Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, August 21, 1858, Image 3

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    T Y virtue of certain writ of Venditioni E
pons and Levari Faciss Issued out of the
Court of Common Pies of Northumberland
count to mo directed, will be ex pined to Pnhl'c
Hale at the Broadwa Houie in the borough of
Milton, on MONDAY, the SOth iy of SEP
TEMBER,, ntit, t 1 1 o'clock A. M., the fol
lowing described property, to wit .'
All that rertain tract or piece of Land, eiiuate
in Turliut township, Northumberland euin'y,
beginning at the Batin of the Pennsylvania Ca
nal ; thence aloua- iid Canal north i tlegrce.
east twenty-eight and seven tenth perchea to the
eeuth line or tho borough or Milton ; menre on
the line of the said borough wet 14 perrhra to
lands now or late of Mjirr and Uaviea, and centre
of street lending to the lot k house t thence in the
centre line of said street, aouih 7 degree, west
twenty-seven and eventenlli perches, thence
east nine and six-tenths pcrchca to the plnce of
beginning, containing two acres and 1" perches,
be the same more or less, whereon i erected one
and a half story frame ehop. fcciisd taken in
execution and to ha sold as the property of M.
Slrinc & Sons.
Also, at the same time and place, all that cer
tain three story brick Tavern Stand House or
building, and tho three story frame building
thereunto attncheil, known a the llrnndway
House, situate on Broadway street in the borough
of Milton, in the county aforesaid, containing in
front on said street feet and in depth
feet, and the lot or piece of ground and curlilego
appurtenant le sjid building, Ac. Seized taken
in execution and to be aa the prapcrte of Milton
Allium, owner or reputed owner, and Joseph I..
Aulcn, contractor.
At the Court House in tho borough of Sun
bury, on Tuesdiy the Slat day of September,
i.eit, the following described properly to wit :
A certain lot of ground, situate in the town of
Miatnokin, in dial township, Norlliiimberland
"iinty, beinir, lot No. 4, in block No. 99 us
marked in the general plan of said town fronting
on Market street, and bounded on the north by
lot No. 3, in same Mock, on the west by an alley,
and on the a.. nth hv lot No. S, containing 'ij fuel
in front nad feet in depth Also, upon l.ol
No. .'). in block 7it in said town, fronting on
tliiid si net, and bounded on the north by lot No.
4. in hhuio block, on the east by nn alley, and
Mouth by lot No. G in same block, containing 85
feet 'n front on third street ami feet in depth.
Xeiicd taken in execution and lo be sol 1 as the
property of Jonathan Iarnsweilh.
Also, a certain tract er piece of laud situate
in Cameron township, Northaniberland county,
adjoining laud of Daniel Dark on the wot, Com
pany laud on the north, ami Michael lX-tk on
i'.c cu-t and south, containiugj acres more or
I.'sh, shout SO acres of which are cleared, where
on are erected a two atorv log home nod a lo;; ;
tiarn oul'.niildiugs, a large orchard, an eiccllent
spring of water, Ac. Seized taken in execution
und to be sold as the property of Dorathy llino. I
Also, at the same time anal place, a cciiuin '
1 1 a: I of laud, situate in I'ami'Mii township, .Nor
thumberland county, bounded by lauds of l'eter
Wiikrl en the north, JmIhi Long on I ha east,
Samuel 1. 01)4 on the so-itli, and Isaac Holla uu
t!ie wcst.cotitaiiiin,' C') acres more or less, about
&.ri acrcsof which are cleared, whereon is erected
a two story loghousc, a frame bonk barn, a apiing
ef water, a large orchard, iVr. r-eired taken in
execution and lo be sold aa the property uf Ciia-i.
At th public house of Peter Hansclmaa. in
ihe borough of Northumberland, on V'ucsd ly the
lrl day of September, uett, Ihe following de
scribed property, to wit : Two certain contiju
oiis IjIs of ground, situate in tlie . borough of
Noithuinlierland, in Northumberland coumy, and
marked in the general plan of said town Nos j
Uo and 13U, bounded on the north tiy I'ukesl., j
on the south by west way, on the cast by Lot
No. 134,011 the west by (ilh street, containing
til) fuel in front and Uiil feci in depth. Alao,
upon two ulher certain Lots of (around, situate
M said borough of Northumberland and marked
o the general plan of said town Nos. 1-i, I'i'i,
.oundt d uorlh by Duke street, soulli by west way
ast by 4lh street, and west by lot No. IS:), con- 1
ailing each CO feet in fruul and "oil feet in j
lepth. Also, upon four cobltgious Lots uf ground ;
iluute in said borough of Northumberland, and
uarked in the general plan of said town Nt-s.
13, 114, 115, llli (forming a square), bounded
orlh by Uuko street, east by 5J street, south by
est-way, and west by a til) feel alley, contain
ig each (i ) feel in front 111J oU feet in depth,
etzed taken in execution mil to be sold as the
ropt rty of Josephine U. .Nourie.
Hicriff's Oiiic, Sunbury,
August 21, I85S. (
lorthumbcrland County Agricultural
The next Agricultural l'-air, will be liuM in
iltoti uu the farm uf lsii.ihiJ Davis, uu I lie
li. 7th und bill uf October. The K.vueutive
jiliiMlU'U baa npptiiuleii the I'ulluwilig Jud
s, and agreed upon tilt' annexed list of pre
I'lius. It will bv observed thai thu preuii
is ro much inoro lilieral than wtre iver
1 I by our socu tv, bich He hupu will bo a
llic:vut induceuielit to get up kuiii petit iou
oiug our fuitucm, invcUac, and uiuLufac-
I' Wilhelm, Chairman, J. 11. Kikbert,
,i John Uoash.J. 11. M'Cnriutck, Charles
out, Chillies Krainin, II. A. UouJio, Cy
1 liiown, und V. V. Illlgert'.
st siuiLiitt over 4 yearn, $ CO
I l' -st no Jo ti 00
-1 H.nie and colt, b OH
I t,.-i lo 0 Ht
it p-itr match l.oi5e, 8 Oil
hin(.lr Imrse, 4 Oil
, boiae will bo allonud a lireinium uuleia
s sound.
Juiiyes. Hart rum (JalUraith, Chairman,
nil Viuis, John llunkltt, W. K. .Mulsh,
u Uulick, Jeremiah .wuicruiau and A11
,v Ai oitituiij;. .
l trolling horb ir tnaro, 8 G'J
best " " 0 00
1 U iuait) niUvSlriaii, lU 00
I.MSt 5 00
bo Hotting match will taU place on Tri
al let) o'clock A. M., and the Female
siriaiiship ufio'cloclt i'. M., of lame
uiges Dr. Junu i V. M'CIeuiy, Oiiuir
. 11. A. Moodie, Dr. V. U.Scuyler, Thi
Frederick, W. L. Scott, JohuU viti!
-y Doiitiel.
bull over 2 r, o 00
erst 5 00
inich cow, C 00
Ki " 4 00
hvit'er, 3 Ht)
lal btei r. 4 00
deg. James Cameron, Ci'iirmun Johu
j, jr, Kobei l M Ktc, Sumuol Deitnuuud,
Armttruui,', iiuiiiuul John, Hubert A.
pair boats,
6 00
2 00
4 00
2 00
4 00
3 00
lj,ea.Pter Fugleman, Chairman, V.
Tlirert. Jkcob Miller, Peter Veuuda,
Wilaorr, vr.vvuu ,.ou,v,
)au)b. ? 00
gea D. C. Watson, CAniimat, Isaac
jell, bauiuel Johuson, Charles Gulick,
Foireater, Johu Voria, Samuel Lurch.
us. White wheat. 00
X.d 2 CO
M " Corn In ari, 1 00
" Oat. 1 00
" " Iiye, 1 00
" " IJnrley, 1 00
" " rotatoea, 1 00
Judge. Jo. M Xeabit. Chairman, John
Clapp, Thus. Pardon. Daniel Follroer, lilida
John, Juioph Vankirk, John Storoer.
Bott pair turkeyi, $t 00
' " jrees. 1 00
" " cheken. 00
Judge!. John tJ Caalow, Chairman, Sam
uel Uiuir, James Tuggntt, J. H. Heller, John
Utt, Johu liresliler, John Al'&Ialinu.
Cent 10 beets, 1 00
" i bus. carrot, 1 00
" I turnit., 1 00
" " onions, 1 00
" J " tomatoes, 1 CO
" j doz. cabbage, 1 00
" 3 watermeluDH, 1 ()0
" pdtnpkiti. 1 CO
" 12 slock ceUry, 1 00
" collection garden vegetahte, a 0')
Jutlgei. AS Chnpin, Chairman, James
Cathcurt, J utnes Oaks, H C Kuckmutt, Levi
Uliizo, W A Covurt, Christ. Lrown.
Dost bug. apples, $2 00
" i " qumces, 1 CO
" t " puars, 1 (JO
" i " U rapes. 1 (jo
" j " pcuchc. 1 00
Judges. J II lirown Chairman, John
loiingiiinn, II It Maer, Jamei Klutcr, Win
te'avidgn, V V Dorickson, John S. Beard.
F.V 11M1NU 1 M I'LFM F.NTrf.
Beit threshing tnachine, CI CO
" need drill, a CO
" reaper, 3 00
" wind mill 2 00
" cum shcllcr, 1 00
" plow, 2 00
" cultivator, 2 00
" roler, 2 00
" corn plow, 1 00
' straw cuitir, 1 oil
" liorao ruke, 1 00
JuilgM. J L Walsou, C7i(i'imnii, Jonas
Wolf, Joniilhan Risfel, Jo. Nicely, Fillip, D V Cuiil, IJenj Troxel.
Best 15 varils wnnlo curpct, $'1
' 15 " rag 1
" qiiilt. 1
" pair bl.ii, keta, 2
" 10 yard (loth, 2
" 10 yards Uahuel, 2
" sell liarnasi',
" Viti-'gy, .
" taliie, o
" BedstC'l J. 2
" l-Iie half J,.Z. c!.alr, 1
" g'lit I'lothev, 2
" nir bro ts,
2 0"
00 !
00 !
00 I
Article of dome-tie? manufacturo must l:t j
iMuwuiui inreu oy 1119 exiinntor, und it requir
ed must produce evidence that the articles
are so manufactured.
.1 iidL'e. J IJ Heed Chairman, A T Bisel.
Pv II McCormiik, Wm. tirant, J P Ilcgue,
W I' For.jth, Levi Balliet.
Best .S His bolter,
" i lbs holier,
' Uaf bread,'
' cured hui,
" 0 lbs soap,
" preserves,
" pound cuke,
" sponge cake,
" ginger breai),
" specimen pickles,.
" half gallon domestic wine,
$2 Of)
Juilires Dr Win M McCleery. Chairman,
Win lleinen, Sumuel .Shannon, Peter Voria
Col James Cameron, D I. Ireland. C Hiddoll
C P Uenrhart, James TagKort. Win Hood,
11 il l'riclr, K Crawford, John M IlulJ.
liest plowing,
Second beet do
TkirJ do do
Best team enraeed in lduwins nuleh
jc co
4 l0
3 00
l lowing nialchto.coine oil ut 1 o'clock, of
J ad,-ci! John Nicely, Chairman, Charles
Morgan, D 1! Montgomery, John .McCormicU
Simon Cameron, (Jtorjo Frederick, George
Thu lidd.-ess will be dilivcrej on Friday at
3 oVlock P. M. '
Thj Judges will report themselves at 10
u.i'loc, A M., of eacli day, ul the Secretary '
oUicu 011 tLu ground.
Juilgtii ufuiiinmU will have roarJ to svtu
uietry, early inatunly, siza Hr.d getierul cpmli
tie cliaivctoiiBtlc ul the breeda which they
.lisped. They will uiaku due ullowance fur J
age, iceuiiig uuu oi tier circuu:stuucer, on the
character and ciuiditioti of lb aiiunuU.
They will uot avvurd pieuiiiitus for Bull.-',
Coa or lleilyis which v,cie I'uttened fur the
butcher; the nbject beiag lu have tupuiior
aiiitna! of this kiud for bleeding.
Judges of fat culllo wiil give particular
uttetjtioi! to aiiiuiale submitted lor eiainii.u
t;un thosu aio tbo Lett catllo having the
grutcijl wsiL't in the smallest auperticci), all
u'.Lcr ihiugs hem,; equal.
lunge will 1:1 u.l cases Withhold premiums I
nheio iko animal is uot worthy, though t!ie;o '
Jo tu coiiipetiiiou. j
L.tthibituri must become, memberi of the I
Society, and have tLcir ailiclea uud utiimab !
I't.leiou 011 the Secretary s buoli:;, i u or Lahore
Wj.iiieEJay t vei.iag, abu Clh of Oclobci I
and u'.l ui tides (except hurtef) tiiuil Lo
brought u ;tliiti thu tuclusuro by U'eilueaduy
ul 4 tt'clock, P. M., so lhal they may bu
suitably urrauged for eiamiuutioi: tni 'I Uurt
dy mornitiif.
.Viiiaiuls and arlicies entered for exhlbitiou,
mutt have cards ultaclied, with the auinbei
as entered at the Secretary's oilice. The
Kxecuuvu Coinuiilteo will not nioiiro any
exhibitor who neglecls lbero leipjireiuentg
lliat hi or her ai laics will be cxuiniuvd by
iho Judges; while it is intended to secure
proper notice to all who havu articles placed
on exhibition, justice Mill tirst bo uicted out
lo lliuto who comply Willi tbo nitti ucuous.
1. JJ. UAV, f,cit,
S. D. Bam.. Src'j.
August 21. 13oij,
CA M K lo the subscriber in Coal township,
Northumberland county, on the 3Ut oil.,
a stray muley cow, red and while, a white face
and had a bell on. The owner is requested lo
COUIe forward nrmierlu r.av liaroa aat.l
1 1 -I-". rj
take her away, otherwucsh will be disposed off
sccuruuig 10 law.
6hntokin, Aug. 14, I8S. 5m
0(Til in Market street, opposite Weaxar'a Hotel
8 V N U U It Y , 1' A . '
Collections attended to in Northumberland and
adjoining; Counliea. Is acquainted with the
gennan language.
Rartnites 1
H. J. WokertonEn , Sunbury, Pa.,
(ieo. F. M iller, Esq , Lewishurf . I'a.
J. H. Zietseiifu. i'hilsdelphia, F.
Uenjamiii Kamerer, '
fcunhury, Au. U, I80H. ly.
1 I'O.MKIEK, for sale at riHEK'sJ Uru,
Htora. I'rir XU cla.
Acw Urugt, ralutu, &c.
NEW supply f Druss, Paint.
Q Fluid. 4c. lust received nd for sal by
Skintiury.July 17, 1859;
"A Casket f Cemi 0 Wjt nd .irisom.".
Of Fsot aiKt Ksocy, Wit sml Humor, Rhinx, Ksnxm
snd Itomanea, Kililed lr S Ooodrleh ( I'stoi Par.
ley.) Oiss V(liim, Isree ottnvo, hnmlsomely l"iind in
red merorco, Willi pill side am) Inek 1 cotilioning 750
pitges, siul iUustrstcil by 'JW besutil'ul Kiigtnvings.
rpllK design of tills tsiok Is ! bring wholu bliinries hit ?
J a single volume to liirnish a mental meal lor eveiy
day ainl every )iour for every taste, humor, g, capnun
book for the rnve ami eny, the old and yoyng ; xvo
liave, therufnre Pieties ami I'nilneopjiy, Hnynie and Hea
son, Wit and Wisdom, I'nel and Fancy, wliieh, put t.v
aether as tliey eeme, proOuee, a e.Tt rrf iiilellrvtaal plum
pu'ldinf, Inntniucli as Die whole is pipprrnl and t;.ior.l
with puns, cniundrnnis, mid rir.'tlsrics, to any U'-lbiiie of
a earmsh of tliroe buiKtredensraviocs.
in tlieie purs are give.i Ilia essncs r.f l!i .ngM snd
Scnlimenl linetlie, Sydney Cnillh, fhim Julius ni, find
many nlliers j clerical anecdote. Ililwrnisn eeeentricitles,
Western exl.'avnitansiis. (;nliere1 Ironi the foiu winds "t
the l're eullinos ol t!,e Hies of Umi ((uixote and lid
bins j of tin- rabies of I'lnvlan and Lafoniaine 1 of the pnlc
poouis ol Jems'ileiii IJeiivend, ft'leimiehiis, (lilai M I'nri.
n,nniJolh,M j of th Life and Siiyinrs of Mrs Pnrtini
teil and the ,J..K Hedott I of l!'o llnnsbv 1'iljieis snd
tlitOrecn Af..'ci!t:ini Gi'lr: 1 t l!ie l.ii'rt fin,, II. mttiti,
Ueraid i:.e h.m-knltCtui.iniins th elepliaiit-dvHlrover,
!estryer,e'id l.ivii.Ktn ll.e gonflcelinvr j of Hievena'
Travels 111 i:;ypt n:n. Palestine, Paul n id Vire'iu.-i, Alex
sudci DuMMi, tho Swiss family llohiam, Mr tiliMm an.)
in :n Puu h 1 Willi ,!. cii itui.s of pne snd p 'ttty, fr ia
ti. mns'.sr-rpinrs of l!.!i day I .ore fell iw, )' nnt, liny
ard Talor. Ur. iiai'e. C 'mm I'crrv.e'c. li fiiriiinliea
!, a lund uf infoimiii'iii .,r the stre-uS tlie Natural
Htal'iry of l'ie, w lix-ii :sa su' ;i c:t of txl.iunHrrt in
leiesl : sinking faeia in Astronomy, Cbrnottrv, ami Nn
tarnl History i reinaikuble lii;iapliles, inteierting Tiaveis
and WoKm-iid lJisicnvcries hi Atl nn . S.'ieiK-e.
Peicr Parley, the clitor ..f the li.sik. Imsa wnrM-wU'e
rera'-Mion. s n umh"r )ii writinKs liavii.g ber .me
faini! ir as h aucieed writs wheirver tho I'nplihh Isn
C'iu is t,y ken. THIS IS IDS LAST YVOHK, snd we
predict for It n p-'pu'siiiy, if i.ot superior, to that
sefjuiiud bv any of his f-'frner puld'eatimis.
'i'sis work will tin sold iselusivrlv t;v sat'srriptien. at
the low price of 3 So. Agents vuntr) iu M pails of li.o
smutrv to obtain s.ilcril,s for il.
S,i;eiineu copies vvt'l be sent by luai', prrprod. to any
address on laceipt of the price. l-:..r 1 nil rsi aU
diess 1)K11HY ,V JAl'liSO.N, Publislors.
Ill' Nau iu Sirnt, New York
Anpnsi Ct
OiinitUic Cliiici'tcan.
Tna Sc-stTiric AMi:nicM p-is a iw rr-u-lifd os f.'Tir.
lernlli Year, and will enter upon New V"!iirnfl en li.n
1 1'h i-f rirpleinhcr. It the. t n!y werklv pnh icntl.'il ot'
tlm i:i.l 11 iv uanrd in this eotintry. and 11' Ins a very rx
tensive circalati-ni in u'.l 1:1s SuileS of tue I'luini. It 11
not, ns s niie in-lit s-jei"tf fr.Mil On l:th a dry, nlis'iusu
woik 1 n'nl si-ic.ce; en the cor.tiari-, it it ik-ala
with l'ie fts-nt tv'l:i en in lii scientific, liue!iruii
cal and in.lublrial wurii. r,s t" ploiuu-and imlrnct ev, ry
cum. If the Mechanic or Artuan vvihen to know the
heat machine in use. er b v to malic ti'.y rul.rtiuicc cni
pl'.yed in h bti-uiei--il ti.e ll'.ni--wita w:-hrs lo pit a
rscip f-T h.aViu a "d col r, .tic If tin- luven'.ot
wislics In k:n.v what is y-iinij e.i iu ihe ny 1 f improve.
menl .1' II, c Mninifiicliucr wn.iu s l' t.ct p p.'.su uu iili
tl.e limes, aud I tnj'y I'.e ti"t fjciiillet iu '.nis Ihihiu-,'S
if the V .11 ef L'Msnre tual .:'uly wi'ie t. keep hoesclf;lt..r vvll'l Ihe pr.-fire lemi, ei I'e: eht'imTil lah'in
lory, er in I he c.u'ra'ti'ii 01 le'ri ipli?. st -o.f ;o;.ii. fnil
I'e's. leapei". I.riw ei m.d ft t: i,iS'";rt 1 ther i'i:M')iulfS
a.i.l npphni.c.'S. I'-'th of t ieasn ! wir n'i ire-c ttcM I
lata can be f.'i'ud in t'.e Cll:llrie AMrn evN.nudn t
ci'-ffiierc They :ire iicrs pri-.- -(ill .1 inn re'eihle and tu form, tn'np'id to Ihe ee;i:prcli"nvi n of uuudi:
uuic.'.iucd 111 i.tu-r Lranciu s A m u nee and m l.
Ti'.liM" : On- (?vy. file Year. S.J ; Ont C ,,v, Sit;
Months. Sjt ; 1'ive fi-jnss. S11 M nlln. SI; Teu C.ipicf,
Sit M u'.lui, f ; Tel C'.; is, 'J'e.'clvi; ,M..'nl!i!l. U ; fif
teen t oi.ii c. Twelve M.niths, g'W ; 'i'wt-lva Opus,
Tweiv .Months, -J-t, lu advance.
Sj-elircil i-..pir ten? err.'.-iit-
ni )( Wpcieru laoin.-, or V
f t i.;tp-.'ii "i S'U'..
jft ,iaii)j-i, tjjteii fmr
W i.f'.U-U c'l-'tiM 1.- ilirr; li ti ti
MI NN Sl l-.H Vuh -ii-Pin-fi, . Y.
t-V "TiF'.rn SJ- sh Co ure f-xui.iivr!v refc tn
pri-puiins t'ltMitp f r, unti wiU ml'.' m
Vciiturti, ivitii-', t,i rrnnl to liic Hvt-:t) ii' liit-ir
AfH'ust H, lZ8-l
FA rTi E US a"t T ! ! !
Tha bc-ot article In the world for raishij
Irt TXINAtTd t-iri'EK I'll DiTIIATfl OF
l.I.M I!, at sf i0 per ton, or Spi els., a lu., by the
Aulj7ed and recor.iuiriiji J for tl.e Wheal
ai d Grain (,'ro;s, by
t'rtfe..r (Jli A.S.'I'. JAf'IvSON, Chcniia of the
L'nilcd Males Patent Olli. c, WashiiiKlou, 1). I'.
Il r,ill repay Ihe outlay T.O to luO percent,
nu J will not burn the seed by coming i:i contact
a Guano I'u.s.
Tb j It I'hiits fr.
O. A. I.f l.N Ai;, I'roprictor,
Wo. SI ciouth FKlJ.NT S,
l'hiiadelphia city, I'a.
Or uf my Agents, t'lrouhout the Country
Analysis can be seen at my Oliice. Cash
Mailed with the order, wtii reccite irouinl uttcn
liou. A libera! discount to etiireLeetsrs v.ho hnv to
sell ai;ain.
l'aiuphleis, can he hsd at my
Xuuel 7, l08. Sat U.A.I,.
11. c. Eioc;ii;i7,
?1 CU'f Utrtet, Xne-lWl:
MiMFtcTi hsr: r r
bl.Uti syki n u 1: .s, i!'ATiiu;
VIAI.S f.'KAUt'A'l'KU MKAsrKi;,
:1:i:m.g utri"n.i:., ktc.
f.! is Wore for ( hcniis's, DriiiUt?, IVifomcr
J koto.:;rni;!.cr, etc. A liberal dia.'oiiut u.adj t.)
ti.e li..Je. toilers frmn I'ouutry Druesifls ami
i'esli.a fuliiilej. I'licc Lists rent 011 i,;ij,!ica-
AiigunT, 1.'8 3.:i
TJ L'KSl'A NT to nn order i f l!:e t 'rpliani' Court
1 Noithuuilcilai.d county will bo ijpoHtd
t.i p-ibiic ea'e ot tl.e house of 11. II. Wcatcr, iu the
town ..I' l iovorton, on tsATL' li DA V tiie 4th day
.f SKI'TKM Ul'lf. next, the f,;!luwiiiff described
teal ibtatc to il : T1.0 cerlain cii'iiiuoiis lota
or pities of ol' ground, situitc in the town cf
Trcvi.rton in said coLnty i.f Nioilhtnnherland,
l.ciug nuiiibeicd in the general plan of said bo-lot-,,U.
-c.-i. U auJ i ill block I J'i; whereon is
erecliuati.o atcry iraiuo liJuae, boumlrj
routh by a slrcet, noitii by an alley, south east
bv Ihe old Urkticu Rail Kud and west by lot of!i lal. on, o.'rupicd by lb 'i'lcvortun
Conij ap.v. I.ato the ci.talc of John Giae.T, dee'd.
Sals to commence at IU o'clock A. ,M. ofsaid day
uLcn the Items v. ill be made knon n by
., , liLUUKN KI.INE,'Admr.
By order of tbo Court )
c. u. mjh.i;l, fit. o. c. S
piunbHry, AuRiiat 7, 1H53. )
A aiti Hunt li. J.ttavs l,,imii(-
HI-- TI1K M'.YV-YUHK l.L'.Mi IM'lli.MAKY M
cui urcii Mi or ihe paai cijthl yiais with ihe alinye i.i'ki,.
lun ni. i.s C'i..,-f I'nyii.uiaii, and a twelve year' couise of ilcnai, n to Hit. Luia .1 i'.-.'ir.njrp L'oiiiuiiiii:...u
and uski.idnd di.eas--s, t.v-,!.,i viiill 11. v u.iriva'.leo ep
pottaiillus and advaiitage .,, palh.ilci.ieal iuseaieh aided
u .l a utile i.ya pciic;', tj iieni ol' .Mi-lieal liiha!.i:iuuh:n
ilialileil p u;,nr a! a decisive, d. net, a id sacceif.f;d
cooc 01 trcaiir.ei.t fur ihe p.-iiiii e and ladical cute i. ull
r',3i l the Tlitiat, J.ilnts and Air-1'assnses. J! In.
Imlati. . 11, llie vapor and curative properties .a meibcunM
arcdili-cdy &ddiescd t the 1, teasel ..riinus and llie mt, 5.
anient, t do 11-it ad.'isi; the usa ol Medical uiiululiou of
any kind, lo Ilia 01 fenclal Ireiitrntut ; and St.
thuusli I'eoiisidcr 11 a useful adjuvant iu ihe pi. .per nam
neniciit of 111 .be fcaiiul and olleii Lnnl i:siki, ni )
tlaeui 11 very necessary dial cell patient slioa.d Imve' tl.e
Leutflt of tx'tli ceurral and l.ical treatment 'llieruccess
of my treatment lu the above dur:cs. and the bi;li rhar
aciel of the luslnalioil ovel w Inca 1 liuve so .ui; hud the
henta lo preiae, aie to 1 well known to m., d any 11 1 -er y
ur e.'iuuimt li-'ui me. At the solicitation of many pi i vale
and rr..frsfcunial friends, thr..ucti life philaiill.iopic aid
the alxive cti.iuty lias been lou und libeirally supKritd,
and aftej due consideration, I have concluded to make
S ell arrangements us will trtlug Ihe benefits of my f xpe
nrucc snd Ireatineiit within the reach of all, and u- t con
fine myself, as heictolore. to ttiois only who entered 1)10
lidiinisry, or who were abls t- visit ma at my office
lli.puiK ihert fore that the urrungriueut will give eutiis
saiiilueliou Ir.tli p. my professional birtlnru and llie pab
lie, t w.-utd rcsiieclfully aiuifaiiiee iiieencluriou, that I can
now be eoiisalied pers ais'.ly or by teller, na all diseases as, sialtlml llie uiedu iurs,lhe same ss astd in llie In
sltlalion, preparril to suit each Individual case, Juhallujr
YapoiS, Medical lunalers, 4 a. Ae , v. ill be lorwardsil by
esoress tt any iarto the t'llltfMl e)talesor Ilia Cauadas.
Tkkms My icrms of treatment uv letlsr areas follows,
viz: S S.r momli for each iwlienl, wlmS iiailude iacli
eois sufficient for one m.ailU's ue , also, Jnli.iliiin Vuikii,
and sii luiialiuf Apianatua. tavaleutas follows : d to
b iid 10 aiirras Aicent on receipt of the It 'a of .Modi,
cute, and tlieUulaucs 0 al the capiialina of the iQonlli, if
Hit palirul ks caied or is entirely auliifistl Wlllulis tieat
eient I'atienta, by (ivinf a full bistory of ihe ir ease, aid
llitir svuipii nut m j,,,, p. irHrt u, w.r i,.iUr
hv s.'is nM cisnmuitiou, Pat i tula availing itirrasclvcs of
J,r,e".'s Usalnitui may rely upou iiainrdiate and pay
aiml reiiei, as lis seldom has lu tieut a case over Ihol.
W&'ZtoZr '"n"'l'- r.u"
K"!" JAiBETT. M.D.
v at 0 wr.diiy. cc. Twisiftli Ut., N. T.
Auusl7, iotnaa1
CKtionery.. A lrK auppl; cl fancy Mot
tapcr and Envelop., Mournina, Latter,
and Cup Par.r, Peiia. I,,k, Hand. Ae at
Svr it, -ts. a. w.-riPHr.k's.
LXiuwiiiiierwTiwssaaiMissawi is isbsmi mmmmrfma
To tha EJcotori of ICorthumbcrlacd
rr.i.inw Citi i We era authorized to
announce THOMAS U. GRANT, uf the llor
ouch of CMinhtiry, aa an Iiidepelideiit caudidiito
for t'lo nltire uf
at Ihe cunning election.
Mr. Grant is loo well known to the tkoi'i r. of
IWthuu.lcrlanil county to need any commenda
tion at our h u;d 1. ?o one qneaiions his qualifi
cation for Iho pott ; his character fur iii..rnhtv,
industry and sobriily ia iireproaeh.ible and Ida
pojitilarity on a niai otul i liii iency an nn ufiieer
lilidoiihted. For thn ar.( six yeara ho has been
the principal cleik in Lim u'ilice, noil hia tin
tiling induilry and pbility, hia amiable rnannera
ond chlifjini; ilinpositimi have elicited tho confi
denen and esteem cf nil doinj biiinea there.
Wo coiii'n'enlJy aubtuit hia r.ame. nud onriieatlv
ask our felluw cilicns 1,1 1! A 1.1. V TO HIS
SUl-l'OKT. Kcr-ecTo-v.
Kui.bury. a'liie It, lfos.
To tliC Votcii cf i."ui thu:l fcriaii(i County.
3A11.M be n m h'-itcd Ly 11 y friends, I
hercty ul!T u jecll aa tho I torle's calidi-
data lor
bliould I bo circled by the nufTr of my fello-.r
rilize na 1 pledge lnyseU to perforin my duties
tviih lite ulnii-sl of my abiliiy and to the bet
I interest ol n.y ceustiluent end the public et
jl-.rso. A. U. lil.AiK.
I Jlliltoti, July 10, ICft0. le
1 .
j f B'IK subscriber oilers himsf If to the electors
I JL of ,orl!iitiibeil;iud County, as an IJejiuii-
! Jclil Ciiuiliilnte f..r Ihe olViee of '
j And promi-es, if e!rted to fnllill the uulics o.'
said faithfully and itnp.irtiillv.
j Jt)s:i'il YAMUK'.C.
Point townihip, July 54, lfl.r,H.
I EUtflMor itti.I icrtiM'.cr, Sic,
1 H't. J. li. MA.-:Si;:i. uf Nuril-ury. respectfully
; oll'era hiuiju II to too eiectorj of .Norlbiini-
: lerUnd e.itililv a candidate for I'L'Gl-STi'.l!
. AM) IlKCOhMiKI! AM) ( l.V.VK OK Till:
, ( I! THANK ('.t)i;UT, i t U,e e'e.lioii,
1 suljcct to iJeinoc-ntic Iliiiiv.
iSlllibil.y, July 13, IS."..- 1,1
To the Voters cf I.' crthiiniLeilf.i.d County.
j J3" yj AVING been solicited by many of my (VI
j Ji !'',w ciii.iis to b.eome a candidate ,Vr li.e
i oin.-e ,.f
I i;G;s-Ti:it & ii;.i'o;u)i:w and cj.i:;s:c
1 Til k oi'.rii a.'vs cm i;t.
j I hereby r 1 . 1 1 , 1 1 11 lliat I present 111;. veil' t.i the
1 I 'ctn.ji m y ui' ihe county for noiiiiri i'.ion al ihe
apprcuchih; .notary clei I. .in. If 1101100:1111! and
' elcclcd 1 m!I in c the hfi-t of iny abilities lo pcr-
finii the iH.tiei if the il"
1 ci'muge c. v,
Sut.bii.v, June ;,!, I '.'s. to
! KaaW eouth i--qr. travel ukk:
No-'lliiM'.! (.V'u'ral llailuav!!
su:.::ia:ii a h r a rr g e ii e ic t .
JPIHIM 4! Al lilt .ItllMlf, , JtLV.'Vili,
i b-j". i.t-c 'I'r.lnH -I the N.-fhcill C.'.ili:'! itin'.'An ,
l.V::i; any WiK ly;;vj tht.Ij , (.T;u,;tii; c.vce, lc'; ;.r t'..i! wi :
lK''.s t:! l I.'.
illlT.'.IOJM) MUJtltl lAI'liLMi Tit A IN.
Ir aa L'.U.'i I W.IV. U M'.)iMt V i Li-JillA
Airira I ttt
1 " IV M
5 .15 7 ID
Hit il I'l
fib: v :,7
ni 11 :u i.i
10 Ul 'l
te 3 - in il
1 1 i7 ;i 17
11 n 11 !i
1 1 1 1 -aj
II 11 II 41
1 '. j 1 1
II .? It i?
11 H I-.' II
12 10 I ! VI
M v.' I.' S7
U SJ !- -i l
1. It :;j
1st "0 -J
I i.J
1 a.vcl i -tau. i;(
Y- ' ,
Jt'l. epuil
I i . - i j;c'.ou",i,
'I'. 1 v l"li .t.uc.',
ki :i u ,
N..H' ;.u.,.cr..,M.',
C'lliilt- jtucplc,
Lew .whur,
M .I, .1 .
Wnt:.....! -v.a,
V iii'-i.i.iwu,
al ii'O'ii.:-)-,
,"i-:er a
Muni iir-vit a,
V 1 i..-cri,
'CIVil fut'Tit
rt in l.i.Aiiu.v. MMWiiiKv a i;.LTi:(iiu:.
Anil a. Leave,
r.iiaiw, c irl .. J
ilnue.p i. p n i p j,-,
.M.'ii'. u:ft,...c, i- ..,, p o(j
.Miuicy. !. ,i p u
!":"'-, I. ;.l n :i
! .1 H..1C. j , i , n
I Li-lc.'a ' Id , 11, 11!
I I m ill., 1.1 in 10 lu
; Ni,..i,;i,n .., l;t 1 i p.i pt
.Vi t .i., lo in ;,l
' n .nr;. In lu ( i
I clo .-.a iita.pie. 1 j 47 1,1 )7
J N-.i li ri il. I'TOid, pi II :
I M .Mil II , II n.i 1 1 os
i Wcl'.ue-l.uo e. 1 1 ji'J I I
! 'I'.cv. it. 11'il, 11 i.i 11 41
! tieonletoKi!, Il .'I i;
1 Mi. h i.'', u'.;, ! lo I J .!
Ilti'.fax, n l;l pj 01
j Ln..,;cp..r, I - y is
'1 a i.. 3 il M
.".vi-.' xi.irr.
f;oiXU NiH'I'll
i r in i:.-.:.Ti:.:'iiu: u r.Ni;i'i; i )'.i.;.,;a
Ainve. I.i :ivc I
'ulvirtflaii-m. n eo , , i
..rr. II ca nil'
i;. '"- 1 10 iv M !
l 1 ! .1 1 's r.:y 1 :d 1
li'l'o .4 " It V ,t
.Mlllcirt..!' d 115 I
Ibi.-h 11111,1 :; ;:: s t.i j
Miltl 'lCi'li y .r,u n I
l,c.trcct.'Wii 11 u.t 0 PI '
Trevorton Jui.iio n J Id u ja j
-l: ii, 11 n-j 3 (
l-f.V.lll'.V, S ."(I 3 i4 !
.Xi-illlulli'.iTl .;,d 4 Ul 4 (. j
OuhuvMNuj I' 4 11 1
LnvisuL.t, -1 4 C I i
4 i j,;
V.,u.i.l .1 4 4'l 1 i
I uii'ut'nvii 1 f3 4
livftir's a t' nj
M'.'lilr: c:y I, P7 fl j
Wf'i's 0 IS A n I
Mil.ey f.-Ji 4vl i
'nl"Utsv.i!e f, j
V'i:in.uii.;.ul A 00 I
Oi'l.XG teift'll.
1' i::..m:im mtst m itY jui.TiMonn.
Ann e. 1 ciee.
I'l inn,
t oluoio. .,,1.
If a A M
4 i.u
I l-J
4 :' J
4 :.)
4 li '
4 li
4 4)
J fi
b :n
h So
f. I ")
5 i-.
fi I!
6 !
t 3.1
a t.i
B b
1 Ml
8 40
8 J7
3 .-. 1
4 U
I .')
4 li'l
4 a
I 11
4 4.H
4 r.3
i Pa
it a
f, 'in
5 ...1
S 41
0 id
0 Ji
U U '4
n ij
II 07
; 13
7 :
1 si .
0 aa
1 la
' Monl -UIav il.c,
I Liit-.'s
.M' .! oul, TJ
I LVbltl'S
' Nolthii'.ihcri'ji.d
j hl'Nill HV,
, ro'hus Iji'o.'e
I Trcvorloii J juclion
l.aoiycl own,
t'isik's Tciiy
C'alverl Slntn n
July Ul, Icjf
VHT KKtTIVEl) Ly tlie sulscritcr. at lii
FI.Dt'K S'l'DKK. Mirilut Miioare, unln;ry,
firsli sujiidy ol Water, liutu r, t-uar, Dinger
and t.n!a I'r.tkeis, for salt: ly llie pound or
barrel, at wholesale llarrisonrii and Plnludclpliia
pries. Tpnte uilnii; lo pllleli .se Mill please
t ive Liin it call beforo uriivrinR eenliere.
C. O. il.WEN.
II sl.o continue lo receive, weekly, supplica
of flour, giving his cgsloine. firth article and
St very leaaunaiile raUa,
buiilioiy, July 31, IM58 if
By th 4uart, gallon and Uariel, lor al br
Bonbsry, July SI, 15H.
AL MOMUd, Jt.M&O.Ms. nii, l.liMOAS.
" &c, Ac., jiist receives! fresb supply and
for tale at tho Confectionary slere of
mtlrury, My t, ISJT.-n
ON mid after Vednedy the Slsth July, the
midersip-iieJ will tun his KTEAM FEItRY
13 OAT, rcsularly, for j-aspengcra, between Hun
bury and rvorthuiuberland, according to the fol
lowing schedule, viz:
I.oavcMarliel street wharf, Suiibury, at 7. CO A.M
Itetnruinii, leave Korthuniherhind at 7.30 '
I.eae unhury fur Pry Valley al 8.3!),
touciiinci at rvorthiiiiihrrland at 8.4 A
ltrlmning, touch at iVerthuinber'd at 11.30 "
Leave unbuiy for N'oilbuini eiland al 'i bt) P.M
Kclurnini', leave Noithumbcrland at 'i.HO " '
Leave bunt ury lr Noillliiiubcrluiid ul fl Oil "
He'iiniiiijj, Icnte Norlln.inberlatiil at 0.1J0 "
Yhen couvonieiit, intcruicdiate trips will be
FA 11 K tn and from Huuhury ansl iNorlhuin
hrrland 10 cents, ur twilve '1'iilicta for One
'i Ills al ratn-r ttient nlil not only provu a treat
convenience to persona thaliro; the two places
on l.o.-irt or poaiine, but ed'ords an agreeable
and 'h sranl rule 011 one of the mosl pint .rescue
j irlio:' ol the bi'nutili.l Suioiiehaiiua.
IliA r.CI.K.MKNT, rroptutor.
Siinbtiry, July 2, Hft.
1 . Ea v v i v ia SI Y I V I .1 .
Iiiysicinufoi' Diseases of tho Luup;.
I'urnifrly V ti'rii fun f i f rit iiouiti .Wtiriiit
Jf'itfilal uh'I lnri:iii!n .1 J.'rtrcat, Vvrra
jinuiiin'i MtiHitr (.' Ihe 1 iuijn
Jhitc t! Ai l. t-j uf (Jl'ji-rvulivn
"L ti:iis to N v 1 1.1 us." and lhhmr of tho
"Meiiii Ai. Si 1 1 .11 n . npk," may be ronauktt! at
Sl'SIII I'. V. -A mliiielrn .isr,' binder,
AOfclWl ,11, I -.
L) l S VI 1 I 1 , I. I.l.ur lletisp," ,Vli;u-.l le).
DLIIOMftttt II,;, Aoii.l II.
llt II.'. V L.'.i A. ;.e;ils t...i;;.lc e. ITo n. 5i;'js. tr.
rraeil.'S. Asti.n.s u.i--. o,ni.ji, i-i li'l .iioiit Si.d Lunar
y .il.duu. lii.V.!aii.-,:.
IJr. ll.ll. mi. 111 'r c'ali' - r puti.ic c -i.U.leiica srs f .auuid
Ci"n '.lie lol' 'Wic nclr :
I Ilia ll '-.ii'li u: .1 co;.i.lcl. .' .il. tfl, ce wi'b ll.e
r.'ll' S o il. ilcm cep ., pii'. ;(,. v ol l.i.o pc ,1
v-'! H. Aci-ll i.
u 'I iii IV' ii im.imm i i'lir ei'e i ,.f ...i.i:;..uii .il dif
(".rue. tio.n every ..ih-r ec , : ,-i .p'.vl ...i ,,. ,.( muLe
ic" l'n c-e we 1 i I.'- I'Ji .; Mil to l.u.1.1 u,l U3 itutlis-
C:il. ' :;'i il:u,L.lo i- du.V. ;tc I j ,.!, .i.-o, u.' ;,.;. ;ig.
.'!. !l!.i 11.1 .liclti, ...I . Tl. i.e.; ! .jpiii.l pri-. te
Ml..'i.'.-11-iy mil i t'il i,..Mi .vji pre-iif.. i i.,r lei tf-tl
nc '. i :' l !. i i.f'-, .in cx:ii.i'ii:..i. n of thsilc id
ho:'; i. ,!. :.:.d ihe r.,v,. v s . 1 I be a.?e.-ti! car.'iai.y
ii. I.-.I ilovvi t Lis - i. hinu! f r inlnie ivf, rciuo Tliase
:ol.', ion' lUi'rvn.i i.s tl ,.4 l.ia e Win II Co.u, letcd. wnl
l. r'.l (',." V'o'.lu. s l bv.' I:.....l,cii pi..-a eu'Jtl, which
will he p i'.;!-; ! n-1'. ! . n. li: .'. tli M.ilual prolVasmn.
4. In a :;li.:ii t" !i!', i n vi.-' ei,.?. ( :i. e, nci-ntrcd by
Irnve ink neii!,. f .c ..'.is. lr,.'il;.ii; amiii.ilV,
b ite uft n I . ,M, i -o mini,;, - ,.,-' id's-rvati al ai J r'.c
r'. H ,." ul! .tn..'.i.-.ti' !.. hie I. mi. mi l:ni ill . in lln,
f rio.l ..! lin.c he h-ia ...r.-ccl a ililnncr ncolj' tipu.l to
I 'voen' f.-riicuiu ol I ! al.-t-i , i. : l hai Sc 'i,, prcrcrihe.l
lor t-icl !.,'.n c ii. 1 ; r-a lv Jo tii-'i.san.l
A!.'. PT-'I'.Ai-l'S TniaTK!) '
I'l 'i-'l'' "11 l" fir II-'.: 'l.'i.l .(:.;.f..1 r.iiitT W l:-i: C
p'.l. :i' I Wipl 1. .',!:: Alb cti..... or ix.i.lii.,' S; 1 - ,
I.C'ilcl c .0':'l.'li '.; i-u.". ! li . I fu :ll pi ;n;. til .,'.
I'r. lap-;'!, e d nil p rnisoi' re.nale e ui.piuli, 1 :
i,;. v ml,ioii,
IV.i il-in . i ii i.i .;ii'T f riii of lie. i Ii vii." I.ivfr
I" "U.i iuii.l, L i'ep' ';i. und i '.he; I'ihcucs ol S.o...aca
a:-.' !1 ..'. ;,. i'in.
l? A;'.It-i-.'o.i.. l'.e an IK r; Nt'-lalfia, Lpi
ic, s . ii.. :.;i Lire's ol cl voi it IPsc.c.
IV -No cuirpa el' C. ;.j-:oic;i
b o. liAitw.iA.v, ;ii n.
J.ikc tsje
TJl"T leceiev,: by A. . hia
v I).-i.s; !-'lcie, .Jin. bury, I'a.,
f.nol's. r-IHiYl'l FORKS, LOG
CHAIN .s. Mil. I. s..iYS, CKO.SM
t'l'V cAW.'j,
A !.-;. .s'erewa, Huti. Door Kiiols, Thumb
Latches, ami all lmnKvaie necessary forbuildiiii.'.
.4 splendid lol of pocket and table cutlery, ciii
sors, Gennan .Silver p'.))n.
I.-j(iI;lti (;iasr.
A lar;e s'.oik f Looking Glasses, received and
r sale by A. V. FI.-ilLl:.
Xui.lur,-, July 17, ISiS.
rCM'i; uudcrsiiicd havir.o; icctited a lar'o and
Jk we)! selected slock of
E'ut o e)i tsc;K lint) C liciiiicnie,
llyistur;,., Dili, I'uiuts, Glass and I'litiy, ia now
uaily lo fiii oruciHut a innineuls notice.
In cotiucctioii with the aluve ymi will find an
a...rtm. nl of Faiicv Nutioiis, Toilet .Irticlcs on. I
lYihimcty of all kinds, Too:!i, Hair, Nails und
i'i.ilheH Uru.'.he ol'eiery vaiiei.
I'tistuiiiers will l'u,d his stuck complete-com-pri:n,r
many articles it ia i.upussibie hero to
Li:.ii:.MHEI the place, ucitdoorto the Fco
pie',. ( liie l'i ice Sim e.
I'hysicians' I'rrciiptions con.poutijej accurate
Iv and carefully.
a. w. nsnti:.
s-iiiil.:-.iV, Julv IT, 1S5.4
1110 Jinois drawn MuiiLlul'.eJ fr the
Special Couit, 2d week of Aueust neM.
need not attend as theio wii! not be ny C'ouit
be id at thai tii.'.c.
SherltTb oliice, Suul.urv. I
July -'Ilh, Its.'iS. " I
r"EHi: sulvcribrr respectfully infirnu Ihe ciii
zens of Sunburv and vicinily, that he will
remain in this place tor tl.e purpose of smug
leiiaons on ihe I'lAN'O, to sucli a many dei;c
iiibliiiciicu. His teiins will bo reasonable. Uu
may tc found at the Wa.-h'ii-toll House lu this
place. . i
CHA1I.r:-5 DAKINu.
f lii.' ur, Jl.!v li,
tJ!V5 "ooj. Cr.,i .'ul uud Mill fat.s.
.Superior urlicle at 11.11 Lii'S.
bun'iurv, July lilh, lfjod.
S. I! 1'ieiniiiin I'ateiit J-'nauiel Fu.niturc '
l'o!i.-.ii. Thii poiirh is highly valuable lor rcrlo i
line the pi.lish on nl! kin la of Furniture, Glus, '
l.'ariiaf;e Jioiiics, II. ir L'lolb, Ac. Alt ', for re
i.ioMi.c. p:ita, hiii!ii(T se,-atrl,ec, &c, Ac. Wnr- j
rained 13 dry i;ni!;,lcly and retain ils e,'os. 1
I riie CO cla. jcr Lottie, s-olit by
A. V. J'lSMEK.
July )'., lHw.
Citrate of Magnesia !
on I
THIS prcparaijoa is recommended as an ex- i
celicnl Uiali.o and tiorative. !i tperates
mild!;,', is entirely free from any unphanaiil taste j
reoeluUliiij Ici.ionadc ill flavor, prepar. .1 and sold .
a. w. risiiLK. j
tii.lil.iiry, July 17, 1S0S.
t I.I, persons listing claims on Michael Cra- !
liai.i, eun-contractor on tScclion 51, Jiortli. !
rrn I cnlinl Hail lload, for materia' a (Lrni.licd
or lalnir vtliicli they may consider mo in any
nay holding for, will jdrase ncenl ihem lo l!r.
V, 11. M ur who has hound himself in an in
struincnt of wriliiij' with me to draw said tint
ham's estimates and l.e.'p me haruikss ajniusl
sll claimed saiiist said Cirubaui.
Sunbury, July 3,
llj'ishiUg TOCkle. lied Cork, (irass. Cot--
ton and l.ineu Lines, (Jut Lines, fee a (irass
by the yard, fciioode, Klies, Kirby, Limerick and
Carlisle Hooks, Hods, &c, fur sale by
JuV PM. A. V. FhiHEW.
'pobaOCO and Scgri.ra. J0.O0O Imuortcd
-- begar of various brands. L'ldorado, Fig,
Casenduli sud Cue cut tobacco at
Bunbury, July 17, 18.,
IIUUWN'd and llreinie:' Essence of Caingei
and llusbaud's Msancsia t .
JolylT.Tsa. FlHflKn'H.
iinrviiiNG'a svrn.
i. , A U A I fi.T U B
rMSifr-'i oiiampion 1 1
li 'jf '''' ihif Sl The ony Sale which, in every
U' iv'ljt'-L Instance, preserved their en
dclTATloTf '3 tire ooLtriila iu iho lato eic
tf&itiWlteA tensive Ore.
f.:- tSJ ! !; 4 At the burning of Iho Aril
S0.i;.. I.J n lluildimis, April It ih,
w-;.SnFr -etir'.janu in too tiuc.v i it nr. i
U.-Llitr AUrltcl sireet, May I.!, IK&n,
the genuine
UKRniNa 8Aii:
Preserved the Jewelry of Geo. W. bitliono ol
Hro. ; Hooks, Papers, A , of Fisher .v. Uro .nnd
Kdwnrd Scatnain A Co., alltr leinaiuiiiK er
piised iu the biirnine; ruins fur nearly FUKTV
ItllL')!., and pnivini; concluiielv whit we
have nlwnvs cl aimed lorthcin, Til KlliGKlJAT
SUPKHIOl'ITV over all oeeurities now known.
In these fires. THE , H LKKING'd SAFH.
standing aide ly side with those aflvcilised as
"ivarranled lo slaud III prr cent, more lire than
llerrinn'e," ciimo forth the ACK NuWl.K.DGEl)
VICTliR, not oniv prc-rviiij their cotitenta in
L.VULM-KNT older, hut bcini? in iheiiif.lvis
in a coinhtiuii t.i go throni aimilser oideal,
while the boasld ' Walanimdrra" of other ma
ker were badiy used up in very inM.inee, and
in sjiiio cases their entire content completely
deal roved.
To iho public hn won!.! simply , ihnt. tlu
riliif. ibe fonrlien years the II F.itiilMV."! SAKK
has been bef.uo ihem. nnre than two hundred
have through accidental lires without liie
occnrieiicc of n Kindle j.-.
V.e would, therefore, CAL"i'l)N' piinhars
against tho misre prtsciitalioli of intcicsted pr.r
turn. The HEKIilNG'rt PATENT ia the only
FIRE rilOOF SAFE made in lhi city, whiih
is protected by n PATENT EIGHT, rnd we
will guarantee it to rrti-it more tlicn double the
amount uf heat of any other Safe now Liiuwu.
Tarrc!, litrrhiT, & Co.,
Sola Manufacturer !n this ota'e of
"Heiriaj's Patent Champion Safts."
31 M n'-.tif J l.ilihUi.
Vlf "Evat: A Welenii'a Improved Sslatnan-di-rs."
"Oliver Evans'." -G. S. Gaylcr's," und
Scolt'e Absctos," Iron, (a large assort
Incut having been taken iu part payment for
"Herrii'.;V,") viil be sold at low prices.
Philadelphia, July IU, ly.'iS ly
ii'fui sCLK'vriisi'iR sioiu;.
D. kiiiki'AThick i so:;s,
.No. ol you'.lt Third tie-:. betii-.-n Market und C'llCiulit
Ktrcets, rUILAUKLI'lll A,
I 'O't sr Ssani-I, lii.lfs, Dried ami suited; tvnnd
' (rrecii fsit.-d Paii n Kipps. T.l.NMilW I'll., T.W
M'.lls' A.N'U I'l'iiKII'.ltS' TI'l.'LS, rnd peiKTid bsauil
liiti.t of Li-alhtr, riniii,-d and iu t i it- Kt.u.i.
Allnfvvbicli will bo sold low lor L'asli, or tbo ns iul
t'r-.l '..
l!f All r.inds of t.entiier in the Unnch wanted, fir
which the hicheit ii'iiik-t prico lie bivcit, in cash, or
Ink.M in exciinie'e ,.r Hun's
Li'-'! her Slori . fie of rii ifj;e. t 'id 6uU en Comnuasio.i.
rioL.leipl,:.!. Julv ;t, 15- ly
lis. MAEIA WIIALTOX i.-pccifully in--'-
fori. i her fiiends ti.d the public gcncrul;,,
that rhc will u-comliiodate thcut w'o.a icktui :,
at her residence, on cvciy evi niiig (Sundays e-
CCplCll) iiuiitii; llio
frimbury. "u'y I
.nseiit tiinni'cr.
Opposite the lVnnVylvaiiia Kail Kuad Depot
KEP a lare block of the f.iliowiiiz named
articles, und will sell c lie. -per than any
othir bouse this tide of l'hiiadelphia. C'ul! and
bee price if
Tub.. ceo,
I. aid oil,
ris-'i c.;i,
S. il. Mola-s,
Also, C'emciit.
Calcined Piaster
60a p,
, Svrups
Candles Ac.
Ni. (). M olaates.
fetv Fuso,
Crow liars.
July .1
I:un and Nads, for sale at very small
' fi.";8.-
ttavuen at t'aw,
rrcliif 8 in rsorll.uiijLif rlauJ biiJ ajoi:im
bunbuiy, Nte:;ilcr 21, 3?7. tf
new -YoatH: CITY,
Wcv. rc'i-iirly rciiUtii,
The Hoou.inu! u !y rariH'tit1,
1 11c 1 unnturt aim lJt aro Miperl,
nd tli Uatl.s me iihirurpaiffrtl.
ahr ci'NN n.i .vii 11 i nr. iiptvi..
Ih re in r-iKfiitin'enl u!l u.a c-'tulurti ui a limv, will
tiai) imiurit- el' fl pa uce
C':r.n):iiu!ii mul unesj. nl!cJ
v:r. w tv VKft'vif
ilhe nn n; cent rr.l T u . o. thef tt cUt's ll tr In fr liut
Ui f.. . or ji!mcc oi' aimifcciijfiit, ut.d t'tfrit uimm aR-ti ml
v:nita t ti tuiiitiifit aitit fi.tiniifii vintmp Nt v rk.
Ai vrhi, rrt'iir.ttor.
.New V.nk, Ju.y 8, KSJ ly t-..
Vo. 11C1 i'ouih Stomti Stutt, '5 livo'i abw.i
HAVE now on nand t!ic largest assoitmrnl of
i ie cAni:i ri Rui r.i:
Than they have ever had at any previous tiinr,
und they invito the public to call and examine
llicir stock ttf-toie puichasug, as they Irel confi
dent that their price will lv a soilicient induee
nicnt lor all who want good furniture to buy al
il.cir rslo'.nisliinent.
A In (ro assortment of Pratt's Rack and Pinion
billing Hvlriision Table alway pn Imml, Spi'in
and hair Malliesscs f'.riiirlii'tl at lowest prices.
Furnitu's carelu'ly packed and on reasonable
J-hiladclpMa, July SI, IS5S ly
' AM)
(Juydfr County Korrual School.
'111. t'illli session tl Ibis Inslitulion cniniiicrt-a-
red on the '.Till uf Jl l.Y, und Continues
S weeks, Encouiaced I y past succers, increased
eli'orts r- i'.l be intole lo n..i!..'e stoileuu In acquire
a sound iiH-iilal, inorul and tiysivul education.
Tha Academic Department en. bract s 'i the
brunches coiicliliiting a l!i.irot.c;li l.'n,;!:, h, l.'ius.
sical. Malheuialica.1 and Seientilli: Lducatio'i,
lonelher with Music, L'rawiiii;, Paitilin ait!
I'll lull.
has In cn rstah'iihcd and heretofore v eil attended
in which Tcacheis, and thoro wishing to become
such, can prepare themselves for the rotessioii.
TauMs Hsi.r is Atrmrt.
For Hoard, T'jiiion, ltoom, tie., per
session of iv eel. s. '2 to $n0
Tuiiioii alone, per quarter uf It wks. to li!
Mu-ic, L'rawing, i'sintintj nj I'rencli ul its .!
cliaigis. '
Htudeiils can enter t sny tint.
For catalogues, ic, address
lilil). P. McFAUl.AND, Triiicipal.
July 31, IN,').
t'ntltsclito V.'liu'airistau's) i:(a(c.
NOTICE ia .ereby given that Hters of ad-
n'liiistrjiion have been granted, lo tue sub
scriber ur. the estate of Catharine Zimmerman.
lute of Lower August township, ISorlhuniber.
lenal county, i!rcecj'- All persons indebted are
requested to piake immediate payment, and l&osa
having elBims will piesent them for eltleineut.
Lower Augusta lp., July 17, 18S8. fit
t)KTnd MADEKIA VI.fca.
Hell led a iu
H ....
eichnano. Wild Cherry brandy, Ulackberry
tn. I Laven.lerlirandiesifor medicinal rurpose al
July 17. M. . A. V .Ff-UER.
nxviEiin imvsn.
ifonsisrlp Khan's Hotel.)
I. CJ.IIDTn.f, I's oit It tur.
fplttP ) one of the largest ami best litrnisheil Ih'tels on
I thp West Blanch. 14 Is loi ilpil 111 I huairess pmt
(r Ihe town, (Hiding Irv.xily lloirl In Matkel rMp.srn )
Ilia implicit is (UHi'miuipiT, to i vy is, ni.,,1,
tu ikn Ins house one ot the Is-rt iu tlinle j sml lit Hats
tare iuthircmeuls Pt f lans srk spci d a 0ioft liuisui
one of Ihs m.-t ptenasnl tuwna In evllllal fvunstlvsiila.
l.hnriria very nhMlerale.
l-ewisbmu, June ID, lr.i)
"lOODS Shijr,l from the V aidiollre of
FKEE1). WARD A Fl!EE!, Na. l
Market aireet, sbote Hits t., Philailelphia, to n't
Intermediate points oloiip- the) milront, to . un
bury suit ftiirlhuiiibcrland in j artieulsr. without
transhipment and al Ihe lowest lima of I'reiiiht.
All e.nleia thu.kfully reieived aiul pron.ptlv t., and tioejs carefully d.'hycicd in all
Mcichauta and others , ,
JunoSfl, I80S a,nj Transputer.
Aui'ioiilturul V,'nrn hoiuo unci Souct
Vim. 21 naif 2:1 .SoufA tifA ttrrtt, l,rii. sci .lnr.
kit rm,f Chisnul tirii.U, t'hilatb-lyhia.
8 always open to llie of every mm
intirCfleJ in Farniin-f or Gardening, 'j 1P
sii'iseribers tin rel'ore invite tho public tern lalle
lo call and examine the larrr? nnu. wi il eclecteij
stock of Arh tiUuinl Iiiipieincnls and .i hi Ihikt , .
i,rcii' vjiielv of llorlicult.ral Inula. Warranted
GiircYn nr.d l'oer Seeds Gia-.s and Ficbl
Seeds of (hi) i;iot !c (Quality, which lin y
olTrr fr s!o t tl.e Jotsiat c... h j.riieri, whub salo
O- IPl-lil,
'i he r.riculitiral iinplrnieul sold by us ate
mostly iu..i.i:ff clured at our idiiniu works,
I'.istol. P3.
Having lilted up this establishment without
regard to expense, with the local (oniplfle ma
chmriy I'.r the ui.iiiulactiire of various kinds of
aricnlura iiiigtlcmeiiU, tve are prepared lo sup
ply all arlicles 111 this line of the very best qualitv.
Lan.lretii's Warranted (iar.len 01 eds hatti
I celt before the public for u;i aii!s of sixty years ;
their wide-sprcaJ popularity and the increaaimt
iicniaiij from jcar lo ear ure the best evidences
of their superiority over ull others',
t-i?" Country merchants can he supplied wisli
sce.ii in par-era, or in bull:, oa the niObl lihcfsl
Elooinsdale, near Drislol, Tn.. our gnrdrn set il
Bruund-j, contains three but dr,'d and seventy
acro-i, and is the lariiest e aiabiis'ime ut of us i.juJ
in the world- I). LAN HKETH &, .
-Nos. VI and 23 South Sixth St.. Miiiudpljihis..
l.andietii's Em ul Ergiater ut.d Alniniiio: lb'
1HSS. contiiiniiij; a monthly Calender for tho
Farm, Gardei und Greenhouiu, tu 111: uau
uii iTis upon personal or prepaid u plication.
Philadelphia, .May .'id, IH5S.
KiJti tt'i'i'iiLii ay
ripil '-I oidcrt Electro Plater in the I 'niiud States,
iiriiiiifacturcs of every vsiictv of (ioods
pi.ilcd with pure silver, Albat.i, liiittaiiij. and
I Steele
I Tea Sells, L'ini., Waiter. Caste,-, Cal.e l'a
1 kcls, Pitch-re, Goblc-tH, Cotiimiiiiioii Service,
j l'0 ' 1'orl.s, Knifcj, &.e. All go. i..., rarrani-
eu as represented.
Norlh Easl 9lh
y.iy S, tKSl Ir
and C'hesiiut street.
Philii lelphia, Penua.
riiii,ADS2-riirjs. awo hi; aeing
IV riMU Ai- JIII)A1 , liily,1. I ,,,t wn
uiiunr I'i.-cn'.'.'r trmu wi e.,v R n-e.n. n,n
A . M., tvi..-ii,' l(e.i.lin iou-,i 1 1 ...i
I Piiil.u.eii.hia at p o,), no. in.
'I'm; dona A!i.Tn.''.n Tiain will lenve r..llf ill., st 3 !
IV AL. p;n.rinjr lleuuini; ut a.iai, und uinvina ill I'hliuaa.
phta at 7.40, I'. M.
A.iriiui! and Ai'lcru in Piissci.ccr Trnii.s nnve 1 bus
delp.ns at sain hoai n heretofore. 3d A. II. imH d Ju
! ' 1 passing Uruilingat lo.Pj A. M. and uo; V
i rssrenet-r Train leaves ftendii p M llllsSA 1 . (afltH
; arrival 1. 1 Doivn an I L'p .M'.iu.i. ras.'i.ei r- T 0- ' r m
i l'oltsi il e and I'hilai'elplnu.) and luili sj ul Man isl ur at
. IV-.'ij noon, in ti.Fie p. e -aneet with I'H-rsne. r Tiaois f.-r
j SuiiPur, , Willinntjpnrt,, l'itts).irc. riuunlsTl.ura.
! Hd l.nt usli-r. Keti'mii-r, leaves llui I o:..iu;
I - 'H It , ai-r airival of i'asrena.rr 'I'mias frmn ail
I above p if, and urin es at Rending in J .v. in lime lo
I connect Willi l.'p and Down Passenger '1 nuns o Polls-
I vn!f and Pniiiiilciplua, llie same ev. .111.1;,
I O. A. Ml.'OI.I.S.
. . Lncniecr and spciuuei.d-i,t
j July 17, '
; J I STIC i: OF THE I'K.iC'E,
' Otice tit Deer Streit, immediately onpwitc tha
Public School llnuzc.
j All business promptly attciulsd lo. Moniie
ollecled and all nnlinury writings done.
ir'uiibiiry, April a.'i. 1857 if
M7i(t'trc and Retail Viulnt in
roREiaisr a: DOMESTIC
Mill stnet, Last ,idc) XortK Danville, I'a.
r"JII E undersigned would respectfully onnounca
to ineir Irienils anil the puliiu: generally,
that Ihey have purhnscd a tery extensive stock
cf Wines and Liquor direct from the t'ustom
House, which they oiler to the trade el Phdadcl
j phia pricts titers by sating freight Ac.
JOH. VV. f HEKlFr ,
banville. Jut.e i, ISSS tf.
! Cabinet MuUrra' I iiitliug store
I Having HE M O V V D to the new Ir. n Front
Warehouse. No. 223 South Second Street,
j below Dock, West Side, PHIL I.DEI. PHIA.
.V O V offer to ther customers and the public
! 1 " gi nerally, a new and full assortment of
They invito the attention of the trade to their
stuck ofllair Sealing and Cm led Hair, of their
their own manufacture ; Also to a foil assort
ment of BED1MNCJ AND I PH tJI.S'l'r.KV.
Fhibjelphij, July :), 16i!..-iy
Tiiiolutiou fi; Co-Favtuci'eliip.
'MIE linn of S'.ie, hJrj anj Hewctt, Coal Ot.
ratori, i.r.-uit Colliery, Vorlliuui
berlaiul (Jrn.niy, pa., being this day (June lat.
IH.'iS.J t'.'si.lved by mutual coiiseut, the business
v.'iil t-j lienrelurth car-icl cr. by Jainea M. Hiep.
he'd nnd John McTarland, under the firm nainn
r I eliei!.er,! & MrFarland, who will pay all
ilaiuis aa:n.-t snd receive all accounts !ue to tto
lalo I'm. i.
J.WIEd M. SHEPHERD, Sunburr, Pa.,
ClIAI'Lirs HEWEI'T, thainokin. IS ,
j JUIKV M 1' AHliAM.1, Pine Grave, Pa.
i Suuhurv, June 13. loo 8
I :
jpxjnxia notice.
"VOTlCr: is hereby that tho l)Us;N'ES ES.
A' L.'.'i'IOXS, heretofora subsisting between
W'.Uiarn W rimer and the unden igoetl, in tha
tircg Su re el rw'orlhtimberland, have, by mutua
c-inaent, it. is d-y (June 7lh, 1S58.) ceased to
exi-t i and the Uooks snJ account will le.nsin
for soiileir.ei.l and collection in tho hunt's of tha
subscriber, who will continue to carry on tho
business ut too ol I stand.
Norton mlicriand, Jun So, 1803.
IJI RE OLIVE OIL for tnbl use, two s.r
ut llii nd fi.'J eeuujuct n-wived by
A. W. mils.
Jutjr 17. M.
FLO L'i:?1, A c, of lb best quality ; a
Irc.h supply ju.t received and for sale at ihe
Drug fetor or A. W. I'UHslK.
Sunburr. Jly 17, 1868.
1Li'UuXU' V BU.NS' toiiperior Burling
Fl ud, for as I at rlsHEKS ,
t iirus r d Cbemieal l'mporiuu?.'
unVJryJuly IJ, Wit,
f ' -