Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 16, 1859, Image 3

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    Jmctgn IJctos
"Arrival op the city of
Foi r i.' 1.411.11 prom rt noPE.
Arrangements for the Peace Congress Ann.
thtr French Loan The lleform Contest
in England.
Nkw York, April 12.
The. steamship City of Pmltiiiinre orrivet!
this morning, with Liverpool dales to the
30th ult.
There wna loss mnfi.!eiic- in pence, nt
Paris, Vii'iiini anil 'i'urin, where pre
paration a rnntinued.
The Paris liotirsp wns doprcpsTd, three per
Cent. Ueliles closittK ut list. 10c. The re.
port or n pntidinit Trench loiui was supposed
to huve mine inlineneo in tho depression.
'I'h lit I'm in debute in Pui ihnnciit wns
contiuu.d ever iicht. A vote wns to he
taken on the Cist. The Ministers have
staked their Into on tim h-suo. 'i'h-i Libera!
joirnnU consider their rosiuiuition certain, i
'I'ho Iauillitin Coiil'-reiiOi' wo expected to j
assemble, .Inline; the week. The business i
will tin settled in one. or two sessions, nil tin
Powers having uyrecd to recognize Pio
Conza'j elect ion. , . I
The meeting of the Peace Concresn, it. is I
generally supposed, 'will he lelivcen II. e l.mi
and 2Uth ol' April.
The teli-priiphu! ndvh'cs by the C.ilcult.i
mail of the 'J.'ilh ol' Fobiuory. embrace no
thin impoi :!!. Imp-irls and freiflitu were
drooping. Ksi linnue was (jnoted M.
'2. Ijd. The 1 1 "ft? Ron;; dates were to
February loth ; Kxohange, -Is. J. ! freijjhU
flat. ,
It wns confident!- asf-erlul that the Con
preM would tie held'iii the ('rand Duchy of
B.,.ln. and most likely in the to.', n of H oi n.
The Puns I'rwc says that ficts just :ty I he
nMt-rtion that it is th minion of Lord t'ow.
ley to Vienna which had rendered the Con
press pissil'tt'.
'I'Iih Publish ("ovornrncrit is said pi have
given its ceii-cut to thu inliiiitaiuii of
uiu to the Coiu:'vM.
Accord. in,' to aulhorities the will In twee li the Kit'.l uuJ
of April.
The Vienna correspond.'.! (:f the t.on.'on
Timet says that nllltili Austloi has pro
linked til iilteud the LVn,'!lcss. i-lnt i- not in
jliued tv) linn'; peace will he inuiiit a. I.. .1. und
consequently cuiilinues her muniments.
I.e .Yom hays that Count Cavum's note to
the live powers, clainiinij the loiini-.-ioii i.l
Piedmont to the Cont' points out.
in associat ;io'. tlieii'selvos with the p'uioy ol
I'icdinoiit. they would u-;-i;ro
timpli of nutioii ility nnd of
ty cxtl'l linir I'if.luoinl they
the fa-, of Paly to lovoluliu:
ul once I'nf III
iier In i l.ily
VW'uI,! ii!ii!nlo:
ill v ;
Tne Par.s ( on poiidirnt ol tue l.i.u.y
;, i,,,Tts 1 1. at ur.ioiniei.ts were eo.i.i; on
ii:i:ji'-ljts. were e
ax .I ion.
in Pral w l' i,o:,t
The Palis lJr
.l deeded jp'i:
t j each of iVs .ei
, ic l ales thi.V dev.
vcrntuei t
b at i a lion
imen1;- ol
,, to be
a a.luio'! a fourth
i,..ii la! i ! i :'.i ; i i ly re;
tl.-v b iitaliiiiia :
3 i and li: li con
l!ie I. no. Tue
ioriio-d out of til
the ul.-eady esittmif battalions.
LeUers'ii oik I'oicelii'.a unoeiince tliaf be
tween the 'J.M -'-id Uoih of M-iicK U;'
Auslr.ans, w.lh ,'nJ cuiinnn, l-"t banels of
rosin and (i-eut (pi mtity of confirevu rock
vie. nrrtve.i lh-r,'. Tne chinch v. a.-, convert
ed lu'o a ll.uir inaar.ii'11.
X o! r win in ciicui '.'.ion in I arts r-n
2-.'.h. Moat it iiaJ not t n em'i' no d.l t
C.iliiMi'iil had taken ( lace in l.'iinb ii ';
t'.vc-en an Austrian detachment mid son
.ni ls who wished til esca'ie the fervice
re- i
It '
!s snid thut coie man Wj. killed and s1. "ra'
W. il.dei! Ui the n.'-Ue.
t; '.. .li-.v I' is offii'ia'Iy nnnotltifed that
t!is Pd S'naihly hi I voted Ptipp! ' ". f. I
nrmioK th" I'e l. i' il fortte-'.- villi the neci s
ni:v .irtillery. Prince Frederick of Wur
tc'i'do r" is said to h ive ti"."i a e'dnted Com
I! 1
r ,:: I. he I
,h 1'
A 1 110
A IIIll'IAt ,l lll'l-'t H' A.N I.Ni lNI lit
I a i :;.
A roan named William .Coy, s..ys th
bsh t, til l ) ii'.'.eilieencer, was sent, re,
jturiioy week to eiiiht-u years Co hn
in th. p'.'ir1"''' ary, loi burnii'.t! l is i"iu
10 il-.utli. Tim cii.10: was coaii'o.t ' - 1 ii
Pa.! uf l-.."7. but ciinet.ale.i by tho !
oi on
I lie
tliiiuiuh fear of the father, ll
Mint tier olleuce, lately puVe '.
iiity 1 J t' li it w il hunt fear,
v. in. -s ai'iiiiist hi, 11 was hi-
Nancy, v. nose story to lie: j'i
l-.y i':,".' 1' li liieenrer:
' Her loi'.' Iirollo-r .f"i.n, a
1 Ins arrest ler
i.eni r n cpporlu
Tho piiuc'pal
iiilie daio.'oiir
iy is given, a ci i.e. 1
unwell, ami
.'. !i" coti-eipo
ii-i'h-r.i!''y 1!
'.t fe
mi l'.iiiS I'U. Was ll'lil
n ' f 1': some ' i.i s. ail'
fit. and i. ol
in th
..hi 1..
, ma-!
and il.stul ' 1 0 'I' lather. P
1 lo cog ie 1 I at .0 r li..'. il to 1 er i-n
to " t r'li u'nl rna'.e a fir-. She lie
the' lire -' 'licipa'ly of l.r is'o, leeea-.s,! L ' 1 I c'
no ..1 her w.enl pr. p ir. 1. Afti r the lire
! i: an to burn, ti e ihiid C"iitini:i J tu Ci V
u 1 fret, her ircunie i-r.r.-.geil, ns.d
n.ii'eh. d ti.e chi1'! IV:. tn its niiithei's 11 mis,
, r .1 . 1 : iT 1.1...
to 1
1: every pari icie. 01 cn-i mug 1 11 n , n un 1 10 n
Si it In oi.e 1:1111 and ne leg. an.l held il
r the lire until it 'u? burned in (..'Von. I
;es to u blister. He then struck the little
er. r l '. 0 bl.r.v w i'h. his hand, leaving '.'pen
l.ody m irks i.f his liiige-.'S, u'ni I ie'i, 1 i.: ec
nto'lhe cradle or bed. IPs w.fe uioi
(i igil! '! St: Uil -leJ to
f o II il.lll. I ''-- Wi lli una
M.S. J..J hieiid '.h-'t h'
t'lj ehii-1 t . el -atii, she
to prevent seeing the s
lo-ariut: of thu cliddV
pet tho th; il
lo to do so, til. J
f,IV j
was pt.ii g to bun
an tut " f the house
g'lt, and to pel out ol
fcreums. JuV took
ii .vvu h.s gun ami pieuting 11 iu iier coo , ,01,.
td her to c ine in. IK'tioOi h ll tin) hoi.iu
li .; i d d not return, ns we ut.ilersi and foi 11 day
oi l',..'... p. eir days after tiiii tertihlo fco.o
t .o- l.i.h- snilVr.ti.' child died and was buried.
K bat Joy and his wile and two young
U.iuhleri l.ue.v ui.ytliiiiK about tlie cause of
pij ?ii-'jtn. To" ii'eiitlioori'i.' woin,,n, who
Cl,e ii and assisted to lay out the child,
found .1 fa morl.iied und decayed that, they
'cniid not wa.-h it, or even take nir the
C otho.g npou it- J"J' U'I,J uis ,v,ta B,u1
.1 ... i.r i .i -.t if ever tliuv Mii I a wr rd uhout
. 1 . I,
11 " -a - .
1 1 tii.'V believed bun,
WoUl-J UIU laeoi
a ! sii kept the horrible secret,
"'ii,) lnt-lligencor, ol a 1 iter date, nays that
J .y was sent to U ll penitei tary from that
C ,jp'v 1:1 e-iu.pany With thro other eiiuiinjls
aud'tiiat they uhiiaed him while goine; to the
d-i'int nil J Diicliinan, liie iiiuiuei.-i ui i.u.-i!
treJ to n ip him up. Howard tnunted him
u'li. ialiy. The wretched child murderer
""'.'' ' . . .ti .,-iilimit n viiril of reproach or
- . . .- . .1 .i . ,.r .
euo iu-i il uu ..ui. - 1 --- -
resentment, lu tliej.ll k" wai abuued by, ho inude un ttliiry of Lim,
th,. ir. iier pr
a., ! bval it.
W .in"- Taxabi.k fok School Pcmmsks.
cc .rd.n" to '-he recent ilecUiou J Judjio
Tlaie- ofihe,ter I'ouuty, it peeii a that
It.'u.-i are taxable Tor school purposes
'Hu dec sion nas rendered in the case of
"tv-i ,i:l..rlint.,n, who htoueht snit belnre
B i.,,t,.e1fthu peuce to recover Irom the
CB .1 liror.clioult.ixos in Willirtown ton.
,U 1. tl cf cent., which hud
lu 'u nrM.sed upou a B.lva lever wutcli, nnd
pMd.i. h.m Muder prolyl. Tlie Justice uV
& ---ainst Darlineton. and exception,
Z ,,t mde to hi decihi.ili, the cooo came up
ber'.re JuJge llaiues roudjiidicutiuu, who
l.vs ' . . :.!.. t llm m'll nf
A cnie
ftul CXOIlllUB.iuu "
iaj.ooll,'. ill
fimuection wita tne inregn ii.'
Tu liect, lus satisfied n.e that, ei ner
,U.'V : ..tads taxable for school
coin cr ii'.. ,., i1B
hut tliUt 110 lll.uer
l ll 1 IH'pvu., If J thereon than 1 speciberl
. Iiir.ii.tnra run oil
tliau is specitleil 111 tne acia ui
.Bm i y. I'irei i.u.. - ---- .
. it ...tea tin ninmiiMi. imil lihu-
Tha four criminnla, Combrill, Croppn, Cor
tin nnd Cyphuj, condeniijed to dentil lor vari
ous murders, Were executed yi'stordny at Hul
timore, In the picsenco of, it in said, foU.OUO)
persons, nsceinbled on the hill which over
looks the juil, It will be recollected that
(lunibnll wus churned with shooting officer
lteniou while the latter hud n jirisoner in cub
tudy. Subsequently officer Hidden testilied
Hjiuinst (juinhrill, und it wns upon bis evi
deuce urn inly thut he wus convicted. After
leaving the Court House nnd reaching his
home Ki(idon wns shot deud while in tho
midst ol his I'uniily. Cioppa wnsconviclcd of
I'u ing the I'aUl 8hot, und Coriiool Lcinp on
ucctpsory. All except Cyphus, the negro,
boloiigitlto the rowdy clubs of llultiniore,
l'lu;' Ujihes und similar ussocintious of idle
youuj; men criminals nt niht.
'1 hu relatives of the condemned VifiteU
them on '1 Imrsdnv, for the last tune, nnd up
on the sacred privacy of their last interview
upon earth no others desired to intrude. At
2. I'. M., Wm. I'. Preston. Ksq counsel ol
'eier Coine. visited hu ci 11. On entunu;.
I i'eter, w ho was ciie.:i:ed in his devotions, und
i surrounded by h.s relations brothers, sisters
aiol liieiuls Fpranj forward nnd utlectioiuto
! Iv eiuhraced Ins counsel. His tirst ejacula
i t'lon was, "Oh 1 Mr. Preston, 1 am Very ilud
to see veil. 1 inn prepared, sir; but before
1 diu f ili to e.piers to ji.ti my thniiks for
: vhiii c.veilMMis in my hi hall. th, sir, do you
j not think I decrve to he forfiivcii? Have 1
evei been in heait a murderer I"
i .M r. Preston paused, und in the midst of
j breathless silence said : "1 have known you
from u small boy ; 1 knew your father, nnd 1
; know your mother ; 1 know u!l your family ;
i and 1 'lee! deejdy for their uP.liction nnd your
I lute. 1 have defeinlcd jou, und 1 havedefen
j ded you upon principle, In my judgment yon
; are not a msiiieier. To inoiiow you must
I die ; d.e mi iiiomiiH'i.iis death; may Cod
I have mercy on jo-.i. 1 have conic to bid you
farewell." " Cori'io replied "sir. I never ton
I s; iie.l or consented to take, the life of lliedon;
I in. was a f.r.Mieer to me ; 1 had no malice.
1 lyainst him whatever ; iny mistake was the j
. .. .'i r ..v: 'i,.nu.i.t 1 ti(
' .. , -. - ,
I into it ; ot'oeis rallied lis on ; 1 l',oie Uotl
i will f iri'ive lis : will loii'l ve 'nil. .'-ir, 1 hv
! iipk al lor patdoii. end lhron;l
the blessed ill- I
i Ihnuee ol leliiMon I hooe 1 mav bet
l.o!. i
I lu th death t' toe unfortunate niiin, 1 had
i nothing to e.i;;i ; I never consented to his
' death, never; but, sir, perhap.i it H belter 1
.-hi ".Id di". My neony is that u y mother and
j sister should piiiVer on my mvontit. May
' ijod comfort them." The prisoner wept, b;l
! l-riv, and a.11 within the cell joined iu his
' i?
M r. Preston responded, "peter. 1 rp'JSl oid
: ',a farewell r.t tiui tilim to morrow your
r.t si.-ali hiiVe !i d to the worm ol wuico
we Know
o little. M ay Cod, in his inhnite
don oar ol! nces in this wmld. 1
Unin sav 1 no not uiitih, you are a uiuii.tiei
(in v with urn to the iilaee ol' c.v ea'mn m
a ; e --. 'II e o
cd eionooi, tin. I o.i are tic vie
'.iin of i
that bi-w.ldeiii.a e.Vilemciil too olien prmtu-
.-, a t,v ,.ii..i.cation. The kindm-ss ntil ten- i
i.-ioi lour hear! 1 have l;ver Jo-ibte.i
,la tied put doll joti, anil p vu consoialiei,
i o ) ear u aliappy moi her and la.n:iy. In "o
wolol Wil isll. til IleVtr no l I :.f.alll faieV'tlt!"
I'lie counsel aeain einhraccl Ins client, lilid,
an. osl lio- iiiKliL'ie cubs ol all pi i sent, UnA
iii ii'.i.'.l aoiej.
it was said Thui--day iiii;!it t'int Camhriil,
afii r.ri ce; iiij: notice i f the u::.-uccessliil le
,ijlt of the visit ol his liieu 's to the Com ,-ii:it
ut Aunapi lis, yesterday, was much uliectcd,
an.! Unit his phvsicnl syjteiu wus entirely
i ii i'iv, or:, e I ins morninir.
hour, tue ciowj Oejrali to us;ii;i.ill
nn early
I tlie 1 i'l-on. l' ti
clock, nut loss thai!
i had cro'aded lo tie-'
ia. I, to too roid'i of the
in i"'i;.t from win h
i 1 11 rly tiieilSiiinl per.-oi.s
! ol 1 en iluoliS tne j
ii.'.i.-i. s, and lo t e. e 1 t
I a View cuitld bo obtained
1 l.'O it.lii.JWS slHIili.:
the iioi th
the j di, und li plain:,
ei (jrcuud und even
ic.n.iy .
1 xli l .ii 0 ii 1:, irka'd.'
,-.ii liie 1
i. i !s in ih
ci iininii'S
an I nerve on t..e ss
old. l.'ropps
.1 in, sluin g a i: inn, :.i wiucu un j"iu-
sin iu.ii a I: v 11111,
r. on the'oi.l. i.i.itit-r.ll, 10 11 o.-er
oee i.vcled in 1 '.em n I ' 1 111 : h.s llitlo-
Cyi hu i,tho i . giu'i a;-o J lotetleil 1
is in..
v. r,, a n.c.Liy .-..;;i:, in 11 j
; strong voice ' blood by a to u,i. Caniel
i said lo.lh tic i, hale v er. Ti e drop fell at fe- j
1 v. 11 ii'.oi'jtes alter ci- eo o'clock, n -d the lour 1
cr; oi. oil.-. i-,iJ tin.' I' -ii.ilt v vi their cinco lo
I i lie v."!:.t 1 'Ws. Cuiroi in
d I i a in 0 1 i i i diesl
iepiulis tt-rug-:';
pern it ted tu
r. then cut down
1 i 1. s '. a 1 t . I
Croj -s
'11. !)
null s, 11
their n
I.'d s,".e
in-.' th.l
, I W e
s I ..1. I. ft the
s i f ll e l:l"i
brief tiC'te in
1 recpio-1 that it
s deuth. i I Vi as
d,.:;, but i have
v.-. -T'i nlUIiliiie
t'V iissiiniled u
Hotel, I'.tid in
iii.oi I. i ui thai
ol h;s recovery.
lin.uSUI'eS Lave
t h
,t I.i
1 neo unto n:
cioci; tint 11
that shot P
.! it.
of r"v.
1 eccti
-11 near
A 1
.1 1 t .
li it i:
v io.e:
i: u 1.13
':! ie-
: 1: ie ht'j-i: is et.ti 1 1 ai lied
v,.l aiiin aro know p, und
taken to iities.t them.
I he
, l.s-i;
M vi r'M-:-: Pro::: r. lecture r
Vend by ll "'v.el, v e c.l'iv t n f.-w pitM:;;est
' 1'nelaw that bir. h" the otn? mail to the
lie v. u 1 an.'' 1 1 .(pn-i t! 1 ! .n .) ti e lectu
rer, '-is ir. v.ritt :n by r.ature, that
w I v lew r il ;s. violated in gu.ciul ewtoin the
mil -il' raeu
,:.! lo.'ui
1 en,;! to oelei iol'.i'e in luil.d
lie 1 :. r. 0 S! i :: z n.lV.iei.ces c!
'.s c a v ; tli Wile is a. foi.ipa.'iiuii a
iiuiii li i v.'.Vi s iie b:,t u liuiidred s!avt.ii.
Nor i I Ids ui! : unh'-s man look to w ounin as
i tr '.isiiitr lobe Wiied und won her
I he ehal'lii of his ixistenee l.:-r heiii'i
the 1 age of los desires- that which deserves
the name h ve cannot exist : it is ttrucli tut
ol Ihn healthful system cf society.
Now, if there lie a passion 111 the human
hie, 1st Which IllOSt tel. lis 10 lift US fltlt id'
i'.'.' t:s:i m -1 .-cif which most tenches UB to
lite hi aiio'.lu-r wl.jeh pniil'o-s and warios the
whoh ii.orial being il 13 love, us we nf the
No ih I ol I i1 an I cl.eiish it. poi even when
tlie fair i f .out h In.s piisM-il, uud win n
' I.; iii.tive 1 1 ' u is euijiloyi d in such grave pi r-si.,t-,
tiial the love of Ida early years seems
lo lii in like a liieain of roiiiii.ce, ftiil that
love, once lifud I.i m out if egoticin
into sympathy, dt cs r.ot yuei into new forms
Biid JeVeiopnieiit it has linked his heart to
charity and benevolence it gives a euiile to
his Inline it lis.. J up in tlie voices i.f his
ci.iidrm froin liis heart it circulates insensi
bly ou to tho laws that protect tho hearth,
tj tho native laud which spreads around it
hi. us, ii) tee uniform history cl'lhu world
i we ihfCov. r that wherever luce is created,
as ii w.-re, linn tuiii iK-iici uy unit eipiuiity
hetwetu tho which the permanent and
imly union of emu heart with auother pro
cluin.6 ; there, too, putri.itii.iti, liberty the
manly and the ueiillo virtues also liud their I
place; uud wherever, uu thu loni.ury, is
pructiteil and love Uisappeatj in the jjrof
siiti. ly of iho tenses, there we Uud neither
respect lor Immunity nor reverence fur home
nor iillucliou for the natal coil.
"AnJ one reason why (Jroece is contrast
ed, in all that dipuilies our nuture, with
the tlleminiite und dissolule character of the
Kuot which it overthrew, ie, that Orcece
wai the eurliest civilized country in which,
on the border! of thoso great monaichki
luirriuge was tha encrcd tie betweeu on
in in and one womanand man wui the
thoughtful lather of a home, not the lord
of a neraglio.
There are thiiteen thounanduniformed Tol
anteers in IVnosylTania, equal iu number to
tha regular nrmy of the Uoited Sta In all
there are tbreejhucdrudj and lift; thousaud
iceu capab'.t of hcarioj arms in tbe State.
1 lit It. OF HO. DAMtTt, E. SrCKLESi,
Ear the murder nf Philij' JJarttm Keg, Esq.,
Opening Speech of Mr. Ovid, United States
Gentlemen of the .Airy: -The indietmnt
yni lmv just lienrtl rend chnrgcsl)anil h.
Sickles with the wilful murder or Thilip Par
ton Key, on the 27th or February lust. 1 ho
parties were well knewn in this city. 1 he
nccused was a member of Congress Irotn the
preat metropolis of the Union. His victim,
Philip Uarton Key, has often appeared in bis
professional character before ninny in this
Court, nnd lie wus well known anion!; tho
whole community of Washington. In the
quiet of a .Sunday morning, v.lien all the
Christian world should have thought only of
peace and good will, the deceased wns merci
lessly shot down in tho streets of Washing
ton. He was wholly unarmed and defence
lers ; while the prisoner cuino into that car
nival of blood, s walking magazine, bearing
ubont him all the implements of murder.
Although the day was n warm one, ho had an
overcoat on him, that ho might better conceal
his ariillery.
The only weapon of defence that tlie lie
conned hud was a harmless opera glass, nnd
! that was useless in the ham's oT n man who
I w as p!i s eal ly very weak. When lirst shot
! by the prisoner, the deceased uttered piteous
exclaiiial ions, asking for mercy, that might
I have moved the hearts of most men, but they
oid lio eli'ei t upou the prisoner- He knew
1 his victim win nnniTo'd mid helpless ns
j soon as lie hnd lired the liist. shot, lie then
j stood ver his fallen and bleedintr victim, tir-
log ropeuti lily into Ins. expiring lorm. lien
liemun of the Jury, it was a deed of murder,
no matter what may hve beeti the antece
dent provocations in the rase.
Dining this poilion of the ppcech, which
Can only be partially repotted, Sickles seem
ed to be a good deal moved, and lowered h's
eves ut the most vehement passages. Mr.
6n!d proceeded.)
Si.ricient time had i lap" ! for the ri.-oncr
to reiieet before tiring the linal shots. lint
he was filled with n thirst for u I loody le-
ntol he stood over the pi osl rut e and
lorm lint d sal i.-lled that. ll.eie was no
I more to be doi.e. Kvnlenre w ,i 1 hi produced
i to show th'it the prisoner was ginllv of u.nli-
1,1 j'!! i:1
ion to t he ci iine of minder.
to review the law in regard to
"e I'rccee,,. n
courili r, r.'i.i ti..,ve the u. nal legaiVi lint: :oti.
1 lie appealed to the jury to judge of the cufe
! by the facts presented to them, and to pre
sume to iiineiol the law. A law so unu.-iidi '1
i would clothe Panic! )j. Sickles in I ho spot
j less ro'oes of i I . li oei-IH'.o ; nnd yet he had til-
ken upon himself to cct as judge, jury und
executioner, upon a man who himself had n
; right to the prosumptkn of innnceur-n until
he was pinved geiliy. lie trusted that the
! j n i y would, by their veidict, say I the r.ow
i listening wmld, "W'u nie no n, and will tny
red h iinled violi'iKe. i Vi i ", whole, without re
! spi".'! to the Klalion ol the li. all that may have
I Com ui it 1 1 d it."
As Mr. Onld proceed, d in hi? sje.. li, Sii k-
hi i'l'.tiie more composed in manner, nnd alli-l. lively to e". r wio.l. il;3 fa-
! ti;er sal u hitie r.ei.rer to Mr. t'iii.1. nnd wes
also eh .-eiy utti'i.tive. Mr Pacini!, the fa
: ther of Mis. Sieklis, was silline near ul.-o.
laud was a deeply inter -led i - -1 - -1 - T-. This
j goiit'e nun. by tlie way, lienies that M , s. Sick-
e.i l.s in
ho ise in
a-ill not
N-.V Vi:
;ti)ti, hut, says she is nt. ;
rk. and he l.o;,, s le r urine I
alily be pre.-:'iited to the i
( I i,l 1 i;hm i
Califi.rnia is going nhcml like a steam
boat." The iiicrea. e in huii-es curing u peri
od of two Jems 14 lhlUlU, und ui catiie I Ho,
UOO. 'I'iie exports of hnle during the past
year aiiioHiited to i'517.712. '1 he quantity
ol laud cailivated in P-Tib was hi 1 ,'.H; uctes ;
in I h jj., 7.":."i.7;il ; hen; (( an increase el liM,
771 iiLie.- I his is esclu.-i . c of l.iu.1 lesri-U
in !'..? gfilii g pti' Ti e crop of wiicat
for the yi iu K-. j ia n-t dov.ti ut tl.fiCh Ct'.J
bushels ; Uo.i that of ""bul icy ut f.,h i,'i 1 7.
'1 h.s is -i 7'.'S more t)a!n;is cf barley tl.aii
the uinoiliit riiis'.d in the whoh; L'l.loii j:i
lS.'iil, al'cord.ii,; to the feio'US.
In tha cull lvu'iiw of iM'ape ar. 1 the nanu
!'ie lure i.i ill", th" : oiocii J-'iute if tl'.e Pa-
1 citie already btands forun'ost in the Conledtr
j ucy. Ti:o in. i e j.-e in t l..s li.t en si has btcli
1 ou i! I: und i d un.1 li 1 1 y pi i i on : . lu two yea' s.
1 lie ntiiulicr I vims in was lieali)
l.ljiul.iiiiv1, ui.d of this l.irec iiainher i ne-lh.inl
ia loiill.l ill a s.ilgle t.L.i AiO'eUs
rtli.le 1 he iiM-iuge yi'.ld d em u vo.u is iU
uiiiled, at I'u ill teeli oiitid.-.. I , i i : ; ; - ill" yi ..r
It iS, tiicie i li' manutactuii oi m I. al.ii'i ...a.
ui 'win- lj .-."). Oiltl e,,:;,,!,.., moi ot br.itiilv 10.WU I
sO.l jii.-, liilii.lee u total id i.ei.1 iv -loll tUHl
i ll IS C5tliliuted that Ki iMiO l.t.'iU.i.lJJdg.ilb'lis
I ol ti.isu liip.iors Hill be iiiaiiuiacluieii iu Cali
fornia. A C"ih!. table fhate of it'.tenlii n has Id ti
litV. t'.ii lu the leuring o sheep, lor which
' OXpelo hu deuioliiiriileil that the foil
i und clmi..te of California me udiuli ublj utiapt-
ed. During the year PfoS theie V.ele e.)M..rI
I i d l.lh.' l Wool, ut u hn.o.valea
i fi I) it fl'i'.i.ldll, while the l.Uinb.-r i f slo-i-p
i:; ;!o-r lu'.o i-.t I' j I ics'-i t Iiiuii is i-liii,ateii
at CI I'.t' .'iJ inoic ihaudo'aLle the liuru-
j ll-I 1 -tLLLtlU lol ic-ti.
I .So :.' aa the lull.. 1.4 ilitirt.-ts Ultf c.'in'i 1 1'
1 -d, it ,5 s'..o'.,ii ih. I 11...- iii i'.ui ui it i-l Mute
I ,
,i..d ii.liai . t a. Ill IS lio . . .1.-.l.g ill mi; or-
i.i.c" Ill ulii let ioi-1'V sieli'.-n ol he Mute
. At tlie pri nei.t time there uru live thoUSul.d
I seven h'.nnii'ed uilU twelilv -9.S liiili.'S ol tilill
coil waier-co'iises consti uc'.i J for i.ui..i
I, ut un e.;ii- :iii; 1 1 thirteen un J a hail id liuiiar.-, nhilu the number of mills
i-ti-cleii in 1 ,-0 1 , lor ipiariz iniiiiuj:. is Maun
ll 11. S, at a Cost of s-'Pt-i'll.tltlU. On tl'.ei. ,
ol .nveui'iier, lo;-, ll.e iiuinli. r o! miihs had
ucie i.-cd to "Ji'.i, costn.ej i :i.L'T.'','-!tHl.
Pi-'tl l'l it. t.K A remark ah.! neeoui.t ln.s
lieu l.ilily (.jven by lr. t'lnpiet, to the Pur
is ni i ed, Acclimation, nf the ics'iuls id' un
uttempt to keep Fulnioii iu lief h-water ponds
l.aiiuj; no ;th tiie sen. The
experiiiieut was made ut ."t. Cuctifn, near t.
Cloud, v.ltre M. Coite I. us Fuccc.-lully cur
ried on piscatorial on a Very exleii-s-ivo
scule. Thu pond chosen for tho exper
iment in iptc-lion is cf ni. ail cxlent, ami is
supplied by a bitiull stream of fresh water,
i-uhic.ei.t to form a caicade. 'i'inee yeata a,-o
the pond wus entirely implied und cleaned
out. In April and -May. Ps.'i.i, several thou
sand salmon, only 1 wo mouths ohi, wt-re pla
ced ill I he pond with trout, nnd, i.otvsitlisl an
ling the voracious nature nf thu latter ll',i
lbs s nl moi) have prospered so well thut a lew
weeks ni'u, iu the presence cf the puiperor,
who takes ereut interest in tho uitilicial pro
duction of l'.-h, no less than 'Ji0 Lilorainiocs
weight ot sulinon was caught by one huul cf a
tu t. This result is very surprising, but M.
C'oste stutes that he wus fur more astonished
to find that tho I'l-iimlu minion were full of
He adJs that he saw several eggs so
highly developed that they were on the point
ol being emitted. 'I bese results, which hour
the stamp of hi)!) uutlieulicity, prove thut
salmon may be produced and reared iu fresh
wuter ponds, under similur circumstance to
those by which trout are now so successfully
multiplied iu various wtilurs around Pani,
New Advertisements.
School Letting.
ritllK Public Hchools of the horouuh of Nor
1 tliuiidiciluiid, will bo let for lha .Suninier
'Perm en Monday, April 18th ut 3 o'clock P, M.
at the Centre School House.
I All jeroin intending to apply as Teachers are
requested to no o ly I Hat (une.
Tha Cuunty Huperiiittndent will be in attend,
anre to etainil.t applicants.
The School will comftience on the aecoud of
Py order' of Ihe'lourJ,
J. T. TL bTI.V. f.ce'i:
Norlhuinbi!and, Apiil 9, lSPt). Si
A compoiinil remrdv. In wldeli wo Imrn In.
bored to produeo the' most cffcntiml nlterntire
that can he made. It is a concentrutcif extract
Of Pnra.iSarsapnrilla, so coiuhined with other
substances of still greater nlterntivc power ns
to alhinl nn clfrctivo outidoto for tlio'liscases
Sarsaparilln is reputed to cure. It is believer!
that such tt remedy is wanted by thoso who
stiller from Strumous complaints, and that one
which will accomplish their cure niii.-t prove
of Immense servieo to this largo clas of our
ndlictcd t'elhiw-citi'. iis. How completely this
compound will do it hu-i been proven by oxp.T
intent on many of the worst cases to be found
of the follow ing complaints ;
Monuror.A ano ScuoiTiotis Covri. vint;,
KncrntKC ano Knt-prtvr. ))isisitt, Pi.i.i.iei,
l'iMrt.t;s, IIuitohhs, TfMon.i. Km.cit,
Sc.'Abl) llii.AO, Svi'iiites ami Svi'iiiiiiio Ac
rixnovs, Mr.i!iTi.r. 1)isi;aiu, Puovsv, N.:r
iiAi.oiA on Tin Diiri.ocniax, I;:mriiv, T ' v .
riil'MIA AND MN-, l ot V sll'I.I. -I, .(ti
ou Sr. Axtiio.w'h Fun:, mul indeed the whnle
class of complaints tiri.-'iiiir from jMi'tmjy oi'
Hi ; IIlooii.
This rnmnnuni! udl he I'iuii.i a giva! ) w
rnoter of hcalih. wlieii lulo-i i'l tlie spiiri:. to
expel the flail hnmnis whl-.di h -ter in the
ldood n; that s-. o-rei of the year. Jlv tic limp
ly expulsion of t ht":i ni.i.iy'.hii! d'oidiri
mo nip;i"! ia the hnd, M'.!iitid"s cno, by
tho aid of this leme i , spain th in-elv --. f:( u
the endurao' c of liml ei .tell r,u o'e' io .s
seres, thiom;h which I'u sy.'cui will strive l i
rid itself ol 'rripi ion i, a d n i i
thii thionh the natural cHanncli of t'u Ivdy
hy nn alori'tive wiiieitip. ( hau-o out. t'...
vitiated Idood whenever yo i lind its iniiari ': ".
bursting throng!) Hie '-kin iupiiiiplt . er:i '' ion ,
orseic; eh a. ise if wln a v.m ihul it is, i ; -
strncteil nnd sin it ,i li in the veins ; clc
whenever it i foul, and vimr fivlinci w
.' '.. !
:- 1
is felt, pc iple irony hotter liea'lli, uad hve
louder, lor e!e:i
oicer, l'-r cleansing tin; l.'-.-nl. Ecp tli- I
.1.-.1.1 heaUliv. nod all is well; httt with this 1
, . , .. i ii.-
.a iiilni.l (', l!t- Hi-.. i 'l- iv I, m. i- can li" lio j
a-'tin lieivili. i-,.:o.r or l.t'cv soni toil'.;.' I
tnn-t pa v. rniii', and the great ir.a- ln'K i'y ot
life is uis ii'd -id or overthrown.
Snr-.mmlb has, ii:-..l d'eiy s ititu-h, to"
rrputatioii, of a ( o'o'i'iir-oiue 1 1 - 1 eii,!. i!i'.l
th'.' Wi.'i'M ha-. Iiei-.i ci'ii ",iou.-ly iheeived ly
I'rs'viratiicci of it, paiiiv 1:-. . in---.- th- iIiiil; !
:il"'iv hu-i r.ot fM the vivtue thct U ilai'io'tl j
for it, hut more Ki ause v.r. ; are; ,n,
. i . . . . ,
pre'., li,!, -ie, ti ie ceeo -iitrat' ,1 i tvi. is 1 j
contain l ilt lit tie of tho vine.'.' of fjr ip.n .1! a, i
or imy thin?; i!.'". !
iHirit-R laic yrats (he eol 'ie hnvf 1-rert n.i.v
led hy !at':e 1km '. it i, preleieiiioi to e a ou.ii t '
of l-'.xtva.-t ( f S;.r-::;-ari!l:i fi r i-ie l. liar. Mi 't
of tV-e l'.ave b..'ti fttinils tijn.n the ie !;, o r :
they not oidy eeiitUH little, ii ro.y, S.o .eja.
rill a. but olteii li" cin at ive n rti s nil.: i v- !
er. llenec, hitlei und pi.iniul ill -a pp. ii.tin nt !
ha-; lolitinc.l the r..-o ol th v:,ii-u's i.tii'cl if !
S.irstitiarilia vihlch limd the naukil, ii-,''! ii
liiinie itself is jiistiy ih' e.i.rd, m.d has! , ..
svnoiivii.ous witli ii:..i :..-.i!on uiu! cbeat. M.ll i
wc call this cot' 411 nnd S-ir- api.i'llla, in id into' d ;
to supply wn h a r'nu iiv as shall i-n:c the 1
n an i e lioiu toe lna.1 i i ! i; iltiy vvl.ieh lists
upon it. A. ol think we have gmnml for ;
h'.iievii ir il ha-j whith are lini'-tihle
by ll-.e oidiiiiiry ion oi the ili-c:isc- it is intend-
..i ....... .... r '...,..,....'..:,., i . i 1
.radieaii",;,-.. , , th' .yet,,.. t''.Veily sh'u.iid
be iiuheloiislv tiilwii nccoldinc to iliii ct.ons tn
the bottle.
,,.,- '
r;::.iv.::!.r r.v
iii:. j. a v i: t: c to.
I.dU'lll,!,, -i.-s.
I"l-Ii'C, :.l Jii 1- I i ill 11 e 1 Si tint tie. 1 for 9-t
Aycr's Chcny Pectoral,
li.'.s wun fur it-i-'f r. rrnmvn f. r Vc c ro f
c-iLMV v.iricty t f '1 hv.Mt iinl 1 :utr t'im.l i.iirt, tliat
it i- citt::-'1; i;;.i.' -t , ;irv h-v ! l'.-ti'iiut
cNiiU-.ito .r its ii-ii.e-s vVrvvcr i? Wmi 11-
irort.'l. A! it h: 's IiM'l; I'Pi'ii in t"ii iiit utp
I .. f t it ui ti 1 11 S ct' I ! 'IU. s l IK Ptl r. "I 1 .11 nit) 1 1 1 u ;t 11
nso,re fite ,H.o,,le it, .i,,,..S:.y is l.e,'t In the best 1
i: en r In s heen. ;: 1 rimt 1: neiv he r. lie.! en 1 1 !
lor I'o ir i, '1. r 1,11 !. lo. ni r i., i-n found lo tin. :
, , . Ti'tl
AyCl S CatharttC 1 lllS,
ror. ti:e cv.vj2 oi
7..... .. fi,.... T.. ,'.'..
jSLii'ei;.', 'il .' iV ,.'.''e.'', .'' 1 v Ilii-lachr, J
1'iVi, .'.'.i...l..-.WI, .'V' .'-"Ills i.-'i.? .' i.-iM.-.', I
r ; ,-r v...... :,,;:;!, r,-u.;; V.....-M and j
.-,.'( J.7.. lie,.,:., :,:, .Vi oo.'.,',
V! tr..r ! .;;.., l'l ' :
'i'lHVioe sueii-'i. .lid, so' ilmt l!..-nii-st hcrsfi-
tiveeiia ...he ,1,1,1 ,i,.ii..;l.'..;,,! ih.-y ai li.e
I 1 1 1 1 . i i
li'-.Ul'iilI,i:.,l... Htl.Ul I Mil Ull. ''.'Ji.iu.
xiioo 0 coita per roxt TiT 'joicj fcr C1-C0,
Circ it uuip.eri'i i f C'lcr-.'vieen, i.vtleiae , Statrs-
picn, aid cmlnei'.t rri-.;":'.is, l ave i.iit Hair
i:..i..est.,,iytl.eii.:;:.ri, i.e.ei n
r. ue ilies 1, in our 6.i. e here v.i.l l ot i em.,t ti.o
i-l-eitier. nl Hum. J lie .ei '.its I '.o,v ueini u n.r-i.l-li
our Amiimcax Ai manac hin-hii-h ti.ey
are civi n ; wi:h iilsu full rii-iii i.s ei llie
i. a. .. I..::. .s. and tho t.-fatuunt that hhuulil he ful-
h"v, ii for tl cir core.
lo.veo fr tl car . . , , , , . .
other 'enii-f ,io''m 't " -
euu.r 1 ri p.ll.nli ..3 un V i.i.n.v iiinn 1 . i.i .
peuiniid AvmiV, and take no o'.hcrs. i I.e sn k
wa:i. tl.t- la vt aid there i - for tiicui, and they tdiouid
have il
All our l:er.ied;.i are for sale by
Kiiiini! A (ii.tut und A. W. 1'inher, tuiihuiy,
K. II. Met. n. .NoiihumhcilaiiJ,
A. T. Hh-I. 'rui'.aitvilli,
P. SI,,:... Win,! Cup,
I. P. C l,.vv, Milton,
(i. 11. t 'adiv aliier, S-i -luiu'.iin,
P. I I. ler, I I) ..vlllc.
And I v nil Dr.urij'.rtii ai d .Mi rrhatttik
Apid l", I -'.J ly
i 1 1 p.
, , , ,
One notice that tnoy have concluded arraiijte. wiih the oithern t.'cntral Kail P-'"'!
(loni any, to run ti:.ii:sli.,m Usllii-o Tetor "i 01k,
ll iiiisliur,-, Pan; hi:', llahlax, Trcnulon, uii -
bury. .Vntoiiiiil'i'iliiiiJ, I.i u.u.11;;, .11 i.tmi, Al un-
cv, W'iiliai.i.-porl, and all intermediate .Malum.
.'. .. . 11 ...i 1 i. .. ..i. .1... 1 : 1 " v 'I'
. niine, iitr.; tit iinni-inoi;.! wnn 1,10 .........
psTl.l'A l'..PKbf tor fit'.slmi-', Liuein-
i r.ali. t . 1 urns and the West.
Also wi.ii Howard iUm l.ypress ai .M.Iton
or Ditivilie, ll.)oinsliui4. U'llHCsiijrie, Pitistoii,
t-'crant in, and interinediats .stations on the Pal
law ,rsa. Puckawana und Ulonuirhurj; Pail l!e:n!j.
At iih.inii-piirt.hv Powiiid i Cos Pxprc-s to
Jersey fl.cre and Pock Haven. Also, hv How-
aid i Co., and their coi.ncclions, for Canl e..
'JVoy, Plinira, Ke.-he.t.-r, Puli'.do, ,N iacara, nod
to all aeeisst'.ie pi, nils in U . -tern .New toil.; I) oi.e il.ior t-asi m ,neMir. i riuiiy x ..i.n.i.
iit..! Canada, by which they will forward i Flore mar the Court
Merchandise, Specie, Uank Noie-,.leWfhv. audi
Valuable Paeka-es of ev. ry dcsc.ipliou.
'. , ' ,,. ., ,, !
Also, "Vile, Dr.dis and ZilU lor Cnhcction. ;
Pxperuiiicd und i iluient Hies-i'ii:;erscniployri!
miJ every elfurtiMll lo made lo render batislac-
,,,,,,.,,,, j
JOHN nit.HAM.( j
5uperintcni,ent 1 ci.n a Division, 1 a- i
A. V. PlSHI'lI!, Agent for Sunhury
April!), ItsoU. j
- . - ' '
Dissolution Of raitr.erfship. 1
"V OTICK is hereby given that tlie Partnership j
' heretofore exirlini', between the auliM-rihers, I
as FahriJt 0" Cli'inent, n.intrs und shippers of
Coal at the Cuul MounUiiu Colliery, was dis-
solved hv mutual consent, on tho Ut of .March, '
'l'he liunincss of the lute firm, will be sctllcj
by Prrdeiick Puhiioli. w lio has in possesdou the
hooks uud pupers, ul Mt. Curmel.
PliPD'K. PAimiON,
Mt. Curmel, Apiil 9, lS.VJ.4t
rroiu the Coal Itluunlalii Colliery.
'Itlll! aulisciiher, now operating tliis Colliery,
-I- is prepared lo furnish er deliver, at hit
wharf, at Northumberland, all sixes cf Coal, from
his mines. This is a very superior quality of
Whi'e Ash Coal, which be is prepared to fur
nish promptly to order.
Ile is also prepared lo furnish Red Ash Coal
from the Lambert Colliery.
Mt. Carmel, April 9, 165U.
STATEMENT of the Shamokin Bank, April
fith, 18.r)8.
Specie In vnutt and spcuio funds in
Philadelphia, $111,371 SO
Pue from other Hanks, tW 07
liills discounted. T.1,07(l 3!)
Due frem City Hankers, 2 131 list
Note and (.'hecks ol other lionks, 8,fi7fi Of
Value of Hank property, i!,163 CO
4.!),;ttij :)3
Circulation, SCfhOSo 00
Due Dfposilors, IS.MiO 0(1
Due other llanirs, l.tst 0!)
DiM-ount Exchange and Intern), l.-lti.i OH
frl4,V4 17
tin certify that the nimve slnliinint is liun to
the best of li y kniinlidce and I elii f.
S. JOII N. t.'a-lii'-''.
Sworn l.ef ire me Ihis .I'll (lav of April, A. 1).
lH'ill. (icneoi; ll'. Cum.n, J. P.
Shniuokin, April w;h, Ks.v.l.
'1 Ir'stst-. ('1
,Y i'.J.l )'.
I'.e ', f.-r n t.-il i- air.-' m th.- Ii ,t C'.iv i'. iuj-. 'i-r- inr
C. si. 1 1,1-1 i'X'i ii.ivi lv en' -. m,; ,1 ;ina I...B- , .-ml :-,-.! t1, n,
aiiii C' in- i
iim-': .1 Si'i l in Hi-l re. : .,e.,-s. '
m i I. i is A TI i vnivu inn v xi.... i. ...... '
' II. I
nil t" t'-iif t'loic
,- ,,r, ,,, , . ... :
. I . V ' y -i.ti'iit. u;i. mi i;f:f,n
1 pft'-llt ( MilUUlLll' till I! I .
I hi'ii to c ri r n ii blJi v t.i .'i .
i- i i i.riipt'.-ii t i (! f nn- !
l un I.i.!. i'u, 0:.. .ju-:.!. j
t(.i. .....r v. .- i.... i
..I.' " .-..I
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i..m. rer;.-i .: .. ; ,
''V r- '' l;-"",'' "';'! (v""'
u;'.-:e,.. 1 1 1 1 1 a,' on .. - ' i- i w-1 a -. i ; i ! inil ii,!if,. j
.- v .1 I A iii -. l oo. i ouli. I'.i
Ajioi) I mj. i;,. ';.--.-; r
.Mi.iiMi'.s' ?-M x
., , . " i
Apnl Oil:,
,, )jH ,
, u, ',; ,.
I'r -In .....
J'1, ''' "l,;s ' "'' '
l i "I i I . - . .
,,,,.; ,,.,.,i,s
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t,:;. niP, ii.
I,ia:ii:.i rn;
'.'eil.C'ia 1
l'.l.'Oli 1
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51 If.
A1.- il l's.
tO-fol'i fit
81. T 0) I'-!
- (oil I'll
l.'-.i a-'
.':'. ii'i
tf -el 01
".l l -, 1 1.
r m-ic mn .1 r"i e.'iii 1. m
j','.,'., "Jilu'',!'": : "c;''' '
j.t t'r
v si ,,..,..!, t. m . Cuirnil I v - -urf,
I'u in-. iln r il
'y "'" "' ' '' '1' ."''' '!:!'s,
r ' in i in .
Filii.ti.O 1. 1
lie fi , eMnl-!! f t iii!,iii s ,-r 1,,
l'ti"l: of Nm !nrl
kil 'we-ilso .'.mi tn-!i. i
iiiinl ip ;i,M mul t r i -o I" liii- !,r.-t nl' nv
i i: r;:nTi.i:Y. c
Swim :u I '.!
A,-ii!'',li. i-v
,nl I,.
J ' I i X
A' I !i tl.PS I.l PKVI.PiiS I.N
' ' ' ' '
BllAKLIES. 7 1 17 E ?, OINS.&C
' S"1!1 M sii!.ci:heM have ei .-ni ,! in 'I hoimwon's i
.a......... . . '
i L ru k liiiu.liii',;, y. i.. f in et. J la'ivi.le, a iarjc ;
nnd coiui.uMe sleek nl
roilPl.'lN .M pi IMPS riC I.HiI"01'-,
contiirisinir the he-it rr einis of 11 r.Tn,!irs, (iin, OiJ
i II . e. h'co'.i'li and Iri.-h hii-liey, I'ort, 8!ierry. i
j M tdeiij, (,'haniiiiiijiie und mher 'incs of all
Annies, all of which wi l le sold Wholesale at I
the lowest city prices, 'l'iiver:i-'sceicrs by buy- -!
Hut of im can save ut le.i-.l l!.e lieiiit. '
Pcrsous de.-iroua of urclet-iii liquors for J
; p a .m i i. v p s r, ,
, , . . , . . , .
'"'rf tur,,hed w,;h a pure aud ,
uo.oli.lieriiti'.l article.
ItT IVim delei minei! I-l i i-l ubiish a rciiutaiion :
I '',r hl - cheap tuev rc.S" etluiij HolKil tlie j a- :
j tmnuso .if the u!-U. Aofdeiapn.mpliy at-
.t.'ii.ledt.. I
Slltilli i- & li.l.!..
I'anviile, April il. IM.'J.
rn-nNCH carau
KTO'v'Jl .liHiHTCTOaV,
fjllili: ur,dir..ieneil kee; oi.f liinllv nn baud
A V;V,V IS IT lis ..fall sire, at,.! furninhei
(,u,.y rr,;, ... r,,.;r,, i!V ,u. ,(,;.,, ir,,,-.-
: t tilllj'ItU1'll ;tidi uiiiiTii i"i rtni unn.n
I .. .1.1 l.r'..... .. !. i tli.. -..I.l I!.,rr .
- . 1 i
vm-i-uIcJ ut llie .:tnirrieii in Prance. Ad.lrf,
VM. 11 KL!'.KI!,
April 2, IS.VJ.tim HariUhiir P. t.. l'a.
Oi.Ii DOxiLAU 1lL.V AUl).
PiS((). DUD horn the, in i-ln- ,
, .- .i ,ii .. .'
tnoi.iii lovvnuliiii, .Mirii.iinioerianii coui.t,i
; ,). uioruiiitf of the present intani. iny cri!or-
I .-,1 npprenlu e, C 1 1 A U I.KS COI.P.. 1.1,'S ah.uit
11 ' (
, I d y,- irs ol a?e. n.iJjiins d in,, nnd a In lie stoop-
( ,,u Jcn-d, 't .taUs n,id li-.Js very lluetit. The
t ab.ive leward ul one dollar .Mil be pan! Mr Ins'
apprehension nnd return to the Mih.-ci iher, and
all petrous arc herfhv cauiioiifd at'uil.M
j,,.. I.i:-,,, ' III. IDA JOHN.
Ph asant Dale, March Cd. i h.'.J. lit
I .1 .V ai-'i'J. i iJ-) vf.' J '-J LsuJ.;
lip.rket Ktrec-t, Stmbciry Pa.
r'Mll. suh.-ullicr repei'l;:;i.y llilernis tlie cill-
pei'i;i;hy inler
i i-
Zens ol Sun'eurv, and (lie , uo.ic cenerally.
and flie 1 oolic cenerallv.
, hal he has taken p..-.sessj.,ii el tlie above well
' kiiovMi stand, formerly kept l y John l.eirer.
1 Ile is determined t.i use every CAiilun I.) iimke
; h.s heuMi one of llie be-l 111 tin' sIale. and olieis
I fro iiolneeiiu'iils tor nersiais who ri'cnd a short
! r" m ,hc ,m,jl ,mu" "' ct",r"'
, 1 eilllivlvaol.l.
1 i,st.,i :c will he supplied villi the hot t!w
,,,rk,t can 1 roducc. Ilia bar will he supplied
wUh ,,u ,,,,lvM h.mon-.
j mid cbliumg er."ant alwv in atten-
, ,!.,,,,.(,. t.Unte ti. .,. a,,J trawiiig c.uu
,, ,,-, ja MM,i respecll'ullv soliciled.
. - I
, rsi.MUA r..A V,
; .,r:i 2,l. lnVL- Cm I'm:' inter.
... .' - --
a. j- ju)ckei-kt;li;u.;
3.ttovncn at ilaru, 1
' aTTTv.rnTTT "PA
E P.sPP.CTP PPI.Y i..f..r,us his f.ieii.U and
: the ...hl.e that he has !iLll 1.1) hisolnee
.All I rolessiona. i.usines. cnui a m ui,
'"1"', "' "f "' ' o..,,tii; .-ouiiiies ,, I
promptlv, (aiihlul v nn I curciuov altei.ilcd to.
urv 2J, IS .9.-11
vv ri's'lll I'TPlv CATHOl U.l.,
v.iliialile lloter. may he taken wi'li el -
f,x, j tmisnp.!,:,,,! flutulelicv. acidity o- th.' sta-
M, , I Isllillt'S,
(),t, fj, 'Ifl.
- - - -
OWAYNE'S fcusar Coated, s'ursiipanlia an I
O 'par p,s, a mild and gentle I'urejalive, un-
surpus.ed by any medicine for reniovius lilic,
rl.-a lining Stoinaih and pitiifying the Illood.
Por sale at lI-silLK'iS.
(Mnber IG, Vi.
' . , .
' d r li A AW l.s, i.r.Ali i.msi, aim t i i ju-i r
1 ' ccivcd and lor salo at li e conii cuonarv sni
i ol
fl. C. (ill A I'll A HT.
Sunhurv, Marcli 13, ltvVJ.
NY rilKSO.N (lanlv or lienliiinau.) lit Ike I'lntnl
Slalei. iioi-iiii! ii inull cai-ilal nl' irom o n S, i-aii
,ier un nKV sail rrric.'Uiliir l-unni-.s, by wliiililroin
g.) t.i iu iier .iny .'un be ri'""'-"! I'"r "ul. iiliin, il
ib.s. (will sluuie.) u Al T(' A l l .
tu Vl Nerltt S'XTH isuitl, fliliaurVliia
March liih. l5s.-3tuVtl.
jiipllla 01.1VP. O.M. for table ue, two
1 at 3i 4 and Cvli tents just received by
' ' A. W. M.S1IEK,
TYMI"llONIAN'-l, grand niusicul instrunienw
just received from frnow Hill, I.ondon, and
Ifofaaleby j . n. v w. i-n.
Sunhlify. Pchnniry 13. 1
THT?A0t SSffpTi"!
Invontors, Gecitra your Hightr !
Ms. Musn A Co., l-iliims sail l'ro,i ii-t.n of Hif copu O by (irofi;,. li ihr'eni h, n mltlinl thrv will tnl.n
fs.lnl ilirs Atliciirna, me ei'n,l,irtii'n tin: ti, ml mo-t; lul o.ij.,,. , i . ,. i- a , . , ...
in ihn lliiitnl Miiiti-i. 'ri:y bu t lie. u i i rM. ii.ii,.l ; V i,l lie enn!-"l lo fiirtn-h nil kiniU ol Osl.
linr wi'li llio pruprctw r,( lin-i iiiieii i.aa o.e , nri!; it pi, mu h ns Phnva, Steven, At., An., at as low
lium lillecn yenlii, unit Imwu l.ri iiiiii il una i:nini,n;i.-.l u tiji- 1 r. , rf ( - (i ,.,,., i, l, i ... . t "',
in this, til-re I'-lei.i !. Urn , .ihr., , ! '"'" can b ha.l any where else. They
in the w.tI.i. An mi uvnii'i a' tin- r,.,i, .m,- . ,i ! '" m:iiiu!.irtnrini I ti r alii n r machine, ami
in ilinr nliilit)' mul nili'iiiiiy. Ih-y mav W illi M" . i"H : do repiiiiinp at short liutrc. All orders ad.!rrtil
l'-r t'i tlie exlriinriliiiiii y fin-l. H al n. ,u iy n,i ill iful . . .,.. ,v,u 1 .
pateuli bwi ifkii. .1 M ll ft I'lntMl, li-,. I,,H '' I ' n'"'ndr.l to.
fpiire of twu yoiis ; nnl ilmoar iia v,.r p.. ii,i ..; ' ouiiirv prmlm-r taken in 'xfliange for Chsl
h:tv r joeiililftl tlir.Miyli itifii ill; i.v,t o ti llilr,,- m ln,! i-l nil tnni'-i.
nnnui!l"ll. neo I rn- ii"v.ily el no-.-it I in i,-'.'.
V iiti'in", Dull nil 't . 1 1 itc lo tin in a i iimv. I- .le- - I lii. n- 1
1 4-1 ,tp of Ihn 1'iiii'iit Oil.ri', iiieo nil' ,1 i, ixie . ,j "t'-,- '
cy. Nut only llii", liet iimti' lln.n J ,,! ,, ,i' i;,, . '
IL'i.tK seeilKsl ,y Allu'll i eili., i,. n, tr,. : , i j . i , i r. ,n,. '
llie. liret.'iktli til I' 0 fc fi
Munn i' v'o.'i Agcnri'S t'u 'okom, 'ori'..
y.'r h.s. - r .'('. JV, mi-.
C'lrrolnv nl Ailviee ll.f.w ViSi.,. ,, A'T'e i : t ,i
I'l-mmi I'lOi n, will n.' m'iji, ti,'i .. if, .-v-,,. e, , : u i, ,
may well on liii-ei. M.".i vv,'i'W I ;,,',.. :).,. j.,, . ,f.
tie.-S III New ..rk tin- III I i.i. in 'v I'.nk I'.'.'i "a.; , N -i
I'alK H"W. lis!ir;i nil. ,,f I!,.. Ci'j HO! IViK. ,b-i '
ii 11 .si -in mil 1 1 1'-1 1 'i ik 11 I'f :ii.. . uhi r" ii'-.-i i!-
t m rue poriiiiuly iio nee i ,i f...:i ;.-r . visit i v '
Mt-?M .ffii.n .V .. r- !'.! U
1 i i . ...
I'ii-llli:iKlcr (ii n-ini :nt'l 1'
ir. r.A-v i iii'iii'-,)' Nn t.i M
n'"' I" "l ""VIM ' 11 1,.; I ',. .'
v ' 1 ' N ..- ' 'i
i 57 ':". - .
Sii is. .'
I'.iMillfi ol St tut ..4.Ul.t.'t!. f't . : 'ii.
,.OI lt.fc w liet.-l.y Rum tint hil.-r
iiii-iiiir v nil n;o t bi.iii 01 I 'iiiitt-t :ii
M'll., I.iU- (-t hiiaiiMihin tuwrt: iiij', "''irtiii.iiief-
r.M; li y , lirT,i ., lufi; l raninj t ' ii
.-iil fl. rit.rr. A il J 'T..usi ii,i!t -u t I i '.'anr
claims a:.i.. t i-iiU r. t,.tf , i i., imv! ii-,-
-( li.rr ui llio ,i!t' ru iiilrii
o' .- ilil Oei e isr li
on A', old ay l ile '-'il li ol : i ii i i -, ; , i.i ,.; ; , . nieui.
, '
'.-"'1 " " '.' L". '-'
TsC , ,
J- . i 4 ' - s
j .a i nn i.. ol i i. . . li , i . r.
rSHL tindersi iM'.l liavn .- ic ii'ihI a ,,.rer.,::,,
.. well ntlii t. d htu. k i f
I'liirc H:-f:fr..- iSi.'il i I'k-k:!;:;;:-.-,
II- esloiis, I )'U, P.iiots. Class in..1 P. is uo.v
re ly to I'll orders n' ui.u Iim :,-. to, ie-'.
! i-.mi .-nii-ii v.-i!i lite ,i'- ive yen : ,' I fh ,' i.-,
'"serioieoi oi .no,;' a,,i,ii!(. , ,..(,-t .ir-i.-ies ami ,, j p.(.,.i,ii,tne. iho and most rclm-l--jJ
. ,;,":"!"'r.y 1'. "': '' 1 ' ;i ,::'' ' '' l ie l aniily Medo loc of llie Nineteenth ('entuiy.
i i.i n ii. i. .,i - oi i..i . v vai. "..
list Jin e is v. ii,' i:i:,l h.s k c-i u : ( hie, coin-
pr'nin-; tnai.y arli;-!cs it it i:uti.i...e heie In 1
cuiii'ier.rie. .
. iM:Mi:-Vi'5HR "''' ' ---I loony .'iii., ru-,n.
Pii' ui inns' I'.-emi; ii, uf.'i led neeiitjle-
;v and euri-l'.illv.
a m- p'iirr.
Su'de-rv Afril i.l ic-t ' ' ' !
' .
reliefs Line, Railroad Freieht C.r3
.;.3"tfl- I. . .11.!. I.N '.--rv '
Il'ilU'ii.iill WIMl'H:' :f-f !;i ,., ;, :. j t ,
i' 1 .il Liis.t.t r& iy (.i.-itij-t lit .1 1, -.-i it j iii it. 1 - '
'yZ'lr la I",,
91 ' ''Ki-i :r. '. iv
.'n v;:ii I'm---, W'nn! Vrt , 1
Is ..,'. I T S'i. '"irv it.i.'j -
ni.-.l,:,:., ,.,,,.. .1 .. ,
TlKi.M AS r.'.lnil.K, riiinisi-irsr. i
is:. 1 :;ui
l'.ire una No. 1 (,ro,i,,. I't-pp. r.
li.i.Snr. Comaeioii, .All. en-.-, t I. ves
Aiai:ni"ui iiml !-'i,i,i.-. .Mi.-i int.
lllJl'.IIIL' l'l,T, , nun, -.v. .M-,.-(.
Si: I'-.O, S....!,, ,' -.l, r-i m
s--,i Soon lutiiiio
i'-i'iwaviuiil Cii ni-'ir P- -.1
Ai.i..ii limrv iukI l.f..uii.i Si !'. Ae
for Sal,- lit n- l:.,t:i. ,1 u, X :i,
l'r al Kreel collier of mvv I'..., ul.-li-ll '
I li W II 1) i MUM- I
. ,.,,,,, , ,!ll..'r!
ii"ai;d wnltisKl.T..
, .,--lv ,,. ,,, ,,, i . . , -.- ii..e L..i..!f. e.h. !i '.rv war-
i:..iim! us i ,.. .n ,1 .-r l ri-.o,!. A l rial is iii-r.i-il.
i:vi:P I WDM T. :
" Kr.-.. i'ii.i..M.:i.o,rA.
L I. I-l ii-, v o 1 1 1 - j :i .",iii :o ir-tii,-; t t,l . i;X i iui 'Its'
1. ri oi tiik si'i.M. in- is-jsi.
1 i.r.e S ii.. , !' Ni-'.v so !
Mi.-lwll "I l'l'" ..
! S V l.-S.
i- I .-uu- -.ui! !-' .-y '.I,
S.iti..ii-r rope:,, iol V
I . l-:-s l
loll v:ei.'
- ' - 1 i ' - , v "
I V n Cti-r.'k., n..r r..- . ' ' x- .... b, v
. , - , , , .. ,
i" i;; silks, in ,! mi.vwi
i 1'. s. .ii,v ii.. .. .i t....,lvi n- J Hoij,,;,,.
I'roia lie- Aiir-i .es .a N,-iv v oik "a. I no. on .
TtmMs .Nn r Cash e.i, I'loi ks l.-o..
",;,r...'l, Uin. I- i'.i. a u. Vi ii
I T. ( T.iniit.-.i-l 'ifTnr.vvhi-i
... . . ,
1 ill -'I I AS we I. (, ' "li,,- ii. fs i.'.-!,:i
vi , ,, ifjio,,,,.,,,, . i ... ,,p
iw ,,, , , ,u ,'n NoMlam..,. r :. i-n-i s . I '
V.-n,-. - e.n ,,r,,i. r. --Mi-o,
z.i l.'ii. 111 ill.' i' "lull I l.'i.l in-Hii.i Sl.ile ruoi t -a. i. :,, vt'
i t.i:i.r,.,. ,,,,, ;,.,,,:, r-ir.,.,,sl ,,,, ,.,rr 1,. , '
j f..- A.-i nl i,.-.:.! A-s.'u.i -. ni u e r. .ie.i.-i,,v.ii: i
' , .. 1 , , ,' "J'ry"" "' , f '
.j.,,,,.;!,.,,,.,,,,. , ,.;., '.,. ",, 'K ',, t.,,:,, r,.;;1.
. u, .. . lie,.'. I 1 '-:-r'e, -isiie m. 1 lie 1, e -, eeni!,-.,.,-
' "f''r.! ; ."' ' .' !',:,' V-1. '" 1.'. r'i '" ,;-'-','-?ir-''i.-''v'' .T-V'.'.i
: i iVxe 'In t'..ii.('.eshi e w.'iV iI.e'i'iniaM- '.'.'." r'1.1 "'iiW.
V.'O :'. li,i:l l.,c t-Mli-S o bilivi llll.ii.o J-.i. t l
1- lot. Ti.e del ;,n.H-r;l:
lli'-n of A'.'' .'..'.-a I' li... .li
: I i. i-.n.l arm p -.itn - slilp. i- n,. " . I'
: e i.-;. : -a, . .;n :.. r if i
: M-'i-. -' 1 tf : .' 1. "a' m r
himV J,,, ,,,.,;, ':,:', ,',. ;',,; ,i,i . f vv,.,.,,?,,,.
. i,i :.,e i-.-ieny ,.1 .'.'.i' ,,m,i ,-r; o: I -mi 1 --i .t-' 1 lv. e.- 1
j ;A"I ' 'J, '; -'j 1 ''''''!'- lsri '!, ! Ji .',''" 1" ' ' ', '."1
Jv ' '.. .'.. f i . , , J.,1:,.r e.,, J..' ,' ,. 1,1
. :i ,i; ,, ... :,,., ,1.,, , 1,,,. , un ol it:i ia
! tvc:',;i,, ;!(. ..,, ,
,',.,voi M-..,., A I'. I- -i. in..! is to 1.1. 1,0.1.:, .1 lav ll
vl M1....1. il l-I
' Ali't xjl vt Tin inint N. to,.,' r.,r.;...r.
'.,.v,,',v ! MVe'l'l' " I : ' - ..' "''
' ' '
1 ii
C HBAJ? roil CASi?.
i p ,
IA.M'-, Iii N'M'.il SiMii SO,,-!, '.i,.;,e-
1 i un i...e.- 1 .V!-..i.i-..-tu
a ' e ri.-.w.i--ii t
W IKD o r o n SK jO x: c. ,
'.- I A llo V Olif. I V.
I.. ... ti,.' lit sir-it r . I 1 N. iv S-
! '" ' :!' flH'I'-VI' I ! :- -
ff 1 IV A N I. a ! ... .. I ii-l .k .'''', ''r, , 1
s ;-,r,!V i'Viiil s ' o.Yn . , , " "
t,. . j , . ,..V.,A , . i i ',, .-. . '.
' le CI 111
IV.t.-J s.',r.
, . . . .
, ,
1 V xi. -." .vt. f. - j
! OP' 'lili: l'S 1 ATI. OP J '11 . .' I t"..--
, -l'PP v'l pp. ' -i 1 '
' " '' f Z ',-.'
I -ir Oxv fc. "--. --i '. - .
; vKPtll'S -,: , rivi. o i.,!.' .! h- -1
, V ' cr-innd, N...i. 1-1, f. . '..:. . I 1-1. ..- .-!
! ed in iho ccninl plan oi i,.e .i.e. .-! '...
lieluicinu lo the ..'. .f J.ul.ei. i-v
: yvill he n eriVid h)
, S. I.. Kir.. NT.
j Adminisir-ilrix wi'.h t!.t ..ill ainn,i,l,i
estate. Hull and f '! .-siiot Mre. is, l'lnli. ' ipl ,
j A, by ler A;eni.
I HUM' V DttN'NK!..
j Maic'.i II. 1. '.). It .-o nl : v.
.r-. nr r.v i.rsriMl'Tinv.
' 11V! l',V l.S'si-IMI'TlllV. St lTlIiIX ,
'V V i r I'll H MI.I.'.VI'S. ' f'.r '.v. '.lo:-e ln,
nil. e I! n ,
fi- !-. r.irl n ".'' " a'" "' ' ' "' "
t,...i. not I'l.aiiil naliiisi'l"!)', ...a be rvli.tai.t wil.ieui
c lo.ii.e- , , . '
V r ui leiv at Hie on '.:illil, ri.1.11- ". ' '
C- terr nl" Ni.uli ai.-i M.'l ',
i OTICE i hereby fiivi-n that n,v sons, Sil is
h and D-.i.c!. sued IT and IS years, have
iTfUnyHe.nisc.w.ih.Mit any .just cau.e. All
r,s, Sil s
Z. 'are cau.iomd to hsrhor Irus,
.i . ..-.-.unit m I will not pnv any Urbi
1 ,..
PAN" in I. VAII,.
r.rrr Aujur'a In indiip, Maicli U. ls..'J. lit
rjllTK sn'i-irrilieis rmprelfully inform the rill
J r-uis i f ivi.;i,l.ury iiil Ihe public rem rally,
in. hi, iey o i' n lens,., i cm tsiiiilnor I'uijiii'rt r-
... l inV I iiici i on
.t n ;mji KB.'. ;n. j,
I '.i.!-ry, M ir.-li fi. I ii.'-ll .- Sin
V i : in." r f'viiiiii.Al ll-i.ii i toss iU !,mt D,
111. "in.
; 1 1 :h. 'i i -rours. Wen.', r,,n!fl, Plerrs. &.,
, euti'il in a ;,,,rt tunc, uilinnit tlie ki'il", !-
i Pr. Ma:N'i;:!w;,,
i (!'!! b-.-ic i-i'i.ii I ill- Dr. l,.i;iiisli. rrv, Pi-c'd .)
;.. .VI .Nurd. I !I"1 II Mint, l.w 'nh. 'liiln.
J n i ,.,i 1, Min e-.-. , iue i,i. ni'euil.-d
it-.' ll.-.l':i..-:.t ..f t'l.U'-er-', 'I lllllols, or., I)r.
o -cNii in. I, ler a nui.i'.'i r ol j. hik aM, Iin at-
"':' !' 'he i niii'ii. am! in in . iiv iimrain-es han
i - ! ml I'o' ie itiy nro.,VHl nf nioi y uuinciil
i PI-; l'lu I'ioiml, ijeii.l, ii a j t !, lorieriT
, V. uo-.i ; t I ti : n.l l"T- ituil.tio ll.
on . ,--i! oparly ti e-,',,
I'"""; .' (,''" lu.-jii'.v ol tin! raiCK ol
t'.oi i., mo l.p i li, -,-l-. ui, , tuiiil, Tie nn W(.
r. a" . i.i, o I-en -,- si- : .,i nf Mi,, reunify,
v.h i l. ii en ,.'il i.i.oer I. .is nooli,,,) J irc'i.
i i- n ito.o'.i .u e ui" ii.. .lou rioiiiy eii rcM-iy
oil er kl. 'V. ;; .','H't es.
I I e may he i.Toi, t, .! u oi, tl.i-s!' urs,
n. i ,i -ue ( "ii.i .- j:,!. ;i!oi'!:ii (- r.!iec wilt
I,-.- ll. ii:.., . 1-. V '., I-.-!, ',-.-,', ti,..) will
r,. , ,- !; "i"o in. i a coiy of Pamphlet
'"I ! ' " "' '-'t i f ( 'nie-er. (lec nf rharr.
V, ;.::.' aei.o.j,, ij.j,, Scrofulous and
M lhcnai I I ! ers Pj-iK-es ot the .Mouth and
J . ri.-i' ii,i ui :,p I'otivi--, Tetter, !c.i!.!
i ''. ai'-i ad ii -l io-e-i ,0 i ho ham. I'l-rtnam-t'tly
CO ' ' ' ' , lO' l , , e;i r V UH'.I.I S S-", I'liri'luiiy ) nh
i"i - ! li;': -S.4 tonov j ml i,f i-ie muntry.
lu cpry t ,sp a j ;..iu descripti'-ir. ol the litsensr;
' ',.' !. .'hi-.H'.-s. pr. Ai u-Mriio!, No.
i '.'ii .'i!i hi.. Ti. iiiel i. Proprietor an I
..... 1. 1 or Ol l.i.l.i l.i:-iii'irv iV 1 n l Cielir'
(...j the cuieol ail iii-e,isi s oiieinalinn in Iuipu-
ritits nl' tlie
Janunrv H, It;..). Sin v
... .. . .
r.. uufir'.- McK.colv,
., . .
'.'.,'.. ..II.
V'i'l'A''11'" ' I'"'''' 'f-ieri. nf
ti. -a- - .-ili '.- mill, .ilt.!, :.: 1 mo lei.-nu are lirirbr
r ., ii.ii. ii'."i! aiiv l.o ere of ii at r.viii.'iiiH
reiMile,. ll.r.ii -mii H"-'t.i lies I -o ie n nr Sunt,, i .1 v ,
t" ; 'i 1 u1 .c ;i- ;i soup v,.,cn wn: -I
, 1 . i',V. W'l- :;rc wiiimc it r:-m .rt
1 1 hp. Ali wi1 as',; is ! a w- it a fnir
. -uini ' ..uf u.rfi'li. in, (i.iiiinl hi "it?!)
v' ip.)t iji'.'f ti;.l fciit::-Pic.p.i!, tiu i;if.m,y
n;v p ;v..n!'if.--s r uili-.-r Wiisliing ?.tti3,
1 1: U'Pii';.:. a-ul vfrv i".; ruliimig. (m-rt
'.if p 'iiiu wn! cd inr. ftr nnv , n- three
1 piiutnis nt ivmiih'll I'oMli 3";ip, t r trti p 'Ulldis Litst Inmi!7
j s 'iip.
! li. I! rr- -iirr.-- a-vs l ?,nu tn.-'-ii-.'i" let imt l,il,nr to
thr V.' wt.:iT -1 :i t ;tm 1 : . t!-tf it it- .;i,Mrs Hli tlip Lent
:.imi:v m',)'. fiptl !- w;.ri o!'":' jr t t'i ii.: in; the l''t!.ric.
j 4 T'T . "iiiiiu' ;i:itl 1 irnp. iiiir (ir'.n!". Tar m1
1 I"r : 11 '-r I'.'c'. it 1- ii: F'U.;i"-'-'-i i'n::ii ic's, rrintrrs hiiJ
i I'nip'iT-' '1 if;:) i'. p.i'.'.-ii't r.ii'i'"- r xvfis-lii.iii
I ii-'i'i..-. i." i" iii" . ii " ' i ii. . .i i-n ii . v s. .i n-iis in.. in
5' '' ' ' ' '-i iiial' uwl ill...-s-.n-i
' "".'tc'vi,'M .i.i.vru:-.. i. m'i-n.iM
I,-"" ;'l'"' ; i V vn-l '- ami uu.l 'iiL.t.-.tlv
-' ,h': '" "W; e-r U'.ille :,i:,l r. ,r,-,l ,., .1 ., w,!'-,
' '.'". ::'.'", '.'!,."." " " ""',,-J J"-
I. ' ' I I II I '. V l. l 111. .
i 1 .'' h' '' '! '' e"iv :., city nnd
: nS'b -:tS l"v' ' ',
'.n '),llrvt"I,
' r'-?v--."i M;'i".:'t nitl rii'.'Stuit , riiilijitelplnrt.
i Select Winter Goods !
A VI-: it Y LAIK! T. STOCK!!
J ',.;.'. lect in- 1 .it lie.)
i'eopl.o's Ono Price Btore
E. Y. LltKiHT -1 :S,
s::xBC.':i; '.!.,
01. K .reii t:t stork ini iti'leii i vliol- e i-eledliot.
. nl'Dry (ion.U, Heady Made ( ''.otliiiiij. Pont i
. ?nd tSliiU'.-', llari'.wnrc, (iroeirie-, Queens and
' lihoswarn. A(.,f.t. Our Press flood- for ('cuts'
; ..lot l.auhct. cut tin oil the new and de-drat-la
. , , . . , .
; vies. win.'ii I. r -iineiies ui n oeaioy, uu-
I liUiiniy ami die " nes cannoi he mh .i-m'O.
rahiiitv and cl'.e-'i nes can not he
()rl(rjl!v , Cl,ni
, , ., i
treat cine and ad conds warn
i ,! ."'. 1 v.ilh
iai to he what
; they are r"iii-. i.l. d. lie us and Simes of all
Mini. Hals ami I. aps ol eieiy rlyienuj prise.
: and we i-ilicit a c.irclul ii'i-pection ol oi.r Urea
assorlno'iit i I III l.s 1 111. V, PA NOV -Ml'i'l'll.Nti,
' ,Vc' "'''- '"idi and me. Our Haidivare
eulira.t llie hi- -est al.tcl; nf any other CaUi,ih.
n.pnt in till-ti. a ii..- ofccun;.
Please v li en ; cx.iini', .
i; S re I' V 'I'u l'l'-..
v.. v. pi;, ..ill .v so
:-'U'.' e..y. N.n.T.her S7, I
SUNKUHY, lici't'i.ttmhcilaiiil Ccuiity, Pa.
rjjVU.S luje ui d .'oiiimoilioos 1 1 .1. 1, lu-iv lin-i.-luei
anil i . ;.' ; li '.eiv Ii.i ni-lied w i. ii t-rilire
Lev. i'l.i ni'.'.ire a: i ia. i x: i,M' I'V sh. ril'f "iin
dvke, r'.el m. etii. .it ti e'. i.'i De ..t north
i it -eia.'i i i Mai'."'. Sip:;..'.'. Sunbury, and nl
ll.e 1, : ..iii-..,- i ti.e Simbtiry i ll-ieaud North-i-r.i
' '-'i.'i-al il. oil, en's, will lie oj ; ,t foi 1 lie aecom
ni.,.1. .; n nl" 'I'h.m leis in..: li,e in fen.-ral
on ti.e PIKST I) V OP .1 :.'P.i;V,
'J lie r i'. i tor ..ill C've hi. t.i:!u-.c nlten
ti n, to .1 e '.ut rl and cor,', "n'em-e oi hi. guet
in. I is if i i mined t mi'l.e tins est ihlishuiei.t
i.ii ;. a", : u : e tir -' i t ii e Ma'e.
i!:- :; !-. , i!ll.' . ; ; la ! wnh the best the
pop! i t i nt p- i '- . t e.iii;' t: c a ! of
i! . i; v c ' i - . ui.- I'ien ! y c.ns I'iicet froin liaiii
in u . ai -i : i l,o:;i 1 iii. -.i":T pr iiiuee iVoin
llie i-orro! "; ov: eo'inl-'V.
liis 1 ... .,- ,t. sup) lied v i'. ':' li e ,urit lopiioni
t'lii liltri.t'i r-iii prejote
Ca-iiid and ohl,:!'?; trivm:'? aio-.-ivs in nt
' s'o. . , ! the l-i. ' 1 f 1 travr.u: ; Colill'.iuui'.i'
i i i..,i . -; . -if.,!lv v .'"i .-il.
,j: "s-.ll li M ; T, I.csii-e.
Vi".'. e v. Per. IS, 1-.
I.i o ,.e V Ai ' f v -1 A. Niir
..j-.ixszr --T."i:L-i:
., Mi.--:, ,'.:.'.: .. V,:i)
i 1111. ' .i'.i HU.
v.".:; cz.j itap.iiV'.-iv.'.f! snwr.
! i ' n. ' -i :.. I . -:, :-'. -it Vi ii.s I
ti 'l "!' Io.e. .'. '.' ' ' . ' il. I .irttn..;.'
l : .y i: '. ' ', H. . - r 1 1 si u-. ne. I
I.- io'.t ' i' ' ' --I- I'' C-.i.'l r. i i-l
iivcis. lie. in: pri-
1 . ;c.
'I'S !. tv
.-'a -a' 1: .- "e i..' 't i n L in
.IB i,i I,: l f . ia :li:s h. ... -e w.:: t'i' al
i r- - .'.- s rr vi - "Oli'l
l'l- '. . 11. -S O" t S-;'-:ilir
el..! Hi .1 l Ml.'.llir O-.r '
i ti I'T in m vis-t to oi-r
..i'. ne . o.i.i il y uivilrd
,1 l'l lein In loir nirelin!i
,1, l-.' ii. s .-liinVV.I
J O M E V II F U S 8 E L L ,
.Vo, 2, North Fourth Street,
tT. AN PPACTPRER of be-t quality of P.M.
i.w liUKl.l.AS und PAKASUPS invit.a
t:,H nttor hoti ol huvcrii to his exltiisive stock.
,,,'..,., ,,,,,. .... iM i ,-reti.fore
'mj v. v:& pk kk iv a(;lt: i'ills-j be
nut .eily and peimui.t nl cure tor fevrr
, !' l ''hv retn.ui.ii.i
, -t Uiae and l.euill.ri.l 1 eve,
; s!u nine or ( aleiu. I. l.r. ale.
evers, vvitnniit any
i Klsll KlfSL
t,oU'r lb. '59.
-- - -
' UVS.Vo.,J. Cros. Cut and Mill P.w..--
, fn.pcruir aniele m
t-ui.Sirv, JuU ITlh, ISil
ilgcawd ia to ia"-