""" AERIYAL OP'THE PEESIA iTNBW YORK. tOVB. DATS LATER FROM KCROP. Tho K. M. steamship Pen it. from Liver pool en tho 16lli inst., arrived at New York yesterday trmrninir. , ,. . Atlantio telegrtpb ttock hat declined to 340 370. The offirer and crew of the bnrnt steamer .Austria published t esrd in the Liverpool pa per", cUiminn that they did everything pnrai. Ltt dttrinir the calamity, and that tbe caplum did tha same. .... 1 It it ant-gcuted an the basu of the mile nrrtortlif I'illiculiy between Franca and Portncul. that ibe lut:er shell give op the ship Charles Uonrjr.s, nn condition that the French war vessele previoitjlt withdraw from the Trgis. and return to rraacj so aa 10 avoid the nrpenrance of compulsion. The discounti of the Bank of Prince. ni. tin the tnoalh, increased opward of a million and a qurter Ftorlinjr. Tim panic prevailing on tie Vienna change If on-intx to the fears of speculators of an ap proaching resumption of cash pajniPtits tt' Ibe Hunk. It in roport'd tliet Anuria will df msnd ex plorations from the Pope retpectinc Ibe aog mentation of the French force at Rome. The assassination of ibe French and Spa nish Consuls at Tetuaa. Morocco, created jrrfdt excitemen. Immediate meafarea were contemplated for satisfaction. It wet rumor d that two French eliips. recently tent to Lisbon, would proceed to Tetoan forthwith. The Rank of France lost seventeen hun dred thousand pounds sterling in bullion dur ing the month. The rare for the Ctrsarivilch handicap was won by "Rocket." by a bead. ' Prioress" and the "Badger" ran a dead beat for the tecund place. INDIA. The mutiny at Monlton occerred oo the 31st of August. Tbeir almost total tzterail cation followed. The fucitive rebels from Pawrce were de fented with great slaughter, oa the 6th of September. The (Jwalior rebel were opsin defeated la tbe Celd on the 13ih of September. Tbey were dispersed in all directions. Seven thousand insargentt. were reported to be in the province of Calcutta, bat tue ru tror was considered doabtful. ix j CHESS. Great S'lnloll of Mr. Mornhr el Parts. 'Translated fur Die Kveiiint Bulletin from tin Parii Presee, of Sept. Sttb.J There was, on Monday last, a great meet log of chest amateurs at the Cafe de la Re cence. As we have announced, tha young American. Mr. Mnrnuv. took part m an al moat incredible strife. Seated on a fautetiil, turned towards tho wall. Morphv contended simultaneously with ieht adversaries, each placed before bia chessboard, in the following order: 1. Mr. Rancher : 2. Mr Uurrwith: 3. Mr, Bonnemaa ; 4. Mr. Uuibert ; 5. Mr. Leques n ; 6 Mr. Posier ; 7. Mr. Prcti j 8. Mr. Se sain. Tbe (tame began at 1 o'clock, each of Mor phy e adverseriee playing in turn, wneo oa played be, after an instaul'a reflection, and very often without it, mentioned tbe piece or tbe pawn to be moved and where it should be placed. Notwithstanding tbe talent of bis silver aariea. who had abundant time to calculate having in this respect eight ebancet to bis one and notwithstanding tbe immense advantage of seems tbeir boards. Mortdiv did not main fust tha least embarrassment amaug tbe roost complicated phases of tbe whole eight came. The answer came forth every time fair and sonars. At seven o clock, one of tbe adversaries of llorohv was enable to flay longer, beius ttonned hv an unexpected check-mate. Half an hour later two more pave it np in despuir. At nine o'clock Mr. Leouesne obtiiinetl draw tame. Fioully, at ten o'clock, Morphy who, during the whole nine hours of tue nt ting, bad not risen or taken the least refresh me nt. accented the postponement 01 isuiueri come, and tvnutiered his last adversary, M Seenin. who fought to his last pawn. Of the eight games Morphy fairly woa six nd lost none. The result was received with wild sbouls of applause. The real marvel of the game iras uot the certainty and promptness of every play of the yoniig American, or tue singinar cooiness with which he met bia adversaries ; it was tbe iocredible effort of memory. It would be difficult for tbe most skilful player to conduct a single gams without a board before his eyes ; since it is necessary to keep before tbe eye the exact position of ah the pieces. Did not Morphy accomplish the impossible in thus keeping before his eyes tbe continual changing coudilioQ of eight games ? The peculiarity of Mr. Morpby's tactics is that, in bis early moves, be makes it impos sible for his a'dveraary to cojfr. It will readily be understood that this manoeuvre must have a serious effect 00 luo play of l is adversary. Tns Corn Crop at tin Wxst. Private letters from the West represent tbe yield of the coru crop as much better than was ex pected a month or so back. The warm weather ortho early part of tha month bad an excellent effect, and there is now every in dication that we shall have a two-third crop and that will be in a condition to ship. TLe New York Post says : It is a notorious fact that our exports of last year' corn were much reduced in conse quence of the softness of the grain, and that millions of bushels went to waste. Tbe pres ent yield promises to be of a hardness and Strength that will make p tha apparrnt defi ciency. A few weeks of dry, cold westber would still farther improve the grain and ren der it a favorable article with shippers. Well informed parlies believe that in respect to tbe quality of the grain tha crop well prove superior to that of tbe previous two yeirs. The favorable ism of the doubt which hang ubout tha corn crop soma mouths since is of immence importance to our western rail ways. The prospect now is that tha deliver ies of the cer-als al Chicago wilhiu the com ing few months are likely to be vary large, and several of the road are already begin niug to reap tbe benefit of tha increased willingness ol farmers to part with their pro (luce. Horrid Psato. On tbe 18tb inst., Lewis Wiuger, a german employed at tie Union Furnace, Dry Vullwv, full from bis wagon and died oa the road. An .inquest was held by John tjuudy Ksq. 'Ibe principal witness, who was with biru during the day, testified thut Winger took two glasst-s al CoRily'e io th morning, two more at Walker's, several at I'uam's in New Berlin, and then boujht a piot in a small bucktt, sad took it on the wa gon ; th buckut was aiupty wben fouud Th unanimous verdict if the Jury was, upon oath, to th bkt ol their knowledge aud be lief, the rause of bis death was intemperance." Lticislurg Ch.ronicie. BnaxsCovKtr. Aceordioc to the Head ing Journal, there is spirited contest in lierks county to Oil th vscancy to be ceased by th resignation of J. (iUciy Jones. Of th names mentions) in connection with the v laee. r those of Ueorc M. Keim, Judge riehall, 8. K. Ancona. Jeremiub lkgoirao 11 letter Clvmer, Joel U. Wanner, aud a dot an vthar. probably, of whom hava not 1 J VI" I ........ 1. . PI... ..Itmn 1 1 k.,'w are BOPrejnnad t uy.-l'atrUM Puiem. THE AMERICAN. BTJISIBTJinr, "iATURDAY. OCTOBER 30. 1858. It. B. IIASSER, Editor and Proprietor. To Airwtnm. -The circulation of the Sunbury American amimg the diffprent tewns on the Pntqurhauua o! exceeded Ifeqoslltd kyanr ptiper puMnlied in North eta Penntvtvnnia. C2T Cba.nc.k. Tho I'ssjenger Train on the Shninokin Volley and Pottsvillo railroad, bow leavos Sunbury at 5.45 A. M., and re tomiug leaves Mt. Carmel at 4 30 P. M. S3" I.iKK-MKK Amiuiotti'ki taken in tbe Post Office building for fifty cents. fJ'Ksw M tn. ArtRiNUKJiENT. It is sta ted that a contract lias been entered into with the Northern Central railroad company for the conveyance of two through mails dai ly between Ritltimoro and Williamf port. $3T ArroiNTUu.NT bt tub Governor,-IV- H. R. McCoy has been appointed, by Gov, Packer, Notary Pnblie, at Northnmberlund, in place or V. 15. Smith, whose term bos expired. v . 3" Soi.dikiis or Tns War or 1S12. The snrviviog offireri and soldiers of the war of 1612 within tha bounds of Northumberland county, will hold n meeting at the Public Home of J. M. Huff, in the borough of Mil- toe, on Thursday, tha 18lh of November next to consult on the subject of their claim upon the government of the United Stater, for back pay. Cif We learn that Noah S. Prentis, of, Bloomsbnrg, was thrown from his buggy and killud, on tho 19th inst., while returning home from Danville. A GRAD PAR ADU OF TUB I. O. OF O r PRESENTATION OF A BIBLE. A grand parade of tbe Indupenddnt Order of Odd Fellows in full regalia, came off io this place, on Thursday lust. Delegations from Jersey, Williamsport, Lewisburg, Dan ville, Northumberland, Selinsgrove, Trevor ton, Sbstnokintown and Shuniokin Valley lodges wera present and participated. Tbe day was beautiful for the ocensiou and a large number of people fsom the country came to witness the parade. At one o'clock P. M., the procession wua farmed in Market Square aud marched through the principal streets aci'ompumed by the Milton, Williumsport, and Trevorton Brass Rands, aud then to Matket Square in fruot of the Court House where stands and seats were erected for the Occasion. After the assemblage were seated, Mr. A. n. Powell, in behulf of the "Sisters Rebecca" presented a handsome Rii-.lk to Suobnry Lodge No. 203, with some very in teresting remarks. The baudtome gift, wus received byhe Rev. Mr. Fiuk in behalT of Sunbary Lodge, and responded to in an elo quent manner. Addresst-s'were delivered by Mr. Derrick of Mohegan Lodge, N. Y., and Mr. Powell of this place, after which they nd. journed highly pleased with tte proceedings of the day. NORTHFrtN CENTRAL. RAILWAY. This great work continues to prosper and grow in importance. The loud, we are ri-lia. bly informed, is uow earning eighty thousand , dollars per month. New motive power with additional care are being added, v.hich will soon enable the company to earu over one hundred thuiisand dollars monthly. This be ing the case, it is confidently expected they will at no distant day be prepared to pay a handsome dividend to stockholder. We civ py from the Baltimore Sun the following ex hibit of the operations of the company during the nine months ending tha 30th September last, as contrasted with the corresponding months of 1S57. It will b seen that for the purpose of a more clear and satisfactory com putison, separate stalsmeuts are made of the revenues fur two different periods within tbe time stated on for the first seven months of th year before the line was in full opera. tioo to Sunbury, and the other for the aubse. qoent two months after it completion to that point : Comparative statement ofenrnings, expenses end net revenue of the Northern Central Ruilroad from January 1 to July 31. 16iy, wit a tbe corresponding period of 1857 : Rarning. Fipeiiie. Ni-I Revenue. lt?M, Hlo.lCtl -i iiSO l fini.310 ' '2IS.'.6 l v;),'jus cj 4ie,'.'7? si X'U.iuo vj 1 4 1 I &j Increase, Drrreoir, ,11102 S7.5TJ 73 Comparative statement of the company for August and September, l.r)8, being tha first two full months' operations of tha road since the completion to Sucbory : F.uniirirB. fcl,l' U3 rxpeitiei. aS,- 65 so Net Ravenna 45.7(11 6-i krcjtuuiber, " tll,:5 ia 74,601 6t tb,5-- 65 Aufuil, 1P57, llciiitr, Sttl.HJI Gl M.Slitf fcl 37.3W i8 73,171 7 i.ejo si S7,4r4 M t,54? U l.g,'jnt 45 31,123 61 li.amte. N,4!4 17 Th above statements indicate not only tbe natural increase of the grots revenue conse qneut upon tbe extension of tbe rosd, w hich is about $17,000 per month, bat also batter net results. A greater economy bad been attaiuted in operating tbe road before the full opening to Sunbury, than prevailed tho previous year. 1 1. is is shown by tbe exhibit from January 1 to July 31, when, though tbere was a decrease of something upwards of (8.000 in th gross earnings, there was yet an increase in the net proGt of 819,428 73 Sine th opeoieg to Saubury about the sam rate of operating expenses appears to have been kept up, the iucreas of grora earning in August and September last heing about equal to tbe increase of net revenue on tbe am months of 1657. Whenever the trade of the road shall b greater it is reasonable io prcsuoia mat to pes results te in com. pany will also be better. This at least is th usual calculation, a certain minimum of ex peases beiog inevitable In operating road whether it train be full or not Looking to tbis increased traffic in lb future, and feeling already th laadequacy of it SiiccooiinodsljtiD ' cotpy hava contracted for tomo D. rttfrt pirtrttrd additlocal freightirg nrt- EDITORIAL CORRESPONDCNCC. WAniKOTO! Hops. 1 Philadelphia, October 2G, 1858. Philadelphia bat Dot yet entirely recovered from the revulsion of tbe financial crisie of last fall. Confideace i not yet entirety re stored, but matters are fast asseming the sliapo they occupied when trade, speculation and enterprise were in full blast. Trade during the fall season, though uot as brisk as it had been several years since, lias never theless been moderately good and of a healthy character. Tbe great wealth of Philadelphia is in nothing so apparent as in the erection of those Gae soil costly structures that wa meet in almost every street, but especially la Chesnnt street. The magnificent hotel tow rapidly progressing towards completion, oi the corner of Ninth and Chesnut streets, will be worthy of this great city, which is estima ted to contain, at present, seven hundred thousand inhabitants. The editorial convention, or meeting of the Fditorinl Union, as it is styled, cam off on Tuesday, the 10th inst., at the Musical Fund Hull, Io the afternoon the convention assembled in the new rooms of the Board of Ttade, In Chesnut street. The convention was not large, consisting of only about twenty-six editors, unt among lliese were the conductors of a number of the leading and most influential journals in the State. The convention did not accomplish any thing definite, for the simple reason that it was difficult to adopt any plan calculated to bring about the reforms necessary to place the country press on the position it should sustain. It wns very properly remarked that the greatest difficulty was, perhaps, owing to the conduct of the editors themselves, many of whom have so little appreciation of the true standard of dignity, to say nothing of moruls, thut nothing emanating from a con vention, or any other source, could have any effect. It was resolved to hold a convention of editors, to meet at Harriaburg, on the third Monday cf February next, and a com mitlee was appointed to druft resolutions and suggest such plans as they might deem pro- per, to be laid before the couvention"at lint time. In lb evening the company was en tertained by the member of the Philadelphia Press, at Mr. Petri' establishment, in Wul nat street. Mr. McMichael, of the AurVA American, presided, assisted by Mr. L. A Godey, of the Lady's Hook; uud Mr. C. J Peterson, of tbe magazine that bears his name. The entertainment was got op excellent style. The champagne was spark ling and lively, and baJ a similar effect upon tna company. Mr. McMichael was in bis happiest vein, and presided, as be always does on such occasions, with great tact, wit and good judgment. Most of tbe editors present were called upon to respond. At the conclusion Dr Mchlenzie, the literary editor of the I'rem, responded to th toast complimentary to Mr. Pelrie, the host, for the excellent eutertainmeiit be had prepared Tbe Doctor, who is as full of that rucy Irih wit and humor r.s he is of intelligence and learning, acquitted himself admirably, to tho infinite nmuteincnt and satisfaction of nil present. Tho editors of the country press were certainly under great obligations to their city brethern for the courtesy and itiud hospitalities shown to them on tbis occasion. The city paseuger railways oow traverse ulmost evety principal street, end have be come exceedingly popular among ull classes. They are, indeed, essentially uecestarv, in consequence of the vast expansion of the city. The number of paiscngers carried is enormous, and all the liio-s are doing a pros perous business. One of the couductois on the Tenth and Eleventh street linn informed me that they were running, dnily, twenty- eight cars, and that each car averaged about twenty-five dollars, daily, amounting in the ggregut to about seven hundred dollars per day. The annual exhibitions of the Franklin Institute opened on Monday last. These ex hibitions have always been popular, as well useful and instructive. Th exhibition last yi'Mr was omitted on account of tbe want of a proper building for the purpose and the financial troubles. The present exhibit ion is held in the new arsenal, a large building on the corner ol lOtn street and 1'iltert. The displny of goods, machinery, A c . though not io varied as we have seen in previous ex hibitions, is, nevertheless, exceedingly inter esting. There are a number of new inven tions on exhibition, among them is a machine for generating gas from wood by meuus o' heated water. One pound of wood proiiuces about ten feet of gas. I understand that efforts are making ia this city at present to produce gas from water, and that the parties engaged in this interesting experiment are sanguine of success Another invention of! interest is, a dry gas meter, which seems to promise well in its operations. The display of sewing machines is very large, no less than twenty-seven different machines beinj; ex!ib ited, mostly operated by young ladies Among them are many excellent machines. It is, however, pretty generally admitted that the Wheeler and Wilson machine is tba most beautiful and the best machine in its mechanical structure, although tome others oiay be better adapted for heavy work. Tbe result of the late election is said to hava given a new impetus to the manufac turing business in thit city, and there it a fair prospect that there will be a gtoeraj. and full revival next spring. The election o Col. Florence will be contested, end if he should be ousted, Mr. Duchaiiau will have but one solitary representative from this Stute, Mr. Dimmick, to stand by him in bis Kansas policy. I find here but little syin- j puthy for tha President, era among hiou friends, except those who are interested iu the spoilt of office. Such an emphatic ver dict bat uot often bean pronounced, aud I hope it will not be without ill good eOcct. 7 Nrw Coal Cars. Wa understand that th Northern Central Railroad Company bav contracted with Messrs. Rillmeyer anj Small, of York, Pa., for building one hun dred large tight-wheel coal cart, which, in addition to lb leig uumber now owned by them, tbe company are obliged to procure lo convey the laimeoi tiuanliiy of coal which passes over their road. Tha building of tb car a will give mploymut to a larg number of band during tha grtr pari) of tba winter. Tho coBlract trill awoupt to pearly tw.eeo. U'Stati Triascsir The Harrlsborg telegraph says i From prasant Indications there will be any quantity of candidatee for th office of State Troaaar. With to many clever and competent gentlemen in the field, ambition to "do the State torn service, the Legislaure will have no difficulty in se lecting a good officer. The following gen tlemen are named as candidates i Heny Southir, Klk connly. F.li Slifer. Union enmity. Andrew J. Jones, Harriabttrg. Theodora Adams, " Thome II. Wilson, " John N. Purivnce, of Bntler eoonty. Thomas S. Striit.hprs. of Warren county. R. Laporte, of Bradford conrty. David Tsggurt, of Northumberland. C3T Tua Mount Mi rest. Peterton't Counterfeit Detector givet the following ac count of the money market in Philadelphia Business roust soon revive voder each a favor able condition of the finances : "The money market remains very easy. Bank discounts and loans are swelled by in eluding tbe sums invested in Treasury note to an nnprecedent amount, yet the specie line it not diminished, and the deposits continue to increase. Tbe demand for State loans and other undoubted securities is steady, with but little fluctuation ns to prices. Kaiiroad bonds improve slightly, and mortnges on real estate of known value are a good deal inquired lor and are rising in the market. The tranac tious iu paper outside of the banks are limit ed to small and almost incousiderable sums, and there is no prospect ofany speedy change in the value of money." Kgr Farmkrs' LvsraANCc Comfakt. A number of our enterprising farmers are about establishing a new Insurance Company, tho members to be of their own culling exclusive ly, and must be residents of Northumberland Montour and Columbia counties. A meeting will be held to peifect the organization at the Court House in Danville, on the 2ilh of No. vember next, all who ere favorable to such an organization are respectfully requested to attend. THE NEXT CONGRESS. The Journal of Commerce publishes a list of tbe numes of tbe member elect of the nexl Congress, followed by a recapitulation by figures In this table the Journal includes the Anli-LRcompioo Di'mocrute with the regular Administration Democrats: Nkxt Cosaiasa. Ol Conoatii. JJtm. Opp. JJtm. Opp Missouri, 7 - 6 1 Arkansas, 'I 2 - Vermont, - 3 - 3 Maine, - 6 - 6 Florida, 1 - 1 - S. Carolina, 6 - G - Pennsylvania, 5 20 15 10 Ohio. G 1ft 9 12 Indiana, 4 7 5 5 31 51 45 37 Showing a Democratic loss of 14 members. The 23 States not included in this table are represented in th present Congress by 8D De-nocruts an ! C5 Opposition men, including "South Americans." Should they return members of the same politic to the new Pungresa, the aggregate would stand as fid lows : Vim. Opp. Already elected, 31 51 To be elected, 89 65 PJO 11C Democratic mnjority of Showincr Democratic mnjority of fonr members. Of tho Democrats, six or eight are anti Lf foinntnn. But on all questions where anti-I.ecomptonism will how itself thev will be check-mated hy the South A me rictus, who on such questions will vote with the Democrat. It is evident, however that thr-re is to be a spirited contest for the ascen dancy. and nn nmn can say positively which way tho scale will turn. All will depend up. on thit future, and much no ibe approaching election in the State of New York. PENNSYLVANIA ELECTION, unit I A L. t'AhAl. fOM. Counties. A tlnnis, Allegheny. Armstrong, Heaver. Redford, Rcrks, lllair. Rradford, Rucks, Hullei, Cambria, Carbon, t'entie, Chester, Cl.irion, Cleartk-ld, Clinton, Columbia, Crawford. I,'.i9:i 1.137, '.'.tin? y.7-24 1,077 Cumbeila'd, Datiphiu, Delaware, Klk. l'-rie. layette, Forest, Franklin, l'ulltm, (i reei.e, lluntiiigd'n, llliliatlM, Ji-flvrson, Juniata, l.uncaaler, Lawrence, I.elianou, l.ehigb, Luzerue, Lycoming, M'Keau, Mercer, Mifflin, Monroe, Montgom'y Montour, Nortbain'n, Norlluw'd. Ferry, I'hil a city, Pike, Potter, KchuyUill. Snyder, Somerset, Sullivan. Huaquuh'na, I loga, Uoioo, Venango, Warren, ashing I'd Wayue, Westm'land Wyoming York. Total, 171.130 198.1 Hi! 171,330 PJG.C29 Read's majority over Porter, 26 986 Prater's majority over Frost, 2$.'90 Total vote for Supreme Judge, 1853, 3C9.246 Total vote for Uoveto jr, ,e'j7 263,197 loereas hi 138, 1,043 HOUSB or nKPRESSNT ATlYeXS. LIST Of MIMIIRR. Adams Samuel Dorboro. Alleeheny JJ. Heron Foster R. P M.tl..t..ll J V. 7.M.T Zoller D. B. Bayard, K. II. Irish Armstrong end Westmoreland J Robert Warden, IMatthew Shields. 3. W. Kohrer. B'-aver and Lawrence Joseph U. Wil ton, Jamc D. Bryton. Bedford and Somerset O. . William,' Gen. U. Walker Berkt JKdmond L. Smith, Augeitut F. Dertelot, Solomon L. Curater. Blair Jacob Hurley. Bradford Thomm Smeed, Kint.ev. O. H. Perry Bucks Joseph Barnsley n. A. Wil- liams Buller-lWilliemi W. Deddt J. M. Tbnmpsou. Carbon and Lehigh Samuel Balliet, T, 11. Good. Centre Adam R. Barlow . Chester Isaac Acksr Caleb Pierce W. T. Shafler Clarion John D. Fleminp. Clearfield. Jefferson, McKeao and Elk JW. P. Wilcox. T. J. Boyer. Ciimhria Thomas II. Porter. Clinton and Lycoming Lindtey Mahnf. rev Wm. Fenron. ir Columbia. Montour, Wyoming and Sulli van Sninuel Oaks. Ueorse I). Jackson. Crawford and Warren IU. Miller Henrv R. Rouse. Cumberland and Perry JUagh Stuart, John Met nrilv Dauphin t'Wni. C. A. Lawrence, Marks D. Witman Delaware Wm. P. Pennell. Erie John W. Campbell Wilson Laird. Fayette Henry Galley. Franklin and Fulton JJamtt Kill, A. K. McClure Greene D. W. Gray. Huntingdon R. II. Wigton. Indiana A. W.Tayloi. Juniutn, Snyder and Union John J. Pat terson Win. Wugonscller Lancaster Nathaniel Kllmaker. jr., S. H Price Amo 8. Green S. keneagy. Lebanon Joseph Kckman. Luzerne IP. C. Grilmu, W. W. Kt chum, Lewis I'ngh. Mercer and Venango J m. U. Hose, JO. P. Rmdell MiClm David Witherow." Monroe and Pike Charles D. Brodbead. Montcomery David Stonebeck, John Dis mnnt. Charles Hill. Northampton Joseph Woodring, JMsx. Gopp. Norlhnmheilanil Uliarles llottenstein. Philadelphia C. M. Smith. Washington quisley, M. R. McCUin, J. Morria Hard ing. George T. Thorn. .f. M. Church, D. II. Styer. C. A. Walliorn G. W. Wood Isaac J. N'eall L. Shepherd J. Fisher JOIiver Kvans, Simon Gratz. George W. Hammcrsley Geo. Wiley O. F. Abbott Potter and Tioga il.. 1". Williston, Lewis Mann. Sihuvlkill Cvrus L. Pir.ksrtcn S. Boyt'r P. It. Palm .Susquehanna JSimeon It. Chase. Washington Geo. V. Lawreucc," Graham. Wavue tllcllowsv L. Stephen. John Wm. York iWilliani W. Wulf. IA. Hiettand Glatz. Opposition, Democrats, 67 33 Opposition majority, tMembrrs of tbe lust House. Opposition. 4 34 or i ItC Excitement tnuing Hie Ivrutticklaus stud ludl- aniniis. A Prisnner Arrested Without a Warrant Intended Attack on the Uladensburf, Ky.,) Prison, LorisTii.t.K, Oct. 25. Horace Rell, who roleasi-d bit father and brother from the Rlodetisbitrg (Ky.) jail, in July lust, whoj were committed on the chargo of running oil with negroes, wss taken, on Saturdiiv, from the ftir grounds, nt New At bany, Intl., without a warrant, and brought into Kentucky by the Louuvill ollicers. Tbe Nw A lbanians were tremendously ex riled in consequence. The lire bills were rung, and a large meeting held on Saturday O.'I'llillg. About a hundred people had chartered the ferry boat K.nipire.and intended to leave yea. terday for Hladensburg, with the avowed pur pose of rescuing Rell. A n express has been sent from Louisville to liladt tishuig to place the citizens there ou the:r guard a:.'iiinsl the hostile expedition. Governor Willurd has promised a requisi tinn ou the Governor of Kentucky for tbe men who cuptured Rell. Lotisvii.l.K. Oct. 25, P. M. The New Al bany expedition did not go to liluileiisburg yestertluy, but they tnlk of going to day. A meeting has been called here to de oouiicu the proceedings tf the officers who cuptured Rell. ties I'rtsldenl'UrccHlni ld;a Itaeoniinroda Its Rs-Ctectluu si Senator Douglas. St. Louis, Oct. 22. The Democratic Central Committee of Il linois this morning received a letlur from Vice Presideul Breckiuridge, urging the re election of JuJl'o Douglus to lb Uuited Slates Seiiato. Tho following it a synopsis of Mr. Rreckin ridge's letter, lurnished by Mr. Uhurlet 11. Luiiphier, editor of the Illinois State lleyitter, of Springlield, Illinois, in whose paper it will be pubhxlied on to-morrow : I lie Vice r res iiio ut wrilet to Die lion John Moore, chairman of the Illinois Demo cratic Statn Committee, in reply tu au iuvi- tation to visit Illinois uud addret llie people, the coiiimitlee having beeu iuformed thut he desired to do so. This, ha states, is incorrect but he will not decliuu to auswtr their cour teous letter. He sava bo cannot endorse the course of Senator Douglas, during the late session or Congress, upon the Kausas question ; but that question having since been practically settled, and Douglas being tba leader of the Democracy of llliuois iu Iheir inesetil ngni against "Hlack Republicanism," be sympathi ses with bitn, desires hit success, aud trusts that the Democracy ot the Slat wbcu bus never given a sectional vota will uot now b Touod laggard iu their duty lo tha Constitu tion aud L'oion. St. Loch, Friday, Oct. 23. The Salt Lake mail, with datet of tbe 25th September, reached St. Joseph ou the 1 fit b. Sixty truiiia had pussed Port Rr'dger up to I lie ull., twenty were met oo tbe Sweet water and eight more uonb of tbe crossing of thePlutle, Suow was encountered east of Fort Laramie. Two compuniet tf cavalry, returning via Pike't Peak, wera passed ou the Rig Rlue. Judge Ecklet was wtl on the Uig Sainly. Col. Wilson wtt at O'Falloo't Bluff, prog ressingly finely. Tbe Indians were numar out, but peaceable. It wae thought that several trains wouiii be overtaken by snow lu tba mountains, aud macu tunering wtt enti cipated. Uusiocii waa very brisk at Salt Lake. Trains were constantly arriving from California with gooda and provisioni. Tber was good feeling between the Mormoqt tad Gentiles. The former speak in high terms of Uov. Cumnung. Geo. Johnston t eommaorj consists of 7,000 to 8,000 ma a. including truoua and aamlor. all of whom were con aol ida lad ia una I rand encampment, tnd would remain together during lb Winter. Thar were alio about 4. 000 at Fort Rridg-r nndar Col. Camber. Col. Morriaoa af the I 7th l0H,Bt7 hwd errjYWl at twp dey HcrroctD Mordir oa vaa Passrt.VAtA Railroad. It Is belioved that a murder took place on Wenesday morning taat, on tha line ef lb Pennsylvania Railroad, opposite Mr. Wood's Hotel, at Altoona. A middle aged man, or stoat build, and about Sv feet ail Inches io height, wa foabd lyiag oo th track as an aany noar. 1 here wer no (cart or bruises ou his person, with tha exception of a wound received oa the left aid of bi head, which fractured hi skull, thereby causing death The wound was vidently given by a slung shot or tome other round or blunt in llrument, M ctii.atkd Com. Look out for multilated coin. Wo learn from a reliable source ibat many of th twenty dollar gold piece are on in it inn tinted, by removing toe larger por tinn of the milled eilire with a file or some similar instrument. Th work in every in stance, give evidence from ill uniformity, of having been done by tbe tame hauil, leaving the inference to be drawn that certain parties are engaged in tha business oa a considers ble scale. 1'ntriot Union, PROCKEDINnft OF noROl'RII COUNCIL- SPECIAL MEETING. SuastjHi, October SIM. I85 Council met permaiit In notice in I'. M Shimtrl'i nltlce, tha Commiiiioncre ( I In county having refuted tu 11 the Cituueil meet ia tha Pule llnuie. Caief nurgeu in the chair. Membera nreteat Sliindel, YoiiMjinnn, V. A. Urumr, Plroh, Buclier, Clark, Morlzand Wilvert Minutes nf lat nit el ing were read, Ihere bin( no ob jection Iher stand arinpieri. Tiie Chief Unrs;eu Hated that the nhject nf caning Ihi, meeting was, that tha Northern centra! KailH-ny Cum. pary were hunlina their wnste earth into Ilia Bttin, fnf the purpose of filling up the street through the tome, mid that they would continue to hnul it there lor that put pose if the borough s-nuld procure soma person or persons In dump snd level the enrth. Geo. O. Younginan, then offered tha following rcs'lu tion, which on motiou, wns unanimously adnptrd - Rot.vrt. That the Supervisors, under the Utiction rl the Chief llttrgeps. he dnsf-ted to pinre hnin.-s sufficient t r'unip ftrd I-vel Hie enrlh placed in whtit is geneoillr tenned Hie IIhsiii hv the Northern Centm! Itnilwnv Cot'- niiuv. nd nlwt to hnvc the trunks mmle fur the purpose of conveying tout draining the writer and to fill up the front part of the Wism oir iiroim wsy,apiuvinea me csrtn chii be proenrru wunoui expeuss. On motion, Adjourned. J. W. BL'CIIKR, Clerk. 1 he Northern Central Railway. Arrival anddeiairlurc of Taisenrer Trsina ou and after Jtl-l una, ItJb. at riMcst, ns i..iiows : GOING SOUTH. Tutsi. For llsrrisbure t Baltimore. Leaves Sankury Mml Trsill, . . - J45 A M Uulhilo ftNingiirn h.apress, II OS llurdeii and I'ssseiiger, IA& CO.M1NO NORTH. Tsiiks. From llameburg A Bslt., Arriva at ?unbary Muil Trniu. .... 310 P M ItiiffidoHiid .NiHcsra Fxpress, 11.19 Uurden aud Pessengcr, . 3. ISA. M GOING NOItTII. Tstti. For Williamsport h Klinirs, Lsavea 5unhury MnlTrnin, .... 354 PM Ifuriulo sou ?iingnrn l-.xpress, . . II VI Uurileu and l'usaeuger, ... t dA.M Cti.MIXO SOUTH Tssiks. From Klmira A Williamis'l, ArrirastSunhnry Mail Trsin. .... SHAM Ituftiil'tsnd incnra r.xprcss, .11.04 liuidt-n and ruaseuger. ... t SO P. M The tliamoklu Vallej-and rsttsrlllc Railrsad Passenger train lenvts Sunhnrv at S 1.1 A " " " Mt. Coimel, . . 4.30 P tl !. J J L. Good News. A reduction in the pricf of sewing Machine is announced in our adver tising cloumns. N e hava heretofore axpres aed the opinion that the pi ice of tbis inven tion have been loo high so high as to place them beyoud the reach of many whom they wouiu most benent. I heir ntil tr is establish cd beyond question, and at the present prices we see no routon why they should not be found, as they ought to be, in every house hold. Several varieties are manufactured adapted to various purposes. So fur as public opinion has been formed and uttered, the preference is emphatically accorded to th Wheeler end Wilson machine for furnilv use and for manufactures in the same range of purpose am) material. During ih present autumn th trials have been numerous, and all the patents of any pretension hav been brought fairly into competition. In every case, tho Wheeler and Wilson machine hat won I lie Inchest premium. W may instance tue Huts fairs ol New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Illinois, Wiscons and California, and the fails of the Cincinnati Detroit, Chicaco ami St. Louis Instit lies already held. Atlhafairof '.he St. Louis Mechanical Association the eommilla eoniisl ed of twenty-five ladies of the highest social attuning, who without a dissenting voice awarded for the Wheelei and Wilson marhin the highest and only premium, a silver pitch er valued at ST."). if these facts do notestab 1 1 -u a reputation, we know not what can. Christian Advocule ond Journal. DU V ALL'S UALVANIC OIL. Will remove all pain from Burns nd Scald in from 10 lo'JU minutes, by making a free application to the parts uflfCted. Painful Sura, aud Swellings will be relieved in a short time by th use of this Oil. Aixxts foa tic Vsll's tiii.YAaic Oit. Frinnr A f.riiiit, A. W. Fisher, Dr. II U. McCsy, C. Wcuk, II. 1) Maize, liergstressei A Hall. Ihlloway't Pills, or rather their effects am producing a sensation unparalleled in the history of tho healing art in this country. They are annihilating the experimental prac tice of the faculty. "Why," say th victims of dyspepsia, dysentery aud biilious com plaints " why should wo permit the pracli- I. oner to test tbe power of half a doteu medi. tinea upon us, when we know that Ilulluuray't Pilli are ull suBicient to effect a cure I" Jl it lidt alone in coutequencu of printed testi mony and cummuu report that Ibis fact is patent to all tue world; it is also venuvil lo lens uf thuusauds by their owu iudividual ex perience and personal obsoriation. A Smai.i. 1.vstkumi:.t or 'I oktlkk. Have our ludy reader ever reflected upon th fact that so small an instrument as a sewing needle, has destroyed mure lives, and caused more sufl'uritig, than tha sword. It is true, however, us the mortality among seamstiasse every where attests, ami our only wonder is, that pareutt will permit their daughters to grow up times to the rteedie, while the Clio vkk ii UAKua S-ew,ug Machines will do better and more beautiful sewing than can be dote by hand. I he time is coming when tho pa rwut who cooseuls to hav bis daughters con tinue baud-sewing, will bo regarded as wau ling in atlecuou far Ibein. AUat Ssok. From present indications tha coming winter will lie vry gay. W hear cf numerous parties which are already nwou th carpet; while ball will be frenueut. This is well, and we hava only one word of advice for both gay and grave, and that le, to prepare Tor the coming inclemeu teaton and ill merry festivities, by procuring comforta ble and elegant garment at the lirowu Stone Clothing Hall of Uockhi(l Si ilton. Not CU'J and 003, Cbettnal Street, above Sixth. Ur. VT. ll.ivtilinior, WILL ! at tha .l.awrenc House, 8VX. B I'll V. on Monday aud Tueadty, tSlh and S6tS Oolober, mat., to examine and consult with p lienta nn all diaeaaea. 1'rivate parlor for ladies. Uonaultaliona Ire ol chars- He hi full eard iq r.otbr column. IsltOVtltABiltEUI CEl.K.BBATtD FAMILY 15EWINQ MACHISES, 444 BHOAUWAV, NKSV YCHK. VW CltlNUT TKKK T. PHIi.ADEUniA. j t - - T -1 ' I" " EST The Meehio ar now jutly dinltled to be th bel io u for Fmily Harwing, a new atrong. and alaslio ditch, which will not rip, vn if yrvy fourth liich b cur C'ircaiara ot a application by la. Aat WaaHsrL PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. Oct ts, IrUiR. -Gri Wriest. ..I.. r r.t. ....i i 2?J,l '2,f:,!!l" haM "nJ Whit, from l 85 to 88 per bushel. RT, , w.r,Tr.I .1 " cents. Com. sales nf V.n... .i o . d. cents, tnd 87 90 cent from store. Date art elling at 42 cent per bushel for Perm. BAMTMORK MAHKET8 Oc' i ISIS ?fl"n ,l,t ' of red at 1 1 A ... . ... , 10 gooo iota, and white it 20a UScta. for -air, and I3rai4fi ct. r... ...i cel. of do. Corn, sales of eooj ycw it 7sstj ..... , ,. prune wnite at 84 cts 8Ba9l pi : . . " r . unt, nrra aaiea 0 Peiinsylvania do, """ "' ol irginia Oals at 38 cla. and I ennsylvaina do. at 43a4S n- 'i i aome I'eniisylvmta fiyc ulTered and .old at 7S eta. Maryland If vh.t .. i. .... i... i..., --rf ----- uiisiivi. 6TJNBUEY PEICE CUREEHT. Wheal, ( 4o,i Buttrf, . Jjggs, 'i'ullow, . Lard, . Pork, . . Uetsvrax, SO IS 13 IS 8 24 ye. Corn, Oals, . . uurkwheat, Potatoes. Kew Advertisements. HIGHLY IMP0R TA IT T W EWSI M. U. UEAIUIAIIT, Has returned with n new Slock of Confectionaries, Frait and To I T " if "'w "ce. a new life , ,,,. mg upeit u, aiiim.iiniiT eeer l,n..., , .Vi.. deeds and higher aiuu! Art, Literature a s.-j. ence will glw anew ami seek lo deve!.,i, .ub. Inner iicauliea and uratnler concept! m. Tne husineas world too must Irel the new in fluence and everv part be quickens J anj strainith filed liy an increased vitnlily. wliicli sh.tll nr. us on wild electric sliced to the c.iii.ni.i,. of granlrr things than waa eter dreamed ol in the ruiiosopny nt tne past. AiiimateJ hy the enthusiasm wliieli lirn w a, laid all clasnra, and ile-ir.ius of iloin Ins slurs lo wanls "The grentesetits of the Age," the sub scrihrr would respectfully inform ti,e , 0oj .,,d. pie orsU MIL KY and the pulilit generally, that lie has just returned from the city al' I'liiUdel. pliia with the largest and rhoiieit ,iock ol Con frctionariea, b'rutl anj Toys that lm ever Leert brauitht tolhis serlion ef t-uiintry. Among bia stock of Cuiilectionariea, may be IUUIIU Krenell See rsu, llurue.1 Almutids, Cream Whits, " l.iu,, It use, Vsntlki, Camiri'in 9ctsla. Uqcanea, J)gm Drops, all k;.Ua of steal, Hive Uio,.s. Mini Lirnjis. red sua' wane. Jelly Cskes, ' Flint Uo.j s, Stick (smites, si s MM Is Kaek rndy. Aim u.d Cssf.-, JRUIT. Ilsnsnss, Prunes, Ustes. Kits, Carrsnts ikisd, Citrohs, Alnmnds, Rsiinns, Nuts nf all kmU LKM ON SYIIUP of a superior qaality, hy ih single or doirn. A superior quality of Scgara and 'iV'arro, and a variety oi v onlertionria. frntt. To. Ar. .it ,.t which isolTercd cheap at wholesale or rctnil. C7 Itemembtr the nam finj )licia. j j M. c.;ea kuari Market at , 3 dari' wsst of t-'j.her's Ur.ig stjre. 8nbur, October 30. ISIS ly TJUY YOI.-R fJOODat Of J. K & TT. M.l.M, 1 all and winter etm-k jllHt ! ISOS. ceived- Oct. 30. KEW IR8TJRAHCE COJTPAHY. meni'era of thr Farmers' ltisarar.ee I Company and all olliera faoia'i!e to an organizitiun, ar rei nested t.-i meet at ihr (.'uurt Houre. in Dani!le, an SATl.'KDA V, .Novrmi.er 7th. I8S, at 10 oMock, A. M.. for the purpose of organizing, as well aa adopting a (Jonnituiicn. By-l.swa and Policy, and failing a (Jhnrler; and also tu elect ofTirera of said Com, any fur tna nsiiing year. Tliia Compna wi I ) v.n,p ri of r'annera alone, who te lJe in the conn lea f Montour, .Northumnrrland and t 'olumhii. '1'h undersis-ned inemlx rs will ai l a- A;rnta for the purpose of receiving Ih nic nf thnsa who wish lo become members of said Company. Farmer, come and juin us. and i,,i. t.i voi r own inteieat. Let us form a company of our ewn. and let ua Imve our own insuraiu e. El.lAH EVF.KICIf. Lover Augusta, KOf.OMON M KIZ, Miaiiiokin, J. h. caArtHArt r. Ku.h. JOSEIMI UUTLKR. fhilio.qne. t'IUNKI.I. HATES. 1'fincij al Agt. fur Co. OctoKer 30, IS38 KuHpIn-rrlen. TTAROV IlLU ritOUPIC, 7S rer ion r e:s. ber il.lran Mi UK!) WHITE AXTWK.RP SI per don rAfrui.Ke tz r It A lu ! A llUimd mi HltlMtl.i:,!i OR ANiil; l l b -st UIU , ,i bejut.fal ana most productive of all, tl pet J ii a M.sir Kevstoua Nurserj-, Uarns!ur;, Oi-I 31, lejj Jt l.ituttMi Ularkben j- I'l.intM. IS to iO els neli ; l So I i tl per ii z ; SH i.tr ICfl. ClKHANTst. Kid and Write Outi-h Mi .a plants,) It) t' i ti5 els rnrli ; $1 71 .i VI 6(1 p.! il ,z. n. QonsKliKII ltll, H nigrniin's tsreilinif. (heuroif planis) .0 tu -.'J cts rait ; oi ti Sv per U.-n. II A .MISll Krjston Nuiserjr, Ilarrnbuij, Oct 30, IMS 3l Quince Trees. lta Aprils or Orn.it: variety. JO ets , eifh j St asr V t doseii liearnif trees, cts. encn ; SI ner dnzer . MXI'AUIXKa ill Yjncty, 3:i cts tu. li : S3 i.er ito- Zn II.A.AIISII. Kej-stont .Nurssry, Hsmsuarg, Oct 30, i6JH 3t tntalogriie!,, f the Keystone Nursery. IlurrisSur, Pa Bent to stl plieunls stirl'isiiiit a P.ismca 8u.uit. llurr sl.uit, lcL 33, Iria -3l ii. A MISH. lUwIco Ciruppsi. CONCCrtD.SD ets. in tl cieb ; l to I0 per d .en fl,IM u,iO to 3'i euca ; S i W lo 3 tier d ion. DIANA, tl et.-li KAltLV .Null l ilt- UN MLSCAU1M1., 50 cts to each : t t" 8 pei d"en. lit IIKUI A to Si each 810 to .H1 per d 'Zn Vines ii"t very Urcs, Out such as silu last siirnnr ut i t,i a d .n. svh. iSABKLI.A A CATAWn . to 'c:s M .10 ets -h ii 90 to Hi per 4, ,itn J IS lo 'Jj J ,lri pi r 10-1. .. . " MSII he) stuns Nuisery, Uamsb irs, Oct 30, Irin 31 l'ltiU 'I'rfOM. i I.MONIM.' tna trees. 11 tu JTl rts M.-k . turn rf .i ... j and Any crnts to thres d.IUrpr d en. A I'Pl.l.S, tweiuy-bv cams suctt : 1' d llars nar i u. ti dellsis per IllO Ariticui-s, 37 in SO cents eat hi 3 5 1 o S dollars par d"2en. l.'HKnilll'.fl. (Dw-arf and S-tandsnl) 371 to 30 cents carli ; U fill tu S dollars pel doZi'U. PKAl'h Kr. i i to S eemseach: i dollais lo 1 90 nsr doren: 14 f,U In Ii dollars per 100. ls iiriuiKii fcacu trees cenu cacn, wiinaul rejsra In qunllly. I KAK;", (Dwarf and e'.aii.lnrd) SO cents sarh j SdnUirs per Zen ; 40 dolUrs per tai PI. W. VIS, one veil prnlie.1 5 rents saeli ; Iwn In Ihrsa years f railed SO'ccn s each ; t H to 4 d Hars per il ua H A .MISll. KeysMn Nursery, Ilanisht rf . Oct. 30. IMS. M Btrawterties. rpiIK tiisst eoKartioa te " found in Pennsylvania, era. i. br.ieing most of urn uew varieties, at llie Ktystima Nuiseiv, IUm.lHiir, Pa. UT I'rioss frmii cents lo I 50 pel dozen ; I U 3 l bir iwr lu-'i 1 ioijiiw.ii4.srar IWO r- Tna plants aia aU guereiilerd U) ba unonsed an Ire fc uaina. II. A. Mlr-il. Uctobrr 30, nat.-st Bhads nd Ornamental Trees- Sl'CU aa America" aud K.nrnpeaa Ask, Anieriean ans Vlir.eau AI.Muuiin Ash, t'.s-li. AW. Wm'uoise Cbestaut, Jud-a. Ur.k. Magnolwa, "''. Lr a;id N-ay. Maples. P.ulnw.iia i...u4lis. Hal. smTtu "'p. -, c . ul U. Kaj-.ua. N''K " tirf. I'a M A. iMIcn. liiobs 30, ItSt Ornamental Shrubs. VLTHEA9, siaf e ami dulite. Ms uolie g lanea and pyrre..' h aosi a aqa.f.a.a. Vurele f . ..,. b,,lee. ymiia, Tie. ', ya . Cdou. l.u. etc, Uou-tre e . at ia. ajaaa Aiuisery, Uur.ta.uii;. Pa. OeioUt JU, le-a " ""' Eersren Trees- AHlP.rtlCAN, Cbiueae aud Nweisu ArWiine Ca iat, Cadaira- ltmUo aod UajKlar CcUe, llc.nl S,Ku,iaiHHi aial AMtrmii Piu., s-j.t"ab 'W,i H.l.-a. ft, Hataara V a m ia "f ti.lUd, r-rway K.r, W.t Aeraa7i'Jte.,a.ll.a;yavJn J pa. A, rjaMatr rSCSy-W.