I. J LA Bi ARRIVAL OF THE ANGLO 8 AXON AT QUEBEC, rora pat i,TEnriiioM"EPRorE. " iVo Declaration of War. , Onio May 9. Tba iiteamshin Anglo Saion hal arrived with Liverpool date, to tbt 27th nit. tbrea iy later than the advl cea by the Nianara. ..... . , The deipatcbea receded by the Anglo Saxon .tate that tbre hai been no actual de claration of f aa threatened by Anuria, and that Anlria had given Sardinia fourteen, days longer to diaar.n and disband lb toIud- UV'i romored that France and Rusiia hare enterid into an alliance offeniive and dafen- "The French troop are also said to be en terioir Sardinia. ' A French loan of five hundred million! or franci ii announced. The rumor of.au alliur.se between I ranee and Russia bad caused a panic in the London money market, and ooder its effect Consuls bad declined to 91 J a 92 for money and ac- Cs"rdinia replied to the Austrian Ultima turn or, the 25th alt., but the result had not been divulged The Austrian troeps were expected to cross the Ticino at any moment, although it i reported that the Emperor had agreed to atiother proposed niediution. The French troops were outering Piedmont. Great war like activity prevailed throughout France. The French contingent of troops, for the year, is to be raised to 140,000 men. Kuglaud, Prussia and Russia have each protested against the conduct of Austria to wards Sardinia. Tim reported alliance offensive and defen eive between Frolics and Russia was conclu ded on the 2'2d ult. Thia announcement has caused the greatest excitement. The British channel fleet has sailed with tealed orders, but its destination is reported to be the Adriatic. His rumored that the whole militia force of Englaud is to be emb-i-ilid, in anticipation of that country being in volved iu the impending war. The Surdiuiau Chamber has investfd King Victor Emmauuel with the powers of Dicta tor. The Commanders of the French Army have been announced. Pellessier is Com-inniider-iu-Chiuf of the Army of Observation. The London Post complains thut the poli 'cy of the English cubiuet hud forced France j.ito on alliauoe with Russia. A dosputc.li from Vienna asserts that the lVncl) troops had already violated ueutrul territory. It wan also announced that tho 1" ronch trjop hud arrived at Genoa, and eutered the S inliniuD territory. Tin- Imperial Guard of France had been placed on a war Tooting. It is reported that the French Minister of M .rine hu.l sent orders to ull the ieoports cl Franco France forbidding the departure of any mom boats for the Deep Sea fibbing, as a manure, preparatory to eulisting their crews i,i the French navy. The ipiestion of the recency of Franca was uifitalod. The Prince) Jerotno aud the Lin pu'og were spokeu of. STILL LATER. THE ADELAIDE ATTr JOHNS, N- F. T1IE IMPESUING V.'AIl ! UKUinl Anuounccnieiit of tlie Fas.ue of the Ticino. HOSTILITIES COMMENCED. St. Johks, N. V., Muy 9. Tho steatnor Adelaide, from Galway, with dales to the aOtu ultimo, arrived this after- 1 l.e steamer Ilammonia, irom .New lorn, un.ved out ou th 28lh ult. 1 uo newt is most important. I here has bi-.-n nu declaration of war, but hostilities, w.ro about to commence. The Anstrjan turnips, 120,000 siroug, have passed the Ti- The crossing or the T icino river by the Austrian Troops bad uot jot been tfficially conGriiieJ. . . ... , No actual conflict had not yet tuLec place, i i, u l-'r.-m'h arinv wui pouriDji Into tbe P.-lmoiitese territory. . , . , I lie Uianu iriiuuy ..i ") " j IV trice aud I'ledmolit agaiu.t tile Au.lilulis. The report of the French Russian ullunce hi been d. nieJ, but as au eUect tbe Loudon Ti'ii'S publish! ul' the treaties which ure said to havM be.-u entered into by these two Uov-i-r'imoiits. The beuoficiul eirect oT which wus produced by tbi deuiul on fuuds, was injured l,y this publication, and a great panic on tbe London 'Change, wus tho result. Consols ut one time were quoted s low as 33 lucoue(pienee ortbeso Huctuutions. and .azardous speculations, about forty failures i.nou- the stuck broker ure aunouuced. THE WAR CRISIS. It bad been telegraphed from virions sou', es that during tbe night of the '.'Oth of Im-il 100,000 Austrian under Uuilai cros ttlJ the Ticino. in three corps, and took the odd towards Nevara. Also that they after ,,rd blew up the bridge of Rulllora, over hich tbey bad crossed. Tbe news, as yet, lacked confirmation from fficial qiartein, uud some doubt were throwu " ua i sorted thai Austria has accepted ,e proffered Mediation of England, and post .rd the declaration of ivar. Fraucs had not yet uccepted the tnedmtiou, at is said to be considering it. The f'oiulitutionnd of Pons, and Oaily 'eicf of Voiidofl deny the existence of the ro ,rted alliance betweed France and Russia. Tbe iVi further states that the document !,ich has been tigued. und which has led to report, is a mere Convention. The Loudoa 'rimes proposes to give the ovisious of tbe treaty, and draws me uiost reuteuing consequences, regarding the alll cV us a menace to England, inasmuch as usia guaranties tbe services, of ber Ueet in Mediterranean and Baltic in addition tp ' army of observation on the Austrian fron- be King of Sardinia has issued an iospi ug proclamation to the army aay.ng that Warded the ultimatum of Austria at an ult" and rejoined to it with disdain. The Government has chartered tbeCunard amer Etna and other vessels to convey ops and ammunition to tha Med.lerra- tamon prevail or a proclamation being ut to ba issued calling out twenty thou- J.rpi.VMOing generally deaian. h Frefftroops wer. landing ot Uenc. ttrce number., aud euthusiasticaL, ived. Kmmaooel has gone to join tbo r- 'ietor at Al-ssaudna. . r . be Tuscan army cauo -.- ":U Fre. and Piedmont, and declare 'Li, st Austria. H d?'.fd. ed- Bguiust Austr rHupoB th. .rmy declared iniuiary a.c- 'A preparations tr. goiofcT oo io llnJ .nPd great Mtitit pr.l-l b'.r. .etif milit.r ihoTem.Dti int France. 60.000 Fraeocb troopi rilgJiVSto Italy bytu. d.ytb. nr aaiiau ! i '.-nrterl to kT concluded a innia ,noi: i. "';"-,-.. i.u pr.nf. . nrTml TI asJ 0lniT wn- . ' ?1ZCB ortvaiUd to Lwdoo, a ana TUB LATEST. By Telegraph from Loadoa Iondow, April 30. Tht report thai tba Austrian troopi bad crossed tba Ticino oa tha 26th ii incorrect. They had reeeived or ders to do to, bat the order was counterman ded, and they remained on tba aatt bank or the rivar. It if asjertod that tha advanced posit bad been crossed, and that tha main army would do so on the 20th. Tha Austrian official journal contains an important manifesto, axplsining the necessity or a war with Sardinia, and autboritively de nies tha existence or a lecret treaty between Russia and France. Tha ship Poniens, from Liverpool te New York, was wrecked of! Waxford on the 17th. Tbe crew and three or her passengers (an. Knowni were saved. Mia Dad over 400 soult on board. The lost or life bad not been as certained. The Parliamentary elections had commen ced, and were progressing quietly. a Austrian manitesto hat been issued tantamount to a declaration or war. Cousols are quoted at 69. OFFICIAL. HOSTILITIES COM MENCED. FaRts, Sitnrduy Austrian troops hive crossed the Ticino and commenced hostilities. This intelligence is officially received. MiRaxixots escape man carried ioo feet above: ihk earth. The Wheeling Intelligencer soberly relates the following startling incident. If true, it certainly deserves record as a reuiarkublu accident and escape : The most frightful, anil at tbe same time the most remarkable accident we bave ever feen on record, occurred ut the Catholic Church, yesterday morning. Some twenty perBotit were engaged in putting up tbe new bell which arrived from Pittsburg the evening before. There was a windless erected on the ground, to which was attached a snatch block and ehiove.. . Immediately above the open spuco in the cupola, to which the bell was to be drawn np, there protruded a beam, to which was attached another snatch block and pulley, and the bell was to bave been convey ed to the top by meuns of btrong ropes, work ing through these sbieve by tbe power of the windlass and cylinder upon tbe ground. The bell bad been rain-d in this way almost up to tbe open spuce in the cupola, und tbe men were just ready to pull it in. A man mined Thomas Newton was below, engaged in guiding the folds of the rope as it wound rouud the cjlitidi r. To do this, he had a firm gracp upon tbe rope. When the bull had reached a great height fioni the croniid, one of the cogs in the wheels of the windless fixture gave way. Another revolu tion of the wheel ripped ofl nil the cogs ; the bell Ml to the ground, and Newton, who hud hold of the lower end of tho rope, was currit d up with frightful velocity, a distuuce of one hundred Iri I .li oin the ground, and ubout four b et above llio aperture w here the bell was to huve been tuken iu. For the instaut, every one was surprised beyond nieasare, und before those engaged in the work could com preLend hat had huppened Newton, with his bands ull lacerated und bleeding, worked himsi'lt' tlouu opposite tha aperture, ai:d called for help to those within, liisbop Wheiaii, who was on the platform in the cu pola, reached out at the risk of his life almost, and seizing Newton by tbe waist, pulled him from bis awful pnsitiou. The accident struck everybody with aniazi . ment. and all but the tyewiluesses were loth to believe in tbe increduloes feat. The bell i weighed tlueo thousand seven huudred pounds, aiid us it Ml without hindrance, torn.! idea mny be formed of tbe rapidity with which Newton arcended. lie says lie thooglit of letting go the rope., but before the thought was clearly refined, he was at the beam, a hundred feet above, lie had no time to let go his hold upon the rope. Sonio cogs und pieces of machinery were hurled a distance of two squares from the church ; and a Mr. Smith, who wus Bta .ding near, received an uly wound iu the face from u flying particle. M r. Newton was taken to the olSeo of Dr. Ilupp, where his wounded bands were dress ed. The flesh was all torn from tbe palms of his hands, even to the bone, which is sup posed to Imve been done by tbo death grasp, and his sliding dowu the rope duriug the swift pasase into air. Altogether, we sup pose there is not a moru I'artting or remai k able accident, or u more miraculous etcupe on rcctt J. ExrrsfivR. It was discovered in Detroit, recently, that eijht servant girls, belonging to one of the large hotels of that city, had been for some time in the bnbit of slealiup bains, Ihi9 of mutton, glass and crockery ware, bed clothing,- table. lineB, provisions, and no end ofsmull trumpery nud convey inj; them from the houfe under cover of their petticoats, by means oT lurtre bugs attached to their hoops. 1 a a receiving shop they had accumulated n lure quantity of abstracted properly, and one of th pirl confessed to an utteuipt lo carry out a LtilT barrel of beer iu the aliovo manner, but failed for want .of a second half barrel lo balance ber "putent ex tension" ou tbe otber side. New Advertisements. FLOUR AND FEED. O. HAYDN has constantly on hand a lare aud foil supply of PLUCK and c. PEEL), which he will sell at aa low, or lower prolita, than any place in thin 'Market. Thoae wanting flour will find it an object to call at the Wholesale and Kctail Plour friiore before purcha sing eUewhere. Heing thankful fur pat favors, aaka a continuance of the aaine. CO. HAVEN. Sunbury, May 7, 1859 - Administrator i Sale of Real Estate. IN pursuance o! an order of the Orphan'a Court of Northumberland County, the undersigned will expose to public auto on SA 1 URDA Y, the 28A day of Hay, 1659, on the premise, all that certain tract of land late the estate of Ludwig l'lleegar dec u, situate Z) milea Irom I.ewi.hurg and the same distance from Miltan, adjoining lands of John best, Tho' Allen, John Ciucker and others, containing about ill ACltF.S more or leaa, about 50 acre of which are cleared and under cultivation. The improve ment consist of a g ed Urick House lately erec ted, a never failing Well of Water neat the door w:th a Pump in It, a Bank Barn also near, tv iih o her Outbuilding alio a Tenant iouse with Spring of god water near it. There i sin Or chard of bearing Apple Trees on the farm. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. M., of said day, when term will be made known by JOSEPH M. NESEIT, AdiuV May.Snd. 1859. 4U AUDITOR S NOTICE. flMIE undersigned, who waa appointed au I. Auditor to distribute the fund arising from the ale, 'jy virtue of lundry wiit of Kikhi Kaci issued out of the Cotirt of Common Pleas of NorlliuroberUnd county, of tbe personal property on tbe premise of Charle Weaver, old the property of Charle Weaver and William L. Dewart, will attend to the dutiea el bia appointment, at hie office, in the borough of Banbury, on Wednesday, tba 25ih of May next, nl 10 o'clock ia the forenoon, when and where thoae interested may attend. JOHN K. CLEMENT, Auditor. April 80th, 1853. 81 A CrCCD EOTJSE NIT LOT for sale in Sunbury. Inquire at this offica. April 30, 1859. SILVER WATCHES A few double cam Engliah BUvtr W(tlcbe. for aU at tew price by . u T. C COOPER'S NEW BET GOODS AH . . . VARIETY STORE. Market Square, one door West of tht Post Office, SL'NBUltr.Pu. THE subscriber ha just raturned froa the city with an entire new etock, of Dry Goods and a ter.eral variety of Notion. Hi selections, which are diffeient from anything ever brought to (hit place, have been made from the most exlcative wholeaalo establishment ia Philadelphia. H is stock consist of Illnck ClotlM, Fancy Caaslmcren, Silks, Ginglisms, Delaines, AUptcas, Ohintt, Calicoes, White Goods, Flannel, Muslin, Circulars, Mantillas, Bhawli, Merino, Marseille, Cotton I'lnid, HATS A.3STID CAPS. Flat, Children' rionneti. Trimmings of every irietv, Gloves, Honiery, Shirt Bosom, Shirt Collar, Gingham Cravats, Black Silk Cravats, Fancy Heart.. Ac. Ac. The list of NOTIONS comprise in part, Head DrvMKCM, fiend Necklaces, Fancy Dead, Fancy flasket, Toy of all kind, Fancy Hair Pin. Ful.ry Bracelet. Uold Ear-Drops, Cold Dreist Pin, Gold Stud, Uold Pens, I.adiea' Recti cules. Buttons, Bruhs, Toi let, Combs, Fancy Soap, Perfumery, Fancy China Waie, STATIONERY, PICTUjBES, and a variety of other Fancy article too nuiae roua to mention. Alt arliclea not on hand when salted for will be ordered from Philadelphia immediately, with out extra charge, the- proprietor having mad arrangements to bu mpplied with deficiencies whenever required. His stock will he disponed of on cash prinai plea, deducting 6 per cent, from purchase a mounting to more than ore dollar. liy strict attention to businea, he hopes to receive a ah a re of public patronage. He invite all to call and examine for themselves, and l.e convinced that he has ru hand the iargcat dock of Fancy Goods ever brought to the place. THOS. G. COOPEU. Suubury, May 7. 189 lOTI GE. NOTICE ia hereby given that tha Aut'itora of l.'pper Augu.la township, will meet at the Commissioner'. Oilire, in Sunbury, on Satur day, the 1st day of May, lHStl. All persona in debted, er having claiuia againat aaid tow.hip aie requcaltd lo atlri.d. IS. WOLVEBTON. ISAAC CAM Pit ELL, 1IEU.MAN C A M PliELL. May 7, 1H5U Auditora. NOTICE. IIIE annual meeiinu ol'the Mockhohlers of the -- ukkkn niDuii mriJuvKME-vr ci'.m- i'ANV, will be held in room No. 'i'.i, in lb Washington Buildings, Mo. 274, South Third Street, Philadelphia, on TuraJay, the lUlli dav of May next, at I'i o'clock M., itr the purpose of electing five director to tcrve during the ensuing ear. CII AS. NORMS, Jr., Src'ry. May 7, 1859. it. Health ! TUU MOST. Health!! Health!!! 11EM AUK ABLE CLUE OS ttEconu. DR. SWAYNK'S COMPOUND 6YRUP OP "WIXjTD cherry. Pok.t r R..CK4. l''ai:uaKica Cjcmy, .Mil Pa SVAY.M : llfiar tir Brllevmg it a duly 1 ive lo tlte public, ami in jumice to you, 1 have Ihnuglit prtiper io inaka knuwu i.ne uf llie iii'.al rxtiM.riliiiur run-., iu my owu cu.p, thut hua ever been truly it-uurdt-J. In ttie lili.nlh of (.let 'b r .ml, I wus uliiictcd Willi a arvere ir;ith. ernift in my brejut, which li.riiieil a Initio iibarrxs, and iiIru ciiiiiiuiilcaicil ti. ray l.ungi and very inufli atlhrlcd th-ui, and ducliuired large quuulitiua ..rc'.riuptioii. exlerinil ami internal. My bri-ath ei.uld puis llirunga my Luna and iut through the cuvily of my breimt with u;.jmi uut eufe, attended with a violent cimgh, duy and irgtit, Ihm n' ap petite, und extreme debility, so lltut my plivticiiju thought my fuse hopelefta and beyond the pwer M" lueilleice. I reinaini'd ia ikia ivrelrhed condition for a Umfs lime, until 1 wui wealed tn a meie akeletou, and there aeetaed to'bu li.. hope for me; Lut haviuvr read in the public papers uf the in-iuy wonderiul t-iires performed l-y your C".mpuvu SvklI' vf Wltu Chekkv, 1 immediately sent lo lluiuiiiore for live bottles aud commenced us utie, ami to uiy irreat satisfaction and my unxioiut family, the uluM-eix or iipeiimi; in my l.unas lietriin to hel. and the cough subsided, undua u?iii) leu bottles 1 was restored to perim't heti!ih. Over tiva ye'.ra have elapsed, and 1 still remain a per fectly hctirly man lo this ihty. Jane V., jd. 1 liuve not laid a djs sickness for eighteen month. Please accept my g-racelul acknowlc.lgcnienla. Y'ours, vc ' rcspt-cti'ully. THOMAS D.XI'N. The subscriber is well aeauniuted with 'I'ttomaa liiX 'n, and can testily Ihat he hus lK:en atllii'ted as above repre sented 1 teirnrd his recovery us uhiiost a aiirucle. He is a worthy ineiubvi ol acietv. JAMt: R 11URBOROW, liM'T of Usrlin Circuit, lli.llimore Conference. t!?" The ubove iiivali'Hl.ie inediclna prepared oiiIt hy Da II. WAYMi Son. No , North 7th ft., above Mur. kel, l'hilaih;lphta. "NoOTlikB WlLU Ciichxy I'SKeaaa- HON UhM'INR o SVAY.M'SAKS.PAnil.l.A AND TAR PILLS. The tick person who stands in need of a prompt panfy. ins purgative, should use IIR. r-WAYNK'e bCG4B I'oatku Aiif.AiAKiLl.s am. Tar 1'illh, lliey remove all unhealthy l.illioussecretiolis of the Stomiicli uiid Uawels, causing a pel fi-ct stale uf health. SWAYNK'S IKt.KRRATU.n VKR Ml l-UGE. DK btt'AVXli'S IHIWKl.C'Uia.lAl., An itivntuul'le remedy for liiarlara, Dyseatery, CI olioa, Cholera, and all llowel Complaiiiia. lYSPlil'TlCt ! There is no treatment Ihat has ever been tried, that is ao ehVetual la curi.ip Ineicesliou in nil ii forins, aa "lilt. SYVaVNK'S lill'l'KK CATH.Il.lCON." It imnarls new lilc and iuvigontUrs the system, the pale and delicate will pain strength and a gid appetite by Usui llieae tiuiy vaim.ble liltleia. 1'rice i.l.lv Su cents. I'irpaied nulv br lr II gW'A YN'K & SON. Nu. a) N jrlh ;ih Street, l'tiladdphia. SOLD AT Fisher's Drag and Chemical Store; May 7lh, liii. GF.OHGR HILL. J. 1. glll.NDKI. GOI11N HILL 3c GOBIISr, H 1 1 o r h r ) tj a t 21 a to , BUNBUBY, PA.. f AVINU asaociated themselve together for' -l-"- the practice of Law, all business in this and adjoining counties, entrusted in their charge will be'attenilcd to with full lit) and desjiatch. Office IN 01 111 ante ot .Market bquare; a lew door oast of the Court House. fit'" Counael given in the Gorman language, bunbnry, April 30, 1 859. PHILADELPHIA AND HEADING KAIL 110AD Siuuiucr irraug:eiiiviit. APK1L 18. 1809. TWO PASSKNGF.R Trams leave llarrisbarx Di.il?. (Sundays eacepted,) at 8 .CO A M, aud J la Y M , l r fan- adelplnn, airivnif tiiere at 11 50 noon and 7.40 i. M I. eiuinuiir, Iamvq I tiilapelphla a. 7 ao A. al., and J.o P. .M.,nrrivniK a. Hainabaiaal IS 40 noon and P. M. fnu ; To I'uiladelulua, No. I Cara, 3 & ; No. tl (iu aine tiain.) Si.TU. t aaaa : lo Keudinrr, VI . 00 and II 30. At Heudinir, conuect with Iraina for Poltavill. Minera- ville, 'I'amaqu'i, Cutawisaa, Ac. rour i rams leuve Keaduif lor r'nnuaetpuia aaiiy,ato A M, IU In A fit, 1 30 nooa and 3 US IV M lave I'lnladeli.liia for Keadiua at 7.30 A M. 1 30 P. M. 3.Sup.M.,nrl 45 f Ml r AHEs-.KeuillllK lo I'lillaaeipnia, VI 7a ana i a. Tha Mornnia Trsin frull llarnsbarg connect Haadin wall. up train lor Wilkesbuira, ronton and feersntou. f.r tlirouar. ticket and auier uinainaiioii appiv io i i. CLYtiK, Oeiierul AgcuU Apiil SO, IMS W HLANZCS! BLANKS!! Anew upply of Suminon', Lxeculion. Warrant, fiuprcna, Ueeda, Mortgage, Bonds, Leaacs, Naturalisation paper, Justice and Constable Fee Bill, &C, ic, just printed and for aale at this Office, bunbury, April 30, Isstf. Centra Turnpike Eoad. THE itockholder are hereby notified that an election will ba bald at (he bouse of C. 8. Brown in lb Borough of Northumberland, on Monday, tbe aistb day of June next, between tb hour of 10 A clork. A. M., and 8 o'clock P, M., to choose officer lo aarv (or lb nauing var. i. R. rRIESTLEV, r. AarU 11,1859. it. LOOK TO Y0TJ11 OWN INTEHESTS ! ! HOOTS AND S H O 33 S- IJEMOVAI,. The tuhncriber retpectfully in form the citizen of Hunbury and vicinity thtt he ha removed hi establishment from his old stand to tha office formerly occupied by Dr. Awl, in Market Square, Sunbury, near tb Nor them Central Kailrmd. Having on band a well elected dock of good material, be ia ready to supply bis customer and others promptly with work rcsdy made or made up to order, in the latest and best style and on the most reasonable terms. Believing (he caah aynlem is the beat for both the cuatomer and hiiimelf, he will endeavor to offer such inducement aa will give atiafnclion to all who may isvor him with their custom. P. 8. Thoae indebted, are requeated to call and aettle thcii account without delay. VM. H. MILLER, S nury, April 16, 15 ly ISrOTICE- TIIE appeal will he held at trie following na med places aud Java, fur tbe several tewn. ships and Boroughs, in the county of Northum berland, for the year 1839, to wit i Noithuml.erTund Borough and Point township, at the bouse of Henry Haas, Muy 2. Chihxiujrpie town. hip, at the bouse of James Milkr, May 3. 7'urbut towm-hip, at the house of Abraham Kissinger, May 4. Lewis and 'i'urbutville, at the house of Hiram Reynolds, MaV 6. Dataware and McEwcnsville, at the house, of II. J. Reader May 6. Milton Borough, at the house of John M. Huff, Msy 7. Lower Mahnnoy township, at tho house of A. Rotharmel, May 0. Jordan tp., at house of Lima Shaffer, May 10. Juckaoo to , Galen Smith, 11. Washington tp , " Pp. Mahanoy tp" Cameron tii., Zcrbo tp , " Lit Mahanoy tp " G. H. Rahuck, J. H. Adain, Peter Wcikel, Win. Kon'ila, Widow Raker, 12. 13. 14. 10. 17. 18. Low. A iig. tp., ' Eliaa Emcrich, Sunhury buroueh and Upper Auguata town ship at the Cumiiiisioiier' OHice, May I 'J. Ru.-ht tp., at tho Ruah School Houae, May 2, Khaniokih tp., at house of John .Nesl.it, ' 2-1. Coal tp., " Win. M. Weaver," SI. Ml. Carmeltp" A l.erch, " 25, FBEDEK1CK HAAS, ; S A M U E L E S T, Com'rs. JOSEPH EVE111TT, ) CoMMISSlONKIt's Ot'FICK, I Sunbury, A pnl 30, 185U. 3t J Till: CAMDl'.N ti A.MUOY A.ND rilll.ADKLrtll A AND TRKNTON RAILIIOAO CO.'S 1.INK9, From Philadelphia to Xeic York and Yuy l laces. rri.m V;ilnut Sircol Wrf, riiiladclj'hia, will lfticraa fulluwa, viic : vaku. At 0 A M, via CutuJirn nnl Amboy C A; A Accmri' mounti'ii, . t-j aa At 0 A M, vih Cnnidcii and Jersey Lily New Jer sey l.CC.illlU.ihhlllotl, At I' A .M, via Camden and Jeucy city Morning Mini. At 11 A M. by Sieimhoni, via Tacony and Jersey S Ii5 i i 3 nu i ctt) Moruina Kxprcss, At 'J U M, via Ciimilcit and Anit.oy C aiRaaV Kx-pr-s, AtTlj I .M, by Steliut.oat, via Tacony and Jersey e.ly. I'.veuli.a l-ixpress, At 3J l'.M.by Meiinil.at, via Tacouy aud Jet.ey cily. l'l;iss Ticket, At fi V At , v:a Cuindcn ,V Jersey city Kveninc ! i,i! 3 00 ' J 3 rjfl 3 00 i a 05 am' At II I'M, via Cntndcn and Jersey city Nieiu Mml 4 2.1 A I I M . via Crfmden and Anita.y Aceomin. Kla- lioii. (Ulelt;bl and 1'usscuger,) 1st class ticket, 12 aJ5 lid " 1 iO At 5 P .M. via Camden and AnitK'y Accommoda tion, (1-night and 1'iissengcr,) lit class ticket, I 2 5 Jd I 75 l lie 8 P.M. Mail Line runs daily. The 11 Night Muil, S.itni(l;iys excepted. I1 lispieKS Lines slop at principal station only, l-'or Hcividerc. Ivi-iton, l-'leinnif: ton, A:c, .t 0 A. M , and 3j t' .M , from Walnut street wharf l-'or Witt ;-r l.np, i,.rolldbllrg, criiiiti.ii, Wilkcsbfirre, Montrose. Urent llcnd, Ac, tit U A iVI, via Delaware, Cuckiiwiitina ml' Western Railroad. I'm Freehold, nl A. .M. und i l. M. Ii .V ui.l Huliy, at a and V A M, und Si, t J and 5 I. M. WAY LINLH, For Hrisul, Trenton, & c.,at 3J and 4J P. .V., from Walnut s'rjet whntf. I'or l'aliu ra. Drlauco, Ucvir'y, Ilurlington, llordcn U'wn. Ac . at lij l. M. :euuileat Jol-u Nelson, for liordeiltown and intei medi ate places, at :lj I'. M. S:ea.nho;it Tienton, for Uristot, Dailington ami interiue d. lie places, at I'i M and 4j I. M. Filly pounds ol' Hyit-iftu only, allowed each passenner, Pioseni;eia are plolnb.teil front tukniR aiiythlin aa Ittiir pace but their Wearing apiurel. All tfagitnge over lift y pouiida l . I paid for extra. The Cont.uy limit then responsibility for it:icioi;e to ( hie Dohur per pound, and will not be liable lot any amount beyoud IOO 1) 'llais, ex cept by apecuil cuntrucl. W.M II CAT.MUK, Agent. April 1st. ap. 30, 'in. SARATOGA WATER. Analysis of Empire Spring. The Analysis of the Empire Yler, by Prof Einiiiona, is a follows : Chioraile of Sodium, 2fi9,69G liiiarbonate of Lime, 1 4 1.N24 lticurbonale ot Magnesia, 4 1 llicatl.onale of beja, HO, HIS llwliioj.ile of Hoda or Iodine, li.DUO liicai'ion.ila of Iron, a trace, 0U0 . Solid conteiits in a irallon, 43(i,3o2 f peine gravity, 1,030 EUP1KE SPAING. The water of the Empire Spring is bottled with the utmost care, and packed iu string l:oxi a, kuilublo for exportation, by the aubscri tcra. The Cork ol all genuine Empire Water are branded, "EM I'I RE Sl'KLNG." (i. W. WESTOX & CO. Order may be addressed to Ihe Proprietor, G. W. Weston & Co., Saratoga VpringysV. V., or at their ar DEPO T, 410 DHOADWA Y, JVtcir Canal Street, .Veer York. CtBTiriCATCS. t Extract fiom a communication from l)r. North, of burutoga piiim., to the Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, dated June the 5th, I N5 1 1 "The New Empire Spring ia working charm ingly for Scrofula. Uo Ihe profession know lb at there are twelve grains of llydriodute uf sVeda, or Iodine, in a gallon of water- double any ulh-r Spring ! There being only a trace of Iron in llie water, I aend my consumptive patient to thut Spring unhesitatingly, hitherto with most sail. factory results." Empire Spring, ly R. 1. Allen, M. D , a Resident Physician, Saratoga Springs. This fountain lis mora than answered th expectation of it friends; a a beverage, our inhabitant who have drank it daily far several year past, cannot be induced to make a substi tute of any other airing. A a cathartic and alterative, my past experi ence compels me to say, that in my opinion it ba no auperior here or elsewhere. It exemp tion from clay, and tbe amall relative quantities of iron which enter it composition, render it one of the beat if not the very best mineral water for commercial purposes; while it ability to with land the trying uilluein eaof warm climates and sea voyages, make it a very desirable water for bottling purpose. These properties, together with the gentle manly care of present proprietors,- have given i( a circulation and use tfbroad which has hereto fore been unprecedented In the history of cele brated mineral waters. May, U67. R. L. ALLEN', M. D. For sale by IL B. MASSE 11. April 33, 1809. Sunbury, Pa. J7ANILI.X BEANS, Fig, Pate. Orange,, V Lemon. Prunes, nUl of all kinds, iust ra. ceived and for aala at lb Confectionary Store of M. C.UtSARJIAUT. Sunbury, April 3, 1859. SYMPHONIANH, grand musical instrument jut leeciveU from bnow Mill, Leudon, aud roraiy T. ti. COOP EK. Binlnt7 February It, UM. NEW ROUTE. FOR TRAVELERS I Northern Central llailway!! 8UMMER ARRANGEMENT. 01 AHO FTftn MONDAY, APRIL llh, ibd'J. the Train on this road will ran Iu tha follow ing acliedul : GOIXJ NORTH. BtirrALlladO MAUARA KURrM TBAIX. Frora 13ALTIMORK to 9UMIJLRY Wil.'MSPORT. Arrir lnrs. CO P.M. t W 6 0? lit 7 50 SO k 47 ( i on ao 9 .hi u ii e w e M 9 M 10 ki in ii Hi in :i in :tt in :it to " in IS in .vi 1 1 ns 11 Ii 11 1.1 1 1 V i 1 1 94 tl ill I at It at ii ,tt it :n it ;7 it 41 n 14 iu II u ul w 14 Calvrrt Btalloau York, Hi itlgepoit, HhIiIhx, iMilltfrablirir, Ueotgetnwii, TrevorAnn Juneti,a.'t fclina-Hrcve, kliaBlHV, , NorthumlH-rlamt, C)iilliKunnap, Lewial.urg, .MiIIi.ii, WaUoiit'.wii, L'nini.lowii, I'.yatera, ,li.ntir.nirry, krrger'a Miiury, MnilUMiravil'', Willinmpiri, eloiKO P-iVTH From WiLUAHirunr lo SV.NBURY k BAI.TIMORK Arrive. I.enra. IV VO . M in IS 10 14 in V Hi ) 10 :i in :ir in 10 3 IU 44 IU II III 44 10 4V IU Ill frt 11 i;. ii on II Ii it is II 111 It 51 II 31 1 1 M 1 I Iti 1141 II VI II 61 , IV! Ifl I'i IU IS V!i I J I'i 47 I'i AO t III I C! S IS 9 M 4 IM 4 i 7 15 I.IL THAIN. WIINO NORTH YMIiamtntt, Miiiauuravoiv, Minify, Hrr(,ri'p, Mi.lfr,-ii;ery, KyBlt-r'a l'iii..iit'vvn, WntROlltuw.i, .Milton, l.ewitl.urg, Cliiliincjt'uque, .NurtiiniiilmrluiiJ, ki;Mll IIY, lfliiia-(Jrovrt, Trevorton Juitrli'. (iw.rfrptnw.i, .M.llerahuig, lli.l.H.x, llriiluciiurt, Y..rk, Culvert glutii'il, I'rnin BALTIMORE to SL'MII.I'.Y 4 WH.'MSPORT Aruve. I.rava. 7 3a A. M. in 10 48 1 1 :? 1'J 4U i t t;a I I'i 1 4.1 t .V Ii Oil 4 IX! 4 141 4 M 3 14 4 47 S 47 l an o 4 41 4 57 a d'j i n 3 vu 3 V3 3 3j 3 M 3 III .1 40 3 .".II 3 b3 4 (l 4 M 4 II 4 It 4 14 4 II . 4 41 4 44 4 S'l 4 4.1 4 : 4 .'I I 4 4S 4 4J on Culvert taLlJH. Yirk III nl'ep'.rt Cliiia ferry lf.llux Mllletabur liurllMlliiit il!.li..i.ti)a (...-iirnpl'iwii Trpvi.rton ioiictiun !pliim-i.n.v Sl'MU'JI Y, Ni.rthuinl.prUiid CliiLl.un)ua l.evviatiurg Mill. Ml Vata..nt"WM litiiit:wil l-'.yiitcr'a Mniiinniery llprper'a Mui.cy MiiHtiHimvilta liliumstiurt OOIXO SOl'TII From Viu.iaNiroBi lobtMlfliY A BALTIMORE I.c-vce. H 0 A . M h III R M ! 10 0 0i V Ut 9 III 9 10 '..-. n m 37 9 47 9 SS 10 III 10 Si In 37 III SU 111 57 11 Ki 11 41 II .'. ii is 1 40 3 us Aruve. 8 40 (1 ft tl llil 9 iri I'I tl 10 IS II til ft tn 8 .17 0 47 0 S-J III U7 tn a.-, 10 37 10 .'.fi III 67 11 iri II 'J I II HI I . 11 I 'J 40 H 6 l Villi:imarort, .Moa oatoursville. i'i uncv, Herjrer'l Montgomery clyster's I'moiitowil Wnlsontowil Mill. 'II, Lewisbuie Chill. stpinqtm Norlhiiinl.trrlind SI NHI'ltY. 'Inis drove Trevortoii Junctiiai Georgetown, .Muhuiitongo Hnehaiiati, Millrshurg IIiiIii'hx t ink's 1 eriy laiiphiu Itridirepurt York Calvert Plalinn. April 'i'i, TWIIIZ aubacrihei, heirs and legal representa- lives of Jacob Miallcr, deceased, olfcr at private aale llie farm of llie aaid deceased, situ ate on the Miainol.iu creek, twe miles from tSun liuiy, in I pper Aiimita township. ISorllinml tr laml county, ailjoiniii lamia of Alexander Ji nlaii. (coiic C. Wclker, uud other, roiitaiiiinj; I'i -1 acres, about 100 ociea of which are cleared The iinprtivt ineiitN ere a Log House, I'r.nae Barn, Waon 8hcil. d'c. There are aUo Two Orchards on the premise, all of which ia iu a good state of cultixution. I llie third of the purcluae money will remain I secured on the properly for Ihe widow. If said property ia not sold at f-rivete sale, it will be oitcied al public Fale, at Ihe Lourl lloue, on the lira! Monday ut August licit. Teims and conditions will be made known at the tune if sale. WM. bHAFKLK. ISAAC SHAFFER, HA RAH SHAFFER, llcira of Jacob Shaller, dee'd. I'pl er oftlsia, April 23, 185U. 4t TI1K WAMSUTTA PRINTS. They are the I cat Calicoes yet offered lo the public for the money. W'lioLt.si.l; Autmrs: DEFOREST, AEMiTIlOHO & CO.. N E W YORK. April 23, 1H.VJ 4tn:U' NEW FL0UE, FEED. FRUIT AlfD THO VISION STORE ! FBMIi; sul'scrilier respectfully inform the cili- L zcns of Sunbury and the surrounding neigh- hoihoud, Ihat he ha opened a Store al the north west corner of Muikel Square, oppoiile Vandyke' 1 Railroad Hotel, where Ire is receiving, and will : keep on hand, r lour, reed, rruit and proxisiou of all kinds, soch a WHEAT, RYE BUCKWHEAT FI.OCR, Oai. Corn and all kinds of Feed, Crackers, Oranges, Nut Arc, 1'resh Shad in sea sou, Early Yg table Fruit ic, from the South. He will constantly receive, by Railroad, from Baltimore and Philadelphia, all the delicacies ol Ihe season, aa they come into market, and tiusta, by prompt attention and reasonable prices lo re ceive a share ol the public patronage. , VM. HOOVER ij- CO. Sunbury, April 16, lSS'J.- ly. Northumberland Bridge Company. A N ELECTION' forotlicera and manager of aJ- tbe Northumberland Bridge Company, lo serve for one year, will be held at the bouse of Mrs. Burr, in NoilhumberUud, on Monday, Ihe 3d day of May next. The election will be opened at I o'clock, P. M., and close al 4 o'clock. P. M M. TAlitiART, President. Northumberland, April IGlh, 1859. rnENCH BURS M I IX S'l'O V K All X I' lit'TOn V. r"HE undrai)n.l keep constantly on hand A FRENCH lU'KJLSofallizea,aiid furnishes every article required by the milling tradu. Complete satisfaction guaranteed lor every article old. Millers who prefer th aolid liurr, by giv fug 4 to G months nnlice, ran bavp their orders executed at ibe quarrie 'n France. A.ldresa, W'M. H KEPNFR, April a, 1R'9 6m Harrisburg P. it., P. O S E P II VUSSELL, a'o. 2, .VorA Fourth Street, PUILAbiai'IUA. MANCFACTCRER of bt fluidity of UM. BUK1.I.AS and PARASOLS invito Ihe allei lion of buyers to hi extensive dock, embracing many uiy lea not heretofore iutioducad. Pluladelphia, March 13, 1H5U PLATFORM SCALES, . . 3, nf kvery orscRienuM, buitaui.k ; J FUK HMLKUAUr, 4c, for wcigKinf bay, i e.ssl, tiy and oierRaaiHiiss feiisrully. Purrtiasrrs ran ao risk, avery acute ia auaranleol careel, and n, alter trial, uut luaiul aalistactoi)', caa b returned without cliaraa. . . . CiT Fscu.ry at tb old stand, established for mora thaa Ihmtr-Sv )ara. a U ll( TT Co., Corner uf Ninth aad Melon Hrosu, Marct SOth, 1M0 3ui'c. Pa.lad.kta, JUHT RECEIVED a lot of Ladie CLOTH CLOAKm, at I. H EN Li EL'S Store. Sutibury, Dec. 11,4'JS. Dissolution of Partnership. TTOTICE ia hereby given that the PartnctaViip ' heretofore eiisting, between tlieaubtcribca, a Tahriyq Clement, miner and shipper of Coal at the ('oul Mountain ('ollicry, was dis solved by mutual consent, on the 1st of March, issn. , 'l lie business of the lata firm, will be setlle l bjr Frederick Kalirioii, who has in poaaea.iou the books and paper, at Ml C'armel. FREU'K. KAHItlOM, IRA T. CLEMUM". I'i. Carmtl, April 0, 1859. 1 1 NOTICE. Nsw Yohk, April 10th, lsf.9. MCETINO ol the stockholder of the Trevorton Coal and Hailroad (.'mi'paiiT A will be held at the (iirard I ion wo. in Philadel phia, on Tuesday, the lOtlt of May, at elpvan o'clock, A. M. lly order. ! L. JUIINSO.N. Secretary. April 16th. Ib'.'i'J. NOTICE. 'fHE annual election for a President ami Ili- rector of '1 he Trevorton t 'nul at,d Kailronil Company will he held ot the (iirard ilnuse, in I'hilailclphia, on Tuesday, the Tlth of May. Toll open from U to 1 o'clock, I'. M. Uy ord. r, K. L. JDIIN'SON. Secretary, Aprp Ifiih, IBM). OTit5ii3" 1"1TIIEHKA lettern teatimrnlary to the Ta tale of .Nancy Hunter, late of fcuiihury, Nor hiimlrlund county, rnuavlvaiiia dec aacd, nave oeen .rariiru iu ir.c aunacriocr. Jn per- i on. indebted lo the aaid estate are rrnueaUd to make immediate payment, anil Ihoi" having; claims or demands staint Ihe Eatnto cf ti e said deceased will make iiown the mine without de lay to HENRY B. TATH AM, Ex'tor. No. UC8, South W harves, J'hilada. Philadelphia, April I, IKS9. Ct Ayer'sSarsaparilla A compound remedy, in which wo have la bored to produce tbe most effectual alterative thnt can bo mudo. It is a concentrated extract of I'ara Sarsaparilla, so combined with other substances of still greater alterative power as to atl'ord an eircctivc antidoto fur tlie diseases Samaparilla is reputed to cure, It is believed that such a remedy is wanted by those who suffer from Strumous complaints, and that one which will accomplish their cure mutt prove of immense scrvico to this large cloej of our a.Hicted fcllov-citizcn3. How. completely this compound will do it has bcn proven by exper iment on ninny of the worst cases to be found of the following complaints : ScnoruL.v and ScnoruLous Complaints, EnutTioNs and EimpTivn Diseasks!, Ulceus, 1'iMi'LEs, Blotches, TfMons, Salt Kmhi'm, Scald IIcad, SvntiLift and Syphilitic Af vkctioxs, Mr.Rrt'RIAL Dirlask, Dhopsy, N'r.u RALGIA OR TlO DoUI.OUtlr.DX, DuniLtTY, Dvs PKPSIA A.-4U Ixmar.STION, EltYSIfF.LAS, Itosu on Sr. Anthony's I'ntr, and indeed the vvhelo class of complaints arising from iMrutmy of tub Blood. This compound will to found a prcnt pro moter of health, when taken in the Fprin;;, to expel the foul humore which fester in tbo blood at that season of the year. .Uy tho time ly expulsion of them many rankling disorders are nipped in tho bud. Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, spare themselves from the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous sores through which the system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through tho natural channels of the body by an alterative medicine, Clcauso out the vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through tho skin in pimples, eruptions, or sores ; cleanse it when you tiud it is ob structed and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it whenever it is foul, and vour feelings will tell vou when. Even w here no particular disorder ; is felt, peoplo enjoy better health, and livo i longer, for cleansing tho blood. Keen the j blood healthy, and nil is well ; hut with this I pabulum of life dis-ordercd, thero can bo no lasting health. Sooner or later something j mut go wrong, and tho great ' machinery of tile is uisoraurea or ovorlnrown. Sarsapaiilla ha3, nnd deserves much, the reputation, of accomplishing those ends. Hut tho world has been cgregiously deceived by preparations of it, partly because tho drug alone has not nil the virtue that is claimed for it, but more bocausc many preparations, pretending to bo concentrated extracts of it, contain but little of the virtue of Saranparillu, or any thing else. During lute years the public have l?cn mis led by larc bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Most of these have been frauds upon tho sick, for they not only contain little, if any, Sartapa rilla, but often no curative properties whatev er. Hence, bitter and painful disappointment hns followed the use of the various extracts of Sarsnpnrilla which Hood the market, until the namo itself is justly despised, and hns become synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still wc call this compound Sarsaparillit, and intend to supply such a remedy us shiill rescue the namo from tho load of obloquy which rests upon it. And wo think we have ground for believing it has virtues which aro irresistible by the ordinary run of the diseases it is intend ed to cure. In order to secure their completo eradication from the system, the remedy thould be judiciously taken according to directions on the bottle. ritErAitr.D by DR. J. C. AYElt fc CO. LOWELL, MASS. Price, $1 per Bottle Six JJottlc for 3. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, ha won for itself such a renown for the cure of every variety of Throat aud Lung Complaint, that it is entirely unnecessary for ua to recount the evidence of its virtues, wherever it baa teen em ployed. As it has long been in cotistaut use throughout this section, we need not do more than ns.-o.ire the peoplo its quality is kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do for their relief all it has ever been found to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, Ton tile cuius or I Ciistiveness. Jaundice, Dysptpsia, Indigestion, Ditentery, I'oul tftomach, Kiysipelas, tarfnc., Piles, Hhcumatisiit, Eruptions ami Si.in Viteasts, Licer Complaint, broy. Tetter, Tumors and Salt liieum, lloinu, (iout, NViiinfiirf, as a Dinner 1'ill, and for ruriftin; th Wood. They are sugar-coated, so that the most sensi tive can take them pleasantlv, nd they are the best aperient in the world for till tbe puriisea of a family physic. Price ii cents per Box : Tiva boxej for SI. CO. Great number of Cleruynien, Physicians, States men, and eminent peraonaKes, have lent their names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of thea remedies, but our space here will not peinnt the insertion of them. The Agents below named fur nish gratis our America Almanac in which lliey are given t with also full descriptions of the above eoniplaiuts, aud the treatment that should be fol lowad for, then- cure. .... , i- Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers vtlta other preparations they make more protit on. Demand Ayek's, and take no others. The sick want the best aid there is for tliein, and they ahould have it All our Remedies are for sale by , K riling V tiiant and A. W. I i.lur, hunlu'ry, R. I). MeCnv, Northumberland, A.T. Ilisel, 'I'url.ulville, F. Klotz, Wind Cap, J. F. Cailow, Milton, ti. It CdwMcr, Sliamokin, P. Ubler, l.'hlervii!e, And by all Druggist and Mrrchanta. April Id. l8-.lt ly MkBD TJMIJS HOMOKEW A NY I'l'lHSOM ,'l.iilyar tlcullrinioi.) in llirl'uit.d 1. Stairs, piat-asint! a ana.ll -ai.il.il t' Irom i- 7 cj,i anlcr Into an easv and rrrMH'Uil.lr l.a.inrss. l.y v. h'el, lioin ).) to aIU par day caa bt-relt'.rd l-'or .oii-t u-,ila: a, utt dies, (with atau.p,) W. It. At l.. A . O , 41 rvona i . i n Mirei, rioi.uirli l.is. March tOlli, HSH. Dmt 1. "coal ! coal: coali Troiii tho C oal aiouataluiaiuicr.' 'IHE (uhaeilWr, now operating ihe Load Moou-A- turn Colliery, at Ml. Camirl. ia uroand Ui furnish all aixe of Wbila A'h Coal (nun hi i colliery. Ihi i a auperior quality i VYhi'e A(h Coal, which b ia prepured to furnish prooiplty lo order. rREUEFICK l'AJKro.. MLCarmcl, April S3, ebV. aa-.) " ft ry fur full riif.-4 In th Iri teat, mtttt exfuiiitivclT natrnnirril an nit re 1 tit llimtl in ttie IJniied utt- 7 iri;nKNTi attkntoo v I'sti'il lime In coir nlete a full o HrM. 1 Kvny fltu.lniit, Ujinii k rtifi until iff . it ftti'AiYli( a. . .j . i e m.1. in (.'mil n mtt.nty in. iiiiiu a iU to MOfiO., lU'l Htudi tits enteral any time Ho VaratVas pleniure. M Prrimuina for best ranmnnshlp a carded in tV Ministers' J-'iis received at larlf price. For f'nrd t:ircil'ir"!anftciineiia of li aitieea bik! I mental Wilting lucl ae Iw stamps, and ail'lrcee. . -I V W. JKNKI.Nri, I'lttsbnirH, K I Apioll, 19-H h sen-ii, -if! ly . WHOLESALE DEALER LV I BR AN DIE S, yyillEC, QIK3.&C j 'BIIE aul.aerihci liave opened in Thompson - liri. k lluiliiiinr. Mill street, Liaiivillc.a iarje j soil complete stork of ! I'OKEKiN AND DOMnsTicLl'LdaiH, . ; C'.impri.iinj tlie heat hran.lanf Urandic, Gin, (lid j Kye. Pcolch and Irish Whiskey, I'ort, Mlierrv, ! .Mai'eri.i, Champagne and other Wn.cs uf all j prailea, aiTvl which will he e.ild W'liolcaal at i lUe lowest city prirea. Tavern-keeper by buj ; ii.rfof ua can aavc at Irast Ihe frei(ihl. j I'imoih deairoui of pp,u hasinir, liquor fof t KAMI I, V V s L , , . . mn. r' "l'0," lV'! f'jrnl-lll J '! I'M oi , una.liil'.rtated article. tv' liiini! dcierinins'l to r.tali!ish a reputation , lor selling cheap they te.pectluily ailn-it th pa iroiiajre i,f the puhl.c. All order promt. lly al- ll lllk' l to. ! PIIERIFF i liALt'. j I'anviiie, April 9, I Sol. I Harket Street, Sunlury Pa. rHE xuhsrrihrr reapcclftilly infnrms the ciii ; lens ol Sutilmry, and the public generally, i that he has taken possession of the above walj I known aland, formerly kept by John Leiser He is determine. I to use every exertion to make ; hia houao one of the bfsl ill the State, and Oo'er j r re inducement for person who spend a short time iu one of iho most pleasant ioivtia in central j Pennsylvania. , , I Ilia table will be supiicd with the best tha market can produce. His bar will be supplied j with ihe purest li.iior. j Careful and obliging aarvants nlway iu atten dance. A share of the local and traveling com muiiity is most respcclfullv solicilcil. SIMON SNYDER, April 2.1, 1839. Gin Proprietor. A. J- HO C K Ei'ELLER. S Vttorncn at avt), g EdPECTFl'LLY informs bis frienda and I tlie public that he libs REMOVED hi office j t. o ic door east of Meter. Friiing dc Crant' . alor. near the Court House. All prol'easional business entrusted to bis j charge, iu thi and a.lj lining luumiea. will ba I pron-.ptW, faithfuPy and carefully alteuJed to. I Sunbury, April 2d, l!63. 4t NOTICE 1 THE ADAMS EXPRESS . CO., (iive notice that they have concluded arranger nicnls with tha Northern Central Rail Koad Company, to run trains from Baltimore for York, Hainsburg, Dauphin, Halifax, Trevorton, Huu bury, Northumberland, Lewi. burg, Milton, Muii cy, VV'illiainsport, and all intermediate Station. Connecting at Harrisburnh with the GKEAT WESTERN EXPRESS for Pittsburg, Cincm liati, S'. Louis and the West. Also with Howard & t'o' Express at Milton or Danville, H..insburg. Wilkcauarre, Pitiatou Scraiilon, and intermedials Stations on tbe Cut. tawiasa, Lackawana and l51orioaliurj Kail Road. At Willian.spdrt, by Howard Si Co'a Exprassta Jersey Shore and Lock Haven. Also, by How ard & Co., and their connections, for Canton, Troy. Elinira, Rochester, liull'ilo, Niagara, and to all accessible points in Western New York and Canada, by which lliey will forward Merchandise, Specie, Dank Notes, Jewelry, aud Valuable Packages of every description. Also, Notes, Drafts and i'illa for Collection. Experienced aud efficient mcsaencera emnlova.f and every effort will bo made to render satiaiac- tioa. JOHN IilNGH AM, foperintandent Penu'a Division, Pliil'a A. W. FISlIER, Ageut for Suuaury. April 9, IS5!. Feipher's Line, Hailroad Fre'ght Cars! BETWEEN CP&O, J-lll, Philadelpliia & Suntuty.iiL rpUU aiiWcriher ia ruriulnsr a line nf frrisht cars to and 1 Iroin rinlailelplna witla.at re-shipiniait, anil hopes t rsiul.hsli a gowl basuicaa by prompt dclivcncs at rrasoua- btr ratt-a. I Wntf boaso in Philadelphia with Freed, Want 3t Freed, j 811 Msrket atrect, wline K'Kla Slc. lor Sual.ury aud intai- luciiiiic foiuta aiiua.o if iin. TllU.MAS PE1PHKR, Harrisharg March 10. 1650 Mm SUNBURY FOUNDRY ! 'SHE subscribers respectfully inform the citi A. reus of Sunbury and the public generally, that they bave leaded the Simbury Foundry oc cupied by George Kohrl ai h, audlbal they will lake possession on the lirst djy of A l lil. next, when i they will be enithled In fuiish all kinds of Cast, i iuga, such as Plows, lovea, ir.,Ai'., at a low I ralea aa they run be had any whete else. Tbey j are also maiiulactoring thrashing machines, and do repairing at slmrt notice. All order addrcaaed I to them will he promptly attended Iu. j Country pn ii.iee taken in exchuiige for Cast ings at ail liiius. ! CLINTON ROIllill VCH. ! JACllll KOIIKUACH, Jr. ! Sunbnry, March 5, 18:'.0. 3m . NET CASK EHY GOODS IIOU3B. ! liYUE k LAKDELL, j FOl'RTIl AltCH Sireeia, l'illl.AUKJ.rillA, . I Kb' now noniin; a full asanrtinrrt uf liV OUOi.' I 4 t OK TIIK siPKIMs I'F Ifcjtl, J Sprint fills ol New siivli-s, ' 1'ashi. malar l. ml. Ir frku t Bobrs, ! bhawis "( tha New ,,., tig Styles, lie L.-iiii'-a aod Kuucy Ulesa ..." r!s, S.iiumr Hoplins ami Valcnclas. I 'i'laveu.ng hieaa UuimJs, full varltv, I HUiikals.lieutlllgaial UoaarSmpnig O.kvIs. j N B. Storikcrpris are reaprctl'i'lly luestnl In a. araJuenuiM.vkM III. ALK SILKS, and MlAWl, b- lote purchasing. 1 H. 8. Sew .ji.sts rrc-ived daily, ami B.axl tiargaia froin llie Ain-ii -i,a ..I N. w York ami ibis Uujr. Tin m Nki r Cm no l'sum la.w. Marca tVlh, trj'l U mVll BLIND3 ANP SHADES, ounAr von CASH.' J B. J. Wll.1.1 IMS, . is North Sixth tticci, t'hiladcl phia, is Uie(4uj'sbMantilauiurer of ; l lADOtV Mll.IVUS, Is. o niiLi ia .WINDOW BKADEB, Or- IJVr.IlY VAII1K I Y. , lit is th Ori.iilit or of ull New Srvlraand hns a tnata k I., be k-.kisi i.Kiii'ci:i) I'm. i:s ui'FP, ami a i.i. tiii:k coi.uns of I.i.nln 1 gHADtx. -miMMIMiS, Fixrtm:s,o. , C I'OKK SII AI.K-i i.ii.ilrd to order. , . t'a" B. J. W.. lavii.n ritiaen nl lioa "U,iy lo eatt ha fore purchnsi.ik.', anJ :isurea Ihr.u lie csu s: a better article (at llie luoney Inall aav nlli.-t ep.nltlislnl.iilt ill Ihe I t'Uitea suites. tlarrta SU, tNia Jinyjc. SPICES! SPICES!!. SPICES I!! Pure ai.il Ni. I Giou.kd Vpjtr. Oiitgcr, Ciuiauiuuit, Allic, 4 lve. Atuerifan Hiril Kiiatlia.il Muauid Cvcint Pf iKir, Nutait'ia, 0uji. Ciirb tJ IlWHimu, bttterjiwt. Imlijto. Caimwhv aud Coriander Bard, AthUHl 1H' Wi ianrtliMl -Mil. c. ' Kor to.: l tii t?t M.H.No ii jwl iV HM Fr4l MiisH ociur of w. Phillkbit HOWARii WORRELL. 1 Puirhuert will Cud it tffJv to Uiwr uiirai butk , in uitnliiv mim! price to buy vhU, waiicti v wu i i mm ted m rc(iTrMiitd or fonntwl. A iriid U tUiciiff. nil floctattid ICMiiTtlj.