AERIVAL OP THEirOETH BRIT01T. rsl'R DATaTLntTetl. OM im0FB. DISSOLUTION OF PARLIAMENT. Kt-Opeuinf f Fripoiili ror Peac. The ite.mibip North Briton ha. rried with Liverpool date to Wedneidaj, the 20th "'parliament wi prorogued on tha 18th ult. and writa for the new elections issued. Tho latest aspect of Continental affairs wni re nsaurinjr, and the Paris Monittur bad pub lished another pacific article. Sardinia accept the principle of disarma ment, whereupon ho Monittur publishes an other pacific article. The latest phase in Continental affairs was consequent!; more re assuring for peace. Parliament wait prorogued on tha 18th ult. The Queen's speech merely refers to the dis solution and its cause. It says the dissolu tion has been resolved on in order to give the country an opportunity to express an opinion on publio elixirs, and to give to the Govern ment the confidence of the lloise of Com mons. The dissolution was to take place on the 23d, and the elections few days afterwards. The English funds on the l'Jlli fell a quar ter under a ministerial statement made the previous evening, but subsequently all recov ered, owing to the pucific article wbicli Bp pen red in the Monlteur. The final propositions from England to Austria, touching the Congress, were sent to innnu on the 19th. THE LATEST BY TELEGRAPH TO LIVERPOOL. London. Wednesday. An unfounded ru mor whk circulated in Londo i yesterday, that mother attempt hud been ruauu on the Eui pe or Napulenn's life. The Monittur of the 19th, officially explains the basis of action for the proposed Congress ntnl I lie present position 01 the negotiations It gays, that France, willing to prove bur con dilatory disposition, promised to request Pi edinont to disarm, on condition that she and other Italian States should be allowed to tulio part iu the Congress. Everything justifies the belief that no fur ther obstacle will oppose the assembling of t lie Congress. The King of N iples hud parted with his family aud received the sacrament. A seditious riot had broken out among the students at Kolngna. The troops were obli ged to tire upon them, and several were. Wounded. Kit I (US ItlOT IN IMNAV.A Tie Troops Defeattdby the Populace Piyht Hundred V, S. Marina and Suilori on Short. A PannrRn correspondent of the New York i ,ui", gives the following account of the re emit not there : 0,i rfuu J iy evening last, a riot occurred in F.inainj,' which fortunately was suppreaved Willi with the loss of only two persons killed on the spot, but which at one time promised to be serious iu tliH extreme. Its origin was this : On the aflernoon of Palm Sunday, a boat cume on shore, having on board three young men who hud been suil ing iu the Hay, Pedro ne Obarrio y Perez. J nun Valleriuo and u Senor Sosa. As the persons lauded on the bench, n negro who had an old quarrel with Vo'.lerino stepped up to him, and proposed to settle mailers ty a light, us it is a custom to settle all quarr jU in tlin sciiiion of Lent. Nallerino answered that he would not light with him because he was a negro. Tbe negro then pitched into his an tagonist, when a general melee witli fis'.s, flout1, pistols, Ac , took place, in Tibich Kosa end a young man named Cassanova, were se riously wounded with stones, and another, na med Gomez, was wounded in the thigh by a pistol i-bot. The white parly getting the worst of the encounter, fld, but Vulierino mid Oburrio soou returned with anm, and the filil was attain lenewed. but a-jiiiti elided in a rrtieat of the whiles, followed by a shower of stout'. This latter all.tir took place ill the vicinity of the Church of eiaii Felipe, in which religious ceremonies were being performed. The people in the churches and the proces sion in t he streets tied to their houses when tilings took n serious turn. At durk tbe negroes moved ootside of the city Trulls, threateuiiig vengeance against the parties with whom Ibey had come in confl.rt. l-Varing further trouble, Governor Obaldta urilered thirty Bidding to patrol the streets outside the western gate; but ot 6.J o'clock, the soldiers were met at the reveliin Jly the p.ipuuee, who, with arms, disputed their pro ",ivs Thereupon the Governor doubled In force, aud then the Intendenle committed tins grave error which many good men before him tiHVH committed, of ordering the troops to fire blank cartridges at the mob. The popuUee returned the tire with ball, killing inn chief of the troops, Captain Navarro, and i n ol his mon. The troops thereupon re treated, but mad" a stand on thu cily side id the walls from the parapets or which they iept up a lire all night, which was occasion ,l!y returned. But, so fur as is known, but not more than half a dossen, of the out tide party were wounded, and none killed 1 1 is calculated that from CIMI to 8110 slu ts vere fired before daylight, when bolli parlies efred. Kirlyinthe commencement or lhe row, hrue rockets were sent up by the United States Ceusul, Ihe signal agreed upon.for the Jniied States forces iu the Bay to come in heir boats towards the shore. Ju an almost ncredibly short space of tinie twenty to wen'y five launches, filled with 800 men, f..r.. kini as close to the beach as the wuter rotthl lie r mil : but their services not being J eeded, thev returned to their boats ot (lay-i-'ht. In o'rder, however, that they might be andy, ihe main body of the forces was order d to occupy the St. Mary's, which lies closer hm either of tho other three ships, tbe Mar imae, tbe Vaiidalia nd the Saranae. Rich I)KVKi.orixNT. .onie rich and im ortant developments, that will Btartle the olilical world, may be looked Tor during the oming summer and full. Tha editor ol the I ,.ni .n.r.lnn fllnht SBVS S We have on file an interesting letter of tttnruey-Oeneral Black, written snoruy si er Mr. Buchanan took his seat as Presi ent This letter denounces Democrats who ,vored the sale of tbe sinking public works g in a league wilh tha ' Know Nothings and .bolitiooisls'torob tha Slateand gave ,.m to understand that Mr ""Immbk atermined to comedown and PROSCRIBE V r... .I..;.., m think that tha State would g better ofl if relieved of tho management of ie works. Some treraocroie npossible Tor a President to stoop solow H il is nevertheless true that Jamel Bu- n )m.iriaiS.oul Of tilt nrice, ,l....ju. ni htcautt theu fuvored a dt and appointed men to office ho had no be', recommendation than that they were .j,o$ed to the sa " " Suffereis from Scrofula and Scrofulous af ... " .i....n i Whf wear jour Pimples, " " V 'v..' finre'.t Vb b.V. the lco"' J" , b. Dvsnepsia, Rheu VV hv suffer Syphilitic ,odv. or tne nesn on - t jo iggi-h W"oa drag. Md scatter its umpVrf through your vamst Arias oiip El ' of tsarsaparilla cors. these com aiuts and cle.nsei them ont of the sy. em. tiois. auu aocietj a DRK.orvb fmat betwrkj kw mpksh rnomiKTORt. Tram Vie Haw Orleans Delta, April t.J A serious rencontre took rise this morn, ing I tbe law IBca of the Messrs. Cotton, gimate on Exchange alley, opposite tbn Tost OfTlce, rp stairs, between JohB M. Vernon and Captain J. 8. Dossier, proprietors of the Louitana Couritr. It appears, from what we ran learn, that there had been soma misunderstanding be tween fie parties, and that there had been so much disagreement that Mr. Vernon had made known his intention to go into court in erder to liquidate the concern. This morning, early, M r. Vernon went to the office of Messrs. Cotton, and was all d at one of the desks, with his memoranda, for the pur pose of drawing up a detailed statement for his lawyers (who were acting also for Cap lain Bossiere), when that gentleman came up Ihe stairs and took a seat next to Mr. E. B. Cotton, on the opposite aide of the room from Mr. Vernon. lie stated to Mr. Cotton that he objected to being sued in this parish, and wanted the action brought in St. Tatnany, where he resi ded, at the same lime applying, so Mr. Cot ton informs us, rather abusive language to Mr. Vernon, who seemed, however, to take no notice of it, and continued his writing. Alter continuing to talk in that manner for a few moments, Capt. Bossiere rose from his chair and said to Mr. Vernon tnat he would like tn see him a moment in tbe pas sage. Mr. Vernon got op and followed him to tbe passage, a Tew reel from the door of the ofike, where Mr. K, B. Cotton states that, from where ha sat, he heard the lie given on both sides, and abusive epithets, until finally he heard Capt. Bossiere ex claim, '!) n yon, I'll shoot you." Vernon then instantly backed into the office, and drew bis pistoi, and Mr. Cotton sprang to wards Bossiere and placed his hand on his breast to prevent him from firing, though he had not drawn any weapon. Suddenly, however, Capt. Bossiere drew his revolver and fired at Vernon, when Mr. Cotton sprang out of tho way. Vernon thereupon returned Bossiere's fire, ond con tinued firing until he bad fired five shots, four c f which look effect upon the person of Capt. Bossiere, whose pistol clogged in some niau tier. They then clinched and wore struggling desperately, when Judge Cotton and one oilier gentleman succeeded in separating them, Cnpt. liossieie soon rushed up stairs with a pistol, but was prevented from using it. Capt. 'Bossiere wos token to the Charity Hospital, where, upon examination, it was feu ud that he was wounded dangerously in tho breast just below the sternum, the other balls, one of which entered nnd came out of his fice, and the other two through the left hand, having cuused but trilling, though painful wounds. Dr. Fo-ter, the physician nt the hospital, WM unable to ttntu ihi exact direction the ball in the breast hud taken, but was in hopes that it had gone round the body through the integuments. Mr. Vernon wus arrested by spec ml officer Parrel!, and taken to the Sec ond district station house. TIIK CAREER. OF AN EDITOR. From Ihe New Or'.eins Picayune April 15 i'ho Bonham (Texas) Jmlepenilent, of tbe 2d inst., comes to us in mourng for tho death of its editor unci proprietor, Mr. John Millou Crane, who, ou the 30th ult., was shot down in the street by Mathew Suddler. Crane had a short time before, struck Saddler with a walking cane. Suddler discharged one barrel of u double barrelled gun at him a short disUncu ; Crane received nt least twelve buckshot in his body, nnd fell crying Murder" Saddler run to the back door of the house, where he was ensconced, order id a negro to sudle a horse instantly, but, without wait. ii, sprung ou the horse and dis appeared ut lull speud. Ntthing has since been heurd of him. Crane wus taken home and his wounds pronounced mortal. He lingered in great ugony for four hours. He retained his senses to the lust. His distracted wile bung arouud his bed soothing and comforting him in his great trial. His two children, one an infant of only four mouths, and the other some two yeurs old, -were, unconscious of the deep tragedy passing before their eyes, cooing and pluMiie uboul his pillow. Occasionally the mother would raise them up to kiss their dying father, who, to the very last, seemed ouly concerned about their future welfare. Crune was a native of Frankfort, Ky., where he was born in Mav, 181:4. lielore he was eleven yi-ais of cge, having heard of the revolutionary striiL'ulH in lexas.heran owny from home to join tbe Texans, and ar rived al Oaiveston iul slt-r the' battle of San Jacinto. He was accidentally poisoned found sick by a friend or the family, and in hen homo. He had iu the meantime lost father nnd mother. Of his own accord, lie entered a printing ofiice and worked hard learning his trade by day, and studying by night by the feeble Ik lit of b.ts ol cuudleg that be picked up about the ollice. When the Crittenden ex peditiun to Cuba wus organized, Crane was one cf its most active friends, unit canvass til several of the boiithern Mates to raise meuns for it. After the failure of tho expe dition, he returned to the printing business and rgtahliMied a o; er called tbe democrat lfoonville, Mo. In a couple of years be sold out : removed to i ennessee ; started another paper ; again told out : removed to Texas start-da paper at (joliad ; again gold out purchased the hotel at lndinnola - married niece of lion. Mr. Orr, ol South Carolina, got tired of hotel keeping ; removed to Bon ham ; stin ted the Jndepentent ; and was doing well, when his career was sadly and bloodily euded. The new furnace of tha Grove Brothers is rapidly progressing. I he alack will be SO feet in heighth the highest in to country and the furnunce is calculated to make 200 tons of pig metal per week. Oamille Eemo crat. New Advertisements. Centre Turnpike fioad. THE stockholders are hereby notified that an election will be held at the bouse of C. 8. Drown in the Horougli of Norlhumlerland, on Monday the sixth day of June nen, between the hours of 10 n clock A. M., and 3 o clock f. M., to cboose officers to serve for tbe ensuing vear. J. It. l'KlESTLEV, Prest. April 31,1859 4t. A GCOX HOUSE 1 ND 1.0 t' for sale in bunbury. Inquire at this oince. April 30, 18S9. ATJDITOE'S NOTICE. ritHE undersigned, who was appointed an JL Auditor to distribute the fund arising from Ihe sale, 'iy virtue of sundry writs of Kixhi Facias issued out of Ihe Court of Common Pleas of Northumberland county, of the personal properly on the premises of Charles Weaver, old aa the property of Charles Weaver and William I Dewart. mil attend to the duties oi his appointment, al his office, in tbe borough of Sunburv, en Wednesday) the 25th of May next, nt 10 o'clock in the forenoon, when and where tboae interested may attend. JOHN K. CLEMENT, Auditor. April 80th, 1859. 31 BLANKS! BLANKS!! Anew supplf of 6uniinnns', Kxeeutione. Warrant, Buposnea, Deeds, Mortgages, Bonds, Leases, Naturalisation papers, Justices and Constable Fee Bills, 4e, cVc., just printed and for sal at this Office. Banbury, April tO, Itfff. fiP.OROB KILL. J. P. tUINSEt. OOBIK HILL SC QOBIN,; ' .EttorncB at 3Lato, BONBTJKY, IA.. VTAVIiNU associated themselves together for AA Ihe practice of Law, all business in this and adjoining counties, ontrusted in their charge will beattended to with fidelity and despatch. Office North aide of Market Square; a tew doors east of the Court House. CV Counsel given in the German language. Sunbnry, April 30, )85U. NOTICE- THE appeals will Ik held at tfle following na med places and days, for the several lawn ships and Uoronglis, in 'he county of ISorlhum heilnnd. for the year 18'8, to wit : Northumberland Borough and Point township, at the house of Henry Haas, May I. Chibsquique towr.thip, at the honse of James Miller, May a. V'orbut township, at the home of Abraham Kissinger, May 4. Lewis and Turbutville, at tha house of Hiram Reynolds, Mav 6. Delaware and MrCwensville, at the house of H. J. Reader May 0. Milton Borough, at the house, of John M. Huff. May 7. Lower Mahanoy township, at the house of A. Iiolharmel, May 9. Jordan tp., at house ofEhaa Bhader, May 10. Jackson tp., ' Ciulen iSmilh, Washington tp , " Up. Mahanoy tp" Cameron tp , " Zerbe tp., ' Lit Mahanoy tp " U. 11. Knbuck, J. H. Adams, Peter Weikel, W'm. Fonlda, Widow Rakrr, Ellas Emerich, Low. Aug. tp. Sunbury borouah and Upper Augusta town ship at the Commissioner's Ullice, May 19. liueht tp., at the Kuh Bcliool House, may Shamokin tp., at house of John ISeslut, " 23. Coal tp., " Win. M. Weaver," 24. Mt. Carmeltp" A Kerch, " 25, FREDERICK HAAS, ) SAMUEL EST, S Cotn'rs. JOSEPH EVERITT, ) CoMMISSIONRIt'S OpFICB, Sunbuiy, April 30, 18.VJ.-3t NEW YOlUv LINES- T1IF. CAMDEN ft AM BOY AND I'UII.ADIXPUI A AND TRENTON RAILROAD CO.'S LINES, From Philadelphia to Xtw York and Way J 'laces. from Wnluut Street Wharf, rhil-icM. hia, will lravei folloM-i, viz : At 0 A M, via CnmJen anil Anilwy C ft A Accom- inoOMlion, s At S A M, via Cnmnen and Jeney City New Jer- ey m-coinmoilavioii, 8 85 At 9 A M, via Camden mid J'ney city Mnruinj Mini, 00 Al II A M. by Stenmli mt, via Tacnuy and Jvriey citv Morinnp Kxpr., 3 00 Al a I' Al, viu Caimltiii mid Amb'y C and A. Ex- press, 3 lie At3( 1" M, by Sleamlnn!, via Tuony and Jerai-y c-ilv. l-.veitlig Expiets. 3 OC At 3 I'M, by fieiimli uit, via Tacoi.y and Jct-cy citv. l Clnn 1'iclii-t, S 85 At 0 l' M, via Camden ft Jrracy i-uy I.veinnn M nil aid At 1 1 I M, via Ciimdrn and Jerai-y euy Niijlii Mail 1 S5 A l 'i) V M. vm Ciiniifii ami Ami y Accoiinivda- Uon. (I- leicitl unu raiReugei mi ciu?i iitxei, v 111 1 io At 5 P M. via Cam.lcn and Amluiy Ace inmoda- lion, ( 1-iciglit and rnssenger,) lt clan ticket, 2 35 lid " I 75 The 0 f. M. Mail Line rum daily. Tlie 11 Niglu Mail, Sninidtiya excepled. Kx)teR Linci atop al principal arfluon only. For Kelvidera, EnaMn, Klrnnni; Ion, fte , alSA.M, anil 5j I. M , I'roni Wnlnnt alreel wtmf For Wiitei (jnn. Ptroudiitxiii:, Scrunion. Wilkealrre, Montrose, liieut Ruiid, Ac, nt 0 A M, via Delaware, L-HckiiWiinnti mid i emeni ronlroiot. I'oi I'm-liolil. in 0 A. ,1. mid a I. M. For Mount lluhv. aid and U A M, and a), 4 J and s r m. WAY LINES, For Rriatal, Trenton, ftc, at 3i ami 41 P. M., from Wiilmit alrjet wltarf. or I'nmivni. llelmicn, Beverly, BurlniBt"n, Borden- lown, ftp , nt aj r. 1. Meiinitioat John iciann, lor uorueniowil anil nuorineui. ate pliu-ei. al :lj P. M. Steamb uit Tientou, for Ilriatol. UuihngLon and inlertne dinlx nlai-ea. nt la M and 41 P. M. Klfly pouiida ol U i)'g iee "illy, anoweo encn panenser, Pioaen-icia are piniiili.tiul from taknnr nnvllnnv ia ling- futic hut llieir wiirnig apjiarrl. Ail liii?ue over miy ooumla I i tie naid for exlrn. Tlie Coin.ixuv limit then ictp'iiiflilultly t-ir if-icKiiKe in one w i ar ier poiino, nnu will not be linble foi tiny uinnunt Ueyoml 1UU DoJUia, ex cept by special contract. II 11. l A 1 .11111, AfUI. April lit, IS50 ap. 30, '511. PHILADELPHIA AND READING KAIL ROAD Summer Ai'i-ancment. AVRM. 18, 16C9. TWO PASSNOER Traim leave Uar-ifbnr Dailv, (Sinidai exieptrd.) at fi.i OA M, and a 40 P M . for I'lnl- udeipliiH, arrivnnr tiiere at 1 1 M) noon and 7.411 P. M llrtilining, Leave I'loixpilphla Hi 7 ( A .11 , aim l 'V P. M , arm ing nt llairilhurv at 18 40 uu n and 8 ft f. M . Fimwi-Tu Plnlailulnliia, No. 1 Curl, S3 ; Nj. 8 (ill tame (tain ) 92 TO I uu : To Heading, Hi .00 and ?l 3n. At Meudnig. cnnuert with traina for l'ottivilla, Mlnen- vilie, Tuinnciu't, Cutiiwiaa. At. i- our 1 ramt leave Ktuinii); lor rnuaunpiiia auny, at o A M, IU lr- A M. I J 30 noon und 5 IK1 P. M .rave Pliiladelnlila lot Iteadini: al 7.30 A M, 1 30 P. M. 3 30 p M.,amt 4 45 P M I l-AKKa-. Ifeumng lo rnuaneipniB. t?i iiiimsi o. The Morunia Tihoi from lluriialiurg conneeta Iteiuling With up train lor Wiiketlnrre, Pmaton and t-ranton. I- oi lliri'Uli ticket and oilier nilorinnlion appiv w J J. CLYDE, General Afcnl. April SO, If'Sf-tf SARATOGA WATER. Analysis of Empire Spring. The Analysis of the Empite V etcr, by Pn f Emmons, is as follows: Chlorade of Sodium, SC9.C96 DitLibouate of I.iine, 111 K C 4 llicarlmiiate ol Magnesia, 41,3)44 Kicarbnnale of Kada, 30, M 8 Hydriodate of .Soda or Iodine, 18,000 Uicaibenale of Iron, a trace, 000 Solid contents in a gallon, 496,353 specific gravity, 1,039 EMPIRE Sl'RlXO. The water of the Empire Spring is bottled with ihe utmoat care, and parked in atr ing boxes, suitable for exportation, ky the subscri bers. The Corks of all genuine Empire Water are branded, "EM PIKE SPUING." C. W. WESTON &. CO. Orders may lie addressed to the Proprietors, G. W. Weston &. Co., Saratoga Springs, N. V., or at their DEPOT, 410 HROADWA V, JS'ear Canal Street, Hew York. ClHTlFICATIS. Extract fiom a communication from Dr. North, of Saratoga Springs, lo the Boaiori Medical' and Surgical Journal, dated June Ihe 6th, I MS I : "Thu New Empire Spring is working charm ingly for Scrolula. Ho the profession know lb al there are twelve grains of Hydriodate f 6"eila, or Iodine, in a gallon of water double auv ulher Spring 1 There being ouly a trace of Iron in ihe water, I send my consumptive patients to that Spring unhesitatingly, bilherto wilh mosl satisfactory results. Empire Spring, by R. L, Allen, M. a Resident Physician, Saratoga Springe. This fountain has more than answered lb expectations of its friends; as a beverage, our inhabitants who have diank il daily far several years past, cannot be induced lo make a substi lute of any other spring. As laiherlic and alterative, my past expert ence compels me lo say, that iu my opir.ion il haa no superior here or elsewhere. lie eiemn- tion from clay, and the small relative quantities of iron which enter its composition, render II on of Ihe beat if not Ihe very best mineral water for commercial purposes! while iu ability to wilh stand III trying influences of warm climates and sea voyages, make it very desirable water for tMrtlluif purposes. These properties, together wilh the gentle manly cere of its present preprielors, bav given il eircu'.ation and lie abroad which ha hereto fore been unprecedented in lb history of cele brated mineral water. May, Ut7. K, L. ALLEN, M. D. roralby H. D. MASSER, April 3, 1B9. fluabury, ?, NEW nOTJTB FOB TRAVELERS I Northern Central Railway ! ! 6UMMER ARRANGEMENT. 01 ArrKR MOS1DAT, APHll. !"tl, W-W. the Tranit un this rued will ran to ih follow lag schedule i OOtNO NOttTtt. BUFFALO AKO MAOARA frxPHFaS TRAIN. From DAInMOBHtoBOKBURt A WIL'MSPORT. Arrlrs Iave. S OU P.M. Ot S 117 T IS 7 60 8 47 b Al a oi v on e au a so 9 A 9 t 9 M t 54 10 10 10 19 ie un in m 111 .1i tO Si to 4u to 4-1 III 5 1 1 04 II IS II IS II 9-i It ( II 31 II ill 11 HI tl )t II 37 II 37 II 44 II 44 ! 1-1 l 01 IU 14 Culvert Static, York, Krlileport, Hulllnl, ftlillersliurg;, Oeotgetown, x Trevoin Junction, P;il!n-irove, SUKBINY, NorlhunitieflBHd, Cbillitnuique, l,cwiliurg, Milton, Vatwuitow-rt, fjllintltoWH, l:ystrra, .Moiilcfomerf , herger's Minicy, AWuiioursvitla, ' Willuoniiporl, 0C1N0 SOUTH From VTiLLumroar to 8UNBURY 4; BALTIMORE Arrive. Leave. IU 110 . M 10 IS IU ia 10,V 10 311 It il 10 37 IV 11 10 34 10 4a 10 4 4 10 49 10 41) HI 4 III fiA 1 1 US' 1 1 Oil II 11 II IS il at n al II m uu II 3M II 41 II .VI II , ia io ia to it a ia aa ia 47 ia so I 04 1 ns us a s 4 4-8 4 u 7 u Lit, TBAIN. GOINO NORTH tVllliamapmti MoMtoumviUa, Money. Ilarga'r's, Miiiiigniiiery, hysiri liiiionlown, Vulsontowll, Milton, l,iwialurjr, Clollinqiuique, Nurtiiuinlit- rlmid, klMKHV, Srliiii-Grnve, Trcvorloa Junctioa, i,eonrlovn, lIilltfriturr, llHtlfnx, ltrele)ort, York, Uaivert elation, From BALTIMORE to SU.NfttJR Y 4 VYII.'M?PortT. Arrive. Leave. Cah-ertStatma. 7 30 A. M. York 10 81 HI a llmliieporl 11 37 18 40 Claik'i Ferry I 2d I a lliilnix I 48 I 41 .Milleiaburg 1 67 f HI tliM'hauun- lilt l6 Mahoiiionga 8 14 8 14 Ucoreetown 8 87 I 111 Trevni-.on J uncviaa S 3 J 8 411 tMine-Hrnve 8 64 8 67 Sl.Mil.liy, 8 09 3 13 Noilliuuilierl-iua 3 8:1 3 U'l Chillivqmique 3 3.5 3 33 I. ewiaburg 3 40 3 40 Millou 3 SO 3 60 Wntiontowa 4 00 4 03 L'liioutoiva 4 II 4 It l-'.ynter-i 4 IB 4 IS Montgomery 4 81 4 84 II, -rger't 4 83 4 aO Mu. ry 4 33 - 4 33 Montoursvil! 4 49 4 49 Williamaiiuil B Oil 001NO SOUTH From Wiitixauruat lo SI Nni RY 4 BALTIMORE Arrive. Leive. WiHiiinmport, 6 30 A it, .Moalouiaviiie, 8 40 8 4U Miiik-v, 8 51 8 M ll.'iger' 8 00 HO .Moniiomiury 9 04 9 I"-' Evuer'a 9 04 t) 04 Unioiitouii D III 0 HI Wuiioniuwn 9 IS 8 1(1 Miiiou, s ai ( v.i i.nviahurg V 31 O.H I'lnlliiqiinqua 9 37 9 37 Norlhmnberlaul 9 47 U 47 SINUUKY, 9 St 9 !.i S'hnl (irovo 10 1)7 IN 10 Trevorton Junatiua 10 33 18 85 lieoretown, 10 37 1" 37 Mulmntonjo 10 SO 10 SO lliiclmnau, 10 57 IU 67 MHI.tM.uiv II U8 II IK llnlihix 11 81 11 41 Clnrk't Feny 1 1 68 II 68 Diiuplini I. 11 19 Id Hlldgeporl 18 40 1 40 York 8 58 3 0 Calvert Slntion. 8 8(J April 81, 1?S9. jEKjR2A. FOR sale. f WW1E aubacribera, . heirs and legal re presenta-J- tivci of Jacob Shaffer, deceased, oiler al private aalo the furin of the aaidilrceased. aitu ate on the tSlumoKio creek, Iwc milra from Son huiy, in Upper A injuria lowmhii. Norllininl er land county, adjoining lands of Alexander Jonlun. lieotgo C. nlker, und othera, roiiiaining 1 74 J acrea, about lull acre ol which are ckarril. riie iinpravemrnta are a Log Houae, r rame Uarii, Wai;oti MieJ, 4c. There are alo Two Orchards on the premises, all of which is in a good Hale of cultivation. One third ol Ihe purrhnae money will remain secured on the property lor the widow. If said property is not sold al private sale, it will l e ofl'eicd at public rale, at the Court House, on the first Monday ol August next. Temis and conditions will be made known at the tune ot sa!e. VM. MIAFFEIt. Isaac shaffkr, tJARAH KHAFFKK, Heirs of Jacob Mia Her, dee'd. Uppe; Augusta, April S3. I ."!.-4 1 BUY Tin: WAMSUTTA PRINTS. They are the best Calicoes jet offered to the puhlii for tbe money. Won lis Agehts: DErCREST, AniMSTZlONQ & CO., NEW Y O K K . April S3, 1R59. 4m3P " . 3STOrJ?IC3. 8 hereby given lo the slockhoiders of the Pha- mnkin Steam Ferry and Tow boat Cuinpaiiiv that the annual election fur l'ireclors ol Ihe sad, Company, will be held et the office of the Com pany, in tbe borough of Sunbury, on Monday the 2nd dav nt May next, I oils open at 10 o ck A. M., and close at r. M. HEN KY DONNEL, Sec'ry. Fuhlmry. April, li:69. NEW FLOUR, FEED.' FRUIT AND PROVISION STORE ' flllli subscriber respect lully informs the cili JL lens of Sunbury ami the surrounding neigh borhood, that he has opened a Store et the north west corner of Maiket Square, oppoiile Vandyke's liullread Hotel, where be Is receiving, and u ill keep on hand, Flour, Feed, Fruit and prov bidi of all kinds, toch as WHEAT, KYIS It BtCKWHEAT FLOUR. Ouia. Corn and all kinds of Feed, Crackers, Oranges, Nula etc.. Fresh Shad in sea son, Early Vegetables Fruit &e., from the South. He will constantly receive, by Railroad, from Ualtimore and I'hiladelphia, all ihe delieaeies ol the season, as they come into market, and trusts. by prompt attention and reasonable prices to re ctus a share of tbe public patronage. WM. IHIUVfcK 0 UU. Sunbury, April 16, 1H59. ly. LOOK TO YOUR OWN INTERESTS ! ! It O O 1 AND SHOES. REMOVAL The subscriber respectfully in forms Ihe citizens of Sunbury and vicinity that he has removed his establishment from his old eland lo Ihe ollire formerly occupied by L)r. Awl, in Market Square, Sunbury, near the Nor thern Central Railroad. Having ou hand well selected stock of good materials, he ia ready to supply bis customers slid other promptly with work ready made or made up to order, in Ihe latest tnd best style and on Ihe most reasonable term. believing the cash system is the best fur both the customer and himself, he will endeavor lo offer sura, inducements as will give satisfaction to all who ma) iaer him with their custom. P. S. Those Indebted, sre requested to csll and settle then accounts without delay. WM. H. MILLER, f .nary, April 18, 1858 Iy VANII.I.A IIEANH, Tigs, Dalea, Orange. I.enione, Crun, nut of all kinds, jual re ceived nd fur sal at th Confectionary Hlnra of M. C. UEAK11ART. Sunbury, April S3, 1859- SYMPHONIAM8, (rud muaical inatrumenta juat received from Know Hid, I.endnn, and f.r sal hy T. O. COOPER. Saiabntar, febniarf It, IMkV Dissolution of Partnership. TVOTICK is hen-hy givrn Hint the t'artnfreliip ' liereloforn exinliiic, lietween ttm anbtcriuera. aa Fahriiq 4- Clnment, minrrs and shippers of Coal at Ihe Coal Mountain Colliery, was ilia solved ,y mutual torment, on the let of March, 1B.V1. The huaineaa of the late firm, will he eellhJ hy Kri"i)prick Fahrion, who has in pomession the books am! papers, at Mt. Carmrl. FliEU'K. KAHniOX, lit A T. I'l.DM KNT. Mt, Carmel, April 9, 1R39. 41 NOTICE. Nkw YonR, April l(5l)i, I3K9. A MEETING ol the ptocklioMi-ra of the Trevorlon t'oal anil Railroad Company will he hfld at ihe fiifard llonap. in Philadel phia, on Tueaday, thn lllili ot Muy, at eleven o'clock, A.M. j)y ortlnr, F. I.. JOHNSON, flrcrrtnry. April I ntli. 1H.VJ. ISTOI'IGE:. FIHE tihul election for a President and Di- Jt -,4nri of 'II, o 'l'r..r..-l.., I'.,.. I IJ. II,. ...I Company will he held at the Cirsrd I Ionic, in Philadelphia, on Tuesday, Ihe 10th of May. Poll open from 12 to 1 o'clock, P. M. Uy order, F. I.. JOHNSKYN'. Secretary, April Kith, I8SU. liniEUE.S letters teatiiiientarj to lli8 E ' tnte of Nancy Hunter, lato of funburv, Nor humberhtid county, Pennsylvania dec ased, have been granted lo the subscriber. All per sons indebted lo Ihe enid fMute are reoriented to make immediate payment, nnd tlon huving claims or demands acainst Ihe Katnte rf the e nd deceased will iniike nown Ihe sntne without de lay to H KNltY B. TATIIAM, F.x'tor. No. ti08, Souih Wharves, PhilaJa. Philadelphia, April 1 IRol). (it Scrofula, or King's Evil, is a constitutional disease, n corruption of 0. blond, by which this lluid Viecomcs vitintcil, weak, nnd poor. Ileitis; in the circulation, it pervades tho whole body, and may burst out in disease on any pnrt ot it. No orRnii is free from its attack", nor is tiiere one which it mny not destroy. The scrofulous taint is variously caused by mercurial disease, low liviuij, dis ordered or unhealthy lbod, impure nir, Kith nnd filthy habits the deprew-inn vices, nn'd, above all, by the venereal infection. What ever he its oritjin, it is hereditary in the con stitution, descending " from parents to children unto the third and fourth generation j" indeed, it seems to be the rod of Him who fays, " I will visit the iniquities of the luthcis upon their children." Its cfloets commence by deposition from the blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in the lunRs, liver, nnd internal organs, is termed tubercles; in the glands swellings; ond on tho surfuce, eruptions or sores. This foul cor ruption, which Renders in the blood, depresses the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu tions not only suffer from scrofulous com plaints, but they have far less power to with stand tbe attacks of other diseases ; conse quently, vast numbers perish by disorders which, although not scrofulous in their nature, are still rendered fatal by this, taint in the system. Most of the consumption which de cimates the human family has its origin directly in this scrofulous contamination ; nnd non destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, nnd, indeed, of all the organs, arise from or are Aggravated by tho same cause. One quarter of nil our people nre scrofulous ; their persons nre invuded by this lurking in fection, and their health is undermined by it. To cleanse it from the nyntcm wc must renovate the blood by an alterative medicine, nnd in vigorate it by healthy food nnd exercisei Such a medicine we supply in AYE ITS Compound Extract of Sarsnparilla, the most cffcctuul remedy which the medical skill of our times can ilcvisp for this every where prevailing and fat id malady. It 19 com bined from tbe most active remedials that have been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of tho system from its destructive consequences. Ilcnce it should be employed for the cure of not only scrofula, but also those other affec tions which nrUe from it, such ns Ekittivb and Skin Diseases, St. An rnoxv's Finn, Hose, or Eiiysii',, Pukttm.s, IIlotchcs, Hi.AiN nnd llon.s, Ti'Mons, Tetthu and Sat.t UiirvM, Sc.M.n Hkam, Kinowoum, Hiir.uMATisM, Synin.iricand MiittcciiiAi. Dis KASE9, Ditop.4y, Dysi'iu'.sia, Dumi.iry, and, indeed, am Complaints arising phom Vitia ted 011 Implke liiflon. 'Ihe jiopular belief in " impurity of the blood " is founded in truth, for scrofulu is a degeneration of the blood. The particular purpose nnd virtue of this Sarsupn rilla is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid, without w hich sound health is impoboible iu contaminated constitutions. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIC, arc so composed that disease within the rnnije of j tneir action can rarely mtusiaiia or cvaae incin Their penetrating properties search, nnd cleanse, and invigorate every portion of the human orpnn ism, correcting its diseased action, and restoring its healthy vitalities. As a couseipicneo of these properties, the invalid who is bowed down with pain or physical debility is astonished to find bis health or energy restored by a remedy at once so simple ana inviting. Not only do they cure the every-clny complaints of every body, but also many formidable and dangerous diseases. The agent below named is pleased to furnish gratis niy American Almanac, containing certificates of their cures nnd directions for their use in the following complaints: Vest ire nest, llcai tbiml, Heartache uritinatiom d:ordired Stomach, Xamea, iii(.V,'i AiiH, I'ain in and Morbid Inaction of the ISoictls, 1'iatuUnc;, Lost of Appe tite, Jau'iidae, and other kindred complaints, arising from a low state of the body or obstruction of its functions. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Oll THE ttAPll) Cl'llE OP Coughs, Colds, Influenza, IIonrrnrs, Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient ConMimp tion,nud for the relief of Consumptive Patients in advanced atagca of the disease. Bo wide is the field cf Its usefulness aftd so nu merous nre the cases of its cures, that almost every section of country abounds in persons pub licly known, who have been restored from nlnrmirg and even desperate diseases of the lunes by its use. When once tried, its superiority over every other medicine of its kind is too appaient to escape observation, and where its virtues nre known, the JiuUio no longer hesitate what antidote to rmploy or the distressing nnd dangerous nll'eetions of tbe polmonsry organs that are incident to onr elimatei Xl'hile manv inferior remedies ibrust tilion the community have failed and been discarded, this has gained friends by every trial) conferred benefits on the alllictcd they can never forget, nnd pro duced cures too numerous and too remarkable to be furitutten. ritF.PAnr.D nv DR. J. V. Al'EIt fc CO. LOWELL, MASS. Friling V Grant and A. W. risucr, Punhury, K. II. McCoy, Northumberland, A.T. Bisel, Turbulville, F. 8tol, Wind liap, J. P. Caslow, Milton, (i. H Cadwalder, rihamokin, P. Uhler. Lhlersville, And hy all Drucijists Cud Merchant. . April 16. m.Vl. Iy HAIID 1 IMES NO MORS." A NY PERSON (Lady or Ueiilleinan.) in the t'nited X XHtatea, pusnrsauta a small eanilal - ( loan Vh-l V 97 can toiler ilitu an easy anil rerM-eliille husuiesa, liv whielifriail $. to IMO p' uy eau b realised K"r Mirtieulaia, nil die.., (Willi stump.) W. K. ACTON Cl , 41 N.ith HIX Til blraei, I'liilad.lpliia. Mareh H1I1, tfe&t 3inW. 'COAL! COAL! COAL! From tbe Coal Mountain C olliery. TH E subsci iber, now operating ihe Coal Moun tain Colliery, at Mt.Caimel, ia prepared to furnish all aize of White Ash Una I from his colliery. This i superior quality of Wbi'e Ash Coal, which h H prepared to furnish promptly to order. FREDERICK FA H WON. Wk Carmel, April 1. IrMt. 540,00 Pnya ftit a full eourae In the Iron Chy 0.illw. ti e ler gnat, mnt extensively patronized and U'atoigaii'Z'jil Onnl mercinl Hchnol in ihe Ihiiteri Hlutea. 3o7 PTb'DI'.NTS ATTENDING DAILY, Much, lew. Usual lime to coir plte a full course, from 6 to 10 weeks P.very student, asin Rtaduntiur;. is Riinrnuteed t't la- eoui- St-teul to nianaso Hie HiN.kaol any liusiuess, and quail ed to earn a salary of Itotu tVHKI to KHi0. Indents enter at any time No Vaeati'in- Revler at pleasure. 61 Premiums fir tiest PenmflnKliIji nwarded In l.'9. tV Ministers !"ihis received al lintf price. For Cnnl Circiilir ispeciniens of I!iiines and Orna mental Wilting ineloae twn sinmps. anil arldress, . V W. JI'.NKIN, rituhuiitli, Pu Apiil (I, IS.Ifl ill aep 95, 'SMy WHOLESALE DEALERS ' IN " BRANDIES, WINES, UNS. &C tpilB siibscribers have opened in Thompson's -- 1J rick lluilding. Mill street, Danville. largo and complete stock of FOREIUN AND DOMESTIC LIQtJOR?!, comprising the best hritrnlanf II randies, (iin, Old Rye, Scot" h and lrih WhiaUry, IVirt, Slmrrv, Madena, L hiittipiigiie and other Wines of all grades, all of Which will be sold Wholesale at life lowest city prices. Tavern-keepers by buy ing of us can save at least the freight. Persons desirous of pureha-ing lienors for FAMILY PRE, may rely tipon being furnished with a pure anrf unadulterated article. LS" Being determined tn establish n reputation for selling cheap they refpN-tfully a dieit the pa ircinnte ol tho pubi c. All orders promptly at tended lo. SHERIFF &. II ALL. Danvil.V, April 9, I8SU. iT3 Market Street, Sunbury Pa. THU subscriber respectfully informs Ihe cili zens of Sunbury, mid the public generally, that be has taken possession of Ihe abovu well known aland, formerly kept by John Leiser. He is determined tn use every exertion to make his house one of the best in the State, and offers r re inducement for persons who fpend a short I rote in one of the nioai pleasant towns iu central Pennsylvania. His fable will be supplied wilh the best the market can produce. His bar will be supplied with tbe purest liquors. Careful and obliging servants nhtnys In atten dance. A share of Ihe local and traveling com munity is most respectfully solicited. SIMON SNYDER, A pril 2d, 1 No!). Cm Proprietor. A. J- ROCKEFELLER. SVttoincn at Caw, OKSI'ECTrT'M.Y informs his friends and the public that he has KEMOVEl) hisollice to one door east of MessrK. Friling &. Grant's store near the Court House. All professional business entrusted to bis cliiirie, in this and adjoining counties, will be promptly, faiihful'y and carefully attended to. uubury, April Sid, 18:'J. 41 NOTICE 1 THE ADAMS EXPEESS CO., tiive notice that they have concluded arrange ments wilh the Northern Central ltail Koad Company, to run trains from Ualtimore for York, Hiiinsburg, pauphin, HalilAx, 'I'revorlon, !Sun bury, Northumberland, I.ew i.burg, Milton, ,M un cv, W'illianisport, and till interuicdistij Stations. Connecting at Harrisburuh with tho UHEAT WKfTKliN F-XPKESS for Pittsburg, Cincin nati, l.ouisatid the West. Also wilh Howard & Co' Express at Milton or Danville. Bloomsburg. Wilkesh.irre, Pitiston, Scrauton, and intermedials Stations on the Cut Inwissa, I.nckawuna and Uluomsburg Kail Uoads. At Williinnsport, by Howard & Co' Hx press lo Jersey Shore and Lock Haven. Also, by How ard & Co., and their connections, fur Canton, Troj. Elmira, Hochester, Uuil'ilo, Niagara, and to ail accessible points in Western New York ami Canada, by wbicli ihey will forward Merchandise, Specie, Dank Notes. Jewelry, and Valuable Packages of every description. Also, Notes, Drafts and Ai'ill for Collection. Experienced and ellicient messengers employed and cery effort will be made to render satislac 11.111. JOHN 1HNGHMT. Superintendent I'enn'a Division, Phil's. A. W. FIiSHEH, Agent for Sunbury. April !), 1859. NET CASH DRY GOODS HOUS2. EYRE & LAN DELL, FOURTH 4i xncil Streels, I'lllLAtir.l.rill A, i It P. nnw opeiiniit n full assortment of NKW GOOIJi, i l-'Olt Till-: fPKlMj IIF IS5ii. Hpr'uie: SilUi. of Sew Sivlrs, l-'ashinnable llimlile i'kul R.-liei, Jliavis "f tiic New liirtii SlvlfS, i)e Irfihies uinl l-'uitcy lliess Cnvxls, rluillnier Poplins ami Valeneiaf. Trio eilinr llresa Gnmls, full vnriefv, Itluiikels, Siieelingaiiil ll.mSLkoepiikg floods. N It. Storekeepers are respertf -lly reqni-stnl tn ex amine our gloek of ill.ACK BILKS, and HlAWl.S, be fore ,uu-iasili:. I'. S. New lio-ala reeeived ftaily, ami pood Xlargains from the Aueti-'iis 'f New ork uinl this City. Tgkui Nktt Cash and Paicks Low Maria lain, 1K0. 3 niWd BTallJVS A3SD SHADES, CHRAP TOVL CA3TT. II. J. WILLIAMS, IG N.trih Sixth Street, Plulmirl pliin, it llie luiftehl Mtuiufut'turer ol" MIVIMIH 11 li OS, D MtAI.XB IN WINDOW BIIADES, tie' KVKKY VAItIKi V. He is tlie Orisiimtor of all New Stvlrsaml has a fine stnt-k lo lie nul at Itr.lll TKI) I'll It' KM. HUFF, AND AM, Ol'lll'.lt riil.t'lia or I.1NF.N fllAUKS, TIUMMINi;, IT I'l'Itl:'.!. Ac. STCI1K -ll.llJl:S iminleil lo onli-r. IV H. J. V. invitt-s eitizens of tins count? to en!l be. fore iuicliasiiiT, ami ussiirea llieni lie ran sell a ln-tler nrhele fortlie nuiiioy lliuu any m I1-1 esiiiliiisiniieiit nt iliu I'niieJ !-tutis. .Mi,r-li -JS. I?W. lin'.'ic. Northumberland Bridga Ctmpany. 4 N Elilit'TION fur ndirrrs and managers of the Nortliutnlii-rlnml HriiltjB Coinianv, to serve lor una year, will be held at ilia liouse of Mrs. Uurr, in ISuitliiintberlaiul, on Mumlay, the !!J day of May l.ett. Tlie rlection will lie ciened at I o'clock, P. M., and close at 4 o'clock.. I'. M M. TAlitiAKT. President. Northumberland, April lfilli, IK59. FRENCH EUHB 91 1 Lis 8TOXU MAXlliUTORY. TIIK iindersiiiiivd keeps rnnalantlv lianil KHKNC1I IJt'filiSoi all sizes, and every articla required by Ihe milling trade.- Complete salisfsi lion fiuaiaiiteeil lor eTary article aold. Millers who prefer th solid Uurr, by giv ing 4 lo 6 months notice, rrih have their orders executed t the quarries in France. Address, .WM. II. KtfPNfR. A'ri"( S, InS'J 6m Harrisburg I'. II., 'a. PLATF0HM SCALES, 3 ;v atS e.ll, 11 F.VKHY IJI'.SCHII'TI(IN, PPITAHLF. FOIt It All.llllAllf, Ac, lor wr.iiliu.K liny, me and incichaiHlis" cineiiilly. I'nit hwsera run 110 risk, eveiy Mle is guaranteed isarei-l, anil il, ailer Itul, iHt lound aatisfacioiy, vau ta leturnctl wiiluiut eliaae. I." Factory hi Mi okl staml, eatahlislird far mnr. thaa tluilv-tivs years. AHHOTT 1:0 , Corner of Nii.HI aial Mi-lailreet., Mareh Sth, IMO SinVJa. PlnluilJrihia. JUKT KRCEIVED lot of I-.dre CLOT II t. H E.UEL 8 Blur. Sunbury, Dc. 1 1, I86S. tJWYNE'S FEVER StAUVE PII.1.8 -Th tt.oal S eJy nd permai.tnt cur fur Fever it Aim snd Remittent Fvrs, wilbont uy Cluinin or Calomel. Foi sU U FteJJEU'). OtaoUr It, &, THD V1TN iERICAN & FOREIGH now to nivivP "r R'e Mp..,s.Mc!.ACo.iKnliRS PATENT. flaiLi.tiHc Ameiicmt, mre cV ftiri PnipriM"rtnf th Agewv for Rwurinf Iho Hift'tiiig Uie mmi mit-r:MiBinl hi ihn "i'liit?'! Pltm. Tbc ' InVrHtfim, lu fi)Uni linr with the pfgreM of lnvti I em prre- nnWy fnunl. pun! fiflufii yrtin, hihI iiHve i-r- i tm liFCiTiy rr tlt in thin iicru'd, in-.TU Tntciit cnt- Bitl rntiflui'ici with in tin; Worlil. mi vittfiiPB ol miy "lln-r Aftntnf in iltcir nhilily nil! int:grit.y. they irtfctufideiir! texiv f.-r t-t tli f'jiUiiMttlil'riry fart, thnl niilh pntpi ieaj r icilcnlf l.ic Itwn inwl to Iheii rlirr. Mvo tliMtifuriit .urc nt' j hf; mirt rtnrniif Ihi'drnijl the ItriM hnvf cxiiiiiiiumI lumujrli tlivir cifinicul' 'fff"1, ihnf WnKl'injjlMM, into t'i ii -virlly of wli nil t-l"!! OiTitr hi Villi -nn. thus Hir-inltiiw to thrm kimw U (Wn'untid fn (fit of Urn I'moit !Vire,Hiirivnil"i1 ly n.iy T ilt crtt CV, N"t ntil' Ihift, liiil moip limn mir l;n! rW Hfffn Ifitm ne-(tnrel by Alnorifun citieui in tfe KurofJu' ln tii'f. iirGtuken thixngh t'un Mann ' Co.9 Artcnciet f.rnt!ont $ , Jirus!tr!t JUHbt and T7tnn?. 9$ Mrrnlni tnf Advlri fUw fo frcnirn Amrripun Port-iifti I'l'M-nm, will went., fret! of rhnrtrn, to nil ' niny wtth f"r thnl. MeMri; Alumi A Ct. pnnripiil f fiivit in Ni'tf Turk nre i n the new Hnrk Bnildinet, N. I Piirk K"W, f;i!tfrH rid of the Cily HhII Fnrk wharu ! till ruuiuiiinicfltiuiiii tthuiilil lift ililr'dKe-l, unit where InTeo i t t fire c .nhully ifi itvd to cull wlienrvcr thf-y visit lh citv. Mrf-r. JSTiinn 3c C'. refrr by permiwioii to IT on Chnt. Mu n. I :x-CnniniMioncr of I'mIimiI. Hm. .I'-pli II"it. I'iKilniiiK'fT (ii'iimi! nnd Kx Coinmininiif-r of Patent, nnd i nifln tn our vfii tl'Minntl Inventor in the Lulled Simp, ; wh.'c ptniri havo been prepnred antl proaecuted tlirutigh tiicir A2TMuy, Adtlresa Mt'NPf O. Nu. D7 Tar Kniv. New York. Mnrrt! 90, t3V E?a-JS CHEMICAL fBMI nndrriiinfd having received a large and i well selected stock of Pure Ornps onl ( firmlcal.t, Dyeatoffs, OiU, Paints, tilnss end Pu'ty, is no ready to fill order! a momenta rtotfee. In connuetion with Ibc above yon will find an aKsortinenI of Ksnry Notions, Toilrl Articles ami I'pilouiery of all kinds, Towh', Hnir, Nails and (.'lollies li rushes of every variety. Customer will' find his stock complete, com prising many articles it is impossible here to enumerate. HUM UMBER the 'place, under the office of tho 'Sunbury American." Physicians' Preemptions compounded accurate ly and carefully. A. W. FISHER. Sunburv, April 2d, 1859. Pcipher's Line, Kailroad Freight Cari BETWEEN soa jtgaji.rhiladelphia & Snnbnrylxp. fl 'UK sniiscriliei ia riniiiine n line of freight curs lo ami X from l'intniMpliiu wiliiout re-sliiiitient, niiil Iripcs lo efituhlisli a business ly prompt deliveries at reasona ble rntt-s. U'niel.oiiBe iu riiiluilelpiiia witli Frefil, Wan! .V Treed, 811 Muiltel street, wlifre enoiis Ace. fur Sunbury and inter mediate punits snouiii lie l-rt. T1IU.MA3 PEU'MI'.n, IlarrisliarK. Mnrc-h 10. 1 f5f Gm SPICES! SPICES ! ! SPICES ! 1 1 Vtire 11 ml So. I Ground Pepper. Guii?;r, CiiiiHiinoii. Alipice. i Iovb. AmTirmi uinl Mnulibli MiiUiuI. CVyeiiue IVpper, .nimcn8, Muce. Sup. Curli N-'tlii. Sultpetrt;, S.ilciatui. SM. s.Hi;i, Iiutm.i. Caniwav ini.1 Cuiniulrr P''ctl. Afctitnn !iirv nut! littiuml Suit, flee'. Fur til iin Kiiple. Milisnfil4 nnd CIO IN wtrf Front mruut corner of iNew. Pluhtlriplni.. IIOWAIU) WORItKI.f. IT" rurplinnern will Pud il l tlirir intert'Ht hth in (pinliiv pncii to Im y lin-rU' jinodr!, wIik-Ii nre war jib rtpro8fntHl nr lWrlVittU. A truil in tlicitcd. rhil;ulcl.iu.i, Mwrrli tO, IKVJ. I p8. SUNBURY FOUNDRY! rPJIE subscribers rispeetfully infirm the ritl 1 7.cns of .V'unliury and the public generally, that they have leased the Sunbury Koumlry oc cupied by Oeorijc Rnhrbnrli, pnJ'.hat they will tak possession cn the first day of April, m-xt. when iliry vfill be enabled lo furnish all kinds of Cast iiiRs, such as l'loivs, Stoves, &c &c, at aa low rutcs as ihey can li hud any where else. They are also manufacturing thrashing machines, and do ropuiriui; lit short r.oiiic. All orders addressed lo them will be promptly attended to. Country produce taken in exchange fir Cast ings at air tunes. CUXTO ROHRBACIT. JACOll ROIIRBACU, Jr. Sunbury, March 5, 16')9 3m Select Winter Goods A VERY LARGE STOCK!! J ust received at the People's One Price Store or E. Y. BRIGHT k SOtf, SI.'yRl'R Y, PA., OI'R present stuck includes a choice selortion of Dry (io. n!s, Head v M ado Clothing. I'oota ami Miots, Hardware, iirocertes, ltieens an i Classwure, Ac &e. Our Dress (Joods for lients' and Ladies, contain all the new and desirabla ailes. which lor fineness of texture, beauty, du rability and cheapness cannot be siirpn-r-cd. Onr Heady M aite Clothing was selected with great cire, and all goods wnir.ihtcd to be what ihey are r-preseiiled. Boots and Shoes of all kinds. 1 lata and Caps of every stvleand priee, and we solicit a careful inspection of rur large assorlinenl of HtJiSlEKY, KACY NOTIONS, oic. tiroctries fresh and pure. Our Hardware embraces the lurgi-st stock of any othsr establish ment in this section of country. Please call and examine. V Sri'ur to Pleas. K. Y. HHKiHTiSi SON. friuiibury, November S7, Uoi. " central hotel, SUNEUHY, Kortliumbcrland County. Pa. rMM3 large and commodious Hold, now (in ished and completely furiiishcil with entire new furniture, at a large expense hv SlieriiV Van- dyko, and muale al Ihe Rnilroud Depot north east corner of Market Sipiore. .Sunbury, and at the terminus of the Sunbury i lOiie and .oilh em I' Railrosds, will be open for the accom rnndation nf Travelers and the public in general 011 the FlltST DAY OF JAM ARY. I8.MI. The priprietnr will give his ex-.lusive atten tion, toihe comfort and convenience ol his guests and is de erinineil to make this estublishmeut rank among the first in the 5lnli Hi: table will be supplied with the best tha ma'ket can pro Jure having tbe advantage of duilv contmuniisalion hy cars direct from Haiti more, mid also from lliuso bringing pruduc fiuin the suirouinliiig country. His bar will be supplied wilh the purest liquors the markel can proiiui I'a-el'ul and obliging tdvants always in at lenience. A siiar nf the local and traveling community is most rcij tclfully sol'irited. .JOSEPH MOIST, Lessee. Puubury, Pee. 18, leM. Ucukss P. Aasrr. Joitt A. Nsrr. ABBEY As NEFP.I Mo. 5')S Norlli T1IIKU street, (lince doors above Vm.,)' I'llll.AIlKl.l'IIIA. . THE OLD HAROWAJIB STAND. r.STASI.ISIIKU 'J'WCKTV-I-'OI' YSASS.) I ' VFItY desi-i iption ol lliiildiii, .Hm-liaiui-al, Furnihi I aud lloiisehokl HAKbH AM'., ra 11 w 111 H re, and Will I otlrmt a! la. biwot III;.' a..l prices, tw Ct.ah antl iiioiudI six months buvcia Nails mi .Mauulaclurets' on' j vi. lor i.'usli. I (Jitters i'roni sew enstotnera wiM receive strict amtaeea rale atu-uiioti, una all soodss.tir I'Mai tins Iiosm will be as1 I repreneiitetl. I IV" Ooi'H'TBT MeseasSTs, on il.eir nest visit to our I euy lo make their forma: nmoliasea. ai. i-ouiially invtled 10 call sua rxailliliS our Elocs eml friees liejoie iureliai in. Murik itih, lefts 3ti.V1. JOSEPH FUSSELL, JVb. 8, North Fourth Street, PHILADELPHIA. ASl'FACTURER nuattiy eafUMx bBKLLAS aud PARASOLS invite lh allci lion of buyers lo his xtensiv s-tor, nibracing many style not berelofor introdaeaal Philad.lphia,-Jlsreh IS, I85W IJ)('RE OLIVE OIL for I.I Ie n.e. i-sf t H sad fl'ij cent jua-t r-KivJ (, A.VVMnBJJi July 17. ' t