Pftsccllaneottji, WOReUSOOF TUB ATLANTIC CABLE. Th London Morning Tost givei lb Cut Vowing interesting account or tbo working of me telegraph : Tbe slowness of the signals through lb Allantio telegraph cable does not depend on tbe retardation of electricity in passing through the length of tbe wire. If the wire were suspended in the air there would be no uiLucnlty in transmitting as rapidly as tbe in struments could be worked j but when tbe wire is covered with gutta perch, and im mersed tn water, it retains I lie electricity, and the charge once communicated to the wire requires time lor its disc home. The first signal made is transmitted almost instantaneously through the conduction wire to the instrument at tbo other end ; but tbe wire does not readily part with the charge, and the electricity it retains prevents tbe ef fect of a second sigDal from being perceived on the distant instrument, 'l'liia peculiar ef fect begins to be perceived in an immersed wire at a distance oi nity muos, ana increase in force as the distance increased so that, at 200 miles, communication by Morse's tele graph would bo impracticable, unless means were adopted to counteract tne aeiainiiig in fluence of tbe external conductor. When tbe Hugue was laid down, the difficulty of ttansmission through a submerged wire be came for the first time observed, and tbe Morse instrument then employed would Dot act in consequence. Hut the difficulty was shortly overcome by discharging the wire af ter each signal, which was done by sending on electrical currant in the reverse direction. With the needle telegraph the eflect had been scarcely perceived, for in the ordinary work ing of that instrument the electrical currents are continually reversed j but with the re cording instrument, in which the electricity operates always in the same direction, a spe cial arrangement for reversing the current becomes essentially necessary. How fur that arraugemeut cniy will suffice to clear the wire bus uot yet been determined, but it seems evident that it is sufficient for the Atlautic cable. If the difficulty that has arisen were owiug to the retardation of the electric current, there would be little hope of it being over come for the nutural velocity of electricity could not be incroused ; but when it is known thul the slowness with which oue signal fol lows another is attributable to a peculiar cou. liitioii of tho wire which bus been effectually neutralized, by special arrangements, for a ilistuuce of two or three hundred mites, it may be reasonably expected that other con trivances may be adopted that will overcome tho difficulty, even across the Atluutic. TELEGRAPHIC INSTUUMESTS. As the Electricians are supposed to be experimenting at Triuity liay end Yulutitia with the various recording instrument iu II.-, it is or Merest to know what uro tbe chief difference's betwoeu them. The Slorsa i.irtruineut, in common use from the first in this country, transmits mes micres by the alternate breaking aud re-con-noctiug of the electric current. The currant allowed to flow a moment produces a dot, if u little longer a line. Tbe operator taps 00 u single key, and the 'message uro recorded by an alphabet composed or combination of liues and dots, thus: . In the hand of an expert the speed of this instru ment is about twenty words a minute. Tne Cook and Wbeatstoua instrument is iho oue that until lately has been geuerally 1 ed in Knglund. A needle on a dial plato evolves, pointing out the letters, which are iwribed around the circumference like tbe mur on the lace of a clock. This is a much uoie intelligible process to outsiders ; but it i blow, accomplishing at the late6t only bout fourteeu words a minute. The House instrument prints the message l Roman capitals on a long strip of paper by ie revolution of a type wheel, the upjrator '.yiug upou a key-board like that of a piano .lh a key for each letter. The priuting is jtie by clock-work, the nse of the electric irreut being to preserve equal lime, so 1 at the letters of one machine may corres nd to those or tho other. This instrument ints twenty-five to thirty words a iniaute. The Hughes instrument is a combination the Morse aud House inventions, lu tbo orao instrument two or three pulsations of e i lectric current are renuired to indicate 0 letter, lu the House instrument it re-ii-os from ono to twenty-sight pulsations, the Hughes instrument it requires but a ylu pulsation fur each letter. The mechan. i by which thi3 is accomplished is simple, )gU the principle on which it is based is npies. The typo wheels ut tbe reepective lions revolve" to print the message, aud :ir revolutions ore governed by vibrating tugs. Theso springs cause them to ro ve 111 exactly the same time. There is nu us'.ic principle involved, viz: that two iti"g. which cive the same musical tone la vihratinc. vibrate the same number of es per second. The spring are therefore sen and regulated by sound. This iustru lt it is evident economizes both time aud trie power. Its exceeding sensitiveness l.e leust perceptible pulsation of the tlec- urrents adaots it especially for long s and gubmarioe cables. It is capable of ii.i' forty words a minute, with about Uuih the battery power of other iustru u and send messages both way at , At least so its inventor claims, and it . lie tested on the Atlantic cable. Albany ;itvj Journal. r MuiNKBT Kikd or Rascality. Tbo Democrat fives a new item regard h sale of Fort Butlllne. It will be that the sale was a clandestine suction, and stands revealed to tbe coun s a monster job. Tho Democrat says thout advertisement or notice 01 any fv.'.M DUO worth of proporty was alien. rom the government, and the equivalent m,l tar it was 890.000! The sale was ,o!y clandestine, but the price was nom i'lm nnrties to the contract were Na 1 Democrat exclusively, and arter the vation including the Fort was sold, some .a were detained there, and S10.000 a 1. i..,lt-lt rant, was charged to the u'meot by the new proprietor. Tbe 11O purchase money, or the greater part una tuns oeeu uievu,j,.. ..a U'mnwa isr Indiana. A corres- nt of tbe Dayton J ournal, who has been iir nnt In the Wabash regions of Hoo- in, discovered one peculiarity in every 'je tarried in : A.;nr. r nmn reminds nio of the fact ndiaua (aud particularly the Wabash) ally swarming with grass u-uIowb. i.rttfAl nr tavern has or have bad one e of tboie bewitching vixens domiciled r... i.n Hans, which makes them , and residents, of the Stat of Indiana th a little hard swearing, native vou. expiration of ten day a uit i com- I against some vile huiband, and a a r course, a divorce 1 granted, if Tor r cause that incompatibility of temper, re congregated from all tbe State in on (except Illinois, who I a comp.U this profitable lawyer trade) all the olated grass widow. A case I heard ,r0 where tha widow of millionaire ne'from Brazil, remained her ten t Lor divorce, with 100,000 of alimony ,ld bav had more, but old Orowu mora ia the Voit.d Sute that wm itabl. rind of Pin appla placed 00 Uive. "t place.' frequented by ant and cock will drive them aw, and keep thi ia the bouse, too. Hew Adrertlsements COAL! COAL! COAL! From the Coal mountain Colliery. 'MIE subscribers, now operating this Colliery, are prepared to furnish or deliver, at (heir wharf, at Northumberland, all sixes cf Coal, from their mines. Thia is a very superior quality of Whi'e Ash Coal, which they are prepared lolur- niah promptly to order. They are aUo prepared to furnish Red Ash Coal from the Lambert Colliery. FAHRIONj- CLEMENT. 8unbttry, August 18, 1858. tf. SUNBURY STEAM FLOURING MILL. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. NOTICE is hereby given that the partner ship heretofore existing between the sub scribers in tbe Milling business, was dissolved bv mutual consent on Monday, the 16th inst. The books of the firm are in the bands of Samuel Snyder, for collection. GKO. UAKIUSON, OHAS. RlUNEiIAftT, SAMUKL SNYDER. TnB nndersigned would fespectfalfy an nonnce to tbe publio that he has taken the Mill and will continue the business or tnsno. fucturing flour, &c. He solicits tbe patron age of the public. SAMUEL SNYDER. Sunbnry, Aug. 28, 1858. tf Notice to Bridge Builders. Sealed proposals will be received by the undersigned, on Monday, the 13th day of September next, between the hours or 10 A. M. and 3 P. M. of said day, nt the Com missioners' office, in the borough of Sunbury, Northumberland county, for tbe building of a Bridge across Iiig Mahanoy Creek, in Jnckson township, on the road leading from the Tulpehocken road to the river, adjoining the land of the lato William Zartmau, dee'd., in said township. This Bridge is not to be less than 100 feet in the snan. or tietween tne onuimeota. Specifications will be exhibited on the day of lotting. UIIAKLM Jtui 1 r,iaiuia, FREDERICK HAAS, SAMUEL HNT, Commissioners. Commissioners' Office, ) Sunbury, August 23, 1 8 ."j S j Supreme Court Northern District. jVOTJCK is hereby given that the Supreme Court for tbe Northern District of l'enn- Holvauia will commence its annual session on 1 the first TUESDAY, instead of the first .Monday, in October next. CH AULKS iXEASAJI I S, 1 T'rothonotary. Prothonotury's Office, Sunbury, August 28, 18;i8. J LIST Or CAUSES For argument in tho Supreme Court, Nor thern District, at October term, A. D. 1858 : 1 Derryhill vs Bubb, Lycoming county. 2 lvinley vs Crane, et ul, do do 3 Sunbury & Kriu Railiond Company vs -Mcixe!, ortuumberIann county. 4 Haumgardner vs Kase, North'd rnunty. 5 Mengus, Tieasurer, Ac, vs Walter, Northumberland couuty. G Kiug vs Bowles, .Sullivan county. 7 Mengas vs IJcntler, Norton county. 8 Fillman, et al, vs Divers, do 9 Vun Uaskin vs Clement. do 10 Walls, et ul, vs Sprout, Burrows t Co., Northumberland county. 11 lergnr vs blmller, North d county. 12 Comelison vs Uross and Kunkel, Mon tour county. Id Marsh vs Ueddes, ct al, Loion county. H Hot rich vs Com'th, Snyder county. 15 Auchmnty vs Auchmuty. North'd co. 1G S. & K. R. 11. Co. vs Bitteubender, Northumberland county. li Same vs Fiskn, North d county. 18 liurni, et al, vs Cooper, do 19 Kaaffman and Rebcr vs Williams, Uni on county. 2D Jlobison vs Aged, Columbia county. 21 Mehafiy vs W. & E. li. tt. Co., Lvcom- ing county. , 22 Dundon and Uoihl Vs uearhiut, Nor- thuniberland county. 2.5 risher vs Forrester, North a county. 21 North, Chase end North vs Sbriuer. Union rnurity. 2. W atson vs Mousel, Nnrthd county. 2G Vanvalzah v Wvkoff and McClecrv. Union, county. 2i tyun vs Bellas, bnion couuty.. CHARLES PLEASANTS, . . l'rothonotary. Prothonotarj's Office. ) Sunbury, August 28, 1858. J NOTICE Is hereby given that letters testamentary cn the estate of Matthias Reed, lute of Upper Augusta township, Northumberland countv. deceased, having been granted to the sab scricers, all persons indebted are requested to make immediate payment, aud those hav ing legul claims, to pieteut them for settle ment. WILLIAM REED, 1 FARNSWORTH REED, J h Aag. 21st, 1858. Ct xecntors. 57HEREA8my wife Margaret has left my ' bed and board without any junt cause or provocation, this is to give notice that I will not pay any debts ul her contracling. UU.MAM fAtL. Point tp., August 21, 1858. 3t r 1 A VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. THE subscriber will offer at public sale, on Tuesday the 9th day NOVEMBEK next, on the ptemiios, the farm now in bis possession, adjoining the borough of sunbury, being tbe east em portion of the well known Augusta farm, late the property of Samuel Hunter, dee'd,, lying between the Cattawissa road aud the gut. This valuable property contains about 74 acres all cleared, aiicTis in a high state of cultivation. The improvements are new Frame two-story dwelling H O Co E, well supplied with water and a good substantial bank barn. 40 by 60, a wagon house, moke bouse, corn crib and all other neceiwary outbuildings. J here is also on the premises young Orchard of excellent grafted fruit The fences are all new and in good condition. This property would make a most desirable country residence on account of its fertility, scenery, healthy location and convenience to town. The terms will be six per cent down, end th remain der in three equal annual paymenla from the 1st 01 April, maw. For further particulars apply to ibe subacriber, JOHN BUYEK3. Sunbury, August SI, 18!"8. ts 60LQMQN B. BOYEK, -ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Market street, opposite Weaver's Hotel, SUNBURY, PA. Collections attended to in Northumberland and adjoining Counties. Ia acquainted with the german language. Ririasxcx 1 H. J. Wolverton, Esq., Sunbury, Pa.,' Geo. F. Miller, Esq., Lewisburg, Pa. J. II. Ziegeufus, Philadelphia, Pa. Benjamin Karaerer, " Bunbury, tug. 14, 1868 ty. , DURE CONCENTRATED LYE OR SA J PON1FIER, for sal at FIslIER'8 Drug Store. Price 80 et. ' Ctationery. A large supply of fancy Not O Paper and Envelopes, Mourning, Letter, and Cap Psbw, Tens, Ink, Send, at July 17, 'SV A. W. FfSIlER 8 The lcvr AMERICAN CYCLOPAEDIA. REASONS FOR BUYING IT, AND THE WitYS AND MEitNS OF BUYING IT. FIHK New Ameritan Cyclopedia is popular JL without being superficial, learned hut not pe dantic, comprehensive but sufficiently detailed, free from personal pique and party prejudice, fresh and yet accurate. It is a complete state ment of all that is known upon evwy Important topic within the scope of human intelligence. Every important article in it haa been specially Written for its pages by men who are authorities Upon the topics of which they speak. They are required to bring the subject op to the present moment) to state just how it stands now, AVL the atatistieal information ia from the latest re ports 1 the geographical accounts keep pace with the latest explorations 1 historical matter include the freshet junt views,' the biographical notices not only speak of tb Head, but also of the living. And the work is cheap ; three dollars a vol ume ; and each volume contains more we have carefully computed the contents of both more than the whole six Volumes of Bancroft's history which are sold at two dollars a volume, making in all twelve dollars. Every family ought to posxess a copy of the New Cyclopanlia. It is a library in itself. Let each man aave twenty-five cents a week, and by the time the work ia com plete he can not only own the fifteen volumes, but also a handsome book-case to keep them in. Sav & half dime a day, (a little self denial will doit.) and you save enough to buy a setcf bonks which will give you sound information upon all points about which you wish to acquire. School children certainly the members ol ouf High (Schools can all have it. Bate the pennies which are given to you, tun errand's and -'do chores" when you can, and thus earn 4, quarter of a dollar a week, and the task is deno. , Me chanics ! you have not much time to read ; this, then, is just the work for )ou; it will help you upon all points of inquiry, and three hura ovr work per week will buy it. Lawyers, physicians, clergymen ! it will give breadth and accuracy to you information, and add largely to Jour in fluence and income. THE NEW CYCLOPAEDIA (3 Volumes now Itrady) Will he completed in 15 volumes, royal 8vo J $3 per volume, in cloth ; $3 50 in library lea ther; $4 half morocco ; $4 50 half Kussia ex tra ; $ I in monthly parts. H. B. MA8SEK, Agent for Northumberland County. August 31, ISoR. REGISTER, AND RECORDER, Sic. To tub Voters or North umukrlakd Colxtv : 'The subscriber intends beinp; a candidate for tbo cilice of REGISTER & RECORDER AND CLERK OF THE ORPHANS' COURT, at tbe October elec tion, and respectfully solicits tho support of the voters of tbe county, pledgiog himself, if slecttd, to attend to the duties of the office to the best of bis ability S. D.JORDAN. Milton, August 23, 1S58. to To the Independent Voters of Northum berland County: Havinrr been requested by a number of friends, 1 hereby offer myself a candidate to your consideration, subject to nomination on tun peoples ticket, Tor member ol the next LEGISLATURE, if nominated, nnd suc cessful, 1 shall feel under solemu obligations discbarce the duty of tbo office to my tmnst ability looking only to tbe interests or '.he couuty and the State, impartially and pledge myself not to purer the public treasury lor my own pecauiory bonefit. JOHN II, JAM ISo. MU Cnrmel, Aug. 2Ut, 1858. t To the Electors of Northumberland County. FiLtow Citizxks : We are authorized to announce THOMAS D. GRANT, of '.be Uor- ugh of Punl'ury, aa an Indepchdcnt candidate for the office of REGISTER, RECORDER &c. at the ensuing election. Mr. Grant is too well known to the rrnrn of Northumberland county to need any commenda tion at our hinds. No one questions his qualifi cations fur the post his character for moralitv, industry anil sobriety is irreproachable and lua popularity bs a man and etlieiency as an ofliccr undoubted, For the last six yeara he hss been e principal clerk in. this oifice, and his un tiring industry and ability, his amiable manners nd obliging disposition have elicited tbe confi dence and esteem of all doing business there. He confidently submit bis name, and earnestly sk our fellow citizens to KALI.Y TO HIS SUPPORT. Respectfully, , . MANY V0TEK3. Siubury, June 24, lSriS. To the Voters of Northumberland County. n A VINO been solicited by my friends, I herebv offer mvselt as (he neunlc'a ramli. j .... , at for . . ASSEMBLY. Should I la elected by the suflragce of my fellow citizens I pledge myself to perform my duties with the utmost of my ability and to the best interests of my constituents and the public at large. .. A. li. BLAIR. Milton, July 10, 18f. to INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE ?OR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. T yT. subscriber offars himself to the electors of Northumberland County, as an Depen dent Candidate for the office of . COUNTY COMMISSIONER, And promises, if elected to fulfill the duties of said ollice faithfully and impartially. .1 JUHEPIl VAMtlKK. Puiut township, July 21, 1658. KcgUter aud Ilecorder, See. DU. J. B. MASSER, of Suabury, respectfully offers himself to the electors of Northum berland countv aa a candidate for REGISTER AND RECORDER AND CLERK OF .THE ORPHANS' COURT, at th ensuing election Sunbury, July 10, 1858. ts FARMEltS ATTENTION! ! ! The best article in the world for raising WHEAT 13 LEINAU'8 8CPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME, at $40 per ton, or $2 cts, a lb., by the barrel. Analyzed and recommended for the Wheat and Grain Crops, by . . , Professor C1I AS.T. JACKSUN, Chemist of the United Stales Patent OhVe, Washington, D. C It will repay the outlay CO to 1U0 percent. and will not burn the seed by coming in contact ts Guano does. Tav It Paav It. O. A.LEINAU, Proprietor, No. l South FRONT Street, ... Philadelphia city, Pa Or af my Agents, throughout th Country Analyaie can be seen al my (Juice. Cash Mailed with th order, will recoiv prompt alien' tien. ... A liberal discount to Storekeepers who buy to sell agsin, Fampuleta, can be bad at my Office. August 7, fS8.-8m O.A. L. JUST RECEIVED by th subscriber,, at hi FLOUR STORE. Market Square, Sunbury, a fiesh supply of Water, Hotter, Sugar, Uinger ana ooda Urackers, for sale by the pound or barrel, at wholesale If arrisburg and Philadelphia prices. Those wishing to purchssc will pleas give mm a call oeior or oe ring siaewner.. CO. HAVEN.' Ha also continues to receive, weekly, supplies of flour, giving hi euslamex a fissh article and at verv reasooabl rau. 1 Sunbury, July 81, l86tUt , SHERIFF SALES. . BY virtue of certain writs of Venditioni Ex ponas and Levari Faciaa isaued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Northumberland enutil In nta ilirnrtml. will bfl (XDOSed lO Public Sale al the Broadwav House In the borough of Milton, on MONDAY, the SOlh day of Bbf TEMUEH, next, at 11 o'clock A. M. th fol lowing described property, to wit .' All that certain tract ot piece of Land, aittiafe in Turbut township, Northumberland oounty, beginning at the Basin of the Pennaylvania Ca nal ; thenee along said Canal north 7J degrees, east twenty-eight nd ven tenth perches to the south line of the boroogh of Milton I thehce on the tin Of the said borough West 14 perches to landa now or late of Marr and Davie; and centre of street leading to the lock-house I thente in the centre line of said street, south 7j degrees, west twenty-seven and seven-tenth perches, thence east nine and six-tenth perches to the place of beginning, containing two acre and 16 perches, be the same snore or less, whereon is erected one and a half atory frame ahop. Seized taken in execution and to be sold as the property of M. 8lrine Si Sons. Also, at the same time and place, all that cer tain three atory brick Tavern Stand House or building, and the three atory frame building thereunto attached, known as the Broadway House, situate on Broadway airect in the borough of Milton, in the county aforesaid, containing irt front on said streol feet and in depth - feet, and tbe lot or piece of ground and curtilcge appurtenant to said buildings, Ac. Seized taken in execution and to be as tho property of Milton Ahlam, owner or reputed owner, and Joseph L. Aoien, coocactor. rfLSOi At the Court House in the borough of Sun bury, 011 Tuesdiy the Slat day of September, next, the following described property to wit 1 A certain lot of ground, situate in the town of Shamokin, in Coal township) Northumberland crntnty, being lot No. 4, in block No. 89 as narked in the general plan of said town fronting on Market Street, and bounded on the north by lot No. 3, irt aame block, on the weat by an alley, and on the Suilth by lot No. 5, containing 33 feel in front and , feel in depth Also, a Lot No. 8, m block 78 in said town, fronting on third street, and bounded on the north by lot No. 4, in same block, on the east by an alley, and south by lot No. 6 in same' Slock, containing 25 feet in front on third street and feet in depth. Seized takon in execution and to be sold as the property of Jonathan Farnsworth. . Also, a certain tract or piece of lafid, situate in Cameron township, Northumberland county, adjoining lands of Daniel Derk on the west. Com pany land on the north, and Michael Derk on the cast and south, containing 35 acres more or leas, about 80 acres of which are cleared, where on are erected a two story log bjuse and a lug barn outbuildings, a large orchard, an excellent pring of water, Ac. Seized taken 111 execution nd to be aold as the property of I lorathy nine. Also, at the same time and place, a certain tract of land, situate ill Cameron township, Nor thumberland county, bounded by lands of Peter Wcikel on the north, John Long on the east, Samuel Long on the south, and lsaai Holla on the west.contaiuini 63 acres more or less, about 55 acres of which are cleared, whereon is erected a two story lug house, a frame bank barn, a spring 1 waier, a migo ukuuiu, olc. ncitvu ihkku hi xccutimi and to kc sold as the property of Chaa. Henningcr. Also, at the same time and place, all that certain tract or piece of land situate now in Zerbe township, (joruieny in .uanuuoy town- hip,) Isorthnmberlanil couuty, l'ennsylva lie, bounded and described a follows, to wit : Deginning at a white oak corner, thonco by Alexander Hunter's land North 69 degrees Kast 121 perches to a stone cor ner ; thence by lute Jacob Cressinger' land South 11 degree East 156 perches to a stone corner; tbeoce by Thomas Grant's land South 69 degrees West 35 perches to a ches- nut, and thence by the same ZNorlh Kb de grees West 88 porches to a stone corner ; thence North 11 degree West 116 perches to the place of begiouing, containing 100 acres and allowance of six per cent. Seized, taken in execution, and to be told as the property of William L. lielfenstein, with notice to Kdwara uuiicosteiu, terreten ant. ALSO: At the public house of Peter Hanselman, in the borough of Northumberland, on Tueaday tbe Slat day of September, next, the following de scribed property, to wit : Two certain comigu us lots of ground, situate in the borough ol Northumberland, in Northumberland coun y, and marked 111 the general plan of raid town No 135 and 136, bounded on the north by Duke at.. on the south by west way, on the east by Lot No. 134, on the west by lh street, containing each 60 feet in front and M0 feel in depth. Also, upon two other certsin Lota of uround, situate in said borough of Northumberland and marked 11 the general plan of said town Nos. 121, 122, bounded north by Duke street, south by west way east by 4lb street, and weat by lot No. 133, con taining each 60 feet in front and S30 feet in depth. AUo. upon four contigioua Lota of ground ailuate in said borough of Northumberland, and marked in the general plan of said town Nos. 113, 114, 115, 116 (forming a square), bounded north by Duke street, east by 3d street, south by west-way, and weat by a 20 feet alley, contain ing each 6 ) feet in front and SH0 feet in depth. Seized taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Josephine ('. B. Nourse. JAM .3 V AiUJ JVC, CUOnil. . Sheriffs Olrice, Sunbury, 1 Auguat 21, 1858. t Northumberland County Agricultural , Society. Tbe next Agricultural Fair, will be held in Milton on tbe farm of lsaab U. Davis, on tbe Gib, 7th and 8tb of October. The Executive Committee ha appointed tbe following Jud ges, aod agreed npon th annexed list of pre niiums. Jt will be observed lual the preml urns are much more liberal than . were ever paid by .onr society, .which we hope will be a tuIUcienl inuucameut to get up competition amoug our farmers, roccuaus, aod inanmac ture : .... . . , . . ;. O0SM1TTES Of ARBaNGMENTS. F. Wilbelm, Chairman, J. II. Kckbert. Maj. John Roosh. J. 11. M 'Cormick, Charles Stout, Cbarle Kramm, II. A. Moodie, Cy rut Drown, and P. W. llilgert. LIST Or PREMIUM TNUJCUGM. HORSE'S. Best stallion of er 4 yean, $3 00 2nd best do do 6 00 llest mare and colt, 8 00 2nd best do . . 5 00 best pair match bones, 8 0(1 Dust pair Draft bones, 8 00 single norae, w A loaded wagon will be prepared to test tba draft of noises competitor will furnish th gear. No horse will b allowed a pre uiuin unless he is sound. Judges. Dartram Ualbraith, Chairman. Gilbert Voris, John Dunkle, W. K. Marsh, John (Julick, Jeremiah Zimmerman and Ad drew Armstrong. BPEED OF DORSES. Best trotting bone or mare, 3 00 2nd best " .... .", 5 00 Best pair trbttirg horses, .8 00 Best female equestrian, 10 00 2nd best " . . 6 00 Tba trotting match will take place en Fri cfay. at ten o'clock A. M and tba Female Equestriaosbip at 2 o'clock P. M., of sam day. , JuJge. Dr. Jdei P. M'Cleery,, Chair. man, 11. A. Moodie. Dr. W.' B. Scuyler, Phi lip Frederick, W. L. Scott, John VVeitacl lleory uonnel. . Cattle. Beit bull over 2 year, 1,t 00 2nd best " 6 00 Best tnich eow, ' (00 2nd bast 4 00 Beit boiCar, i fie i fatste.r, ... 4 00 Jodcres .Tampa Camarnn. Chairman John Ilaair. Ir. Robert M'K'as Ramnol DnJiimnnd. 3. P. Armstrong. Samuel John. Robert A. Uiflia. 8WINE. Best boar, (4 00 2nd best, 2 00 Best sow, 4 00 2nd best, 2 00 Best pair ahcaia. A nn 2nd best, 8 00 "Jariireg. Peter Fnalnma'n. fXnl.trnn V. W. Illlirort. Jaenh. Miliar !'!, Ven.iln John Wilson, Dr. JoSn W. Pealo, John M. HUll. S II EK P. Best Ram, 3 00 ' !.,. 2 00 " Darno,- 2 00 Judges D. C. Wltinn lanan Campbell. Sanmel J nlinfamn fliarlaei (lnliolr Jamrt Forrester, John Voris, Samuel Lerch. ACililCULTURAL PRODUCTS". Best bus. White wheat, 88 00 " Ked " 2 00 " " Com in ears, 1 00 " M Oats. 00 " " ?J. 1 00 " " Darley, 1 00 ' " Potatoes, . ... ... 1 00 Joilffes. Jo. M Nnabit. Chnimnn Clapp, Tbo. Pordoe. Daniel Fol Inter, Klida John, Joseph Vankirk, John Sterner. POULTRY. Best pair torkeys, $1 00 geese. 1 00 " " ebiikens, 1 00 Judges. John (J CaMow. Ch.U, mrnt Sam. nel Blair, James Taggart, J. It. Heller, John Ott, Joha Breshler, John M'MahatJ. VEOETABLES. Best 10 beets, gi 00 " bu. carrots, 1 00 " " turnips, 1 00 " 4 " onious, 1 00 " " tomatoes, 1 00 " I doz. cabbago, 1 00 " 3 watermelon I 00 pumpkins, 1 00 " 12 tocks celery, 1 00 " collection garden vegetable. 3 00 Judges. A S Chanin. Chairman. James Cathcurt, James Oaks. R C Ruckuian, Levi Glaze, W A Covert, Christ. Brown. FRUIT. Best bns. apples, $2 00 " i " quinces, 1 00 " i " pears, 1 00 " i " Grapes, 1 00 " I " peaches, 1 00 JudgC8.--J II Brown Chairman. John Youngtnan, II B Masser, James Slater, Wm bavulge, W W Denckson, John S. Beard. FARMING IN PLFMKNTS. Best threshing inachino, $4 00 " seed drill, 3 00 " reaper, 3 00 " wind mill 9 00 " corn sheller, 1 00 " plow, 2 00 " cultivator, 2 00 ' roler, 2 00 " corn plow, 1 (10 ' straw cutter, 1 00 " horse rake, 1 00 Juilaes. J L Watson. Chairman. Jonas Wolf, Jonathan Kissel, Jos. Nicely, Philip Folhncr, 1) 1 Caul, Benj Troxel. DO M KSTIC MAN UFA UTURE3. Best 15 yards woole carpet, $2 00 1 00 1 00 2 Oo 2 00 2 00 3 00 6 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 is rog " " quilt, " pair blankets, " 10 yards cloth. " 10 yards flannel, " sett harness, " buepy, " table, " Bedstead. " one-half doz. chairs, " suit clothes, " pair boots, Articles ofdometic mannfactnre most be nianufuCtared by the exhibitor, and if requir ed must prodnco evidence that the article are so manufactured. Judges. J B Ueed Chairman, A T Bisel. R II McCormick, Wm. Oraut, J 1 llogue, W T Forsyth, Ueo. C Wolker. DAIRY, WINK, Ac. Best 9 lbs butter, $2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 i 2 ' 6 lbs honey, " loaf bread, " cured bam, " G lbs soap, " preserves, " pound cake, " sponge cake, " ginger bread, " specimen pickles, " half gallou domestic wine, Judees Dr Wra M McCleery. Chairman. Wm lleioen, iJamuel Shannon, 1'eter Voris. Col J ainos Cameron, D L lroluud, C Riddoll C I Gearbart, James Tsggart, Wm Hood, li 11 truck, l; Crawford, John 11 JiuQ. TLOWINU M ASCII. Best pla wine &6 00 4 00 3 00 Second best do 'J'hird do dd . Best team encaged in idowinir match. S 00 1 lowipg come on at I ti clock, or 1'hnrsday. ; . : . . . Judges. Jonn Cicely, Chairman, Lnarles Morgan, DB Montgomery, John McCormick Hiinun Cameron, Ueorge Frederick, (Jeorgo Troxol. .. . . j The address will be delivered on Friday at 3 o'clock F. M. UKNERAL DIRECTIONS. The Judges will report themselves at 10 o.clock, A M., of each day, at lua Secretary' onico ou tue ground. . . , . . Judges of animals will nave regard to sym. metry, early maturity, size and general quali ties charjcleristic of tho breeds which tbey nspect. Tbey will make due allowance lor age, feeding and other circumstances, on tne character und condition, of tha animals. 1'hev will, not award premium for Bulls, Cow or Heifer which ware fattened for tho butcher; the. object bciog to have superior animals of kind for breeding., , .. . Judge of fat cattlo will civ part.cular attention to animal cubmitted for examina tion those are tbe best cattle having the greatest weight in the smallest iuperCcs, all other things boing equal. ., , , Judges will id all case wilubold premiums where the auiuial J uot worthy, though there b no competition. Exhibitor pnt become member of the Society, and have their article aud animal entered on the Secretary' books, oo or befure Wednesday evening, (the bib ol October) and all article (except borses) must be brought within the auclocure by cdnesday at o'clock, P. M., to that they may be uitably arranged for examination on Thara day .moruing.. . , . . . . Animals and articles entered lorexuiouion, must bay card attached, with the Dumber a entered at th Secretary' office. Th Executive. Committee m not insure . cy exhibitor who neglect! tbesa vequirement that bis or her articles will be examined by tbe Judge ; while it is intended to tecore proper notice to all who have articles placer on exhibition, justice will first be muted oaj to those who comply with tbe iostructlqus. ,, I. B. DAVltf, Prss't. S. D. Batx. Sec'ff. August 31. I6S3. BTrt-jZ" cow. ' . 1 ... I ' ' : CAME to th lubaeriber In. Coal towoahid NorlkumbeiUnd county, n lh Slat ulu s akay muley cow, rad and white, white . face and bad a, bell .on. , Th awjier i icqiMtad to coma forward prove .property, pay charge tad lak har away, otharwiM'sh will be dispoaed off aocording lo law. JONATHAN HOOVER. Bhamoku, Aug". 1 4, lBeW y 1868. 1868. NEW HOTJfcE FOB TRAVELERS 1 Northern Central Railway ! ! SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. FROSI A!l AFTER MONDAY, JII.T KTIh, lb.',-, Ilia Trains rf I1,a Nortliarit Oiltial Railway Company will leave Dairy, ('in Joyi Mcoplod) as lulK'Wa s COl NO NORTH. BUFFALO AND NIAGARA. EXPRESS .TRAI, From BALTIMORE to SCN'OURY k KLMIKA Arriv lave. Calvert Station, 4 3" P. M. Y.irk, 1 93 V 0 Bri,lirport, 8 4S W) Halilax, 9 SI 7 Milhm,l,ur(r, I 10 10 OsnigelowK, IU 4 IU 40 Trrvmton Juoetiun, lu Cft IH :) Srlins-Orova, II 07 It In SUSBtHV, II 18 II Norlhuanherland, 1 1 117 II t Chilliaqunnao, II 41 41 Iwnkarg, 11 411 II 40 MilKD, It IT II 67 Watsonlown, IS I 11 08 Viiioiituwn, J 14 13 14 Kystvrt, who 14 ail .Vlnnteunier?, H is 1 7 Brrgrr's I V.9 a MuiK-y, i u 3S 12 34 Mmiltuiravitla, 13 M 14 60 WiUiamipurt, I 00 . .OOINO SOUTH From KLMIRA to SUNBURY A BALTIMORE. Arrive. Iiv. on a. M. no is M 9 i 44 S 44 St at M SS 10 01 IC 01 lo us iu 10 14 10 IS i in 3t 1 49 III 4 10 47 10 47 IU M II CO 11 on n 11 40 II 45 1 1 311 1 1 4 1 II S3 II oi 14 19 If 51 13 19 I -.t 1 IS 43 S 30 1 cs Rlmira, illiamaprnt, MonliiarsviUa, Muncy, Berber', Miiniru'i,prv, Kystrr's Uiiiontown, Watainitowil, Milum,, Ctnlltaqnaque, Norlliuinlwrland, aUKIItlHY, SHina-Grove, Trcvorlitn JuncUon, (ienrettiwn, Mlllerslturg, Halifax, Unrig r.purt, Y.irs. Calvert!, , MAIL TRAIN. OOINO NOUTII From BALTIMORE to SUNBURY A K1.M1RA. Ariive. Ivb. Calvert Stati-m. h do A M York II 09 II n Bridgeport 14 4 I 10 p M l buk'a Farry I I nn llnllnx 4 11 f m Milleraliurg 31) a US Buchanan 4 4 1 4 ) Mahnnlongn CO 4 fio (iaorgelnwR 3 04 a in Trevoiton Juaciiun 3 IA 3 IS &e!iui-irnve 3 :fi 3 33 bll.Mll'UY, 3 .VI 354 Nortliamhtrlaiul 4 111 4 14 Clullif)uqua 4 I 4 g lewisburg 4 Ct 4 9.1 Milton 4 33 4 31) WnH'iiitcwii 4 46 4 si t.iii'iitown 4 oH 4 03 Kyiter'a ID 05 Montiromery ft 07 ' 14 Herger'a fi 1.1 13 Mih.ey 8 W 6 ?1 Mnntonrtrirs (89 Ja Williautipurt 6 60 OOINO SOUTH. From L L.MIR A to Sl'N'HURY A BALTIMORE. I.eive. 14 3u A. M 4 00 4 14 4 49 4 M 4 4 41 4 48 4 S3 5 OJ 5 IS t 411 as 45 5a 8 II 6 44 34 8 3 e 43 0 59 1 13 7 M 4U 9 57 FIniirs. Williamipnrt, Mnalouravilia, Muncy, Border's Sliititsoinery K7'a Lninntows Wuiattiituwn Milton, Lewialairs; Chilliartiaque NorthuinlrlajiJ 8UNUURY, 8 Una Urova Ti evorlon J unction Georgetown, Malmntongo Buclmtian, M illerahurg Halifax Clark 'a Fen 7 lliiuphin Briilgeport York Calvert Station. July 31, IMS 3 51 4 14 4 49 4 39 4 33 4 II 4 4t 4 63 t OS IS ( su ( 33 0 41 .' 0 10 e 4t .14 C 3S 44 57 7 U 7 44 7 M 950 1 13 A. H. O. BROCKEIJ-, 22 Cliff Street, iic. Fori. If ANUPACTURRR OP . GLASS SYRINGES, HOMfEPATHIC VIAI.8 tiHADUATfcU MEASUKKS, NURSING BOTTLES, ETC. Gltas Ware for C herniate, Druggiata, Perfumers, Photographera, etc. A liberal discount made to the trade. Orders from Country Druggiata and Dealers solicited. Price Liata sunt on applica tion. , . Auguat 7; 1858. 3m "A Casket of Gems of Wit and Wisdom." A TUOTJSANDTAND ONE STORIES, Of Fact and Fancy, Wit and Humor, Rhyme, Keaaon and Itomance. Edited hy . O. lioodiich ( Hvlei Tar ley.) Oiw volume, larsc octuvo, hundaoniely bound in red muroaeo, wrt l ailt aide nd lhk ; containing 750 pngea, aud iUutlralcd by 3 JO beautilulKugruvioga. fVIIKfleaign ef ilila hook ia lo bring whole liliiariea Into X a tingle vo!umo lo lorniah a mejilul meal for every Uuy and every hour for every tnste, huinor, uge, caprice a book Tor Hie grave and guv, the old and yovng : we have, therefore Science and I'liikMophy, Ulitiue and Ilea- ai, W it aud ladoin, l-uclaod i'nnuy, wnich, at to gether ui they come, produce, a aort of intellectual plum pudding, inaamuch oa the whole ia peppered mtd ipiccd with puna, conundrum!, and drollariea, to any nothing of a cumuli of l!iree hundred enraviuga. In thcae pagea are giveii tho t a-.i'iicea of th night and aentimcnl froia tiarihe, Hyduey plinth, 9am Jt,hua,u, and aiauy othera; dr.ncal anefd.itca. Ilibeciian ecceiitrkitiea, IVealem extravugantaa, gilwred from tne four wni.'a nf the Treaa ; outliitea of the Ulca of. Don (Quixote and Gil Ulaa ; of I lie fablea of Paiian and Lufoutaine : of the epic poeuia t.f Jeiuaulem Delivered, 'Itleniacjiua, liibina Furl, oao, and othei ; of the Life aud I? nymra of Mra Parting ton aud the Widow lledott ; of the lluushy l'ojieri aud the Green .Mountain Ciirla: of the I.ifa ' Kirtn Gerard Uie lion-killer, Cuuimtnga the elephaiit-teitroyor, deatroyer, and LiviiiRfton the giraiTe-cluucr ; of Klevena Truvela in F.gypt and l'deatiue, Paul ami Virginia, Alex aiuiei Damaa, the Swrta Family Rohiaon, Mr GlidJon and Kiia Patch ; with apny citaliooa ol'proae and ftoetry, from the niaUer-anirita ol I lie day ln:ii,cllow, Bryant, Uny ard Tuylor. Dr. Kane, Coniinndore Perry.etc. Il furuiihia alao, a funfl of uifonnation for the aeiioua th .Natural ilntory of I lie Bible, whieh la a auhjeel of exhauallcaa in tereat ; atrikiug facta in Autronomy, Cliaunilrv, aiiit Na Idral Itiiuiry; remarkable Bingrnphlca, TniereKtiiis Tiavela aud Wonderful Diacovenea in A rt ai I A-ience. Peter Parley, the cIium- of the Uiok, hat a worl.l-wide repulatiou, aa an author hie wriUnra lut ing becnua familiar aa h'maebolil worda vHiarir rhe Knsloh lan guage ia apoken. THIS IS HIS I. AST, aud we predict f.a It a popuMlty .tu.1, h not aupeiior, lo that acouiied by any ol an former publications. Thia work will lie aold ixMuaively bv tu'iarriptiou, at tha kw price of LI 50.. Agruta wanted iu all ports of tha country lu obtain aubacriU-rs fol it. gpeciiuen oples will be aent by niMl. prepaid, to anv addicaa oa receipt of the price For full paii.cnl.irs ad draaa DKKUV JACKSON, PuMiihere. ' 119 Naaeaa Sued, New Yoik. Angoit S1.1B58. 3t MUSIC TEACHER. T ilE aulucriher reaiertfullv infonna the ciii. xena of j$unhurv and vicinitv, that he will remain in this laca for llie purpose of giving leaaons oi the I'lANO, to such as many desiie instruction, tlia trma will I reasonable. He found al the Washington House iu this tilare. t- ' CHARLKS DARING. 5uubury, July 17, 1858. . . . FURNITURE POLISH. 8. R A t"S Premium Patent Knamel Furniture folih.-lliia polish ia lilehly valuable for ring liie poliah on all kinJa of Furniture, Claaa, Carriage llodiee, Hiir Cloth, Ac. Al, fjr re moving spote, hiding. scjaUlira, Ac, Ac W4t. ranted to dry immediately aud re U ill ita gh rric do cia. per Dottle. Bout by ' - A. W. FtSHEU. July 17. 1858. Citrate of Elagnesia TASTELESS 8ALT8, piIIS preparation is refrmmeuJed ti m ex oelleni laxative and purgative. U operate mildly, i entirely. fret fioin ny unpleasant tasta resembling lemonade in flavor, prepared and aold by ! .i i A.W.FISHER. 8unbury,JuIy 17, 1858. PURE CIDER VINEGAR. PURE CIDER VINEGAR, ' PURE CIDER VINEGAR, j., ' . By th quart, gallou and iasral. for aale by '. - .... : M. C. GEARHART. Bunbary, Jury I8&H. ALMONDS, RAISON8, FIGS, LEMONS. etc, Ac., just received weab supply lid for sal at lb Confectionary ator of ; , M. C. GEARHART, ftunbury, May 1. lSTr DaRTTO & CEElXCe.L EMPORIUM. , ; fHE unilorsignej having received e Urge and X well selected stock of . , Pure Irugs Hi.d.thcmlcnl, , Dyesteffa, OiN, raintt, Glass end Putty, ia now feady lo fill orders at momenta notic. , . Ill connection with Ih aliev you will find ao assortment ef Kanry Rotion. Toilet itniclo and Perfumery ef all kinds, Tooth, Hair, Nails and Clothe 1) rushes of every variety. r L'nstotnera will End his stock complete conn prising many articles it ia impossible here to entimerato.' ' ' .. .. REMEMDER the place, next door to the Peo ple' One Price Store. Physicians' Preemptions compounded accurate ly and carefully . . . ', .. A. W.FISHER. Suiihury, July 17, 19S6. ....... HARDWARE rHARDWARBl ! , JUST received ly A. V. FISHER, at lua Drug Store, Sunbury, Pa., : . SCOOPS, SHOVELS, FORKS, LOG CHAINS, Mll.l, OAWS, VHOSH . .. .. CUT, SAW'S. ; Also, .Screws, Hulls, Door Kiiol, Thumb Latches, anil all hardware nreeaxary for btiilifing. A splendid lot of pocket and table culh .y, Scia aors, German 8ilver Spoons, , .oolilngr Glasncf). A large stock of Locking Glumes, received aud for sale by ' . .. A. VV. FISHEiJ. Sunbury, July 17,1858. SUNBURY STEAM FERRY TO NOR THUMBERLAHD. ON and after Wednesday the Blstli Jufv. itin . . ori.lrrsirrncd will run his STEAM FERRY iOAT, repularly, for passengers, between Sun bury and Northumberland, according to the fol lowing schedule, viz: -i-Leave Market street wharf, Sunbury, at 7.00 A.M Returning, loave Northumberland at 7.30 Leave Sunbury for Dry Valley at 8.20, touching at Northumbf rland at 8.45 " l'eutning, touch at Nertliumber'd at 11.30 " Leave Sunbury for Northumberland al 2.00 P.M Returning, leave Northumberland at 2.30 " Leave Silnbury for Neithuinberland at 0.00 Relurning, leave Northumberland at 6,30 " When convenient, inturmcUiate tripe will be made .'" FARE to and from Sunbury and Northum berland 10 cents, or twel3 Tickets for Ono DollKT. ... I'M arrangement will not only prove a t reat convenience t persons vicitinir the two. places on businesa or pleanro, but a!Vorda an agreeable and pleasant ride on one of the most pict .icsciuc portions of the beautiful Susqtiohanna. IRA T. CLEMENT, Proprietor. ANDREW HOOVER, Captain. Sunbury, July 2, I85fl. AND TRANSPORTATION LINE. OODS Shipped from the Warehouse of FREED. WARD &. FREED, No. 811 Market street, above 8th at., Philadelphia, to all intermediate points along the railroad, to Sun bury and Northumberland in particular, witheut transhipment and at the lowest rates of freight. All ordera thankfully received and promptly attended tn, and Goods carefully dolivered to all Merchants and o'.hsrs. FREDERICK SCULLY, June 20, 1858 3m$ Transporter. ICE OZRE-A-IlVi: 1 RS. MARIA WHARTON respectfully in, forma her friends ind tho rublic cenerallv. that aha will accommodate them with icicrbam, at her residence, on every evening (Sutidaya ex cepted) during the preaent summer. Sunbury, July 3, 1858, MOORE & CAMPION, So. 2S1 South Second Street, 6 doors aluve Spruce, PI-IILADEL'PHIA, . HAVE now on naqd the largest, assortment of FixECAiiiXETrrnrviTrjfiE Than ihoy have ever had al any previous tiino, and they invite the public to call and examine their slock before purchasing, as they feel confi dent that their pricea will be a sufficient induce ment lor nil who want good furniture to buy at their estnblishment. ' . A large assortment of Prntt's Rack and Pinion Dining Extension Tables alwaya on hand, Spring and hair Mattresses furnished al lowest prices. -Furniture carefully packed and on reasonable terms. Philadelphia, July 24, 185S. ly FREEBURG ACADEMY. ' AND Snyder County Normal School. FBEEEXJEQ, 'IMiE Filth session of this Institution eomiuen ced on '.he 27th of Jtl.Y, and commute 22 weeks. Encouraged by past succecs, increuaed eflorts will he made to enable stodcntatoacquiie a sound mental, mural and physical education. The Academic Department embrace all the branches constituting IhorouKh Englob, Clas sical, Mathematical and Scientific Education! together with Music, Drawing, Painting and French. ' A NORMAL DEPARTMENT has been established and heretofore well attended in which Teacheis, and those wishing lo become such, can prepare themselves for the profession. . . . Tkrmk HiLr is Anvanca. For Board, Tuition, Room, &c, per seaaion of 23 weeks. $.12 to tffia Tuil ion alone, per quarter of 1 1 wks. SI to $rt Music, Drawing, Painting and French at usual charge. Students can enter at any time. For catalogues. Ac, address - . GEO. F. McFAKLAND, Principal Juiy31, 1858. " PUBLIO NOTICE. ,i ' jV-OTlCE is hereby that the BUSINESS ICE- ' LA'l'I.ONS, heretofore (ubaiating- between William Weimer and the undersigned, iu lh Drug Store at Northumberland, have, by inutua consent, ibis day (June 7th, 1858.) ceased In exist ; and the Books and account will remain for settlement and collection in the. hands oi lbe subscriber, who will continue to cany w. Uwt businesa al tho ol I stand. . ' ROBERT TJ. Mct'.'.Y. Northcru'.Kirland, June 26, iBitf. Cntiiarlne ZlRiii-.sMuian'rT fcstatc. jJ OTICE i hereby given lhat lettera of ad lw n-inistration nave been granted lo the aub tcriber on iKa eilalo of Catharine Zimmernian. late of Lower Augusta township, Northumber land cou nt -M uVteasad. All person indebted us reiineatc, lo make immediate payment, aud Ihoae having rlaima will prraent them lor aetuemeui. SAMUEL H. ZIMMERMAN, Adm'r. liOwer ugusta tp., July 17, IS58. 61 . I" lilRl'Vud M ADERIA WINES, Schiedam Schuappa, Wild Cherry brandy, Blackberry ni Lavemier brandies for medicinal purpoaea at July 17. '58. A. W. FISHER. IJIJRE U1.1VK Ull. lor law use, two Hi at 37 aral b2i teal iusl received by A. W. FISHER, July n.'Stf. ... 13 ATCHOULY, JOCKEY CLUB. SPRING . FLOWERS, &e,of lb beat quality ; a. freali aupply just received aod for sale at lh Drugstore of A. W. FIStHER. Sunbury. Jury 17, 1818. 17ishing Tackle. Red Cark,.Gras. G A to aud 1 jueo Line, Out Liues, tie Gra by tha yrd, Snoods, Flies Kirby, Linrick am -Carlisle Hooka, Rods, oV., fsr sal t-t " l1''M- . A' vy: rllBMEg- ribapsib aod Begars 20,000 Imported -A Megars cf variooa branda. Eldorado, Fig. Cavendish and flue cut lobo at : . A. W. FISHER'S. Sunbury, July IT. 188. LJaWiS Wood. Cs Cut add .Mill Sara. 4 J Supwior Wt(ct at ,? FIbliEI'S.' Sunbury, July I7ih, ti 4