Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, August 21, 1858, Image 4

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o c t r 5.
IN TI1K OtlintNAI. Tntsit.
Och !
F.ridiret, niovotirneen, joost open
winder, .r .
And sive mo ft glimpsa ov your beniitilul
luce ; . , I
Mv ancient JjiWn is nil Imrnt lo a .nd. r,
n,J hnptrn nro qiito thick in this mnrlner- ,
in' place. I
Unr,., I', mv pirl, it'? uoji-Un fur n nan! in, 1
To wall;' nil "tho J.iv 'n,.tW the bothir.u'
I..,.., I
Aiul thii'. m Uio nifcl.1, sur iiado a young rt
l"i,.tie up lo n Unci.;', in the tumid)' oulil
I'm '!in' will rnpinre, my jewel of creatures.
Anil tii'vei- :i Invycr mum willingly liowbtl;
llut don't ye let scorn tvriiiMo up yum- twi i t
r.rciifn your poor ILuWy ha:- gt such a
in ,
TV. hnvo received mirNEW GOODS for the
f summer trade, bihI reclfully Invile nil
ilifl world ntnlihe rest of mankind to Call asd
Sm Tn sm.
People, who would cronemio and lave their
dimes will .1,1 well to mil anil sec how very cheap
grinds run be had, nd should they not concltldo
to purchase from us, they will be more ciniver
rnnt a a l,j this actual value of all kinds of Good".
7'1. en- are rt prent many rcanons why people
thoiiid closely vxamirii' our stork, nud while ilia
cleerlv dciiin'ristrati d that tho '-obvious meaning.
nud iinporta" of thin multitude of reasons refers
directly to the HFll TV Of TEXTUKE, nnd
i hcapucss in pi ice of u will at tho aame
strike the mind of the observing
(Hnt a pinto r.fthinr.s combining a great and di-
versified mpply. with low piiees, must bring;
nli oil ii 'cniinmiiiiii'iiMi divi.iiily lobe wished"
in mnUiui! the POOR M.I.N RICH, and the rich
! mini opu!"iit.
A n l iilllioiitth we may ilicrefs, yet permit via
1 in add tint Hi il in? would afford a betler proiiud
! work for a summer evening' cnlcitainment, than
j for the kind mother who is presumed to hive ex-
aniineJ our stock, to Rather hrr little llork nroiind
Tho !),, nil,' U rooti,,', ,Lo toonue, is fla-h- .rr nnd tel. jmn
lialv, the Ribbons nnd Laces from Lyons, the
The moon is no hinder than tiothin nt nil ;
And suc h an cutrnsoiis nud oivilij-h pphtihin'
I nicer did hear, since the days 1 Wei Mii.iil.
Then open tho winder, my queen nv nli'eclinn,
(Jr. what in ni jrond plus" open tho door j
Nor dhrnwmo you're, euro uf escapiti' do
t eel ion
I know yo're uwake, by tho lcnlli iv ye'ie
s-lmoie !
atmcvr glcpavlmcnt.
Culture of the Fear An Englishman's
We find in The Hurtivultiirint, the follow
ing remarks on this. jnt now, much debated
topic, from that distinguished horticulturist
nnd pomo!ce,ist, Thomas Uimmis, nnd we
Ci'tnini'ii'l tin in to tho consideration til all and
especially parties to the coDtrovutsy uow in
dui'ed in,
I was much inleresleil in tho discussion in
T,e llorticuhiui.'t, about pear trees on tho
quince) stock : how ftr ino it is thut bad
cultivator place tho blame on the stock mid
not on tlieir own imtnunugcinent. 1 have
now had moro than twenty years' experience
in tho cultivation of pears on the quince,
and am moro than ever convinced that their
culture ns garden Irons is thu most agroeablo
ami piulitiiljlu of all fruit culture ;)ue regard
tiiould, however, bo puid to the forts select
r il ; for. to a certainty, there are soino kinds i vvii in tho most I'uvorablo soils will not
do well. If I were o young man. I should
ii';he no better e peculation than forming a'e pear tree garden on quince stocks in
your country, to grow the finer kinds ofpears
for market j but it must bo understood, it
should bo strictly a garden, uot n grass
rc-hard, or a field lull of rudo weeds ; for
pear trees on tho quince require good cui
'.uro. If the soil is rich, manurii g may be
(lisjuMis.'d with, bat in ordinary or poor Foils
a s'lil'aco dressing of manure should bo given
annually in October, round each treo in n
circlo fi'jm three to four feet in diameter-
Tho ground should not bo dug, but kept
clean with a horso hoo between tho rows,
nnlwith tho hand hoc round tho trees.
When, tho ground is dug or plowed, the sur
face roots nro destroyed, but if only hoed
they soon form n network near tho surfuco
and feed on manure, and tho trees are bene
fited by the roots boing c.posud to the indu
ce ce of tho S'i'i a:;d uir.
1 should form my pear garden thus ; rows
ten feet apart, I'roui uortli-east to south-west
so that I he sun during the heat of tho day,
febines in tho ppnccs between theni ; trees,
iivo I'eit apart in the rows ; they may stand
this distance in the rows from ten to twelve
years ; nud then, if at all crowded, every al
ternato tree may bo removed, but I am not
euro that I should not let them remain lon
ger, so as to form large hedge?. My trees,
live feet apart in tho rows, have been pl mted
twelve years, anil it will bo five or six year?
before thc-y touch each other ; tin y are prnn
ed onco a year, generally in Aug '1st, and
sometimes Dot till after tho fruit is gathered
in October ; they tnO?t ba pruned once a
year : my trees bear profusely, and I mil not
over nice as to the time of pruning. 1 1 ove
seen n pear hedge in France pruned i nee a
year with common garden fhears, nnd was
surprised to find what a quantity of lunl tho
trees gave. 1 mention tliis to show thut if
pears on tho quince have a good soil and cli
mate, they aro very productive, even under
rough usage ; but pruning in snmu shape,
seems absolutely necessary. Thn soil for n
pear ga den should be a friable, sandy loam,
resting on a wet bottom of clay or still' loam,
if rich, all tho better ; if poor, manure, I
repeat will bo required. In this country,
with oar moist climate, 1 have known pears
on the quince- succeed woll in loam resting
on a dry, stony bottom ; bitf with your hot
summers unle.-s inannred heavily on tho sur
face, tliev woild perhaps sutler from drought.
Tho sorts I should select for my pear garden ; '.
ior prom. i. e, lor m.irnei purposes, wouni ue,
1, l.'i-.iisB limine: 'I, Uuerred' Ainalij; I!,!
Vicar ol Wiiiklield ; 1, (,'curro li ; ii, Iu-
ch 'ssi'd' Angoulrme; i, Kaster lieurre, which
in your clinate must bo valuable ; for in tho !
warm parts of Trance it is uuequaled. Tho,
Vie ir, which in n.oist seasons in this country j
is Mat und iuciU'Tont, only requires a blight
sun to bring nut its qualities ; for last sum
mer, 1."m, which wus remarkably bright and !
w arm, my row of one hundred trees, now ten '
years oi l an I pictures of health and vigor, ;
gave mo such pearg ns had nnver before been j
seen in Coverit tiarden market; thoy were I
largo, clear and beautiful, and almost "best, i
I should also feel inclined to try lieurre Har
dy .n a market peur ; in vigor, thu tree on
tho quuiro equals the Vicar; and it s fruit is nnd excellcut.
The cultivator of pars for market, should
coulinn hiinsvll to as few kinds as possible;
uu I if in tho course of a few yeurs ho iind6
uny one or two that suit the sod and climate
better thaa others, ho should extend their
ulluro us much as possible. 1 hnvo found
Meiinos from France, the prints from Mailthestcr,
ll.e I.ii. ens and I. awns troni CIubrow and Dub
lin. mkI a I'aou 'aml things of ureal beauty and
utility. Itnt to be a Ittrle inure practical, we
will stale for the good of the country, the rising
Bcneiali'iii, and the bill grown, more in detail,
tlin oooda wo retail, ill very lari'O or smaller
slices, at very greatly reduced prices ! nnd though
we mny regret we said it, we'll sell our goods on
six months credit, nt the end of which the people
'flush." will como and pay us with a rush, for
none can feci s uiieonci rued about a debt so
fully earned, bs to he guilty of procrastination,
lot'.ie Iiu7.ar4 ot iheir reputation.
Then lientlemen and l.adiea fair, hearken, if j
you've the time to spare, nnd hear of y Hoods
rich and rTc, received and being opened.
There's brown, and black and blue, Yea Cloths
of almost every hue.
We've got just what yuu need of mixed nnd
striped "iirst rate" Tweed, for those exposed or
named nssick, we've C'assimerrs both strong nnd
thick ! for those who by fashion think to win,
we have the beautiful Trench Doeskin an ar
ticle, we do expect, sir, cai.'t be excelled in point
of I exture.
Silks nnd good Muck Satins, of every variety ol
patterns, for weddings, parties, or the stre.rt, for
gentlemen married, or less discreet, whom we
iil furnish from Hal tn Hoot, with a cheap ami
charming wedding suit.
Hut l.adiiB ! pardon this' dereliction, and do
not deem this all a fiction", for surely we are
bound to aay. we love to turn from grave to cay,
tiom dull old bachelors, thaadful droucs, whom
fashionable etiquette disowns, who, in a word,
nre sluggish w ijjhls, in human hnppiuess, neo
phytes. (I'oiitlcmen. we bid you nil adieu the
Ladies arc wailing for something AKW'j
Ciih meres Di luiucs iSilks
Ve re 'zc I lebeges K olies
(ii oghams I, awns (Sialics
Tisvucs Chintzes l'laids
of every patlern, and latest styles, ro rich that
lhat they cxiite a rtnile soiled for Ladies of
Doi i'. ri rL nu, as well for those who would Ex
cai.k pretty fertile timid becoming for tile mo
ther, and otl'i red cheap to the one or the other.
liihbons enibrai'ins one bundled pieces, bcautilul
llelts suited for ".eices," tiin-liains. solid, pluid
nnd stripes nssurted, nnd 'AipiiMa llo'ics" just
imported. And the undei signed with modest)
reverts, to corded flounced mid : tccl hooped
Skirl nnd well reconciled v:e trust the ladies
faces, will gaze with fond V!ii;ht upon our hand
roinu Laces Inserting, Udging. of Jaconett
and Swiss, affording beauty to those who offer
bliss! three hundred pieces ef good pattern
Prints, an.l very handsome styles of new French
f'hi.ilz, while, mixed, and brown Cotton llote,
much cheaper than some people would suppose.
Spool Cotton, Tapes. Pins, Muttons, and Needles
in profusion : Dobbin, Cord, lionuet Wire, and
blond Illusion. Then come one, come all, you'll
find us cry handy, in showing each lhe'inujus
operandi" of Luivb g and s lliuir rhrap.
ii. v. mucin- & son.
rutdar, June 12, 1H5S.
ri'llf. nnanimona favor which hasiitiriulciltliB iiitrliin
1 lion of WtiF.M.SK A Wll.s.m's Family Sew inn Mn
ttilae. is ult.rirnl rviilencc ol lis rxi'i-ilrnee. It is nt-iil-i.
s now lo ny, llinl tins uiclul iiulrmnrnt is licituniiiK a
il niii'flic ins Hutu at : III" fset ri'vnanirrt uy es mn.".
fill me ill limn .outs of Fnmilica invviiy rnnk in life, lo
tliiise who have Ivlhritn ri-lrioiinl from aviiilini! tliciiii'Wvri
nt iis nilvimtnriis, n ninv ""t nuii to sny, thut i's niu
lty s not n pri'l. inn lo' in- snivel, tut n success iiln-aiiy
ri'iiliizcil. The lifhcm lslinimy is nmslmitly orlereil.eoll.
finniiig ih! verilii-t whu li hns sivin Hub iiutruimnl w
vviiU-unit envinlile n ri'Hiliili"n. , . , . .
Tins Miicliiiic is con vml on n principle t-ntin-.y orici-
nnl, l.i-inij fprcinliy ami o.lnnrn'.lv mlipti-'l lollie ne'SI piT
I.M t w.nk ml evirvklml "f iioilernl ; lunl, haviliu liet-M
il.j.'ci.'d Inn llir.c yean.' test n the ni't si'aii'nii'i!
r!i:inii'li;i nv r :lnliil"s, inni in ni'i' i" " v
liirlurr, vvilliilistiOEOisli. il rori i ss. it is lnln'vnl tlml in
nil Ihn (.rnit liniuls reipiiiale to n t llipl.'ti' nml prai'llcal
Si! vinn MiU'llini', il ennni't ! iipprniu'licil ill ixi'dli-iico
Aiiiniii; the uiulonl.ii'il U'lvimlaio's il p"fcfM's overall
ollii'is. mar l' imnii'il lln- I". iltt v-1 1 ii ;
I. siuiplii'ily i'f f nsTtti-iinu. nti.t c Miseipicnt f:c
it'in 1'r-irti ileoni'.nirnt and m-i'il ! Ti-pnos
J. lis uncx niiph-il nisu ol I'l't'itition.
a lis ni-ii i'l.'s niiiVL'inrnl
I. ' hi! ennt vim ty ol pnrp.isp Ii which it can lie np
plici,. wliii-h enn lie aclnivcil Cy Ii" "llicr im-clinniral
ini-nns. Al., .
5. TIik pri-i'iniii'nt bninty unit ilnni! ;'.ily of tin" wik
"1 rinil your .Maehiin! invaliialile I litivi- ns-il it n ysnr.
nml il lias ni'vr-i ! tmi mil ol ,.,,1,-r. Tin- sn!eli is viny .In', nml can he !ii!:i1 v.i to tine or ' arsi- niati-nnis. Il
works with the nipnliiv "I n il"Z. n pmr of ham's ; saves
luni'h lone. I'!i;nc mill i-xpciise. Hue of y. lir M ii'lnlii'S
is nsi il in mv l';.l!li'r Inni li ; n i' til' r ill tin- li insrho'.l ol
n siliT : nuii ul'ii'i's hy virions ti i'-m's. Tlie i-enii'Mis i I
till :n- nl it'i thut I hive nut rxpri'Sfil." Mri Anna
Corn H H f: i -.
''I In-ri' is lint "lie i'Wnir Mni'i.iin' : ami that is hee
lin nml Wilson's." Imlfe Mi'irs, i. llm American liil-
o'i'lm Scwinc M ifliiii" I'lm-li'is-it "f yen hns In'ell wb 'I-
Iv ,T.'ii"':iMi- "--l!"v Mr Sii'i'u l ii'-iro"il.
.Nolaitii!y can nilnl toil" It.
Ol'l M 'NP in- T1!K Nl'iv rimss.
'Ve pri'fsi t'.i-m for onuiiy tin- 'P: ilnn.i
They me the lav uli-i o r I' mnli. a Tonus,
A re Villr ml a 1 1 ol rt.-.-iO i ti.- Ain-i ii-.tii.
Works ni'T'. u mo a Tl.-ln tin- hi nil t l.'in'nt.
llo thu w -rk of Ira or linniy s.-ivis .P nr Coin,
i'fpilil In ninr S'':nnlr.-s.x. lion'i' J I ll 11 -1
'fn ii uni'limc, for f unily u ' Ailcm an- .V Journal.
Ml lion .nil to Aiikil'Mil .'uius pi'l'-pi-uil' iil.
We cannot nmno'ie unytliiii'; 111 tv pen"' it I A;ine,.'!.l.
Will uive rimri' Ha! isfnt l ion !""'i v-'f.
The Kst ever'iili'l -l"liritinn li.rpuier.
In lookii's lor II"' l est. '' Hn-e Fxuii.ei. r.
Ai' ii'lnpteit f n fiuiliy ne.- -I Bonnie.
Imlisi i ii.siil.le in e'.-i n l.uiiiU' 'I'ln- Pri-ni'lier.
We praise it with eiiilnisi ism ( 'hro' liiti llicencer.
Worthy "I" the Imtlte-a invaul Su'.inUi lieivinler.
A I.eui'V:' -ti n "f Hie mo- Patiinin's Mti' ir.'ni'.
Mi'aot in i'P"i it i' .ii - .Mis. St. i ll. nr' Moutliiv.
I : . nil :i!l on. St loll. I lie nii.-ti :n-a Pile IHuslRilnl.
'I':'' si it "!i i"' I !c iioi.ii i-P .1 Am A i u-iill in iil.
Tie i iit';i'':iin Pit- pit' i'. re l'.K.ri;ii.
i vi s IV li si ol !i.-:i'' li i I Ii n i . i -ttVi r Cure.
I liir IioiitIi"1!! is in i rsttu ii s wtlh il. !' iti r's ii .1.
M r.l.I,!) COVI'.III.V, Proprietor.
Cbr. of Market Street Market Squart,
THIS NfiW AND Kl.r.UANTHOTEl, rrttntly trno by llm Mrssis .UlM;i, in linn isliurK, !., hnv
ina hum h'tisii' lor a li rin of veins hy the niiitersinl, ha
Hikes ll is inrlhoil of calling Ilia Blli'iilion of hit lorinal
pntmns, nuit tin; liiivcllmii I'limmnnity, Ihrralo.
Huvilig a froiil ef on hunurcil nnd forly fi-t on the
pniii'ipiir'rvct ol the city, nnd Fifty-two Feet Front on
Market Hipinrr. il cannot fail lo prove attractive as well
aa oivilme to alrniipcra.
Tim C'linniLeia nrr of tine .sixe, Writ renlibteil, and
liclitt-sl Willi Has a ituintier with connecting d.sira ma
kiue Ihrm very di-airnlile for fiinnlo-a.
The Hulls nre wanned tlironslmlit hy Healers; anil
every nioih'rn impiiivi'lncnl, in fnet, ima hern milled, thut
may cnuiluce to the nitty, eoBiliirt, nnd liuppiursa of tike
Viaiiora mnv, llii'n fire, ret nssnrnl. that the Jonea
House'' has liiiu iiiuile perfect ill nil lie appoiatineniB
Hint i n h (lepnrtm.'lit has hi en pllieed III clmi).e of l.xpe
rirnei d ntnt i'iiiiiiii tent I'eis mis lhat in every pnrliealnr
Ihesvstrin ahnh h is nilopteilln- the Proprietol, willaiT.-nl
to tli'ise w li i may in .kn it their home, na ureal a ihatree
of c niifoit ns may he oblainiil nl unyBimilar eBUIiiislniicnl
,a II. Sil il..
To seenrn lint di-itnlile result, he has furtlishnl the
1'iilihi! nml I'nvalr Private rhnnilieis, lIliilnK
Hiiina. A c.. Willi enlirrlv M'.W Ft; It.NI'ITU K I and also
nrrnuaed wilhin Hie Inilldil u. n fine Ihirliers'S'll, Oy
ler Snl.i'ui. Ilressini; Uooir. Hot nnd fold llaths. As.
Tliet ulinary Hepurtuien and Hilling Itooin will rereive
the espeeial nliention of ll e Proprirlor, which he trusts,
will lie n siillli'ient en irnniei thai all Instes will I snilrd.
in.. ri..,..Hi.T ln Iw.-iri fell ihniika to hie nlil friends
nud patrons, for the cenerons pntronnpe so long extended
io ki.i. nl il... oi'iiv. ill House. nud also to Ins fiieinls
nn.l palroiit lit the l '! 11 1 !..' tf-nise," l.'npe Island, during
Hie season of Is.Vi. he ieieeifnlly snlif lla n coiitinuiince
of it nt the "JllNl; lll)lr."
WI'lI.? COVF.Hl.Y.
January .10, 1F."8 (linos.
1857. FALL & WINTER GOODS ! 1858
V A N C Y I) II Y G 0 0 D S T 0 K E ,
Market Square, Sunbury.
TjJOW received nnd will coi.tinuc to receive
the largest and l est selected Stock of
AFFOnntNfJ anneriot fneiliiiea fru- trnvel to New
York, Fhilndelph a, nndlheNorih nml enn
nectiiuis nt Sermiton with the trains of the llelswnie
llrltnivnmia and Westrin Rnilnmil r'nmpntiv I nlso for
trni'el (south nnd West over the Cnttnwisiio, Wikiumaporl
BiKlKrie Itaihuad and cnnnecting irnina
N. V. Aec.mtao- Philsd'a
Mnll. dull. .11. Mnil
lame Ruiee,
lerwirk, "
llencli f Invert,
lleneh Hiofe,
West Nanticoke,
Arrive til
West I'liialon,
Arrive at
ti A M.
a is
6 M
n 4ii
I :u
7 Sll
B 40
!l in P M
V HI do
a as
3 as
3 SS
4 ICi
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0 80
All Nations or the mine mind I
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3 III! do
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n id
e m
in 30 do 3 is do
ff 30 do
I'he N'.-w York Mad Train connects with Ihe l-.xpress
Ruing Ivifi, on 1) I.. .V W. Itaihisid.
Arrive in New Yoik 7 1.1 I'. M. .
do I'lnkidclphia, l.y fiiiii.h n A Amhoy Rniliead,
sao-r. M. , ,
Fare fioin Itnpcrl to New York S! CO. Bnrjciigi' check
ed lliriuiflh.
The iieeotninodaliiin Tinin Norlli, ponurfts nl Pcrnnton
Willi the F.xiircta Tiaill West, on the 1. 1.. ft W. Rail-
nhwk cloth,
Cdttimtrui, Cussinttl
Vi.fl infix, Vc.
"I'ni lorville,
I .nrkiiwamiS,
West I'iltsl'in,
Amve ut
S on A. M.
S III tin
f- nil tlo
( Mil do
3.i do
All assortment of Diess Cooila. viz: I amy i iiumihii,
llilnloi'k's Cl'k,
Supply lln- I .
I in- "t oar 1.
I ni'Vil'-l in
I'letlv. US' lit'
ll.ivu'n in
A tn moil
Comliine i Vi
';is". 'y rai'i'i
We t;.in.'"t I
Fur f..r'
Snnl urv.
" V.'l .
.ii I tiy
Ml - I-'
I.I lis.
r.-t.ij.v i.-it. r.
1 . s .1 'iiinnl.
printed Ulices.C'.iil'iies, pi into J Lawns, Do Lain
liaresei. Merinos, Cashmeres, Alapacas, Drcsi
Silks, (iiiighiims, &c.
Irish Linen, bleached nml brown Drilling, Sheet
ing, 7'illowcaseing, Ac.
Dress Trinimings iu Great Variety.
Hoots nnd Shoes
II .its ulul Caps,
Hurdwa re.
Cedarware, 1
tiroceiies, j
(jucensware .
SALT and Fit-II, Cheese, Crackers, h-'cuars, '
Tobarco, S'nolV, Ac, an assoisment of other '
tiootls too ti-iho'.is to mi'iitioh. j
I'eelini; itialel'ul for pa-t favor we beg leave to i
n-"-e our old friends nnd the public, that no I
si, i. Til our part shall be wauling to merit a .
cm., nuance of our palroonge.
oiioliy produce in exchange at the '
highest inuihci pi ice.
I'. YV.CIiAY. 1
Suidniry.n.c. 12 1 ,S"7. if
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11 IS F M.
I'J 30 il i
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1 :is
4 to
5 00 do
o to
0 so
7 )
7 HI
7 ft',
f IS
( 4 S
(I 1(1
ll IS
Reai-li lirove,
llC'iell Haven
I. line Knife,
Illooin. Pi 'll do
I A m ceil at
tin, eil, 1 (I) !' f 15 0l'
I Ti e Plnla.!i-I Pia Mail Tiaiii roinf. Smilli. eonncets Willi
; the Mail Tumi n! Itnpcrl. g-ies llnstnt I In P.M. lor
I I'oil rliiilon. I'ollsville Iteiulnic. Ac . erliv-
i nitt nt Philadelphia, nt 8.i IV .M. Alsi Willi Mail Train
1 goini Weal in tl o'cloi k P. M. lor t'unville, .Milton, Mini
! ey, Willtauispoil und I'.liniia.
I P.'isseiiaeis l.v Hie I o'el' ek I. M. Train eoinjr Smith
! can Like lite II i.'cl t k I'M F.xpi. ss train for I'.hnira
' unit tin" Weil, ot 1'i'h-e nt I'.loi'insliiiri: tilut take the I o'
. el i-k A. M . Train goine, l'-itl, nrui ln! lit I'liilailelpcia or
. Ilan nhtit nt 12 noon.
March 13, tsis. Cn Supeilnleiidellt.
ml foi l.ui ;i!v in
l IllV'.'ll'lllM'.il t"
ri re'niireni'ii
-Miol.' il W.ii'.l
m N. Y. .1-an mil.
riliinll I'l.nialiie.
r to aii i ll i is li 'loi n I i ize.
'. .e ill Its piuiM' .N'W "I'm r.
!icr j .ii liritlara app'v to II. 11. Ma.n r,
Fa., nm nt of toe inamit actuicr, who
at the munulactuicrs
pply machines
May I-., 1-
:.J if
Mr. W.
ei. wist i.,;u:
Ilarket Street, St'.ulitiry Fa.
Till, snb-'t ribcr resprcifully informs the cili
7.ens of Siiiilnry, and the public Generally,
that he hai purchased, and will tike possession
ill the above well knoivn stand on too 1st of
April net. formerly kepi by Mrs. Thompson.
That he v.ill put the skpte in complete repair.
in addition he will provide a convfyance to carry
passengers to and troni Ihe ilitlcr.-iit b'ailrnntl ilo
pots, and will leave no i ll'jrts tititriiil to render
his hotel a di -i.-ali'e slop; io ; pi ice for cuests and
travelers. JOHN LI'l-SKll.
February 20, lPoS
"fpHE large double funic house in the 11. trough
of Niirlhuin'.'C! I.iial. brlotiB iti t ihe c-tate ot
C 11. Kay, .h ie. o-i,l. This n a xcrj desirable
resilience,'.iiiiils sitiii.tnl en the Noilh
llr iln li ot ihe S'.isitjf haun a, with a larje sardeii,
t'ar.'iage Stable Ac, belonging to it-
Terms moihitiie. llmiuite of ('. V . Scatcs,
w heie
fV I.AXftAMTI'.lt Cily. late of l'iiila.!. :,!i,.i
he lias liei'ii in s;ii'e..-liil i iaeliee inr ti ml. ulna
( years. r.H'eii ' il Ilia inlui'allou at the Ik-si .Mi-il.eal Collide
i in Ihe I tiittil s-iali-s. ami fiiul tlie expel niu! .rai'liee
' in the diil'-iei't ll'Sp'Iais ! r si v. r 0 1 eru a lui lulu r of
Hi.; AnaKIn al Akili-al Inslllule el .New in t. in,. I lain
I M 'lical s-'iiiieon ,.' tlis lajk'.-d M il' s Nai y, li.-w ll rs
I lliinsi:ll lo lln- p'lhlu- to all"! any prol .-Vi,!, -ual ca'ls.
1 Tliep'iri's nir'la iiii s nliiais on liauil ihriat ii,.in tin;
J Pest Uit' "Miorie ol "lir e aniliy, nml tin. II l-n.ieal liai -;
il'lis ol 111- world Ni pali-lit 1 1 led lei ne preset 1 1 'i 1 1 "I le
Couiiiien.l' ii. Aleilit-iiieu IIH. il only M liiell tt ll! IS t I. leak
il own Hie i- ir tlluii'.n. Inn u ill lenovitlc t lie- Kiateui liotn
all iiiiiini s il hiiB siisLinn-t it- til tiiiiu-ial iiietlit'iut'S. lihro.
I li:r ai d .l:il.'-lll! iliS'.ases liinsl he Irtiilnl upon ntnihlieal
i piineipk's, w Iiii-Ii ii. tn l.'noiv and ns c iliiin whal diwasi
j im Its n dine and i-hiitti -er icpiirt-n know liHlveot llie
J churMu-iil i-"nstilil''lilsi.t ivi ry S 'lld ami llaiilof llie liiimnn
h-slv; Hit- raiinuea !i. h, .i,s u,iil llunta are capal.leof
I timli-ii;oiui;. 'I "know wh.-u meilieiiu n in employ to eaie
disi'iiM-j reipin es ii kuoivli'il-e rf llie eheuui-al i'oll.-liluenla
' o( nil ni""i's I'liiploj eil in m.ili.'ine ; nml H ive niu in pos
I session ol tins kii' vl'-Ve, it nt pos.-,it.le l.teiuc uuy thi.iisc
! li" inaOer nl Ii Hi' loin plaliiliili; mid leave :!jc putii lit
in a li-siltliv ami ( erleetly curi'U 'nilitl u.
, Melaneli;.'!-, Alieriul l"ii. i llial siale i-f n'ii lail ion am
! w cal.iu-BS a Ihe m. ml w tn- !i i. iiim-.s j.i-sons pie ipal.'e i I
; i-nioli: I lie plea.uri-a nr pt! foruia: 2 I lie ihilies i l lite; t'Vs.
l.iui iiisiressiiiir iiosense ana u-il nt .,t.. 1 1 . I Hl.iIUI
ippineis. uii'ii'iniiniuii llie e. niHtiliit o ni . iitul t"irlv
ciiriyln In .m-aiiile t i iiiiliuiely ltuvi's. i-iui ii. st eini'liati
eicly lie em ''il. Kheuinnlisin. in any lorin or C"! ion,
t'lll'onie or iieute, liilileil i-uiulile. ; l ljnlcpsy i.i lallnu;
feu k;n..r ; ii'l eliionm nnil sliilil'Tn canes "I l'ciiiiilt. lit.
Beasts rmlu ally i it ; Salt Kl.t'lliu. i.n.l every itew-l Ip.
li. li ol n!i".-tii!i"iis, IMi-h uu'l Sci.-fiil UB l.'iA.-n.s'S, wliien
have Lnllltii nil previ us sl.iil laa ii'.- t-u'.il t.y my
In atiutl.l, iviu-n liiss- iri IB II .I cxliulikli'd.
I do P ly it!; disi-iift-s (yes, Cniis.ui' can I'C cured.
tt'Taiieii t'tre.t with'.iil toe kmlc.
1 w ill teiuain in my nth'-e mi Wriis-tisvs nnd Siilk
li.ivs, fioin p n'i-1 ek A . .M , t 3 I M , to liei- .lutii stule
palieiltB In.. 11 n disunion. Inni cnnsiilt tu lliu llailuiU inni
(iertnau liui'iuais. Yill make visits In liny ilisi auee ll
lei.llired. May Pe mloi t.-m d tiy lellel, I'lill'.tl S.;lliit e,
l.:iueailcr c lv. I'a.
Jane Z, 15? - Cm
Willi anisjioit, or D. burnt.
Tit" l ! illd.
Man h 27. IMoS.
Y.:-., N i ilium- j
r" II 11 ml s. t ii-i i ii spci ll'iilly untiouin-e I.i thcii I
' und the public in general lhat they
have received at their Sime, in I'ppcr Ainiusta :
township .N"i lliiiinl'i tlaiiil county, l'a., at Kline's I
tarove, their j
f ;ul: ..(ii! SKtitiiioi' i'otxN, :
aiul opened to the public a full ass.iilineut of .
Meich inli.e, A c , oiiisi.-tii'e, in pint ol Cloths,
I. hick an. I I'aiicv ( 'a-siint ics, Clic ks, Kentucky j
Joans, togi-iher wiih a pencial aiiely of .priiiL' !
nml rsuiniitcr f moils, udapli it to all grimes tl
I Kr.Aiir Mil l: Cioiuim; very cheap.
Ladies' Dm ss ( in. ids. Summer Shanla. (iinoliaiiis
' Chalii l'-i lait.s, lliiciils, liiibes A'Ciiil-
I les. Culiciics, liluck fltilks, Ac.
Also, a fresh supply of Drug and MedicincH,
! ( i iiicei ics, A c.
A new supply of Hardware, Queens-ware,
Wordcn ware, ,'vc.
larce nssorln cut of I5COTS anil SlIDKS,
suitable fur Men, oineii and Children.
II i is and t.'w-i. Fun and Salt.
And all k. mils iisiiidly kept in a country store,
t lur tlisplav is unsurpassed. Tho abote named
stock of ipuiils will he sold al prices to suit Ihe
tunes fn CASH or in eMhan;;e forcounlr, pro-
ilil.e ut llie inaikel pure.
i Aiiji .hail be happy to meet our trie. ids an I
I llie piiiinns of our cstul'h..l'iiii lit. and s II litem
i e;o'iU at such piica-s as cannot fail to giie entire
! satistat tillll.
Thankful for pa.-t we hope by strict at
I tcutiou to utciit a cni.tiituaui'C of the nlul,.
I'. .V I. F. Ul.lNlv
r I. '.ih, IH.-.s.
w a s ii in (i ton ii o i: si-:;
; ,. rva-:t:'r, S'riii-it'tr, !
rrI ill prop' ictor rcsec!liioi informs bis l'i ii tub 1
ami the piibln- ti. iiei allv . that lie is ii pairing
nnd reiiovaiiuy the " W .ishiuoioii liou.-e, ' s i as ;
to entertain l oth irnuxicnt and pi rm.incut lisituis
ill n suitable and cuinforiable manner.
'J haiikfnl I. i the :.atrnage exu inlcd to his
father, he resperlliiliy solo iis the cnii'iiiu in. e of
tlicsame. II,- w i!l lake charge el the " ioh
ington House" on ihe lirit day nf Apiil, lit t.
He will have an Omnibus ruiiinuir to the
diU'crt nt liailroad Deiots lor the ai'C'Oiinu'idaliiiii
ol I'ubM'iigi rs, lice ol cl.aive.
v. A. covi:i:t.
Siii.buiy, M irth 20, 1-si-s,
KJiue's tiroie, I'a
r-JIl II subsi iil er will si ll nt private pale a
t FA KM, s. tunic iu 1'oiiit township, Nor
Ihinnl cr'nii.l i i'iinlv, aluiiit il miles fiom the
l..ii'111'h ol No.-lhinu: i-r aii.l, on Ihe Danville
road, nd.p.iuiitu lands of .1. C, llorlon, James
Ni sl it. ('ha-, l'ail.s iitnl the liorlh bram li of ihe
lii'cr S usijut haiina coiil.-iiiiiig 1't to Itiil Acres,
to anil pui chaai i.s. The land is in a cod state
of ciiitivniion, 'I he improvements consi.-t of a
I ii -no frame lUll's''.. well finished ; u spring
House, built over a i.cvcr-liiiliiig Spring close
to the house, a Hank l.aru nnd oilier outbuild
iut;s. An Uichard with yoLU' und chuice fruit
ti i i s.
'J'he uboM- tiuct will be sold on reasonable
terms nud uu indisputable title "in n. Fosses-
himi given on ihe fust day of Apiil next
01 i pitiin at
rt3"MI l'i subsciiber oilers nt private sale, a cer
)g lain lot or piece of land, situate iu Lower
Augusta township, Northumberland county.
about H iiiili-s below Sunbury, hounded mi the
west hy the ilicr Sii.-ipichaiina, on the south by
land ol tit ore,o Seilcr. on llie cast by land ol
Wm. Kioh. and nil the noith by land of Win.
li. Jones, containing li Acres und 1st peri lies,
iiilol which is cleared and in a very hiih slate
j of cultivation. The Northern Ci ntral Hail passes the tract, und is nbo
i bound on Ihe east by the Main Pond lending
; limn Soldiery lo llaiii-bur, which together,
wilh the liivcr upon the west, ami the lerlility
ol the soil makes il a very pleasant and desira
ble il uu' ii.ii.
i A I.SI I; nnolhcr ccr'nin Tract nf Land, situate
in said town-hip. adjoining lands of William
j Kioh, on the south, the In irs nf Hubert and Ar
. Ihnr A iicliinnty ; on the east Win. V. Silier
woi d. nnd n public road on llie north, nnd Win
I I!. lones nn the west, eont iinins Acres 121
pniclics stru t measure, yinoin .uracreani which
uic cleared, and ill a hiti'i state of cultivation
nnd the residue ni ist excellent land for cullivn
lion, but is now covered with excellent timber,
and if purchased soon, Ihe put rhaser ran get a
large quantity of Kailroad Ties on the Rime.
This tract is also Wi II watered, baling several
line spriuo-i upon it, and every field can be wa
lered IlicrVbv. An indisputable tille will be given
and terms of bale reasonable.
Lower Augusta tp., January '-, l.'.T. tf
!JJs r.SFF.CTFI'LI.Y informs Ihe public and
C bis friend "ei.erallv, lhat he has removed
I i Snnl t'.ry, nml has opened a law nflire at his
resilience, in Mark t rqu.ire. His acquaintance
with the F.ncjish and ticrmau tuabtts hiin to
liai.-.ii t biiines in both languages.
A id ID, IS.'.H. ly
W 1 1 1 1 1. 1 S 1 1. K AMI Kl.TAII.
10 o'lvll 1'nmth S.t, ttlmrc ('haunt, I'hil'u.
Tim ntinlvrrftnTy nf llie iiitrtxlnction of ir-llowny't
Ointment ouL'hi ( ti iiibilofl (nicvri. It Itui mvril
riiuntlr-! nuiltiiuiicii frmn diplimirf inent, nnriilvntion
inutilniiiMi. ngiMtv 'I (Ifttth. Httirtin from Ihu mrfncp In
whifli it is npplicil, n hen I inn Uilm fintU lln wiiy tlirmiph
pvety rtmting nnd Inrnincnt nf the Imtlv. t the vetv urre
nn tn ib nf nil rruptiVsF, ntrcrtms, titnmrnun, nnd rmiro
nmn ifiritiiiii'B. It rtiminuitstlu'S Ilia frlwile pfinriplt? thut
frfJs llfin, flml tin? oiitwunl nympinms fHilt, hml. nml
pnnit n wv.y wiili a rnpiclity incrnhble to those who hove
not witiiford it.
fcU()FUL(i: kiuttios ad
Tlr p'-iunn of nrrnfulu linn never Wen itrutrnlixrtl nr
rxnellt'l hy uny ol tli rpmltrn nf the ili-iiuinrnn.iir
1'ln- r 'If nulululp t- thin viruI'Mit miri Hentrtirlivt rlriunit
it llnllnwny'fi Ointment. Minetxhe i Umdie, llie cn-ut
Frciicti ti nil knelifh nurf-foni-, l im tltny nr .1 impute thu
prpiit Oirt. 'I'Ihti is tin I'-inn of nrri'lulit thut nwy imt Lt
enutrolletl nmlrtiietl li v this IuiIkiiimc r-mrtl'.
CANcKiirt andtcmoks.
The knife or ctvmtie mny rcm -ve a rnncrr or turner,
Imt tlif itprflu nf the trrnble rsetcfCfiice remain in the
hlnnil, iukMi In s t-nt repnulMrt'tl in ft worm- firm limn
h'-fure. Ilnllowny'ii Ointment, on the mniitntry, prne
triitL' intii the nienlittnu, ami pervinlei fvrry infrt-ted
vesicle, nnd ki III the (limine hy drftmying the c rtuive
principle tlint gierntcd nnd BUBi;iin it
All rnnhemnndnrditinrv ernntinnn. op well nKrvtipe1nit,
A'-ne, Kinirxv'irni, CiiThunelrK, lcntd llend, lalt lihetlin.
I.epnmv. J'rielily Unit. Ac, uie letii-ivid hy u few Inthk
nppliL-iitioim of the Ointment.
WOt'NflS, Spniin, BrniBe, PrnMs nnd IJnrn nre
inimeilmtely relieved hy lis apptinil i-n. The liilhiininn
tl-n rjniekly HiliuMi-!, lever Mini liK'k.inW lite pieventeil,
nnd under .i pT.HfVfiinj; u 'f the prepnrutinii, the pro
cess nl heiiling is s'ii ai'eniiiphJi.ud.
Doth the Oiittmrnt nml Pills should he used
in tit9 fttllotriiuf caws :
Rnninns I.nnilimio S'ire' l.cus Pvvrlled Hlands
Itiiinn Mercurial S re Hreafta 11 iff .Ininti
Clnippeil Hand.- Druptiuns S"rc Tlends I'lcrrs
CliilhliiiiTS l'ilt'B S re Thr)ritrt Veiierrnl S'rn
rmliih.M Klieiiin-itistil Snp-i nf till Wnundrt nf all
Gout I.H Kliemn kinds kinds
Skin Jiernei Sprnms Pmlili
fT C.rTKN ! Nmie nre cenuine nn!es the wordu
'Ilt.ll.iway, New Vnrk nnd l.nndt'n," nre diBceruiltlc
MB ii wall r-nmrk i every leaf nl llie lymk nf dirt c!mi in
tin Mind cacli put nr hx ; the Ftitne mnv lw plainly seen nv
hi'Muijr the leal t lh li-jht A liniulnninv rewanl will
he piven tn anv nne riMtderiiit; such iufnrinntinit nn tuny
lead lo tin.' detcetii'ii nf nny prty or pnrties cnmilerleltiim
the medicines tr vending the siuue, kimwmg them tn he
S .ld at tl.e Mmiufaet.rlr of rrnfeEiiMr 1T..t.t.nWAV
?0 Maiden l-aite. New Vi.rk. nndv'tt Slrnnd. I.tuid-in, .y
nil rcetal)le ItnifjiiiFtK nud DealetR m Medicine ttimnch'
nut the Ciiited Malt n. nml lln civilized wu Id, ill In J.eB,
nt S.S cel'.L,l, renin, nnd l each.
W Tliereni ii (."iiitiidetaliie saving by tali Ing ihe larger
si 7.i s
N. H Dirertinntt fur the jruidancc nf pnlirnts in every
d.Bnrdi-r nre nifixed to eneh bn.
(tctoher 17, is-i?. lyen
IN SKNlll'IiV.
IMhionaLlc, C'licap aiul I'softi)
nI IK ul'scril.rr, lonrr ratuMislieil n it ('ahiiirt
-- nn.l Uhnir Munufacturrr iti Suahurv, llnnk
ful lur past favors, solirilK n coiitii.uaiue nf tin
puldii. I'ntnuiairc. Hih stork of Cnliinet-Vuitt
Ctiair.t, i r.. omlr.iTB
. I N I' A la.
ill lioiifek(otiuc:. It is uiuiccrMtiry tn crmnic
rutf, a Hiiylliini; tlmt may lie reijuin-il iti liis
lino can lo hail nt motlorntR prices, Climp for
('iiIi, or (.'ouiilry Proiluco JaKcn in exchatim1.
Ksital'li-littM nt
South Jltt.-t fontrr ff Market Square.
CV TIiomc kmm ing l!irmrlvrn itnli'ldril to
the i-u))fcrilpr would obli-u liim hy making pay
Sunli'.irv, April 4, l y.r7. if
' Of the rno.t Faehionftble Style.
SoIrm, DivaiM niui I.oiiiik.b)
Bureaus, Secretaries. Ridebonrrln
.nd kIbo VEiSETIAN BUND ",".? r".
el'ln manufacture.
STAN 7'' '! T A HI, ES A N D
ll,!,"r,',:eryBrllcle i,,lhis linef l'i-
or tl.e public lo l, ar ,nJ Jjd
Borlmcnt of every qunlity ,j ,iri(.e J w,a
which cannot filto rommend itaclrtoercry .nr
who .will examine ,t n ,ccot f . ,,1,
.workmnnaliip ,ul fwM , J
best Btiick to lie h,l in ,h0 rily. Ko '.,
Bpnred m the mnnunu turc of hi. -.i .. .
BiiliBcrihir i. ilctcrinincd lo yfPp ' jh
made. "nI'0V'',,,'"l" wllirh cunBi.ntl, being
'fIIe .1.0 manufacture .11 kind, and qnalitie.
iicluding vnrictic'B nm. r l,orre to ,B ld ir
.Sunbury, .ucli a. M,,,,,,.,, , WltIIl.T
t.l AII.8. if. r, , V,Asn .v,0,., vslnvl, nre
of the latest styles, ami w.-irnmlcl t ,0 rxcell.d
ny ....uu u, tl,,. Cilir. nr elsewhere
J he Bulwribcr is ileteriniued that there ah .U
be no exruae for peri,,,,, ti, pr, ,.,sc furnilure jn
the citii-B, bs every i-unlidrnce r un l,e rutcrtairi, d
about the quahly and llmsl, f llia aru a j
These articles will be di.-pose ,1 ,,f n , ,,,,)
term as they can be purchased . 1.. .re. dun
try p oduec taken in payment fur rmrk
L' iNl ) 1. 1 IT A K I . ( ! 1 1 a v i n T ,,ri,vi,l,d
. handiome Hf.ahsk, he ia now pnpanj fr
l.'iidertakinpr, and atleiiilinj. funerals', i thi vi
cinity, or at any convenient dictunic from thut
. The Ware Himin in in I'n n Slrccl, li
low Weaver Hotel.
He liasaUo purclian.-il tl.e f irniinific-
turiuiraiHI Belling in .Nnrlliiinil'irl'iinl couiilv,
(innlil's patent ""xcclMiir N rins I:, il, t,i, , 10'
will furnish al reasonable rati. Kpring. put m
old bedstead lor three dullur?.
is..i.c m. vii,ki:i:sii.v.
Sunbury, April f, lH.,y. tf.
-1-' titv ol fionds that I brouclit inln town 1,-t
Sprinp.l sui ceedeil in relliin; 'tln-m nil out-except
what I pave away, anil bud to huriy to tl.n
city, fur a new lot, in order that my rii1nu.i i.a
might nut be put In the iiuenviuiii ii'e nf hnvinp
at olher stoua, where they wnul.1 he elincul
killing priei'.. rrolitimj by j-t cx riii iu, . I
have just brouuht on
Twice as Kar.y Good.;,
and I have now the bir.'o i nml I'll I UT..-.T
ASSDU'i'M r.N'r ever i.lV. r.-.l within he.uii jt 3f
tins place. I am ImniiiI ti -i ll
ciiEArrirj. than sven.
l-cfnrr. I need nut s.iy i!ii'i i r mv neigh
bora; fur that is no lunger a ili-i-nti il Int.
1 .in now ready ! ,li , nut g.,,.,1, tivmi-,-
hour out of tiveiitv-fii'ir ."uni'-iva ei-i plul
lit liawer prices ihun any ii .in il.ire a!; Inr.
Junt call lur any lliiii you want. I am tied r
mined to
I jfcs,.-f.. .TT-r- i v
iSi ri'I.Y A 1.1. iJil.ViAMiS
that may he made. or unn msh ,:.
'all anon, as the ru.l, i !n iiieniiun.
Iii T. ( I.Il.M FS I'.
Sinibury, Pen Cfi, isr.i. lv
IlIE Kul'Wril'cr nprctfolly in'ortns ll.e e!
. xrns of Snnliurv nml Hip t iil lif Lrem r.i!
m.iiuil.u tide u a l
TTiUrai, 1 fnr pre ulrt? Fru t-. V-c1': A-'
In m i ftSrUy Fr.h 'l it.-, ll rc'iilti uu V . PoMcr
.-1 l'i..n Atlif-r ('m ver mei'lti t, At'
k nil f Wt hn,t tVti.sui mi9 eiiull tl:-iatfr)CfctIr
wrlrlr..t -fnhny
Ii itrtoriti K thin tiMirV to Ot ro'i'lf, V hrfnlr
).t1fTi?-- iii" ,.r). in Ifil.,U, li,i lilf, K ) Kii-i
kin I
SDOT., Mioos, (lailcrs, Ac. promptly inade
$ to on!or jit (ho very Lest style, uihI of ll.e
bf st material.
riiilaiiflphin. May 0, 1H07.
rn :ti,i mi,. .... i ... .). . ,. t ln,. i, , rn mnv trv
to )! rf. it'p ihi, nrt a l.j fn)- ft-itttn- i t- i ti n kII
w fitilf ftt.'l .rnrl vftl n tin h'i hisrc rinunMl t i
ll i itM'TH ft f'-'t.
ll i sTTi te.l lo liPfji o-tifV pit n- Wfroti'tfi"
in tirrrtioT Try it, ftt.l a, ll In Ttv'tlT" m
! fu t'i i f 0 '.n tt- mnnv iH h 'B-frni.l.- l
I 'lliC:h fl il 'ni Pl iiTi)t-rMta-l T:Bla?. Gum.
j i!:'"f nt tr'.m 0i e(Tetitlrr' orti i.Jmi ty ill.fN.
1: ""r eel y MbVI, t.n.1 nnnot prT'rn ft t r- . ut, m
liit ' ik. t w ma ,a nti riv inhr (tni-
'I nf o'.. ii'ne h inr-- nrnv.-h to 'l uit n fnM-'g..
f. U . F''li.T I tyi l.txtil nh nl it In 1trticrMt tilt1
th ' "nl' i" : 1 Ibj ttiR '' oiiti'i' hi Tm
T-'i iTinri,1! of hnlin'; tm nt o-l t- lt firThrt
T nt tli h hure inatl iliiu Mill
I ttnil'i- V
- tin l.'hitfSt., .
I'or further I'liiti.'iilara iminiro of Ihu t ubseri-
TOW1NG BOAT COIvirANY. bcr, ruii.liug on iho adjoinini; faun.
I'oint towu.-iiip, 'miliar'
rIi;A V1M. I'l.'S and ntliers are respecil'ully
- int'irined lhat Ihe tuliM-ril er l::m e i.i!.ii,hi'ii
thin tbo caso wilh Louise Hutme. (there. U f.nmd :
ii j.v uu in.-1-iisiiin n niui, "ui werey, ' fur thu
old suit ifi scarcely knivoii.) ami uu I ui onco '
platiti.-d two thousand trees; uo net of my
potnological career has given uio umru rlua-i
tore ami profit. !
have not mentioned tl.e preparation of!
the soil, r.,r all your huoks on fru ft culture go i
into that fully ; hut tl.i iu can be no lumn in !
saying that 1 la ivu my Trcbli ground forked to j
twenty-two inches in depth; Bnd 1 tavsr '
turn the surface soil to the boitoui, but keep j
the surface on thu surface. I
Thomas Rivers.
M. o. (;e.kilut,
HAS received new and excellent nsnut
ment of nooils at his C'oiil'ictii nary and
Fruit Store iu .M A l!K UT S TK 1 M'V, Sunburv,
where he iiiaiiufacturea .i d keeps on hand, at
nil times, the iiiot clioiie Confectionary, ir.,
Vh'i!es :!i' and Ketail, at l'hiladeljliia priced.
Aniuiig hitf tock ui t oiiU'ctionarie.1, maybe
! a &TI1.VM I'KKI.'V mri llie rsiisipieliiiiiiia. at ;
j IuiiHiiry. '1'liut a l.ii..', Hale and ciinmi'iiiious j
I hIpu tn dun t will run r. i i!:i 1 1 v and proinptly. ut
i all hours dm i.i,; the day, I " einy loot j
' as well as veli, i lis, Ac., between Hiiuluiry and '
the lamlius on the opporite side uf the rier, both
wayj, or lo and frjun Kuiihtiry. The fle.iiuboat '
will run from Market ritreet Whuif, and will !
carry pasia-ucra to iiud from the l'aeket morning
and evening. 'I'he steam I'trry now atl'.rds hot j
only a tale and convenient transit over llie Sns- ,
juehiuina, but also a pleasant and agreealne ride.
IK A T. ( l.l'.M l .NT, Itoiristor.
Amuiiw 1Ioovi.ii, C.iu:iiii.
Sunburv, May I. I S.'.H.
I,1, person, iuih lited to l i nes Heard, l.ilu
I'lothoiiolary of .NoilliiiinU'rlanileouiilv, tor
Jh hi
la im it i. Traxs im.astino. It, is asserted in
an Laiiglith publication of great merit thut a
.urge plantation or trees has been formed in
that country wilhiu a few years past without
the lo of a single tree ; and this says tUe
writer, has been ufljctud simply by pulling a
small quantity of lime in thn hole before in
troducuig the Ur. Four bushels of lime
.re eiid to be sufficient for an .ere. The
lime should be thoroughly niixcd with tho
loam, iu order that it may bo reached by tho
rootl, with eiiiial facility, in everv direct; -m.
as its principal effect is to push forward ihe
tree during tho precarious stages of its growth
and when tha ne.v fibres, togiuning to start
and ramify from tho tap and Literal j, require
a supply of readily apiaropriable and nutri-
live uiultur thicuehout their whole extent
1 have often used lime generally it.hydraU
in tranplanting f-nit and om.iner.tnl tre.iS,
and always with the best results (,'or. tier-
IllHo' . Jet.
1'reni'li Poernta. lium Dropa, nil kiiuU of aeenl,
liurni-il .Mini'tiila, l."V'tf iiiiipn,
Crii.ui Yitil, Moil llr-'im, red und white,
' Leu..,, Jell) faLi-a,
4 Hone, I'lllll llri'l'il,
" 'j"i!'n. St ek i'linillvB, of ull seeiils
C'.ir.m n SieiuVa. It.K'W funily,
l.i'1'l'.i iif, Atiii'.iiil Iami)',
Ttioiaiina, rriincB,
ll'.l' a, tii,
CintuiilB Uiiw.1, Cilr.inK,
Alini'i.JB, fi n, "in, Nuit of all kinds
of a superior quality, by tho single or dozen. A
superior quality of Sears and Tobacco, ami .
y.riely of Coufcetioimries, fruit, dc, .11 of which
is oiVuied cheap .t w holcsale or retail.
He has alio opened an fee Cream Saleon, .nd
will t all times be ready to serve his cutoiiier
wiih ice ireain.
Ill ls. Ml ISSl.F.l!, respectfully in-
ins the cilii'ii. ot 'i'rcvortoii nnd sur-
roiiiidinu' eouniy, that he has opened a new
slure of Millinery and Fancy liooils, at '1'revnr-
tou iu 'iiiiinkiii street, nearly opposite Kiiouse's i
Tavern, wheie nil kinds of liounets and Fancy '
lio. nl can be had al the lowe.,t terms. !
llresai making also attended to Ih (he hcbt !
manlier and latest style.
April U.'i, IK.'iS. tf
Eacldlo nnd IIurncs3 Mukcr.
v KES T.l l I ,. V informs Ihe
citizens of Sunburv and the pub
If J.--";-I io Kcuerally. lhat he has l..ken
sajaCiS-8-1- the shop occupied by llrighl and
lieck, one door caul ot IS I'.upt's Cabinet Ma
ker .hop where lie is prepared to turn out work
riHIll subscribers, F.xeei'.tors nf the estate o
at. Henry M aser, dee'd., olii r at private sale
the following properl u. : A larpe two t-tory
tin im. dnelling house, together wilh about
.Ml ClillKS I IF I.I1ND.
Situate in Lower Augusta township adjoining
lauds of Uaniel Kaufman and others now in thn
occupancy of John K. Kaufman as a store nml
dwelling. 'I'he house is new and the location a
good one for biLUuess.
in said township on the river about 5 miles be- i
low .S'unliu.y, adjoining lands of .1. T, M'l'herson !
and others, cmLiiiiinir, about 00 acres. The ,
soil is productive and contains limestone ui.d
other minerals.
Also a tract of Land, containing about U.'i
acres on the hill, about two miles below .uubure.
adjoining lands of the heiia uf the late John
Conrad and others. There is, on this tract, a
hmall orchard of choice fruit.
For further particulars apply to llie subscribers.
H. II. MASS Kit,"
V. li. M ASSL'U, F.xecutors.
Hunbury, January 19, lHofi. if
Si-,,!. 15, I-;..
?:-:ilip ::. pu?,ey.
Grocery, Wino and Liquor Store,
A'. -.'. w. II 'ulnut ' Water Slricts,
UDAl.l'.ns and fauiilies will be promptly
supplied at the lowest prices.
October 4, IS.'if.. 11
that he has commenced tin
kinds of
V. A UT 1 1 E S V A 1 : K,
at his manufactory in hurt', bei rv s-'t, t. .
I sipiarc ea.t of the Kiver. Ha has eii.' i.'i .1 liir
services of Mr. Haiip. and you can tlierei'nri
depend on having a good arliile. The piili.i.
nre respectfully invited to call.
All orders fr uu a iILstuin e will be prompil;
attended lo.
V. M.filLNDKI,.
Sunburv, Feb. 2, lsofi. if
.. .s. lattYKi.'w y.'s
Paper. Pi inters' Cai J ami Envelope
iVn. -105 ( 'iimnifrrr i-e, V.i.i.. tfl.ia,
flash htivers will liud it for tlieir intere-t
January 1 (i, l.'.S. fiiiins.
Mr:i'. -fuller.
rEHF BuliBcrihet tias b.-cn appointed As' lit I
1 Messrs (ieddesA!i of Lewis! urn, I
thesaleoftheirStraw, Hnv V (.'orn-Kiul.'.r t'i.
tcr. 'I'll i (.'utter is the best in u-r. I'arn.e
and others are respectfully ri ipuV.i d to call ai
examine lor lliemselv es.
IV 11. M ASsr.l!.
Sunburv Hiceudier 'if, ln.'.7. if
OLD FlaN'S with and without cases, of a
"Jf very superior quality, just received.
Also a fresh supply of Writing Fluid, for aale
by 11. 11. M Ass UK.
Sunburv. IW. 27. IRPfi-
fees, Ac, aie requested lo make immediate pay.
ment, und thus save coot and further trouble, us
ail account reuiaininz unpaid will be placed in
. l.u I lo ..I' u I nsl i..i. lur I .... I no.. I'm v ni.'iils i
can be made ilher to thu subscriber or tJ J. S. ' '" '' '"' ol I'Usiness equal lo any made in this
Heard, at his oll'ice. .eci.on ol me couiury.
Sunbury, Marui 27, 16fi8 tf
Sunbury, June 13, 1S5S. ly
I ) LANK Parchment Paper Deeds and blank
Mortgages, U.mds, Executions, tSummons,
Ac, for saleb li. U. MASSES
Sunbury .April lKf,fl
130RT M ON A I ES, Tooth and Hair'jjTia
all quulilics, and any quanli v, for sale by
July 17. f8.
Icw Unigs, I'ulntN, &c.
EV supply ef Drugs, Taints. Oils,
Fluid, Ac, just received and fur. ale hy
A. W. I ISlit-H,
Sunbury, July 17, 18.)8.
People's One Price Store.
E. Y. liKIGHT & SON,
sfxncjiv. pa.,
HAVE received their large and thoico select
ed stock of
Composed of nn endless variety, ana to which
they respectfully invite the attention of llie pub
lic feeliuir assured that tlieir larjje assortment
slid great vuiiity of all kinds ol floods combined
with Ihe eieiediiifclj low pi ices which I hey are
determined lo sell at, will render entile satisfac
tion. ITT COL'XTItV PRODI CE wanted in ex
change t the very highest market price.
June 5, IKoH.
rilllE Store lioiiui iu Maikel atieol, lorinerly
X occupied by P. W, Cray. Apply lo ihe ex
eculors of H. M assar, decsssed.
April 17 1 ."!.
SILVER WATCHES A few double case
KnRliab Silver Watches, for sale t very low
H. U M Aster. R,
price, by
Buiituiy, Apiil M, 1808.
Orders prompily execm
ted and all kinds of produce taken iu Exchange
fcunhuiy, March 211, IB.IS. ly
rL"t'I E subscribers respectfully iiilorm Ihe cili-
zeiis of Sunbury and vicinity lhat they have
commenced Ihe above business a few doorsebove
the 1'osl Olli -e, Market Square, Sunbury, Fa.
W ork ol all kinds in their line of business will
be done promptly and neatly on ihe most rea
sonable terms. CLEM E.NT A O YSSTEJt.
Ftbiua y 13, 185S.
.TOII. . ISHA Itll,
Ojjice in MacUt it., ujiputite the Court lluuse,
Collections made .nd Professional Dusii.ess
generally attended lo Prompily and Carefully.
rnn.ADEi.rHiA JlrrEHEsci t
Uullitt .V ruirlhorne, Diuld I, Wertz,
Davis A Uirney, F. Tyloi A Co.
Hunbury. June 80, ht.
JM Dar Dome, ior saie vj
Sunbury, July 19, I8i.
IT'OU SI.E 1) an excellent second-hand Cs-.k
- inf Stuve, also sev.ral Cylinder Coal
sioi... rjuquue al Una MUta.
Tin liiktiinory of I'lof. llisith ami Dr. Iliiaeklr having
prevmuBl) been, llie fi'tlowiini ia now niMrtt :
From Pmf. Mel l.l 1SKKY, l'..rni. il I'-ofi-fSnr of Theory
anil Prtu-lii-e of Aleilleilie ill the Female .Meilieal t.'oljee
if Pfiuia) Iviiina , ami Inle I'lufewi'ir of Snidery in Iha
Aaiciieain t'ollegu ol .M'-illeine, A.c. :
I'lliLAUKl.eillA, Nov. aTlli, l'ifl.
Ma. Jn.Frii V.. It 'ira A of
II AlU ll'K will convince Ihe most skeptical, thut ll ikft
SAIK, KLkGANT, Bllil Bll-ICACIOI'S prfjei rul i. ll. 1'nlike
niiiiiy . alters, it haa in Bevenil uiM.-mci-a (irnveil aei vieeiil.le
in lh cure "f aoiut eiilaiieouf erijili.ins on the In-iiil, anil
1 have I... beRilnl . ni ui coinuieiniiiiS it to tliose renuiriiia
s li-h an aiilieiilinii.
very ri-sieeiiuiiy, j. r, a ,vieri,iisKi;v , M l) ,
47.5 ll'iee St., above imh.
IlllVf.lfS Wltl'l'INO lUS, iueln.liiis; HllVKIt'S
WHI l l.Mi Kl.L ll, und IKIVl It slDKI.IHI. KI.NKS,
atill i.uiuiluia then I, ii 1, ctiaruelri, which has alwu a ilis
linui.hrJ Ihein, anil Ihe esteiiBive Jetnaini tarsi crrateat,
has continued unil.leriuitesl until lh iiesenl.
Orders addressed to llie Manufactory, No. 416
KACE street, above Fourth, (old No. 144.)
Philadelphia, will receiveprompt attention, by
JOSEPH E. HOVEK, Manufacturer.
December 85, 1 8ft 7. April 8ft, 't7, cb.
aVuiXef Street, Daui ille, Pa,
flllllS is one of the largest and most coiaino-
1. dious hotels in the interior of Pennslvani.
it has been recruit filled up, in excellent .lie,
with all Ihe modern conveniences.
Ualivillcd, Sept. 22, 1856.
Ojfiet opposite the Court House,
Sunbury, Northumberland County Fa.
Pieuipt attention lo busiuua in adjoining
?. 10 It i- I!nrrel.
M''H E subscriber respectfully informs the eiti
A. zens ol Sunbury and vicinity that he haa just
received a supply of FLOCK, which he is olli lino;
at wholesale or retail from $5 40, $G 37) lo
G f'i per li.irrel. He also sells mine as low as
70 cts. per quarter, all of which be WAIi
HANTS lo be tioud.
CAN DLLS for sale, wholesale or retail.
Thankful for past patronage he hopes to con
tinue to merit Ihe same.
M. C. (i EAR II ART,
Market St., Sunbury, Pa.
February 27, 1858.
Importaut to loal Opera lorn-
'I'll E undersigned Lessees of the "Lancaster
Colliery," near Shamokin, Norlhuinberland
counly, Pennsylvania, wi-hing to retire from the
business, oiler for sale tho Lease and LiUnrr-s
of said Colliery, on aatiafactoiy lernis. 'i'his
Colliery has been in operation since 1H.j4, and
has been sucersslul beyond expectation. The
Coal is a sujierior articles fur all ui-es In wbieh
Anthrscile isapplied, ami a good market has been
established, which cau be much extended. 'J'he
breaker and Fixtures are of Ihe very best char
acter and will recommend themselves to persons
acquainted wilh Ihe business.
'J'he Lease runs to January 1, 1811, and is a
fa vorablo one for the operator.
For fuither information apply at tho Colliery
in pcrsou, or by letter M Slisiiiokin, r. '. "
IhumlKrluiid county, Per.nsj Ivanis.
Tebru.ry B, tf
VNN'OCXCF.S to Ihe citizens of Sunbury slid
vicinty, lhat he has opened su oll'ice in Sun
bury, .bove II. J. Wolvcrton's olliee opposite C.
Wesver's HoUl, wWre he is prepared In at teii
to all kinds of woik tielonninu to Ihe piofessioii.
in the latest and most improved style. All work
w ell done and warranted. '
December 13, lU
S I tll I.I, II. 4-KWH',
t'jllre on Smith Si cok, n. nr .Vn'
1. E WISUI Kli, I' A.
Practices in iheCouuliis of l iiinn, Nurtlu
hcrlnnd and Montour.
All l'noi r.rsiiiss cm rusted
W't rare wiil receive prompt and Ij tlil'ul atn
October 3. 18..7. ly
'"ff'tllE subscriber res ectfully ami.o'nces to
A old friends and llie public, that !' has lal
that old and well known e.-'.a! Ii.-linu-nt, the
White Horse Hotel.
At the corner of Cenlie and Mali intnjo st..,
the linrouijli of Pottsiille. 'J'he house lias
cenlly been very much enlarti d and otlicrw
improved, rendering il quite us cmi.turtahlc
any olher Hotel iu cliuv Ikill counly wl
the stables are large, iu ood cnndition. and
tend by careful, allelilne, piudent hostlers.
To traiellers and others w h.i may stop at
house, he promises everj attention calculatei
render ihein cuiifoilnblu and salistied.
JOS. M. Fl'.CiEK
April S, 18..r.- tf & liiiu k.
Tru.:SAI.i: AMI RKTAIL, at ihe ' I'lolnlf
V ..lelira ami Jewell y Mi.r'' ;sio. ls (l,j .No
Noilh S. eoiiil Mnel; t'.'liicr el Ijilmry, I'loliu!. Ijiliu.
li.'lil Lever Wiiielie.. full J U-J, It, caret euai B. f '
li.ilj l.i-lii., 1H i-Hrel,
hllver l.evar, full jewelled, '
nicer Impair, jewels,
rapeiior iniiolieiB,
li"kl SH'ClUeieB,
pine Silver il l.,
(iolri ll'ili-elels,
Lull', H.'l'l I'.'lleiU.
Silver 'I'm S,i. .'..', B. I,
(iol.1 I'elis, 11 llh I'el.eil -H.S
li.'lil I'liiiier Kliie. :l' 4 el, 1.1 sli ; uti-h li.iKSfa.
I'.'l vis, pilenl Sj. 1. 11 ii- 'ij ; oil, -i unn-!.-. 111 pr s
All siib wiiriiliilt .1 I" le v Imt I I'm 10 1- a il !r.
M AI I I l:lt A HAItl.l
1'" Uu linnil s.i.11.. li-! i nn.l Mlver i.evvrs aiul l.f
nil .vnr 1I11111 llie piii-i b
l'hllii.l.-l.hui, (ivlohcr 1", 1-57 lfV
I'ariiioin I.ouk to Your Inter
XaI3yt33 1 I-,I3VtE 1 1
riIHE sudscriher r spectfully informs Ihe
J"- mers snd ihe public generally, that h
leased Ihe lime kilns of Ira T. Cliincnt in
buiy, and thai lie has tlnays on hand, a
le.dy to supply a goad quality of lime to a!
may wanlfor building or farming purposes.
llebas also a kiln at Keeler's crossing 5
fioin Suu'iury, or two from Snvderlown. .
I if All kinds of Country Produce Ink'
exchange. s'
;eo. w. strt"
Buuhypy, Pec. S, 1937.