. - . J Li. 4. -.1 ai. - , . ... . v- "-.K J I I ( . 1- I I 1E1CB. . S' oi tlicr li" Cenl i ii 1 ' 35 a i 1 w'rtj'. ! J SUMMER AnEAirOKMENT'. 1MIOM.AM AITMl MllXhAV, JI'I.VUTlh, ' lr-.'i", tor Tonus M lii" Northern Cclitial llmlwny foniiuy will lKivi-lily, (Miiicta)HfXiftm-'IJ uslolluwsi vKHM-IMMlTH. nriTAMiAMD Mtium i..rnt. thai. IT .iti'BAl.TIVOKlitofcUNnrftY A UMHMA ArrlvJ I .nice. 4 3r.M. I " 1 10 f 4.5 I'll fl 67 II M )0 1 1 111 t I'l 411 ID 40 111 M II' .'3 11 rj II t II III 114 1127 II !; IMt II 41 II Jd II ! II 67 1! 14 I d W I'S IJ 14 IJ 14 V.' .!) V2 SO IV! -.'J lit S7 111 VII W 4.' 10 .'i. 1.' 'l vi r.o l-i M i i li r.'ilvt rt Flr.lion, Y..ik. )lri(;t.nrt, lliitimx. MiMct.tnirif, lie.trit I"a n, Tfi'V-lti'll J imcLi. ftp N lii,s-lirivi M t I.I It V, iSnrili'.uiiKrluuri, rltuliVi i'io, J.I'WlMHilU, Mnt-'ii, 'niei'iii'wn, 1 : lo:.1o il, ):;s;.-is. .ilmlte'inrr, I .ii ,ii AIM., y. Jli. ..,iuM-tl', Vlll;:ini!;.lil"l, (JOINOf POU'i'lI lV.r.i W.MilSA toSUNUUKY A fi.U.TIMCKK. Arrhe. l.'-i'. li nil v p no n i.i nn I' en II 11 n u li il m (i ,-:1 i it in in in III IS 111 i 10 II in in i'l in til If 40 in fl 111 47 1" 47 10 .i 1 1 (Hi !1 ('.I 11 11 CI II '.M II :: II II Il :-:t it :' II) Is" '.'I 14 I!) I J 111 il I 3 JO (i 4-3 r:.,-y.T, V ll!l!H,lf, ( M "i i lilf . Mi Mi'WP. t i:!(i ,l II. T. ill), 't'rrvv'1-tii .'imc.ieo, i-n-ci' u v. 'i MnirivUuir, 1 Irnl :p Y. ill. t n.vul Statu n, UtJl.NU NOKTI1 frum DAl.TIMUllK to PUNUl UT 4 EI.MII! A. Anive. r:i:vi rtfti.ii '. V,.ik J!ralij P'-rt C!:mI.' rtf.'JT ll:.ll:IX Mil'Tiilfff in'I'llllMHII Mr:!) lllPT' (ioorflivn 'Vc rt"u JiuiUon be 'iti-'irnve M NIil K V, N'iil!:iitiil;t'il.in.l .l.il.iyijiui(;tltf I .cwii.l.nij; :iln vifnwn Vtlini'.lifWn I'lv-fll'T'i l.m'UMiiiiiry l!'Ti;i'r"s Iiili.ty jVlf.jtiHiriivf l;e 'l.li:ititi,,Hlt f I" A. M. 1t -P9 ' 11 U 14 i-l I in P. M. 1 ;.. 1 ;i a i4 a m s :m a us 2 i a 4i J IM 9 Sil 3 1)4 a 01 a hi a h 3 M 3 3 3 .'.0 3 .)l 4 01 4 l'4 4 Iff 4 10 4 -11 4 41 4 an 4 39 4 111 4 .11 4 M 4 S8 fi IKi 6 113 ft 07 6 14 8 1.1 li 15 5 ?i 6 !! I .1 ..!! 6 aj 5 S'l GOING SOUTH. IVnm ELMlRA to 8VNEVKY Jt BALTIMORE. live. I.pive. 13 3(1 A. AI 3 .I'l 4 00 ' 4 14 4 li 4 4:i 4 a I 4 4 4 :;s 4 33 4 II 4 41 4 H3 4 43 45 4 6 5 0.'. S M t 13 5 15 fi 4!) 8 40 8 :!:) 6 35 6 41 S 41 6 S.J 8 .VJ It 10 .0 11 A 41 6 44 0 3J 0 34 r, 3 o n 44 0 48 ii r.7 a an 7 13 1 13 7 45 7 23 7 81 l 10 II ;.( D 57 1 15 f".!inir:i. illi.'iiii'pirt, MoiilMurtvilic, !!"'' M"!il!';iiKTy j'.;.iti:.l riHin'."vti AVmmi'.l.iwn MlllciM, l.tvvisUirg C'liiliipiMimpia itl'innlicrlund SIMil'KY, ti-liiii linvi ri'if vnrlin Junclion Cccriirtiwii, Mnlinnli'ligo Itilt'liniiuti, iMill-rtliurg llnllliu cltirk'H Fcuy lMlli'lllll Uii'ijit Prt Y.irk Cnlvcrt Slntiim. July 31, IWr". PALL GOODS JUST UECEIVED BY Efivrard Y. Eriit & Son. CONSISTING of Ilyad. r.-, Piirifio mul Ope ra Itrlants, Wooli'ii I'laiiU in id CaslimiTi'S Ivi'I'i s A: tjui!l.i, rich oil lilai.k iSilkn, Mt rii os, ilii'Hi (.'alirocK and Muslins, Union I'iuul L'.it-si-incn s, K. Joans Twocd Uansinot fco. JInt.4 of the lalusi style, nil qualities nml pricrn. We in cite tlm pulilic to cull anil examine whether they teisli tn jiurehafe or not. Sunhury, Sept. 11,11353 FRDEBUilG ACADEMY. AM) Snyder County Norinnl School. FEEEEUKG, 3?A.. 'ElIE l'iith srsMon nfl'.iM Institution commcii- ced on iho 7lh of JULY, and conlimies 22 weeks. Encouraged by past suecees, increased i ll'jrts w ill he mndc to cntble sti'dents In acquire a sound mental, mural and physical education. The Academic Department embrace nil the branches eonctituliiig a thorough Englhh, tMas bical, Malhemaiicdl ami Scuinliliu Ed.iciiion. together with Music, Drawing, Fainting and French. - ' A N'OUMAL DEPARTMENT lias been established and herctofuro vveil ntleiuh d in which Teacbcis, and those wirdiing to income such, can prepare themselves for the pru!csion. TkiIMS 1 1 T.V IX AlHASCk. ror uoaru, i union, uooin, 6ic per sesi-ion pi a weens. y.'.t! to r.j Tuition alone, per quarter of 1 1 wks. S I to &li -viusic, urawing, rainling buJ 1-reiicii ut usual charges. Students can enter at any lime. For catalogues. eVe., address GEO. F. McKAKLA.ND, Piin Ipul. July .11, 1858. F ARMERS A T T K N T 1 O ! ! ! Tho best oiticle i:i lite world for raiiDirj WHEAT IS LEINAE'S t'J PEU PII05riIATE OF LIMErat 10 per ton, or $2 els., u lb., by the birrel. Aniihsed niul recommended, for ll.o Wheat nnd Gram Crops, by l'nilcMor CllAS.T. JACKSON, Chemist of the I'liitcd-tMutcs Patent Oi'iiie, Washington, D. t.'. It will repay thu outlay 50 to !(u pen cut, and w ill not burn the seed, by coming in contact as Guano doe. Tut It Pimvr. Ir. G. A. LLINAD, Proprietor, Ku, 'JIHouth FRONT Street, Philadelphia city, Pa. Or of my Agent, throughout thu Country Analysis can bo seen ol my Illlice. Cash Mailed with the oiJer, will rcci ivo prompt alien (ion. A liberal discount lu Storekeepers who buy to ell njirtn. Pumphlel, can be had at my Office, ylugust 7, 1858. Din G. A. L. MUSIC TEACHER. fj'MIE subscriber respectfully inform the cili - 7ens of Bunburv and vicinity, ihal l.e will reniniii in this place for the purpose uf giving less ins on tho PIANO, to such ns many desbo insti luiion. His terms will bo reasonable,- He may be fr at Lo Washington House in this Us. I U Alil.l'.S UAJii.Mi. 1 - C fcwi'lJiURY SIEAII JL0UJIIEG HILL DISSOLUTION ui' l'AUTNKKSIIlP. TOTICK is hereby frivt-u that the pnilnor " ship hiTBtorore txilin.r l...iu.., FCr.bera in tha Milling btisinesg, was dissolved by mutual consent on Monday, the lGlb int. Ihe l.k ,,r, ho irm ar(J jH tl)e buud r bamuel fcnyder, rr collect ion UF.O. II ADUIPOy CHAN KIIINKII ATiT ' ' WAML'KLSNYD'KU.-' THE utidersijfned would respectfully an tnTe 1 I' f 'llji, ,Ut l, t' Ifkeo Ihe .... M"l l,ll will couli'no thu busineu of manu futoriivj UiHir. Ac.' lltt sulicits the patron ge of the public. ' SAMUEL SNYDER. Buubury, Ang. 28, 1858. tf ij a A N X J - - t. ' ajJjLJSCT UUOKSO, LA 1 CiM -yl SSOHT51 ttfl'V tE'1lTp have tvrrUei our KB VV.OnOWfht tfie " ifiinimiT trade, mul r pctiully invite all the w ftilil and the rest of mankind to Call aku iSiit Tnr.Jt. , .. . . J'fiijilc who vtoi.ld Bronrmire mul invo llicir dimes will dn w i ll to cell anil nee Imw very rlienp roi'. i; cun l e lisd, and nhnulil t'iry not conelodo to pVi rt lin t-c liuiii us. they will he moro enhver cunt a t to llie net mil vnlu of All kiiids of Uoods, V'line mn n punt inuny re.nons why penple hiinlil rlosely exiiinine our stuck, ond while it ie eh'inly drmoliftriileil ihul the nhviotis nieoning n ii cJ iinpnrls" of thi miiliiiiM'n of rrnton refers ilirrttly lo the lIlIU i Y OK 'J K.VI U and hi npiirps in prirn nT poods, it will ut the tame stiikc llio mind of llie ol.fervinii ECONOMIST, lliot a slate ol thinpn rnmliinin a great nnd di verrilied rupply, with low juices, must Inina; iihont a "eon.-iiiiini:.liiin devnu'lv to ho wished" in nitikiiii! the 1'OOit MAS KlUlI.and Ihoriili man opuli ut. Ami iiIiIioukIi v.e may diii'efs, yet permit tin to i:i!.l that noiliing would nlVonl a hetter ground woik f.'T a MiinniPr evniinii's rlitrrlitinnient, than for llie kind inollier who is presumed to hive cx iimineil our Hloek.lo iralhei her little flock iironnd her, and tell tlicin nf UiJlliilT tV MI.N'.'i lieau tiliil cnodn. the liiindnonie Silks from I'riinefi nnd UPiHlli? IIK II i ill i itimi' Mini l nml l.ni-P from Lyons, llie i cf, llie i'rnit.1 frnm Al.llirhrFtiT, l,n! , llie Mililtonsi nm Mi lir.on from Pninc llie 1 ii i ns h t ill l.ni ns Irom (Jlescow ami l?u! Iio, i, mi n llioiii'iiiiil llimisof Rient l-eaiity and utlliiy. It ut In he a l.liln inoie pruciii'ul, we ill i .ie fur llie rood of the country, llie, rlsinff I I'cncruitoti, and tin' full grown, more in detail, the Romls v c retail, in iciy large or smaller I f Hiii-s, at very crrnily reiluecil prices ! nnd tlmtiRh I we may regn l w e said it, we'll fell our poodd on I six months credit, lit the end of w hich the people "llin-h," will como and pay im with a rush, f.'T nunc can feel no tniconci i nrd ahout a oeM so fully earned, lis to Im Ruilty of proci jstination, totlio h.i7.ard of t'neir trpiitiilion Thru I leiilleiiirii and Unities fair, heaiki n, if you've ihe lime to spare, and hear of New (mkhIs rich and r-To. received and hcinj opened. OF CLOTHS, 7".ierc i brow n, nml hlnck anil hUw, Vcs Clothe o!" almost every Ima. We've R"t just what you ned of mixed and striped "first rate-1 Tweed, for lhon exposed or named nssick, we've I'assiiperes holh strong nnd thick ' for Ihose who ny Ijtliion Iihiik. to win, wo have the he antiful French Uoeskin nn nr- tiele. we do expect, sir, can't lie excelled in point of Texture. or VB STINGS, PilUs nnd good hlnclt Putins, of every variety ol patterns, for weddings, pnities, or tho street, for gentlemen married, or less discreet, whom we will furnish from lint lo Boot, with a cheap and charming wedding suit. Hut Ladies ! pardon this dereliction, and do not deem this nil a fiction, for surely we arc hound to nay, wo love lo turn from grave to gny, Ifom dull old hachtlors, dicadful drones, whom fashionnhlfl cti'inellu disowns, who, in a word, are sluggish wights, in human happiness, neo phytes. Gentlemen, wo hid you nil a lieu thu Ladies arc trailing for something iSUW'i Cashmeres Delaines Silks Tlcrege Dchegcs Ivohes Ginghams Law ns Challcs Tissues Chinlr.es I'laids of every patlcrn, and latest Vlylc;-, so rich thai that they cxtilo a smile suited for Ladies of UtiuriTi uL age, ns well for those wiu would L'n oaoe pretty for llio maid hecoining for the mo ther, nnd o!ll red chenp to the one or tho other, liihhons cnihrai'ing one hunih ed pieces, beautiful LV.ts Snilcd for "Neices," Ginghums, solid, plaid artl stripes assorted, nnd "Aquilln Kohea" just imp Tied. And Hie unilersigued with modesty n vcrls, to corded llounecd und steel hooped Skirts nnd well reconciled we trust the hrdies ficcs, w ill gaze with fond delight upon our hniiil some Laces Inserting?, Kdgings. of laconctt nml Swiss, afl'oriling heiiuty to Ihose who oiler bliss! ihree hundred pieces of good pattern Prints, and very handsome styles of new Trench .'hiiitz, white, mixed, and brown Cotton Hose, much cheaper than some people would mpposc. Spool Cotton, Tapes. I'ins, Buttons, and Needles in profusion : Dobbin, Cord, Uoiiiiet Wire, and blond Illusion. Then come one, come all, you'll find us very hnmly, in show ing; ench tho "modus operandi'' of hiiviog and selling cheap, 11. V. iJIiICiilT &. SON. Sunbiiry, June 12, ItiM. PUELIC IIOTIOE. TW'OTH'.K is hereby that the 111,'SiNEsS EE LATIONS, herelolora uln.iiing lutwci n William Warner and ihe underripe.!, in tho L'rug Store at Northumberland, have, by mutua c.insent, this day (Juno 7(h, 1858.) ceased t exist; and the Hunks and accounts will remain for m tllement and collection in the hands uf the subscriber, who will continue to carry on tho business at the ol i stand. KODEUTB. McCAY. iVorlhuinberlttiid, June .0, 1858. Difsolution & Co-Fartncrship. rtpiIE firm i f Shepherd and lleweit, Coal Ope- raiou, i.ocusl iMiiiiiriit l.olhery, orlhum- berbuid Cutiiity, Pa., being this l.;y (June I ft, 18f)8,) di..olvid by mutual consent, the business j will Im hencclorlh curiinl on by James M. Shep herd and John Mi-Faiiinid, under the firm name at Nlsepher.l it McFailand, who will pay all i claims against and receive utl aicounls due to tbc i lalo linn. JAMES M. SHEPHERD, Punburv, Pa., CHARLES HEWEIT, t-Jhaniukiii'. Pa , JOHN M'FAKLAND, Pino Grove, Pa. fsuubury, June lit 1558 MOORE & CAMPION, 11 ',')u(7i Second .Street. 6 (ir uhm e ; So. Sjiruee, , PIIILADKLPIIIA, HAVE now mi Hand the largest os;-uilincnl of FIXB t lAHlSET fi-1 HM I 5 till Than they have ever had at any previous time, and they imile tho public to call and examine their slocli before purchasing, as they fell icnli dent that their prices will be a suiiiciem induce ment lor all who want suJ fuiniluie to buy nt llicir eslnli.ishuici't. A I. irge assortment of Pratt's Rack and Pinion Dining Exleusiun Tables always on hand, Spring and hair Waitresses f .rnished at lowest prices. Furniture caieiuHy packed and on reasonable tonus. PhiUdidphi i, July S I, 1858. ly EOLOMOH B. E0YES, ' ATTORNEY AT LAW, Oli'iLii in Market street, opposite Weaver' Hoti I, B U N D U It Y , PA. Collection attended lo in Northumberland adjoining Counties. U acijuaii.tej w;lh guiinau language. 1!i.i i.n tsi r. : II. J. W'olvctton, Esq., Sunbury, Ta., Geo. F. Miller, E'j , Lewisburg. Pa. J. II. tejeiibis, PiiiijuVlpbi J, Pa. Dcnj imin Kauurer, " Sunbury, .dug. 14. 1858.ly. and the Citrato of Magnesia on J' A S 1' LESS SALTS. HOWS prepai'itioii U recommended u an x- cellml laxative and jnirgutivo. It operate uiildl v, is entirely free from any unpleasant timle ri'tiembliiig lemonade in flavor, prepared and sold by A. W. FISH EK, Sunbury, July IT, 1658. A. J- KOCKErELLHl ttorncn at i'ntu, Practice in Nurtliuiubcrlund and adjoinin, C'ouiitica, ;.,.. . . . . i. ciuiibury, overalier l, 1857.- tf pORTand MADEKIA. WINES, ScliieJlun Schnapp. Wild Cherry brandy, Dlackberry ind Lavender brandio. for uiedieirml purpose at July 1 7, W. A. V'.FIWUEK. 'i WI1KKI.KP. & WILBONf vZAI7UFAOTTTIINCr CO S PAM1LY DEWING MACHINES. rtTlK iinanimnn fnvnr wlni-h hni nllriulfil the iiltroditfl 1 tion nt Whkklkr A Wn.n.'n'a Kuinily Pi-wln? Mn rliliii, it BulTiouriit i-vhIpuco of itn excpilrnpr. It i iiftiU icfumnv t. ny, Hint thin hkciiiI iiiiinnnrnt is l'C'.omiiiii n iloincMic ins1 iliitmn I tii (not i r;cogtiizci) liy iin mrtM-fs-(ut ii9i in Hum indu nf I'limi1 in every tunk in life Ti I'l' -PC who J'uve hithiTtit rt-fTMimd tntn nvnihtts Hirintelvt8 of it nrivniitiiutfi, it limy nut lit nitiirs ti miy, it nil it ut il rily x i.i n b proMrtn to' lie Butveil, bul n Ft'ir-cfM iilrtmly tfiilii.ei. Thu hi"ln'M tnlitniny in dntniilly (fltrtMl.C'n finninir tlie vprdit-t winch givt-n tliia i!tn:r:mpntO!is wn'i' iiimI envmlilo n ri'piilnti"ii. This Mjicluiif in rnit-'eiretl on rt pri'iiple rnllri'ly rripi nnl, licinu fincin;iy nml nilmir.iMy initplc I to th- MmM per-h-ct work on vwry kind nf mnteriv I j iittil, tiuvinp t - tn1'i:'(M'd t'" three jtinrs' tKt -f tlir nn-rt rrin-'hiiig fhnuicu-i by I'.iniilit n, hihI in vnL:ii8 hinMi'h of Mnmi. iinmrj nnni " e' r Amnni; the tlirt, WIllHMPtll'CUIflH'fl PIHTI'SB, It I H'MV'(I tlWlt 111 i 1 1 1 f rt(jii;"iiH ton cmnpii'tt; mtn prm-nrm ii in-, it cnnin-l 1 npiinitii-hi.il in oRci'l.ciK-e iinli!iiiitcil n-lVMiiini '-s it it over nil c;1;iti. nun I' tininpil thr tn.liv ii5i; 1. Ith Kimphnty "f cms'rttfli'm. and r. itisrqncnt free- j tl.mi f pi u i liniiu'i'iTM'iit mul iM-fil of ri'pnirn tf. I'i itii''X-uii''i'it nii!i!ilv nii'l nir?e i f tipcrntioii. fl ItS li.ni.lMlSM ITl'iVl'Mlfllt A. 'i'hi- fjfi'nt viri'y nf pur1"-t.p t- wliif! it nn he np p!ii'. which run be nclwrvcU by tut nthec- nu'i'lmniciil ni'Miin. Ami, 5. Th prc-cminont. brjinty nml thirtl'ili'y rS Uift work "I lind yutr M ichi.ie iiiv:'l;ci!ilp I hnvr n-"il il n yir, nnd it Ins nrvt bn-n out .nVnVr. Tin- Fitli h i vrty dm rnblr. Hint run bf !id-pu-d lo fine or r:irf' rmirruiliv It M'or.; with il" tnpi'biv i'l h il'iztn pnir nf li:ind ; ruri tnnrh time. liii;'Hf t:itd r.Mvntie. dnr of y.'iir Murliiurp it itu'd in niv I'lib'T'i t'tinily ; nn"tlnT ill llu h'uriinM if n fiftrr ; nnd nil tTH ly nri,m lriond. TI;p fpinn'tm of nil (in rd witli thai 1 Imve just expressed." Mrs Annn Cor-i llilclui. ''Tiicrr i Imt one Prwii -r Mnrliiti : ninl Hint tn Whpp- lei nnd Wilni'p.1' Jmlo Meifjf, of the Aniurit-nn InMi tnlr. Tire fV'.vino; M.'i'diiiif pnrc1i"F(,d of y.ni linstH'en wli' l y f.-rvuvalili- " I'i'V Ur. Humid Ornned. No family rnn ntfnl to do without it. onxi ins or tiik Nrw ohn PnEsf. '.Vc prcfrr ttinn for tuniily sr,v '1'iil insft They in r the liiVHttes fur f itni!i n TimnHj Art'vilh"Ut u nvsii Hcb-itiiif A iiirir;in. Vtiik inure uini'ilinly titnn th liund Ilcrn'd. the work of t-n onhtiniy Krwrrn J.nir (."inn. Ktpml to run -.Miinr'-fKe-i. 11,'im Jinirn ) The m.U'hinp. fnrlntmly nn'. Advoentt! ,V Jiiifnnl, !SI5r hfni'ini! le to Aiimrli'ioi tieiniiH ludepnidcut. Hp ennn.-t iifinunu' nnytlmts ui irc j crtcri .-vuiige.iii. A'ill uivi? nitiit Siilirifntii'in. lUifrrvrr. The bPt ever iiiVHit'-d -Chiistiiin hnjnirer. In l-H'kit'i: fur thf l-t-st , c.i tlitst' I -'.viimmT. AdiMinibiy ndTptnl f.r fitmily iiri.Chronie. Indivp'n iii'.lc in very bmnly. The tVenriirr. We pntifi' it with rniltniann ("hrini.in liifil!ictncff. Worthy of the ht-ihtvl :iwnnl.--S:di!iili Itcrunlcr. A benmdioii (' "th- npf Pntnnni's Mnffjizine. M'ipuri! in operiititm. .Mrp. irp-'f"1 Mntithly. 1icniitl nil fim sfton, the nndnttrs. I.ii! Iiliiftnilfd. Thi' n'itei. r;oiiiot be uiirnvi h d. Am AtiTicnlnitist. Tiny iriinfniti Ihe prr-i'mtnem-M. KxprrK. S;iv'k the iii.ii mid health 1 1 t i i wnmi'ii Wn(rr Turr. (lur h'nrth' in - RnrirB with it. I'm tn's Spirit. Supply the f iPhi'Min'ile wi;ld l:iily News. Arepre-iinm''niiv snperiot . i .runi'sr imht. One rf inr ho-i -h'-ld p-id i . S. -I'mrnal. I nriertlled in every tniu'ity. lny liiM'k. I'irtty, useful, infiL-icul - Kehlie's 'or.t'Ite. Ilave it'erniil f 'i fmiiilv nse Munmvi Wor'd A triumph of tiir.-huiiit'.d jjciiiii" N. . .!"urnnl. Combine cvi:ry requirement. l-'nnuly Mnc'tiine. Viiftiy PUpcri-T In nil nthett- (i -lili'ii Prize. We e.nt'wt tire in iia praise N'W Yorker, Tot f.ivllifr pnrtirulars apply In H. 15. Mawr. Snnl'urv, Ta., ournt of (ho mntiijlacttirrr, who will Ktipplv mjrhiiit'5 nt the monufacLurcrs jiriccs. '.iiiinirv, 13 :.-lf A. TT. C. BTlOCJIETT, 22 CIJ street, jtr )orl: HIAM KAdTl'ni'.ll fiP GLASS S Y li 1 N G E MOMfEPATITIC VIALS (iRADCA'I'El) VEASCRKS, NUb'ilNG DOTTLES, KTC. G'nss Ware for f heinivls, Druggists Perfumers. Photographers, etc. A lit i nil discount made 1 1 the trade. Orders frnm Couulry Druggists nnd Dealers soiicitid. Price l.Uls sent on applica tion. AmriiHt 7, 1 fiT.fi. -Hm THE I K TiiB ii AT 10 Jl A L HOTEL. UKOAIIWAY, Cii!M;it or rit AMvl.lN STIUIMT, aNfEVX Yom; cixir, ltns brcn recently rvlitleil, The Uooms in I new ly curj.i'lC'l. Tlie l'lirniinri mm llvils are tttprrb, -Ihl III- 11. ill,- rif i:ii.iir':ii.! ill. T.wi.cit s i'ui.i'.i'.iia ti:d sai.ouNs Anf; C'iN vi-cri n with thh hoi Ft.. IT.'e is cni't iiliiitt d ult llie ci'imorls ill' a liorae, Willi Ills lunuiirs nill enlace THU SI'I.KNL'I!) LADIES' !r.I.CK Coinni.iiifls nn. I u;iei;u:.lled vikv.' ni'' MliMliwir, TUP. I N TT.lt N A TIO.NAI. is llie most centrnl nl' any ol' l lie fi si i'I.ifh I lululs fi t liu&i. less . or p;-n-i s hi nuiiis- iiii nt, ninl t'U'ris n,:Hiir a.-si'il m. vuiitiiiji-a 1 1 1'miiiius :ii.i! fnlli iiiii vis-iliiig .cv York. Ai.i r.in FnuaxiAM, IVopricUir. New Yolk. July 3, IsjS ly Agricultuvr.l Waro Lo'aBC and Sosd Store, No. 21 (Did 2.1 .Smith fiii street, httirren Mar la and Clitsnut stretts, l'liiladeljdiiu. 33 always open to ihe inspection of every one iu'.i rested in Farming or Gaidenimj, The subscriber!) iheivforc invite Ihe public generally to call im I examine the large ond well selected rtocH uf Agricultural Implements and Machinery, great variety of Horlii ult irul tools. Warranted Garden nml Flower Seeds Grsss and Field Seeds of the must Reliable Quality, which they idler for euIc ut tho lowist cash ptices, wholesale or retail. , The tigriciilltiral implements s.ibl by us nr.? mostly manufactured at our steam works, i lliii'lol, l a. Having fitted up litis establishment without recud lo etj cur,!', with ihe must (niuplelo ma ihiiiery fir the jnnuuf.u lure of various kinds ol ngriculiurnl iiitph nn nis, we lire prepared to sup ply ull articles in litis line uf the very best quality. LaiiJielh's Wan inted Garden Seed-, have been be fine Ihe public for upwaids of sixty years ; ihiir wide-sjiuad topulufllv and tho increasing demand from year to year nro the best evidence uf their superiority over ull others, I if' CiiuMiy iHC.'chonts cun be supplied wilh seeds in pajirs, or in bulk, on the most liberal terms. lSlo.irnid.ilo, near Hiislol, Pa., our garden seed grounds, contain three hundred nnd seventy a. res, and is ihe largest establishment of it I in J in the world. D. LAN LI1ET1I it SDN, Nos. I and !i: South Sixth St., Philadelphia. Lamlrelh's Jtural Itcgister and Almanac for 1858, containing a monthly Calender fur the Farm, Cmdci und Greenluusc, on he uau umatis upon personal or p'epuid a plication. Fliiiadilphia, May 22d, 1858. l"i'io'esi!e and liittiil Deuhr in r-OREIOlNT c DOMESTIC VIITZO A1TD LIQ-UTCP.S, Mill strut, ("us side) North Ihniv'dle, 1'ti. fjpiIE undeisigned would respectfully announce to their friend and the pubiie. generally, nun nicy nave purchased a very extensive slock of Wines and Liquor direel from the Custom House, which they offer to tho trade nt Philadel phia rices thereby saving freight Ac. JOHN W. SHERIFF, J. S. HALL, Danville, June 19, ia"8. if. KCELIT, EJ.OWN & I70BLIT, Cnbluct UlaUtrs' EicttUug More AND IiEDDING WAKE-RnoMa, Having 1!K M O V E D to the new In n Front Warehouse, No, 223 fiouih Second Street, below Dock. West bide, PUILLDELPHIA. "V O W offer to ther customer! and the public ' generally, a risw and lull assortment of C All I NET HARDWARE & MATERIAL8. They invite the atleiyion of he trade to their stock of Huir Sealing and Curled Hair, of their their own manufacture ; Also to a full assort ment of BEDDING AND LPUOLSTEUY. Philadelphia, July 3, 1668. ly i (JURE CIDEH VLNEGAK, , . , a- JU KI, CIDER VINEGAR, PURE CLDKR VLEGAK, v,.v. , By the quart, gallon aud barrel, for sals by M. V. GEARIIART. Sunbury, JHiIy SI, 1808. 1857. TALL & WINTER GOODS! 1858' FANCY DRY GOOD STOUE : . Kaj-ket Quorc, ttmbnry. TVTOW received nnd will conlinuo to receive the largest and best selected Stock rif filack Cloths, Casslnicre, CoaxintUn and ' Venting, frc. An nssortment of Drcse Goods, viti Fnney printed Calicos, Chillies, printed Lnwne, T)e Lain Bareges, Merinos, Cashmeres, Alaparns, Preiv fc-ilks, Ginghams, cVr; 1 ' . LINEN' AND WIIITn GOODS.' ' Irish Linen, bleached and brown Drilliii(, Sheet 1 ing, i'illowcaseing, & e. Dross Trimmings in Great Variotyi Moots nnd Shoe lints ant! Cap. , Ilardwnrr, , Cedarware, Groceries, , Uuf etlsware SALT and fIRH, Cheese, Crnrkera, Kegars, Tobacco, Snuff, Ac., nn nssorsment of other Goods too tedious to mention. Feeling grateful fur past favor we beg leave to n-r-'-e our old friends nnd tho public that no erl,'. ?n our part shall be wanting to merit a coi.-. nuance of our pntronnge. i country produce taken in exchange at the highest market price. P. W.GIUY. Nunhury, Dec. 12 1RB7. tf 01 I.ANCASTIUt Ciiv. late of Phihdelpliin, where he jits lii-en in ru c-esMuI prurtiee far n miinhcr of years, reeeivrd Ins ednertti"!! it the heat Medical I'i'llepe in llie United Stmt-, niul had the cVpettenee nnd practn-e in the dilf-'iei.t UtiypiUlB fur m-vend yenr, n ineiiibrr of tin Analvttcni Medienl lnlililtr ff ISi-w oik, und hitc Mulie-d SniKeon of the I'mi'd State Nnvy, imw nfl'ers himself to the pubiie toatfi ntlaiiy prt'lfsuitmal enlls. 'riiepmes' tnedicin nlwnin bund direct from the heat lib'itntiirie ol our r -nntry.nnd the H 'tnnicnl Gai drnf)f the world. No patent medieine pii-rcrihcil m te cninmemlcd. Medicinet Uried"iily which will not hreik down tin' rnnuiuiinii. but will te: vnln llie pyntcin ftotn all ii-jnrie it hiiB FUHUiuied lr-Mn ttiineral medicines, (. tin. uifMii'd d.ifictitt i1ie:ife? tuuft bo treat! upon antdytienl priiicint'.'B, which if to ktmw nmi nn eerudn what dicane m lis nature nnd chnr.i.-ter tifpiire n Vivwhilee ol the ehemn id eonPtttiientE of every -iid ami llntd nf the Imman l)iclv; lift chui'Sfrt those buha ninl ilnula are rapnltle nf uieb'iiroinfj;. 'I'd know wliat inedi'-mt s to employ to cure difJcaM-H rupitre a knowledge nf the cbemical emiM it dents of nil npentn einplnj ed in medieine nnd if we are in pog- I sePHtui of thif kiii'Wldi!je, it if pi'fiibie tocuiu any dis ape j ii( i matter of Imw lontj utaiMbnc and leave the patient j in ii hefllrhy and perfectly cured enndiiii'ii. Melancholy,' Aheri!'u; m (hat ftate of nlicpntinn nnd WeaineRtxn( iht mind which renders persons iueapabV of enjoy in:: the plrriMin s or performinr: tlie duties of In-: I s pepfin ; that distressing dinenfe ami fell deslroyer of health and happitu FS, iiii(b'fiuminir the constitution, nnd yearly earn ini tliotn-atirh- to tintimrly craves, can most emphati cally be cured. It tieiiinot icrii, in nuy form or condition, chrtinic or ncii'e, warranted eurnble; Kpilrpry nr fallinii picliiieFs; a I chronic and stubborn rases of Female I)i seuM'B radically removed ; Salt IJheuin, lind every d( scrip lion of ulceration. Piles and Scrofulous PisenM-s. which have ballled nil previous medical pkill can Ve rurrd l y my IrefTtinnit, wImu the constitution in n t exhnutetl. 1 do fay I'M dirriirp (yrs, I VuKimipIion; can le cureu. I s?Caucer cured without the knife. I wdl leninip nt my nlfiee mi Wrrn';Fj;u7 nnd FATrtt iiav. fi.uri PnVl-rkA. M . to 3 P M . lo nccminnHlute patii-tiis Kom distance. iiimI cnnwlt in the Kiii!hsh nnd tierman laueuat-p Will make vin'uti to any fli-itnuee if ie(;uired. May e ndditCEed by Idler, r ullon Squnie, I.anea.-ler c.ly, Pa. V. It. WHlTMOI,M.n. June.';. 1; Hm EUKBUEY SIEAM I'EIUtY AND TOWIKG BOAT COMPAIIY. OpiRAYELLEUS and otliers nre respectfully infirined lliat tlie subscriber has established a STEAM FEKRY over t!m Sueciuehaniia, nt Sunbuiy. That a large, safe nnd commodious steamboat will run regularly and promptly, nt all hours during the day, In carry fool passengers as well as vehicles, Ac, between Sunbury and the landing on llie opposite side nf iho river, huih ways, or to nnd from SuiiWirv. The steamboat wiil run from Market Slrett Wharf, and will carry pasfcncrs to ami from tho Packet morning and evening. The Steam Ferry now nlVords not only a safe nnd convenient transit over llio Sus- iiuchaunu, but also a pleasant nnd agreeable ride. IRA T. CLEMENT, Fropriaor. Axnni w- II iovi.it, Cap.oin. SuriUny, May 1, 1858. NOTICE. A I.L persons indebted to James Ceard, late Proihunntary of N'oithumberhind county, for fees, eve., are requested to make immediate pay ment, and thus save cost and further trouble, as all aecoouts remaining unpaid will he placed in the hands of a Justn-o lor collection. Payments can be made either lo the subscriber or to J. S. Heard, at his oliice. JAMES EEARD. Sunbury, March 27, 1R58 tf Wliok'Mtir liroccrj'. z ICXJaNTKETJ Opposite the Pennsj Ivania Rail Road DepoS II AKI1IS11LRG, PA. jZ" EEP a huge stock nf the following named a. articles, nnd will sell cheaper than any otlur house tin tide of Philadelphia. Call and see price of Coder, Sugar, J.nrd oil, Fish, Fish oil, .Tar, Kosin, Pitch, 'Pea, Spices, Tobacco, Cigars, Vinegar, Cheesr, Silt, Hams, Shoulders, Flour, Fluid, Oakum Kobe, Calcined Pl.n-ter Soap, Cundles A c. IV. O. Molasses. S. 11. Molasses, Si rups. Also, Cement, f-'ufely Fuse, Crow liars, Sledges, Iron and Nails, for irule nt very tmiill profits, July H, 'S."8. ly TLJilL.rX.OAV. CHANGE OP HOURS. ON ANU A t-"1 Kit MONDAY, July 3, l-.. llio ilown luiniiii.g I'.is; 1'iiger Uniii will K-ave t'oitbvilb uio-lo A. pasking Kfiiiling III U.01 A.M.,uiut uirivilig ht 1'hil.idchilna nt 1H 'J.i. lioini. The iluwil Aiti lli'Hiii Tlniii will If.ive l'.iltsviile nt 3 GO I. M., piisvini! It eailiug ul H. Uo, und urrivmg m I'liilauel. piiia ut 7.411, i. M iMoiiiiiiir mid Arternooa rassniieei Tniins leave t'iiila ile'pliia ut nun hours ns lieri tiiliire, T.IHI A. M. unil V 1'. M , pusstng lteailingut In.lia A. M. und li.Ui 1'. Al. I.IIIIAXON VAI.I.UY BllANCH. rasieilger Train leaves Heading at 111,118 A. M , (ni'tei arnvul ol Down und L'p Morning I'nsscnurr 'I'niin isini l'oisvd:e und Philut'rlpliio,) und unives ul llurrislturi; at 1'J.aa iwsai, in tune to connect Willi Pusseuirvr 'J'ui.ns ior siiniluiry, W'llliainsjwirt, lUitnra, Piltsliiirg, Luainlii-rslnin, Uiiltiitiore und Irfimuster. Itelliriiinir, Uuvts iiuirislilils ut V M ,iifter uirivul of I'listeiirer 'J'ruini ironi ull ulmve pomis, mid arrives nt HeuUlng ul in lime lo connect Willi 1'iiBml Down I'lisseiifler 'J-iiliiui lo 1'olls- Viaeund I Itlluilelnlua, the bailie eventilfli. O. A. NICOI.I.9. 1 liicine tr and siiipvniiteiulcut. July 17, ISjS. tf 6TO E. ViISSLOITSA SHISSLER, respectfully in 1 form the citizen of Trevorton and sur rounding county, that sho has opened a new store nf Millinery and Fancy Goods, at Trevor ton in Shainokin street, nearly opposite Knouse's Tavern, where all kinds of Bonnets and Fancy Goods can be had at the lowest terms. Drcsi milking also attended to in (he best manner and latest style. April 25, 1858. tf foa SALE OR HEWS. 'DM!!' large double frame house in the 15 or ouch of Northumberland, belonging to Ihe estate of C. II. Kay, ilecensed. I hi u a very desirable residence, beautifully situated on the North Di inch of the Susquehanna, wilh a large garden, Carriage House, liable 6Vc., belonging to it. Terms uiuderate. Enquire of C. W. ScaU,if, W illiamsport, or D. urauligain, peri., N orlhum bcrlund. ... ..... March 87, 1B58. ' tl -i , . , ,. ; FOE EE3STT. riIIE Store Room in Market a'reet, formerly Jt occupied by P. W. Gray. -Vpply to tiieei eculors of II. Maaser, deceased. , April 17 I8M. ..... . PATCHOULY, JOCKEY CLUB, 8P1U.NU FLOW EES. Ac, of the .trast quality j a fresh aupplyjuat received aud for ante at the Drug fctore of " ' A. W. TISHEH. , fianbury, July 17, J8S8.; ; ,: ID ERE OLIVE OIL for lahre sr-4vr. ' at 371 d C1 cenll-Just Fecelve d-TiV t A. W. FISHER, Ju'.j 17, '5S. ; HERRING'S SAFE. , A(iA!N THE Vi'&txJl ' OliAMPION I 1 ?7a' ;?-v y; ! Tim nnv HrIm which, in v?rv :,'.' ' nil,'1"?! lnritniirM. tirpssrvfl tlieif aii Miitmji il fir0 rof.tenU in thfl Uta ti i.r il i.n.i.a na. At the burning of the A rti. art Buildings, April Ifith, and in the GKHAT 11 UK in Market street, May Ut, 18&0, the gontiine ; ! " lIEfclUN'U SAFE1 rrtSTrved the .leweliy of Geo. W. Himotn A Uro.i Hooks, Papers, rVe., of Fisher & Bro.,and Kdward Seaman, eV. Co., after remaining ex pocd in the buriiiog ruins fur nearly FOKTY H'UHtS, and proving conclusively what we have nlvraya claimed lor them, Til 12 1 It GRP.AT SUPERIOIilTy over all seeur'uies now known. In these fires, THU IILUKIN'G'S SAFE, slumling side by side with those advertised as "warranted to stand 10 percent, more fire thnn Herring's," came forth the ACKNOWLEDGED VIOToH, nnt only preserving their contents in F.XCEI.i KNT order, hut being in themselves in a condition to go through another urdeul, while the boasted ' Salamanders" of other ma kers were badly used up in every instance, and in some cases their entire content completely destroyed. To tho public ho would simply say, that, du ring tho fourteen vcars tho II EltRlNG'S 8AFF. has been before them, r'ore than two hundred have passed through accidental fires without the occurrence of a single loss We would, therefore, CAUTION purchasers against the misrepresentation of interested par ti.s. The. VIKKKING'S PATENT is the only FIRE PKOOF SAFE mado in this city, which is protected by a PATENT RIGHT, nnd we will guarantee it lo resist more then double the amount ol heat of nuy other bafa now known riirri l, lien tii & Co., Sole Manufacturers ;n this State of "Ilerring's Patent Champion SafeB." Ill trifW7., l'hiUnla. CP "Evans A. Wotrrm's Improved Snlaman ders." "Oliver K vans'." "C. S. Gavler's," nnd "Scott's Ahsctos." Iron Chests, (a large nssort mciit hnvintr been taken in part payment for "Herring ) will '-e sold at low prices, Philadelphia, July 10, lS.'.H ly VALUABLE KEAL ESTATE oriTltK!) AT PKIVATE GALE. rrnilK subseitber oilers at private sale, a cer jj tit i it lot or piece of land, situate in Lower Augusta township, Northumberland county about 8 milcn below Sunbury, bounded on the west by the river Susiiuehanna, on the south by land ol Georrc r-ciler.on the east by land ol Wm. Kroh. ond on the north by land of Win I!. Jones, criiitiiliiing H Acres and 18 perches nil ot which is cleared and in a very high state of cultivation. Tho Northern Central bail Road nassca ihrourih the trnct. nnd is also bound on the est bv the Main Uoud Icadm from Sunbrrv to Hairisbnrg. which together, with the River upon tho west, and the fertility of Ihe soil makes it a very pleasant and desira ble situation. ALSO; another rrrtain Tract of Land, situate in said township, adjoining- lands of William Kroh, nn Ihe south, Ihe luiirs nf Robert nnd Ar thur A uchmuty ; on the east Wm. V. Silver wooil, nml a public road on iho north, and Win .1!. Jones on the west, containing '.'H Acres 121 perches slrict measure, ylbout 50 acres of which nie chared, nnd ill a high slate of cultivation nnd the residue most excellent land for cultiva tion, but is how covered with excellent timber, and if purchase,!! soon, the purrhascr can get a largo quantity of Railroad Ties nn the same. This tract is also well watered, having several line springs upon it, and every held can lie wa tered theiebv. An indisputable title will be given nnd terms of sale reasonable. WILLIAM Ii. JONES. Lower Augusta tp., January 2, 1857. if FXVXBREJ HOUSE, Forinei!)' Kiion'B Hotel,) M'.WllIi'KO, I'XIOX CO., VX. R. lUVlTA J Vron Mor. fl'IM? nie of the larcut nnd Irtt hirmf-hed Hotels n 1 the WeMt lh:n;ch. It is ioeuird pi t!;e lui?it:eu pr.rt of the ttwn, (it lieins only H' td in Market S'piare ) The proiii't,r li itetrunm dt lo ine every exeition to Iimke hilt linn- one of t;m heat in t.ie ri'ile ; a.ul it i fl'erH tarp tndiK'i infills tor p'iF.-iiH wh tp'-nd a dint time iti iMieof Ihe HMst pleaxmii towns jn ceulrjl I'cunnylvaiiiu. t:h:ir;o vet in 'livr U e. I.ewithuiL, Jurn.'. .ii, COKE OKE! COME ALL!! LEARN THE LIST T)F PRICES AT THE People's One Price Store. E. Y. IJUIUIIT & SON, .vr.v.r:. ", 'A, HAVE received their large and choice Heel ed slock of IT EW GO 0 23, Composed nf an endless variety, and lo which they respectfully invito the attention of the puli lic feeling assured that their largo nSsnrlincut and great vaiiely of nil kind of Goods combined with llio exceedingly low p'iecs which they nre determined to sell at, will render entiio satisfac tion. "ST COUNTRY PRODUCE wanted in ex change nt the very highest maikct price. June 5, IS58.' r? A Tf.'rfrD'?! yt. n-r.t frf, r. rn ;p-r? lb .u. 'vy i oia a 1 jj id'-u u ig vii j Market Street. Sunbary Pa. ''fiIK subsr liber rpspectfully informs tho citi - zens of Sunbury, and the public generally, that he has purchased, nnd will take possession in the u'.ioie well known slam! on the 1st of April next, formerly kept by Mrs. Thompson. That ho will put the same in complete repair. In addition he will provide a conveyance to curry passengers to and from Ihe dille.renl Railroad de pots, and will leave no el1rts untried to render his hotel a desirable slopping place for guests and traveler. JOHN LEI.-sKR, February 20, 1 858. r.irtiifin I.ooti to Your fntoient. LIME i LIME II 111 E eudscriher respectfully inform the far JT mers nml the public generally, that ho has leased the lime kiln of Ira T. Clement in Sun bury, and that he bus nlway ou bund, and is ready to si'pply a good quality of lime to allwho may want for building or farming pnrpofes. Uehn also a kiln at Kcel'cr'a crossings mile from Sunbury, or two from Snvdcrtown. IV All kind of Country Produce taken in exchange. GEO. W. STEOH. Sunbury, Dec. SB, IS57. GEORGE IIILL, ATTOP.1TEY AT LAY, tiUlNrXJTJItr, 3?A.. RESPECTFULLY inform the public and In mend generally, that he has removed to i-iuuhury, and hn opened a law oliice at hi residence, in Market square. Hi acquaintance with the English and German enables him to transact business in both language. April 10, t58 ly SADELKY AND HAHIIESS MAKING. rMl K sul scrilier respectfully inform the cili--"- -en of Konbury and vicinity that they have aommriice. the bove business a few doomcbove tho Post Oliice, - Market Square, Sunbury, Pa. Woik of all kin J In their line of business will be dune promptly and neatly en the most rea sonable term. CLEMEKT & OYSTER. , Februaty 13,1858. : '- HENRY donnel, ATTORNEY AT LAV7, . . .. OJlce opposit thi Court House, ;t : SunburyNorthnmberland County Ta. Prompt attenliun to buaineaa in adjviiniiijj PamfJca,-: - TIsbfng Tao-lle. Re4 Cart, Uraa',- Con ton and l.iaer LierOut Line, Hee Grass by the yard, finood, Flie Kirby, Limaikk and Caxlitlo lUwVai liodcy Acv, foeeal bv Jxiiy 17,'fin. a. w. rrsircn. .'1 i , " " ' '! J.I ! . ; . t , . . . Inlh,EJaulfljeii I i. l v e r n q l o n a e d , lV ft-iVi t il k'- HOLLOWAY 'S PILLS To MitTeT the pntns nnd pnnUieS of sieknes wlien the certniit means ot cure nte ncrcs?ii)le to nil, is positiv mmlness. The vriji'toblr remedy, actiiif; powerfully upon 1 the oniiFcsof dimitue In all the fluids, nerves, nnd tissues of the Irody, rxdel the morbid nnd poisonous mutter from lis larking p lures in the s-i-teni. eleaara nnd purify every wretlon, rebuild the shartered eonntituti"ii rentore (he vigor and vinhly nt Ihe puteehleu frmne, ond tend to pro nig me mi neyourt it mitiuniy limis. MILLIONS rtKl.Y ON Til KM ! In eA'ery quarter of the irlobe, nmotiff ll nations, civil ized nnd savage theRe Pill nie used with epuil nnd unva rymrr ni.'feFs. They nre ndvrrtieed in every printed Inn euaprt, nnd whereevr commerbe line penetrated, they are ui eoniinunl dtmmd. ALL INTKUMAL D I SI? AST? Vifld to their netiiHl. Tjvi.ntrti.!i- IJvr r'umnl'tlHt. A feet mm of the Howeis.. the Kidneys, the Nerves, the Lungs, the Throat nnd the nrain, that have previously ddVd nil human skill imd nil other reuiedien. me expedi- of uousi) nmliulolihly rnred bvtliifi tdl-e'innueriiiir medicine IK 1 1) I.Y IMtOSI-ll ATtliV When the nnlii'ittic nrn rfttil n, tU Um An- of feehleuenn, they may be recuperated Iit the reBtsileis iMiti; auu uiitrriiniive properties o iintiownvTs Tillt, FCMAI.raop ALL AttKS. fron whatever vnrielv of th nilmfnia ncnnim. r,-i. Be they may be untT-rinn, may rely with entire cmifidenre on the eX et of this Strenytliiug, reviving, Fafe and iin- liieiiiaie- renieuv. lloljoway's JHlh nre th best remeihf known ii? me woi tttjor the Joiiowxnrf ai.tea.tf: Afithmn, Fever and Atom Stone run I Gravel iiowei uompw.nis I- em-iie (Jotnuluints Sec,.ndai v Svnm- Co'iirhs IIchI Ifll- U:il Cli't riisensss IVstiveiieRS llysi'iihin tlturhn'a Urojisy !ndi;;tKtioi inward eaknePS Liver Comnhintri Infiucnzn inflamniatinn Venereal Afld'imi Wotins, of nil itiuds I.ownBS of Spirits l (ICS fcT CAbTION ! Xtnte nrs genuine tln'eps tlie words "ll"llowny. New York nml Isinilini," nre. ilifsrrnilile in ns n w.Hi'r-niutk in every leal nl' tlm lunk nf ilireelions iir-innil etii-li pot or If'X ; tlie siilne innv lie pl.iinlv S'-imi liy ll 'liluiir llie li'iil to the huht A liriniisonie rew'rinl will lie piven to any one rciirtcring such inforiniilioit its ni"y li'ild lo tlie delect ion ot'iniv pnrly ol parties colinli'rfeilti'n tin nicilit'iiies or V!'inlni5 l!ie siilny, knowing tleaii lobe sp'irions. . Sold nt tlis Miiiinfiirlnrtcs of rrnf"snT trol.r.oWAV tl Alaiilrn liu, .New York, nml 'Jll Pinimt. Itulnn, l.y n'l rt'stiel!i'ilt' llrii'.'gislf nml Ivalers in Meilicine tlirongh out llie t'liitetl Stati-n, nml the mvilized worlil, in bo.xcs, nt li.i cents. G'JJ cents, tmd l i-acli. tV Tiiereis a consideralile saving by taking llie kirgsr BI7.IS N. H Tlireelioii. fur llie iruiillllice of patients in every ilis inler nre niTixnt In each box. Oi t.il.er 17, IS'i? Itea T 11 E unilersicncd having. received a large and well selected stock of E'tii c Orsis and ( IspmlcnN, Dyestnfi"-', Oil'. Paints, Glass nnd Putty, is now ready In fill orders it n moment notice. In coiineciion with the above you will find an assortment of Fancy Notions, Toilet r'icles nml Perfumery of nil kinds. Tooth, Hair, Nail and Chillies 11 rushes of every Varielv. " Customer will find bis slin k complete com prising many nitidis it is impossible, heio to eunmt rnto EEMEMIiER the place, next Joor to the Peo ple's One Price Store. Physicians' Prcciiptions compounded accurate ly and carefully. A. V?. FCIIER. uubu:v. July 17, IS"R. FUEIIITUHE ! FUftNlTURE ! ! THE LARGEST STOCK EVER OFFERED IN SUNBURY. Fatltluaak;e, ticaj and C'stftil rjMIE subscriber, long established ns a Cabinet - nnd (;inwr Mauufaclurcr in Snnbnry, thank ful for past favors, solicits n continuance of the public, patronage. His slock of Cabinet-Ware, Chairs, ec., embraces i;Vlll V VAMIMV, IS 11 Ft L A D ORXA .lir.MTAt. in housekeeping. It is unnecessary to eiiume rate, ns any thing that in ny be required in his lino can be had at moderate prices. Cheap for Cash, or Country Produce taken in exchange. Estiilililitiiiut .Smith iC'i.st Corner of Miirlet Stjuare. rV" Those knowing themselves indebted to the subsciiber would oldiga him by making pay ment. KF.mSTIAN IIAUPT. Siinbjrv, April -1, 157. if f MSnMr J. r U si WIIOI.F.SAI.H AMI HfTAlt Grocery, Wins tied Liquor Store, y. i. ror. l'almd nnd Water Streets, PHILA DELTIIIA, DEALERS nnd families will be promptly supplied nl the lowest prices. OcloU-r ). I85G. tl EucicUo und Ilaiut-ta Maker; HENRY HATJPT, JR EESY'EC IT I I.L i informs lbe citizens of Sunlmry and the pub L -'. 'a rr.ilijtrillll.' tllllt llfl llltri ttaLln .v ....... .-- ' 'Wii tlie sliop occupieil liy I. right and Deck, ene door east ot S. Foupt's Cabinet Ma ker shop where he is prepared to turn out work in his line of business equal to any made in this section of the country. Orders promptly execu ted ami all kinds nf produce taken in Exchange Sunbury, March 20, 1858. ly J W A S II 1 In G T O N HOUSE f w. ,l OVEltT, rroprietor. EUNBUE.', 1?A-, 'TMIE proptietor respectfully inform hi friends and Ihe public generally, that he is repairing aud renovating Ihe Washington House," so a to entertain both transient and permanent isitors in a suitable and comfortable manner. Thankful lor the patronage extended to Lis father, he respectfully solicits the continuance of the same, lie w ill lake charge ol the "Wash ington House" on the first day of April, next. He will have nn Omnibus running to ihe different Railroad Depot for the accommodation of Passengers, free of charge. W. A. COVEfcT. Punbury, March 20, 1858, IIHiriCTl UlU HI J O II 0,HIMI)& S O S . riHE oldest Electro Plater in tho United Slates, -- manufacture of every variety of Good plated with pure silver, Albata, Urittauia and Steele Tea Sett, Urn, Waiter. Caster. Cuke Bas kets, Pitchers, (ioblet, Communion rcrvice. Spoons, Forks. Knive, Ac. Alt good warrant ed a lepresentcd. North East coiner Dth and Chesnut street. Philadelphia, I'enna. Mny 8, 158. ly , . P. MELAITCHTON SHINDEL, Ji'STH i; nv thi: ifc;.icc, - BTJISTBTTRTT, IA. Ojfce in Veer Street, immediately opposite the , .' ." Pulllc School Jlouse. All businer, promptly attended to. Monie collected and all ordinary writings done. Sunbury, April 25. 1857. tf , RUSH ONQ'8 Ac 80N8' Superior Burring Fluid, fur tale at FIHIER'S Drug ard Chemical Emperinm. ' funbury July 17, 1858. i- ' 1 STOVES-' ' OU SLE U au eicAdjAUit eai jj-hanj CH'k -ianf iSlni,, ala.iMvral , ilylgid! Oo '. anutre nt ttil nllice. 1ST" pi'RE fONCENTUVI'EU LYE OK S.i- X l O.MUKR, lor aala at FISHER S Drug e. Prica 3D ct. Store jVCAaMTTFAOTTTKlI WiOF FURNITURE AND C 1JIA1RB Ot tlie most PachioriaMe , tftyle. Solan, DIibdh ami l.n rit;rit Bureaus, Secretaries, Sidel 'wards,' . i SOFA, IIRIIAKFAST AND I)ISL8 , TABLES and also VBiNETIAN BLINDS, qu T to Plula j ileljihia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every -pattern ' pric . CUPDOAKDS. WOP.K AND C 1NDLK. STANDS', TOILET TABLES'. AND EXTENSION TABLE! t, In short, every article in thi line of hi bUsinesa HHE nhseriber respectfully call tin aftentici - of tli public to hi large and senilid an-" ortmcnt of every quality and prica of which cannot fail to reeomiTi ?nd itBelfto rrery enr" who will examine it, nn on ount of jt-durable vrnrkmnnship and ilcndid fuii''h, mai up of the' i . i. . i . . , : ... : c. -m... ; - s Mem. iiniK to no nan in me f.ny. a v omn ir pared in the manufacture of lit war. and the ' aubscriher is determined to kcei1 up vvilh the many improvements which are constant 'y a ma" made. He also manufacture all kinds anidqnn litif ' CTIAIUS. ncluiling varieties never before to l e had tr Bunbury, audi n Mahobant, Bi.ac Walct' anii Ci iii.kii Matie GnilCIASC j AMI WlJ!tlSil CHAIRS, ash user Piano Stool, which are of the latest siyles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscriber is determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, ns every confidence can be entertained about the quality and finish of his ware and ( "lairs. These articles will be dipnscd of on a good term as tliey can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try p'odnce taken in payment for work. UNDERTAKING. .-Having provided a haTidsnme llr.Aasr., he is now prepared for L'mlertakiiig, and attending funerals, in thi vi cinity, or at any convenient distance frera thi place . The Wore Eoom is ifi Fawn Strcot.be low Weaver's Hotel. lie has also purchased the ripht of manufac turing and selling in Northumberland connly. Gould's patent Exeelsoir Spring lied, which Le will furnish nt rrasimnble rater. Springs put in old bedstead for three dollars. Is.iAtj M. WILKERSON. Sunbury, April 18, 1857. if. LANCASTER G'GLIirHY F OS SALE It!itoi Sitjjl to Cu-.il Opej-aJois. rp!!n iiiidcr-igned Lessees nf the "Lancaster Colliery," near Shamnkiii, Noithumber'.snd roiint", Pemisvlvania, wi-bing to retire. from Ilia buiiniss, offer for sale the Lease and Fixture of said ( 'nlliery. nn sntistuctoiy terms. This Colliery has been in operation since 1851, and has been si'ccc-ltil bevornl cxpecliitioii. The Coal is a superior articles for all Uses lo which Anthracite isnpplied, and a good market has been es:ah'is!ir il. which can bit ri.in !i titi ndi d. 'J'ha Breaker and I'lxlutes nre id the very be.t elur aelcr and will recommend tliemsclvis to pcrsun acquainted with the business. The Lease runs lo Janiimy 1, 180-4, anil is ai favorable one for the opepilor. For further iiiforimiiinii apply st tl.e Colliery in person, or by loiter to Mi.nnokjn, P. O., Nor thumberland coitiitv, Pet:ns Irauia. CtiCHRAN, PEAI.E A CO. February f, 1S5 tf VALUABLE P EGPEltTY TOE AE. fJHE stibni ribers, Excrnlor of the cilate o B. Henry .Marier, dec'ih, oiler at private slo the following prupl-rt vis : A large two story' flume dwelling hoiifc, together with n'mul f.o cnr.Es OF LSN'D, Situate in Lower Augusta township adjnininir lamia of Daniel Kauftn.iu nn.l nilurs now in th,i oceupaiuy of John 1!. Kauhnan as n slare und ilwcllin-jr. 'i'h? house is new und the locution n good one for hiisiurvs. Also aTRAC'l' ttr LIMSsTONF L AND, in mid township on the river about 5 milts be low .Suiibu.y, adjoining lands ol .1. T. M'l'liers,,,, and others, coiiiniuiui:, about ail actes. Tin soil is prmliii.tive and contain liinesk.iie si.d other mineral.. Also a tract iff T.nud, co'i.iu::iy abort l!1 acres on tlie hill, nb-i'it two miles beb.w .-s'lMthuic, adj. lining hinds ol the hiiis of ihe late Jo'.m Cnnriid and others. There is, on this tract a small orchard of choice fruit. For further particulars apply to the suhs-eribei. II. II. MASNl'.li, ) P. B. MASStlR. SExeculera. FRAN't'iy 11 UCIIEft. ) Sunbury, January 10, 1 -5G tf ATi OLD PENS wilh nd without cases, of a J3 very superior quality, just received. Also a fresh supply of Writing Fluid, for snle 'y II. Ii. MASSES. Siinburv. Dee. 27. IK.'fi- WIlOI.ISAL AXUI Kr.TAIl. BOOT STORE, cviMf.'i J-'.turth S.t, alove Cuesnnt, I'l.iic, 10 S JSOOTS, shoes. Gaiter. .Vc., prompt! Lai J t'' order in the very ben style, ai:i y undo d Of th bet material. Philadeldiiu, May 9, 1 S57. DAJi VILLE HOTEL. JOHN IDEEaNT, JR., -1(ir,cf .S.Ve-i'f, Dnnrille, 'I'j's i ono of the largest and most coniino 1 dinus hotels in the interior of Pennalvania it has been leeentl lilted up, in excellent siie, with all ihe modern convenience, ebiiivilled, tpt. 22, 1855. VniTrTriToiisij hotel. POTT.SVILLE, PA. 'J'IIE subscriber respectfully annonnce to hi - old friends nml the public, that he ha taken thiit elu and weH known rtta'ilishr.icut, the White Horso ITotcl. At the corner ot Centre arvl Mahantogo st., in the Borough of Pottsviiie. The bouse hn rr cently been very much enlarged nil:! otl.erwiio improved, rendering it quite as Comfortable a any other Hotel in .Schuylkill comity while the stable nro large, in good condition, nud nt-' tend by careful, attentive, prudent hostlers. To travellers and others who may stop at Ins house, he promises every attention calculated lu render thnn comfortable and satisfied. JOS. M. FEGEIJ. April 5, IS.-.f.- tf NET CASH E"vV GOODS HOUSE. 1858. NEW STUCK OF FALL GOODS. 1858 EYRE eV LAN DELL. Fourth and Arch Sl rent u PI, il.,lul,.l, t !,..; v. I , , . ,i, ,,ilr unity ive a fine Stock of Fall Dry Goods, ruited to Jfenr Trade. receive the Illaek Silks nf oil grade. Fashionable Fancy Silk. rdiawls ol all lue newest aiyle. Dros GoihIs, in full variety. Staple (Soot!, in large stock. Fancy Cumim.-re Cloth 'etngs. Blankets, Quilts, Linen Damask, &c. N. It. Goisi Uurgaiu daily recrivud from Now York aid JTiiUdilphi Auction Sales. Cj." 'J'km Nut Cash, id Fuii i: Lov.-. : beptcmber 4, Ibis. 3in.w3. 15L.VNK Purchmem Taper Deeil nnd blank A Mortgage, Bom's, Execution. Summons, ore, tur tmle b 11. 11. MAS! Kunbur .April 23, 1R58 sLri. pOK'P MU.1AII8, Tooth and Iluir llruha all qualitit", and any qvianti fur ale by ' ''.- A. V. ITfUEK. Ju!y .1 T, '58. . HiATNT BIUTTAN1A STOrPEES To i . bar Itullluf f.a- ale by H. B MASSEU. ...Bunhurj', July 19, lS.'.tJ. TfindM'i'S 'and rtreinia' Fsst'iiea ol Uwgat iid L"!!1.' Vs..wt - JWy II, -58. FISH Ell's. r ... 1