Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, May 07, 1859, Image 2

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    LkM Iratai tkt South PClflo.
Nkw Yii, May 2d.
Tbe following information telegraphed
from AKpinwalk to PunanvOo tha 2UI, the
d i the Northern Light Vrt port.
The Parifle Steam Nidation Company's
steamer "New Grant." arrived here nl C
A.M. She brills ypMsengers, ond a large
specie end freight ' She reporH that a
revolution broke Arequipa, hut it was
suppressed. TI'om7'nd,er, Vle IT0"1'
nl Oopiopa, thA" 1bVh.90Re.?"
Litionisls. is cour murtiuled at Ban U-
0 A11 vtJe. In l'eru. A Revolution
had broken"! in Ounyttvuil .gain., the
,j ,,vrnm ,0 bpen ln,,lFB,ed
the Peru"8 'n l10rt' '1 keP tlie blockade
. I'-Jrirjops. commanded by two officers,
Ufmjd to arrest President Hobles.
yi)tjiie officer in command slated to the
fent his mission, llobles drew a revnl-
Jtid shot him dean, he then thot the se
officer, which hud tic effect of dispers
he troops,
e Pacilic Steam Navigation Cutnpany'e
iteamer "Prince of Wules," struck a rock
Hear Chiloe, and wont to pieces.
From tun.
Pt. Lotih, My 2.
The Bait Luke correspondent of the Re
publican, of this city, under date of the 8U1
ultimo, Bun that the excitement among the
Mormon!) lias somewhat abated. This is at
trihnted in patt to the knowledge the Mor
mons here have as to the practical working of
the jury l.iw, which was passed by tho late
Legislature, it being a complete breastwork
to the punishment of any crime that my be
committed by the Mormons.
Under the law, the Clerks oTthe Mormon
county Oonrts select the Grand and Petit
Juries of the Federal Courts, ond such re
strictions are imposed as disqualify uIoiofI
every Gentile in the Territory.
The rupture between the Judiciary nnd
Kxecutive, is stated to be open aud irrecouci
hble, unless the Governor yields, which he
will not do. And if the Administration in
terferes in a manner detrimental to tho cause
(f tbe Judges, they will resign.
The Jndues publish a manifesto, disclosing
darker and bloodier scenes than any hereto
fore exposed.
Judge Crudlebnngh adjourned the Court,
at Provo city, tine die, being unable to ac
complish anything.
Brigham Young delivered a temperate dis
conrse at tho Tabernacle, ou the 7th ult.
Tub Poky op Sami-el Ykagkr, the Misstxo
Eastos Mbrcuaxt Found Eauton April 29.
Great excitement prevails lu re, caused by
the announcement that the body of Mr.
Bscnuel Yeuger, the missing merchant of this
place, hud been found in tho Ohio river, at
Kast Liverpool, forty five miles below Pitts
buig. Tlie body was found on tho lGlh
instant, and it is supposed to have been in the
water some two weeks or more. The verdict
of the Coroner's jury was accidental drown
ing. IWearlv S411U in money was lonnil upon
the body. J 1 is memorandum book, keys, and
some papers, were also foucd. The remains
have been sent for, and will be brought on
Here lor re-uiterment.
Ikdiax Affairs is Utab Washinaton
April 30. Dr. Pornpy, the superintendent i.f
Indian Atlairs lor Utah, writes to the Indian
liurenii, tinder date of March IStli. thut he
is in possession ol'.euch reliable informolion
4i leaves no doubt of tho complicity of the
Mormons in the Mountain Meadow massacre,
nod that a few days after it there was
distributed to each of tbe leading church dig
tiitaries 850 worth of property. The seven
teen children who escaped were in bis care,
end arrungemrnts had been made to restore
them to their friends in Arkansas.
The Colombia Democrat publishes the fol
lowing portion of a lettet from Charles 11.
IJuckalew, giving so account or tbe earth
quake at Quito :
QsiTO, 22nd March. 1859.
Dear Bin: 'NTe bud this morning, at
o'clock, the most severe earthquake whicu
lias visited Quito duiing the present ceutury.
lis duration was about one minute. The
epiros of many churches are thrown down,
roofs of houses falleu in, und the streets in
many places lined with broken tiles precipi
tated Irotn above. 1 hare jnst returned from
visiting the Flores House, from which we re
moved on the 17th instant. It is it ruins
a great part of the roof is down, also n purl
of the second story j tho chimney top, throw u
with violence, carried awuy the stable roof,
eonio of the furniture is crushed, and the
brick and tics ere piled four or five feet deep
over the bed places where we slept. We es
caped the catastrophe by five dnyB.
My present house is uninjured, is reasona
bly secure against future shucks, sad there is
plenty uf open pround adjoining for refuge.
Mrs. Biii-kilew, and I passed iuto the pulio,
and the cbil.lreu acd servants into the gar
den duriug the shock from our position, I
caw the action of the house, and tbe move
ment of the eattb to udvantago.
A bricklayer, on the roof, workiug at a
chimney top, found it thrown in confusion
around him. and look u firm grip to hold hi in
Fell' from following th fragments. There is
more or his of itijuiy all over the city, but
details are yet unknown. ! do not thiilk the
nauiber killed is very Urge. I have had time
to uiuke only a slight peisonal examination,
the houses are very much shattered, und
another severe shock would produce immense
It-ports from neighboring villages repre
sent them as having suffered severely, aud
we await news from the South, where previ
as earthquakes have been most severe. 1
might fill my sheet with reports, but have
confined niysslf'in this letter to what I know.
Your's respectfully,
C. E. BrciALiw.
IIoo. W. J. 'Woodward.
Eckpcbv akd Erib Raii.road. We lesrn
from the Luck Haven J Unmet at that the
middle division of the Huubnij aud Krie
railroad, embracing the backbone t,t tin
Alleghenies, was not permanently located
until within a few dnys past. Of course
there was much difficulty in ascertaining the
best route amidst such a wilderness of lofty
mountuius. Purveys hud been made several
years ugo, but none of them proved satisfau
lory, and for the last two or three years there
were one or more corps of cngineeis constant
ly on various proposed routes. Tbe road
Las at length been permanently located, on
the Driftwood branch of the bniDrinalioning
by way of St. Mary, in Llk coauty. This
is the line recommended by ('apt. Jarrett,
and is no doubt the best, cbeffpeH nd must
advantageous to tlie railroad geuerully,
A Ccbbb RicuovED Womanhood every,
where is experiencing the evil efiects of the
curia indicted on her sex, by Kve's disubedi.
enca in tbe garden of Klen. l'ver since our
ancient mother' first effort tn hide hershnme
for violating tbe expressed will of hr Ciea
tor, by sewing together uud wearing fig leaves
her daughters have beeu doomed to "stitch
away their lives," in obedience to the exor
bitant demands of fugliio', in tho modern
adornments of her sex. The only relief llity
can ever expect from the drudgery of baud
sewing, must he found in the introduction i f
(iitovE& Uakrr Sewing M .thine into
every household, liy its us every w.fe and
mother will have ample leisure to brtow at
tention to tbe education of her children, do
better sawing than by band, and bive bealtb
ad mora eomlort than ihexan possibly bate
without Uaor k BMM MshlB.
H. B. MASSER, Editor and Proprietor.
To AomTtsnt. -The eireiilntlon or Ilia Pnuhaty
Amorionn aniens ttiat itilTerent towns on the flnsnuelii"a
In notr Jteewten if eqnelled by nay pper publihd in Noith
frn I'ennfYlvnnin.
C2" The lovely weather of this week Is re
markable. Never have we known the month
of May to come in more anspiciouFly. We
have every rcesoo to hope fur an nbundaut
VW The river is in fine rafting order, ond
targe quantities of timber aud lumber ore go
ing down. The lumber trade of the West
Branch seems to be incrriu'np.
Aorocno. The Sleatnliout Sasque.
hantiB, on Saturday last, tan aground on the
opposite side of ihe river. Tlie most strenu.
ous exertions were required to get her uQoat.
She went aground, bow on, and with snclt
force ns to leave but eight inches of water un.
der her. Her draft is three feet. This acci
dent has caused serious inconvenience to the
$2" Piiii.AHKi.ruiA Klecvion. The muni.
cipal election iu Philadelphia, cn Tuesday
last, pnssed off very quietly, scarcely nny ex
citement prevailing even at tho polls. The
opposition were successful, electing tho city
Treasurer, City Commissioner end a majority
of both brunches of the Council.
KT J- A. J. Cuniniingp, Efq , who lately
published ft map of Northumberland countv
if now engaged, we learn, in getting ope map
of Montour ond Columbia counties.
C5" J. Weiser Bassler purchased the dwel.
ling house and brick store room at the corner
of Market ond Fawn slrcets, for S3.P50, frem
Mr John Yonng, who intend retiring from
the mercantile business in which be has been
engaged for a number of years.
Mr. Yoang is the oldest merchnut in this
place, and retires from business with thu
good wishes of numerous friends, which he
gained by his honorable dealings and his
excellent sociul qualities.
We invite the attention or our renders
to the advertisement of Mr. T. G. Conprr in
another column, who bus just opeucd an en.
tire new stock of Fancy Dry Goods and a
generul variety of notions, next door to the
Post Office. Mr. Cooper is an attentive end
obliging gentleman, and will be happy to have
bis friends give him a call and be convinced
tbat he has the largest stock of fnncy Dry
Goods, of the latest style and fushion, in this
place. Any articles which ho has not on
hand, can be bad at short notico by leaving
on order at his store.
(ST Accident. Mr. Carrtdv, one of the
employees on the Northern Central Railway,
Lad his arm horribly mutilated on Friday
night last by the 11 o'clock train going south,
opposite the public school house in this place.
It appears he had imbibed a little too freely
during the evening, and laid down along side
of tbe track with bis right arm across the
rail. Unfortunately the engineer flM not dis
cover him in lime to stop .the train. His
arm was cut and mutilated from his wrist
to the elbow. He wns taken to the Central
Hotel, and several physicians called in. His
arm was successfully amputated above the
elbow on Saturday morning, by Drs. Peal,
SIiiDdel and Awl.
C3f A Dkowned Man Foixd. The body
of no unknown mun was discovered lying in
the Susquehanna river nt the opper end of
Hitycrs' Island, about two miles below this
place, on Saturday laFt. Information was
given to Coroner G. Y. Wcise, who held an
inquest. He is generally supposed to have
been sccidently drowned as no maiks of vio
lence were found upon his person. There
wui nothing about Lim by which he could b
identified. He was a mun from 25 to 35
years of age, about five feet eight inches in
height, ordinarily built, with black linir, an
excellent set of teeth and had several scars
on his left arm ; had on a pair of dark pluin
pantaloons, vest, roundabout and a pair of
boots. A silver lepine watch, sixty cents in
money and two keys were found upon
his person, which are in the possession of Cor
oner Weise of this place. His remains were
interred on the bank of the islaud.
2" Tub Dornugh Conncil, on Tuesday
evening, appropriated $200 to the Good Iu.
tent Fire Company. We must congratulate
the members upon the new era they have in
augurated. The exercise of discreet liberali
ty is elwnys a virtue ; aud we thiuk that sum
of money could not have bctn more properly
applied. The money, although ostensibly
given to the Company, is in reulity ouly iu
vested for the mutuul protection of the pro
perty of on'r citizens. The orguuization of a
fire department is absolutely necessary, and
those who devote their time and labor for the
protection of ull. should not be compelled to
provide apparatus at their own expense.
The fireman asks no pny for his services
His object is only benevolence. Those only
who have been active members of the d ait.
incut can koow and reulize the (xrrtior.s re.
quirt d to maintain it, and the labor necessary
to make it useful- The pablio are benefited
by it. AVlio knows ut whut moment his pro.
parly may be in danger of conflagration.
Our towu bus been seriously warned lately.
Oor firemen have wonder with tha miser
able means with which they are faroishedi
aou is iu rough their skill and bard work alone
that have been laved from seiious loss.
It is asking too much of them to maintain
their orguniiation longer without the proper
ppa'atua. Aoy on who does not, upon re
flection, approve aod applaud tbe action of
tbe Council in this instauce, ought to expect
Do fuvor friiot the firemen.
W are pressed to learn that this appro
prialion passed vnanimoutly. Tha Council
have proved themselves worthy of tha confl.
dance of our citizens; and it is ool out of place
here to lay that tha "Guui JnWu't" eminent
ly dsvnm tb Una.
Ntw Yore, May 8d, 1859.
Tha merry month of May having arrived, it
li (o be hoped that lest rain, and more steady
and pleasant weather will fellow. Notwith
standing tbe ppen winter, and prospect for
an enrly spring, tegctntioo la not as forward
as was anticipated. The yoepect of a fair
crop of fruit, this season, Is thus fur favorablei
which will be a blessing to all, high nod low,
rich and poor, but more particularly to the
the latter, as money seems ta be capable, in
this ego of progress of securing almost any
thing, without regard to season or rlimute.
After a look into the windows of Taylor's Sa
loon, one might almost imagine that the
Strawberry, Cherry and Grape season wai
consolidated and had arrived, some months
earlier than usual, However, this allusion is
soon dispelled when one inquires the price of
these delicacies. The strawberries have fal
len in price fifty per cent, within the last ten
days. A fine looking quality, can now be had
at cue dullur and fifty cents per quart, cher
ries at 25 cents per buueb of five, or five cents
eucb. l'hu old adage of mukiug two bites of
a cherry, might, perhaps, not be deemed so
absurd, in connexion with such prices.
Grapes, mostly thu black Hamburg, are worth
from two dollars to three dollars per pound.
The cherries aud strawberries come from Su.
vannah, Georgia. The grapes ate hot house
productions, mostly ruised iu Massachusettr,
aud considerable quantities ore sold in this
city evcu at these prices. Jndeed there is
scnrctly any luxury thut can be named but
what can be bad in New York, if one is wil
ling to pay for it.
Monday Inst wns moving day in New York,
being a month later than we Pennsylvnniaus.
There is on Hint dny a great time among the
furniture carts in the streets. The moving
mania prevuils to a much greater extent in
this city than iu the country. Even persons
of great wealth who own their residences are
frequent movers.
The affairs of Europe are still in a very un'
settled state, aud the opinion is still main
tained that war is inevitable, notwithstanding
the lubt news is rather more pacific in conie
sequeuce of Sardinia, ut the instance or France
and England having agreed to the principle
of disarming. But this is merely the princi
ple, the fact, I presume will be ouother mat
ter. Governor Wise of Virginia, who is famoui
for his Umg und laborious productions, bus just
defined his position on the Popular Sover
eignty question, in n letter of some thirty
columns in length. The Governor takes
back nearly all his I'iberul views, hereto
fore expressed, and snys bis views in oppo
sition to the President oo the Kuosas ques
tion, was owing to the outrageous villainy
and frauds perpetuated by those who got up
and favored the Lucompton Constitution.
The Southern men ere generully for the South
without regard to principle, when it comes to
the sticking point. The South who now con"
tend thut a tariff is tinju t and uuconslitulion"
al, were the first under Mr. Calhoun, to hub.
tain it. New Englaud was then largely en
gaged in Commerce, and consequently Mr.
Webster himself, whorepresouted the New
F.ngland iutcrests in Congress, iu 1820. made
a strong speech against a Protective Tariff.
Most of those Southern men who supported
that doctrine of Popular Sovereignty as laid
down by Judge Douglass in his Kansas Ne
braska Bill, are now backing out, as the Pre
sident himself bus do no
As an evidence of the South, in regard to
the question of Slavery, the following extract
from one of the Mississippi pupers, will show
how little at tentiou or respect they pay to
I lie. laws or requirements of tha Constitution
whilst they are eternally Dr.diug fault with
the North, for not more strictly enforcing the
Fugitive Slave Law :
"One TnocsAND African Negroes Wan
ted. An advertisement appears in the .Yens,
publiehed at F.nterprie, Miss , addressed to
ship owners and masters of our mercantile
murine, offering 300 eucb for 1.000 tiutive
Africuus, between the Hires of fourteen and
twenty, sound and healthy, to be delivered
within twelve months nt soma point between
Peiisacnla, Fla., utul Galveston, Texas. The
advertisement is signed by eighteen responsi
ble citizens, whose chnraciers is Touched for
by the editor of the Aeu s."
Kmckkriiocker Maoazinh. This ancient
nud vuluable monthly publication for May
has made its appearance ond it is unquestion
ably one of the very bent Magazines of tbe
present day. In the number lying before us
is commenced two serials : one illustrated
and iu popular style, on the Adulteration of
loud the suliject nearest the health und
happiness of every family in tbe land, and
now ullracting great attention in Furopei
the other, u fascinating and powerful story of
domestic life, entitled : Tus: Ron am s of a
Poon Yot'NO Man. by Octave Fcuillet, a very
able und influential writer, and it is said to be
the best novel produced within the lust five
The club ratrs of this Magazine are as fol
lows i Two copies for one year, $5 ; three
copies $G; and the subscribers paying their
own postage, 24 cents per year, at tlm office
where the Magazine is received. For one
single subscriptiou peryeor, publisher paying
the postage S3. It is well woith it. No
trash in this --publication. John A. Grav,
publisher, 1G Si 18 Jacob SU New Yoik.
17'Caxal Uuoki. A break hat occurreJ in
North Dranih Canal ofio serious a character,
that it will he several weeks yet hefoie the canal
will he in proper order for boatmen to enter upon
without danger of being detained five or aix days
at a time, by the banks tiviii g way.
Si Damasks bt tiis I.ati Flooii The
late flood on the Wnl Hunquehanna Jul consider
able damage. Twenty-four raftt escxd over
the dam at Lock Haven, and were completely
wrecked. The high water on Larry's Ciei'k was
unusually severe in iu effects, earrvi.ig away
dams, bridges, and large quantities of timber.'
VlT The editor of tbe Millonian, paid a
visit to Northumberland lust week and speakg
of tha Qua scenery of tha Blue Hill as fob
lows : J-
'Blue Hill, around whose base tha Sus
quehanna laves its waters, present grand
and picturesque scenery, aud inspires on
equally as much ai do tha ragged peaks of
Switzerland the Swiizer.
(3T K iixkd. The night train on tha
Northern Central Railway going South, oa
Monday night last, ran ovsr a woman naar
Maoty, killing bar Instantly. Boa wai in.
The quantity sent by railroad this week it
30,184 H by canal, -83,470 14 for tha
week, C3.G55 08 tons, against 67,231 tons for
the corresponding week last year.
Thu canal, it will he observed, lends the
railroad again over 8000 tons.
The trade hns improved a little within tha
last week, but prices rule ruinously low.
The trade sum up this week as follows t
1P5 -
rirmiti.t rt, n.,
tv'litu Ik ill ("mini,
l.fliigh Vii'li-y It.
Do Cnrul,
8rnmtoii Jinuth,
Do. ISoilll,
BmuU Top,
.Hi. I Ml
1 1 ,S70
13 075
i.e. 1
a leva
1 1 0
11. ;m
10 3TU
2,4 ,i
l MS
N" foi. .it.
en :it
lUI.DTS 0l,s7
JSVCSHl 171 en
lUI,'f.1 l)lli,87
Incrrnnin IF50 Inns, 3,iS:l SGO.&OS
All the regions show an Increase for the
week over the corresponding week last year
except the hiliiij Ikill and Trevortnn. 1 ue
loss from the Schuylkill is by railroad.
Miners Journal, Mill ult.
Loi'is, Mo. Ou Saturday night week a de
monstration was made by the tirickmukers at
St. Louis, Mo., with music and banner", on a
strike fur higher wuges. And on i-rid.iy
last, leaving music and banners at home
some two hundred rioters again assembled,
armed themselves with clubs, rocks, end
brickbats, und proceeded southward, uttnek
ing successfully the brick yards on their
route. I lie yurus or at least six linns were
invaded, tbe fences broken down, thu tables
upset, the mould broken, uml much other
injury inflicted. The course of the party is
uesciibed ns 11 wild and swill rush, winch left
no time for those whoso property wus mena
ced lor its defence. At the dislurbiincu
whs quelled by the police arresting several,
uud by using their revolvers. The dumnue
done to thu property of thu various tirick
yards is estimated al tint less than $d,000
Large quantities of freshly-cast brick were
broken up, und t lie fixtures ceneiully demol
ished. We understand thai theslriKe which
was penceubly and protcrly begun, and winch
has thus resulted, was commenced among the moulderK, whose pay is now $40 per
111011II1, uml w lio 11181M upon :i0. 1 iiey uie
Joined by "leinperets, "wheelers, mo) "oil
bearers," who demanded a portiutiul increase
or lueir wages.
Fahnrhk' Mituai. Firb Insurance Co. or
Mibbi.u Pennsylvania. An Act incorpora
ting this Company, having tieeu passed liy
the late Legislature of this Stale, 10 ba lo
cated in tiliu borough of Duiiville, the Com
iiiissioiiers nuineil in the act met at the
House of Geo. W. Freeze, on last Tuesday,
and orgui ized said Compuny by the election
ol tue following ouicers, viz :
Presideul-r- Wm. Follmer, of North'd co
Vice President Dr. T. U. Hull, of Mou
Secretary John fcveritt, of Montour.
Treusurer Samuel VorKs, jr,ol Montour
The following persons weie elected to
constitute the Executive Committee, who
Iruusuct all the busiuuss of the Company,
viz :
AoiUour co. Wm. Yorks, Abm. Waijner;
Ctiltimlna cn. P. M. 1 rough 1). A. bowman
Northumberland co. EllUu John, J. S. Gear
Tha Company is now fully organized and
will proceed ut once upon the huMiiets I
Insurance, which is lo be confined tn farmers
exclusively uo properly in villages, town or
titles hem j allowed to be insured by this
company at uuy rate wliutever. Jt is 111 thu
hands of prudent, active and euegetio gen
tlemen, and will no doubt prove a sale, sure
aud useful institution. Th lurmers of this
secliou ol country ought to insure liberally
in this Company, us we understand Ihe rutee
will be 111 null below those uf any similar msli
lution in the Stule.
The next meeting of the Company, for the
election o. a iiourd ol llirccloi. will lie on
the 2d Tuesday of next December lu thu
meauliine the Commissioneis named in tin
Act of Incorporation will constitute the
liiiurd ol Dirrctoie, viz : Abm. Miipmon
Wm. Follmer, Stephen K I use. jr.. Kbit a John
J. S. Gnarhait, J. It. Hull, Jos. Levers,
A bin, Wagner. John M e W illianis, Williuin
iks. D. . Clark, Linuiiiiel LuzarcF, Ma
lliios Applemati. I'. M, Trough und Allen
liowuiuu IJunviile Ihmneral.
C3' The State Centrul Coirmittte of tie
Slate flights Democracy of Pennsylvania
ussembled nt Alloonaon Wednesday last
A Urge number of memhrrs were in atlen
dunce, and much enthusiasm wns manifested.
Resolutions were adopted to the following
effect :
1. That it is inexpedient nt the present
lime to nominate a &ut ticKet-
2. Formully proclaiming onalternble rpnn
sition to the doctrine of Congressional inter
ventinn in relation to shivery in the Territo
ries as ndvnmted by the KepMblicims in their
platform or lSSG, for tlm prohibition Admin
istration Democrats for the protection of
sluvery in the Territories.
3. Recommending Ihe friends of popular
sovereignly tn vote inr no candidates at the
coming sni) future elections, for county. SiuIp
or notional offn es who refuse tn stand clearly
upon me doctrine winch recocnises the tirin
ciple that the people of tha Territories, like
those of a State shall form and regnlute their
own domestic institutions in their own wnv.
4. Recommending to the Union Slate rights
Hemocracyol Pennsylvania tn demand at a
times nnd in ull places, the adoption of the
principles promulgated by th Harrisburg
Convention of the 13th or April. 18fi9 and
which were enunciated in I he Ciucinnatti plat,
form of 185fi, nud in Mr. Buchanau'g letter
of acceptance.
ft. That county committees of correspon
dence be created.
A committee wns appointed to issue an
address 10 the people of l oin svlrnnin.
Speeches were made by nil the members
of the committee, and the utmost unanimity
prevailed throughout.
$3 jnkbkutic Asvi.i'M. The trustees of
thu proposed Inebriate Asluni in New York
have issued an appeal to the churches of the
Luited Stutes, and American public, for as
listuoce. Some uf the statements are start
ling, as for example, ihe following :
"Who can doubt the vital importance of
sucu an a;yluni wlien, even belore its first
story is completed, applications havo beeu
made for admittance, many of which are from
l no patienu themselves I Among the spoil
cunts are twenty eight clergyman, thirty six
pnyaiciuns, lorly two luwyera. three ludees
twelve editors, four army and three naval
omcers. one hundred and seveuty nine mer
c hunts, fifty five fanners, five hundred and
fifteen mechanics, and four hundred and ten
women, who are from the high walks of life
6jT Si'vaniT its Euia IUiluoid We
learn from the Williamsporl piu that thetrack
of ihe Sunury md Erie Railroad ia completed
far tha distance of three miles from that plat a, ao
hulrlhs curs can pass over it. The work is pro
giCMiing rapidly, and will snnn let some of our
western friends out the w ooJh.
t2T I" Opkation. Tha "Lancaster" and
'Green Ridge" Collieries, two of the largest
colivries'in the Sliumokin Coal Region, which
bad not been in operation for soma lima past,
have been put in operation and are now (end
ing coal to market.
PiTxssoa'i Coihtkbfrit DiTEOTOB. For
May ia on tand, ready and able to condemn
any ipurious bill ibat might coma before it.
Peterson's detactor, Philadelphia, ia a lure
(aides with it a person cannot easily ba law
0 far astray as U tab sparlew kill.
Prooeodiogs of the Borough Council.
Buxacat, May 8d, U59.
Council met It being tl stated niabt of meet
Ing, Chief Durgeta tn tha Chair. Mambare pre
eent Sbindet, Voengman, W. A . Urentr, Btroh,
Lyons, M. 12. Buetter, Gray, WilverL r riling.
J. J. lfruner and Clark.
siinutes of last meeting read, and on motion,
the resolution to examine tha Uorongli Engine
was alrieken out, after which there being no
objection lliey atand ad.ipteu.
Committee on finance reported settlement
with Jacob (. Deck and Philip Clark late tiuper
visors. Un motion the report was adopted.
Committee on Vice and Immmality reported
persona selling drunk and traveling the streets,
insulting peaceable citizens, and boys and young
men ossemiilmg in the streets, lanes, allevs and
at church doors while service is held therein, in
sulting ladies, "homing, trespassing upon pro
petty of the citizens, 4c, A c.
And V hereas, Minora are In the liaMt ol
frequenting and lounging in and a)out Hotels
and Keslauionts, which the committee beliere
to he injurious to the morals of Ihe community,
and lo be 1 lie mesns if leading suck minors from
Ihe pith of rectitude unbe.nowu to their parents
lir.snivtn, That tlie Committee on Ordi
nances be instructed to draft ordinances for the
prohibition of the evils rcfeired to In the above
preamble,' rausin? Ihe offenders to be arrested
and punished by fines ur imprisonment.
Kksolvkd, That lor the punctual execution ot
the duties of the officers who may be authorized
to perform the duties of arresting the offenders
ef such ordinances, Ihe Committee on Ordi
nances tie instructed to draft an Ordinance fixing
a penalty to the officer w ho may he authorized,
for negleeting or refusing to perform the duties
of their ollire.
On motion the report and rcsolutt. ns were
Coinaiiltee on Highways and sidewalks re
ported Market street, in the square, in a bud
Condition. to carry oil
the water, and recommended that a survey and
estimate of the cost of grading and macada
mizing or gravelling the same, be made as
early as possible. The side-walks are so lum
bered np wilh boxes that persons can scarce
ly get along them. A numbel or persons have
refused or neglected to lay their pavements
and recommend that the necessary steps bo
tuken to enlorce the Ordinance aguinst ull
delinquents without delay. They also re'coin-
mend the grnding ami paving ol Lilackberry
aud Fawn streets, nnd thai the surveys be
mado at once, and filling up of tbe side-walk
in Broadway at the Uasin. They report the
bridge at I. T. Clement's saw null in a bud
condition. The bridge across the Gut near
J. M. HoMiun's house is ulso in a bad condi
tion, but thiuk thu borough would not be
justifiable in ex ending anything, believing
that It is not within tho bounds ol the lio
rough. They also recommend cleansing the
streets and alleys.
On motion, the report wos adopted.
Tbe Committee on Survey reported, that
the streets. and alleys havo not their
proper drainage, the side-walks rough and
uneven. Therefore.
Rks.oi.ved, That the Chief Burgess be nnd
he is hereby directed to procure a competent
Civil F.ngineer for tho purpose of grading
every street and alley within suid borough.
The said Engineer to put down grado slalins
every one hundred feel at least iu the streets
and on tho side walks.
On motion, the report ond resolution were
Committee on Grave Yard reported, and
recommend cleansing the paths of the "new
part," and filling tho sunken graves in the
' old part" with the ground taken from the
said paths, also, to widen the path from the
northern sido to the bier-hnure, and n gnle
and path from the eastern (or Fawn street)
side to the same They recommend'a new
gate on tho northern side, and the appoint
iiietitofa sexton to keep the Grave Yard in
order, under tbe coutrol ufthe Uurgcsses and
On motion, tlm report adopted.
A memorial from the committee of the
Good Intent Fire Kngine Company, was pre
sented uskn.i; an appropriation of two hundred
dollars for tbe purchase of a uew fire appa
ratus. On motion of P. M. Shindel, Rrsoi.vpp.
That an appropriation of two hundred dollars
tie made to the Good Intent Fire Compuny,
for the purpose of purchasing n new Kegine.
On motion ilC. J limner, Ilmni.vnn, Thut
an order be granted in favor of Win. L. Dew.
urt for thu use of the Good Intent Fire Com.
pany for twenty dollars, which sum is to be
credited 00 a Judgment ho holds against the
Boron sh.
High Constable F. Merrill, reported the
streets, lanes und alleys in a had condition
Also, the river bank. Ac. Adopted.
On 111 olio 11 of P. W.Gray, it was Rrsolved,
That the Chief Buries he requested lu require
the hamoUn Volley and l'oltsville Iiailrusd
Company la fill up ihe Basin south of their road
KOas to make Hiver street pastahle.
lijFolotion offered by .Mr. Gray, to increase
the salary of the Chief Burgess and Clerk. On
motion, laid on the table.
On motion of W. A. Bruner; Resolved, That
Ihe Hiuh Constable be required to notily all
persons having placed nuisance in Ihe streets,
lanes or alleys 111 Ihe Borough, to have them re
moved by the 13th inst, and that all persons
neglecting t) remove them be fined according to
ihe Laws of the Borough, and that they rrmave
them t the ex peine of those persons.
On motion of P. M. Hhiudel, Resolved, Thai
the Council proceed to the election of a Solicitor.
C. J. Bruner, was nominated and unanimously
elected Solicitor fur Ihe ensuing year.
A motion was ina-ie tn reconsider tha vote of
last meeting on the High C'nn.taMu's bill lor last
year. A vote was taken and inst.
On motion, adjourned to meet on Monday
evening next. J.XO. W. BCCIIF.K, Clerk.
Ms. Editor :
The statement made in
your paper some time in March, on the con
dition of the "First German Reformed Con
giegatiou worshiping in bunhury," wus incor
rect. Then tho liabilities of said congrega
were estimated nt $7UU whereas they in reali
ty umount to about, $900 UO
At the dinner on the 22J of
February, $2CG 00 were
reulizvd, of which $2f0 00
were paid to creditors, de
ducting which, leaves to ba
paid, 630 00
The $1G 00 not paid over,
remained in the hands of
the Trees., according to
order, gave 81 00 to tha
Sewing Society, and tba
remaining $13 00 ha paid
to the Treas. of tha Coo
The amount realized at tha
Ladies Fair held by tha
bowing Society, during
April Court was, f482 50
Kxpenses, 71 92
Deducting which leaves,
Remaining from diuner,
410 CO
12 00
422 CO
Amount due creditors, $227 40
This amount it is hoped can ba raised by
We raised thus, through tba liberality of
our citizens, in alt $072 60. Wa are hearti
ly thankful to tha community for their kind
palrouags and liberality. May tha giver of
every good and perfect gift, bountifully bless
yau from. bis rich store of Heavenly Graca,
for having ministered to ns. and through as
to Him. Wa eae but thank yoaraay lie
bless yoa.
By order of tbe
SrwciT, May 4, 1859.
The Northern Central Hallway.
Arrivnl and departure of Tsmnrer Trains oa aud aflat
Aran. 18th, Ibiu, at stmi, M .,Uows t
Tattae. For Harrisbarg ft Bihlmore, tmrssftanlary
Mad Train, .... SSSA.M.
BuiT.k. Nlngara Rxptaaa, . . 11 41 f M.
Uurdaii and I'aiwiati-r, . . S Otf u
Tsaiss. Prom Barii.)nr fc Halt., Arrive tantory.
Mall Twin, . . . 3119 p, m.
nniiiHiiann minra tcxprau, III lu
Uurilen and leenaer, . . . SOU A.M.
ooiNo Ntmnt.
Tbaws. Fot Williamaaorl fc Elmira, Leaves Jnnlitiry.
Mod Trnin, . - . . til P.M.
UuAulo and Ninpini Fiprefa, . Jo is
Ilurden and Paasenprr, . . SOU A.M.
Taurus. From Klmira fc Williamtpt, ArrlvsitPunrinry
Mull Train, .... e Si A.M.
n.ilTulii and Nincnra Expma, . 1 1 3H P. M.
Duidt.ii and lVatenger. ... 4.00 11
The Khumohln Tnllrjr and rattsrlll Railroad
Passenger train Irovei Siinhurv at . 8.1S A. M
" " Jit. Camel, 4 3u P. M
ncscojji, Jun ?, I?59
Gents: I am renuestrd tv Mr. T. A. C. Cochrane, nf
Ihii plnee, In my In you Unit on the innrnin nf the lh
inatmit, nlMlit 3 o'clock, hi atore tm.h fire, uml I lie more
lock of ftivnla wm (Irmrn)rd. The heat lieennie an rud
denly intense t lint nnne of the pi.Kla could pnFit)y he
tnveil; Inn fortmiHlrly hit Inuikaand pnpeia, whiih were
in one nf y.nir Ciiiitnpein tn, were all pmervtd pri.
fretly. And well they may lie cnlleil Clinmpion, nr riming
the whole r'MinitgTiiliiiu lliere wnt one in.-riftiiiit pouring
of flame dneelly upon the anfn which cnntninetl litem
And anil, upon iipriunp it, the inanle win I'ninitl to lie
acarerly wnrm. while the uulaiue wna m"tt ewrely
senrelinl. Vmot liulv, N. A. MK I.I'I!!'..
Ilei rnnr'a I'ntent Clntppi .n Tire nml Hionliir. Tr .of
l.tirKS, nfT'iril the prffitcut ai-ent ity ef liny anfn in the.
wnrl'l. Aln Sldfhnnnl null Pnrh.r aiiea, uf el.-g-ant wurk
Innniihip nnd finis'i, fur plnle, .Ve.
PAIIIti:!., IICKKINIJ ,V Cf). have remnvrd frenn 01
Wnlniit rt.. In ihcir new, n. fi-'.i (.'heptnnl St ,
(.lnyne'8 Hull.) win-re Hie lurgrst ossdrlinent nl Sjlea in
tha world call be found.
FAHHEI.. Hf.r.niXO .V CO ,
toll CiiEnisrr ftrui T,
( Invni-'n lll'l )
Mnreh l!, 150. 3m l'IIII.Al;El.l'tll A.
catov t it ti. it tu i:it s
A New Style. Trice $50-
4M IlRflADWAY, M".' YOttlt.
These Machine new friim two spools, and
firm a sruiu nf niirqnnllrd xlrenplh, luanlv, and
elasticity, which will not rip, even it ev. ry fourth
atitch l.e cut. They ore unquestionably the best
in mnrkt't fnr Fanulv use.
tvi' sr.iN n von a ciRci;i,Ann
H. H. Mashkh Agent, SutiLury. Nurtliumlier
loud county l'a.
November 27. IS5S
Ssio 'I line )vii ntv Alotiry
Hrrce if vnu prncceil on vnur arrival at Phila
delphia to" ZIKGI.r.R 4" SMITH, (Wholcaale
Diug, Paint and (ilaaa Dealer)
yon will have an npiorlunity of purchnsiiu from
a Inracr, heller and rlirnper lnck uf W1IITK
I. MAD, cnlnrrd Paints and Witidnw
Cilnn of avcnitrd m, m am! quitlilirs than can he
found at any other store there.
Feb. 6, '50 lywx
!tclig;ioui rVoliccs
Divine service will b. he d every PaM.U) in Ihii aW
fnugh ns follows:
r r nsn y t r. it i a n riiurtcfi. Nonh , n
lt!:ickheiry nnd Dtei r.lrrel, llev J D. It EA P ln, lstor
Divine service every Sililiulh nf ICJ A.M. l'rMer'.
in(T on Thnrd:iv evenin); At N'irtliniftier'niid. in tnri
prlinnl Preat.ytentol Chuldi, ut 3 o'clock, P. M., every
nr.RMAN FFFOHMKO CHfnrtl -N-riti wei
enrner of Itiver mid It'ackheny streits. Ilev .1. V Fl at-?-MKT7,PnHor
Divine a.-rvice. olternare'y. eveiv 1iiMi'I
at It) A.M. mid 7 P. M. Pinycr lerelinj ou KriJuy
KVANor.t.tCAt. ixtiikran rnmrri reer
atrert below S V. ft P. Hai . l!d. Krv. I' Hoes, Pint, r
llivine aeiyice, n'lernately, evry ShIiI.-iiIi nt HI A. M. .ml
7 P. M. Pi.iver meetiin; nn We Ineidiy eve.iinu
MKTHOnifTI'rucoeAil'IM Itfll IVwh-rry ilreet
weM of S. .V K Ilml Itev Ci. WaKSRS ai-.i K H
It, Pnctora. Divine etvice, n i-emoielv, eveiy n.
Ii:i!li :it lli A. M.nnJ 7P.9I. Pmyer mretl;i on l'liura
dny evenn-(r.
ItAI'Tlsr rnvnCH Fnivn street, l ei w V. Ik P
nailmnd. I!ev. A J. Hat. r.mhir. Prencliing everv al
tennite Aililialh nl 3 n'cl ck, P M Pan.'. Hie pietent
innnth na f .11 iwa : 2nd end 4th rabbaJ.l. Lecture
every Thursday rvenii's, at 7 o'clock
Nenr Snydertnwn. on the 23th ultimc.
I.KONAKI K LASli, aged 27 years, 11
iniinths, and 3 Jays.
The deceased w.s sawirR lath on his fath
er's saw mill, and in the effort tn pu 1 out a
support under the lop, the support ws
truck by the saw, onJ struck him with such
force on the side of the head, as to throw
him ont of tbe mill and killed him almost
instantly. Com.
iht in ;u lufs.
1 859. -Chain Wheat, snlcs of fair and good
lied at ir lGUa.flfiS per bushel, and White from
70 lo 41 75 per bushel. l!ye i. wanted at
89 rents. Corn, unlet of Yellow at NO a 8'
cents, and R7 a 90 cent, from .tore. Oat. are
selling at 55 cent, per buahel for Pcnna.
Giiaim Whent, lliere were sale, of red at Iftfia
I.SH rt.. for fair to good lota, and white at I .0a
iiiScla. for 'air, and I final 70 rls. fm prime par
cel. uf do. Corn, sale, of good yellow al hti ,H7
ct.., and of fair to prime while ut til eta. 68a9l
'l liere were sale, of Virginia Out. at 60 ft., and
Pennsylvania do. at ,')5ufi6 els. There were
some l'rnnxylvania Rye oUVreil and sold al 97
ct. Maryland Itye al 08 cts. per bushel.
Rye, .
60 a CO
- 8.1
. . 62
- 4A
. 62
'J'ullow, .
Pork, .
New Advertisement.
CO. HAVEN has constantly on hand a
largo and full supply of FLOUR and
FRED, which he will .ell at a. low, or lower
profila, tlnn any place in this Market. Those
wanting flour will l'nd it an object to call at the
Wholesale and Retail Flour Store before purcha
sing elsewhere. Dein? thankful fur past favor.,
a.k. a cuntinuanoe of the same.
Sunburv, May 7, 1859.
Administrator'! Sale of Real Estate.
N pursuance ol an ordyr of the Orphan'. Court
- of Norlhutnberland bounty, tha undersigned
will expose to public sale on
SATURDAY, the 28 day of May, 1859,
on the premiaea, all that pertain tract of land late
tlie estate of Ludwig 1'nVrgar dee'd, ailuato S J
mile, from LewUburg and the same distance
from Milton, adjoining lands of John Beat, Tho'.
Allen, John Gucker and others, containing about
91 ACRES mora or lew, about SO acre, of which
are cleared and under cultivation. The improve
menu consist of a good Brick House lately erec
ted, a never failing Well of Water near the door
wilh a Punip in it, a Bank Barn also near, wilh
other Oulbuiidings also a Tenant oum wilh
Spring of goad water near it. There i. an Or
chard of bearing Apple Trees en tha farm.
Sale to commanca at 10 o'clock A. M., of aaid
day, wbaa term, will ba mads known by
May, Intl. 1M It
Market Square, one door West of the Post
TllV. subrcrllier Is, ju,t ,urnf(i f
the city with an entire new stnek of Drv
Ciuods and a act rrsl varlctv nf Nmu. i,.'
selections, which are from anvthin.
ever hrouRhl to 11,1. place, have beer, msde frm
I hildelhia. Hit stock consists of
mack ClolUn, Fancy usitmorc,
Hilks i Ginsliatrts. llelolne., Abp.c,,. f;l(nU'
C. icor. White (lood., Klanne'ls, Muslin."
Circula... M.imll.a, bhawla, Merino,
M.Mcillcs, Cotton Plaid,
Klals, Children's Ilonnels. Trimming, of ever
vnrietv. t-love,. Hnery. shirt l)oa0m., 8llir,
Collars Gingham Cravat,, Uluck mk Cravat
fancy Scarf.. A. c Ac. '
The li.tor KOTION3 comprise. i r,rt
IlCnd PlCtfSFIi Itna.l . '
r.ncy HH.r I'., In,,,., Bracelet.. (Sold
isr.Droiis, (.old IS,CM Pj,,,, (jo!J, (Sold Pe,, l,n,ir,. iecli.
cule, Ruttons, Uruahes,Toi
let.. Coml, Fancy Suau.,
Perfumery, Kancy
China Waie,
and a variety of other Fancy article, loo nun-'-rous
lo mrntion.
All arlidcB not on hind when odktj fur will
be urdered Irom l'hilailel,hia iiuuicjim,. y.witli
out extra charge, the pro,,ri. t ,r haii.g mad,
.rrstieement. lo he .ujij.ijcd with dcficinicie.
wlieiit'vcr required.
Hi. stork will .e, li.p0.fJr oncaA prin.i
pies, dcdiicti, R S per cent, fr.-m purcha.e. a
mounting to morn tlmn ore dollar.
I!y strict altentiun lo businr,,, l,e lore,
receive a ihure of ,,ul.lic p.tmnige. 11. ,,'vitM
all lo call and examine for lh,m.cUes, ,ntJ ,0
coiivimrd that he haarn hand tin- Israel .lock
of Fancy Gooil.ever hrourilit to the ,t.B.
u l r . , 'J',,0!.U.COOi'i:R.
Kunbury, Msy 7 IS.'-Q
NOTICE is hcrehy Riven Unit lb. Au'.'itnr.
1 of L'ppcr towniliip, will meet at
the Commissioner' (illnc, in ullbJry, on s.tur
Iny. the tils! day of May, l vVj. All persnn. m
delned, or having claim, egain.t iJ tow.hiii mu to
1IKIIM AN CAMl'mat,.
May 7, W.j Aminos
rtIl E annual mc-iir ot'ihe atiwHi iV. i,f il.e
A l.l.J:i-.N KIDliK IMl'llVliMJiVT ( (
I'ANV, will teln:lil in room n. io. j-, ti e
'aliui(!inii Uiiililing.. No. SM, H mill '! lurn
Mrert, I'iiilailelplii. on Tuc i.y, Ihe ilay
01 May iifsi. st it o'.ljrk M-, ior llie pi, of
electing five director, lo nerve during lim enuiii
CIIAS M KRIS, Jr., Sec'rt.
May 7. 159.-It.
&Ut oi' the Bank of l.Toi'thuinbaHuJ
Hay 5th, 1550.
Ctt.iila: "H-ic,
N nt a In cilfill-iTloa, -
I'r lit m d I. i.
IM . I'lifi'S nnpiiiil, .
D.scints nn 1 i:x(bns,
D'lV O! lid M-ltlks.
" tlipOSilOS, -
. soo 0"i m
U'-.I'IS 71
7 1;-,
4 Mi 5
ll'i n
m in! !'!
(i '.-.'l i'J
sir.' i:v tt
31.71'.' 1
s ( ''I IM
I n OA
f.:.r. . in
''.A ,
J31." 7.1
- Vtl 0 0 ft
Itills 1 isc-ilmted
l'a 'i:svlva iiii 0 p-r e'it l-rmn of V.riliuiit! erlu.ul :.-ck, .
(Mi.ersio ks,
Uenl I :a'e, -
Piote.t Per urit, and Ourreul I-Jri:s.
line liv . Iher Itnsa. - .
Nott-s .l "Iher luuss.
CiiAh ileitis. ....
Sevie in Vsu!:s,
1 CeTlifythnt t'' aWe ef Me ff ,i-p .,(
Rnnk of N.nlhnrnlierlanil is jn-t sr...' irut lw ti.t L st nf n y
knowledje and tiriief.
J R. I'ltirsl'l.r.V, (.'ailiir.
9worn and snl'sr-ril.rij lufurs . s
Cnued) JOHN CAKK .1. T.
Ma? .lli, la'ii
STATEV I1M' of the Sliaiuoiiiu li.iik .Vy
Specie in vault anj siieo:. fuiids In
rinl.i'clph a,
Pue fie in nthrr Unliks,
Dills discounted.
Due from City BanV.r.,
.Notes and Check, ol other Ejnts.
Value of Bank prueitv,
OS? C7
tl.fiSS HI
2 4H:i If
i t iiii I J
ijr.A co
Circulation, J'J1 040 OJ
Due l)einaitor. 10 -? -4 it
Due oilier llmika. Irt 17
Ui.eouni Exchange antl Intereirt, l,?r7 11
J.l-,.(,(!' J
I di certify that the ahme sM'eitifiil is true u
the best of n y knowlcje .il I.I .I.
8. JOHN Cas'.i-r.
Sworn befiro rue lliis !iv of Mny. A. D.
1859. Ctnl BK II. C. inn, J. I'.
Sh.mokin, M.v 2d, I8.VJ.
Health ! Health ! ! UfcclihTT'!
I'lHSIT Of It I l:LMl.:ta l.'T.VT.. Ml)
Pa ?wrNf : Lrur tir U. Ih-mi ji n n Cii'i 1 . ve m
tlie public, and in justice to you. 1 li:n-r tliuiiKin Jr jj-t-r o
iimka known one uf tne m t ti'UT,liii.,n un, i.i my
own ense, that Ins ever hurn mil) lie r.'i.l In too
la .nib of Del b. r last, 1 whs i.iiin'ii-tl wm. n st vie itli
enna lit my breust, u tiich fi runt! a l.nuc. m E. umI j:s
cnninimnunUMl to my l.tuigs ami vi-r innrli uii iclnl Hi. in.
nil dilchaignl larjte qnunlilics "I clinpii imi
ilitenuil. My bremli c -uld pion lhr..iit:ii niy l.ii'pi ii'"l
out rlirough tha cuvily ot my U.-;it with iijiuienl ei.s,
attended witli a violent c .ugh. da) uml l.'"'. i"" "' u''
peine, aud rxireme dvbilily, so lliiil my fin w lli"i'ci t
ill) cuse ll'ipeless anil beyimd H e --v t-r t" mi'ln'ii'e I
remained m tlna wretched coui!iuin I'. -- n I in.' nine, u.itil
I waa waated tn . niel. al.e:rtwii. n.ul llicie cll.rll lu re
no hope for me ; Lut havinai n...l m ilie puLi.c fa, eis of
til mtny wonderful cures jierloiiniil l y M-ur I . MH lD
PVKtSof Wild Csuir, I inimr.nul lv sent to li'alliiu. re
fni fiv. Loltle. uud cnmmrnct-il lis us, mitt to iny preut
aatrafaetinn and inv auaiuus luunly. tlie !- .a or .ipming
in niy l.un.a liagnn lo beul, uml iliec-uli sul shle.l, unJou
UtillK ten bottles I Wus rest .leil to pein-cl ln-n!tJl
tv 6 y. irsb-iv-e elaps.,1. un I I s i I rmnani per.
feetly heuily mini to llns day. June 4, 1
bad a day', sicklies, for eiplilccii ui'initis.
Plttiae accept my graceiul ncku 'Wndgeinents.
Yours, v jr lesnccn'ui y.
Th. suhicrilier Is well nrsimah.l iili Tln nms Di.' n,
and can leatlly that lis h.. li n n ntlliclHl as ab ve reffe
Bellied leyard his recovery as ulue'St a uiliutle. He 'S
a worthy oieiuuci of aovieiv.
jam n rcnnimow,
Pastor of B. rlin Circmi, ll.iliun ie i:..iniencs.
CT" Tint shove inralvaiiie lui-ln-ins piepaicl oulv by
Da It. Wiim al g,,,, ,, f: s nil "ill "t-. ali ve Msr.
k, ".No oiiiks C'tiniKt r.ii'Aki-
Tli. snjc rwrsiHi wb.isuiK1" in nsl of a P""ni I purify
hit; purjiuiive, slioulil use i.WAVxt's Mtn I'mui
rlARSAPAaiLL4 AHS Ta Pltl.", Illrv renaive ull ui heultby
billiou.aecreti us .a" ilie Bunnuvli mid Uowels, cauaiiig a
perfect stale or health)
An Invaluabl. remedy for Dim l.rra, D) seutery, Cloliea,
Cholera, suit all Bowel CmnpUnu's.
Thar. Is no treatment that kas aver been tried, thai i. so
efleetual in eorine lneiaestioa in alius funis, as lii.
aUVAYNK'S BlTTr.ll CATIKI.H-N " nnrt
a.w In. and invntmslaa lbs sysieia, llie tale ud deucai.
will fain stmath and. gundappetue by uaiiuj these Uu.y
Valualil. Blltera. 1 rl" i.lily Btl cenls.
Pienarwl only l.y Dr H SW.WNE k SON, N-
N .rib 7tk BtraM, fbihiaelplua.
Tisher'i Drag; and Chemical Store.
May Tth, I83.
SJILVER WATCHES A frw double wm
' EagUab Htlvwr Watchwa. for mW al wry lew.
by H B MAeal K.