0 t t X fTTins XV lienr no mot of thjTn. ( . ' And the .tune cnottl. ...i; w,l,L For the (cam king y( , die Ami tlie old idkijfl,, (limy path, Tint grass errepaaWef glril And tho 'elg, horso, da, J.,y, W hern once thfieu( Lifted hi y sry etoger dread. Ko, mora "Woming mom The ttyt,uMling landlord runt No more;,,,,! r lha ,.i,rtinir ho.n. For l he bright ryi J cliiluicn piny ronre the clattering hoof and wheel filled (long Ibo way. 'more do we hear the cracking whip. Or the strong wheel's rumbling aound i Ind hoi tlio water drtvee ua on, And an iron horco i.Jound! The coach .land, rusting in the yard, And the horse ha .ought the plow. We have spanned the world with ei iion rail, And the .team king rule ua now ! The old turnpike la a pike no mnre, Widennen ntiind Ihe ante : Wb have mado ua a. road for our horses to a'.iiJc, And we ride nt a flying rate) We have filled the valley and leveled the lull And tunneled the mountiin' aide, And round the rough crag's dizy verge Fearlessly now we ride. On I on with a haughty front t A putf, a shriek and a bound While the tardy echoes wake too late To babble back the sound. And the old pike road is Iff! alone, And the staeer. seek the plow ; We have circled the world with on iron rail, And the steam king rules us now. if) ti m a r 0 u 5 A CaI'PI.K LECTURE ON TURlSON OP M AI.TA lr. Krit'er," of b'uU'.ilo, Irns ioiiieU the Sons (if Malta nnd ih 15. IS. P.'s. II wile is in the Iinbit of rf.irlitig hi in curtain lectures. The one w hich follows in repotted by the Kopnblic nt that, city : "Now tell nre about tho Sons of Malta. Wou't you ? Do, that's a pood dear. What do you do when you c t in ? Is it the same us the Masons nnd Udd rellows? And then there ore, what they cull the B. 15. 1) . Yon know all about tbetn, too. Weil, now, whut don't too know about ? ItisjustnsI cxpec ted. Yta know all about every secret boci ety in existence, nnd yo' r poor dear w ife id m t allowed to know a single thing that is o:i. Sons of M alta ; a lilorary and 6cientiG,c eocie'.y ; learn the art of painting, Btatunry and mathematics. The B. B. D.'b, a religion" society : sud none but those of a strict moral nnd pious pnrsuasioo are admitted 1 Well I'm beat now. And yon a nieuihei 1 Now lt'e my tarn to lauyh. The B. B. D.'s a mor al institution 1 Hnlbaiha! Look me to the face. l;da't you come home the other mor ning as drunk as beso ? ye, drunk, and I askod where you had becu ot that hour of the miming, and you said, Oil, nowhere, you were but taking a little recreation with the B. B. D.'s, and that's wbnt you call a moral institution. upd t drunli U ell. then, the bed was, for you went uround it three or four tinus before yru got in, and yen held to the !d it r tear ol beins tumbled out. You can I cheat me, old fellow, I've seen too much of the world not to know when a man's drunk "Drdu't driak any thing but fifteen glasses ofUuckbeer. In tb.3 name of Jupiter Am mon, wiiul are we ennrmjr to 7 and a morn; institution at that ; enly fifteen classes, vnu ioy? What ore the strong n i.ided women t&.ntt ;ual tuey don t petition the legislature to have these secret societi -s oboliEhed 7 ADd how many classes do they driirk ut Ibo Sons of Malta? Unless coirditiur.s ure cond, don'l drink ot all. Don't allow such things there. Conditions ; I'd like to know rhal conditions hive tn do with it ? Can't bo a Son of Malta without conditiooF. Well, I would just Ilk to seethe conditions and see how it looks. I suppose it's a piece of statuary ? Turn ovr r Here, what under heaven aro yon luiighing ot "Cant help it. I'll make vou help it. You haw, haw, like a wild jackass: whst's the matter Willi you 7 Chronics anil llhfiumatics What 1 have you gnt Chronics liheumatics. 1 never would of married you if I knew t h:vt. "What do you mean? Are you crazy or drunk. Say, do they blinrllnld you'nhen they take you to the Sous of Malta? And do thev nut n Cable tow around your neck and set you on a gnutronr nave you any inuru on yoa ? Cun t divulge any secrets. Yes, but you can lie there and laugh like any other fool. The 1) ret or did laugh, and the last that was heard Cf mm on that occasion was departed." A Showman "Sold." Showmen, as a gen rai ruie, are toieraoiy "sharp," and it is no easy matter to overreach themj but when luey are rmlerl, it is a matter of great amuse nient to tnose present. 1 was a witness to one of the best "ells" of tha kind I have ever heard of. Lasttu nmer th-ro was an oxbi bitiun in a tent oil en one of our public lots a sort of menuu'erie on a smalt scale. Before the entrance to the tent the proprietor wus DoaBimg ot inn Innumerable wonders to be teen lor a shilling, to a considerable crowd While in the tnidst of a speech overflowinc with lurge words, he was somewhut summari ly interrupted by tbe following exclamation front a uiuu near him, who bad a boy with him : "I'll bet yon a 'five' that you caunot let me lee that lion t" "Done," said the showman, eagerly. "Put dp your money." Tbe man placed a five dollar bill in the band of a by-stander, and the showman, counting out the change, jlid the sume. "Now, walk this way," said the showman, "and I'll couvince you !" The o;ai and his liltlo boy followed Lias into the tent, tha wholo crowd following. "There," said tbe showman, triumphantly. "Look in that corner at that beautiful Nuini dian lion 1" Where ?" afked tiro mm, looking in every direction but the right one. Why, there!" was the astonished rep!y. "I don't see any," responded tho other. "What's the matter with you ?" usUd the showmau, who began to "swell a vtrUrge mice." "I vi lliwl," was the primming reply. Tbe showman was very' iiid'.riouly em ployed in turniog out the crowd for the next few minutes, while the blind mau pocketed the slakes and went bis way, Air and his wiru were sitting, a few days since, quite close to each other, in their borne j Ihe husband feeling somen hot lovely like, although foryeurs a married man, put his arm around bcrand saluted her uffcctionutely. The wife pushed him away. Baying : "You should not do such things wuen the door is open and people are passing They will think we are not married if tbey see us kissius each ether." "Colenel, will too lend me a hundred to .1 - ll llt..ii ...i . uoj i - uhu i puisiiHj uo ii, air. j oever Ioaq ft mail money tbe 0tcu time t bea Ua tiieapiKiioW Old I be tirbt." 'Some mUt.ikn. 1 rerkt D, cotoui 1. I pij you the fifty I bad last week." Thal'tj jnM it. I never exiiec- ted it back, bo you j:tfippointeJ roe. Can t go it. sir, so 117 to suj, J cuu 1 do it oo priuci Yamek Impcdkkce The prosiest instance of i npudence oa record, is tbat of a Yeokep, moo, m an jiuiiao cuj. stopped a rel gious - pr-ii!OD, in ord-r to light bis cigar from oue of the bol? cuddies. Kre tbe procession rscQvortj from its hstouubmiot, tbe tuda tioas stnoker bud disappeared CANCER CURED. Without Sunniest. OrmiTiom on Lose ot Rlood. Cancer. Tumors. Wena. Scrofula, Ulcere, Vc, cored in a abort tiiuo, without Ihe knife, by Dr. AUcINlCrUlI,, (Colleagne of tb late Dr. Lounsherry, Dec'd.,) Io. 60 North I in II riireci, nciow rcn. niia. The rrmaikable success which has attended the treatment of Cancers, Tumors, 4 p., by Dr. MacNichnl, for a number of years past, has at tracted the attention, and in iniuv inarances has secured the hearty approval of many eminent Fhvsiciai s in Philadelphia, who aro no longer willing to riA the dangers and uncertainties of cutting. Cannr can be L ured I il p-operty treated and trrnmntlr. A grat majority of tho cases of C.utcer, can be elleclually cured, The numo roue pa.ients, fiom every section of the country, who tiavc hfrn cured under Ibis method of treat ment is a guarantee of its .itpeuority over every oilier know n sja'ctn. J luxe who mny be a filleted with the disease, and desire liirihcr ir. formation or adviro will please address Ur. Mac.Nichol, when they will receive promp. altrutiou mi.i a copy of Pamphlet on the treatment of Cnlicrra free of charge. White Spelling, lliri Disease, Scrofulous and Malignant l lieis, Diseases of the Morrill and 'Ihmnt, llcerations of the Hones, Titter, Scald Head, and all diseases of the Skin, permanently cured, and proper reirirdic sent carefully par k ed by Expjesa loony part of the country. In every ease a plain description ol the disease I required. .lddies. Dr. AiacNiehol, No. CO Xorlh 5th St.. I hiladclpiun. Proprietor and Manufacturer of Dr. Lounabcrry eV Co". Cclchra teJ Imperial Depurntivo, lrt hint and most nim ble Family Medicine of the Nineteenth Century, foi the cure of all diseases originating in Impu rities of the Blood. January P, IS59. 3in w OHIRXTAL DETERSIVE SOAP, FHILADELPIJIA, 'tXrAnRANT!:U 10 give nrrfecl atifrHCttint in the f iiitiiiey will lc refunJeil, inul our ngpnts ore berelty Authorized t mnkc irt'd nnv ihilure of it ttt our expend A. VAN UAAUKN ltm a prantu-nl ftmip Mnttrr. ami having (or ttic lut Uvt-lve j cats (:tt difft-rrnt tiim ) cspe- riiiicntftl ujvm nnu trittul this pnitu'ttlar Nkiji, 111 nui'U wnyt, ii"v "flVr it in thf pit' -Itc nt n itnp winch will save li.Wh, i.aljuk ami . nicwiiim? it h nj rest upm its own mtriiB. All we ntk is to otve 11 a iuir trinl, ami itae il ncci(lin Ut ur direct ii'im. (lound in ench bx.) and if it d v not give full fcatisfciit ir, the inuney will Le refuiifUd Ain-inp Die ninny nrlvmifnrs over other Waihing Sonpi, ihe following tuny be mimed : 1. Clothis need no boiling, and very liUle rubbing, (mfl BrlU'le none.) a. One pound will fts Tar, for any use, ns three poiium 01 common rutin soap, or two pouiuis best lumily it. u requires ies innn oneii.iil the lime nnd inhnrtori the wnhinp rf a fuinily. Itmt it reroiura with the best l:imiiv t:u), find 19 w.'irouiltiJ 11 l to 111 line tl.t l;t!ru. 4. p nr cliTinina rainti mid rpm iviiii iretif I :ir nnd Printer ink. it 1 unsurnj.ssnl M;M-hii ifin, Printer nml ruintera will hud it nu ittv;ilii:il-!e nrtir le f-r wiirhn;; hands, n it does nt chno. hut crenilv softms 1 !ie kin o 1 ne aiinerivirity nt the? m Menal u:v!, nml the i.p !Or fOMAIMKfl ANY FXCK OF A? KI.IK, IB ni- reilll limn onv other known H unlnni S'-np, mid uml uStciliv the If'sl ndnpled for wliire :ui e-d-irrd clihinq ne Oitn!rirninl Uirea. nnd it W AiuiA.MLU Mil' IU HOT THK C1.0THK?. I 01 sale at nil reKpeclahle fiioreiy Stores in the cily and neignuoriiig towns, and wivtr-inie on:v iv TI1AIX " MeKKONK, SSSiiuth Whiirvrs, Between Mnrfcel nnd Clietmil Sis , riuladelphia. Fehiumy I9ih. 150. -n NEW GOODS Atthe Mammoth Store of iba t :m:ukt, NO. 1 MAIiKET 8TREKT, BCNBUBY, I'A. fSJIE subscriber lias just oprnrJ at his cll known cstalilishmrnt in Sunhurv, ono of the rhfdjipstaud nuitt desirable slocks of Fall and Winter Goods, that has ever been oflVred in the place.and which he will sell for CASH or exchange for Country I'rudure. Those desiring to purchase goods will do well to call and examine his stock. BLACK AND FANCY SILKS. All Wool Dt'lains, Figured, Striped and Plain, French Merino, all colors, Keuuliful Urtfs Kobcs, Ca'hmries, Shaded, i'lain and Ktriped must le cen to form an idea nf the extent and variety. Mamie, Stella, Chenille, French Wool Shawls, Thibet and Broclie bilmwls. Cloths Cassimeres and Satinfit For Men and liojs' Wear, Mack C'assimere s. Fancy Casiincrc, sido eiripes heavy. Doe fc'kiil Ciiwiinerrs, iiitiiiels rII kinds. V hitc and !!ed FUrnieif, all guides and prices. Day Shite back Flannels, colors finest qnulitios. READY-MADE CL0TII1KG. BojU and Shoes, Hat and Caps, &c, 4 e., all nf which were kelectcd with ureal care, and will compurc favorably, as repnrds quality, ktyle nnd rice, with any in the country. HAKDWAIti:, a full assortment. Wood and Willow Ware, Ijueenvware, cf nil descriptions, liroceries, a full stock in slurs, Carpet Chains, &c, Paints, Oils. Glass, Dye Stuns. Thankful for the patronage heretofore received he will spare no painsto please all who may favor him with their custom in the future. Snnlmrv, Nov. 6, I85H. FALL A"N D JUST AKK1VED AT THE bTOKE OF J. II. K.(Jl. or Sunbiiry, Vn , 1AS jut orrivid w'th s splendid stock of Fall (ioods from l'l)it:tlcli.liia, to which lie respectfully invites his friends and the Public to cull and inspect, he will spare no time in show ing them. Among his st.rtk. of goods will be found, FINE 13LCE AND lll.ACiC FRE1TC3 CLCTH, Fine lilack and Fancy Casimercs 'I weeds, Sat inelts, Jeans add Frcy Vesting, also Urge as sortment uf Heady-made CLOl'lllNU for ineo anj boys (cheap.) FOR LADIES WEAR, Ulack sud fancy dres silk, (very cheap) silk chat li, French Merino, Printed French .Merino, Plaid Cahmere, all wool Dc-luine, all wool Llebige, Mohair lJebege, Printed Cashmere, Valentia, Chnlli lobe a miilli, Delaine Kobcs. Persian De laine Kobcs, toil de Chcrre Itobes, Pluiu Del age Lovellas uud Delaine at all prices, and the Kid stripe skirts. Fall bhawls and Mantillas, a good assortment of white gouds. Collars, Sleeves, Irish l.inen, eihirt fronts, Marseilles, Urilhant Ac. A general asajrtmrnt of domestic Dry (o ds. Also a larue stock of Hals and Caps, Hoots and shoes, llarilwair, Ijueeus and t.'lassware, Croceries, C'edarware, clone and Earthenwaie, Drugs and Paints, Salt, Fish, Cheese, Hani, Oil, Tur Ac. &c. N U. Wall and Window Paner. Fl. iAr aii.l Table Oil Cloth, Curpeis, all the above w ill be sold at low prices for ca.'i ur country produce la en in exchunga for Cioods. J. II. ENGEL. Bunhury, Doe. II, I8S0. tf. J. P7HIKDEL GOEIW, ' nusiness entrusted to his chars will be expedi liou.ly and luithtully attended to. Parliculur attention paid to the collection ofclsims. HKFKKKXCFH '.T' V,. i" ,'m' 8j",,u, I "' ' Tusunit, Nnl,lr"a ,W '""''""Pi'. r.s., ' OP Miller, tUw..l.ur,,, ' Otu J K Clccm, .. I Col c Kyer, Beliwjrove. hui.buiy, Ni,v. 6, Ifgl Jy p ECU VED a l.rgi assortment nf gaiiuett, i, I assimeie and Cloth, at t J. II. ENGEL'8. Puuburv, Dee. II, I8r 'ure Inea uud l.li.uor. J Us? T received at FISHER'S Drug aud Che. " mical Emporium. Siinlniry, Oct. 3 1858. It-Ro ! J- LK S I Just revived and for sale by . J J. H. ENGEL. Bunbury, January IS, 1859. i CAW .S Wood. Cross Cut and Mill Saws. Superiof article at TlfHEU'S. unSinr, July ITth, A ValnAble Bcok for Invalids. NT Iff MA II. KD HOT TO Bfl HI TO VffTtt BCItTKP 0 AD APPHOVM OF. If WOT AfTHOVlO WO CTIAaB Dr. tfAMUKI.ft. PITCH IX I.F.CTL'niW o the enuftrfl, Prevention and ('ure of )icrt-a ot the Langs, Throtit. Henrt, stomach. HowrlB. l.iver, Ktdmra, Hkirr Ac,. I'Vmnle Comptuitii. nnd 1 hnnie disentH-fl ffi'iieinMy, on the Isflws of Life, ami the true method hy which heulth ami vior mnv be pr served to one mindrtd years. A vol lime 01 375 inpes, hniid9tnely b"iind in tnuiiliii, Wtlh 2.1 uiuHiriut'ins 111 hub viume ut n. r iu-n, (viio widely known ns the author of n new nnd eminently suc cessful method of treatnittiit fr the nl.ve cotnpliiints, and evpeeielljr coiisumplion, and cthci tiim'iist-B of the Lungs aii'l Throat,) expluins the lending fenMirs of his treatment unu gives plum UiiM-tioi.s hy wiiu:n Hume inclined to mere complniiilB nmy thcmelvi a prevent th'in or arrest their pp'rfva. Jver wny-tH) coptcs 11 tins Iio'.k nnve upon wild, nnd Iheie nra ptrs us in till pints of our land who gratefully aekimwh df;e that it h'is been the ni'-ans of pre serving thcit lives and giving tnem many yeais uf good health! We preaent n fw tpecim'a nf the tmineroua commcn tlrli'ina the twnk 1i;in rn-fiviti : The New York riihtine iUvn etosrs n lenpty notice of it 1 "The prcnl iinpr!nnru i'f the suhji-et and nur r-tiifi-drm-e derived from prra mal kti .twledce nnd pt'isonnl hen etit in Dr. Pitt li's sMfrersiiuns hnvo impelled us t re cminend this w irk. V" tmrt we hive .tid en.'URh to indure those niliuinl or thnntrnnl wt'h consumption, to procire in.d rend J)r Pitch's bindc " ' !rftiei from ti e lion traniilton Pish, firmer finverrw of Nrw V'tirk "Witshinaroiia Pehruuiv flth, IV!. Dr. S. t. Pilch l'r ir: 1 bff tri ni,urn my th.mks fr tlie Vi'lntnr ynu Tmve het-n sti kmd ns o present ti me. The very hurried exmniimtion winch alone 1 hive 1ft en nhle ns . yet to give to it, h is exeited interest nnd itmufrht the con- viehi'ii ili:it tiie reputntion which these lectures have m-hieiHd is Umrd nxn inirhisic merit. P.xtrael from a letter from Ihe Hon. If Haven, lite imnhei of 1 'iTcreF. iri'in P.rie Co.. N Y. : 'l have no mi hi hut it is a pructHMl nnd very useful work. hope wilHniven pniPiMl cireulaUon, and it will, 1 huvu nn mW, d-i inni-h gtMid. Kxmict ir. m u letter from the Hon. fl: Uteri Dean, lute memiit-r of O.titsrcM 'l rejid yuir ti x Lectures ni Con stitnptiva discus, s three years ajj, and sltull ngam peruse IIICUI." Kxtrvl from a letrf from Ihe Hon. James iekhnrt, te ineinl.r of fpncrens 'protn rindin it I Irive re- eeived nxinv vaiu:tlio. hints. I reguiditnsa woik of irrriit inerit." vs nln- V. :iriier. Ppq., of Wnteilni, nithcr and ni.st nf his fmuily are dend of roiir.niiintin, hul I and mill- me living and well ; mid I think it is owing ini'i'S 10 il, tendm-i id your IkkpW wiiit u 1 Imve followed tiiM-fiilly lor ihel-ist nin: yeur." We nnitd UH r'dnniiis with similar statement! "'Wishing t innke tins t-ik ns useful a pnihle, will Ii rwnid t eonv of it hv mnil. post paid, to any aiidfrfs llint nmy be seni ni, nod the pi ire 50 cents, nwy be remitttd ot (wistnge ttmnpa ot oilier wise 10 us aner ma lto(k is received nnd up proved of. It maybe applied for personally or by IfMer. I'iMisiiiuiiioii 11) ur r rrn, ni 11 is uui-c, it m twuniij N. Y. pcrs 'iiulty or by Idler. fic. Addffvs. S. r 1 it'll a i.w , Jan. 22, 1m. 714 i;ro.'dwoy, N. V. rpjjXI Doming,, COFFEE POT kin "2700, Pot, Boitir bnscd, ns Dr. Hall, of the Journti 1 of Health, says, "on buienco nnd common Bcns9," nro rapidly coming iuto use, atid dostinod soon to Buporcoda all othora. AUTIIUR. BUKMIAM, & GIIUOY, 117 & 119 S. Ten'h St., Philadelphia, Sjl.! ll.inuf.iclnn-rs umlor the Patent. Jlg-For Kti I c ! IJralrrn In Hone kcrjilna Aailil., tiiid aitorrki't'ura Krltrl-nllj. Urcrniler 4, l'.-.f'S. THE IHTEr.NATIONAL HOTEL. BROADWAY, CORM'.K OF FRANKLIN STKKKT, NEW YORK GIT'S-, rli lirrn recently relittt-tl, The Room, nie newly mrM-tr1, 'i'lie I-'urniuire nml lieits nre .uperb, 4utl tii tt:ithd hip uit!Mirittit-il.. TA I.IIR S t. I'.t.l-.littA I I'.l) SAI.OOX9 AIIF. f'iNNff'TKD WITH THK linTE!,. Here is conceiitraleit all the vumuiits ol' a home, with ' the luaurii' vi s p ilnce THli Sl'I.KNDID I.APir.S1 l-'AKI.OR CuniirMi'.ils timl ir.r iiiiitii'J Vlrw rK BHiMl'WAV, TIIK IVIT.KNATInNAI. is the mst rnitrnl nf any ol thefi St cl:.n I lot-'!. f.r b-.isi-llrss.or p'.acs nf innu.-ineiit, nn.l !W Ui.nir:i..red u.l v.'intu3t' to fuitnlu. nml ir.-iit :i-.neu i.ii me Nt w Y'.rk. Ai.vui:n Fkchman, Tr 'rirt r. Now York, July 3, ly CAIl;D-j- I'lnlilflphi-i, Pa. The umlpriiiT.if I. i!ip Fminifer nnd 1 'til Iih.ar of VAN C4i'j;ts col .NTi.ui-i;rr li:it:ctoh. iioirnua r rctirirj; friMnll'ia lr:incli of Intii.ttg, li-is nuMfrtl tlcii mM prtni lidliett wink in Ihe juptilitr HANK NO I'K ti I'. l'Oivl Kit l l'-U,AV ft ItlCKM,!,!,. itiivinc t:iiiis!i. .1 Van Cniiii Drtt'i'tof mnrp lr:i!(. the miliTyitru. it rt-ltif. tioiliy (vitis with ins Ii icc.iis iin1 ruLici il r ; I nt tin 4 rrlncMitwr is l-ei;'t.rl tv the "nvtrli it. htt nilMlAY it HICKNKt.lS BANK NO I F. li Kl'OU I'Klt thvy will iffeive a wm k thnt mhicltcs ihe lime J. VAX COUKT. ri.ibdelriiui, Dec 5', NOTICK. A!! SubvrrittiMii to bank Nor k n i: i o it t i; 11 re rnvnhle si-rnpii1"Uf!ly iii Advanrr. T!'ii ii Inn oUt st Bnik Note Iful tlif.il i 'ii in me w-tIJ. Kr thirty lour; it h;i in linliiint'd mi Uiinulhtd rr utahon, niul (mii tiiiiicft 1 1 tf l hi i -K.tr film;, mi.m ( ull bu&iiicus (.ci nlc over Ihe wliDlf rouiiutiii f f Ammi-u. TUK COINS OF THK WORLD ! Now in pri'FP l.y Iinl.iy A Birkuell. will he piven rri;ltii tuiihiv to II o'd mu new iit.3ci iberi. AU Com C'h:rtji, uihI MiuiujI. as compurcJ with Uni, ru;iy be coj).dcttiJ wusie i-.ti-cr. TKUM3. T.i the Scioi-Mnthlv, fl'.Vi per n mm. ' M'HiUilr, 1 n Sinc! Ci'iita,ut the Cnunler, H- Ocnlt Mmlrd. U " AUJreM 1MI.AY RlChNFJ.U Hix 115't. Fust Ciiice rinludclphiu, Fa. January 1.1, ISi) Om j o. Bargains ! Bargains ! ! AT P. W. GRAY'S OLD STAND, Market Square, Sunbury, Pa. MKE subscriber bnviiii; purchased of P. W. Oray bis LARUU t.i OCK OF Fancy t)ry liootls, Ac. is determined to sell tliein otT at the lowest pos sible rates. Call soon il you wiih to secure bargains and examine Ike ktock. of Ulack Cloths, Cassitneres, oarsinett, Vcstings, Dress (i.io.N, viz: I'bal'ies, Lawns, Dclains, Uarrees. Mtri noes, Cashmeres, Alupaeas, bilks, liinghams, Linens and While Goods Dress Trimmings au I Notions in great variety. Uaidnarc, Cedaruare, Qi.eensware, Tobacco, Srars and a'varicty of other goods too tedious tn mention. SHAWLS, BHAWL8, a large lusoriintni, very cueap, ore, eve. T. U. COOPER. ! N. U. Feeline erateful for past favors, I hri leave In recommend to mv old friends and the niit.lis in pnnri.l iv M"l 'A '. Ks.SI ) If . who I am un-urcd will leave nothinir uiulouo to merit a continuance of vour ilruna;e. P. W. GRAY. Sunbury, December IS, 1R53. V ALU A ELE J?KOFEETY fOIl .SALE rjMI E subscribers, Exerutori of Ihe estate o JL Henry M antcr, dee'd., ofi'er at private sale the following proper! viz : A large two story IVaine dwelling house, together with about SO CBRE9 OF LDND. situate in Lower Augusta towiibhip atljoiuing lamia of Daniel Kaufinun and others now in the occupancy of John R. Kaulinan as a store and dwelling. Tlie house is new and the location a good M.e for b ll si new. Also a TRACT OF LIMESTONK LAND, in suid towiibliip on the rier aboul 5 miles be low Sunhu.y, adjoining lands of J. T. MTherson and others, containing, about 00 acres. The soil ia productive and contains limestone and other minerals. Also tract of Land, containing about Si acres on tha hill, about Iwo miles 'below &uuhure, adjuining lands of the heha of tbe late John Conrad and others. There is, on this tract, a small orchard of choice fruit. For further particulars apply to tbt subscribers. Jl. U. AlASSf.K, P. U. MAS8KR, Executors. I KAN CIS BUCHER. Bunbury, January 19, 1856 tf J L'8T RECEIVED lot of Gentleincns BHAW LS and BLANKETS, at J. H. ENGEL'S Store). Bunbury Dec. II, 18o8. CJ1LVER WATCHES. A few double ease J Eiigliah Silver Watch, for sale at vary low pekwe hy It. B MAKER. AVllEELER A -WIT-SON Mil N UFA 0 TUP X NO CO 8 FAMILY SEW1N0 MACHINES. fVV K unnnimooB fnvor wich hni attended tha IntrodoC' l ti n of Wiikkmir A Wu.wn'i Kmnily Sewing M t'ltiiic, it Riiffirieiit evidence of in excellence. It i need' icwi now to inv. Hint this uaeiul initrunieiil i becoming donipsuc insAmmon : the fiirt ii recognized by iti tiicc t fnl use in thou Hinds of Kiimiliei in eveiy rtink in life. 1 t li"e who tmve hit herto refmincd from nVnihiip theniM-lvrn nf hit ndvnntftgen, it nmy not he Dinisii to miy, that ill ulil ntvBnotn iiroblcm to be Mlveil, but ft nicer m lreitdy ifnliizr.l. 1 lie highest teattnony ib constantly olTcfl,coii firminrx the verditt which Imi given Uiil intruciiicntoiB wide niidenviuhle n rciulaii"U. This Mtichine is coiHTivi d on o principle entirely ongi nil, hein specially und ndinindily ndrptcd lolhe most per fiel work on every kd of inutcunl ; nnd, havinff been Btibjectrd ton thrr-o ynirs' test of the mort spairhmp charnciet by Fnnntirfl, nii.l in various btniK'heB of Maim furtiire. with disumTttiMir l success, il is believed that " nil the prent. pmnls reqiiisile to u complete and prnclicul hC vVinir Machine it cannot be approac hed in excellence Among the undoubted ndvmiuiirs il po&sehies over nil olhtrrs. mnv be niiuied the fi llowing ; 1. Its simplicity of oii'rurtion. and consequent free dom fnmi dernni nipul mid need of repairs ' 2. lis unexampled rnpidiiyoud take of opeiition. fl tin i.iisn.lfMsi tm iMtnnnl A 'Vl.m u..t .i ..rimrrnM In whifh il Pflll be P phet., which can be nehirved by no other mocbanical inr-aus. And, . R Th nr-.smiiiriit benntv anl darnbilitv of the WorK "1 find vour Machine inviitnable I have nwd il a year, t.l n 1.. out nf ..r.lr Tlte miU-U IB VCIV UH rable. and can be ad tpte l to hue t carse materials. It virnrltn with tli rnniditv nf a dozen nair of hands : PaVfB inm h tunc. f.iPirne nnd exuense. Oneif your Machines s . ,i .. ... r,.,.iiu. n,.fiktr in tbt hnnsehnld of ftfnMrr nnd tillmrh hv vnnoua friends. The opinions of nil nceord with that 1 huve juit expressed." Mrs Anna L.OF:l UtU'ttli'. j 'T!nrc in but one Scwiue Machine ; nnd tbat IB Vi bee lei mid WiUuii'b." Jmlue Meii:s.iif ihe American !nstl j ,LThe Rewiim M:ie.im parcii'isedof you has been whol- 1 ly .tiTviccultle 3t Ov lr S.Minu'1 Offfod. j Nofunuiy enn :iiT rd to do w.thout it. I Orisi"NB of Tim Nrw Vhhb, pRism. : M prrisr ibmn f.r Iniuily ue Tiilnne i Ttn y nie t!io laV'Mt l' f f..ini.o-s Time, ! Are without a rival f;ciciiti"n; Aiiktichii. Works inure utoi .itmly than the ImiuI llrrnld. Jo tbs work vi I' ll ordinmy n wcm Jur Cora. j l'.qnal to nine pfaiuirewfci. Home, jouru.d Tint nnchuie, f r lamiiy ue Advocate A Journal. ! Most ImnoniUL t AmtrU':i!i pcnuis Indepeudeht. I WecaniK-t na-iijiiie anytiitna more par feci Kvungclisl. i Will eive i-iitt.e satiEiuetioii. Obs-i ver. T!i.' best ever mveiitetl -Chri?iirin Inquirer. In I.Nikinp for the bi-M, nre lln'pc l-'xaiuincr. Adtiiira'..'lv ad:t -tlfir family i.w -('hnmirle. Irdiiipriif-aMc ill every fainiiy The Frruc-her. We prnific it. wilh caihutiiiRin Christian Intelliccncer. W.tr.ln ol tlie liv'i-il awatd SabUith Itecorder. A benei:ir!i..n of the Hgu IMlnnn.'s Magazine. M.ii;i(ai in opciiitiou. Mrs. Stephens' Motillily. i Fcvond ail question, the nrn'-hints l.iie Illustrated. 'I he stitch faniiol be uurnvt-led A in Apnculiuiist. Tiir't iii.iiii'ioii lln nru-riiiinrfC' lxnress. Sivt's the lime a. id hahh 1 1 ti n woiin'ii. Wnter Cure. Our h uhcIioI.I is ine'vUiricBwuhit. Forier'sSpiriU Sn;iply the farihi"n;il.It! world Daily News. Arrpri'-i-iiiineii'lv Mipcrioi l.-nlui' Visitor. Our of our hr.u-.'lit.ld a; its Jtiiiniul. l"nriva!l.'ii in every qua'jty. Fay Hook. Fietty.USrlnt. mailed - Leslie's tiazctte. Have no t.iual f-tr l;imil um; Miisieid World A triumjili oi n, c!irinical peni'tj . V. Jontnn!. (omitiiK! I'Vi'i i r-q Tiir if ii t . l-'ann!y Macazine. Vastiy uperi.'.r to nil tri bete (i"ldrn Frize. Wc cannot ti c in as pratt-e New Yorker. I'or f. rtber partii-iibr nj-ply to H. B.Maser, 8iiMlu.rv( F.i., npent of i,e manufacturer, who wi'l kiij ;Aj m-ichiiica at the nlauufcturer8, I'rtM?. Simliurv, Mnv 1aCF. tf I 1 1'ST itt'.CKIVED a generul assortment or ! New (aoiulri at the Store of J. II. ENGEL. Runbury, Dec. 11, 1S5S.- t LVONDS, RA1.S0NS. FIOS, LEMONS. Ac, .S c., just received a fresh sujiply and for sain at tlio t'orifcclionary store of M. C. OEARI1 ART. bunbury. May 10, 1S57. JlrtliCrvOAD. CHANGBOF HOURS. ON AM) A I- Ti;:t MOMMY, July , IfJa. Ihedowa lii'iinii:ir I'ifcriitT Irani will leiive I'ollnvillj at b.15 A M., i:i.-sii if H.:i,l"s nl 0 j I A.M., and liiruuig ul l'liil.iiii l;-liia nt I'i in nn. T:ie d.iwu Alii ra n n Tiain will leave Pnltsrillv at 3 30 IV AI., i :iihu It tuning at 0.1'ti, and arriving ut ruiluilel ilim in 7.1(1, I'.M. .Moruin;. und Ai'itriioiiii Passenger Trains lenve Plnta H.l l.ia ul unu luiun u lirreiol'ore, ' Jo A. M. undJUO 1. M , passu.g Kiading ut lu.nj A. M. and O.Ui 1". M. l,l:!IAlN AI.I KY HltANCII P:il".en.er 'i'r.iin ir.ivi'B Oinlilig nt A. M , (nfier ' nrriviil l I) i.vu i-iid l'ti .M.irmii I'n.siiffer rriiin Irxin : l'.."s ille ui.il l'iiil:.'i'li,li:ii,) nnd nriivs ul liurr tHLurs nt t-.i.'i.i iim'ii, in tune t-- ciumrl witli I'u.neiiRLr Tiu.ns I'or Sii:ilmry, V il!iiii!il'iiil, lCltiiira, Plltsliurn, Ctiaii.lii-rKliurcr, ! li:ii:,iti'ne unit IjuiiiiKlt-r. lirtiiniiiic. Ii-uvib tJiiirii.l,iiT i nt 2 P M , nfler iiinvnl of l'nfi.eii(:er 'JVn n-.a irum ull alM.ve p'liiini, ii:ul univi'i ul Ke.'idil'g ill 4 .5, in lime to , coii:ircl w.lli l inii.l lltiwn I'liKfeeuer Tiuiui to 1'otts- vilie inul r)iiludvl,.hiu, tlie tame rveuuig. O. A. NICOU.P. Engineer and aierinu ndenl. Jlllv 17, IMS. tf Wholesale lirocery. S KUNKEL, Opposite tli c Pennsylvania Kail Road Depot HARRISUUKG, PA. T77' EEP a large stock of the followin; named li articles, nml will sell cheaper than any other bouso this si,le of Philadelphia. Call and sec price of Coll'i'e, Lard oil, Fish oil, Sugar, ' Fish, lar, Tea, .i!t, Rosin, tSpicea, . Hams, Pitch, Tobacco, bhouldera, Oakum Ciuars, Flour, Robes, Vinegar, Fluid, Calcined Plaster ChrcKe, Soap, Candles Ac. S. II. Molasses, Syrups, N. O. Molasses. Also, Cement, Safety Fuse, Crow liars, fcledes, Irun and Nails, for sale at very small prolits. July n, 'sr.8. ly KJ2W" WORK FOU AGENTS. 7Vi Life, Speeckei ami Memorials nf DANIEL WEBSTER. Containing Ins m .t eelehruted nrationi.a ateelion front tlie Miltj;ii'b di'livcrt-d on I lie occasion of Ins deulh, and Ins I if- and Tiini'S, liy 8AM I'KI. HML'CUKIl, A. M. 'I'll If spiriutid work IS just pulilislied. ill nnelulge vtume iYjmI iml'i s It is iirnitrd on hue wliit piier and luud in l.,-;,iiliuil s!le; c'lnluins excellent tint illuiirutions ,f in. loilliiLiec und Muution st Murslifield; anfl a full It'iilli Itle-tihe, Sieel Portrait. The puhllllier oll'ers it with e.int.d. nee to Hie Amehcun puhlie, und is eoiiviueed tlml il will .nily uu iuiiorlniit aaut in Aineiirnn lileralure. V.. ur.uk or ia I.. im iil.Oii.il lirt.ir.irH. whii.h ni Biitf1. wiilnu a cinupai't ami convenient coniusa.iliecuuf events I of ihe Ine ol Uaiiu l Weluler, Ins m. it remiirkulile imel- I hclual ell'als. und tlie nmst vnluuMe ami inleriBting eulo gies wincti tlie great men ol the uaiiou uttered mi aonor to his iiieiii'iry. Wa prcKeat atl these treasures in this volume volume, at a veiv moderato price, aiai in a very cuivenienl form.- Sulfeii.iioii piict, ia cloth, 91,75 ; huudsoiuely euitKiss d IratliiT, t"J I.U I'ers insdeinnais of beeomiiif A gents for this valuable wi't wili audit.s, for full pnilirulufs. UUANK HI l.lOS.Puhli.her, 33 ouih Third treet. Phuadeljdna 1'a. Philadelphia, Fcbrunry S, IVOll ol. KOELIT, BKOWN & NOBLIT, Cabliit-t Itlukeis)' Finding More AND REDDING WARE-ROOMS, Having REMOVED lo the new Iron Front Warehouse, No. S33 South Second Street, below Dock, West Bide, PHILLDELPHIA. O V oiTcr lo llier customers and the public 1 generully, a new and (ull assortment of CAHINET HARDWARE & MATERIALS. They invite the attention of tha trade to their stock nf Hair beating and Curled Hair, of their their own manufacture ; Also to a full assort ment of REDDING AND UPHOLSTERY. Philadelphia, July 3, 1858 ly (WAYNE'H Celebrated Vermifuge or Worm Killer. Tbe heat remedy known for expell ing Worms. For sale at FISHER'S. October 16, '58. STOVES- 10 R ELE 0 an excellent second band Ceok ing Stove, also aeveral Cy I injur Coal Rto'M. Enquire ay ibis oHica. JOIITand MADERIA WINE8, Schiedam Bcluiappa, Wild Cherry brandy, Blaekbeirry and Lavender braodiaa for medicinal purpose at Jul IT, 'M. A. W. FISHER. HIGHLY IlirORTAHT HEW -M. C. GEARHAUT, nasrcturneJ with new Stock of Confeotionariei, Fruit and Toyi. IT scerrs if new agr, new life wee open ing upon ne, animating every heart to nobler daeds end higher aims I Art, Literature end Sci ence will glow enew end erck to develope eulr timer beauties end grinder conception. Th businese world loo must feel the new in fluence end every part be quickened nnd etrenglh ened by en increased vitality , which shell urge us on with electric speed to the consummation of greater things than was ever dreamed ef in the I'liilnaiitihv of tbe nast. Animated by the enthusiasm which prevaJce ell classes, and ilcsirnui or doing his snare 10 wards "The arealeventa of the Age," the euh scriber would respectfully inform the food peo ple of HUN BURY end the public generally, inn he hue just returned Irum tlie city at rnunuci nhiii wilh the isreest and choicest stock of Con lection a ties, fruit end Toys that has ever been brought to thia sort ton of country. He is also manufacturing ill Itnula or l;oiilcctionarie, ore, to fill up order, wholcsa'e or retail, at short no tice. Among his atock of Confectioneries, may be found : French Secrets, Cum Drops, all kinds of scent, Burned Almonds, l"vc Dioot, Cream Whits, Mint limps, red and while, Iinoa Jelly CHki's, nose, KiuilPmi's, Vanilla, Puck riimltes,ol all soeuls Common Seoista llnck Candy, Liquorice, Almond Candy, FRUIT. Bananas, Prunes, lines, F it's, Currants diitrfl, Cllror.s, Alinnmli, Raunns, Nuts of nil kinds LEMON SYRUP of a superior ounlitv. bv the sincle or dozen. A superior duality of Scaars and Tobacco, and variety of ("onfcctinnance, fruit, i oys, &c, all 01 winch isoilered cheap at wholesale or retail. I Kcineniber tbe name and pMce. ,J M. C.OEARHART. Market st., 3 doors west nf Filier' Urug More, Snnburv, October 3D, 18S8. ly An. 20 Sixth t'trtrt, above Cltcsnut, l'ldlad'a ERCHANTS, busim-ps men, and persons gencially will find this hotel one of the must convenient and pleasant in the city, i'lie proprietor will use bis best etl'orta to accommo date his guesl.s, and at reasonable prices. December 4, 1853. ly NOTICE. 4 I.I. persons indebted to James Beard, l.ite Prothonotary of Noitbtimlicrlaiiil county, for fees, &c, are requested to make immediate pay ment, and thus save cost and further trouble, as ail accounts remaining unpaid will be placed in the bands of a Justice fur collection. Payment can be made either to the subscriber or to J. S. U'.'ard, at his t-liicc. JAMES DEARS. Punburv, March 57, 1S.'3 if RIVIERE HOUSE, (Formerly Kluie's II-let.) l.l:Vl?m'HG, L'MON CO., PA. It. C;.!Ii:TZI.I I'ropi Itlor. ri'tllS is oneif the lure. t anil hrft fumisl.eil Hotels on X the W'r.t llinueli. it is locatrd in the Uisn.tts pint of tilt: town, (il lit-iiii; line only lloli'l in ,Mnrki-t ijii:iie ) 'I'lie pr.ipnelor is ileli'iinnitd, to inw every rxniion ui ntike tin ii..ii. one of the Iwm tn t.ie Sttile ; and il nff.'is nire liuitirt iiii'iiis for pets ins wh i it-end u .leirt time in one of the must pliniut towns in mural lVninylmn.u. Clitiri;. s very tu.liTnte. Lewisbuiy, June li, 1;59. IJHOWIN'S nnJ Uremia's Esssuce of Gingc and Husband's Xlaijiiertant July 17. '58. FISHrTR'S WlioltS'tte ami Jictail Dealers in FOREIGN &z DOMESTIC AITLO LIQ"JC?.SS Milt street, (Eus1 m'ic) XartU iHinville, l'u. FSll E undersigned would respectfully announce to their friends and tlio public, generally, that they have, purchased a very enteusive stock of Wines and Liquors direct trom the Custom House, which they ofi'er to the trade ut Philadel phia prices thereby sauns freight Ac. JOHN V. SHERIFF,. J. s. HI.L, Danville, June 19, IS.jS. if. STO TItISS LOl'ISA SU1SSI.ER, respectfully in forma the citizeu ot Trcvorton and sur roundine; county, that she has opened a new store of Millinery and Fancy (!ooi!s, ut Trevor Ion in Shamokin street, nearly opposite Knoute's Tavern, where all kinds of lioiincts and Fancy Oooils ran be had at the lowest terms. Drcts making also attended to in the bust manner and latent stvle. April 2 A, 1 SF,S. tf MOOP.E & CAMPION, Vo. 2C1 Suuth Sicoml Street, 6 rooi- ahove Sjiruce, HAVE now on naud Ihe largest aksoilimiit of riAF. CinnET n il.MTl RB Than they have ever had at any previous time, and they invite the public to call and examine their stock bi foro puicbasinj. as they feel confi dent that their firicis will be a suilicienl induce ment lor nil who want good furniture to buy at their ebtib,ishment. A large aiiaortmer.t of Pratt's Rack and Pinion Dining Extension Tables always on hand, Spring and hair Mattresses f .rnished at lowist prices. Furniture carefully packed and on reasonable term. Philadelphia, July 21, I S.'S. ly JWAYNE'rt BOHREL CORDIAL, a spredy and clTictual remedy for Asiatic Cholera Dy sentery, Diarrhoa.'. No cure no pay. For sale t FISHER'S. Ou 16, '5S. lishing TacklO. Red Cork, Crass, Cot- ton and Linen Lives, Out Lines, Sea Crass by the yard, .Snoods, Flies, Kirby, Limerick and Carlisle Hooks, Rods, Ac, for sale by July 17. Via. A. VV. FISHER. Citrate of Magnesia OR TASTELESS SALTS, riirffs preparation is recommended a. an ex c Hi lit laxative and purgative. It operate, mildly, is entirely free from any unpleasant taste resembling lemonade in flavor, prepared and sold by A. W. FISHER. Sunbury, July 17, 18.r8. MOUNT VERNON HOTEL, Second tlreet.Jielnw Arch, PHILADELPHIA. PA. 'IMIK above establishment having neen re no--- valed and refurnished, jh. proprietor assure. Ihe public that a call i. only needed, as he guar entees lull satisfaction in every case. Terms $ I ,ti per day. A. M. HOPKINS, Proprietor. September 25, I8S8 Sm stationery. A large supply of fancy Kote Pajwr and Envelopes, Mourning, Letter, and Cap Paper, Pens, Ink, Sand, Ac, at July 17. '68. A. W. FISHER'S. J.T. Ml OWN, Manaraciuring Jeweller, No S Mal den l-aiie, lifers Ins atock, ainiiMiiig of. grneial assort, mnil ia Uakels, Cliams, Ac, which ars ollernd at in buys's CUh '""' "uuveuicuts to eouulry vash OfioUr 9, latt. 3me L'SHONG' &. SONS' Superior Burring Fluid, for aale at FlfcHER'S Drug ard Chemical Emporium. Sunbury July 17, 1858. IJAUKIS Soothing Syrup, Toi Children teeth- ing. For sale at FISHER'S October 16, '88. JUST RECEIVED a large lot of ready made CLOTHING, Cheap at J.H.EXGZL'S. uoqnry, Dm U, FURNITURE! rURHTIUREIl THE LARGEST STOCK EVER OFFERED IN 8 UN BURY. Fashionable, Cheap nnd I'scful rTll IE subscriber, long established as a. Cabinet end Chair Manufacturer in Punliury, thank ful for past favors, solicits I continuance of the public patronage. Hie etock of Cabinet-Wire, Chairs, c, embraces EVF.RT VARIETY, t'EPtX AKP ORNA ftiENTAI. in housekeeping. It is unnecessary to enume rate, s anything that may b required in his Una can be had at moderate prices, Cheap for Cash, or Country Producetaken in exchange. Establishment iSnufA Lait Comer of Afartet Square. C3T Those knowing themselves indebted to tlie subscriber would oblige him by making pay me nt. SF.nASTIAN IIAUPT. Punburv, April 4, 1857. tf PSILI? Js WHOLRSAtl Aim RKTAltt Grocery, Wine and Liquor Store, S. E. cor. Hrn7!ul and Water Streeli, PIHI.ADKI.PHIA, DEALERS and families will be promptly aupplied atthe Ion est prices. October 4. 1856 tf HERRING'S SAFE. AtiAIN 'I'll I CHAMPION ! 1 The ony !Sale which, in every instanc, preserved the'r en tire coi.ti uls in the late ex- mm MCri F- tunsive fire. At the burning of the Arti 7an Uuildings, April I (lib. n rr -VfOSianu ill llin i,r..'i i nur. i-i ia"' MarKcl sircci, .nay 1st, iou, the genuine II ERR IN fi SAFE Preserved the Jewelry nf Oeo. VV. Simons & llro. ; Rooks, Papers, Ac, of Fisher fc llro.,nnd Edward Heanians ti Co., after rrmninina rx posed in the burning ruins for nenrly FORTY HOURS, and proving ronclusivclv whit we have, altvavs rl iinn d lor them, Til EIR (ill RAT SUPERIORI TY over nil securities now known. In these fires, THE HERKINU'S SAFE, standing aide by able with thote advertised as 'warranted lo stand 10 per cent, more fire than Herring"," came forth ihe ACKNOWLEDGED VICTOR, not only preserving their cotileiits in EXCELLENT order, but being in themselves in a condition to go through another ordeal, while the boasted Salamanders" of other ma kers were badly used up in every instance, nnd in some cases their cntiie content completely destroyed. To the public he would simply s.tv, that, ou- ring tho fourteen ycaia the HLRl.'INb H SAP V has been InTorn them r.ore than two hundred have patted through uccideiital tin a witliout the . occurrence of a single. Ions. j We would, therefore, CAUTION purchasers; against the mi'ieprt scntatiun of inlere-tid par ties. The HERRING'S PA PENT is the only j I'lliE PROOF SAFE made in tbU eilv, which is protected by a PA 1 E.M lilt.ll I , otnl we will guarantee it lo resist more tlicn double the amount of bent of any otiirr Sjfe now known. I tirrol, lit i i is & Co., Sole Manufacturers ;n this f?tato of "IIcrrLig''8 Patent Chnnpion Safes," 31 Walnut t., PhiLuia. tXT "Evans ti Watson's Improved Salama:i ders," "Oliver Evans'," "0. S. fiavler'a," nnd Scoll'a Absetos," Iron Chels, (a large assort ment linvintr been la!; en in part payment for "Herring's,") will be sold nt low prices. Philudtlj.liia, July 10, IS.'iS ty Saddle and Harness Maker iiejkthy haupt, jxh. KESJ'EC I Fl.l.I.i informs tbe citizen of Sunburv and the pub. ' J fV-r-jrJ&'r lie ceneraliv. that be has taken iCgiiAfc. ie s,p oc,.U,irJ hy Bright ami Berk, oue door eat ol S t'qupt's Cabinet Mi ker tliop where ho is picpared to tuin cut work ill his line of business equal to ny made in ll :. section of the country. Orders pramptly esecu ted and all kinds of produce tokeu in Uxchatij Suuhury, March SO, 1854. ly WAYNE'S C'OMP-D 3YRI.P OF WILD 1IEKRY, an rxecllent article lor Couy Coids, Ac. For sale only at Flail KR'S Sunbury, Oct. 2, Ib'iS. SADELRY AND HARNESS HAKING. 'I''!! E subscribers respectfully inform the eiti lens of Sunbury and vicinity that they have commenced the above business a few doon-cbove tho Punt Ollice, Market Square, Sunburv, Pa. Work of all kinds in their line of buriucss will be done promptly and neatlv on the most rea sonable ttrnis. CLEMENT ii OYSTER. Februa y 13, lSoH. u!iui l.uuli lo lour IntcicKt. LIlVlE 1 LIME 1 1 "IHE .udacribrr respectfully infornia the fur mers ami Ihe public generally, that he has leased the lime kilns of Ira T. Clement, in Sun burv, and that he ha tlwnva on hand, and i ready to supply a good quality of limr to all who may want lor building or farming purposes. He ha also a kiln at Reefer's crossing 5 miles from Sunbury, or two from Snvdertown. VfT All kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange. CEO. W. STROH. Sunbary, Dec. 28, ISS7. GEORGE HILL, .TTCP.ITET AT AV". BTJNEUBY, PA., RESPECTFU LLY informs tbe public nnd his friends generally, that he has removed to Sunbury, and haa opened a law ollice at hi residence, in Market square. His acquaintance with the Lnglish and (vrman enables him to transact business in both languages. April 10, IHfiS ly rpobaCCO and Segar8 20,riOO Imported -- Segars of various brands. Eldorado, Fig, Caveadisb and fine cut tobacco at A. W. FISHER'S. Sunbury, July 17. I8IS8, SUNBURY FLOUR STORE FOR 1659 (1 O. H VYEN, is yet at bis old stand, South J side of Market Square, Sunbury, and keeps constantly on hand a good stock of Flour, Feed and all thing, in bis line- Ho ha. now on hand a fresh aupply of No. I. superfine FLOUR No. 1 Extra, and Eitra Family in barrels.; Williamsport double extra in quarter barrel sacks .ye flour, Buckwheat Flour, Corn meal and chop (fall kinds for Sale cheap for CASH. He is always ready lo .upply the wants of hi. customer, in small or large qaulitiea. ALSO, Crackers of all kinds for aale at regu lar wholesale price He hope by careful aiten tiou to business, lo merit and continue to receive the patronage of hi. customers. C. O. HAVEN. Sunbuty, Jan. 19, 1659. tf. flURE CIDER VINE'iAR, PURE CIDER VINEGAR, PURE CIDER VINEGAR, Dy the quart, gallon and barrel, for sale by M. C. GEARHART. Sunbury, July SI, I8S8. OlfCITH & CO., OYSTER PACKERS. No. 9 Albemarle itrtet and No. 10 & Front ' Mtreet, Baltimore, Md. And Scott's Ckekk, PoBTaworTii, Va. TE87 AURA NTS aupplied at all seasons of tf year with all tbe aalt avatar dalicacut. found in tb cily marluU. , All order, promptly and faithfully aUaodsd to. eptorator II, U58. If ISAAC M.WILKEKEON. : MANTJPAOTTJnEn OP FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most T"aBhiftt,.),T e.i. Bureawi, Secretaries, Sideboarrl SOFA, BREAKFAST AND 'DINIXG I TABLES J and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal ,oPh'? delphia manu&ictnre. BEDSTEADS, of evory p,tt,rn and CUPBOARDS, WORK AD cANDlE.1 STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In. horl, every article In this line of hi. busineaa 'piE subscriber respectfully call, the attcmio, of the public to hi. largo and .plenJiU at aortment of every quality snti prj(.e X 'ulu CAIMXET-WAKE which cannot fail to recommend itselfto.very who , will exnmme it, on account of t. Z'Z workmanship and splendid fini-h, made nP of he best stock to be had in th ci)v. No ,' spared in the manufaclur. or hf. wan! subscriber determined ,0 krP p 'w" h t a many Improvement, which are constantly ' b iug He a'..o manufacture all kind, anduualitie, , , CHAIRS. ncluihng varieties never beforn to ,. I,, i i chairs ;;;;;; PurjTrD w,r- by none maun ac.urid in ,!. C'itic.or el.ewhc I he subscriber ,., determined that there be no excuse for persons to putttaM mniturc t the cue ,.,ov;;,, render, ran , .bou.hcquali.y hd ,,;,,, of ,,,, KaJ These arti.ks will he disposed of on ponj rrm ns they cn be purchased elsewhere. Cou. I tvy produce taken in payment for work. ' I NDMTAK1.N(;. Having prided a ha,,, son,eHr:n,r., Iie now Jf P I. nuertaking, and attending I'uneralK, in this vi. c.nity, or at any convenient distance frra thia place ... Tnev Rom is in Fawn Street, be low V raver Hotel. He has also .purchased the riKht of mannf.,c- .u.n n no .c.inj , .ortiitimbclund CollMtV, ..innn 8 paicriir.xcilsoir Spring lied vrhirh l.e win iuriio.ii ni reasonable rates. p'ir.gs put in Old bednteuil lor three ih, ir. M. Wt! b-rri:r.v K-unuury, April IM, tf. LANCASTER COLLIEEY rCH SALE? Iinpoi tar,t ., (. opt riitym. rMI F. umlersiimcd LessrM ,1 Laner.ster t o. hcry, near SI,moki, N.n.l,,,.,,!,,..!,.,,,! county, 1 ens!v,.nia, wi-l.tim toraiire from ,!,,. bu. iiicss. oll. r lor side iho l.i-aw ,,,! I : O 1 i . . ...... .v , ... . I,,.,,,. , , ill l.ii 1 I'iOITl, ..c .:i i. . . .i.ti" cn fniis.,cti)iv term. Tin. aid ' " '- n cperat.on since is :.l .... nM ces-iui n.-voml expi ctntn,,,. Coal is a superior article fr lif,.g t ,i(.,'l Anthracite isapplied. nml a c..,! mnr!,,-. ln. i.rn established, which can l.e n.m.h S.U. o.li J. The. Breaker anil Future arr v T1 )f t ni ter and will recmmciid lhclllreUr'8 to PcrtoI. acinainti d wiih Ihe bi,ine.tj. 'J'he Lease runs to January I, lSf.4, and is a favoi'Hb'e one fi.r tlio operator. i or lunner information af in peisi.n, or hv h tu-r to Sii ll,,.rK!..l I ... ,. i ly t tin Coil'-ery O , Nr- i"io!.in, p, ...u.tiuviii.iiu ciuiiiiv. rer.iis ,vr.',' i COCHRAN, PEALE A CO. February fi, 1H5. (f CIOI.D PEN'S with and without cases, Tn H very superior ipialitv, just received. Also a IVesh supply of Writing Fluid, fr sa -J' , H. II. MAfStHl. Si:nburv, Dec. 17. Is.'ft- v? not. salic jinn Retail BOOT STOH2, 40 .,mtli rurtU St, ol,:re f'l.t,,,ntt '.t7 HJlOOTS, s;-..,c, ttnitcr. . prompiiv made SI mi to nri.i-r in the very best m U, ul.A u, ,;,6 best material. J'l.iiadel::! ry S, I s.-;7. ea::ville hotel. Market Street, lhvn-iUe, ' r-5-.Iirs- i, olie of the largest ,-iud most row,-..- iii.iua hotel in the inlcriorol' Pennsl ania it has l..., n rcent! Cited up, in excellent .;:. ilh nil the modern ('.inveuiencc. Danvillec!, Sept. S2, IS.'.'i. Vi'IIITE HOUSE IJu'lTL. POTTSVILI.E. PA. rpiIE subscriber respectfully annooncr to h! -- old friend and the public, Unit be ha. t-.'i,-tliat old and well known e-laMishment, tlie "VTliito .Horso Hotel. At the rurr.cr of Ci ntre and V ih. nir-o s: j, tlie Dorongb of I'ollsvilj,,. 'J';,,. .,". ,:1,"rt cetitly been very im.ch enUr.Jaod oihc.-u.s improved, rendering it i;niie n coii,l',n tahie t any other Hotel m f , c.-untv- tho stable, arc large, in good n r duion, and ai tend by carelul, attentive, prudent hoMlrr. 'IV. ,. .-Qll... ... I . . .i...iii'i unu uuiers u.io inny Flop r.t hi luuise, he promises every attention caleLiat.d t render ll.em comfortable ami saii.tird. . .. , JO s. M. ri'CER. April S, ISS-.- if EH PlATEE-WiUi'. jutaci ciu ii nr J o ii x o . .ii i: i n t k s , IIE oldest Electro Plater in the I n.tcJ 'vf manulartures of ,-verv vaii,!, ol lio.i plated wilh pure silver, Ai'.ala, t.iltai.u an Steele Tea Setts, Urns, Waiter. Ca-tei, fake Pa kets, Pitcher. Uoblci. Coinmitnin. r'rrvic Spoons, Forks. Kniv, Ac All good warrau ed as represented. North East corner 9th and Chesnut street. Philadelphia, I'ei.na. May P, l-58 ly JLANK Parchment Pa per Deeds and Idai Mortgage, Ron, Is, ExeratiiTk, Smnmor Ac, for sale b ). J. M ASNEfc. Sunburv ,Apri afi, 1S pOKT MONAIES. 'J'eolh a7d l"lnir l!rn, all qualities, and any qcnn'.i y.'fi.r a'e hv A. W. FISIIl.i:. July 17, 'f,8. A TENT RR1TTANIA bar bottles for aale by STOJ'PERS D MARSER. H. unburn. July I81B. FOR nillSTT. CIHK Store Room in Market s'rret, lormei I. occupied hy P. W. Gray. Apply to thee ecutor of 11. M asscr, dece ived. A pril I T I P. MELANCHTOU SHINDEL, JlHTK i: OF PE.4C1 SX7IS7 FA. thfia in Veer Street, immediately eppotite . Public School House. All business promptly attended to, Mon collected and all ordinary wrilings done. Sunbuty, April S5. Iff 7 if PURR CONCENTRATED LYE UEf PO.MF1ER, for sale at FIMIEK'S Di Store. Price SO eta. 15ATCH0ULY, JOC KEY CI.I U, e,PRL" . FLOWERS, Ac, of the best quality fresh supply just received and for sale at Drug Store of A. W. l'l&H Lit A'unburv. July 17, 1858. 11ENKY DONNEL, ATT0RNE1T AT LAV Ojfxt opposite th Court lloust, . E anbury, Northumberland County F Prempt alteatioa to ku.ineM ia adjoin 3vuiiia.