Ircgrapjjic letos. j t . .1 l a m i i TjITla i i li i " IlARRrsncno, April 8. SEN ATI:. Ri;roxTS or commutes?. Mr. 1311. (same.! ns committed, the bill la Rothnriia tho Judges cf Iha courts In this! CoinutonweRlth to direct changes of venue iu I certain cases, j Also, as committed, the bill relative to j tatci tnil. i Aii, es committed, tho Mil to authorize ', tlir arrest of dth'tidant in cerium esse, j Also, ca committed. tin1 liill to regulate I fie sales c Cj;uI.) nil nilioiJ-i ui unm- Mr. Drewc-r, (mnie. n cr-rnmi'tod. House bill No. 33. to authorize tliu j -i ? u "uf lh" several courts of common plena ol linn Com monweitllh, to reserve point i f law, und order judcuu'iila In non-suit. Also, with a iiocuiive recnmnietidiitii'i', the bill relative to tlio Commission., i a to itm,' tbo Pmal Code. Mr. Scholl, (Corporations.) with amend ment. House lull No. 1 IOC. to ineui poiale tin' Perry Cal iind Uil company. Feeniny eiim. Mr. Kllr, House bill No. iS'lU, supplement to the act to incorporate tba Watsonviile lliidgo eompnuy, Northum berland county. Passed. Mr. Palmer, Senate tnil No. '156, a supple Went lo the net Incorporating tbo Middle fool Field Tunnel and liaiiiuit.! company. Fus-sed. April 8. Sexatk. Aiern ,j't $.ti'n. 'l'lio bill to Incorporate tlio NoUbiimOcrliiud ncd Juniiita I Railroad was negatived. Ycus 17, nays 10. EetMnn Station Mr. blilio Calle J no tlio I luppleineiit to tlio City I as.ieng, z t JLtiilrtny -V" "i0t-.CV ' 'Mr V,rkcr " wu I'cit" ! ponc.1 ludi-tluitoly yeas 20, nays 2. i 1 lo bibs to locorpni'Mle the l..ton Iron Company and Mount Alto Iron (Jon puny, which wer-J Vetoed by tbu O' Vernor. wefo u.l. . .. 1 l... i : .1 I'UllI I ei'lIM I l U I iUU l ITIilJIUllJ 01 1 two 1 11 : c u , tl.e nisi I'V a vnl, i f 1:1 to I', and the second by it vote of 'Ju to 0. Aoj.innod. llol'RE. A number td nii,,i oit.,i,i pr.vule bills were coiiii.ieu-il 1 iiu foiiowing pas.-ed filially: An act relating to tustumeutiiry truntwej : an act eX'euJiiig the junsdictiou of the Orphans' Court; an ucl to equalize j me taxation upon cot pnratious, teu to a long , debate and is Mill J.eud.n.-. Aj!ern')jii bcntnn. I be. bill to equalize j taxation upon Corporalioui passed witl, . umendmects. ! The consideration of the Privato Calendar . Was resumed and a number of bills passed. j IjVe'ii iJ surwn. - Inlgo numuer ot pt'l- : Tate bills. h!1 of a local character, were pass- ! rd ; sis diflerent divorce biiis were liegalived I ha r ry u.vorcu lull waa not luUeu up. Jourued. Ad- Luti-rfiom Vrru Cruz. New OaiKANa, April 11. Tho latest advices frcji Vera Cruz are to the 8th it kt. Thu recornilion of the Jai-rer Government by the Amerieaii Minister. Mr. McLane, was j t!-is PlttC0- nJ givc'' the rr-iiilt of his obser made the occhsioii of a grond rejoicing, ac- ; Valions iu a humorous strain, in tho last companied by the firing of a national kalute and military parade. Tba Liberal forces, reported as numbering 13.0u0, are surrounding the capital, and have rat ofl llu supply of water and provisions. The garri son is (i.UOO in mini Iter. Gen. Miramon has dispatched 1.500 men to tbe capital fiom Orizaba, but the Liberal for ceg were in pursuit of Miramon, and a battle Wits expected. Senor Mata, tin) Mexican Minister of the United Ptales, in now iu this city. He has receive official dispatches confirming the re eognitiou of the Government by Mr. McLane nud will return in a few days to Washictou, to assume his oOicial duties. Troiu llnTAim nnd Key Wtst. CrjAiu.Kio;,, A 12. The steamship Isabel, from Havana, x Key West, on the ldth iusl., arrived ut thia port this evening. The glave briir Tyrant had been condemned at Key West. 1 he Salvage ainour.ts tu forty per cent, net, sixty per cent, of which goes to tho Government levenue officers. Mure'.;lt's Opera Troupe urn among the Isabel's pa."-eug 'Ii. All fxteiis ve lire had ocutred in the wes tern portion of Cuba, destroying a large quan tity of sugar and niu.ih other property. It is staled that twenty thjiisand boxes cf sugar were de.-troyed. FfAHITI. S I AMl'KI.E AT A CaTUOI.Iw Cll! T.Cn is New Yt'iiii Tins Ai.TKiiCfnt.MS on Fiuh U'dMt.V AMI Clllt.UCI'.S TitAMI'I.VU t'.N'KKK Foot Loss oi L:i i: ami Lim:- AVr l'i-.', April 11. During the cm vises cf mass nt the Catholic Church, yesterday in Forty-second Street, the cur, ,in I' .'Tir. n portion of the allar, took lire li :n the canobi. The c'liir.'h was crowded at the time, ai d a f a 1 1 1: 1 stam pede to.ik place. Upwards ol' thirty poisons, mostly women r.tid eh l Ven. were trami led under foot end bad v injured, and many hnv- insr their nri:.s ut. children rcce ived. ! lees on fa i: Tno if tie Ti:.: Yi ioi: that tl.9 rre..t Iroai will be Co The meat c -n; on the uii.-.;;ve Tun Pin tla id . : Pit'i. It is rNpreted Yicti'ihi l!i;.l;-e .t the Men r.iooti'd l.y iie.t October. Mi !'.'! w.ts r i.i -i .1 to its place stoi c j..i r, cu .ruturday l.;t. I .- ... s.i - : I iier. ar ma..y laclt l-l cuiio is u. orest connected it h t he erection of th s tu'ie, w lr.. h are pro!, ibiy ntJci.o n In rro. t i f -. t r rea lei s. The river closed in December, nnd ma in pev eral skives. It was . nly tit t.l J .unary 1-ir.t the ice liecime ti.r '., an ! liroi er.,iii-.'h t.. l -:.r the t noriii'.'is'. v.h -b it tva-'. 0 s.'i-tain. At this tier. 11 1 an en iruioi. !v In ivy . ...led perly bridge, or s '. : it m iv I ' more Called, was lr; it Ml tie' i.-ij r!.r. ftlv t.i tha iron t.ibe to be ( rn ted. On Ih s s..-;,ij was s--t up a l-ir? st it ,on:.ry st" 1111 eni'ine far tho p.iiposa ot liiuli::,' uj tiie mat 'rials j bi be used in ils er.viioi!. r i a t -i p , 1.1 ry j railway, also on ti.r sin '.a of the ice The iron 1, iv--con ::io(..-.-.l in its c-ntro, j'rorr-.ii.2 I'. r'i I ! t ei.t'e tl.' ! uay oy Oay. I o:s I'.oo is ol 1 11 mr r,s-. s .- and pre'it wei.'i.t. mueii great, r than oiher tabes of the b i !.- , U.ii y bein; 2 feet Ion r lfi fret wide, a-i.i e;r ol lated to tl.e end t lil feet h .'ii ; wi,;i tliu preat c. r.trrt tube is S'.lil le.-t lono, l.'i feet wide), hlld '21 leet hi-;'l and tiboiii 0 ) f.-e! ..' jv toe sumer le.el cl l 'te r.vor, a', o., :i(r eluan -is lj J iss. under It." Amitiieii MysrKK.. A N, says that tiie 1 1 -a of M :k been i.i in i' -re 1 t j pr. v. i t r.'ul;lt-s, is ,-iitc fir.- v York j tpcr ','.' 1. 1 h h .v ing hi-i ti -tiu (.i y C:i!'V:iS-e:l jr. Some quarters. Iu ol h.-r ,t is i ,; I h.i t the late -Mr. Kiy, w i.o i i, .-iichl.-s, poss, s-.e, knowied.' tt'nleh p'.", d Mr. :h les and hij wif.-, Bi.d yoina e... i.i sit j .i;t'-. , entirely within his (KijV. p-iw.-r. ar.,1 thai Mr. Walsh .n pr.ssef,.,i (,f siu. Ur i,.;. i mation, wi;!i t!;l Cut!,, r t uts. J this us It may. Mr. WV.-h hid. it .a Haled. I n heard recently, i.i renin i the j-n k les ca:-i!, Ij c i.oiiiei.l upon it in un iii..iiei;dly Ola'JUer to sj. elites, and so i.s to co vey li.e I' li. it In r.iuld rnuka r vo a' i' OS to tho pioi':cu'.ioj. ll.u iL'jur'j Vu'c graph. i.i. ir.." I";;.'; .T, T-t a ,, m, t . M. fiaut a tree ia whose s'ha.le ho could tecliue ia bis uld age. ll Is a good adage, too and I tle expense of tht public treasury. If Gov w hope io sea every young man in this i Packer had only anclioned the Kansas out county pi AM. at least one tree llus spring-if ra(e a woulJ b,v, bfen j b, e.I)ecift, ;f each young gir would do the sauie, we ., . " ' '. it aid add I to Ur attraclious. a well a. ot the fw on the public works those of tbe country, by all uinani plant at bJ b,D pwweo 'or with lotne other public least one tree. proveudcr. THE AMERICAN. ii vx" ' ' v , . BTJNBURY, PA. """bATCRDAY. APRIL 16, 1859 H. B. TiIAEGER, Editor nnd Proprietor. j To AuvnKttKR -Tlif circulation of the Maiituiry A".mt."fti nmoi'g the a.fTelMit towns on the HurrUCllAlillft j l" nat 'Xee"iler if ciiii!!e-.i liy n.-.y jmpcr paMislieJ in North j I'tu" IVj'lis.'vrinm I i ui.i. i.a.j.jja -.ij. ilj. ,i ii a t!-f The Gvrmiitrtowti 'JcUyrajh lias just ( entered npon its thirtieth year. It was com ' mrneod on ihe I Till of March, ls.10. hv Its present proprietor, our old liiend, Major 1. j 11. From, ami has been tpyutnrly published I ever since, willicl loo intei mission of a single, week. Ci" Orr.j-n ;o.v ipfATK Co vkni ion. The I'taU- Ceutr-jl Ci'tnmi'.tee of tie Oppotitinii party have is.-v.od a cull fur n ftlatv CVnven t on, be held on W. di.esd.iy, tho eij-hth d:iv of June urM. ... .. ; m. 11. Milor , infoirns bis customers that he has removed L:s ettalilifhuirnt to the clGco formrrly cicu ' pied by Dr. Awl, iu Market street, near tho railroad. Mr. Miller is ouu of oar most : active and enterorisincr inei lianirs. and is j I well deserving the support ho receives. p lV LniioHiAL liLLltuill ii. 'I'hc Ilarrif liur;; 1'iitriot puts dun n the iiumlTr ol ii.iiiNidu n!j in at tho Democratic Cntivcntiuu on the lth in.t.ns six t v -hi x. Now we have I u- - iv iii.ii o uiit.iK. tu u Jiviiiiiinni j mill ing of the iiieml'crs of that Convi nli. n, ciuipo nil only ol tho.-a who hnjipn-i'd to he at Juuet' ! Hotel, the evening previous, when not more than half the delegate had then unived, and iho half of ii,SP m town, wete not present, not beimj aware f)f , meeli Vcl ,- ,al mcrliZi ,.nnipuK.j , ,, , I'"''!ly of those slopping at the Hotel, we couuUd, our-elves, eighty ono dclcfatef. The number that attiiided the convention next liny collj noI uve been less than three hn. ored.- We regret thut e.iuie of out I rithrcn of the 1'iess suffer ll.tir partisan feelings to yive currency to stalcoienl, wl.iih ll.ev would be unwilling to eiuVfO as private iodividualj. It is thus that the character of tho whole Tress is made to suf fer. C Oi R friend Woiden, of tho LcwUlurg Chronicle, has been on n tour as far down us Chronicle. Mr. WorJen happened in at tie opening of tho court, on Monday week last, and contrasts the Email und inconvenient bi cum inodat ions as compared with their own. This is nil very true, tnd if the people who are obliged to attend conrt tire satisfied, it mu.-t always remain so. The people of bi.u bury will ceiluinly u.uLo no uiove to rebnilJ, as thty are uot the ones to suffer. Ileing at home the inconvenience to them is but tem porary, r.nd as thry have been unjustly charged by designing politicians with endea voring to gut up ticw buildings, they will leave our country friends and neij;hbriring towos to move iu the matter themselves. The editor of the Chronicle thinks cur liar strong in ntimbf is and respectubie in ubilily The of the law are certainly mul tiplying cs well i-s the business cf our courts. Our friend WorJen is, however, sadly mis taken in s.ij iug thut thu business and receipts of tho Lewisbuig 6tation of the Northern Central Railroad, is gieuter than nny other between Ilairlslmig nnd Williams-port. The recei ts being for February over iroCO, n:.d in March S.'j-i'J. No'.r we have only to sr.y that the lusincfg fiom tho riunbury station alone, iu December 1 tst, nninunted tn neatly twenly-Cve thousur.d ddi.irs, tL'i during the last month, March, j which was a duli month, the business wes j nearly eleven thousand dollars. It is true, i most of t 1j : -? is thu buoiuc-.-s of the coal ship- tneuis. Put the busitu..-j, im'epondiM t of i , ( 1 j coal, wsi3 about tbteo thousand doliars. j Sut.bury will always be not only an important point, l.u'. will send moio teenage than cny other on the whole lit o of :. a.!. III I". I.I.I OMfTOM M illMI ItS AMI THE HAI li AM (.MltAL, AIl-illMSI RA TI l AS. It is uncsini; lo hear the l.ecotnj.tcn mcr c. t.arii-s whatwera r.sst rnhitd in cotivciition, at Ilarrisbnrg, en t'ae llitti of Match last, uinbr the management uf Judge Gilln otid j alleged that from tins lime until the death of ArruH I'l'ioirr, crvieg out oguinst the act ' Vincent, which he' pencil in lr.'iJ, hi suc for the sale r.f iha i-tato canals to the Run- j cetdej by dilTerent methods in getting tho buy und Li'o llaiiroad, when it is known j greater portion of his propel ty into his, Wat tho very managers of that convention 1 eon's hands. Among these were severul w.-ro among the most active buiets for that 1 judgtn- nts obtained by Watson, and for which bill, lff.1r.0cf thrse ni.n who complain of j the plaint. IT aliened ii! consideration was fii tbat net, tii-v. r did unvthiui; worse, would 1 von. Mr. Walson having died in 1S50 with- bo j'lally rot tied to a I ace iu the caieuuer '.'1 s lints if it. j HK'.i.'ure ..I'liieir ether inlqui. ties were to be ineasurf ii v.itb that art. 'J hat those who have lern i.;T public work.- and w'aj been lookii jl forward f.-r o:'.'.-.e-. o.. tlr 1:1, si.-. iiu (ompluin, is v,-iv pa- I Au.img the most loud-tnouthid is I j I our Cotem.oriity of tho Columbia jitmwrut. J ; i lie coolly s1 'guiuti-es uil Democrats viho nte . int tt.i s. Mi.o linns tl Mr. Uachanitr, and ! hl.s miser .bio c-fiieo hi'.n'ing f yceptianls, us 'ti'aitiis ii ml rtiriiptionis'.s. "If the coler.i I I is ii i..:r ? pi-eii.-ii'U of wl..t the Kilo l.ecel' p , ton Ci-n-. entieil noaid lit It no as a Dn:.. crat, j Gad l-'l; the country, il ii shniild ever be l-ie I tune tf Peiiiifylviitiia, to be to! ; eln! : to tut-ii rule. Tlio cd.-ci 1 wis, hi'r.s. ;, t.r.ce in ( '".ice. us c .'iltctor of 1t V.-, tr.d 1 rue . lial nun: 'tin tii.s'.iiv. s. fel lis. --.i' i'. i' s f..r ; still 1 ig!..-r l.on'.is, in oih-ring loiiuelf kJ n i ''"''" ' '" l- Oihi IFi'c n ' rje.di !..'. for'nl (.'o',.;i.'r-ioi . r. ucl inn of Assumpsit brought for the rent of . All ti--e bi 'gl.t h .pi s, vis. on -rj as itu J a house in Khaiiokin. Defendants wifocon may l ave been, ri'v im,v i-r.tiu-ly cut oil l.y . tends that sho did not lease the house but ; thu sale . t'. e cai. il. 'I in so ate the men j that her husbaud was the lessee. Plaintiff aid t!i. so a'. ine a:a the individuals who suffers a nonsuit. Packer and PearJ for lind fa-ill with the sate of lh cuiiais, und a ! jiUinliff, Wolvt-rlon for defendant. ; beautiful sa they are. A history of their j Uuih Hellas vt. Northern Central Railroad j character utnl transactions, liuaocial and j Company. Report of viewers confiruieJ, aud I j.olilical, would afford a beautiful comments-' judgment entered iu favor of plaintiff for I ry, iltustiative of thd vittuci of disinterested 1 tf491 SO, with leave to i.suo executioo in 'M ' 'I be people ehoul.Und will rejoice ! l!lut t,'t'6 leecll, longer fatten at coiioniAL cunnesFOKnf.KCK. llARnisBi-nu, April 13tli, 1659. Ths convention of tbe untramnicled Do mocrory convened at llarritibnrg, to-day, is the most important assemblage of that kind ever aaseniblpd at this plac, not only on account of the numbers that attended it, but o account of tba character, renpectahility aod talent of many or its members. A friend who Las long been fnmilinr with tbe nume rous conventions hcM liere, says this was the ouly convention !i ever saw at llarrisburg not imide up and controlled by odiie liolders It wns a IU inocrstic convention, not only in numo but in fuct, assembled to nssert tliu principles i Ilumnrracy, wbicli bud been ignomd by the bogus convention tbul 5ein- bled here on t!i loth of March Inst, a con vention tLut had bom pot tii by tlio piiid hirelings cf the federal udministi at ion, who had neither the courage or tho manliness to avow any principles that do not tally with those of their masters at Washington, and v lio npain fcttcmpttid to bo!.:tiT up tbe ndpp raMe Lecoinntan measures that have been so Uipoally repudiated by the Democracy cf J Pennsylvania. I Tbu convention was temporarily orjnnii ! by the appoint i t T Dr. George M. Cook, I of Aileiheny, one of the (dectois of tieneiul Jackson, as ( 'Imii "ian, nnd aflurwnru pernio, i,i.l!v by tin- ,-cti.'ii of Alexander McKin- n", ol 'Westmorland, as President. During i the ubsnee id' tho committee on the resolu- lions and hiM'-s, lion. John Hickman, of Chester, was loudly called for. Mr. Hickman is well knowu os an able, if not tho ablest member of the Penusj Ivoniu delegation iu L-ngriss and ono cf the lenders oT toe anti Locomp'.on party. His speech on that occasion will long bo remembered as one cf the most brilliant, ns it certninly was one of the severest in urgument and most cutting in style and sarcasm, ever delivered on the Hour f thd Hall. The Convention wasulso addressed by Colonel Forney, Jodqc Kno, Dr. Nchiriser, Mr. Leh man and Mr. Norllirnp ef Phlluilelphin. Mr. ! Campbell, Mr. ("jnlwell and others. It is cene ! mlly conceded by nil disiiitetcrted persons, that ...,. , ... federal otiicc holile-:! Coriven lion of the Kith ol ', as bunes-y aud independence ii supeiior J l0(ik U(.e jQ ou 1C ()ay IirovillU8, tosyeoph.uicyandder.uhn-suI'Mr.iency. u, tho followln?" truthful and pointed No lieket was formed by the Conveim.m. that! w,.;cb joue3 men, evervwhere, soljeet Mi relerred lo the Mate Ce.itnd .Com- wo,jU ,Q tieasuM iu ,L,ir memo mitlee, w ho have J wt r lo call a Convent. on tor I . . that purpose. A iimi.ber of the d,. at, s we.e i . l.ft a veiing mnn leeomo famil anxious f .r the formation of a ticket at onte. iati"ed with the revolver, and there is but Mr. Kuwe the candidate lor Surveyor General. ! a Mop between lull) and the halter. He who n init r.led ly tie Convention of the Kith of March, in Anti-I.ecompton. Mr. Wiiht is l.e complon of cour.-r. Among the delegates from old Berks was Major John wartz, tho nnuibilator of Glancy Jones. The Major's snow white locks, fine eyes and benevolent expression, would be, of themselves, fin element of jiopuiurity. Au ineffectual attempt was made to do something in the Fry divorce fnsc, on the last day, but it would not go. Mrs. Fry wan in the lobby. She is a jonng, pretty and girlish looking woman of eighteen light and slender iu figure, with a juvenile expression, indicating tho want of a well trained liiinJ ond settled purpose. The session closed, as usual, uilh compli mentary greetings. M r. Turr.ey was elected fpeukrr of Ike Sonata by a clota vote, in caucus, over Mr. sehell. Proceedings of Court. Mari 1 i'iCii.1, a.hnih'n-trtitri.r i f .1. I "met nt, drcetitci!, c,. J. L. H'(i(.ooi, extcut'.ir of 1. 1! (i.Mj.'i, di'-t offd. This was an action brought by the !aii,till to recover the mo. uies of her deceased father, in the bauds of the defendant, executor of her fraud father. It appears that John Yincent, about 1 --1 0 was declared by the Court nn habituul drun kard, und David Watson, who was his father in li.w, was appointed Tiustee of his property. He Continued lo net in this capneily until !;:!, when he having apparently reformed, tho con.niittto was discharged nnd he took possession of his propeily. At the linio it was taken fiom his possession the committee reported his assets lo amount to about c"-5,. 000 and his debts about i.'i.OOO. Mr. Yin. cent, ufttr 1613 continued to conduct hiscwu atl'aiis until lMd, when he relapsed into his former habits. Mr. Watson, his father-in-law again inteif, red, but bs he did not wish to create a diltoully with Yii.cent, stated l.e would uh8 other ineutis to get the properly out of his hands Acting upon this, Fill i out niii!:inr', n3 the jdiiiiiiilfs alleged, a full account of his trust, this suit was instituted j against his executor to recover the balance. Three of ihe children of Johu Yincent. very j intelligent looking ladn-s were present during ! the trial, n.J excitej much sympathy. The ;ry iciiJcre.1 a vertbet fr tlio .".,'.'77 OH. I tie ilcfendci.t made a motion for a new t. ;','.- is 77,iH"f 5. Staddm.An , , , , - o. A ssun. is t for the rent of a Store ' .v-.w ,1 ai t,.'t Woes er.n loi irr til brroi'gh of Milton, for the ! l-"7. Amount at issue is i d doll. as. Defendant plead and payineut. Verdict fur . I.awson and Prown for . un J L-ind far defenj- I"-''. a. .e;t I 'AO ill!'. 11 H-SII'T-J 'It sr.t.i'1, i ant days. JJIancharJ ff riehls vs. ha T. Clement. On uiolioo of Mr. Pleasaull judgment enter, ed iu favor of plaiuliQ for $130 50 for want of appearance. Oo motion stricken off. Charlet Sn.ilh vt Cochran Peule j' Co. Ad action brought to recover the wage of tho plaintiff for kinxelf aod bora. Verdict for plaintiff 53 oo. A.J. Rockafcller for plaintiff C. Deasant for defendant. Al. (Jreiycr undYife vs. hracl Jfuit nnd ll'ic An action of Asiompsit or a promi sory note, for $1.15 70. Arranged by the C'ouit Miller and Savidgo for plaiutiO, Law son and Brown for defendants. Sarah llunniijan vs. Ir. 11. If. W'utson. An action of slander, in defendant saying the plaintiff had been delivered of a negro child Defendant plead justification, introduced ev d' ncc going to show that it was actually a b.ack child, notwithstanding, which the jiry gavo tho jlaii.tilV floOO djinnges. CT Oiid FFi.t.mva' Tcint.Kn The (iranj I.oilge of tlu United States, at its lust pos.-ion determined to have a Reneral Celebration of the -Hit b anniversary oT the order on tho 2fith instant, throughout tho country, tho princi pal demonstration to tako placo in the city of New York, and in which it is expected delegates from ever-jr Statu in tho Union will participate. Atthofanio time preparations are making in many of tho cities and towns for Soc',, "lrutious by tho order. Chanite of Timk. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company have made the following changes of time, to take effect on and after Monday, April 11th. The through passen, ger trains will leave tho passenger station corner of Eleventh and Market streets, Phil adelphia, ns follows : The mail train at. 7 15 A. M. Fast lino at 11 f) A. M. Express train at 10 CO P. M. Accommodation truins Parkebur;; nt 11 A. M. Harris barg at 2 31 P. M. Lancaster and Colum bia at 4 'M V. M. West Chester pa-sen-gers will le"e from tho above station by the Mail, Patketburjf end Lancaster trains 0" The ladies of the German Reformed Church, of this place, have succeeded iu raising, within the last few months, by the sale of fancy articles and refreshments, the sum of nearly seven hundred dollars, or suffi cient to clear the chinch from debt. This speaks Well for the I i-1i-t and aiso for tho l.berality of our citiz"!. ' l orxrj Jn:x : lliun m I o.m.i b I lie lar.iiioro (i.i ol fcaluiuay last, m ,., ,, . , , , , ,. , ; .i i habitually carries n deadly vrnpon hidden upon Ins pet son is alreaov a murderer in i everything bin tho net, and the art only wails fur tin opportunity and & little more whisker than usual." Nkw Fk.viii.ks in i iiu Wi.cstkk Cast. ihe.Y'.'i .!. rtcud, of this iiiornir.z, noti cing the de arture of Dan Webster ( ir Can ada, makes the following statement, uot very creditable to that individual : "A fact has transpired in nUlion lo Dan- ! it 1 which, if before mad..' public, would have I somewhat lessened the sympathy felt for him. j It ia tli..t, v. lien he absconded or escaped I from Virgiu.a, he leTt behind him a wife to i whom he was married by a minister of the j Guspel. As he was murried to another In- j ii ale in I i niisuurg, it lullows Inal I'auiei was guilty ol bigamy. Had he been reman ded by the Commissioner, Mr. Ilrewater's in tention wjs to have given, towards purchasing his freedom, the fee received Itoiti the clai mants, nnd a huudred dollars in addition. We understand that one of the Colored wit lo sses has since acknon ledged that ho knew, at ll," time be swore lo tlm contrary, that Darned was an escaped slave, and that the D. stru t Attorney is now considering whether or net to cuute his arretl ou u charge of per- A 1 1 KA KTI.KSS .""C'llMUlKI.. A New Yoik paper publishes tin aci'ouut of the trial uno j tonvict ion of James 11. Johns. n, of iiappa- 1 bannock county, Vu., who puisont-d his wifej with strychnine in a glass of lemonade lemon juice beinsj the most elf. etivo mode of ; adr.Minslering strychnine. '1 he poisoner, ono nay, brought into the room where his wile and a vis, tor were touted, Iao lasst-s ol lemonade, handed cue to tho wife, and it- tained ihe ether for himself. r-I.e reiuaiked to hiiu that it would bo more jiolitoto u'.lend first to bis guest, and to tlu.t he ri-ioined t hat li s guest could help himself from too pitcher, o il 1.1.11 ine leinoni'.oo in ner glass eonu.ine.i aloes bitters, which, he said, thf doctor had 1 recommerided her. .She tasted tho liquid, and objected to ils intense bitterness, lie prevailed on her to swallow Ihe nauseous liiaiiL'i.t. und then coolly rode out for idea- sure, leaving tho noisou to do its wir;. which t did very satisfactorily to him, if not lo her, i sixty htiadied, is sai l to have passed di iu un hour or 10. ' j rectly over his head without seriously harm 1- .J. it.. 11 .! 1 1.. . ali:,.,., i u.;-o., .-"uiia, mni n Pre tsns tliseoveri'il in the extens.vo scoverea in the extens.vo ury- oousu niinineu iu tuo tuu veil hui rci lueiuiji j of Messrs. Crury, Hughes, .V lieebee, on the j west fcide of ti.1' river. The budding, which is , I . . ' , , , l . i , . . , . a threo slory brick, was lull of out timber in ., ,-i i r . -. I he urnepK.s ol ilrviio. nrul Inr Ronu, tiiiie uitM.r 1 , : r . . il was discovered no Haines were seen, but an iii.n.euse cloud of sn.oke ascending from the roof. For a few minutes afler thd tirst stream of water was thrown the mass of gas and seemed lo increase iu volume end density, w hen tuddeiiiy il ignited, the llames burst out in ail direttiotiS withau explojion liko that tf gunpowder, which twept the phi l form cleun 1'ilching those w lio stood upon it (c-ine tifty persons) to the ground in a mats, a distance of some thirty te et . but by a mliaeie no person was killed, uil Uciu j,b u'.l were somewhat injur- jdaintl.T of 1 e l. h. veil or tight persons w ho were stun d ug close to the wall wero terribly burut. I I'nl,,.,.).,, .t.,c.l,l I . ."aii.a We have long supposed this dr"k'. come to bo an exploded bumbui.', but wo are assured by those skilled ., , ' . . , . ... . l,,.nliior nrl. that nut. t in SurRiiiiitriila itself is to be blamed for this conclusion, but the miserable worthless preparations of it, that have been jnliiiej oil' upon Ihe com munity preparations w hich contain about as much of its v.rtues u they do of gold dust. It is a commercial fact that almost all of the gutnereJ in ine worpi, is cciisum- tii in ine ou countries oi I'.urope, wnere lue science of medicine, b is reached ils highest perfection, und whrra they kuow the best what lo employ for the mastery of disease -llenco wa are glad to find that we are now to have a compouud of this exc ilnt alura live, width can be relied ou, and our commu nity will uot need be assured, that any thing Dorr. AvrR makes, is worthy of their confi dence. He bus been for years engaged in eliminating this remedy (sea adv'g cols,) de signing to make it bis"cAcn" ouvre.' which should add tbe crowning glory to his already enviable reputation. Amti icon t't.'f, Sen York. HoHUiati Death at II iokoiiiouh. A young mail named Edward Weaver, residing wiiti hi uncle, Mr. McGranign, al Ihe Swan Hotel, corner of Mulberry and Front streets, llarri.hurg, I'a., died last Thursday afternoon, about ball' past It v o'clock. Voting Weavarwa liiiun iu lb buger, about mne dmu ago, by dog belonging to Mr. Ketnbl ; at lb aani lim ( n of Mr. Ktrabl.' 1M bititn Proceedings of tho Borough Counoil. Pi-tiM-at. Af'il ISih, 1859. Council met pursuant to adjournment, Chief tlurac-s in tbe chair, members preaenti Young man, Htioh, l-yon, W. A. Bruner, M. L. Bu cber, Grnv, Wilvert, rriling and Mart. Miamlr'a of last meeting were read, and appro ed. , Tbe Committee on Fiootice reported tbe fullowiujr l)ills correct ! J. M. Zimmerman for sorvico at Chief ltnigees lor one year $18. John W. lSuchor for scrrice asTownClurk ' one year. S?la. Tba Chief Burgess appoiulcd the following , committees, i : j Committee on Finnnne. O. U. Youngmon, Em'l Wilvert nnd John W. Friliog. tx,.,lti,nn I'.nrmmh Chart iv and Hormnih , Orilinmicr (5 j. ISrnner, P. W. Gray, P. ! M hindel, Solomon Stroll nnd Philip Clark. I Committee on Vice and ,mralit!t. V.m'l W ilvei t, P. YV. (irnv, t li. 1 oungtnan, I . M. Shimlel mid W. K. Mart.. IItifarn, and Sidu-atk-.8alomt Stroll, j Philm Clark and M. E Pucher. i J'ire Appni-ato 'nnd lire Omi.uie!. . A. P.runer, M. K. Pucher, Sulomou Ktruu C. J. Druner and il. linrher. AM-r,iV.l'. M. aiuaoel, Ml invert, , and I . U . UrtiT. ,aurnins. i Ul.ip Lium, v.i-u. i.juu .uu Ilenrv llncher JHctr llnu):. J. W and Geo. Lyon. Crave Yard. M E hog, U J. bruner U'.elw.r W A Tin, I ner nnd W. K. Mui'z. On motiou t.f P. V. Gray, J7c-'Jrcd, That the Clerk purchase blank Looks for tho Tieu surer, Auditors ond ('oiiitniltc s. On motion of G. II. Youngniiiii, Hes't're.l, That the Committee on liigl.wajs and Side wuiks bo directed to i xstninu the bridge - u . . , . ... across tuu tiut. in tne lutie ruoniorx east ol : street, and report any repairs that it ri'.av reu'iire. : Oil nictinn tf Mr. Y' AV.,oe':i, That the Fire Commi'tee bff liincted to el ntiiino the Enciue bclor.ying to tho borouiih aud report i!s cotniitioii. On motion, .'. .-''r-', Thai, the proceeding') be published in the I!.,ri ugh papers. On motion adjourned. JNO. W. P.L'CUl.i:. Cb iL. t in-:, i ti.ii:. Tim quantity sent by railroad this woek 9 1 l.l 11 by canal, 'i' 01 lor tba we k iul..j07 lo tons, shuwii i an itioreaso over the corresponding we' k last year of 7.353 tons, of which .l.C-15 tons Wcio by railroad and l!,70i) tons by canal. The shipments for the wee'.; film lip as fel lows', bhoiiig i.n increase of 1 -.'2 17 tons over thn cor. regions efpoli' t. re from which . e !; la:-1 h ive It:.- - yenr from those lepei Is : 1" .-ii.i t.' : : R I? . . I "it',;.!. i Wi -v K yi v i i ; .! n -i-'J :i..i.' i. i li., ; s '."I n'i r,- i' '. , in; l;t. ,1.1 ...a '1 l i.7.V II.. u iir.u;'; '! f.'l 1!.-Ir,-.. e, IS,--. -OfiS. The heights on the canal hare receded five cents er ton since last. week. We now quote ; I to New Yoik, and 55 to i'h hi- i drlphi i from Port Cnibon. nnd cl 50 and 50 ; from tchny'k;l! Haven, 'i he b atmeu can j ni.t July c-.vpi uses nt these rates, j The boatmen have had a turnout (11 the i Morris C.inul for higher freights, but accord ing to tho last accounts, they were not likely to succeed in Retting it Tho company were sending boats through guarded With polico offieer.s. The following is a com parntitn statement of tho co:l toi.iu.g.t on rihinii'.kin Ya'ley and Pottsville Railroad, lor the past three months : I:.?. 1 f "P. January. l,3"l C.fml Februarv, o.7...'. March, 1.S0S ,5-iS .I.!'.-1 17.-- b TL'i Lancaster colbery is now leased to a new tenant, and lim receipts will be increased hereafter from this source. The company the year Ine from any tbmting Ceol. i he enure Cost First mo.-t 2 'ge. Funded coupons, a.:., Cap.u! slock, m ay be thus stated : 5-7r.1l, 1100 12-J,ooa hoO.I'til) J,C72.0iiO The Directors James S. Piddle (Pre- snlent.i A. r.. t'oiie. .losejili Harrison, A M. Eastwick. W. K. l.eiee, il C. Townsen I. Albeit Worrel. I'ottsviiU Ji'.-i ' Journal " " " (iMitnlU5 ClHiOVial UUlI Gt'lri'lcJl. I To Cikar On lim A MS. Wash your shelves dew u clean, und while damp rub tine salt on them ipiile tlm k, and let it rema.u on fort time, and they will disappear. A Remaika'.'.e tory is told in the Frovi dene" Fris.i ii.' n man 1:1 Mapleville, the I wheel tf whose wagon, containing a load i f A Kvr K vo. i.i i, O. T A lltllo rir). , ,- , t m ii , ' , uuuuu llilll , f .1 1 ill l. u i-, ll .no i- u .'loirin, residing w.'.h her ei, in Lust t 1 street, whilst playing, on Friday week, let! ; I and struck a piece of china ware into one I ..r 1...- !..,..:.. ..... ,1... I I'l uri t-i-a, i ini'iriri, uu; 1 1 1' , i 11 1; iu. i v. . .......' J Lorlisle I u.) Pemocrut. v ' I avium; Catti.k. Henry Miller, i of Reiks county, Pa., lust, with.u li.e last week or two, eleven head of horned cattle, by u malignant discuco, very unu.-uul in that j part of ihe ccunli v, but pretaletil in the West. It coiomei.c.s with a fever, which lasts from five to nine bouts, and theti is fol lowed by a chill, which continues fiom four to six hours. After this, quick mortificatiou otisues, und the cattle die. Nine ui..l a Imlf Millions of acres of the public binds in Kansas and Nebraska, whieh were withheld from sale last year on account of the financial revulsion, will be in the mar ket in July, August and tM-plcinbcr. Il is expected that these sales will increase the revenue for the next fiscal vear very materi ally. Laud's Artesian Well, in Reading Pa., had reached a depth of six hundred und fif teen feet on Thursday eveuiug Iusl. Water has been obtained, and rises to within thirty- two feet of tho surface of the ground. The contractor is uow continuing his operations culy iu day. tune the :ncrea d depth cf the well rendering the utmost caution necessary in bt'Ung The rock through which he is working is still very hard limestone, mixed with quartz and borublepju. Ueadimj G'u;. A box, containing several hundred dollars, worth of old Spanish coin, and a dairger of tine workmanship and set io diamonds, was dug np, a few day einee, tay tbe Elkhart (N. Y. ) Itecitw, in that town. llifivr Loss of Raits on mr Si'siivtiiAS ka. A gale ocruried on the Susquehanna at Wrightsville aud Marietta. Nearly fifty rafts broke loose, aod looie were wiecked. One timber raft, huviug three oieo aboard, was dashed upou the rocks and brokeu to pieces, aud two of the three persons quite se riously injured. They were removed from tbe rocks upou which they were thrown during the day by boat. Nov at, iNsrBAXti Cowi'ahv. The citizen cf York couulv bare established a Company which lusure hone fiom being ttolto. 1 be apital of tba Company i f 300,000. IH.m, Tbe lad tdward Weaver, of whose I terrible sulTcrinB from bydropbobi. w. pub. u o.. -.-...ii, (treat agony shortly after oar paper went to press. by a doB Manning to Mr. Kembell. and ! since tbt time has been uncier the treatment 9 linn urcu nun tun tiKtiiinrni ; physician, who is said to bare I :aaes. In this instance, howev- :e was of no ova.l. Tbe poor spasms from Wednesday night of a Lebanon phy cured feverul cases er, his medicine lad worked in until about five o'clock last evening, and tlo n died a Urrilii death. Persons wbo wire I0ent tell vis that they" never witnessed more distressing spectacle, no was m.ticu ftrternooti at two o'clock. llarritb Ttlrgraj-h. A Pikes Peak pilgrim pnmd thtough Da- Tenpnrt. Iowa, the other day. encased in a buckskin suit, with the seat of his breeclrs j painted red. lie also had h pun on b'.s : shoulder, n dog at his heels, and was follow- It g me ranroau irucn. iniagim: ""in i ik"i , sjit.ress truiti in the rear Willi a bijt iCilec tor in front cf the engine, throwing light on i this subject. ! vl. ttrnr.fl. Hanal i now In navi- Mf or,1(,r Bnd bonis hav.- l.egnn to nuko thoir first trips The canal l as been thr.r- , Tuit' nnd cleaned. Mr. David j Kownover, who bus cl.-r.'0 cf tho lower end, , . ; , , jy,., j,, r,,t Ul0 rnri( I in the verv best pondilbui. nnd lie informs cs ... , ht.U(.r order than i f ' t 1.fn-"" ,r, , I, r .,,11 IC.w S r'P t hrnu ghont the Str.te 4 l.t- ,iiihi i.i.,'iii. I are also op en. an 1 sprinj' business May I"? said to have (airly commenced. ranviile i Utmr-erut. ' n.TSNcit t'w:.. Th" wnler i no-.? ' tn tlio canal, nnd the boa'ir.T boys oro b.ny. They appear, generaiiy, to anticipate a brisk season. l;p lo'o ri pacKon owneu i-y Messrs. Iv'er. W nno, an i t o . marel ol't " n ins Lehman ttf.d nulf'r com-l':-il,--s. hn ti-.pp'ai.ted tin s'!a"es bel wr i n tins and Lock Ilavo-n. .'''-'': "ioiti!e. I.i:i.Asr.- Va:.v.v R ut rvv.n Wc J.-ern that , two more pass, r.eer ttiiMis cf ci.r.: w,l! shorily i b jut on the Lebanon Vellev P ulroad. As ' the rial.t ff wnv to 1 Mm; bin hns b " n "ranted t. this coii'i -inV ;,' both brnre!" of t he L'-r-la'ure. ft ureatiy increased travel v.ii! route upon this ro:o' At D uplin tho North Cen tra! toad n ill be tapped, mi l a CCtit.eclion formed wit!, the .-'unonrv en I Kri road. 'I his, in addii 'on to tie connection with New nrk, will tr ahe li.c Lebanon Ynlicy ono of the greatest routes for travel in the country. Tlic Korthem Central Er- , f re..i.! ' '-' T '. S T . s - :m; m i rn u:2 .x r.-olja I'.t Herns'. . .'lie.:.! l r IM .... A .N a in, I 1- U INo Mii, ..! V 1. T,I I: .'i :i ;,1 .S: ..I. 1 IV IT.1 I , Ir"i r . I . ' I , I.. 'I V, N i .o ii ,v i.: i. a ; s t . ol T..v f .r n i.: l II I' M. P-.'filn !.i,.l ' i.i .-. r:i l"x;.r,'.. I'ul... :-. aui Pi.fc : '. li'MiMi T:,esi, V r -m l:i:,.r A M,,:l Ti'in. 11. .7..! ' u... I .N .'.i'u -. i:.j.'tfct, II, oil. -u nii'l I'.,--.-., -r r i t' til omn.j.'i. : r.1. e a : 1 .' i , r m I.if shanii r..lsi-r--r ti: l.ln i-.l K: A ullrj- niul l'.itts.liie Itail.-i.i. -.l S.u ,' i', v : Ml. Ct-i'n.e'. - .s t' I 'j A M r. m Thk tiii-Ki vs 'I ittt. Ton Spi r.en t r Gkaiia:i. Mr. Gi lam finish:--!! his , ! speech on beh'J.I of M r.; :n, t i d..y. ; G ut gr-'a'. li-ncth. d' lining li.e I-. (lie land r.n.l g:ir.-jii.s ol r.; ! I A 'ler spakitij several hours l.e I a bniloii.t jn w hicii he (ini.-l ed ' the follow it.g r-' in a i k ably w.irds : "And .i r tv r I f.T.I witli tio-.v, gol.tleu.i.11 t f tile j ir;, word t say, r.n.l i i; ,i ore man w,;'i leave his of t tie Court, to-di.y, tion to obtain all h,s M; lie C'l 'tii rir Mail 1 h. I 010 ll.OIP !i u '.e ; r.'V t '. -a R- . L V. is- -, CheMcut s'.r. et. ubo.e Nn!. f.r: ai d Cti. Siit'.i." A I't icsKO pK':ovr.;i. Womanhood every where is experi.-ncinir the evil .ibc's i f'.hr cursa inliicled imi her sex. by Eve's- ti.s.ibe dieuc! in the garden of Ivlep. Ever S'.n.v (Hir ancient inolher's tirst ( ff irt to hide her . l.atiic, for violating the cipres-ed of In r Cienti r, l.y s-'wini.' I. an . I .pi and wear ing tig leaves. h'T d i'1-f '.r-; r !:ae bt-'-a dooin td to ".stitch away tin : lues," in (bediepc to tlm exorbitant dcaiands of f-ishion. in the modern adoininenis of lu r t- . 'i'l.e cn! relief lb; y (-..ii c-v r expert fmm the ilnu'gei of hand sewn a, imist be found jn tii" intr i duct. on of a G A' H.'.Kt:a si,..An,. yt chine into every household. l',y ils n-e f very "il : and m o.h-r w.U have ample leisure '" bestow attention to t'n eiiueutit n of he r children, do better Pswii.jr than iy J. an.,', nnd have belter health and moio loi fort than siie can imssibly have without a GkoVFR tV MaM.U Maeiil;,". FAitIt.', kXSaStwa i CO'a TATE'T CHAMPION SAFE. I.ATE I'lRK k : t inn r -a. at iii nr.;ri:, iowa IH-f.-,.j;:. Jan. r, l"5 :-.l hv Mr T. A C Ci'-li'inir. of , ..1 t Ml on fit; in .ininir ol tin- 4lli ; lo. .ton' !..,'s tin-, umiI liie enure i Tlit b'eiiin" s.' .u.l- i Gi les -. to s:, to i i. :t! l-t l 'l i;.Vtih Wits (: l. illN'ltrr lltJ.t II ! tee p-i ,U e. .t.l,l e h'n lv ha I ttift:!; (-ut f ifln.i'i-N' !.: II) I'll'. l "UI I'-'.tll'lj1 ! 'II iiKSiiu l n;,;cni. Hu h wtrr i 1 pirrfervt-fi per- i ! tfi'tiv. A.t.i w-.'i. :;'- I'ttiv .'U.I-il t ti itn , i--r tliif it.c , ' lllf Wlli-lO f'll tilkTI :tl U'P lilr-,l Vil llf IIP ckiiil iuilhi; 1 i! Ii .tine il.itvny uipn Iiu: wtl'u wdul eontituif-tl Uiein ! A ij tin!, U)xn (v'tuiip- ii, li.e an ile win I mii. (Ho lit . ucArec'v Wilful. V.:iit Hit t Ul.tie v u iu l f-vrir!y I ri-iu A i mi tK li ills'. N A. .Miri.l'l. t'.. i ll'-u r.a'n r.ti it t ii:r"pi in Viif itiMul 't-IV f ; ? .f. . w.'tt K!.1.S I'AIIAI' I'DU Ul U-l'iionK , l.ot'K.s, itii ict t'.j aiv!tic.t di t,:iv fc in the j wot' (. .AImi Si't-hiKH (iiul I'.irlur u.i of tlt'unt w- rh ! Ltiinislup tuiit !in!!, i- r, v. ! rAKi:i:L, llt:? KINii A 4H. huvt, r-move.l from r. W'aliiGt S'., t i lin n lieu h- .re, N.. (? i rtifkt nul St , 1 (.Ijtync fc I list;.) w li.'.e luc iaijitsl uorttii(:il of Sr in I 1 lie "r!il c:iu bv t un.f- r au u kl. ii r.n - n j iJ CllKt-TMT Snun, ( litMir" H t'i ) I MiD'i. n, if -o zu riiii.AL'ia.i'hiA. j OUU MUSICAL rIEND : j TWIXVK PAHi; OK IMMH LAH Ml SIC POU TK.N ! i's. I 'Or Mi ;cai. Fbiiwu" is fi leJwuh tLo lui-t Tun, j S j!.i, I)ueti,, Cj'crutic Amu, Una, M;urku. i tua n!!cs, Waltc, uiM every oihei ucui of mutica' j c m:i,i sitnm for V.-icu ami IYiiio ly tlie t.thi Anu'ticiu iul Ku.ojK'Hn C iiij fccm : pnntt J i u fi.ll-fciicd muic ' j;ipeT, ftil ilf J t-' everv prii.le pi" crriuier. j Tin iMiite ijMiniti'y of 11111111?, -.ri ruie J l'i"m liie fgu'.r j jmlilifhtis wiM cost nurti tium im tiiGti vvliat we j trii'itge. A yt-iit't fu' inn, ti"ii ttt-'Ot tt MricL ruiExn,1' wtli Bfoure new ami litplu-'nul !e mime worth it Two ' liuiuliLtl L)o!'uT8. am! entntly u rfi ctt nt for ihe home ciuliv I'rice 'I I'll ronli. weekly, ! Voirlv, : ; 1J-.1I' Yrnr'v. 5U ; .(um!erly, 1 35 en i Tiie Vuiimie r-'iiniiPMreil mi t !: IM lJeceiT:!.er, i C It. hK M( H A t' . I I, 1: 'funkier i Hied, New crk J MjuIi 5, le"0. 1m p caiovi u v lituiats Cll.l'IIHATl'.l) FAMILY EEWIKO MACHINES, A New Siylo. Price $50. DROADWAY, Nl'.W Yl'KK. yjli CIHir-N L'T HTltKK V, I'llll.Al'tl.l lll A These Machine sew front two spools, nJ form a riu of unequalled strength, beauty, nd elaiiriiy, which will nut up, even if avrry fourth alitcb b cut. 'J'hey are unquestionably tliatKal in uiaikel for Family u. (T'M-M f'OKA CIRCU.AK.4J II. B.'Mameb Agent, Huabury. 'orthumtrr land aouniy Pa. cnlhlr t7, 1W3S. fcave lime and ion invn if ,V" ","U.f ?." "'.f J ZZ ticiius ib ,it,ui,e.,K tc 8MITII, (Whole Drug, Paint and (ilass Dealers') efie T , ' . ' , ' ' 1 u,.lu,l"y " purcnasing tmm l,-.. . J 1 U-Mi , vl. "' . c M"ck of WHITK ,., 'i "' ,l'a;nl, B"'1 u ;'''r1;;'' V can m ' e , 5 7 I':-. ii. i- trivirr IO'.ibIi DH f(!!,Vl' hi t.f...i e.n S..I.I..O. in thlr Uv vnr.envTi '(iA c iarm n ni''k!.eil- m..l brei r.u-r, Kev I J IIiviiib wruee evr Sal Lml, t i'; i it c en inuri lnv p.viMna At V.n Si'l.rol I'lethyuirian CI.Ll.-h. kl 'a ', l;r.Ai(im. 1'i-vt. IT M. I'niw-r inift. ' i.l.-r'.iMrl. , (,,J l' 'li I .M , tvrry fjMmih. oi:RM.N RKronvK!) ""u'": flit ltd! v rlli v, ,i ll-v J S-m-t. 'i ly. rvciy nl.i.,,,1, '''.I'll! .i.i Kri,l,lv ni in a ."I nt. t 7 f M To Bv . KVANf.n.lrA?, u Xiil rt t ,i r- ! :" !. I iltT.f li tip,, I' li'TN. I'l.lof i;l. "' A M T1' M- I'nv.-.- t...-.-ti1. . V.' MlVriHU'T l: IM VI II -riMv.-rr, -n, '' ''. V tr ':,-. i:.i j vi nt ! .v r. l: , IV.'. I'M-.. I'l,-!.. - , I-il :i ;i' I'l A M...I. a m ...... : p .,.. "V Sal,. r in.., I rtAi'Tisr it ' r ; l!m!, 1. IVv A .1 -!' '. I.. ii . I'..--, r, I' M v V ,V V en evrn r.l O.s -is,..Hr i . U "ir " "'. e. f . V J : .tf : ... . ii i .v ; k s lei P. I , by thu l l.'i I i l.'i"- i'l..'.' ' s i i i : mhrances ; !.. Sir ,T, nv Ilii of . to .; Mi'- Kl.-' 'I he ; r :;! ha"; '.' ce tna r".r. Ull.l ::!:. t o I!:-, the '.'Tii II, :i.:.::: v : I. vi :a L;.i i- ., i .. t!-' t ' I'.-v. V Niii't; ro LoWt r A . P--V m a n y i M. ol i! Mas ; I! M.T i: lit S., fill.', ol ',!, Wf ,1 '-'I '1 ! V.I . n.e 1 er.' . Ma- run. S1.J. -i; ; 'I :.. .is, u-kv.h 'ta'.oi i J . V r , i ii . i T-o Lor.oj o West eor riuv..: r;r''t? Y 1 a I.,. ..I ; !..- -a t ! r :t i-i .: , wu i;.r. t'..s I'O! I'l.'l... T I fill i" 11 St.. .-. N I .. lie bj pr. t-lv.e nipt a'. i C HO'l'I N . w V.. - t m::"I!.- L ir,',-..", ,. will be bold ;,l phis, on i'l:,..., o'clock. A M. , i , ol l. e I',, si ,.'. ' thf Inr ,' n. I '..' IJ V old. r. i-: !.. I I! n i a ll ; ni ii"i .A,H IV 1 ur D't'i cj: I. ill I I r i MIP atim 1'rei :,i. nl r.ii.l I ' 111 .1 Until s et loi s , I'oiopaiiv w I'lnia.leij i.ia, Poll t'i en I'.e I . the T. '. h. i i. ij , P- M. l) O ! 1 1' I , r. i.. j. 1!Nm)' April !Ci! IS.'... Kaj'thaatbci'.tn:l Bri-Igc Ccn.;;any. N PI.CI. I I' l.'s hrel:i..n (in-.i iiMiiaers ' -A- li e .Xorilininl iil.lli'. bri.'te t'. in, any. I M-r.e lor one e.n. t ill h.' b. hi ul '.he i -Mrs. Pun, to .N'oith.iei'..' rl.i'i.l, ou Men-la; . th .I .lav of .May li. r. The eleeuou will 1..' op. led 1 u'eU-k. I M., and ch..-e at -l o'elo. 1.. 1'. M l Aliii 111 . Pit...', n' Noi ihun.l'crlai.d. April i'.:'.. i. LCGK 10 YOUR OWN "INTERESTS ! IS O ii T S S XI O E S. IJP.ViOVAI.. The sulscrilnr r.-i'ecif.illv i' - Inriiis the citizen of .-iinhery and vitiuit that he has removed his e-ta iisbnieot Irutu 1. ..lit sin.,1 tj liio olln'i. lorineilv ei'cunied by P Awl. iu Market Som-re. Suii'.'iirv. near '!' No tliern Cential bailr i.oh 11 a nut on hand a we ! .'!eflej fclocli nl coed materials, he i ready ' supply In cul"iuer. and oun rs pi.m'pn. work ready made or inudu up to orlcr, in ll late.l and best ule and on ihe iu"t reasonab terms. Pelieving the c-h srMein is the brst for bo the and himself, he will endeavor oiler such inducements as will give satislaitK loall who may favor him with ilu-ir custom. 1'. S -'J'hose iinlebieil, are reqiifilcd lo e and seilif Ihcil account . lilioul delay. M. II. MlLI.En. t-iinliure. Arril 10. lo9 lv I - NOTICE. W'llKRKAS letter leliuirnlary la tho 1. ?T i.ia ,,f Marv Hunter. Ite of huut'Ut Norihuinlwrland counly, Peiins Ivama dec an j latr ,ren (.ranted to the nuliseribed. All p ami tnJenua to ine iu .' -"i- ; make iinmediale payment, mi'' '" ! v :' c.'aiu, o. deuiaml agaiusl Ihe Pstate Mb a doicased will inske i novn Hi wuhoul d Ul lu HUNIjy U- TAT1IAM, K.'lor. No. tiOs, ou'h Wli.r.e.. J' ri.ila!.!pbi., A nl I. IP O v