Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, May 14, 1859, Image 4
J . !LtLL8!JLL 1 0 frtNQ IN MAY. THE IBD T?T!ny window-shutler, . i .i .nrm break of day I A Wrt ! did sweetly utter And.ftotnny u ' lor his joyous paction, , .nWrei no artistic rhyni. ( lie i - ,,rel - fBi,,i, r a so perfect tunc and time. Yet i usni'd ioy s a thousand atones, .it. In mil ftiimilHiniiB fiita i n.n.ninc-cloi iee MJri'lrtt bloomed mi every sid. A .... irh rantirl voiupiuon. cnoinjr a dew drop from the dripping pane) enward hi lillle bill extending. Broke foith in song again. lit to emulate his wild f mo'ioii. learn thanksgiving front hie tuneful ton- nut : iiuiimi heart ne'er uttered such devotion, Nor human lips such a ng. tt length he flow and left me in my soimw, . Lest I ehould hear those tender notes no more, 5And thouithl I early naked for him each tnor r row, He came not nigh my door 13 ut once agiin, one silent aummcr even, 1 met hi in hopping in the now-mown liny , llut he was mnte, and looked not up to heaven 'J he bird that sung in May, Though now I hear from dawn to twilight hour The hoarse woodpecker and the noisy jay, In vain I seek through leafless grove and bower J hut bird that sung in May. And auch, metliinks, aro childhood'e dawning pleasures, They charm a moment and then fly away : Through lite wc ugh and leek those mining treasures, The lird that auug in Mny. Tliis little lesson, then, my friend remember, To aeize each bright-winged blotting in day ; And never hope to cntch in cold December, The bird thut sung in May ! D m 0 r 0 u s A Good Jokr. A correspondent of the Lamhertville- (N. J.) Deacon enya, a short tiuio since, wbild staying at the borough of K , ha over-heard the following, rvtiicb he thinks loo Eood to be lost : A nuiuhor of politiciaup, all of whom were peeking office under Government, were seated on a tavern porch talking, when an old toper named Johu D , a person who iB very loquacious, when corned, but exactly the op pusite when sober, said that if the company bad no otnectioDi, he would toll Uiem a story They told him to 'fire away,' whereupon be spoke as follows : "A certain Kine I don't recollect his name bad a philosopher upon whose iudir uient he always depended. Now, it so hap pened that, odb day the King took it into his head to go a bunting, and after summon iDC his nobles and making the necessary pre parations, he sutnmoued the philosopher and asked him if it would rain. The philosopher told him it would not, aud he and bis nobles departed. While journeying along the; met a country man mounlea on a juckass He advised them to return ; 'for' said be, 'it certainly will rain.' They smiled coutem pously upon bim and passed on. Before they bad cone many miles, however, they bad re a on to regret not having takep the rustic's advice, as a heavy shower coming op, they were drenched to the skin. When they had returned to the palace the King reprimanded the philosopher severely. "'I met a countryman,'" said he, "'Bad he knows a great deal more tbau yon, for be tmd mo it would rain, whereas ycu told me it would not.' " "The king then gave bim bis walking pa pers and sent for the couutrjmau, who soon made bis apnearauce. " 'Tell me,' " said the King, " 'bow jou kuew it would rain.' " 'I dido t know,'" said tha rustic, "'my tackass to Id me.' " 'And bow, pray, did be tell you V " aeksd the king. "'By pricking up bis ears ycur Majtstj returned tbe rustic. ' '1 he King sent the countryman away and procuring tbe jackass of him, he placed him the jackass in the cmce iue pmioso ther filled. "And here," observed Juck looking very wise, "is where the king made a greut mis take." 'llow sot" inquired tbe auditors. ''Why, ever since that time," sid Jack, with a grin on bis pbiz, "every juckun wants an ojuti" Bex Loveuood and tub Locomotivi Wins ti.b. The lirst locomotive "Sut" ever saw was standing with steam up and nearly ready to go, makiug do noise save a suppressed bumming from the safety-valve But had in bis "skeery" cautious way clumbered on the top of the tender, to find out "what sort of a beartes" it was, when tbe engineer slyly gave the whistle lever a long pull sbay-y-y 1 iiut lit twenty foet distant on a pile of cord wood, aud afterrenning until, he got straight ened up, he turned round all eyes and said, "What in the h 1 did you do to bit, Mister ?" J ust at this moment a negro came trundling a truck with a cooking stove, a joint of pipe on tbe flutj hole, and pots and paus hanging all round. Isut took a look lirst at the stove and then at the locomotive ; a light broke ont over bis perplexity, and be shouted to the ecgineer. "Oh, yes, 1 under stand hit all now ; the tarnal old beast was jist a nickerin for ber colt !" Dktermimd to Hays Him The Jadson girl, whose elopemeut from i'outiac with the negro Joe sometime since caused considerable talk, is now in Canada living with bim, having agaiu deserted her home and friends. Ou the occasiou of her former elopemeut, ber father and brother reclaimed her with difficul ty, and took ber to Indian, where a divorce was obtained. She went home with them, and remaiued until last week, when she aguio left, with or without the consent of her pa rents, and came to Detroit. C'rossiug the river, she found Joe, and they were spedily married for the socoud time, and ure now liv iog in the enjoyment of connubial happiuess, Joe having sold his horse aud cart, aud bought some furniture with tbe proceed. Tn Hticius "Dublin'' A man, calling himself Leruartine, is wandering through the West aud raising funds, by prettudiug to te commit suicide, lie tuke laudao uin and sends for a doctor and clergymau. They come to bim and find a letter iu hi room in the most patbetio style of suicide literature, lie states that bi poverty is tbe cause of the rash act. fie is restored with difficulty, and sympathetic people raiae a purse for bim, and ha depart, lie raised in this way last week at Duylou and $10 at bunducky, and departed wilh a "free pass" on the railroad, to commit suicide at soma other pluca. 1-nOBf.EM. A man broke into a Jewelry store and stole f this, that and the other, in all amounting to '., iccreaed by 65. Iiut on his road home be lost one half of thii, on third of that, aud One-fifth of tbe other, when he found the re matador equal to C, but in case be bad found as aaueh aa be really lost it woald bar amounted to multiplied I y 3, diminished by 70. How muib of this, that an J the other did 1 steel t A. (to-. r A 14 THE GREAT AMERICAN & FOREIGN r A TENT AGENCY OFFICES. Inventors, Secure your Right! HOW TO OBTAIN LETTERS PATENT. Mmimt. Mors k Co.. Kdilort niiA Pronriwloti of th tVifnlifio Ameirann, nra cnndvoiitt the mnmx ucwrMfal Agency for tminng iii Higma m invamorp, w vm i-umi ki ih lniirH A intra. 1hv hnva been nerannnilr famil- Jinr with the prngreaa nf Invention anil piaeoverjr for I ha putt nnern yearn, aim nTa prrparra nu roniiucira " -in thia neriitri, mora Patent mars than mny other Agency ui Uia WotW. A an evidence of lha confidence ivpoaori hi their ability and integrity, they mny with propriety ra fer to the eitronnliiwry fuel, that nearly Iwo trummnd pHtenta Imva been imumI tn lheii cltenta, dunut; the brief I are of twnyenta; ami duriiif Ihv vniue period, they hnva exnininen tiirnugn irteir emcictti nrenrn v.rvw Wnhiii0ion. into the imveltv of nMut three thousand In- Tentitiitn, thut ulfttrditif; to them n knowledge of the con tents of Hie Vnient O.tice.unnvallrd'by ony existing ay cy. N"t only Ihia, but mora than one half of all lha Pa ti'sda at cured hv Ameriemi citizeni in the Kuropeau coun- liiei, arotkn thron(h ifunn Af7tnct in London t rart$t Li, Merlin and Vienna. rirrnlin a of Advice Hew to Secure American end PorriBii I'mentu, will be ami. free of charge, to all who innv wioh for tltni. Mi-wri. Muim h. Co. 'a prineipnl 'f ticea mi New YorK arr in the new Purk Hmldinsa, No. I'urk ll. iw, fHttteru ) of the Citv IInU Pnrk, where all eoinittimii Kti'ma vhoulil he ntldreaxed. nnd where Inven ra are cordiully iiiMted lo cull whenever they vieit the citv. Meanra. Mtinn P i. ?efe? bv permifHoa to nn Clint. Mtimi. Kx-CciiiTiiirtpKiner of Pntenla. M'Mi, J"eph Moll, 'tnitmler lit n-riil and Kt C"inmievioHer of Palenta.anu n!a tn our wtcm th niKinil luventnta in the United Stnlea, vh'ae pnpera Imve been pretwired and proaecuted through Uiair Agency. AUdrea nil. K n. No. 37 Puik How. New York. M'ireh art, IV9. " DP.TJd-" fcCK w Ala EMPOPwITJM. T tindemicned having received a l.irgo and well lelcrted etuck nf ratro Imirk ami C'lirmlralw, Ilyeptuffa, OiU, Tainta, (ilnss and I'utty, H now ready tn Ullordersat a rauinents notice. In connection with the at'ove yuu will find an aeaortment of Fancy Notion, Toilet rlirKu and reruunery of all kiniln, I until, Hair, Naila and Clothea Uruxhea of every variety. ( ustomcra will find hi atm k complete, com prising many articles it i iiiipoaHiblei liere to enumerate. REMl'.MUV.K the nlnce. under the office of the "Sunhury Amcricnn." rhyaiciana' I'recrintione compounded accurate ly and carefully. A. W. MSiiLK Sunherv, April 5.1, 18.19. Select Winter Goods ! A VERY LARGE STOCK! SPLE1TEID TAP.XETY Juat received at the People's One Price Store OF E. Y. BRIGHT k SON, suynuitr, pa., 4ftR present stock inclutlct a choice af lection " of I)ry fioods, Heady Made Clothing, UooUi and thoe, Hardware, Groceries, Queens and GlaBtiwar, ac, ic. Our Dress Goods for Gents and Ladies, contuin all Ute new and dcsiruM styles, which for fineness of texture, beauty, du rabilit y and cheapness ennnotbe surpassed. Our Ready Made Clothing was selected with great care, -find alt goods warranted to b what thev are represented. I3oots and $hocs of all kinds. Hats and Cops of every style and price. and we solicit a careful inspection of our large assortment of HOSIERY, FANCY NOTIONS &c. Groceries fresh and pure. Our Hardware embraces the largest stock of any other establish ment in this section of country. Please call and examine. Wa iSti'dtto Plt.abi. K. Y. BRIGHT & SON tSunbury, November 27, 1858. CENTRAL HOTEL, ST7NBUEY, Northumterland County, Pa. FTM1IS large and commodious Hotel, now fin islifd end completely furnished with entire new furniturr, at a large expense ly feheriff Van dyke, and situate at the Itailroad Uopot north rust corner of Market Square, Sunbury, and at tbo terminus of the Sunbury Erie and North ern Central Railroads, will lie open for the accom modation of Travelers and the public in goneral on the FIRST DAY Or JAKUAKY, 1859. The pnprietor will give his exclusive atten tion, to tbe comfort and convenience of his guests and is de'erminod to make this establishment rank, among the first in the Slato. His table will be supplied with the best the market can produce having the advantage of daily cominunination by care direct from Haiti more, and also from those bringing produce from tbe surrounding country. Ills bar will he supplied with the purest liquors the market can produce Ca-eful and obliging acrvants always in at tendance. A share ol the local and traveling communit is most respectfully solicited. , JOSEPH MOIST, Lessee, funl.tiry. Dec. IH, 18.rifl. litoBua P. Asset. Joiix A. Nitr. ABBEY 5s NEFF, No. 308 North Til 1 It D Street, (tluee iluur. above Vint,) rillLADKl.l'lUA. THB OLD HARDWARE STAND. (F.HT1ULIIHSD i WIXTT-FuCR YllB8.) IVERY description of Inildii:fr, Mechanical, Furminv 1 J and ilouMhold HAKDWAKF., i. now in ('tore, and will be ottered a! the lowefct nintkcl price., to and prompt iix month, buyeis. Naila at Munulucturera pri ce, lor Cw.h. Order, from aew en.tomers will receive strict and accu rate attention, nnd all giKxl. .ent from tins hauve will be a. represented. IV CotsTRi Mrrchakts, on their next visit to our city to tntile their e.prinp purchusc ara coidially invited to cull and examine our block and Trice, hrfoie purchas ing. Murcu l-itli, lbo9.3niV.1. TALL AND WINTER JC8T AURIVED AT THE STORE OF J. II. oTSuubar-, Pa., II AS jutt arrived with a splendid stock of fall Goods from Philadelphia, to which he respectfully invites his friends and the Public to call and inspect, he will spare no time in show ing thrai. Among his stock of goods will be found, r'lNE BLUE AND BLACK FRE1TCE CLOTH. Fine Black and Fancy Casimcrea 1 weeds, Sat inelta, Jeans add Farcy Vesting, also a large as sortment ef Ready-made CLOTH I.N Ci fur nun and boys (cheap.) FOR LADIES WEAR, Black andfancv drena silk, (very cheap) silk chal li, French Merino, Printed French Merino, Plaid Cahmere, all wool fjelaine, all wool Debage, Mohair Debege, Printed Cashmere, Yalentia, Challi Kobe a quilli, Uelaiue Robca, Persian Ue luine Itobos, loil de Cbcrre Robes, Plain Debase Lovelies and Delaine at all prices, and the lied stripe skirts. Fall Shawls and Mantillaa, a good assortment of while goods. Collars, Sleevca, Irish Linen, Shirt fronts, Marseilles, Brilliant esc. A general amjrtment of domestic Dry (io da. Also a large slock ef Hata and' Caps, Boots snd shoes. Hardware, (Queens and Glassware, Groceries, Cedarwnre, Stone aud Earthenware, Drugs and Paints, Salt, Fish, Cheese, Ham, Oil, Tar Ac. &c. N B. Wall and Window Paper, Floor and Table Oil Cloth, Carpels, sil the above will be sold at low prices for cash or country produce te en in exchange fur Goods. J. II. ENGEL. Sunbury, Dec. II, 8SS.if. ECEIVED larga assortment nf Salinett, uassitoer aud llotn, at J. II. EN GEL'S. eSunbury, Dec. II, lBSi J L'ST RECEIVED lot of GenUemens SHAWLS snd BLANKETS, at J. H. ENGEL'B Store. Sunbury Dec. II, I8A8. Jl'hT RECEIVED a general Naur Good, at tha Ktora of assortment of J. II. ENGEL Sunbury, Dec. 11. 1658.- 1)i;KEOMVEOIL for table iue, two t B7& and 02a cents fuat received br - - - T A. W. riHER, July IT, '5. A Valuable Book for Invalids. Ml ST MAIL, Aff POT M AI FOE VWXU. aaCllVU KBAft AID AfFtOVtt . It K Of AIT HO flAUl Dr. PAMirKLP. FITCH'S 'BIX LKCTUltES" the nn lines, pre rent ion and Cur ot Oiteaaei of tti I'lins;, Throat, Heart, Ptmmeh, llowcls, btver, Kiriniea, Hkm Jte., F nnl Complaints. nd Cbrotne dtirsaea aenerallj tht lw i of Lit, and lhatras method by whiab Health a iid vigor mav m preserved to ona hnndred yaara. A vol ume nt 3. a pKs, hnndaV'meijr uouna in mutiin, win jk illuPtrntmns. In thu volume Dr. B. 8 Fiteh, (wlio la wiilrlv kitnwn mb the arithor nf a new and eminently sn ceasful tnettatKl of treatment for tha altova complaints, and twpecinllr Cttisumptinii. mtd nlher diwnwt ot ih l.ungi and Tltront,) explniHR Uia leiuhnp fentmrs of hit treatment m id fives pin in directions hv which those, iaelined t Iheis eomplainta mny livinne1ves prevent thein or arrest theit pnvreaa. liver vtKonu mpiea vi inia w-a nnvv item aohf, and there are persona in all Witsof onr rand woo irntefullj' acknowteilpa thut It nun bfen the ruenns of pre serving then lives and giving Uicta many years of good netuin. Wc nresrtit a few specimens of the rmrtterons comme-n- delnna the txtok haa received The New York TtilHine Utua Hoses a Irnrlhy notice of H : "The grewl importance of the enhi' Ct and our confi dence derived from pcratmnl knowledge nad pemtnnl ben efit in I'f. t ircira nnrifcitinns tixve impelled ut to re contmend this wrk. Wctrnxt we hurt wild enoneh to Indure thoae nlilieted m thrtnrem-ri wi'li constunplion, to procure and rend Ir Fitch's b-wili ." I setter fnm tke Hon Ilnmilton KIMi, former fJnvernar nf New York "Washington, FehruniyOth, Witi. Vr. 9. H. Fitch Denr Sir: I va to return mv tlinnks for the volume you have Item ao kind nt tn present to ine. The very nurrieu exnininaium wiurii aMie I nnve reen nme at yel to give to it, hn exritrd Inrrrcst and hroutrht tha con vict ion tlmt the reputniinn whirh these Ifeclurea have achieved it hated upon intrinsic merit. Kx tract from a letter from the Hon. B. IT. Haven, kite incmlier nf Cong-reM irmii Krie Co. N Y.: I have no dmiM )mt it it a nrnctiail mid rerv useful work. I hnne it will Imve a trcneral circulation, and it will. I have no doubt, do much Rood." F.xlruct from n letter from the Hon. Oilhert Dean, lale meniher of CniiRress. 1 rend your Hix Leciurtis on Cnn- tuinptive diaetttt-8 three yenrt ug, aud thull ujpnn peruse ineni." .xlinet fiom a letter from the Hon. Jninet Itrkhort. late rncuiter of Concrcft. 'Frin rendina it 1 have re ceived mwnr vniuuUe liiuta. 1 reeurd it na a work of greut merit." tStivt Sidney Wnrner, Ksq., of Waterloo, N Y.: "My brm her and inott of Ins family nre dead of consumption. mil i find mine nre living and well; nutl I Miimk It is owinjr iimh'Ii to the trnclnnc of your Itook wliieli 1 Imve followed carefully for the kit nine yenra." e CMiia mi eitinmn wilh irnilnr stntenicnis ty Wiahms: to make tin k ns useltil na pnwuiUe, we will fnrwaid a conv of it hv mail, ivwt nnid. to nnv nddiess Hint may be rent us, nnd the prire 6d ceni, mny lj remitted in pnstnc stumps or otherwise t ue niter the tciok it receiveil nnd approved of. It nmyue npphed lor peraxninlly or by Irtter. Cnnsnltntinn byDr Fitch, nt his ofilce. 714 Broadway. N. Y., personally or by letter, fiee. Address, S. J FITCH 9l CO Jan. W, IMP. 3m. 7 It llrondway, N. Y. CANCER CURED. Without Suuuicil OrxniajOM ou Loss or Bloou. Cancers, Tumors, Wens, Scrofula, I' leers, Ac., cured in a short lime, without the knife, by Dr. MacNICHOL, (Colleague of ths late Dr. Lnunsbcrry, Dcc'd.,) No. SO North FIFTH Street, Mow rch. 2'bila. Tbo remarkable success which has attended the treatment of Cancers, Tumors, 4 c., by Dr. MncN'ichol, for a number of years past, has at tracted the attention, and in imuv iuaranccs has secured the hearty approval of msny eminent PliVFiciai s in Philadelphia, who are no longer willing to rink the dangers and uncertainties of cutting. Cancer can be Cured ! if property treated and promptly. A great majority of the cases lancer, ean oe cllcclually cured, J bo mi mo- rous patients, from every section of I lie country, who havo been cured under this method of treat ment is a guarantee of its superiority over every other known system. Those who nmy be afllicted with these diseases, and desire further information or advice will please address Dr. MacNicliol, when they will I rcctiive prompt attention atu a copy of Pamphlet on the treatment of Cancers free nf charge. White Swelling, Hip Disease, Scrofulous and Malignant Ulcers, Diseases of the Mouth and Throat, Ulcerations of the Bunes, Toiler, Scald Head, and all diseases of the Skin, permanently cured, and proper remedies sent carefully pack ed by Expjess to any part of the country. In every case a plain description of the disease is required, vlddrogs. Dr. AiacNiehol, No. 5u Norlli 5th St., Philadelphia. Proprietor and Manufacturer of Dr. Lounsbcrry 4. Co's Celebra ted Imperial Depurative, tho btst and most relia ble runiily Medicine of the Nineteenth Century, for the cure of all disease, originating in Impu rities oi me ujorxi. January 8, 1659. 3m w onir.STAL DETERSIVE SOAP, PHILADELPHIA. "llrAHRANTKD to give peifect satisfaction, of tha 1 1 monev will tie refunded, and our acents are hereby authorized t make good any failure of it ut our expensv A. VAN ItAA'thN being a pnictlcitl Soap Mnker, und ...... ...I ,c ,., mi ne )t;Mia (ro uiucreiii nines; expe rimented upon and tested this particular Soup, in vuriou. way., now rrTers ii to the pal. lien" a soap w Inch will snva TI.Mli, LAUull and Ml INK V. We are wiIIiiir ii slioual rest upan its own merits. All Wfl ask is to irive it a fair trial, aud use it according to our direction., (found in each box.) uud if it doe. not give full satisfaction, the muuejr win ue rei uuacii. Among the many advantages over other Wushiiie Sonns. the following may beiiuuied : i. domic, need no uoiimg, and very little rubbing, (most nrticlcs none.) !i. One pound will go a. far, for any uso, ns three pounds ot common rosin siap, or two pounds best futnily 3. It rcqaires less than one-half tlie lime and to do the wa.liing of a family, tlint it requncs Willi the bvft fumiiv snap, and is wnrralited not to iujuie tlie fabric. 4. I' or cleaning Paints aud removing lircusi', 'i'ar and I'lintrr's Ink, it is unsurpassed Macliirists, Printers nnd Painters wili hud it an invalunhle article fr washing hands, as it dor. not chap, hut grrally foftens the .kin. 5. The superiority nf the materials used, .nil the Soap Nor CONTAIMNU V IXCK1S OF A t.K ALI Ks, is mole mild than any other known Wnsliing Soap, and undoubtedly Ibe best adapted for white and colored clothing, a. well a. Cambrics and Ijn-es, nnd is WARKANTKIJ NOT TO UtT TI1K Ol.oi'HKS. For sale at all respcctalil Grocery Stores iu the citv and neighboring towns, and wholesale only hv TUAIN A McKF.oNF.. 94 Si.ulb Wharves. Between Market nnd Clicnut St. , I'hllailelulna. Febluniy 19th, IMfl 3nl NEW GOODS Atthe Mammoth Store of NO. 1 M ARKKT BTRF.KT, 9UNBVUV, I'A. 'IHE subscriber hss just opened at his well i. known establishment in Suuburr, one of the cheapest aud most desirable stocks of Fall and Winter Goods, Ihst has ever been offered in the place.and which he will sell for CASH or exchange for Country Produce. Those desiring to purchase goods will do well to call and examine his stock. BLACK AND FANCY SILKS. All Wool Delains, Figured, Striped and Plain, French Merino, all colors, Ueautiful Dress Kobes, Cashmeres, Shaded, yiain and Striped must be teen te form an idea of the extent and variety. Mantle, Stella, Chenille, French Wool Shawls, Thibet and lirochs Shawls. Cloths Cassimeres and Satinet For Men and boys' Wear, lilock Cassimeres, Fancy Cassimeres, side stripes heavy, Due Skin Caxsitnerea, Satinets all kinds. FLANNELS, While and Ked Flannels, all grades and prices, Day Slate Sack Flannels, colors finest qnalitioa. KEADY-MADE CLOTHING. Uouti aud Shorn, Hata ami Cap. Ac, Jc, all of which were hclectej with great rare, and will coh.jiare fnvoralily, aa regard quality, style and price, with any in the country. II A Ul) W A UK, ii full assortiueut. Wood aud Willow Ware, (ueeniware, of all Jt icriptioni, Ciroceriea, a full etock in' s lore, Car Chatna, 4c, J'aiuU, UUa, Ulaaa, Dva Sluira. I'hankful for the patronage heretofore received he will apare no paiua to please all who may fa tor him with their custom in tha future. Sunbury, Not. 6, 1858. Pure tTInes aud Uauors. TUSTreceireJ at FISHER'S Drug and Che " mical Emporium. 8unbury,OctS 1668. AYVS. Wood. Cross Cut and Mill Ssws.- Supevio articla at FISKER'S. Sunburv. July ITth, 18t8 lM MUJNU'a k BONs' ' Fluid, far eala at buperior Uun ing FIbHEK'fi Drug ard Chemical Emporium. Sunbury July 17, 18ii. 1JA.KK18' Soothing Byrup, for Children teeth', ine. Faraalaat FISMFR'sI. October 1, 'eS. WIIKKLER A VTILBON MANUrAOTXJBIPra CMI FAMILY SEWING MACHINES. 'I'flK onnnimonii faror wMrh hai altenrttd lti liilnrf"' Jl ti"n l Wmn n Jr WiL.nn'a KuTnllv ScwinX Ma tlilne, li uflirieiit svidenca of it. exreilriH'.. It nrcfl icnnowtd any, that thia uMlul iuttruinriil n tiwoiniii fl mo iii thou munis of Fumilin in every rnnk in lif th me who have hitherto refrained from availing themielvea ot H ailvniitagm, it mnv not lr amis, to any, that ita util rityinotn rrol'lnn to' be lolveil, hut a .iiccem already lealiied. The highest tealnwiiy ta conatantly offered, cow firminjr the verdiet which hnt given this iintrucilieiitom wine nun envmhie a reputation. Thu Muchiiie i conceived on a frinciple entirely origi nal, lienn apucmlly null nilmirnhly anrptca lotne m"i per fect work ou every kind of niiAcrial ; and, linvind lce ulieclPtl ton ihrrn vtura1 trl vf the niiwt tt'Hichiiia ehnmctei by Knmilici. and in vsrioui hranchca of Mnu I'ttrttire, wilhtliMinsuitiheil suct'cis, it is liehcved that in nil llie gmtt rHiiulB requisite to a complete and nniflicul Sewinn Muchiiie, it run not be nppronchett m exeelleiice Among the umloubied nilvHiitiiptt it posseuea overall ot Iters, mnv be uttmed the following; 1. ItH simplicity of conn'riictittn, and consequent free dom from dernngrmeiit and neeil of repairs 9. Its unexMinpled rnputity and ease ofopeiation. 3. liflnoiieles movement. 4. The .treat vnnety of purpnra to which it can he fin ptief., winch can be achieved by no other mechanical means. And. 6. The pre-eminent beatify nnd durability of the wora. 'I find your Much ine invaluable I have used it a year, and it litis never l-een ont of order. The stitch is yeiy du rable, and can be adapted to fine or course materials. It works wilh the rnputity of a dozen pair of hands ; srives much tun-, fntiffnr and piivfimc. One of vour Maehincs is need in my father's family ; another iu the household of agister; and others by various friends. The opinions nf all accord with thnt I have just expressed." Mrs Anna Cora Kiirhi. "There is but one Pewins; Machine j and thnt is Whce let and Wilson's." Judge Meigs, of the Ainericau Insti tute. " The fewnifr Mnehine purchnscilofyon has been whol ly tfrvircnble " llev. Dr. 8.nnucl Osirood. iNoumily can nfford to do without it. Opinions ok the New Yoaa Pasta. 'Ye prefsr them for Inniily use. Tribune They nte the favorites for families Times, Are "without a rival Huieutitic American. Works more uuifotnily than the hand Herald. Do the work of ten ordinary Kevvcrs Jour Com. Ivmal to nine strtntreisea. Home Journal Tub ttmrhine, for family use. Advocate ft Journal, Most honorable lo American (fniins Independent. We cannot imagine anjthuip more perfect Kvargelist. Will give entire sntisfaetion. Observer. The best ever invented. Christum hiffuirer. In looking for the Ifit, ?ce these Kxinmicr. Admirably adapted for family life. Chronicle. IiidispeiiKiiblc in every family. The Preacher. We praise it with enthusiasm Christian lutelli;eucr. Worthy of the highest award. Halibut h Recorder. A lieuefaction of the ace Putnam's Mafrnzine. Magical in operation. Mrs. .Stephens' Monthly. Hcyoud nil question, the machines. Life Illustrated. Tne stitch cannot lie unraveled. Am Acricultuiist. They maiutrtin the pre-eminence Kxpress. leaves the time and hillh often women. Water Cure. Our household is in ecstacies with it Porter's spirit. Supply the fashionable worhl. Daily News. Are pre-eminently supcriot. Ladies' Visitor. One of our household pods I. S. .lotiriuil. I'nrivallcd in every qua'ity. D;iy Hook. I'rotty. useful, niaicul.- l.eslda Gazette. Have no equal for family use Musical World A triumph of mechanical in'nius N. V. Journal. Combine every requirement. Funuly Muaazine. Vastly superior to all otltets (ioldcn Prize. We cuunot tire iu its praise New Yorker. For further particular apply to H. B. Masser. Sunhurv, Va.f accnt of tho manufacturer, who will fUpplvghiachitiea ut the mauufaeturcra prices. Punhurv, May 15, 1W?. tf ALMONDS, RAISONS, FIGS, LEMONS. &c, cVc, just received a fresh supply and for sale at the Confectionary atore of M. C. UEAKHAKT. Sunbury, May IB. 1S57. 0& Domin, COFFEE POT iSS Tea Pot, Being based, as Dr. Hall,of tha Journal of Health, says, "on bcienoe and common sense, are rapidly ooming into use, and destined soon to supercede all others. ARTHUR, BURXHAM, & GILROY, 117 & 118 S. Tenth St., Philadelphia, Sole Manufacturers undar ths Tatcut. tJ-For snl by Uaalera tn Ilon.a fcaapliiK Artlcl., anil Stort koepera generally, December 4, 1858. riiiLADSirnrA and reading BAILBOAD. CHA OK OIT HOURS. ON AND AFTKR MONDAY, July 5, le.:, the down niornlhe I'usseitilrr lruln will leave Potlsvilld Nt tt-15 A. M., llt-uiliiifr in 11.61 A.M., und uinvihg ut l'lulxdHplim ut 1J.-J6, iiooii. The iltiwn Arti'rniHjii Tiuin will lenv. Fnttsvillr nt 3 30 P. M., pussini; fteitiliug ut o.UO, and arriving at I'tuludel pliia ul 7.40, 1". M. .Mitrnhig and Ai'terinw.n Passenper Trains Irnve Phila delphia ut smni hours a. Iieretolore, 7 .30 A . M . mid 3 30 .P. M., iiussing Heudiug at 10 05 A. M. uud (i u; P. M. LKHANON VA1J.KY I1HANCH PflMenetT Truoi leaves Iteudllts; at 1U.U8 A. M , (nfler nrrivul ol' llowu unit l.'p Morning Po.senaer Truiu I'rom P.itlsville mill Philuieliluu,) and urrive. nl lliirrisbnri; ut l2.3.i noun, in lime lo connect with Pussenger 'J'ln.ns for Sunbury, Willininstorl, Khnira. Pittsburg, CliHiuln-rshurg, Hiiltitnore nnd Ijintusler. Heturniiig, leave, lluirislmra at j JJ P. M , utter uinval of Pnssenger Trains I'rom all ulsve noluls, uud an ives at Reading ut 4.M, in time to conueCT with l.'p nnd Down Pnssenger Tiaius to Polls, vilteuiul Philudelphiu. the sume evening. U. A. "NICOIJJS. Kngineer and unerintviident. July WIFJS. tf -A. CJJEUD. Philadelphia, Ta. The uiaJSSfcuBed. the Fouiuler and Publisher of VAN COUKT XTKHKEri' UKTKCTUK, desirou.of retiring from Ibi. brunch of bu.iuera, h:i. merged lh:it old eiuihlished work iu the populnr HANK NOTK K K PDKTKK nl 1M1.AV ft I1ICKNKI.L. Having published Van Court's Detector since lb3!, the undersigned reltic Uully parts wilh hi. old I'lieud. and suluicrilier. ; )nt this relneluncei. lessenetl hy the eiivieti.'ii. thst tuIMlAV A HICK.Ni;i.l! BANK NDTK KKl'OKTKR they will eceive a work that mutches the times. j. van oornT. Philadelphia, Pea SO, IMS. NOTICK. All Sulscriptions to IMLA V &e BICKNELL'8 BANK NOTE R K P O R T K K ara Parable scrupuhwsly.ia Adrnnce. This is tha oldest Hunk Note Publication in the world. For thirty long yeui. it hu. nuiintuoied au uu.ullied reputation, and con tinues to he the necewury companion of all busiueas people over tha whole continent of Ameiiea. TUB COINS OF THE WORLD ! Now in press l,y Iinluy k llicknell, will be given gratui tously to all oUl and new subscribers. All Com Churls, and Manuals, a. compared witb this, may be coiuudered wuSc puper. TEU.MS. To the Bcrai-Monihly, (l'SA per annum. " Monthly, I U0 Single Copiea, at tha Counter, 10 Oents. Mailed, 14 AilJrea. 1MLAY BICKNKI,!., Boi 150, Post Cdkc PhiladeJphia, Pa. January 15, 1869. 3injo. THE INTERNATIONAL HOTEL. BROADWAY, CORNER OF FRANKLIN STREET, NEW YORK CITY, tins been recently refuted, Ths Hooina nra newly carpeted, Ths Furniture and lied, are superb, And th liath. ate unsurpassed. TAYLOR'S CKLF.1IHATKD HA LOONS ABB CONNICTKD WITH 1HS HOTKL. Here is eonceutruted all Uia aouforis of a borne, with lha luxunes of a palace. THE SPLENDID LADIES' FARLOR Cominand. and anequallcd ' view or saotvw.r, THE INTERNATIONAL is the moat central of any uf the a at class Hotel, for busi. iK-s.,or placea of amuaement, aud Sfera un.urpassed ad vaulages to families and gentlemen visiting New York. FkksxaN. Proprietor. New Yerk, July S, STOVES- IO R SLE B an eicellent second-hand Ceok log citove, also several Cylinder Coal froea. .'Enquh'a at this ofllc. JII8T RECEIVED a large lot of ready mail CLUTH1MU, fhsap at J. H.ENGEL'S. Punqnry, Deo. 11, H5I. HIGHLY XM PORT AM T NL . 3 Ms C. GEARIIART, Hss ratamsJ with si nsw Btock of Confeotionaries, Fruit and Toys. IT sres as if a nrw age, a new lift was opn tnf open us, animating ever; heart to nobler Jrtd. and higlier limat Art, Literature and Sci ence will glow anew and seek to derelop sub limer beauties and grander conception. The business world too must feel the new in fluence and aver part he quickened and strength ened by an increased vitality, which shall urge us on with elrctrie speed to the ronrummation of greater things than was ever dreamed ef in the Fhilosniihr of the past. Animated by the enthusiasm which prcrades all classes, snd desirous of doing bis shsrs to wards "The grealeenta of the Age," the sub scriber would respectfully inform the food peo ple ofHUNDUHY and the public generally, that he has just returned from the city ef Philadel phia with the largcat and choicest stock of Con fectionaries, Fruit and Toys that has ever been brought to this section of country. lie is also manufacturing all kinds of Confcctionaries, &c, to fill up orders, wholesa'e or retail, at ahort no tice. Among his stock of Confcctionanes, may be found t French fwels. Gum Props, all kinds or scent, Ijove Drops, Mini Drops, red sud white, Jelly Cukes, Fruit Drops, Htit k raniltrs, ol all scents Hock Cnnity, Almond Caudy, PRUIT. Prunes, Kiss, Citrons, Burned AltiHinds, Crenm White, " liCtnon Host, " Vanilla, Common evrels. Liquoiicc, Dtuinnns, Dulrs. Cnrrmit. diied, Almonds, Haisons, Nun or all kinds LKMON SYllUP of a superior quality, by tho single or dozen. A superior quality of Krcnrs and Tobacco, and a variety of Confectioneries, fruit, Toys, Ate, all of which isoflered cheap at wholrsnle or retail. Eif" Remember tho name and place. M. C.UEAKHAKT, Market st., 3 doors west of Tishcr's Drug store fcunburv, October 30, IS.rS ly COMMSRCI.L ZC'JSE Xo. '10 Sixth Street, above Chesnut, PMIad'a. IB '31 ERCHANTS, business men, nnd persons iB Ecnetnlly will find this hotel one of the most convenient and pleasant in the city- The proprietor m ill uso his best cll'orts to accommo date his guests, and at rcasohiililo prices. December 4, 1858. ly 4 I.Tj persons indebted to .lames Heard, lata Prolhiinotnry of Northumberland county, for fees, &c, are requested to make immediate pay. ment, and thus save cost and further trouble, as all accounts remaining unpaid will he placed in the bands of a Justice for collection. I'aymcnts can be made either lo the subscriber or to J. R. Beard, at his ofiicc. JAMES BEARD. Sunbury, March 27, I Rf8 tf RIVIERR HOUSE, iFtwineii)- KlMie'a Hniel.) ' 1.F.V131V110, L'NION OO., VX. It.G.IimLL, IMoprUlor. 'pill? is onerrf tlie Inrgfrt nnd bent lunninl !Inr! on J the Went llinnrli. It it Uwsitetl in thp hueincea pmt. nl the town, (il being Llit only lintel in Murkct Sjuure ) 'l'lie TtTiiitT (IfirtininrJ, to use evi'ry t'xrrlion U nvikv ln in . nni the lKm tn Stnte ; mid it offer rare induct mnts lor perrons vh vpeud a f-tiort time in nne of Die nuist pli-nKinl towni in centrul rennsytviui.u. Clinrprg very mmliTnte. Isa-wiitmig, June 12, lb5S. MJ l .ill 1 & 83 A LI,, W'ltolfsaU anil Jlctail Dealers in FOREIGN Sc DOMESTIC 77I1TES JLlTD LIQTJCP.G. Mill street, (Las' side) Xorth Danville, Pa, r"S1H12 iinJerHignccl would respectfully announce to their friends and the public generally, that they have purchased a very extensive stock of Wines and I,iiuor direct from the Custom House, which they offer to tho trade at Philadel phia prices thcrahy saxing freight &e. JOHN V. SHERIFF, J. S. HALL, Danville, June 10, 1803. If. exo e. jtISSl,Ot:iSA sniSSl.KK.ri'sprctfulIy in-J-' forms the citizens of Trevorton and sur roimdine county, that she haa opened a new store of Millinery and Fancy fioods, at Trevor. ton in 6'hainokin street, nearly opposite K house's Tavern, where all kinds of lioiiuets and Fancy (nods can he had at the lowest terms. Dress making also attended to in (be best manner and latest style. April 2.r, 1858. t'f II00EE & CAMPION, 2CI Suuth Second Street, 6 doors above Xo. Sjiruce, PHILADELPHIA, HAVE now on naud the largest assortment of i ixk t iiiiviT n iimti itn Than they have ever had at any previous time, and they invite the public to call and examine their stock before purchasing, as they feel confi dent their prices will be a sufficient induce ment lor all wh,o wai t good furniture to buy at their cstnblishmi nt, A lurqe assorth'er.t nf Pratt's Hack and Pinion Dining Extension Tnblcs always ou hand, Spring and hair Mattresses f.rnished at lowest prices. Furniture carefully packed and on reasonable term.. Philadelphia, July 21, 1858. ly Tishing Tackle. Red Cork, Cirass, Cot-- ton and Linen l.ixes, Out Lines, Sea Crass by the yard, nooda, Flics, Kirby, Limerick and Carlisle Hooks, Rods, cVc, for sale hy July 17, 'M. A. V FISHKR. Citrate of Magnesia OR TASTELESS SALTS. rii$S preparation is recommended as an ex--1- cellent laxative and purgative. It operates mildly, is entirely free from any unpleasant taste resembling lemonade in flavor, prepared and aold by A.W.FISHER. Sunbury, July 17, 1858. N0BLIT, BROWN & N0BLIT. Cabinet SlakeiV Flndlug store AND BEDDING WARE-ROOMS, Having REMOVED to Ilia new Iron Front Warehouse, No. S2'i 8outh Second Street, below Dock, Weat Side, PHILLDELPHIA. IVOW offer to ther customers and tha publio generally, a new and full assortment of CABINET HARDWARE & MATERIAL8. They invite the attention of tha trade to their stock of Hair Seating and Curled Hair, of their their own manufacture ; Also to a full assort ment of UEDD1NU AND UPHOLSTERY". Philadelphia, July 3, 1858 ly Wholesale Grocery. EJ3-3Z- Sc KXJISrKEX,, Opposite tha Pennsylvania Kail Road Depot HARRISBURO, PA. KEEP a large stock of the following named articles, and will sell cheaper than any oitur bousa this side of Philadelphia. Call and sea pries of Coffee, T.srd oil, Fish oil, Tar, Rosin, Sugar, Fish, Tea, Salt, Hams, Shoulders, Flour, Spices, Tobacco, Cigars, Vinegar, Pitch, Oakum Robes, Calcined Plaster Fluid, Cheese, Soap, Candles Ac. S. H. Molasses, Syrups, N. O. Molaaaea. Also, Cement, Safety Fuse, Crow liars, Sledges, Iron and Nails, for sale at very small profits. July 8. '858. ly JORT and MADERIA WINES, Schiedam - Schnapps, Wild Cherry brandy, Blackberry and Lavender brandies for medicinal purpoaca at July 17, '68. A. V. FISHER. THE LAHOEUT STOCK EVER OFFERED IN SUNBURY. FaNlilonable, Cheap and Ireful rpiIE subscriber, long established as a Cabinet and Chair Manufacturer in 8unbory, thank ful for past favora, solicits a continuance of tht public patronage. His stock of Cabinet-Wars, l hnirs, 4 c embraces RVKRY VARIETY, USEFUL A!D OR ft A. fli KKTAL in housekeeping. It is unnecessary to ennme rate, aa anything that may be required in his line can ts Had at moderate prices, Uheap for jmn, or country l'roducetken tn txchangt, baianiisnment Sottth Katl Corner of Market Square. ty Those knowing themselves indebted to the subscriber would oblige him by making pay. ment. SEBASTIAN HALTT. Sunburv, April 4, 1857. tf ""PHILIP H. P-JPsDY." WROLRsats ann retiii Grocery, Wine and Liquor Store, S. E. cor. Ifanti! anil Water Strrett, FHII.ADKLl'HIA, DEALERS and families will be promptly supplied atthe lowest prices. October 4; 1856 tf HERRING S SAFE. AGAIN THE CHAMPION I I siBiiircir-ri! The ony Sale which, in every instance, preserved thcr en tire contents in the late ex tensive fire. At the burning ef the Arti zan Buildings, April 10th. mmim and in the CUE AT FIRK in j Market street, May I at, 1H50, j the genuine IIERR1NU 8AFE Preserved the Jewelry of Oo. W. Simons Hro. ; Books, Papers, Ac, of Fisher ,fc Uro.,and Edward Soamans & Co., after remaining ex posed in the burning ruins for neirly FORTY HOURS, and proving conclusively whit we have always chimed for them, TH EH1 UR EAT SUPERIORITY over all securities now known. In these fires, THE HERHIN'U'S SAFE, standing side by side with those advertised as "warranted to stand 10 per cent, more firo than Herring's," came forth the ACKNOWLEDGED VIC TOR, not only preserving their contents in EXCELLENT order, but bring in themselves in a concilium to go tnrongu aiiowier orucai, i while the boasted "Salamanders ol otlicr ma kers were badly used up in every instance, and iu some cases their entire contents completely destroyed. To Ihc rublic lie would say, that, du ring the fonrtccn years the II EUKlNli'S SAFE has been before them, more than two hundred have passed through accidental fires without the occurrence of a single loss. We would, therefore, CAUTION purchasers scaiust the misrepresentation of intt'iotcd par lies. The HERRING'S PATENT is the only FIKE PROOF SAFE made in this citv, which is protected by a PATENT RIGHT, and we will guarnntce it to resist more then double the amount of heat of any other Sufo now known. Farrcl, IK-ri iii? & Co., Sole Manufacturers ;n this Stale of "Herring's Patent Champion Safes," 34 Walnut St., I'hiluda. if" "Evans AViitson's Improved Salaman ders," "Oliver Evans'," "( M. (.aytcr's," nnd ' Scotl's Absctos," Jrrm Chests, (a large assort ment linvinjr been taken in part pawnent for "Herring's,") will bo sold at low prices. Philadelphia, July 10, lSiH ly WILD 3 CI IIERRY, an excellent article for ''ookIis, Coids, &.C. For sale only at FISHER'S. Sunbury, Oct. 2, loiS. SADELRY AND HARNESS MAKING. rH E subscribers respectfully inlorin the cili--- xens of Sunbury and vicinity that they have commenced the above business a fe w ilojr-i hove tho Post OlTice, Market Sipiare, Sunbury, Pa. Work of all kinds in their line of business vill be done promptly and ncatlv on llie most rea sonable terms. CLEMENT A OYSTER. Fcbruaiy 1J, 1858. rariucin I.ooK to Vour Interest. LIME 1 LIME 1 1 ''piIE audsciiber respectfully informs the far niers aud the public generally, that be has leaded the lima kilns of Ira T. Clement in Sun bury, nnd that he hss always un hand, and is ready lo supply a good quality of lime to all who may want for building or finning purposes. - He has also a kiln at Keefer's crossing Jk miles from Sunbury, or two from Snvdcrtown, f" All kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange. OEO. W. STROtl. , Snnbury, Dec. 5, 1857. GEORGE IIILL, ATTCPalTET AT .LAV, SUNBURY, FA.. ESPECTFl LLY' informs the public and his friends generally, that be has removed to Sunbury, and haa opened a law olFice at his residence, iu Market square. His acquaintance wilh the English and German enables him to transact business in both languages. April 10, 1858. ly SUNBURY FLOUR STORE FOR 1S59 t"1 O. H WEN, is yet at his old stand, South Jt side of Market Square, Sunbury, and keeps constantly on hand a good alock of Flour Feed and all tilings in his line- He has now pn hand a fresh supply of No. I, superfine FLOUR No. I Extra, and Eitra Family in barrels ; Williainsport double extra in quarter barrel sacks, itye Hour, buckwheat Flour, Corn meal and chop tf all kinds for Sale cheap for CASH. He ia always ready to supply tha wants of his customers, in small or large qantities. ALSO, Crackers of all kinds for sale at regu lar wholesale prices. He hopes by careful atten tion to business, to merit and continue to receive the patronage of his customers. C O. HAVEN. Suubuiy, Jan. 19, 1859.-1. SIITH& CO., OYSTER PACKERS. Xo. 9 Albemarle street and Xo. 10 5. Front street, Baltimore, Mil, And ScoTT'a Crkek, Portbmocth, Va. OES7AURANTS supplied at all ...sons of " the year w;th all the salt water delkacie. found in the city markets. , A II orders promptly and faithfully attended to September 1 1, 1858. ly MOUNT VERNON HOTEL, Second strect,Jeloiv Arch, PHILADELPHIA PA rpiIE abova establishment having ocen reno ' d and refurnished,;tha proprietor assure, the public that a call ia only needed, a. he guar entee. fu!l satisfaction in avery case. Terms $ 1 ,25 per day. A. M. HOPKINS, Proprietor. September J5, 1858 3m stationery. A large supply of fancy Hole - 1 aper aud Envelopea, Mourning, Letter and Cap Paper, Pens, Ink, Sand, 4c, at -J J7' '5j' A' W- FISHER'S. J. T. HROWNMnulaciuin,. j,w..h No M . den Ijie, oilers hi. .lock, nauiuiii. of a .moral aslrt. m.t ol Uoesou, Cban... ., a,c ara "uvU buTwa ,,rl""' Utmi '"Juccl"UUl sMi.Uy caah October I, lR3j 3 mo. 1R0WN'8 and Breinig's Eesanca of Gingai and Kasband'a .Msgncsia at ISAAC M.AVILKEItSOjV, MANUFACTURER OP FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Sonii'M?0 FllslonaMe Style. ' SOFA n?!iiftetRriei' Sideboards, SLivFNFMif" mm TABLES j nu also VENETIAN BLINDS, aqu.l to Puila ItPHTPAiio ntanufactura. EXTENSION TABLES, In .hor,,,very article , thil ,in, of .ortmenyX'r pHc.d which cannot fail to ro.ommen.1 itr. .pared in the manufacture of h ? w. .Ml" sub.criber is determined , keepup w h , .'a many improvement, which ar. conainVl!;; cfH. ""nuf'". .11 kind. ,dqH.,itiM , , CIIAIHS. The flriic!.. w in ir . . . term nn Uwv mn , i- ' Yn " Eoort - .1 mi hu iiiunrtBAii nt ivvprodiice tsken j fof produce taken in .,,, for CouI1. 1.-...I .. ' "".'l.lU.IR i rr... Irivinir nrnvi.rt OHOOSOmC llK.ll,, I,- cimlv. or nl uov , ' . . . j ....... clm aisiunce place from thia ,.. ''f Ware Room is in low A eaver's Hotel. Fawn Street, bs ... el!' ih -f "-nur,a. " ". ,n ""linnibcrlaud Cntild. patent F.xrelsoir Spring Iie.l, , counlv, wLich h old bedstead far three dollar'". 'Ut Sunbury, April IS, J f! fi 7. tf. LANCASTER COLLIERY FOR SALE:- Inipoi taut t . ;,, OlM.rmo. H Trl'T JT! h. -Lancter county. I .nnsvlv.ima, wi.,lillp lo ru(irc fn " business, olfcr for snle the I. I IV . of Cnlliery. nn sstisfa,-,,,,, ,erB, Thi's Colliery hss Uen in rperatirn fince IS.14 VrV.T ha. been auccesslul beyond ex.,,,,.,; '-p ,, Coal. a. uperior article, f, n tn ,vl .............. ...,.1.ilr. ,IIIU a or.,,,, ,Mr,n hii u nil " niiicn can i n.iic i t t.. ..,.1 . . Tin ,, ,I1Ures are el il,c vory ,t , acter and w,l recommend lhemMvei tl, aciuaiiitr.d wnh the business. ' Jlie Lease run. to Januarv I, ISM and favorable one for the operator. ' Is a 1 or lurlher information apply st tbe Colliery in ,.rrson, or i.y it,.r t Sliainokin, i thumbcrliind countv, IVnusylvnnii ' O., Nor- COCHRAN, PEALE A 00. Tebrunry It, tf sVj old rc.x rr-zr fi very superior quality. j,w received. A Isn a supply f vrinK Fluid, for . y. . H- MASSER. Sunhiirv, Dec. S7. ISS- C. SSITSSP.T'S SOOT STOEE, 40 South Fourth S.t, above Chtsnr.l, Phil'n. SJOOTS. Shoes, ii,rs. Ac. prmu'tlv n.vlo B to ordor , the very bl style, d of ti.o t'vst matorial. Pliilado!ihia, May 8, l(!57. DANVILLE HOTEL. JOHN DEEN, JR., Market Street, Danville, Pa, ',pHS is ..lie of tha latest and moat cm.,,.,. f nous hotels i ,, ji,.,ir f IVnnslvan,, H has been re. cntl fitted np. in excel!. ,.t with all the mo.lorn convenumces. lOnnvilleri, Sej t. 22, I Son, WHITE HORSE U0TEl7" POTTSVILLE, PA. rj1H E subscriber respeclfully announce, to l,i old Iriends nnd llie public, that he ha. take , t.ial old and well known establishment, the White lllorsa Hotel. At the corner of Centre and Mahsr.togo st.., in the llorouth of I'ollsville. The house has re cently boon very much cnlcl and otherw,.. unproved, rendering it ,Uite , cumfortaule as any other Hotel in Vliuv!kiil county uhil. Ihe stables are large, in gd coiuiiiiou, and at tend by careful, attentive, prudent hostlers. To travellers aud others who may stop at his house, be promises even attention calculated tu render Ihem comfortable and satisfied. . ., JOS. M. FKGER. April 5, 15''.- if JILANlk Piirchmcm Paper Deeds and blauk MortgaiTes, Bonds, Ejections. Summons. c. for saleb . U. MASSEK. Sunbury ,Apri 36, 1856 pOliT MONAIES, Tooth and Hair Hru.I.e all quulitics, and any quanti v.'l'.r sale by , , , . A.W. FJMIEK. July IT. 'Sfl. VTENT IJRITTANIA bar buttles for sale by STOPPEKS f B MASSER. Sunbury, July 9, 1 Sftft. POE RENT. fpHH Store Room in Market street, formerly JL occupied by P. W. (iray. Applv to ihe.s editors of H. Masser, deceased. April IT 1858. P. MELANCHTON 8HINDEL, JISth:i: of Tin: imuce, SXJISJBXTRY, PA. Ojfice in Deer Street, immediately ojtposite the Public School House. All buaineas promptly attended to. Monies collected and all onlinary writings done. Sunbury, April 25. 1857 tf pi'RE CONCENTRATED I.VEOKSA 1 POMPIER, for sale at FISHER'S Drug Store. Prica 80 cL. PATCHOULV, JOCKEY CU B, SPRING FLO WE KS, 4c, of the best quality ; a fresh supply just received aud for sale si ths Drug Store of A. W. FISH ER. Sunbury. Jury IT, 1858. WObaoco and Sogars. 20,0(10 Imported ' Segsr. of various brands. Eldorado, Fig, Cavendish and fine cut tobacco at A. W. FISHER'S. Sunbury, July 17. 1858. HENRY D0NNEL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ujjice opposite tht Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County Pa. Piaropt attention to business in adjoining ?ountie. IJR'RE CIDER VINEGAR, PUKE CIDER VINEGAR, PURE CIDER VINEGAR, Uy lha quart, g.llon and barrel, for sal. by M. C.GEARHASr. Sunbury, July 31, 188. ' s