Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 09, 1859, Image 3

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Paris, March 3. Paris is rapidly becem
iff th rendezvous of tha lord'a royaiity.
lovcral first sods of unknown Eastern kiogi
Lave arrived here to obtain their education,
while the number of fallen kings and queens,
dictators and presidents, is ouly counted by
Jmsds. Hut tbe most curious visit of this
i nd with which Paris will be favored in tba
'ear 1359, is nndeniablr that of Souleuque
lio sublime Pauslin I. of the ebony sceptre
ilis Ex. Minister of Police has already arri
red here, nud is In quest of a vacant palace
"or hi sable master. It appears Ihni this
tjrent Iras orders also to enduavoa-to obtain a
m it able house at Bordeaux, a fact which per
mits us to surmise that his lUytiun Majesty
ntends to continue bis speculations in sugar
mil liquors.
There is one man, at least, at raris who
1)89 canso to look upon the arrival or this Ma
esty irt partibun with a certain degree of in.
1'iietudc, and tbfit is Cham, the witty carioa
: urist of the Charivari. C'hnm has Hone
nore for the renown of Soulnuque than Son
ouque himself; but there is donger that his
sable Majesty may not relish Cham's manner
if publicity, and may put on his track, some
daik night, one of his hravos, darker still, to
wreakUnmmory vengeance.
It is told here of Souloumie that, at bis
nroiiation. be went to tbo cliurch in a public
iH, brought from Paris, and on which the
liee was still rctaiued. Jo like manner
:ie ordered an agent here to porchape him,
'or bis bpdv guard of sixty men, a complete
nil or uniforms suitable for such a corps tl'
'Hit. ltul nt. this time Houlouque was not
yet a triple millionaire ; in fact ho was rather
ilturt of lunds. nnd the check placed at tbo
agent's orders did not permit him any extra,
vaganres in the selection of tbe unilurms
To irll llio truth, he bonght tbe uniforms at
Hie Tempi.1, from amongst old uniforms re
presenting every epoch from the revolution
nt V.i down to the present time. When those
with selected the money was nonrly exhaust
ed, ond as Sonlonque had ordered that the
hats should bear a stamped brass plate, and
ii i.ew lines, expressly stamped, would cost
too much money, the agent bought for a few
nous, nt a restaurant, a sufficient number of
sardir-g box plates, stamped with the name
of the preparer, with full dmails of address.
ke.. :nid flm'U them on the hnt. Those who
su tl. first parade of thi3 life guard at !ort
nu -Prince declare that the brans plate were
die better pnitoftho costume, since these
wre unifwrm. T.liil the conts were as varie-gat-l
as the number f men that bore them.
That was n proud duy Tor Soulonque. but
he ecou Icninad other habits and acquired
i t her tuttes. Prom this very modest begin,
t ini; h In'caim- one of the most luxuriant
ituinuTlis that ever rolibed an oppressed peo
ple. II- had a crown nut sceptre made at
I 'an-. In. ni tli-s cns l.y l'remont Mnuriee,
nVrii cost c'J.'i.tUHl. lie ordered of dusan
v. t'ju l n;ie' ial l iyh.r of thu Boulevard dp
l!n!,n-, r.jiirt costumes for himself, his ofii.
c-rs. ii -i it his hDuselinlJ, to the amount or
:i',ii itilil ; hut tliee Dusantoy absolutely re
t i-i- i to I' i r :i lc It . fdiring to throw ridicule on
hi Ionise, which furnishes costumes to a large
tiiimber of royal f.nnilies of Kurope. By his
u-f-jsal he loH n net profit or 30,000, which
v js by u house in London. A eon-
i . i r ti ' j I number of the first furnishing liou
( if Paris have gained largo sums by their
t r.H.. ith Souliiinpie, nnd these at lead ill
rearet hi.- full.
Several Pientb Naval officers wero deco
rated l.y S(ilou(uo with one of bis tw or
ders, hut the Chiincllene refused to recog-ti,-.,
thi"'e tin playthings. In lfc."2. a writer
( t the I'l eimt. published an articlo which So
J.i'iijuo, mistook fir an eulogy, ond to this
l'HiiiUinan he sunt immediately the order of
;-.i::il l ai'Miu. I lio writer and hi
iuniinr whom was t-ba'ii. mude much fport j
nvi-r i!im incident nnd the only limn he ever I
wore his ilecoration wns lis a private marked !
ball over the costume of an incrotjiMe of tbe
t i in w of l!ie Pirectorv. .Y. )'. Timtt. !
Wiiiik Ma Ii.oi'i:. with a yot'xrt Nk-..i:i:-.
Tub l-'.-.-iuohli Father r.ri'nvi;;n li is
I ii ,.jiti-.i:.A )ouiiu' nian was arrested yep.
l.-r.luy iiK inin .' by ofiicer Paul M ay, for thu
ii'.'lur lion of a viiuni; in'srejs from Pearborn.
1 L liii'iio a AlphonBo I'varfoil, and he was
: on the complaint ol the piris father,
who r.dh'.wed them in for the Miruose of L'et
t.n? bif cin'ifbti-r tiuck rguin. They came to
ihh niiihl before lust, nnd put up nl thu j
I. hums i,i a ingress iu the Ninth Ward, taking
io.iKii.f" b'r tne lilyht. i he girl being under
.1 i.
ecu vears oi nt:e, a n arrant was if sued nv
f . - , . i
Hi-,. I'urdy lur, abduction, at the desire of i
k-r (aliier. uliofo name is Jordan. I he I
jsiii'd 1..111 o is 1 1 anna. They were found al '
t !i- hinife. here they .laid over liitht, nnd i
brouithl into Court. The young man Mnod .
i.p fur his rights, una was not dnipnsed lo j
reiinniiih possession of the girl, whom he
was anxious to nurry. .She was a fat little j
wi.ncb or about hfloen, evidently devoid ol
nv too much good si-oiie, and as anxious lo
marry us ho was. The taould be gridegrooin
did not huMtnte to say that ba loved her and
should have bet al any hazard. They might
i,;... in I, nl if ha rli.ln't irni nut in iwn I
ieurs be should come after ber. j
Uoin ' ui.hraidi J with tho act by tbo father
be resorted to an artful dodge and asserted
that be was a negro, but several of the race !
who wore in tbe ofJie examined him critically i
and shook tteir hcails. 1 hey were
...j.u n-oi, hnn.l. Tb.v ..r. tnni'in.
COI1V4U i '
tea that ha wanted to kidnap tba girl and
tal;o her .South to sell, ond told ber so hut
she would not believe a word of it. They
were a puir as of devoted lo.ers as one would
meet in a twelvemonth. The father insisted
thut sho should not marry her lover, and took
her home with him declaring that lie should
udminii'ler a sound thrashing as soon as he
got her undr tba maternal roof. The young
nun was sent to jail to await an examination
ifor abduction upon which he will be prosecu
ted by the iudipnant papa, who thinks ha is
.not good anoujjh to marry bis daughter.
.Disinterested spectators thought that tbe
aooner lio got her married tha better, in view
.of her indiscretions, and so advised him, but
.he would not lislen to it, and took hor borne.
The vehemence of the anainorod lover's at
tachment was quite edifying. He did not
blush to declare it before all the werld, and
caid he "didn't care who know'd it," that he
loved her and was 60'''K t0 ruarry her. It
wus a bnoa li'le love match, and a pity that it
was spoiled. What shall we have next in
the amalgamation line t The amiable Jud
son and the sable Jordan may hitch to tbe
aatiix fiOsLiAfreif 1 'i ee I'ress, March 23d.
HrARTUKa hnvK AfrAiR. A young Lady
AlUmi'tt t Shout her Jiival. A. singular al
lair occurred ia I'eusacola, Florida, about
two weeks ago. Miss Susao .daughter
of one of the most dietioguisbinj jnrista and
jiol:liciau of florida, entertained a most
violent passion for Mr. J . Mayor of l'rnsa
ola, who had paid ber some attention jirevi
oas to hi marriage with another lady. She
4ook no great paiBS to conceal from Mr. .,
the nature of bet feelings, aail bad on several
occasions conducted tierself in rather an ex
travagant aud startling manner, but he prob
ably supposed nothing serious would come
of it. Xine day recently, however, she wect
to his bouse and called for Mrs. CJ and when
that iadcama to the dnor, drew a pistol,
ready cocked, fieui Ike folds of ber dress,
nd fired at ber rivaL Tb liullet missed,
and Mrs. G, bravely rasbed upon tbe dea
ncrate Kirl aud wrenrbed the pistol from
ber, hot, prepared and determined to sbed
blood, Sucan drotr a knife, aud before tbe
coulJ ba disarmed by otheri, wbo interfered
Mccei-dioir iu Hictiug t lightoona vpou
yrf (1. I ha letter states tbot ber father,
jo oidr to shield her Irom criminal proseco
t.uu, was about lo sen 1 ber lo an insane esy.
The London Times says that scarcely a
night passes without some one of either
House of Parliament rising to put questions
to miuisters, touching the arrangements
which have been or ere to be made witn re
gard to tbe Atlantic Telegraph. The respon
ees to these inquiries do not seem to be al
ways made In tbe best humor j and It is inti
mated that when any statement involving
facts and figures is made, more mistakes are
committed in one night than could be found
in its own columns for a month.
Tbe Atlantic Telegraph Company, some
time ago, it mentions, made application to
the Government to have the same terms or
guarantee extended to them as were already
extended to the Ked 8ea Company, namely,
a guarantee of i per cent, on the new capi
tal j but this application met with a direct
negative from the Treasury, end upon the
ground that "the Government were resolved
to give no further guarantees which were not
mode conditionol upon the wire being laid
and kept in working order."
If no other companies were in Ibe field and
unconditional guarantees were required to as-"
sure the money market tbot a fresh attempt
to cross the Atlantic wonld not fail, as was
the case last yor, then the Atlantic Compa.
ny would have n claim upon the Government
which il would be bound to recognize.
The result of the attempts inane last year
have shown conclusively that, with due pre
cautions and properly constructed cable, a
wire may be laid between KngUnd and Ame
rica with as much certainty of success as a
railway bridge con be carried across tbe
Thames. Tbe confidence inspired by tba
operations and achievement of the Company
last year is apparent, inasmuch as the leading
submarine cable makers ore now willing to
contract for the successful submergence of an
Atlantic wire, taking nil the risk of loss or
damage upon themselves. Another evidence
going to establish tbe feasibility of laying a
wire across the Atlantic is, that two distinct
compini '8 were organized for tbe same pur
pose in less than n month after the lute cable
bad come to the useless, though thoir routes
were different. The existence of tbeso com
panies, no doubt, .influenced the Government
in declining to ull'ord unconditional aid to tbe !
Atlantic Company.
'1 he Government, however, ofTered to give
a guarantee of 8 per cent, on the entire capi
tal of 4!!j,00(), as long as the wire continued
in working order, and if its profits do not ex
ceed tlmt i-um But this offer is coupled with
a restriction to the effect that the Company j
sbnnld give up Ibe monopoly which hud been I
granted to thum for titty years, nnd be confin-
cd to landing submarine cables only oil the '
crast or Newfoundland. i
The Times next go.-s into a history of the !
Company ond urges that as the ideu of an :
Atlantic Telegraph wire across the Allantio
first oriiuatPii in A me; ica, it was undertaken
by four or live American gentlemen, more I
with the expectation of making K per cot. !
out of it, thiiu of getting news from Kurope,
and it closes its article by expressing the
opinion that the Company should surrender j
' the monopoly, and also hints that there are '
othei coin! 1 1 ion than llipse ulrcady named, '
ripon which the 8 per cent, would be grunted j
The old table remains without any change. !
The Liverpool 'l imes in referring to the I
Atlantic Cable, states Unit iu the House or '
Louis, Lord Stanley expressed the hope thai i
in any cm! mot entered into by the Govern !
ment lor tho conveyance of messages by tele- ;
graph, clauses might be inserted authorizing !
t!iM Secretary of State, by bis warrant, to
tnke possession of the telegraph, and keep it ,
for u publia service as lung as that service-
might require it. !
Lord Stanley threw nut another suggestion I
more fuvorablu to the effect, that us the At- I
lantic Company had been to all the ex pen to j
of the first experiment, and other Companies j
would profit iiiNch l) the experiment, upon
that ground .-ilni.P, it there were no other, ;
they were entitled to aid from
tho govern-
menl. .
Lord lleilesdale saffRiisted a guarantee, lo j
ci m into operation only as soon an tbe line
was inVfficient workinp'oriler ; but contend-
ed thai whatever aid should ho given to the
Atlantic Company should be piveu now. ,
The nilijrct u-n. bin 8 in (ufu yio. j
Kxri.osi...N or a Loi omotivk! Fkkiiiti I I.
AMi Fatal Arrn.K.NT. On Weduesday morn-in-;,
about half past 4 o'clock, tho boiler of
tho bu'omotivD ' i'crkiomen," belonging lo
the Headni! lUilrond Company, exploded in
tin' vicinity ol the Fulls of Schuylkill, I'hiiu
delphia, wall teirihiy fatal iculle. The en
gine, which wiim .i very large and powerful
one ot lbs largest cnul-burin in owned
by the Company had just stopped al thu
loll house at thu i alls iiride on thu i-ft
ride ol the Schuylkill, with u long train of
coul cura altuched lo it, iu order to v. ml for
another locomotive, lo pufh the train around
Ihe curve ul that poiui. hen lh boiler ex
ploded, with a deulenini; repoi.t that echoed
nnioti)X the kills like the iicbari.'a of a battery.
The effect was tremendioim. I!y the tbeer
f..rce of thu explosion the locomotive, was
wrenched from its connection ailli the train,
and dubbed a complete wreck upon the bridge
a of sixty feet from where it stood
al -ue niomciiv ol me conapse. a small
fru,n"' building occupied by Jno. Mc Ponnell
tt I''I'atcher, stands near the .-pot occupied
TJ 'u el!IUB' , 1 !" eoncusnon rocked this
budding like a bird s nest upon a swinging
t '!,;, while the ive coals which were scuUered
neavcowar(i loll upon lis root and net it on
i lire.
Mc Pounell, was asleep at tbe time.
lie was burled from his bed agaitiil the wall.
witn some vioieure, ami a cinio sleeping iu an
ailjoiniiij,' room made auarrow escape I -cm a
huge frugment of iron which was blown
through ihe window, A daughter of tbe
same man wus so much stunned by the jar
communicated to the building, as to remaiu
unconscious for a length of time.
Tbe worst, however, remains to be to'id.
The engineer, Josisb .Mis.'imer, and a brakes
man, named John Foley, both lost their lives.
The body of the first named lias not yet beeu
found, which leads to the supposition that it
was blown into the .Schuylkill. The mangled
aud scarcely recognizable body of Foley was
found upon tbe towing path of tbe canal, a
distance of one hundred aud fifty feet. A
more sickening spectacle than that presented
by tbe body, when gathered up, was rarely
seen the top of the bead being blown off,
and the brains spattered over tbe ground
Tbe unfortuuate man bad fallen headforemost
upon a rock. The foreman owes bis escape
to the fact that be bad left bis pott, for a
moment, to take a drink nt tbo toll house
Tbe force of the explosion may be judged,
wbeo we slate that the safety valve of tbe
engine was blown across tbe river into tbe
yard of a bouse at tbe Falls, where it was
found after daylight. A piece of boiler, a
heavy as two strong men could lift, was found
upou a hill about eight hundred feet from tbe
spot where tbe explosion occurred. Tbe con
cussion was plainly perceptible at Manayunk
and crowds of people came from all directions
to the spot.
This is tbe fourth locomotive explosion
tbat bas taken place on the Heading road
since ill completion. Tbe first was tbat of
the engine "Kichtnond" tbat took place in
the "Deep Cat" about two miles north of
Heading, in tbe year 1814. It was demon
strated by an investigation made by Dr.
Dionysios Lsrdner, of England, tbat this ex.
plosion was caused by tbe done beisg struck
by lightning. Joe. Ward, tbe engineer, and
tbree other weie killed.
Tbe second was tbe "Neversiuk," which
blew op opposite Manayunk, in tbe year IHI
killing seven persons.
The third was tbe "Engineer," which ex.
ploded in the "Deep Cut" above referred to,
in tbe year killing Wm. Nagle, tbe en
giuevr, and fiur rthirri. Hi tiding Ctittt
Til 51 WAfiE! OF A.ADOH.
It is with much pleasure that ire announce
that the Act for the better wearing the
wares of labor in Schuylkill County, was
signed by tbe Governor on Wednesday last,
and is now a law. Tbe provisions of the Act
also extend to tbe counties of Northumber
land, Somerset, Washington, Carbon and
Dauphin. The Act as signed by tbe Gover
nor is as follows :
Alt Act fur Ihe better tecuring the payment nf
the xcayei of labor in the County nj Hchhyl
kilt: Suction 1. He it enacted by the Senate
the llou-e nf Jicpretentatives nf the Common
wealth of I'rnntuluitnia in General Afstmblu
nut ami i hertby enacteit by the unthority
of the tame. That all wages may be due from
any person or persons or chartered company,
engaged in the, mining of coul within tbe
couuty of Schutlkill, either as owners of the
soil, or having a lease of a coul mine or mines
lo uuy miner, mechanic, laborer or clerk em- I
ployed by such person or persons or charter
ed company in and about such business afore-
said, fur any period not exceeding six months,
linmetlutely preceding llm sale and translur
of such property in and about the same, and
used in tarrying on the said business of mill-
ing, or in connection tlureilh, to thu extent
ol the interest of said employer or employers
in said property, and shull be first preferred
and paid out ol the proceeds of llm sale of
such colliery or collieries und other property
as aforesaid, VorjWci, That the claims of
each miner, mechanic, laborer or clerk thus
preferretl shall not exceed one hundred dol
lars, Jut jroviited further, That this ocl
shall not be construed so us to impair con
tracts exiHing or liens of record vetted prior
lo its passage.
Spu'iio.n 'i That the limit of fifty dollars
mentioned nnd contained in the third section
of tho ucl of Assembly of April second, one
thousand, eight hundred nud loity-nice, enti
tled "An Act for the protection or miners,
mechanics and luborers in certain counties,"
is hereby exleuded to on hundred dollars for
the Collection of tbe wages mentioned in the
first section of this act so fur as relates to the
County of bchuyikill.
Ski iion 'A. Thai the lien of tho rent due I
to the landlord or landlords of any colliery or !
collieries nil hill the county of Schuylkill, the
amount of wIiicIfsuii) lunulor.1 or lauulurds
shall be entitled to receive out of the proceeds rn the morning of llm (.resent iohtant. my rnlor
of tbe sale under a landlord's Marraut, execu- ' f.l pireiiln c, t lLMi'l.l'.S COLB, l eing (hunt
lion or other wtil ef for thu rule of the prop
erty, liable, t tho dislrcfa ot the landlord,
except execution upon judgment obtained lot
such rent, which shull rank uccordiug to pri
ority, and lie paid a 8 othr executions ehull
be, und the same i.-i hereby restricted to one
inunth's lent due. together with any fraction
of a nun, Ill's rent ucctning imiiiediately prior
to the tune of taking Mich property in execu
tion or levy unjer such l.unllonj'j wairuul or
other writ.
fK.Tio.N 4 Thai no inort"a!;e t.f any coal
lease or coal mining lil.l aim I mm ry, ,
und lixtures appurtenant tin reto. wilbinllie
county i r fchullull. or other instrument by ;
Vihicb a lien M created llieieupoli liereufler (
executed, f hull operut to impair lied posl-j
pone the lien, and preference (liven und ?ecu- j
red to the wages uieutiolied 111 thu first sec- !
lion of this act. I
-That nil laws r.utliorii'.ing a
stay of execution upou judgments not exceed- j
iii" one hundred dollar, obtained uialiibt any
person or persons or chartered couipauy men
tioned in the lirl section of this act lor the
wugesol any miner, mechanic, laborer or clerk
eniplir.ud by such person or persons or char
tered company in and about the business of
mining coul un iil'oresaid, be, and the same are
hereby repealed so far as relates the couuty
of Schuylkill.
.:i-no.s ii That in lien of the bail hereto
fore required by law, the bnil liereufler to be
requited in canes of appeal Irom the judg
ments of just lies of tbe peace and front the
awards ol arbitrators for the wages mention
ed in thu first section of this act thall be bail ;
absolute, in double the amount of said judg- j
ment, und llio probable amount i f costs uc- i
cried nnd likely to accrue in such ease, with
one or more suibcient sureties conditruned lor
the paymetil of the amount of the debt, in-
. . I . ... K . l.!l I. . I II -
teres i uiiu cos if, iuai limn un legally I eeoi er- i
ed in such case against the appeilant.
.Skvuun 7 Tool ull laws and pails nf j
laws consistent herewith be c.d the same uie
lu reby repealed.
,. ,i .Mi-roim-nM.-.Marj had beard j
of slMting, so or course, became in.aue, to
trv to s in Iwist loot and lin. Oh ' no
- ,. , .1
shed neer complain ; if, Irom too frequeiit ;
I'alln she'll y o t coiictii.iiou of the bruin. .So,
father l'aed almost to death, live dollars
went and ripiamlrred, und boucbt the skaten,
while Waller (he wa Mary's beau und fond
of the) was an fully Vexed und pnudcred. III.
vain in Mary's ear be plead, and us she
laughed he tliuiiderei. Well, oil upon the
sltutmjj ground thu vixen Mary went, and
with inu kuee upon llio ice (her limb we
meant kme Uu'l nice) her graceful form she
bent. To fatten on her churmiug feet, with
Straps und buckles fu.'t, the little bits of
skates (to bo to her hen wicked fates) too
little lor to last. Well, finally they were
fastened on, and Mary went lo rife, but us
the irons lunched thu ice, she found to her I
surprise, her feet wero parting company i
the reel ww may surmise ; she lost Aer bulance. .
and her Teet ilew up before hor eyes. My
gra.'lous how the darling blushed, she was !
not hurt a tut, tbe larked portion or her
hoops were but severely hit. A moment
Maty lay, und then, while curious eyes
around, stood far aloof und gnzed, and gazad
at so much beauty in umaze so much to
glorify and praise she tried to raise, ah!
then, (oh ! fatal fate 1 oh I destiny I oh !
hateful, hateful men !) ber ancles scarce were
out of sight, when up they Ilew again. Now
on her face supine she lay ber Lose bad
taken the shock, and precious blood was
trickling down upon her skating frock oh !
wasn't it sad sn aweet a girl should gel so
hard a kuock. They gathered up this charm
ing girl, and placed her ou a shutter, ber pin-a-lore
all sluiued with blood, where once
'twas bread and' butter; bir head was
scarred ber nose was swelled ber beart all
in a Sutter. Afus! poor Mary, now at
borne, she views alar the fun and every
thought of skatiog now, puts by yea, every
one the girl, who cannot keep her feel upon
tbe ice, or iu tbe street, should be with ska
ting done.
Faxton writes the above and appends to
it tho following moral :
"Dear girls, if on the ice you'd go to try
your precious fates, like darling little Mary
dear, upou a pair of skates if yon would
keep your feet and skirts, in even decent
stale, don't go upon the ice, toy dears, until
you've learned to skate."
Wirti.iKit Nkws From F-lrotk Tbe news
from Kurope, by ihe steamer of to-day, is
warlike. There are general Batterings all
over Ibe Continent, and tbe people there are
cleaning tbeir fire-locks and lixed up their
soldier clothes. Upon our own side of tbe
Atlantic, the Americans are cultivating the
arts of peace, making mowing machines in
stead o muskets, and Retting respectable cit
isen's garments at the lirown Blone Clothing
Ifall of Kockhill and Wilson, Nos. 61)3 aud
60S Chestnut street, above tiixtb.
' Faster Eoos, dc As Faster is approach
ing. we give a capital receipt for coloring
Kg. hicb will please tbe little ones. (Jet
some narrow colored ribbons and with them
bind tbe eggs completely and tastefully round,
then, after having properly secured tbe ends
of tbe ribbons to preveut tbeir getting loose,
boil tbe same for about ten minutes, and tbe
object will be effected. Iftbeeggi were af-J
lerwaru varnished it woold add niscn lo tbe
beaowr of tbeir eppsaiauce.
How to PeoMOTB Hfai.tii American
mothers are doomed to early graves, in con
sequence of their sedentary ia-door employ
ment. Kvcry consideration of oflection, Unty
and the preservation nf a healthy posterity,
should prompt the heads of families, and
others, to assist in averting results so tiisas-
wuua iu loo weii-hemg of society at large.
1 nousand or house wives hove recently found
sniple leisure, Tor healthy, out door exercise,
by purchasing ami using one of Gkovkr A
Bkkr I-amily Sowing Machines, by which
they have been enabled to do all their sewing
ma stronger and more beautiful style than
they could have done by hand. The transi
turn from tbe slavery of tho needle to the
joyoos exercise of the largest libertv, has
nnd the happiest effect upon the heoll'li and
tempers or the fair possessors of thu Gko
vkr & Baku miiubiiie, nnd every woman
who is prrctically fumilmr with their value,
regards iheni with gical favor, as thu only
Missionary Agent that is at ull likely to
camncipatH the sisterhood from tho slavery
of the lu edle.
lir.l.Unl.r; Im tio w Pikk's I'kaK
: Tun Gm.ii Mim:s a 1 1 cxm u 'inri-mati
APr" a ' ne eilitor ol the Gnznttii received
lHer t.- iluy from a corresoii(leiit at Iowa
j I'oint. who his seen nevural returned parties
from I'ike's Peak, within the last three weeks
some of whom are known to be truthful and
disinterested persons. All olthem concur iu
saying that lh accounts of the riches el'lhn
gold mines is a humbug, and the inniiv favora
ble reports sent to tho States, emunato from
town lots speculator, who are reaping a
rich harvest from ilia credulous.
Kcw Advertisements.
rsuNcn Bvnxt
r"II1 B iiiulerniaiisil keen rotmtantlv on hand
- FKBMTI HIT:i:soflli.ire,.nt;,fi1ri,ii.ies :
j every article required by the inillimr trnde :
vonij nni.-i,uii.i u ii si ii nir i-ii mr nrrv H nil Hr
btiKI. MilliTs who prrfrr (Im votitl Y1tirr,lv Riv
, inp 4 to 0 mnntliA notice, cm have their ordrtH
- exrcUleJ nl lln- tjuariii' in Krnnrn. At! lrrsi,
i wm. ii. Ki;p.rif.
April Irs,rn. fiin H.irrHl.uri; U., IV
Uff.'ON ni'll from the nulicriln r, ii! Sim-
tt mokin low nt.liiii. Nintl.iiiiiherlnu.l i-.i.,.iv
11 ycHm uf ace, mulillini; dark, and a little kio.mi-
nhouldereil, aprakx and real's very fluent. The
almvp reword of one dollar will he paid for l.i.
apprehension and return lo ihc aulvrriher, and
all pemoin urr lierehy cautioued eRinl hnrbor
inp him. KI.lllA JD1I.N.
i'leaiant 1'ale. March Cd, iS.'.ll. :
TV r-)--,-;
Market Street, Stuibury Pa
'T'Hl! Mibttrihvr r-f'vc!fiily inforrrs the riii-
a icn nf Stiiihiirv, and the titililic eenerallv, ;
,mt ,e lls8 ,akcl ,,o,sef,ioii of the above well
k,limn taud, formerly kept by John l.eixer.
je t determined to ue every cxerlion to make
hia bonne our ol Ihe bet in tho Mtatc, and oners
r to iuilureinenl. for -er.on who nj.end a nhorl
time in one of ihc luo.l plcaunt lounn in central
lit table will be Kuonlird with lha be tlie
fmarkot can pruiluce, Wis bar utH U mpplivd :
with tl
he purest liiimts.
"awlul and obliuinc servant nlwavs iu alleu-
dance. A share of the local and traveling cum
liiutiity ia most reapeetfullv anlirited.
S1M(I. !.NYDEIl,
April 3d. I'ropriclor.
a. j. jiocki:i;klli:iT
Vltovncn at t'aiu,
STTisriBTjiersr, fa..,
lIM:rTI l I.I.Y inform.-; his ffwmU iit.J
t(i one il'ior -t t! .Mer'( Krtlin A Urant'ii
I stun iiPHr tlie.t't'url llout-r.
All irnfi it)i)it luiiiH-td rutriislril to lii.
rlinrr, m tins ami unjoining miunlirn. will he
ronii!lv, Irtiilifuly jni rarrliil.v nttenJr.l t.i.
SuultUM', April l 4 1
-j-s a mmp g tu m-y .
J w-Cl'IyIIs.,L
rgMll. umlrrsiene.l haling rrceiied a larije and
1 Wl. .Pl-,rj f
Vurc UriiBi :ni! t lirmlrals,
i,,rM.lffli UjU. ,.ailll ,;, ,, p .
t,.B,y ,0 fill order, at a moments notice',
I :.i. .1 . .1 ... . .
"im me aouve Mm win iiml nil
a.-rlment of Kancv -Notiot is. T,,ilriJni,l
IVrfnmety of all I. mils, Tontli. Hair. N..I. .,,,1
Clothes It rushes of every varinlv.
t.'iistoincra will' find iiii flnck complete, rom.
prising many artiiku it ii impossible here to
liiiMLMllEi: ihe place, under of
the "Siuiliurv American."
1'hvt.u unt.' l'rccii.iiona romj niirhlej accurate
Iv and cart'ful'y.
A. W. K1XHKI5.
Sunliurv, Apii! ill, SMI.
II. i . II.I.I.VMS, Vi. i ,.,n, ;
in;i, ! tl,olntti Maniifurliircr nf
;iMh turret, I'lntui,
OK KVKHV vakii:ty.
He M Ihr Originator "full Nm- Stvl,- imi.I l,a a fi .to, 1,
! he ..J nt Hl:i i KU I'Kll'IX
Hl.TK. M Al l. (ii.n;s nf 1 1M
pHiiilril lot.iilir.
W H. J- V. iiinlf ntiznn t.i" linn c-.unlv I" nil' lie
fun! jiurlitiiiitt, ami i.-.uh-i llii-ni Im run i.11 i 1,,-tirr
tlilieic I. .r t tl u inline)- Hum uni- .ilh.-i Mtiililiahuii"!! Hi llio
t nited Stnlo. ' .Mrt-li v, l-.vj ji,,-..; ,-.
lEC12Ai;i), MTU A 'I I'D IN MI.NlilKV, i
FOR S3L,E. j
"U'FKrWal priva e aale of llir several Iota nf i
J, Rroimd, No.. I I, 6:t, 125 and 12i. as mark-
ed III Ihe general plan of ihe boroush of Kunbury. I
lieloiiRing to the estate ef John l.ukena, deceu.e'.l, I
will be received hy
Administratrix with the will annexed of miid
clBle. Illtn and I'hcsnut Slreet. riiiladelphia. j
Aw by her Ageni,
March 15, ISW-1t !
W I'CJU K.MI.kOAl.!i, c, for wcixhi
cl, oic anj mer.-han.liHK ,irn,lli' l...
hills !uiv.
I'lirchmtrri I
Him, iioi louiKl ..iti.iacu.iy, cull .( retunioj wiUk .i
f linrg
I' Factory al h. uld itanii
evtatiliilirj f..r morr than
tiiirtv-iive ytiara.
A IIHl ITT 4 Un.
. . Cnriirrnr.ViiilliaiiilMrl'alSlrwia,
MarehlWib, 1-S!..3iijc. I'Uita.l.l,,.,
MTOTICE ii herehy given that mv sons, Si
i'l and Daniel, seed 17 and 18 years, have
left my (irrinifrs without any juat cauae. All ara cautioned not to harbor or truat
then on my tr.iiiiit as I will not nay any drU
uf their contracting,
Lower Augunta lowusliiii, March 19, IM5U.-31
snoat aiicejy and permanent cure for Fevsr
t Agaa and KeraiMcnt I'tvcrs, without any
(Juinina or Calomel. For sale at FISH KK'H.
Oclot.M 6, 'fig.
fiAWa Wood. Crosa Cut and Mill f-awa.-
Superior arliela at I'lSllEll'S.
SunHurv.luly 17th, ISsH
IJL'KE OLIVK OH, for labia ue,-lo
at 37J and CJJ rata juat receivnl hv
A. W. riJ-ilFR.
;u!v I75H.
Inventors, Soouro your Rights!
Mmmij Mr ft r..,TM.t..r, ,i,1 .if ll.r
. cirnolic Anii-m-mi, rr c.nd.irlin the ni'ifl (urn
.iRfni-y I .r nw-nrinq Ihe Highti ., l,ivr.t.r, 0. I,e Miiml
III Hip I nili-d Siatm. They lim e Urn r-rr...iinlly li.nnl
,inr with llir pr..(tr.-i ., lnv.'mi,,n nnil Innc.ivrry O.r ll.e
P'il liilr. ii j . urn, nm! hve anil r,.n.l!irlwj wild-
in iiim .. rem, in irr mo m ... ti, any .,ll,rr Anem y
in the i iir!.. A, an ryi.ienrr of ,e roiinitmcr i.-n.ti
lilllirirnl.ili.ynnH mt.iiitv. Il.ry tnty with nmiirirly re- I
rrr In ll,r rxirHor.tii.nry fmt, that nrnrly Iwn lh..iiii. j
I'Mrnn hnvn l.i rn mtunl it, ihttit clirnta, tlnriiic Id' iTirl I
, .ii.-e 01 two )..) nn.l rtnrinc Ihi sninr prri tlivv i
j Irn r rsniniiiril ihr.itipch I Jt-tr rrTif ieiif Hrmi-'li i 'ir.r.'r n't j
H!iiii(tt.Mi, Int. i ihr in.yclty nt iiIlihi t.irre iK.itiKTiml In
Venn m., t,uii! 1.. liirm n Itium Inlr nf ilm tm- I
I trim ..f the I'mnit ( .iri.-r.niirtynili .1 l.y n.iv raining netu- ;
. ry. .Vil i.nly this, l.m wte t'.mi t,ura,nit' n nil Oir Tn. .
I lend. .rnr.-.l In- Ani. ririiii ciliti. i in Irt J;.ir.'.. nn o miii- ,
tun. iiri-;.!;. it ti,rnt(;h
vS' Cn.'t .ItoinVt t',i f.mitltr.
Jlrvtfrlf, f'trlin iiml l o Una.
( Arlvlrr ll.nv t. fVrnrr Aniiri nii nm!
r'..rriMi rutrnt., will In; m. ('in. ..t i-lijirgc. to :i;l wli.
tiny wn.h ..r thrill. ..rf. M inn ft r.t.'n .iliiei.:il ,.'.
Ii.-rf in Nf Yirk nrr I n llir nre rk Unil'lniur, N.i
it? I'nrk t..w. riijO rn n.lm.f ll.r l it) ll,i!l I'nrk. !. rr.
1..1 rnliiinuint-nt m ffliMi.M l.r M.Mi,mH, ,f. m .1 wherr lity, ;i-
I rf nir';. l; rill i,iiif ,-r i-.r n,it ij.r
cii;-. I '
.l.'.r. Miiiui ft C.i, rrr.:l tiy pt.imii,.n I . 1,. rlr,r.
M.'H .II, l'.lt l'i.lHiilHi..MT t. l',it..,ii. .. ,l..,,p, , ,
1'nirim.rlrr l,.-i.rr:il nn.l I'.r- i ..iitiin..i I ul Pit .-iiif, nn.l
Vi In ..., yi-n t!l".li4... liivt-nt'.IS ill I lit- I'l.llril l;riri.
wh-.r pni..i4 h:ive ht t-ii prrjrfir. ,1 np-l iir.'ur. ntt.l :lit..i;ir!i
MI NN ft I (i.
.. UT l'.r; K..W, S'T V 'i!.
Mnr.-ii Ol. I -.,0.
Itatol iiiu l ; tiitipiu il,.r,l :'J.
V'OTH'i: i Lent.)- given tlmt lelleia Trta.
i' nieiitary on the rnlnte of llaniel ('milicM,
en., Inle ot Mti.itnok ill towtiMliip, 'ortliiirii'..i r
laliil r.iunty, .lic'.l., hme belli tninteil In II e
cut.BCiilier. All pcrnon imlrbtrd to and llnise
having claims auniiict uni.l etlnl, wi'l un i t llm
siilMcriher at Hie lute te-hli iiec of n ii.l i!r.t.n
on Monday the I.'ith ol .tpiil m-u, t..r seltlemrni.
Jaidu i:. mi i:rn. i:s,n,!or.
Miiiuoikiu Iwp., .March I'.t. Is.V.i. l.i
Poinher'S LiliC, Rftilrcad Freight Car
jVT Philadelphia & Snnlmry.ja. !
'I 'in: ui.,.
t i run-. in-- n Iim- . ft. ; jl.f oiri. t .mil
to. in l'lii'ii.lfl.,1,111 withiotl rr-hliti.iii.-iit, :i-! (t-r--i l
--.ul.ltfll ii p .. ,J l.t,ai,,! l.v ,ri,i.n. l'i lilt-i n- :, rt-umiir.
li TmIi-i..
V-ii..i .ii. hi I'liilai1..l,liin witli I'refit, W.-ir-l .V Trf.!.
SI t Mini,, t irrt-i. wlitTi- i(.i..,l ,v ... t'..r uiil.nt) inl mti-i-mr-!:im:'p fi(.miI,I he It-it.
TW'WAS, ll.irr!.iirp.
Mnrt-li I'l. IM" -.'Jm
IVwi iiihI t.
I l.rt'timl rt-;i-r.
I.u.itr. I'miiiiiiii..ii, Al H-irt-. I I -ve.
A llnif li-Mli mill Iji't'i ,l ui;,,i,i.
I 'i-ytinit- IV,,t-t, ,Ninmr(... l. rf.
S ir. Curl. M- tln. J.ill,n-lri-, riilLH
fNl. r -1.1, In,!,!!...
I'l.r.w.iv ni-l i-'- iinn.Vr S.t-J.
Ak'iO.n Puirv ti i.l t.r-.iTM.I r..-!!!. Ar.
r.T r-nlr ! ll.e ) -,:!r .Mi l ;t
.'!: .N .tin
I r nt i'ri'el cornl-r . I I'lii; i.!
liuN iiii w.ii!i;i:i.i,
IV Puirlri.t wl:t fij it t ilip.r tnttt.-n: I. ii
III i.:i It v nn.l p I i.-f t ' l-nv lli.-M-fvuli", V li;i-lt Ml! v;if
mii'i'il as rfpii Hiil,,.! or I tii-iI.-.!. A ti;.l if a nulii!
il.-ll hill. .M lfi-li I!., Ir V.'. - 1 1 -.
Notice of Limited i'urtnership.
VI ill. 111.1- w A : . nil. i 111 I. l.-li.,liiriil, Hf i;
I'MIIIV. .'1 Uf V Itl.'JO -t .1 K.'U own. Ill Hi HUM tt I
t iviik)iii. in 0,4 I'l'tnity "i N"itt.aifi!'f rliut't. :m I rint(j ,f' '
IVnni-jUiijii,!, iiml Ari'i' Vnu t-1 u i;wml j hiIiht, u II
!rt..p, in tin; r.i'inly t-i' l.nrtiif ;nit t;ic nl.-i.-Hiii-i, ,.V'
rtitfrcii int'i n htritr.t aitii'fJ.i'. mult r iritvift,n uf '
tilC Aol tt fieufiul AtIPliiv, "l lt. (Joillll.'llVi:l:lll n(
l'rui IviuiiK, niiiils-tt Artr rt-invt' ,uniiJ run. '
!,:,:'.U' ' "l'F"'-" V'1' -
i. !"', Hint Hin llliifV, II.C
imx i iim'tni "..roi'fwi,".,,1
jtl Hbl C niiiwui wJkh rcri- :
una lh iict '-f.-r 01 rl ilic.itf '
lid fllF.d U I.Qvilig iK'i ii ti nt ui.J r- .--T.leil t:i it Ju t- i f
Hie Krt-wrilrr of llrt-ilii t-ir thr- c.nin'y nl N mi l ImniWt lutul ;
'J'tnTt-ftirt' in cniiipluiiM-c u-itlt ttic prtiviMiu -m A-t. !
! we piibtnti tiivteiuii ul tvud IiuiiIimI purtiH'iftbiu. us I"!- I
j. w : I
j I irst, Ttic hud jnriuefiil'iii m tt ttc rimlitrtfHl ui tier the !
mim i-i .t.rtihnin T nriti. j
j Sf"u), The (ftiral i.nttirt nf l.nttneRi to l-e tnnw- ,
, HrtH l tMiti rirm nr triiTtji(, n tlmt i g.mtrit! ,
, McrrLiiitity.itie. m4 Inning uiiti (ifHhi.jr in rutin.
ThifJ, Tnr gfiicinl imlnrf in mut (kii tjitrvi i ii Abrn
, Inin T liitnilriiitn, ri:inlinif 111 ihe viilitKt- nf Wnmntnwit,
in llif r-unitv fif i.rihninlHTi:iw(l hmiI Slulf r' iVtnmvlv.i- '
! mil. Ami lit F). ( pmriH-r m Arin I'linltP, m'nUne 111
; Jl'i'ittim, in tlif i-.iit i ( 1,H7ru,r .nixl t;il iif.irm.ii.!.
ruurtli, 'I'L lib) npcijtl tnrtntr h.iP r .mril tiicf f . ihc ,
' (mil.. .11 at.( k f p;in) pnr!iierrl:ip lUr mm ten t!i"Until
t' in -ntf!i. J
I'nth, Tli fiutl ivirtiicr),('p in in ontmiu-iH-f n tho f.-t
iIhv Mnrt-h A I. l-'i', uml u uriiiinate iu tuc tit mi
- "t h A I ,
A K1I ill AM T. iftf il)M A. chip:Q1 unnuvr !
! AKJH l K Dl:i:, p.-.ial nt;nr.
XViifi.., f -ii, Mirch in. I Gt '
nX;Ks. I.KVUNS. ni:J HA TI'N. jut r- j
n ivi'J unj for rilo Ht tin nnifi'rtiMi;irv utorr 1
m. (. ui-:ai:hart. .
Sii!i!nrv, M.i nil 19, L-.VJ.- . j
For April Session A. 1). 1650.
(i I! AND Jt'ltUIS.
l)ri;ivnrp l:nlif! Irwin,
'I iiiuui Cluiilpd KuWlV, Itrmit l V
.MlAvvtrwVitir If . ii. .VI Ti'iiri
i, W iiii;mi Moni.i
li:t -i, liiry M-wiif,
i hiiic juiiiiir I'f 'iiirt 1'iitd ip, ,
l"iNi J.itin! Nfi'itt, jr.
tMiii'iutj J hit Arn !d, 1
l."-rr Aui(Ut.l)i SIvmiip Sj,.ii::i.i. Snn-.uel fflrntfr
J 'n;ii:utll I'Wii.-lil. Jtiiltm Mil.m:tM iiinl l.i. h ''l,-imi ' '
Ninni'Lin Juc'b rimlutivr, J.ic -b lHitmriic u,,0 J - i
hcj.Ii Ji-tm.
ChuI HtMijuraiii Il.iy,
I iirr MnliMii") n)rrw (inn. Jlit Metl-K k,
J .ni;m Miiiltn Murklp,
W uiiltlhL'I -ii Levi 'I' Iiitiinl:r''t r,
l.ifl 4l'llif -T tst.MC !,
l.Klte MjIuiii'sv Djviti Dtiuk'-lM ip-T,
TivAVi;ni: jukohs.
iKliwarr S.tmurt Tiuney, HmvhI K Iun( Vinrriii
1'iirlmi itulirrl .Mt-l'uiiiiit'k. Ifilt.-,. A.turfiv
(lr: Ar.tlrrw T'- luii-r, l.r,,rfc VV. rut.i.
j M -it. ii-l.c 'iiic i-ii..n, fii.ircr !..k-r,
Tin! MtUycj-ir Ji lni MrM.ili. n. ( .iii.'M II ItiUrr. Jnftn
f .V'.i.iuiiiVeihm! nnniin Mnihnm,
j hnuii'ii y AiiBiii Xuw-lrr, IV W, limy,
j l'ipr AiiLMimu Oeorjif W. Urcwt,! Il. iVit Ciinir..)!, '
ftiniurl (lrld"if, ;
l. -W't Auumu Th.'Mmi iTdfr, Isiiic! I t ' uruJ i
j.iim n-i;:. ' ,
I Lilil Miriiinoy I)jiiii.'I WkCi pi,
l.uwwr .M:i!mn y J-uuitiiun J.r:iKrt
C.'! Split, J 'f sit tfUl.'l.
j J-t'k'MI L'tlif AHTt.
I iiiiirr.fii Smnui l L'iii. Chftilrf K.
i I'j'pT M ihiiii'tv I'tui-iy
r.iw: 'i';.., Jn-
I'.n-r ii-
. n-i iiitn Jul. ii rinmkfv,
t".inl Witliiiin W i :i'vpi, Diirni-I rit'iipl"!', J. Im D I-;U-
v. V. N. lik t.r. eiCM A llprknt,
, Mr. CuiiiK-l Willtum Murr llitnirl II i.-s-r.
MiHiti-ikui h-lii.t;.ii cui:i.l'Ci!( i iu!, .!cr, Wmhtin
( )(mtiii,
I(i:mi rifir;;r Itnnn, llnLtri IXiiimn, falvm 11 ui-S-nwnil,
PETIT Ji'uons.
T.V! tainUtnt J nrptt, i
Turlmt I'.I'Mi SlimlV-r, litunrt IlppVrt. Ch?u'. Arti,:.i:i.
hfiiiwHif-Duviil llurtiHiiit, l)n4 hlu.r, (
M r.weiuviilr Oavnl lUii.- u.
Milt II litUtP U . llHf!7. li lull) Si i i, ip,
Chili-niuit'tucWnliniti N mlsii ,
. lint l)uirt II -lfliie. Jr-sip V.K'Uin,
S.-fihuiiiUsrlm.-l K H ipp, Oet'fs ApiVv, IVipt !
I'mii' , Jiiiiifn 'J'iiKm ,
Siint'Uiy IV .M MiiikIi-1, 1
I'pper AuusiU Viliiaui S'u-ifit-r,
L.r A in; ui. i J.-liii K. M'Mmi, tMvi.l Iltn,,.'.':, '
rptiruim l.y lie Ainlrrvv ii htprt, J-lin Shipc,
Shim. .km lfpxiiuid IVimvl, J. . (tniui, ShihipI K:):y, '
Coil JomU lttctl lViii!.rit"ii liirii, Ou.ji;c IcCrs-t, 1
l'ppT Miiliuiii-y Henry .MhSIjcp,
WaMlmnftoii Nirlu'la Mtiincii, J-.bii IVpiv, 'i:!i:iiu i
C. ll.'Unnii,
IjrwtT Mnliauty Imiiat" RptVr, I! WtPvrr, Mi
fiturl l.iuktr. i
the Clerk of the Orphans Court
oi iMortnumoenana coun:y.
fV1' I 1 is heri-hy given that apprjirn'menia I
of properly have been made to ihe ul.i '
rc-.pectivL'ly,' of the following named ilin-.'iiil.'iiia, .
aitreeuhlv to Ihe o'.Uli tSrciioii of the Act ol ihc '
14th April, 18M. j
1 Estate of John Slump, deceased. i
3 " Uaue (iiliter, " )
3 ' " Joaeph arlnian, dri-eascd. j
4 " " Fredi rick Heckerl, ' j
And that tha same will I.f confirmed a'vo.
lutely on Ihe laal day of the coming April term
of Ike Orphans' I'ourt uf naid county, unlet
rsceplioua le lilaJ (herein Ir-fora aaid day.
J. U. MAStsEK, Uk. O. C.
Bunbury, March l'i, I8'i!.
valuable Bitlara may be taVrn with great ef
fect in constipation flatulency, acidity ol ll.e alo
uiach. For ante al FISUKK'8.
Oct. 16, '18.
tugr Coated. Haraaparilla and'
Tsr 1'illa, a mild and gentle I'urgHlive, uu- j
surpaaaed by any medicine for remoiina liile.
, clean. in Slomarh and puiifing ihe Dlonil. i
Pot aalein I I-111'.H'k, .
(Ktiitrr 16, '. ,
JOS I) 1' II F U S S E 'j
Ao. 2, Xorth I'uurth Stm t,
I'llll.ADi'.I.PIII i
M ANITA CITHER ofbr-.t .inality of L.M.
UfJCI.I.AS and I'A l AM M.f i'lvit.n
llio nltei iioti of Imyrrs to hi.i rteitivn st.M-k. j
eml'taeiiig many tjli not hnrelnfore intioduced. '
riiiladelphia, March I i, IfS!.
TlIllJ ul.srribers reapectfuliy infirm tl-.n riii
i." rruaof if unliury and Ihe puhlm eetnrallt,
that liiey have lrard llm fiinlnitj. I'outnlry oc-
copied hy ticoruo Kolirt arh, nii.ltln.1 they ipi tnl.c
piiexesninn on Ibe first dny of Apnl, ni-M, 1
ihcy will tip i-nsl.lni fyiriii,h at! kin.U m fail- '
ii'l'K, surh on I'l.iws. Stuviv, Ac. Ac, ,it n l.jw
rates ho they can bo hid any l,cn elf. '1 liev
arc bIfo tn-.inuf.ietiirinij lhrn.-liiii mac hiiio, und
do rcpairmrj at hoit nolirr. All i-rdeia .nlilieMi il
In lliem will he promptl) iit n.le.l in.
(.'ouiitrv priulnue in r,-,rlusi;e f -r Ce-l-iii)
at all tinii-i.
JACOtt IVt,')t!l.('J. .1,.
rnnbirv, M:ir.-Ii fi, I .:.!).--::-,i
i'OH tiiiilin the Ci.orl rt C
I'l. :i
I o!
inrtlllll.!-erlnnd (t.nlv. In i.i hi.I :
l-urv, n the drat M.iiidnv .1 . j til. t".
! 1 A U V IV!(r lillli'i-'i I'!. !'"! A I-T
I -I Ann Invrt i ' ' t hi ii 1 1 1 i II V.,-.
I 'i .1 im-rnln'.- t M v .t ' .1 . . -;f
W l..'i...x v ' . I . I'r -1 Arrh ',,
0 It. I'. I i Vy r mine . ,
; ft Ami? M f't'7. H-ii". : -lit, (
( t r. M ii !' x. ul i r t'l-i.'-i-h, ;
, m W .iii'ni'iii ti II miiii:iH'--M- i; N.r
, i IV II M ifr-r .".r ..:,. i.V ii . v. Jut !-
10 V I. N:n:! V I in'iin tit'i'i l ul li
1 II .1 i't f ri 1 1 inn Vk A ' r.t!.;ini I .ur '-f , ,' '
I I'.'S! Scti'if ! A'i-ji.', ' "
1 . J.:-u l'..wt ,.- v. ; .
' II J liihvl t-t i l t V '! .r-i ft it! Hi
I t ntiitfl itt iT i n 'T . i'1.; i, ; '
I PJ Vi;ii,vih A. c.ii,l I'.u.imim. Ar. V. "
i t Saii.iif I J ifn i U Hi ti Mini win', ;.t
I! J A l.ilm.Tt
r V K'riifii a i'il
-11 I'fVM! H Tt)
Chucks Sinitlt
V. S M i:N-f A t;.
"I ll.'IMV 1) - ti.'l
Jl J:lt
. it ii iiinii
M U.f:in,
'27 J A!; :.'-5i
v h;t',ici v. :f
' .!
f Hil'-n, ,
h r .'tiii.i-: j .i.:i.
Vh U I ( ..
u i.- fl.l:ui, fill!" A 1
V A W : 1 1 1 h i.l il'f ,
n m i r .
il:imn 4 it t Mn
v- til. in I'.t.-.-,
i l I'. ,iU A
t ;
v Trit Wilin !itl.
'.'i M (i.-;-n ,v wnevJilf: if! !,
.'i f ZAt.i.i I'tuii.nn vt Or tl It V i's m,
i'l f'tme i I'r (ifirirf Tir-t-n
:t-J ';nf !t c f MVLMhtk-hi,
l. i .t M gV J 11 lii-nvil (1 ;it.
'.I'l ll-l
1 1 1
.! I Ililltiinfl
s Lrwii. Ilnu.-r..
V Ai.irtl.i II lit.,
i fume ft nl,
i . .'Nistl...-i.-f!
J tmi-i C -VI , t,
v. I'-iu: M'.-i. hi r,
ill W I. D-.-.l.t. Af .
V C . Mru I'l.l , , L
:r, VVu, ',i!,
li M VV.-'M-f
oT (i V;r"i, tt ft!
: W'm K i.irtA
' Li-wis Sn ut,
I ' l.n Sum pn
1 J L'Vr-l! I 'l? flll't
v ., . o v . v i: n
n ) i-i,rtf::r:lt t:i! i Mi.t it '1 ,..xi
II J r''iir.tmtir a ( . mc' I! ii;. v.') 1
I.l 'i i in uiu.t.n n! iii(ui'-; M ill. v j 1
Tfi- fr.: r:i ,,u :', h v. i.I Vf I i t : cii t '.r '
I',;.: wcrh. hwd t..r t l'-r tt-f f, , i , - tl.i. '
1. liK' iU.LV, I'-. Jt .iv. I
IV .i i . -'.if f ( !i'(ivv Siiiti.lJl . ( i
0. .:...! IV W J- 4. yKtf '
. J 4 i ::i TIM! ! ";ir. i, (imc- i!m.r u: ve Vine ) 1
rniLAlH.LPlUA. f
(II'TH.i.ism;;. I 'w km , ,t Viwii.)
JU. V lLrMiTi n "f Itml Iiiiir. Mc.-lrink;.:, rarminp i
".! M 'lUM-ImM MAJ.hW JC 1 1, ti ivnv in t r- mmH I
wi-i ( i.lU'lr.! a: 1 lit liiwprf in;ti,''! -i'tk. tn CiiiIi n:iJ '
priritiL sis inujiffit buvcts. Nuils :it Mrti ui.K lurcr' t.n-fi-i
i--r .t.h t
i 1 1 'r in. ui new PUKfm if . i'! rp"i ii - rjt n'.'liipru- i
r:i!r, mM .ill jr.l- vm; h ii. l,.-ui-e v, i:i l-c un t
TPprr Fi'iitfll.
(X" ' O'l'Miiv .Mriif (UVT-, lli-tr i:".t via to n.r :
City ! ticiku tlir.i ; .ruiif i-in-i. n. t-, jrn i f !l:tlly liivilr.! I
I. -;ili Ui;d t l.liiiu.c -ur M k in i1 'ri(P-l l Tup purf1:ii(t- i
'I'S M.inJ: I-.V-, ttmVV'l .
I'ornTII A AUCil i-ir.;pr, I'HIL Mi:i.nUA.
4 II V. tii'W rv.i-n-nr -i i ru it,i j.; t,i t;r ( iti i
I-i lt ill SI'UINO l t-5!t. ! i
S-'T, if? ,:! .t v SfvL.f.
r.Ki..',j,t- i.-iti.!.. n v. 1
Sll'lWlw ! tilt- rV S' , t;"J Sl!. 3, ,
Ji" lH'ir mid I &;(, "t -si i id tin,
& P.-, is .iiitt V.ilpui m. .
T.-iVflliu;; I'rfnw ((nniis, itiil :irip1wi
li'.i; V fts,S;i' i lin- iiml MiHin' kfP;i-M (i .tif . j
N H. t'trr-kpppi-iti nrr v-'p-vif .iv it .hhH t r.
3i:uup i: .t . ( iJl.ACK SIU, u:. I MIaWI., I,C- i
t puit i'.iBuir.
IV . V 1. . ' ippciv-.I ! nlv, mi'l ff-h-J iJuig-ius '
ll-'li: !!.-' AuC; i.f rv . rk iki.I inn Ca . N s i r r m, Vmiv- I. w
Mnr 'Ji l .' h. !-.,..- ( -:.Vj
D'l'li.'K is l .-ri'liv (jiipii ill: t ll n m vnri
' ' ( injri-i.f I ', .i:iin,.i) ri.M, (.'iiu (i-'iftir
Si-i.n i.l the .i :uv, ami d.riiui:' l'mrt. Court
nl" I 'v.T nml Tetniiner "nil (ii-nruil J.iil D.-livi rv,
in ami l'.r llie courv of Nml!
Ulil. to
(mtnit niT at thr Court IL ns,, in tl.c t'liruuuli ol
hunSury. nl 10 i.Yt, L A. M. ii M.iiiJ.'v. t!-i
liti i!..v Al'KIIs next, jitti v. it! fHiMinm- TWO
'Vl, cor- nrr, Jiir-ttriM f l i . I'rp.rr an:! ii:t::
Llin in :iitl i.Tthti ooiiiity of .Ni;"thuniti''r!aii'I, arc
ri'rjiit''ti,il to ! llirn tlu'ri- in (!,.:.- pmpt-r j ir
tii s, ) 1 1 1 r rwi!i, riTorilf. iii'i'(iitit!M, nvA
oiliiT rriiiriultriinrff,-, lo i'n ihft-tn tiling t-i t;nir
;i t:rA ftWi-r i:ji;'trLait'in:T t" l.i- !ottr. A:;J ..)
i iti:i.MM pri'-i'i uiim; .n I't'lisili' uf Uv .;:i!::-iii-v
r.ilvli ?ai;iit nv juifimt r re u! n tirsi. ,1 n- J
niiiim:(iiifil tu lie thru and there atifixhn; i;i t!nir
proi'cr pfrt'ij n to ri'.u'itii' tiniu-: tiim, an h!ui!i
l-p ju.t a:.J jiol to lit- ;ut w iilvinit !rfti nt tuir
j'til. Jurnio ur' rr.iii-'-tv.'i t.i in: tii-t i ial in ti.rir
itltiTHlutif1, til t!iC t:::ir uj oii.ul arrnLIi; tj
liicir tiutu ti.
iivn uinlrr my I hihI nl Suiiluiry, t!,c 1-t dav
of MurrK in tlm vi :irnf uur I. ''id one thou.--nj
i i.'h" liMtnlifd riHy-t-i.:' iin.l ll.ri
iMdrpi'iiiU'iii't- ttftlit! l iiitt j Mtito nl Anu'rii.i
the KCd.
ti.-'J M'-i tlie C::il;i. i.;V. i.:.
javks va:.!i k i !a.i;r.
M-iri'h : l ;.:.- s
W'ri lurt" r t'Ki.'H 4L Ol'Ri.4'1 iua uu J.ui.& n
111. con.
I 'uncr-., TnMori", '. i tii, crofi.l.i, I irr rs. c,
ruit'.l i.i a bl.irt tinn1, iMiionit l!to liiul'., I y
Jlr. Al ,, Mt Udi..
(Cilli'ii'.'tir. i f il.'- lute Ilr. L,itinrK'rrv, I'.'.''.!..)
.N... Mi N.mii I'll"! 11 Mrwl, I, ', w 'rvh . i'hiiii.
7.'ie romsrk.i'.'lr .Kir.-i m hi ii h i. r.lti'
ll... troatronl of Canrer, Tumor. . '., t.v tr., for a iiuiiiIh r of xmr- . it. nl.
tt acted ill." Hiteniinn, and in Mm v iMsrji.i . . Im
M'cured the hi'iirty approval ol' iminv riiiiiii-nt
l'li si.'i i; in I'titladi-lj l.i.i, nlm h..' im lon.s .
willing til ri.,k the djne: nod uoi'Clui'.liib or
Cancer can 'ic I'nrrJ ! if p i.;i.-ii) trfl. :' ir,.l
rnitiptly. A greiil ni. j inly ot Ihe i,i, can I.f ineoluulh i iin .l, 'I'l iiuriio
r. ois .,ictilH. from finv m , linn i-l the rAnnirv,
whu liaie Leru i-meil nn.ler tl:W i ''hod o! in':.t
ini'iit ib a uurjiiiit; oi' ii.. stipiiijiiti uwr.w.v
oilier Liiuwii K.-m.
'i'hoaa who may lie afdii-li'.l illi lio'-". i'.'..-,c ,.mi. di nire furlln r inl 'nnn.i .:i r ii lvii'i' v. ill
plcaae addnas IJr. VuoNiihol, ivlien liny will
receive prompt Btli'nii .ii an i a i .yv,..' l'n Iili l
un llie treatment of ('.nicer!. f, u , l.r. r,;..
White Swelling, 1 i i - lli-i-iue, , r. 1..I..1K niu!
711 alitftiai'l I'leera, lii-.a-.t- ol the Monih m.,!
J'hront, I' nf llie llnnvn, 'I'rtKr, Seal. I
11. j.l, and all iliejra nf llie Mm, prim uictilly
cure.l, una pn;r reiui . Ilea rent l ari-tiilly p.n
ed hy Kxpiea Iu any (Mirt oi llie c uiilry.
In every catti a -!jm dearription ol llie ilisi a-e
i required. .I.ldiea. Ilr. ii ac i.liol, .No. Mi
-oit;i bill .Sl , riiilu.l. Ij.Io.i, l'r.. n. nnd
Manufacturer of lr. I.uuiiherry & l o'a IVlel ra
lej Imperial ltejiuralin., 'Im hint nl.J in it rclia
I'ia Family Medicine ol the .Nineteenth Century,
for llie cure of all ilitcat-ct oriiiiiiiu; it, l.npu
riliea of the Hlo...l.
January lb.")'). 3ui w
Ij'tKS! rriJi ! Jliil reicivnl r.nd for aula bv
Kunhuiy, January Ift, 1 fia. .
l l'ST KECi:i El) n lot ..f l.adiea I.O H i
' I. II r,.Ntii:i.S More. I
runl'Uiy, life. II. ln.SH. 1
I JAKIvl-.' s,i.iilnr; s.nj,, t4 - in i.treH Teu V '
io4. F-r i.ale al l lHl.ti'. ,
11. i.,'., r lit, ';., 1
Atthe Mammoth Ctore tf
I ica i i,ivnr,AT,
fit: t ;iAn.f.T bth:kt, fn-Nnrrtv, v.
f' ll I' f;lc'r IKK j'irt opened al b vell
S K '; ital.lifbmenl in Sunburv, one uf llm
I'M peal nlo I innut dei-irat le ffotki of
Fall and Winter Goods,
that liae evtr I rt n ofii reA in the plfirr.aini hioli
ho will ti'll .-r CASH or eirharn lor Cour.iry
rrvdii.-o. 'J'lnme ili-nirniir to porcliaae gonda will
do well to till and examine bin flock.
All Wool Ih linn, I'iuird, Nuiped and I'l.nn,
Trench Meiin.i, nlf inlors, lieuulHul l)re
KoIti, I 'anhtoi tes, Mliaded. 7'lam and Mria d
mnt t. jinn lo liirm i. ii idia ul Ihe enlnnl and
.Umle. r-t. lla, ( ,,.t,ill.-. Krct:t!l SViml MbaivU,
I t i! ct !'il llr.irhe thFl.
Cloths Cs."!.imerc3 nnd Pn-tint
for y.t i am! ,nn' ',, lllack .'an5iiiicrefl,
Kiiiu-v t':i..iineie, fide sli i -k hem, Ii,.m.
fkin I'asniiiictet., iiilni-ts nil klli.h.
M !:! ."i l Kul I'l.iiiiH-ls, nil p i at-H price,
J'. iv Miiln fuck I hiniii !k, colors fiiieKt ijiniliiioH.
i:r..i)V-MAi: ci.otjiinu.
IK.iin anil rltof..,
II. i's r-inl f'ii., f., r.,
nil "f nliicb were alerted vi!li jrat wre, ami
ill eiuupnr" I .ii oralily, as lCKanl' nui!'.!), iWi
rtml .ri, e, Willi ;t: - i-i the founliv.
II. S l:l'. l!l'.,'a full a?.oi; in', nt.
and Willow Wp.r,.,
IJ'li i na in-, of :i(l ilefi Tlptini'i,
Croreria-s. ii toll Blocl; m llr,
-'.. ( iuiiiiK. .Vt-.,
I'uiiitii. ()i. (ila. I.l.r tti(T.
1 lot'r.Mil r,.r the ntmnase In retnf,.re ricriiej
lie vi ill parr no ( ,iins I.i please nil who m it favor
bin w ih tht n cost, mi i.i ii,e future.
!-". i 'i 1. n r v , ,ov. li, ItTiiH.
. Bargains ! Bargains ! S
AT 1'. W. iill Y'.S (!,!) tsTA M,
Marhot Square, Sun bury. Ta.
.er h::in
purcliae. of P. Y
" i.r.iy
I.MH1I-: k'l'i ii K- nv
n ilclrrtiiinril to ?el tlifin i.;V ul the .ivi't io.
i'. lc rut.'n. ";ill srn il ,.n wjs!, Fl'cur
larz.iins end examine thr link of Uhirk Clotlis,
CAsimprrii, . n.Min-tt, Vi-liin,s, Drt-n (i.H..l,
mi : I'hullies. I.av.tis, Dtiin-., li.iroitrn, Mi-ri-n.'ps,
('iiKliiui-rrj, A I.i jm i-a -, ."ilU, (iiiilni.ns.
Linens ond While ( Drim 'l'riiumiuc an 1
.N.iti.ina iu 2;rcat Vurirl).
'l'i;rr., it' -nr und u aiirly .,1'nilur gtuUs t
I. Jii.iim to Itiontiiiii.
:i!ui :i', ri,v.. ir, .,.-.
'1. (i. i iinl'KI!.
N. I!. I-.-!ii-.g prr-Vfu! iut f-rt-t fiv. r., I lj
If nc lu re.'..inini'iiil t.i t;iv .,l l'i ini. Is an. I llm
I'ul'ln.' in L'riivrnl my 1 1 H,' l'M l , wUn I uni
nsiuiu'il will tfnir. rir.ihini; nmU'iie to iniril a
coiiliiiitiit.rc ot jnur i'iitroiia:r.
1". XV. (.'HAY.
Sii'il nry. Drmiiher IS, IS.'.H.
"lliE RCvMiint nf Daniel lli'ini, aitire nf
-- XN'illiatii S n iirr, lins Lfttt Ci'.i-i in llm
ofl'n-e nf the I'riillinniitiiry nl tlif I'ourt nf Coin
moil l'liia i.f uri!iunilwrl:iiid county, mnl will
l.r ta (mid I'ouit at Ihn next term
tlirreuf, for c.iiitWiimtiii!.
DAMr.I. HiH'KLEY, l'n.m'v.
I'r.iiliiMiul.iry's Ullirf,
ire. ;
.'.!. S
Munlmrv. rdi. '.ri
I V El K.tii V.V ti JJIt Ki;or.'i
DETr; z &; 1 ' it, coAy,
'Mill AN I I. t) 10 cive 1 ::-; a .ri.i;.. ti 11. ,.1 t'n
t in .p.. w tie rrl'ijiH!.-.'. ii-i-l ..ui Hi'.'iitB i,ih licrrt.j.
11 ut .I'M ii-tl l 1! :oh v '1 il ail) t.iiiuio 01' it lit .inr cxi-ttutt
A AN HA Alil-.N I..O.K 11 1 S .,. .Muk.-i, Ul. 1
li;u i:, l -r tuc l:i' : wrh e .-.oa m- il. '.-..-m tin,,-,! tx ;,.
1111. rn . il Mi- n :.i" V -h r-il tint'-ii- . t,, vh.u',u4
vi'Vf. 11 :u ilie t "' en. .- v Vl;tu
II Ml'. I. Ml" 1!: u.i.l MO.M.V. aic w ..- it I
i.-.;t u. .11 1 1 1. . . . :i: r.: .,: n.: m. e.e it a i:nr
t'- '. '- .' "Iiim t" ...1 .1... .'.. i.s i,..ui..l in ojeii
Ij -..) HIiJ It i: .1 . ..t ylVf tti.l fc:i;,'!u ::, Iui.'iifc',
w 1:1 nf .-;iin-
Am 'i:i: 1 c 1. . ' .' 1 dvnu' i.'. s..Vrr t.tiit;!!nn.. P.-n j.,
tiic . .1- v. i: 11--i ! 1:1111,. a .
I I: ;.'-h .'r- 1 : 1 ..oi:t.,j. in;'! vfi- li.-. t; rr' !-i:!. ; :tift
iirt.i-:" i.t .1
9 I--. 1 v' : g" '' '' ' ' !.-:- i:-. a three'
pi.-au 's ol i'. .ii.n- 1: rjs.n :-j.. . r t j j..,,,-,,!). tt mtu,,
n .i.p.
3. Il r.-i-ti,,..-. : i ,),:tii oi,-)ij tl.,- .,:ne ,,,1 I ,!vr to H 1
lilt" l.'.il.'. 1 1 11.' i-i i l iiiii;., ti-.' it ii'.jitmi .-ii'i !, ,ei
IlinilU ,.:i, n.rl IS writ unite J tr-t t - III. .1. tiir lit!.:
I- t'-.r pl.'li.inii I' tinr.-mi. I rini.vini- tlr.-iin,., ,,r ti i.l
f r Mil 'a Ink . it n 11 .iirpu-. I M '.-l,,t ity. I'riiin-l.s unit
I';i'!i';':.i '.via ti.i.l it an i"vinu::'.;' inl'.-.t 1 r wa.n..;..
I.a-... 1." i'. ..... 11 11 a .-Lap. I -ut .;..-i.K- .- .f; t -i. ti,,. sk.n
fi Tt:.' suj'.i'fi. 11'y ui xhf in. I'tTiVn .is.vl, nml tl d S'ti,.
..r i'i..M..ii; hxi'Ki.i-r AlKLii:.. im iii'.re h.iij
ihni. any otii.-i knavvti V'i !i;n n-h,., ;in.!it,-,ii,-oi-j
t. ;ul --itil I r ivhi't. aiul ,- .I.-i-. -I 111:, 11. wf';
. -..-.: r,.--. i.-i'.l I. .-. 1'iul it WAIIKAN ri:i) i)r f,,
l'i i'V i in: 1 i.ii;'i!i.
l'' l s.i:- M :i; I -.-;.i'r'a!.k f'l S'er.-i i, hr CilY ai..t
::. i.'.:' .. t : s, ai J w"!.-.'. - i! 'v hv
TllAIN A M.-KIV i ,",
i . M" ': V 1; ir n,
i:-rwf v nr ami i ...':.-.t : , ru..aJi-;-,i,i.-i
T'l-'nitj r.ii.. D. am
Select Winter Goods !
A V I-: t Y I. A 11 (i K STOCK!!
S?L2173ID TAPalST?
J ut received nl loo
People's One Price Store
r. v. r.nioiiT son,
GI.'K j r(..,.t,t -toeli includes a chni.-e ae-hntton1
ol Dry (i....i!. Ucady Made Ctoth-ns.
and Sliotri, ILrilvvre, I 'ro.'cr'.v, lueei"; au.l
(i'.inv,ir, etc.. cVf. Our Ilr.-. Ilo.ida fr tientM'
uml l..iJ'ie. 1 Milain all t!.e 1:1 ..' nnd I'lt-iruliie
t Ics. v.lii. '.i ..r fineries .-f texture, leat.y, iia
ra'.iility 1.11 1. 'ic ipnea cai.tiol l-e Mi'i'ii :se 1.
U'ir KcaJy Made Clnt!iin t.eli i'1. J w j'.U ran', i-nd uil wair.ii.t.'.l to he what
they are r'j rcfcciii."!. lliii.u etol Sitwes of all
Wi-rtts. Mats aiul 1 i.pi of eeiv t-ln and prii e,.
and w 1'''it .1 e. r. hit iii.-:nivt'.ii of .lor luro
a.rti.iei.t ..I 1-il-IKK V FA .N t' V .N l ' I'll ).N s,
Ac, I ir... erica lreh an.l fn;?. Oar lljijim-o
einhraeea ilm lan-i el aloe ni any ullitr l aliu.ii.h.
loei t in acclion i f rouuliy.
i'irie e. il em! 'V i. ::).'.
'i ri av t.i Pi 1 '.sr.
):. v. liiumi r iv so.n.
S.inl.i.i y , Novemtier '.'7, I S ; 1 H .
SUKBUKY, Noithur.berland Comity. Ta.
rBMlH l.-.r;e and C o 11: ..'iuna Ifotel. now f;n-
i-lie.t and Coinpiei. ',y fun i.-'..i'.l Aitbantiro
1 . w fui iiitnri', at a U'tje v pene In Slu-rifi'
dil.e, bi.,1 uale at ti.u :.'.n!.-i ,ij I ;,t ncrtrt
east comer of Market 'ipn, re, ni,lnirv, nnd at
the tenninio of ihe iMii.l-jrv Crie und .North
i'ii t'i ntn.l lilroi.U, i-i I e i.,imi t..rihe n-.-i-..,
..f '1'iavcters un.! ihe pi.'-lic i:i c-'iifi-.l
-. if.- Fli:T DAV nf .l:M'.i;V, ivj.
'I !.e pripnrior will ii..'liii rviu ive iitten
lion. 1.11! e comfort an. I nonce of hi jue.u
and i lie ern.ttied to m.ikn litis falabluhmciil
r : iiU iimnnir thi' trt in the Slate.
Hi- la'.ile will be anpplii'd v.ilh On beat ll.n
li.a'kct cm produce li:.i.i Ihe b.Imu lare of
daili c xiiie.iiiiiinlioti .y e..i it 'vi I fioin Hu'ii-mi-ie,
nrwl a'-o from toli.nir. j .induce Item
the aim, nm, Img country.
Ilia liar will be aupplird wilh t!.e puri .t liju.ut
! llie market cm pr,vinfa
Ca eful un I i'l'!i;..ni5 Knintt Ui) in tt
A tliiia i tin Jural and tiavellng ccirni iiinit
' fl mual ntpeclfully a .ilicitej.
j JiWru Mi'l'.ijT,
I faiibuty, His. 18. Ilsf .
W rriiixix titv..r ) 1 11 ti,, t,,i
1 1 fUl.a, uYiitv tMi: ne Hal 11 ir. m 'i 1 a , , .
eulrr liilo an eav ...,1 reii.t Hi..,- .i,,iu,, P I.i. l, ii.. Bl
e I.. H. U-. r ,, i, ,,..7.,l f , f.niru,,, . .
tie.a f.r.ih ,:ail- tv l:. s. (- 'i , jy, (r,
., . , , " V-ft,-.VIft r.,li..J