HSXIRXNG'S'SAFS. AGAIN THK . r fl .... . . , . iT ; -v - s ' ""y w-hicn. 111 every M Jtt?-,'"!j t'k instance, preserved their en 'W'f?j: t'; i3 tire in H - i,;. :;., ''flH tensive fire. At the hiirning of tha Arti ran uuiidinp;., April mm, lir ,":r7"Wn-asS lid in the GREAT KIRK, in SiJ.V? Market street, May l.l, I860, the genuine HERRING 8AFE Preserved the Jewelry of Geo. W. Simon & lto.; Book, Papers, Act of Fisher & Hro.and Kdward Seaman Co., offer remaining ei posed in ti e tiirninic ruins for ncirly FORTY in.i ijq .i ..r.,i,i,T concliiii.elv whit we have always claimed lor them, TH Ell! GRhA I fcUTLlflOiUTY over all securities now known. ' In there fires, THK HERRING'S SAFE, Handing siJo ly si.'e with hofe advertised as "warranted to Bland 10 ptr c mora lire than llrrrirtiV came lortli tlie ACKNOWLEDGED VICTOR, nut onlv preserving their contents in EACEL VST older, hut being in themselves in a ronditiiin r." Ihrmi.ah another ordeal, while !" boa-'cd Salcinr-nJers" of othi r ma l.irs were badly used up in every instance, and in soniu case their entiie loulei.ts completely ilctrtveJ. To I'H' pihlii: lie would simply say. that. lu rii;p 111.' fi.nriecn yean the HCRKINU'S SAFE l as teen Lef.np iiieni.-rr.oie than two hundred have paird through a-'euli ntal tins without the ui curience of u sinaie lo..1. W e wrnj'iJ, therefore, CAUTION purchasers f'tinvt the mi-reprisiiiiati'in tf interested J'T ties. The HEPiilNirs l'A fENf is llio only I iKil I'iU.'Ut-' bAKU mode ill it. is city, which U nroUvt-.d bv a PATENi' UK! Ill', ami we will guarantee it to resist more llion double the amount of Ileal of miv ether Safe, now known. K'air l, ttrrihi? &. Co., Pole Manufacturers, 'il this Stale of "Kcrrir.g'o Fatrut Champion Safes," oi 11 alnut fit., 1'hilada. f?n "rivnna & Waisnn'a Improved Siilaman tVts," "Oliver Kvaiis'," "U.S. Gnylit's," nud icon's At -ct.ia," Jrmi Chests, (a largo, asaort l.ieiit having been tali en in part payment for "Hening , ) v. ill ue eolJ at low pricea, l'liiluiU'lpliia, July 10, 18fS. ly I'orrr. uy Hum's U'.'lel,) i.Kwisncnu, I'Mos co, v.. tit. U.isirraiX, S'l-opi iclor. rT fliS i mif ef tho !uri'i kt aA hc Inriueheil llolelf oil .1 Hid West lln.neli. It is k'eatcd in the liusiuess f ni r.!' the ti ivn nttaiiez ll.ennty Hotel in M.irket fqunre 'fun pr";.iii'l-'r is ilttciiitinrtl, tn nse evwy exerlicii li n. l;e .ji l:n ie nee il tl. licsl in t.ie lnie j autt itiTeis rale iiiiliietiie.-.iis tor pem.tis h i f pcnii a eh'-rt time 10 one"! lie eii'st (ii'iis.iiit uav:; In ceuliul lJcimiVHjiia.. C ..arj!'-.; '('y au ilrme. I.trv.'1-I.inc, June 14, IMS. JIANirAl'TCUtD BT o. jinm & sovs, rSMlU oldest Electro I'latcr in Iho United States, -sl ninn iilaetiirea nf everv vaiiet, of Ciood plated Willi puro silver, Albata, b'rittai.ia and t'teelo Tea S.'tte, Unis, Waiter, Cneters, Cuke Efts fccls, I'jtehcrs, (Jollcts, C'omiDHtiioii terviec, Spojns, Kctht, Kt.ivcs, vVc, All goeda warinnt ni as repreitnted, North East comer Cth and Chcsnut street. I'hiladelphia, renna, T.Iay P, Ho9. ly P. IJELANCIITON SHINDEL, JDSTICI-: OP TI1K 1'SJACE, 0lc in Veer Strect,imincliaU!y oppoiite the I'vblio Scltool Houte. All buninCM promptly oltended to. Monies collected and all ordinary writings dene. Sunhury, April 2S. 1857 if Whohnule and Retail Veahrt in rOBEIGN 3c DOMESTIO VTIITES y.lTD LIQ-JCP.S, Mill f t, (Ea' side) North Danville, At. rjnilU iindersigne.l would respectfully announce to their fiienJa and the pulilio gonerally, that ihry have iurchased a rry extensive stock of Wines and Li'junrs direct from the Custom ltoiiao, which they offer to the trade at Philadel phia I riesi thereby saving freight &c. JOHN W. KHERIFF, J. 8. II ALL, DaiiviUo, Juno ID, 1S08. If. ffOELIT, BROWN & NOELIT, CuMiKt RZaUctV Iud!tg Ftoro AND BEDDING V ARE-TZOOMS, Having RF. M OVRD to ihe new Ir n Front "Warehouse, No. 222 South Swond fctreet, below Dock, West Side, FIIIM.DELFHIA. JV CV ofliT to iher ruetomeTa and tho public 11 severally, a new nnu full assortment of CABINET HARDWARE & MATERIALS, They invite the attention of the trade to their tuck i.l naif Settling and Curled Hair, of their their own manufacture J AUo to a full aort- n.eiit ot Bt:i3DLU AND I'FHOLSTERY. riiiladeii.hia. July 3. 1859. Iy Du3cIution & o rartnerfchip. r JPIIE iirm of rthepherd and Hcwett, Coal Ope- - rntors, Locust summit Colliery, orllium beiUnd County, Pa., being thi day (June 1st, 1 ''',) ilUsolvcd by mutual consent, the business will Ue heiicelurth caniud on by James M. uep- I.erJ and Ji.lm McFarland, under the firm name ni Hhephcrd & V.cFailuud, who will pay all clniuis against niid receive all accounts due to tte lute firm. JAV.r.S M. SHEPHERD, Sunbury, Ta., CHAM.ES HEWETT. tliauiokiu. Pa., JOHN MTAltLAND, Pine Grove, Pa. Sunbury, June ' ISSS. liolesalc rocery. EBY &: KTJNKEL, OpfOJile the Pennsylvania Hail lioad Ttpot HABEISflURO, PA. KEEP ft la rue stock of the following named article, and will sell cheaper than uuy ottitr house this aiJd of PliiladelpLin. Call and ate price uf Ccft'ce, Laid oil, ri'h oil, Tar, iiosin, Pitch. Kugar, i-UJi, 'i'ea, Hpicc. Tobacco, Cigars, A uiegar, alt, lluitiS, fchotilJers, I'lour, Fluid, 8uap, Oakum Kobe, Calcined Plaster Cheese, Cantlle tic. S. H. Muhtstes, Syrupt, N. O. Molasses. Also, Cement, Safety t use-, Crow Usrs, Sledges, lion and Saila, for sale at ety tiual! profit. Ji.ly '669. ly lilE IiMXEIlWAIIOXAL HOTEL. ritOADWAY, CORNER OF FRANKLIN STRtliT, 3STEW YORK OITY, litis been rec.ntiy retittsd, Ti. Rooms ate newly carpe'erf, - Tti Furniture aiai Beds ars superb, acd til. Ku-h.uie uusui pa.sed. TAYLOR'S C'KI.LBIt ATLD SALOONS ' ASS CoNNKClkU WITH IllkBOTSL. Bars is eontcutisted all u . C 'UiKnsof a lu ai, with th. UiiurM of a paioc. THE SPLENDID I.ADir.S' FARLOR Coinmands end uneqi.alled . view of fcaoM'WAV, THE INTKKNATIONAL it tha most central ol any of theft at clsss llot.ls for bu.i. lien. or pltwe. ol sruusemiiHt, and t'flers ansurpsMl ad VAUtuua tu families und Kentivinen visilmg New Vorlc. A i rasD FaasjiA9i, Proprietor. Ksw Yoik, July 3, le!S8 ly A. J. STT3STBTT:EV,5tr, 3?-A.., Priclices in Noftbumberlaud and sdjuiukf. Cojntiea. Bunbury, November tl, 1657. - tf 11 LSHUNG'S k BONS' Superior Hurling Plug ard Ch4Dj'ttal Caiitariua. intry July IT, 165. SELECT BUMMER G00L:S. LAW3K ASSORTS! KNT I 7K have received our NEW GOODS for the ' summer trade, and refbtfully invite all the world and tho rest of mankind to Cm i (ft.aTHE. People who would crononiizo and lave their diniea ti ill do well to cull and see how very chenp goods can he had, and should they nut conclude to purchase from ua. they will he more conver sant as to the actual value of all kind of Hoods. 2'here are a great mmiy reason why people should closely examine our stock, and while it is clearly demonstrated that the "obvious meaning nd imports'' of this multitude of reason refers directly to the II EAVTY OK TEXTURE, and (hcapuesa in pries of goods, it will at the earn iriko the niiinl of the observing ECONOMIST, that a state oflhiiips combining a great and di versified supply, with low pi ices, must brinn bout a "cMimumniation ilevuuily to be wislied in making the I'OUR M.IN" KICK, and the lieli nan opulent. And plllioneh we miy dmrese, yet permit i to add that nothing would afford a belter ground work tor a summer evening eiiteiUmnicnt. than fni tlie kind neUlier who is presumed ! hive ex amined our fk'ck.to gather her little (l.ick around her. and tell them of BKKUIT fc SON'S beau tiful gmda. the handsome Silks from I'ranru and Itaiy.the Kibbons and Laces from l.ynim, the Mi:rinns from I ranee, the printu from Manehester, the Linen and Lawn from (ilasunro and Dub lin, tnd a thousand things of. great beauty and utility. It tit to he a little more practical, we will state for the good of tho country, the ruing generation, mid tiie lull grown, mum in detail, the goods we retail, in very largo or smaller slices, at very greatly reduced prices ! and though we mr.y regret we said it, we II sell our couds on six months credit, at the end of which the people flush," will come and pay us with a rush, for none can feel so unconcerned about a debt so fully earned, as to be guilty of procrastination, to the hazard of their reputation. Then Ccutiemen and Ladic fair, hearken, if you've tho time to spare, and hear of New Goods rich and rre, received and being opened. OF CLOTHS, There 'a brown, and Hack, and blue, Yea Cloths of almost every hue. . CP gassiicee.es, We've gJt just what jou need, of mixed and firiprd "firm ra'o" 'J'weeJ, for those exposed or nmnrd essiek, we've Cassimeres both strong and illicit ! fur thusc who by fashion think to w in, veohavfitha beautiful French Doeskin an ar ticle, we i'o expect, ur, can't be excelled in point of Texture. OF VESTING S, Siiks and goud black Satins, of every variety of patterns, for wedding, parties, or the street, for gentlemen married, or less discreet, whom we will furnUh from Hat to Boot, with a cheap and charming wedding suit. Iltit Ladies t pardon this dereliction, and do not deem this all a fiction, for surely we are bound to any, wo love to turn fuim gravo to pay, Irnin dull old bachelors, dteaiilul drones, whom fashionable etiquette disowns, who, in a word, aro sluggish w ighta, in human liuppiuess, neo phyte. Gentlemen, wo bid you all adieu the Ladie are waning for something Ab N ; Cashmere Pclainea Silk Bcrege Peheges Kobe (linghams Lawn Challe Tissues Chintzes Fluids of every pattern, and latest styles, so rich that that they excite a smile suited for Ladies of JJocaTri'L age, as well for those who would Ex. o AO i pretty fur the maid becoming for the mo titer, and ofhred cheap to the one or the other. Ribbons embracing one hundted pieces, beautiful Belt suited for "Neiccv." Ginghams, solid, plaid and (tripe assorted, and "Aquilla Robes" just imp'rteil. And the undersigned wiln modesty reverts, to corded flounced and steel hooped PkirU and well reconciled we trust the ladica faces, will gaze with fond delight upon our hand some Laces Inserting, Edgings, of Jacnnctt and Swiss, affording beauty to those who oil'er bliss! three hundred piece of good pattern Prints, and very handsome styles of new French Chintz, white, mixed, and brown Cotton Hose, much cheaper than some people would suppose. Spool Cotton, Tapes. Pins, Button, and Needle in profusion : Bobbin, Cord, Bonnet Wire, and blond Illusion. Then come one, come all, you'll find us very handy, in showing each the ''modus operandi" of buy n g and selling cheap. E. Y. BRIGHT A SON. Funbury, June 12, 1858. LANDBGTHS' Agricultural Waro bouse and Seed Store, Noi. 21 and 23 South Cth ttreet, beticeen Mar ket and Chisnut ttreets, Philadelphia. 3 always open to the inspection of every one interested in Farming or Gardening, The subscriber therefore invite the public generally to cull and examine the large and well selected stock of Agiicultuinl Implements ai,d Machinery, great variety of Horticultural tools. Warranted Garden and Flower Seeds Grass and Field Seeds ol tho moat Reliable Quality, which they offer fr sale at tho lowest caali prices, wholesale or retail. The agricultural implements sulci by us are mostly iiianulacturcd at our steam work, Bristol, Pa. Having fitted up this establishment without regard to expense, with the most complete ma chincry for ihe manufacture of various kinds of agricultural implements, we are prepared to sup. ply all article in this line of tha very best quality. Landretli's Warranted Garden Kced have been before the public fur upward of sixty years; their wide-spread f opularity and Ihe increasing demand from year to year are the best evidences of their superiority over all others, La Country merchants can be supplied with seed in papers, or in bulk, on the most liberul terms. bloumedale, near Eiistol, Pa., our garJenseed grounds, contains three huidrjd end seventy acres, and is the largest establishment of its t in J in tlie world. J. LAN UKETH Si BOX. Kus. i!I and 23 South Sixth St.. PluUJeluhia. I.audruthV Rural F.cyUier and Almanac for !.S, containing a monthly Calender for the Farm, Guidei and Greenhouse, on bii hid oiiatis upon personal or prepaid a plication. Philadelphia, May 2 1 J, 1858. riuII.ASEZ.PHIA ANO HEADING HAit.no ad. fN AM AK'i'KU MONDAY, July, lb. down f laoiiuug i-ubcnger iraiu will leave 1' ai.vi.u, at o li ""ill"""! neuinnj SIIDI A.M., and .1(1 vine .1 l'hlUitei.,iiui ut 19 'J5. ni-oit. 'i'he uowu Altern.H ii 'i'latn will leave Pottsvill. at 3 30 r .ii., passing ueauniK ai o.to, auu arriving at i'uuaUcl- M. .1 in, i j and Ai'lermuin Pasieneer Train. Ine Philn del, h.s ul sniu. bonis a. lorie.luli.ie, 7. : A. M. miUJ oO r. .u., passing ueauing .1 lu.uo A.M. and b.Oi P. M. LEBANON VALLEY BRANCH. Passenger Train laaves Reading at 10.08 A.M. rafter arrival ol Down and Up Morning Puiiaiiier Tiaiu Irom roinvii.e siiu -iinui:eii liutj and ainvcs at narii.imrg si li.3a noon, iu lime ! ei eel wilh P.senKer 'J'la.ns loi buuliary, W.lll im.poil, Linina, Putaburg, Lhuiuberkburg, iis.liu.orc and iAinaslcr. lieturniug, leave, ll.irisliurg at 9 93 P. M , uiier ainvul of Pusacnavr '1 rsms Irom all above pones, and arrives at Hradii. ut 4 in time io eonueet with Lpaud Down Pusscniscr Tiaiu io Pvtifc Vilic uiid Pliiludclj Lm, U.c sauui eveinnf . ti. A. NICOLLS, Enginter and auptunlci.deiit. July 17, 1853. tf - . . FOR SALE OR RENT. "TPIIK large double fiame house in the Borough of Northumberland, belonging to the estate of U. H. t By, deceased. J Ins is a very deairable residence, beautifully situstcd on the North U ranch of the tiusquehauua, wilh a largo garden. Carriage House, fetal. le 4e., belonging to it, Term moderate. lOnnuira nf f W. K....I... March S7. afs. POIl IlEISTT. rpHE 6tor Room in Market atreet, lormerly X occupied by P. W. Gray. A pi.ly to lb e eeuloraof H. Mas.,, dscaid. ' , . April 7 ISA. KOVVN'8 and Brainig' Esaenc ot Uuigai . nUI band' Msgnesia al - ! Jttty f7, M. WHEELER & WILSON MANTjrAOTTJP XUG CO'S- FAMILY SEWING MACHINES. rpHK unnnimmii favor which hat ntiemlwt the tntronno J tti.i uf WHKLtR ft Vu.n'a Fnmily Sewing Ma chine, it Bufficient evidence of tm excellence. It newt- H'M now to my, uiat tint uteiui iitsuuinent it iwrninB di'mi'tnic imHuiit'ti : tlif I net it rccocuizrd by it" i'lrccRS- fnl 1 1 its in I htm (tnr.iii of Firmilfot in every ran It in lifo. To thuw who Irtve hitherto refrnineilfntmiivnthiiglhfm.clvct of iff mlvantng', it limy noi hr amir to my, tlwt it ntil- uy t not n uouu m w ie eoivcu, mu n itieww nircnny rt iiltired. The h?f hctt trttmony it cnstBntly o(T(jrci!,Cin finning lha verdict which lint given thii fnfctrumeul to wine inn) envmntr n rcpuwn m. Thn MHclnne is emiceived on a nrinelnle entirely riir, inl, t'einif vpecinliy mtd udniirnbly ntfrntcd to the itiont per furl wotk en every kind of mittoriai ; and, having Ivph sul'jecteti ton three ye:tn' trtt of the most teinrhing ctiitractei hy Familira, and in vaiona Innnchftof Mrmi ruetDte. wilhdntitttntfchcd tureens, It it believed thtit in all the great poimt fequiitttft to a complete and prn?ticttl Bc.vinft Mnchine, iteunot he approached m exeeilence Amiing tl'C andonh1 ailvMiitjigca it ponenes over all Olhetn, riiav lm n.imed following; 1. tt eimplii'ity of tfoiiwrtiction, nnJ eonseqtieiit free doni fnufi dernitrm?iit niid new! of repoirt a. Itt unex:t.n)!ed mpuliiy and eee of operation. 3 Itt iintFcletB inovi-mrnt 4. The gr:at vmicly of purpotre to which It enn 1 ap plied, which cnii be achieved by no other mechanical menu And, 6. Tin pre-eminent beamy and iloraMlit y of tha work. "I nml your M-.Hiiiie iiivulii ible I huve nrd it a yenf. and it 1m never been out of order. The witch is very tln- rnidf, and enn lc adapted to fine or Ciinrne mtiten;ilt. It work with the inpidtty of n dzen pair of hnnrii ; mvea mnch time, fntine ai'd exo'-nse. One if your Mnchinct itntcu in my fmh':r f.nn:tv ; another in the honHhoM oi a filter ; and f 'then hy various friendt. The opimona of all accord with that 1 lave Just rxprenaeU." Rlrt Anna Cora Ritchie, 'There it but one Pcwmn M.ichine : and thnt is vN hee- lei and Wilton's." Judge Meiga, of the American Innti- wo. 'The Prwinff Mnchine purrhmwd of yon hat been whol ly aerviceuiile " llev. T)r -iniuel Oteod. No family can uif trd to do v iihnnt It. OrisinKa of tdc X r Yoke Piess. ,Ve preftr them for tnmily nw. Tribune They are tho luvoriU; for fiimilica Times, Are without a nvul Scicutttie Aniericiu. Works more uiitftmly than the hand Ilcra'd. Io the work of ten ordinary nvera Jour Coin. Kquul to nine sennit resbra. Home Juni.d The mnchine, for Intrjily use. Advocate V Journal. Mont houoruMe to Anicrtcmi grnuit lmlfinlriit. We cannot imagine anything more perfect Lvnngeliit. Will aire entire snlisfnet ton. Observer. The bftt ever invent d. Christian Inquiier. In Ukiiig for the best, se these Kxainiuer. Admirably nd:iptedfor ftnnity nw.-Chronicle. Imlisptiifnlilc in every fnniily. The rrracher. Wc praise it with ei.ihuaniFui Christi.ni IntctiirenCir. Worthy of the hihcst award. Snbbuih Uceordt-r. A bciietartion f the ag" Putnam's Mign7.ine. M:ig'(til in operation. Mrs. Stephens' Monthly. Hcvond nil question, the machine Lite Illustrated, The stitch cinmit be nnnivcled. Am Agricuituiiat. They maintain the pre-c in met ice Kx press. S ives the time and henlih c i ti n women. Water Cure, Our h'tusrhoid it in ecst:cirs with it. I'otter't Spirit. Puppty the ftislit''ii:il)!e world. Daily News. Arc pre-eminently etiperini, Istuliea' Viiinr. One of our lumrehoid g tls i.T. t, Journal. lTnrivallel in every qua ily Dnv Hook. I'lettjuscful, m:i',iciil.- Leslie's Onr.ette. I lave n equnl ("r hirnlv use Musical World A tiiumph of inech;inic.l gcntii N. Y. Jiutrnal. Combine every requirement. family Mrcazine. Vastly superior to n!l nil. cm fjnlilm 1'rize. We cynuot tire iti its praise New Yorker. For further particulars apply to IT. B. Manser, Sunhurv, Fa., agent of the manufacturer, who trill aopply machine at the manufacturer' prices. Suubarv, May 15, 1S3F tf vv. w. it. waniiiiou, OF LANCASTER City, late nf Piiil iddphia, where lie hits heen in soect'SMul crnctice fur a iiiuiiIk'I nf years, received hit e(( Jciliim at. thu best Medical C'dlcge in the t'nitcd Soiltfl, toi.l hud the expciience nod practice in the diut-ieiit liiippitiiis lor several years, n iiicuiLit oi tlie Aiialylical Medical Iinitiluio ol iSew Yoik, and I. a. Medical r)jit'0,i nf tlie lniiJ Ulcs Navy, nnw oilers liiinseif to the public toiitlcndany nnifciiFlotiiiJ calls. 'llie purest medicines nlu'iitson hand direct Irom Ihe liest Laboialone ol our ci'iiolry.and lha B 'taiiical Ual dens of the woild No .atciit medicine prcFcriOcd Ol le eonnneniled. Mcdtciin-ii used only which will not break down the eomtltation, but will renovate the system liom all injuries il has tuntnincd from mineiul inedicines. Chro nic and difficult dnunine! must be trentcd upon analyliiud piinciplcs, which is to know and ns certain what disease is 111 nature and eharajlrr icquire a knowledge ol the chemical con.:ttucn:s of every solid nicl lluidi f tiie liunmn body; the cuaiigi'B tuoiie soluls and lluioa are capable if undergoing. Toknow vi hat inedicitu s to employ to cure dinenvea rujuirenn V.novvlcde of the chemical constituents of all agents empl" cd in inrdiciiie ; nml if we are in pos session of this knnwlditge, it is posible tocuic loiydna-nse no matter nf how long tnuding-nnd lenve Ihe patient In n liealtnv ano pcricctly cured coniltli. 11. Mclanciioty. Aberrntu-n, ni Itiat stute oi alienation and weaknessol the inlikl which renHcrs H-rms inc:iiable of enjoying Iheplt-aiurcsnr (w?if, inning ilie duliesnf lite; ls. pepsia ; thut diiitrei'siiig diseime and fell deslroyerof health and happiht-.s, uuilermtniiig the constitution, sod yc-irly carrying thousunile to uiitiiuely graves, can iiiost emphati cally be cured, lilicuiuatism, in tiny form or conilnmn, chronic or acute, wurruufed eiirtihte; Lpilepsy oi lulling sickness; all chrome anJ stuhhiru cusisol t emale 111 senses nalically removed; ult Klieuiu. anil every descrip tion nl ulcetalious, riles and cofiil"iis UiseaM-s. which have liulhed ull prcvii us medical skill can he enrad Ly my trealoieut, when theoiislitutiou is li 't exhausteil, I i1i say all disca,es (yes, Cousaniption) can be cured. CaT'Cancer cured wiiImui the knife. t will leuiaiu lit my oihce on Wk.uxk.days and Plica uav. fro.u V o'cl -ek A. M , to 3 P M , to MctMiumodule patients fiom a distance, and consult In the tnghsh und German languages. Will make, visit, to any (iiitance if leqiiircd. May he additssed tiy letter, pulton tjqunre, Luncasier c.tv, Pa. W. II. WMTMOR.il. D. June S, 159. (!in NEW CONFEOTIONABY. WHOLESALE AKD RETAIL. M. C. GEAIUIAUT, HAS just received a new ami excellent assort ment of good at liia Confectionary and Fruit Store, in MAKKET STKEfiT, Sunbury, where he manufacture and keeps on hand, at all times, the mo.l choice Confectionary, cVc, holesale and Kctail, at Philadelphia prices. Anion;; his stock of Coiilcclionarics, may be found French Secrets, Iturned Almonds, Crenm While, " f-mou Rose, " Vanilla. Common Secrets. Unuonce, Rails nas, Dates. Gum Drops, alt kinds of scent, l.ove inops, Mini Drop, red and white, Jelly Cakes, Kiuit Drops, btick landieSfVf all scents KM'k C'nndy, Almond Candy, FRUIT. Pruuef, Ciifii., Currants diied, Aliiiomli, Rattn, Nut of all kutda LKMO.V HY11UP ' f a superior quality, by the single or dozen. A superior quality of began and Tobacco, and a variety of Confectinnaries, fruit, Ac, all of which is oll'cred chenp at wholesale or retail. ICE OHEAM. He ha ! opened an 'ce ('ream Saleon, and will at all time be ready to atrve his customers with Ice Cieam. Sunbury, June 19, IHSH. ly WASHINGTON HOUSE, W. A.l OVKItT, Troprictor, 6TJT33Tj:iVX', PA., r jliiE propiirtor respectfully informs hi fiiend A and the public generally, that lie is repairing and renovating the "Washington ilouat-, ' so as to entertain both tiansiciit and permanent visitor iu a suitable and comfortable manner. Thankful for iho jiatronage exteudtil to his father, be rt-apectlully solicits the continuance of the same. II will take charge of the " Wash ington House" on the first day of April, next. Ho will have an Omnibus running to the different I'ailruad Depots for the accommodation of I'asocnjcrs, free of charge. W. A. COVEUT. Sunbury, March 20, 1C8, ' ' '' ' SUIIBTJKY BIEAM PERIiy AND TOWING BOAT COMPANY. rpUAVELLENS and others are respectfully - informed that the subscriber haa established a STEAM FEKItY over the Susquehanna, at Sunbury. That a large, aaf and eoaiuiodious steamboat will run regularly and promptly, at all hours during tie day, to carry foot paweugera as wolfs vtb.clo, Ac, between Sunbury and tha landing on Ihe opposite aids of lha river, both waya,r to and from Sunbury. The steamboat ill run from. Market Street WaarC and will carry passaagars to tad from tha Packet mar ning end a.ening. The Steam Ferry ow arJ'orda not "Ally a safe and coavcuieiU trau.il oves ihe Sua. Ajuehauna, but el a pleaMtnt and aariaeabla ridi. .. ; ii ' ItfA T. CLEMENT, Proprietor. Aaaa w Howvsa, CaWalo. '. i . NW GOOES ! NEW GOODS I PlIE suliscriliers respecirully announce Ia theh friemla and the public in general that ibtj have received at their Blore, in Uiiper Augusta township. Northumberland count, Pa., at Kline' Orove, their Spring atld Snmmf r Good, and opened to the public a full asaortment of March ndize, Ac , consisting in part nt Clothe, Mark and fatter Cassimere, Check, Kentucky Joan, together With a general variety of Spring and Summer Good, adapted to all gradce tf person. IUnr Midi Clotbiko very cheap. I.adie' Dress Good, Summer Shawls, Gingham Challi Detain, Dueala, Robe A'Quil lei, Calicoes, Black Bilk, & e. Also, a fresh supply of Drugs and Medicine, Groceries, Ac. A new supply of Hsrdvraro, Qucenswore, u ooilcn warn. As. A large assortment of BCOT8 and SHOES, suitable fur Men, Women and Children. Hit and C.re. Finn and Salt. And nil goods usually kept in a country store. Our display is unsurpassed. The above named stock of goods will be solil at prices to suit the time for CAbll or in exchange for country pro uuce at the market price. A np shall be happy to meet our friend and the pntrons of our establishment, and sell them goods at such price a cannot fail to give enlire sat slftctinn. Thankful far past favors vre hope by strict at tention to merit a continuance of the same. J. P. tVI. F. KLINE. Kline' Gtove, Pa., May 15th, 1KS8. 1857. FALL & WINTER GOODS ! 13o8 FANCY DRY GOOD STORE, Market quare, Euntury. VTOVV received and will continue to receive the largest and bc a selected Stock of Black Cloths, Camimeres, Catsinett and Vetting, r. An assortment of Drcsa Uoods, viz: fancy printed Calicos, Chillies, printed Lawns, lie Lain llareges. Merinos, Cashmere, Alapacas, Dres Silks, Uinghams, cc. MNEN AKD WHITE GOODS, Irish Linen, bleached and brown Drilling, Sheet in;, i'lllowcn.fing, Ac. Dress Trimmings in Great Variety. Coots and Shoe Hals and Caps, Hardware, Cvdarware, Groceries, Queensware SALT and FISH, Cheese, Crackers, Scgnrs, Tobacco, Snuir, Ac, on aworsmcnt of other Goods too tedious to mentioh. Feeling grateful for past favor wc beg leave to atT'-e our old friends and the public that no on our part shall be wanting to merit a coi.: nuance of our patronoge. ..onntry produce taken in exchange at th highest market price. P. W. GRAY. Kunbury, Dec. 12 1857. tf A VALUABLE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE. fjMin subscriber will sell nt privnto tale a I FAK.M, situate in Point township, Nor thumberland county, about 3 mile from the borough of Northumberland, on the Danville road, adjoining lands of J. C, Morton, James Ncsbit, C'ho. Parks and tho norlh branch of the river Susquehanna, containing 75 to 100 Acres, to suit purchasers. The land is in a good state of cultivation. The improvements consist of a large frame IIOl'SC, well finished; a Spring House, built over a never-failing Spring clone to Ihe house, a Uank Uarn and other outbuild in y. An Uichard with young and choice fruit tree. 'i he above tract will be sold on reasonable terms and an indisputable til Io given. Posses sion given on the fust day of April next. tor further particulate inquire of the fubscrt- ber, residing on the adjoining fuim. JAMES NE3BIT. Point township, January .3, 1R."8. tf STO 33. ttTlSSLOLlSA 6HISSLKR, regretfully in-J-' A forms the citizens of Trevorton and sur rounding county, thnt she has opened a new store of Millinery and Fancy Gnoda, at Trevor- ton in iShainokiii street, nearly opposite Knuuse's I nvcrn, where nil kinds of lionnets and Fancy Goods can be had at the lowest terms. Dress making also attended to ia the be.t manner and latest style. April 25, 1858. tf alllo and Harness Maker. HENBY HAtTPT, JH. RESJ'EC TFl'LLY ia forms the ',?nvl$K citizens of 8unbury and the pub I J "c 8enerlly. that he hss taken ljl-aii t00 ,10p occj.iej l,y Bright and liecit, one door east ol a. JJuH a Cabinet Ml ker .hop where he is prepared to turn out work in his line of Lusiness equal to any made in this section of the country. Orders promptly execu ted and all kinds of produce taken in Exchange Sunbury, March SO, 1858. ly SADERY AND HARNESS MAKING. rIHE subscriliers respectfully inlorm the cili- zen of Sunhury and vicinity that they have commenced the above busincsa a few doorecbove the Post Office, Market Square, Sunbury, Pa Work ol all kind in their line of busiue wi: be done promptly and neatlv on the most r.a unable terms. CLEMENT & OYSTEJ5. Februaiy 13, 1858. Ilarkct Street, Sunbury Pa. "TflK subscriber respectfully informs the cili - zen of Sunbury, and the public generally that lie has purchased, and will take possession in the above woll known atand on the 1st of April next, Ctmerly kept by Mra. Thompson That he will put the same in complete repair. Iu addition lie will provide a conveyance to carry passengers to and from the different Railroad de pots, and will leave no efforts untried to render hu hotel a desirable stopping place for guests and traveler. JU11N LLlSi.K, February SO, 1S58. COME ONE! COME ALL! ! LEARN THE LIST OF PRICES AT THE People's One Price Store E. Y. BRIGHT & SON, SUNBURY, PA., HAVE received their large and choice (elect cd stock of 1TE7 GOODS, Composed of an endlesa variety, and to which t.iey .respectfully invite the attention of the pub lic feeling assured that their large assortment and great variety of all kinds of Goo,!, combined with the exceedingly low prices which they are doteriuintd to sell at, will render entire satisfac tion. W COUNTRY RiiOBl'CE wanted In ex. change at the very hiiihcst market prices. June 6, 1858. 1STOTICE. A LI, persons indebted to James Besrd, lat Prolhouolary of Noilhumherlaiidcuuiity, lor fees, Ac-, are) requested to niake immediate pay ment, and thua save cost and further trouble, aa all accounts remaining unpaid will be placed in the hands of a Justice for collection. Payments can be made eithej to the subscriber or to J. 8. Heard, at bis cilice. ' JAMES BEARD. Sunbury, Msrch 7. IRAS tf . I JLANK Parchment Paper Deeds and blank Mortgagee, Uouds, Executions, Summons, sic, for sale b H. B. MASSEK. Hunbury .April 16. 18St 13 OUT M UN A I ES, Tooth and Hair llTusha -' all qualities, and any quanti y, for sals by i A. W, FISHER. .AAV rr.Tffc 8PRINO ARRANGEMENT. LACKAWANNA &BL00MSBTJR0 R.R. AFFOniHNO siipsrior fseilillrs tnt trsr.1 In Nw York, FhlMrlpk a, and the North six! Wein, by eon. fibrillin, at SWri.htn will. 111. Intiii. nf th llrhimr. lArs.wnnna and Western Ksilmud Company also for tnvnl Biuiii and West ever the Cattswlna, Wifliamsport lid En Raihuad ami eonnceting train DOING NORTH. ,H. Y. Mail. 00 A.M. Aceonmo. dstiuu. Fhilad'a. Mail. I 10 P.M. Laav Ft a pert, nn Him, Liin. Ridge, Berwick, II 0 M do V, 40 7 1(1 do do 1 13 a as 3 63 4 03 4 13 4 00 4 63 5 00 to do de do do do de do do do do do do do do do de nmrii iinven, Beseh 'iiove. 1 34 7 60 e io 8 40 8 SO 9 15 hick Siuny. Itiitiloek'strerk, v en otHttiicose, Plymonth, Arrive at KiniHou, Leave Kingston, Wyoming, W-t 1'nuton, Pulsion, lrksvranna, Taylorvrllc, Arrive at 30 do ( 30 do 0 !K a 6ii 63 10 00 10 1(1 10 to 1 43 P. M. 33 s 60 S 35 0U 0 10 80 . 10 do t to s rxi 43 3 00 do do do do Sermiton, 10 30 do 3 IS do 6 30 do The Nw York Mnil Train connect with the Express going I'i. I, on li it. it iv . itanroaa. Arrive in rw Yoik 7 15 P. M. do Philadelphia, by Csmilert : Amboy ftnilroed, a HI I". M . Fnrerroin Rupertto New York f4 00. Bnggage clieck ed thrnuah. The nccommoilaiUni Train North, connects at Pernnton Willi Ihe Express Tiaiu Wmt, on the II. L.. k v. Ilail road. COINO SOUTH riots. Mail 5 on A. M. 6 10 do Accommo dation 11 30 A. M II 43 do 14 00 M. 19 15 P M. N. Y Mnil. 4 Oil P.M. 4 10 do 4 90 do 4 30 do 4 35 do 4 40 du Leave 9crnnton, Tnylorvills, Lackawanna, PittsMn. AVest 1'iililon, Wyi unin?, Arrive at Kingston, L'envc KlIlKlltoll, I'lym tuth, Nanliriike. Iltinliiek's Cr'k, thickliinny, Bi'orh Orove, Beach Haven Berwick, Lime Killge, Bloom, Arrived at Rupert, 8 vfl 8 30 do rio do do 8 33 8 40 19 30 d . 13 40 1 00 do do f 00 d o S 00 do 10 40 10 5(1 11 65 II 15 II 45 II 50 do do do do do do no o is a 40 60 7 90 7 40 7 63 8 13 8 43 P 10 V 13 19 00 do 19 10 P. M. 19 311 do 19 40 do 19 SO Uo 1 CO do 9 15 do The PliiMetphin Mull Truin goino- South, Connects with tlis Mall Train at Rupert, poing Knsl nt 1 in P.M. for C.'ittnwisM. Port Clnit'in. rotlsville Ifeutlinff, Ive.. arm ing at Philndelptiin, nt 8 t?3 P. M. Also with Mnil Train giiine West si 3 o'clock P. M. for Danville, Milton, Mini cy. Wiliam.Mrt and Kliniia. l'nv.ciifrera hv the 4 o'cl'-ck P. M. Tram goinc Si'Uth enn take the 1 1 o'cl"ck P. M Kxprrrs tmin for Llniira and the Weil . or ooirc nt. nioonmhurit our! laxe the 4 o' clock A. M. Tmin going East, arriving at ruilauclpeia or iiurnitDurc ni i noon. r . 4. V r,.-. v ,IIf 1 11 March 13, 1559. m Supsrfnteiuleiit, VALUABLE REAL ESTATE OFFERED AT PKIVATE S-A.X.J3. PHrIllii subsciiber otters at private tale, a cer H tain lot or piece of land, situate in Lower Augusta township, Northumberland county. about 8 miles below Sunbury, bounded on the went bv tho tiver Susnuelinnua, on the south by land ot George teller, on the east by land of H m. Kroh, and on the north by land ol Vt m R. Jones, containing ft Acres and 18 porrhei allot which is cleared and in a very high state of cultivation. The Northern Central Rail Road passes through the tract, end is also bound on tha east by the Main Road leading Irom Suiibpry to llauuburg, winch togetlier, with the River upon the west, and the fertility of the soil makes it a very pleasant and desira ble situation. ALSO; another certain Tract of Land, situate m said township, adjoining land of William f.roh, on the south, the heirs or Kooert snd Ar thur Auchuiutv : on the esst Win. V. Silver wood, and a public road on the north, and Wm l(. Jones on the west, containing BJ Acres 1S1 perches strict measure, bout 60 seres of which aic cleared, and in a high state nf cultivation and ihe residue most excellent land for culliva tiou, but is now covered with excellent timber, and if purchased soon, the purrhaser can get largo quaintly uf Railroad I les on the same. This tract is also well watered, having scvcrul fine springs upon it, and every field can be wa tered tberebv. An indiaputable title will be given and terms of sale reasonable. WILLIAM R.JONES. Lower Aiifrimta to., January 2, 1857. tf GEORGE HILL, -TTCP.1TET J-.T L-V, SJr.SPECTFULLY informs the public and yi. bis fiicnds generally, that he hos removed to Hunbury, and has opened a law office at Ins residence, in .Market square, ilia acquaintance with the Enuliih and German enables him to transact business iu both language. April 10, 1858. ly WIIOLFSAII AJin Rr.TAlL BOOT STORE, 40 South Fourth S.t, alovt Chetnnt, Phil'a. 85' OOTS, Shoes, Gaiters, ic, promptly made a to order in the very best style, and of the beat material. Philadelphia, May 0, le7 VALUAELH P rCriLlYrCR EAE, nHE rnliscribers. Execntors of the estate o JL t!cii.-y Masser, dee'd., oirer ot private sale tha loliowing propcrt viz : A large two story f.i.ne dwelling house, together with about 50 CUKES OF LUND, Situate in Lower Augusta township adjoining landa of Daniel Kaufman and other now in the occunaricy of John R. Kaufman as a store and dwelling. The house is new and the location a good one for business. Also a TRACT OF LIMESTONF. LAND, in said township on the river about S miles be. low S'unbu.y, adjoining lands of J.T. M'Pherson and others, containing, about 90 acres. The foil is productive and contains limestone and other minerals. Also a tract of Laud, containing about 35 acre on the lull, about two miles below Sunburc, adjoining lands of the heiis of the late John Conrad and others. There is, on thi tract, a mall orchard of choice fruit. For further particulars apply to tha subscribers, H. U. MASSER, ) P. U. MASSER, ) Executors. FRANCIS 13 1 'CHER. J Sunbury, January 19, 1656. tf DANVILLE HOTEL. JOII3ST DEE 1ST, J ., Marlet Street, Danville, Pa, ri'HIS is one of the largest and most commo M- dious hotels in the interior of Pennslvania it has been rceentl fitted up, in excellent stle, wilh all lha modern conveniences. Danvilled, Sept. S2, 18S5. HENRY DONNE L, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ojjict opposite the Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County Fa. Ptenipl attention Iu business in adjoining counties. JOII. m. iii:aici, ' ATTORNEY AT X.A.W, Ojfice ia Macitt it., opposite the Court House, . , 6CNBTJBY, rjk. Collections made and Professional Business generally attendeJ to Promptly aud Carefully. PmiABiLroia. Rxrtataci i Bullitt 4 Fairlhorne, , " Diehl 4 Wertx, Davis Sl Birney, , ' F. Ty lot eV Co, Kunliury, June 30, 1967. ATENT BRITTANIA STOPPERS fo Bar Domes tor sals by H. B MA88ER. Sunhury, July 19, IMfcfl. STOVES. IV)II SLE B an excellent second hsnd Ceok tng blove, alaa aeveral Cylinder Cos A WONDERFUL COlNCW'kNCB. All Kftilvns or the tame Mind! IIOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. Tit snniv.rsarv nf tin intrndneilnn nt n..tinM.t. Ointment onsht In lie a Jubilee fmever. It has saved countless mulliintes from disfit-urement. n.ml.Tiilinn. mntilstion, ,niT and death, frartin from the turfaee to which it is applied, its hcalms halm finds its way through every eosting end ligament Of the body, toihe very source and basis of all eruptive, ulcerous, tumorous, and e.uce rou. uisease. it (tisllnguislies Ihe febrile principle that feeds them, snd the oatward svmploms fsde, heal, r.pd pnM away with a rapidity Incredible to those who hcv not witnessed it. SCROFULOUS ERUPTIONS AND ULCERS. The poison of scrofula ha never been neuir.li1 nr expelled by any of the remedies nf the pharmacopeia- ue "ir miiHioie io mi. virulent anil nrsrruenve element Is Holloway's Ointment. Mnjrndie Urmlie, the grent French and Knalish sursfsais. do no denv or ilisnute thi. great fact. There is no form of scrofula that may Dot b controlled and cuted by thia balsamic remedy. CANCEKS AND TUMORS. The knife or ea'lstle irnv remov. a eanp m. tnnn, but the Mrris of the terrible excrescence remain in Ihe blood, and it Is soon reproduced in a wore form than before. Holloway's Ointment, on the cnintrnrv. nene- trntesinto Ihe circnlattou. and pervade every infected vesicle, and ki Is the disease bv destroying the corrosive principle that generated and sustains it INFLAMMATIONS OF THE Pftl.NS. All rashes and ordinary eruptions, as well as Erysipelas, Acne, RioKWorm. Cnibunclea. ?cald Head, Fait Khriim, leprosy, rrtckly Hear, kr.., are lemoved by a few brisk application of the Ointment. ACCIDENTAL INJURIES', WOUNDS, Sprains, Bruises, Pen Ids and Rums are Immediately relieved by it. application. The inflamma tion nuicklv siilis'dcs. fever nml lockinw am nrpvoittfn. and under a persevering use of ihe preparation, the pro cess of healing is soon accomplished. Doth the Ointment and Pith should le used in the fnlloiring eases : Runions I.umlaipo fore" Lprs Swelled Glands Hams Mercurial Sore llreasls HUT Joints Chapped Hand. Eruptions Hire Heads Ulcers Cbilhlains Pile Sore Tin-oats Veneienl Sores Fislulus Tthenm-itism Sores of all Wounds of all Ooat Salt Rheum kind. kiml. Skin Diseaata Sprains Scalds IV CAUTION ! None arc genuine unless the words "Hollowny, New York and London," are discernible as as a wnicr-mark in every leaf nf ihe book of directions around each pot or box j the same mav be plainly seen by holding Ihe leaf to the light A handsome reward will be given to any one remlering such tuformntt.ni ns mny lead to the detection of auv party or parties counterfeiting the medicines oi vending the tame, knowing them to be pnrlous. Sold at the Manuractoiics of Professor HottoWAT Nl Maiden Lane, New York, and 214 Strand. London, hy all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicine llirnuc. li mit the United States, and the civilized world, in boxes, at i rents. tW) eeiils. and l each. C7 There ts a considerable saving by taking the larger BIZ- N. B Directions for the guidance of patients in every disorder are aflixed to each box. October 17, lr-5? lyca FURNITURE ! FURNITURE ! ! THE LARGEST STOCK EVER OFFERED IN SUNBURY. Fashionable, Cheap and l'Hrfi;l rilllE subscriber, long established as a Cabinet -"- nndCliair Manulacturer in Sunbury, thank ful for past favors, solicits a continuance of the public patronage. His stock of Cabinet-W are Chairs, i c, embraces KVF.RY VARIETY, ISF.FIL AMD OR.M. RiKMTAt. in housekeeping. It is unnecessary to enumc rate, as anything that may be required in liia line can be had at moderate prices. Cheap for Cash, or Country Produce' taken in exchange Establishment iSonfA East Corner of Marlet Square. I Jf Those knowing themselves indebted to the subscriber would oblige him by making pay ment. SEBASTIAN 1IAUPT Hunbury, April 4, 1H07 tf ,a Prrrtly Pr.l, Stl. It?satjtrsMB Hn1sJr r Omat t. Mala nv A thai. mkm tniant. ia ror- tvsi'y mV1 Hill Wai anal I'smtal k.a s-nuill. .U.nu.kl. statl wortiVn la umIj.. Ib r-..i ti it fj.i, ,,i lat r.Mf, Its fn-tnU Raoi I i-roeaa of Ham, tie-' a!i--sT aorat in woyiri im an lnfHifcla. Slmpla. Fm; and may tt in.nye.ai. umirviiti1 ni nimrrmt s;t an ' anUna and rart;eaJ a mi ha kava aiaa.Aaad it baa (it it withal a r.-)t. It la ayraeu.i kaav all arlf'M a?m!srir a iiswtu-a Try ii. ara In all cam fheira a failui . I Ui Tanli sjf lha 'n tit" mv ba 'futiJ.-d ITU. rakrt la Fu' Diiadu'w-ruta-i lat-an Cam, iiflVsr. t fram lha otTaMt) anaoaael by i.fJiara. Tna Malirta in nn an aiiaira1 t.sy n an. ttia OmVoI lat pariaat y Wl, and raaao rrtnf ar rraSii., aa Port (iuta rukaia ild o on any o-fcer ( aii- Tha arfiutt U Urra an -ach iu a-imit a faU-aiaael raftca. Vfctratt a.il.atvsl ab at tt 10 4Utitxata tha Ikarontanta: li Uina'atnti of T.a. you i rtiAi af tsaalsitr t-mmt oA tutitl FarTbraa ao ot'-ar "ara. m i tvliu aura blaJ Uttta will aaa lalMjfAL DwvOuJiT TO Til TBAUB. jf LTOLOW CAS CO. AC.. av ;ia.ak, -S.. s2 Peit. IS, 1S57 PHILIP H. PTXB.IDT. WHOLESAI.K AND niTAIl Grocery, Wine and Liquor Store, S. E. cor. Walnut and Water Streets, PHILADELPHIA, DEALERS and fumilic will bo promptly supplied at Ihe lowest prices. October 4. I fi5fi. tf GOLD FENS wiih and without cases, of a very superior quality, just received. Also a fresh supply of Writing Fluid, for sale by H. 11. MASSER. Sunbury, Dec S7. IK56- FLOUR REDUCED TO S3 40 Icr llnrrcl. flUE subscriber respectfully informs the cili 1 xens of Sunbury and vicinity that he has just received a supply of FLOUR, which he is offering at wholesale or retail from $5 40. $6 37 to 6 87 per Barrel. He also sells some as low as 70 cl. per quarter, all of which ha WAR RANTS to lie Good. CANDLES for aale, wholesale or retail. Thankful for past patronage he hopes to con tinue to merit Ihe same. GIVE HIM A CALL! M. C. GEAR II ART, Market St,, Sunbury, Pa. February 27, 185 LANCASTER COLLIEY FDR SALE. Iiupoi luut tu t'oal Operators). MIE undersigned Lessees of the "Lancaster Colliery," near Shsmokin, Northumberland county, Pennsylvania, ver-hing to retire from the business, oiler for sale the Lease and Fixtures of said Colliery, on satisfactoiy terms. This Colliery has been in operation sine IH34, and hss been successlul beyond expectation. The Coal ia a superior articlea for all use to which Anthrscite isapplied, snd a good market haa been esisbli.hed, which ran ba much extended. The Breaker and Fixtures are of tha very best char acter and wi.ll recommend themselves to persons acquainted wilh lha business. The Leas runs to January 1, 18R4, and is favorable ona for lha operator. F or further information apply at tha Colliery in person, or by letter to Shainokin. P, O, Nor thumberland county, Pennsylvania. COCHRAN. PEALE cV CO. February 6, 1K5. tf ' TISTRY. GEOKGK UKNN, ,4 NNOUNCES to tha eiliaan of funbury and vicinty, that ha baaopeuad an otiice in Hun bury, above II. i, Wolverton'a ofttce opposite C. Weaver's Hotel, waare ha is prepared to atptaa to all kinds of work belonging to the profession, in the latest and snoat improved style, AU work well don aad warranted. t IMrmtsrt 1 1,1 B 56V '- 1 win."., i ..j'.J.yi .'Villi! Ill" ' FURNITURE AND CHAIR 8orUh'tSl,gt FftsWonable Style, solan, IMiana and ,, ' nv i"". ?! "tariei, Sideboard " ROFi, BREAKFAST A,D DIMVQ TARiVi nd also VENF.Trav nr rV,.'',, ,u J.TV " equal to Phil. EXTENSION TABLES, sortment of ever, quality ..."j pr' 'f"1 - VAniiGTaWAKn ski- ? man im,,r. . " '11 " "PP UP the niura are made. constantly being He also manufacture f "' nu quahtief .tl i.:., CIIATUR. ncluding varictiel never hr . . Sunbury auch a. Mahoa. nT . " w"'"." t.iiAinrs, asm fASir Puts t. , of the latest stys, and warrant cJlT.T", by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhcret 1 he subscriber ,. determined that there .hall be no excuse for per.o ,o purchase furniture tlie ciUes, every confident ,.. t, .....:. t bout ,i,.q.,itv ,nd fllli8h ofhi;;: v lairs. These articles will be disnose.l of n a term aa they can be purchased elaewhere. Cour try p odnce taken in payment for work. J : -DLRTAIvIAG. -Having provided handsome HxAnsr. he inm .. .i r Undertaking, and attending funeral, in ib. ... cinity, or at any convenient distance from this place The Yl are Room ia In F. ten KI.-.- 1. low Weaver' Hotel, ' He has also purohnecd the riaht nf m...v. luring and selling In Norlhumberland countv. Uould patent Excelsoir 8iirino- 11..I i.:..i. u. . 1 i O " "tut ti no wi I furnish at rrasenxl.le rates. Snrin,,. ,,i old bedstead for three dollar; IMAC M.AVILKERSO.V. Sunbury, April 18, 18fi7 tf. WE STILL SUfiVIVETHFcT?TRf5 jX 1 "ITAaDING the astonishine tity of Goods that I brought into t,.n U,t Spring. I siicreeJcd iu selling them all out-ex-cept what I gave sway, and had to hurry to tl . io...,.u. a nriT loi. ill or, Pr ll.,l my cusjonu rs " 'a" "Ul " P' w be inconvonic.ee of bu iue &t Otlier mtir.. I .l . . H ' bu ing ehnlRf d i .n .. - .' "I'"1" oe niiniig prices. I'roliiii-.g by paet expriienvo, I uki urougnt on Twice as Mfinv Cnn. and I hae r.ow the l.ir..e-t -rir- , "r-i-n ASSORTMENT ever oiler.,! .;.!.;.. i. :'...'' , this place. I am hound to sell CIIHArEn TIUM vvrrn , ' bit a iiispniru laet. 1 am now read, to ,1.,, i. . . e ' "V 1 wenty ..ui. uui oi iwenty-iour fSunil.iv excepted at lower prices than any person dare ask lor. Just call for any thing y,,u allt. tru iellir mined to SUPPLY ALL DEMAAM that may be made, reasonable or unreasonable. Ceil soon, as tho rush U tremendous. c . 1JA CLEM FNT. Punbury, Dee S6, IS57, y r"piIE subscriber reipectfully iti'iami the riti. - zen of Sunbury and Ihe public generally, that he has commenced the manufacture of all kinds ef E A HT 1 1 E N Y A r. I ; , al his manufactory in Whortleberry Street, mio square ea,i 01 tlie Itiver. Ho ha.i . tinned the services of Mr. II a 11 p. and von can therefore depend on liaxing a good article. The puh.ie are respectfully invited to call. All order from a distance will be promnily attended to. 11 P. M. SHINDEL. Sunbury, Feb. ?, IS." 6. tf A'. S. V4iVKi;.ci;S NEW Paper, Printers' Can! ar.a Envelope warehouse, No. -aOj Otrninei-re Street, I'hiladelphia. Cas'a buyer will find it for their interest t call. January 16, 1858 Cmos. Mr.itv-lulJi-r. r" VIE subscriber has been appointed Aeei 1 Messrs Gi ddes A Mar.h of Lewibiiic eent f ir. f. the salaofiueir Straw, Hay A Corn-Fodder Cu tcr. Thi Cutter ia the best in uv. Farme an J others a re resjieclfully requested to call a: examine fur themselves. P. B. MASSER. Sunbury Deceiiibe r 2C, 1 S.'i7. tf siir:;t. u. okuik, ATTOHNEY AT LAW, Office mi Smith Scemid, near Marlet Stre LE WI8BUHG, PA. Practices in tho Counties of Union, Xorthi berland and Montour. All I'hofcssioNai, Rcsivess entrr.sted his care will receive prompt and fa'lhful an lien. Octolier 3, 1857. ly WHITE HORSE HOTEL. rOTTSVILLE, PA. "THn suhscrilier respectfully ani.nniices to old friends and the public, thai he haa ta that old and well known cAtabliahnieut, the White Hors8 Hotel. At the corner of Centre anJ Mjhantogo st the Borough of Pottsvillc. The houe ha. cently been very much enlarged and other improved, rendering it quite a comfoitalil any other Hotel in Schuylkill county w the stables are large, in good condition, aud tend by careful, attentive, prudent hostlers. Ta travellers and oilier, w ho may stop a house, lie promises every attention ralculati render them comfortable and satisfied. JOS. M. FEGE April S, 185'.- If STAl'FFElt & llnLL:T. CHKAP WATlIIKS AND JEWELRY. WIIOLKSALK AND RETAIL, at lha "I'liilac Wati-he. and Jewelry Store" ti". US (Did X Norlh Second Street, Coiner ol qaarry, Philadelphi Gold Iver Watehea, fall J led, I caret eases, Oold Leiiii, 11 caret, Silver Iver, full j.welled, Bilver lupine, jewel, raierior tuarlicrs, Gold Kiieelaeles, Pine Silver do., UoM Bracelets, l.ydy's Oold Pencils, Silver Ta felotaie.. set. Gold Peus, wilh I'.ocil and Silver kokler, Goid Kiiifter H'nf 37J et. to fU; Watek Oisssa 121 el. , patrol lej, La tel Ha i 01 hoi articles in pri All good, wariaated to l what they .re -al for. TAl'Fr'KR U AR I " Oq aand soma Gold and Silv.r l.cT.rs sad Still lower thau th ataiv. price. Philadelihui, Dcuher Iu, 1557 lySW Farmer! Look to Your Inte LIME I LIME1 THE) sudsciiher respectfully iuforms I) J- mere and Ihe public generally, that leased tha lime kilns of Ira T. Clement ii bury, and that he baa always on band, resdy to supply a good quality of lime '0 may waul for building or farming purport He has alsu kiln at Keefer'a crossing from Sunbury, or two from Snvdwtowiu C7 All kinds of Country Produce t; exchange. CEO. W. ST! tanrmry, Tc. S6, I Sat.