'LIST OF JURORS ' ' For Northumberland County, for tie ISovember Term, A. D 1868. GRAND JURORS. 1 Sttmnel Caldwell, Lewis,' 2 George Lawrence, Milton, 3 John Hine, Uajneroo, 4 Peter Uepner, Lower llasnojr, 6 Edward Uuoy, Point, C Philip Reun, Upper Augusta, 7 William ilajcs, Delaware, 8 David Gold, tf Reuben T V'olmer, Milton, ll) John Work, Delaware, 11 Joseph Kennedy, Uueh, 12 l)d. D linker, Little Mahanoy, 13 Ales Colt, Northumberland, 14 John Heck, 15 Samuel Robinson, Lower Aogusta, 16 Abraham Leukcr, Lower Mahanoy, 17 William U lkase, Rush, Id George llorris, Lower Mahanoy, 19 Daniel Siotou, Sunbury, '2D Samuel Troutmati, Little Mahanoy, '21 Charles H Maginhry, Cbilisquaiiue, 22 John M liousul, Torbut, 23 J jobs Eiseuhert, Upper Mabanoy. '21 Kuborl Gilliu Tuibut, TRAVERSE JURORS. I Solomon Miller, Lower Augusta, '2 George liillwun, Tuibut, 3 Jacob Bloom, Xorthuuibetlaud, 4 Andrew Lesbur, Milton, 3 Philip Wiutersteiu, Turbut, G Reuben Garinger, Upper Augusta, 7 David J Lewis, Mt. Carniel, H Dauiel Sarnsol, Northumberland, 9 Edward Umiiekson, Delawure, John Riddle, Uamael ICciTer, Upper Augmta, hMuuder Elsworlb, Delaware, rtoa Sehwank. Milion, illo Mctlor, Rush, l blroitso, Coal, hits Striuo.jr, Milton, on Raup, Lewis, un lloweo, Suubury, vid Teas, Milton, Bcii'iiniiu Siminetou, Turbut, il S3 U. V. Arbogast, Lower Mabanoy, Joliu Smick, Siinbttry, Jonathau Smith, Washington, Ira 11 ile. linsli. !1 '2 i Kau.uel McNitich, Chilisciusqtie, '2r John Mous.-r, Point, '2 Jncob ISorger, Rush, 2.4 Jucoc (ionnen, Lower Mahanoy, '2') Lucas Younp, Lewis, 3il J onus L Gilgcr. Coal. 31 Jucob Moyer, Shutuokin, :tj lleury Folk, Upper Augusta, 83 John liowuuui Sr., Lower Mahanoy, 34 John Gcaiburt, jr., Kurh, U.i Andrew Geiat, Upper Mahanoy, UC llartmun 11 K noeblo, Sbaojokin, 37 Simon Coble, Washington, 33 JdLii M. Erisou, Lunis, 33 .Ldiu Dockey, jt., Lower Mabaiioy, 40 Ford n.ind Midaer, Jordan, 41 John S Suyder, I'oiut, 42 John liauch, Ddawaro, 43 John Holl'muti, Shiimokin, 4 4 Daniel Rubinr, Point, -i t Uouhen Zarttnuo,, Jackson, Johu Vandliu, Northumberland, 47 William Fullmer. Tuibut, id Je.eph Vankirk,'NuilhuinberlHd, petit juauiis. 1 Hourv )Lckit, Lower Mahanoy; 2 JoIid'Rousu Milton, 3 Geoijp P Kelt, Lowis, 4 Joseph Bud, Coil. 6 Andrew Lavcrty, Lewis, 0 Andrew l-'etzer, Cliil:quaqe, 7 Thomas Meivin, .Milieu, 8 John Bin,';ntnnu, Lower .Maheney, 9 William Tobias, Tuibut, lj Al'miht Johnee, Northumberland, 11 John Fry, Upper Augusts, 12 Samuel McMahan, Chllisquaqat, 13 John Frank, Sbamokiu. 14 Willia.Dcrricksnn, Chilisqiiaciso, 10 Johu llhflacr jr., Delaware, Jfi Dmidl CmnaJ, Suubury, 17 Juhn P Suuuner.4, Chilisquaqut, 19 Amos Witter, Miltou, 19 lsauc C;li;r, Suubury, 20 J J i -6 lt i5i.il, Cliilisquaqae,' '1 t-'hyin Dunkrl, Turbut, '.2 Ji'-ob Diobler, llelaaare, 'ii S.uiou llulio, Lew;a, ; Joha C u ; i' U , Hush, 'J.3 (jenrye lirip fit, Kunbnry, 'o lifubiMj Slriubach, Coal. 21 William 11 Li'.show, Northiin-birltaJ, '2S Ji'b:ph I'iij;. Delawre, "J Jjli Ito ii. Lower Angnita, 3ii Liisha llliiie, Upprr " 31 Jusepli Krijbiium, L'wcr A Deeta. 32 Jacoh Linker, Lower Muimoy, 33 Jci)b Vordy, t'irfci1, 34 Ui-nry ShiciVjr, Uprr Augusta, (ii orpe tjoi -t, Sp , Ji.i-duu, 3o J,.hu MeW;ili:migi Di-Uware. Or CAUSES yUii tiiul iii tl o Court ot (Amnion l'lea ot MorlhunVie.land County, to lie held at bun bi:rv, "!i tl'e tint Me:iday ol .N'oTcial'tr, 163i. t'LAiViiiT. DkmaiiANTa. ouliu UoAcii va J. li. Miissur, Alc.:,kr Colt, va Ju'.in A l.lovd, L'j-jt, va James Vandyke,' J'llm Vincent, ojm'r. vs David W uUon, r't. rj. Wolvcrloii A. I T Clement Pialcuian, Jaiuf4 Maicne v I'lnla 4 Sunburv K li Co. 'i buu.Ji Deir v Ailrrd Kiicj.o, Win l.ona.-.e. Indorsee of Win L JleilVinlciu, v .Wm. llell'ciiKtein. (i M nvinuiiiii; ic, va Wm I. Helfantteia ii r' Ktiiv tie llan i A ijiown Kilwnr.l Grota John II. Pox . Ira T. Clciusut Isaac Brown Dcbomli liuizy Hu7ijr l i i-luik William Wolborn KeiiJfii Palely Cail. o.i llun Imp. va William L Dewort, va Usljili Bogle et al s William Ayrca' adru'r. va Cliarica Hcl!entciu, va John 8 l'elcruiau, va Joa llotruinn'i adiu'r. va .Mm P. Purl,. va J elm S Snyder, va W. (i. Kae et at Co. va Joa. Weilzel va Jos. Weitiel. Comuiouweallh for the use of Biotk'vi Farm worth, Wm. L. Dewart et el. Iiae Brovn va Abraham fclraub, y. Middle C C va Wm Pagely et a I. J.ihn Burget va Peter mill. Hi'nrv S t'i.o, va Dewart 6l Leiaenring J'ctrr II Miier va Northern Central U R Co. Benj licndai-ka va aame Wm II Kae vaReaan I Kase, John IVl'I i vs Northern Central Hallway Co. Johu Frederick & Co va 111 A (water. r; euccr M. Kaae va Hau,u,l Adaina. Daniel Dru kenvller vs Geo C Welker. Peter U. Muster va George Conrad. ChrUiian Yeajer va Bliull'er & Uohuer, A. VY lliiradin'r vs E U Kramin. Deckel, Iudoriiee of Hoffman va F O Donnel St co Jo rJ Mchrack va Uaac xune, jr. Wm Nesbit va Bunbury 6c Erie Railroad co. Henry Kaulfinan w Wilaon Anderson, h'siuuel Llair vs Thomas 8. Btaddcn. lltlile I'aul el al va Burd Patterson. Johu A Gilmore ta John McCorniick. HouUfor Ernat va Frejerick Bhll. A- W. Cumlr vs Hemy lla'ria Joseph Weitjol va Fliaa EiaenharL DANIEL BECK1-EV, Pioth'y. Prothanotary's Oliica, i fc'unbury.Ocl. 5; USH. i I'stnle ef Jwhei Ilarl. dee'd. 1JOTICB is hereby given that letters of 1 aduiiuiklration have been graated to ine suDscrmer on I lie estate or John Hart ueou late of Lower Aagusta township, Norlbaiu berUud county. All pvrsous indebted are requested to make immediate payment, and iiioie navmg claims to preseul Ibein duly uu luauucaieu lor aemeaieui. GF.O. ttEILER, Aim't, Octber 9, 1658. Ct. ytationory. A large supply of fancy Kole Paper aud Envelope, Mourning, Letter, aad Cap F aids, inl. BK.nu. ac, at Rule for the use of the Schools. 1. Tbis general oversight of teachers of the schools to beentrasted to the teacher of room No. 4, for the good order about the buildings, and the regularity cf the teachers attendance. 2. Each teacher will have the Control of his or ber own room, subject to such altera tions a the direolors may order. The chil dren of each room to'bave a recess or fifteen ruinates In the fore and after-uoons of each day. Said schools to open at nine in the morning and close at twelve o'clock, and re open at one o'clock and close at four in the afternoon of eaeh day, from the 4lb of Octo ber nntil the 1st of May inclusive, when it shall open at two and close at Bre o'clock, la the afternoon of each day. 3. No teacher will be permitted to receive a pupil unless scenmpanied by a written order signed by one of the directors. 4. No teacher will receive a pupil who has already been assignod to another reoa, nuless by an order signed by at least three of the di rectors. ft. All teachers are required to be at thoir poBts fifteen minutes bofore the time of open iug the schools, morning aud afternoons; and shall not depart until the time or closing, without a valid excuse rendered to the Prin cipal, who shull report all such cases to the board or the secretary when ho makes his monthly report. C. The monthly reports of teachers most be eiada out cn the last day of tho moRlb and presented to the Secretary, and no order will be marie out until tins oruer naa Deeu complied with. 7. I lie punishment to be lnliiclea on pu pils wbu are unruly or disobedient, are sus pension of privileges, detention after school hours, or the moderate usa of the rod. . 8. Any parent or citir.en haviug complaint to make about any of the teachers, must apply to the Board of Directors. 9. All pupils are required to observe all the rules of the schools and obey promptly tho orders given to them by the teachers. 10. Uood order and propriety of deport- nient, diligence in studies and cleanliuess in person are roqmred troiii every pnpti. 1 1, The iutroduclion if nil books and news papers not connected with the studies of the school or auytbing else not ordered by the Uoard is strictly prohibited. 12. No pupil will be nrlimtled into lue building nntil the rinsing of the bell, fifteen minutes before the time of opeuirg of the schools. The principal's hand bell will be rang five minutes before culling to order, as a einiin! for the pupils to Uko tbrir seats in luoir respective rooms. 13. A 11 excuse fur ahgence or late attend ance will only be admitted when couveyed io a note sieued by the parent or guardian, and directed to the teacher, excel t whore parents cannot write themselves. 14. No noisy or rude rnnduet will be al lowed in or around the buildiog, at any time. nor will pupils be permitted to loiter around tbe building after the dismissal of school. 15. I he term or the schools shall lie from the oiieuinir, in the full, until the U.rth of December, and from tho 1st of January until tlio time for which the Directors may have agreed upon, and at the end of each term public examination or all tbe schools shall be hold, at which all the teachers and pupils whote names sre upon the roll shall attend. 16. lsoolis to be ured in room AO. 1. : Sander' Primmer atid Speller, Sanders' 1st Header, kilate. 17. Hooks. &c, tn be used in room No. 2 : Slate and Bluck Board, Sanders' Speller, Sanders' Ucaders, No. 1 and 2, Arithmetic 1 ables. 13 Books, Sic, for room No. 3 : Sanders' 2d aud 3d Headers, Writing, Arithmetic, (Davies,) 1st aud 2d parts, (J ram mar, (Cluik's 1st part. UieograpUy (Montcitli s.) 1st and id parts, Sandors' Speller, Black Board. 19. Books Ac, for reom No. 4 : Hesding, Sanders' 4th part ; Writing; Dictation, Nor teudes; Spelling, Smitha' deflner J Arithme tic, Davies 2nd and 3rd partt; Uramr,nr Clerks 2nd patt, Geography, McN.dUy'gJ Algebra, Davis; Geometry, Davic i,pgon. der; Book keeping, Crittenden Yt!.ih School; Philosophy, Comctotks; ("..ouiistry, Corn stocks; U. S. Uoveratkent Sburtliff s: BUck Board. Respectfully snb-tlrd to the honorable board o( directors, Jauss Bbard, P. W. tlRAY, I Committee. Suubury, Ost. 9, 16'8. 2t WE STILL SURVIVE THE CHISI3 "VUT WITHSTANDING the astonishing mian tilv of Good that I brouchl into town last Spring. I succeeded in selling them all out ex cept what I gave away, and had to hurry to the euy.lor a new lot, in order that ruy customers might not be put to the inconvenience of buying at other c'orra, where tbev would be chained iiling prices. Prothinz by pssl eircrirnce. I nave uut brouglu on , Twice tt Kftny Goods, and I have now the larue.t and CHEAPEBT ASSDKTMENT eier oflercJ wiihiu liraiing i us place. I am hound to sfll , CHB1PEH TKiN IVEH, before. I need not say cheaper than my neigh, bora; for that is 110 lunger a dixnutrd fact. 1 am now ready to deal out roods twenty nours out 01 twenty-lour rundaya excepted at lon er pricea than any person dare ask lor. just call lor any thing you want. I aoi deter mined to SUPPLY ALL DEMANDS that may be made, reasonable or unreasonable, Call soon, as the rufh is tremendous. IRA 1 CLEMTNT. Snnbury, Oct 9, 1B68. ly riHE Suubury Academy will open its Winter JL tension on Moiidav.lhe ilh dav of October lSoU. Tcbmb psa QcanTia aui 1 Lower English Branches, $4,00 Higher do. do. 5,00 Latin, 4 c. ' . 0,00 Scholars taken at all t'mes during the Session. - ISAC HUFF, Principal, Sunbury, Dept. S5, 1858 at ritOCLAMATlOX. AiillLti is hcretiy plvcn that tlie severa " Court of Common Plesi, General Ouarter Sessions of the peace, and Oprhans Court, Court of Oyer and 1 erminer and uencral Jail Delivery in and lor the county of rvortiiumbcrland, commonee tt tho Court He use, in the borough ot Sunbury, at 10 o clock, A, ,M. on Monday, Uie 1st day ol IU ty.tit.K next, and will continue TWO WELK. Tb coroner. Justices of the Peace aud consta bles in and for tlie county of Northumberland, are requested to be then and there in their propev per sons, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, and other remembrances, to do those tilings to their several oflices appertaining to be done. And al- witncsses prosecuting in behalf of the Conimonl wealth Sgainst any prisoner ure also requested and commanded to be then and there attending In their projier persona to prosecute against lum, as shall be just and not to depart without leave at their peril. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their attcjidance, at tlie lime appointed agreeable to their notices. (Jiveu under my band at Bunbury, the 1st day of UctoDer in tne year ol our Lord one tbous. and eitjb' hundred aad lifty-eight and the Independence of the Dulled estates of America tbobSd. . - God save the Commonwealth. ' JAMES YANDYK.E, fcheriff. SbenfTs Office, Buubury, ) October , lo8. i J. T. BKOWN. Msspfselunns Jeweller. No 6 Mai lee Ins. odura his sl-Hrk. cuusisllnc of a s'liersj s-s--rt- taut ul Lta'kats, Ckaina, e , wha-a sua ooered at Uie lowest emsii prices, Uraai twloseiDMiU K eouulry saab eTie UeioUl ISM Estate of Wm. Bartholemew, deo'd. Cvmmtn&tall'h of Ftnnfjhania : To David Bloom Catharine llnmmel for merly Catharitrd Bloem, children of Mary Barlnolemew who was intermarried with Daniel Bloom, end Bow deceased, Sarah in termarried with Dr. Raker, Llieabelh inter married with Wm. Bloom, Julia Intermarried with J. Bloom, Hannah intermarried with J. Kruigsr, Wm. Bartholemew, Jacob Barthol emew, John Bartholemew, end Catharine in termarried with Jonathan Panhold, all heirs and legal representatives of Wm Bartholo mew, Ute of Lower Augusts township dee'd, and to all other perseus interested. Uskbtino : X0RI3VlinItLAHD COUKTY ScT. Voa and each of you are hereby cited le be and appear before the judges of our Or) bane' Court at Sucbury, at au Orphans' Court to be hold for said county on tie first Monday of November next, and then aud there aa cept or refuse to take tbe real estate of the said Wm. Bartholemew dee'd, at the valua tion thereof or show cause why il should not bo sold. Abd hereof fail not. Certified from the records of our said Or phans Court at Suubury, tbis 10th day of August A. D. 1858. Til OS. D. CUANT.dep'ly Clk.O.O. Tbe above named heirs and legal represen tatives, will please tuko notice of the above Kule. JAMES VANDYKE, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Sunbury,.l October 9, 1858. j E6tate of ?atrick Hughes, dee d ComntpnweaHk of Ptnnflvaiiia : To Michael Hughes, Michael Gillaspioand BriJgrt hid wife, aod Michael llngnrty and Mary bis wife, collateral heirs and legal rep rost uutives of Patrick Hughes late of the Town of Trevorlon, Zerbe township dse'd, uiid all other persons interested. Grshtino ; North tTMUF.Kt.A No Cuiwtt Sct. You asd each of you are hereby cited to be and appear before tho judges of our Orphans' Court, to be held lor said county on the first Monday of November next, and there and then accept or refuse to take the real esUte or the Said Patrick Hughes dee'd, at the val uation theresf or show cause why the same should not bo euld. And hereof fail not I Cerlifind from the records of olir said Or phans' Coni t at Suubury' this 7th day of Au gust, A. D., IS.-it?. THOS. D. GRANT, dop'iy elk. O. C. The above named heirs und legol represen tatives, will please take notice ef the above Pule. JAMES VANDYHK..Shi'ff. Sheriff's Oriire, Sunburv, ( October . 18:18. ' I Estate of Daniel Swart:, dee:d. Commontctallh of Pennsylvania : To Catharino interinurricd with John Dan iel, David a'wurlz, lilias SwurU. Kaehel inter inarried with Samuel Smith, J ufiuli Swartz, Elizabeth intermarried with Llias SUafi'er aud Sarah married to John Emciick. All heirs aud legal representatives of Daniel Swarlz deceased, aud to all other perseus in terested. Giikkii.no: NoRTUfMEKULANll CoTNTY ScT. YTou aud each of you sre hereby cited l be and appear before the judges of the O'.fihar.s' Court, at on Orphans' Court to bo. 11B( fi,r said on the first Mouduy of No',c niicr uoxt, and then aud thero nccopt 'jr refuse to take the real estate of the sai Daniel Swartz de ceased, at the valuation thereof or show why the same thould '.ot bo Bold. Aud Leruof fail not. Certified Irom tho records of onr Said Or phans' C,ouit at Suobury this SlU day of Aa 60Et U. D . 18S8. - TI10S. D. GllANT. dei.'tv Clk. O. C. Tho above Lamed heirs and leeal reproseu- tatives, will plente take notice of the a bove I.ule. - JAMES VANDYKK Sheriff. Sheriff's Oflise Suubury, 1 October a, 1S08. Estate of Augmius uoy, dee'd. Commauu ea'ih if Penn.11lrania : To David Shipo and Margaret his wife, late Margaret lluoy, Hubert 1 ampbell, and Ma rv his wife, late Mary Huoy, John lluov, Henry Follmur aud Sarah Ann his wifo, lute Sarah Ann lluoy, Allen Wilkinson nnd Ke becca his wife, late Hebuccu Huoy, Elizabeth lluov, bamuel baroburl aud Siidauuau bis wifo, Ute Susaiiuab lluny, and J. 4, 11 Dunkel borgor guardian of William aud Joshua Klir.o minor children or Ilaunah lluoy, (who was intermarried with Gideon Kliueand is since deceased,) all heirs aud legal representatives of Augustus Huoy, late of Sham,kia town ship docaased, and to ail other persons inter ested. O.tKKrmu ; . NoRriivMiiEtaAND County, Sct, Yon and ouch of you are hereby cited to bo and appear before the J udges of our Orphans' Court, at an Orphafis' Court to be held for said county ou the first Monday of November in Xt, and t lie 11 and tliere accept or reluse to take tke real estate of tha said Augusta Huoy dee'd at lliu valuation thereof or show cans.,-s why the tains bbouid not bo told. A lid hereof tall not ! Certified from the l?ecord of our said Or phans' Court at Suubery, this 7th day of Au gust. A. D., 18.18. ' Thos. D. Grant, dep'ly, 1 Clerk of Orphans' Court, j The above named heirs and legal represen tatives, will please take notice ol' the ubovo rules. JAM ES VAN D Y K E, Sheriff. Sheriffs OAico, Suubury ) October, 9th ltfo8. J ISai'c tithnncv. r 0 11,00 to SI0.O0 PER DAY EASILY ft E AL II D All ItuMufMult- liusmess. Cjiu1 isuirsu va el.SU Iu 1(15,00. Nw Aitiela lieiiUd) of use in every Foaiily, Maiuifsctoiy, hu-re, sod Otfiee Mn and Vuincn veaitg ami old, wanted in ciifrajja in us ftslc. (u rvsrjr Town oud County in the sV.usnrru and Territories. Scud tor a circular, of apply in peisoa to 8 J.HF.STOR, No. 33 Simla Third Slreol, t'Siludelpliia. Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer iu WATCH ES AND JKWKLBY For 8ampls sret lre by mail oa retelplef CI, CO. . ceubcr isse fluiechr MOIIK MKN WANTKI) AS Af-HNTS O ClKCl LA TK .rsnid-sellinff valuable FAMILY WOlt WORKS, wk.eli stliaet hy their I -w piii-es, iiiteresiiur c -iiteiiu:, and aapeihly cok-red plates. For eiretileis, Willi particulars, apply, if you live Kast.W I1KMIY flOWK, N-. IU2 Nassau-si., N. Y j it West, W the sui.ie, No. HI Mum si, Ciiiciuiali. Oeto'iel 8, 16oS."-3iii s. O. P. CLARK 4 CO., No SS.Maidfii tint, New York Munutst-tuiuia of 'Goto and a-ilver, i'encil Cases, and (iuM Tenns of Kvery Desert tiou, iffer their g-sxle direct to the eoaulry trade si the prices wihers cbarse tbe city stealers, Ibeieby 'ssvlea the pun-baser shout 211 uer eenl which they w-avd have to pay the dealers if Uiuvht from tbeiu .our oli;ect is to aril f- eaah at one prnbt ovei the ci-st ol iMa-.iuluclunnfj. Buroplra will oe lurniiheu In those who may ceeire ui see uie arKtue, at the Dozea rileu, and oauo eviii ey wpiws, wnii pin w coueci, OeloOer S, siaoa In tlie Court of Common Fleas of Korth- umberland County. John Boater, ) ' vs. Fl. Fai No. 108 August T Cbailes Henlnger. ) 1858. JS'OTICEis hereby given that the Ondet signed appointed by the said Court, Auditor to distri bute monies arising from the pale of personal lirooertv of the defendant, will sit for that pur pose at his oflice in tbe borough of Sunburv, at 10 o clock A. M.,ol fieturjay, uctuiwr XJd. tnoa HEN II Y EON NEE, Auditor. Xunbury, OaL 8, 18S8. 1'ure svlnesi nod Llaiuuii. TUS7received at FISHER'S Drug and Che- " ruical Emporium. Bunbury, Oct. 8, 1858. fcJWAYNE'S COMP'li tJYKUPOF WILD CHEKRY, an excellent article for CosgeSa, Co.da, eVc, Fer asle ouly triatUKK'S. Jiljnbiiry, Oet. , I8S8. BY virtue of certain writs of Venditioni Kxpmat issued out of thn Conrt of Common Pleas of Northumberland connty to me direc ted, will be exposed to Pnblio Sale at the Court House in Sunbury, on Monday tho 1st day of November, at 1 o'clock P. M., the following described real estate, to wit I ' A certain lot of ground, sitnnte in the borough of Sunbury. Northumberland county bounded north by Whortleberry street, west by l'awu street, east by a lot hereinafter do Seribed nnd south by a lot of George Harri son, containing in fronton Pawn street (58 reel and extending back along Whtrtloherry street 13(1 feet, whereon are erected a large two story framo dwelling houso, well of wa ter, Ac, Also, another certain lot or piece or ground situate in tho borough aforesaid, bound by Whortleberry street, on tho north an alley, on tbe east tho above described lot, on the west ar.d the herein nftur described lot of George Harrison, on tho ssiith being 103 Test in length on Whorlloborry street, and being 53 feet iu width, whereon is erected n Ir.rge three story brick Steam Flouting mill, Lu gine House, ic. Alio, another certain half lot if ground, sitmtlo in the borough of Sunbury aforesaid, niljoiiiiug Fawn street, on the west the above described lot, ou the north a lot of John Salmno, on the south and the next billowing described lot on tha cast, containing in width on Fawn street 2c j feet und extending back 143 feet, whereon is erected a two story frame dwelling house, well of water, io. " Also, another cetaii. lot or piece of ground situate in the borough r.rorasaid, bounded by the last above described lot, on tho west an alloy ou oast, the above described lot iierj on the Steam Mill is erected on the north, auJ a lot John oaluian on ti e south, tcntaiu inj 87 feet in loin-lb and 2H feet in width, rbe:-3ou ia erected a cool house, hoj ttablo Au. Also, nuothor certain lot of ground situ ato iu Suubury aforesaid, fronting on Broad way or Water street, and bouBib-d oil tho north by a lot of Ira T. (.'lenient, ou tho south by a lut of Gooige Mnntz and on tho cast hy nn alley, containing .17$ feet in front and 230 feel in depth, whereon is ctccted a two story frame lloutieeud Kitchen. A Uo, another certain lot of ground, situate io Upper Acgusla township, Northumber land county, being now an Island bouudud by Shaniokiii Creek all round, containing about six acres more or less, all of which is cleared. Also, upon miiilbar lut or piece of ground, situate in sjina township of Upper Augusta, being wiioil laud and adjoining land of Jacob lCrilich, Mary Harrison, laud of Penn's heirs and Shstnokin cruel;, containing 10 acre j, more or bus. Seined taken intoexectition alt! to ',,e sold as the properly of Sunu'el Snyder, Charles U.i. churl aud Geo! go U'.nicuii. ALSO: At tho mine (imo ntul place, two certain contiguous 'ut of ground, sitnale in the town of Shttuii-'.in iu Coal township, Noilhuiuber laiid rounty, V'in lots No, tt and C in block, No. 1, fronting on Sunbury strict, containing o -ch "3 loot in front und feet in depth, wh .-reon uie erected 0 two story frame houie 'f.d a frame s' ublo. Also, a certain lot of ground, situato in the Iowa of Shaniokiii aforesnid, being lot No. '2, iu biock Hid; fronting on .'t j street and bounded 011 tho south by lot No. 1 end on U.e north by lot No. 3, in same block, and rn tho west by Mi alley, cotitainiu 2j feet iu front and feet in depth. A.lso, upon lot No 6, in block No. 107 in same town fiontiLg c:i oik street, t-ouuded 011 tho south by lot No. f, on tlie east by Carbon P.nu and uorlh by lol No. 7, in snmo (dock ; containing 25 feel iu Lout und feet in dsplh. Seized taken iulo cscution aud to be sold as llie propM ty of Abraham Osmao t OU-man O.ii'aa lil.-ly Uadibg as Oainnu ii Brother & lienjuiuiu Marls. jam;:s Vandyke, bhciiir. bheriSTa Olllce, buuLurv, ) Oct. 0, 18.18. " I Etitaio of Gocrgo Bfocous, deed. 7'ks Cut;in.anircu!th of Ptmnylvtmia, s fjpO t'.ilharine Dr.iii"js, widow; John J7ro rious ; John Ciupanian alienee of Tcter Winner who was ulur.c of l'elcr Uroriiou.i; Jobn Uiu4smaii und .luieal Witmi r alienees of 1 1 111 y ISroii'mim ; Cl.af'.fS ami Naf-olcou iroious ol Lower Mabi'iio-', alienees of Nicholas tiro sious ; &oubu, widow of Dcnitl I.abr; Anna iiiteriuairii-d w.th I'ctcr Kailir, who resides in Naltauy Valle.v; Titer I.ul.r who was inter quarried with Elizabeth tiehroycr. formerly Dro aioua who was lirt . intermarried with Adam ficbroyer (nowdei ea-e.l) said 1'lixalHitli bcini; now Uccttfcscd.leaviu!; the folloivii.u children vix : Nicii' l ie Selirover who roiilcsinAlacrdon, Mer cer county, Ohio; IVior Kcbrocr residini; in Keneca county, New York; Anna intermarried wiih Jacob Vc.d.rc.idiiig in Seneca county, N. V'ork., Ad.1111 cliroycr liins in lil.i-), George L.'Lr who rceiilea near Lower nudin,ky in Ohio, llei.iy li.hr of S nrra county, N. V.,JohuLubr residing in Micbiun. David I.abr residing in the S-'tiite last aforesaid, Huj;!i I.abrnii'1113 in Obio, and Elizabeth intermarried widi Wiiliuiu lUines ui'MclCeai, Snyder county. 1'a., collateral loirs and repioo.-utulivce of (teor-'O llrosious lata of Geor jelown, Northuiiil erlaiul comity, d-.ccased, and u all other persona interested. Ukkctiso ! NoilTHC.MDKULi.n Cocstv, Sct. Vou and each of you sre hereby cited to be ami appear before the Judges of our Oirhans' (,'uuil al 011 Orphaus' (.Yuri to be held for said county 1111 the first Monday of November next, and then and Ifo re eccept or refui to lake tbe real estate of tiio esi.l litorge Dro.-ious, decease J, et the valuation thereof or i-how caue why the samosboutd not bo sold.' And hereof f.iil nut. Ccriil'u -I from ti e reeonls of our a liJ Orohai a' eul. I'ourtat Sunbury the 7 lli day vf August, A. n. irjsi. i'HO-S. D. G K ANT, Dcp'ty, CU O. C. The above named heirs and legit! representa tives, will please t.ikn notice of tlie nbuNe rule. JAMES VAN DIKE. SU'if. blienfl 1 herifTa Office. Snnbury. 1 October , I85tf. I PItOCX AMATION. VOTICE ia hereby given thst a speciul Court k ' for the trial of raues iu lie Common Pleas will commence at tho Court House in iSunbmy ou Monday the lfth d.iy of October, fur one wetk. Jurors and others interested will nttend. Given under my hand at Knubnry, the 4tb day ol epteiulier tn tlie year ul our Lord one thousand eifiht hundred and lifly-eifjbt and the Independence ol the United Slutia of An.e rica tl.e hid God save the Common wenlih. J.WIEB VANUYKE.bherifr. Sberifi's Odioe, Kunbuiv, October 2, ief3. LIST OF CAUSES Ij'OR tnsl al rial Ceurt at Sunbury, I ber lBtb, A. V , 13A8. Orlo- , PuisTirrs. Dirixuiu. Jacob M. tabids, s Kimber Cleaver, Jas, Malone tt al Harriet Jenkins, Mary Tlie Noith'd Imp Co Ann Jenkins, et al 4 Wm I, Heltcnsteiu J V llerton vs Jas lleachcm ck Wui I, Dewart. Kuaquehanna Coal et Coal Isaiah AVilkerten vs Mountain Co G Mean & U Geo O Welker vs U Delias, V II Marshall et al. Ueorir. Burns . vs Geo O Welker. llugh lJellas a Kimber Cleaver. DANIEL BECKLLY, Trolly I'roLhonolury's Office, I Banbary.tfepl. 16, 18 j nobaeco and Sogarw SO.000 Imported t, " - i l ,. Degare oi vartoua srsuus. ciuurauu, s ig, Cavsnduh aud Cue cut tobacco at .ri. . A. W.TlSlIBR'al i uitbury, )iy IT, U5H. Iron City Commercial Cullco. riTT4iTOIO, A. CnAtlTErtED 800 STUDENTS ATTENDING JANUAllY, l5!i. NnW tlie brr:ft ird nl"!t t1hrnttgli Comrvrrnial Prhool of the Viutctl tiritT-s Young inen iriiorctl inr actiml (IjHir rf iho Onunting It .mm. J. V. tSinitb, A. M. I'rof. of ook-kccpiiig iitii Scitnci of Account-. A. T. DomlitiU, Teaciier of Arithmetic find Coir, mere ial Cnlculntion. 1, A. Ilryilnrk nti T. C. Jtukina, Tenvliera of fi ft- kropiiit; A. Cuwlry rihI W. A. Miller. Profs, of rfnrrmnfbi SINGLK AND DOtlil.R ENTRY KOOK-KfT iNO, As oppd In rvary dr-pnrtmrnt of liiisiiiesi COMMKRCUI AHITH.MF.TfC n Ar(D Bl fNRSS WRITING DKTF.irriaNO COVNTl:RI WT MONEY.MKHCANTM.K COrMEsiONi.NCE COMMERCIAL LAW Are tnopht, mM all olhrr uhjcctancpworj fortiie rucccu fiiiiHhrvugl. riiwriilimi of u -rmliciil Iiuwik-m tumt. 1 il P R U M 1 U M 9 . Prnwn n!l the premium it Pittbuili (V tV p:it t'fe ypota, uUu in raaUm anJ Wcslciu tilicj, for !csi Vila Not TtsORAVID Wf)RJI, IMPORTANT INFORMATION. ttn'Tentfl filter nl nitv tiine N viwutiim Tim or.limi- tciU Knview -U plvnnurc (.iroiluoii 8i5tvM. in pruiiiit) tilimtinus Tniii'ut f"f full .."uii'irn'uil Onm-o. if'li.DO AvrriRe tmm H to M vtlV lioml, Si .vt ji wk Male iiery, !J 00 liiitlre i obl, t .U,iJ u t7u,uu. CV Mi:iittju,!4 nii rucoivrd ol Imlf prire. Tor Ci:rt! t'lrcitl-ir l;rciinen uf Huv'irM ami On tueutal Wilting iiK:!.w iw san'p. nnl nddr(ji F W. JK.VKLNS, Pitlabunjh, SctuoinSer 25, l?Zti ty ISTOTICE. 4 MFETIN'tJ of the aiiK-khnidcrs of the Phil sd. bihia and Sunbury Telegraph Cdiupaiij will be held at thn oll'icn of Henry Doimrl, Kwj., in Sunbury, on the Pllb of October 111 .it, to adopt measures for the rebuilding and repairing said line, Rcco.rdinir to tho net of Assembly of April IC. Its.'!. I!y order ol Hie l"resiJcnt. Sunbury, t.-cpteinler lt, 1S.". 4t T:c UurKPiiCai'rnt ExlilbHloa S'rlzo Slcilal ! g J llir.ll.il, PVBrM.IIj .it." . " 7- puliiir p-'iH-oitiv th-iT lie lins con.t.iii;U on h:oil I I A NOS. c'liinl to Hi-si; lor vvluc'n bo riccitcil Hie Pnza .Med hi in Lon '.on io l.'il. All mil. rs prtimpHy niieudid t". nnd grcut cure lakun 111 Itio sol M tii 11 mill p:i''t.injr Ihe Rime. It,! I n Trni'ivril il 101 .4 ti n List Fifteen years, more Ye l.ils ll.an nnv etln-r n user l'r-in tlie Viatik'ui Inslilnle iil-i, l-'irst 1'rciiiu'i.ia in rt 'k-. -ii, Now York unit 1!.i1ii 111 -e Waris-'viiK N T3J Arch alrect, Lelow LigMa sjulj si.'. ni:i..Di;i t'ttiA. fci;.:fin! ci II, 'Jin w E.-'.ate cf Aiaaiida II. Harrison dee'd. w7 0T!CE is hereby tiveii that letters of ad i 2 t.iinij'.rntiou en the t.t.'.te of Amanda M. Iianisoii, bite of Coal town ,.y No.'tliUiiiberlan.l county ih c'd, liav inwr bee.i (;r.mted to the hubicri Icr. All persona indih'.ul und t!iiMe having eli.im viil lr 1 e pieient tbem ft r yi ttlcment at ul lifr Ule reiilciice on Saturday the Ul'lh day of October lifjj. AMU3 VATlNE, Adm'r. Pep'embrr 85, 18W Ct. " for Yale. GOOD FAKM, formsrly occupied by M' l'hi rs on, now by Trull, intersected by tbe line of I'niou and iSnyder rounties. contniuin; 170 acre, of which about 100 are cleared. The public road from Northuiube.land to New bjar lin paaes ih-oiiiili it about four miles from Nor thumberland, two from Winueld Iron Work", four or live from Lewi-bun,'. 'J itlc indisputable. One third of the purcliaiiig inonry cnh, and tho reaijue in ciu..l yeaily payments with inter est, sccuird by Mortgage and L'o-ils. Tho whole tract is lit for eubivutiun, and includes a ftdr portion of meadow ground and timber laud. Impiire of John Youuuman, nt WinfielJ Iron Works, or of HIGH li ELLAS, Agt. Sunbury, Sept. S5, 185e Kw i'lno.os Tuned and Kcpsiircrt. 1 OSI'.l'il K Lot D, MnRufsrtiurr of l'lrui" rmlff in .j l-uiliuVptiiii, 1'a., will visit this et:ite during the i, ii. mil oi i Ktol:rr, nr&r, for iho ub-ive i-urpe. 1'iinio li ..?.iot-rs itlcalhori-d, kt-ys tiuiileiii.il, rinnns re Klrunir, 'lc-1 wiiroiiili-U ll-'t 1 1 Lrcnk. uiul eveivlhliifr ilor.v to :i:.ke the iiidliuineiit rnuu-trtl Io his core v.'uf k pene.-lly. Il-iveii; lniU a lii-r experience in liie miliiut'a.'ltire of, nnd ttls-i in ri-isiirii 1 .un- s. J K.L., fevls ieil'eclly c-uiniteiit lie wil!:ive entire B.'itisl'.ieiiin. Any ordi-rs left at the luiwience II ue will he fuiltifully nnd protni-lly evroutcd on Ins nrnvnl. ltesiumce No. UU Siiiua liiirilen Sneel, I'liibdelplnu. K-pleln'-er If6t Ut w Uetico to tie Stockholders of tlio Sht molcin Hani;. A general ineetiop T the stockholders of ll.o bbiimokiti Hank will be held on the li rs t Tuesday of November next, onsuinir, ut ten o'clock, A. M., at the backing house, iu Khauu-kin. And on tho third Monday of November, ent-uii rr. thu stnckhohleis will meet at the same hour and (dace to elect thirteen Uircc tors fcr tuid Lank tho ei-.-iui:.? year. S'. JOHN, Csflior. Sbamokin, fiept. ".-, 185!. Gt Kotico to Collectors. TOTIL'Ejis ben by given by the undersigned, ta tru delinquent collector ot ISortliuni- i-eil.inJ county, that we want them to pay in some money belore the geneial election, and at the Special (ouit that is held on the 3d Monday lit llctiioer next. Aiul toe l-alanee ol yout du plicate to be settled elf in full by the N'ovenilier Court, next, witboul fail, if you neclect ibis net ice you n:ay expect what will follow thereaf ter, A word to Ihs cohoctors of 16.)8, we also want you to Uie your utmost endeavor to collect some money and pay it in by the time the return jud ges come in with lluir returns, and pay iu some ii.oni y at tbe several Courts. Tbe general elec- iii, Si-ei-ial Court and JNoveniner Court, all these will be large expenditures, und we nim-t have money to defray loose cols, bo very puue lual. OH ART.ES 110TTEXSTIXE, FltEDKKICK HAAS, EAMUEL EXT, Comwiutiontrt. Commissioners' Office, Suubury, Sept. 23, lttftS. J EXPRESS TRANSPORTATION LIJfE. Conim KMpprd rrorn the Warehouse of ff FUEEl), WARD A. FKF.EI), No. 811 Market street, abate Klh St., l'hiladclpbts, to intermediate points along tbe railroad, to Hun bury and Northumberland in particular, w ithout traiiidiipment and at lite loneM rates of frvli;bt. All ordera lliankfully rrreived and promptly attended tn, and Go xls carefully delivered to aU Merchants aud ottiera. FREDERICK SCULLY, " Juno SO, 1858 Hmi Transporter. Auditor's Notice- TN the estate of Iffert Haugbawout, dee'd, A tlie uti-leiai;ned aioHiinted by tbe Orphans' Court of .Northumberland county, an auditor to distribute the funds teisaiuitig in tbe bauds of Calvin llaugliawout adniiin.trator of LelT.rt Hao;hawout, dec d, Io and among those legal! eiililltd to the same, will attend at his ofuce in tbe Horough of atuitbury en Saturday tbe It'.ih day ol October next at 10 o'clock, A. M.,for lhat purpose. All persons interested will take notice. HENRY DON X EL, Auditor. Bunbury, Kept. Si 5, gS8 I" AND AVARRANTst. Tbe highest price --'will b given fur LanaV Warrants by lbs sub- etSHei H. U MAHSER. PURE CONCENTRATED LYE OR SA- 1'O.MKIKR, fur: sale at Fl8HER' Dru; mora, rneeiosisb - , - ro;i two riAXO?. London, o.-i. u-r i5,isw. Atlantic Cable. NEW GOODS I NEW GOODS!! J. II. iGEI crsunbury. I'a , HAS jmt arrived w'th a sp'cndid stuck of Fall Goods from riiiladelphin, to which ho respertrully invites bis friends and the Public to call and inspect, he will spare no lime in show inft Ihom. Amon(j his stck of poods will be found, FINE DELE AND HLACK FPeElTCE CLOTH. Fine Black and Fancy Tasimeree 'I weed-, Pat inetts, Jeans add Farcy Vesting;, li" a large ns sorlmentof Heady-tnade CI.OTIIINO for men and boys (cheap.) . FOR LADIES WEAR, Dlack andfancv dress silk, (very cheap) silk rhal- li, French Merino. Printed French Merino. laid Cahmere, all wool Delnine, all wool Debs ge. Mohair Debece, Printed Casbmsre. Valentia, Challi Ray a quilli, Delaine Hobes, Persian De- laine Robes, loil de Cherre Kola-s, Plain Del-age Eovellns and Delaine at oil prices, and Ilia Kecd stripe skirts, Fall Shuwla and Matitillua, a good assortment of while (roods. Collars, Kleeves, Irish Linen, tshirt fronts, M nrseillcs,'lllrilliant Ac. A eenrra! assjrlmeut of domestic Dry Go d.J. . , 11 ...... Also a large stocx 01 nais aim oj j, umn and shoes. Hardware, Queens and Glaraware, (Jroceries, Ccdarware, fSlono and Enrtbenwnre, Drusi and Paints, Salt, Fish, Cheese, Ham, Od, Tar cVc. Sit. IV. It. Wall and Window Paper, Floor and Table Oil Cloth, Carpets, all the above will be sold at low prices for rash or country produce la en iu exchange for Goods. J. II. EN'GEL. Sunbury, Sept. 25, 1658. tf. To Lovera of Fruit. TIf F. Kyrt'iie Nuifery, locate in the iitMnrili ite firin iiy tl ' HarrlkLuiR, I'oi nslvnuiu, is BUi'DlieU Wiiii evciy dcBiruli'e vnrivly of Trt-ei. KRUIT,SUAIK AND ORNAMKN TAI. The stork enihriicei Almond, ApIc, Apucot, Cl.eny, Pench, IVnr, Plum, also CHOICE VAUlKTiKS vf Crnpe. Currnuts, G'VirelierTiea, RiiR.-hpnit, tv,'tii, liluckbcrty, upwiiHi t'4u tipniir vuritvttt i" erRAWui:RR!r.s. Amonff them nr the Cflrhrnt'-t! Pe:ihlya rintntxHt, Pi inch's Sc;irltt Mitponlo, Iiiiptjiul tcttrlt-t aa-i (.Muoso tfcuiUi, Jtc , Ac. Auunp the 1AUI:.TRKK3 urn 8i!rcr, S..t nnl Norway Mpln, Ehn, Ah, F.uro peiin r.iljer Arlt, Aincr.L-.Hi mid Iiur pcun Mnuni.iiii Ash I imp l i.Jiiin. nnJ uvrr r -plar, liuivelivuut, tM.ioiit 1m tnotala, tVcM At?. The KVl'UGRKKN THLE3 are v,e!l ffruvn Pperimeiin, of all of Silver Fir, Nor wuy Kir, IJ.ilsnm Fir. !t'iitfh unil AtiMriiin Kir, llrinl-Kk, Sprure. white Ainerittiii t,prm,o 1'ir, A mcriCMii, Chiiicia and Nwrwuy Arlnr V il, Red Cedar, Ae. Aiuong the ornamkntal iinu3r;;RV nre Whit 3 and PnIe Friiu-e, lSyriii', Mnjnflia Par yTs and Glancn. duhle and t:i.rl AUltcrii of Viinui cu! nt UcuiriaSj iMfiliontu uq ialoltti, Tico jUoi, Ac Ac CATALOGUES einl-rneins, tlio names ,.f only fi-t-li arlit-Irs as are actually flOWlllir ill On' B'.llelll'lT' i.Wll ,'nini tls, iifl-1 whicll till! kii;-,i1u-i1 irorderett hi rc-jS"ii:i!'V time, vvi II be scut t- e ip'it Jilts er.losin a posture smn.p. 'l Aitii-lts will l.e dcHwrLd in IIrrialiuilT, at say of tlie Vucih.-iist'8 i-r Depots, free of tti;:-pe. linrely sulli ciriit to ciivcr tlie expense is charged for I'aek nig in the bc.il iiitiniiur. . H. A MISII, PepteikScr il, 1?5S.- Jin Llamey. Eluster and Hisrepreseutation it ia our wish to avoid, we do not prolc.-s to kcrp everything or to sell cheaper than every oilier dealer but we try to keep constantly on hand a g.-nernl assortment of Merchandize adapted to nil clasaes rf persons, and to represent their quality and usefulness without exaggeration. To which we ask the attention of buyer... Heir in mind lli.it we are determined to sell nt PANIC PRI CES for CASH or its equivalent. A fresh supply of CiJOCCl IfS Salt and other goods juut received. J. F. cV I. F. KLINE. Klines' Grove, Sept. 13, 18.r,H. tf MOUNT VERNON HOTEL, Second sh eet, bebto Ai ch, riZII.AZ.S?KIA. PA PTMIE above establishment having neen reno vated and refurnished, the proprietor as. urea tbe public that a call is only needed, as he Uar rntecs full aatislaction in every case. Tcr;oj $ 1 ,25 per day. A. M. HOPKINS, Proprietor. September 25, lt?53.3m FOR LADIES AND CllILDPsEN J OHN FAREIR A & Co. No. 818 (new no.) .MARKET Street, above Eighth, Philad'a. Importers, M anulactiirars and Dealers in Fancy Furs, for Ladies unj Children ; also, Gent's Furs Fur Collars and Gloves. The number of years that we have l-een engaged in the Fur businea., aud tie general character of our Furs, both for quality and price is uo ger.uially known through out the Country, that we think it is not necessa ry for us to say anything mora than that we have nitv opened our assortment of FL ICS, for the Fall and Winter Kales, of the largest aud mout beautiful assortment that we have ever otllred before to the public. Our Furs have all m en im ported during thn present season, v.licn money ws scarce and Furs much lower than at present lime, und have been msnufactuied by the mu.it competent workmen ; we are tkeref- re determin ed to sell them at such prices as will continue to Civu ua Ihe reputatiuii we have ionic fjr years, that is to sjll a good arliclj for a very small pro Ot. IStorei'.cepers will do well to give usa r.jli, as they will find the largest assortment by I'nr to re lcct from iu thu city, end at marLfucturers j-ri Ct'J. JOHN FAREIIIA A CO. No. 18 MARKET street, above Bill, Philad'a. September lli, d-iS. 4mlw. HL? CASH D&TJ G bQX3 1858. NEW STUCK OF FALL GOODS. irt.",8 I71YRE i LAN DELL. Fourth and Arch -Streets, Phiiadi lphi 1, Lave in f lore and daily receive a line biota ul r ull Llry Uoods, suited to tho Near Trodo. lllark Silks of all grades. Fushiotisble Fancy fc-tika. fbawls of all t'.e newest sty Its. Drees Goods, in full aiicly. Stnplo Goods, in larsie stock. Fancy Cassimcre Cloths Yetini;a. HlsnUt ts, Ouilts, Linen lianias',s, Ac. N. H. (iood llsri;sins daily received from New York and Philadelphia Auction Saks. IV Temhs NtT Cash, urn l'ics Low. September 4, lUftH 3m.w3. P.LL ittsT RECEIVED HY Edward Y. Biisht 4; Sen. CONSISTING nfH.ved.-re, Psritio anJ Ope ra lletsnea, Woolen Poiida aud Csiimercs Kuits A. (Juilia, rich oil blsck Si ls. Merinos, cheap Calieoea a'id Muslins, Union Piaid Cassi- mens, K. Jcaua I weed CaKMiut &c. Huts of tl.e latest style, all qualities and prices.' We in vite tbe public to call and examine nhr.i.t- l!;ev leirh In purchase or not. bunbury, SepL 11,1654.- CRACKEBS. 1F.ST RECEIVED by the eubscri'-er, at bis r LtL R e10R L, Market SVuare, Sunburv, a fiesb supply of Water, llultcr, Sugar, Cn.,;r i and Soda Crackers, fr U by the pound or barrel, el wholesale llarrislnirg ar.d I'lnbideli hia I prices. I Ujsrf wishing lo purtbsae wMt pUase give kiln call before ordtring c'sewlicre. u. ha t r..v. He also continues to receive, weekly, supplies ol dour, giving his customers a ficek article aud I very reasonable, rrtes. - linkuty, July 31, IHiVS. f ..'STRAY COW. CAME to tbe auliscntvtr ia Coal township Northumberland county, on tbe 8lai ull. a siiay muley cow, red and white, a while face and bad a bell on. Tlie owner ia requested to cnine forwaid prove' piopeity, pay charge and lake ber away, otherwiaeahe will be disputed otf according to law, . JONATHAN HOOYEJL tluuiokia, A"i- It, UM--tui ."-i"tJ . ... "..UL.J'J r..li.-I , The New , AMERICAN CYCLOPAEDIA. REASONS FO BUYIXa IT, AND THE WilYS AND MB1N8 OF BUYING IT. -riIIK New Amerioan Cyrloprtlia is popular I . without being superficial, 1,-arned but ik1 pei dantic, romprrhensive but suOicictitly delsi'.ed, free Iron, personal pique and parly prejndi.e. Trcili and yot accurate. It is a complete elate mcnt of all that ia known upon every important topic within the ecnpe ol human littelHciice. . Every important article In it has been spccialls written for its pi.iresby h en who aie authorities upon Ihe topics of which they C-enk. ' They are required lo brinR tha sul Ji-ct up to the prewn monienti to state just how it Hands now. 11 tho stathtical inloiinntl-in is from the laical re ports t tbe grootraphicnl accounts keep pace wilh the latest explorations ; hiutorical matters Inrltsils tho freshet just views ; the biugrspbicsl notices not only speak of thu dead, but also of the livinir. Ant' the work is cheap ; llueo dolfnrs a vr.l ume ; and eajb soluiuo contuins more tva have carefully cornputnl tbn contents of both morn thttti the v.holo six volumes of Uaucroft's history which are eo!J ut two dollars a volume. rr.aUii.ir in all twelve !.-l!:in. Lvcrv family oucbl to ppesejs a i-'-py cf the New G)cloii-dia. It is a library In itrelf. Let each nan save twenty five cents a wcrk, and by lbs time the work is com plete he can not only own tlie fifteen volumes, bet also a handsome book-case to keep them in. Saye a half dime a day, ( little sell denial will do it.) and you save enough to buy a set cf books which will give you sound inforpiulion upon all poiiitsaboul which you wih to arqiiiio. Jihool children rfrhv.rdy tho members ol our High Sehila can all hare it. iSuvo the pennies which a u p,ivjn to you, run errands and -'do ebon j" wl.rn you can, and thus earn a quarter ol" a doll.tr a week, and tho tusk is done. Me clmtiii s ! you have not much time to read ; this, then, is just the woik for you; it will help you npo'i all prints of inquiry, and three hcurs' over work per wek will buy it. Lawyers, physicians, r!eri;ynirn ! it will k'ivo breadth and accuracy to you information, and add largely to your in fluence aud incotiie. Til E NEW CJYCLOP.EDIA (3 Volumes now Heady) ' Will be completed in 13 volumes, royal 8o j $3 per volume, in cloth; $3 50 in library lea rner; v-t tiali morocco j 5-1 50 half Kuasia ex tra; SI in monthly parts. If. 13. M ASSEK, Airetit for Northumberland County. August 81, 18.ri3. SIT:-2t. CO., OYSTER PACKERS. Xa. 9 AlLemai le street a:ul 2Xo. 10 5. Front street, Baltimore, Mil. A.vd Scott's Creek, I'op.tsmoutb, Ya. JJESTAUItANTS supplied at all seasons of tl ; year with all Ihe salt water delicacies foud in tbe city niorkc'.s. All er.ler? promptly and faithfully attended tj. sreptembsr 1 1, 1858. ly "elDAi f OOAIi ! COASi !' i ioL-j 3Uc t'aul Mouulala l olliery. 'jjVHE subset ibers, now opcralin; thia Colliery, J- are prepared to furnirh or deliver, at thcit wharf, at Nerlliunibc.-land, all sizes ef Coal, from their mine i. This is a very superior quality of V.'hi'e Ash Cool, which they are prepared to fur nish promptly Ij order. 1 They a;c al! prepared to furnish Esd Ask Coal from the Lambert Colliery. F A II b K .N ,V CLEMENT. Bunbury. Au;tiiil -o. 1353. tf, rNElHi 7 3T AH IKcT MILL! DISSOLUTION OF PAUTNER31I1?; TOTlCE is hereby given that tho partuer--ks chip heretofore existing between tha sub scribers in the Milling business, wus diolveL by mutual conseot ou Monday; the lbfli in sr. 'I ho books of the firm aro io tbe Lauds ef Samuel iscydur, far collection GEO. HAKELSOX, CUAS. KU IXEH AtlT, SAMUEL SNYDER. TP1 E undersigned would respectfully an pounce to thn public that ha has taken the) Mill and wilt continue the business of niauu fiictnrinjr flour. Arc. lie solicits tbe patron ago of tho public. ' ' 5 ' SAMUEL SNYDER. . Sunbury, Aug. 28, 1853. tf ' "Thiil: Darkness covers the Earth, AnJ Gross Darkness tlie People." corxTn y me::c H iXTs, all Otl-.erx, vilil tnlio y.clico THAT tln-y suiily themselves, iu any (luaiitincs wi;a Jones' Far Faned Patent NO.N KXl'LUi-lVU KEROSLXB or COAL OIL tA.Ml'S. Al the Wholesale anJ Beiail, ltciil-Qniriets, S3 Sjutii teei;-.ld Street, Pluh!dt.-lrli!a. -' I lin only place where exclusive Agencies eon be ob X tiinii-t! lOr tti-; triuiL-a ol' reniisjivQiiia, New Jersey tout lioUwurc. . - - i'iiese liiifj-a pive a light equal in intensity or name, mm similar in iij;'ciumve lo One, and nre e.Jiuuif t- I sii..:rior tonll i--hi-r i -i tulile lights, now in use. No feu r -i J.jjil-.SKn .VinUe.iiiveiiil.-r .osiin Ke Verv csi ! rnuli.uJ a3a Gas Lijrlit. Can lie udnpted t-i all pur p isLii And ui-iici ihuii'uil itirapoiir nnoi. fiOper cent cia.i;-ei llcui any o-'ier poruililelljiit, inw in couunou use. Pol.C AilKNCf ALSO, rOU IvNAPF'S PATUN 'I' KOSIN AND CAL OIL LAMP C? Ijiui;-., Oi:, Wicks, Shades end evervaitiele in Ilia lino. 3. K.SOL'lHl.AMl, Agent. No. ra S..uili Second ticet, Pluludelehia September II, w Til Esjubscriber will oiler ot public sale, ou Tuesday the 8ih day NOVEMRER next, nn the picmises, the farm now in his possession, s.ljoii.ing the borough of Sunbury, being the east ern portion of the well known Augusta farm, late tbe property of Samuel Hunter, dee'd., lying bcluecn tbe Cuttawissa road and the gut. Tbis valuable property cont.-.ins about '74 acres all cb arcd, aud is in a hicih i-'.ate of cultivation. The improvements are new Frame two-story dwelling HtH.'E, well sepplied with water aud a good suli.Uuti.il t ank Lain. 10 by 60, a wagon house, smoke Iwuse, corn crib and all other necessary outbuilding. Tbero is also on the premises a young OrtharJ of excellent grafted fruit. Tho I't iices are all new aud in good condition. V'.iU prnicity would make 1001 desirablo ccnylry residence cn account of its feilility, scemry, healthy l-iratio.i and convenience to town. The terms ill bea;x per cent down, and the remain der in three equul annual payments from the 1st of April, isia. For further particulars apply ta ihe subscriber. JOHN 1SUYEK3. Sunbury, August SI, 18.18, ts . SUWliUEY STEAIJiTilTiY TO hOB. THUMBERLAND. ON ai d after Wednesday the Slsih July. lb, uiidcrsigntd will ruu bis hi LAM FLRRY BOA T, recul.iily, for pusscngtrs, Letweeu Sun bury and Noi'.lictr.bei'.iu. J, according to the fol lowing schedule, vi;.- Leav Maiket street wharf, Sui.fcury, at T.t 0 A M Returning, leave Northumberland at 7.30 Leas Sunbury for lry Valley at 8.30, touching t Noitliuiub, ilsud at K.45 " , Itfiurning. touch al Nerthuinbf i'J at ll.b'O Leave Sunbury for Northumberland at S SO P.M Kiturning, leave Nor lhun.br rluud at J 30 ' Leave Suubury for Narlliuu.beilsud at 6.00 " Keturuiiig, leave Norlhuusberland at 6.30 " V, ben couttnici.t, intermediate tripa will be made. FAKE le and fiom Sunbury and Northura lilund 10 cuita, or IWc!e Tuksta fur Ona Dollar. 'Plus arrange cirnt will lint only prove a treat conteuier.ee t -ersous viidting lbs two places on business or pleasure, but sllonls su agreesl le and plcaaanl tide oil one of the most picturesque foiliotui of the beauliltd Susquehanna. ISA T.Cl.EMKNT, Propria ANDREW HOtlVEK, Captain. siiial-ury, July 1. laoH. AViJ. Wood. Cio Cut and Mji 'w, Superior artiUe al - -' J !VlJ FI'S. Bun'-urv, July IVih ' -