From Kmw Mrilao nil Hi Plain. Another Battle trii tht Indians Tht Pike's Peak Gold Mines. Et. Loin, Oct. 18 A despatch from lo dependence, on the 17tb, layi that the Santa 1 mail, with dates to tbs 57tb uit., arrived tbora oo Saturday night. Newt had reached Santa Ft of another bnttlo with the Indian, Six of tin Indium were killed, and two loldieri wounded. Six thonsund head or sheep were recovers d. The mail conductor reports t--lir.f with n large number of gold haulers bound to Pike's Fctifc. I.iilcr from lh I v Weal. JSattlt lut ween tht United State Troops und ComanchcsThe Dead tind Wruiidcd. Et. Lotis, Oct. 13. Intelligence retched tb city on Saturday Inst or n despcrato buttlo between tlio U. 8. troeps nod Canmches, near the Wilcbila Village, in which, on tlio part of the whiles, Lieat. Vat Camp nnd (our men wore killed, there wis oleo on timn miming and tea wounded, including Major Vnn IJuraii.j. everely. Th enemy hud fun; killed, and a couiidcrablt number wounded. Advice from Tort Kesris to tbe 2J, report that Major Crusemau, Cept. Newton mid Lieut. Prjn, of the Engineer Corps, and Lient. Yilleypegal, of tb second I'rngoeos, bad reai-had that place en the j;tli u!t., oa the steamer United states. 'I bey report tbe gold excitement as still very high, though the actual results of tbe opera tion were not to cheering ai tie accounts would seem lo warrant. SECOND BBSfATCB Ft. Lous, Oct. 19. A letter from an offi cer of tbe army, received to-day, confirms, substantially, tbe account given above of the battle, end adds that tbe United States force wag composed of two hundred nud fifty of the "d Cavalry, nndor Major Van Doren, end oua hundred and twelve friendly Indians, under Capt. Ross, tbe lutier wounded. Tbe whites captured a number of horses and took 200 women aud t b ldreu prisoners. tjorernor Denver, of Kansas, has arrived here, lie says his resignation is positive, and tbat be dues not intend to return. Wii.i.iAMfroKT, October 1C. James T. flalo. tbo People's candidate, tins ICO majority in Clinton county, COO ma jority in Lycoming co., end 700 majority in Poller co., making 2,300 msjurty, with Sulli van county to hear from. liiLroKo, October 16. Reilly has only 135 majority in tbia county and McPberson is eluejed by 239 majority in tbe district. Wasuixctox Oct. IS. It is said that Gen. Jor.z, will immediately cotmitinieiite wilb the Government of Nicaragua relative to tbe non tucctss of bis mission, aud eek Tor further in structions, lie was emphatically informed by Ceo. Cass that, whatever may be done by France or any other foreign power our (Jov ernment will protect the transit route to tbe fullest extent, and at nil hazr.rds. Some friends of tbe Administration, o:ca pying high political position, express them selves favorable to a direct application to Congress for un appropriation to conduct the negotiation lor tbe purchase of Cuba. The receipts of the Post-oQice Department for tbe quarter ending the 20lh of June, were $1,800,000. Trinity Rat, Oct. 18. To Trier Cooper, Iq., fur tbe Directors of tbe Atlantic Tele graph Company, New York, 1 regret tossy that tbe preconcerted signals arranged by Mr. Thompson have fulled to elicit nuy i im provement in the rcceptiun of signals here. I do not know ifauy improvement has taken placo at Valentin. 1 commence repeating tbe eume system on Wednesday next. C. V. Db Salit. From ValiliiKtu. Washington, Oct. 19. lty private advices received in Washington from Arizuua, dated Sept. 2dth, it is ascertained that tbe Sonora Silver MiniiiR Company have begun shipping silver from Tuboc to Suu Fraueisco, ubout a thousand ounces per week. This will be largely increased when the nuialgamulioo works are finished. other mines are well opened, and smelling bud been commen ced with largo returns. The Apaches were about making a great expedition into Sonora, and tbe Mexicans were preparing a large army to resit. The proceedings of the Kio Grande Con. vention, asking fur tho separate Territorial organization of Arizona, bad been unanimous ly endorsed by the western portion of tbo Territory, at a mass meeting held at Tuesan. No Representative or Senator was vo ted for in Arizona, for tho New Mexico Le gisla' ure. On tbo20fu'of September. Lieutenant Mowry vvus re elected to Cougress, by about auuu votes. Tbe Americau vote is largely increased since last J ear. Lieut. Mowry had gone to Guaymas, Sono ra, to obtain, it is said from the Legislature of that State, tbo right of way from Arizona to l orl louoa and uuayuias, for a wagou and railroad, and tbe tuusil of silver and goods free of duty. There is no change, as has been stated, in the regulation concerning letters to the Last Indies. The American poeluge only may be pre-paid. The franking privilege of the new members or Congress, commences the 4th ef March next, and the retiring members will retain it till the 1st Monday in December following. All the Departments of tho Governmeat aro busy preparing their respective report fur Conro.-s. Thirteen l'ustmaaters in Illinois bave just been removed from office. There is tbe best lulbority Tur saying that Jere has not hr tii formally dismissed. Nothwilbsiauding the recently published denial of tbu truth of the despatch that our Government has received, through Count b.u tiges. the application or the authorities of two of t lie Friendly Islands for annexation to United States, the Agent of the "Associated l'reps" reiterates the lad, as additional and reliable authority. It should be stuted, bow ever, that thd action of Sartiges was cot iu bis oiScial capacity. Til. Election in Ikjus.-Our telegraph, lc advices from Indiana enable us to sum up fully and accurately the result of the electiou in tbat Stntd. The contest for Cuiigress re sulted in the electiou of three Lecomptouites and eight Opposition, as follows : I District Niblaik l.ecomptou re-elected 2. English Lecomptun, re-elected. 3. 4. 6. 6. 1. 8. 9. 10. 11. i'unn, Ujipomtion, a gum. Ilolluiau, Lecomp., no cbunge. Kilgore, Opposition, re-elected. I'oi ter, Opposition, a gain. Davis, Opposition, a gain. Wilson, Opposition, re-elected. Colfax, Opposition, re elected. Case, Opposition, re elected. 1'eltit, Opposition re elected. itf.d 3tatm Finances. The condition jL'uited States Treasury on tbe 1 1 lb of j'Vwes el fulioas j 'Nied, 1.432.493 .r.udu,c.U. , 9,270,625 l . h '''KOV 91)0,500 j ? rel,'pt aud rapiJ reduction slow needed. The alo.OOO.OOO of loan will be ffo'B kejrtembor aeol cover eWveo day THE AMERICAN. sxjrJETjrt.'sr, rA. "gATURDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1850. IL 73. MASSKR, Editor and Proprietor. To Abvtiks - -Th circulation of the (anbury AnHrfn among Ike diOVeiit town on the Sarqueriaunn Mutsitreited ifaqnatled by any paper pabhsheilin North era fennsvlranta. C3T Tnn Official Rktcrm. In the front hnslo to make tip the table of the official return, lost week, several errors in adding up nnd misplacing the figures in the columns occurred, which were not diecevcrrd until meet of our edition was worked off. 'We therefore republish the table this week pro perly corrected. GST I.ittel'b I.iviko Acs, is received week ly and contains the choicest collections of tbe literature of Europe and this country. KiT We understand that Mr. U. Weaver, intends re opening bis Anibsotype Gallery in the Tost Office building, in a few days. CJ- Dbowked. On Friday night last, Jo seph McCauloy, a man aged aboet 25 years, a hand on a boat, from Wrightsville, was drowned nt Haas and Bowen's coal wbarf in this place. He had been out nnd returned lato in tbe night, nfter drinking pretty freely, and in tbe act of stepping from one boat to another, Le fell between tbe two. Ho was recovered nest morning. He was very short in statue, his arms snd legs being only about half tbe ordinary length. Ci" The Weather for tho last week has 1 con perfectly delightful. The sky has tbe peculiar sober brightness of autumn, the air is bland and wholesome, while tbe woods have put on their magnificent parti colored robes, which make American forest scenery, in au tumn, tbe grandest in tho world. C3T Tbe votes polled by tbe four boroughs in this county stands as follows, for Congress and Register nnd Recorder : Congrer. HcpiiTr, Ao. Punt.iiry. Sl.i 3JS Nnithuu Inland, 1I) 1k0 M.Hom. SCI )!' Mi-EwentviHe, 73 74 Shainokin township polled for Congress, CO j for Register and Recorder, 321. Sun- bnry borough can now poll over 400, and with tbe exception of Shainokin township is tho heaviest district in tbe county. 63 The following is the official teturn for State Senator in the 13th district, composed of the couuties of Northumberland, Snyder, Mcftilour and Columbia : H. Kcilrt. Dm. I. Gutrliun, vn NnrthuuibetLicd, ti.36o ,Ct THiyuer, l.vti'.i 1,1.4 Montour, 703 770 Columbia, l,!oj i,iJH e.sst S,u Keller' majority, 1,246 t liiE Official ot. tor Lonorfss in this District. It will be seen tbat Mr. Campbell's vto is nearly equal to that of his two opponents. Col. Cuke labored under one great disadvantage, viz: The desire of tbe ar.ti-Dewart party to concentrate their strength on the strongest man. Under the impression that Mr. Campbell was that per son, many voted fur lu.u who, under other circumstances, would have voted for Col Cake. The official vote fcots up as follows : I)ev:tit. Cuke. Cnmptitll. XorlbumSrrlmiJ coimty, &i-liU)lkill county, Total, I Ho i 3,WS 6.0.) 1 7,13 4,j6 3,151 Iat Tna CotNTv Faib. We neglected to notice last week, the County Agricultaral Fair held at Milton during the week previous We were prescut ou Friday. The exhibition was well attended especially by tbo people of the upper end. There were very few pre sent south and east of Sunbury. Milton is the centre of a fine agricultaral district, but not of the couuty, uor does it follow, by any means, that the bett aud choicest products oio iuu id in uesi sou. l uero were u great maay things present well worthy of ex bibition, but also a number that could claim but little distinction fur superiority. Upon tbo whole, wo do not think our Agricultural Fairs, havo oxhibited tbe progressive im provement that niighs bave been expected, and for a rich agricultural country are, in many things, sadly deficient. In the arrange ment there is room for great improvement, which is also the case iu the appointment of committee.. Tliero are a number oT com. mitteeg that should be constituted in part, if not wholly of ladies. It is difficult, we know te get men to exercise, iu all cases proper discrimination. t3T Pennsylvania and New Yohk City. The State of Pennsylvania appropriation bills average ubout five millions of dollars. Of this sum about two millicns is required to pay tbe interest on the State debt, leaving three millions as the annual sum necessary to keep the machinery of government in mo tion. In the report oflhe Controller of New York we fiud that nearly $15,000,000 has been received ant1 expended in governing that city for one year five times as much as the whole State of Fennfylvania costs; and this sum does cot include tbe taxes paid by citizens of New York fr State purposes Some of tbe items of expenditure will show what it costs to govern a great city. The item or lamps and gas costi 400,000 j police, nearly ana million of dollars ; salaries or a rious officials, nearly hulfa million j common schools, over a million ; paper and printing, half a million ; almshouse, more than six huuJred thonsand ; cleaning and paving streets, half a million j redemption of boods, Ova millions. Tbe total valuation of real and personal estate in the city or New York is $531,191,290, on which eight million! tr lax ii directly levied. Tbe people or New York know that they are swindled out or large lams, but find it impossible to check tbe boiioess. Tbe bordea of debt and taxa tion or Pennsylvania is a mere nothing, when contracted with wbot it t osti tai city or New It. OUR DEFEAT AND ITS CAVSEB- The result of the recent aleclion in this State hat taken many by tarprise, yet to re. flectiog nen and lonnd statesmen there wn nothing perhaps ery ntraordinary. When labor is abnndant and well paid prosperity ii alwaynora to fallow, while the revirM ii al wayi lor to produce the oppotiU effect. It has been evident for years past that oar manufactores were struggling to maintain tbemielvei under difficulties that must in the end result iu ruin end disaster, if th general government, to which they bad a right to look for encouragement, did not protect tbem. From ike democratic party, they certainly bad some reuion to expect it, inasmuch as the great body of that party, was made ap TroDi tbe laboring population. But our pclili ciaas when they get to Washington, loon for get the ntccisities or tbe people and in that whirlpool of extravagance and dissipation "give up to party what was meant for man kind." There are some, however, who bae battled for the great interests of Pennsylva. nia, from first to last, witheut regard to party movement. Among these we may properly mention the name or Gen. Cameron, who has always contended Tor tho interests or tbo manufacturers and laborers or bis native State. Perhaps it may not bo out or place to refer to his speech in the United Stales Senate last session, on the presentation of some petitions for protection to the suffering laborers of Pennsylvania. That speech was truly prophetic and has been verified, almost to the letter. We have only room fur the following extracts : 'The laboring men of this country are powerful for good always. They do control when they think proper, nnd I think the time is coming when they will control the politics of this country. 1 tell them that before thy can get proper protection, they ruest change the majority in this Senate, they must change the majority in the other House of Congress, and, above all, they must change the occu paut of the White House, who is the dispen ser of the power which controls the legislation of this country. In place of gentlemen who sneer when wo talk about protection, they must send men here who know something of the wants, something of the interests, some thing of the usefulness of the laboring men. Hitherto they have not actsd as if thy carei for their own interests; while they tnlked nbont a tariff which would guard their labor from competition with tbe pauper labor of Europe, they would go to tho elections under some wurd leader and vote for men to repre sent tbem here and eleewhere who cared only for party drill, and who had no interest above party succoss. This system they must change if they hope for success. 1 think tbe labor ing men of Pennsylvania, at least, are now beginning to put their own shoulder to the wheel, and I believe they will make such a noise in uext Octoheras will olarm the gen tlemen all over the country who laugh at them." Tbe opposition are now organized and sus tained by men like Gen. Cameren who bave been schooled iu the ranks of the democratic party, and theso men, it may as wo'.l be snid' were among the ablost or our party, because they united to ability and capacity, indepen dence and an honest desire to promotn the interests or the State nnd coantry. That they should turn to acconnt tbo blunders as well as tbe Tollies (to use a mild expression.) of the general administration wai both na tural and proper. There is, then, nothing very astonishing in the result of the late election. It is simply au expression of tbe people agaiust tbe acts of their own representatives and officers of the General Government, whose subservency and fawning sycophancy hag never been equalled in this country, and will render, even the administration of John Tyler, respectable, by way of comparison. It is not sayiug too much when we allege that the opposition, un der the leadership or a man of tho efficiency and sagacity of Gen. Cameron, will build up an organization tuut cannot fail to prove a poworful competitor of the democratic party for public favor. It behooves tho democracy, therefore, if success bo desired in future con tests, to see that the party is no further do moralized by the powers that be, iu their utter disregard ol public sentiment and of the rights and interests of tho people. 63T John W. Ryan has written a note declaring his intention of contesting the scat of Col. l loreucc, of the first Congressional district. He urges all who have any kuonl edge of frauds committed at the election to make them known to him. Uf The Dcrkt County t'ress sayi it is understood that J. Glancy Junes has accept ed the appointment of Minister to Austria, teudered him by the President, and will for ward to tho Governor his resignation as member of Congress. In that event a spocial election w ill havo to be held, in Kerks county, to supply tho vacancy. Maj. Schwartz, it is supposed, will bo the opposition candidate. CJ" GoMiv's Lady's Hook for November comes to ui filled with the usual variety or excellent matter interesting to the ladies. Tbo best tvidenco or the popularity or tbe book is that there are always a great snany borrowers. CT Cool Iiii-eutinenck. No doubt many or our readers, like ourselves, bave received any qnantity of circulars by mail from lottery ticket venders. 1 he following is a copy of one received a few days since, which for im padent ajsurutice, is worthy of bciag placed on record. I his same circular is, of coarse sent to all they cau leach aud we, therefore, cannot but appreciate their, "good inten tions" to sell ui a prize. For tbeir "prefer. eoce offered a second time" is giving os an op poriunuy to buy tue i.ucuy l'acksge," we cerlaiuly should not bo ungrateful, if these preference! were cot offered to every one else vive la hvmhuj. t "OcTOiiitn 14th, 1658. Dtar Sir : We regret you Tailed to order ins racKege oi tickets we wrote about some time ago lor tbe same drew a Prize $1,000. which we can show vou by tbe ouicial draw ings of that date, our object then and now in writing is that we are auxious to sell a good Prize in your locality and we are glad to lay tbe opportunity to do io has again arrived as we were fortuuate enough to-day lo receive tbe very same "Lucky Package" containing 26 tickets in the Lottery clasi , drawing Nov b. ICth. See full Scheme within, the cost is the same, only $10. From tbe fact or this preference boiog of fered to you the second time must certainly couvioc you of our good intention! to tell yon a Prize, all we ask to convince yon ji n trial. You friends, S P. S. fleaie write iooo." PENNSYLVANIA ELECTION. the statu: ticket. Ttie official vote ai far as received on the State ticket may bi lummcd op as follow! : Kead, 184,250 1'orter, 158,883 Rcad'i majority,, Frost, 25,883 183 15 157,318 Frazer'i majority, 25,348 The coaulid yet te bear from will increase the majorities of Head and Fraaer about a thousand votes, la 1857 the vote or tbe State was, fur Tacker, 189887 Wilmot, 146.136 Uatleherit, 23,132 3G3.155 Yota in 1958 as Tar ai received, 343,133 20.022 Leaving twenty tbtmsand vetes, which will probably be made op in tbe remaining coun ties. Tbe total vote or the State, at the Presi dential election, in 185G, ws 4t'0,584. or 97,429 greater than the vote or 1857 Tor Governor. MEM BER OF C'OnoREIS. We give below a list oT members nf Con gress elected, by which it will be seen that the opposition have elected 18, the Ami- Lecompton Democrats 4, and the Lecoiupton Democrats 2. PlSTIttCTS. 1st Thomas B. Florence, Lecompton Dem. 2d Edward Joy Morris, opp., 3d John P. Verree, " 4th William Miilward. " fth John Wood, " Cth John Hickman, nnti Lec'n Dem. 7th II. C. Lnngeseckcr. ' 8th Major John Scbwartr, " 9th Thadilens Sit vciis, urn. 10th John W. K illinirer, " 11th James H. Campbell," 12th Cn!. G. W. Scranton," 13th William II. Dimmick, Lec'n Deoo. 14th Galusba A. Grow, opp. loth James T. Hale, ICth lipnj. F. .Tonkin, " 17th Edward McPhrsoe," 18th S. Steel Eluir, " 15th John Covode, ' 20th Win, Montgomery, aoti-Lec's Lea. 21st James I'C. M oc rhe'ad. oco. 2d Kobert McKniebt. " 23d William Stewart, " lUh Charin Hall. " 25lh-Elijah liabbitt, Opposition members, 1J Atiti-Lecoropton Democrats, 4 Lecompton Democrats, 2 Till! STATE SENATE. The following list shows how tbe next Senate will stand : 1. John II. Parkrr, Opp.,' Ilicbardson L. Wright, Pom.. yaac N. Marselis, Dem., bamiul J. Knndall, Dem. 2. Thomas S. Kill, Dm. 3. John Thompson, Opp. 4. Mahlon Yardley, Opp 5. Jerewiiali Shinille, Dem. 6. Daniel Hottenstine. Dem 7. Uohert M. Palmer, Opp 8. Thomas Craig, Jr., Dem. 9. K. Heed Myer, Opr. It). George P. Steele, Dem. 11. Gtenui W. Scofleld. Opp. 12. Andrew Gregr, Opp. 13. Keuben Keller, Dem. 14. llenrv Fetter, Pm. 15. John'U. Rutherford. Opp. 10. Uobcrt Ualdwio, Opp., Bartran A. Shaeffer. Opp. 17. William 11. Welsh, l'ewi." IS. (Jeorpe W. Brewer, Dem. 10. William P. Schell, Dem. 20. 21. 0' John Creeswell, Jr., Dem. T. J. Coney, Opp. Jacob Turney, Dem. 23. Geo. W. Miller. Dem. Ut. Samuel M'Kee.Opp Edward D. Uai Opp. John R. Harris. Opp. Wm. M. Francis, Opp. Darwin A. Finuev. Opp. 7nni, 2fi. 27. 2d. Kennedy L. Kloed, Dem. Uem. Opp Holdinr over, 12 9 New momhers, 6 7 17 16 ie Democratic majority, 1 New Members. IlOl'SEOr RtritEtESTATIVES. l)emoerat$. Oppoiithn. Adams, I Allegheny, 6 Armstrong and Westmore land, liuck, Perks, Pradford, ltutler, Plair. Bedford and Bomertet, Denver and Lawrence, Chester, Centre, Cambria, Cumberland and Terry, Clarion and Forest, Crawford nnd Warren, Dnnphin, Delaware, Erie, Fayette, Franklin and Fulton, Greene, Huntingdon, 1 nditmn, Jefferson, Clearfield, Mc- Kean aud Elk, Lancaster, Lebanon, Luzerne, Lehigh and Carbon, Lycoming and Clinton, Montgomery, Mit'Jin, Mercer and Venango, Monroe and Pike, Northampton, Northumberland, Philadelphia, Putter and Tioga, Schuylkill, Susquehanna, Union, Snyder and Juuiat Wayne, Washington, Wyoming, Sullivan, and Moutoar, York, Total, 3 a I 2 2 i 1 4 13 2 3 1 , 2 I a 2 2 29 71 29 42 Opposition majority, Maine Lawi and prohibition do not teem to bave have improved tht morali of lioston, for tbt Traveller admits, "in order to see tbe comet in its full glory, take a goed glass. If tbia rails, take two glasses. Should tbii prove insufficient, take mora glassts, tod you will iu time be able to. teo aot only one, but two cometi perbapi mm re." Mormons in Central America. Col. Kin ney inform! tht Man Antonia (Texa) Jlerald that ba bat concluded hit nrgotiationi with the oioroioin for tbt or bis interest in Centrtl America, and bai received an tamest or 8200,000 as part or the purchase money, lit it lo receivt $2,000,000. BEMOJtATIOl" OT.1SDOK TORTEIt. Puii.AnRi.riiu. Oct. 16, 1858. lilt Excellency William '. Pacler, Otmtr- nnrof Vtnntylvania Dear Sir: Oo tht first day of yonr entrance on official duly, I recei ved Iroin your baad a commission as a wunga or the Supreme Court or Pennsylvania. The event then coasiderrd possible, perhaps I should lay probable, bai just been realized. 1 bave little to say of tbe meant which pro. duced it. On receiving the appointment, I thought that being a Judge, actually titling on tbt bench tnd deciding on tbe rigbtl of men of all shades of political opinion, 1 ought not te write t political letter, nor to make a political tpeetb. In the first place, I wai not nuns to bide my claims to tht since, however small, In tbe shadow or a mere polit ical question. In tbo next place, I wai and 1 am thoroughly convinced, by reading and reflection, that whenever a Judge can bt elected by reason of his lentimenti on any qusBlioa or politics, that moment tut rea! power c,f tlia judicial office will disappear. 1 ossibly this may be a very erroneous poc- trine, very inopportunely expressed, but 1 shall maintain it, while I possess a moral seme or retain a rational iacnity. In the certain prospect of a defeat far more disas trous, not one hairsbreadth of it should be abated. The reverse which has occurred to the party is or lesi conseqnence than we art apt to nippose. 1 he Democratic party is coeval with tho Government itself, and it will exist so leng as the Republic endures. Within its ranks men will always he fonnud, who remain there only to do with more success the work of disorgatization. The party itself though lepreseed, is not destroyed. Tbe point or its lowest depression in that from which it will, or necessity, begin to rise. At this mo ment, I solemnly bel'cve it tn be the best and strongest political orgnnizstioa which has ever existed for preserving the lnferesta of the whole country. Now to the point. I am not weak enough to suppose that the enclosed commission has bad much to do in causing the present politi cal excitement. Nevertheless it is plain that the people rf Pennsylvania prefer another person as a Judge of their Supreme Conrt. In these circumstances, it seems to me a sun- pie dictato of delicacy and propriety to retire from the office. In addition to this, I ought to state that there are several important cau ses pending, in which 1 wish to take part as counsel, and these require immediate atten tion I, therefore, enclose mv resignation. I'hc office was tendered by you very kindlv, without solicitation on mv part. 1 resign it gratefnlly, and without, ns 1 hope, having brought upon it a slain or dishonor. Less was accomplished than I could have wished, but 1 am not conscious of an act which does net meet the approval or my own sense ordn ty. To yourseir personally, nnd to those friends who are sending me their sympathy, I nog to say, in a word, that there is no cause ror regret. I return lo n profession which 1 was conscious of abandoning too soon, and to a position at the bar as honi rablo as that which is now relinquished, and sn much more remunerative that comparison is out or the question. Certainly 1 ought to regard it no hardship to exchange Tor the ronilort or home that wandcrins life which th law of Pennvl- vania compels her Judges to lead. If I bave any regret it is in parting with those pur and upright men who will romain lo discharge tbeir arduous and unrequited work. w ishinr you a prosperous administration of public affairs, 1 am ery respectluliy and trnly, yonrs, Wm. A . Portfb. ijjr Tuns "Occasional," the Washington correjpondent or Forney's Press, referring to tho approaching session of Congrev and tho revelations then to be expected, says : "The conditian of the Treasury is unprece dented in the time or peaco, for Ibe extraor dinary spectacle or a great country spending nearly twice as much as its revenues is happi ly a rare one. Tht nation will look with great on.tiety for tbe remedy which the Ad ministration bas to propose. Certainly some thing ought to be done to change our revenue system speedily. Of all the t a rill's we bave Lad, tho preseut is the most crude and inju dicious in its constrnction, and any change that may be made will bo almost certain tft improve it. Tlio other groat events of the year have been the Utah war an 1 tho remark kah'.e progress that has been niad in official despotism, corruption and centralization, as exemplified in the severe testa applied, and extraordinary expedients devised to force from the organization or tile I'emocrstic par ty an endorsement of Mr. lidebaiian'i Le compton policy. It is a very grave qnetion whether the highest Interests or the nation do not imperatively deanaud that the legisla tive branch of the Government sbocld inter pose a decided check to tho growing arro enlice and dictation of Presidential power. Do not ha surprised to see an earnest move ment in this direction at the nest session. It ii a favorite old Democratic maxim that fiower is constantly being taken from the minis of many into the possession of the few. There never was a bet t.-r illnstration of this troiom than that we havo witnessed daring the last vear." CT Weiw ox The Tribune as eribci the course of the Courier and Enquirer, in opposing Haskin, to the well known ec centricity of Col. Webb ; whereupon the Chevalier takes fire, and draws the following picture of Greeley : "Our crotchety neighbor lins a genius Tor tht whunsictl, and all the world knows it. it wts a born original. It has spent its life- lime in distilling mono beams I ruin eucuin ben, (hearing p'gs for their wool, milking he-goats in Bieves, teaching cows to dance, ploughing with roses on a sandy shore, ft ly ing eels at tbe wrong end, setting carts before horses, pitching nets to catch tbo wind, cut ting blocks with a razor, making chalk chevse, wishing black-a-moon white, aud guarding the moon from wolves. There is not a draft scheme it has not, io its day, tried its hand at ; hardly a loutade or a whim-wham that bus not, sometime or other, floated cut or the watery ventricles or its brain. And now our mad cap friend talks or the ecctu tricity or tho Courier and Enquirer! We were prepared for almost anything from the Tribune, but really we hardly expected ibis." Alarm im a Railroad Car. Wt learn that the pasiongeri io one or tbt can or tbt Northern Central itilroad, last week, wtrt thrown into great alarm Tor their safety, and indeed were nearly lufjocated, by a Strang occurrence tbat took place. One of tht inmates, il appears, bad a bottlt or phospbo rus, or somt othtr combustiblt matter used for making friction matches in hit pocket, this wai broken tnd uot only let bil coat ou lire, but in tbeitroggle or tbe man to get tbe carmeut ou, let lue csr on tire too. t or time the utmost confusion tnd consternation prevailed. Tbe fire was extinguished, how ever, witboat more itrioul damage than tht lull of tbe coat-tail, and tbt fright or the passengers l utriot Lnxon. Schuylkill County. Curious IHtcavtru, A correspondent of tbe Pottiville Jlecurd writes tbat at a Mr. Jamei was linking a lope at biccniriviiie, Schuylkill couuty, through a bed of tend, and when at tbt depth or eighteen reel from tht surface, be dug up lomt tbingt resembling Urge oysters iu tbapt. Upon breaking tbt shell of one, be discovered within it crab, alive and kicking. Tbt ineli teemed to be a mere coveriog of city, and tht only apparent nour. isumenv 01 int eraot wat tut Hutu quantity C . : - . I . i . 1 1 . i . i ut waiicr iu turj aueii wuu mem. Somt writer isyi that tbe word would. In Ruut Choate i band writing, retemblet imall gridiron (track by lightning. Mnue rni-KTcnrriT The new lOflrilsr- felt on tht llurlington Kank. rNew Jtrsey eminently calcntated to deceive lotnnch lo, tbat the pnblie may deem it pradent to throw ont all the Partington Bank notes, bnlil the circulation ii thoroughly weeded of inch for. rerici. a ronnterfoit $5 on tut i.nesier Volley P.ank has also madelti appearance. Ilarriilurg Telegraph. Gim Aiumc STAitcit. Tut two oonci rf fine gum arabis into a vcisel with a pint or boiling water, (according to tht degree of stiffness yon require) and, after covering il carefully let It stand all right. In the mor ning strain it into a nice bottle, cork it and keep it for ns. It is far prerereble to any other starch for giving muslins a look or new ness. llarrhbvrg Telegraph. Rpoui Coi.v. The Troy Daily Whig layi we have been ibown samples or counterfeit gold and silver coin manufactured in this vi cinity. The close resemblance it bears to the genuine currency is almost startling, and tt detect the raise coin from the trne requires a precise eye and great rare. Nearly every piece is connterfeited, bnt the gold dollars are particularly deceptive. There are alto half-dollars, qnarters, dimes. Sec, Mucb of this stuff is, no doubt, in circulation. To Hepomk CmzriMS. The remaining In dians in appears, have determided In become citizens. Fifteen visited Miami, Fla., on the 1st instant, and announced their intention to settle, live in peace and be gov erned and protected by the laws. They are engaged in clearing land near tbat town for agricultural purposes. Ihreeof them could read and write. The Albany KniclerlmrVer, says if an American wishes to know how an English oyster tssles, all he lis to do is to pnt a little pepper sauce on a cent and swallow it. Tbe wife of a New Yorkjmerchant weighs when in fnll dress i. e., hoops and all but seventy-three pounds; and yet she is in a healthy condition. A Spanish slaver, callei tho Iberia, has been found abandoned on the Colarodo reef, after having landed nine hundred negtoes cn the Cuban coast, near Cardenas. The Northern Central Railway. Arrivn! sml tie pnrture rf Puimrr Traius on anil after Jclt 27lh, 1&38, t SuNBrav, un fulUlWI t COINU SOUTH. Trails. For Hamtburg A; Batt'mor. leaves Sun'.iury. Moil Trnin, - - . 5 45 A. M. Hull:, I. ft .Nifmr Ksnreff, II US Hurdcn nnd l'jwcngrr, i.4a COMING NOHTH. Tr.Aiai. From llanit'niri & Halt., Arriv at 9mibury. Mail Train, .... 3 so P. M lii.fl'iUiand .N'rarm Fsprr, II. It " iiuiden aiul Pcburngr, 3.16 A.M. COINC NOHTH. Tbaish. For Willianitnnrt tt Ulmirn, Ltarea Punhury. Mail Tiairt. ' 3 54 P.M. Mtiditlonutl N'incnra F.spreM, - II ;W ' Uurdrii snd i'uifciiger, ... l.ljoA.M CO.MINO SOUTH Tbii. From Ktirnro A Wilhamap'l, Arrive at Sunbury Mini Train. .... $ II A.M. Nincnrn Fxprrpa, -1I.OH Uuid-naiid rniengt?f. 8 su p. M Hie Rhnnit.kill Volley and PotUilll rtilrnil Taaarrgpf train lrnvea Sunhurv nt 6 LI A. -M " " Arnvca nl iMinlmry. - 7.15 I'. -at A Curse Uimovkp. Womanhood every where is experiencing the evil effects ol the curse inflected on her tex by Live s disobedi ence in the garden of L.deu. J-.ver unce our ancient mother's hi st effort to hide her shame for violating the eiprtfsrd will of hor Creator, by sewing together nnj wearing fig Ira n, her daughters have been doomed to "stitch away their livos," in obedience to tbe exorbi tnul demands of f&'bion, in the modi-rn adorn ments of bar sex. Tlio only relief they can tver expect from the drudgery of hand towing must be lound in the introduction of a U ao vtR & I' Sewing Machine into every household, liy its ote every wife and moth er will have ample leisure to bestow attention to the educatioirol her children; do better sewing than by band, and have better health aud more comfort than she can possibly bave without a URovnn .V. Jaskk Machine. Hollou-uy't ( 'inlrnent und Pills. All erup- tioiia, sores and tumors are fed by iiriUling and poisonous parliclus iu the exterior circa ation, i hue rrre reached and bv this 1 enulrating antidute, and a perfect care is the natural result.. The stomach is the purveyor of the whole body. If it is tor pid, or disordered, or inflamed, every other organ sufiurs. These Pills are tbe finest stomachie in ex'sleuce. They act specilically apon the digestive powers, and through thaw npon the liver, t Ha bowels and the circulation, regulating ami invigorating every function. I here u a leal by which to know lue genuine. v.z:tue "llouoaay, Aeuf lurk und London, which appears in ieiiii-lrausparunl letter la every leal of the book of duectioiis. Colon tbe same are plainly seen 111 the paper whan held between the eye and the light, the hook aud the iLedioiue it euveloues art counter feit. Tur.NKO Clows. The son or a highly re spectable gentleman iu Kentucky baa taken to the ring as a clown. The piebald adorn ments or Ibe horse huilt-qoin have more at traction for him than the guise or respecta bility. The ipplanje of the witless crowd ii of more valuo thun the good opinion of friends. 1 bo odor or stale tan, and tha Dicker of tallow dips, are plcaantrs in hit ntstrils than th atmosphere of tho drawing. room, liar-room mirth, and coarse, dirty fun, are henceforth bis enjoyments, aud be will no more bare taste lor such true joys as spring from wear ing such garments as are made at the llrown Stone Clothing Hall of llockhill & Wilson, Nos. C03 and (juj Chesuut tilreet, above Cth. There is 00 accounting lor tastes. Rheumatisms, of tho most severe kind, h.tve been cured by using 2 bottles of Du I'all's, Galranic (il. Duck-ache, pain in the bead, sick head-ache, nervous diseases or the head, are every day being cured sound by the use oriU V ALL'S UAI.VAN1C OIL. AnaaT rc Do Vul'i Galvanic On.. Prilin A firanl, A. W. Fisher, Dr. U. U. McCoy, C. Waiik, ii. l Mane, Brklfaael Hall. Dr. W. II. lTliif nior, WILL be at the '"Lawrence House," SL'N GUKY, on Monday and Tuesday, 3,"th and SGih October, inst., lo examine aud consult with pa tienU on all disease. Private parlor for ladies. Consultation free of charge. ree bia full card in another column. tatuvru & mitcii s CELEBRATED FAMILY SEWING MACHINES, 4i BROADWAY, NEW YORK. V30 CHES.NLT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. CST These .Machine are now justly admitted to ba the beat in use for Family hewing, t new strong, and ela.lic atiich, which will not rip, even if eyery fourth stitch be cuL Circelara sent on application by letter. Agenta Wanted. DEATHS In Pottvil!e, on Monday last, or Typhoid rver, KIM IS Kit CLKAV Kit, Kiq, or 6ba mohiu, aged about 4U yean. Tbt dtcetsed wai t man or mora than or dinary intelligence and occupied t high posi tion in tbt eitituatiou or all who best knew bim. lit bad risen by bia industry tnd per stvennet from to bumble poiition, tnd ex hibited io all tbt relationi of life, tha strictest character for probity and integrity of conduct. I Ed. A mviiica m. j?t gftarluts. rH!I.ADEI.rWAMARKET Ort."j ISRS. -Clans Wheat, sales of fair and good Red at 12na!flliT per bushel, and White from !Jil 35 to I 38 per buahel. Rye I wanted at 80 cents. Corn, sales of Yellow ,t fjn a (,3 cents, anil 87 a 90 rents frmn store. (Jte are selling at 43 rente per buahel for Prnna. BALTIMORE MARKFrsOct. 81. lfisg Gnu Wheat, there were sales of red at 1 ls 120 rte. for fair lo good lots, and white at 1 20a ISjcle. for (air, and lS'iaHO eta. fur prime par cels of do. Corn, sales of Rood yellow at 7Sa80 rta., and of fair to prime white atHt eta. 8n9l There were sales of Virginia Uats at 38 eta. and Pennsylvania do, at 43a4ft rts. There were noma Pennsylvania Rye offered anj sold it 75 cts. Maryland Rye at CI cts. per buahel. '' - 1 i- ' - IU SUNBURY PRICE CURRENT. Wheat, 81 40a 1 60 Butter, $ Zn Rye, 90 Krjga, ... j Corn, 75 Tallow, ... 13 Oats, .... 17 Lard, ... 13 Buckwheat, C3 Pork, - . 8 Potatoes, 7fl Beeswax, 24 New Advertisements. Where is Frederick August Noah and wife Wilheminat Who left Columbia, Lancaster rounty, P , about 10 month tan, for part unknown to Charlotte l.orchrim, the mother and mother in law of said Noah and w ife, who reeenlly rame from Germany. Any Information of Iheir where about will be thankfully received v B. HI UICKI.ER, Ilerndnn P. O . Northumberland county, Pa. October 23. 1 8f8. "OTICE is hereby given to the commanding ciflieer of th eevrral companies in the Nl brigade, eighth division, of the uniformed militia, thnt a meeting nf the board ol auditors will I held at the I.nwrenre House, in the borough of Sunbury, on Tuesday, the 3d clay of November next," according le the proviaions of ihc net of A --embly, pasted th 31st day of April, A. I). 185H, fur the regulation of the militia of the Commonwealth ot Pennsylvania. By order of Limit. Cel. WM. K. MtRTZ. Preiddrnt of Board of Auditor. Sunbiirv, October S3, 1&58. NOTICE. TAKE NOTICE that I have this day, (fYlo ler 18th, 1858.) purchased, at Constable's sale, tbe following; properly, viz: ONE BAY MAKE, sold as the property of Samuel l.nn'z. Jr., and which I have loaned to him during my pleasure, of which tho public will tike notice. PHILIP KENN. Lowrr Augusta lp , Oct. SU, 1858. 3l l$la'itMittiii;r. JAMES F . DEEN. gtjnutjr-st, pa., pEePECTKL'LLY inform the public Oiat " be has commenced (he above busbies iu Sunbury, and ia prepared to do all kinds of Mark smithing to order, including hoisrihoeing in tbe beat style. Ha will also put tip irnn railing in the raovt approved atyle and patiern. Country produce taken ineichang. Sunbury, Ort. It. tSfiS In the. Court f Common Pltus of y or thumb er- land County. XV. A. C L, Shamway, ) No. it. Aetuat Term, . H.S8, Yen. Ex. MaMn Manly. ) rjHE uiideraignerj, appointed by the Cou't. en .1 Auditor to dintribuie the maney in C'ut ariins from tbt sale of (aid defciuluat property, to and among; thoae legally entitled fJ the mx' , will attend to ihc duties of hi appointment ut tna olic, in the beroush of unbuiy at IOiYio x in the furenoon, of iaturJay the Uflth diy of Oc tober inrt. JNO. KY CKFMKNT. October 16. .IfljS. Jacob (!!tten!MirlPr-, rtie il. NOTICE is hereby pivu that letter of A, I. minidlr havinj been grained to the n!n n ber on the estate of Jacob liiltenbendir, l r of Coal townahip, ."orthnm!eild rounty, d i V.. All perona indebted arc requeue I ti make innir. dial payment, and those having claims wiil pre sent them f . r ae'lUmen'. STEPHEN BITTEN BEN PER, Ad.n'r. Phanaoltin, October If", l,'itt 4 W A Y .N E's"fl'T"T K r" C A 1 O I I C ONa valuable Eitteramay he taken with great ef fect in constipation flatulency, acidity o' the reach. Tor sale at FlTl EK's. Oil. 16, MS. VWAYNK'sJ HOiiKELCOilDIAL.a p-e.,y and ifl'tctuil retried for Aaialic Cholera Dv . eentery, Diarrhea No cur 10 pav. Kor tine at rlsHKi;';s. Oct Ifl, '6$. tWXYN E'S FEVER A AGUE TILL.- -The most speedy and permanent cure for Fever & As,ae and I'eniiitt-nl Fever, wiihoi.t ht Quinine or Calomel. 1'or sale at FISH E K b. October IB, 68. W WAYNE'S Sugar Coaled. Srparil!.i ti l Tar Pills, a nnid and gentle PurguM. ert earpasted by any medicine f ir removira Hue, rlraneing Btomach and purifying the KI00J. For aale at FIMIEK A Octoher 16, '58. V W Ai ME' 8 Celebrate Vermifuge or V.'otit Killer. 'l h best remedy known for ei)fl! ing Worms. For sale at FIS11 Eil'A tctobar I fl. '5H. PJAKKIS' b'oothing Wyrup, foi I hi.urm leiih ing. Foraleat FlS'.'.EK' October 16, '6S. SHAMOXIN EAItK. S1 TATEMENT of fhamokin U-ink. th llii day of October, l8iS, being ibe li rot dur.v.:. duy under the new organization. Specie in Dank. t6,9i ;l Due from othr Bank, 4-'t 1'. llue from City Banker, !,4J:i SI Note f other Uauks, l.'.'Ji d lidis Receivable, M,:.::J 9 G!,3:7 4'- Circulation, Depoailvtrs, 11.440 00 3.052 31 $13.4'J3 31 L 8. JOHN, Canhier of the Shamokin Bank being ailirnied, depose and saiih that the ahov. statement! coircctto the beat of my knowledge rj. JOHN, CaiJiicr. Affirmed before ro thi 11th d.iy of Oct!'' A. I)., 18.'.8. DAVID N.LAKE, J. I'. bhamokin, Oct. t, 18SH. III Mi UF NOKIIUll UHt I- Tbe itockboldcn are hereby notified tin an election for lhirteu director will le hi! at tbe booking bouse on Monday the K't day or November between the houn tf 1 O'clock A. M., and 3 o'clock P. M. Tn staled annual meeting or the E'ocl holden will be held at the banking bou. 0 tbt tirst Tuesday or November, at 10 o'cloc A. M. J. It. PltlLtSTLliV. October 0, 1858. 4t. Lo"ST. ON Friday or last week, about the itnb " or tk Lawrence lloua-e a Pocket book wt a leather strap, containing f 10 in gold, ac tome small nlver coin, also some pap which tre very valuable to the owner, but t no one else. Tbe finder by leavinf it tbe owner at the Lawrence House, isuubui Pa., will be liberally rewarded. JOHN LF.ldCK. Sunbury, October 9; l(fta.