i- ARRIVAL OF UK yaujuun roiR CAtLATK rftow gtRora. LAu,lrian Detof in M9-n A,chd,kt cf Tuscany heeomn mn Austrian Cvlonel. The Pop Solved i th CompUatton- SZn-Pn Winner of th -- Eatorday morning. tbe 21s lost. TUE WAR IN ITALY. Th. Locdoti JiW leading article of tbe tOtb, Marerjiro appeared t one "A n.V uUe wTkSU" U.ver.th.t ?"Vh i i fir. days .0 entire change daring- the leal u t posUion. "The n t t d rs b a w tbdta-o'.l. It?, troop. 1 5' L J!.in.d battle imminent i tbey bev. "hichteodered oaw f fa aer h fiVf Tb. b'o.nd.r, of the b.ttl. Be J of M.ngo hate quitted tb T1 .rnu. D. Kbb.rhood Of the French th .." I . end the, b.ve spread LZl Xuguibey ootetx.pLted . pro- fnuntry and bete thoir right wing the flat CODtryf D, f the Alp9, ,d their VnWJL T. K. c o.o to the "fortified oil,. U.ft. u were thought to be about to ni linT Ihi General Delia Marmora nl.ll de'cUre. to be the .trategetic line of he Sfoiao. It aeetn. impossible that the Ao.ti'anl catt retire without Sght.og -m bat i l l it i. equally in.po.aible that the French can i mo'.h 1-oger without atri- Vim a blow at them." OFFICIAL BULLETINS. ... r - niTVial P.ulletin Geo. l)elU MarmoV. ha, made tb. river Dora hi. VS .. . ."TL. The enem baa made no - .-,. According to ..i.i-.. from Ancoua. the municipality of . rl.lressed a petition to the i" p, ogain.t th increase of the Austrian -n.) mruiust the coustruction of L'Htnnuu, -p Vi.MA AUj lO.-Tb. Austrian army . taken up iuUwt t!i. S.'ia. to await oeir wo.w... liewing offensive measures ,;ie n.,, .rnnn. have destroyed tbo railway v I . . a TT 1..Haa tK.. M., Bulletin -The ,i i.;oriio.Troniann, bar.tbia, Cav .el".; B.lun.01., and Vercelli, and re "fj .... c...i i.. rrnt haste, leaving part if the forage, ic , wbieh tUj bad demanded, In-hind them. . Veaterdav a stror-S Auitr.an column., with four General. ... .t "Pltt"B:. ' l"9 morning they withdrew hastily from Caraa r.o and Strapiana." ALLEGED SUCCESS OF GARIBALDI. Tbe AW and Jndeptndtnet Beige contain Hit following account : General Garribaldi. combining h.i move ment, with lho.0 or General attacked the Auatr am at Vercalh, beating them completely, and bringing off J00 pris- 9Rom1 May 9. Ancrna ha. been declared in . ataie oi bibb, "uu uw . . . entrance of the b.rbor ba. been extinguish ed The Pope bad protested. I ruace con aider, the atat. of thing, at Ancnn. a viola tion or neutrality. R'me tranquil. Tub Oeikd Din or Tcscakt a AtsT.u GtKKRAU A Ult.rfrom Vienna in the " 1 zctu, .noounce. that tb. Grand DuU of Tu.c.nr. whoil Colonel of the Ligbtli Ans inau liragoon.. will joiu hi. regiment and take active tervice. FRANCE. P.i., Tuesday. May 10.-Th Emperor "look bil departure thia evening at C oc.ock. lie arrived at the .tation or the Lyons I tail way, escorted by the Cent G.rdes. 1 he crowd w.a immeuae, and tbe cheering very livelr Tbo whole or the Faubourg St. Antoi'oe waa on root, aud the Emperor wa. sheered along the whole rente. An enormou.crowrt wa. to " ' Kua de Rivoli. Numerous person, belong ing to the court, and other, on a rooting or t.i. M.iestv. awaited the arrival nf their Imperial liighneases at the Lyon. Tbe Mediterranean, dependen.lei bave re ceived respectively . large amou.t of ev.ry coaceiv.ble kind of war material, which it i. intended still t incree.e. Tk. Laboratory Department, Woolwiob, bas undertaken to torn out tbe enormous .tno.nt of 20,000 C8 poonder shot daily, ezclo.lv. of tbe maoifold ofSc.s of ordinary occurrence, which will likewis. be augmented. Tbe 'Queen's proclamation for tb. angmen tation of the royal navy has bem responded to with alacrity at Woolwich. Two hondred . day are admitted for ef ntnlnation. Ten Broeck's horse, l'rioress, h.d won tb. Queen's plate at th. Newmarket race. vr !..) atatliin Tho Empress accompanies tbe Emperor a. far as Mor.tereati. , Mabskillm. May 8 -Letters from Rome to tb. Bib state that tbe 1: r. neh garrison ha. Weu maintained entire, ami that 10.000 Auatrian.ar. at Ancona. The iuh.bit.ut. of the Kumagua are greatly agitated. ai May 3. 1 15 V. M -The Mbscrip. t'ou of tl. new loan or 600.000.000 francs Vm opened this day. and 300.000.000 franc, li.ve already been .nbscribed. SWITZERLAND A REVOLUTION IMPENDING. Bebnk. Tue.d.y. May l"" . advice, from tbe trontier. o f Loinb.rdy l e inhabitants or tua vaue.uno Jrebt purchases of arms and nn.unition A revolution appear, imminent. I he Aus .re making heavy demands. General Smi i ha" capfured both cattle and forage b9Lr .TsA revolutionary move- already been hoisted before tbe castle. FUNERAL OF BARON HUMBOLDT Bulin. Tue.d.y. May 10-9 A. M.-TC. .ol.mn funeral proce.s.oa ?l""Jrl Ilttmboldt is now on it. way to the Cathedra . All that represents science, art and intelli e.nce in Berlin join, in the procession. Three chamberlains, in gold costume, be.r.og the orders or the illu.triou. deceased pre cede lb. funeral oar, wbicb is drawn by six Torse. "on. tb. royal .table. Upo. the car li I II pi. oncov.Jed coffia of oak .domed with ao-. and laurel. On .ith.r i J.d. oj th. car art students, bearing gre.D palm branches. ENGLAND. The list of new" member. rlrn.a t o th. B.i Parliament shows , total of 319 Libs- . .1 nAI .OxnaearVettiVAI. W 0 8.od 1,7 May 6, . very numerous n.U ng wa. bold in thi Park, for tb. purpos. of iroDOsiok- .n .ddress to tb. Emperor Napo f.o.P. symP.tbising with tb. W1! SarV. be U taken -.1 "'k in Italy, i n. propoaniw- k. .liohtc.t aDoroval. J.ft I . V - dead. oo May 10l u-;rw. M.t 7th. order, w.r. usu.a y tb. i . , j A,imlrltf l.r tw.lv. inen oi-war .u. . A - aiihal ; orism or the win in simurE, Tb. impending hostilities In Europe have created . desire in .mong the people of this country to know the exact canse of tbe w.r about to break out. Our readers .re .war. that tb. main causa Is the attempt on the part ofA.striato iocreas. her influence in th. Italian States, and the determination of those powers, backed by France and Rus.la, to re sist this pretension. Th. New York Timet presents this question la'such . clear and for cible manner, that w. transfer its able article to our columns. That journal aj : "The Italiau Peninsula, with and area about qua! to that or New York and New England combined, and . population of neatly twenty Ave millions, occupies . position to Europe that were it uuwed.under one authority, or leagued in one iuterest, it must carry with it the command of the Mediterranean, and balance in tbe South the power or Germany in tbe North. Were the Julian States free and independent, no power could successfully undertake to arrogate to llseii lue aominioa or Southern Europe. Were tbe Italian States subject to any one of the great Powers, that I'ower might unoertalte tue accompiisuraeiit or the dream or universal European dominion at least as safely a. France iu the time or Napoleon I., or Spain in tbe aays oi cnarie. V. When exhausted Euroro fell back in 1815 from its victory over Napoleon upon the re construction of "principalities and powers, it was felt to be imper.iively necessary not only that Italy should bo put beyoud tbe - l., . "... ,l. n.i in: reacu oi any ui ine parue to ins umj Alli ance, but also that she should be prevented from aspiring to any unity or her own. No ruler could trust bis brother ruler with what Richelieu culled tan "Key or the World," and all tbe rulers were resulved that the Italian people should not hold it. Italy Kas there lore diMded as follows: To tbe restored King of Naples was given hi. own realm, th. Italian inheritance of the Spanish BourbonB. Upon an area nearly equal to that of New York this sovereign was to rule over ten mil lions of subjects, and the whole Southern re gion or the Peninsula. To the Pope was confined an area equal to tb.t of Maryland end Massachusetts with tbreo millions uf peo ple, in tbe centre of Italy, and stretching from .sa to sea. An Austrian prince, of the young branch or the House of llapsburg, held Tus cany, with two millions of people j and a ter tile region on the west, fully as large as Mas .nchusBtts. locked in upon its northeastern border, by tho smaller States of Purma and Modena, also ruled by princes or Austrian extraction and alliance, and with a combined population or about a, million souls. North ern Italy was finally divided by the Ticino and and th. Logo Maggiore between the Houses or Savoy and Hapsbiirg, the Termer as Kings of Sardinia, possessing a dominion to the West about as luk as South Carolina, with a population twice as large as South Caroli na, with a population twice ns large as that at New York : the latter as Kings or Loin- bardo-Venetia, holding a region halTas large Maine, with a population of about bve mil lions. In these arrangements it pleased tne Congress or Vionna to seo a sure guarantee of the impotence of Italy to meanace the peace of the world. P.ut the llnuse of llapsburg had not for gntten its ancient motto, and was determined nt only to retnin Loinb.rdy. which had de. seended to it from the inhertance of Charles V.. and Venice, which hud fallen into its hands" in the chances of the last Napoleonic war, bat also to use Northern Italy as its le ver fur making all the Peninsula its own. It lost no time in beginning operations. It ha. never ceased to prosecute them. The most formidable engines of Austrian influence bave been the systematic attempts of the Italian aoveieignsto crush their people back into the reeognitiou of "Divine Right." and to kill tbe ijdTas of "Liberty and Law," throuehout the States. The ink was burdly drv on the Convention ef Paris, when in July 12, 1815, Austria signed, "secret treaty' with Naples, binding the King or Naple. to "rule his dominions in occordaoce with the views or the Austrian Government " Five years luter, in 182U, Naples forced her King te Grant her a Constitution. Austria then appealed to this secret treaty, aud by virtue of it matched an army into "independent" Naples, suppressed the Constitution, and cs tablished that Austrian tutelage which bus endured, with tho brief interval of a few mouths in 1848, up to this time. Iu 1S21, Sardinia, likewise, but Austria marched with out . secret treaty, and restored duspotism there also. An outbreak at Bologna brought Anstria into tbe Papal States, one or another point of which sbe bas never since ceased to occupy. The Grand Duke of Tuscany is strictly Austrian by family, and bas therefore been left comparatively uncomplimented by the armed presence of his kinsmen. With Parma aud Modeua, in 1847, Austria conclu ded treaties allowing her to take armed pos session of these Slates whenever "military prudeuce" should require it. Within tbe lust lorty years, therefore. Austria, from ruling five millions ol Italians in oue corner oi tue Peninsula, has advanced to a practical control over tbe whole Peninsula, with the single ex ception or Sardinia, in which .lata Liberty bus established itseli, ana uas neiu us own w.th incomparable spirit and good sense. On formal grounds, tbeo, Napoleon III. bas clearly been right as a European sove reign in protesting against the steady infrac tion or the balauce el' power in Italy or which Austria bas, been guilty. In these protests be bas simply echoed the less-determined lan guage beld from time to time by hi. predeces sor Louis Pbillippe, and by the Euglisb Go vernment. Ilia r.ght to protest Sardinia from any invasion of Austria is demonstrable on these overt grounds alone. A. . French sovereign, Napoleon, howev er, ba. otber and even stronger reason, for bis present action, not th. less respectable . ... J". I ." .I A that tbey need not oe aipiomaitcanj puv lor ward. Tbe course or Austria in Italy, while it threatens all the Power, concerned in tb. freedom of tb. Mediterranean, bean directly upon tb. futur. welfare or i ranc. lance ba. nothing to fear from Italy, ir th. Italian State, defined by tb. treaties of Vienna be really independent, t torn itaiy, as nei oi A.stri., Franc, bss .verytbiog to fear and tb. French monarch would be recreant te bis trust who could' .offer tb. process began io 1815 with Naples to be consomaiea wun Sardinia in 1859. Should Ao.tri., in tbe war which sb. now incites, b. wholly driven .j ik. aim it i. idle to snnnos. that Italy would b. transferred to the dominion of Franc, iu. .am. reason, wmsu iuiuiu v v to b. A.stri.n forbid ber to b. Freucb, and Napoleon III. I. oot indeed froa.r.i a.b Ems Riitii-Tl. Board ef M.npr of the Snnbury and Eri. Railroad met at their office In Philadelphia, en Monday la.t, every member present, W, O. Morehead K.q., pre.id.iit, in the chair, for the purpoe of deciding upon the route of the Middle divi.ron, a distance el eighty miles, and also of placing that division under contract. The route via. Wi'l Creek 81. Mary', Kidgway, Clarion river, and Two Mile run. to a point near W.rren, waa awarded to th. firm ol Milton Cortwright and Company, composed of .U. and efficient con tractirs, sun of larg. mean, and great energy, end well known having heretofore consum.led important enteiprisea. Tbey bave taken the entii. work to let, and agree to prepare the ..me ear me soperatructure lor . definite .urn, . larg. .mount of which la to be paid in .lock of th. company at par. They hav. .l.o agreed to com plete three-fourths of the work on or before the first day ef January next, and the remainder by the first of July following, which will ensure the entire completion and opening of the Sunbury and Erie Knilroid, from Philadelphia, to the port of Erie, by November of 1810. New AdvertisemfriU- Interesting to Driiggi6ts AND ALL OTHERS WHO BUM. SODA "W ATEE. THE AMERICAN TRADES COMPANY, No. 22 and 24 Franlfort Street, New York. MaNUFACTL'REKS op VAN-ALLEN'S PATENT PORTABLE SODA FOUNTAIN, rilAKE great pleasure in calling the attention -I- of Druggist., Confectioners, and oilier, to thi. invention at it. simplicity and economy can not fail to commend it to all who prepare the delightful and refreshing beverage for the Sum mer season. The Van-A lien Soda Fountain may truly be regarded a. invalunble. It enable, any one to manufacture, with great facility, en indefinite upply of the most delicious Soda Water, at a coat of only about THREE OR FOUIt CENTS rF.R GALLON I The risk and expense of Copper Fountain, are not incurred, and a lew moment, only are re quired to prepare the water, uut utile ice i. needed to keep tiie lountuin o cool a. io render unnecessary to use any In glasses. I he two inercdienl. used are disnulvcd in eenerale atone jaia and are forced by action of a simple pump, in equal qu.iiuwea inio a nneu cam-iron gasome- ler, where the) Ucume instantly uiuleu and the Soda is formed. .o copper or bras. come, in conluct with any of the ingredients. No Mineral AMer can be more ilehglitlul then tlist mmiu fuctured by this process ; and whilst ilia, perh.p. purer than any other, it ha. all the requisite punncncy. Mo manufttctiiier cf foda Water who once uses the Van-Allen Fountain, can be induced to resort to any oilier process of manufacture : as eviilenco of this see accompanying testimonials The above cut represent, the whole arrarului in it. simplest form ; but they will be manufactur ed in many ornamental styles to suit the tasta of purchaser.. It is not at all likely to get out ol Older, because of it. great simplicity and dura bility ; beaules being so portable as to be handled wilh ease, rendering it peculiarly valuable for I'IC-MCS and other KUKAI. FESTIVALS. This little contrivance can be made attractive to the eye, no lee. than profitable to the pocket. No VILLAGE or CITY DAl'G STOKE or CONFECTIONED should be without one of these HEALTH-GIVING FOUNTAINS, Nor can owners of large FACTORIES do a better thing than to have one, to refresh their operatives during tho lint summer months. They can be introduced into privutn families to (treat advantage, as the expense is so trifling. 'I he ingredients used aro to be had in any l'rug Store, and a receipe lor preparing syrups to flavor the Soda Water, will accompany each Fountain. The whole apparatus occupies but a small space not more than an oidinary sized wash stand -and con be used on the corner of a street as well as in-doors. A full sized one can be seen nt "The American Trades Company's Office. I'HICE From $20 to $'0, according lo sin and finish. They can ba shipped to any part of tho United State, or Canada, at an expense of $1 or for boxing, and orders will be filled nronmtlv by Kxnress or otherwise. Eddies., UAI.LAHhIU'S Purchasing Dureau, 61 LIBERTY STREET, N. Y. orH. U. MASSER, 8unbury, l'a. New York May, SI. 1859 tf SHSPelFF SALS 3. FIREWORKS ! FIREWORKS I 4TH JTJL"5T, 1SCO- TUE Subscriber is now receiving from tbe Factnry . full and complete assortment of FIKKWORK8. Tb. stock is larger and tb. variety greater than that of ny other hoeae in th. United ttlat.s, and comprise. ' LiTo. Lights, No. 1 ft 3. Grasshoppers, No. 3 St 2. Pia Wheels, No. 1, 3 A3. Chasers, No. 1 ft 3. Scroll Wheels. Baxon Wheels. 6-Point Stars. Mines, 4 sizes. Caprices, No. 1 ft 3. Chines. Penny Rocket. Fire Crackers, to make . tr.m.ndotls r.port Pulling Crackers. Honian Candles, sin. lice, from 1 Hall to 15 Balls. Roman Candles, colored. Flower Pots, 4 sizes. Triangles, No. 1 ft 2. Open Triangles, 4 sites, Trianglos, colored Sans. Torpedoes. Rickets, 4 sixes. Double Headers. Chinese Maooons. Pnnk, or Josstick, it., Ac. Also, a great variety of Faney Colored Works, for Private and Public Exhibitions, from $50 to $500, furnished and warranted to give satisfaction. All works carefully pack ed and forwaded. Application should b. mad. a. early in the season .. possible, to JOSEPH It. BUSSIKR. Principal Firework. Depot. 110 South Wharves, Philadelphia. May 21, 1859 31. alL-PAINTlNGS wiih Gilded Frame., a lot juat received and for sale at COOPER'S Variety Sloie. Sunbury, May 21, '69. NOTICE IS hereby given that I have bought the follow ing propeity of Frederick Dipner, at Collec tor', .ale in Shamokin on the 7lh dav of May, 1859, viz: Three stove., one table, one wash tend, one wash-bowl and pitcher, two looking glasses, onti bureau, one sink, one lot of chairs, and one lot of books. Notice i. hereby given that I have loaned the above property o Rebecca Dipner, during my good will and pleasure, and all persons are cau tioned against interfrrtnir with tl.e same. K K C'BEN 8'i'A M BACH. Shsmokin, May 21, 1M3.-3t Etat of Samuel Moore, decerned Joseph Heupt and wife,"! Writ ef Partition and v. 1 Valuatiqp. Returnable The heirs of Samuel flo August Term, 1869. Moore, deceased. J To Jotenh Haunt and Susan hi wife. James Morrill and Hannah bis wife, re.iding at Le Forty, Tioga county. Ta , Wm. Fulker.on and P. rah hi. wife, residing at , Tioga county, ra., John Mnore, Elisha Moore, Rebecca Moere and Esther Moore, residing in Sliamokin town. hip, Northumberland eoi-nty, Pat Michael Moore, residing at ( is believed) S.int Antho. nv'a Fall, in the Htate of Minnesota, Mariet Moore, widow of I.ssc Moore, deceased, (who was a son of said decendan!) and who died with, in the lifetime ttf his said father, leaving iue Catharine intermarried wilh John uostian, liar. riel, intermarried wilh William Nsbor, and Ann Charles, Miles and Alice Moore which said Ch.rles Mile, and Alice are minors and .11 ol which widow anil children of ..id I.ac Mnore, deceased, reside at Jackson, LycCming rouuly. Pa ,) heir, and legal representatives of the .aid Samuel Moore, deceased. You and each of you are hereby notified that by virtue of the aSove wrrt, to me directed, an Inquest will be held at the late reaie'eme of the said famnel Mo.iie, deroieed, in Shamokin township. Northumberland county, Tennaylva. nia, on Friday, the I? ill dHV of June, 1859, for tho purpose of making psrlitinn r.f or to value and appraiso the real estate of said deceased, at which time and place you may attenJ if yo see proper. JA.MI.O A r K.L., eiierm. ShorUTa Office, Sunbury, ) May 14th, 1859. LOOK TO YOUR OWN INTERESTS ! t HOOTS and rrS SHOES. REMOVAL. The eubseriber respectfully In forms tbe cititena of Sunbury and vicinity that he bas removed his establishment from hi. old stand lo the office formerly occupied by Dr. Awl, In Market Square, Sunbury, near the Nor them Central Railread. Having on hand a well .elected .lock of good material., he i. ready to aupply bi. customers and vjthera -promptly with work ready made or mane up to oreier, In the latest and beat Style end on the most reasonable term.. Uelievlng the cash system is the best f.r both the ttfatoitior add himself, he will endeavor to ofTnr such inducements as will give satisfaction to all who may isvor him with their custom. 1'. (. Those indebted, are requested to call and settle the it accounts without delay. WM. II. MILLER, t ..trjry, April 18, 1859 ly S 'nVmbeVuV . bout .even bun 1 u. k.....ht forward with al " .P??V " rTr": A. fleet io tb. Chan- .xp.auion so B,ih. ISA eomP..ny of Royal J to nrocVeT Vo K to VV ,d j. to proeeea I iro .-.ployed to bas. rec.ntiy thai t.wa. tb. ma. to throw himself m.dly .gainst th. combined reelioj or " ... L I .1 A t n Europe. Jl wonia d. ruso iou uv- speculate opon tb. coosequence. ef such a .r.ir. . innanda in Europe: but w. may feel more then confident that tb. result of . tho rough humiliation of Aostri. in Italy must b. i,. .n.ntruritioo of such . career of indepen- A-m .n,t nitinnalii for tb. rest of Italy. .1 bas been .0 glorioasly begun by tb. gallant .opl. f a.rdlDI. nu I lenmom. eiandera r. like fliee They leapo'era mane food parte to light .pen his seres. By virtue of sundry writs of Zcvart Facias and Venditioni Lxpanua to me directed, will he exnosed to nublic sale at the Central Hotel, in the borougk of Sunbury, on Sutur day tho 1 1th day of J une, lbfiO, at 10 o'clock A. M., the following property, to wit: A certain Lot or piece of ground, situate in the borough of Sunbury. Northumberland eoontv. bounded on the north by Whortle berry street, oo the south by nn alley, on the east by a lot of William McCartv, and on the west by an alley, containing in front on Whortleberry street (JO feet, width 230 feet, whereon are erected a two story frame dwel ling .me end kitchen, anil a carpenter shop, a stable, out-buildings, hflzed tuken in execution and to be sold us the properly of Samuel Clement ALSO: A certain tract or piece of land, situate in Sliamokin township, Northumberland county, bounded by land ol Oeorge Keller ami Al Blunder Yocnm on the north, Jacob Leisen riiic on the east, the Slabtown or Valley road on the south, and land of David Adums on the west, cootsining one hundred and four acres, more or less, about lorty acres oi which are cleared, whereon are erected . frame dwelling bouse,, new bank barn or chard, ic. Seixed taken in execution and to be sold as the property or II (J. Taggart. Jesiab II. Furman aud Elisha C. llarton late trading under the firm and name of Taggart, Furman ft liarton. ALSO: All that certain tract or piece of land, r.t nate in Sbamokin township, Northumberland county, bounded on the north by land of John Klase aud George Wetzel, south by tbe turn nike. east by Jacob Treibly and west by land or George Wetzel, containing 117 acres, about 90 acres of which are cleared and whereon is erected at 11 story frame dwelling house bank barn, well of water, orchard, Ac. Seized taken in execution and to be sold as tbe pro party of John Lrfiler. 1 ' ALSO:. All that house, and lot whereon the lam. is .reeled, situate in the town of Trevortoo, in Market street, and numbered in tbe general plan of said town No. 3, in block No. 78 io tb. county or ormumoeriaoa. neizea iskcu in execution and to be .old as the property of William Pbiliips. alsu : At the Public House of Alexander Blair, in tb. borough or Milton, on Monday, the 1 8th day of June 1839, at on. o clock r. 31 the followinr described property to wit : All that certain half acre lot or piece oi ground, situate in th. boroogb of Miltoo, Northumberland county, bounded on tb. west by Locust alley, on tb. north by Samuel llepbnrn, Esq., on tb. east by tbe Suubury and Eri. Railroad, and on tb. north by lot of Wot. F, Nagle, whereon are erected a two dory Fram. Dwelling House, Kitchen, frame Stable, Ac. Seized, taken to execution and to b. sold as tb. property of Michael Graham. JAMES VANDYKE, Sheriff. Sheriffs Office, Sunbnry, i Hauling find Work Done Cheap. THE subscriber having located in the Bo rouch of Sunbnry, takes this method of in forming the citizens, and public generally, that he in reudy at all times to do small jnns, such as hauling goods, coul Ac, plowing lots at roasonablo cash prices. He enn be found at all times, unless engaged, at Simon Bas lian's, in Broadway above the Railroad. He well also keep Plasterers Hair for sale at all times. RILEY BASTIAX. Sunbury, May 21. 1859. 3t. Estate of FREDERICK MUTCHLER, Deceased. VTOTICE is herebv given that letters of admin- titration having been granted to the sub scriber on the estate of Frederick Mutchler, late of Sliamokin townsbi,), Northumberland county, deceased. All persona indebted are requested to make pavment on or before the 1 Pth day of June, next, to the suusenner, anu mose naving claims to present thorn duly authenticated for solMcment. JACOB MUTCHLER. Adm'r. Sliamokin township, May 14, 1859. 6t NEW BOOT AND SHOE STORE- JAMES BEARD having returned Irom mil adelphii wilh the latest and most fashionable .ivies of BOOTS, SHOES, II ATS and CAPS, - . . . 1 M!. would invite bis numerous menus anu me jnnnic generally, to call at his store in MARKET syt'AUE, one door east of t!e Post Office, where he will be bappy to exniou nis general assortment of Roods. Hi. eoods consists of beutleman s Uoots, Shoes. Call Skin, Morocco, Patent Leather, and Slippers, Patent Leather, Morocco, Calf Gaiter, of all descriptions. Ladies' Shoe, of every description and atyle, such as Gaiters, Low UooU, Slippers, lius kins. 4c. Misse.' Shoes, Boots, Gaiter, and Slipper, of every description and.lyle and material. Boys' Shoes, Hoots, Gaiters, Ac , of every de scrintion of style and material. Yo-jlhV and Children'. Shoe., Boot., Gaiters, Slimier. &c . of eveiy description and stvle. Ac. ALSO: A general assortment of HATS and CAPS. All of which he will sell low for CASH or Country Produce. His motto la better a quick sixpence than a slow shilling. . . 1 1 ..li .it- i nT" JAA1L.9 UUIIU Sunbury, May 14, J859. tf CHARLES lATTSZWD 5V 1 1 o r n c ) a t C a irj , No. 12S Ilrotidwajr, Xcrv York- Will carrfully attend to Collections and a!l otlier mutton entrusted to hit eaie. May l, IBS?. SPRING & SUMMER JUST ARRIVED AT THE STORE OF J. II. K.XGr.I.. of Sunbury, Pa , A splendid stock of Spring snd Summer Goods from Philadelphia, to whirh he respectfully invites his friends and the Public to call and inspect, he will spare no time in show ing them. Among his stuck of goods will be found, FINE BLUE AISD BLACK FP.EITCZ CLCTZ. Fine Black and Fancy t'asimeres 'I weeds. Sat inetta, Jean, and Fa-cy Vesting-, also a large as sortment of Ready-made CLOTHING for men and lu)S (t-heap.) FOR LADIES WEAR, Black and Fancy Dress Silk very cheap, Silk Tissue, licreges, Chali and Chali Robes, Uerega Delaine, Berege Robes, Figured Brilliant and a varKty of o ber Dress Unods, Spring and Sum liter Shawls, Mantillas, Parasols, a good assort mcnt of white goods. Collars, Sleeves, Irish Linen. Shirt fronts. Marseilles, Brilliant eVc. A ccnera! assjrtment of domeslic Drv (Jo ds. Also a large stock of Hals and Caps, Boot, and shoes. Hardware, Queens and Glassware, Groceries, C'edarware, Stone and Earthenware, Drugs and Paints, Salt, Fish, Cheese, Ham, Oil, Tar &c. &c. Jf B. Wall and Window Taper, Floor and Tuhlo Oil Cloth, Carpel., all the above will ba sold at low prices for cash or country produce ta en in exchange for Good.. J. II. ENGEL. Sunbury, May 14, 1859. tf. NEW YOHK LINES.. TIIK CAMDEN ; AMUOV AND PIIII.ADKI.TUIA AMD TRENTON It AlLftOAD fO.'B LINES, From Philadelphia tn New Yurk and Way 'Places. From Walnct Street Wbarf, PbiUdt'.pt.i.i, will leave as f..!l.-wi, viz : rs. At 9 A M, via Camden au4 Arfcbny C A A Acenm- rn'xlMtinn, fj 35 Al A M, via Camtlen and Jersey OH New ler- eeyacewmmntlntinn, t at At 9 A M.via Camden and Jersey city Mnruuia M:iii, a oo At tl A M,ry Ftesmhiat. via Taoony ana Jersey eltv Murilln. Kxrrrk. 3 00 At P M, via Cuinden and Amboy C and A. Ex- preM, 4 00 At 3 1 M, by Slenmbnnt, via Tacmy and Jersey eity, Kveiime Kspress, 3 Of, At3J V M, tiy SHinmb iat, via Tacmir and Jeney eitv. .1 I'Ium Ticket, $ 5 At 8 P M, vin Camden ft Jersey city Evening M nil 3 tU Alt I PM,vi Cumdrn and Jersey city N;ijhtMnil 2 25 A 1 2 I'M. via Ciimiten and Amln'y Accommoda tion. (Freight and Passenger,) 1st class ticket, 9 2 yd i so At S PM. via CatnJen and Amhny Artnmiti. lion, (Freight and Parsencer,) lt cl.'s ticket, 2 ft If i ' 1 75 The ( P. M. Mail Line runs daily. The tl Night Mail, paturniiya excepteu NEVv , i , TRAVELERS I Northci 'Vlentrol Jtailwayl ! 6UMM. ri vn art k aPRii. J M3u. the Train. tug schadyl I IT i.ih. to lbs Mkrw. S TRAIN. .vtsronV. i Mve. ,7J tw p.M. - ' u 8 07 1 so r ns f ts V 11 io a. 10 H 1. . It OS !! 11 31 II Jl it n 11 4 i. ot tr l.xpress Lanes stop nl principal sta'ion nn'y. K'r Melvidere, I'int'iii, Fleniinpt'tn, Ac., at 8 A. M., ami 3J P. M , from Walnut street wli irf For Water Gup, Stroudilmr, Scr.mtnn, Willcsl'Orre, Montroie, Orejit Hend, Ac, nt 8 A M,via Lielaware, LacUawnnna nnd Weisterii nilrnil. Fot Freeliold, nt A. M. nnd 2 IV M. For .Mount Huliy, at 8 and SAM, and CJ, !J and S P M. V.'AY I.INt&, For Criitol, Trentiin, 4e , at 3J snd 4 P. M., frot! Wulnnt slrdt wiinrt'. For Palmyra. Delnnco, Beverlr, rjurliigtiin, Borden town, Ac , 12J P. M. teamliont J'liin Nelson, f)r Uorddntown snd intermodt ate places, at UI P. M. Steainnout Trenton, fur Bristol. Ituilingt-in snd interme diate places, nt 12 M and ) P. M. Fifty pounds of Unrengc only, allowed en-h paiMniter, PntsriiKri. are piolnluteil from takinir flnysWtii. as linxe gatte lut their wearing appore!. All Bagi;ngQ over fifty pouiub tn he piid fur extra. The Conipuny limit thm rspntiKiliility for liacgage to One Dollar per pound, nnd will not he liable fw nny'amoutil bayoivl 100 DolUis, ex ceiit by siieetul contract. WM It. OATMER, Agent. April lit, 185P ap. 30, 'S9. ootNo Nonrft. BUFFAIO AND MAOARA V Prom DAl.Tt ttOUE to WNBURT Arrie Caleerl ?tli in,, j ca Brltlgeport, IS UaJuax, ( it M illerdrarg, . t)l 0".ngot.i-n, . sn Trevin Junction, . il Mins-Omes, . 0 uint nv, io io Nnnhumhertand, to W Chillwquan, n M f.rwisburg, )o 40 Ji;it"ii, in n Wsts.ntnvr, l la Vntontowa, n E"erv, n .M.intgomfDr, j ui Herger's t Jy Mnncy, n 4I MonrnnTtviSA, ; .i Wiliiamepifft, ji n SJOtNO eOUTtt rtom Wiu.rArroat in .UNHURT BALTIMORE ,,... . Arrive. Leave, vt illismspoit, to 00 . M . Mnnfmrsvilla, 10 1 10 IS Money. )(, 5, 10 w Cs'Ssr1., to n iu 97 Montgomery, )0 o Eyster'. io . It) t-J l'uint.w, jo 4. m 4 WataniitowiT 10 10 W Milrmi, II N II OS l.swisbnrg. II II II 18 ChllliKimqa, II 21 11 Jl Northumberland, 11 31 II 33 .UKBttlty. list 1141 Srlina-fJrove, II SV II ft Trevorton lonAln, 12 10 12 lo (ieorgetown, 12 J 12 2 Milh nburg, 11 17 13 60 Halifax, 01 I 0.1 Ilndgeport, III 1 M York, 4 C9 4 1 Calvert itatloa, 1 IS OOINO N OH Til From BALTIMORE to 8UNBURT WIL'.M?POnt. Calvert Statin.. York Itrideeprt Clark's Farry llaunx Miilersbyrg Huchanno Mnh'intone. Georgetown Trevorton JuoMtui Selins-tirove SUMHJ11V, Northnmher.an.1 ChilliBquaqu. l.ewieburg Milton Watsontiwa Linuntown F.vster's Montgomsry Merger's Min.cy Montoursriils Williaminorl rjui.icr ?uu j tl. From Wiuitttvoai lo BtNBUKY 4 B AI.TIMORB Auditor's Notice. In the Orphans' Court of Northumberland County. Til E undersigned, having been appointed by the said Court, Auditor, to distribute the funds in the hands of Dr. R. B. McCay, Admin istrator of Mary A. McCoy, deceased, to and ainung those legally entitled lo receive the same, will attend to the duties of the said appointment at his office, iu Sunbury, on Morday, the sixth day of June next, at 10 o'clock A. M., at which time and place all parties may attend, 11 tbey see proper. A. JtlKUAJN KUCKr.f iI.L,LK, rjunbury. May Mth, lSu'J. Auditor. Katatti o Jacob Jarrett 4icceaci Henrv J. Header, alienee 1 In the Orphan of Isaac Jariett. uourt oi ionuuiu v.. S-berland county fhe heirs Jacob Jarctt. Writ of Pailition deceased. J Valuation. Bett'rnable to August Term, 1859. To Henrv J. Reader, alienee of Isaac Jarrctt Henry, Samuel, Daniel and George J.rrett, and Catharine Smith late Catharine Jarrett, David illy and Lydia his wife, late Lydia Jarretl; John Barrett and Elizabeth bis wife, lata hlixa hnih Jarrett. and John JJoebler and fearall Ilia wife late Bainh Jarrett, heir, and legal represen. titive.of Jacob Jarrctt. deceased You and'each or you are hereby notified tlial by virtue ol the above writ to uie directed an In n iet will be held on the Real Kstate of sail deceased, to wit : A certain lot or piece oi irouuu situate in Lewi. tow. hip, Iorlhumtierlanu coun tv. bounded by land, of (ieorge Christmati, Christian Mensemoycr, jacou Dnaoe anu oiners containing about four acrea. Also, another lot or piece of ground in same township, adjoining lauds of Jacob Wertman, Benjamin Smith, Wei Levan aud others, containing about four acres, on Tuesday tho 88th day of June, 1859, at 10 'clock. A. M.. on the premies, lor the purpose of making partition of or to value and appraise said real estate, at which time and place, you may attend If you see proper. JAMta VAliin-r,, ouenu. Sheriffs Office, Sunbury. May 14, 1659 NEW FLOUR. FEES, FRUIT AND PROVISION STORE!; rgvllE subscriber respectfully informs the cili JL zens of Sunbury and the surrounding neigh borhood, that he bus opened a Store at the north west corner of Market Square, oppoiite Vandyke's Railroad Hotel, where he is receiving, and will keep on hand, Flour, KecJ, Fruit and provisions of all kinds, soch a. WHEAT, RYE $ BUCKWHEAT FLOL'R, Oats, Corn and all kinds of Feed, Crackers, Oranges, Nuts &c. Fresh Shad in sea eon, Early Vegetables Fruit 4c, from the South. He will constantly receive, by Railroad, from Baltimore and Philadelphia, all the delicaeie. ol the season, as they come into market, and trusts, by prompt attention and reasonable price, to re. ceive a share of the public patronage. WM. HOOVER. 8unburv, April 16, 1859.- ly. " 'Health ! H7alth"rr Health ! I ! FLOUR AND FEED. CI O. HAVEN has constantly on hand a !' lareo and full sunnlv of l'LOl'R and FEED, which he will sell at a. low, or lower profits, than ony place in thia 'Market. Those wauling flour will find it an object to call at the Wholesale and Retail Flour Slore before purcha sing elsewhere. Being thankful for past favors, ask. a continuance of the same. C. O. HAVEN. Sunbury, May 7, IS39. Aniva. Lesvfl. r 33 a.u 10 21 10 S8 11 37 11 4(1 t 91 IS" 142 142 1 87 t on 1 08 W t It t It 1 97 1 tl 3 .40 t 51 S 57 a o s 13 21 23 3 35 111 S 41 3 40 3 69 3 60 4 00 4 113 4 II 4 11 4 13 4 19 4 21 4 24 4 21 4 2 4 3:1 4 33 4 49 4 4. 8 IK! WiPiamipnrt, .Montourivi!;, .Mnncy, ficrger's Montgomery Kjster's Unionlown Waliontuwn Milton, lwisburg fhlllltqilaqu. Northumberland sunuuiiy, ehna Grova Trevorton JunciUw Georgetown, Mohantonge lP.tchanan, M lllersburg Halifax Clark's Ferry Da n ph in Bridgeport York Calvert Station April &3, I3i9. Arrivs. 8 44 0 i 0 ft) . 02 t Ot 8 111 ia 9 1 P S.I t 37 e 47 9 S3 10 07 19 S3 10 37 10 50 10 57 It 03 11 SI 11 53 I: 13 13 411 t M 8 0 Leave. 8 SO A X. . 40 S 61 9 00 e oa 0 04 0 III 18 8 ?S e 3J V 37 e 47 9 55 10 10 in t l 37 10 .VI 10 57 11 OS 11 41 it r.j 13 18 1 4U 3 4 TIIEMOS1 REMARKABLE CURE ON RECORD. Administrator's Sale of Real Estate. JN pursuance ot sn order of the Orphan. Court of Northumberland county, the undersigned will expose to public .ale on SA 1 L'RDA Y, the 28-i day of May. 1859, on the premise., all that certain tract of land late the estate of Ludwig I'lleegnr dee'd, situate 2J miles from LewivhurR and the same distance from Milton, adjoining lands of John Best, Tho's Allen, John (j ticker anJ others, containing about 91 ACRES moro or less, about 50 acres of which are cleared and under cultivation. The Improve menta consist of e itond Brick House lately ercc ted, a never failing Well of Water near the door with a Pump in It, a Bank Barn also near, with other Outbuildings also a Tenant ouse with Spring of good water near it. There ia an Or. chard of bearinc Apple Trees oil the farm. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. M., of said dav. when terms will be made known by JOsEril M. NESBIT, Adm'r. May. 2nd. 18G9. 4U T.. COOPER'S NEW DRY GOODS DR. SWAYNE'S COMPOUND f VRUP OF WILD CHERRY. .MIST OF RoCK, I'BF.I.KBICS ClTNTV, MT. Pft Swats K : Dcur fctr Bchrvme it o duiy I owe to the public, mid in justice to you, 1 have thought proper 10 uvik Known one vt the n si exiKiormnury c-JU'i, ia my uwu cane, tlmt hi ever linen truly iporiied. la the m uiih of Ui.'t'ibtr last, I was ufiii'ted with n srvcre cfit!i- erini in my brrn:, which r:neil n Inct rtbsrew, miU atsa coiiiuiuiiiceitt a to my l-ungs ami very murh Billicteu liitm, anit ciisrluif'cd lurr quunittici of t'tiff uptun, externa, knd niteriml. My urtoth u'ulu puss through my l.ungs uiul out ihrounh the cavity oi mv breast with unpatent ee, attended with a violent cough, d.y und mghr, Mmi of ap petite, uiul extreme debility, so tiiat my phyfciciaii tnougui my cuse hope1 and heud the pwerof medicine. 1 reinuined in this wretched condition for a lung tune, until i was wustcd tn a mete skeleton, and there seemed to be no iVtpe for me ; but bavin? read in the public pfipers cf the many wonderful cures performed by your l-'oMporso Syrup of Wild Lmf.brt, 1 imincdistely lent to Baltimore for five t:ottles and commenced its use, nr.d to my greHt aatih fact ion and my anxiimii faintly, the nbscesi or opening in iny LuiiRsbcpan to iiea!, nit't the cough subeidej, andt-u using ten bottles I was restored to perfect beaith. Over five yenrs have clapsetl. nn l 1 still remain a per fectly hearty man to tins d.iy, June 2, 1 have uot had a day's sickneis for eicliteen months. I lea so accept my praceinl ai'kiiwledgeme;itf. Yuurs. veiy resptctfuliy, THOM AS n.X'ON. The fubseriber Is well arsuaiuted with Thoinnt Oix .ii, $40,00 Tays for a full course in the Iron City ftilns:. tbe tar gest, most extensivtiy patronised and beatOiguiuled CXrn mercial School in the United States. 357 8TLDE.NTS ATTENDING DAILY, March. l$fl Usual tim to eortplete a fu'l course, from 8 to 10 wk-sj Every student, Uon graduating, is paaraiutttd to be im netent to nuntage Hie liiwles of any Uusmeas, ar.d qualk ktxl to earn a aaUiry of frmo IO00 to SlOfK). !iic!e:i a;ilet nt any liroe---No YaealioB-Xlarlevr tat pleasure. 51 Premmms f r bent renminsl.ip awarded tn 1359. tW Ministers' Sous received at Ua!f price. For Card Circulir Specimens of Dnsiness ana Orna mental Witting inrloee two stamps, and arid ret a. K W. JKMUNtf, Pittsbuiijh, Pa. April 8, 1S53 cb ep 43, 'W ly BArwATOGA WATER. Analysis of Empire Springs Tho Analysis cf the ntnima Water. I7 Truf Kminons, is as follows: Chlorate Df SoJium, SC9.C90 Ijiiarbonatc of I.im", 141, 24 llicarbonete of Mafvicia, Iticarbof.ute of 8ua, 50, HIS IlydrioJBte of Snda or loiJina, 12,000 Cicaibuttaio of Iron, a truce, 000 nnd can testify tbat he lets been afflicted as above repre a worthy member, of society sented I lecard Ins recovery ns almost a miracle. lie is Solid content in a Rillon, S'recific gravity, 1,033 496,353 .1 May 21, 1809. WAR IN EUROPE I PEACE AT HOME OR iqK BARRELS of Kxtra and Double Extra l rieur. lust received and for eale CHEAP n U1VFM eUl.b0r7.Maytl,llS. i:a(ate of John PocKey, Deceased, Jonalhan Dockey, "1 In the Oriihaiis' V.. Court ofNortbura- Hie heirs of I. Bocley.dec'd J berland county. Writ of Partition and Valuation, returnable to August Tern, 1859. To Michael Dockey, John Dockey, Philip Messner and Mary In. wife late Mary Dockey, Jonathan Dockey, David Feterman and tlita belt his wife lata Elizabeth Dockey, residing in Dauphin cnuntT ; Joseph Docker, John Binga mau and Catharine his wife late Catharine Doc key, residing in Dauphin county Casper Tscopp, and Sarah bis wife late Sarah Dockey, David t'nerkofler and M.gdelena his wife late Magda lene Dockey, Benjamin Dockey and Elias Doc. key, hrira and legal representative! of eaitl John Uockev. deceased. You and each of you are hereby notified that by virtue of the ebeve writ to in. directed, an in quest will be held at the la'e reaideuce of the said decendant in Lower Mahonoy townsnip, IN or tbumberland county, on Tuesday, the 14th day of June. 18&.9, at 1 o'clock A. M., lor tbe pur port of making partition of or to value and ep praise tbe real estate of said dece d. at which lime and place you may attend if yo see proper. IA he. 9 y a:jji nr., orsrrin. eborirTs Officer, Piinbary, May 14, U6. J VTVII ETY STORE. Market Square, one door West of th Post Ojjict, SUNUURY.Pa. fJ5MlU subscriber haa just returned from Jj the city wilh an entire new stock of Dry Ciootls and. a gei.rral variety of Notion.. Hi. selections, which are different from anything ever brought to this place, have been made from the most eitenslva wholesale establishments in Philadelphia. His stock consist, of lllatk t let lis, Faury t'aaslncre, Hilka. Ginghams, Delaines, Alapscaa, Chintz, Calicoes, While Uoods, Flannels, Muslins, Circular., Mantilla., Shawls, Merino, Marseilles, Cotton Plaids, HATS -A-IKTID CAPS. Flats, Children'. Bonnets, Trimming, of every variety. Ulovea, Hosiery, ehirt Uosora., Mm I Collars, Gingham Cravats, Black Silk Cravat., Fancy Scarf., 4c, Ac. The list of ISCH IUMS comprise, in part, Head Ureases, Head Kecklaccsj, Fancy Bead., Fancy Uasketa, Toy. of all kinds, Fancy Hair Tin., ronry Urarelet., Uoiu Ear-Drops, Gold Breast Pins, Gold Ptuds, Gold Pens, Ladie.' Recti cules. Button., Brushes, Toi lets, Combs, Fancy Soaps, Perfumery, Faucy China Waie, STATIONERY, PICTURES, and a variety of other Fancy articlea too nurre rues to mention. All articlea not on hand when esked for will be ordered from Philadelphia immediately, with out extra charge, the proprietor having made arrangements to be supplied wilh deficiencies whenever required. Hie stock will be disposed of on rash prinsi plea, deducting 6 per cent, from purchases a mounting to more than ore dollar. By strict attention to business, be hopes to receive a share of publie patronage. He invites all to call and examine fer themselves, aud be convinced that he bas on hand tbe largest stock of Fancy Goods ever brought to the place. TH08. G. COOPER. Bunbery, May T. 119. - . JAMKSn. I1URBOROW, Pastor of Berlin Circuit, iiulrimore Conierenr. The above invalcnhle mHirine prepared rnly by Dk H. ' wvn. it rV, No , N,.rlh 7lh St.. alx.ve Mar ket, Philadelphia. "Ne onita Win tncaai mcnai tion okcins 11 SWAYNKS'SARSAFARIM.A AND TAR riM-P. The sick peisn whn itaiirla in need c( a prumpt purify ing purgative, should um Us. Swatne's SuGta Coatfd KiktAFABiM.t tso Ta. Tills, they remove all uihlihy billiousieerrtioiis of the Stomach and ltawrls, causing a perl'ect atnie of henlth. bwavnk's cFi.r.nn ATr.n vKRMirrcr, lUt.SWAV.NK'S liOUXl.COKHIAI., An invaluuMe remedy for Diarhcra, lseutery, Cl.o!ios, Cholera, ainlall lluwel CVmpUmi's. DYSPEPTICS There is no treatment that bus ye-brrn tried, that Is i ert'eotuiil ia cunne lucipcHtion in nil its l rnis, ns "liR. bWAYNK'S lllTIKIt CATIIHUCON." it imnarts new lite and invigoiutrs the sytem, the pa!e and deceits will ft'iiu stiengtn anil a gooa nppriite ty umng mew ua.j vnlii:.lilff llnlera. Pure i.nlv U centl Pirpared only by Dr. II MVAYXE A SON, O. ( N .nh 7th Street, Piiiladelpliia. SOU) A T Fisher's Drug find Chemical Etcre. May 7th, 1659. READING KAIL 110 AD Miiiuiiirr Arrangriurtit. APRIL 18, 1S69. , TWO FASSKNGF.lt Trains lruva Ilar-itbnre r.ilv. (Sunduys excepted,) at SX0 A M, and i 15 P M . fi r Piol adetpblu, amvinr tiiere nt 1 1 Ml ivhtn and AL P. M Keluinin)r, lA'ave Philitpelpbln hi 7 Jil A. M., and 3.10 P. M., arrivins nt llutrisburg at It to noon and s 2., P. M. Fabea : To Pijiludeifliia, No. 1 Cms, HJ 'j ; N J. 9 (in Same tiaiit ) rli 70. Fahs i I o l ending. El CO end SI 'il. At Reudlng.eonucct with trams I'.'S Poltsviile, Miners ville, Tamuui, Cutuwnuiu. Arc Four Trains leave Rcaduig for Philadelphia dally, at ( a m. iu IK a M, l l al noon ami s iu r. M l.enve Philait'lphia foi ItrjJ.i al J 30 A M, t 50 P. M. 3 30 p M.,aud 4 44 P M l Fa.kii: Head iff lo Philadelphia. 81 74 snd 81 IS. Th Morning Truiu from llams,ui; Aounrcis Keuding Willi up tram lor Wilkrahane, Pmston ami .-mnl"H. For through ticsvls aud other inlornuiti'.ii appy to i J. L'l.VUL, Oentrji Ageni, April SO, 1.10 af EMPIRE SPRING. The water of the Empire Spring is bottled with the utmost caie, and packed iu string boxes, suitable for exportation, by the subscri bers. The Corks of all genuine Empire Water are branded, "EMPIRE Sl'KING." G. W. WESTO.V V. CO. Order, may be addressed to the Proprietors, G. W. Weston df. Co., Saratoga Springs, Y., er at their CEPOT, 410 DROADWA Y, Ntar Canal Street, New York. COAL! COAL! COAL! From IU I'oal Mountain Colliery. r"FtHE subwiilier, now operating the Coal Moun A uiu Colliery, at Ml. Ceimel, is prepared to furnish all sizes of While Ash Coal from his colliery. This ia e superior quality of Whi'e Ash Coal, which be is prepared lo fuini.h promptly to order. FREDEPICK FAHRION. ML Catmel, April 3. 18o. VANIl.l.A BliANS, Figs, Dates, Orange., I.emone. Prunes, nuts of all kinds, just re ceived and for eale at the Confectionary Store of M. C. GKAKHAKT. Bunbur AprH t, Ia9. SILVER WATCHES A few double ease English Silver Welch, for le al very hw prleee by H. B MA9SEK. Cxu nricATES. Ettrarl from a communication from Dr. North of Satutnga r'ings, to the Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, dated June tbe Dili, IH51 : "Tho New Empire Spring ia working charm ingly for Scrofula. Do the profession know tb at there aie twelve grains of Hydriodate tf &d. or Ijilme. in a gallon if water - double any otbr Spring ! Thcie being only a trace of Iron in the water, I send my consumptive paticuts to that Spring iinlif itatingly, hhberlo with most satitlactory results." Evijirt Spring, ly R. L. Alien, tf. D., at Resident Physician, Saratoga Springs. This fountain has more than answered lb expectations ff its friend.; as a beverage, eur iiihnb.lanls who have diank it daily Isr several years past, cannot be induced to make a substi tute of any other .ring. Aa a cathartic and .Ite'atire, my past experi ence compels ine to say, that in my opinion it has no superior here or elsewhere. It. exemp tion from clay, and the .mall relative quantities of iron w hich ruler its composition,reiidcr il one r f the best if riot the very best mineral water for commercial purposes ( while it. ability to with stand Ihe trying influences of w.rm climates end sci voyages, make it a very desirable water for bottling purpose. 'These properties, together with the gentle manly care of ia present proprietors, have giveri il a circulation anil u abroad which ba. bvreln foie been unprecedented iu the history of cele lusted mineral vatcrs. May, 157. V, I.. ALLEN, M. Vt Tot by H. B. MASTER. A pi II S3, leflO. Sonbury, Pa. NOTICE. 'lTHEKE AS Liter, tr.timentary to the Ee ' v uie of Nancy Hunter, late of Sunburj, Notiliuinberland county, Penn.ylvauia dtad,. have been granted ta the eubseriber, All per. Sons indebted to the said estate aw sequestsd la make immediate p.ymeal, and those h.ving claims or demand, agaiusi the Estate tf the aaid d.reased will make aewn the earne without d. lay to HENKi- B. TATIIAM, Ei'tor. No. 608, South Wharve, ita Plil1afetphra, Aprtt l, tUMei