I I.' 9L- JL1- foreign ficfos. ARRIVAL OF THE NORTH BRITAIN. LITER FROM EUROPE. Th Allanlie Cable Trouble & station of the Signals lieli$ious Fanaticism in Turkey. Qcsaec, Sept. 21. The steamship North Dri'tain, which loft Liverpool at about 10.30 A.M., of the 8th lost., arrived here this niorninjr. Tho screw steamship Ureat Eritsiii, from New York, arrived at Liverpool at 1 V. M. of tho 7th. , The steamship Northern Light U-it South auiptou the same duy as the North Britain. UKKAT BUI TAIN. The stoppage of signals through the At lantic calile was aunounced iu the English pa perl of the Gth. in the shape of a letter from tho Secretary of tho Company. The letter: eajs that inlelligiblo signals ceasud to be ro. ceived from Newfoundland at one o'clock on the morning of the 3d, from some unknown cause. The directors and a corps of Bcionti Cc and proctic.il electriciuns wuro at Valvu'.ia investijjaUiiiJ the mutter, with a v.ow, if pos sible, to remedy the difiioulty. Tho quotation of the shures immediately became (piita mitniisal, tho only prico named boing fioui 100 to ."00, without any opur- utlon''1 . . .. The London Times says luat a similar dilli- culty was understood to have occurred, tern porarily, a i4iort time back, and the hope is tbsl the accident is merely one of those to which the cable must bo Lablu, until the no. Cfssoiy measures shall have been compluted Tor the protecti-.u of the purtion uoar the shore. tJouie disagroemiMils between the electricians and boaid of Directors have lat terly eibted and those, it muy bo presumed, tend to embarrass tho general proceedings. Mr. Whitubouie, who signs biuiii If "elcclri cuu iu chief and ouo of tlie lour original pro jectors of the Atlantic telegraph," writus to lha Timus that he believes the injury to the cable to be iu the homo end. which he had fureteen, and had on one occasion repaired. lie apprehends that there is little cause for anxiety, and thinks there is notliiug in the operations calculated to dampen tlio most BJiifiuine hopes of ultimate and Complete sue cers. Mr. While-house complains uf the sum mary maimer iu which ho has U'jeu banished fruMi the service of the company. Charles T. Ilricht, tho Engineer of the Allautic Toleprapli Company, rcccivud tbe houor f lvtiit;hthood. ou the 4lh of tho mouth from tho Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. A banquet took place at liilUmep, oq the 7th inst., iu honor to the laying of the cable. The Lird Lieulemnit of Ireland attended. IU emphatically denied that abseuted liiaiielf from the Mu'd.n banquet from s.-cta-r.aa bitf-itry, or lioslll ty to the jjreat enter prise. Oiliv-'ial necessity was thu aula cause ol liia nun attendance The toaMs included the PresMeiit of the Unite 1 States, Mr. Cyrus . l-'.eld and Capt IJudsou, the oEcera of the Niagara, etc. 'J 'lie piMitinu iu bauktuptcy. piesenled apaiust the Luropeau aud American Steam Shipping Ciiapauy, w.is assigned a bearing ou tue 22 . Tiie UlcftrapH between England and the Chauel Lwuds huJ been formally opened. TUIiULY. Te rl;gioiii faus'.icism continues. At A'eppu, lor many Uy the Museeltnaiii arm ed ta vtieelvos. and gaits ol the city were de etro. .l. A li iu 'nr anic prevailed at Tripoli, which was d.ssipatad by the arrival of Ike man of war. U is rumored that the Cousu's of France, A'joUis, United States and Ijruecu. at Han ji, LjJ boon assassinated. An authentic Cj'titrsdietinu of this report ia said to have re Ji.be J tha French Uovernmeot. i U1NA. A latter fruru China says that the indem nity to hi:ig!aud is lb IT.! 0U,0 00, aud to trance l-RANCL. A despatch from Purls reports a dreadful railway accident on the height of St. (jar mum's, kiKlug inn and woaudiog fifty per cuss. Prince Nayoleoa goes to Algiers abeut the 2olu of August. I'l-TKaiTS Arinaer ot-a Kouiisa or tbh U. tr. Mmr to Use Am froh thu Caas. We noticed yesterday tho fact that a inau, uamed James Moore, alia Thompson., had been ar retted iu this city, charged with robbing the Uuiled States 11. nt, ill t'hiladelphia of sorer al s'.ugJ of gold a number of gold coins, aud n lot ol medals. Ulurers t'auuraou, oi tne Major's police, started with tiiu prisoner for I'uiiadeljihia bit uight, but ere lie hud got th:e utiles from the city he umdo an ulteiuiil to effiipe, by jumping out of tho car window. Mr. Patterson promptly gave the alarm, and Conductor Kell-r as promptly stopped the traiu. It was backed to the spot at which U was tliJCltil tuu fellow had jumped oil, bat oo traces of him were to be found. Patterson then told Keller that ho would not deltin bi:n lunger, und he prtceeded ou Lis wav luavuiKlhe idiicerlo look alter ILe runu way. Mr. 1'altereoii walked down thu truck some uue huudred and hlty yards, and fouud the hat ot the prisoner. 1'uiniiiig his search still further, he dicovcn-d tlie prisoner Uim elf lying, on the tract an J almost insuusi b'.a. lie took l.im up at once, and as soon he was Fullieii utly restored to walk brought li.m to the ci'.V. whuro ho had his wouds dressed, and was otherwise provided for. Ho states that ho was induced to make the aliciiiut from tho Uct that one ot bis assort uiea hud turned .State's evidence, and that soouer than to uudergo a lengthened impris ouuieut. ho was willing to nek u;s lio any d.iv He bad nkcd it ho remaiked and lull vd, thoegh ho had not been so precipitate iu bis action' it ia probable he would bare been hUIb to make irond hi escape. Ou the back of bia heaJ. winch appears to hare struck the ground first is a deep cut. Trout the ellects of tbe concussion which produced tha wound ha states that he was rendered wholly inseusi bli, aud that nut for this be -night oueily have got away. The speed at waicu tue tram was I'oinu at the time, he says, was tornffo, aud that he escaped with li. s life is a niarvel. l)!licer rattersou will try ouuther t i, east ward this evening, aud in fact, he azures us, verv evotiintc fr the ni-xt weeli until ua de livera Li prmoncr safely into tbe hands of tbe I'bi udcllibiu uutuoiilii s. ile win ironed this tune however, end thus prevented from repeating his tumbling feats of last Ulgtit. t lllsuury Jveniny L(.i"mcic. Ixi inUXTS OF TUB VoVAGB OK TDK ACAMEU K0N While tbo Lcgli.U Btaatn frigate was engaged m pytug out the cable, ou uer pas fa;j from midocean, she came very Dear be. in" run iuto several times, by American vei eis, according to the correspondent of lb l,ot:dou Times. Ou oue occasion the Val orous had to Ere three or four guns to briog to eu American baric, which threw Lor tails aback, tbiokiug that she had fallen in with pirates. A t auother time, the utmost efforts eould not prevent the Yankee vessel from bearing down directly upon the Agamemnon which Lad to change her course in order to ovoid a collision that would have itevitably ananDed the Cable. All on board tbe Ann ricuu craft were oo dock endeavoring to a r.ortain what the straDire Englishmen wore doing. It was not until tho British steamer b.ul been nassed thai the Americans ub eomprehouped the nature of the work, when they manned the yards of tbe vessel and gave three rousing cheeri which wero appropriate ly acknowledged bj) tha Agamemnon, though the course ol the Auiericau vessel had beeu the tource of great aujiet to toe Jtgamem Ob's eoinpau. New Advertisements. CJmcrtt! l lcclloii PllOCLAMATION. 1 ) LRSU ANT to nu ict of th Oenerl Awembly of th 1 .. 1. U O . ..a..luHia SklllltlMl All ICt relating lo the elcclnm of thu Uommoiiwrtllti," nprovrd tlia round duy ol JuIjs Anno Domini, out Ji","?"tJ eight huiifirM and thinv-iiiiie. I JAMtifl VAND.Kh, High tMirrifl of lli ran my ol Nurtliumbftrliiml, I enniyl vuiim, tin hereby mnk known and f iv notK- td Hi ,Ip tomol tha county nfoiofcutl, that irctieral ler',u." V'1'1 hclrt in i iiJ t't'untyof NorthiirnberlmiH tn th i TUESDAY Itftli of OC'TOHKH, l which lim ttt mi Countv Onlrvr, lellowi, r t ne 1pII : One pet ton .fudge of th Bupreiii Courl of I o tv Ivnnia. , , "On priun at Canal CommiMioiir of Ui Couuno Wealth, Ouo rerann in renroieul thu (th I lth) CngieiiH" District in C'oiipreasi. On u(irm at tneinW nf th Srnat of the General Aaneinl'ly f I'eniia) Ivama to n elecied in conjunetioii with the ci'iiiitifa tf nv4f r, M flit our and Cotnmln, to fill and Fiimily H10 vncaiic-y o-aaiunett by the reiignation oftlia Htm. Charlea K Hurknlt-w. On nerajii as Member if th Hon of Rfuresantattre tu H'prear.t tlie county of NortltumberlanU. One periHii ibr Keiiet?r Ac Hcriler otitl Clerk of tli Orpliunn' Court. ( Nortliuinberlund comity. One person h CoiiinnAtuiicr lor th county of North u:nbcil;i!il tn a term ot 3 years. On neison us Auditor lor th county of Northumlr 1 !.i lirTcl'V urika known and rtr notsc that tli p!:tr of h ililnif the nf. resjittl gr-nrial flection in las sev eral Itwrouhs mid towttchij-a within tbo county of or tliinnhei liintl tiro h 'oll')vt : 1 he Saiiburv hiitriet, eomrwaed f lha boroueh of Siinlntry, had Lppcr Augusta! at the Couaiy Court llOtlO. i lia A ti oust n lM'tiict. cooidokpiI of the townsliin ol f."vcr Auuusta, at tin lious ol I'eter DunkelUkrcar. Ui s:nJ lownship. The Northumberland District, cntnpcert of tli borough of Northuiiibi'ihiml, ut the Uou.e of C. . lirowu, of tue ur'Hiu m .ort:iiii:it)ei ;unu. The Point 1 imt run, at the bouse of Ileuty Iluas, in tho borough of N.'rtiitnulJt'rUntl. Tlio MiIiju Diatnct, ni tlie bouse of Mrs. Sticker in said buroiiLch. 'rim Tnrbut UistricN at lb house occupied by Abraham KifstimT. Tint ie!uwara District, at tha Sinking Spriug School House. Tlie Chilis)!! tie District at the h use of G. RirTe. Tlie Lewis AJisiiitt, at the hwui veeupted by Mrs. Reacb-r. Tne ?Jiiun k1n Distiirt. at the house of John Nehit. The L'i'per aMbiiof Disiiu-ttHt the fauus of J. II. Ad:oii. Tlie Little Mdiioaoy District, at the bous of widow F. linker. The Lower Mahoiio D. strict, t th bouse of A. ft. ode artnel. Tue Rurh Diptriot, at the Literty Pol School Uc.k. The J at-L suit iJiaiitct, at th house occupied by J.Cialeii Smith. The CoiJ Dtf-'.tii't. nt th hone of William M. Weurr, in the town of thuuiikiu. Tne Zerbe District at lb bous of Vm. Fouidti, in Trevor ton. The Cameron District, at th house of Jucoti Wntjuer. The J jrJ;ni District at the iiuune now or hue of Dwija linn Leiiel. The Mount Cm met District at the public house of Abr rmm l.en-li. Tue WuHbingtoa Dlstnctat th house of Godfrey B. Re bock. The MM'v4isvil)e District, ut the brick P. haul House lie:tr the (Mit.iiu Church. T'(e etei-t.on to open between the hours of 0 and 10 oVIuck in the t'oreirjon, and flmll continue without inter rn,iti m or udj mi iiment until 7 o'clock in the evening WliCii lln poii nhnll be c lotted . Tlie ft vera I iutM-'torR and J tide's clcrterl on the 3d Trtd iy ol MhicIi, lo7, in puri-uuiiee of Hie yd Section nf thu ut'L of the J I of Ju! . Isio, will holdtlie election on T !! -lay ll:e Iv'lh d.iy uf October next. "'I lot eveiy pet a-mi except h Justice of the Pe.cc who rlnti ir.,d ini i tfiee ir upp u tmfiit of pr.dil ind liusj in d.r tli Uvietiuii.-iit of tin: Tuned Sintes. or of tin Slate, or ot titty city or iitc"t oi:at.d diMnri, whether a coiiuimn ci 'i ct! I'u oci- or ot;eot, iin shull be employed under (lie legislative, eiccitive or juiiu-iarv tb-riuient v( this rtte. or the I nitcd States, or of tiny city "i Incotponilcd dislt u t iiitd u!nr tii.it evcty itn-tnl er ot Cohhicks rind of the Suite Lefjcfiutr. rind of tlie select imd cointtrn conn-td-r jin r'ty, or c.niiii;j'tiier ol uny inc uporatcd Din trii'. is by t;iiv, iiicnpR'i'e tf h i'd'ii r rscreisintt tlie e or ,,: Miiimeiit i J u ue. liifp.'. t'r or L ier R, oi anjr li 'ii o( thiH ciMiicioiiu euli ii, und that no Inspector, i?ca or ntiv other fh ei ol sm-h election, shall be li i t ncv otii-'C tobe lUi-n voted for. A nil the sod Act of Arsei.ihly, cntitt-d "nn net relating the ciectiiiK of tint l'Miimiivcritiit,! vtnscd July thu 2nd, hirthrt provides an t""!;ouf. to wit : T.rit the litiiecttis and Judi ehesen wt nforrpind, uili meet at the iv-peeme p-hiees tor h tWinr 'be election ttxtict t iwloch tiny repeemi!!y bei'Mitr hetore time o clock in tite ni trn:;.i! i tlie t'. c.imt J uestay oi tic vr in e i h und every rur, and cfieh of nod iiiFpeetots !1 ttpp iict one c.eik, w ho s.iu.l be a ipjuUkd voter of h district. SF.rr-ox a. Th:it any finnd cmtmiitcd bv any pers"n tin in t!ij in.tiiiu-r h!i ve preset iIkiI, siinil ut piuiisiiej similar I'rM'ttis urc diiected to be pujufclud by the exist Itiws ot tins Coiiini"nvetif h. In case the nerson w.io sh:ill Imve received the second clirtft iiuiubcr of VnU'K for Inspectors shall M't tilieud Mi the dv ot anv election, then the iierson who s!t:dl have received the second highest number of vies for Jnde th next preceding election, shall net ns nn inspeetoi in his pince, nud in ease tne person eiecten Jtuiee simii not attena the Inspector who received th highest Number ot vote, shall appoint a Judie in his place; aud if any vacancy stun eoutiuue in tbe ii wirn i-ir tuo space ot iiwi an aour ot ter the tune tixed by luw for tlie opening of the election, she qualified votcis of ibe township, waJ or no district, foi which S'tch ofTicers shall hay been elected, present at she plnoe of elections, sosil on of their number to till suofc vacaucv. It shall be the duly "i anidanPBoro respectively to at tend at the pluce d holding every general, .special, or wiistup eie'-iion. uuriti ine n noie nniu sititi eiecii"ii is :pt open, lnr the purp"te ol giving inlotmtuu to tu ispect'rs him jutie, wneti eaiico on, in ninuou to ine jrht of any pcr.m aiwKbt it by them to vote nl such elec tion, oi iji-b iHiier luntters in icutton to tue assehsment of vo'-ers, uu the wiid t-ntpectur or jtuUfe or either of Uein nil troni tune to nitre require. "No nets tn ihuH bo ocnniUed to vote at anv election as I'oreMi l, other than a white free man ol twe:u -one tn urc, who tf'citl huvc rcsuletl ia thu slate at leu tone year, snd tu the eleeti"U district wherti tie triers tu vote at leust ten dnys immediately prccecdmg the election, and withm two e.ns paid suite ol eon i ay lux. which sb'tll h;ivc b:eu aKgeKScd hi leant tendttvs beinre the election, But a eitisn of the L'nitrd Stales who had previously been a tiuualu-d voter ol tins slate, unt reiuoveti ineietroin and rcHtrneu, and alisll have refilled tu Hie clectt u district, nud is.d tax as a tor ess id. kliall te entitrrd to voie oner retuiuu; in tint suite s.x uioiiibs, lroviild, I utit tlie wtute treeuien, eiti xeiis ol the L -tilted State, between the Si?e of twentvtni Mild tweuiv-lwo vettrr. acd in tbe cleettor district leu days as aiortKMid, shall be entitled to vulo, although they siiuU t lutVti p:ild taxes. No pcrs-Mi shtttl 1m? pertnitted to vote whH.e name is not lit rimed in the list l taxable luliatiitantsrurnisiit-d by th miiiiis'ioncrs us atoiecaid, unices, l-'irpt : lift prtNluees a recen t lr the pttvmcut, within two vettrn. ot u sinl or count v tux UFbLfiM d airrecublv to the e- itviitulion, und eav s'o iMtueiory evidence timer on me own win or mi i na tion, or on the oaiti or utiiriuution f inn'tiier, thut be hits (Mid sti'-h ttx. or on luuure lo product a rceeipr, snuii iiiuk bit oatit io n:e wyuiriii int ict t ; t srcnu, it fie ciann richt t-i voie t-y bennr an c:t r-t,r between the aves t w'Mt'-one nud twenty-two yeats. be htdl depofce ou oalh or uauiiiutt.'ii. tbai he ban n t-uied in the Mate at lenst oue vcar next bcti ire Ins unnheai ion, ond inuke sueh proof ol rcsidt in-e in tne tbstnet ok is requited by this act ; and that li; tl es ! ily belicv tr- tn tbo aecouut given hou lent he is the ttue utreRHd, ond eive buHi other evi- thnces hs is rcqu'iteil by tins act, whereupon the name of Die p'-riM'U i i udtnitico. to vote, Shbil Lie iiuciteu in alpha ic4l lift iiy too inspector, un.t a note nmiie opposit theielo by wnlinu tbe w'id '-tax," it he ihali be petnut- d t vitie by vearott i i huvintj p;i1 tnx, tr the word page," if he siiull be permuted to vote on uccount el his ate. und in eaber cae tie tejisin f stu b votes nits II be ed out to tl.e clerk, who shall Uiuku uoies iu the list of' vwier kept by them. InullciUf-s where the iame of tha pern claimiug to te ib w 1 1 mi tin on tne ufi lurmsiieii ny inc i oiuuiismoii b und AtMSHor, or bis rigid to vis whether found there i or net, is objected to by any unalihed citizen, the In- ivtor snail exauuiie such peiaidi oil outh as t" his quahfi cati 'isf, .ind ii he claims to hav icatetl ut tlie s1ie oue cai ut more, Ins oath thull 1 a priM tbereuf, but he ahull prove by ut lean one c"iiivtent wiIiicm, who shall be a ijualdied elector, that he lesnlcd within the disiiicl al lutst ten ii.ivi in-xt unuicdijtely preei tiuir the election, aud shut Bs ' bunst ii swear that lint ivnvj tele resilience, in pursu it nee oi lawiul cut ling is vithni the district. and rtiut he cbd n 't reniLive into said distnct lor th puriiuse of voUuc therein. Uvciy pea n qitIifud as aforesaid, and who shall make pr.n-i.il rtijuif-u. 1 1 rettiirnt anit panieut o taxes, as uioresaidt vlull be admitted to V"ie ill lit towuahin. wud oidittrict in which h sliall reside. Ji anypetsoii u t qiulitiud to v.-te in tins Comrade wealth "etbiy to law, (ex' ept thu s-ns ol onahbtd ciliens. stiall appear at snv plac e of election for the nurpo- of is- suiiiir tickets, i t iiitluencinc riliviis iiualititil to vote, be saa.i, on c.in irn.Mi, loiteit atxi tuiy any urn nH exceed' tufi one hundred d.-llais for every oue such otTeitct:, aud be imprisoned f r any term nut exceeding three lu- iiths. It siiall b tlie duty ot every iitayur, sliend, uldcnnan j i sit ice .f the peace, ond constubte or deputy cojisfible. of ever etiy, c tuiiiy, t -wiiinp oruisincl wtlhui tin com monwealth, wtienevcr eidted upon by any oria-er ol eteciKMi, or by anv three quahhed electors thereof, to clear au wi.idow or avenue to any window, to the plue of gt-jieiai taction, w iurn suan oe oi fciiueteii in sucu a wny as to prevent voters iimii Sprraeniiiff the suine, and i uetilcet or refusal to do so on mcli rnposiou, said oflieei shall l iteettied grilled ol inifcdeiiieauor mofia esnd conviction shall be luted iu any Bum h"t less than one aun dred nor more Ibnu one thousand dollar ; and it shall l the duty of tbe respective constable ol each waid, (linnet or township, ol this communwenih to be present iu person or by deputy, at the piare of holdmf. Ut h euciion in each waid, district or township, for the purpose of preserving It shall l tbe duty of every peace officer, as afnirsaid, who sua!) tie present at any such disturbance at an cIm. lion a is described in this act, to report the same to th next eoutt of quarter sessions, and ulso th nsinrs of the witnesses who can prove tbr woue. The Judgea atatuinake then returns for the eou It of rworuiuutiM-riann, ai ine tnuri House, in Sunburv. on Fri dir. th 15th day of October. A. D 1'. Given under my hand, at Sutibury, this Utb dsy of Psp iVHiuri, a. y. ssuu tm ib C.SUU yeJ Of Ut IUllpvil JAMES VANDYKK,Bl,.i,ff Sli.nd'i Offir. eunbary, I fft. ia Ik 4i J CRACKERS. 1UST KECEIVEl) by th subacrilicr, al his Kl.OLK Bl OKE, Markrt Square, tunbury a fii'al) supply of V ater, Uuturr, bugar, Uine and sSoila (.'rackrrs, fur sal by the pound or barrel, at holetal Hartiahurg and Pbiladrli'liia iricra. Thoae wialiing to purchase will please if a bim a call bcfui ordcrnn elsrwhrre. C. O. HAVEN, He alao continues lo receive, weekly, supplies of Sour, giving bia euatumera freab arliele end I l verv reasonable ralea. SaarHrrT, JmI, 91, Tn.U jLi-...-i--"i.-!"-i-'t" m'j Van amburgh's OHA.ND ZOOLOGICAL & EQUESTRIAN COMPANY, From the Broadvay Theatre, Nsw-YorL tV TIIS REGULAR BILLS of Ibis pradiilMft bt.liliahnii.al, which hid mpractdaaltil .uceaM al lha Broad" Tli. aire, coulalo lha dataila at tha astrana diaary ac..,at par(brned( aad la which appaar tha lad lawlaf aliractioDi tha aiMt woadra n ctrar knows. "wiliTexhibit at sunbury FOR ONE rA--ST ON MONDAY, SEPT. 27TII 1858. Doors open at 1 J ond 7 o'clock, V. M. The Best Performing Elephant ! In the Worlil, TlPt'O HKils. IDE ONLY PAIR of ROYAL EESCAL TIGERS I America, and tbe r$emi rer t keu slits, jr forrainf iu Cass ilh LIONS, LEOPARDS, fe BRAZILIAN TIQEJIQ, L'eder the comms 1 ufths feartsis lrof.LANGWORTHY. who ESTERS ths CAGES faetudiof EATON STOMIC) W W. NlriKll.Si iha NICOI.O FAMILY. 4 ia nnmW. Mom. NICDIl, a.d Ualara AI.PIIONSO, RF.RASTM "T. aad l Ml, ik.,r DOQ3, Alladinaad Ab.lill.h ; thair Mnla WMtS, Sfaatar FRANK Mn. r.ATOV STD.NKj M.'m.flla FREDKKICKHi Prof. LANC.WOHTHY from A..I..V (with lilt BTl'tlP SrKKCHKS.) I P ....... Vol li AMERICA aad JOtlM Bl l.l.i III. 4mirud ri.f(WM. O. B. JOHNSON Ma.ur UEORUK, . pu;,- of , Blooa, lha laalliM Clowa ia lha watld. ui.lv .n jun Id aad Maura. Hadob". Miicxo.t. NYNirtaa. KT, Ji, BititD, ., Hj tha Huaka? J.JCKO. TheHAME of tLa FAR-FAMED LION-TAMER. VAN Is-IBTJ-lCJ-II, la a f aaraotaa ef tba lupariantr af tb.i auliithairBl Two Perfiriuaiaoa Sach Jyl M-TIIK PKOrCBSUM wl ka prxa.Ud hr '- Oaaacoca II dug Crai.. ot. drawn by aiy ut aur.c... aad aoalaiDlof lha NCW-YllllK ft.tS HAND, lad bf She acaonpliiaad PatLie Kisvaaa. (CT DKAU IX MINI taet this is the GREAT COMPANY from Ike EIIOAM- WAYTUEATRU, NEW-YORK tTr. CX Baa Pltlori.U, Haodbllli. for aoaauoU oftka mf Bplandid Acu. O. J. Knai.a Airaat. Srpii-mbcr 18, 1PS8 .SI. INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE j'011 COUNTY COMMISSIONER. IIIF. buIisii'iUt ofTora himself to llio flcctorn of Nnrthumlirrluiul County, ua an IJpi.cn- iicniCsniliJtto fur lh" ullire uf COUNTY COM MISSION KR, Anil rroni'.Ma, if tlfrlpj lo fullill tha dulirs of aid wtiice failhfully ami iinimrtiallv. JOSEPH VA.NKlRK. Puint kmnatiip, July Si, ISSN UegUtcr aud EUcoi'dcr, &e. D!J. J. B. MASKKR. of SuMbury. reapcrlfully orTers hiiunvlf to the elrctors of .vrlhuin berlun.l rounlv so a t-amliilale for ItLCil- J T.U AND KKCOriDER ANU CI.r.RKOK THE ORPHANS COI HT. at tlie cnsiiing election. Sunbury, July 10, 18o8. te REGISTER AND RECORDER, &o. To tub Voters ox Norhumi'.kri.amo County : Tho subscriber intends beinir, a caudiJate f..r the ddice of liKUlSTKU & KKCOUUKH AND CUUilv OF 111 K Olil'U ANS' COL UT, at lha October elc tico, ami rusprctfull; solicits the support of tue voters ol the county, plvdinni; l-iuiell. if elected, to attfiid to tbu duties of the oSicu to the best of Lis ability Milton, August 23, 18i(j. to To the Independent Voters of Northum berland County: Having beuu reriuested by a number of friends, 1 hereby offer myself a catidnlute to your consideration, subject to nomination on tbt peoples ticket, lor member or the next I.tljlSLATL'UE. If Dominated, and suc cessful, 1 shall feel under solemn ohliutioi.s to dischargo tlie duty of the (.fl.ee lo my utmost ability looking only to tbo interests of tbe coutity and the S late, impaitiully und plodge myself not to pilfer the public treasury for my owu pecuniary lienebt. JOHN II. JAM S3. Mt. Carroel, Aug. 21st, l80.ta To the Electors of Northumberland County. FiLlow CiTissna ! We are authorized to announce THOMAS D. I ill A NT, of '.be Hor ough uf Sunl.ury, as an ludepchdenl candidate for the ullire of REGISTER, RECORDER ic. at tbe ensuing election. Mr. Grant is too well known to the rsnpi.s of Northumberland county to need any commenda tion at our hinds. No one questions his quuliC- rationa fur the post ; his character for nioralitv. industry and aoliriety is irreproachable and iiis popularity aa a man and rrliriency aa an officer undoubted. For tbe last six yeara he has been the principal clerk in this ollice, and his un tiring industry and ability, his amiable manners and obliging disposition have elicited the confi dence and esteem of all duing business there. V. e confidently submit his name, snd earnestly ek our fellow citiaena to RALLY TO HIS BUJTOHT. Respectfully. MANY VOTERS. Suabury, June 14, 18K8. To the Voters of Northumberland County. HAVING been solicited by my friends, I hereby tier myself as the people's candi date for ASSEMBLY. Should I be elected by the suflVaeea of mt fellow citixens 1 pledge myself to perform any duties with the utmost of ray ability and to the beat interests of my constituenta and the public at large. A. n. BLA1K. Mikon, ftty 10, 18tt ta e CMWS Wood. Croae Cut and Mill Raws J Superior aricleal TIKll E1FB. uVurt, iuhj iftb, U68 A CIRCUS of STAR ARTISTS ! PA1TC7 FTTP.a FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN JOHN FAREIRA A Co. Tin. BIS (new no.) MARKET Street, above Kiihth, I'hilsd'a. Importers, ManuTactarera and Dealers In Fancy Furs, for l.adieaarxl Children also, Gent's Furs Fur Collnri and IHovei. Tbe number of years that we have been engaged In the Fur baaineae, and the general character of our Furs, both for quality and prioe ia eo generally known through out the Country, that we think it Is not necessa ry for us lo say anything more than that we have now opened our assortment of Fl'RS, for the Full and Winter Sales, of the largeat and moat beautiful assortment that we have ever oliVred bt-f ire to the public. Our Fure have all Been im ported during the prenent aoaaon, when money wua scarce and Furs much lower than at present lime, and have been insiiufactared by the moat competent workmen ; we are Ikerofore determin ed to auH the in at such prices as will continue lo give us tbe reputation we have norne for years, that is tu sell a good article for a very email pro Ut. Ktorckccpera will do well to give us a rail, ss thev will find the largest saaortnient by far to se lect from ia the city, and at manufacturers pri era. JOHN FARF.IRA CO. N'o.Sli M ARKET street, above 8th, I'liilaJ'a. September 18, I8"8. 4m 4 w. NET CACXI DRT GOODS KOTJSB. 1S38. NEW STOCK OF FAl.l. GOOD. I8:8 IYRB & I.ANDF.M.. Fourth and Arch -!Strreta, riiiladclphiii, have in Store and daily receive a fine Stock of Full Dry Goods, aoilod to the Near Trude. II luck Sitka of all grn.lrt. Fushioiialile Fancy Silka. Shanls of all tho newest styles. Prrfc Gooila, in full variety. St.iplu (ioodn, in large stock. Fancy Caesimcre Cloths 4" Vesiinga. UlankelB, (juilts, Linen Dsma!ks, Ao. N. H. Good bargains daily received from New Yoik uil I'hiladulphia Auction Salca. CtT1 Tkhms Nkt Cash, axb Tricrs Low. September 4, IH68. Sm.wS. "FALL GCCE3 JUST RECEIVED bY Edward Y. Brifflit & Son. ONSISTIXO of Ryadere, FaciGc and Ope ra Uclsnca, U oolcu Plaids and Lasluuvres Ruhes A. Ouilla, rich oil black Silks. Morinos, cheap C.ilinies aid .Muslins, Union I'laid Cassi mores, K. Jeans Tweed Cassinct Arc. Huts of the latet style, all qualities aud prices. We in vite the pul.lic to call and examine whether thuy Kull tn purchasi .rr.ot. Suulrury, Sept. II, IH08 NOTICE la hereby given tlmt letters testamentary cn the cstule of Matthias Reed, late of Upper Aujiuxla township, Northumberland county, deceived, buying been pnmled to the sub-r-crieer.a, nil persons iuilubted am reipiested to iiuike itntnediato puymunt, and tbo.su bnv. iii legal claims, to presont thcui for selllo ment. WILLIAM REKP. Vt.tm FAIINSWOUTH REED,! Lxecutcr'-An-. 2161, lo;i8 Cl Estate of Ludwifr Pfleesor, dee'd. NOTICE. OT1CE .8 hereby given to the heirs and legal represiintalives of Ludwig l'lluu ger, lato of Chillis (piaquo township. North tiinljerlntid county, ill censed, that by virtue ofitwritof Partition und valuation ixsued out of the Orphans' Court of said county to mi) il, reeled, an iiiipiest will be held al tbo lute residence of said deceased, on Friday tho 1.1th day of October, next, nt lOoVlock A. M. fortliH purpose of making Partition of or to value and uppraisu thu real eslato of said deceuaed. At ftlnch time and place you may attend if you think proper. J A M ES V A N DY ICE, HheiilT. .lieritT's OiTirc, Sunbury, Sept. 0, lb"8. Estate of Philip Zerbe. Sr., dee d NOTICE. VOTICE is boruby given to thu heirs and legal representatives of Philip Zerbe, Isr., Iuto of Lower Muhonoy township, Northuni burUiid county, (leceused, that by virtue i f a writ of partition and valuatiou issued out of the Orphau's Court of said county, to me litected, an ii:iHest will be held at the lute residence of said iUcased, on Thursday the 7th day of October next, at 10 o'clock A.M., for tbe put pnsu of mukiug 1'avtitiou of, or to valut) und appraise tho real estate of said deceased. At which tinio and place you may attend if you think proper JAMES VANDYKE, Sheriff. Sheriffs Olfier, Sunbury, Sept. (i, ISfiS. J PUBLIC REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY. WILL bu told al public sale, on the pre mises, situulo in Lower Augusta townsliin, Northumberland couuty, on TUESDAY, the 5th of October next, tbe lurui anu peisonul property now owned aud occupied by Susan ZiintnermuQ. The farm is situated about three, miles cast of Soubury, adjoining lands of Samuel Zimmerman, Philip Keiin, Samuel Lantr., &c, coutaiu about Fifty Acres of valuablu ground in good stale of cultivation. Tbe improvements are a good weather-boarded hoa.'e and kitchen, log barn and an ex cellent spring of water near tbe house. A reasonable credit and a good title will be given. Also, at the same time and place the fol lowing pursouul property will be sold, viz: Hay by tbe too, old corn, and oats, one fanning mill, one one-horse wagon, a lot of yellow-pine boards, two cows, one heifler, four hogs, live sboets, two bed.; and bedding, one cooking stove, one bureau, one comer-cupboard, oue chest, one sink, ono settee, six chairs, one table, one copper kettle, a lot of barrels and other household utensils too nu merous to mention. Teims and conditions made known on the day of sale by PHILIP RENN. Agent, for Sl'SAN ZlMMfRMSIt. L. Augusta, Sept. 11, loi8. 3t S1CITH & CO., OYSTER PACKERS. So. 0 Albtmnrlt street aud Au. 10 S. Front street, Ualtimore, Md. Aud Scon's Ckekk, Poktsmoith, V. 1 ES'i'Al'RANTS supplied at all seasons of - tlovrarwith all tbe salt wster delicacies found ia the city markets. All erdrrs promptly and failhfully a'tended to. September II, 185. ly Tlie World's) Great Kililbltloa I'l-lce Medal ! AVABDED TO O lMKYETt, FOR III TWO 1'IAMIHS IXJMHt.N, 0..ber IS, IMS MKYr'.K, lestHTtl'uily iufiins aia fnrmla and ilia V j nuniic aeiiria.iy trial ne nas uonaiatitiy on nnmi n.s MIS, equal to tli ae lor which l.t rcecivrd. Ike Prise Med al in Ix.nd'.n in le.'.l- A II outers pioniplly auennaa 10, ana frvsv cars issin III Hi arUrctl.m end packing thsanme. Hh baa received flUTiei IBS laai r llirvn yrara mora MnLila ihaa anv olhfr maker from ike I'lanklm liiatiluta also, Fiiat 1'ieiniame 111 B l si, New oik and Balio ""warernoma No. 1l Areh atreet, below Eighth south side. I'llll.Mltl.l Ills. Sepieruocr II, lfoa Jin w AUDITORS X0TICI. THE undersigned A editor appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Northumberland county to make distribution of the proceeds of h. RhehfTa hale of the Real Estate of JESSE IIKNSYL. to and among those legally entitled to receive she as me, wi'l attend to tlie duties of bis appninlaient at his olfice, m Sunbury. on Monday. September 47lh 1858, at ten o'clock A. M. Parties interested will take notice. A. JORDAN ROCKEFELLER, sjepteBbel II, . K Attditer COAL! COAL! COAL! From the C'onl Mountain C olliery. rrHE eubseiibrra, now operating this Colliery, are prepared tn furaiah nr deliver, at their wharf, at Northumberland, all sir.ee cf Coal, from their mines. This is very superior quality of Whi'e A sh Coal, which they are prepared to fur nish promptly to order. They arc also prepared to furnish Rod Ash Coal from the Lambert Colliery. FAHRION CLEMENT. Sunbury, ArtgtiM 88, I;"i8. tf. 8U1YBUBY STEAK FLOUBJIf 0 KILL. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. VOT1CK is hereby given that tbe partner ship heretofore existing between the snb- scrihera in tbe Milling; business, wst dissolved by mntual consent on Monday, the lftth inst. The books of the firm are iu tbe bass's of Samuel Snyder, for collection OK.O. HAKR1SON, CIIAH RHINE)! ART, HA.MUKL HNYIKR. TflE ondersifiied wnulil respectfully en nonnce to tho public thai lie has tnkeo the Mill and will continue thn bnsiness of menu fnctnring flour. Ac. lis solicits the patron nga of the public. SAVUEL SNTDKR. Sunbnry, Aug. 28, 18.r8. vf Supreme Court northern Bistrict. IOTICK is hereby gien that the Supreme Court for the Northern Iitrict of Punn solvania will rnmmenre its annual session on the Orst TUESDAY, instead of the first Mondav, in October next. ' CHARLES PI.E A S A N Ta. YefAenonrjr. rrntlionotary's OfGce, t Snnbury, August '16, 18.'i8. LIST OF CATJSS3 For argument iu tho Supreme Conrt. Nnr them District, at Oc.ober term, A. P. 1853 : 1 Rerryhill ts Bubb, Lycoming county. 2 Kitilry ts Crane, et nl, do do 3 Sunbury A Erin Ra.lioad Company ts Meixel, Northumberland county. 4 IWuuigurdner ts Kase. North'd county. 5 Mengas, Tieasurcr, Ac, va Walter, Northumberland conuty. C King vs Regies, Sullivan county. 7 Mengas ts Pent ler, North'd county. K Fillman. et al, ts Pivots, da 9 Vbu (joskin vs Clement. do 10 Wulls, et nl, ts Sprout, Burrows A Co., Northumberland county. 11 Yerger ts Shuflnr. North'd county. 12 Corneliscn vs Gross aud Kunkel, Mon tour county. 13 Marsh ts Guddes, ct al, Union county. I t Hetrich vs Com'lh, Snyder county. IS Auchmiity vs Auchniuty. North'd co. ICS. & K. R. U. Co. ts Rittenbondor, Northumberland county. 17 Same vs l'isku, North'd county. IS I'urns, et al, ts Cooper, do l'J Kanflman aad Reber ts Williams, Uni on county. HII Robison vs Aged, Columbia countv. 21 MehalTy ts '. & K. P.. R. Co., Lycom ing comity. 22 Pundon and lieihl vs (Jearhait, Nor thumberland county. 23 Fisher ts Forrester, North'd county. 24 North, Cbasu and North vs Shriner, Union rouuty. 2.1 Wat son vs Iloufel, North'd connty. 2l Vanvalzab t Wykoff and McCl'eery, Union coutity. 27 Wyun ts Helios. Union connty. CHARLES PLEASANTS, 'rolionefury. rrothonotary's Office, ) Sunbury, August 28, llS.18. J .VotUo to Teachers 4 PPL1CATIONS will be received by the Hoard of School Directors, Snnbury Pi trict fur two male and two female teachers, until Thursday, September 30th, when un allotment cf the Schools wiil take place. All applications must be accompanied by a necessury certificate. P. W. CRAY, Suc'y. Sunbury, Sept. 11, 1S.13. 3t "Thick JJartnets covers tbe Karlh, Ami Gross Darkness the Penjile." (OI .TK IUEi: II iTS, Aud nil Otlur-, villi taht .Notice THAT they supply Iheinsc-K'cs, in nny q.inntities with Jones' Far Famed Patent XO.N i:PlAtelVi: KKIdiSKM-: or tUAI. OIL i.am r.s. Al tbe Whoiesiln snd Iteluil. Ilra.l (J-isrtns, 3 9culh rSrci.nd kitreel, I'luladc.plji!!. ri'Ill'oitly pbice wkeie eiclunive A;.-ttcies can le ol X uoiicil i..r tlie btutcs of l'ciiug) Ivbiiis, Mew Jeisr-y nn.l U.-lnwurr. '1'tir.e limt s (jive a liijlil rqim! iti i.itrnsitv cl flnme, anu siiiiilur 1.1 ui.curaiiri- to li.ip, and ur. iluimt-il t.'t.e siipi-n.ir In alt uth.-r i ntnl.le l.li's. 11 .w in use N'o iVnt in' llxpl.'Si .11 .N.M.ilri.s.vr ih! -r .. si.i--kj. Vcrv easi ly r-nulutiil ns.-l Uus l,l(;l.t. ITmt lie inljptril I nil pur- pt.si'a An.l u.ltel ll.au nil lorn p.. r innil. '.II prr l-i-ul chciipei tliuii any ntlnrr port.-il.lt lli;lit, 11 tv in c.nniu n me Sor.s Auescv alio, run KNAIT'S TATliN T IIOSIN AND COAL Oil. LAMP re" lmps, Oils, Wicks. Sh-trl.'S rin'l rvifVUllif!c lu the line. S i: Uli rill.AMi, Aj.nl No r!8 South -iee..d Sirecl, rin'.n.e. his September II, ISiS 6w leathers Wmilcr!, fl'HK Hoard of Directors of Shamnkin School JL lbatrirt will meet at the public house of John ,cl it, in Shauiokin towtishiii, .Nortlium- berland coun'v, 011 the dav commonly called Tuesday, the filh of next month, at I o'clock, I. .M., in order to employ 13 tcachera for the winter schools of said ilistrict. The County Superintendent will be present, and it will be espectcd of all applicants (n.it possessing professional rerli!i-otcs) lo pass an examination in the presence nf tho Board agreea bly to the spirit of the School law. By order of (he Hoard. EI.I0A ioH X, Secretary. Oth month, 4th, I7.i". 4t SOLOMON B. EOYIR. ATTOHNKY AT LAW, Ofl'ice in Market street, opposite Weaver'a Hotel, S U X I1U1IV, PA. f!ollcctiotis attended to in Xi rtliumberlsiid and adj.iiniiK t'oanlics. Is srquainted with the german language. Rinnnc : H. J. Wolverton, tr., Runbury, Ta., tieo. K. Miller, Esq., l.ewisburs:, Pa. J. II. Ziegenfus, l'hila.li-l his, I's. Ilenjnmin Kamerer, fSuubury, iiua;. 14. 18.1S ly. stationery. A large supply of fancy Xote l'sr and Envelopes, Mourning, Letter, and Cap Taiier, Tens, Ink, Sand, Ae.. at July IT. 'IS8. A. W. FfMlEft'S. LITRE CIDEIt VINEOAK. PI KE CIDF.K VINF.fi .t, FL'KE CIDER VINEfiAR. By tbe quart, gallon and barrel, 'V.r sale bv M. C. OEARHART. onburr, July 31, 185. I.MONDS, RA1SONS. FIHS I.EMOXR. Ae., Ac., juet received a freah supply and fot sale at the t'onfrctionarv .tore of M. tJ. OEARHART. (huftfiry. May 1. llf- CAUTIUN. "1 VT11 KKRAH my wife Mergarethss left my v v , ,J hoard without any just cause or provocation, this is to give notice that I will not pay any debte of her contracting. r W ILLIAM PAUL. rointtp., August 91, 1858. at UUKE CONCENTRATED l. E Oh S V- 1 PDMFIKH. for sale at FI1HLK 8 I rua , Store. Price 0 rta. lORl'and MADEKIA WINES, Scbiedara Kchn.pps. Wild Cherry brandy, Blackberry Lavendej brandies for medicinal purpose at jlr IT, '. A. w. rWUBlt r The IVcT AMERICAN CYCLOPAEDIA BEA80NS FOR BUYIMO IT, AND THE VtAXS AND MEAN'S OF UUYINQ IT. fill IF, New American Cyrlnpodia Is popular I without being superficial, learned hut not po dantic, comprehensive but aufliciently detailed, free from peritonei pique and party prejudice, fresh and yet accurate. It fa a complete state ment of all that is known upon evary important topic within the erope of human intelligence Every important article in it haa been speciallv written for its pages by men who are authorities upon the topics of which they apeak. They are required to bring the Subject up te the presetr moment; to state just how it atan.la nnw. AW the statistical infoimatiun is from the latcal re ports ; the geographical accounts keep pace with the latest explorations 5 biatoriiol matters include the freshet just views; the biographical notices not only apeak of the dead, but also of the living. And the work ia cheap j thrno dollars a vol ume ; and each volurae contains more ws hue carefully enmpnted the contents of both more than the whole six volumes of Bancroft's history which are sold ut two ricllurs a volume, making in all twelve dollars. Every family ous,ht to po. ss a cpy of the New Cyclopaedia. It is a library iu itself. Let each man sate twenty five rents a week, ami by the time the work is com plete he ran not only own tho fifteen volumes, but also a handsome hook-case to keep theru in. Save a half dime a day, (a little self denial will doit.) and you save unouiib to buy a aetrf books which will give you sound information upon oil points about which you wish to acquire. Mcho.il children certainly tho members ol our Mrhonla can all have it. Save the pennies which are given to you, run errands and 'Jo chores" when you can, and thus earn a quarter of a dollar a week, aud the task is dene. Me chanics ! you hare net much time to read ; thin, then, is just the work for you; it will help you upon all points of inquiry, and three hours' over work per week will buy it. Lawyers. phyaicUna, clergymen ! it will give breadih nud accuracy to you information, and add largely t i your in fluence and income. THE NEW CYCLOPEDIA (3 Volumes now Heady) Will be completed in 15 volumes, royal 8o ; $3 per volume, in cloth; $3 tli in library lea ther; $4 half morocco ; $4 50 half Kussia ex tra ; $1 in monthly parts. H. B. MASRER. Agent for Northumberland County. August II, IW08. FOR TH E subscriber will offer at public sale, on Tucsdiiy the Oth day NOVEMBER next, on the piemUes, the farm now in his possession, adjoining the borough of Sunbury, being the east ern portion of the well known Auguta farm, lato the property of Samuel Hunter, dee'd., lying between the Catlawissa ro id and the gut. This valuable property contains about 7-1 acres all cleared, andu in a high state of cultivation. The improvements are new Frame two-story dwelling HOUSE, well supplied with water and a good substantial bank barn. 40 by GO, a wagon house, smoke house, corn crib and all other necessary outbuildings. There is also on the premises a young Orchard of excellent grafted fruit. The fences are all new and in good condition. This property would make a most desirable country residence 011 account of its fertility, scenery, healthy location and convenience to town. The terms will besix per cent down, and tho remain der iu three equal annual payments from tho 1st of April, IHS'J. Fur further particulars apply tn ilie subscriber. JOHN BUYERS. Sunbury, August 21, 1...9. ts FARMERS A T T E N T I O N ! ! ! The best article in the world for raising WHEAT IS I.EIXAP'S PLTER 1'lIO.srHATE OF 1,1ME, at $4U per ton, or $! cis., a lb., by the barrel. Atialyirrl and recommended for the Wheat and (irain Oops, by Professor CH AS.T. J ACKSOX, Chemist of the United States 1'aU'tit OH'ue, Wnshiiijjton, 1. ('. It will repay the outlay SO to 100 percent, and will not burn the seed by coming iu contjet ss (iuano docs. Tat It 1'iiot Ir. . A. I.EIXAI", Proprietor. Ho. 21 S.1111I1 FRONT Sir.-et, Philadelphia city. Pa. Or of my Agents, throughout the Country Analysis can be seen at my Oflice. Cash Muilcd with tho order, will receive prompt atten tion. A liberal discount to Storekeepers who buy to sell a. sin. Pamphlets, ran bo had at my OfTice. itugust 7, IHSS. 3iu G. A. E. FRLEEURG ACADEMY. an n Enyder County Normnl Scboo1. FHEEBURa, 3? A.. MIE Pillh fcssinn of this Institution cominrn ced 011 the STth of Jt'LY, and c.iiittnues 2-J weeks. Knc'ourugcd bv psst sucrees, increased ertorts w ill be made to enable sti'deuts to aopiiie a s. lun. I mental, moral and physical education. Tl.o Academic Department embraces all the branches constituting a thorough English, t.'Us sicnl. Mathematical and Ccientitii: Kduration. togethsr with Music, Drawing, Painting aud French. A NORMAL DEPARTMENT has been established and heretofore well sttenlrd in which Tejclieis, and thot-e wishing to liecorne such, can prepare ll.i'ii. selves for the profession. Tr.iiMs llur is Ai.vmi. For Uoard, Tuit'ou, Koom, ic, per sessiiti of Si weeks. C2 to $fip Tuition alone, per quaiter of 1 1 wks. f t to G Music, Drawing, Painting and French at u.ua! charges. Students can enter at any time. Tor catalogues. Ac, address GEO. F. McFAkLAND, Principal. Jniy 31, 18.ri8. KUSIC TEACHER. PIMIE snbfcrilier respeclfullv informs ibe rili reus of Sunburv sod vicinity, that he will remain in ibis plnce for the purpose uf jiving less.ns mi the I I A NO, lo smli as rr.aiiyu.sie instruction. II is terms will be reasonable. He may te found at the Washington lluuso in Ibis CH.MU.KS UAKIXG. fiimbury, July H, IH.'.S. FUR3ITURE POLISH. S. RAL"!s Premium Tatent Enamel Fiunitura Polish. This polish is hi;hly valualle for rrsto riiif the polish on all kinds of Furniluie, (llass, t'sniic Bodies, ll .ir Cloth, .c. Also, for re niovllf. spots, bi.lii.g scratches, Ac Ac. War ranted lo dry inuneiliitely and retain ile gloss. Price 50 cis. per bottle. Sold lv A. T. FIn". Jely I7,I8. Citrate of Magnesia ll TA8TfcLE8S 8 ALT 8. THIS preparation is recommended ss an ex cellent laialive and purgative. It operates mildly, is entirely free from any unpleasant taste resembling lemonade in flavor, prepared aud aold by A.W.FISHER. j Sunbury. July 17, 1858. STDElArST COW. C"i AM E tu the subscriber in Cos I township J Northumberland county . on the 3. at utt. a auay mub y cow, red an I while, a white fare and bad a hell on. Tlie owner is reqoesied to come forward prove toperty, pay chargea and UK nsr "ay otherwiaeahe will be disposed off according to law. JONATHAN HOOVER. Bhamokin, Aug. 14, I8J8. 5m ROWN'8 and Breinig's Essence of Ginget and Husband's Magiiesja at . 18B8. NEW ROUTE FOR V. Noilhcrn CcittniiX SUMMER ARRANOn. IjMuM ainii Ar rrn moiiav, jll. MS, th. Trains t the Northern Cential Railw.. C. mpasr will leave Daily, (Sundays ejcerHed) as luiluWs : (Mil MO NORTH. otirrALOAfto MAuiRt kpnes thai From BALTIMORE teSVNBUHi kLMIRA Arriv Leav as, ' 4J is) Sir 7 10 II ltf It) 1') 10 4 10 4 JiJ 51 11 II ef II IK 11 lie II 91 II i II 41 1141 II 43 4 II 97 II 67 W' 19 OS 14 IS 14 1' - 1 J M IS H 14 S7 12 -n is w U ia is j 1 1 -ia is so 1 eo Calrsrl Slallom, Y..rk, Uridiporl, ll.ihlns, Mi:irntiurf , Ueotgetoivs, Trev .rt. n J JsalSvn, H liiis-tirovs, ()Ut ItV, MnlhusBlrla.iat Chillimti:.qaat l,i-wiea', .Vilh'B. Wsls. .nti.wii! Cuio.itowa, l.yslers, .M.iite.i orf, l.eriici's Muiiry, Moiitouriviita, WilUsatsport, 01.10 otJTa Fruai E I.MIR A te SUNEUR Y & BiLTIMORR. ., Axrira. I.eoe. Elmirs. Oil a U illisn!tf.m!, N l .Mi.iilvarsviSat S fl S W Muncy, (41 44 Krrger's, 0 SI it Mo, or. r, ( SJ dm l-:sit-r'a 10 tl 10 III Liiioiit. wn, to OS u t.8 stMinlowa, 10 14 IQ u Miitu.., io n ie si l.ewial.urr, )'j 40 IU It i:inl!isipi:.qaa, ( 47 o 47 Moitiitliiibrriaue, 1 pf l Mil UT, 11 0.1 11 V .lins-Oniva, 1 1 ao 1 1 U3 Trevnrtoii iuaestaw. It liS It 41 ili-orrnt.ws, II (3 US MiiiiTSUurg, S II M Hnl.ri.1, III ltf 1-1 114 Hrnl4rpor; I p f V.. ik, S 113 IM tlvtrl SlatlfA, 8 Si MAIL THAIN. CU1.N0 NORTH Wtam BALTIMORE to SUNBURY ft BLMIRa.. Arhv. ;.ear rsVertSiail.v, e 00 A M York IIP it 14 Hriieen'rt j.j a-j 1 tap 31 CI nk's Terry t 69 I li llji.ax I 14 A Mihershuf t 30 t 35 llurhsiinn ft 43 ft 41 Msh nitoiigo ft 60 9 AO Ueoreet.iu a t OJ I 01 Trevrt'iu Juaossea I IB 111 iL-hn.iirira 3 3i ft 39 SUNBURY, 160 3 64 Noiliiumberlaawl 4 04 4 04 Chil'iMiettque 4 10 4 1ft t.rvitl,tii 4 si 4 ai Milton 4 33 4 34 Wun . iituwa 4 40 4 51 Uiii.iiitowa 4 59 4 K.vstrr'B t Mi 6 i)i M.inip Mnry 1 07 (II li'rq.ir's 6 15 (IS Mu.ny (34 (44 Mi.nt.iuravila (0 ( M Wiliiurus.iort ( 50 00I.N0 80UTU. From LLM1RA to St'NDURY h BALT1MORB. I.eiva. 11 30 A. 4 00 4 li 4 IV 4 33 4 31 4 41 4 41 4 65 ( 0J ( IS ( 119 ( 3i 5 4S I 6H It 9) 31 0 3i t ts 611 7 13 T U ft 40 u F'tnnra, illiatnnport, M'.sluursvti.at -Miiupy, lii-rgcr's .M.'iitvoinefy Kysler's t ni'ii.town Vuifc..ni..Tra iMili.'.i, I .i'vi..hurg Lhillistjiisqii. .Nrtluiiil--rlaa4 St.'.MJI R Y, r-'-lu.s tiruva Trvvi.rt n Juacateai fii...rf,i-t.ivn, Miiliniiti.iiso ll.M-hmun, .M.llcrslmrg ll.ililiil t 59 4 14 4 tit 4 it 4 i 4 It 4 4 4 ti 6 U5 ( 15 ( 111 0 33 ( 41 ( hi s is e at e 34 0 oS e it e &7 7 11 7 ii 7 SI 0 5.1 li Clark's Ferry Ilnii.lun llti.'crijurt York Calvert Sluti. n. Jtily 31, l?S". A. J- ROCKEFELLER Vltorncn at i'nto, Practices in Xorthunilorland and ailjoinuij Counties. tiuiihury, November 21, 1867.- tf HARDWARE ! HARDWARE 1 1 EST received by A. V. FISHEK. al hla Drug Store, Sunbury, Pa., SCOOPS. SHOVELS, FORKS, LOG CIIAIXb, MILL PAWS, LTiOSd CUT ISA S. Also, Screws, Dults, Door Knobs, Thumb Latches, and all hardware necessary forbuiltline A splendid lot of pocket aud table cutlery, fleus sors, Herman Oilier Spoons. Looking Clnsncs, A large stock of Looking filassrs. received A for eaU. by A. W. FIsllEK. Sunbury, duly 17,1858. SUKEtJRY STEAM FERRY TO K0R THUMBERLAN D, sTN" and after Wednesday llio 2 lath Jolv. tha " undersigned will run bis eiTEAM FEUKV EOAT, rcsiuhirly, for paiwrngcrs, between Sun bury and Northumberland, according to the fol lowins; schedule, viz: Leave .Market street whorf, Sunbury, at 7. CO AM Reluming, le.ive Nortbuinberlanil at 7.30 Leave Sunbury for l'ry Valley at 8.30, touching at NorlhuruiH riand at Mi Uc'uining. touch at Nrthumber'd at 11.80 " Leave Sunbury li.r N'orthuniLerland al 3 (10 P.M Returning, leave Northumberland at '-'.:t0 " Leave Sunbury for XorthuniU-iland at C OO Iveturi.ing, leave Northumberland at I"..o0 " When convenient, intermediate trips will be made. FAKKlosnd f.cm Sunbury and N'orthum hrrl.md 10 cents, or twelve Tickets for Oua Dollar. This arrangement will not only prove a i real coin 'Ciiienee te persons visiting the two place nu business or pleasure, but allorila an sgrccabls and plcisant ride on one of the most picturesque portions of the beautiful Susquehsiiua. IRA T. CLEMENT. Proprutot ANDREW HOOVER, Captain. rWjnbury, July IhoS. EXPRESS AI7D TRAKSFORTATION LtKB. OODH Shipped from iho Warehouse of Jt FkEKD. WARD A FREED, Nu. 811 Maiket atreet, above 8th St., Philadelphia, t. all interniedia'e points along the railroid, lo Bun kury and Noitbumberland in particular, without Irdiisbipin.iit and at tho low sal rates of freight. All uiders thankfully received and promptly attended to, and lioods carefully deliis.rd to svV Merchants sad others. FREDERICK SCULLY, June SO, 1S58 3m$ Transporler. . . I PUBLIC NOTICE. VOTII'i; is hereby ilut the DEsiN tS RE. I. ATIO.V S, lieret..ore si.b4;sting letweeii Wiihflin Wtin.er and tbe undersigned, in the Drug "tore al Northumberland, have, bv niulua ' cons -ut, ibis div tJui'.e Till, lC.' S.) rcas-d to ' exist; and the Hooks and arc. .mils Hill te.iiniii for settle nienl anJ collection in the handa i' the ; subscriler, who will eontii.uo to carry on tlie 1 business at the ol I stand. ROBERT D.MeOAT. ' Northumberland, June 20, 1858, A. H. O. BKOCHBir, 23 Cliff Street, Neve-York. MAKCFACTCRIR 0 GI. A 88 SYRIMii- HOMffiPATHia VIAI.8 GRADUATED MEAsCRFA NURSING BOTTLES, ETC. Olias Ware for I hcirus'a, Druggist., Perfumers. Photographers, etc. A liberal discount made ta the trade. Ordcre from Country Druggiaia and Dealers solicited. Price Lists sent on si. loca tion. ' ' August 7, 1858 3rn ' rpobacco and Bogari 10,000 fmporiej Cavendish aud fine cut tobacco at ' . AW rWMF.B'ss Wibury, Jtt, IT, 99