Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 02, 1859, Image 3

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    DatTisburg $l'cfos.
Kbidat, March 25, 1859.
The Senate wm calltd to order by t"
' Speaker tit tbe usual hour. ,
Mr. Bell, called up Senate bill No. 4. '
Act to alter the distrioU of tbe lupreme
court," on eecond reading.
The Erst eection being before the Senate.
Mr. Brewer moved to anieod, by alriKinf
out all arter the enacting clause, and inier-
S&&k V-Ur. -d Northern
districts of the supreme court and abolished,
but the prothonotary of the nisi pnus court.
Sec 2 That all records and papers rela
ting to any cause pending and undetermined
in either of said districts, shall be, transferred
to the custody of the prothonotary of said
court at llarrisburg.
Skc 3 That the regular sessions or said
court iu banc, shall be held iu the capitol at
Skc. 4. That the judges if they think it ne
cessary may sit elsewhere to hear arguments,
but all final orders, judgments and decrees
shall be made and recorded at llarrisburg j
aud h11 writs shall issue from thence.
Skc 0. That the ordinary and proper ex.
penses of said court at llarrisburg, shall bo
paid hy the Commonwealth upou legal ap
probations; but when the judges hear argu
ments elsewhere, the expenses shall be puid
by the proper couuty, as heretofore.
Skc 6. That the court shall meet at Uar
riaburg on tbe first Monday of May, iu each
year, and sit by coutinued session as lung as
inuy bo necessary.
Sec. 7. That the court shall bore power,
us heretofore, to Cx tbe return days ol writs
tor tho respective counties, and the time for
hearing the causes therefrom.
Skc. 8. That this act shall tako effect on
the first Monday of May next ; but neverthe
less, the regular September term for one
thousand eiht hundred and fifty-nine, shall
be held at 1'ittsburg, as heretofore; and all
acts inconsistent herewith, shall be and are
hereby repealed.
()u which amendment.
'Hie Teas and nays were required by Mr.
Brewer and Mr. Miller, and wero a) follows,
Yrus Messrs. Baldwin, Brewer, Fuller,
Kinney, Oregz, Myer, I'almtr, Seufield, Suae-
tier, Steele, i eisu ana iresswen, oicutr
Nays Messrs. Bell, Blood, Cofley, Craig,
rraiicia. Cazzam, Harris. Keller, Marselis,
Miller Nuncmachei, 1'arker, 1'enney, Km
dull, Schindul, Thompson, Wright uud Yard-
lev H. , . ,
So the question was determined in the ne
gative. On motion of Mr. Coffey, Blair couuty was
attached to the esteru district.
Ami on motion of Mr. Kinney, Krie county
wai added to the Eastern district.
I'iioii the tii!-t section of tbe bill, as amen
ded, The yeas and nay a were required by Mr.
KtmlaU and Mr. Sbietfer, and vteru as
follow, viz
Vvnii.n n..ll ,fl..c Vinnr Fran,
cid. Uazzatn .Harris, Marselis. Miller, Palmer
Kurker, It tndall, Scolield, Scbiudel, Thump-!
son and Wri"ht 13.
Nays Messrs. Baldwio, Blood, Brewer,
Cruig, Fetter, Gregg, Keller, Myer, Nune
niaohur, l'enuey, bh at-tier, Steele, Welsh,
Vurdtey and Cresswell, Speaker lfi.
So the question wus determined in tho ne
futive. Aud tbe bill full.
Mr. Kinney called up Senate bill No. 6,
"A ti Act lo inuko the sessions of the supreme
iMiirt permanent at llarrisliurg," which was
so amended, (in committee of tbe whole.) as
t i simply abolish tho Northern district of the
t-upreuiu court, and attach it to the Middle
The bill, as amended, went through its
various n.-adings
The title was amended, so as to read, "An
A i.t lo itbulish the Northern district of the
I'lpn-uiu court ;" uud, as thus auivndud, was
greed to.
' Mr. Killer, said, every Senator appeared
to cling with creut pertitiucity to bis own dis
trict ; Htid it uppeared that his awn little dis
trict is the only one to be slaughtered. Now
Mr. Sneaker, said Mr. Keller, 1 can
See DO '
iu-tt uaiie lor this: aud 1 hope the Senate
Hill not pass this bill. 1 Consider it unjust
an.l unfair, for there is no cause for this dis
una ,iis.
position to lay under the ban of censorship
my kulejocality. Cur beautiful town of Sua
buiy is situated on the bunks of the Susque
hanna a situ uneaqualled for beautiful see, liiilth;ne?3 or advantages, ludepen
(lent of ibetu udvantuges, tbe accuininuda
lious uih unsurpassed, aud the citizens are
I. .mi und hofpitabie. But there are oilier
luiliicuiiujtits in its favor. The towu of , Sun
luiry is'folivenieut of uccess, being only two
li, mis' ride from the capital of the State. 1
cuii, therefore, see no just cause for ubolish
irn the district j und 1 hope the Semite will
do nut only itself, but the district which 1
represent justice, by voliug down the bi!'..
On ils tinal passage,
The yeus and Days were required by Mr.
Keller and Mr. Kinney, and were as follows.
Viz :
Yeas Messrs. Baldwin, Bell, Brewer,
t'otfoy. Craig, Ketter, Kinney, Kraucis, Cuz
am, Gregg, Marselis, Miller, Myer, Nuuema
clier. Palmer, Parker, Penney, Uandall,
Scolield, Shaeffer, Steele, Thompson, Welsh,
Wright, Yurdley and Cresswell, Sptaler
Nays MoF.srs. Blood, Harris, Keller, and
Sliindel 4.
.So the question was determined in the
On motion of Mr. ScoGfld, theBenate pro
ret ded to consider House biil No, 784, "An
Act to anthorize the overseers of tbe poor iu
the counties of Tioga, Potter aud Northum
berland to levy a pour tax on unseated lands.
Suid bill weut through its various readings
and passed finully.
Mr. Keller called up House bill No. 728,
''An Act to pay the clerk and tergeant at
arms employed by the committee appointed
to investigate the condition of certain banks
of this Commonwealth"- upon which tbe Sen
ate resolved itself into committee of the
whole, (Mr. Penney io the chair.)
Friday, March 25, 1859.
The House was called to order at 9J
Ou motion of Mr. Wagenseller, (the Com
tnittee ou Roads and Bridges having been
discharged from the further consideration of
the same,) "A futber supplement to to act
incorporating the Selintgrove bridge com
pany," was taken up and passed the House.
Mr. Ketchum, as amended, "An Act re
quiring overseers of tbe poor and supervisors
of roads, io Northumberland county, to give
Also, as committed, "Ad Act to prevent
tha disturbance of public meetiogi,"
Also, with a negative recommendation,
"Au act to repeal an act relating to execu
tions against corporations."
Air. wagonseller made a statement.
mere was oe tbe Private Calendar of to.
morrow, a bill is which bis constituents were
interested, viz: lloose bill No. 707, "An
Act relative to ferriage over Shamokin dam."
He would be obliged to be absent when tha
Private Calendar was taken ap, and there-
lore CBiiea up ine out now.
The bill was taken op by the House.
Mr. llotteoatioe moved to postpone.
Not agreed to.
The bill was read tbe iseocd end third
A nd being on Caal paissre.
Mr. Hottenstine opposed the bill, and said
that the matter to which it pertained, should
properly go to tb coerts for adjustment.
Mr. Kinney considered tbat the bill de
serted attention on tba part of the members
before it wai thus absolutely passed. .
Mr. NTaganseller reviewed tha facta of the
cases. The Susquehanna river at this point
it wide, and, and there are two ferries here,
one on either side of the river. One of thete
ferries, that of the eastern tbore, belonged to
the borough of Sunbury, and the other one on
western thore, bad boen for upwardt of eighty
years past in tbe hands of Dr. Motions tine
on it h's ni-Rdncesanr. la 1828 the canal was
made, aud in its construction tbe landing ef
Dr. Hottetjstine was destroyed, but in con
sideration be was granted another point for
a landing. This act was now intended sim
ply to define bis rights.
The canal runt for nearly a quarter of a
mile through laud of Dr. Hottenstine, and be
had never charged and never would charge,
ono cent for damages. This bill is just and
right, and is simply to prevent other pnrties
from interfering with tbe wrightt of Dr. Hot
tenstine. The question rocurriug,
Shall the bill pass t
The yeas and nays were required by Mr.
Hottenstine and Mr. Bcrtolel, and were as
follows viz :
Ybas Messrs Barlow, Bayard, Boyer,
(Schuylkill,) Burlcy, Chase, Dodds, Durbo
raw, Eckuian, Elluioker, Kvans, Kearon,
Fleming, Ulutz, Graham, Ureen, Harding,
Jackson, Kinney Matthews M'Clure, M'Dow-
e!l. Miller, Oaks, I'alm, 1'atterson, rrice,
Fughe, Bose, Shafer, Smith, (Berks.) Styer,
Thompson, Wagenseller, Walboru, Walker,
Wigton, Wilcox. Wiley. Williams, (Bedford,)
Williams, (Bucks,) Williston, Wolf, Holler
and Lawrence, Speaker 41.
Nays Messrs. Bertolet, Boyer, (Clear
field,) Custer, Dismant, Oalley, Ciood, Cray,
Hauiersley, Hill Hottenstine, Laird, Mann,
Shields, Smead, Stephens, Stouebuck, Stuart
and Warden 18.
So the question was determined in the
A message was received from the Govc-V
nor, vetoing the bill incorporating the Chest
nut and Walnut Street passenger railway
Mr. Lawrence, (Washigton,) moved that
the rules be suspended, aud that the House
proceed to the consideration of the veto mes
sage just read.
Mr. Thoin moved an adjournment
Not agreed to.
The motion to suspend the rules was agreed
An Amir Contract. Ibe Utah corres
pondent of the Chica,o Tribune sends to that
journal the freighting contract made in the
yuarlermaster's Department at Washington
City, with Uussels. Magers &. Wnddell, to
carry fruight from Kansus to various points
on the Utah route. Tha schedule of prices
has been kept back till lutely, when is fountl
that Government pays the firm above named
$56 per one hundred pounds from Leave?.-
worth to Salt Lake City, a distance of
twelve' huudred miles. At this enormous
rute the contractors have carried thousands
j of tons. Tbey are at the same time contrac
! tors to carry freight to Kike's 1'eak, a dis
tnnce ol mx uunurea mues, lor eieni uouare,
wl'ich is less thau one third tbe sum paid by
The emigrants to Tike's I'eak gold dig' appear to be fully as large as bad been
expected. A digger who has just arrived at
Leavenworth from tho mines reports tbe road
covered with emigrants. Several young men
Irom this placo are on their way, or about
going to this new Kl Dorado. Among them
Mr. Henry Kownover, II, Byerly and Myers
Perrin. Success to them oil. Damille
New Advertisements.
Inventors, Secure- your teigVtts!
J Mss'Ri. Mi'M Sc Co., Editors nnd Proprietors of the
i Scientific Ameircuu, are conducting the most succcsslul
j Agency Itir securing Ihc Itiglits of Inventors, to be found
, iu the United States. 'I'hcy huve been persouully fsinil
j liar with the progrcr-s of Invention find Discovery lor llie
j prist fifteen yeurs, und huve prepared und conducted with
I 111 this period, more Patent cases tliiiu any other Agency
iu the World. As un evidence ol the confidence lenorrd
anility una intfginv. tney may with propriety ro
in . .iii. (Aiimiiuiiwi) mi:,, iiiuv lirui ij yu IIIOUIUUU
putents have been issued lo tlieil clients, duriug the bnet
I ' ' ; and during the same period, they
::. . . -
irnt Itranch I 'dice in
Washington, into the liovellv of about tjree thousand In
vrntioni. thus affording to them a knowledge of the con
tents of (he Patent Oince.unrivulird'by anv existing agen
cy. Not only this, but more than our.haif of ull the Pa
teals secured by American citizens iu the Kuropcun ooun
tues. are taken through
Juim .5' ('' Agcncirs in London, Pari,
ISrumrlt, iierlin and 'ienna.
Circulars of AdVli e How to Secure American and
Foreign Patents, will be sent, free of charge, to all who
may wish for them. Messrs. Muiiu A Cu.'s principal of.
rices in New York are in the new Park Iiuilclings, No.
U? Purk How, eastern side of the City Hall Park, where
all communications should be addressed, and where Inven
tors are cordially invited lo call whenever they visit the
Slessrs. Munn .V Co. refer by permission to Hon Cbus.
Maaai, Kx-Coinnnssiouer of Patents. Hon. J.-st-pb Holt,
Postmaster (jeneral and Ivy- CommisMouei of Patents, and
also to oul seven thousand Inventors in the l.'nited States,
wh'-se puiers huve been prepnred and prosecuted through
their Agency. Address
MI'N.N A I .
No. 37 Park Kow, New Ymk.
March S, iej9. ;
F EVERY nr.WBtpTlo, Si lTABI.h
1 0F,
a cnnl, I
KOU H All.ltOADS, 4c, for weighing hay,
me and merchandise generally. Purchasers
run no risk, every scale is guaranteed correct, and it", after
trial, not found antistactoty, can be returned without
IV I' actorv at the old itiind. established for more than
Ihiriv-Gva years. AH1IOTT Co.,
Comer of Nmih and Melon Streets,
Mureh !fith, 1S59 3nt?i-. Philadelphia.
B. J. WILLIAMS, No. 1 North Sixth Street, Philaael-
p'lla, is the largest Manufacturer of
He is tha Originator of all New Si vies and has line stork
to be sold at Shlil'l'M) PKIC'fcS.
PTOKh SIJADK8 iiainted lo order.
rV" H. J: Y. inritcs eitizens of this rountv to rati be.
fore purchasing, and assures them he can sell a better
article for the money thau aar other establishment in the
i uitea Mates. March JO, lcr9 mUe.
MFFERS at private sale of the several lots of
grouild, Nl. U. 63. 125 ami 1 27. aa mark.
ed in the general plan of the borough of Sunbury.
ueiunging to me estate ol John Lukens, deceased,
will be received hy
8. L. KEF.iXE,
Administratrix with the will gnneied of said
estate. I Oth and Cheanut Streets. PhilaoVlnhia.
Aoi by her Agent,
March U, 18S9 ft Bunbury.
T"V OT1CE is hereb given that my sons, Silas
1 and Daniel, aged 17 end 18 veara. hava
left my premiaes without any just cause. All
r" cauiionea not lo barber or trust
thean on my account as 1 will not pay any debt
of their coutractiug.
Lower Augusta township, March 19, 1869.-3t
uoat apeedy and parmat.ent cure for Fever
Ag end Remittent Fevara, without any
Quiuine or Calomel. Fo aale at FI8H ER'8,
October l, '68.
JAW flaWood. CroM Cut an 4 Mill 8.w.
fiufterior articla FIH1I EK'tf.
?unSur,3ul; 17th, 1818.
Estates ofDnu'l. Campbell, Sr. dee'd.
TVTOTICB is hereby given that letter Teeta.
v mentery on the estate of Daniel Campbell,
en., lata of Shamokin township, torthumkor
land county, dee'd-, have been granted to the
sabecriber. All parsons indebted to and those
having claims ageinal said estate, will meet the
subscriber al tbe late residence of aaid deceased
on Monday tha Sfth of e pril neit, for settlement.
JACOB E. MUENCH, Eieculor.
Shatneklii twp., March 19, 1859. 6t
Peipher'a Line, .Railroad Freight Cars
Philadelphia & Snnbury.Jtffi,yl
rpilK auhscriber it running a line of freight ears lo and
I from Philarielnhia without ra.ihtptnent. and bpea lo
eitnbliih a gotaj business by prompt deliveries at reaenua-
ble rates.
Warehouse In PhllauVtnriia wltb Frew!. Want A- Freed.
fill Market street, where frods ace. for 8iinburjr and iiiuic
mediate point! should It ten.
. I HUA1A3 rr.ll'Hr.K, iinrriflHira.
March tt. IS.1P 3nl
Pure ami No. 1 Giouiid Pepper.
I'ineer, Cinnamon, Allspice, llnves.
American and Knglish Mustard.
Ceyenue Pepper, Nutmegs, Mnce.
8up. Curb ikajii. Saltpetre, Saleralus.
!ril. iloda, Indigo.
Caruwav and Curionder 9rd.
Ashtou Dairy und Ground Suit, Ac.
Tut Snle at the Knglc Mill No 511 and SI!) North
Front street corner of New, Philadelphia.
t7" Purclmwra will End it to their interest both
in quality mid price to tiuy these goods, which are war
lantrd us represented or forfeited. A trial la Solicited.
Philadelphia, March IU, IsCSt.-I vpS.
Notino'of Limited Partnership.
"T r 1 1 1'. It K A 3 we Atmtham T. OiHidman, as general
V uHrtuer, til the village of Wutsoutown, m Drlnwnra
township, m Ilia county of Noiluuiuucrlnnd, and State uf
Peunsylvnuia, und Ario Pardee us epecial partner, uf tla
2lelon. in the county of Luzerne and Stnte aforesaid, huvo
entered inton limited partnership, under the provision of
tin Act of lienenil Assembly, of the Commonweulla of
rennsyivnnia, entitled "an Act reliitive to l.imitad I'urt
neiships" approved March SI, lrltt, aud also under the
provisions of Any other law of said Commonwealth rela
ting to limited partnerships, aim the necessary certificate
and Hffiiln vit having been filed and recorded in the nflice ol
the Recorder ol" Deeds for the county ol" Northumberland :
inereiore in complimtee won the provisions ol said Act,
we publish the leiuis uf said limited partnership, as fol
lows :
first. The said partnership is lo be cr.iidacted urdar tha
name of Ahrnhum T tioodmun.
Second, The general nature of the business to be trans
acted by the suid firm nr partnership, is tbat of general
Merrhandiziug, and buying ami dcniing in giutn.
Third, The geneial partner in said uutuerrinp is Arira
bam T. liiwdinnn. residing in the villace of Wataontowu,
iu the county of NorthuinlHirland and "State of Pennsylva
nia. And the special pnttner is Ario Pardee, residing iu
Iliizletou, in llie county of Luzerne anil Stut aforesaid.
Fourth. The said special partner hns contributed t the
common stock of auid partnership tbe sum uf leu thousand
colliirs ill cash.
Killh, The snid partnership is to cnmmniiae on the first
day of March A. D. IS19, aud is W terminate on tlie first
day of Mnrcli A I) . !
A lilt All AM T. (iOODMAN. geucral
ARIU PAllDKK, srieciul psrluer.
Wataonlown, Mnrch IP, Ib5!. t.
rjRANUKS. LEMONS, and DATES, just re--"
ceivcJ and for sale at the confectionary atoro
of M. fc CjEARII ART.
Sunbury, MaTV-h ID, 1859.-
For April Sossion A. D. 1850.
IJcbiwarc lftdicl Irwin,
Turltut ClniTttsi Hull-He, Unniel FoUmHr,
McbwrniirilivK. H. M'cCuriuiefc, Wiiiiam .Montgt.m
ery. Milton Henry Tfnnit,
ChiliKiiuqu Ti t iiiA I'md'to,
JNtiHt-JumcR Neilit, jr.
tuiiriuf J Am Ariu ltt,
laflwer Auutttu tfivnmti Stiipmtn, Stimuli Sterner,
Jonathan FuihuM, Jawes !Shi$.innti antl l,vi E. ThuttuiF.
bhaiii-'km Jacob Chide tHcr, JncuU IxUcjinug and Jo
ieh Julin.
Coiii Heiijnmtn Tiuy,
l'pier MithuiioyAudrew Geirt. John MuiUvk,
Joiuun Murttn Murkl,
Vshiiipi--n !.tvi T. DTtimliBller,
Isiwet .Matimviy laiiao Schiuyr,
Little Muliuiiuv Iavid Uunkelberger,
Pelawnre Samuel I'limey, D:tvitl Kooni, Is.ia. Vincent
Turbut Kolicrt MrCormirk, Klins ltittrr, Atnlrew
uverperK, Aiirtrew r oilmr, Oturc W. Funk,
Milton George Newlmrt, Uiorce Iluker,
ChilimiiHyje Joint Mc.Muhon. jlumoa II. Kittor, Jfcn
Wolf, 1
.Nortliuinbetl'inrinr itjnmin Matliinn,
Sunbury Atlam Shiw-ler, 1. W. Gray,
Upper A'1kuiu George W. liiewu., Kidrt Cn'rarpUII,
Samuel Oucwlotf,
lwer Auiuta Tttuuuia ?nydor. Dunie! V. Conrad,
John Hull,
Little Mniianuy Daufel Warner,
lA'Wtr .MulitiU'V Junuitmu Lenkei, Suinuel Trt'i J
cob paiz, Juhn Wciilztl,
Jnckion l&nuc Albert.
' Sunuc) Lmi;, CbfirleiK, Weikel,
Vpper MhIuik.v Jutmthuii Frgely, Tettr Geiit, Riley
Uo tiun John Htiiiti k try,
Ciwil William Wtuver, I)unirl Cumpbell, John B Puu
ty, l. N. I.nke (ieore A Heokert,
Ml. Curmel William Siiirr, Daniel llci-er,
ShumoLiii Nirholui Cuiiipbell, VriuU SMer, Atuutuui
Hunli Go.)ri'e Burin, Lambert Ik-k man, Cnlviu Huugh
uwout, Ia?inuel Mat,
Lewia T .timber t Jurrett,
Tnrt.ut Kims SlmCer. Daniel TTecket. Cliarlua Ariuuin,
holHwait; David llurttaiif t, l)avi4 KHue,
M' KwensviIlM D ivitt KtHh-nv,
Milt 'it-Uf.itpf II llHriz, William Sii.j.b,
Cliiliwjiiii(ur Wilimni Nrabit,
P-nnl I ''in i el l!'.lhe. Jenne Yorum,
Northutnlterluiid Ama E Kapp, Georga A pair) , Peter
I'aUPt, Joilirfl T:i it,
Sunbury I1. M Shmdel,
Upper Aucnil:i William hufTer,
ltwer Aucnln John U. .Mjltich, David Kcmpbell,
Ephraiin I.ytle Amlrew Quniftl, John Slope,
S!iniuokiii l.eotmrd tViivyl, J A. Ornul. tfniriuel Kelly,
Coal Jomiih JUd Peinbtfrton liin), lic ngc .Mc-Cleei,
Upper Mulmnny Henry Malhcu. ,,
Wanbni;iii Nicliolua lldirich, Jdni I tgely, William
C. IIoiIiiihii,
Lewer Mnhnnoy Uaoc Reaaler, Henry Weaver, Mi
cliacl linker.
IOTK'K is hereby given that the following
' named persons liavx flli'd their ,etiliona in
the Pruthoiiuiarv'a Otlice and that they will aj
iy to the next Court of ljunrter Sesaione of the
1'eacs of Northumberland county for lacunae for
Taverns under the Utfc Act of Aasenrbly :
Kli?ribeti Sticker, Milton Borough,
George L. Riiile, " '
John M. Hull', " "
A. H. lllalr,
IVter H.iiiselinan, Northumberland llorough,
John M. Keiiierling, " "
James Covert, bunbury Borough,
Michael Wilvert, "
Samuel U. Rerd, Chilliaquaque townahi)).
Daniel lleim, lper Mahonoy townshiji,
Kliaa Einerick, Lower Augimta
William Farrow, Shamokin "
H. B. Weaver, Zcrbe "
llenj. K nouse & John Mc Williams, r"erbe tp.
Ro'iert It. 1'orter, Coal townahiji,
John 'eliit, rShamokiii toftnshrp,
Catharine Clark, Jordan "
John Foresrnan, Delaware M
Jacob II. Ernst, Turbut "
Archibald Miller, Mt. Carinel,
Jesse 1). Rice, "
David J. Lewis, ' " not leal than a
Wm. H. Lrrch, ' not leu than a
(i. W. Arbogast and Benneville Uuhb, Lower
1 lioma search, Chilisquaque,
John Kohr, Milton, to rectify liquor, and aell
net leae than a quart.
Win. K. Ragle, Milton, petition for licrnsa to
sell in quantities not leaa than a quart.
Win. Elliott, Northumberland borough, peti
tion for license to aell in quantities not leas than
a quart.
Simon Martz, Sunbury, petition for license to
sell liquor in quantities Hut leas than a quart.
Pruthonotary's Office,
Sunbury, March 13, 1S59.
Office of the Clerk of the Orphans' Court
of Northumberland County.
NOTICE is hereby given that appraisements
of property have been made to the widows
respectively, of the following named dependents,
agreeably to the 33th Section of the Act f tbe
Mlh April, 1851.
1 Estate of John Shaop, deceased.
S .' Isaac Oilger, -9
- " Joseph Zartman, deceased!.
4 Frederick Heckert,
And that (ha same wilt be confirmed abso
lutely on lbs hist day of (ha eosnmg April Urea
of tbe Orphans' Cooit of aaid county, tnflesa
exceptions re niea toereto before said day.
J. 1). MASSER, Clk. O. C.
Bunbury, March It, UA9.
Xo. 2, North fourth Street,
MANUFACTURER of btt quality of UM.
BliF.l.LAS and l'ARAWOI.S invitee
the attention of buyers to hie extensive etotk,
emhracini; many atylea not heretofore introduced.
Philadelphia, March IS, 1869
THE subscribers respectfully inform the citi
tens of Sunbury and the public generally,
that they have tea aed the Sunbury Foundry oc
cupied hy UeOrge Rohrbach.andlhat they will take
possession on tbe Grat day of April, next, when
they will be enabled to furnish all kinds of Cast
ings, such aa Flows, Ntovrs, Ac, Ac., at aa low
ratee aa they can be had any where elae. They
aro also manufacturing thraahing marhinra, and
do repairing at short notice. All orders addroseed
tethera wilt tie promptly attrnrlml to.
Country produce taken, in enchango for CaaU
inge at ail times.
Sunbury, March 0, I BS!. 3m
jV OTICE is hereby given lo all Legatees,
1 Creditors and other eraone interested in
the eatates of the following named peraona, that
the Kiccuturs, Administrators and Ouurdinna of
said estates have Bled their accounts with the
Register of Northumberland county, and that
the same will be presented to the Orphans' Court
of said county on TucsJay the 5th day of A pril,
IH59, in the forenoon of said day, Tut confirma
tion and allowance, to wit :
John U uah, dee'd., settled hy lit ail.iniitra
tor Klias Buxlt.
David Baltict, dee'd., settled by his a Jruittid
trators John F. Dcntler and Jos Craven.
Daniel, Clolworthy, Asher and .Elluti Fisher,
settled by their g'lardian Joseph Reader.
Lydia Ferater, dee'd., settled by her e.dniini
Ira tor Feler Fcrator.
Krissinger Benjamin, Elizabeth, Sarih and
Mary, minor children of Jacob Kriesinger, dee'd.,
settled by the administrators of Daniel Schmartz,
dee'd., late guardian of aaid minors.
John Kiehl, dee'd., settled hy his executors
John A Kiclil uad 1 lav id seller.
James Kiik, dee'd., settled by Wm F. Kirk
and James Armstrong his administrators.
Lahr, Elizabeth Henry and Sarah minor
children of John Lahr, dee'd., aattled by the ad
ministrator of Daniel Schwartz, dee'd., late
guardian of suid minors.
Sitmurl Moore, dee'd., settled by his adminis
tratrix Elizabeth Moore.
Robins, Dr. li. S., dee'd., settled hy his ad
luinislrator Elida John.
Elizabeth and Isaac Stepp, dee'd., settled by
Abraham Blaster, lite their guardian.
John Milcig, (now doe'd ) settled by Daniel
Sehlvig, guardian.
ticorrre Shiley, dee'd., Irctlled by his adminis
trator, Ac, Jarii'ctt 1). Slater.
Barbara Sliive, decM., settled fi her adminis
trator John Shite.
Catharine Sha'Ter, vatticd by her guardian
Jonas Bohner.
Gertrude Taggart, settled by her guardian
Deborah I. Taggart.
Israel Tag liar I, dee'd., fettled bv his adminis
trator M. li. rnestlcy.
Mary Ann Ltnel, settled by her gndrdlan ro-
ter Ferater.
Abraham Artcr, dtc'J., satllcd by hia execu
tors Win. II. Munich.
Daniel Cionser, dee'd., settled hy his executors
Wm. D. IIoMinan and Daniel Unnser.
(!co. Young, dee'd., settled by his executors
John and Michael Young.
Ludwig l'lleegcr, dec d., by his administrator
Joseph M. Ncabit.
Mary Oass, deed., settled by her administra
tor Joseph Unas.
J. u. MASSEll, Register.
Register's Oicc, Sunbury, 1
March 1st, ISfiS. J
jOU trial in the Court ol Common Fleas of
- Northumberland County, lo be held at Sun
bury, on the first Monday of April, lSi'J.
No. Vlaintifi's.
No. T. Time.
Kit Aug. 1K.7
II Nov. K-31
43 " l..ti
li A;iril lew?
5;-, "
Gil "
DO "
t A K raikliara
ts leter ltnitiersteiii,
a Aim Divers vs rillmaii und Uitiaun,
3 J. Vliioents'sfitl. vs Ltxvtd Watson's e.l.
4 W. l.enox vs W. 1.. llciieusluiii,
a 15. 1-. Kiley vs suine
e Anna M beiu vs Henry lihr,
7 T.'sex. vs C Hngeubuch,
ii W. Miipiiviii vs II. btniiiiiiin'scx.
0 I' U Manet vs Nor. Cell. It. It. Co
44 Nv.
, 27 Jan.
IU V. K. .Vigte vs I1. Aniiiieriniin el til
11 J. Helei limn vs Aliriiliam Lunger,
1 S. M. Kuse vs Siinutl Adams,
13 John lloweii vs 11. C. Weikel,
11 J llechel ct al vs K (I'Donnel el al
15 S nniirl lllalr Vt I' 3 laddell,
Iti Win Silvis &c. vs Hurd t'alteison, tkc.
37 "
13 "
73 "
75 "
3-2 April
2; ..
17 Samuel John ys U Oihsoii and wile, io
19 J A Gilmore vs John M'jt'orruick, 'J7
IH W Kreiuliliaurrt vs Suinuel Jobii, 41
40 I' & K K l"o vs li 11 I Co., 75
81 Charles Smith vs Cot-nran, Pente A Co ,
W S Millel & Co vs A vv yiiu und Wile, Hi
!M ileiuy Uoi.nel vs 11 M i Co , , IU
2 Susan Iftirntuirl vs Willium Antrim jo
It U quiim vs Hurt, Jenkins el al 4'J
iu M Weilniaii Vs WlNi.nn Haas, 36
i7 S A!s:irh vs CiK'hrnn, Teale A; Co.,71
iS Daniel Wolf vs Fred Wilhelm, jr. fj
iO M Oe;!iir Je wife Vs Israel Hays, M
3o Surnh Kluuiuan vs Dr R ti Watson, UH
Ol sume vs ur ueorge iieen, wu
'M sinne vs Dr C .Mi.'1'berson, Itlo
J Mc.Miiheti, g'n vs J It Hiown el al, III
34 I" C Hummel va Lewis Hiiusel, I J'.l
a. Wm Wugncr vs Muilin tiachman, 134
38 M Welker
vs same el al, 1:17
vs A Armstrong et al, :1
vs Jtnnes Covert, 1 7 1
vs I'nul Mastellcr, 17a
.37 li Watsiii el al
ii Win K .Mnru
3U Lewis 8luut,
4U Itm Sayres
41 Win Depnen
vs W I. Dewart, Arc., lei
vs Cochian, Pealc i Coin
42 l.iveimore and
Muloue vs S V P n n C.
i'l (i Chnslinanelal vs Milton Tioxell,
44 J Cuimiiliif.' vs (ieoige Killle,
4 b Chrisiiuuiietalvssueiuel Mumley,
The first 2t causes on the list will be for trial nt the
nrfcl week, und the balance for the second week.
D. UF.CKLKV. I'rolhououirv.
Prolhonotary's Offipe, 8uubury,
reinuary ivin, icov. )
Oeorok P. Asset. r Jons A. Nsrr.
No. 3S North TIllltL) Street, (three doors ubove Vine.)
(KsTsbLisnao TwsktI'Kocr Vsaas.)
IVF.n Y descnptinii of Huildiinr, Mechanical, Farming
2 and Household II AKDWAKI-:, is now ill Slorr, and
will le orlered at the lowest maiket pnees, lo Cash and
prompt six months buyeis. Nails al Manufacturers' nri.
ces lor Cash.
Orders 1'rrun new enstoiners will receive strict ami accu
rate attention, and all goods sent from this house will he as
V9 UnrtfTBt Mskchsmts, on their next visit to our
eity lo make their Spring purchases, are coidiully invileil
to cull uud einuiiuc our elock and Prices liefoie purehus-uig-
March Ulh, IB.S!-. 3mV.1.
VR F. now opening s full assortment of NEW tiOODS.
FOR THE 81'RINb OF loiv.
Spring Silks of New Stales, .
Fashionable Double Smil Rohes,
baawls of the Nrvv ripring Btylrs,
De Lsiiii'es and F aucy Diess OikmIb,
ltiinimer Poplins and Valenciaf.
Travelling Dress (ioods, lull variety,
UUuiaels, bheeliug and Housekeeping O.Nids.
N. B. Storekeepers arc reanertfrlly requested to ra.
amine our IStoclr, of BLACK 8ILKS, ana riHAVYLd, be
fore purchasmcr.
P. H. New Cioodft treeived duily, snd gvi Rargains
from the Auctions ol New York and this CTiy.
Tsbms Nktt Cash sno Pains Low.
March Ulh, lM.3 mW3
In tha Court of Common Pleas of Northumber
land Comity is thus contained to wit :
JANUARY 14, 185. The petition of the
Pastor, Elders, Trustees end Congregation
of the First Presbyterian Church of Northum
berland, Northumberland county, Pa., was pre
sented to said Court, praying for a charter of
ineorpoiation, upon the terms theroin set forth,
whereupon it is ordered that if no sufficient cause
is shown to (ha tonlrary on the first day of next
terra, tha prayer of tha petitioners will be granted
according to tha Act of Assembly in aucb case
mad and provided. 11 y the Court.
Prot'hohotary'e Office,
Sunbury, Feb. 86, 1859.
ANY PERSON (Udya Oaalleman.) In the Vailed
8laua, posssssini a small capital of from lltcll ran
eutar Into aa an m,A leepaetaUe business, by whiebfrom
to CIO say eaa be lealisad For particulars, a.l
Uaae, (wiia stamp.) W R ACTON h CO ,
41 North fUIH ttareal, TkilaJelphia
H.1nPlro , . , . I
jymcE i, hereby p.ven thftt the aev.ra
rtnsions of the peace, and OprTlans' Court, Court
of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery,
v.....v. ...... . mi
In aud lor the county of rnortrtutnberlaml, to
commence at the Conrt Hiuse, in the borough ol
Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Mondav, the
4th day of APRIL next, and Will continue TWO
Tha roroneV, Justices of the Peace and consta
bles in and lor the county of IN'orthumbnrlaiid, are
requested to be then and thero in their proper per
sona, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, and
other reinrtnbrnrtcFs, to do those tiling's to their
several olliccs appertaining to be done. And all
"witnesses prosecuting '.n behalf of the 1 'oltimon
wealth against nnV prisoner are also rmiueated and
comintinded lo lie then r.nd thero attending in their
proper permms to prosecute aeainxt him, as shall
lie just and not to di-pert without leavo at their
peril. Jurors arc re'tiestei! lo be punctual in their
altvndiincc, at tho time appointed agrceabio to
their notirea.
liven under niV hand at Sunbury. the Int day
of March in thnyenrof our Lord one thous
and eigh' huinlieil and fifty-nine and the
Independence of the I'niltid btulea of America
the H-id. .
Cud savo the Cnmmonrvrnllh.
ShenlTs Ollice, Kunhury,
March 5 13.VJ J
SUNBURY, Northumberland County, Pa.
fllll"" large and commodious Hotel, now fm"
A ished and completclv furnished with entire
new furniture, ala large expense lv MierifT Van
dyke, and ituate at the iinilrond Depot north
east corner of Market Hquare. Sunbury, and at
the te.ruiinuH of the ttunbury ,V Erie and North
cm Central Railroads, will be open forlhe accom
niodat'.on of Travelers and llie public in general
on the liitST DAY OF JANUARY, 1859.
The proprietor will give hia exclusive atten
tion, to tbe comfort and convenience of his guests
and is de crmineil to mtiko this establishment
rank ainnng the first iu the SlMo.
1 1 i 7 table will bo supplied with the best the
nni'ket can prod'jee , having the advantage (if
daily cixniiiuninution by cars direct front Haiti
more, and also from those bringing produce from
the surroundin 'country.
2 His bar will be supplied with the purest liijuora
the market can produce ,
Ca-rful and obliging errvatits always in at
A ahure of the local and traveling comniuniW
is tuoit rospeclfully solicited.
JOSEPH MOI.1T, Lessee.
Sunbury, Dec. 18, 18M.
Without St kuicil UI'kiiatic s uu Loss ov
Cancers, Tumors, Wens, Scrofula, I'lccra, ic,
cured in a short lime, without the knife, by
Dr. MacMCHOI.,
(Colleague of ths late Dr. Lnunshcrry, Dee'd.,)
No. 50 .Norlh 1 If I 11 ftrcet, below rch. i'hila.
Tlie remarkable success which has attended
the treatment of Cancers, Tumors, 4 c, by Dr.
MacNichol, for a number of years past, has at
tracted the attention, and in ninnv iterances has
secured the hearty approval of many eminent
l'liysiciai s in i'hiladelphia, who aro no longer
willing to risk the dangers and uncertainties of
Cancer can be Cured ! if property treated and
promptly. A great majority of the cases of
Cancer, can be etleclually cured. The nume
rous patients, from every section of the country,
who have been cured under this method of treat
ment is a guarantee of its superiority over every
other known system. .,
Those who may be affict'cil tivilli these diseases,
and desire further information or advice. w!ll
please addt-ess Dr. MacNichol, when they will
receive prompt attention and a copy of Pamphlet
on the treatment of Cancers free of charge.
White Swelling, Hip Disease, Scrofulous aud
Malignant Ulcers, Diseases of the Mouth and
Throat, Ulcerations of the Hones, Tetter, Scald
Head, and all diseases of the Skin, permanently
cured, and proper remedies sent carefully pack
ed by Expiess to any part of the country.
Ill every case a plain description of the disease
is required. .-Iddress, Dr. MacNichol, No. 50
North Oth St., I'hiladelphia. Proprietor and
Manufacturer of Dr. I.ounslierry cV Co's Celebra
ted Imperial Depuralive, the brsl aud most relia
ble Family Medicine of the Nineteenth Century,
for the cure of all diseases originating in Impu
rities of the Ulooil.
Junuary 8, 1S33. 3u w
BY virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias issued
out of the Court of Common Pleas of Norlh
umbetluud county, to ma directed, will be ex
posed to Public I-julu at tbu Central Hotel iu
-Sunbury, on Saturday, the Snd day of April,
18.VJ. at 2 o'clock 1. M., the fulloniug descri
bed Ueul Estate to wit
Tbe one undivided niith putt of the follow
ing pieces, parcels and lots of laud, gitaate in
the Borough of Northumberland, iu North
umberland county und State of Pennsylvania,
bounded a'j follows : Two coiiliguous lots
numbered iu the general plan of paid borough
Nos. 1 j'j uud 1 OU, fronting on tjueen street
ami bounded by said t.'ueeu street, lot No.
loS in tebura of Samuel P. I load ley, lot No
IGl iu tenure of Mrs. Schuyler and au alley,
containing each in width sixty feet sod iu
depth two httudred und forty feet.
line other li.t numbered iu the plan of said
borough No. 377, bounded by Queeu street,
by lot No. 378, by eighth street and an alley,
containing sixty itet iu width aud two huu
dred and lurty feet in depth.
One other lot numbered in the general plan
of said borough No. 116, bouuded by King
street north-easterly, hy an alley southeas
terly, by an alley south-westerly and north
westerly by lot No. llf, containing in width
sixty feet, and iu depth two hundred and for
ty feet.
Also of all those contiguous out lots situ
ate iu said borough, bounded together on the
north east by land of Jesse C. Ilortou, on
tbe soutb-eaH by the north-east branch of the
river Sus'ipiehanna, on the.soulh-tVest by lots
lato of J. ii. Doyd aud of others, and on the
north-west by lots or land now or lata of J.
C. 15. Nurse, coutaiuiug together forty acres
more or less.
Also of two contiguous lots numbered in
the general plan of said borough Nos. 47 antl
48, fronting on King street, and bouuded by
king street on tbe south-west, by Second
street on tbo north-west, by au alley on tbe
nnrtb-east aud by a lot iu teuuro of John
Wbeatley on tha south-east, cortainiug cath
iu width or front (ou King street) sixty feet,
aud io depth tio hundred feet. Un lot No.
48 is erected a large two story lines. Dwel
ling Ilonse, Prauia Stable, Milli House aad
a Well of Water, and on lot No. 47 is erec
ted a two story Frame Dwelling House, io
these two last lots to wit : Nos. 47 aud 48
au estate for her life is by sundry convey
ance vested in Deborah Taggart.
Seised, taken in execution aud to be sold
as tba property ef John P. Taggart.
A 1,0
At the same timS aud place, bv virtue and
in pursuance of an alias order or (lucre of tho
Court of Common Pleas of Northumberland
couuty, a certtib tract or piece of laud, situ
ate iu Coal towDship, Northumberland, county
boanded on the east by lauds surveyed iu the
uauie of I.uJwig Uass, now William Keibler,
on the north by laud uow of Colonel Hough,
and ou tbe south west by the centra of Sha
mokin creek, containing 31 acres and 153
perches, about b acres of which are cleared,
whereon is erected Log House and an
Qrchard, being purport bumberoua in the
partition of a larger tract of land, belonging
to Martin Weavei, William MrCarty and
William Sbanuou and Racbael, hit wife.
At the tame time and place, another cer
tain tract or piece of land, situate in tbe tame
township, bounded by tbe centre of SbatDftkio
creek, (being tbe lioe of tbe above described
tract,) ou the north, land of Jeremiah Zim
merman, late Martin Gi, on tbe south, and
I land late of Ziba bird on tbe wBtfcooUiuing
. 7 r 1 vu"0 UVIUU UlllUIIirUTVU,
Bnd being p, t 6nnjb b
wjud a urpin n
At the tame lime atisl place, another cer
tain tract or piece of land, siieate in the
tame towhship, aud bouuded by the lant above
described tract on tha west, the centre of
Shamokin creek (the line of tha Grat above
described tract) on tho east, south by land
surveyed to Ludwig Uuss and John Hrady,
containing 28 acrei antl 'C2 perches, being
unimproved, and being purpart number three
in the partition aforesaid.
IV virtue of a certain writ of T.evaila facias
issued out of iho Court of Common Pleas of
Northumberland county, to n.e tiirccted, will be
exposed to Public Kale on the premises, in Upper
Augusta township, NorlhiitnlicrlHtid couiilv, on
Saturday the 2nd day of April. Ifc.lO, at 10 o'
clock A. M., the following described Keal Estate
to wit :
All that certain tru't of land situate in Upper
A ugusta township afurcnaid, beginning at a fallen
hickory, corner ol a tract in the iiame'of likharri
13 tiller; thence by laud of t 'hrixtinn Miller in
right of Win. P. brady, south, 84 J degrees east
30, slonf; a line of land iirAv, or tnte, uf Jucob
Scasholt., in right of John Kepler to a whileonk
stump, tlicure by land lute uf Henry Massrr, in
j riclit of James McCay, south oj degrees west
jJ5 H-10 perches to a stone', thence by Ifenry
Drown's improvement soul!) t4 degrees tcat '."
' fi-10 perches to stone., thelice north 4Cj degrees
I Knt H. Ml nf a iien-h In stones : thenrn bv land
j surveyed lo Anthony Mortis, lute widjw Clark,
i south 85 degrees west 1 1 0 -10 perches to stones;
thence 8 j degrees wct 1UG ii-10 perches lo
Flours; thence by land survived t K'uhard Hut
ler, north fjf deircs rant, I in 6-10 perches to
the place ol beginning continuing I K) ai res and
2H perches, strict measure, about 5"0 aires of
which is cleared. W hereon is ur'ecled a Two
Slory Frame Dwelling House, a llutil: Dam,
Sawmill, three log dwelling Houses, euvcral
springs of water Ac.
So'ved, lal.en in execution, and to bo sold as
the properly of Jacob -Lcasholti, ,
At the Court House in Sunbury, on Mon
day the 4lh day of April 1859, at I o'clock
P.M. A certain lot of ground situate io
the borough of Sunbury, Northumberland
county, fronting on Blackberry street", adjoiu
ing a lot of Jacob Coble ou the east, a lot of
Kdward Y. Bright oh the west, ahd boanded
by a twenty feet alloy oh llie north, whereon
are erected a obe and a half story Log House
also a one and a half story Frame House, out
buildings Ac.
Seized, taken in execution and to bs told
as tbe property of Jacob B. Masscr.
:t the Court House in Hiinfeury, on the 4th day
of Jjril 185?', at I o'clock P. M., by virtue ef an
alias writ of I.cvarin Facias to me directed, all
those two lots of ground, situate in the borough of
Sunbury, .Northumberland county, bounded pn
the north by Shamokin street, en the south hy
liarborry alley, and on the west by the property
of the heirs of George WeiUd, numbered in tho
general plan of said borough u7 and 68, on which
are creeled a largo two story framo House (pain,
led white) a small frame house, a wiigoii inakeia
shop, blacksmith shnp &c. .
Also, all those lots of ground situate
and being in the borough of Sunbury aforesaid
numbered in the general plan of said borough 93,
at. 95, UB and 97, on lut No. 96 is erectccted a
large double two story frame House and k'tchen.
All that certain messuage tenement and trao
of land, situate in the borough of Sunbury, afore.
said, beginning eta pout iu lane, a corner of out.
lot Nj. 63; thence along the line of said outlot
north SO degrees east 18 perches to Shainokin
Creek ; thence along the said creek south 30 J
degrees east ten perches, couth KG degrees cast
SO perches, thence north 89 degrees east 10
perches, north t" degrees east SS perches, notth
CS degrees east C perches south 12 degrees east 6
perches, south 1G degrees west lo perches, south
52 drgrees west 30 perches, south (J4j dcgiees
nest 32 perches, south 67 degrees west 34 per.
dies, south 60J degrees west 14 2.10 perches
south 34 degrees nest 17 perches; thence north
64 degrees west 20 perches to a post; thence
north 47 degrees cast 70 perches to a post;
thence north 26 degrees east 20 3.10 perches to
a pout in the lane alorcsaid ; thence along the
line of said Ian: south CI degrees east 1 3.10
perches to the place of beginning, containing 21
acres, (it being the whole of putluts Niis. 54 and
55 and pirt of outlols Nos. 57 and 59.) Where,
on is erected a large twe story frame building,
originally built for a Saw Mill, and whereon is
excavated a Mill Kite cVc.
Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as
property of Jacob 1). Masser, with notice, o Ira
T. Clement, John Haas, A Dill'endairur, A.
Hoover, John Clark, Wm. L. Dewart, F. W:
Hughes and Juhn liowen.
At tbe same time cad f!aee, a certain tract
or piece of land, situate iu Shamokin town
ship, Northurjiberlarid county, bounded by
lands of John Unger, John Pensyl, aud laud
now or lata of Christian Kalilo ou the north,
land of Ueorgo StarUul ou the east, and the
Mahanoy oi Littlo rtiouhtain oh the south,
coutaiuiug 18.1 acres and 63 perches strict
measure, be tho same more or lest. Also
upon another ccrtum tract or piece of land,
siitlate in Sbamtilliu township aforesaid, ad
joining lands of lute Jesse Hensyl, cow Ueo.
Heckert, lands of Leonard Pensel and others,
coutaiuiug uiuuty acres more or less, about 70
aeret of which uro cleared, whereon are erec
ted a two story Fraui Dwelling House, a
frame barn, outbuildings au orchard Ac.
Seized, taken in execution aud to bo told
as the iroper'.y of Charles Diniinlg.
At the same time and i,Uce. all tbo-e tbr
I e 3 .
contiguous lota of ground annate in the town
of 8hamokin, Coal township and county of
Northumberland aforeauid. in that part
suid tolvc laid out by Juhn C. Hovd, and
narked in the general plan thereof Nos. 40,
46 and 47, eoutaiaing each, twenty eiiit aud
one half feet front, uud one hundred and nine
ty feet back, fronting op.Sbuuiokin street, on
the nest, bounded on tho
. , , .
treet, ou the inutb by Itidcpuleuce street,
-ov .'j a auni
and on tue north by lut No. 44, whereon is
erected a large. two story bnilJiny, occupied
as a dwelling f louse, two Srtoru Koonig, aa
office c. Also' frame atable, outbuildings
tseited, taken in execution aud to he told
the property of Paul Anmeruian and Jo
seph Zaern.
At the same time and wlsce. lo wil: Aioil 4;h
1859, at o'clock P. M., by virtue of a l'lurius 1
writ of Venditioni Exponas to me directed, a '
certain lot of ground, situate in the borough of j
Sunbury. county of Norihumberlan"!, bounded by I
vv noriienerry mreet on the north, au IUy on the
east another lot of Samuel Snyder, lately sold by
the Sheriff on the weal, and a lot ol (ieorge Har
rison on the sou'h, being 100 feet In Imcih aud
58 (ret in width, on which are creeled a laree
three slory brick, Htostu Flouring Mill, Engine j
House, 4c. . , .. ,
Also, a certain half lot of ground, tituste in the ;
borougn of Sunbury aforesaid; adjoining Fawn '
street, on the west the st ore described lots, on the i
north a lot of John Salman, on (Sc south and tbe j
nox following acrilfd lot on Ihe east, contain
ing in width on Fawn struct SNj feet and rxtcit
ding back H feel, whereon is erected a two slo
ry frame dwelling uOsc, well of water, &c
jtlso, another certain lot or piece of ground aiu
uate in tha borough aforesaid, bounded by Ihe
last' above desciilied lot, ou the west, au alley on
the east, the lot whereon the Stesiu Mill is
erected on the north, a'rJ lot of John Salmon
on Ihe south, containing 67 feet in length anj 2Sj
feet in width, whereon is erected a coal house,
hog stable &C.
Seized taken In execution and to be sold as the
proissrtv ol Samuel Snyder, Charles Uhiitehait
aud tieutge Harrison,
FherifTs Oflire. Sunbury, )
Msrth t, IS69. I
At the Mamrcoth 8tor of
i it i ( i,i:ni:r,
riiHK subscriber has Just opened at his well
I known establishment in SunWrv, one of the
ches pest and most desirable stocks of
Fall and Winte Goods,
that has ever been o fie red in the place, and which
he will sll for CASH or eichange lot Country
Product. Tbose desiring to purchase geoJa wiil
do well to IS'I uud ciaiuine his stock.
All Wool Dilains, figured, Striped and Plain,
riemh Merino, nil colors, beautiful I Irene
Holies, Cnshiueres, Shaded, 'lain and Slriped
must be seen to f ria an uit'H uf the extent and
Mantle, hlelln, I'Kc'i'A, French Wool fh-U.
Thibet and Urocho Shawls.
Cloths, Ca3simeres and Satinrt
For Veti uml Hcvs' Wear, black t'aseiinrree.
Fancy Cass, meres, idc;ilVipes heavy, Doe
Still Cussimeres, SmVu'i'Js all kinds.
White ond l!ed Flannels, all 'grades and prices,
Hay Slate Sack Flannels, coloVs unest qualitios.
Boots uud Shore,
Hals and Cup, ore, $o-,
all of which were selected with great 'oArV, and
Viill compare favorably, as regards 'quiiirjr; style
end price, wilhany in the country.
HA UmVAKi:, a rull asortmeot.
Wood An'd Willow Ware,
tucciisWarc, of all descriptions,
Urocerics, a full stock in slori,
Carpet Chains, Ac,
Paints, Oils, (ilass, D)c StulTs.
Thankful for MVa patronage heretofore receiveil
he n ill spare no pains to please all who may futjr
him with their custom in the futurs.
I Sunbiirv', Ti'ov. 6. 185.
Bargains . Bargains ! !
Market quare, Suhbury, Pa.
THE subscriber having purchased of P. VV.
Taney Dry Hoods, &c.
is determined to Sell them oil' at the lowest pos
sible rates. Cull soon if vou wiiih to secure
bargains and examine the slock of Black Cloths,
Cassim-rcs, o'assinclt, Vestiugs, Dress (loods,
viz : Ch'allics, Lawns, Detains, Uareges, Mcri
noes, Cashmeres, Alapacas, Silks, Ginghams',
Linens snd White Goods Drees Trimmings en I
Notions in great variety.
Tohac'co, Fcgcrs and a'variety of other goods too
tedious to mention.
a large assortment, very cheap, dec , Ac.
N. B. Keeling grateful for past favors, I bsg
leave t recommend to mv old friends and the
public in general my SUCCESSOR, who I am
assured will leave nothing undono to merit a
continuance of your patronage.
I'. W. GRAY:
Sunbury, December lfi, 1S58.
FTtHE account of Daniel Heitn, assignee of
William S Snyder, has been filed in the
office of Ihe Prothonotary of the Court of Com
mon Plea's of, Northumberland county, and will
be presented to said Court at tbe next term
thereof, for confirmation.
Prothonotary a Ollice, jj
Sunbury. Feb. 6, '50. J
In the Court of Common Pleas of Northumber
land county, it is thus contained to wit :
JANUARY 10, IS 59. The petition ol tho
Pastor, Elders and Congregation of the first
Presbyterian Church pf Norlhuinbetland, Nor
thumberland county, l'a., was p'esented to said
Colirt praying for a Charter uf incorporation
upon the terms therein set fourth, whereupon it
is ordered, that if no sufficient cause is shown to
the contrury, on the first day uf nrtt term, the
prayers of the pct'tioners, will to granted accord
ing to the Act of Assembly in such enso mud
ond provided. Bv order of the Court.
Prolhonotnry's Office, )
Sunbury, Feb. 20. 1P59.1
CO. II WEN", isyetathisuld stand, South
a side of Market Square, Suubvry, and
keps constantly on hand a good stack of Flour,
Feed and all things in hie l:no- He has now cut
hdnd a f;e?h supply of No. I. superfine FLOUR
No. I Extra, and Eztra Family in barrels ;
Williamspoit double extra in quarter barrel sacks.
Wye flour, Buck-Wheat Flour; Corn meal and
chop cf all kinds for Sale clie.ip lor CASH.
He is always ready to supply the wants of his
customers, in small or large tpiutitieu.
ALSO, Crackers of all kinds for sale at regu
lar wholesale prices. Ho hopes by careful aileu
tion to business, to merit and continue, to ivocivu
the patronage of hia customers.
C. i?. HAVEN.
Suukuty, Jan. 10, 1859. If.
V A . II 4 AC E k!u KEO F.'sj "
ARKANTKU to (live pane! satin'sutiun, or iho
inniiev will be rcI'Liuied. sin! out acems are lisrvLv
aalhorizeJ la intilia i;-Kd any fuilure. of it. at onr ejtusnsa,
VAN llAAdl.N brings prueticul Soap Maker, ami
havniij ft ir lite luit (wtlve veais (fit dilfcreiii (imei) txt
rnnhtetl U( nu tnirtl ttu .irticuir fckjap, in Tnriuut
vhv. iitiu- ifer it tt itw public h h amip which will Mt
TIME, LABOR mid MD.NtV. W art willing if tbouit
f"1. "J?.? ..! .. w; "f
; "W, nu uw 1, cvuiunig w 'MI UlrrCLIi.llS, (lOUUII 111 asCIl
I ) and u n ).cs not give full sutiuaciiua, u.s mousy
i '"V1"3"1- . , v ...
I. Llntlis iictdooU'iiniB. and varr little ruLLini-. rni
articles none. ) '
2. one iH.und will (j at far, for anr vs, as tliroa
pounds ol cuinmoa rosni t-up, oi two pounds betl laonly
:t. It requires les llian one-hill tin tirrie snd labor to J.i
t s ,..,...., iw. i, lupines wiiu ine ued
,ain.i.F.K,i anu is lYUHUUiea a'l IO I.IJUIC lhf tUlriC.
4. For .leaniue Puiuts ond .-,-r.n .vini, flrnu. T,. ... i
Piintut s Ink, it is unsurpassed Muchirisls, Prinlers and
Painters will tiiiil it an invaluable article lor wsshiast
hands, us ii does not, cliup. bul srciilly softens the akiu
5. The superiority w tiie maiermls mod, and the ft au!
than any other known Wushiuf Saip, and uuJur;otcul
the ties'. ad:i,;ed lor wane and r dnrrd eloik.iur se n, 1 as
rmlri.ssi,il Ijicos, and is WARKANTHii NO T i
Fr soie at all rctpcctkb'a flroceiy btores ia iht iiiT sij
ncigliboring Uuvns, and wh..l. a;.le only l,v ,
tWA.ulr. fharves.
Hslwesn Murket snj Chesnul Su , Ptii'ada'uliui
rebsjaiy ISili, 1W9 3in
Select Winter Goods !
Just receive J at the
People's One Price Store?
k Y. BRIGHT & SWf,
Oi'K presvnt stock iacludee a ihoice avleetioa
ol Dry Goods, Keady Mada Clothing. Uooia
and Shoes, Hardware. Groceries, Queens ami
Glassware, tVe., & e. Our Drees Goods for Gouts"
anJ Ladies, contain all the new end desirable'
styles, which tor fmtnessof tenure, beauty, du
rability aiidtheaputi-f raunut be surpassed,
Oor Heady Mads Cljthii.jf was svlvclej with
great cure, aud all goods" ".4rr inlf.l to lie what
they are leprnsenCsJ. Bo Ms and Shoes ol alt
kinds. Hats and Cars of every style snd priva,
and w solicit a careful inspection of our laigo
assorlmaiit of Jl Osl t R Y, K A N C N O T It )N S,
Ac. Groceries freah am cure. Our HarJwere'
enibracea the largest stock of any other eetsbkeiv
men! in this seclioA of country.
Please call aiid ex'sutiu).
1 Ws Si-vnr'r,) Pitsst.
K. V. Ub'IMMM-' t .
ttnV-.iTT, N-'rrsiUi "j, g-,g