lie opposite sido meuii by tlm '.ijjht bower V " said Mr. F. who had ticr .'r j.'.uyed a (.aie of uchre in his life. "Vv by, uid Talcott, With u fly nii.k ut tht jiuj', "1 thought everybody know what that im-mitth biErpet knave in the puik V (.'uzzctra' Wine PrctS. A D.io l.v 'ran Pi'M'UT ."ot!i!rg in tho vt ..y t'f a practical joke has amused s s.i nmcli for 11 Ion; time as a dog uotice thai was piveu ui tbo Otthudox Church, in L.niCiif.Hr, Lit '..iini..y. It may da well us a btiilesipie i.n ir.lvtfi ii.-iua uii thino fr.iin-l'ii' ; u!, :t. A u wm sent th scxtcu i!iu'uiirS9 willi ,'no iMiitioii cf h.iving it posted m tie mi t i..;i..jsi v.,'..:vi ty rO" nti: k he win : i '...1 pare over to t'.io nuu'sti'i-. I he I'Vit-li-i i.'r;y;rai. '.t:.! a strtuit'i-r, r.iiU whin lit ... ; . to md his notices he lm?:tn'l n n o im. ; lull n!ti;ru pr-faeu U tl o ilct thai, i a itriiiisrce. h uid not l cl ut liberty ' .. Jt..iiiiK rcinling ui.nt wus iven to him, let c .1 j'- iollowa : "AH owners of d.'s nie bom H iii.ntjed that if til.) miuo urn in.t lt'i'ri teied by tb Mint 'l Mny, tl.y will be killed a. e.ird.iig to law." 'I h riled on Ibo ci'ii .Mealiou Can be umng.ued. Tite yex-jio:t Xcus tellj tLa fiiiloair.g clery : "Duncan Fell, E q , has jaf t eoiiimeiid the tri'ctioD of a m-tv I'euuti in fmiit of hiu uiuusion, ru Mary ttreet, in thin city. On ona of the posts is the fu'lon'ing iu uulu script : " 'TLe proposed fence is to be CO feet long eU fatt rails aud coping ; to be finished this week. Mr. Kotuu is tho carpntur, ad Mr. Fluddtr the mason. The wuik u to be doue by lb., day. ' 'Terms cnh. '"leasrs, Fisb & Fugs furnish the lum 1st. "I hope this will bo tutUfactory to the public. ''.l;.i-.7 2V IS'.O.' DUNCAN' FELL." Tu this J'Ae ICijUonul lutt'.ii'jentr thus barrates the ccqunl i "It was on the first night of the to-be dry month of May. lS.tO tho mculh if tlowi'is ond zjphyra. f i.-iiiial attraction, green peas, un l oilier alli.iitics tbut llaijo-ni Fell lay buried in the aims of slumber. A loud uuii terrible rapping aroused him. Jt was con tinued. It ip, rap. rap ! Etarlinj from tleep, Duncan looked forth into tbo moonlight. A dark form wiis poundiog nivty (it tbi door. As Fell looked fiom tbo winlow, the foini ( ried uluud : "'Say, you. Mister Fell, be yu ngoin' tn have thU'cie feiice white or yalUr wa. Lid Y " Filial Love A plain old gentlfciaan went w'.lh his to-m, to bring homo his (':,, two young tprigs, who wKre soon v.pe. tii. to giudi.a'.tt. While retun.ing lley t-tr pj i-d at it holii in one of cur lountry lwim I r Hu ncr. '1 h: lauclorJ struck with li.o dushing r.py.e.r.nc 1 Lf the two geDtleir.uD, uida bin. . self very officious, whilu ho look tho ell mail, f.oia bin homenpun appoaruoc. , to be uatl.ing but a driver, and asked the in if they wished tLo driver to sit at the san e ubin w'llh iLein, ' Well Dak," sulci the youi.ger, 63ide to lis brot'.it r, "us he is our iutU-r, aud it ii his team, c.i J he wi'l bear tho j-xpei s , 1 ttiuli !.! better let him i::t with cs." "e, I ihiak so. uo, n.iii r the cireuin-1 staneei," he replied. '-LaLdlurd, give him a I lace at the table." "Why, u ydecrfir. are you alweja gsi'i.g Dt the cursel?" "J ait bi'c-iiUia tbty uie tbo . tidly golduo prsspects I ever have beforo me."' Frivoeixo.. "What makes yen so g;m Tom T" ' Ob I bad to eudure a sad trial to my feeMngil' "What ou earth was it?" "Why, I had to tie on a pretty girl's botiuet, while her nutnnta was looking on." It is supposed that the reason a man who i' disturbed by loud quarrels and broom han dle applications at home take a drink, be-fius-j he tliuks it partly on the road toe itill noun. Tbs worstfeature on a mau's face Ubis ntse stock ia olhr people's business. Cans Dsn watch with a second- Laa bi called aliened Lsod watch! Ayer'sSarsaparilla A componnd romccly, in which we have la. bored to produce the most effectual altcratire that can be made. It U a concentrated extract of Farn Sarenparillo, to combined with otlicr luhctances of "till greater altcrntivo power m to all'urd an cilective antidote for tho diseases Sarsaparilla is reputed to euro. It is believed that such remedy is wanted by thoso who miTor from Strumous complaints, nnd thut ona which will accomplieh their cure muet provo of iramcnuo eervico to this lurgo clars of our afilicted fellow-citiwns. llow completely this corapiiund will do it hus been proven by cxper , intent on many of tho worst cases to bo found of the following complaints: - ScltlFCL AND ISCIIOFI'I.OUS CoMPt.AlNTS, Enurrioxs and lincrTivn DianAsc, lTi.cr.n!iy I'lMia;::, ULorcnrR, Tumors, Salt Hiikum, Scalu Hkad, Sypnii.u axd Svpiiihtio Af ;ction3, M tr.cuitiAL Dhhasr, Uiiomy, Nru- 11 vi.qia on Tic Uour.oruEOx, Dr.nntTY, J)ys orf Sr. A,'. rr; and indeed tbe'wluito chun of coinplaiuti urising from Iurumrv oif tun jjlood. This compound will be found n gTcafr pro motir of health, when taken in tho spring, to expel tho foul humors which fcfitcr in tho blood at that noawn of the year. My the time ly expulsion of them many rnnkling disordrra ore nipped in tho bud. "Multitudes can, by tho aid of this remedy, spare themselves from the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through w hich tho system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, ii not assisted to do this through tho natural channel of tho body by nn alterative medicine. Cleanso out tho vitiated blood w henever you find its impurities bursting through the skin iu pimples, eruption, or sores ; cleanso it when you iind it is ob structed nnd sluggish in tho veins ; cleanso it whenever it is foul, nnd your feelings will tell you when. Even where no particular disorder is felt, people enjoy better health, nnd livo longer, for cleansing tho blood. Keep tho blood healthy, and all is well ; but with this pabulum of lifo disordered, thcro can lie 110 lrcting lieilth. Sooner or later something must go wrong, and the great machinery of life is disordered or overthrown. fjavsnrmrilln has. and deserves much, tho reputation, of accomplishing theso ends. Hut ! the world has been egrcgiously deceived by ! preparations cf it, partly because the drug j nlono has not ell tho virtue that is claimed j for it, hut mere because many preparations, pretending to be concentrated extracts of it, i contain but little of the virtue of bursaporilla, j or any tiling eh-c. During hitc years the public have been mis led by large bottles, pretending to give a quart ' cf Extract of Sareaparilla for one dollar. Most of these have been fiauus upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if uny, Karsapa- 1 rilla, but often no curative properties whatev er. Hence, bitter and painful disappointment , has followed the v.so of the various extracts cf Sarsapnrilla which Hood the market, until tho Jittmc itself is justly tlcspicd, and lias becomo synonymous with imposition nnd cheat. Still we cell this compound Paitaparilln, nr.d intcr.d to supply such B remedy ns i-luill rescue the jiame from tho load of obloquy which resta upon it. And wo think we have ground for believing it has virtues which ore iiTcsistiblo by the ordinary run of the dUcases it is intend ed to cure. In order t.) secure their completo eradication from the system, the remedy should be judiciously taken Recording to directions on the bottle. rnrr.uir.D by DR. J. C. A Y H It & CO. LOWELL, MASS. Price, Ql jier llottic ( Six Eoltlca for 93. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, has won for itself such a renown for the cure of every variety of 'llnont and Lung Complaint, that it h entirely unnecessary for us to recount the evidence of its virtues, wherever it has been cm played. As it has long been in constant use throughout this Ecction, we need not do more than r.inire the people its quality is kept on to iho best it ever has been, and that it may be relied cn to do for their relief all it has ever been found to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, roa tes cube of Cxtivcncsi, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Dysentery, Foul Ztimach, Erysipelas, Hcadatkc, Piles, ltlicvmatism, Eruptions and Mm Direascs, Liver Complain', Drcpry, Tetter, 7'umors and i'n.'i JiJifum, H'oiikj, Gout, Xturalgia, ns a Dinner Pill, and for I'uriJ'ying tho liluod. They are sucar-coatcd, so that lhe most sensi tive can take 'them pleasantly, and they nre the best r.perier.t in the world for ail the purposes of a family physic. Prico 25 cents par Box; Five boxes for 1,00. Great numbers of Clcrsymcn, rhvsieians, States men, nnd eminent pcrsor!i"'es, have lent their names tu certify the unparalleled usefulness of these remedies, hut our bpaco here will not permit the insertion of them. The Agents below named fur nish gratis our Ameiucan Almanac in which they are fciven ; with also fall descriptions of lhe above comjilainta, and the treatment that should be fol lowed for their cure. Bo not be put otf by unprincipled dealers with other preparations- they make more profit on. nnmA-l Avc'a nn1 tilm nn ntr.ers. lhe SICK want the bct aid there Uibr them, and they thould have it. All our Remedies are for sale by 1 ming A- (iuii.t and A. W. Hthtr, Sc.nlmy. 11. Ii. McCoy, IV'oitl uniberlui.d, A. T. liicel, Turin t-lile, Y. Ktolz, Wiad (inp, J. F. Cailow, Mihon, O. It. Ctdwa der, iS!uin ikin, " V. Uhler. Uhlersville, And by all Druse'"1 ai d Merchant. April 10, IH.1U. ly :btt-2- TlIK WAI3SUTTA PRINTS?. They aie the lest Calicoes yet offered 10 the public for the iiionfy. WiioLtsALi; Aulkts : ErrcKEST, ahmsthokg & co., N E W YORK. April 23, tft.'iD. 40131' "SPICES! SPICES!! 6PICE3!!! Pure oitJ o. 1 Ground Pcpjicr. (.linger, t'itinuiir'ii. Al'fpit e, I l- ve. Aii.ciu.ut un( I'ltslieh ivluitiiui. Ceyciiuti I'cppcr, Nuti:it-j;i, Mnrt. tit. k ;nl b' ia. SsiJipciie, tolcraiua. ShUi. I.i'.jid. t'jiawav uml OiriainW Sml. A'd 'ii D (it v iii.il (jrtU!J .tJ!. fee !Vr fi.W n't il.r K'le .Mn:N t! ai.J 510 Noitb rrj!'.: HUtxt c 'iMcr uf .cw. Viiii.iiU-.pliiu. HOWAUi) WOIlllKLt. t.f rurelxruii will find it Ktenlv t' Hicit imctcst L -t!i m (uirihiv iii.U price t( 1'iiy llcre g" tti, wli.cii '- wuf un'i J ai rci-rcbci.iisl t Iwrrritcd. A trial u UciUil. riiil-Lltlt L.a, .uurcli 1", Uo'J. 1 ; J ts. riATrosn scales, rv i:kuy UKr-eniPTioN, pi rrAni.F. I J F(!H HAlLUilAD, 4e.. lur weiirhiuij hue, c ull, oie and u.eri-l.yuuise geueiuily. I'nn-liaseis run no riak. every scale is guaranteed cm re. I, and if, after trial, nut found siituaacui.y, ci.ii be retamcd witiiuut ibiilue. I tf-' I'act.MV at t!.e oi l siaa.l, e.laMiihed for mole tlinti tiintr-licc tois. A1I1K) I r Ic Co., e Corner of Ninth and Melon ftreets, March Sfli'i, (fe5!. Siutfjc. I'loludulfhia. 5!iir, sto.m: mamimctouy. rrxi- ii..i't-rsi,:ned kcc s constantly on band FRENCH EL'RUSofulUiie, and furnisbes evciy ariicie required by the milling trade. Cuiiij l ie satisfaction guaiantccd for etcry article' wild. iMiiler who preicr uie sona riurr, ny eir. iug 4 to 6 months notice, can lt their orders executed ul the quarries in Franen. Address, VYM. K- Ktra t It, April !, lf-59 Cm Ilariisburg I. (.. l'a. J 0 S E P II V U S SELL, Xu. 2, forth Aurf.i Streit, riIU.ADF.LrilU. mTTANCFACTURER of be. I quality of CM. if il. EKKLLAS and FAHAOLS invites the ullei lion of buyers to Ida extensive slock, embracing many styles nol heretofore introduced. Philadelphia, March 13, 1859 U8T RECEIVED a lot of Ladies CLOTH CLOAKS, at I. 11 EN GEL'S bloro. Runbury, Dee. 1 1. 186. SYMPHONIA N8, grand musical instrument Just rtv.ire J row fenow Hill, London, snd feisaleby T. O. COOPER. Bunbury, Febiuss? 1, 1SS, WHOLESALE HEALEKH IN B 11 A IJ DIES, WINES, GIUS.&C. r"jHK suWiiliers have oprnrd In Tbunpsou's Ilrirk 13iijillnr, Mill itreet, Danville, a largo ami complata itnck of FOBEION AND DOMESTIC MQUORS, compriaing the bmtbramlaof Dramlica, Oin, Old Ryo, Sroti h and lrieli Whiskey, Port, tJhorry, Maderia, ChampaRno and other Wines of all (trade, nil of wliich will bo sold Wholesale at Iho lowest city price. Tavern-kccpors by buy ing of na cm xave at l-ant the freigbl. l'eruus desirjus of puichabing liipjar fur F A M 1 f. V USE, nicy rely upon bcitiiz lurniahcd with a pure and unatli.'ltcrmetl ailicle. I"?' i'l'iiiS determined to fslnlilish a reputation I'.ir scllinir eiitap they repectlully solicit the pa irnnnKO of the pubic. All ordera promplly al ti'iulcd to. SHERIFF i H ALL. Danville, April 'J. 186!). KWEBV tV&OlM Idaiket Street, Sunbury Pa. I 'JMIK sul.M riher rcHpectfully informs the citi j -"- rem of Sniibiiry, mid the public generally, 1 I hut he Ins lukivi pot-session of Ilia above well ! known stand, formerly kept by John Leier. j lie is drlerniim-il (.1 ufh every exertion tu make j hi house one of the best in lhe St.itc, 111 id oilers i r re imlrecmenU fur persons who spend a ehort 1 time in one of the most pleasant town in central j l'cnnsv Ivania. Hi tiit.le will be supplied with lhe best the market can produce. Ill bar will be supplied wilh the purest liquors. j Careful and ol lining servant always in atten j ill me. A i-liarr ol the fti-al and traveling com limiiily U most reni eclfullv solicited. SIMON SNYDER, April 2d, IS;d. Cm Proprietor. 3STOTIC33 1 THK ADAMS EXPRESS CO., (live notice that Ihey have concluded arrange ments wilh tbo iNortlitrn Central Rail Road Company, to run trains from lialiiinore for Yolk, llairishurn, Dauphin, Halifax, Trevorlon, !Suii bury, .Northumberland, Lcwi.burg, .Milton, Mull ey, v''i:iiain.-oi t. unJ nil interim". lute, Statiuii. Coni.i.liiie, at II urW.urijh wilh (lie (iUUAT WESTERN E.1'KI-S for Pittsburg, Cincin nati, S . l.iiui'i and the WcM. Also wilh llow.ird & ('.' Express a( Milton or Danville. Uhniinslmrs. Wilaesbirre, I'iii-l.in, crantoii, and in'.criiu'diiils l.tti.uis on lhe Cut taw f-a, Laekuwana and Ulo..msliurg Rail Roads. At Wlltiumsport, by Unwind it Co's Express I ) -lersey Mie.re an I J.-Jck Haven. Also, by How aid ec Co., an. I tlo ir coiineelions. lor Canton, l ioy. Elmir.i. Roehi'-ter, Eiitl'..! i, Niarn, nn.l to ul! accen.-iMc p. inU in Western New York and Canada, by which Ihey will forward Merchandise, Specie., liank Notes, Jewelry, uud Valuable l'ae!aes of every description. Also, Notes, Dral'is and L'llls for Collection. Experienced and ellirii lit incsscngers employed 11 1 id evciy clloi I will be made tu render satisfac tion. JOHN lllNi.HAM, fiiperinlen.lent 1'cnu'a Division, Pliil'a. A. FI-MF.K, Agent for Suul.ury. A 1 s '. 1 fl, isr.a. CEHTRAL HOTEL, " SUKBURY, KortiiumbcrlctLd County, Pa S 1 1 1 .- liirgi' and coiiuiindious Hotel, now fin ishe.l and ci.mpleielv furnished wilh entire new furniture, ut a luiise ex.rnse l y ,!ierill' Van dyke, and siiinile al lie I'a.lro.id Depot north ciit corner of M.nket .s iuar". Smibury, and al lhe leriiiinus of lhe Siinl.nry iV Erie and North ern Central U.iilro ids, w ill br open fur the accoiii moda'ion ..f Traveler ar.d the public ill general on the FIRST DAY OF .1 NC.RY, 1S59. 'i be pnprielor will bis ex:luJivo i.tlen 'tion, toll-e comtbit and convenience of bis buchIs and is de erri'ineil to make this (stablishmcnl rank amons the first iu the flute. I Hi: table wiil bo supplied wilh the best the 1 ina.Uet can produce' having the a.Ivar.tnpe of i daily c vmiHiiiiiiulioii by cars ilirectfri.nl Lull) i inoie, uud also from thoso bringinc; produce l'.oin the si'tr.iuiidina country. His bar wiii be supplied with the purest liquors 1 th maiki't can produce Ca-eful and Udigiini s'rvanls always in at ler.iluiico. I A share ol ihr local and travtling comuiuniw 1 is most iespecll.!y solie.i-til. ! JiEl'H MOIST, I.estee. gimhurv. De.-. M, l'irt. j i'c.iiuei's lint, Kailroad Freiijht Cais tiim- j.t,.t.: r. c? . i-. V! .1n1.5f. X- RitT.iirw.JF:.M. r-ilKsul. ei.nl ...I. a liie rati s. ruin. 1111: a line of fn-isiil eius t . ami 1:1 witno'it re-idiipineiil, an. I b"p-s to 11'.. s by 1 rollipt deliveries ut reusi'lia- ..I ba-- W -...!io;ic 1.1 I'i.il.iiiL-lpliin wilh Freed, We'd A Freed. 11 .Mai k el .fieri, where io His Ae. for Suiibaiy and inlef inc. ate pi-luts fcliiiu'.l lie Ii II. Till i.MAS rCIPIIKIl, Ilnrrisbnrg. March 111, If- -:i.i BUNBUEY FOUNDEY! r'TiJIH suWribrrsi riiipcctfuliy iiiform tho riti A zcns uf tVunbiiiy ar.J the putdic gcnrrallv, Uiut they have loa-iJ lliu Sui.hury Fouiiilry ou cupied by CicOfpc Kohrliurh. auilthnt icy wilt 1a;e I'ut-ncaci.in oil lhe fut J ly of April, next, when they will hp t'in.liltd lit liirnu-h nil kinJstof Cast ings, hii'Ai as ristv.s, Stuvce, Srp.f Ac., ut &s low r..Un an iwy cut he had any where vet 'J'hry ! u.c aUo nuiiui.i l uiim; ihraal.in machines, uiul : do repairing ut ahnrt noliic. Alt m!i'rs adJrct'd j to them will U' pri.mptly bttrndtd to. Country produce Uk.u iu evchango Cat ingA ul tall fMlCd. CMXTOX ROHHBACH. J ACOIi KOJ1KUAC1I, Jr. Sunlury,!utfh R. 1ir9. Hm ' CAStl DTITT GOODS KOU3e7 EYKE & LAN DELL, FOl'RTII & AltCU $Uve9t l'mi,.Ur.l.PHI A, i II t: utwv onci'iKiT full ;iisi.rtiiiei'.L tf M.W GUOD. foit Tin; h'ui.Mx ur ls.v.. Spr'.iy Sill; f New Srvls, I'll Doiiiile Skill Rolri, biiuwb ul thu New Krin Btyle, site La i iu o.hI Kuucy iiicts (i nuli, SiiMinier popliiis iiiitl Vtilciici i. Tntvrlin UrfM Go hIm, t'uil vnrietv, lilauisCl,Shcciiii(j uii'l lluuifkcejiing (joods. N. B. M'TCiierpeis urt; respect f l!y nqut-fclrd t rx limine k'Lir M 'ck t-t Ul.AU. siUi, uud lAVYLS, Lc i'orc jmrcti m i i'. ! .New Uuvxli leeiveti duity, nnd K'XnJ Uarjjam frt-iii lhe Aueti'Mis t( New York uud this City. . 'iKHMi NKTT CaHI AND 1'llCil I.UW. krtii lath, lcii.'. 3 niVa 1"Z.XX?DS ADD SHADES, chbap ron CASH. 11. J. W1IJ.IAMS, X.i. loX'-ftliSjixllitlicet, riulvdcl I'bia, is liic fjiiH-a .Miiuutucturei uf A'- V hrlAVKU IS WINDOW SHADES, OK KVIUIY VAltli:iY. lie if tlic Utieii'it'tf v( nil New Style nnd hnt a fin utink i.i be wm ai ki:iuu:d rifK'KS. CUFF, AND At.! OTIIKII CH.(U,S OF 1JNI:N SHAUKS, i'Jt !.M MINOS, I lTL Ui:s. Ac. STUiU. ?fl AUKS paiiiud tuoaler. I'v" l- J. W. mviiea i-mzrii Inii county to cull be fore purltnin, uud uitkiireit litem lit) fun n'lialK-tier rtriu'e fcrihe iu tiiey lliau utiv oittei c.s'.si.lm'iiue'it in ihu l uiitd Su.ti-e. ' Aiarcti fiii, I -.. -"Jmiic. f4 l'.CEIV'ED larc D-soitinrnt of Balinett, Cassiiuere and Clulli, at J. H. ENCEL'S. Sunbury, Dec. II, 16S8 1ST RECEIVED a lot of CJenllemcns fcil.VWLS and BLANKETS, st J. II. ENCEL'S Jtore. Funburv Dec. II, 1SS8. I LST RECEIVED a general a.sorliueiit of New lioods.t the btore of J. II. ENOEL. Sunbury, Bee. 1 1, 1U58. TJL'RE OLIVE OIL toT'tohbwet II a( 37J and C2J cents just received by A. W. FISHER, July 17, 'M. ' JChT RECEIVED a large lot of ready made CLOTHING, Cheap at J. H. E NOEL'S. Sunqnry, Dec II, 1SS8. WirEF.I.Klt k WILSON MAJTTjrACTTjmKG COiS FAMILY SEWING MACHINES. 'PHF. annniinmis favor whieh hn ntteill the Introilnc jl linn ui WiiKiii.HR Wilson's Family Sewing Ma chine, is miineirut evidence of ii riecilence. It is new' iess now tu sny, that this useful Inslruinent is iM-eomin? il'.iiisMic ielilnln.i i the fuel is rrcofiiind by Us siieerss ful use 111 thou sunilsuf Fiimilies ill every rank in life. '(' th.-se whu have hilherturefraincil from nvailing themselves uf its iiilvtiiiiutr. s, it mny nut he niniss to snv, that Ms util "ly Simla problem to he solved, hut a siieeess already i.-uUizeil. The lnh.-t lestmuuy is consianlly cifercil.cou fii iiiiiiir the venlii t whieb litis given tin iiistrucmcnloiis Wlile nnrl eiivial.le repulatili. "I'lns .Miieliine is euiiei-ivetl un a principle enlirely oriai Hal, beini( speeinlly nml niltmriilily odrpled to lhe iin.sl per leet w.nk 011 every kind of iiia'teriai ; nnil, linving bee siiliieel.-d to 11 thrt-e years' test i.f the UHilt seaiehintf cbuiaelei bv Families, nnd in variuus biaaehes uf Maiiu j fnrlure, wilh disliiiiniiBheil siieeess, it is believed that la an inr prrni nuiins re.piisue in a eompieio ann prn.-iiriu bs.vmg Miieliine, iteimnut he iippr.Hiebeil in exeelleliee. Among the itmluti!.ti.d n.lvMiiines it possesses over all ullieis, neiv he uunieU the fi'llowiiir; I. Ir miTiMbeily uf cons'tileliuii. nnd flesistqiiciit free doiii I'roHi ilertiiiiiemeut and nee.1 i.f repairs - Its aiiesniiipled ni.iiiilv and ens ufupeiation. 3 Its iioiscle-s miiveilient 4. 'I'lie great vauety uf piirKiso to which it can be ap plied, which can be uebieved by nw other tiiei-liauieal I iiieauf. ' And, I 5. Tin-pre-eminent benntv and darnbililvof the work "I tinil v.mr Miiphiiin Iiivnlnnl.ln I lim-n imtl it n voir. nnd il bus never been util.il order. The stiteh is very du rable, and imii lie adapted to flue ur coarse materials. It works with lhe rnpi.blv of a dnril pair of hands ; saves iiiiii-Ii lone, futiiiiie and expense, line in' y-ur Mnehities is iisi-d iu un ruhr's niuii'.y ; nuothiir in the hniisrho'il rf a sister ; nml i.tbcrs bv vaiieua Irieinls. The opinions of s.i aci'tii with that I liuve just expressed.' airs Anna Corn Uttehiiv "Thete is but one S-winj- Marhine ; end tint is Whee lei and 'il,uiih." Judge .Meigs, ut' the American Insli line. 'The r-ewiug Mnebine pureleisedof yun hnslieeil wh.d ly Si-rvleeable " llev. Dr. Pimi.iel (Isg'.HHl. No familv can nlfuri tu do without it. OriMoxt of tiik N'rw Yokr Trksh. Vc prefr.r lliein fur liiinily uv. Triltunc T::ey mc the tuvurile ior fiiuiiln fi I'liTit-n, I Arc williout u rival. Scirtunic Aintir.cnii. j Yiirk ni4T itniiotuilv Ktau Die h.md -HeiVd. ' l i tlie wnU f ten t'rdituuy r-vn Jmir Com. !Ki'ial to nine ufauitrrFFt. M"iMr Jciitii .1 Ti'.ii iu.. lime, fr lainily use Advocate V Jouriutl. Mnft lion iruble to Aitierlemi pemiK Imleitnidi'iit. c i-i!iui"t imiijiine nnyiliinp m tit- pirriwl l-.viuigciul. i Wilt iiive fiitirtr Batiifnrtion OIwrvfT. ; l lir ii-?: cviT inveuteii. -t'lu ibliaii Incjuirer. i In I-mkitig lor tle beta, thvnc Kx niiiner. I Ailinirnldy tidapted fir fmnity ne Hiri'iiif-Ie. !ndiii.eiiwtlli. in every Innnly. Tlie PrrMt lxr. Ye ()f.nt it Will) 'liihlipiiitili I 'ttrifli.l!) liitrHiceuct-r. 1 i V.ii;!.y id the lnjf lirjst nsvni'l. nhhaih Ilrc-nler. ' A tietiiM':t(ti(n t'f (lie nijr Piiiicinra Mnyniiif . i ' Miitiual in operiUimi Mrs, i-ii'i'iiens' Mtaituiy. : !leohd ;i!l qtiffiti -ii, tlie n;n'-!n,n a l.iie llltiitrntrd. j I tie (tiitch c initot lie unravel (! Am Amicultuiist. i Ttiey niamiaii) tUv pre-eiiiiii' i.i'e Kxprt'. reaves the lum- nnd health 1 1 t n wuiiivm Water Core. Uur Ir-iiMtltiM is tn eriae iei w H !i it. l'oitei ' Spirit, I S'lpply the f:in'ii"i:nl !e world l'rti'y New. I Are pre-eminently nperioi . "Ladies Vifcit'T. i OneoffM-i li.ni'eh Id it'iIk il.S .lonnial. 1 I'nrivuilrtl ini'Vi-ry qnw'i ty . i 'it v Uotik. 1'ielty. Uft'l'til. ln;iv'u:tl.- l.esln-'s ' 'xxi le Have n-1 ttptiil t.'i lainilv . Musical World I A tt minim til' intilia: ncal a-'iiiun . Y. Journal, j Ciiininiie every reqairuMacnt. t-'atnily .Mat,r.ne. ; V stly oupcrior to nil dUiem (ioldrn Prize. Ye c-iiii-il ti-e in i's ptnisc New Yoiker. ' l'ur f rtlicr ttarticulars ajdy ta II. It. Matter, ' Siinhi.rv, I'a. npctit of the ntanufat-lurer, tho ! will Kupidy machines at tlio maitufacturera' ! prire. j Sm.l.nrv. Mnv IS, l'. tf EMPOBITJM. fSHE under-ictied hating received a large ond 1 JL well felccled stock cf 1 K'circ BJi-tips a ml Chemical, ' Dye-tnlTa, Oil-, l'aims. Class and Putty, is now ready to fillordcrsal a moments notice. ! In connection with the above you will iind an i assortment of Fancy Notions, Toilet -Irlielcs and IVifiimcry of nil kinds, Tootli, Hair, .Nails and f Clollic lJru.dics of every variety. 1 Customers will' find I. is stock com pletc, com prising many articles it is impossible here to enumerate. I KE.ME.MRER lhe place, under the office of ' tho "Suuhiiry American." i riiysu-iaits' l'reeripti, .ns compounded accurate . Iv and carelnllv. A. W. 1TSHF.1I. Sunlmrv, April 2d, 1..D. ! 'ZE TlJTERNATICNAL IICliL. I'-R'JAl.WAV, C'Olt.M-:il Ol-THANKIJ.N STKI.lJT, 1M13W VOBK CITY, II tf been leceit;- i.-Mtted, Tlie llooli aic i.evvlv c-:iri tnl. 'I lie F iirnitnre ai.il I'i-.'s are .tipeih, li'l lite Itillll!. fil .- ll!,sili.;iFM..I. 'l.W l.UH CKI.i:l'.l!ATi;ll SAI.UU.VS i AKS l,.MI'l hli W'l I II i llli IIOIl.. 1 Here in c in. ent'nte.l nil l!.e e. niiotls of a b .u.e. will. ' thtt la.tui.es ot a (niliiee j THE M'l.l-AUllJ I.AtUKS- FAKl.cn j C.'iinmiiiils nn'l unetiinlled vine iK r.HiniwAV, TIIK IM I liNATIllNAl. is lhe iie-st central. -f any il tl.fi st class Mote's for ban. ncn.oi ji'atvs .it aniuK.-iit...it, -ii,.! oiteis unsiupH-i d a.l-v-ii.iages Ui families and acnl lemen vitilme N m oil,. Al.M-.i n FlibKnc.N, I'roi net .r. New Yoik, July 3, ly NKV7 GOODS Atthe Ham moth Storo of eisa t t;ii.Tai:i'G NO. I MAKKKT STRCr.T, SL'NCl'ltY, FA. CB'H E subscriber has just opened at bis well 1 known establishment in Suttburv, one of (he cheapest and most desirable stocks of Fall and Winter Goods, that has ever been offered in the place, and which he will sell for CASH or exchange for Country l'roduee. Those desiring to purchase good will do well to call and examine hi slock. ELACK AND FANCY SILKS, All Wool Detain, Figured, Striped and Plain, French Merino, all colors, lleauliful Dress Rol es, Cashmeres, Shaded, J'lain ond Striped must be teen to form an idea of the extent and variety. oii TFMJSk.'T&BJ'TZ JsS 9 Mantle, Stella, Chenille, French Wool Shawls, Thibet and ltroelio Shawls. Cloths Casumeres and 8 at inr-1 For Men and Hoys' Wear, Ulack Cassimeres, Fancy Cassimeres, side strijies heavy. Doe Skin Cassimeres, Satinets all kind. FLANNELS, White and Red Flannels, all grades and price. Eay Slate Sack Flannel, colors finest qualities. READY-MADE CLOTHING. 13 oo is and Shoest, If at and Caps, Ac., j c, all of which were selected with great rare, and will compare favorably, a regard quality, style and price, w ith any in the country. 11 A UDWARE. a full assort nicut. Wood and Willow Ware, Ijueensware, of all descriptions, (Jroceries, a full stock in store, Carpet Chains, &.C., Paints, Oils, Glass. Dye Stuff. Thnnkftl lor (he patronac, heretofore trceived be will spare no pains to please ill who may favor bun wilb their custom in (he future. Sunburv.Nov. 8. I3..8. 1l'.S'HONG' & SON'S' Superior Duriine Fluid, for aale at H?1I E ICS , for aale at Drug an Drug ard l.'heimcal Lmpanum. Sunbury July 17, ltJ5H. I'uie t lucs uud l.ltiuuis. JUtf i"reeeived at 1'ISHEK'd Drug and Che" " iiiic.l Emporium. Sunbury. Oct. 18S8. 1 fishing Tackle. Red Cork, Crass, Cot ton Mil J Linen Line, Out Lines, Sea Grsss by (he yard, Snoods, File, Kirby, Limerick and Carlisle Hooks, Rods, Ac, forsalo by July 17,'fB. A. WFIMHER. ALMONDS, KAISONH, FKJS, LEMONS. &e., Ac., just received a freu supply and for sale .1 the Confectionary .tore of M.C. (JEARIIART. Sunbury. May 10, 1S57 1JARRI6' Soothing Syrupfo Children (Mth. iug. For sale at FWHEK'b October l, '6. HIGHLY I M POST AH T 2fL7S M. C. GKARIIAIIT, Has returned with a new Block of Confeotionarios, Fruit and Toy. IT seerrs as If a new age, a new life was open ing upon us, animating every heart to nobler deeds and higher aims I Art, Literature and Sci ence will glow anew and seek to develop sub liiner beauties and grander conception. JTie business world too must (eel the new In fluence snd every psrt be quickened and strength ened by an increased vitality, whirh shall urge us on with electric speed to the consummation of greater Ihinas than waa ever dreamed ef in the Philosophy of the past. Animated by the enthusiasm which prevades all classes, and desirous cf doing hi share to wards "The great esents of the Ae," lhe sub scriber would respectfully iiifonn the food peo ple of BUN U I'll Y end the public generally, that he has just returned from lhe city ef Philadel phia with (he largest and choicest stock of Con fections rics, Ftuit and Toys that has ever been draught to this section of country. He is also manufacturing: all kinds of Conferlionarics, Ac, to till up orders, wholesa'f or retail, at short no tice. Among his tock of Coiilectioiiaries, may he found 1 French Secrets. ttum Tmp. all kiials of seeid, (turned Almonds, Love Drops, Crenm White, Mini Drops, red Slid wlulS, " (.cmon. Ji'.liy Cakes, Kose, Fruit Drops. " Vanllki. f tick CulidtrS, ol all sceuts r.minion Scelcts Itock Candy, l.uiuorice, Almond Candy, FPsUIT. Dansnns, Prunes, Dates, Fics, Currants diied, Citrons, Aim.. mis, Ratsisis, Nuts of all liliuto LKMON SYHL'F of a superior quality, by the single or dozen. A superior nnalitv of SSccars and Tobacco, and a variety of Cunfccliiinarie, fruit. Toy, 4c, all of wlneli is tillered cheap at wholesale or retail. V5T Remember the naino ond place. J M. C.WEARHART, Market si., n dooi west of (-'isher' Drugstore. Siiiibor-. October 3(1, IS-IS. ly COKKSP.CI.L Z0"J A'o. '0 Sixth Sirtet, ubaoe Clttsnul, Phil ad' a. !ft Ti ERCIIANTS, business men, anil person iv-Jsl geneiaUy will find Ibis lion I one of the must convenient nml pleasant in the cily. The proprietor will ose bis best rfl'o.ts lo accommo date bis guests, nnd ut reusotnil.lc l ices, l'.'eriiilirr 4, IS'iX. ly N02LIT, uriow:; u noblit, CahiMt'l ?;ukcri!' a itnliu? More AND niCnUINO WAI1E-ROOM3, Havbig II E M O V F. 1) I iln- new Ion Front W.irchomc, No. 221 t:,.iitli Second Street, below Dock, West Sub , I'll ll.LDF.l.PHIA. O W odi-r to iher cutoin. rs and thu public generally, a new and full assortment uf CAIiiNET HARDWARE eS; MATERIALS. They invito the attention of 1 1 in trade to their stock of Hair Seating and Curled Hair, of (heir their ot ti manufacture ; A.'mo lo a full assort ment of IlK.DDl.Mi AND I I'llOLSTERV. Philadelphia. July 3. 1R.S. ly i04 Doming COFFEE POT Tea Pot, Being bofled, as Dr. Hall, of tho Journal of Health, says, "on tcienco and ooramon Bcnse," aro rapidly coming into use, and destined soon to Buocrccde all others. ARTHUR. lXRNIIAlI, k G1LR0Y. 117 &; 119 S. Tenth St., Thiladelphia, Manttr.icturo'? unJr the P.itent. irl'or mnie liy l)Alrrn In llonsv kcrpl.ty A itlt'lfM. uud tiituckvf port Cent-rally, Uf Mm!pr 4, !t-"S. (Jpo:;ue I. ArtiKT. .1 us A. Nrtp. AI3EETT Sc KKFF, No. Nifili TlJlil U VSlrrct, uim -. ii..ii uU ve Vine ) riliLAliri.l'III A. this old iia&i&vas;: STAICr. KlrjlbLl!!r.U i W'l. NT I -1 u- it 'L.iU. I d'-wiipii'vi f( Pniiditi', .Mirliauii ul. l':inninc j a mi II .uieiitiid II AN 1AVAI; '.. in .i -w in M-re, nn'l will 'V i :Teied h! the nvtrt in.,ir,el j-r-i-cf. t i Cat.li oiui i prompt fix iTi.inlfii buyem. Nails ui MiouiiaclurcrH' j.i 1 tfi inr Cn li. . OnltTs iVmii new ntomeii will receive M net am ;iern j rate ft! tent -on, and Ml yotts tent irom ifu tiuu.it: vvu. on iia rerenlcd. IViI.iLNTltv Mi i:ciunt, t'H thiir nest viit to idir c.:y to make tlifll ftiirinl (.lo,-t.aen nrf cidlaliy Invited to call unit fxaimnv our Mocrt n d I'ru-cs lH.t"oifi urelnih luy. .M tr 'i 1-J ii. JmY:i. THE GREAT AMERICAN & FOREIGN i j PATENT AGENCY OFFlCIi!?. j Iiivcntorn, Secure your I3igLtH! i I HOW TO Oil PAIN l.K ITERS PATENT, i j Mksss. MlN .V Co., r.il;l.is and rr..tinel nsot Hie fc-cli until. Atiieili.i.1. are eon luelit..' liie ntuM sticei-.tlnl Alteney for seci oit: tlie It ifrtiis . f Inventors, to be lonnJ I j in ttis I'll, ted M:.:. s. Tiiev liuve been lclstilnilU falnil. t j liar wall Hie j.r.ress el ins ci.ticn ami liieei. very lor Hie , past lilteen teuis. ..ml l.i.ve f). ji ii.U ai.J .-..iiiluelcj wilh- III mis jierion, iiion; -aicir inau anv einer Aireney in Hie Wori.l. A an evi.lence ..I liie eo.ilnleiiee icics. d in ilieir ability nit.t inteeniy. ti.ey may witb propriety r... Irr to Ibe exlraof.tinary Ta.-t, l'. .l i..-.ir: two llnnisainj nalents have been IssaeJ to tl.eii elients, enrols; tits brief Siae i.f ttvoysuis; Dial ilnriinr the satue perusi, lliey liavs exaiiuiieil through uu-ir etliineiit liian.-li tlilice in Vasliiii);Loii, into liie no veil y of ab-.ul l.n.-e ibousninl In vent i ins, tbn aitoribnt to tbeni a k.-ou kdge of l be con tents of tlie P ii. -ut ( .)ice,iiarivn'leU Uy ii-i;. exist i ig aen e). Nol only Ibis, bul lin.ie ti.ini i.nei.iill' ul all ll.e l'a tents S'-eareil i.y A 'iieriean cniiiis in lac liuro;-.eau coun tues, nretaken thrnuli .l.nu A- Cu.'s Aritriein in London, J'ari.-; Prufsrlf, Ikrlin and IVeilnri. (. Ireulars of Advice (low to Si-enre Aineriean and poreipn Patents, will be sent, free of ebnrne, lo all tvlm may wisli fur Ibeili. Messrs. Mnua Ar Cu.'s princinal in Uees in New V. r are i n tlie new lark UuiUlins, No. 37 Park How, eastern li.le of lhe City Hall Park, where all eononuiiieati.iiis shoi:l.l tie aiUresse.1, and where inven tors aie eonlial.y invited tu call whenever tiiey visit liie CUV. tes&is. Mann .1 Co. refer by perin isiru to lion Cbas. Mas -II, Ks-Conliilissioiier of rateats. II. a, J.ifrph Hull, I'ostinaslcr Oeiirral HnU 17- Ci.lilinnisi.mel of Patents, and n's.i lo unl seven thoiisiiinl Inventois in the I' nileil Stales, tvh ise papers have beeirpreparrd ,nd prosecuted through their Aaeiiey. Address MI NN & ro. No. 37 Hark How, New York. March if), lWO. Select Winter Goods !. A YEll Y LARGE STOCK!! SPLE1TDID Just received at the People's One Price Store E. Y. BRIGHT & SOX, St.XBUrtV, PA., OCR present stock include a choice selection of Dry Uoods.ResdyMade Clothing, IluoU snd (Shoes, Hardware, Groceries, Queen and Glassware, Ac Ac. Our Drees Goods for Gents' and Ladies, contain .11 the new snd desirsbl styles, wliich lor fiucneiuof texture, beauty, du rability and theapnes cannot be surpassed. Our Ready Made Clothing was selected with great care, and all good warranted to l what they are represented. Root r.d Shoes of .11 kind, Hat and Caps of every style end pi ice, snd we solicit a careful inspection of our large assortment of HOSIERY, FANCY NOTIONS, Ac. Groceries fresh and pure. Our Hardware embrace the largest slock of any other establish ment in this section of country. Ple.se cell en J examine. Wi Bri'DTTo Plusi. K. V. BRIGHT St SON. Sunbury, November 87, 18&8. STOVES- " 710 R SLE 13 an excellent second-hand Ctxik iug (Stove, also several Cylindsr Coal a. Enquire al this office. 8to CJAWS-Wood. Croia Cot and Mill Saws. J Superior article at FISHER'S, euabury, July lT!h, 1U. THE LAR(-tET fS'ITJCK EVER OFFERED IN 8UNUURY. Fnshlonnble, Cheap rtnrtYgefui THE subscriber, long established as a Cabinet and Chair Manufacturer in Snnbury, thank ful for past favors, solicits a eontinusnce of the public patronage. Hi a(ock of Cabinet-Ware, Chairs, 4 c., embraces EVFilY VAKICTV, I'aRFLL AMU On.NA- in housekeeping. It is unnecessary (o enume rate, as anything that may be required In hi line can be had at moderate price, Cheap for Cash, or Country l'roducetakcfi in exchange. Establishment SotiM Last Corner of Mm ltl frjunre. tdT Those knowing themselves Indebted to the subscriber would ublige lino by making pay-1 nient. SEBASTIAN HAUPT. Punburv, April 4, 1857. If WIIOLKSALt AKD It KTAI t Grocery, Wine and liquor Store, is. L. cur. Walnut and Wuter Streets, PHILADELPHIA. DEALERS snd familice will be promptly supplied at lhe lowest price. October 4. 1I5B. tf SUNBURY FLOUR STOR'S FOR 1809 O. H WEN, isyctat bis old stand, South , side of Market Square, Sunbcry, and keeps constantly on hand a good atocK ol riour, Feed and all things in his line- 11 ns now on hand n fresh supply of No. 1. superfine FLOUR No. 1 Extra, and Eittra Family in barrels.; Williamsport double extra in quarter barrel sacks iye flour, Buckwheat Flour, Corn meal and chop tf all kind for Sale cheup for CASH. He is always ready to supply the wants of his customers, in small or large qanliiies. ALSO, Crackers of all kinds dr sale ut regu lar wholesale prices. He hope by careful aiten. lion to business, lo merit and continue to receive the pulroimge ul his customer C. O. HAVEN. Simbuty, -Un. 10. IHS9. -tf. A A I N THE I ar,vt ', f-"-r. 'I'l. nv Snlii ubii i. in cm everv I i)J.i K'S); ) 'r ! insliince, preserved the'r i en- 1 E!nthfe,rmr.?P--.:J 'ire coi.trut in. the Ulo cs tensive fire. At the burnin'' uf the A i ti na lluildinirs, Anril 10th, I i?5&Snd in Ilm OR HAT FIRE in I Market street. .May Ut, l:io, , the gi-nniiie , IIERRINO SAFE Preserved the Jewelry of t.'eo. W. Si.iioiih A. i Uro. ; liouks, Papers, Ac, of Fi-ln r A: Hro.,and ; Edward Seamans A- Co., after remaiiiins e posed in the bnrni.iij ruins for nearly FORTY HOURS, and priivitip- concludvclv whit we; have alwnv claimed for them, 'I'll Ell! CHEAT . Sl'PKRIORITY over all seeiirities now- known. In these (ires, THE II ERKIN'li'S SA I E, .taiidnm side by side with those adti-rtisul as "tvarranle.l to stand 10 per c-nr. more fire tiinn HerrinnV catnelorth the ACKNOWl.LiiuEli VIC'I'Oli. not only pre.M-niiii; their coulei.H in 1 EXCELLENT order, bul being in ihr mselves i in a condition tn rk thronish another ordeal, ' while the boasted "Salamanders" of oilier iiu kcra were badly used up in every insianie, nnd in some ease Iheir culiie contents completely ' de. trot rd. I To the public I e woi.l.l timt.K say, tl.nl. dn- i ting tho fourteen yens th HEUlilNli'S SAFE i has been brfoie them, moru than twu hundred have ossod ihrouh ticci.lentul fires without thu occuitvncc of a single loss. W e would, therefore, CAL'TION purtl.a.ers; aquinst the misrcpriseiilnti. il of interested par lies. Tin. ttKf!U(i'N PA ri'.XT ii 11,1 nnlv FIRE PROOF SAFE made In Ibis ei!v. vtbirii is protected ly a PATENT R1C1IT, and tve ' will tji-araiiice it lo reri-t more then il mole the . amount of heat of uny other jfo now krioitti. 1 I'at rtl, lEt-rilitrT sV. t o., Sole Manulaetnrers -n ill's State of "Ili'ninsj's Patent Chaicpion Sr.fes." ' 31 Wnlitut '.iti.V.t. "Evm A 'a;5f.i's Improved Sa'atnai:- 1 ders." "Oliver lii-ii.s',;1 "C.S. ftatler's," and "Scott's Al. set. is,' Iron t.'he-ts, fa large n.-.irt- mcnl liatino. i.een ta ten in part pay meet lor 'Herring's,") will I s sold r-.t low prices. Philadelphia, Jcly 10, ls.'.S ly lViiolrs.:iIf (a'neri'i. ! Ojiposile lhe Peiiii.yitaiiialiail Koa.l Dej.nt II ARRISlll'nO', PA. "H EEP a lui jc stock of lhe followina nai.ied i LilL. articles, and will sell cheaper tli.in tiny otiii r bouse tlii co i ucs of side ol 1'iiiiadi Iphia. Call and Colli e. fc'uiiar, l.aul Oil, l'i.li oil, li-h. Tar, b-ait, Rosin, Haius, Pitch, shoulders, Oakum 1 'lour, liohes, r, Fluid, Calcined Pla.-ter Tia. Kpice, Tol.acco, iiitars, Vincirur, (heese. foiio. Candle Ac. S. H. Molasses, Sruns, N. O. Mulasca. Alao, Crnicnt, Safely Fuse, Crow Ears, Sledge, Iron and Na.ls, for sale a( very email prolit. July 3, 'S..9. ly rUZLj&SEX.FIIA AND ItSADiKO RAILrtOAD. CHARGE OF HOURS. ON AND AKTi:l( .MtJMJA V, July .1, ls, Hied own nioiniin; Fasseneer train will leava I'oii.iilL, i,i s i.i A. M., iiassuiK tteiidmg ulU.il A. M., and airiviug lit' l'hilaUc!ihui ut neon. j 'i iittluwu Ail. in, Kin '1'iaiii will !iv Poltsvil! al 3 30 1-. Al., passing Heading at 4.00, and Smyrna at 1'UiUidel phia at 7.4U, C. M. Moinini; and Aflerii.H.n l'anenfer Trains leave I'hila ilelnhiaal saliu hours as berelolore, 7.UU A. M uml il iiU I'. M , passlii5 KtaJing at lu.ol A. M. aud Ui 1'. Al. LFBANON VAU.KY ItltANCII rasseniTcr Tiaill leaves I.eadlllg at 1U.0S A . M , (nfttr arrival ul Down and Up Moraiim l'asseinrer Train I rum roiuville and l'lnla.'elpl,ia,) uud unives ui Unriislmrs at l!l 35 ii. on, iu time t.. eonnecl w ith Passenger Tia.ns for Siiubiuy, Wiiliauitpoil, liimira, I'iltsburu, Chanibersliur". Malltmi.re and laua aster. Ileliiniinp, leaves Ilui i i.l.uo; at 4 ii P. M , alter arrival of Passenger Trains from all above points, and arrives at Reading at 4 5.1, in time to eoimeci with Up and liown Pawu-uaer Traiiut to I'olls vibeuud f uuudclc.rc.u, the snn.e evening. G. A. NICOI.LS, July 17, IMS.-lf E"S"""-JSPmlude.it. SADELR.Y AND HARNESS MAKING. rTHE subscribers respectfully inform the cili tens of Sunbury and ticinity that they have commenced the above business a few doorscbove (be Post Office, Market Square, Sunbury, Pa. Work of all kind in their line of business will be done promptly snd neatly on (he most rea sonable terms. CLEMENT &. OYSTER February 13, 1858. Noaioi;. ,4 LL persona indebted to James Be.rd, lale Prolhonotary of Noithnmberland county, for fee, Ac, are requeued to make immediate pay. uient, aud (hus save coat and further trouble, as .11 account remaining unpaid will be placed iu the baud of. Justice for collection. Pay menu can be made either tu lhe subscriber or to J. S. UearJ, at his office. JAMES BEARD. Sunbury, March 47, 1HS9 tf JATENT BR1TTANIA STOPPERS oar ooiues tor sal by m e. .... H' B MA88ER. Kunbirs., July H. Sfl. P. MELANCHTON SHINDEL, JiSTicr: or tub i-each, OJfict in Veer Street, immediately opposite the Public School House. All business promptly attended to. Moni. collected and .11 ordinary writings done. Sunbury, April 85. 1857. (f IJORT and MADERIA WINES, Schicdtin Hchoapps, Wtld Cherry br.ndy, Blackberry ui Lavendsr br.nJiss for medicinal purpessas A July 17, Sr A. V. flHfiER. I S A AC M . AV LK Ell SON, MAMUFAOTtJK2Il OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Sor!.ihe.m08t MMonaMa Style. PurA', 'va"" inarc. 10 VJ i ? u P' Sideboards, a' LE1 IAN BLINDS, equal to Phil. in short, evoryartiele In this lin.f'r.- t j, nirp i ., "'"us line of his business I HE sulwcnlwr rcspeetfullv r.u .i. 1 ofthepuhlic I, hi ' C'11' h "''""'iw sortmen, u'f ever, qu.X iXJS"d :r'e",id " tAjsii:T.AVAKlJ vcrv rrV 77-" " -i ne manulacture of I... -- v cniiri ia suhsenber is determinp,! i t. . '' is ware, nd the .vr (vvril UU ufH. also .nufacture .11 kind. .nJaIili , CHAIRS, Sunt- AMXM t CHAIRS, rt r X' W""" Theso nrtirlo. u.;n i.. .i:.. . , . .. iiisposeu ol on as good .... n iiu-y enn nci nor.- ,nt.i ..i i '-eWenir pay menl f,.r work! . r3'.',.,RrAK,N,i-- "aving icre. Lour! aving provided a nnnnsome II sinss, he rtidertakinir. and att,.,,,!:,,, is now prepared fur i ., 'h min-ra s, in tins , . nn. y, or a. any convenient, distance frotn th. p. ate low WS'1- rect.b. J! "l'Uu .""!"""'' "" -ht f msiuifse- "-innaT in .or hum ,orlan.i (ion I" idl'lit .Xrr ky, r K,.r;..s. l . ... . will I urn at ninonable mi... . l-'iliu lll'Il. mil, li I m old bedstead for three dollars Springs pul in IS.4AC M- WILKKKsnv Siinl.nry, April s, m.-rj.. -tf. nxvixsan 'HOUSE," (Fi.iinerlr Kime's II ael .) 7 u:M?iri i:G, t ni,i, co , i-A sstrrzue., i-o;Mit tm. of lhe !arer, l l,t lurill.-lieil Hole', Iliaivli. It is I. .-it Oil in the basn rss .-n '' ' Hotel III :.l..rs. I .!:',' , r l il. t. .111 nil. t .,. rvvry ejelli.,,,1., ir 'fill" i- o: I t.,eV.e, I t tlie t, v.-n 'I lie T ii'lu in ke Ins ho lle'S . l ne in. .' ' ." pel.-.i veil . n,,ei.. u St ('''ISllIlt lOU .. -hoit lin.e Ii; rei.ii.ij Iviiina. : S I c l Viai.ini;. June lf-,1- 1 J 'ic,'" HTO 17. I.Ol I - A,-fi' follllSlll... roundii: county Slll -i.K!!, re-t ectfiillv in- il..-ll-i o 'Prevfirli.ii and snr- ..i.tt sue nas oia-tii-it s i.e., stoic i.f Millinery and Fai.ev (.i'i.ri,:s, ai 'I'i,,,: ton in Mi.u:.,.:..i. siret't. i.cj.Ij opp.,-iie Kn, m. 's i atiTii. v. n. 're ui I M:..:. .l f i i.i n, t k and Fr ancv t- in can be l.ud al ll.e l.nve-i lerrus Dress inaUinj als.i attended lo i;i iiiatoier iind l.i!iit !.-. l.'ie Lett ul K.'.si.-.t'r J "inl.li J'f.N.S e,i., umi without rases, uf a N.W '' l':ri if q.Mi-ry. 'nst rereitr-l. Al.. a l,e-b supply .,f Vv'iitiui Fluid, f, r en 'y H. H. MAsfsLit. Sliliburv. ll. e. ?7. I K.'-ft- flllllKltt .( Ml ill 1 1 I. BOOT STORE, -10 SitHth i'uttrlh S.I, o'.oi-e I.V,e..'.,..f, P!.U',i. B JOOTS. Shoes.Uni:(.,s,,U-.. pnnnpt'e msdn SI ft I i older i.i i,t very bs,t su i,.. a, j uf t!i ba.-l ;iiat"rel. Plii!a-lidiilii.i. M !l, lv'..7. M.AM, I'arciiniciii Pap, r i.',i.i. e.iel bi.u J.''riaoc;.. l;,,),,, , , Ac. fir sale I, M i,l.nr ,Aliri SC., S!i6 CHlions. .Siimn.),, 11. U. M ASSEfi. J-OUT MON.A I 1 , . ill i.r.d .L'sllli V, A. W. D.'ir L'fl..e !..r t ile 1 y riMiLK. 1 ail ijUa 2I0GRK C- rjAHFIOIi. ' tin', C n',. -V. ITIIIjADiiljP X-I I , IIA V, new cn I. and l'ie l.ir,;it u..uil!.,i i.i uf M. x: c t st i i;r vtn mh nr. TI :.ii they have ever !i..d ul any p.-'etiuus Mine, and liny in tile the p'li- !i r.ill .,,d rxamitc tiicir it nk In fore puic!i.i'-''nii, as liny Icel eonli dent that ilieir f rnes will be a sellicieni indine nient lor all l.o want nod fnriiiluie lo buy at their eslniiiisbiiii'iit. A lai-.'i-assorl. lici t of Pr ut's Kack and Pinion Iiiniiii- EMeusioti Tables always on liatid, ."-'prmg nud hair .M.illri-rscs ( rnisbed at livet prices. I'lirniloie cur. loll) pn. i,cd and cn reasoiial Id terms. 1 Hi.lkd.lpliia, July 21, l:S. iy PjjA i f tlm LY, JOCKEY CLl. R, SPRING 4 FLOW Ei;s, Ae., nf the be.l ijualily ; e iVcsh supply jobl icecited and for sale at the' D.-u , Moie uf A. W. FISHER. Sunbury. July 17, 1S6S. "obacco and Begnrs. -- rscgar uf various brands O.OUII Iinporied Eldorado, Fig, Cavendish and fine cut tobacco at A. W. FISHER'S. Sunbury, July 17. Ist.VH, HENRY i)oiTxEL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office opposite tht Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County Pa. Piompt atlenlion lo business in adjoining-' "olllit ICS. 1JI.RE CIDER VINEGAR, " PI 1!E CIDER VINEGAR, PURE CIDER VINEGAR, lly (he quart, gallon and barrel, for sale by M. C. GEARHAKT. Sntibury, July 31, IdnS. S1JCITH& CO., OYSTEll PACKKKS. .Yo. 9 Albemarle street and A'o. 10 S. Front strett, Haltintore, Aid. ' And fc'coTT's Cants:, Poktsxoitii, Va. TJEST AL'RANTS supplied st sll season of ' tie tear with all lhe salt water delicacies found in the cily market. All orders promptly snd faithfully aUenJsd to. Septemlwr II, 1858. ly stationery. A large supply of fancy -oie Paper and Envelope, Mourning, Letter, and Cap Paper, 'Pens, Ink, Sand, Ac., at July 17. '58. A. W. FlsHERU BROWN'S and Breiui.'s Esssuce of Ginget and Huaban'd's Magnesia t July 1758. riSHltti'S " Citrate of Magnesia TASTELE88 SALTS. 'IlUs prepsration is recommended ss an ex - ccllenl lax. live end purg.tive. It 0rates mildly, is entirely free from .ny unple.an( (aste naviublibg lemonade in flavor, prepared and eold oj A.W.FISHER. Sunbury, July 17, li8. pUltB CONCENTRATED LYE OR SA. 1 PO.MFIER.fei sals st rNHER'S I rug B'ei. Flies i" et.