Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, October 02, 1858, Image 2

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i:i axon.
LATE.n rno.'i Etnori:.
Tha Ar.icriovt lion:: Succtstf-d Prioress
):ius the C'tait Yorle.iire Handicap
jUtudnl lipidanic ' Switzerland II-rri-lie
Accident in Sumy Muio Halt, Sh-f-jkld-Frlrfdfnl
Panic Tu-i il!- Seine
A X-mher KilUd and PutaHy Wou.uLd.
Tho ecrcw flcr.mrhtp City cf Washington.
Call. lVtiu-, which. ""' 1-'v i;h.u! t
. i. . ii .,',.1 ., i-.n tin' r.n.ruim: ft he!. lum
ber l.'itli, Mhn.1 al Now
U Ul o'clock
v!.Ui-dny alien
blie biins ihe Ctnicl
Tii ; Caiii.!-:. The Times or thu Mln si
.'Li i'.,miu is no ultcralii n in tin1
, ... ..I I'm AiLlCc Cluo1.- C
iili:i'iliicai;i ll.i
t'.mti'lihS to b-i tcccivid tlitoiiH'u
lliti '.litlr.i
but tin y ttii t'J !ot'
r..tiiTtd front 1'i.hii. '1 he'
ulij i'lUI ; t'.l bo
t J rt'.'ll.l!!!
ilmituiilioil. t lti
I! ItllJiS llOVill
I., i U til rile.) 111"! -'OO. , . , ,, ,,
Tbo Liverpool 'limes think that Nr.
Whit, housu bus been somewhat
(rented, because wan not ki.tghtcd
.'If Enght wii. Tbo Utter, il tb.i.k.i. i. I
not" bo ride l ) suppi.rl iho dignity ol kninbl
because U iii )crty. A re-ward o!
jL-.ji, jitif Jfar, il lhiuki, would IiaVO Levi,
bci ir.
i,s .:m:u-.:.n llo:::.. Mr. I tn brofccU a
Amci.c-uti ho:.-.; wou litis Grant Yorkshire
Handle -! ul ..nticuHcr races. Twelve bor.
te far, but tbo.r prcUiisiur.e were poneruily
muia t. .;-. The Great St. Legerwustu be
run I of uii the liuv t.-u City nt V. ra-bington
ai;v I.
1 ''
'i liurru 'i'oi'oj tiulile COQ-
lir.ui'u ii:'. l',.M;iiio ut i'.;.rt o-ioi.
Ghkat Cal... i.u'v. A ,-.)liUt!J lelfgroj.b,
OiiU'd ;'. i.. e;i;. 3 :
A iem-iiii cittiif.ily lud ji:.t occurreil ut tbo
-llll Iililm li:'0 tiliilOlllg,
vH'j.tbli: nl lnu!.i
v.i.'U-ty ui' a::iuaeii
ttUcu a ruii-.'ii i
is i bill) trtODJ wliura ii
iita i.ia carrwU oo. Tlw
l ,1) .'. (I'U, M.K n .11111 Wlllilll
cii :t j..iatu!, uvidcutly will a
IU !t; pa'.ivij li
v i i -v i l i:i'i:utn:i; t'.l i' m.
p.'i;f,it:r itifuiiitly oppoared upon
tli? i. . a is . ;c ci-il souiu time in pur-
eu.uV.j t'w p-(.'i !o to hicp lhir Beats j but
lu'u !'.'w tiiiuiil.'S tiireu ir tour moti siuiulta-iiirmi-'i
y ri-so m lite jaiii y nnil criuil out, "the
j-Suko A cu tiiv," ujji.ii bich there oppeareJ
u lonrl'-it scviifF
'i iii u i.Uutice, pti:ii :piiliy youug persons,
f.-.';ici.!!v rualivu tor lite oullt., nil ttiiiny
jii.npiu ,.- t:. KitlJcry frout into tbo pit.
j:i i!io ttrui'm tux persons were crusln.U to
i!uatl), a sevvulU a moved to tbo iuliruiary
iu a L-ing slalo, aiiJ many otbem were ten
CUs,iy it:iiuJ. 'i'b.3 diaatroui uO'air most
cloa:!y rLults iVuai a cotiapiracy, ua llio was
iiLl.tbo slitblu.-t signs uf uup lite iu tUj
Til a c!i'.':-3 contest between Messrs MorpLy
nu J Jjarrwita was bciit couliimod. Four
'uiiic-i haJ b:tii pluyeil, ami eaub hod wou
t..o. Tbo f.r. t wbj wind seven jjfttues is to
bu cet;i;u;i'i..r.
l';;;.Ai'i Ki'iDEJitc IX Switzerland. A
tiuii' 1'v.vir was ragiuj; ut JJafle. It
i:ne;iy allai Ued persotu iu tbo prime of life,
mid luu .j 'Ltd ii a few houia. The largs
l.iyipilal iii tbo town wus overcrowded, anj
tbo plijfcicians scarcely sufficed to uttend the
fick iu private bouses.
r;ia E.tntLTio.N or w J. il.u:k.
Tiia aanoancenient that the eecution of
Vv'ui. J. I'lutk, was to luko place to doy
I.'io.ight ipiite au unusual crond of strangers
to loivo. Karly in the motniuthe excite
in cr; I begun u u J cuctituii d tliroiiRbiiUt tbo duy.
'I'liu gloomy aspect of the weuther, bad a de
ei.iud effect on the coinuuinity. Li erjbody
looked sad and felt Fad. 'l'he ushering of a
luiiiian beiug into eternity, opou the gallows,
tai-iiij of sncb a rare occurrence, (the tirst in
tliii county,) every one IVIt anxioui to Rtt a
tilit of the criminal. About U o'clock, we
lepaired to the jail yard, which we lound
crowded with tiifii, womeu and cLildn.u, hII
eatioutly, exauiiuiug tho gallows ou which
w as. to be exeuutod lao uutortuuate criminal.
At balt'-past U o'cluck the Sheriff bad the jail
1-ut J clouted, and only cdmiited the cUtgy,
jiliysician.-i, jurors, deputy therlilt", auJ repor
ters. Thi street i;t frotl of the juil was literally
crowded fcith huniutt beings. At the request
of the prisoner, the bytrui "The day of judg
ment," was sung by sumo two or three per
sons present, ia a very impressive manner,
aiter e.hicij the Hcv. Mr. Harden, riad tho
Mat I'sului, and iiinJo a very utloctii); prayer.
All this uioraitiff he was constantly under
the tpiiitual advice of Kw.'b YeumaiiO, 1 1 r
(ien, Stover, Hull, and Oppenheini, of this
rlac". lie remained very stoic, occasionally
f;iv:s ftijurnuces that ho was rtady to meet
hia linal j'J'Je. llev. J. V. Yeotuaus, then
ng igod in a most aii'octing prayur, comincu
iliuLi the criminal to the tender mercy ol afiii
pnrdo::ing Uod. All, all failed to aC'ect biui.
His well (ituuied stoicism' caused Liiu to re
main ft Had y and unwrvvcring. About 11
o'clock bo wus conducted to tbo place ol'tx
cculiou, dressed iu ailaek suit of clothen, at
tended by the .sheriff, Dr. Bitnoutou, and his
spiritual ndviaers. Not a tear escaped Lis
eyes hatdly a it!us:le moved bis frame , at
times completely compoied, and mostly utain-
tillUlt) Ktolid lUdllk-i'ttltO.
lie ascendi d tho slups of the gullo'AS with
ft firm nnuvetii;g tread. A fter getting com'.
p,v-ed, he read, bia ding i!it.trj:iou., iu
which by cjiatycil some ol the wiliii bus nilb
fahe testiuiony au l nienly re-uetii rltnj; lu
inuoceuca of the drendlul crime el' which he
tttood charged. A i lor Mis. Tivijs he be
licved her innocent of the crime of murder.
That she hud au opportunity to do so, bo ac
knowledged but he could net tonciive the
motive he would have for such au uct. The
following were some of his last v.otds: '1
iiL-vur purchaScJ poison, to the best tf my
kno'.edye. "Iu my death J go where my
b 'uvcD will be mote glorious." "1 atn inno
cent, tllory be to Uod." ' I am goiug to tn
jy tho Co ml. ut o!' my Lord, which is lur bet
ter." A Iter be bud concluded, the llev. M.
J. Stover, rou'J a chapter from the boikuf
Job, alter which tho liev. Mr 1J ail, deiivpied
un nllectiug and tolfiuu prayer, and at which
lime be showed the Ural aigua of penitence.
At the request of the criminal, the Lyu.u,
commencing "Knelt of Ages,'1 was cung iu
wLich he himself, joined. The tiheritT tlu-n
fastened bis arms with a strap, adjusted bis
cap, rud placing the rope ubout bia uvck,
took his bnal leave of the prisoner. The
liueritf descended, and ufler propDsing tke
qucstiou, W'ui. J. Clark, do you still liver"
t a a prisoner responded iu a firm voice, ' 1
live !" and immediately the dwp fell and he
was launched into eternity, tu feveu min
utes from the time the drop fell, Let'eased to
inns died vt m. Joltn llatK, r.uli, as mis
community generally believes, u tuUe-Lood
upon bislijis. UanrilU luUtlijenar.
Toe RucnirTS at the L'Ain. The total re
ceipts of the late f air will reach about t'3CH)0
or an average of 1000 per dieut. This iu
cljdes uiouift rA-uivud front the u!e of tick
ets, reuts of stands, 4c, &e., uud is a much
larger sum than has been netted by tbemau
egeri of any of the i'aira iu the adjuitiiug
couiities. 'I'ha whule ull'air was such a deci
ded sneeen, thut it is now a fixed fuel that
we will luve ihuiu annuaUy.-'o;'(a - L'niun.
Dkto?i VKxt:Am.iiI,Ai.V. We Uaru
that Mra, Hnyder, wiia 0r Ludick Snyder or
llat aside towuah.p, this cunntr, died a few
days since, bile was o.'ia hundnd aud tijhl
yeuriotatje. Her husband is now one Ann
tlrtd and inelre yeuri old. Tbia couple was
we think, the oldst iu the I'uited Bulei
CLitrfiUi Journal,
i7t nvj rr-rri riTTV ft'
4 'V'.
EAlUriDAY,OCT02EX 2, 1853.
H. D. ilAESUn, Eg'ltorRnd Proprietor.
In A3vTifKK - .Tlif circuhllon of the Sunhury
Amv iiiMniimim!; the (I ITifcnt tuwn on tht Suinehnnua
iwl pxctc.M lfoimlleil bjrnny pnpcf puWuhcil in Noith
fni Prnnvti'aiiiR.
Eciaccrr.lio Stato Nominations.
Wit .itTCii-. rt' Tin-: Ht'i rtoTKcrtuitT,
WAJ .. I'Oit Vl:n, riiltnitili!ln.
UI'STLtV HIOS.T, Tnjrlte tl:nly.'o County Kominations.
Coi. jcEErn v. cake, of pottovmo.
N npmitftl 1y il-? prmocrniic CcufiToiu-e Ki-Jniy 'kill
tlHkl N 'Il'lUTI tiflluiltl C'lUtltit'l. Ill' 111 Ut Alt. ClllllUlttJr- lat,
V.?T. L. DEVAnT, of Cunbury,
Niniiuatt:3 hy CoufLari;ri ut IVtlsvi!!.
W.'l, rot.l.MMt, ft! Lenta.
. Asfaithhf,
(I! Art MS ItOTTtSl I IS, on'uitut.
JifjirUr and Ptcordtr, frc,
J.VIOU U. AIASbtt, of Suutiurj-. LVliltl TT, Jr., orVnUoiitov.ii.
( lllllLrs t-ITTLi:. n( K'urlluirnTiritnnit.
..wv.".rjwr. -.. Vr ",''''W7'
O" We arc indebted to Hon. Pinion Cam
eron for some valuable public documents.
I 7" (Jkx. Pi.aih rcqnrsts ut to rny that lie
'a h1.-o opposed to the S200 extra pay to men
lu rs of the I-pg'slature.
L" Ti:n Dollars Rkivaud will bo paid by
the editor of this paper for the discovery aud
crmvietiou of the person or persons who
opened the fence, to let cattle into his lot,
cbovo the saw-mill.
C2" A special Court will be held in this
place, on Monday tho 18th of October inst.,
by Judgo Jordan and his associates.
CT2"Ti!E County L'.ur, at Milton, com
mences on Wednesday nest, and promises to
be a successful exhibition.
CS The Woricinu icn's Convention in
Si iiiYLUii.L Coi'.vtv. We neglected lutt
week to meution thut Col. Joseph W. Cake
received the nomination of this convention by
an nltnost unanimous vote. This party, it is
saiJ, can poll two thonfr.n'l votes.
fir Acuhk.vt. On Saturday night last,
tl.o coul train coming from Shamokiu to this
placo, met with nn ncciJeut, about two miles
west of Sliamokiu by tho breaking of a car
wheel, near the middlo cf tho train, l'cforo
the engine could be stopped, seven cars weru
thrown off the track, and considerably smash
ed. 13?" Js'ew lloTix. Mr. John A. Snyder,
of Lower Mahonoy, Las pnrcbofed the pro
perty of Henry Y. Simpson, in Whortleberry
street, near the rail road, with a view of put
ting up, immediately, a largo three story
building, to be used as a hotel, by his brother
who is now keeping a hotel at Georgetown.
CiT Tho burning of the steamship Austria,
the account of which will be found in another
column this week, is one cf those wholesale
calamities that occasionally break upon cs
Thi?, like nearly all the other lost stoamfbipj,
has been the result of carelessness. The idea
of fumigating a Bhip with tar uod a healed
iron chain is-, of itself, n piece of reckless stu
j'idity. C3" Euiscij Maeixu Machine. Mr. Ira
T. Clement has, in his Saw M .11, a ucw ma
chine for sawing shingles, that does most ex
cel', i-tit work. The circular saw id a horizon
tal diss four feet in diameter.
Cj" The Comet tow visible, will attain Its
perihelion iu tho first week of October, and
will thco present a more brilliant appearuuee.
It will approach within six million tnilua of
the earth.
try It is estimated that Uecty thousand
persons are out of employment iu the irou
districts of tLe State. ' Yet we aro importiog
railroad iron at all points, which our farmers
and tut'chau'c) mut pay fur.
CS Mr. Philip Clark who has tho contract
for the election of llio hotel, at the Corner of
Market uud Peer streets for Sheriff Vandyke,
U progressing rapidly with the work. TLe
brick work of the IhirJ story to tho froLt
building, h completed, cud tho first story of
tho side building is also up. The entire front
on Deer street along the rail road, is 105
feet. The ticket oliice will bo in the corner.
Cli" Siuiioui.N IJa.vii, It vill bo seen by u
notice of tho proceedings iu another column
that J, 11. Ziuimeiman, l'.fq., bus resigned the
Pies deticy of tho Sliumokiu Bank, and that
I'elix Mi anr, L';q., has been elected to sup
ply tbo vacancy. Major Zimmerman has,
during the tiuie be was iu cilice, faithfully
and honestly discharged Lis duties, and the
uiiecti.m of the 1 oarJ, iu recording this fact
are performing notbieg more than au act of
simple justice to its furmtr President.
ielix Maurer, K.hi , tbe tew President is
well and favorably kuowo, ill this couuty, u
a tu an of means aud of euergelic buciueas ha
Wo are, therefore, asrured, that the Duuk
is ia as go.d couditioti as uoy iu Penntylvu'
nia. We ate also iufot uied that the liauk bat
commenced a ucw isiee of botes, of a yellow
iustead of the red grouud Work.
A publie meeting wus held iu tke
Couit IK'iaJ, ou Tuesday evening; last, for
the purpose of bearing Mr. Wui. Gilpin, Ike
peoples' candidate for the legislature. Tho
(iieetiug was organised by calling Jacob
Uiigbt,, to the chair, assisted I y Mi
chael Kci for and Geo. llileman, and J. P.
Sbiudel Gobin, Secretary.
Mr. Gilpin iJiscussud tbniron. pipe, Kansas
aud the tariff q.uetiou aud coudemued the
rai.iug of the pay of members from five to
seten hundred dollars, laying be would surve
foi ?50'J.
ft i '
C3" Uailroad. The time I not distant
when a line of iron rails will connect this
ptocp, by wny of llarrisburfr, witb New
York. In the 'construction of a railroad
from Reading to Allutitown, on the I fchlh,
and from ttinnco to Ke York t-t'n tbo Lo
high Valley ami Now Jersey Central Rail
roads. We Will tlmo "lie able to leave -here
in the morning and reach vtl.o Kmpire Vity
in tho afteraoon.' . ' . '-
' s
HT Ykm-s VistiM.u in tiir Hat Time.
llciiJcs the three comets now 11 ishing tltrongh
tho eky, a dny light view fnay bo bad, with, a
moderately good pair cf vyr, of the planet
Vcbbb, the lenit.g Star, now at the height
of her brilliancy, llcr pnaition ia siiutlmly
about 30 di'giees froui the Sun, and us many
from the horizon, at a rough calculation. .
C"2." John. Mclley mdds line been nomina.
ted after a hundred and Cfty ballots ,'n the
Columbia and Luzerne district ia pluco cf
Paul Lcidy, the present Leeompton Member.
They Lad ballotted for Several days. Mr.
Mclteynolda is said to be anti-Lecomplon.
In tho Perry York and Cumberluud district
Mr. Fisher of York has at lust been nomina
ted in place cf Mr. Abl, Ik. resent Lecotnp
ton member. These ure some of the tron.
bli'S brought tipott the party by the folly of
the administration mumpling to force the
Lccompton Constitution throigh Congrcr.s.
C3" R'-iRtsr Kit and Rucor.DER. The con
tradictory rumor in this place, ou Tuesday
last, in regard to who was to be tbe opposi
tion candidato fur Repl-iter ond Recorder,
was occasioned by the fact that Mr. S. D.
Jordan and Mr. t.iiunt had deturmiued by
lot,, the night pievious, which one should
draw off. The ticket cane out in fnr of
Mr. Jordan, and the next mornhic it was
geucrally understood that be was to bit tho
candidate, end we, omong others, so stated
it, und had already pat it in typo for oar
German paper. Iu the uflernoon Mr. Jordan
called ou us aud requested us to discontinue
his advertisement, nud iu reply to our inquiry
.of tho cnusp, stated thut Mr. Grant's friends
were dissatisfied, and in a matter of ro much
doubt be did not desire to be a candidate, if
there was the least dissatisfuctiou nmtiifssted
by those lo whom ho would have to look for
m u .. .
t,'m We clip tbe fi lioviing articles from the
Cc.zdte of last week. We corJiully concur
with the Gazeitt in thoir opinion : .
"George Renn, Dentist of thia placo, has
shown nn a full set of artificial teot h which he
has constructed for Mrs. Rohrbaeh, a lady of
tins p!ac. IliswoiU is t'.ono in tiio highest
tyleoftue dental art. anil rMIects ereat cre
dit npoa Mr. Kenn as a dentist. His extra-
rdinary tnechuical aptitude sivps htm great
ndvantagos iu the practice of bis profession.
He ranks omong the mo:t ssiillal deiit:sl3 lit
this section cf country.
Tho most tucccssful wine rai;er in this
section of country is George Zimmerman, of
Sunbury, nho every eenson makes n quttutity
of wine that will compare with some fifths
most celebrated brar.i1 of the country. Mr.
Zimmerman's wine muking fir t hid season
took place this week, bii giapes (Isibcilas)
have matured finel'.-, aud were cf lilit rale
ti- l.r it, I ! , a
sentenco of death, ia the Jail at Dtnvillt,
came near making her esimpa ou Tucsdav
evening, by making a holo in the wall iu tho
room iu which she was CinSiicd.
Lv" 'l'he Setiatiiiial Conl'iuei-s of this dis
trict will meet again at Ulooinsburg Fride.y,
tbe 1st of October inst. It is high time thut
something is dune.
Attkntr.n, r..TT.:.;.R n. TI.e Mha-
noy e.unUer Lattailion, c&tnpiteJ of the
Mahauoy Guards, Caaiernn Ctiaids end Jor
dan Infantry, will aiact, for parade, on Sat
urday, tho Dili of October next, at the public
houi'o of Mjor Heim, in Upper Mahanoy
township, ia this county, 'l'he liun will be
farmed ut 10 o'clock, A. M., und v. iii be com-
manded by Major lleiut.
CHlLBltl.N IN A lll.MW.tT U.1I.LUOX. .
'JhriUing nciihul.Oa Friday l ist a man
named W'tLou made au ascensiuu from the
Fair Grounds, at Centralis, HI., in a balloon
belonging to Rrooks, the toronaut. He de
scended about eighteen miles diftant, at the
farm of a Mr. Harvey. After the grappling
irou bad been made fat, liar lev. to
his children, cue a buy of four veurs and the
other a girl of eight yours, placed them iu
the basket car and permitted them to ascend
soveral times us Lib as the rope woulJ
allow. Unexpectedly the pruppiitig iron
slipped from the father's hand, nud the bal
loon with its precious freight was wafted out
ol sigtil. 1 he Cjbtitks of the pur.' lit knew
no buuuds. Tho peiil of I. is children he con.
sidered imminent, fjr what assurance had he
tool they would cot bo borijH into some dense
foiest, where they they would be overtaken
With hunger belote they could be found, or
perhaps descend into Home luke or stream
and be droAi.ed 'I As soon as it was possible
an Extra was issued ut Centralis, uud the
whole iieifclibontig cou u try j.LceJ on tho
alert to watch for the balloon and children.
Saturday morning at day break, a farmer
neur New Carthage, forty-three miles did
taut frcttt Mr. Harvey's place, discovered the
balloon sMtpeuded in the air, uttucbed by tho
giuppling lope to a ttco in Lis vtirJ. Ho
immediately hauled the balloon down, and
found the youngest child Ublcep in tbo bot
tom of the basket, und the eldest carefully
wt.tchiug over her I, Hie brother. They bud
beeu Walled about by dill'eret.t currents of
air tbiMiighniit the night, and hud come to u
nult Out a liUIo while before they were ro
'l'he story the cirl told was that ea thi
balloon ascended she ctied piteotiidy to Lor
luiwr io pun ti ticnu. one aiii sue passed
over a town where she saw a meat muiiv
people, to whom she likewise appealed at the
top of her voice. This place u-ut Centi aHa.
'l'he balloon was tesn to puss over ibi ro, but
tho peeple little imagined it carried two per
sous in such danger. Her litile brother
ctied witb cold, tiid the heroic till took
elf her aprou. covered him aud got hitn to
sleep. In bundling the ropes aha happened
to pull oue which had the tCcct of bringing
the bulloon down, and although not under.
staadiug the philosophy of the movement,
she was quite coutent to keep the valve opeu,
so lonjf as by so doing the found the op
preached the earth.
The yoothful aerial voyagers were In the
balloou about thirteen ho .rs and a quarter.
It may easily be imakiued that amoutr the
neighbor! where they lauded thev were tbe
object of Biucb curiosity and iulerekt. T he
gill's preseuce of mind and loving considera
tion for her brother, ciay well entitle Ler to
remembrance, while tbe incident itself was
of such a remarkable character that we opine
that il will not ioou be forgotten iu that sec
tion. Tbe boy and gitl were convened borne as
souu a prauiicable, aad it ia 'iedle to lay
were received ilb wtftrotcbed aritj.
- a tronninte voxr mhoii.'" "
John lJtirns, executed at Wheeling, V.,
for the murder of Mary Ann M oniony, en
obatuloned woman, confessed the deed, which
was otio of the most brutal on record. The
parlies were on a hill near Wheeling, with
other dcpVadi J peraona. 'l'he deceased bad
formerly been a mistress of tiurns. ;
i , , UtS Sr-KKCH.
They were n"il sitting n round id 'one place
ant) another. It -had rajned some. .1 wont
off some distance W(!h Mary Montony. She
camo back first, I believe. Wht'ti we came
hack, several of us were lying down, around
the lire. 1 wits not standing up, when I
stabbed her Willi tbe knife, as wni testified.
1 tuppcte I stabbed her about thirty tioiet.
I carried my pocket knife. It Was a lurge
sired one. Lie djdu't move or sny n word as
I stubbed ber. It didn't appear to hurt her.
She didn't try to pi t away. Lost time 1
hit her nguinst her rib. It made my blood
run cold. Myers and I went to the mill to
dry ourselves. We talked the matter over
there. Myers laid thut we would get into a
scrape, and that be had belter go back and
kill ber. He proposed that we sltonld take
n shovel along. This lust I refused to do.
About lire o'clock Myers and 1 started up
the hill. Wo found her standing op bcaido
the fire sho teemed lo bo trying to dry ber
I commencod talking with her. She said
that she was in misery, and wished that she
could get down lo the river, so that the
might drown bt-rself. I asktd her if she
would like to g,-t rid of her misery t She
aid sho would. Says I, ir I had a pistol I'd
put ber out. When 1 was talking with her,
Myers wits silting down. He spoke up and
snid 1 was a tl d Tool Tor talking witb ber.
H.tid he, "kill her at once, and let us co
I still kept on talking to her say about
fifteen minutes. Myers kent on urcinir me.
SaiJ it woald bo too late, and somebod
wouui come along, l then puked op a stone
and Lit her. She saw me pick up the stone,
and put her hands nronnd ber bead. I
stunned hor so that 1 could kill ber at one
blow. She fell at. the fourth throw, 1 then
took a heavy sharp-pointed stone. Hit ber
twice with Ibis. Didn't sty a word while I
was killing her. Myers was sitting back
laugtiiug, und telling me to hurry.
History tells us of a conquerer who died
from a pestilence caused by the dead bodies
of the vanquished. As a sett off against sncb
a libel on tiumaci' v, we will porjt to a pbibtn
thro pit-1 whose snle aim it is to overcome dis
ease, aud rob tbe grave of victims. The man
to whom we refit is u foreigner, an English
man, nut cao nonlieie bo looked upon as an
alien, for he knows no distinction of race or
creed iu his efforts to tescue his fellow crea
tures from tbe grasp of death. Our readers
will madtly sutmiso that we refer to Thomas
Hollow a v, a name well known in this coun
try aud where erer the I'inglish luugt.age is
sporieu. j t.e popnlanty which h:s marvel
lotts remedies Iiavu stlaiued in all parts of
tiurtC'e aud America, is without n parallel iu
the annals of medicine. Here, in the United
States, they are recognized os initispeusable
household curatives. All classes resort to
HoliowayVl'iiij iu thoso tliiesses of the sto
mach, tne liver, and excrelivo organs, so pie
valenl in th.s climate, end uo pteparation is
so txteiiEively ced us a dressing lor wounds,
bruiies, ulcers, leprosy, cancers, tumors, and
oilier external injuries und diseases, ae Hoi
lowiiv'e Ointment.
If a world-wide reputation, funnded on lite
successful issues of twenty vents' warfare with
disease, is any compensation for the labors of
tne physician, lioliuway has unquestionably
achieved it. The patronage of monarch!, the
graiitacu of the million, tbe honors of science
tua eulogies ol the press all sro his. If ho
potsesseu thojiower of ths prince in the fairy
tale, of traversing the raith invisible, there
are lew poi tioni of it whero be would find
bira-olf a stranger. He would mcct'with'his
remedies among tbe aborigiues of America,
the luxurious races cf Asia, the blacks of Af
lica. Not only are they staudarJ medica
mcoU of civil, ...lion in its eld domain, but
they ii'Cin to be the companions of its march
totvatd every poiul oi the compass. It is no
easy mutter for any product of Kttrope to pen
etrate' into the iuletior of China ; yet, Hollo
uiiy'a 1'ilis und Ointment ure there. Nay,
mi re, tavyre actually advertised in tke heart
of that exclusive Lfufire. To deny the in-
t.iL.ic Value ol articles tnat have beeu recog
niiad as spec. lies for innumerable disorders
ia all parts of the globe, would be ridiculous.
A cuiurauLily may be deluded, but the whole
world cannot be deceived for twenty years in
matter ot sccu vast moment to every hu
man being, as the preservation of health and
A Se'LNi: on juu Gallows Execution of
an Ju l urfiyauin. we liaVe uireuity urie-uy
litent oned ILat P. S. Turlev, formeiiy a e'er-
gyuiaa, wi executed on week, in
Kanaul.a couaty, a., lor the murder ot me
wile. Oil the gallows be tuude a speech, at
tributing tbo commission of tho Crimea to his
iulempuiuLCe.. 1 be Kauawha star says :
Afler spcxiug, he requested that "Jerusa
lem my happy hoeae," might be sung 1 he said
that many preseul had sung it with titui on
more happy occasion. He started the tune
biniscif. While suiting, ho called hi aged
faiuer ou tho piulloriu, threw himself upon
his uccu, intciTutjlcJ ins singing only long
ciioa-li to say "luicv.ull," aud then contiuued
to take ILo lead. Hi mother, With bis little
daughter, came for w aid at hia request, aud he
sbuuii hands wtih ber, aud look bia lilllu oue
ni bis nrius, kissed H, aud ull without seenung
to be interi up'.ed. So aluo with a brother.
They ull lell the ground before befell. He
also, while singing shook bunds with sjiuu
tnenty others. Among tbem two of the bro
theuof Lis inurdi red wife. He had u smile
ou his face most of thu timo. There were but
fw dry eye ou the ground during the scene.
V. ben they ceused atugltig, '') turned uOuul
uod said, "Sheriff, I ant leaJy to die," and
souu ui'tor the rope w.s cnt, and thj unfortu-
ua'.o man launched into ttvrulty.
General Winfiei.d Scott, who Is now
stopping at West Point, met with a severe
accident last week, which may confine him to
his bed for some lime. ' He was about at
tending a dinner party giveu by Cob nl
Delatiuld.'iiheii, on going down the staira,
his foot slipped, aud be fell to tbe bottom.
Owitiir to the bullet iu his shoulder aud tbo
SHoid wound iu bis uim, be was unable to
arrest Lis (light, uud tbe lull was severe. To
a iierson of Lis advanced year and la re, a
frame (his is a most serious a 11".. ir. Tbe
General was taken to his bed, copped and
leeched, and though he feela butler, lie is
still sufferine intense pain. This accident to
the old General will be generally regretted
throughout tbe country.
Lkiucii and NouTUAunoN. The Demo
cruts of this Senatorial District have nomina
tid Rev. Jeremiah Sbindle, of Lehigh, for
Senator, and bis nomination is received with
much e uthusiasm. -Mr. shiudlo has been a
steadfast Democrat, though not an active
politician, during a long life of ugefuluess,
aud is a ceutioman ol couuuaudiug lunula.
He is a very able man, a ready end eloquent
debater, aud in bis social intercourse ffuo cf
tbe most pleasant geutlomen the writer of
tnis ever met, lie I a-sterling man in an
respects, and will be au oruauiont to the
Seuute. llarrulwg Patriot and in tun, c .
ToTasa Ins Out of Linkk. Editor end
cluiks will learn with pleasure thut to take a
piece of tallow, melt it, and dip the spotted
part ol the linen Into the melted tallow, tne
lineu may be washed and the spot will disap
pear without injuring the lioen. If cloth
(lotbiuc become soiled tbe better plau it to
get a new and more elegant suit at the lirowu
bloue Clulbsng Hull uf Rrockbill i Wilson,
No. 603 aud COI Cbeituut Street above
C3alTradk. The qnantitt tent by Rail
road tbil week il 3."i,f)S7 01 by Canal 41,
070 10 for the week 7G.C57 11 tons, which
is a decrease of 2,218 tons npon the ship
ments of last week from this Region. .
we ttave no nCw feature in the Trade to
notice this week. Considering that tbe deli-
ciaiR-y in the supply of Coal this year will by
me close ol tbe season reach over bait a mil.
liob ef tons, dealers abroad can form an esti
matte of what tbe condition of tho market is
likely to tie the coming wlbter, pnrticulurly if
it should provo to be severe. Miners' Jour
Turoi'gu Tiokkts. The contraetor ODOn
the overland California 'mnil route hove tixed
the price of Ihrouib tickets from Memphis
to San Francisco ut 8-00. Rue h pusieuger
will be allowed fifty pounds of bagguge, and
will bo required, in addition to pnying his
fare, to subsist himself. For tho present, be
will be compelled tu lake Lis provisions from
Fori Smith to last him the remainder of tbe
journey. v e doubt not, 'however, that tbe
company will soou prepare accommodations
ulong the route, ly which this inconvenience
will be obviated. Memphis Appeal.
The Mail Steamship Moses Taylor, from
Aspinwall, with the Cnlifornia mails of the
Oth of September, upwards of three hundred
passengers, and nearly sixteen hundred thou
sand dollars in treasure artivnd at New York
yesterday afternoon at foor o'clock.
1 tie aliform elate election resulted in
the saccess ef the Administration Democratic
ticket by six to ten thousand majority.
Tbe Legislature will have a lar ge msjority
of Administration Democrats.
Tbe news from Frasar river is nnsatisfacto
ry. Tbe rivor was still loo high te allow
profitable working.
The Indians still htld a threatening atti
tude. Considerable excitement was create! by re
ports of gold discoveries ou Vancouver's Is
land, northwest of Victoria, and thousands
rushed there and staknd off their claims, lint
it turned out to be a hueibug.
Many persons who went to Frnscr riverand
the other diggings in tke L'riliidi possessions,
bad returned to Ualiloruia.
Now and extremely rich diggings bad been
discovered on Soda Creek, in blinsta county
'l'he diggings were realizing fliJO per day.
A duel hud taken place between George
Tun Johnston, Admiuistr.itiou editor, end W
S. Furgusnn, E.;q., ex-State Senator and
DouKlas politician. Tbo I utter was shot in
tbe thigh.
The United States Govprnmrnt had com
menced a suit at San Francisco, for the pos
session of tho KeW Almutleit Quick". Iver
Mines, valued at mitey millions of dollars,
nhiehitis charged is now Leid by u forged
Henry Mulls. Chief Clerk in the San Fran
cisco Recorder's Office, held the ticket that
drew the $10t),000 pnzu in tho Havana lot
eVr the i?uiil,nry Aiui-ricmi.
Camp Washington, Sppt. SOib, 13.13.
Iu compliance to a rt quest, Mej. General
Win. II. blase and staff, (in pari) to wit:
Maj. George Ilasenplugb aud Maj. John S.
Reuid, visited Cump Vi ashiugton, in Snyder
county, on Wednesday, the 'J'Jlb inst., und
foil 111 tho following officers in ullendauco, to
wit: Hcr.eral George Duchunan, of the 11th
division, with bis staff, Copt. James P.
Cobra aud Capt. Noah Weaver, Rrigadier
General Heim, of the fct'.i division, Col. W.
11. Shreytr, Maj. Samuel S. Doyer, Adjtttaut
J. F. C.'Gluss, Sergeaut Dr. 11. P. Ilottcu-
The following companies were in attend
ance : Emiiiit Uuiirds, Capt. J.' (jaui;ler, 1st
I.ientenant, Vim, Guudrum,'Jd, F. M. Stuck ;
Pollock Guards, Capt. Daniel Smith, IbL
Lieuteunnl, C. Hule. 2d, Win. li. Wagner;
6'ltuJ Mountain Iluu'rrs, Cupt. Samnol
Shaule. 1st Lieutenant, Jamea Tharp, 2d,
JoLu Rasubunm ; Pitt Lur g Guards, Capt.
Henry lnny, !' Lif utena..!. l'etcr S. R g
gle, 'il, Peter .Ni ,111.1.11', togeiher with martial
music aud the Freuburg Lrafs lluud.
Camp Washiiigton is located but a short
distance from Freebutg. 'l'he teiils are ull
arranged, numbering some do, and the parade
grouod. adjoining, is in good couditiou. This
being the day for the grand review -of the
troops, (u'Ueiu! lease un I staff proceeded to
the Cei.l ubout 2 o'clock, I. M., and after
tho review the troops marched through tho
streets of Freeburg, und were cordiully grcet-
d by the citizens. The house were hung
with wreaths, flags, int.; ufler which they
returned to tho camp, when General Kao
took command and drilled llio troops, with
credit to LiiKsclf. 'l'he ofiiaers of the differ
ent companies deserve credit for tho manner
in which they have their men drilled. The
men are ull of a soldier like and luunly up-
General Jvuso nt.J stall and many oilier
ofiicurs, put up with Roiibh, proprietor
of the " Travelicio' Home." Mr. RoUih is u
very clever muu, und be and his lady received
tbe thank of their guest for their kind
hospitality. O.
Si'nuu r.v, Sept. 2Stb, 1S53.
LuiTor. "Sisnunv Amkuioan."
l)ei.r Sir : Will you be kind enough
to publish the enclosed uole from S. D. Jor
dan, Esq., und permit mo to correct a report
that is uow being circulated iu tbo ditlereol
part of the county to the effuct thut 1 have
declined. 1 hat report trigiuateU iu tuo ioi
lowing maimer i Last mght, ut the urgeut
solieiutiou of many of our Irietids, Mr. Jor
dau aud 1 met to endeavor to tiled a com
promise. After every effect bad failed, it wag
ae reed to decide the matter by drawing a
ticket My brother drew the ticket beariug
Mr. Jordan's name und I of course lust. This
morning .Mr. Jurduu said that my ftiuuda aud
myself were Very much dissaUthed end very
geiicrotiely agreed lo withdraw in my favor.
1 hope 1 have cuiliciently explaiuudlhe mat
ter, uud that my i'rieuds "will give no credit
whatever to thu report.
Your very respectfully.
Mb. Masser,
Will please stato in his paper that
I am no longer a catididule'lor lb uOice of
Register uud Recorder, ic.
6ept.8S, 1853.
SuAMoaiN, Bept. 27, 1828,
At a meeting of the board of directors of
tbe Sbamokiu Rank held at their Ranking
bouse, Septen.ber 2Tlb inst., J. II. Zimmer
man hand in Li resiguutioa os Pre6idait of
said Dank.
On motion it was unanimously Resolved,
That the thanks of tbe Cashier aud board of
Directors be tendered to Mr. Zimmermau for
the servrce Le bat rendered said Rank while
Presideut, aud that tbe board have every
coulideiice in bi honesty, ability aud integ
rity, and said resolution bo eutered among
the record of said llauk.
Felix Mooter, Esq., was thea unanimously
elected President, aud Robert Uuderbtll, Tl"
Ur. S.'JOUN, Cwbior.
Tha Northern Central Railway.
Arrivnl anitlertiir i.f Pasennrrr Tiaiuaon ami after
Jtikf !i;tl, IMS at FeKBuat, aa follows l
Tbaixi. For MnrnaUarf Baltimore. Ivm fnntmr jr.
Mml Train, 8 4SA. M.
Iliuruki A Niagiira Kiprcat, II M
UurUen anil Paaaangrr, ' ', I3
Tata. From Uaniabar A Bait., Arrive at SmuWy.
MnilTruin. .... S SO P. M.
HiilT.ilo nnil Ninpira Fxpraaa, II '
Uuidcn uiij Fcmciirit, a. 19 A. M.
Taxiai. For Wllliaiinpurt A lilraira, Leavea Pnnbury.
Mml Train, .... OBIP.M,
Hnir,, In nnil Nlntrnrn r.xpren, II J "
lluiilcn and raair-ngeT, ... . 0.3UA.M
Ti-rs. From l'.linira fc WiUinmip't, Airivf atSnnbnry.
Mntl Trnin, .... S41A.M
nulTiilnniM Nlnaara Fipmia,
Uimltii anil l'asengtr. . .
S al) P. M.
Tin Shoniokiu ValUjr and rotlerllie rtnllrond
PnMercci train Irnvre ?nljv at ft. 1.1 A. M'
" " Arrives at Sinilmry. - .7.15 P.M.
A lltmtilu that rure.. hen Buffering
from any disease of tbe throat or lungs, rest
assured that speedy relief may bn obtained
by using Dr. W'ixlars Dalsam of Wild Cherry.
Its success in sncu case is unparaneisa.
lIMowau't Oii.tmeitt and Pills. TIip house
hold stiTDlied with thus two all-sufficient cur
atives cnu disponse with medical attendance.
The emotive ami ulcerous complaints out
mnn nntbng children j tho bruises, tbts, and
other external injuries to which they are li
able, and in fact 'all the complaints, ic, that
effect the skin, the muscles, or any portion or
the cxternul organization, are tiniformaly re
moved by the Ointment, while the Pills, pro
duce an equally saluUry effect in the deep-
seated disease sap unseen tne very iouu
nations of health and life. The two prepa
rations combieed are equal to tbe relief of
nearly everv disorder to wbiclt n.ankind is
subject in any climate aud under any circum
A Goon Investment. AnT investment of
money that is certain to bring health, i omfe.rt
and happiness to the family circle, must he a
good oue. I ho purchase ol a urovkb a- ia
kkr Sawing Machine will do nJI this, and
bring loot joyous smiles to the face of u
htiUbe wife, than any other invettnier.t of a
like sum of tuuney It is a deed of emancipa
tion from tho toils of hand sewing, ami will
give her time for self improvement, or fur
the mental culture vf her children, and every
family thould be provided with oue.
oYo.N.iTKD Bi r n:n is casiaim.
TU -'(.'for A Montreal PVot, Sept 1, lgfiG
Si;ys .
Thpre is no medicine w tste to much plpa
sure iu recommending to our friends as Ur.
Gmn's Oxygenated LilUrs. Unlike most
intu mnjii'inea. it does not froftis to
cure "all the ills Uesh is beir to," but simply
Dyspepsia and its attendant symptoms of du
ra ne. anient ol tlio siemacn. ii nas long uceu
held in favor with our first medical mm ;
tome of whom was never backward in awar
ding rmlit were it belongs. Ita suec6 in
our city has liven it a reputatiou surpassed
by no other similar preparation. Our atten
tion hi beott culled to this subject by a young
man in onr office whu hd beeu suffering for
some weeks severely from iudigestion. loss of
appetite, ir.c, hat ing Lr.en enlireli relieved in
a J'eic dny by the use of these liihr ; there
are hundreds who will rend thi who need
SHolt a medicine, and would use it if they had
half the confidence in it wn luivo. W. Fo'.vi.r. i Co., 133 Washington
Street, liosloit. Proprietors. Sold by their
agents every where.
For sale by
A. W. FUlier and Triling .t Grant, Suubu.-y
IIov MeCormiek, McEwetisvillo,
Dr.'R. !. McC.'.y, Norlhuulbei'lund,
John F. Caslow, Milton.
A viry severo caa of Sum Eyes, of .1 years
standing was cured ly the use of L'e"
the nn st soothing aud pio quieting agents
that can be hud. In Erysipelas of the f.ico
it will ofleu remove the paiu in 10 minutes.
AnKNT FOR Do V CiAIVKlC Oil. FrillP" A
Grant, A. W. Fluhrr, lr. K. LI. McCay, O. tills, 11. Il
Main.;, Lternst rtasei Hull.
tovF.?: ft Erit:r.'s
tlC Thrse .Muehioet are now junly adinilK'J
to be the beDl in use fur Family Hewing, a new
Hong, and elastic sliieh, wl.ieh wiil nt lip,
even if eyi ry f.ii.tlh stitch le cut. Ciict.lar.-i
aeotoii .pliraliiiii ly leller.
AgPnla W anted.
?,I A lllil A G K 3 .
At Freebttr?. Snyder county, Pa., on the
3UI of Anjnst last, by tho Rev. Sumitel Gu-ti-lius.
.Mr.'E. D. LfMi.r.v and Mis M. Jank.
daughter of Dr. J. W. Peal, nil or this place.
On the 9lh inat., Oi.ivkr IIsxcekso.v, and
3 a r a ii Zsnuur, of Dauville.
On the 1-lth inst.. JAiirs R. Stewart, aud
Mary Wiuout, both of Dauvillo.
On the Kith just.. Mr. LawrkxcrG. Haiit
man, to Miss. Auo-ailG. L'avllb, ull of Dan
ville. Ou Iho 2nrd it, St.. Mr. Wim.jam I'.
niir of Lycoming Co., to Miss
Wkllivmi, of Danville.
r,.m.TMLlJl.,n i,'.. .Jq.y-
1) K A T II S .
In Danville, on Friday morning the
IStli inst, Mr. JOHN LUNDY, iutheCOth
year of bi ege.
1'ini.Apm.rnrA MAKKr.Ts.s..pi. s-,
IS.18. - (in tx Wheat, salee uf fair and good
Red at $ 1 28.1$ ISO per bushel, and While bum
!?;'. 3." to S( 43 per bushel. Rye ia wanted ul
SO cents. Corn, sales of Velluw at 00 a Qj
cents, and 87 a 00 cents from store. Oats era
selling at 42 cents per bushel fbr I'enna.
Giun Wheal, there were sales of red at 1 1.
120 rls. fur' fair lo pood luta, and while ut 1 20a
125 ct. for !uir, and I3."al4'l eta. lor prime par
rels of do. Corn, sulea of eood yellow at 7S80
els., and uf fair to prime white at 81 eta 96-.ll I
There were sale uf Yirciuia Oat at cts. and
I'cnnsvlvauta do, at 4Dal.i els. Thete wei
aoiue l'eiiiis)lvania R offered auJ sold at 75
cts. Maryland Rye at 0-1 eta. per bushel.
Whcst, $1 40al .10 Hotter, --$11
Kye, .... CO Bfiis, ... 10
Corn, . . . . TS Tullow, 12
Oals. .... 37 Lard,' ... 13
Ilutkwheal, 2 I'ork, . s . . H
Tututoca, 75 Uee'swax, - 21
lMcw Advcrtiscineuta.
Xo the Electors cf Uoithumlerlajrcl
Fat-iow-CiTiiiN I The undersigned would
reapeclfully announce himself aa the J'eopln'a
Tarilf and'cmpton Candidate for the
Legislature at the ensuing October election..
I'led'ing hnuself to tit honest, faithful and Scar
let discharge of all the duties cfthe odica to the
best of hi judgment and abiliiv.
Millou, October 8, 'OoV
j AND WAKKANTS.-Th usut ,,r,c,
"will be giveu fol Land hjlh sub.
To the Voters of Northumberland County.
Dissatisfied witb the nominations for mem
ber of Assembly. Tbe friends of Damkl 8.
II Klin, of Trevorton, have prevailed upon
bitn to come out as an independent candidate
for Assembly at the ensuing election.
Mr. Herb is well known as an extensive
merchant, and a man of superior botinem
qualification he has a large and extensive
acquaintance in the lower end of tho county
ho is and always Las been a sound and
consistent democrat, and Las ninny been
epposod lo all party fuctions. He is pledged
in the event cf bit election te stand npon the
Tariff Platform, aud support the internals cf
his constituents as well as that of the Stato.
We would recommend Mr. Herb as just
the man to represent os in Hnrrielmrg next
winter. MANY VOTERS.
Octobers, 1838. te
riVIE Stiubury Academy will open iia Winter
Ccsaion on Monday, the 4th day of October
Turns ran Qi Anna abb i
Lower English Branches, $1.00
Higher do. do. ' f00
Latin, jc. fl.uJ
ISAO HUFF, Prineipal.
Bunbury, Dept. 9"i, 18.18. 3t
In the Court of Common Tlcas of ioith
Timhci'laud County. -
John Dower. J
va. i Fl. Fa. No. IC6 August T.
Charles Hettinger.) IMf.
NOTICE i hereby civcu that the undeiai?n l
nppointrd by tho hh id Cnurt, A minor to ilistii
butn mouiea ariiuir fiom Llio sale uf
properly uf thu defeinlatit, wiil hit for pur
pose at his office ill the borough of bitriburv, it
10 o'clock A. M-ofSuttiidtv, Ocl.ilier SiJJ,
1IK.NUV LU.NN EL, AuJitor.
Munbury, Oct. 2, 183S.
t'CUC ?IC1 :-iul t.iriiUlM.
"fltsricrcived ut FISHl'U'S Diug and Che
' niical Emporium.
rSuiibury. OcU ii, lSf'3.
stt'ATM:'S CU.Mi'l) BVIJL'I' OF V. II. I)
k-J CIlF.iniV, an excellent arii. le fur ",oiig!is,
Co'.ds, Ac. For a!e only al Mali l.K'H.
Suiibtit-y, Oil. 2, 180b.
r ii o"c l"a mat i o"n .
"JJOTICK is hereliy Riven that n (,'ouit
for the trinl of i-uupcs in tlie ('oiinuon l'lra.n
wiU'C'iniiiienra at llio l.tnuit Home in Suii'mry
on Mor.Jay the IHt.t day of, fur on
week. Jurors and othrta inlerrsled will attend.
Given under my hand ct Snnbury, t'.to lib day
of St j tember in tbo jrar of our Lord one
thmuand ri-hl hundred and tifiy-tiglit nu,l
the Iii(lei-i'ii,!.-iico uf the United Stalcaof Ame
rica lite 8"d
Uud savo llio (?umnionipril;h.
JAMES VANliYKi;, Sheriff.
i Sbeti.T'a Offitv. Snnliurv,
October 2, Kiltf.
Xr" "A t.t S urial Court at liul.burv,
ber lSth, A. D , lt-o;-.
1'l.AISTlrVH. PllFKN.VlST.
Jacob M. tutlido, s Kiineer Cleaver, Jas.
M alone it rtl
Harriet .ienl.iiiF, Mary . The Norlli'd I.mji Cj
Ar.n Jinl.i b, el ul vt Win I. ilelletmciu.
J C llorioiisv Jas Bcarhrii & ia I, Dc iatt.
Misijurlianiia (.' ei Co-I
Laii.ii Wilkcrsoii va Mountain Co li Miuis A il
Geo C WclhcrvsH litllax. V" H! etui.
George. Horns s Geo C V. e!,.n.
Hugh UcIIhs s Kiinbrr Cleaver.
Prothoiiiitaiy's lifiice, 1
Suubury, Sepi. 1(1, lH.'.S J
IV U'l'If'E is hereby trivou that tlm fee',Tl
" Courts of Comtuiin J'leaa, t'eneral tuartor
8pxsions of the peace, au.l Opih.nm' 'o:irt. Ci.url
of Oyer and Trrmiuer and General Jail l.'eiiM'i v,
in and fur llio county of NoriIut:iiiier!:itirt. in
rommeiicc at the Court Htusi, in the borough d
fSunbiiry, et Id u'elm-k, A. M. on Meiulav, the
1st dav of NO VK.V, UiilS next, and will continue
two' v. ei:;c.
Tho coroner, Justices of the l'esi e uud teiiil
hies in and for the county of No, fbumhef! juJ, r.t
reipic-ted to be then and there in their puyer per
sous, witb their rtdis, rteord?, ii,i;i:ieiUur.s. u::i
other rcmoir.braiu-A'a, to il.i tbono tilings tu tii,t
several uliices itjipi rtaiuitig to be tiutic. AiiJ a'-iviine.-scs
proseenting In behalf uf the l Vr::'iv..l
wealth against uuy iriiiner are al.'o rcipaesttd un3
eoiiiinaii.U'd to be then aud there ulu oil.u in
proper persoiid tJ prosecute iu',aiit:.t hiin, as shall
be just and tint to ill part vw;Uiit ie.iTe nt t'.ietr
peril. Julia's h,v ttapiealed to be puei tuul in thrir
ii'.li l.i'.uil. e, al t'.'.c lime appuiiited oaiieaiiie to
tin ir notices.
Given under my band at Sunbury, the Islib.y
u( Oclobrr ill iho jtsref ei.rl rrd one theo.
aod eilr buiiuieJ nr.d lifiy-tiLlit aiu! tiia
liiiirpeuJeiice of iho United States uf A met it 4
tlm S2J.
Goj sate Iho Cnhino lie. ei.llh.
JA.V.Ea. VAND. LE, .'Leiiff.
Shi'iifTa OiV.ce, Put.bury, (
O.lebrr 2, lriSS. i
All parsout knowing tl.emstilvp indehtoj
to tbe aubscribsrs are requested to ntal.o
prouipt settlement of their accounts I y pay.
went or giving their notes on or before the
11th dav of Ottubwr m-Jit.
J. F. i I. F. K LINE.
Kline's Grove, Sept. "5, lfiori. I'.f
E.ta!o cf Amarsdalil. Ilartiioa Ccc'i.
O'i'iCH' is hereby given that lettets uf ad
1 miiii: tr.itioii ou liie estate of A man. la. M.
llatusuit, late of Coal tifwnshil) Noilhumhei-lund
county dte'd, bavin; been tllig n.bscri
ber. All peruana indeb'.cd and 11;imi hainr
claims will pl'asa presi'iit iheiu fur srtilciKcnt at
ut ber lute residence eu Saturday tbe Ce'th Jay e.f
Oitel rr ltCj.
AMOS VAVflNR, Adia'r.
F-i'ple-niber II, 160S- lit.
ron i.r.
A GOOD FARM, formeiiy occupie l by M'.
w- i'herson, now by Tiutt, interacted by the
tine of I'l.ioil and rinyder couutiea. containing
170 acres, of which about 1C0 are clearcj. Tau
public road from NoitliuiaV'iiaoJ lo New liei
liu passe thioutb it ubout fjiir lu'.le-i from Nor
thumberland, two from Winlii id Iron Works,
lour or the from Lewishurg, '1 iile iudispulablo.
One third of the purchasing uionry carh, and
tbe residue In eipjal yeaily payments with inter
est, secured by Mottgupe and llods. The
whole fact is lit for cultivation, and includes a
fair partial! of meadow gmund anJ limber land.
Impure of John Youngman, at Winfi.-lJ Irou
Works, or of Ul. Ull HELLAS, Agl.
eSufcbury, ficpt. 25, 160. bw
Kotico to Collcctora.
,fTOTlCEi hereby given by the undersiiined,
X') te tte delinquent collectors of Northum
berland couuty, that we want them tu pay in
same money belore the general eleclion, and ut
the Special Court that ia held ou the 3J Monday
in October neit. Ami the balance of your du
plicates to beaaltlcd off in full by the
Court, nert, without tail. If you neglect thia
nctiee yuu may expect what will follow the leaf
ier, A word to the collerlor of 1S58, we also want
you to use your ulmost endeavor to collect some
uioaey end pay it ill by the time the return jud.
g'a come in with lluir ralurua, and pay in soruo
money at the several Coutta. J he general elec
tion, ISpcciul Court and November Court, all
these will be large expenditures, auJ we must
have money to defray these totlt, be very punc
Commissioner' Office, 1.
BuuWj, Sept. k'3, f- u