Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, August 21, 1858, Image 2

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    IIL tUAL illMlt.
'ty sent by Kuilrond thifl wcrlt
-by Canul 41,i!08 14 for the
J;) tons, fcliowiutf a falling off
ik if 'J,70 tons, nnd for the
r week lust year 5,733 tons.
I'rade of the Shainotiiti llegion,
ut 1 "5,000 loin behind 1 Jtt year,
i) a little, nnd ia on Ibe increase
tou iipotung of tho Northern Central
ad. Coal fa no .V delivered fritu that
!i to llnltiinoro by Kail at f 3 70 per
nhich gives that liegioti ibe u-lvaiitojj
the Wyoming trade. Tin I'oul i.i the
.osniukin liegion is sold ut 1 10iV' $t -0
per ton, put in the car at tho mine, an. ttio
purchasers pny the toll end fruiglit. Wages
of miners otid laborers are e.bcut pwa-thir,3
jess tbon tlicy were this timo last yar.
1'rtighlt from fiulikwe, o2210 lis, it the
can of tie -V. C. Ji. R. Cu.t
u il'.)' tj Psiion,
o M.irai'i!;e,
" " Dri.lrfTujri,
' Oluilioro',
" ' Yo.-k,
" Jlir.C'.l'.'ll,
" " PurklMWU,
o CVi-liyiviue,
" 1 rt-Uini'-rr,
' " llauorti,
45 milea 9 W
47 00 '
SI " J W
Hi '
frl "
w "
11(1 '
1 23 '
lii "
1 fc
1 7J
It l)
li 1J
To tho above add 45 cents from tbo lower
Collieries to eiutilmry, ud 50 Ccuts frem the
Jdt. Ciirmel Collieries.
The North l'rnncb Canal is no1 in navi- i
gi.ble' order North, nnd Goal is noiv sent by
that avenuo to llie interior ul .New lorK.
At Ilucheiter the prices buvo Li'cn reduced
iibnut 50 cents ppr ton in consequence. It
is believed, however, that Coal by Hail can
compete with tho trade. At Llmiri the
Goal from tbo Shuiiokin Kegiou, which is
geoernlly preferred for domcMi'? purposes, is
transhipped iulo Canal Bouts or in ltailrotid
Cars running nn the wide gimmes w ilk great
facility and fcibainokin Coal has been deliv
ered into diOernut pails ot Canada this sea
eon, at the low rate of gS per ton. These
rates of course would hardly remunerate
rither tho Coal Uperaton or the Curriers,
but it shows to what extent the fuel is pene
trating at extremely low rales.
A Steam Canal 13 oat has been introduced
on tho New York find Eric Canal, whieh bus
made the trip in half tho time usually occu
pied by boits drawn by mules, and at about
balf tha ejipease, and without causing any
injury to the Canal by the washing of banks,
Ac. If these Stoom l.oats can be construc
ted to carry the samo quantity of tonnage os
the ordinary Canal Moats, it will bo a vast
improvement on tho old method, and will
create a considerable demand for Coal as a
fuel. Mintn' Journal.
The contract for the delivery of store fcnd
putliag up the foii'idaliou walls of tho main
building of tho Mission InMi'ute, has born
awarded to Mr. William tjaugler. Tho ex
cavation work is about completed, and with
his accustomed energy, Mr. 0. will soou have
accomplished his part, of the work, when tho
superstructure will immediately be commen
ced, and the completion of the building has
tened on with ail pctsiblo OitpaUh. I'uhn
l)i mocrot.
fAia:. Its vt.Iue, and tho chances for it, comes to us bv w av of Pottsviile, ut about 8
Ef,?1b'f1?ti.ln,ll.?,n? !be cu? cCJ,r",, ,W- or 9 o'clock, "instead of being sent by the
iield. 1 wice the telegraph cabla failed, v, ,. ,, . . . ,r. . 8, , M
und the world set him down as an adventurer Nortl" Central road. This delay or 4 or
and a schemer. Now that success has crown j & hours iu receiving the city pupera is annoy
ed his eiibrts, his name becomes famous and j iug.
pronaoiy imir.onai. a wind or a wave only
liting between the adventurer and the immor
tal. Ilurrirburr 'J'degranh.
Suahokix Ikon Wohkh. 'J'he erection of i
tllu n Kallin 1 ill 1 1 . f ... !
weeks ago, is progrcing; Aground j
.-eu brolir, ami a large quantity Cr lumber
is on the ground and the work commenced. I
dpt. 11. Yangasken is the orchilecl, and !
Mr. Daniel Weaver, tho lmillr. is Dushinc I
tho work aber.d with oncrgy and skill. The j
iiro of tho Mill is to bo 2so feet bv 60. We i
wili endoavor to give n full description of
tho building in next week's paper. Shamukin
C;;i.ui!L'ia Fchsac:. Grove's furnace iu
tins borough, having boon blown out a short
time ago for tha purpos1 of making some re
pairs, was again put in i-1. st on Monday
uiorniug. This establishmeLthas been in op
eration during all the hard times, affording
its employees tha meaus of a comfortable liv
iesr, though tha prico of irou is down and
tha prospacts for sale, even nl a reduced rules
bro eoniewhat uncerlaiu. Muntour Amcwitn.
Tho 157th anuiversary of the settlement
of tie city of Detroit was celebrated on Sat
urday last.
OK A Skcond Sam Si.ii'i.-Stanford &
Dulisser, New York, Lavo just puLlislnd
The Life and Adventures of Major' lioger
Kucrmaa Petter. With eiisrravnifis bv llii-
ber. 12ino. cloth, 1.25.
Tuis Look is full of humor and pungent
satire, bjs elicited many coniplimeuts. The
following are tome of the criticitms of the
Jrc:s :
' It is written ia a humorous, sarcastic
vein, and recount a series of adventures,
Homo as droll and whiuificul as those of the
famous (iil Bias." JhraU.
"The book is written iu a style which might
be called a cross between J'uit Quixote and
JlocUrick Rjudo-n. Major Potter's oddities
and miihapi will remind the reuder fmquutiy j
vi imv neio ui lervanws. uay uoule.
'This is a volume of more Ihuu 500 psjes
of riicetious adventures or this redoulable
Major, sumething after the fashion of Major
Jack Djwting's experiences in polities aud
Inshiimablo life. 'Iho reader will here fiud
umi h to umuje l.i:n, aud inuch of humun na-t-iro
to instruct bin) uiso." Sew JJetfutd
GiT senator Bigler's deuiincialioa of Dou
glas mid Lis friends, Las called out from For
ney's J'rtis tha fullowing extract of tLal
Scua tor's course on tho Kausas questiou. It
is an extract from a letter of Uigler to fcec
retary Stanton, dated Aug. 14th, 1857 :
".Make my special recrardi In lli.rjrn.. I
Walker, and say to him that i:t has n,t:
loritAii iikart with in TiiKorciiocT TUB
.tike cotxrav, kxcept om.v tiik KXTn:.ii
oioum uis programme succeed, he
W1UL Hill; 11IB n,8T I.NVIAIII.E 1'KfiUI x Hrr ,,r
AXV JUS IN TUS NATION. The Admii,trutiun
is a ItUte u-eal- in Ihe kneei. ind i,Vicf under
the Southern thundtr, lut ihi.ii must stan-l ,n
the u,r)" '
(ST Luejt Xbi. The Mormon Imd re
turned lo Salt Lake from Provo. B.igham
Young Ltd shut himself up under the pietee
tiou of a body guurd, for, Tor La would be
sists:uated. Oeuerul Jshnston ..r.n..
ling iu to lino Winli-r f.nnii..! j I'. I n.n
man and tho volunteers wero at Foil Bridge
A ssvero battle is reported to Lave taU
pisco oetwscn Iho seven hundred Paw. ....
is. .
uud the allied tribes.
ITT Tho Niaga'raTrriu-d' at New Y'ork
wilU Mr. Field on board. Mr. FielJ does
not doubt the cnlire success of the cable
before La left Ntw Foundl.nd messages
were passed through tha cable both ways
Until the 1st of September the line will le
closed to all mtsscges, except for the govesn
meat of Great Bi iteiu snd the Cuited Htates.
Jur. K.a Las r,lUo a letter t- the direc- !
tors io piepare mother cable at once, as this
no eiil ool bo tuEchjU lo do all the Lusi-
"' SATURDAY, AUGUST 21, 18587
II. B. MASSE3, Editor and Proprietor.
To Asrs&TifEin --Tlie pirrulullon of the Puiitury
Aniertrnn nfloilg tfte dilTrreiit tuwnt on llit 9urquliiniiH
t milt x?ocJcJ ifr u.!l!c.l lijrnny ppf puMnhei! in NmtV
Doraoci'Qtic Stato TTominntions.
ron jfri;ir'K 'ini: bi'iimTk tovkt
V M. A. POIl I fill, I'lilliKlrlplila.
ri.Tl.kV i nOST, tnjrlt cmi)y.
Arllmr'i lelf dealing Cans or Jars
anil the OKI PtHniuion CoCi e pot, for sale at
tljif olueo.
C?" Some coniBiuulcatioiii and other mat
ten hare beeu crowded out for want ef room
ibis week.
IV Wm. i). Hurley, Ksq., will, in all pro
Lability, be selected as tbo opposition candi
date to Mr. I.eldy, for Congress, in the
Columbia county district. Mr. Hurley stands
well at home and is one of the most unexcep
tionable men in his district.
n -
C3S" I.aros Corn. A blulk of corn, IS
fuel high, was presented to us a lew days
since. It was grown in the garden of Sir.
Wilson, of llii place.
tJ.JT I,.Riik Tk.un. A train of J20 cars, of
four and a half tons of coal, each, was dis
patched from this place, for Kliniro, last
Monday, over the Sunbnry A. 1'iie road.
tTV I.kttixo. Proposals will be received
at Lock Haven, on Wednesday, the 25th
iust.. for the graduation aud masonry of 32
miles of the Sunbnry & Erie llailroad, ex
tending from Farramlsville. west.
W" Codei'h Lady's ISook, for September,
is already issued, and well sustuins its char
acter of tin excellent magazine for ladies.
Terms, $3 per annum. $1 sent to this office
will secure the Lady's Look and t!:o Ameri
can one vear.
ijiT LiiTr.i.L's Aon, tilled weekly
with the choice selections of Kuropeun litera
ture, comes to hand regularly.
0"Thr M.ils. A porlien of tho mail
I from Philadelphia, mostly papcre, frequently
C2'-rEAM on Can. m.s. The pufurs of
t western New York indulco freely in their
ri ;,, nf n.n .t,.,,,,, '.n....i u
1 '
Cornor K,,, 0U which recently
ade 011 xpenuieutul trip on the Luecuual.
They seem to think the a.option vf steam on
canals r.s a fixed fact.
IT" A DcaiBAUi.r. Faku ako Cpf.iinv
Klsidit.sce. We call tho attention of those
who desire to purchase a valuable farm and
most dcsirnbU reidauce, to the advertise
ment or Mr. John Uuyers, who offers for e..lo
his valvuble property udjnining this korough.
This alorJi a rare chauco for those who may
with to pnrcluso a beautiful country resi
dence, in a healthy location, convenient to
r3' The Domocruts of Lycoming have
nouiiuated Hon. Allison White for re-election,
on the two-term principle. Tbe resolu
tions upprovo of such measures of Mr. !5u
chauun's administration as they dec-ni Demo
cratic and proper. In regard to Mr. Bu
chauau's Lecompton malady and Mr. White's
support thereof, they suggr-st the motto of
"tei Ml unj tag nil," A. J. Divtrich, Esq.,
was Dominated for the Senate. Col. The.
Lloyd and Gen. Jackmsn were nominated
for re-election to the Legislature wilbout
C2T Acciijext. A son of Catpt-r Sowers,
a young man or IS or 20 years, Lad his left
urm crushed, on Tuesday night, Ly tho cars
of tho 11 o'clock train ou tho Northern
fee trul IUilroad, about oue mile bi low the
Trevorton bridge He had taken the place
of his father, wtio is a wutchman, and sat on
one of tho cross-lies, leaning with his elbow
on Ihe rail with tho lantern in his baud, lie
was asleep when the train pusscd. The
steps of the car struck hiaheuiai d knocked
him nroilnJ. Tho train pR.-sed over his left
arm, wLich wis successfully amputated below
the ilbow, next inoinis.g, by Dr. li. 11. Awb
of this place.
The fmliowing is the new beard of direc
tors and officers of this institution, recently
elected. The board is composed of some of
the bed nnd uost substantial men in the
! couutJ'. aUli trust, be alio lo place
!tli" Buok ou a basis thai will coiumaud the
'confidence or the publis :
l;tfli(nt-J . II. 7IM VI r.iiM v
Cashier Sal'i:l John.
yirt'or Joseph Bu J, Wm. H. Marshall,
Wni. M. Weaver. Eliaa l im i i!.,.
r.iit.ii, i j.x Aiaurer, m. Dt.j.jin, Klida
Juhn, H. J. WlveUon.Wrn.T.Crant, V.'u..
C-jTTur. Kxolisu Lktikk. tome of tho
' l,'iuU r Wr "ucbaoao still stoutly denv
ll.uf I.. IB ... ."
. m -'"u liny iciier nri-um iku
- O D - "
i-ugiuu, of Indiana, who
XU BUlUor fcf t!" ''ded bil" rur the : ..r IT ,
i ' " ''au" uner the Lecomi.loo
Constitution, and which, on the 6lh iust.,' was
alBiOtt uuanimoUily iijcted by the people or
k' a in as. It titms t0 iiu.m Biu0gt i(,creJiU
aud yet there is r.o reason to douLt its truth.
We were informed, a few days siuco, that
Mr. Buchuiiao has ulto written a letter to
John McUcynolds. Esq., of Columb a couuty,
urgiug him to clour the way for Hou. Puul
iiuy, another victim of tuis Lecompton
malady, which, if not arrested, ii cot only
dtttroyits victims, lut the oiganiiation of
tho party. It is to be rccretied ihut w l,Sv.
; no asylmn or place of conrincuicot for ihe
icinm ot r't-vsl !unay.
Tho papers aro discussing; the question
who it is that Grst suggested the ocean tele
graph. In August, 1843, Trofessot Morse,
in a tetter to the Secretary of tho Treasury,
speaking of the ocean telegraph, bbj-i j "The
time n il! come urhen thil jriject will It real
ised." A Cincinnati paper also claims for Mr
Curtis, of that place, the anggestinn of such
a cable iu 1 1 5.
On tho 29th of May, 132, we copied an
articlo in the American, from tho Harrisburg
Standard, written by Kimbrr Cleaver, of
Shatnolcin, in which La refers to an articlo on
this subject which he Lad sent to Messrs.
Fenu i Wallace, cf lbs 1'urrUhurg 'J'tle
graph, in Tebruavy or March, H 11, bat which
they did not publish Mr. Wallace, who
was editing the l'liiliiJelj liia .Vim when the
Jrtk'lo appeared in 1 852, in the Stundard,
apologised for not iuserting it in tho Tele,
'jrajih, in 1841, saying lie intended it for a
new scientific journal which he and (J. 11
Totteu, Esq., itilo'jaV'd to start, but did not,
and thus lost sight of it.
TL following is an extract fiofu tho Sili
cic Wo published in May, 1952 :
"The following plan I then suggested, of l
which 1 hiiVe notes made at the time yet in I
my poSMutaiuh, aud which, with some improve- I, 1 still deem practicable. I
Tho medium of communication to consist of
metallic wires, in number to the letters
of tho alphabet, and of sullicieiit length to I
reach from Angelica to ringland. Kich wiro
to separately covered with silk or somo other
, .
reconducting substance, and then co.lectivc
ly ecclosed in a strong nnd durable water
proof covering ; say a compound of leather, j
canvai. gum elastic und gutta perchu, tho i
whole forming u lope of live or six inches in
diameter. Then by means, cf u tufiicieiit
number cf water crafts, brought into lineal
convenieni oiEiancesnpari, exienuiug across shore to shore ; having at proper inter-
vuls, say half a mile apart weights attached
siuiie em io sinn u,e rope ueiow me iraeK oi j cil commending that incisures bo taken to
vessels and the commotion ocaioned by i t!,0 BllcceiiS ,)f ,he Atlantic Tele
ftorma ; and at a given s.giml let it down, re- s ,ciu, C0Illll,jUl.e4 wero 8ppi,iuted,
taming au end on each shore, and tho ends of : b . ,ol, ,(r' of Councils, to agrio upou
the wires arranged alphabetically, attached j tf0 l,roj,ralnlr,i. of lllL. Jemonstration.
tg keys somewhat after the fashion of a piano , jjAI.1IMl)1Ii; An-. 10 -Tho Mavor has just
forte, so that a discharge or galvanism on the is?,lcJ jVoelamaiion congratulating tho
wire denoting any letter at one. would be I oitizer.s of l! ou tho succor of tfce
coiwiiuuicaieu auu uiaue iiianuesi tl lac oili
er end."
Tho above will be EuCicieut to show that
Mr. Cleaver was the firt person to suggest
publicly ut lea-'t, the construction of a cable
cr telegraph throagh the ocean between this
continent and Europe.
nu. noi;
ami ilic
Under this lieud Mr. Joseph It. Robinson
has published au article of some length, in
the New York 'Jimes, in reply to the report
or the Bank Committee. We have no room
ror the entire urticle. Ha savs ha is deter-
mined to place Limfelf right before the public,
lie ulleges that the Bank Chuiters uro "the
offspring of the Sunbury A: Liie Pailroud
swindle, and a variety of lesser frauds by the
Pennsylvania Legislature" This, if even
true, is certainly no excuse for the charges
alleged Ly the Commissioners. He says :
"The Khamokin Dank, iu ten days after
r.:y ndmiiii.-tratioii coiuuicuced, stood rt Ihe
head of the Pennsylvania ceuntry bi.i:!.s,
and hi-r quotations were by far belter than
uny other country Bunk i'i the Htato. Ail
(r this 13 matter or record, which any one
may learn from other Sources than my decla
ration, iT they w ill but read. Tho Bank's line
or discounts were conliiK-d to the iuiinediatu
wants or tho neighborhood. The pnor and
rich wero equally iu proportion nccjinrnod i
ted, and 1 soon kad the salifaitiim or Seeing
the Bank a Qourishincr, nioney-niaUiiig and
useful institution to the people of Pennpvlvu.
nir. All of this bright history of tho liai.k
llie Coniii.ilteo refused to notice in their
Keport. Why? Because by so doing they
would show that an innocent uutaide party
came into Pennsylvania and purchased the
still-born pet of their own tillainy, or cf thuir
brother politicians. They prefer to cover up
the rascality of their friends by suppressing
everything that was good und honorable in
my administration of the Bank, and iu drag
ging mo before the public, instead of their '
friend, us a swindler, iVc." August 5th. 1.-I5 morning Anchrred in
,,.,, ...... 1 . . the bay. Distance run C I miles. Paid out
If the Lank, at that tune, stood at the j t;, )tn, id oul , 0fl l)ifUacu
head or the Penniylvaiiia couutty Banks, it ' s'.i2 miles. At 2 o'clock a. M lauded and
was certainly unfortunato that the public did ) infored the telegraphers that tho Ccet had
not know it. Mr. KobiesoH, wo think, Las !m'vc.'J- (il received u sigual
, , - , . .... Irom the Agamemnon that she bad paid out
not been very successful in satisfying tbo i0lO uiiU-a of e.vl,I.. At 5,15 morning tbo
public en this matter, and much less on the ca'ole, was landed from the Niagara,
subject of the S3S.CA0 iioto discounted for! At six o'clock the end or tho cable was car
him by the Hank. Also tho $20,000 given riei1 10 ''","1. house, where a strong
, ., ., ... , , , ' . . currant was received tro:n the other sidu ol
to Mr. Street without the knowledgO or the Ule Al!jIltic. Capt Hudson then read pray-
director;. This last financial operation ' cr and cave thanks to Uod Tor the successful
crippled tho llauk more than anything eK-e
I here nru a number of other sins of omis
sion and commission, under Mr. Hobiusou's
administration or the Bank that vrquiro ex
The lading of this cable is onu of thu
greatest achievements of eciouco on record,
but until the reception of the Queen's cies
f .ige to the President or lha United Slates,
ou Monday, tho 16th iust., there were many
doubts in regard to the final success or this
great enterprise in working tho cable. Thu
message or the I'ueeu sent a thrill throughout
tho Union as it tlabhed over the Wires
though universally condemned for its brevity
anJ cold formal. ly. But a dUputcu from
Trinity Bay, nsxt morning, brought the
balance of the t'ueeu's message, with an ex
planation that thu fiiot paragraph was sent
6ouih, without staling that it was not com
pleted. Wo were in the CuUil House, at Williams
port, on Tui'bdur, when the dispatch wau
handed to Judge Jordan, who requested the
Dibtiict Attorney to lead it aloud, when, ou
motion ol C. W. Scales, Esq., it was ordered
lo bo entered iu fail on the records of the
tit Is it a Trick, We observe iu the
Saubury Gazette, of this week, a coinmuaicu
lion purporting to be from Authouy Ann
strong, Wm. Beard and Nathuuiel Brittain,
iuliiiiating that their names were attached to
an address, which they Lad not seen or read.
-sow we nave ouly to say that there is a
nu.iaae, u hoi a wick ot tbe enemy iu this
matter, as the individual who procured the
uames say the address, precisely as il is
priuted, was read by these geullemen before
they sigued it. The Lecoinptouites are grow.
ii:g dssperato, and will stop al nothing.
Tiffany t Co., Jewellers, io New
York, hav-e booght Ibe remainder of the
cable (V9 miles) to sell in small pieces.
CyFin 1 Porrsvii,t.t. A leriooi Cro
occurred In rollsville, ou Saturday night.
Conirtieucihg in a sash fictory, which resulted
in tho destruction of 8 or 10 buildings.
Among them, we regret to ay, was tho office
of the Mining lleyiiter, ptblished by II. I,.
Cake, Kq. which was entirely destroyed,
excepting only the books and tiles of papers.
The Register will, no doubt, appear again
with litlln as delay as can be, in getting new
are indebted to Mr. Iletzel, of the 'T.eviero
Uouso," I.ewisburg, for an invitatiou to
attend the harvest Lome celebration at his
bonse, on the 2Ut inst. It will, no doubt, be
a pleasant affair, aud wo tlmll Le glad to
atteud if ptsjiblo.
Ministk Aiiroaii. Pennsylvania is
pretty liberally represented abroad, as will
la seen by tho fullowing list: Uoorge M.
Dallas, Minister to London William 1!.
1'oeJ, Minister to Naples ; Jos IS. Clay,
Minibter to l.iinii ; Cbnrle: 11. Uotkalew,
Miui3ter to licuador.
Ci""'eo Derby and Jackson's advertise
ment for agent?, irt another column, headed
"A Casket of Viems of Wit aud Wisdom "
! 111 ' I 1 1 . . "'-V- i.i' I. I . I
Ccltgvaj)j)ic IJctos.
1 he Tle;rriSt ltrjalcluga,
... v- i i t v . . i
..1.-. luiin. .Alii;, i u. j iiiuieuiiiiei v uu
,1)0 (.r th nueeu, menace
being ricoivrd over tho Atlantic Cuble, the
bells or old Trinity Church struck up merry
peal, tho public buildings were decorated
with fl:igs und s.luk'B were (1 re J, uccording
to previous ananeiuentH. Tho greatest en-
tuusmsm eveiywli.TO t.revaile kt the jnTul
jni,.,.,, of H... telegraphic union of P.u
v .filI:N(iT0!li ig.The Mayor this
afternoon Erlt B to the City Coun-
Atlantic Telegraph, recommending the firing
or two hundred gu:;s, the ringing ut all the
' bells c f the city, and tho displaying cf flays
' from the publ.c buildings and EhippiUj L-
t.vecn 12 and 1 o'clock to-morrow.
! THE H)ti Ul1 Till. A11LU tiX I'EIM I IO M.
'I'r.tMiv Bay, A iigust 7. Mr. Fields' log
j of tie expedition status : The Niagara nr
1 rived i.t tin' J'tubt Igun on the 22 i of July,
j the Vulorous on the 2Gl!i, the Uorgon on thu
I '.'Till, end the Agamemnon ou the 2Sth.
' I lie splice ft as n.. a', a the afternoon of the 29th.
! At 7 -J5, evening, the signal from tho Again-
emnoii coated und electricians reported a
; v.niit of CHiitinu'.y in the entile but insuli'.ion
1 purled,
' m. tin
K", t on paving out, and at 1 1 30
,iu.ira ii'-ain received perfect sig-
nals rrom the A gaiiiemnon.
July 20. D. stance rcn !:() miles j paid out
KU miles. Depth water, 1552 to 1,975
July 31. Distance run, 1?.7 miles; paid
out 15'.' uiiies. Depth, 1,057 lo 2,200 fath
oms. August 1. Distance run 145 milrs; paid
out, 101 m.ieo. Dejrtk I, '.'52 lo 2,110 lath
oms. A'.igiiht 2 D. stance 151 miles ; pnid out
177; ceplh l.OuO t- 2,(100 ruthouis ; the Ni
agara celling ligi.i and much ; not
cunsideicd Sate lo lairy sail lo sternly the
ship, for in case of accident it might be neces
sary to stop tne ship us toon as possible
AtiSliK this looming imperfect insulation
.iatected ill !eii!ing aud receiving signals,
but all i ght agii:n bi'.O; the fault was di?cor
ered to be in tho w:d room or in kbout 00
miles from thu lower cud of the cuble, which
was out und takeout el the circuit.
Aogu.-t 3. Distance run 147 miles ; paid
out 1 01 miles. Depth 710 to 1.820 tathoms.
At 11, 15 forenoon received a signal from tho
Agamennun that she had paid 7b0 miles.
At 'J fi'elnek. ve,tini' reeeivml a Hiemil thai
fllle A g allien: umi wan in 200 fathoms water.
At 10 o'clock, eveuiug, the Niugara was in
I the same depth.
August -t. Distanco run 140 miles j paid
out 151. Depth titular 20(1 fathoms. Made
lund at the vntrer.c of Triu.ty Bay at 8
A. M.
I Inrminulirin rf t!t. urtf uiiricii nll.Mi kIi'cIi tin
made some appropriate remarks. At oue
o'clock, P. M. Ihe (jorgoi), tired a salute
or twenty-one guiis.
August 0. Have been receiving strong
electric signals from Yulentia Bay ull day.
Trinity Bay, August 8. The people here
seem to have had little faith in tho success of
tho cable, and made but very slight prepara
tions. It is worthy of uoto that ono end of
tho cable was lauded on the Irioh coa: t by
tho Niagara on the 5th of August, lt'57, and
now thu other cud from the same vessel is
landed on the Newfoundland shore on thu 5lli
of August, 1851. The shore end from Val-
1 eulia laid last year still remains, aud so both
I ends of tbe cabla have actually been laid by
the Niagara.
I Ki;laml and America lulled.
! '"'e f-'on;iec'i'on Cumpletr. The Quten't .fn
nitjeTke I'rciiilcnt'i Rejily.
The following despatch, received on Mon
day afternoon, announced lo the public that
the labors of electriciaus at Trinity Bay had
been crowned with success, and thai the lirst
message from the llueeii to the President of
the L ii ill il Stales had QabLed across the
Atlantic Cable.
j London, Aug. IS To the Lireetari ef the
I Wdiitie Tilr;raih Company Europe aud
I America are united by telegraph. "Glory
i ... ... ;.. .1.. i.i.. I,..., . . .i. "
I ud iu ,ou til iu, ,'i;ivi,( vii trunu jJCBCe,
and good will towards men."
Signed by the Directors of the Atlantic
j Tel.-graph Company of Great Britain.
I Thu Messuge from t'ueeo Victoria to the
President is as follows ;
j To tiik Hon., tub Pkmidlnt or tub United
! Statu :
"Her Majesty desires to congratulate tho
President upon the successful completion or
tins great international worn, in wuicb the
Queen lias taken the deepest interest."
Washington, Aug. 10. Evening. The
intelligence or the reception or the Queen's
alessag rapidly spread throughout tbe city,
j end this evidence of the successful working
' of tUB Atlantic line occasioned much rcjoio-
lug. Jo some quarters, however, its authen
ticity was questioned, until the followiii rle
spalch rron. the General Agent of tbe asso
ciated press removed all doubts.
"New Yobk, Auir. 1C. Evening. I an
assured by Mr. McKay, the superintendent
of Ihe New 1-ouodlaud TeUgraph Line, that
tbe message as Sent is wholly complete, and
also tbet the line ia now in tranA iiulms
J ordur from he(r to Leedou, sad that it is
keld open for tne reception of lha rrcbidout's
repiy io tne ljueeo.
'Signed) D. II. Craio."
The first information on the aubiect was
communicated to the President by Senator
T r l. tr ... . . ..
I'lgirr, irom miormaiinn obtained irom the
vvasliitigton Associated Press Agency, when
the President returned to the city rrom the
"Soldiers' Home," his country residence, and
received at the White Mouse the message
from her Majesty, where tbe leply was pre
pared. TUB r-RMIDKHT'S KRTl.Y.
"Wasiiixctom, Aug. 10. Tho President
of the United States cordially reciprocates
tho congratulations of her Mujesty, the
Queen, on the success of the ercnt interna
tional enterprise, accomplished y the science,
skill and indomitable energy of two countries.
It is a tiiumph more glorious, because
more uselul, than was ever won by the con
queror nn the field ef battle. May the At
lantio Telegraph Company, under the bles
sing or Heaven, prove to hn a bond of per
etunl pearn and friendship between the
kindred nations, and in instrument destined
by Divino Providence to dliiuso reliirlon,
civilization, liberty and lan throughout the
In this view, will not all the nations of
Christendom spontaneously unite in the de
claration that it shall bo fnrcvor neutral, and
tint its communications shall be held sacred
in passing to tho places of their destination
iu the midst of hostilities.
Wasiiincto.v, Aug. 1C, 1859.
7Vi first Message only half u Message The
Queen' i Despatch Entire.
Tho following, from the News Agent of the
Associated Press, shows that thu desiro to
relieve the public mind of its auxiety respec
ting tha working of the -cable, cot a little
ahead of the telegraph itself, and only a por
tion of tho Queen's Despatch lo the Presi
dent was sent. The following has been since
received as tha completed despatch ;
TrInitt Bay August 17 Tho Queen's
Despatch w ig not couiploted till 5 o'clock
this uinrning.
It was commenced yesterday, Lnt dnrinc
its reception the operator at Yaleiitia delisted
sending it io order to make slight repairs to
llin cable.
Through a mietuk the part received was
cent South to tho President, ns if it consti
tuted the whole message.
Tho following it the Qe.cca's Despatch to
the President :
"Vai.kntia. viATrnKiir Bat.
To the llonjrallc the 1'iesideut of the United
.States :
"Her Majesty desires to congratulate the
President upon tha successful completion of
that groat international work in which tho
Queen has tuken the duepeit interest.
'The Q'ie. n is convinced that tho Presi
Vint will join with her fervently l.opiug that
the electric cjUo which now connects Great
Britain with the United Elates, will prove
an intuitional link between the two nations
whose friendship U fouudud upon ttieir com
mon interest and reciprocal esteem.
"I he Ihiecu has much pleasure in thus
communicating with tha President aud re
newing to him lirr wi-los for the prosperity
of the United Stu'.ec,
The President's reply to the Queen is de
tained at the telegruph oftico heie, awaiting
his instructions whether il id to bu considered
iu full under the circumstances.
The operators ure avraitmg the i'residcut's
Thu firegcing J. rpatcb was sent to the
President by l'otor Cooper, E.-q , accompani
ed bv the Tollowlug :
Jo the j'rtsfJci.t tf the Lmted Stntes ;
I beg leave to transmit a uicssagu this mo
ment received from Trinity Buy, explaning
,.e cause which prevented the whole of the
Queen's mefsuge keiog telegraphed from Va
lentin yesterday, together with tho complete
liie?eu"U itself. Khali we Consider your mvs-
sage to her Majesty a full reply, aud 'ate
ll this day accordingly 7
"The operators ul Trinity Bay await your
answer. l'r:T!:n Coornii."
Washington, August 17. l'he President
has authorized thu operatots at Trinity Bay
to send his reply to Q leen Victoria's Des
patch precisely as it wus wrilteu yesterday,
without changing the date.
kefs ac 3 ruo: the ma yon cr snw ronii to
TIIK M.lYOIl Of I.OSfcO.t.
To the Lord Mayor tf London : I con.
gratulato jour Lordship upon tho snccessful
lading of the Atlantic Cable, uniting the
continent oT Europo and America, and the
cities o! 'London and New York, thu work,
ol Great Britain aud the United States the
Iriuin ph i.r science und energy, over space,
thus uniting Biore closely the bonds of pence
aud commercial prosperity, and introducing
an era into llie world's hiolorr pregnant with
results beyond the conceptions of a finite
man. To God L4 all the praise.
(Sigucd) D. F. Th.mann, Now York City.
NADA. TonojiTo, August 17. Thu following des
patch from the Governor General of Canada
was scut to day to Trinity Bay, to be trans
milted over llie Oceau Cable :
7 Ji Me Uonura'ile Stcrtiarti ef State Col
unit, London, Untjland. : The Governor
General of British North America, presents
his humble duty to the Queen, and respect
fully congratulates Her Majesty oa the com
pletion of telegraphic communication between
Great Britain and these Colonies.
(Signed.) Edmcnd IIead.
malar ror. frstivitirs to ERrixco
New Y'ork, Aug, 17. Mayer Tiemnnn,
to day sent tha following despatch to thu
Mayor of Montreal, in answer to an inquiry
as to when the grand Telegraph celebration
w ould tako place ;
Nkw York, Angust 17.
to the nox . n. rooikr, uayor or montiirai..
This City will celebrate the event but thu
day has not jet been Cxed. Wm propose
that Loudou shall Gx the day for the generul
festivities und that if possible ull tho cities
of both hemispheres shall unitu iu its celebra
tion. You will of course, receive seasonable: notice,
(Signed) Dan'l f. Tirmann.
Mayor of New York.
A similar answer bus been sent to oilier
parties, end it must sullies for"auxious ionui-
rie" evarywhere.
.Vu information coneernintj the u-orkiny of the
Cable The 'Jramnission of the President's
N'uw Yons, August 17. The electricians
nt Triuity Bay can give uo iuformuliou cou
Ceriiing tbe working or the cablo.
Tho lim Tor tho transmission of the Presi
doiil' reply will depoud ou the working of the
cablo at thu time ; perhaps, uuder favorable
circunistuuccs il will requiro an Lour uud u
L .
For Ilia uubury Ainrricaii.
KoaTiiCMBr.Ri.AM, Aug. 18, 1658.
Fditor Si'nuckv A steaic a Pear Sir :
The reference made to me by Joseoh H.
Kobiusou iu Lie attempted vindication or
uimseil irom Ibe charges of the Leeulative
Loniniillco, is wilfully and stupidly false. If
a further contradiction shall be deemed ne
cessary, it will be made at the proper timo,
aud evidence adduced to sustain it.
I have just receivod a letter from Hon.
A. G. Curtio, most positively contradicting
the statement ae far ae it relates to him.
The community ia respectfully invited lo
weigh our assertions on the one aide, and
that of J. It. UobiBsoa oa the other.
- Your, very truly,
Tor Punbort Aoi(Jag.
Register and Recorder.
Ma. Editor ;
I have been Informed that Dr.
J. It. M A RISER is a candidate for the office
sure that all who are acquainted with him,
will be glad lo have an opportunity lo help
him along. Doctor Masser ia uot a Demo
crat of yesterday, nor is he a democrat for
the sake or otlice. lie is a sober and Indus
trious man, well acquainted with the people,
speaks German and English and has all the
quahlications necessary to make bun a popu
lar oflicer.
In our opitiioo be in tho most suitable mnti
that has been named for the office, and no one
can doubt lhat he is the most deserving as
ho never asked Tor an office, nllhoiigli he has
always been popular among nil classes and
with the people generally. Ills an impor
tant office and ono that should bu filled by on
individual in whom all would have confidence
and such a oue we have iu the person of Dr.
J. B. Musser of Snubiiry.
To tlic fricnd3 of Protection and tho
foes of Lacomptonism ia Schuylkill
and Northumberland Counties.
1 have been iuducrd by those who wish me
success, lo maku this public announcement o!
my intention to stand ns a ceucviuie lor ton. i
... i . ,
cress, i uo li reiucinniiy, occaue i n" i- i
ways believed, that a posl of so much responsi I
bility should seek the man, und not net vers'.i
But so generally is this sound rule iiisregaui-
ed in modern times, that the mun who ad
heres to it, is very apt to become the victim
for his own modesty.
I put forth no claims to tho ncminutioH,
but u life long devotion to the principles you
entertain. 1 have ever been in favor ef main
taining inviolate ''tho purity of the ballot
box," ud the great bulwark of constitutional
liberty, tho uncompromising advocato of
Protection to American Industry, and 113 bit
terly opposed to forcing by bribe and bayo
nets, n slave constitution upon a free people.
II these rrincii'les entitle mo to your support,
you will bo safe in rendering it. ShoulJ 1
he elected (which is quite probublo if you
nominate mo.) I will endeavor to act so that
my co!ititneiita shall not bo ruLamed of lloir
However if in your wisdom you should
select either of my nmiablo competitors us
your ttand.ird bearer, iu the luiniuairu if
another distinguished patriot, 1 wi:l 'thai.;;
God tU.t Sparta hath al Icast er.o worthier
sou tkun 1." Asa patriot is one- who is willing
to serve his country (for a conseleralioii) jnu
will bo good enniifih to acquit me of arro
gance, if 1 class mvself in that cateiroi v.
Noi'.'iuimberlr.nd, Aug. 11, lo53. to
The Korthcrn Ccr.tir.l r.ailwuy.
Arrivnl a!nli!- iiiturf i f I'.infiif rr Tmon on niul aflfr
Jilt UVih, it:e. m Jimivkv, li f..:u.v. i :
Tjlliil. r.l liumtliurg I. !!:illix.jrc. I.f.ivnPinXury.
Mail Triin. .... .1 IS A M.
H.ifl! k :Si.inrii r.l;ircfcS. 1 1 l.T "
L'uracii a..;'. l', - - "
Teair . Fr-if i:airisbai ft Iti.l , A.-;ire i P.-al.BTjr.
Mail Trmu. - - n jO IV M.
huti.iloiiinl N:iiFra l:::irce, - Ilia "
lluiJcn anJ . !.(", - - 3.10 A.M.
Tjaiss. For Williai:ii;iil .V tauna, l.f JvfK Viu.liary.
.M;lll Tni:l.
lluflitaaiiil Ninyr i;srr(.'W,
UurJrii uud I'lCfcifi-ircr, -
3.11 P M
1 1 w
u-W A.M
Tiom Frnra i:iiriira 4 Williarrtp'l. ArrivtstSaubory
MailTrnii. ....
lti:nil-i anil Nmama Fispri,
UuilI'iii and rutitciigci'.
Tli Mi.-itn.-l.iii Vullry nnd P&ilti
rBltpngfr train l.-nvi Sui.l.iuy at
' Arrivt; a'. Sui.lury. -
:t A.M.
iur. M.
!!1p Itallronil
r. i.i a. M
- 7.1 IV M
A S.MvI.t. IssTRUUr.NT OF Toll I f KT.. II a ve i
our lady readers cV'.T reflected Upol) the fact j
that so small an instrument us u sc-witifr,
needle has distroyed more liven, und caused
more suP.'eriiiR than tho sword. It is tru.1,
however ns the morality uinoiip ..iti;.stresei ;
every where attests ami our only wonder it, j
that parents will permit their daughters lo ,
fjrow up slaves to the needle, while the Gno- j Kakkh Sowing Maclunes will uoueuer
and more beiiiiliful sewing than can bo done
by hand. Tko time is coming when tho pa
rent who consent J to have Lis daughter.' con
tinue hand sewing, will be regarded es want
ing iu afl'ection for them.
ILiHoicaifx Pills. Health depends upon j
thu state ot the blood whon it parses into the ;
veins to C'rcnlato through every fibre of the j
frame. If thu dicestion be impaired and tins,
lirer torpid the Vital fluid will be partially
deprived of its niitritirus principle, and churg- j
ed with morbid matter which may produce j
any variety of disease. The sure remedy in,
such Cases is Holloway's Pills. They at once
restore the vi.orand activity of the stomach j
and liver, puree all acrid mutter from the se- j
cietions und the blood, relieve debility. 1 in
guor und puin, remove ull the premonitory
symptoms ol ucuto disrate, and restore thu
whole system to a perfectly heulihy n:,d sound
Wo are not in the habit of piiffinir I'aten'.
Medicines, but when such nn article us DU
V ALL'S GALVAIC OIL. which sustains
fully what it claims, is presented to the pub.
lie vre fid no hesitancy in Fpeukinj: the truth
free i f charge. The above nientit red medi
cine has obtained for itself a world-wide r.ume
never to go down with the common articles of
thu day It is one of the very best remedies
for all Linda of pain, that can be produced.
It often gives relief in 5 minutes. Troy
Agenti rna Du Ve.i'i f;i.vt:c On, Trl'r
l.tunt, A. W. Fisher, l)r 11 U. .MtiCuy, C. SVcim,
Maize, UrrilicaMri it Hull.
Cuuiiori. C'onshs, Colds and affections o
the Lunss prevail amongst our people to nn
extent wholly unknown in 1 nro e. nnd if
neglected, often ussumc a dangerous Torm.
WisUr's Dalsttin or wild (.'Lorry is the r.-tiiedy
iu such cases.
For sale by
A. W. Fisher and Frilinu & Grunt. Smibury
Havs A- MeC'ormiek, Mcliwensville,
Dr." It. 13. McCay, Northuu.berlur.d,
John F. Caslow, Milton.
c;uuvr.u & U4Eit:u'j
Ij?" Thee Machines are now jually admitted
lo be the het in uo for Family truing, a new
Irom;, and lalic alilcli. which will not rip,
even if every fourib tiilch he cut. Circblars
sent on application by teller.
Agent Wanted.
IT I, OOO II KVAHI will luimlil for anv MikIioim
lUl will eacrl 1'UA'ITJk 111THI:H MAOIC UL,
for tins f llowing tlileuM-s: Itlicuniutimi, Nvaniliu,
ii!iul AffceliiNi, Coiitraeinl Joiiils, Cholie I'aina, I'niiia
in III (i.l ul llJtk, tlrlxlMUie, '1'oolliut'llti, h,HHlli, b-'IC
'I'liroal, Caia, Ilium, Uurm, and all dix-ufi-a 1 1 llie akiu
Muaclta and Ilia (lunula. Nouo tiiuine willioul llit
Iialura of I'a&TT h llarcuaa allarhcd Ul mrU Lulil
1' office, VIH1 Waalimclou alrcol, Urookl) u, New
York. 1SM I.)
Albert W. Fiaher, DiUjisitt, Market aire!, Saiivury,
Thil is to certify, that I have umdo
but one application of the Magiu Oil op my
fingere, which have been drawn from ooutraC
tiou of Ibe cord, brought on by rLeumalism.
It was of sevenUeu months Handing, and 1
now entirely cured. I cheerfully recommend
It to all aUliclod likewise.
Harrisburg, It Locust street.
July "V 15iT. 5y.
Mnrk the Uny and Ilnlr.
1858. -Ghaih Wheat, sales of fair nnd good
lied at $12011.'? 121 per bushel, and White from
$'. 3i to $1 4V1 per bunhcl. Kyo is wanted at
HO cants. Corn, miles of Yellow at 97 a 0U
cents, and S7 a 90 renin from si ore. Oils are
selling at 42 cents per bushel for finna.
Obiin Wheat, there were sales of red at llfta
120 ric for fiiir to Rood lota, and white at 1 SOa
125 clu. for 'sir, and I 35b 1 40 cts. fur prime par
cels of do. ('orn, utiles of eooj yellow at SliN'J
rts., and of fair lo prime tvliile al cts. PgnOt
There were vales of Vircinia Outs at r,H clu. and
Pennsylvania do. at -tUa45 ct. There were
pome iVnns)lvaiiia Tiveolfi rsJ rind sold at !
clu. Maryland Ityeat C cts. per bushel.
Wheat, 40a 1
Uu iter,
i a
i orn.
Buckwheat, V-
T5 i.'i'f "wax,
lVcw Adveitiscments.
We aro authored t i-tato that UCSRY
HfS.'V I'.Ij, will be a ramiidato f.,r lha Ji en
ale ; tutject lo iho Dmoiratic Rule.
yJOTICE is hereby given lo ull nprsnns in
XN) tcrc.ted, that l!ie. i.mleri;',neil nppninled
Auditor to ilitril ute to and arimng llioo lecally
entitled ti tlic .ime, llie monies mi,l into (".uirt
I y Jolin II. Purity , in 'the f.n.e of Jolm il. l'r.
dv vs. Wni. L. Dewart. No. 19, Nnvciniier Trim
lefttl. and Wni. I.. Uen-art vs Jolm H. Vurdv,
io. 1!!), April Term ISi'i, will all.n.l to the du
ties of bin appiiintiociil nt llm I'rolli.inoUry'M
i.l!c in the tmruiili of Sui.l.ery. en the first
day of yeil,i;njrr i..-tt, at 10 u'eio.k A. M , of
lhat day.
un'eioy, Anjr. I .
To tlic Independent Voters of
barlaiid County :
Havinj been I . fjneited by u nun I er of
fiiendu, 1 In rebv oib r myef a candidate to
yo ir coni.leiii!ion, nibj.ct to non.ii.ulior. on
tiie peoples' liekot. for member of the
LlitnsLATUiilv H iioiainutf-l. :u-,r sue
ccssiul, 1 hhnll r. el under solemn olilijstior.s
to diKt-harpn the duty cf the i Tne In ivy
utmost ubd.ty bohies: only to intrn-Fts
oT .!ie county and the State, mipai l ii.liy and
ploiln inysi if not to pilfer the public ;r a;ury
for my ov. u pecuniar' bent Tit.
Mt. Carniel. An.?. 21s, la.'.S. te
Is hrreby ivpn that letters leftamerituty cn
the estate of Matthias I', od, Into of Upper
Augusta township, Northumberland county,
deceased, having been granted to the s'jli
scriccr?, ull pr-;ns indebted al e r quested
to make iir.mediiite payment, and tiio-e hav
ing legul claim, to pitscst them kr stt'.!r'-
Aui. its', lc-oo ol
tiHLRKASmy wire Margaret l.a left r.iy
ltd and hoard .vilhuut any jto-t c.iii-e or
prov jcition. tiii u to uiu no'.ice thai I will le t
pay any debls ol her C 'litr o Uiip.
11. 1.1 AM PA I' I..
Point tp., Aujust !!, I8.r.. Ut
i .
j r II I. itilucrilier will o!Trr al public tale, nn
I - i uesuay llie am ilay .vuit.MULK nexl,
on the piemiites, the farm new ill I U yetn an,
j a.ljoiiiinu the Li rooh ef lSuiiirtrv, hem; Hie e:oci
I ero por'.iou of ihe v. til kn. :i Augn-ta lariu,
lair ihe piopertv of Samuel iliinlrr, i:i' J . Ivo i;
telweeu 1'ie Catlawia ro:l ir.d llie gut. Tin
a!oatile pioprrty cuiitaiiu u'juiit 71 ai'rei nil
cleared, and i in a hiijti ft .tj of ciillivntioii. l i e
iiotTovemeiiu sre new Frame Hvo-t.irv '.hviilmf
i ilDt.'SK, well upp!u.i w.t!i w aU r anJ a q-ioJ
j t-ank h.irn. 0 b CO, a wajon hnu-i',
! vnioke lioiibe, roiu crib an.l all m'ii--sy
eullailMiiiH. 'i'heie : !'' on llie pieniii. a
I yonu. Urtliurd of (if llci.l i;ial'.ed li ml. i'lit)
! It ncei. vie all new and in gaod ronJitijii ''.is
piopiTly would niiike a morl I'ci-iral la rouiiHv
I ri.!eice on ticcoiu.t 4 lis leilihlv. cenfry,
I lic.illhv locution ami cn.vt ineiica to town. Tne
t. rms ill In MX per dan u. and l! e inn on-
lit r in three vipm! uniiuul p.i).neiiia Iro.n li.o il
of Apiil. li'J.
I l or furiher partioulais apply to he Mil' ci' r.
; jiji. ui i-ii5.
i S iiitniry. Auijti-t 51, lt..u
'4 lw cw'
lKAOs I'nil lU YLNG 11', AM) THE
FSHENoiv Ainni- io C rlop;f.!i.i i. popular
. wilhoul I ein4 ppeiliciul. Iconics' l et id pe
dantic, compieliciiKite hut uli'.ci nilt iJ. i.ii'i it,
fiee Irein pcrsoi.ul piip.e mid parly icjiiiiice.
Iicfh and rt nccur.ilc. Il u a conipl. le ltc
in. i;l of all that i known upon every inipnilaiit
topic within the b.-ope ol human intelligence
Eei v import u.l fcrticle io illi jt'.a!!v
written lor its parses by men who are huij nli-i
upon li e lopic. ol w lucli Itiey apcili. They are
rcijuiicd to tiinif the aulj' Ct up t.i llie p ,-aeii
moment; to stale jut how it stjn la not. .Ill
llie (iatitical iiilio minion ia IVoin the ! j 1 . -1 re
poila; the geographical accoiinU keep pace
will, the latisl exploration-; tin.1 ui ul in iltcri
ii. elude Ihe licht just lit-wa ; tlic buu.j l.mi
mitirfa not only apeak ol the cViJ. 'ii l-j i
Ihe livinj.
Am.' Ilia woik ia cheap; Ihrts Jtili.-a a vol
ume ; and each volume containa more hatn
carefully coinpliteJ the conleiiu ol both mora
ll.a.i ihe whole six volumes of ll.ituroli'a l.i.lory
which are old at two dollar a volume, ui ikiaj
iu ell twelve tlollais. Every family ouijlil li
poK-e a copy of Ihe New I'yclopa-dia. Una
libiaiy iu iUelf. Let each mall vo l.'.cn'v tne
ccnta a week, anJ by ihe lime the work ia c 'iu
plelc he can not only oiui the filtet-n vuluniri.,
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rave a half dime a day, (a little seildmiil wilt
doit.) and you save enough la buy a set ef hooka
which will give you touiid iiifonuaiioii upon all
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ihildreti ccrlaiuly Ihe muilera ol our High
School can all bav il, have th puinica
which are gien to you, run crraaol and "do
chorea" when you can, arid thus ram a quaiter
of a dollar a week, and the lak ia tlane. .Me
chanics ! you have m l much lieiu lo read ; this,
then, ia jual tbe work fur ou j it will help you
upon all oiuls of inquiry, end three tic ura' over
work (cr week will buy it. l.awjer. physiciau,
clergymen I it will give breadth and accuracy
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fluence and iiicouio.
(3 oluuiea now Ready)
M ill be complett I in 15 volumes, royal Ivo ;
$3 per volume, in clolh ; 13 SO iu library lea
ther; ball' morocco ; $ 60 half ex
tra J I Li uioluly oiU.
Agent far No.tuurulierUuid Coualy
Aegaiel SI,