V, l. 1838. 180r MEW KOUTE 10R TRAVELERS I Northern Central liaihvuy! ! SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. I7non ami trrv.n Monday, JiLYtmn, lsrs, the Trains f Ihe Northern Ccntinl Itnilwny Company will lesvs Dsily, (Sundays excepted) us foltuws : GOING NORTH. BITFALO AKO MAO AH A EtrREftS TrtAI. from UALTIVORElaSVNBl'RY A. KLMIKA Arrivs I.rne. ' 4 UO l. M. Onlrerl 9tstioa, York, Uriiiceport, IllllllllX. Millers! orp, Ib-oludo lit Trevut'-n .lunctlosj, S..lin.'lroVe. M'ftMl 111, ior;lmirlii rlcnd, t.'bihis tunius, LeWlsi.li:", Milt..n, VV'iitsouiown, t'uio-iiowu, I.JSIer, .Mono-ornery, J..-..'s 7 7 40 4.1 10 V 47 97 JO II 1U l( 1(1 411 1(1 )(1 ' Id ill 111 03 II 07 II or II 14 II 'i II 7 II '.'J II 41 . II 41 II 4 II if II 1)7 II S7 1-J III l! OS II M IJ 14 1-i -.VJ W I'D 14 till 14 117 IS -it) I J U.I 14 Sj 14 VI 14 ;o i j m i to OINO SOUTH .-Muirjf, .Mom. ,rrrois, ivuinini.il"' v From ELMIR A to SUNEVIt Y BALTIMORE Arrive. P (HI V 19 4'i ri d ra in hi 10 ns in u u 10 4 Ifl 47 10 84 )l 03 11 so II 30 II D3 14 10 14 10 1 R 0 v;i e a Leave. W A. HI. 0 15 V V 44 0 01 0 :s ic in 111 14 i'i n in si 1U 44 10 47 11 IK) 11 1 1 8-- 11 41 II S3 14 41 14 41 8 14 3 30 r.lmiro, l!:ini:)l t rt, Moiil"ureiUisr JWilncy, ilcrecr's, , M-intsomei. l')t'fr's t'lii'Hilnwn, nton'.nivn, Mi1! .11, 1 rf-wishirg, JllliIIS.a;ltle, NciiIiiiIil'.-i'I land, M Mil U V, In liits llrove, Trcvorton junction, tieorirelou-n, Mllleralilirg, llrii'rjiurl, Viiik. lalvcrt Station, ' MAIL TRAIIT. GOING NORTH From BALT!.:OIiE to SlNUUrtY A EI.MIHA,, A inre. 11 00 14 M 1 3S a 14 9 3!) ' 41 a 3 Inl a is 3 :;4 1 Wl 4 01 4 Ifl 4 41 4 33 4 40 4 r,9 1.1-nve, i Uiion. 8 00 A M. 11 14 1 10 P. M 1 64 4 Iff a n 4 41 so 04 a w a 3a a 61 4 ( Cliifk'u Ferry Ilnliax jVillersburg iurhumn , JVfaliontongft licirget"vn Trevoitnn Juitctlua H.NLililY, NiHtlimnl.prl.inul CI(tl.nt!iU(u 4 1 A 81 I,r '.Vtsliurg Millou AViitp ntnwn 1 hi out own Ky iter's Montgomery Merger Mum IMontmirsrWt ViJliamsprt 30 4 ei 4 ,S 6 (13 6 14 ' i- ,i : r S 24 . " nil; 8 IS 6 3 ' 8 SO ' - COINO sou xh. . : From EIJUIHA lo Sl NKCliY BALTlXOHS. Atilv Leive. Klmirn, Williniurortj Mimt-mrf viile, MULH'V, IK'IgiT'l MnMti;iincry 1 ninlitiiwn Vnlwntnv Mill.in, l.p wistnirg 'tii:ilH(JII:ull Nrlliuml..arlaiiU mnui nv, Schtis (irnva Tn;virlnii Juurriwn Deorgprown, Mnliuntono lliu'linnuri, MlMt-rKliUrg IluliiVix ClarU'n Keny Paitpliiii llnilfport Yi.rk L'uU'elt Plntion. July 31, if.'). 14 OuA. it 3 5a - 4 00 4 14;' - . .-4 14 4 .i - 4 ll 4 3 4 30 4 3S . A :;i 4 11 4 41 4 43 4 49 4 Si 4 65 6 or vs t IS 6 13 6 40 S 40 5 33 6 .15 8 41 " ft 4-5 8 AS fi .".3 1 fl U 8 81 44 II 34 0 3 4 C 3K 6 24 44 6 43 8 i7 6 30 7 13 1 13 7 8 o 7 23 7 M 8 40 V 50 t 67 1 18 NET CASH DKTT GOODS HOTJ5S. iasa. new ktuck or fall goods, isr.s TTYRE & I.ANDEIX. fourth and Arcti -Strecl, PliilaiU'Iiiliio, have in Store and daily receive a fine Stock of Fall Dry Guodi, suited to the rcar Trade. Black Silks of all g miles. Fosliinnalile Fanry Silks. Miawlii of all l:io newest stvles. Dress Goods, in full variety. Stnilo Goods, in luri;o stovk. Fancy Caesimcre Cloths 4 YesiinRS. lilankets, uuilts, Linen Damasks, xc. 1). Good Unrguins daily received from York and I'liiladcltihia Auction Sales. Now tjt Tf.ums Kr.T Cask, ash ruins Low. Sepleinhfr 4, 185H. ym.vv3. FALL GCOBS JUST RECEIVED BV Edward Y. Bright & Son. CONSISTING ofrtyadere, Pacific und Ope ra Delaius, Yt'o.dcii Fluids and Cashmeres liooes A. Quilia, rich oil black Silks, Miriuoi. cheap Calicoes ad Muslins, Union I'laid Cussi meres, K. Jeans Tweed L'utiiiiet A:c. JIats of Ihe latest style, alt qualities and prices. W'e in vito the public to call and examine whether they tcUh to purchase or not. Sunbury, Sept. 11,1858. FRLEEUEG ACADEMY. A.vn Snyder County Kormal School. FREEBUEQ, PA. fflHE Filth session of this Institution commen ts ced on the 27th of JULY, and continues 2" weeks. Encouraged by past succees, increased etlbrts will be mude to enable stodenta to acquire a sound mental, moral and physical education. 'i he Academic Deportment embraces all the branches constituting a thorough Eugli.-h, Clas sical, Mathematical and Scientific Education, together with Music, Drawing, Fainting and French. A NORMAL DEPARTMENT ha been e.lal l:4ied and hrretofurc well attended in w liirh Tcachcis, end those wishing lo become such, can prepare themselves for the profession. Tr.iiMs Haiv m Auvixca. For Board, Tuition, Room, &c, per session of 2 weeks. $!2 to $fio Tuition alone, per quarter of 1 1 wks. Q l lo $6 Music, Drawing, Painting and French at ui;ual charges. Students can enter ul any time. For catalogues. Ac., address GEO. F. McFALil.AND, Principal. Juiy 31, 1S.'i8. FJirMERS ATTENTION! ! ! Tho Lest article ia the world for raising WHEAT IS LEINAU'S SUPER PHOSPHATE OF i.i.u i., ui iu per urn, or a..j cis., a iu., uy me bmi I. Aualyxcd and recom mended for the Wheat and Grain Crops, by Professor CH AS. T. JACKSON, ChemUt of the United States Patent Oliice, Wutdiington, D. C. It will repay the outlay 50 to 100 percent, and will not burn the seed by coming in contact a Guano doe. Tav It I'noTs It. G. A. LEINAIJ, Proprietor. No. 21 South FRONT Street, Philadelphia cilv. Pa. Or of my A gents, throughout tlix Country Analysis csn be seen at my Oliice. Cash Mailed with the order, will receive prompt alien- , -'Hi liberal discount to Storekeepers who buy lo Xain. 'dilets, can be had si my Office. 7, ISS8. Sin fj. .. L. HUSIC TEACHER. X respectfully informs lbs eiti v and vicinity, that be will t vr the purpose of giving ro such as many done be reasonable. He Uju House iu this S v- .3 DARING. V.YE OK SA. SELECT SUMMER GOODS. I LARGE ASSORTMENT ! "IXE have reroivfd out NEW GOODS for the " ' mmmrr trade, and resiWlfuIlT Invile ell the'wnrkt end the rest of mankind to G a it akd Bkf I'nujt. Tcopln isha would economize and lare their dimes will do well to call and see how very cheap (roods can be liail and should tippy not conclude to iurchase from us, they will be more corner sant as to the si tual value of all kinds of Goods. 7'liere aro a great many reasons why people thntiM closely examine our stock, and w hile it is clearly demonstrated thnt tho "obvious meaning r.nd iiniort" of this multitude of reason refers dir-clly to the DEXt'TY OF TEXTURE, and thraprices in price of goods, it will at the same stnke the mind of the observing ECONOMIST, thai a slnte of things combining a great and di versified supply, with low juices, muf.t brinrr about a "consummation devoutly to be wished" in making the TOOK M1N lUGH.and the rich nu n opulent, And allliouch we mnv digress, yet permit vs to add that nothing would nlTord a better ground work fir a siimincrcvemng's cnlcrtaiament, than for tho kind mother who is presumed to hive ex amined our slock, lo gather her little flock around her, aiid e)l them of UKIGMT oc SON'S beau ttlul goods, the. hnndsome Silks from Franco and Il.ily, the Ribf'ono and Laces from Lyons, the Merinos from France, the prints from Manchester, lie Linens and Lavna Iroin Glasgow and Dub lin, and a thousand things of great beauty and utility, llut to be a little more practical, we will state for the good of the country, the lining generation, and the full grown, more in detail, the goods we retail, in very larftc or smaller slices, ntvery greatly reduced p: ires 1 and though we may regret wo coid it, we'll si ll our goods on six months crcjit, et the end nf which the people 'fijsh," will come and pay us with a ruuh, for none can feel so unconeirnod about g debt so fully earned, as to be guilty of oocr.islinnlion, totlin Inzsrd of their reputation. Then Gentlemen and Ladies fair, hearken, if you've the lime to spare, and bear of New Goods rich and rrc, rcceivpd and beiua; opened. OIF CLOTHS, There' brown, and black and blue, Yea Cloths of almost every hue. . , 0F-CAS5IMEP.ES, Vt'c'c got lust what jhu need of mixed and striped "llrst ratu'VTfvSSV for those exposed or named assick we re Uuf eimcrcs both strong end thick ! for lhn who by fashion think to win, wo have the beautiful jt;'rcniiisDwskin an ar ticle, we do expect, sir, cau l IxcWIcd in point ofTexWre. - . or vsstings, Silksand good black Satus, of every vaticty ol patttfTOB, for weddings, plheres, or tho street, for gentlemen married, or less discreet, whom we will furnish from Hat to Boot, with a cheap and charming wedding suit. lint Kbdlrs ! pardon this dereliction, and do tipt deem this nil a fiction, for surely we aro bound to eay, we love to turn frftni gravo to gay, from dull old baehelore, dreadful drones, w hom fashionubIo"etiinHto disowns, who, in o word, ere slugginh wights, in human huppiness, neo phytes. Gentlemen, wc bid you nil adieu the Ladies are waiting for something NEW; Cashmeres Delaines Silks Ceregc Debcges l.oliej Ginghams Lawns Challes Tissues Chintzes Plaids of every pntfern, and lalett styles, so rich that that they excite a smile, suited for Ladies of DomTi ul age, as well for those wbJ would En r.iou piclly for the maid becoming for tho mo ther, and ollired cheap to the into or the other. Ribbons embracing one bundled pieces, bcauliul Bells suited for "Nciccs." Gingham, solid, plaid and stripes assorted, nnd "Aquilla Robes" just imparled. And the undersigned with modesty reverts, to corded llouticed and steel hooped Skirts and well reconciled we trust the ladies faces, will gaze with fond eVIight upon our hand some Laces Insortings, Edgings, of Jaconett and Swiss, allording beauty lo those who oiler bliss! throe hundred pieces of good pattern l'riuls, and very handsome styles of new French Chi.itz, white, mixed, and brown Cotton Hose, much cheaper than some people would suppose. Spool Cotton, Ts pes. Fins, Buttons, and Needles ill profusion : Bobbin, Cord, Bonnet Wire, and blond Illusion. Then come one, come all, you'll find us very handy, in showing each tho '-modus operandi" of buying and selling cheap. E. V. BRIGHT i SOX. Siinbury, June 12, 1808. PUBLIC NOTICE. TJOTICE is hereby that the BUSINESS RE. ' LA'I'IONS, heretofore subsisiing between William Weinier and Ihe undersigned, in the Drug Store at Northumberland, have, by inututi consent, this d.iy (Juno 7lh, 1S5.) ceased to exist; nnd the Hooks and Recounts will rendu for settlement and collection in the hands of tho subscriber, who will continue lo carry on the business at thu ol 1 : land. KOHEUTB. McCAY. Northumberland, Juno XG, IS58. Eissolution & Co-Partnership. PE'UIE firm of Sheplierd and Hewctt, Coal Ope- rators, Locust Summit Colliery, Northum berland Comity, Pa., being this day (June Int, IR.'iH,) ilissolved by mutual c insent, the businrss will bo bciieelorlli carried on by James M. Shep herd and John Mci'arland, under the linn name nf Shepherd it MeFurluud, who will pay ull claims against and receive all accounts due lo ttc late firm. JAMES M. SHEPHERD, Sunbury, Ta., CHARLES HEW Err, ShauiuLin. Pa., JOHN M 'FA 11 LAND, Pine Grove, Pa. Sunbury, June I'i 1558. KOOPvE & CAMPION, Xj. 201 South Second Street, 6 iloort ulove S'iruce, rillLADELPIIIA, HAVE now on nand the lurgct ahsorlnirnt of rsMU c uiiXKT i i iivnuti; Than lliev huve ever had at any previous time, and they invito the public to call and examine their block before purchasing, us lliey feel confi dent that their prices will bo a suiiiciei.t induce ment lor ull who want guod furniture to buy at ihcir etilohiishment. A large a-sorto.ei-.t of Pratl'd Rack anil Pinion Dining Extension Tables always on hand, Spring und hair Maltresnes f . rliUhid at lowest prices. Furniture carefully packed and on rcaeouuble terms. Philadelphia, July 21, 1858. ly SOIOKON . EOYEK, I ATTOBNEY A.T LAW, I Oliice in Market street, opposite Weaver's Hotel, i S U N B U R V P A . Collections attended to ill Northumberland nd adjoining Counties. Is acquainted with the germuu language Rkvi.iiimi : H. J. Wolverton, Esq., Sunbury, Pa., Geo. F. Miller, Esq , Lewisburg. Pa. J. 11. ieyeulus, Philadelphia, Pa. Benjamin Kamcrer, " Sunbury, 4ug. I I. 1858 ly. Citrate of Magnesia OS TASTELESS 8ALT8. 'IIIIS preparation is recommended a an ex-et-llent laxative and purgative. It operate mildly, is entirely free from any unpleasant tuste resembling lemonade in flavor, prepared and sold A. W. FISHER. Suiiiiuxjk, July 17, I8."8. A. J- MCKEFIMJR QVttorncn at t'nu), Practices in Northumberland and arljoiiiio Counties. Sunbury, Kovemlr 31, I85T.- f rjORTanJ MADERIA WINES, SchicJam Schnapps, Wild Cherry brandy, Blackberry inj Laveud.r braudiss for medicinal purpose l JulIT,'i. A. V. F IS HER. WHEELER A WILSON MAtTTjrAOTTJEINO COS FAMILY SEWING MACHINES. rrHH minn'moat (nvat which hsiatnsnrtodrhft ltitrortnc J ti'in of Whiklkr ft WiLgnx's Family Sewing Mn ri.ine, i ruflirient tevidenri of ha txreiltMire. It n nerd- nm now to ny, that tliit iifclnl instrnmrnt it lncomtng durtifBtie itikMtution i tht fnrt ta rrcoffinsed hv ill nwcv t- ful iiu in tht' Bunds of Kiitnilics in every rnnk in life. To th'?o who liuve hitherto riiniiiicl from nvaihut lliciu-clvrt ol Hi oiJvnntriizcK. It ninv ivt bt nmiM to unv. thnt Hi mil' ntv nut n nrulilem ti )e ailved. but o oucri"tw atremly trali,t-d. The hf;licnt tcnlnimy ic coiisttiiitly nlT(.Trtl,r finniuff the verdit l which ha given Ibis iiutrucmcntbiif Wife mid ruriiihic n reputn'inn. This Mnrlutie is tMnirotvctl on n prinrinle enlirtiy origi- nnl, heinij S)cci:i!ly and ndiimatiy ndrnU-d toihc ntnnt per fect work nit every kind f rinien.il: and, Mvitiff l'-e tulijrrit'd ton thre years tt-st f thn most sriiirhin rlinrnriei hv rninilit a, und in va'ima hranvhesof Mnnu (nfUire, willi t'l.fiiiRiushrd bucppsd, it is bclievrd thnt fn i the iircit pnmts Vfijuiritfl to n complete nnd vmcucal Amoiip tl0 uii.ltm: ted ndvjiiit;ipcs it v;fc8t-BBcs over nil other?, mnv be iinnn.'d I lie following; 1. lis simplicity of e'Hisrur!irm, mnl ronacqucnt free dom from dermic emeu t mid need of repmrs 2. Its unrx iinpted nipidtty mid taw of opeiatlon. 3 Its noifatlcs m v iitfiit 4. The rreat vniity of purpose to whir h it rnn le up ptie, which can lx achieved by no other mcchnuical mfiiip And. S. The prr-tmtnrnt bennty mid dnmbilityof the worV. "I Dud your M-irhiiie invnltinbla I have ised il a y-nr, mid it hns never been ontof order. The stitch is veiy dn mlite, mid "iut he ndwp'ed to linn nr coarse material la. It works with Ihe rspidiry of a doxen pnir of hand ; snves tniicli time, frjf'troe and fJtM'iip, One of your Muehiiu'S is used in ftiv Liilit r'n fiuirlv : miother in 1) e hoimrljnitl tf o sister: nnd "thers bv vnno'is frh-nds. The opinions f nit Mfc rd with that 1 hove just expressed.1 Mra Anr.a Okrn Km hie. "There is bit one Pewin? Mciilnp : nnd that ts Vhee lei nnd WiUoira." Jude M-ig, of the Aine.inm l.isti tute. The Si-wtnu Machine pnrehaeilof y.irt Jioalieen whol ly Sfrvireaoie " II-V lr ?!nilM ti?5.m. Notutmiy enn aflord odi without it. PlNUM or T1IK New VoRR TllKM. TVe prcf-ir tlietn f r (nmily use Ti ilnm They me the fiivoraes t'"t families Timea, Are with -ut a rival. Scientific American. Airks more umfotiiilv than the hand UernlJ. "I ' J line .in Tvjual ! nine 8eaaitresci I'.ciue Jniini- I Tiia machine, for family ttse. Adv.iene JoTjrunl. Most hoii'trahl'j to Atm-rUnn gi;ttis lndt wndont. We enmiot iinngine anythnii inor per (Vet Lvauyelist, Will nive enliro e.ttilitciion tMiFn ver. The best ever invent d -Cirrisuaii Inoairer. In loking for th best, h p t!:es Kxaimtu-r. AUniirably n.lajittl f ir f::mi!y ut-e. Chronicle. Indiapfnivaltlc in evir fiuinty. The I'micher." Wt pniisr it with ettthaauism Clmpti.in Intet'iscncor. Worihy of the highest nwaid. Swhltjith Keeorder, A Iteiieiaclion of the r.fe. I'utiuini's Mn-rinrine. !ttigitni in operatioit. Mrs. Stepbt iis' M.:it!.!y. Pyond nil qacstion, the mnrhinca, I.it'j lllttsintled. Tiie stitch cannot be unniveled. Am Aptieultunst. They main'aia the pre-eiuincKee. Impress. Paves Hie lime and h'-alili i f ten winea. WatT Cure, Our h'amchoM is in et stucier, v.m'Ii it. l'citt -rs Spirit. Supply the fushitmnhitt world. Daily News. Are pre-eminently snperiot 1 utiles' Visitor. One of our hotiS(.!iUI U -V. S. Journal. rnrivalled in every p;a'ity. )ay Hoidt. Iieily, usei'ul. inateal.- Leslie'? tinzotte. Have not-ipiril fm family use Mi:aii"tl World A triumph !" meehniiicd euiurr . V. Jouninl. ('oinhiii-' every re.TiiieiTiru. rmtiily Maeazine. Vastly siiperhir t all uiheis tinl-h u t'rize. Wecyniim lire in its preite Nw Vo:ker. Tor fjrilior iritirulars nAy to II. B. Mjsf( r, Punliurv, loM ncn.t of the niaiiuftcturrrt vlio will Rtii'ply macliinfa4 at tlio maiiufiicturprs npidy prices. eunl.arr, Muy 15, l.'. tf A. X-J, 22 C! a Strttt, At if-1 ;7.-. SMNfKACTt R i: It OP GL . S s s Y R I N G E &, lld.MnSPATIIIC VIALS i!'. H.'ATEl) MEAM.'REs, NURSING BOT'J'LEtJ, ETC. GIiss Ware for Chemists, Druggists, Perfumers, Photographers, etc. A liberiil discount mode 1 1 Ihe trade. Orders from Couuliy Druggists and Dealers suliiitid. Price Lists sent on applica tion. Aurust 7, IR.'R. flm THE IKTEKNAXICHAL HOTEL. BRUAUWAY, CCUtNiat (if FHANKMN S'l'ltl'.KT, UE"W YORK CITY, Has U-ell reeeitlly iclitted, The Rooms me new 'y eutpel!, '1'he l'uniihire anil lieils nn- .tlperb, Arid Ihe ll:ilhs ine iii.siirp iri- ii. T.WI.IIU'S I KI.I.lill A Ti'.l) SAl.OOXS a it k e .Nxi-crsu wmi Tin: norm.. Ili-rr is roufi-nl;:il-',l till die coiuloiUof a liome, Willi th luxuries of n ivilaee 'lllli Srl.l:.M)ID I.ADIKS' FAKI.OR Coir.m.uiils mi'.l loieeuahed ik v.- io i.Rinmviv, TUP. l I T.i:A I ll'N'.M. is the most eeutr-l of ntiv of ll.e fi sr rl:in ll.lels f.r husi- ni ss.or p!:ie,.s ol tiiuu. iiieiil, inn oil'era miMirpa-seil nil. vmciiis lo l.itmlicfe nml r.fti:len.eu vifiIii. .New I -irk. At i a in I'ntc.MAS, l'r -prietor. Now York, July 3, Hv.-!. ly I'iNir.ETIIS' Agriculturp.l Varo houso end Seed Store, JVo. 21 rr?i,7 21 Smith Zth street, let tree-n .Vnr- let (.-; Chcsnut ttrcet?, l'hilnilfljihii. CS always open to I lie in peition of every one interested in Farming or Gardening, The suunciili -rs il.errforo invite the public generally to cull und examine the larec and well selected stock of Agricultural Implements and Machinery, greai vaneiv ol linriiciiil irai tools. H arra riled Garden und Flower Seeds Grass and Field Seeds ol tho most Reliable" Quality, which thev ofier for sale st the loucst cuh prices, wholesale or retail. Too agiirultural implements sold by us are mostly manufactured ut our steam wor! llristol, Pu. Having filled up this establishment without reraru lo expense, ivil'i the lllot complete ma cninery for Ihu manufactnro of vuiioua kinds of oirrtctdiuial iiniih i-ients, we aio iin-i-iired to sim ply ull ortie'es in this line of ihe very best quality. Laudielh's Warranted Garden Seeds have been before the public for upwards of sixty years; llair wide-spread lopularity and the increasing demand from year to car Bro the best evidences of their superiority over ull others, CV" Country merchant ciui be supplied with seeds in papers, or iu bulk, on Ihe modi liberal terms. Bloomsdale, near Biistol, Pa., our cardenseed grounds, contahn three hundred and seventy acres, nnd is the larirest -slaldihnient of its I hid in Ihe world. 1). I.ANMKETil & SUN, Nos. 'il nnd 211 Souih Sixth St., Philadelphia, l.andrelh's Rural Register and Almanac for IoS, containing a monthly Calender for til i urui, naioei and lirccnliousc, c.x us uau uiiA ris upon personal or prepaid at plication.. Philadelphia, May Sid, 18')8. 2!S;Jt3t-E-' & U ALL. HVii-'esdi' ami JUtail JJcultrn in FORKiaW Sc DOMESTIC WIITEQ A1TD LIQUCP.S, Mill ttrtet, (Ims' i'Y) North l)ttuville,l'a. 'B1IIE undersigned would respectfully announce to their friends and the publio generully, tuai nicy nave purcliased a very extensive stock of Wines and Liquors direct (rom the Custom House, which they oiler to the traJe at Philadel phia prices thereby saving freight Ac. JOHN W. SHERIFF, J. s. HALL, Danville, June 19, 1S5H If. NOELIT, BfiOWII & NOBLIT. CaMiiit Ulalit-its' FlutU;:( More AND BEDDING WARE-ROOMS, Having REM O V E D lo the new Irn Front Warehouse, No. t'i'i South Second Street, . below Dock, West Si Je, PHILLDELPHIA. ' OW ofTer to ther customer slid the publie 1 generally, near and full assortment of CABINET HARDWARE & MATERIALS. They invite the attention of the trade to their stock of Hair Sealing and Culled Hair, of their their own manufacture ; Also lo a full assort ment of BEDDING AND UPHOLSTERY. Philadelphia, July 3, 1858. ly I JUKE CIDER VINEGAR, PURE CIDER VINEGAR, PUKE CIDER VINEGAR, By the quart, gallon and barrel, for sale by 1 , M. C GEAKHART. , Suiibvjry, Jury II, 1857. FALL & WINTER GOODS ! 1858 FANCY DRY GOOD STORE Llorkct Quare, Euttnty. 7VOW received and will continue to receive - the largest and best selected Block of Black Clotht, Catsimeres, Cassinett and Vesting, f r. An assortment of Dres Goods, vin Fancy printed Calicos, Chillies, printed Lawns, De Lain tlarcgcs, Merinos, Cashmeres, Alupacas, Drcs 8ilks, Ginghams, Ac. MNEN AND WHITE GOOD9. Irish Linen, bleached end brown Drilling, Sheet ing, .Tillowcascing, Ac. Drens Trimmings faj Great Variety. Boot nnd Shoe II at and Caps, Hardware, . Cedarware, Groceties, tjueensware SALT and FISH, Cheese, Cracker, .Vegars, Tobacco, Snuff, eVe., an aasorsmcnt of other Goods too tedious to mention. Feeling grateful for past favor we beg leave to : re our old friends and the public that no Ai l m our pjrt shall be wanting to merit cov: .nuance of our patrnnago. country produce taken in exchange at the highest market puce. P.W.GRAY. Sunbury.Dec, 12 1857. tf v vrTiT." wlil Hioai OF LA'.-iCASTKR City, late of Pliili.ili'hin, wlicie he liiis lieen in stieres.liil prui-lice fur n n-linln-l of ywirs, rcceiveft let e-.lui-stion nl tlie t:st .Meilicat t'.'llepe ill the Vnitiit totali s, unit hint tile expeiietice Hurt pnirtice in tlie ttirTiirvul Ihispituls for sevcuil years, a iiiciiiImt of the AntllyUrni Ml-iIii-iiI Institute of New Voik, mnl liite Merliciil Siii(-en:i of the 1'iiiieil (tiites Navy, now offers liimrelf to thepulilu- tiinlteniluny profeseionul calls. i hepaiesi mctticiiH-s alwatsmi lituu direct from Ihe beet Uilmiatone ol imr enuiiliy, nml tlie Dolanicnl Our ileus ca." I tie world. No Kilcut niclieine iresci il-c-l or re-CiiiimhcihIl-iI. Medicines used only hicli will not lirci'lc flown tlie coiiriliitiioti, Imt will lenovulc thcsyatein hom nil ihjinie. il hns fuklaineil from niiuerrineilicint-s. Chro me nnd il.incult Siri-:ihe must lie Irealeil ni.-m niialvlicnl principle, wliieli is In ktl-iw nml n ct-itain w lint disease IB Its nature ami charn.Mer retmre ft knuwle.li;e (it llie cnenuctil eoti.tititcnlnof everv solul uii-l ttunlof the li-nimn iwily ; tlie cluiii-1-s th'ise sol.ils nml lluuls are capable -f imilertrnilijr. Tuknnw v.'hril loeilieities lo pniploy to cure iliM-ases rclliresn kiiotvleile of l lie clicmirul coutlitueiits 01 nn litems employ i n in nu-ioeine ; mm il are lit pos session ol'this knoM'IAIfre, It is possible toeuic Snydiseuse no rnimcr 01 now lol-ir slaiiuinir ni.u icavv.lllu pullclit In a healthy and nerfeeliv cureil eomliiimi. Melancholy. Aberration, ii that m ne of alienation and wenknessol'ilio rniud which readers persons ineiable of enjoy ti;f the pleasures or pel forimii" the duties of hie; Dys pepsia J that .lismvMii-r di3eliM'lllidfellileslroyerof heii'lth nnd hnoptiiL-s., eiideruiiiiinir the consliliilion, mid yenrly carrying thousumle to nntimely i;ruves. can most emphati cally be cured. Hhetim;uisni,'ia any form or condition, chronic or acute, warranted cunthle; I'pilepsy or fnllini sickness; a I ehronie mid slnbhoru crises of l-'emiile li-ccnai-s riidienlly reinovetl Suit ltht-uiii.nud every descrip tion of u'c-Tritioui, Pihs n.id Her-'l'uh'lis Disenses, which huve ti-ililed nil previous medical skill can be cured t.y my tien-inent, whn IheeonMitiitiiiii is n--t Fxluiurted. 1 d i sriy nil di.e.ihe8 (ves, Consumpli in) can lie cured. I e-'Caiiecr rureit without the knife. I will remain in my oliice on Wkhnesdavs and Patvb- uavs, I'riiin 0 o'el ek A. M , t- 3 P M , to necomm'Mlitte pulients ft tun n ilislui-ee. mid consult lit the 1'nehsli nnd (ierniau laiieunpes. Will miilie visits to any distance if repined. Muy l-e oddieased l.y h irer, I'ulton Siuair, Luueasler c.ty, I'a. W. H. WIHTMOR.M.D. J iiue 5, If Sf Otn SUNBUHY STEAM FERITY AND TOWING BOAT COMPANY. rpi!AYELLERS nr.d other are respectfully - informed thnt the subscriber bus established a STEAM FERRY' over l!io Susquehanna, at Sunbury. That a large, safo and commodious steamboat will run regularly and promptly, at all hours during tlie day, to carry foot passengers as well as vehicles, Ac, between Sunbury and the landing on Ihe oppotitc side of the river, both w ays, or to and from Sunbury. The steamboat will run froiii Maiket Street Wharf, and will carry passengers to sr.d from the Packet morning and evening. Tho Steam Ferry now affords not only a safe and convenient transit over Ihe Sus quehanna, but also a plcasnnt nnd agreeable ride. IRA T. CLEMENT, Proprietor. Aanntrw lloovr.ii, CBplain. i1 ' Sunbury, May 1, 1858. ' 'M . NOTICE, persons indebted to James Beard, lato Pro rothotiotary of Nurthtimbrlandcountv, for fees, Ac, are requested to mako immediate pay ment, and thus save cost ami further trouble, as all accounts remaining unpaid will be placed in tho hands of Justice for collection. Payments can be mude either to the subscrilier or to J. S. Beard, at bis oliice. ,N JAMES BEARD. Sunbury, March 7, 18S8 tf Wholesale roccry. Sc I-CXJISralEL Opposite the Pennsylvania Kail Road Depot HARRISUURG, PA". TjTZ" EEP a large stock of the following named K articles, and will sell cheaper than any ollitr house this side of Philadelphia. Call and sec price of Cofl'ee, Lard oil, risb. oil, Tar, Rosin.j . Pitch. Sugar, Fish, Tea, Salt, Spices, Hams, Tobacco, Shoulders, Cigars, Flour, Vinegar, Fluid, Cheese. Soup, Oakum Robes, Calcined Plaster Candles A c. 5. H. Molasses, Syruns, K. O. Molasses, Also, Cement, Safety Fuse, Crow Bars, Sledges, Iron and Nails, for sale at very small profits. July 3, '858 ly rniL.rr:Liii'A -and rsadino RAIICOAD. OH-A-N G 33 Ol- HOURS. ON AMI AI-'TKH AUINUAY, July 4, ls3, ihe down iiioi mui; I'ussenirer train will leave I'ottsvill ml?. 13 A. M., pussiug tt rJiii(f ut D.Sl A.,M.,uuU uiriving ut Philadelphia ut lJ.i!a, noon. The down Aiternoun Tiuin will leave PotUville at 3 3d P. At., passing Heading at 6 US, nnd arriving ut Phlluilel phtu ut 7.40, f. M Moriiiui! und Aflermsin Passenger Trains leave Pliiln delphiu ul tsuuc liours as l.erelofore. 7 -HI A. M. mid J 30 P. Al , uusauig lteiiduix ul lu.Oj A.M. und 0 0? P. AI. LKUANON VALLEY ORANCII. Passenger Truin leaves It railing nt 10.03 A . SI , (after arrival of Down unit L'p .Moruniir liasseiurer Train from 1'otisvil'e ai.d Philadelphia,) und arrives ut llarrishurs; ut LI. 33 iiisiu, iu tune to eoinieet with Passenger Tra.ns for Sunhury, Wilhutu.iisiTt, lllimra, Pillsburir, i:tiaiubersburg, Iiallini'-ie nml Ijiniuster. Iteturniue, leuves lluiruburir at P M , m'ler urnval of I'lisscnger 'I'luius from nil love p mils, mid nmves ul Remliug ut 4 55, in lime to eonni-el Willi L'p unit Down PusseiiKer Tiulns to Potts-Villi-und Philadelphia, the saliifi eveuiiis. O. A. MCW.I.S, EiiginetT and i-uperuitendenl. July 17, IMS. tf BTO 3C. XI IsS LOUISA SH ISSUER, respectfully in forms the citizen of Trevorton and sur rounding county, that she lias opened a new store of Millinery and Fancy Goods, at Trevor ton iu iS'hamokiii street, nearly opposite Knouse's 1 avern, where all kinds of Bonnet and Fancy Goods can be had at the lowest terms. Dres making also attended to ia (he best manner and latest style. April 2 1H58. tf J? UK SALE OK EENT. M1 E large double frame house in the Borough - ofNorlhumbeilaud, belonging to Ihe estate of V. II. Kay, deceased. 1 Ins is a very desirable residence, beautifully ' situated on the North Branch of the Susquehanna, w ith a largo garden, Carriage House, Stable Ac., belonging to it Terms moderate. Enquire of C W. Scales, Williamsport, or D. Brautigam, Esq., Northum berland. March 87. 1858. FOR ri'lHE Store Room in Market street, lormerly A occupied by P. W. Gray. A pply lo Ihe ax ecutors of I. Masser, deceased. Af-ril 17 1 88. HJATCHOULV, JOCKEY CLUB, SPRING 1 FLOWERS, Ac., of the best quality t a fresh supply just received and for sale at the Drug Store of A. W, 1'lSHER. Ssmburv, July 17, 188. J JURE OLIVE OIL for table use, two at 37 and C2l cent jut received by ..... 'A. W. FWHBR, r Jul T,'w. HSRRXNG'S sArn. AGAIN THE 'l-Vr-Vi '! i The cny Sale which, in every "i'Xtl ' !t.J; 'I instance, preserved their en- tire content in tha lata ex tensive firn. At Ihe burning of the Arti i. san Buildings, April Ititn, ,l .--l,- tfjanil n lin unoa s t no, in Market streol, May Ut, IR50, r jaj , . ... i-iiniii vine the genuine HERRING SAFE Preserved the Jewelry of Geo. W. Simon & Bro. i Books, Papcri, Ac., of Fisher & Hro.,nd Edward Gcamane & Co., after remaining ex posed in the burning ruins for nearly FORTY HOb'RS, and proving conclusively what we have elwe? claimed for thein, THEIR GREAT SUPERIORITY over all securities now known. In these fires, THE HERRING'S SAFE, standing eido by side with those advertised as 'warranted to stand 10 per cent, more fire than Herring's," came forth tho ACKNOWLEDGED VICTOR, not only preserving their contents in EXCELLENT order, but being in themselves in a condition to go through another ordeal, while tho boasted ' Salamanders" of other ma ker were badly used up in every instance, and in some cases their entire content completely destroyed. To tho public he would simply mt, that, du- ring the fonrtcen year the HERUINU 3 SAFE has been befora them, more thnn two hundred have passed through accidental litis without the occurrence of a single loss. We would, therefore, CAUTION purchasers against the misrepresentation of interested par ties. Tho HERRING'S PATENT is Ihe only FIRE PROOF SAFE made in Ibis city, which is protected by a PATENT RIGHT, and wc will guarantee it to resist more then double the amount of heat of any other Safo now known rarrcl, Herring & Co., Solo Manufacturers ;n this Stale of "Herring's Patent Champion Sr.fes," HI IlWititiSi., Vhilmla. VZT "Evans & Watson's Improved Salaman ders," "Oliver Evans'," "C. S. Gnyler's," and "Scott's Absetos," Iron Chests, (a large assort ment bavin jr been taken in part payment for "Herring's,") will be sold at low prices. Philadelphia, July 10, IK,ri8 ly VALUABLE HEAL ESTATE OK1KP.KH AT PRIVATE SALE. rfJHE subsciiber oilers nt private sale, a cer Jj tain lot or piece ofl.iml, situuto in Lower A ngusta township, Northumberland county, about 8 miles below Sunbury, bounded on the west by tho river Susquehanna, on the south by laud ol George Seller, on Ihe east by hind ol Wm. Kroh, and on the norlli by bind of Win. R. Jones, containing fl Acres nml 18 perches, all of which is cleared and in a very high stale of cultivation. The Northern Central Rail Road passes through the tract, and is also bound on the e.jsl by the Main Road leading from Sunbrry lo Hairinburg, which together, w ith tho River upon the west, and the fertility of the soil makes it a very pleasant and desira ble situation. ALSO; another certain Tract of Land, situate in said township, adjoining lands of William Kroh, on the south, the heirs ut Kooert anil Ar thur A uchmutv : on tho east Win. V. Silver wood, and a public road on the north, nnd Wm L. Jones on the west, containing !' Acres III perches strict measure. A bout 50 acres of which aio cleared, and in a liiuli state of cultivation and ihe residue most excellent land for cultiva tion, but is now covered with excellent timber, and if purchased soon, the purrltaser can get a large quantity of Railroad Ties on the same, This tract is also well watered, having several fine springs upon it, and every field con be wa tered thereby. An indisputable title will be given and term of sale reasonable. WILLIAM R.JONES. Lower Augusta tp., January 2, 1857. tf , IlIVimiEJ HOUSE, (Formeily KiUie's Hotel,) M.wisurnG. UNION CO., PA. R. G.IIETKi:rv rroprlctor. riMUS is (Miei-f the larprst nud in st lumihert Hotels on 1 the West Biuiuli. It is IfM-atcil hi the latsiness part fl Ibe town. (It lieitiK ilir tailv Hotel iu Murket Siuare ) The profiiu'iiir is ttfterintmfl, lo uie every t-xeriitat Ut make his mmi our o( the heel in t.ie St.tle ; ami it t ffeis nire indue- incuts iir persons wh i speiui a slt'rt lnue in one of Ihe mosl pleasant tuwus in ceiilial I'cmiiivauia, Cliarues veiy nHtlr;ile. Lt-wiKjuit:, Juno H-5f. COME ONE! COME ALL!! LEARN THE LIST OF PRICES AT TIIE People's One Price Store. E. Y. BRIGHT & SON, si xni Jiv, pa., 1AVE received their largo and choice select cd stock of IT E 77 GOODS, Composed of an endless variety, and to which they respectfully invite tho nttetition of Ihe pub lic feeling assured Unit Ihcir large assortment and great variety of all kinds of Goods combined with ihe exceedingly low prices which they are determined to sell at, will render entire aalicfuc tinn. CtF COUNTRY PRODUCE wanted in ex chunge at the very highest market prices. June 5, 1853. Market Street. Sunbury Pa. rjtHE subsrriber respectfully informs the ciii tens of Sunbury, and Ihe public generally, that he has purchased, and will take possession iu the above well known stand on the 1st of April next, formerly kept by Mis. Thompson. That he will put the same in complete repair. In addition he will provide a conveyance to carry passenger to and from the dilli-rent Ruilroad de pots, and w ill leave no ell'.rts untried to render his hotel a desirable stopping place for guests and travelers. JOHN LEISEK, February 20, 1858. Farmers Look to Your lutercst. r"IIIE sudseribcr respectfully inform Ihe fur JU mers and Ihe public generally, that he ha leased the lime kiln of Ira T. Clement in Sun bury, and lhat he has alwaya on hand, and is ready to supply a good quality of lime lo all who may waul for building or farming purposes. lie ha also a kiln at heeler s crossing 5 mile from Sunbury, or two from Snvdcrlown. rV All kind of Country Produce tuken in exchange. GEO. W. STROH. Sunbury, Dee. 28, 1857. GEORGE IIILIs ATTOPilTET JLT LAV". stjistbtjuy, fa.., fljESPECTFULLY informs Iho public and Q, hi friends generally, that ho has removed to Sunbury, and lias opened a law oliice at bis residence, ill Market square. Hi acquaintance with the English and German enable him to transact business in both language. Apiil 10, 1858. ly SADELRT AND HARNESS MAKING. 'I'M! E sub. cribers respectfully inform the eiti. -I- xens of Sunbury and vicinity lhat they have commenced the above business a few doorscbove the Post Office, Market Square, Sunbury, Pa. Work of all kinds in their line of business w ill be done promptly and neatly on the most rea sonable term. CLEMENT cV OYSTER. February 13,1858. HENRY D0NNEL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Uffice opposit the Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County Fa. Prompt attention to buaioeaa in adjoining kOtinliea. lishing Tackle. Red Cork, Gr.ss, Cot- ton and Linen Line, Out Line, Sea. Grass by the yard, Snood. Flies, Kirby, Limerick and Carlult) Hook, Rode, Vo., fral by jy tr.M. k. w. rsmr. A WOXDIZXrUL COIS'CW ENcn. AU Nations of the name Mint! I IIOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. Tlie anniversary of Ilia Introduction of Hollownv's Ointment ntis-hl to lie jubilee foiever. It hns saved conntlrss multitude from itir-fisuremsnt, pnrnlyzntion, mnlilntinn, nrrony nnd death. Plurtine from the surfnee tn which it Is npplicd, us lienhn-r Icilm linds lis way through every coaling nnd lirrnmentof the b-Mly, to the very source and busts iS ull eruptive, ulcerous, tumorous, nnd ennee rous diseases. It distinsiii.'ihes Ihe febrile principle that feeds them, nnd the outword svmptoms fndc, henl, and pass awuy wilh a rnpidity incredible to those who bays not wirncsscil it. SCROFULOUS ERUPTIOJtS AND Ut.CF.R9. The poison of serofnln has never been ncntmlizcrt nr expelled by nny of His remedies of the phnrmneopreia- !. o, -it i,i in. ii. .if , tii riirio ipriivc eu-inriu Is llolhiwny's Ointment. Mnjcndie ft llrodie, the s;rent French aisf I'nglish sarsoons, do no deny or dispute this great fact. There is nof rm of scrofula that mny not bs controlled and cured by this bulsntnic remedy. CANCKR3 AND TUMORS. The knife or ennstic may remove a enncer or tumnr, but the seeds of the terrible excrescence remain in the lil-'isl. Hint il Is soon reproduced in a worse fouu than before. Il'-llowuy's Oiiilment, on Ihe cnuutriirv, pene. tratesinto Ihe circulation. nd pervniles every infected vesicle, nnd ki Is the disease by destioying ihe corrosive principle that Renernted und sustains it. INFLAMMATIONS OK TIIF. FKINS. Alt rn.hes nnd ordinary emotions, ns well ns Krvslnet-iA. Acne, Rimrworm, Carbuncles, Scald llend.Salt Ithenin. Leprosy. Prickly Heat. Ac., me removed by a few brisk applications of the Ointment. ACC1DKNTAI. INJURIES, WOUNDf, Sprains, llrnises, iVnMs mid Iliirns nre Immediately relieved by its iipplieali'm. The inlhimma-tiouiuii-kly sulis'iles. fever nnd lockjaw tire prevented, nudundera perseveilllg use of the pieparati on, liiu pro cess of healing is soon nccomplis.icd. Iioth the Ointment nml J'ilh flmnhl be vfcil in the fulliiu inn cnscf : Ranious Lumliuffo S.rc' Leirs Swelled Glands Hums Mercurial Sore Ilreafts StilT Joints l.linppeil llalldr I .ruptnais Sore fiends I leers Cliilhlaina Piles S-ire Thrmils Venereal ft-res Fislulns Kheumnttsin Sires of all Vfnund of sll liout S.ilt llheiHii kinds kiinls Skin Discuses Sprains Scales r? CAUTION ! None nre rreuinue unless Iha words "lloltowuv. New York nnd I pinion." lire diseernible lis ns n wnler-niiirk ill every lenf of the Uiok of thrections urouiiil enell por or ii. ; rue same limy be plainly su n bv lioliline the leaf t-i the Iieht A hnii'lsoine rewnril will tie Riven to nny one rendering such information ns mny lend to the detection of ntiy parly in parties counlcrfcitit'S; the medicines or vendlnij the same, knowing lliciii lobe spurious. .Ki s lil nl tlie .xinnuruetorles of rrofes.ioTHoi.r.oWAV SO Maiden Uitie. New 'ork. nnd -ill Strand. Iiiidon. bv nil respectable llnu-gists and Deulers in Medicine lliroiiuli. our me l linen Mules, nun tlie civilized world, in boxes, at ti5 cents. GJl cents, and S each. tr there is a considerable saving by taking the larger zi-a N. B Direclinns for the iriitdanca of patients in everv disorder ure nllixeil to each box. October 17, If a?. I yea EIIVLIPOITjriVE- riMIE undersigned having received a large and J. well selected stock of I'Jirc Hrtisti and C Iirm!cals, Dyeshifts, Oil-, Paints, Glas nnd Putty, is now ready to fill orders at a moments notice. In connection with the above you will find an assortment nf Fancy Notions, Toilet .Ir'icles and Perfumery of all kinds, 'I'ooih, llair, Nails and Chillies llru.-hes of every variety. Customers will find his stock complete com prising many articles il is impossible here to enumerate. KEME.MIiF.R ihe place, nextdoor to tho Peo ple's fine Pi ice Sto e. Physicians' Ptcciii tions compounded accurate It and carefully. A. W. FISHER. Sunbury, July 17, 158. EUIIKITUEE EURlNtlTURE j THE LARGEST STOCK EVER OFFERED IN SUNBURY. Fashionable, tUcnp mid I'su-fta 'piIK subscriber, long established as a Cabinet ond Chair Manufacturer in Sunbury, thank ful for past favors, solicits a continuar.ee of the public patronage. His stock of Cubiuct-Warc, Chairs, j c, embraces KVF.IIY VARIETY, USEFUL A.MJ ORNA JliEVrAL in housekeeping. It is unnecessary to enume rate, as anything lluit may bo required in his line can be bad at mo.lera'.o prices. Cheap for Cash, or Couniry Tioducetakcn in exchange. Establishment South East Corner of Market Square. W Those knowing themselves indebted lo tho subscriber would ul,i;ja him by muking pay ment. NF.UASTI.YN HAUPT. Simb'jrT, April -I, 1Ij7. tf PHILIP 21. P"J?s37. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Grocery, Wine and Liquor Store, S. L cur. Walnut und HVitr Streets, PHILADELPHIA, DEALERS and fumilies will be promptly supplied at the lowest prices. October 4, I85G. tf S.cule find Hum es Muker. HENRY HATJPT, JR. RES'ECT FULLY informs the citia-n of Sunbury and the pub lie generally, that he has tuken the shop occupied by Briuht and Beck, one door east ol S. I'uupt's Cabinet Ma ker shop where he is prepared to turn out work in his line of business equal to any made in thin section of the country, Orders promptly execu ted ami all kinds nf produce tuken in Exchange Sunbury, March 80, IS58. ly W A S II I N G T 0 X II OUSE yt. .roVKItT, Proprietor. BTJISTBTJ-jR.-y, TPV-, rHIE propiietor respectfully informs his fiicnds -a- and the public, generally, that he is repairing and renovating the "Washington House," so as la entertain both transient and permanent visitors in a suitable and comfortable manner. Thankful for the patronage extended to his father, he respectlully solo its the continuance ol Ihesame. lie will take charge of the "Wash ington House" on the first day of April, next. He will have an Omnibus running to the different Railroad Depots for the accommoJalion of Passengers, free of charge. W. A. COVERT. Sunbury, March 50, 1858, EILVEll PLATED-WAKE. MAM-FACTl'UKU HI .IOI3X O. It! C A r & sos, rMIE oldest Electro Plater iu the United States, manufactures of every variety of Goods plated with pure silver, Albala, Brittauia and Steele Tea Sett. Urn, Waiters, Casters, Cake Bas kets, Pitchers, Goblets, Communion tervice, Spoons, Forks. Knives, eke. All good warrant ed as represented. North East corner Olh and Chesnut street Philadelphia, Penna. May 8, 1858 ly P. MELANCHTON SHINDEL, Jl'STIt i: OF THE PIJtCE, Ojjict in Deer Street, immediate! if opposite the Public School Jloute. All business promptly attended to. Monies collected and all ordinary writing done. Sunbury, April 25. 1857 tf BUSHONG'8 dt SONS' Superior Burring Fluid, for sale at FlsHER'5 Drug ard Chemical Emporium. Sunbury July 17, 1858. 8TOVES- F0R SLE B an excellent eecond hand Cook' in Stove, also several Cylinder Coal Mr.W Enquire at tills) otiio. ISAAC M.' MlLKERBoi MAMUPAOTTJnEu 03? FURNITURE AND C II All, Of tlia most Fashionable Style. Solas, IMvnii"! and I Eureang, Secretariss, 6ilebcsid3, SOFA, ItRIiAKFAST AM) IIIMMJ TAiilXS and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to I'hii tlclphia manufiictHre, BEDSTEADS, of every pntlem and t,ri CUPUOAUDS, WORK AND CAN OLE STANDS, TOILET TAIH.KS AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every article in this line of hi I-usuh-'"PHE subscriber respectfully calls the attenti of the public to hi largo and splendid t sorlment of every quality and price of CIA II I SET-WA 11 IZ which cannot fail to retommend itself to every e who will examine it, on account of its dural workmanship and splendid finish, matin up nf I best stock to be had in the city. No effort spared in the manufacture of hi were, and t subscriber is determined to keep up with t many improvements which are constantly b i made. He also manufacture all kind andqnaliii CIIAIKS. ncluding varieties never before to bn had Sunbury, such a Maiiooast, Black Walsi au Ci blkii Mai-lb Giif-cia ; asd Winhs CHAIRS, ajid tamct Piaio S roots, which t of the latest styles, and warranted to be excel! j by none manufactured in the Cities or elsen hr J lie subscriber I determined that thcro ;li be no excuse for persons lo purchase furniture the cities, ns every confidence can be entertain about the quality and finish of his waro a Chairs. These articles will be disposed of nn as iro term as they rin he purchased elsewhere. Cot try p-odiico taken in payment fur work. UNDERTAKING. Having provid a handsome Heaiisf., he is now prepared . Undertaking, and attending funerals, in this eiuity, or at any convenient distance from t! place . TheWnro P.oom is in Fawn Street, I low Weaver's Hotel. He hasnleu purchased the rifht of mnntib tnrinsr nnd selling in Northumberland conn' Gould's atent Exci-lsoir Spring Bed, which will furnish nt reasonable rates. Springs put olJ bedstead for three dollars. IStAC M. ViTLKERSON. Sunbury, April IS, 1857 tf. LANCASTER C0LIIURY FOR SAL Important to Coal Opcratut's. 'MID undersigned Lessees of the "Lance! Colliery," near Shaiiiokin, Norlhumberla' county, l'ennsyl v.ttii.i, wi-liing to retire from t bii-iness, oiler for sale the Lease and Fiitur of said Colliery, on salisfactoiy lernu. I'I ('olliery has been in operation since 18." I, ai has been sucicssiul beyond expectation. 'I' Conl is a superior articles for all uses lo wiii Anthracite isupplied, and a good market hns be established, which can be much extended, 'i' Breaker and I'iklures are of the very best ci nder nr.d w ill recommend ll.emselies to j c-rao arquniuti.d will, I lie business. The Lease runs to January 1, 16t4, and ii favorable one for the operator. rt or lurtlier inloiiualion apply at the Ci !';e iu pet son, or by litter to Sojmol.in, P. O., Ni thumbeiland county, I'cr.ns lvania. COCHRAN, PEALK iVCH.t February fi, ia,j.tf " valuable" p r ct ii. ice "in rjHE subscribers, E-cceninrs of the estu;. i. Henry Masser, dee'd., n.i'er tit private s. the following proper! viz : A large iwo si frame dwelling house, together wilh about flu CURES OF LBN D, Situate in Lower Augusta township .'dj-iiiii lands of Daniel Kaufman and others rnv.v in t nccupnhey of John R. Kaufman us u stnr.' a dwelling. 'J'he house is new and the location good one for business. Also rt TRACT OF LIMESTONE LAN iu said township on the river about fl mi!r t low iSunbu.y, adjoining Isndsof J. T. M'i'lirrs and others, containing, nbout i'O acres, 'i soil is productive and contains limestone r other minerals. Also a tract of Laud, containing about : acres on the hill, about two miles below 5uitb;:i adjoining lands of the licit of tho late J. I Conrad and others. There ij, on this trii t small orchard of choice fruit. For further particulars nrplj to the suVcrl-r H. II. MASSER, ) P. . MASSER, SExeeuto FRANCIS Dl'CHER. ) Sunbury, January 19, 1 SAO. tf COLD PENS wilh and without cases, of very superior quality, just received. Also a fresh suj ply of Writing Fluid, for s, 'y 11. H. MASSER. Sunbury. Dee. 27. IS.'-fi. WMOI..SALS AMII Rf.TAlL BOOT STOBE, 10 Smith Fourth S.t, above Chesunt, I'M' fjOO'FS, Shoes, Gaiters, Ac., promptlv n s, FiD to order i.i Ihe very besl stylo, a: j of t! best material. Philadelphia, May 9,1837 DANVILLE" Ho'TELT" JOHN DEEN, JR., Market Stmt, Dam-ill,; i'a, rjMUS i one of the largest and most rMim fl dious hulrls in llie interior of Pennsiisnii il has been reeentl filled up, in excellent ul? v.iih all the modern conveniences. Damilled, Sept. 23, 8.."i. v 'ii iFmiTis'ir hotel. roTTSViLI.E, PA. ffHE subscriber resiectfiil!y announce t.' h old fi u-iid and Ihe public, that he l-as mte that old and well known establishment, iho Whito Hore Hotel. At the corner of Centre ar.d Vahnntogo sfi.,i Ihe Borough of Pottsville. The house lui n eent'.y been very much enlarged and otbemi! improved, rendering it quite as CimforlaHes any other Hotel iu ichuj Ikill eoiinty nliii Ihe stables aro large, in good condition, and a! tend by careful, attentive, piudent hostlers. To travellers and others who may stop at hi house, he promises every attention calculated1 t reudir ihcm comfurtablu and satisfied. JOS. M. FLC.ER. April fi, lP5f.- tf st iv rriai .s. u nii.i.a. CHEAP WATCIILS AND JF.WLI.ItY. TTrilUI.K8AI.l-: AND Itr.TAIL.at Ihe "I'luladelpli Watches and Ji Well) (-lore" No. M- ((lid .No. eo North Second Street. C iiner of Quarry, Plniadelphia. fiolj Lever Waiehi-, full J ltd, 1 carol cases, Co-Id l.epine, 1- caret, 24 I Silver Lever, lull jewelled, l'J I: S.ive-r lupine, jewels, 9 C Superior (juartieib, 7 1' ti nil Sieeliieles, 7 I Fine Silver do , I t lit.Id Kraeeleli, t I Ldy's (iold I'eneils, I I' Silver Tea Sp mes. set. I- Uokl Pens, with I'cnci! nnd Silver holder, 1 (' liold Fii.cit liliifsar etno-o; Watch fossscs. plat 121 els , patent Isf, Lu lei tio1 i oilier srtieles iu propurl-o All uihiOs ivurruilted lo be v. Iml thev nre sold lor. SIAI FFLH A IIAHI.EY. i ta On hand s mis Gold and Silver Lsvers und Lepinc slil! lower Ih-in Ihe plmve prices Phikidelphui, Ocloher 10, 1-37 lieW BLANK Parchmenc Paper Deeds and blanl Mortgages, Bonds, Executions, Summon Ac. for saleb II. B. MASSEK. Sunbury April S8, 1850 l)ORT MONA1ES, Tooth and Hair L'rush. all qualities, and any qtianli v, for sale bv A. W. FISHER. July 17. 58. ATENT BRITTANTA STOPPERS ft var ooitioa ior aaie uy II. II JIAB51I1. Sunbury, July 19, 1RR6. BROWN'S and Breiuiu's Essence of Gingst and Uqsband'a .Mneia at Tf tV, ilft, riSHER'S. W8' Drug 4. J ,X . - ....,k