What Might bo Done Wbti mighl b don if w wer wise What glorious tie ed. mj Buffering brother, Would tbey nnit Id love and right, And cobs this icoro of on another 1 Oppression' hurt might be imbued With klndlToR drops of loving kindness, All knowledge pour, From shorn to shore, Light on tho eyes of nienlul bliudep, Oppression, warfare, lien and wrong, All vice and crime might die together, And milk mid com - To enrb man born, He free warmth in etimrner weather. 1 Ihe cennrft wre'ch that ever ir-J, 'j'pe JeepeM sunt in fr'ull ami ili-l.l kliiDil (Mi l l. 1 ii cll' reaped, And share the teeming v.tjd loini'i-ioW. "What niilit t.o done ?--Th: mijut be dune, An J more than this, my snfl'cviiijS brother--- More than the tongue Li'ef (aid or sung, If men were wise end loved col li other. ancaus. Ths Law ok Love. "Two girls, sapposed to bo sisters, jumped over und eauk kisig nncli other. A missionary und wile leaped into the pen together, and the stewardess end nseistnnt steward, arm in arm followed. One Hungarian gentletnun, with seven children, four of them girls, mado bis wile jump in, then blessed, his eix el.lebt children, mntle them jump in ono after tho other, and follow ed them with bd infunt in bin own urins." Such is the story of ono who witnessed the thrilling scenes on hmrd the futed Austria. And such is the law of love. When the Spartan mother saw thai tho Lncicdeuinninn heroes most be conquered, she first Btabbed her banns to tho heart anil then throw her self from a giddy precipice ; when 'Virgin ins saw that his daughter must be polluted bo buried his dagger in her breast and then threw himself in the van of Tarcjuin's ene mies. Snch is the fearful but beautiful spasm of holy love, when the highest ond tenderest emotions are linked with tho keenest agony or the most utter despair. They l:is?ed and died, and arm in arm the cold waves swept over hearts whose luet beat was the beat of love nud they will awake on the judgment day with the impress upon them that wus left in the death em brace. V.ib there not beautiful poetry in this horrid tragedy of tho burning steamer? T:1K LsrTRRR OK Al'C'BrTANCR. We this morning publish the letter of John 1'owe and Kichar.Tson L. Wright, accepting their Dom inations by the Uonernl Administration Con vention oftbo !Cth of March, fur tho offices of Purveyor General and Auditor General. They carefully abstain from alluding to the platform of the Convention which placed them in nomination. They are evcidently cither ashamed of it or afraid of it, and, in all probability both. This fact is, in itself, one of the most striking proof j that could possi bly have been given of tha iufamous character of tho Trooeedings of that Convention. Thesa letters indicate that the campaign in Pennsylvania is to be fought by unking Dem ocrats to vote for Messrs. Hone and Wright, on the grouud and in reality I hey art opposed to the resolutions of the Administration Convention or uncommitted to thtir support. Against a canvass of this sort we protest. Inasmuch MosBTsrs. Howe und Kight have accepted the position of boing candidates of a Convention wbicb deliberately deserts oem ocratic principles, every Democrat should re gard them as the representatives of that Con vention. They obtain no claim to the vote u intelligent Democrnts by the mero endorse ment of the mercenary gang which nominated them. No Convention deserves the name of Democratic Convention, unless it profesaes and protects tLe principles oftbo Democratic party. Press. Thb ExPRKiB UtaiNEss. It is a low esti mate to state that iu this country alone the value of gootie carried this year by Express Companies will be over five hundred millions of dollars, more than lifty millions 'of dollars which is carrind a distance of four thousand miles. The earliest advertisement of an Ex press of which we have record was in a lios ton paper, Ftbrnury 2Hd, lS39,tgivin( notice that Win, E. Ilaruden woulJ run nu Express Car between New York and Boston four times a week. The t)rt Express a;on was a wheelbarrow, and it was amply large enough for the business for two years. Tim FituiT Crop. The "cioukers" can now shut the'r mouths, from every sectiou of the country we have reports that the peaches and other early fruits have escaped injury. Tho prospect now is that the fruit crop of 1850 will be such as to gladden the hearts of growers and consumers, lu this county there will ba a profuaiou of all the different varieties of fruits. Let 03 give thanks. llarrisburg Telegraph. IionBED. Tho Hotel of Mis. Ginter, in New Columbia, was robbed on Friday laf-t of $301) and a gold wutch, belonging to some of tha inmates of the hotel. A pedlar who deals in rat poison, stopped at the Hotel the night previous and during that djy asked permission to go up stairs to change his clothing, which was given him, after which ho departed. The same day the money and watch, which were in a trunk up stairs, were missing and tho pedlur was suspected of com mitting the robbery. He was pursued but could not bo found.- Mihonian. Dan in: Ron Sport. The aitoona 7Vt'li'ii states that u couple of boys of that place in dulged in a game of guillotine, which came near proving fatal to one of them. One of tho lads lined his neck upon abbck.and the other picked up an axe und played the part of an executioner. Fortunately, the victim straggled sufficient to remove his neck from the block, but the descending axe caught two of bis fiugers. one of whicb woi entirely, and the ether partially cut off. HiKQt't.aR Fkraks The well-known Ned Uuntliue arrived in Troy, N. Y., on Saturday afternoon, and amused the pussengers by his ingolar conduct. He bought out the orange dealers and maple sugar pedlurs ou the cars, and divided the things freely among his fellow travellers. Oo his arrival iu Troy he collec ted a crowd of over a hundred boys and mar shalled them about the streets iu the vicinity of the depot, to the amusement of citizens He made them a patriotic speech, fed I hem with apples, and gave three cheers for Wash ington. Nad finally jumped into a carriage and was seen no more. The Kant TeunKyUunie Hailroad will le completed during the course of next week; and the Director confidently expect to have their arrangements made for opening the road for passenger travel and freight transporta tion by the first of May. They bave finally concluded to lease it to another company, but to-work the road themselves. This will not iuterfere with ouy of their plan's for attracting and accommodating through trade; au agree ment have been concluded with the connec ting roads to carry passengeri anil freight through from llarriaburg to Near York, with out change of oars. Heading Gazette. "Yoors U a hard case," i tha fox said to the oyster. CANCER CUHBD. Witdoi'T Bunuicit. Opksutioii n Lois or Dloob. Caneera, Tumors, Wens, Scrofula, Ulcer, Ac, cured in short lime, without the knife, by Dr. M.cNICHOL, (Colleague of 'hi late Dr. Lnunsbarry, Dec'd.,) No. 60 Notth FIFTH Street, below rcbjPhila. The remarkable success which has attended the treatment of Cancers, Tumors, cjc., by Dr. MacNichnl, for a number of yeara past, has at tracted the attention, and in nunv insrances has rcured the hearty approval of many eminent Physieiai a in Philadelphia, who are no longer willing to risk the danger and tincertaintiea of cutting. Cancer can he Cured ! if property treated and promptly. A print majority nf (he cases of ! Cancer, fnn ho euerlually cured, The nuiae- riua pa.ient, funn every section of the ceunlry, j who have hern cured niiiT this mclhod of treat- j incut in a guarantee of its supei inrily over every vhrr kno'.vn Fy'ero. Tlflse liu Mi:t) lit Ullli- led V. lilt l!ic-c. ili-'eaaes. aiuliWr-iie t'uttlirr iiilnn:iliiii ,tr udviio will , ple.ie .id. lien Wi. ltii-. irlml, whi n they will . receive priintp' attention iinoacopy of Pamphlet on ihn treatment of t unrvr lice of charge. While Swelling, Hip llica"", Si rol'ulom and M aligiinnl t hen, Disease of tlie Mouth and Throat, Ulceration nf the II ones, Tetter, Scald Head, an J all diseases of the Skin, permanently cured, ami proper remedies Bent carefully pack ed by Expicss to any part of the country. In every cuhr a plain description of the disease iri required. .'Jddrcr-., 1 Jr. MucNichnl, No. 50 .North 5th St., l'iiitad"lphni. Proprietor and Manufacturer o! Dr. Louin -berry A C'o'a Celebra ted Imperial Depurntive, 'Ire hint and most rcliu hie Family Medicine nf the Nineteenth Century, fur the cure of all diseases originating in Impu rities of the Blood. January P, 18."fl. 3in w VA JI.lAtiK.'S & 3ICaii:orJV.S DETERSIVE SOAP, rillXiALT.IjPTII A. lrAf;RANTKl to frive perfect .itiniielinu, or the yy money will he refunded, initl our arents are hereby authorized la uitike qood Hiiy luilnre of it nt our crpruaa A. VAN llAAtil-'.N httngn prm-htnl Sonp Mnker, and hnvina for the last twelve yeura (:it dtll'erent tuner,) expe rimented upon and tetled line particular sjnp, iu vttnoua wuva, now oflerii it to the pulilicn n onp whieii will save T1N1K, I.AUUlt nud -MOM'.V. We nrc willing il aheuld real upn ita own merits. All we ask ia to give it a fnir thirl, Riul ue it according to our direelinns. (louud in each b.'X.) nud if it duea not ejve full aulixlacnuii, Die niouey will be refunded. Amonp the many odvnnliffrsovcrolher Washing Sunpi, the following may be mimed : I. Cloihee need no bulling, und very little rubbing, (moat articles none.) 12. tine pound will go aa far, for any use, ns three pounds ot ceimiton rnsui acnp, or two pounds best fumtly aon p. 3. It requires Icaathnn one-half the time and labor to do the washing of a family, that it reuiiea with the best funiilv aonp, and is warranted nul to injuie the tuhrie. 4. For cleaning Paints and reinnvint- lirease, Tur ami Printer's Ink, it is unsurpassed Macliii.ista, Printers and Painters will rind it an invaluable article for washing uuuda, as it does not chap, but greatly softens the skin. 5. The superiority of the materials used, und titer Soup NOT CONTAINING A3Y xxcets 09 ALKALIES, ia more mild than any otjier known Washing Soap, and undoubtedly the best adapted for white and colored clothing, as well na Oamhricannd t.nccs, and is WAKRANTllLI NUT TO HOT TilK CI.OTHKS. For atile at al! respeetnble Grocery Stores in lite city, and neighboring towns, und wholesale only by TIlAOt Jl McKEONE, 2S"Ulh Wharves, Between Market and Chceuut SHs , Philadelphia. rclmniy 18th, 1M9. 3m NEW GOODS At the Mammoth Store of lie a t cLi:5iu,vr, NO. 1 MARKET STREET, PUNBUHY, PA. rMiE subscriber has just opened at his well L known establishment in Sunburv, one of the cheapest avid most desirable stocks of Fall and Winter Goods, that haa ever been offered in the place, and which ho will sell for CASH or exchange for Country l'reduce. Thoso desiring to purchase goods will do well to ooll and examine his stock. BLACK AND FANCY SILKS. All Wool Detains, Figured, Striped and Plain, French Merino, all colors. Beautiful Dreas Kohes, Cashmeres, Shaded, 'lain and Striped must be leen to form an idea of the extent and variety. "BEE: fSaS 9 Mantle, Stella, Chenille, French Wool Shawls, Thibet and Brocha Shawls. Clotlis Cassimeres and Satinet For Men and Boys' Wear, Ulack Casshnereg, Taney Caesimeres, side stripes heavy. Doe Skin Casaitnerea, Satineta all kinds. FLANNELS, White and lied Flunnels, alt grades and prices, Ray State Sack Flannels, colors finest qualities, READY-MADE CLOTHING. Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, &c, 4 a., all of which were aelectud with Rreat care, and will compare favorably, as regards quality, style and price, with any in the country. HAUmVARK, a full assortment. Wood and Willow Ware, lueenswarc, of nil descriptions, Groceries, a full stock in store, Carpet Chains, &c, Faints, Uils. Glass, Dye StuaTs. Thnnkful for the patronage heretofore received he will spare no pains to please all who may favor him with their custom in the future. Sunburv, Nov. 6, 18.r8. FALL AND WINTER JUST ARRIVED AT THE STORE OF J. II- i:Gl'L.. orsuuliury. In., ITAS just arrived with a splendid stock of Fall Goods from 1'hilailelphia, to wbicb he resj ectlully invites bis friends and the Public to cali and inspect, he will snare no lime in show iiif! them. Among his stKck of poods will Ire found, FINE BLUE AND BLACK FaRElTCE CLOTH. Fine black and Fancy I'asimeres '1 weeds, Sal inetts, J in ir u add Fur f y VesliriL', also a large as sortment of Ready-made CLOT14IAG for nice and hoys (cheap.) 'for ladies wear, Black andfaiicv dress silk (very cheap) silk chal li, French Merino, Printed French Merino, Plaid Cuhmere, all wool Delaine, all wool Dchage, Mohair Dehege, Printed Cashmere, Yulcnlia, C" ha I li A'olie a qtiilli, Deluinc Kohes, Persian De laine Hohes, loil de Cherre Robes, Plain Debat-e Lovellas and Delaine at all prices, and the Red stripe skirts, Fall Shawls and Mantillas, a pood assortment of white goods. Collars, Sleeves, Irish Linen, Shirt fronts, Marseilles, Brilliant &c. A general ass.irtineut of domestic Dry Go ds. Also a laree stock of Hats kiid Cans. Boots and s'nies, Hardware, (Jueeus and lilassware, (iroceries, Cedurware, St me and Earlhenware, Urugs and Paints, Salt, Fish, Cheese, Hani, Oil, Tar Ac. &c. S- ii Wall and Window Puner. Fluor and 1 unte liii t intn, carpels, all the above will be sold at low prices for cash or country produce tu- en in enclmnge for Goods. J. H. HXGEL. Sunbury, Dee. II, IS.18.tf. J. P. EHINDIL GOBIN, Ittornrjj nt a a to, e"U3MBXJR-ST, PA. Duainesa entrusted to his charge will he expedi tiously and lailhfully attended to. 'articular at ten lion paid to the collection ofcleima. KKFKrtKNCKH oil. A Jordan. Kuukurjr, I llnu I) Tarrfiiil, Norlhber'd .V l"wart, ' I " J lliinilel, Allentown, V I l.reenouiili.lisii, " CH Miller, l.ewibur, Ocn J K Cle.i,t, I col H C tyer, Kolinssrovo. Hunhury, Nov. 6, 186tf. ly fl M LCEl VKD large aaaortn,ent of Salinett, MM, Cussiiner and Cloth, at i. H. ENGEL'8. Sunbury, Dec. II, I8SI 1'ure Wlueat uutl I.ltiuorat. JUST received at FISHER'S Urur and Che ruicl Emporium. Suubury, Oct. 1858. jfURS ! Fl'RS ! Just received aud for sale by , J. 11. ENUEL. eurtbary, January l, I860. A Valuable Book fbr Invalid. ! nr ei tun., in ot 10 a rxis ni tatu, aoivr lrrtD and rprrovEB or. ir rot arearnrme mo cha Dr. 8AM1TK.1, l. FITCH'S "HIX LECTUKHB" o Itie eanam, FTi-yenHon aid Cure of Diseases of the Licit;', Throat, Hcurt, Hlnimch, Duwelt, l.lver, Kidniea, hkitt. c, Kcinnla Coinplninli, and Clirome itimiiei ameinlly, on the lwa ol l.ila, and the true raclhnd by winch health and viror mar tm prmerreit to one hundred year. A vol ume of 97a pKa, hiiidnnt-ly bound in inmlin, wilU S3 illnntratiuna. In llm votunm I)r . t-'lnh, (who ia widely known aa the uitior of a new aad eminently auc cewf ul methtxl of trnntment for tha nbi've coniplainta, and enpeeirilly c-jnaumption, anduther diaenvea rf tlm I.uima and Throat,) explmua tho lending; fefituiea ol Itta treulmunl and rrivea plain dirertiona by whieh thoac inelined to theaa comptniuta may ihrmiielvea prevent Ihetn or arrest their progreaa. Over 200,000 enpiea of lliia linr k have been aokl, and llieie are netaona in all mitaof our lund who grntefullv aek nowlerlpa lht it hna ben the meima uf pre erring their lives and giving them many yeura of good health. We preapnt a few apeelrnena of the uutneroua eoinmen dellona the Irvik rntu reeelveit The New Vork I'libuue lhn eltiaea a lennlhy notice of it : "The crenl imnrlnnee of the anhieet and our eoiili- denec derived from peraontil knowletljre nad peiwnnl hen- i commend this vrk- e tiurt we havi- a,od eta-uah lo i indu"e tletsc utflieti-d or lhreateio-d wi'h consumption, lo ! 1 pr-cnic. and ruiiil Jr l'ireh:s S-n-lr ." I.eller from lie lion llnnnllou Fish, former fiiiveruer ' of i Yoik -'WmdiitH.'tvn, l-'ehriiniy Cih, I KM. lr. V l-'it.-h h'.n So-; I heir In retain my thanks linMha ! v-lMitte y-'tt liae bei-n kn.tt as lo prcsenl to me. The very hurried examination which atone I hnve been nble aa vi'l lo give lo it, has exeilcd Interest mid brolioht tha con- , ! viclii'ii that, the reputation which these lcctures have inehit-ved is ltsetl n(ion intrinsic merit. I'.xlrai-t from n letter from the Hon. P. II. Haven, lata niembet of Congress from K.rie Co., N Y. : "I have no il-tnbt but it is a practical and very useful work. I hope I it will h ue a general circulation, and it will, I liuvo no IdouM. do much gnod " l'.xtract tr.'iii a letter from tho lion. Gilbert Pcan, lute nrcuibiT 'tf t'l-ii'.-tf hs. " rrm( y.nir Six Lectures on Con . s'lmptive diseus-s three van s ago, and shall again pcrnse . tbern." j l-'.xtraet ti-'ni a U lter from the Hon. .lames Ttckhart, laic nir-uilier ot t'nncrcKn '-from leading it I ha e le leetxrd n-anv vaotat-ly hints. I regard ilas a woik of i eri :tl iitci it. o I rays Siduev Warner. F.s'i., of Waterloo, N Y-: "Mr brotlicr and m-tsi of his f unily nrc dcntl of conr-uitiption, bal I rtii'l lion, toe livinff noil well; ami I think it is owing nuo-li i" l lie t'tucloniTS of your Urok which I have followed cntcftilly for t'-c last nine years." We c-oukl tal i-oluiims ith similar statements IV Wishing to nuke this b "ok as useful possible, we will forwiiiil n copy of it bv mail, post pa id. lo any ncldicrs that may be sent on, anil l he price til cents, may be remitted in postage stamps or otherwise to nsaftel tins book ia received and appiovcj of. Il niuyba applied for personally or by lei'cr. Consultation by llr Fitch, nt ltis office, 711 lSr.mdway. N. Y., personally or by letter, fiee. Addresa. . X 1 Tl Cll At CO , inn. W, VP. 3m. '14 Broadway, N V . Dominion COFFEE POT AND Being btrncd, r.a Dr. Uall, of tha Journal of Hciilth.Bttys, "on thence und common ncnse," are rapidly coming into uso, and destined soon to Bupci'codo all others. AitTlli;i!,r.l'l?NHAM.& GILROY, 111 & 119 S. Tenth St., Philadelphia, Sole At I'nilaoturoi under the Patent. e-I'iir ante y keepliir; A i-l Is-1 t;eii..rully. December 4, 18-if. rii-nler-4 lu H(rHKe , tili.l Ftfli'ekel'iiera THE INTERNATIONAL HOTEL. BROADWAY, COKNLK OK I'UANKLIN STHKICT, NEW YORK CITY, Hut been rerently rt tilted, The IlooiT.R Hie newly chi prleil, The ruTriiiurp niui Ht'ilmire xuperb, And tlm tilths hip tmeurpiifrtr'il. TAVI.OK S CKLKHKATLD SALOONS AUB CUNN atriKH WITH THK 1IOTKL. Here is conceiitralctl nil the cuulurlft of a liome.witti the luxurit'i of a pnluce ' TilK SrLKNPID IsADlKS' FAni.OR Cominancis mul unentmlletl V1F.W OF RRfHDVA, Tl IK l.N TKR N ATU N A I. il th moil rent rtil of uny vi theft st clura Hotels ftv bunj. dom, or pluccB of aiiiuni'inei.t, iind o tiers uiurpnsetl fid vat) tag ci to la m i lien am) -itleiiien vmilmp w'f)rk. Ai-FHtu Fuerman, rr"prictor. New York, July 3, lfeort. ly Philailoipliia, Pa. The unilrrnitnini. t)it Founder niid Ptililishur of VAN COUR'i'S Clii:.J i;KFK)T Di: iTXTott, titsiroiii of retiring from thin ortnuh of lujmnepsj, h i merecd that old r.t)th!iilie.tl work iti the pt-pulnr NOTI) RK- POHTKR oi IMl.AY A HICKNKI.L. Having pnhlished Van Court'! Di tfcior mice 1K11. the uiiilvmiit tu-il reluc Itiiiily porti with his old t'rinidi und MilibcriUer'i. ; hut tin rtlnetnfeii ..t'md tv thr rtivi'ti' 11. th:t uilMlAV h IilCKl-slsL U A.N iv NO I'K UKPURTKR they will icceive a woik ihui inutclits the litnt n. J. VAN COI RT. Pliilidelphio. Dea NOTICH. All Suhhcnptioui ti IMLAY .teBICKNELL'S BANK NOTU K K P O R T K li nre Puvalile crupnl ti!' in Atlvnhce. Thig i th oKlent Bank Note PuhliL-ntntii in the worlit. Ktr thirty loux yfuii it hus iu titiUnntd an uueuliit d rtrputution, and ckii tinurs lub the iu:cehs.ir c iuprjuiun nf ull busiatsi people over the wiit-le c'diilinent of Anieiicu. THE COINS OF TIJE WORLD ! Now in press by I inlay A lticknelt, will he given trralui touily to alt old and new KittiHCiiheraJ. AU Com Cliarth, iimJ ManoBla. ai conipurcd With itui, n.ay In; coniderii waite paper. TFinw. To the Scmi-M'itiihlv, St';Mper tniunt. MoiiiUly, 1 (Ml Htnle Cupio, at the rninUr, 10 Oenli. Mailed, 1-J Addreti IMF. AY At T.ICK'NKM.. R.x 115', Pot Clfii-u Philadelplim, Pa. January li, 1 fcOi. 3m j c. Bargains ! Bargains ! ! AT 1. V. GKAVS OI.L) ST A N 1), Market Square, Sunbury, 3?a. HHE auberrlher huvinj; pun-haaetl uf 1'. W. Gray his-l.AUGi: STOCK OF Taitcy Dry 'oo.Ij, &r. U dt termintd lo acllthein o'.T at the lnvvcst pos sihle rate. Call soon if you wieh to aeenre hargaini ami examine the Hoi k ul Ulack Clutha, Oassimerea, oassinctt, Vestinps, Dress GooiN, viz; Challiea, l.awnx, Uelaina, Uaregea, Meii nnea, Cdbhmerea, Alupacaa, bilkx, Ginghuuia, I.ineuti and White Gtiurla Urea Trimmings an I .Notlntii in great varii-ty. UaiJwere, (Vdarwarc, QLeensware, Tuhacco, Heg ira und a variety of other gooda too U'lliouH to niriiiioii. SHAWLS, SHAWLS, a large aaaorlment, very cheap, Ate, Ar. 1'. O. L'OOPKR. N. B.- Keeling grateful for past favora, I heg leave Ih reroniniend to ruv old friends und the public in grnernl my SL'CC'EtiSiOli, who 1 am inured will leave nolhinff undone to meril I continuance of your patronage. P. W. GRAY. Sunbury, December l, lt58. VALUABLE PROPERTY TOE .SALE rilIE subscribers, jtecntora of the estate o j Jt Henry Masser, dee'd., oiler at private sale j the fullutviiiir pruptirt viz : A lurae two storv I ,ra"i uweiung nouse, logeltier Willi about f,( t'BRES OF I.B.N 0, Situate in Lower Aueuula townsh'in ,lmii,i- 1 lauds uf Daniel Knufman and others now iu the occupancy of John R. Kaufman as slurs and dwelling. The lioube ia new and the location good one for busiuea. AUo a TRACT OF LIMESTOJtK LAUD, in said township on the river shunt S miles be. low 6'unbu.y, adjoining lands of J. T. M'Pherson and others, containing, about 80 acre. The oil ia productive and contains limestone and other minerals. . Also tract of Land, containing about II acres on tha hill, about two miles below 6'unbnrs, adjoining lauds of the heii of the lata John Conrad aud others. Ther is, on thia trct, small orchard of choice fruit. For further particulars apply to tha subscribers. H. U. MASSKR, P.U. MASSER, J Executor.. FRAN'CIS BL'CHER. J Sunbury, January 19, 1838 if J UST RECEIVED . lot of GeTuen. SHAWLS and BLANKET, at , . i. H. ENGEL'8 Stor. unburyDeU, H58. CILVER WATCHEsfoV7oubTre."ii. English svtlver Watches, for sal al very law " b M. 0 MASSSR. 1.. , r 1, . .. r " .. T ---.; WHEELER WILSON ' .) FAMILY SEW1NO MACHINES. rpflU ananinnna favor which haa attended the intioduc Jl tionof WHKii.xa fc WiLaoa a Family Sewing Ma chine, ia aameieut evidence of ita excellence. It la need- domestic inalitutiin r tha tact is rcciniiu!l by ilaViwsa fill naa in thou aouila of Faniilka in every rank in lif". lliose who have hitherto rr-f mined from aval ling I liemsclves nf ns advniitiiftrs, it may iiiit Iw amiss to sny, Ihut ita utjU litranota prohlrin to ho sulveit, lint a siierea already lenliizeil. Tlie higlicat teatninny ia constantly pffereit,uni firming i l,r renliet winch has nivcit tlna inatriicintutoin wine ami enviahl a repntntion. Thia Muclnne ia coneeiveil im a principle entirely oriRi nal, heim specially niirl ailniinihly ailiptcii tothe niosl per fect work on every kiml of mntenal i anil, linvtnir. Iee.u subjected ton three years' test of the most seaiehing chnraetei hy Families, anil in vn'ioua hrnnthi-s of Manu fnrture, with dlstiuinisheil success, it is lielieved that in all the KTit pniiila requisite to a eoniplcte and practical Sewine; Machine, il enniiot lie npproneheil in excelleuco. Among; tha undoubted urlviiutnecs il posaeasea over all ethera, mnv he iminrd the following; 1. Its simplicity of enua'.ructinn. and criiaerjucnt flee dom from dernnccmcnt und need of repairs 2. Ita unexnmplcd rupidityaud e:ise of opeiution. i 3. Its noiseless movetnent ' 4. The prent vanety of purpose lo winch il enn he ap : pliei., which cun be achieved by na other mechunicul ; UH-tins. And, ' fi. The pre-eminent Irenuty and durability of the work. "I find your Machine invnlmible I have used it a year, and it tins never been out of order. Tlie stitch ia veiy du- r:.Mc, and enn be adapted to line or coarse nmteriuls. It - works with the rnpidity of a d07.cn pair of hands; saves iiini-li lime, fnliirne and cxneuse. One of Vour Machines is used in my father's family ; another iu the hnust-huM of 11 sister ; and others by vurious friends. The opinions of all ur-ivrd with that I have just expressed." Mra Anna , Corn Ititchie. ; ''Tliere ia but one Sewinir Machine ; tmd thnt is Whce In und Wilaun'a." Judge Meiga, of the American Insti- lllle. 'The SewtniT Mnchine purchased of yon huabecu whol ! ly siTVicenlile " Itev llr Sainui'l Osrrood. I .No I'uinily can alford to do without it. I On mum i,v tub New York Txtss. ! '.Ve prefsr them for Imuily use. Tribune I They ure the favorites for f; unities Times, Are without a rival. Scientific American. I Works more uuifotmly than tlie hnnd llemld. ' Iio the work of lun oidinaiy sewei8 Jour Com. Kquiil lo nine seamtressea.-'llotMe Jouriml 1 Tine inuchnie. for lannlv use. Advocate Journal. I Most honorable to American ieuuis Independent. ! We cannot irnngme anything more perleet Lvungelist. i 'ill pive entire antisraction. Observer. 1 The heat ever invented. Christmn Inouiier. ; lu looking for the best, see these Kx:nniner. ' Admirably udnptedfor funrily use. Chronicle. ' ItT'lispi-iisulilc in every family. The Preacher. ; We praise 11 with enthusiasm. Chiiati.in lntclhpenccr. I Worthy of the highest award. Snblmlh Recorder. ' A benc-fiiction of liieaie. Piltuam'a Magnziue. ' Magical in nperutiou. Mra. tephcn8, Moulhlv. j Tteyond all question, the mtichiucs. Life Illustrated. I The stitch cunut tie unruveled. Am. Agncultulist. j They muintaiu the pre-enuneuce- Kxprcss. , P-ivea the time und heulth of ten women. Water Cure. Our hnoaehold ia in eratneies with it. Porter's Spirit. I Supply the fuahhmiihle world. Daily News, t Arcpre-emineully aunerioi. I.adiea' Visitor. 1 One of our household goda U. Journal, i t'urivalleil in every qua'ity. Dny Hook. . Pietly, uaeful, mngicul. Leahe's Ijazette. Have no equul for family use Musical World I A ttiuinpli of meclinnical genius N. Y. Journal. I Combine every requirement. Family Mugnzine. i Yustly superior to all olheia. (iolden Prize, j AYe cannoi tire in ita praise New Yorker. I For further particular apply to H. 13. Manser, j Simhiiry, Pa., agent of the manufacturer, who 1 ! will supply machines at the manufacturers' I prices. fuuhurv, Muv 15, 185S. tf "JUST RECEIVED a general assortment of New Ooods at the Store of J. H. ENUEL. Sunbury, Dec. II, 18.rB.- 4I.M0ND8, RAISONS, FIOS, LEMONS. &c, Ac, juat received a fresh supply and for sale at the Confectionary store of M. C. GEARHART. Punbury, May 16, 1857. r IXILASEZ.PHIA AND READING RAILROAD. CHANGE OF HOT7BS. ON AND AFTKK MONDAY, July 6, ihsb, thodowa ruorniiig Passenger train will leave Pottsvilla nt g.lo A. .M.. iKisaing Hcuiling ut 11.61 A. iM..und uiriviiig at Philadelphia ut Vi.'lo, noon. The down Afternoon Tiuin will leave Pottsvill at 3 30 P. .M., passing Heading at S.etj, and arriving al Philadel phia al 7.40, P.M. Morning and Afternoon Passenger Trains leave Phila delphia at kuih houra aa heretofore, 7. 110 A. M. and 3 30 P. M , passing Heading at lli.d.'i A. M. and U.07 1'. M. I.r.HANON VAl.l.KY nUANCII Pnasenger Train leaves Heading at 1II.0S A. M , (aftci arrival of Down and t.'p Morning Passenger Train from Potisville and Philadelphia,) and urrives at llarrisburg ut I'J.Uo noon, in time to connect with Passenger Tiunia for Knutuiry, YVilhninsport, Khnirn, Pittsburg, Cliaintiersburg, Daltiuiore and Ijiih aster. Returning, leuvea lluinaburg al 2 &j P. M , utter arrival of Pnaseuger Truins from all above points, nud amvea at H ending ul 4.5a, iu time to coiuiet1! with L'paud Down Pusscnger Traina to Potis ville and Philadelphia, the name evening. O. A. NtCIH.I-S, Kiigiueer and tiupertutendent. July IM?. tf lVlioletinlc Ciroccry. EBY Sc KXJ1SXKEIL, Ojipoaitu the I'eiinnylvania Kail Road Depot H ARRISBURCJ, PA. EEP a large stock of the following named articles, and will sell cheaper than any other house this side of Philadelphia. Cull and j see pries of ; Cotl'ee, Lard oil, Fish oil, ; Sugar, Fih, Tar, Tea, Salt, Rosin, ! Spices, Hams, Pitch, , Tobacco, Shoulders, Oakum ! Cigars, Flour, Robes, ! Vinegar, Fluid, Calcined Plaster 1 Cheese, Soap, Candles Ac. S. H. Molasses, Syrups, N. O. Molasses. Also, Cement, Safety Fuse, Crow Dars, I Sledges, Iron and Nails, for sale at very sinull 1 profits. I July 3. '858. ly j N E w "woi? K foiTag ENTS. j The Life, Speeches and Memorials nf DANIEL "WEBSTER. Con turning liii mutt celct-ruteJ orations, a t:let,tion from ! ihc ruiigit!! delivered on the occaktinii of hn ilcutli, unt) : Ins lift und Time., by HAM TEL tMl'CKKU, A. M. j Thii pluiidid wurk U juit publiatied. iu oneiaige vutume of pupes. Il 11 printed on fine white paper und hound 1 in be-taiiiul style ; ctmtuim excellent tint illuftirutiuni of J hit liitthpluce- und Muiminn nt Mantliticld ; and a full leiipth life-like. Steel I'ortiuit. The puldmhcr olFcri it with I'inititif nee to the American public, and is convinced that j it will supply uii iiiiirlunt K-aut in American literature. No work was to be obtaiued heretofore, winch pieaented, wtlhin a compact und tuveuiL-ntcnmpaiw. the chief events of the life uf Daniel Webster, his most remarkubla iutrl ! l,'l,,ual1eir"i;f' anduviit valual.lem.a.ntrut..gflu eu-s whu'li the irreat men ,il thM niillun ut rd 111 li..iuir lii II ma iiieiiuiry. B j We preaent all these treaaurea in thia volume volume, at : u vei v moderuto price, and in a very eunveiiient form. huliwi iplKin pricv, iu clotli, tl,7S ; huudauiiiely siuuoaacd I irutlier, tfli.OU. Prrauua desiroua of liecominir;, Aftenta for tins valuable Wurk, will addisss, for full partieulnra, VUA.lt KI I.IO.'N, Puhliauer, . 33oulli Third treet, Plnladclyliia Ta. rinladeljihia, Kebruury l!t, le5U. tit. N0BLIT, BROWN & N0BLIT, . Cabinet MaUeiV Flndlugr Store AND BEDDING WARE-ROOMS, Having REMOVED to tha new Iron Front Warehouse, No. ii'l South Second Street, below Dock, West Side, PHILLDELPHIA. jV OW offer to ther customers and tha public " generally, new and full assortment of CABINET HARDWARE 6c MATERIAL8. They invite tha attention of the trad to their stock of Hair Seating and Curled Hair, of their their own manufacture ; Also to a full assort ment of BEDDING AND UPHOL8TERY. Philadelphia, July 3, 18S8 ly OWAVNE'8 Celebrated Vermifuge or Worm Killer. The bast remedy kuown for i pelt ing Worms. For sale at FISHER'S. October 16, '68. Stoves- IOR SLE B n excellent second-hand Cok' - ing Slov. also savaral Cylinder Cl oa. Enqurr at tlm ofllc. pORTand MADERIA WINES, Schiedam Shnappa,WUd Cherry brandy, Blaakberry and Lavender brandies for medicinal purpose at July IT, A. TT.FISHER. HIGHLY IM rORTAHT HEW M. C. GEARHART, H returned with new Stock of Confectionaries, Frnit and Toys. IT seem aa If new age, new life waa open ing upon ns, animating every baart to nobler deeds mil higher aims ! Art, Literature and Bci erica will glow anew and aeek to develop sub timer beauties and grander conception. The business witfld too must feel the new In fluence and every part he quickened and strength ened fcy au increased vitality, which shall urge us on with electric speed lo the consummation nf greater things than was ever dreamed of in the rinlosotihv of the past. Animated by the enthusiasm which prcvatles all classes, and desirous of doing his share to wards "The great events of the Age," the aub scriber would respectfully inform tha food peo ple of BL'NBUKY and the public generally, that lie haa just returned from the city f l'hiladel phia with the largest and choicest atock of Con fectioneries, Fruit and Toys that haa ever been brought to this section of country. He la alto manurHclutinc ell ktnda of Confer. tior.ariec, dec.. to fill up ottlcrn, vt hnleaa'e 01 ttUil, at short no tice. Among his stock of Confectionaries, moy be found : French Secrela, lturned Ahnonda, Cream White, 11 Ijeinon Hose, " Vanilla, Common Sccieta. Liquoucc, Gum Props, ell kinds of aconl, l.ove Lirops, Mint Drops, red and whito, Jelly Cakes, Fiuit Drops, etick Candtes, nt all scents Rock Cumly, Almond Candy, FRUIT. P'lnaiuin, I'rutHMi, I'iHteji, Fitfsi, L'urriuil" tliitl, Ciuoni), Alnmndi, Rmisoii", Ntinofall kinds LEMON BYKU1 of a eiinerior miulitv. bv the sinizle or dozen. A superior ttuality of Secars and Tobacco, and variety of Confectionaries, fruit, Toys, Ate, all of which is ollercd cheap at whelesalo or retail. Or" Jieinember thei name and place, aj M. C.GEAU1IART, Market et., 3 doors west of Fisher's Drug store. Sunburv, October 30, 18-1S. ly Ao. '20 tjirth ilrc:t, ahoue Chcsnut, I'hilad'a MERCHANTS, business men, and persons gencrully will find this hotel ono of the must convenient and pleasant in the city. The proprietor will use hie bent ellorls to accommo date his puestH, and at reasonable prices. December 4, 18.18. ly NOTICE. A IL persons indebted ta James Ilenrd, lute ProthonVrlary of Northumberland county, for Ices, tie, are Requested lo mako nnmcdiuto pay ineut, and thus save cost end further trouble, as all accounts remaining unpaid will be placed in the hands of a Justice for collection. Payments enn he made either to the subscriber or to J. S Buard, at his ofiice. JAMES BEARD Sunbury, March 27, IR."8 tf mVIBTXU HOUSE, (Fiwmurly Klaie'e UlilI.) ' U'.WISBVKO, I'M ON CO, PA. iii;tzi;i nopriftor. ri'HIS is one of tlie larii-st and treat iiirnished Hotels on X tlie Weal Uluneli. It ia loruted in the trusineas puU, of tlio town, (il being tha only Hotel in Mnrket S4imre J The proprietor ia rirtertntned, to use every exertion to imrtte his In.iiio one of the best in t.ie State j and it orTeia rare induct iiinnta for pcrauna wli 1 airend h aliort time 111 one of the moat plresaut towns iu ceutiul PeiiiisylVHn.a. Churea very moderate. Irfrwishuig, June li, 153. lROWN'S and llreiniu's Essence of Cinget " and iiuutand'a Magnesia t July IT; '.18. FhMTRR'S siiiE it i v v & "uTUf Yhulcsule and Jtetttil Dealers in FOREIGN Se DOMESTIC WI1TE3 A1TD LIQTJCKS, Mill stnel, (Eaul aide) Aorth Danville, 1'a. rW E undersigned would respectfully announce to their friends and the public generally, that they have purchased a very extensive atock of Wines and l.iijuorn direct Iroui the Custom House, which they oiler to the trade at Philadel phia prices thereby saving freight iVc. JOHN' W. SHERIFF, J. S. HALL, Danville, Juno 19, 1858. if. STO E. MISSLOl'lS.V SHISSI.ER, respectfully in forms the citizens of Trevortun aud sur rounding county, that sho hue opened a new store of Millinery and Fancy Goods, at Trevor ton in iShanrokin street, nearly opposite Knouse's Tavern, where all Kinds of ltonnets and Fancy Goods can be had lit the lowest terms. Dress making ulso attended ta ix the best manner and latest style. April aft, 1858 tf mooee"& campion An. 201 South Second Street, C duors ubove Spruce, PHILADELPHIA, HAVE now on uaud the largest assortment of ri.r. c.4 5hm:t h iimi i rc Than they have ever had at any previous time, and they invite the public to call and examine their stock before purchasing, as lin y feci conli dent thut their prices will he a sufficient induce ment tor all who want good furniture to buy at their esti'blUhment. A large assortment of Pratt's Rack and Pinion Dining Extension Tables always on hand, Spring and huir MultressoK f .riiished at lowext prices. Furniture carefully packed aud on reasonable terms. Philadelphia, July 21, 1858 ly CWAYNK'S DOUR EL COR DIAL, a speedy aud effectual remedy for Asiatic Cholera Dy sentery, Diarrhotr. No cure no pay. For sale t FISHER'S. Ost It, '58. Iishing Tackle. Red Cork, Orasa, Cot ton and Linen Lie.es, Out Lines, Sea Crass by the yard, Snoods, Flies, Kirby, Limerick and Carlisle Hooks, Rods, cVc, for sale by July 17. '50. A. W. FISHER. Citrate of Magnesia 11 TASTELESS 8ALT8. 'l'lS.S preparation is recommended a an ex cellent laxative and purgative. It operates mildly, is entirely free from any unpleasant taste resembling lemonade in flavor, prepared and sold by A.W.FISHER. Sunbury, July 17, 1858. MOUNT VERNON HOTEL, Second ttreet,mbeloie Arch, PHILADELPHIA PA 'TxtfE above establishment having oeen rcno vated and refurnished, .the proprietor assures the public that call is only needed, ss he guar entees full satisfaction iu every case. Terms $ I per day. A. M. HOPKINS, Proprietor. September S3, 1858 3.0 stationery. A large supply of fancy Not 5 Paper and Envelope, Mourning, Letter, and Can Paper, Pen, Ink, Sand, Ac, at July 17, '68. A. W. FISHER'S. J.T. JIKOWN, Maiiul'aclurinjj Jeweller, No. M Mai den Laws, utlers bis stoek, coiiaistin of a Reiicrrd assurt anent cuTLoekeis, Cbaina, are., wkic ars oaTsrul al tat krwust cask prices, tieai uuhiocuieuls to oouatry aarsk buyers OetoUr (, I84 Sraos BUSHONG'S fc SONS' Superior Burring Fluid, for sal at FISHER'S a Drug ard Chemical Emporium. Sunbury July 17, 1858. I JARR1S' Soothing Syrup, for Children Ueth-- ing. For sale at FISHER'S October 16, 'S8. JU8T RECEIVED a trg lot of refty mad CLOTHING, Cheap t J. H ENGEL'S. Sunqnry, Dsc. II, 1151. furniture runwrnijiE t THE LARGEST 8T0CK EVER OFFERED IN SUNBURY. Fashionable, Cheap and fitful THE subscriber, long established as a Cabinet and Chair Manufacturer in Sunbory, thank ful for past favors, solicits continuance of ths public patronage. His atock of Cabinet-Ware, Chairs, c, embraces EVt-KV VARIETY., USEFLL AKD ORSA RiKNTAL in housekoepiuir. It is unnecessary to enume rate, as anything that may be required in hia tin can b had at moderate prices, Cheap for Cash, or Country Produoa'tuken in exchange. bstalilisliment A'oii(A East Corner of Market Square. tiT Those knowing themselves indebted to the subscriber would oblige him by making pay ment. SEBASTIAN HAUPT. Kunburv, April i, 157 tf PHILIP H. P'JP.DY. tenoisiiM 155 fita:i Grocery, Wine and Liquor Store, 5. E. cor. Walnut and Wafer Streets, PHILADELPHIA, DEALERS and families will be promptly supplied at th lowest prices. October 4, I85C If HERRING'S SAFE. AGAIN THE CHAMPION I 1 The ony Sule which, iu every mstnuci', preserved their en- IMiPIon; i u' coUents 111 tUe ltt,e " n tire contents 111 the lute tensive lire. At the burning of the Arti- ,n I Tan Uuildings, April Kith, rii '3sntl in the GREAT FIRE in Market street, May 1st, 1850, the genuine HERR1NC3 SAFE Preserved the Jewelry of Geo. W. Simons A llro. ; Books, Popcrs, Ac, of Fisher Jt Uro.,and Edward Seamans & Co., after remaining e posed in the burning ruins for netrly FORTY HOURS, and proving conclusively whit we have always claimed lor them, THEIR GREAT SUPERIORITY over all securities now known. In these Ores, THE HERRING'S SAFE, standing side by side with those advertised as "warranted to stand JO per cent, more fire than Herring's," cune forth tho ACKNOW LEDGED VICTOR, not only preserving their contents in EXCELLENT order, but bring in themselves in condition to go throngh another ordeul, while the boasted Salamanders" of other ma kers were badly used up in every instance, and in some cases their entire contents completely destroyed. To tho public he would aimply Ftiy, tliet. du ring the fonrteen years the HERRING'S SAFE has been before them, more than two hundred have passed through accidental fires without the occurrence of a single loss. We would, therefore, CAUTION purchasers against tho misrepresentation of interested par ties. The HERRING'S PATENT is the only FIRE PROOF SAFE made in thia citv, which is protected by a PATENT RIGHT, and we will guarantee it to resist more then double the amount of heut of any other Safe now known. I'arrcl, Hon Ing & Co., Role Manufacturers !n this State of "Herring's Patent Champion Safes," 34 Walnut St., 1'hilada. CF" "Evans & Watson's Improved Salaman ders," "Oliver Evans'," "C. 8. Gaylcr'a," and "Scott's Alisetos," Iron Chests, (a largo assort ment linvinrr been taken in part payment lor "Herring's,") will be sold at low prices. Philadelphia, July 10, 1858 ly Suddle and Harness Maker IIENKY HAUPT, JR. Sv RESPECTFULLY informs tin .-v'i citizens of Sunliurv and the nub. lie generally, that he has taken liv.gi7in.ia.iiy, Haiti no una lamu the shop occupied bv Ulight and . .1 i ir. . r'. i 1, -i. . , . . 1 1 . , 1.:.. . , uuch, vim uaui rati ut i j'uupia vaouiei .11 a- j ker shop where he is prepared to turn cut work I in his hue ol business equal tu any made 111 tins soction of the country, Orders promptly execu ted and all kinds of produce taken in Exchange Sunbury, March 20, 1858. ly CWAYNE'S CO.MP'D SYRUP OF WILU CHERRY, an excellent article for Coughs, Co.ds, A.c. For sale only at FlsH ER'S. Sunbury, Oct. ii, ISS8. SADELItY AND IIAENESS MAKING. THE subscriber respectfully inform the citi zens of Sunbury and vicinity that they have commenced the above business a few donmebove the Post Ollice, Market Square, Sunbury, Pa. Work of oil kinds in their line of business will he done promptly and neatly on the most rea sonable terms. CLEMENT ct OYSTER. Februaiy 13, 1858. Fur til 11 Look lo latnr Interest. LIME ! LIME 1 1 r"rvllE sudscriher respectfully informs the fur niers and the public generally, that ho has leaned the lime kilns of Ira T. Clement iu Sun bury, and that he has always 011 hand, and is ready to supply a good quality of lime to all who may want for building or farming purposes. He ha. also a kiln ut Keel'cr's crossing a miles from Sunbury, or two from nvdc rtowu, tV All kinds of Country Prorluco taken in exchange. (iEO. W. STROH. Suubttry. r""- ss I?. GEORGE HILL, i-TTOHlTET Jl? LA77". SUNBURY, 3? A.., RESPECTFULLY informs the public and . his friends generally, 'that he has removed to Sunbury, and haa opened a law ollice at his residence, in Market square. His acquaintance with the English and German enables him to transact business iu both languages. April 10, 1858. ly TObaOCO and SegarS 20,000 Imported Segars of various brands. Eldorado, Fig, Cavendish and fine cut tobacco at A. W. FISHER'S. Sunbury, July 17. I8S8. SUNBURY FLOUR STOKE FOR 1859 (i O. II WEN, is yet at his old stand, South J side of Market Square, Sunbury, and keeps constantly on baud good atock of Flour, Feed and all things in his line1 He haa now on hand a fresh supply of No. I, supertiti FLOUR No. 1 Extra, and Extra Family in barrels.; Williamsport double extra in quarter barrel sacks. Wye flaur, Buckwheat Flour, Corn meal and chop tf all kinds for Sal cheap for CASH. He is always ready to supply th wants of hi eusto.nera. in small or large qantities. ALSO, Crackers of all kinds for aale at regu lar wholesale price. Ha hope by careful atten tion to business, to merit and continue la receiv the patronage of hi customer. C. 0. HAVEN. Sunbutj, Jan. 19, 1859. tf. 1JURE CIDER VINEGAR. PURE CIUER VINEGAR, PURE CIDER VINEGAR, By Ih quart, gallon and barrel, for sal by M. C. GEARHART. Sunbury, July 31, 1818. SMITH & CO., OYSTER PACKERS. No. 9 Albemarle street and Ko. 10 S. Front street, fSaltimore, Md. Aid Bcott'i Cain, Portsmouth, Va. RESTAURANTS supplied at all season of tb year wth all th salt water delicacies found ia th city market. All rders promptly tnd faithfully UndJ to. September 11, 1858. ly ISAAC JH.'NVILKEKEO, MANUFAOTUREROF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS B Of the most Fashionable Style. Sofas, Divans) and Lonnires Bureans, Secretaries, Sideboard 80F4, BREAKFAST AND DII0 1 TABLRS and also VENETIAN BLINDsVequaHo lj l delplna manufacture. lh,I!,rl,tY"yar,iclelntlli, linoof tusineM H E suWribcr respectfully call, the .,t,nti, -- of the public to hi large and .p0Jjj aortment of every quality lmJ price 0 , Uhl CAKIWE'IMVAKR which cannot fail to recommend itself to.very ,nr who will examine it, on account of it, duyrabu workmanship and splendid finish, made Up of t it best stock to be had in the ctty. No effort a spared in tne manufacture of hi. ware, and tl subscriber 1. determined to keen uu .i K many improvement which are constantly b ing ofH. ..manufacture all kind. ndnattli,it, , , cirAius. be no exrune for per,,,.,. ,0 pllrchac tumton h, t lie c,t,c9, as every confide,,-, c i,c en.e, aine about the quality .d f Ui These .rticle. will be disposed of on .. R00fl term as they t an be nurchnLl ..u .... VR . tvy produ-e tuken in payment for work' UNDERTAKING. Having prr)villc(J a handsome H.xns ,le in now J pP Lnderlaking, aud attending funerals, in Una vi emity, oral any convenient. dUtunce from this JHHC6 The War Room is in Few,, tstrect. be low V eavarN Hotel. ' He has also purchased (he riu.it of mannfac luring and selling m Norlh.imberland county. Goulds patent Lxcelsoir Spring lied, wl,i,l, wi I furnish t r.usonnhle rutes. tjpring, put i old bedstead for three dollars. lsAO M. WILKERSON. Sunbury, April 18,1857 tf. LANCASTER COILIEEY FoTsALE! Iiniiui tant lo t oal (iponileu. riM!.r:Und''o I'csse,,s "Lance.icr tol .cry, near Shamokiu. Noithuu.herlan.l county, 1 cniisylvjiitn, wi-hing retire from the business, oiler for talc the Lease and Fixture of cud Colliery, en satisfartoiv terms. This Colliery has t.eu in operation since ln,-,4, n( has been successful beyond expectation, 'lhe Conl is a superior articles for nil i:s.'s to' which Anthracite isapplied, ond a toorl msrket has been established, which enn he ir.ndi extended. The Breaker and Fixtures arc of the yery Ivst char acter and will recommend tlietnuelves lo persona acquainlr.d with the business. The Lease runs to January I, 18K4, arid la a ruvorable one for the operator. For further information apply at '.he f'ulliery in person, or by letter to Shun'iokin, P. O., Nor Ihumbcrlaud connly. Penusj Ivnnia COCHRAN, PEAI.E .f;o. February (J, 183s). tf iT-IOLD PENS with and without eases, ef a IB T uptrior quality, jo rt received. Also a fresh supply ,,f U'riting Fluid, for at , , H. 11. MASrtER. Sunliurv, Dec. 27. IK5H- wiioi.uii.E nu RiTirr. BOOT STORE, 40 South Fourth S.t, above Chetnnt. Phil ,,. OOTS, Shoes, G.itcrs. A c. nroinnl'v i,, ,.l., I yy fk . , ' i ' " I 1 P f '" ordf 111 ",r vur-v 'e. ard of i!,e i "ett material. Philadelphia, May 9, 1S.S7. DANVILLE HOTEL. J-OHXsT DEEM, JR., Market Street, l'uncitle, I'n, rimiS is one of the lare.t and most romm.i. 1 dious hotels in the interior of I'eniislvani.r U has been reeenll lilted op, m excellent stle, Willi all lire modern conveniences. I'anvillcd, Sept. 22, lr.'5. WHITE I10K.SK IiOTEL. POTTSYILLE, PA. 'pHE subscriber . oh pec I lolly announce to his -- old friends and the public, ihm ,e ,. tal.ju that old and well known eMablisiiiuent, Hib Whito lllorso Hotel. At the corner of Centre and Mahantogo sis., hi the liorough of Poltsville. 'Che Inline has r,. cenily been very much enbrsedii.nl otherwise improved, rcmleiing it quite as comfortable as any other Hotel in iYhtn Ikill county while the stiiUesarc largo, iu good rocditiun, and at tend by careful, attentive, pi u. lent hortlers. To travellers und others who may stop ut his house, he promi.es every attention calculated to render them comfortable aud sutisiied. JOS. M. FF.GER. April 5, 15'.- tf MiM'r.Kcrt iu ti nr r. J O . .tl i: 4 t .Si. SO, rpilE oldest Electro Plater iu the United Mutes, mauufnrtures of every varielv of (ioods pluled with j ure .ilver, Albata, Uriuttnia and Steele Tea Setts, Urns, Waiters, Caners, Cake l!ss kets, Pitchers, Goblets, Communion ceivicc, Spoons, Forks. Knives, ic. All goods tirr&nt ed as rcpreenk J. North East corner 9th and Chcsnut streel. Philadelphia, Penua. May 8, 1858 lr "OLANK Parchment Paper Deeds and blank Mortgagee, Honda, Executions, Summon Ac, fur sale b H. JJ. MASsEK. Sunbury , A cril 20. 1H.'. TJORT MONAIES, Tooih and IfiTi l77u7iTw A all qualities, and any quanti y,'fur sale by A.W.FISHER. July IT. V8. PATENT-DRITTANIA STOPPERS i bar bottlea fur aale by H. B MASSER. Sunbury. .Inlr 19, JrtMt. FOR RENT. FIHK Store Room in Market atrcet, Inrmerly X occupied by P. W. Gray. Apply to the ex ecutora of H. Master, deceased. A pril IT I HS. P. MELANCHTON 6HINDEL, Jl STIf 11 OF THE PEAtB, SUNBURY, r-cV. Ojfict in Deer Strect,immediately opposite the Public School House. All business promptly attended lo. Muni eollected and ll ordinary writings done. Sunbury, April 85. tbbl tf PURE CONCENTlTTEirLY"EOR SA l PONIFIER, far ul l FISHER'S Drug Store. Pric SO els. PATCHOULY, JOCKEY CLUB, SPRINO FLOWERS, tke., ofth best quality; fresh supply just received anj for sal at th Drug Stor. of A. W. FISH ICR. uubarr.Jirty 17, 18S9. HENRY DONNEL, ATTORNE1T AT LAW. Ojfics opposite tkt Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County Pa. Prampt attenlioii to business in djoininj kwuul).