Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 09, 1859, Image 2

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l't-KMlM AMIA LtCllftLATtRE.
Tiksdav, April 6, )St'X
hclMllll or COVIMITTKK.
Also, (same,) as committed, "An Act fut ;
fflu-r of tlin sureties or William Wilson, j
collector of toll in Northumberland count j." .
Also, (sntre,) with a negative recommenda- I
tion, "An Art to oldfroo persons of Color to (
imrgrnnt to Liberia."
Also, (same,) with a negative recommend. f
lion, lluiisc bill No. 7 Hi, "i!s-luiin.
tive to the tomgu lui no the Pennsylvania
toitroml." ;
Also, (same,) with a negative r commend. ,
tion, House, bill No, fi'Jll, "An Act o in
crease "ho pay of collectors cf ."'.lute uiii)
county taxes iu tho townships kihI boroughs
of 1'elaware county.'1 ,
The bill to tax broker passed a second
The bill to authorize the Philadelphia.
Heading uini Lebanon Valley Kailn.a'i to t X
tend their read to Jl.iiiphiu was patscd, eyes
23, nays 7. Adj-urntd.
II. B. M ASSER, Editor and Proprietor.
Mr. I. 11. lvii. who was one of tba dele-
Proceedings of Court.
'J bo con 1 1 was opened on Monday morning,
April 4th, (it 10 o'clock. 1 be Grand Jury
t nominate Suto officers in general, end to
whitewash Mr. Buchanan's miserable Kansas
failure, in particular, replies in the last Sun
bury Gazette to some stric'.ures of the Colum
bia llcmocval on li is vote in tliftt convention
on the "Packer resolutions." We regret to
see that Mr. tavi, after having refused in
Convention to pnt bis neck in the yoke pre
pared by u few political trimmers, who man
, ., ... , .. , i njirii nine convention ny coi iraci, nau nui
To ADvuaiHKist -The eifcutoiliia ol Die !iialmiy .
Aiwii'-nnnifiiMii tt.r JiBrrmt lowiiK.H ihr s,if(urhaiuiii independence enough to adhere to bis first
i .i.ntxoiTiicu M'n i!'f l i,y iy naner jiuWulicil in Ninth efforts ii assert ing the poprptnocy of liis man.
hood. Mi. ldvis Ims been frightened by
gate from this county at the late convention cliargod, Ac. ; H. I!. McCormicti Appointed
at mrrisburg, which was got up with an eye foremon.
CommniwcaUk vs. Altin Ilvghes and
riff, his wife. Indictment, Assault and But
lery. Verdict, not guilly, bat defendants to
pay the costs. Scott and Clement for plain
tiff; Packer for defendants.
Un motion of lion. James Pollosk, court
adjourned at 4 P. M., to attend the funerul
of Mr. Wilson.
Trrsiuv'a Pi:ocnr.iiiNi,s.
("ornmnrmfnM vs. Elizabeth l.owden. To.
Proceedings of tho Borough Council.
fiensrsr, April fitb, l)f,9.
Council met at 7 o'clock I. M., it being the
eatrri night nf meeting. Chief Purges, J. II.
Zimmerman in tbe chair, toll called, members
present : Miindel, Vounpmnn, Strnh, I. yon, W.
A. Uruner.ll. Duclior, Clark, C. J. Druner, Oray,
Wilvert, Friling and Marl.
Minutes nf lust meeting were read, and there
being no objection stand approve J.
The Chief Purges made the following stale"
menl of the financial condition of tbo Uorough
with lie resources independent of direct taxation :
Win.!,. Pewart, Judgment, $ HUti AS
Wm. I. Oreenouiili. " l,0fi 00
I Ira T. Clement, ajainst Poor Overseer 1.17 38
! earn " .Siiirrviior, SI 7 17
M me
Those ptutdo ladies who are in the babjt
nf running- the streets, knocking at doors,
ringing bells, removing mats, Ac, had better
save the remnant of their reputation by en
deavoring to behave themselves, otherwise
they may meet with an cxpoense not very
creditablo. PC 11LICUS.
1 . 1 " - 1
Rye. .
Uati, . .
K . i
$1 87a.
II litter, .
Tallow, .
I.ard, .
Pork, - .
il !
ent" Pennavtvnr.i.
Gi:n. Ai km IM.t.KR died ul hi resi-j
in Philadelphia, on last rstliirdav
liT A nut .Snow .Sioi'.M. l-Vr several days
the weather has boor, uncoinforlably cool, und
on W eOiiii-iluv morning ne hud a sprinkling
of snow. A s'nurp frost j i't now in'ght
1 pri'Vi tuinoiu to eurly fruit. MMiiy of the
trees are in full bud. 'I bis i -i t of old winter
" " . i linliini lv and nnnelcomo. KKMrPY. I lie seson in now nl -..
band when tho bulllo must again be ag'd :
with the ' Turk," if we would secure a part i v v
of our plums, nectarines, Ac. livery year is deuce
prolific with new remedies against hi ravage , morning, in the I'th yenr of bis njje.
nl yel. none o nil we.. v ever Ken, poo- . lW.fU wn , Uown, ,m, ,!!() lnuiv
llSUej or irieu, iihb firuteu mivii n iti in.
us the one we f.irnish at the close of this
article. The remedy, which we lind given iu
Vho New York Obrvrrtr is :
To ono pound of wiialo oil so.p, udd four
ounces of Hour if sulphur. Mix thoroughly
together and dissolve in twelve gallons of
jo one . pec o, .pwcK me o .our , eVtltlin? ftl 7 0-doQV ,
gallons of water, and stir well togetker. . . . ;
When fuilv settled, pour off the transparent I ,., ..
lie water.nnd add to tbo soap and sulphur I . C3r "n I' - M'. Ksq.. Mr- :
mixture. i Kainuel l.iun, of liellefonte. was aduiilted to 1
Add to tbeatue visa, suy fuur gallor.s of, practice in the acvcral conrts of Northern- ,
lolerainy strong tobacco wau-r. : l.erl.nrl ronnir
" i
boso schemers, who cry party, and who
personal and political friend".
Apply th:j mixture, wiien thus incorpo
rated, w ith a garden syrinj;i, to your plum or j
other fruit tiees, so that tlio foliago shall be j
well drenched. 21 no ruins succeed Tor three
weeks ono application will bo sufjej-nt.
Should frii ii'iit rains occur tho mixture
should be ugiiin applied until tbo stone of the
fruit becomes hardened, when tbe seasou or
the curculio's ravages is past.
To a lino collection of Weil cultivated plum
trees in larj.;e variety, wo bad applied all
the ordinary remedies iu vain, for years
Nothing but tho enclosure of a few, with
miliiiet or gauze, had preserved to ut a single
perfect specimen.
Pi'sparing' therefore, in the use of all or
din.iry prescription, wo ordered the prepa
' would sell out the whole stock of Pemocrncy i
I which bss been rescued from tbe wreck of,
j the Nationel Administration, for thiity pieces j
of silver, if they could make anything by it.
Mr. Davis says "be docs not approve of
the KniiHis views of Gov. Packer, or the
discussion of the question in liis message."
I Tun reara lienen il will tin liaril In finil n
man in tho commonwealth who would not be
j ll0 I axbamed to muke this humiliat log confession.
Tor ourselves, we do not believe there were
five men of common sense and common lion
estv in that convention, who rould slnrerelv
j rr pi, ture taken ii.thc I'.i.t Dfiiee I .,, f. M r. ; t 1, n n n'si Kansas policy. We
, l'Uillli''f"r'fllrr,'l":... "'vcr yet convened with n single indi-
', 6-y The Wakhi..gtn Vire Companv will j T',,l",, or I'-'fcrst, of ordinary iottl-
, meet in tho Grand Jury Uoow this i Friday 1 !lg(,nc('' wl' baJ ""leP,'"l','' enough to
cxpreja me nonrsi trniimruis, wno (lia not
deplore Mr. Hmlinnuii's Kansas mcBsures.
We have never been the eulogist of Gov.
Packer or bis administration, but we will
here say that the people of Pennsylvania
owe hira A debt of lasting gratitude in effect
ing the sale of the Stole canals. .We do not
Si- Ckask fip a Ksii.niui.. The West i I'rotetul to approve ull that was done to pro.
Chester Kailroad bus been leused to the j c"r9 ,nat ncl- ut it was, perhaps, the only
Pennsylvania Kuilroad for a term of years, wa? l'jat the people could get rid of the
who will reduce the fare to twenty-five cont I lc"llc thai hung to the public teat. If it
between West Chester and Philadelphia. as a "Bul between the plunderers outside
... ... - with those inside, the people have been the
!m -V,1""1,0", ""'". gainers, ns the S-Uto taxe. have been reduced
luiuiiuuii ma, iue j.asi i enntyivamo jtuiirOBJ
dictment, Assault ai d Pottery. Sentenced ! Probably amount of floating debt",
to pay $1 and the costs, but subsequently
j discharged, ticolt and Clement for plaintiff;
. Gobin for deff tidtint.
Commnmrtallh vtt. II. Hnkt tt d. Trne
bill. Xolle puff'vi entered.
Ccmmotitwi'iA vs. II. Dnrnvift. Indict
ment, Tor. and Pas. True bill, AWr no-
.tfjiii eatcred
lleiluei Irom the alote
Whaif llentf
Kerry rent for ITiS,
" " " 185t,
f -.nin mi
190 00
500 00
c, t uo
Dataller of lloroiiih debt, J.lH4 t,'i
A inoti.iu wan made, that the couimitteea
named in the report of the Chief Uurgejn, be a.
Ou motion of James Pollock. J. C. Hiiclu r poinie.l Ly I agreed to.
i. , i ,. On mnlion, the appointment of inein:er to
of Ln.on county, w.s adimllcd to practice ui ! " ' ' I f 1M ntlimiej UIIlii
I next ineelitig.
j On motion nf C. 1. Uriilier, the Council adopt
' cd the Uy-l.n and Kule of Order, adopted by
ThcNortliern Central Railway.
Arrival mid departure nf Pnsienper TfNiiiii on and aflcr
IiicixMa l.nli, sob. at !i hi.uT, at fmiowt :
CilllNO SOU Til.
I T. . . a I.'... . !.,. , U . I
,...k n.,o,M,.n ,i ..,,, n, ... .Mn)l Train, ;,iihi,J - . 1-.A..M.
Kew Advertisements.
Mb, I9:9.
Council Jul 10th. 18.r5.
'J'he Chief l!urpes by permission of the Coun
cil appointed the finance Committee, aa fullowai
l'jnanuei vt nven
On motion of P. W, Gray, it was, Kr.snt.vsii, i
Thut a Uiiroiigli Solicitor he elected lo nerve one
year at pueh a aalury as the burden anil Coun
cil may beiraflei adopt,
On inolinn of t
i nnn tbird. nud a half millinn rnartt. im
Cnn.tinnv U lit rnn. mn....a ......In ... . . ... '
' .u.i.i.iig irumi . ... si-la . ..I,, I,
on l ie Matu VI, t It i full v fi.f M r ll.
trains bolwcen Heading and Millcrstown this c,aniiU .WOniptoii satellites "to talis about
week. I he Heading 7i,if. says, wearecom-,tir,n wli. n it . ,,n,, m. i;.
.1 .1...... :.. . , I 1 ' u
the courts of this connty.
(in motion of W. 1. Groenoegh, Jesse
Merril, Dovid Wilson and Punicl Kalbfuss
were ndini'.tcd to practico in the several
courts of this county.
(."iiHimoinrrflMVs Christiana and Mm y Ann i Messrs. Gen. 11. Voiingmun
I.-.7I l.,.K,.l,nr,t Ao.ll nn.t lt,.Horr i 811,1 J 110. . t tiling.
Verdict, Christiana guilty, and Mary Anu not
gnilty. l.awson for plaintiff; Porter nr.d
Hound for defendants.
Commmnrfulth vs. M. A". Stanly. Not a
true bill, and prosecutor, James Sullivan, lo
pay costs.
Ciimmnnu ealth vs. Jnrnes J ails and Josr.h
rails Indictment, Hiot and Assault and
Itattery. A"f ; rosoni as to riot, and guilty
as to assault and battery. Savidge, Scott
and l.awson for plaiutiff; Gobio and Gufl'y
for defendants.
O'nimnnvffiM vs. II. I an f.'uslins. In
dxtment, l'orcible Kntry and Pctainer.
True bill.
A. K. I'urlhmn vs. Ptti-r I.auhsvstein.
Feigned issue to try tho validity of a judg.
ment given by David Llewellyn to defendant.
Verdict fur nVfetiJnut. C. Pleasants for
plait, tiff; W. M. Rockefeller for defendant.
Ilnrlil., A M:ik'urn. I.xerua. - . a S.5
llurilrn an Pamcnr, - . B l) P.M.
Traisr. Frcn llnnidbtita A UaM , Ariiic at Puntiiry.
Mtti! Trnui, - - :t 3:i P .M.
Hiillulo niet Nii0.itn K&f.'ts, . uini "
ttutdcit and PtfcniKrr, . iOA. M.
lioixe, MMITII.
Tmue F'r VVi!lruip.rt A l'lm-rn, l.cavt-a Sitnilniry.
Mm! Tram. - . . S 13 H. M.
Iluirutn and Niitpira f'xeiresi, - - Ilt'A ' '
Hurdrti and raiaRxpr, - fl.-"3 A M I
ro.MlNn PHI Til
T,.. Fwra Klin, r A Wl lni'up'l, Arri t ot Sili! u,y
Mail Tram. .... p.' ' A.M.
Huffitlo and Kiairarn rsprin. . - rt .Vi
lluiilcii and li,aii.,iffrr. ... P. M.
Kperic in vault a, id specie funUa in
Due frem other banks,
Ililla discounted,
line from City bankers.
Note and (.'hecks of other Hanks,
Value of Dank property,
Ihie Depositors.
Due other Hanks,
, Uiaoounl l'lchange and InlcrcM,
$IO,3;i 30
r.js 07
71,070 S3
8.4H3 ft
3.67 fi W
2,163 00
0 1 .y 1 (J .1.1
82!).02r 00
)2,f)0 0(1
List on
The Shamnkln Vnllrt- and Potlstllte Railroad
russrnfcr train Irtirri iu.l.iirv nl . S IS A. M
" .Ml. faniirl, - - 1 3o p. ,M
, , ll,57t 17
I do errlilv tlinl ihe aboe tuieinmi r.
; the best of rry kiionlnlie and belief.
j " ,. J'H.N. rsl,ier.
Swum bef.ire me tin fi;h ,Uv of prit
13SU. GLores If". Cnra, j.' p.
Miami'kin, April 'Jih, Is.VJ.
(Js ("
i.ate rim: at ufiirtjt.T., iowa.
Jlratvvi, Jaa 7, H.W
Ittnia: I am rr.iufrlrt! l.v Mr.T. A. C. C.K-tirane, r('
this plnre. In nv I' Vi'U tliHt on the innrntna i,f 4ta
...... ....i.u.i. i.. ....... .....l r..& :
J. Druner, it was HesolveJ, ,,., ,,f 5,via waa dratmyrd. Th' Iirh Int-ame a awl- I lniiMsWlMnnnK Iw lwn'iive,,iWin-.
that I,. lie ,'l tin- B.vla cillo p-.pi!irv le i rvnunrii- pair ami !,rie . ,nlxj i .. .
Ttunatclv Ins Ivaikaaml n,ia. vi-luch were i nipn i ,i i.i,.,. mi line! mttrt
hHinni.'ii Snfra, wort- all i.natrifd ii?r- ,T,7 fTI'lllN' TSI ATIT.NMM! lull v t ,. ....
frclly. And well llicy may herallICIiiim.i..n, f..r tUn,.g j plai liM,r ,,, rp(P , fl ,.lllr fri .
I.Vi-ly Slilil-ii!. !ln Kt!i.1i!:.i,i;: , i. Vi,riimj , ,.,
pt-li-lll I lull. l. , .., tt, lMr., nd , , ..
h,il l.i e.uii a Kiliiry -f frnin '
J'.en ti, $
That this Council now proceed to an election of ' dmly intense th
borough Treasurer. I 'SVrfW
Amotion wns niai.c. tlmt hn TrctKUirr ht fccily. Andwel
rtinitnnntrt fifth it Dnnir? li A"nt
. , h.,vu 10 oou-n us correctness, suet. , cbuna0 ,)0, llt . nl lhs b,, . ,
. , intention has been made public by tbe officers , frm . . . ,,. , , . , ' .... . "'''
ration and nse of tbe abov.t mixture. We , located at this point. , ' rmmtiir.A it. l.fonjti Ott; U.,t in-
- iiij. i .i-i-iiiii in mi iiifni.ii rp .... . . ... i -i, i- ,
' . i ii-niipnt. ureenv. i rue on . neon unu
limner for plniniilT ; Gubii: and l.awson for
wutched daily among our fruit for the first in
diealion of tho curculio, by his well known I r?" .Spanish Coin 'J'he business men in
semicircular incis.ou, which is not aeon until
the young fruit has uttuincd tbn size of a bar
ley corn. We made a thorough application
of our experimental mixture. The following
many of tho towns in this Stute, Imvo held 1
meetings, unJ agreed that hereufter. they will
Dot receive or pay out Spaui.-h quarters, shil-
Kir Tiik.Moim Vts.Mi Pi xi. 'I he suc
cess of the Association for the put chase of the
Mount Vurnon is no lonper u subject of
three weeks wero without rain, nnd as the i linen and itnni-n nvm.,1 ,i il,!r ..Jn ! uou"1- WOO liuiutreu an,, lllty ciulil thousuml
fresh mark of his ' 1'urksliii)" bad entirely rivi.,1 t nM ,.t i'nrnr , . I three buadred and tbirty-tbrev dollar have
ceased, wo did not repeat tbo application. I . . , . "V ,.',,.' I
A finer crop of plums was nev'r seen than luartcrs at. lvaLiS ce,),s- blll'n8' ol "n
graced onr trees, that ami the following sea- sixpencee ai nve cnis.
s,.n. , - - -
Having disposed of those promises, our CiT 1 nu Nw Ck.vt Poisonoid. Several
possessions havo since been on soil where we
uio not unnoved bv tbe attacks of 'bo curca-
Wo publish tba above with entire coufi-
dencu in its eflicacy, if properly prepared and
been paid towards teeming tho title to the
estate Forty-ouo thousand six hundred and
sixty-six dollars, with interest theruon, are
yet to bo provided for, being the fourth in- '.
Some timo lust month George was in com
pany with Martin Harrison, who bud that
morning received several gold dollars
Marty, who is free and liboral when in f.inds,
hud induced somewhat freely that morning,
und at thn instance of George, gave bim
monev to buy n nu.irt of whiskey, with which
instances have occurred in different parts of ; Btulmont due iu l-'ubruary, 1SC2. Thirty
they proiec-ded to lie house of Ijeorge, where ' ensuing jear.
A motion was made, that the Treaaurer
elected by ballot, which was acreed lo.
C. .1. limner nominated 1'. W. Gray,
J. W. prilin; nominated Georce bright,
Sulonion Stroll rminiii-iled F. Uuehcr.
On motion, the nominal inns closed and Ihe
Council proceeded to a ballot, a follow :
P. W. Grny, received 7 votes.
J'mneia lliieher, received 3 votes,
(ieorce Ilriphl, received '1 votes.
P. W. Grny having received a majority of the
votes polled, was declared elected lloroi'iyh Trea
surer lor the ens.iintt year.
On motion cf P. M. Hbindel, it was Kesnlr,l,
That the Council proceed to un cleclisn for It o
rough Aiiditms.
On motion nf (V J. liruuer, it w as P.esolveJ.
That the 1'iiiancc Committee be ibe Auditors lor
the ensuing year.
On million of W. A. Kroner, il wns Ilesulved,
That the buinesses and AsriNtaul llnraessca now
proceed to an election of lluniiiuh Keuulatois.
f-uonioo Sirob non-itiateil Davi-1 Jloekefeller.
i W. A. liruiiT non:inale(l )'. I). Masser,
; P. M. Mnndil in minaled V.,
. (mo. I, von iiouiiiuileil II. llonnel.
On iiiHlimi, l!ie noiiniiniions cloud and the
eaniliilnti-i. bullotril tor as follows :
KocKi fi iler received 0 votes ; Masae received
;4 etn; buclirr leccived 0 votes and Doimel
1 reccivril votiv.
l. Itoekefelier, Y. Murber and P. II. Mnsser,
! having jrcived a mnjoiily of ihe vote., polloil,
were ileclared elected Uorough Ivegulatora tile
pie whol c-Mitlapration thfTr vvas one inerssinl poillliiR
,f ftumr ill, mly upon Ihcsaep W lilt-h r uiUinml ihn,
And still, upon opriiinf it, ttie w iia fnud to t.i
a--arrrly wnrm. while Ilia onlaidr wns tir.-al averrly
.,,r,.,l V, IruK'. .. A. Alt I .1 lit.
Ilnnnr'a P.llr'it t'tiampion Vile nn.t Hnirar-Pr f ; 'Ifiiti ei.ttr at .m linn No ,.-ai
-.ifs. w-llh lll.l.' I'vri'.NT POWIHlli-l'lllior P'l-nsmr.
l.lirKS, nfford the Kro,itt arcuuty -I nnv iO in thf SI Prnnmins fof rfimianvliin nwaril,. n-
wm id. Also S.lflr.l and Piirlor n't-a, u( elrgant , , '
mnnslnp and finish, f.rplale, A K. I t? M n.l.l-r. M. ,.-r.,vM ,.l I,:,', p,T.
I'AUHKI., IH'.ltltlMI A CO. hv rm.ivrd frem 11 , P.n l'rit,'!rc'i!ii' si-fi,nrii of Bl ,,r
Vtiihiut St.. to tltrir ,irv aiorr. No. Cin l',rptniit M , ; mcMa! inns - nn-loi-1 w m.irnp n.i ,ri.l..,,
(Jayne Hull.) wrhne ine largta: oooruiirn, n m:h i.i i w Piiiiim.ii, p
ma worm ran nr i niin-
OiJ I'HSaTNri rnt!l.
f Javnr'a 1l:i!M
st.irrh l!, 1S.'.0 3n PHII.AIjIII.PIIIA
twki.vk paci:m(if pnpi.i.Ait tiic run 'rr."?
i "l",a .Mi-siCAi. Fini'SB" Cltnl Willi t c 1-eat Piai,
j S l, llupi.i, Soups, (1,-nrittje Aii.TS, I'l-Iris, Ma.urkils.
i li'i.i ril.rt. 'l!2,s, ami evi-ry olln-r ;t-ri, s , iiitiwirn'
j r, m lor Voit-p nnd Piano liy tiie l.cst Amene-in
i and l'.uropf.nn Coir.posprs; prii.trd n TuM-sivd muip
1 pippf. ndnptd to every pra.lii of perlornipf
j T!ie fine ua'ilit;.- i f ,nus:c, prr-cortl fr -rr !ie ii ;..i,ar
J pn'-i-isli'-ra w-'uL! rost inotc tli-in leu ti-'i-s viiirtt iv-
ApM. S, I -',! r, 1. -p -JV. -f,- y
Statt of the Bank of Northnuibcrl mi
April Oth, 1850
I.IAIIII.ITICS! st-.i-v.
f N..8 ia cm-1' ili .ii.
: fr -tit a, t,f. .
t I l'lilt--iOs ilop'u.l.
j Illtrnoi'S I :lt. , est Hull Kn i
' )iie ol,,-'ni,
, Ll.-poiMl. .rs, -
. :. i i
,'.! I .SI
11, : I .-( i.-.i,-.!
IV-l-i.S . t :oo:i ., pr f 1. .--i
HroA .-i" .rtiiilni'-TliiitJ (. ri,, .
n iit to ks.
Iirl Ilea!-.
I Pio'i-v, ai-i- .'no. :ii!-l Ciiir.-iil l.ti i-
A vrnr's fnlsirtptln t'"(lra .Mis.',t. l:-e.Mi,-' vi t tl-ie I y other li-oik.
seenre ne&- im.l luahiornl !e mas.e worn, nt lens. Two I V. te ol ol In
llRtidrrd llo'.i.iTs.nn.l entoely siifT.i.ii.r'l for ill,- iinnie eifr.e
I'rh-c Ten C'rnt. tvrs-Kly.
Venrlv. .", ; Half Year!;-, 9J il" i lp.i-irt.-r!;-. 91 "j cis. ,
I l,e v online r-inunenren on inr in , i..- nine,,
,.,! ol Otli.T I.IO
ie in Viinl!s,
t (
I iiion!.
I'. II. fFVMiit It rn, IV
:l, r,aiiifiill atre.-i, New V
the country whero children havo died from
tbe effects of poison by swallowing the new
nicklo cent. As tbia coin ia small and easily
States now compote tho Araociution. The
ladies of tbe United Statea merit unmeasured
prame for tho manner in which they have
and applied, although our experience iu the ; swallowed, there it great danger in allowing carried on t tie good work.
use ol il was limited lo two eeaRons.
It is important that the sulphur should bo
incorporated with the soap before using the
water,- as otherwise the sulphur will Uoat.
This mixture, without the limo and tobacco
is useful in destroying ulniOBt every class of
insect. It in sure deulh to the green fly, the
rose slug, and the wholo family of caterpillars.
A supply of il should be always on band iu
the season of plant vermin.
young children to have them in their pos3es
(J I'.Sli Of HIK l.tM'AKTEH Saviv; I.nsti
-.."i ' " :- ,, 1 titio.x. TLe Auditors appointed by the
Cos l.ivi.Mi A,;k. I his valuable i , . ..... . '
bvui, vi vvuiuivii i ttrase, iu u.airiniiie auiulig
those legally etititlnd thereto, tho balance of '
Periodical comes to us regularly every week
1 1 contains the choicest collection of liter
The IIaihts of tuk ' Wandbbkr" Nkukouk.
A correspondent of tho Southern Recorder
writing from Jacksonville, Ua., gives the
oilu.ving account of tbe "wandering Afri
cans' thnt were recently in duress, for some
jays, ut that place. "I he most ol these ne.
tore gathered from the best pnbiications of! ouey ,ue nla 01 '' u tot, Ass.g.
Europe and this countrv. 1 BC9 "f lLe , R,!eB!!,fcr Saving! Institution,
tell Jb Son, Itotton, and Deliver and Proc'-1 Si f, f'" KVT' confin,,rd nii-
tor, New York. ' balance of money in the bands of tho
Assigneo for general distribution- is
ajy -Mr. PnwARti C. Gown has been np- j osc 21. which pays tho outraged and victi-
pointed agent for Clark's Gift Uook Kutc-r- ' mized creditors of the institution i2 per
i prise, in Suubury Whilo we can recom-' co"1 cr tu'U c dollar t und tn-thty-Hvc, cent
i mend Mr. Gobin bimsolf. as a reliable and i for S100.
Marty saya be and liuorge took several nips
' and then a nap of severul hoi:r.-, on the Jof.i
' or the floor, he wus not certain which. Marty
: declared thai George wus exceedingly loving.
' and bugged bim considerably. On waking '
i ho found the gold dollars, though windless,
had departed. Uu making inquiry, bu d.f- 1
covered that George bad actually been in ,
possesion of two geouine gold dollars, which .
hu paid to Mr. C. O. Haven. Willi ono of,
these, incredible as it may appear, he bought i
flour and net whiskey ihe other I.e
1 On motion of C. .!. brunir. it was, Keanlved.
Thai Ibe Trranurcr I e and be ia hereby allowed
liv.i per ci :.l. on each and every dollar paid out
. Iiv him.
i Un la riiii.
i Preil. Me r'ill, bill for aervices as lliah Con
stable for the ye.ira IS.'iS and '511, referred to
I Committee on I'mauce.
bill of Ira ')'. Clement, referred to Commit-
lee on Finance
bill of J. H. Zimmerman, for service aa Chief
, Bur;, ss lor Ifi.SH ami '.'ill, referred.
llilldfJno. W. Uuehcr, for scivices as Cleik
rrrit-.l lire vprv Iikolv. Atiil nriv frnrn sir In
.weiiiy-onu years old ; there is only ou j wo- wormy yom:g man, wo niurt, at the tamo !
nan turning them. They seem perfectly ' time say we look upon ull these Gift Pntcr- I C. I.atkbt N 1 mportaut intelligence
iappy, and ureas contented and rn Irom prj as nrrallt hult)bp, and we recret to ' frL"" tho l'"r"guy expedition has been re-
-are as u ro.uuing lueir uuiivg wiiua. I ley
euiaio ic i ail oulv at nltrlit : durinr? the duv
hey me permitted the freedom cf the yard, j i" dignity of the Press, by publishing
nno M".r r-r..i r.ol. I
had : ' , . . ,. .
changed. Kaquiro Shindel, beforo whom; Kwolved, That tho proceediuya of thismeeiiiiR i
George was taken, knowing that Georgo had ' he published in the "-fuubury Amerieai," ami
not been at Pike's Pcuk or the California ! ";"'biir.v i;f,''i"'-" !
, , . , , , i , . ' l.csolvcil, 1 when we ailpiurn, we aa-
gold mines, asked bun bow be came into pos- ,., mrel 0 rm., A,,,i liil,,-
n-seioii of audi a "pilu" of gold. George, ' HKr,.,-d io.
instead of '.lying thut he got it from some ; tin motion, A.IJ mri id.
I j.vti. vi . i'i . ii i.ii, v.iera.
Marcli A. 1S53. lin p
Save Time; hud you save Ioaicy
Hence if vou proceed on vour arrivui at Phila- ;
dilphi. to" Zii:t:i.KI .t' SMI 111, (Wholesale '
Drug, Paint and Class Dealers)
ronier f$i:coxi i- liiii.r.s sriiKEis. i
you will have an opiortunity nf purchnsinc from '
a btrijer. better and cheaper stock of WlllTlii
I. PAD. ZINC, colored Paints unci Window '
Class of assorted aizo and qualities than can Ik
found at any oilier store there.
Ken 6, '5 ly wi
( l.l.l IIKA ll.l)
k n 'WitwlL, Unl j t .
Sw' ii n-nl in j-'ii'i
f-iy tic,!)
.A jiril f.(li. .Vt
I .-f i 1
t'ip ;
.1 It
Pirn:sT!.rv. i :.,
n I-
JOHN i i;u J
A New Stylo. Prico 50.
tjo t TiUfM'T sti:i:k r, r!iu..ui:i.rin a
raftman, indiscreetly and very stupidly tinted
lhal lie received it from- fiolomon Htrob, for
,,lil iron Tl.n Knniro sent for Mr. Strobi
'r.ora prises, as arrant humbug, and we recret to 1 ,rL'n 1,10 1 ""SU")' expedition Las been re- ' .
l'7 : , r ' ' , 6 , ! ceived. that the dilSicuItiea nendi, Lot ween who- llie Rreat detriment of Georges case.
r ...uo, ,.i im, cuieuuiiiraries, oegraeunr; ... . . ... i ,i,., i, ,J lis, art. .Urn
. . .. I llie L lilted Mutes nut l'aranunv ini-n ip-i-n " - I -"-J J
. IIV II 1 1 I 1 1 C 11 I 11 fT I II AHA I D J ----- " ,
bulllo ui mum nic ij'iiiw ciuui i, uuu an nre j nuu Finiliar HUM) advert l?irmt?nt8 CniCUiatcu M ,v ' ' vuuvetriuiis uu uic Jiri
iiiick to learn. At tir.t, they coobl not j to ..rjtrap the ieuorant and nnan.nri.W 'n 1 of the latter republic.
of the community. 'J bcae, end tbe indelicate
V5S" A Warmno to oi ni, MkiN. James
I'leininp, recently' bung al Tut onto, Canada,
for the mnrder of u compnuion io a night's
peak a word of English : severul of them,
ince they Lave been here, have mastered
lauy words. M.mey nnd I) hiskey oro favo
ite words wilh them all lovo money, and
II appear to love whiskey. They sutni to
ave a knowledge of tbe value of coin, but
'me of our paper currency. I gave one an
rder for something at a store, since which
ime ail scraps of paper are iu ijreat demand
'ilti them. A newFpaper was torn into
mail pieces nud carefully put away, they
hiukii-.g it will answer Ibe same purpose as
loney. ThMr dunces and sports are very
musing and original. Most of the older
ties are quite ingenious, making knives and
tber things out of iron horq s. and sardine
ox?. Tbny ero very fond of Cne dress, and
-jmo of the boys of the place have put guy
b'joas thro'igh tbe holes in their tars, which
lakes them quite proud. 1 don't thiuk they
uve any idea of God. 1 have taken rome
oi ttaf l find ont their belief in a .Supreme
lemg, but have failed. They are from three
liferent nations or tribes, there being three
iiiereiit mains or taiiuos among tnem, in
advcrtisomeiit?, of quack doctors, astrologers !
A Jury has been empannelled at last
iu Washington for the trial .f Mr. .Sickles,
aud lottery venders, formerly confined to I 80 ,lml ,lie trittl wi" now proceed,
large cities, have lately extended their de- ! 'Ivged fugitive slave Daniel Wi-bsier,
moralising influence, throegh tho country ! after on ''"'''"'g examination lasting all
Press, to the great injury, not only of tun "'Sul. before Ihe Commissioner in Pliiladel
community, but of the Press il6elf. i l'"'a WU8 discharged on Wednesduy. ;
5T A,,ii..vr and DrAT.t.-On Monday ! cr Tha fuir nildh.g by lb, ladies of'
" ."""'B ui.rteen i t!le tlerman Refcrmcd Church, closes on
Tuesday evening.
' I.. , r. - . ..t i . ,1
. ., . . -, ni, . , Boivi - t . i . u ivi ,o, .1 ui.n uvii, l.v hud
and that in silver. 1 be fcqu;ro being ' 1 1
. , a guou u-p-grapn operuuir, young nuu win
Sati.Ged tout George memory mis t.-eacl.c. i , , ,, ' '
, , , . , . ., , I educated. Me says :
h.imc nml I lint tiA hil nonii 'nrij)iAif tiirr ' iir i '
,,' , , , . , . ! "About this time- I
goiu some nero ei.-e, anu ns ii appearmi in
These .Machine mw from two spool, and i
form a seam nf tilii'ijuiillril Mrenglli, Sanity, ami '
elasticity, w kieb will not rip, even if ev. ry lonrib j
stiteb I e cut. They are inique.-ti jnaMy the bent
iu market for Kuiuily uw. I
IT-MCMJ p( i It A CIIICI I.AIiii j
II. H. Mi-ik Agent, fuiiburv. Nort'iumlier- I
InnJ county Pa. )
.November SV. Iri.'ti. -
w ho!.i:.n i.j: hualimw in
B'lir. stibsi-ribers bnie i pi-ne.l in 'Flmnipiion'a
lirick liuiblin. Mill sire, I, Ii.iuville.a lute
am! complete stork of
poi;Kii;.n ami wompstic i.itji "i:i.
romjirieini: the best brands of llraiiiltes. liin, Cld
I!ye, si,-ot.-li and I rt-h Whisker. Port. J"',.-ri v .
M aderia. Cbniupiic'ie and other i'les .t ;i
Kiades, all of wlm li will lie sol.l W loil.--.r .,t
Ihe lowest eily price. Tavi tn-I,. eii by
iiH of i.s can snvo at least ibe ficihl.
Persons ileirons ,,f puri-hasino ooi :
FA M I I. v r . p..
may rely upon beim; furuiIie,l with a pure s,o!
, uiiailiiltrrateit artiele.
I'tV lleing deli nnine I to n-laMish a rcpe.l ,ii n
j lor elliiir; cheap they respn-ltiiUv n.vliciC Hie j a
ir.ini(;eol ihe pul l e. All oi.ler proiaptb i.
j len.le.l 1 1.
snt;i;i!-p ii i."i .
! I'aiivi,'!,., April il, 1 ."'.
Tho Peoplo of Lancaster are pvtitiou-
testimony thut Marty's pockets wero tho
nearest diggings that George bad opprouchod,
the .Squire concluded to commit him for trial
at Court. The Jury waa out oil tiigl.t
aud stood six to six, tjiit finally reudcred a
verdict of "not guilty," on the ground, wo
presume, that no honorable, high minded
sober and industrious man emild be guilty of
so mean nn art as to steal two paltry, coir
temptible little gold dollars from a man bo
had loved and bugged so affectionately aud
Iiiviee terviee ill bs lield ever)
fungi, na follows .
fa', lath
in thm Ru
years, of ace. a e ..I -.. 11,. t
t: . 1 v . .wv.w i nun,,
was run over by the can on the bhamo
kin Valley Railroad, in ibis place. The
uufyrtiiuute girl was on a coul car, standing . inii the Legislature to grunt them a charter ' w!,0e whiskey he bad imbibed so freely
on the track, from which she jumped cm tbo : for a new Gas Company. A new Company. Cvwmonuculth vs. II. Jlrit:. 1 ndiclmei.t,
track, and fell. The burden train backing propose to orect Gas W oiks with all the 1'alse Preteuce. Defendant entered in $jU0
struck tho car, which passed over her, cutting i modern improvements, uud fiiruish gas to 'for lii appearance ot next court,
oil both legs, oue above tbe knee and the ' privato consumers ot $2 a tbousaud cubic i Jaenb Hingcman vs. The Northern Central
other just below. Physician were colled in feet, which the old Companp say they cannot Uuihuad Connmny. Report of viewers con-
but nothing could be done, as no ro-action i afl'ord. : Armed, and judgment entered in favor of
icutiug, us they say different nations, or j liad takeo place up to the time of her death,
erhnp. n mo: j rJasouable, dillerciit castes.
ur-y soon le.irued fcuuiH profaDe words, but
ein,' luld it was wrong to use them, it is
Idoin they will do so, sayiug inarbe, bad,
hen asked to repeat Ibeiii.
Tnr. Si-8iu i:iu..SA Li hhkk Tkaiib. Large
i .in t i Lit-n ot lumber and tiuiber are now arri
nij at Wrightsville, Columbia aud Marietta
. Over fifty raits of lumbor wero king
ong tiie shore on WoJnesduy last. "'J'ho
I'rihtav.l'u Star lays :
Buyers of the latter are generally holding
f for better qualities or lower prices, tliudh
o learn that tirma owning the mills in litis
co Irivo purchased opwanls of forty rafis
to Tuesouy evening, at fuir ratus. TIih
icoa as yet are irregular, varying, as per
lalily, fioui eight to Iwulvu ceuts, und even
r'iur. There was. lying ol the wharf el Ma
r'ta, on Monday jst, a raTt of pine limber,
Ijud by its owner al over $'2,i)(itl. Tho raft
rtl-tinlifr T..e 6utl U'ltli inlorna? T.-iMn .fnnn.
I "' " ' ' "
bturiM ; ery 2."i, 1 nnd costs.
commenced readinjr
novels and bad books, und going to theatres ;
also indulging eoinelinies in taking liquor. 1
have never been really intoxicated ill my life
morn tl.uit three or four limes. 1 am now
fully convinced thut those practices, along
with getting into bud company, have brought
..i. i .. .,!,! i', ...!. : .. . :i
uoLuv .... . ... ......... ,;rlnMN riKKiiKMl-D ritfltrit.V.rt!, wen
young men that currying deadly weapons will ; ,, f (,lcr nmi i;:,-kt.r-rr rm-rts. Uev. J v.rTn
tio their ruin, u it has been mine. Take my ! si,rt-r. li,v,.ie semee. a iemneiv. ever; s.iiiuiii
advicu as one nt tbe point of death, aud , M" ' P'M' '''"v" '""cU" "" l' "'"'
not indulge in nny ol i:ia a novo meniioncu
practices, us you value your life and liberty."
i nr.
Hire nolice Ihnl ihev liuve couctuiled nrrn no
Hi puts with tlie !So tlnrii Cniml K.mI Ion I
(,'opipni, v, to run trains fiom lln'limor? f ir Vor,
ICiirisluirj, llniq bin, llalil iv, 'l ievi.rlon,
bury, .NurlliMintvrtai,.!, I.eiMrburp. Vdt u , M u .
cv, tt ilbanirport, an I nil iuteroierlu'.c :s,:.m,-'At. l.l'TllfRAN C'llfltrit -Peer
street Iwlnw M V . A P llni. Itwiil, l!ev. P. Ilolfs, Pinlor
llivlne aervice. ullern.itely, every K-it.Utlh nl IU A. M and
7 P M. Player meeting on Wedtie.tny evening
.MKTIIOHIST Kritrnrti. fill ltlTI-)ewl.errvatre.'
weal ot ! It h: It nil U.uul, ltev. li. IVinttv and f li
Kinti, K, I'aflora. lltvine r.-ivKe, aiternuu-l , evetv Sab
Im'.I, at ll j A M am! 7 I' M. Prnjei ,melinr ouThura
d.iy eveiuof .
IIAPTIST Cllf lll'll pawn slrrel, below S. V. Ac P.
Preaching- evrrv al-
llnriiig Ihe pteienl
which occurred on Wednesday last. I NTLiir.s-rixu Imoiimitiov
I his is not the Crsl accident of the kind T0 itv i.axu v AiutANTa. I he foiluwing ; ,.Uji i j. William J'illinan.Aa ac
we have had to record. We havo frcciaently w cof'V of " imporiam decision which baa just . tion of ejectment for a lot of ground, in tbo
referred to tbe great danirer in beine on the ! emanated from the General Land Ollice; ! borough of Milton. Yeidict for Plaintiff.
1.:mi:x.-;k 1'ikk at Ni:v Ori.kins Tiik
Ilofsn.-i Hi kxim; Tks Tiiihsand Kai.ks ok
Cutton Dr.-ri:ov!:i) Loss krari.v $1,(J0H,
(UIO. AVie tii l,a-is April C. About noon to
day llie lower t. oiton I less, contaiiiing ten j rtaiiroad, Kcv. a.J. iiv, Pastor,
thousand bales of cotton, was set on lire, and f leinnte rV'hath al U o'el .rk, P M,
.r,eo,li,i7 1 Ihe. n.lUceiil Hwollinoa tr.eonrl ""'lilll a lollowa : 2,:d and l.u .-al.Utl,. ..-Lre
- I o " J if. . i every I hntailay evening, at 7 o vioj-k
wiiii llie git-aii-bv lury, uciiul; iiiu aiieinpi?
of the fireman to check its progress. Pour
squares, containing about seventy bouses,
were destroyed, end tho tire is still burning.
A smoll portion of the cotton was saved,
and tho estimate of tbo loss, so Tar is very j
! rionrlr a million. The daniace is sctniiised In :
' . - - a - ' it I
bo well insured.
Miller and Tharp for plaiutilT; Pollock and
l.awson for defendant.
11'. J. .Seal tt ul vs. The Xorthcrn Centrul
Railroad Company. Iteport of the viewers
railroad track, especially at Di'gLl, aud this is Kl : r,l''j lo ! questions propounded in
but another warning, which we trust will uot ' our Wuet "tiiw 5:iJ "'' 1 1,l,ve 10 ule !
betn vain. j That the bounty Dud warrant issued by
- ... ibe United Slates aa declared, by the act of Con-
tty Ai'Aii's KkriM'.-i CoMi'A.vy. There are ; 6r' eppruved, June 3, Ik!,h, to be personal . lfi eJ Bnd jirment entered for tbe
.i . . . . i oronertv. '. J " .
riu,.-., ninny woo ore no; aware thai th s ,
r, ' ... 1 I 2. J bat such wniraul cannot be su!J bv an
i.xpresa Company, which is now one or the 1 adnnnt.trator ol the esuio of the deceased 'war
institutions of this country, has a regular and ' rantre lor Ihe pnyuiwii of delta contracled by
appointed uccnt eml nfTir. in il.; ,.i I I sucli warrantee.
r -" , l-ll"
that eo.wlu m .1 ut ,,...., i . I J hat suell Warrants, when issued during
. . r"-i,. moooy ur. i ,u llrtime uf ,0 warrantee, and not dispoaed of
. promptly carried every dey to and from Phi. i by him. Icconi.-. it he die inieatate. Ibe property
j ladelpltiii, New York, llaltimore aud else, j 01 ,li;,rM ' law in accordance wilh the law of
; where, with great dispatch, ! l'ou'icil, and cannot be attached and sold for the
I he cburizes too. are. nr.t . H,. "r I" mieaia.e, ace
nun p.irarapu loiiow uig j
4- Warrants isaued alter lh death of Ihe war
rantee, but upon provf filed during the lifetime,
become tbe property ot' his widow, if thete be one
and, if no widow, then tbe property uf bis heirs
at law w ithout regard to their age.
5. Tbe proceeds of the tale of a warrant.
as ono nf the pre .nest conveniences incident! "'a,'e ''J " administrator, ia the absolute pro-
,:.,.i ,.r..,,i.i. ,.r r... . -'. mora man nan
iirii the owner asked f lO per log. due of ! , ' tvtmS charged, where save-
e logs was 00 feet long, and another f I r' c",,,Pa!'" s bad to be paid. We make this
i. j alaleiueiit r, r the benefit of those who are
The Columbu Spy sajl that the river j ut f.illr awo.e. of the facilities afforded by a
ire at that plae.i is lined from the bridge to ! . ,. .,.,, ,- , . , . . '
y daiu with hundreds ofr.iflb fro... the bed 1 MJ,'"J '-ipreM, which we look upon
.leis. liul little Umber Inn thus for l-,-ii
ijjoserj u, taro r;ui:.t,'ly being run lo llie
t,r markets. ra atill unsettled,
3 river meo "bulling" 1 1.4 iiiarkel with the
I of dolorous reports uf ti; up-river pupeis.
lyers ore coblideut of llm supply being us
gn as iu ai if an weans willing to
rchise at bib ratfid. Supply end demand
I acrominndate tkeuuelvn ti eacii ulher
ibi t a week ur two, boweivcr, atuj lb mar
t ialc bceonie fiit-d.
lo the lon.tiuctidii t,f Pailroads. Tbe Kx
P'es i flice is at the Drug Store of Mr. Al
but t. !'ifbcr, in Maiket Biuare, who
promptly attends to all packages sent or re
ceived. .e advtilise:ncnt iu avolber CO
I J in n .
Tub Mkxican boi.ingK!. Tbe I'inance
Couimittee of the St pate, bave stricken from
tbe General Appropriation bill tbe section
adopted by tbe House, granting donation
of $'100 lo each of the surviving Pennsylva
nia volunteers who served ia the war with
Moiico. Our legislators com home Low-
I'i.e r.owjaburg Chmnute ssoouotci tl
ith of the venerable Mr. Msry Chauilier
in her 91th year, isha waa tha wife of
!. Wm. C'bamberlin, aba bnr tbo com
liiou of Colonel iu the Revolutionary war.
rm.nlrv-n m 17T7 t,.ra hi. nMp.l ,vn.Vr. Without repealing t li III bf wUltU
I killed by a cannon bill.
tbeygit'S tlieuii?! , ea icb $20t extra pay.
perly of the widsw be, self, ur legatees, without
regard lo any debt contracted ,y the warrantee ;
but the practice uf tbia ollice haa beca to reeog
oue asaienments properly made by an adminis
trator far distribution of the proceeds among tbe
heirs at law, after payment uf tbe funeral and
proper court expenses. (Attorney's and admin
istrator t tees, not tased by the Court, are not re
garded aa p,o(r Court eipenies.)
6. Tbe rule of ibis ollice require, in all cases,
when a warrant haa bteu sold by an executor,
that a duly certifiod copy of Ihe will, wilh letters
testamentary shall tie attached to the warrant
and, in cases where a sale is made by an adminia
tiatoror guardian, that certified copies of the
letters of administration or cuardisnahiD shall be
attached ; and that the sale has been made for
the use of the heir only must be showa tither in
the aaaigninsnt or in ilia ppr, "P'iiiiitn willi
f icil saas.
plaiuiiffs for gill Ofl. interest and costs.
Mary Iinftiif, administratrix of J. Vincent,
deceattd, vs. J. I.. Watson, executor of I),
IPufsnn, defeased. (On trial.) Miller, Linn
and Gufiy for plaintiff; Packer, Comly aud
I.nwsnn for defendant.
Hartford Keening Press makes out telling
catalogue of difference of opinion botweeu
Mr. Huchanan and tbe people as to the mer
its of several distinguished individuals:
"Wbeu Connecticut repudiated Isaac Tou
cey, Mr. Huchsuau took him iuto tho Cabi
net. "When Michigan repudiated Lewis Cuts,
Mr. Iluchunan took him iuto the Cabinet.
"When old llerks repudiated Jehu Glancy
Jones, Mr. Buchanan rewarded bim with tbe
mission to Austria.
"When ludiana repudiated John Pettit,
Mr. Hucbttuaa mads bim Chief Justice of
'When Iowa repudiated Geo. W. Jooei,
Mr. Daebioao offered him tbe mission to
"When Iowa repudiated Augustas Ca-sar
Dodpe, be was made Minister to Spain.
When the Pro-Slavery party failed to
establish Slavery io Oregon, Mr. Buchanan
made its loader the United Slate district
M A R U I A 0 E S .
On the "th inst., by the Iter, Jacob F
Wanipolc, Mr. Aspbi'.w, of Mount Miss. Kkui;ita HoiuvM.of Sbamo
kiu towotbip.
A eroiKTHU. Bernard 8. Schoonover
Pennsylvania, to be agent for the lodiani io
tbe Upper Miuoen a.-eoty.
Fatal l'l.ttn L.vMr P.xft.oRiox. A lady
ia Heading wes burned to death a few nights
ago by the bursting of a fluid lamp. A num
ber uf accidents btivo ocenrred iu oar town
from the use of fluid lamps. It ia said thut
as many accidents occur from this cause as
from railroading, but whether this statement
is true or not, the number has certainly been
sufficiently creut to deter persons from using
it for illuminuting their dwellings and stores.
Tbe filling of the lumps while lighted is by
no means the only time wbeo they are dan
cerous. since it bus been proven thnt they
I will explodo at other times and under cir-
lie '... . i.;i, . i, .,. nnu.op r..,
see or prevent. This burning material is
dangerous even when used wi,tU the greatest
care and caution. llurrishurg Ttlegruph.
Lai'kr's Artesian Wki.i. bad reached a
depth of bl.'i feet on Thursday eveniug. The
water has been obtained, and rise within, 32
feel of the suifnce of the ground. The con
trajtor is now continuing his operations only
in day-time, the increased depth of the well
rendering tbe utmost caution necessary in
boring. The rock through which be is work
ing is alill very hard limestone, mixed with
quartz and boru-blende. Reading Gazette.
$70,00 Invested by several hundred ypnng
men during the past fall and winter, for tuition
books, board, all expenses in full, at tha Iron
City College, Piltsbargb, Pa. ba aecured
for a great majority of them employment this
spring, al rate varying from $10 to P0 per
About sixty persons, (principally young
men and ladies,) who had been on probation
for tha last six months, were takeq iuto mem
bersbip ef tbe Methodist Church at this
place, on last Sunday evening. The alien
dant ceremonies were solemn and impressive.
J)ave lemtctat.
ritfsnv rr.niAV mmr n n,,i, k, r..rerr.i
lllarklieirv nnd lire, ttreetr. ltev. J. II. ilr.AttiHis. l-na'or.
llivino sernee every S:i.!.alb a, n A M. Pno Ineer- ' Conner tilia nl ll.irri.biir -h with ihe liKI'.AT
mx on Tlinrr'nv eveionK. At N.'.rtlinmheranrt. m (lid I WKSTPKN P.PJJKS I ir Pitt-burr; Cin.ltl
S. I100I Piealo Icriun Cliuleh, at 3 n'elork, P. M., every ' , . ... .
Sahlsitit. I niti. -"s . I ouis and the V, est.
Aim with Howard A I oa l.vpresi at Villon
or D.inville, lil lorn-bur. Wilke-h ,r,e I'H'ntio.
Seranl n, and intermetli.ils Moll .n on the Cr
tawissa. I.nekawana uiul lllooioabnr Kail i-ii!--Al
Willi.iuispoit, by HowaiJ V Co'a P ;rt l.i
Jersey SSIn re and Lock Haven. Also, bv Ilov
ard &. Co., and their rouueelions, for Canton,
Troj. rimir.i, liocbaster, Uuir.ilo, . Niagara, and
lo all acces-ilile pointa in Wrrtern .New Verk
and t'aiKul.i. by bieli they will forward
Merehsndie, Specie, Hank Notes, Jewrbr, and
alua'-lr Packages Uf every de-eriplion.
Also, Notes,'is and 'ills for Collection.
Kiperieiieeil and ctiicient niesseiiKen rmployed
and evety ttlsitivdi be inade lo render aalistai-.
euperinteudenl I'enn'a Piusiou, I'lnl'a.
A. W. FISH E It, A if nt lor Sc.nhuiy.
April a, m.vj.
School Lotting.
riIIF! Public Scboola ,.f the borough of .Nor
X lliumberlatid, will I let for tl .uniioer
Term on Monday, Aptil Hill at 3 o'clock 1'. .V
at the Cenlre School House.
All peraoua intending to apply aa Teacheia are
relocated In do so by that lime.
'i be County s-uperiiitrndciil will be in uttrn I.
alice to eiainii applicants.
The Schools will commence on Ihe secoud of
Py order of the hoard,
J. P. Tl'sTIN, Sec'y.
.Norlbutnbrrlaud, April 0 St
Dissolution of Partnership-
V OTIL'E is hereby given that llie Partnerahip
' heretofore cxisino.'. between Ihe subscriliera.
aa Pahriin 4 Clement, miner and shippers of
Coal at Ihe Coal Moiinlain Colliery, w dia-solvi-J
by mutual consent, on lb 1st of March,
The business uf the late firm, will be !!
by rVdenck r'shrion. who haa in possession tha
books and papers, al Mt. Carmel.
lit A T. CLE ME. NT
Mi. Carmel, April 9, l6o9. 4t
I rom llie C oal Dlouulaliil'wllif ry.
rplIE suhsciiber, now operating this Colliery,
is prepared lo furnish or deliver, at hi
wharf, at Nerlhumbcrlaud, a'll si4-a ef Coal, from
his mines. This i a very superior quality of
Whi'e Aah Coal, which he is prepared lo fur
bish promptly to order. ..... ,
lie is slao prepareirto luxuisinvnu
from the Lauiberl Cidli'eiv.
Carmel, , 1859.
Ic Meliwcnsville, on the 27th ultimo,
KICIlAltD AKMSTHONU son of Henry
k. and Margaret Culp, aged 1 year ti months
and 4 days.
On Saturdav the 2nd inst., at bis residence
in this place, WILLIAM WILSON, Lsq.,
aged b'J yeurs.
The deceased was for many years a resident
ef Williamsport, from whence be removed to
this place, about eight years since. lie for
merly represented the Lycoming District in
Congress anil has occupied other responsible
positions, liis general intelligence, affable
manners and excellence of character, gain,
d for him many friends wherever his lot had
been cast. A number of his old friends from
Williamsport paid the last sad tribute of re
spect to his memory, by altentliDg'his funeral
aud following his remains to the tomb. Ilia
widowed wife will deplore tba loss of a kind
husband and nn affectionate companion.
Cjjc HJitrhcts.
Gbaih Wheat, ihcre were bIm of red at HO
15 cts. foi fair to good tola, and white al I 60a
!65cts. for fair, and 170180 eta. for prime par
cels of do. Corn, aalea of ood yellow at 7bi7H
els., and of fair lo prim while a 8 cU. 88.91
P There wr sal, ul irgiuia uaia o :
n A, at na.-iO CI. Ann mmrm
P......l,.m K offered and aold al i fr !
cts. MarylaoeS By at 96 d. per buebel. Muulniry
SVMPHONIAM. graudmu.ul innrument
just rceivJ frora riuow Hill, ''"''"
rbiiv it. i mi.