Cclegnipjjic JTctos, Til ATLANTIC fKLEftHAPH UltKSS FULLY LAID, The Old World and the JV Titegttiphically United. St. JouVt, N. F., August S. The United States steamer Niagara arrived at Trinity Bay yesterday with tbe great news of the success of tbe' Atlantic Telegraph enter prise. Tbe cable baa beco successfully laid, and the Western end of the cable will be landed to-day. The signals have been perfectly transmitted throughout the voyage. second DiarATcii. The following dispatch bns been motived from Cyrus W. Field, Ksq., of the Atlantic Tele-graph Company : Trinitt Bat, August 5tb, 1858. T the Agents of the Associated Press i Tbe Atlantic Telegraph fleot sailed from iueenstown on Saturday, July 17th, and met in mid-ocean on tbe 28tb. Made the splice in the cable at one o'clock, P. M . on Thursday, the 29th, and then separated, tbe British steamers Agamemnon and Valorous bound to Valencia, Ireland, and the Niagara and Gorgon for this place, where we arrived yesterday, and this morning the end of tbe cable will be landed. It is 1.G30 nautical or l.OSO statute miles from the telegraph house at tbe head of a lencia harbor to tbo telegraph house at Hay , Bulls, Trinity Day, and for more than two thirds of this distance tbe water is over two miles in depth. Tbe cuble has been paid out from the Agamemnon at about the same speed as the Niagara. The electrical sig. iials sent and received through the whole cable are perfect. The machiuery for Vying out the cuble worked most satisfactory, and it was not stopped a single moment. Capt. Hudson, Messrs. Everett and W ood house, Engineers, the Electricians, and the officers of the ships, and in fact every man on board exerted himself to tbe utmost to make the expedition successful ; and. by the blessing of Kivine Providence, it has suc ceeded. After the end of tbe cable has been landed and connected with the land lino of tele graph, and tbo Niagara has discharged some cargo belonging to the Telegraph Company, she will go to St. John's for coals, and then proceed at once to New York. (Signed) Cvrih XV. Field. New York, Aug-. 5. 11 I. M. Up to this hour we have nothing further from Trin ity Bay, and the New Foundland lino is now eluded for tbe night. BKuroRD Sprinuk. August 5. President Buchanan, now at this place, received the first intimation of the successful luying of the telegraph cable through the ugency of tbe Associated Press. Tbe following is o copy of Mr. Fields' message, aunouncing tbe fuct : To tub Prksiuknt ok tub Umtku States, Washington, Dear Sir : Tbo Atlantic tel. egraph cable on board tbo United States steam frigato Niagara and II. U. M. steamer .Agamemnon was joined in mid ocean July 2'.llh, and has been successfully laid, and as eoou as tlio two ends are connected with the land line, Her Majesty, Queen Victoria, will send a message to your Excellency, and the cable will be kept free until after your reply has been transmitted. With great respect, 1 ro muit) your obedient servant, Cyri's W. Field. TIM PRESIDENT TO Mn. FIRM). Mr Dear Sir: 1 congratulate you with all my heart on the success of the great en terprise with which your name is houorably connected. Under the blessing of Piviue Providence, I trust it may prove instrumental in promo ting perpetual peace and friendship between thu kiudred nations. I have not yet received tbe Queen's de spatch. Yours, very respect fully. JAM liS BUCHANAN. Cvaus W. Fikld, Trinity Buy. The Atlantic Cable. 'Jonfirmation of the Previous Reports The Cable Successfully Landed both (it Trinity and Valencia The Electric Signals Com plete. Tri.mtt Bay, (N. F.,) Au?. 7, 1958. The complete success of tbe Atlantic cable ) placed beyond all doubt. Signals are now being made through the bole extent of tbo cable, but it is unlikely hut the cable will bo opened for business for everal days, or perhaps weeks, us tbe elec icians will require time for a series of ex eriments with iheir recording instruments. ue notico will be given of the opening of jo liue for business. Trinity Bav, Aug. 7. To the Associated Press, New York : bo Atlantic Telegraph cable was success lly landed here yesterday moruiug, aud is perfect order. The Agamemnon has landed her end of is cable, and we ore now receiving signals oin tbe Telegraph House nt Valencia. The U. 8. eteamer Niagara and II. M. Pinners Uoriron and Porcupine, leave for Johu's to-morrow. Due notice will bo given when tbe Allan ; Telegraph line will be open for public isiuess. Cyrus . Field. r. Fil ial Reply to the President Relative In the Impeded Message from the Queen. Beuford Springs, Aug. 6. Tbo President s received tbe following despatch from rus XV. Field, Esq , in reply to his intima ,n that he had not yet received tbe Queen's ssage : Trinity Bav, Ang. '. To Ilis Excellency, m James Vuchanan, President of the I '. htdford Springs Your telegraphic do itch has been receivod. YVe landed hero a wilderness, and, until tbe telegraph ill nincuts are all perfectly adjusted, no meg. re can be recorded over the cable. You III have tb earliest intimation, but some yj may elapse before all is elected. The it message from Europe shall be from the ei n to yourself, and the first from America England your reply. "With great respect, y truly, your friend, ' ' 1 Crura W, Field. MB. FIELD'S LOO BOOK. To the Associated Press, New York : co our arrival here on the morning of the I hav been constantly receiving tele 'phic messages asking for full porticulars ejjard to the laying of tbe Atlantic cable, bicb it is impossible for me to reply, as ry moment of my time will be rally occu J while I remain here, and I have handed Mr. McKay, the Superintendent of tbe w York. Newfoundland and London Tele, ph Company's line, my daily journal, and . full nermission to seud from tbe any extracts that he might think of rest to tlie puouc, especially must, uor s which will reply to the communications , I have received. Craus W. Field. New Yor, Aug. 0. be Journal or Commerce bus a special ..ih from Triuitv Bat. S follows i kinitt Bat, Aug. 8-6. P. M L, IMS. place of landing of tbt Atlantic Cable is Lph land locked harbor, secure from er- Jamage. on ao istbmm four miles across locentia jsay. jcITelegrapb Station House Is new j tbe .m.Mi are new. and were brooght from land in tbe Niagara, with the operators require time to set up and adjust their tries and Instruments, at tiperimeati are kept jomg through lbs cable all the time. It is in perfect con dition. The Niagara's distance was eight hundred and eighty-two miles. Cable paid out, one thonsand and sixteen miles. Average speed of tbe ship at at sea, five and two-third knots an hour. Agamemnon's distance, eight hun dred and thirteen miles j paid ont abont one thousand and ten miles, which was last sig talised before she landed in regard to cable paid out. Every one had deserted this place except operators In the Atlantic Telegraph house, and they were asloep, having given tip all bopn. Her Majesty' steamer Porcupine was the only tenant of these solitudes. Her as sistance was very cordial and hearty, and her pilotage perfect. Tbe Niagara sails for St. Johns to-morrow morning. All on board well. MR, FIKLD' ltKrl.T TO TIIR FRISSIDENT. Tkimtc Bat, August 7. 1858. Hit Excellency Jamei Ruchannn, President of thr United States, liedford Springs. Your telegraph despatch Is received. We landed here in a wilderness, and until the tel egraph instruments are all perfectly adjusted, no messago can be recorded over the cable You shall have the earliest information, but some days may elapse before all is effected. The first message from Europe shall be from the Queen to yourself, and tbe first from America to England, your reply. With great respect, very truly, yonr friend C. W. Fikld. MR. FIELD TO TUK ASSOCIATED TRESS UOTH K.NDS LAID RY TUK NIAGARA. Trinity Bay, Sunday, August 8. To the Associated Press, Xcus Vork : Pray excuse what you may have thought neglect on my part in oot giving moro parti culars about tbe laying of tho cable; but I have hardly bad time to eat, drink or sleep. Mr. McCbv, the Superintendent of the New York and New Foundland Telegraph Line, has been working day and night to get every thing ready. Tbo people here seem to have had little faith in the cable's arriving, and had made very slight preparations for receiv ing it. The end of tho Atlantic cable was landed on tho Irish shore from the Niagara on tho 5th of August. 1857, and the other end from the same vessel on the uth oi August, j;i The heavy shore end laid from Valencia by the Niagara last year, still remains, and was to be spliced to the main cable, so that both ends of tbe cable have been uctunlly laid by tbe Niagara. Tbe telegraph fleet sailed from Plymouth on tho experimental trip on the 29lh of May. The cable was broken at tbe stern of the Agamemnon on the Crst attempt to lay it, on tbe 29lb of June and the splice in mid ocean on the last and successful attempt on the 29th of July. Hoping very soon to see you, 1 remain, very truly, your friend, Cyrus W. Field. QUEEN VICTORIA'S DESPATCH TO P R E S 1 1 E N T B U C 1 1 A N A N , WIIKS IT WILL BR 8ENT. We understand that the recording instru ments for the Atlantic cable are in such a state of forwardness as to iosure the early opening of tbe line for business. It is understood that tho transmission of the Qneeu's and the President's first rues eatres tbrouch the cable will lake place on the afternoon, and probably in tbe course of tbe present week. Iostuntly after the transmission of tbe Pre sident's reply to the Queens mfssngp. the two communications will, by consent of tbe Presi dent and through the co-operation of tbe managers and employees of the telegraph lincB of the cosntry. be made public from New Foundland to Texas, and from Quebec to tbe boundaries of civilization in tbe North west. We have assurances from all points that so soon as the Queen's and President's messa ges are received, there will be public and pri vate demonstrations of joy by tbe riging of bells, firing of salutes Jfcc, Ac, in every city, towu aud village throughout the whole coun try. It is understood that Mr. Field will cause notice to be given in advance of the day when tbe first mcssuges will be transmitted through the cable. Flora tho New York Tribune. UTAH. Return of the Refugees Mnvementi of the Peace Commissioners Singular course if l!m: Camming Hostile Disposition of the Mormons The Peace Fallacious. Great Salt Lake City, Saturday July It 1858, TUB RRTL'll.N OF TUK MORMONS. Tbe week closing to-day has been a busy one in tbe valleys. 1 informed you in niy last that tbe people were beginning to return lo their homes, abandoned upon tbe approach of tbe army by order of their prophet and priest. The experience we are now having upon this point, by-tho-by, is suggestive of the utter folly of Mormon statements, prior to tbe peace, tbut they could move tbeir households and three yeurs' provisions faster thu i) tbe army could follow. They have an abundance of oxen and mules, but are defi cient in wagons ; and if they were lleeing be fore an aimy, would be compelled toabuAidon evertbing except tbe small amount of provi sion necessary lor a few weeks travel. Thus is exploded another element of the stupen dous game of Mormon brag which frightened the President of tbe United States into his mistaken policy of obtruding an unasked pardon upon ungrateful traitors rather than to incur the responsibility of subduing tbt in and so effectually curing tbeir treasou. 1 be scenes among tue returning refugees upon the road confirm all you who have al ready heard of tbe extreme poverty of many of the people. Any number of females, old and young, are seen passing along bureloot, with scarcely enough of clothing upou them to cover tbeir persons, and tbe few rags they have or the coarsest material. Many are en tirely without even a calico gown, wearing a coarse petticoat, sometimes made of a scant pattern of old carpet, or a worn-out coverlet and a calico or muslin waist, which their best etforts cannot coax up to tbe requirements of modesty. An army officer who was in town tbe other day, on bis return to camp, passed over a road on tbe west side of the Jordan, which is less frequented than the direct road from Provo on this side; suddenly he came upon a compauy of a doxeo or more females, walking aloug tbe road on tbeir re turn from Provo, in company with twe or three male "protectors," wbo were mounted, something after the fashion of herders driviug cattle. These females were so destitute ol clothing that several of them had blaukets wrapped arouud tbe in after the fashion of In dian squaws. RETURN OF TIIR PEACE COMMISSIONERS. The peace commissioners left here quite suddenly on Sunday latt, on tbeir return to Washington. They had been much annoyed prior lo tbeir departure by flying rumors, in dustriously circulated by leading Mormons, to tbe effect Ibet they had agreed lo coudi tions of peace which bad been violated by tbe army. Gov. Powell bad been waiting three weeks for tbe report of Lis speeches in tbe conference with the church leaders. When he obtained it at last, a week ego, he found it so badly mutilated as to be quite beyond recognition wbole parsgrspbs aseribed to him which be bad never altered, acd many things wbicb be did say were lost altogether. "The Commissioners presented a dignified silence while here in regard to tbeir own im pression of tbe people but if I am skilled in observing tbe teachings of an emotions' face, til t a Ij J t to s , ' I thoy both left this city with sentiments of profound disgust. I predict that in tbeir personal report to the President, they will assure him that the present peace is falhtcions and that this community is not likely ever to make good and safe citizen of the United States. They know full well that the people here have a higher regard for tbe law of tbe church than that of tbe Union, and that all their protestations of love for the Constitu tion are idle whenever Brigliam's edict stands in the way. 00VKRN0R CCMMTXO tS CI.OVrR, AND OTURIl ORNTILKS IN MISERY. Gov. Cumming-, his Secretary, and Dr For ney, the Indian Superintendent all of whom seemed to become satisfied at once that the Mormons are about as good people as the Lord makes have been well cared for; but all other gentiles, no matter how careful not to give any expression here to n word calcu lated to offend, have been served, generally, with a cold, freezing politeness suggestive of genteel strangling. We have been quite un able to obtain rooms in wbicb to lodge, and are compelled to sleep out of doors, and leave our personal effects to the mercy of any passer-by, whose appreciation of the relative law of meum and fiitiin may bo eccentric or indis tinct. There are houses enough -vacant but their owners dare not, or not choose to rent them to us, avowedly because the Church do oot wish it. Add to the facts stated above, showing the partiality for Governor Cumming, tbe further fact that leading Mormons have been constantly engaged in efforts to depreciute, tbe labors of the Commissioners even going so far as to request us to state in our correspondence that the cfloct of the pres. ence of these gentlemen has been rather to reopen and aggravate tho difficulty which Cumming and Kane bad closed and there weuld seem to be some confirmation for the rumor here originating in Mormon boasting to the effect that Cumming accepted tbe Governorship in the beginning, at the soli citation or prominent Mormons, and that tbo expectation ol being made a United Slates Senator from Utah was the induce ment. You will remember 'hat when first offered the place, Cumming declined it per emptorily. A few days later he rcconsiJer ed the subject, and requested a friend at St. Louis to telegraph to Washington bis accep tance. Tbe rumor referred to says that du ring this period of vacillation, leading Mor mons held out the Senotnrsbip aforesaid. It is difficult to understand the nature ol' the singular relations of Governor Cumming with this people from the beginning to the pres ent hoor, except upon tbo hypothesis either that they knew the terms upon wbicb it is agreed that Brigham shall be Governor in fact, or that they are satisfied of tbeir ability to mould tbe former, like potters' clay, to any sbapo they will. Brigbam ond bis people are very anxious for nd mission into tbe L mon, and arc exerting every effort now to accomplish that result. It is tbeir lust card, if 1 mistake not, before abandoaing the gome as members of tho Con federacy. They maintain that it is their con stitutional right to be admitted, and they de sire it, so tbut they can make a law legalizing Polygamy, and placing it within the charmed circle of "State Bights.'' Tbe leaders or tbe Mormons and tbe mass of the "faithful" continue to look upon the Gentiles with doubt and suspicion. Briglium himself is cross, morose und sullen. They are only a little subdued by the presenco ol' the army, and are not conquered by the Pres ident s act ot clemency, lucre is nonparty foropet fulness of tlie pest, and anticipations of future peace. Within a tew days howev sr, it is probable tbut their loyalty Will be put to the test. Judge Eckles, wbo is bold tfsvl Tearless in discharge of bis duty, proposes to, issue writs at tbe suit of an ex-Mormon, nam ed Wadswortb, for tbe arrest of certain par ties at Payston, 70 miles south or this, for kidnapping - Wadsworth's adopted child. Mr. Dotson, tho United States Marshal, is expected to serve tbe writ within a few days und lo take the aeuased (Win. Young and George Wadswortb) to Fort Bridger for trial. This will test the power of the law, and show us whether the tbreuts uttered in my heaoing that any man who attempts to serve vfriu upon "ibis people" is to be shot are idle or otherwise. Tbe Judge's firm ness is a subject of general admiration, and we regret to learn that be bas requested leave to resigu his post. THE STOLES CATTI.B RESTORED, ETC. A few days since the Church turned over to the army a portion or the cuttle stolen lust fall from the merchants by Mormons. The number thus restored was 198 bead. Of these Gilbert A Gerrish pnt one steer out of 1-15 Btulen, John Radford sutler, received oue mule ont of 159 auiinals lost, und Russell & WudJcll lbG out of 1G00 taken from tbeir trains. Tbe Mormons are abusing Gen. Johnston, Lit letting bis animals eat up all the grass in the valleys. As Uncle Sum owns every Toot of land in this country, and the citizens not one, the latter seem to think the old man's cattle ought to starve 1 Tlie anniversary of A merican Independence was slightly celebrated in the city nn Mon iay, the 5th, instaat when the Mormon brass bind serenaded tho Governor, bis Secretary, and Judge Eckles. - ii New Advertisements. nt gtHtpr'niitl R?roi (lrr, Sic. AR. J. D. MASSER. of Suhlury, respectfully oilers himself to the electors of Nonliitm berlaiu) eounlv as a candidate for REOISTEK AND RECORDER AND CLERK OF THE ORPHANS' CO CRT, at the ensuing election, subject to Democratic Rules. Kunbury, July 10, 1858. te To the Voters of Northumberland County. AVINO been solicited by many of my fel low citizens to become a candidate fur the oi'uce of REGISTER &. RF.CORDER AND CLERK CF THE ORPHANS COI RT. I hereby announce that I present myself to the Democracy of tbe county for nomination at the approachihg primary election. If nominated and elected I will use the best of my abilities to per- lorin tue duties ol the ollice. UEOROE C. WELKER. Sunhury, June 3d, I808. te To the Electors of Northumberland County. Fr.Linw PifiiiiKi: We are authorized to announce THOMAS D. GRANT, of :he Bor ough of Sunhury, ss an Indepebdeut candidate lor tne otiire ol REGISTER, RECORDER ic. at the ensuing election. Mr. Grunt is too well known to ihe rtorLi of Northumberland county In need any commenda tion at our hinds. No one queaiiona bis qualill cations for ihe post his character for tuoralilv, industry antl sobriety ia irreproachable and his popularity as a man and efficiency a an officer undoubted. For the last six yeara he has been the priuckial clerk in this ollice, and his un tiring industry and ability, bis amiable manners and obliging disposition have elicited the eonfl dence and esteem of all doing business there. V.'e confidently submit his name, and earnestly ask our fellow citiiens to RALLY TO lilii SUPPORT. Respectfully, MANY YOTER8. Banbury, June 14, 18.r. To the Voters of Northumberland County, IIAtlNu been solicited by my friends, I ' hereby oner myself a the people's caudi date for ASSEMBLY. Should I be elected by the auffragea of m fellow citiiens I pledge myself lo perform my duties with tbe utmost of my ability and to the best iuteresta of my constituents and the public at large. A.H.Bl.Alit Milton, July !, POT. te 1808. 1858. NEW ROUTE FOB TRAVELERS I Northern Central llaihvay I ! SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. F'KOM Attn A FT Ml MimOAY, IV I.T UTtll, IhSH, Hie Trunin f ttic Northern Crntml Iteilwny Comi'Kiijf will leve Onily, (Kundnyii excepted) an folkw , COINU NORTH. BLFFALO AND MAUARA KXTRESSJ TRAIN. From BALTIMORE lu StNBUB Y & KLMIRA Arriva l.rvc Cnlverl Ptnlion. 4 an P.M. Yurk, r !W 1 HI Unreport, M9 0 00 lliilllnx, II 67 n S7 Millenlu(, IU 1 1 III 111 liiTMgrlowii, 111 40 III III Trrvulton Jnnclinn, III M 10 fill SVIim-lirme. II 07 11 07 Kliftlll KY, II 111 II NnrthunilxTlnilct, 1 1 127 II -M Chlllwuim'iue, II 41 II 41 lwilmri(, II 40 IMS Millun, II r,7 II M Wntniiitnwn, !'4l WW Vl itcuvil, W M 111 H Kyatrri, l-J" II Alimuninerjr, II iW II 7 hrtW H ' Maury, l II M M(nt..ursvillr, IU r" I M Williiimiinurl, I ") OOINO fiOLTIt From LI.MtKA tc.SLNUt HY IlAI.TIMOItn. Arrive. t.rve. Klmira, I"' A. M. lllitiinrpml, 0 00 V I j MniiKiuravlllr, " "9 iMiini-v, S 4V III! lliTRisr'n, B M 1' r'l Mn.iitft.uivry, l 3-1 M i;i.-r' iu oi n; in t iii.Hii-.wii, I" oh iii in umiutown, lo 14 10 10 Mifeni. I" 2" :" l.twip.biirit, l'l 10 10 4'4 L'lnlliniiiiiiii, 10 47 1(1 47 Niiilliiiuiljrrlniid, lo r 1100 M MU IIV, !l O.I II ii.lm-;ri,vr. 1 1 Sfl II M Trrvortoii Jutitti'in, 1 1 IW 1141 tirmitl't'iWII, II ft: II .i .MiII.t.I.uik, VI IU H -! I ln, l'l 10 II til llriiliirt, I P V l i Vi.ik, :i a an Calvwrt Slim ion, 0 tfi MAIL TRAIN. OOINO NORTH From nAI.TI.MORK V SL'NUUK Y A KLMIRA. Anivc. J,:ivp. divert Ptnti 'n. H (Kl A. M York 11 09 1111 Hrului-port III IN I 10 CM. nk Ferry 1 r,n i a Hallux 'III V til iMlllerallilrg 5 10 J X, llueli.'iiiiiii M III 12 41 iMiili 'Ml'iniM il 9 Ml lie..ri;etciMii !1 i U 01 Tii'Voiton .lutietli-U 3 10 :t H SWnu-Hrovi! : .'I i MNIIIKV, a So 3 ft I .N.iilhiiliilierlniul 4 01 4 l'l ('hii:i(jnmiie 4 10 4 10 Lrwialmrg 4 HI 4 VI Mill. .11 4 : . 4 30 Wat. nt. 'Mil 4 HI 4 .'t l.'miiiltiitvo 4 6" 4 ftH I'.vMer'a 0 05 S n." .Mniiij- imery 6 07 6 11 Ui-iB.-r'a ft 'I S 1.1 Mui.i-v 0 W S v'4 Mnnt.mlavil'e 6 II'' 0 lill Wlllianmpult 6 .')0 Guixr. sot Tit. From r.LMIIt.1 1., Sl'.Mil H Y A UAt.TIMuRn. Arrive. Leive. I'.liiiirn. H2 Ho A M Willimiiipiirt, 3 "ill 4 uo .M''i,i..urni!,., 4 -2 4 II MlMII'V. 4 !: 4 i llrigi-r' 4 M 4 an M'liitv.ilnury 4 li 4 .1 i; !(. 4 41 4 41 I Mi.nit.iwn 4 41 4 YVittsontuwn 4 ft-1 4 S3 Mill. in. 6 ti i Oi Iri'Wtalitlttr ,1 6 13 rhllllKiilmne A 'III 5 m NiirllininlitTliintl 5 1111 6 3. f Mil KY, - 5 II S 13 Mliits limve 6 Si 5 ftri Tri-vnmn .1 uiirli'.a ein All lieiirsel.iwn, 0 81 6 i" Mill, nt. 'iii;,i IW 11-.' Kiii-lianuti, 6 UK 0 :(i Mjlkml.tiri! a 4-1 6 4ft 1iililHX i7 ft9 riurk-a Feny 7 13 1 13 llmipkm 7 51 7 Si 11. Me. port 7 .11 H 40 York .111 27 Cnlvart Station. I I July III, I . . D R. II AliDM AN, AXALITICAL P II T S I C I A X USD Physician for Diseases of the Lungs. punii'ily Physicitn to Cincinnati Marine Hospital and Inrctids's Retreut, Cones jtoudiuij .VtWcc of the I.midoit Medical Sucit ty of Ohsei cutinn Author of " to Invaluis." and U .lit or of the "Mtiiii Ai. St.-i iinscorii," may be consulted at MM1I HV, owa.hjuiit,", Haute," l-iiiliiy, Auiillat 1:1, 1-..S. DANVIIXi:, "M.rtilour House," Auaust 19. IlLOUMMlLIU;. August 11. 1 It IIAMUMAN treats Conauiiiption. Ilrnni lulu, rynitiia, A t lima, and disuusa ol tlie Tliruat unit l.unga by .Mcluil Inluilntion. Li . Iliuilinun'a t-lnnns to public coiinUenre ure founded Up.'ll Hie l.illoivlng tools I 1 His llioroupli and complete acqiiaintance Willi thi priu'lii'i' of lliu moat eelebiulcd physicians ol Ktin i us well ns America. I The I'lTtiliarilit'S of his system of nu-dicutiiai br I'crilif Iron, every other ever yet adopted d.H-s not inukc sick to ititike well ; nor tear down to ttinld up again 4lia I'lirilmir all diitjirerous drnirs ami poisonous irnuerata. 3. ills uitir't'edentcd eierieitce ill lbisit:il practice whera every Iruin of dineuse wut pieai'iited tor Ins treat ment anil in .eases of deiuh, an exiiiuihulion of Ihe dfml IkkIj- nside, and Ihe appeurnueea uf the uflc-trd eari'lully leSed down by his vvii hand for future ret'emiee '1'hes notes anil olipervutlfsia ihua niniie when completed, will form two laiee volumes of live hundred (uirs each, which will lie piil.lithcd for the iMMlefit ot the Medical prori-ranon. 4. In iidilitiou to tins, hit vust espetteitcti, acquired hy Imveinns ut-arly live years, trcutiug lltousnnda annuullv, huvff utfordi-d pre:it advunlnses for (Lseivntioll eisl Ihe slu.ty of all dlaettsea incident to Ihe litlnian family. In this period of tuna he has trsveled a dlvtaiH-e nearly eflinl lo two entire circuits of the rrlolw, mid lias seen, prrbcrihcd for unit been cousulled hy nearly 3U Uiousnurl utvulnls. a t.t. disk aik thi :atkii In relnlinn lo tlie following diseases, eillier when com plicated with I.uiift Atb-elions, or existiuc ulone, 1 also im ittl e.iiiiittiitiou .nsoallv lout III, in piomptly rurttiile. rr'.tapus mid ull f rms of t-'eriule uoiiipluiuls, Irrcgu-turitit-fl mid W t-nkurks. rn1)il:iii,u nud oilier forms of 11,-nrl llieas Liver C'linplniiit, ly!.pe,ta, Ulirl all oilier Uiseust-S of Sitoituicll and Kwrl, i'lita. & e tf All diseases in Hie Ky and Ear; XcUiu!(!la, Kpi iepfv. mid nil forms ol Nervous lliseuse. No cliurge of Consultation 8 1). HA1IDMAX, M. D. Jnns IS. IMS CRACKERS. )l'3T RECEIVED by the subscriber, at his FLO I,' It STORE, Market Square, Minbury, a fiesh supply of Water, liutter, ISusar, Oiner and Sirtla Crackers, for aula hy the pound or barrel, at wholesule liurrishurr and Philadelphia prices. Those wishing to purchase will please give kirn a cull before ordering elrewhere. C. O. IIAYK.V Ha also coatinocs to receive, weekly, supplies of Hour, giving his customers a fiesh article and at very reasonable rates. Sunhury, July 81, 1868. tf LUZERNE INSTITUTE, Wyoming, Luzerne County, Pa., VI AS a healthy and quiet location, ia very easily accessible by tbe Lackawanna and Bloomahurg Kailroad and otherwise, aud fur nishes to both sties tbe best facilities for study, under faithlul aud accomplished teachers. In Ihe elementary and higher EuglUh, classical, or ornamental branches, thorough iuatruclion and training is given. The Normal Department fur nishes special advantages to those preparing la teach. 'I he next term begins August 84. Ad dress the Piincipal, E. A. LAWRENCE, A. M. Wyoming, July 31, 1858 St PURE CONCENTRATED LYE oft SA. 1 I'O.MFIF.Il. for at Kljil 1 K If llrua Store. Price SO els. ROWVJ and Breinig's Essence of (Jingei and Husband' Magnesia at July 17,'S8. - FISHEH'lt. SjJtBtionery. A large supply of Tansy Note s3 Paper aad Envelopes, Mourning, Letter, aud Co Paper, Pens. luk, Bainl, Ac, at July IT, S8. A. W. FISHER'S. 4I.M0NPH, RAISON8, FIGS, LEMONS. 4- Ac, Ac, just received fresh supply and fur sl at the Confectionary store of M. C. OF. A PIT ART. PvilKiry, Ms?y fit, l57e- BTJNEURY STEAM FERRY TO NOR THTJMBERLASD. ON and after Wetlneaday Urn Slath July, the iimlrraivnrd will run hit 7 JAM FERRY BOAT, regularly, Tor pamenir , between Hun bury and rv'ortliunibcrlanil, it.ording to the fol lowing arhrdule, ir.: Leave Market atreet wharf, StjnhurJ, at T.00 A.M Kelurning, leave Northumberland at 7.30 ' Leave Huul ury for lry Valley at 6.30, touching at IN'oithuml rlnnd at M5 " lic'urninir, touch at Narthumtier'd at 11.80 " Leave Sunhury for Northumberland at S.)0 P.M Returning, leave Northumberland at 3.110 " Leave Hunhury for Northumberland at 0.00 " Itrturnitip;, leave Northumberland at fl.'JO " When convenient, Intermediate Iripa will be made. FARE lo and from Puidmry and Northum berland 10 centa, or twelve Ticket for One Dollar. "J hia nrrnnerment will not only provo a (real coiivenionee lo iienuina visiting the two juces on l'Uinea or pleaaure, hut allurda an agreeable nd lileafaiit ride nn one of the most pirt ..rvalue porliol'a of the heimlilul Suaqiinhnmia. I It A T.rl.E.MKNT, Proprietor. ANDREW HOOVER, Captain. Sunhury, July 18!5R. HARDWARE ! HARDWARE L'ST received by A. W. FISHER, at hia Drug More, Sunhury, l'a., SCOOPS. SHOVELS, FORKS. LOU CHAIN' S, MILL f4V5, CROSS C(.T HAWS. Alan, .Vcrewa, Dulls, Door Knobs. Thumb Lalcliea, mid all hnnlwure ni'ceasary forhuildirif. A splendid In) of porket and table cutlery, Scia aota, tieinnin silver Spoons. A larpc atock of Looking (Ilaafea, received nliJ Tor anh- by A. W. FltSIIER. Kunbury, .tiy 17, isr.s. " rPwTJG- fe CHEXCICJAL EJVtOIITJls:. TJllE unill't.Igned buving received a large and A well rrlecled Mtoik of l'iit'0 tti iMxN ii nd (iiritiScnl4, Dyei-tulTs. Oil, I'ninta. nia.ia ami Tutty, i now ready lo lill order nt a momenta nollce. In connecticin with the above you will find an assortment of Funry Notions, Toilet ylrticlea and Perfumery of nil kinds, Tooth, Hair, Nails and Clothes U rushes of ecry variety. t 'iibtunirrs will find his stuck complete com prising many articles it is iinposnible here to enumerate. KEMEMRER Hie place, next door to the Peo-pli-'s One Price Store. Physicians' Precriptions compounded accurate ly and carefully. A. XV. FI8HER. 6'uiiburv, July 17, 18.18. NOTICE r"IE Jurors drawn and stimmnned for tbe Special Couit, t!d week of August next, need not iitltnd as there will not beany Court held at that time. JAMES VANDYKE, Sheriff. Sheriffs ullicc, Sunhury. July 21th, h:H. i MUSIC TEACHER. 'I'lIE subscriln'r refpeclfullv informs the citi - zens of Sunbiirv and vicinity, that he.. Mil remain in this place for the purpose of giving lessons on the PIANO, lo such as many desire instruction. His terms will be reasonable. He may be found at the Washington House In this place. CHARLES DARING. .Sunbury. July 17, I HSU. Wood. Cross Cut and Mill Saws. ' Simerior article at FISHER'S. Sun'uirv, July 17th, 1858. PURlTITUPvE POLISH. S. R AIVS Premium Patent Knaniel Furniture Polish. This polish is hiqbly valuable for resto ring the polish on all kinds of Furniture, (ilass, Carriage Bodies, Cloth, &c. Alan, for re moving spots, hiding scratches, &c, Ac. War ranted to dry immediately und retain its gloss. Price ZiO eta. per bottle. Sold by A. W. FISHER. July J7, 18.1S. Citrate of Magnesia on T A S T K LESS SALTS. iTHIS preparaiion is rcconiineuded as an ex ccllent laxative and purgative. It operates mildly, is entirely free from any unpleasant taste resembling lemonade in flavor, prepared ami sold by A. XV. FISHER. Sunhury, July 17, 158. NOTICE. ,4 LL persons having claims on Michael (!ra- ham, sun contraclor on Section 54, North ern Central Kail Kond, for materials furnished or labor which they may consider mo in any way holding for, will please present them to Dr. W. H. Marr who lias hound himself in an in strument of writing with inc to draw said Urn ham' estimates aud keep me harmless against all claimed against said Graham. R. BOOLE. Sunhury, July 3, lfR. Cutliarlue Zimmerman's) folate. J9J0TICE is hereby given that letters of ad u inistralion have been granted in the sub scriber on the esliilo of Catharine Zimmerman, late of Lower Augusta township, Northumber land county, deceased. All persons indebted are requested to inul.e immediate payment, and those having claims will present Ihein for settlement. S A. Ml EL II. ZIMMERMAN, Adm'r. Lower ugiista lp., July 17, 1858 til MOORE & CAMPION, Xo. 201 South Second Street, 6 doors above Spruce, PIILADELPHIA, HAVE now on naiid the largest assortment of I"l I C A R I X KT n ItMTI HK Than they have ever ho'l at any previous time, ant the)' invite the public to rail and examine their slock before purchasing, as they feel conll dent that their prices will be a sufficient induce ment lor all who want good furniture to buy at their rslnkishincut. A Urge assortment of rratt'j Rack and Pinion Dining Extension Tables always on hand, Spring und hair Mattresse f.rnished st lowest prices. Furniture catcfully packed and on reasonable terms. Philadelphia, July 24, 1 859. ly FHfcEBUPvQ ACADEMY. AMI Snyder County Normal School. FBEEBTJHO, FA.. 'IM1E Filth session of ibis Institution eommen 4 ccd on the 27th of Jl'LY, and continue 2" weeks. Encouraged by past succees, increased cli'orts wilt be made to enable stedents lu acquire sound mental, moral and physical education. The Academic Department embraces all the branches constituting a thorough r.ngliih, Clas sical, Mathematical and Scientific Education. together with Music, Drawing, fainting aud t icucb. A NORMAL DEPARTMENT baa been established and heretofore well attended in which Teacheia, snd those wishing to become snch, can prepare ihe mwlve for the profession. Turns II ls m AiVAr. For Board, T'jtt ion, Doom, cVc per session of 22 week. 52 to $60 Tuition alone, per quarter of II wks. $4 lo $6 Music, Drawing, Painting and French at usual charges. Students can enter at any lima. For catalogues. Ac, address GEO. F. McFAKLAND, Principal. July 31, 18S8. ItCRE CIDER VINHrtAR, PL RE CIDER VINEOAH, PLRE CIDER YINEDAK. By tbe quart, fallen and barrel, for sal bv M. C. (iEARHART. Peabary, July 11, lM. HERRING'S SAFE. AI2AIV THE fiTfAMPION I 1 The ony Hale which, in every Instance, preserved mer en tire cot.lotits in the Inte e tensive fire. At the burning of the Arli- fan Uiillding. worn in. rand in the til! EAT FIRE in Market .tree., May .at, N6l. j the genuine IIERRINO SAFU Preserved (be Jewelry of Ceo. W. Slmolis Jt Uro.t Rooks, Papers, Ac, of Fisher ,V Hro.,and Edward Seainans c. Co., after reniainiim e poaed in the burning ruina for nearly FORTY HofRs, und proving conclusively wb'it we have ntwava cliiimed for them, Til EIR tiREAT SUPERIORITY over all securities now known. In these fires, THE HKRR1NUVJ SAFE, standing sido by 'nle with Ihoso advertised is 'warranted to atimd 10 per cent, more fire Ihnu HerrinR's," cuine forth l!ie A CK N O W LK DO El) VICTOR, not only prf?.trvlnr their Contents in EXCELLENT order, but being in themselves in a condition to go thronch another ordeal, while tbe boasted ' Salamanders" of other ma kers were hmlly used up in every instance, and in some cases their intiic contents completely destroyed. To the public he would simply cay, tint, du ring the fourteen vears Ihe HEUHINO'S SAFE has liecn before ihein. more than two hundred have passed through accidental fires without the occurrence of a single lo?s. We would, therefore, CAL'TIO.N purchaser against the of interested par ties. The HERRINO'H PA PENT Is the only FIRE PROOF SAFE made in this cttv, which ia iirotcctcd bv a PATENT RIOH'P, and we will cuiirautee it lo resist more then double the amount of beat of any other Sjl'e now known- Parrel, Ht'i-iiu &. Co., Sole Miintir.U'turers sn this State of "Herring's Patent Champion Safes," 31 Walnut ft., Phitutta. t V "Evans cV Wnlson's Improved Salninan ders," "Oliver Evans'," "C. S. Oayler's," and ' Scott's Absetos," Iron L'laests, (a large assort ment having been taken in part pa) incut for "Hcrrini;',") will be sold at low prices. Philadelphia, July 10, I S."8. I y iiiuk, on, & i.t:t i ii:r siotti;. D. KHIKI'ATUICK & SONS, No. Ml r4iuth Third rMn-ct, lstve.-ii MnrVct mid Clicsnut Mrc.-ln, PIIILAllK.'.l'lllA, 'OK f.ani1i lliilfs, ami sittwl ; Drv anil 1 tircen fcilled ratlin kipps. T.WXKKS' Oil,,!' AM) I't HHIKItn' 'J'uiil.!. and urm-tul asaort liivnt of Leather, Finished and in tlie Itoiigh. ai.h rkdwi.k i.i:athi:h. All of winch will be sold low lor Cnsli. or tlie us'itil Creiht. I (7" All kinds of T.rallier i,i tlm floucli wuiiled. for winch the hiclicsl uinrkt-t price will he given, in cash, or taken in ejcnauue rnr II teles. I.eathi-r Stonil frre of L'harce. anil r"M on Commiuicn. I'lliLdi lhia. July 3, 1S.5 ly ICE CEEAM 1 jyBRS. MARI WHARTON respectfully in forms her friends tnd the public generally, that she will accommodate them with icf. ciiksm, at her residence, on every evening (Sundays ex cepted) during Ihe present summer. Sunhury, July :, 18S8. IVIioloale (Grocery. EBY JSC KUNKEL, Opposite the Pennsylvania Kail Koud Depot HARRISHLRC, PA. EEP a large stock of the following named articles, and will sell cheaper than any othir bouse this rddc of Philadelphia. Call and seo price oT Coffee, Lard oil, FWi, Salt, H ams. Fish oil, Tar. Kosin, Pitch, Sugar, Tea, Sjiiccs, 'I'olmci'O, Shoulders, Oakum, Calcined Plaster Candles Ac. Cigars, Flour, Vinegar, Fluid, Cheese, Soap, S. 11. Molasses, Syrups, N O. Molasses. Crow liars. Also, Cement, Safety Fuse, Sledges, lion and Nails, for sale at very small profits. July a, -S58. ly A. J- ROCK E FELLEll Vttovncn at taw, Practices in Northumberland and adjoinin Counties. Hunbury, Novembet 21, 1857.- tf THE INTERNATIONAL HOTEL. BROADWAY, COKM'.ll OF FRANKLIN STRKKT, NEW -STOHI51 CIT"5T, lias been recently rehltej, The liooins aie newly carpcld, The Furniture and lleilsare superb, Sttft tli llalhs ate unsurpassril. TA VLlllt'S I'Kl.KHIi A l.U Al.OllNS SS C.'NMO-TKD WITH THSItolKt. Here Is e.iiici-iilrate.1 sll the coliil'oria ol a home, With ths luxuries ot a nalul-b THE sri.KMHO I.ADIW FARI.OR Commands anil anetuatled visrt- or Huottm-AT, tiik i.'h; lo.VAt. ik the most central of any ol' the fi st class Hotels for busi ness. or places is aiiiuseineut, anil offers unsurpassed ad-vsiiliiKt-s lo luuiiltcs iiimI freiillenieu visitine New N'ork. Ai.cskd FsSKAiss, Proprietor. New Trak, July 3. la.',. ly s . NOBLIf , BROWN & NOBLIT, t'nliliict IrlHKrrti' rinUipr store AND BEDDINO WAKE-ROOM?, Having RE M O V E D to ihe new Iron Front Warehouse, No. 222 South Second Slreet, below Dock, West Side, PH1LLDELPHIA. V OW otl'er lo ther custoiiiers and the public l generally, a new and (ull assortment of CABINET HAHDWAKE &. MATERIALS. They invite tbe attention of tbe trade to their stock of Huir Seating and Curled Hair, of their their own manufacture ; Also to a full assort ment of HEDDINU AND I'PHOLSTERY. Philadelphia, July it, 18S8. ly Dissolution & Co Tartncrsliip. f l'MIE lirm of Shepherd and Hewett, Coal Ope - ralors, Locust Summit Colliery, "Vorlhum herland County, Pa., being this day (June 1st, lft'iH,) dissolved hy mutual consent, the business Will he bencelorlh carried on by James M. Shep herd and John McFurlanJ, under the firm namo of Shepherd & McFarlnnd, who will pay alt claims against anj receive all account due lo tbe late linn. JAMES M. SrtEPIIEKD. Ktinburv, Pa., CM A HI. EH HE WHIT, r;hainokiii. Pa, JOHN M FARLaND, Pine Grose, Pa. Sunhury, June Oi Tislline Tackle Red Cotk, (iras. Cot- toil aim l.inen Lives, Out Lines, Sea t.,ei .y tne ysru, cno.His, rues, rumy. i.imerica alio Carlisle Hool., Rod. Ac, for ale bv July 17, !. A. W. PlrtHEK. ,lll... , n M.i ...... 1 ....1 ' uunuijo ami rSBi.i. o.uoo iininiiieu M- K....r ..f K.n,,.ld l-M.l,.r,j.l.i. Fie. ('atcndirli and tine cut tobacco at A. W. Fl-MIEHX. Bunbury. July 17. l.r3. IfV Ul llgsl, I'll i lit W, &'. NEtV supply f Drugs, Paints. Oils, Fluid, ic., just received and for sale by ' , . LMw II f I J. , , f ie.ll 1. 11 Sunhury, July 17. 185. IDOKTand MA DERI A WIXES, ScbieJam Schnapps, Wild Cherry brandy. Blackberry md Lavender brandies lor medicinal purposes st July 17, 'na. A. V. FIsiiER. BDSHONO'M &. SONS' Superior Burling Fluid, for sale at FlfeHKK'S Drug ard Chemical Einuirium. ?nnhury July 17, 1858. OATCHOri.Y, JOCKEY CLI B. SPHINU L FLOWERS, Ac. of the best quality ; a fresh anpply just received and for sale at the Drug Store of A. V. VlfllEK. rnWurv, in'j 17, U. 1P1 RIVIERE HOUSI3. (r"firini"fl Klhit-' Ifntcl.) I-K.WISBl IU3, L'McjN CO., VA It. CMIiri ZI I,, I'rOprletor. n'flll funnenf the !ur(rrl find hit (tirnifhf il iloiclo fu L the Vt tt HfHiich. II m lo' tiiH in ihr liupn.yfi :itt nf thu ti'rt n, (tt Im imh llir.Milv Hntfl hi fnrk'-I SM;rc ) Tit? -.riiprifOT is lt'4ttin.nH, lo uw vry rxcition t-i mokt hi tionra our nf the tfi-ni in Ptnto ; nml it i.fli-it mre inri'irMtimu for perm'tifl wh trml n tltort un in ntif of Iht nmM (ilrnNiui ttm in .iiUii l'cniiei) Ivniun ,w7n"J, "CtM. .- EXPRESS AND TRANSPORTATION UNl!. Ci OODS Shtpprd from the Wan house f Jf FRELl), W ARD eV FREED. No. Ill Market street, above H t h at., J'Iu'Ih ilH (.Jn"n , to nil inlcrinediate poinls along Ihe railro-id, to Sun bury and Northumberland in particular, without transhipment and at the lowest rules of lictght. All orders thankfully received slid promptly nttftitlcd to, arid d'Oods catcfully delivered to ull Merchiiuls and others. FHKJiERM'K SCI LLV. June 20, IS.iS. :iin$ Transporter. LANORETHS' Agricultural Ware house and Eecrl Btoro, $'. 'Jl and 2o South th street, hritrcn Mir. l i t and CheSuut street.', Philadi Iphiu, IS atna)a open lo ihe inupeclion of every olio interested in FarniinR or O.irilennie, 'J ho slihscrl'icrs therefore invite the public, ui'lu i nil v to cnl! nd einmine the larrre sn.l well selected stock ol Agricultural linpleiiienls and .Machinery, great vaiiely of llortirult jral trmls. Wurritntcd tiiiulcn ami l'loncr Seeds (irrlsl and I'iclil Seeds id the most Reliable ljuality, which llicv idler f"r sale at the lowist cash pines, whole.-iiuo ,,r retail. j uu ncncuiiuriii implements soni ny us aro mostly manufactured at our steam woik, Uriitttil, IV. Having fitted up this establishment without reaard to expense, with the most toiuphte ma chinery for the manufacture of various kinds nt atrricullural lifiplelncnlA, we are prepared lo sup ply all articles in this line of the very best ijualitv. I Landreth's WarranTd (iaiden Seeds have been before Ihe public for upwards of sity vcars; their wide-spread opularily and Ihe im n i-iisinu demand from year to year arc the best evidences of their superiority over all others, tit' Country merchiiuls can be supplied wiill seeds in papers, or iu hulk, on the most liberal terms. Rloomsdale, near Rit-tol, Pa., our gar Jen seed grounds, contains three hundred end seventy acres, and io the largest establishment of its hut in the world. D. LAN DRE'l'H oV SON. Nos, 21 and 23 South Sixth St.. Philadelphia. Landreth's Rural Register and Almanac for 18!)8, containing a monthly Calender for tlui Farm, Uaidet and (ireenhouse, i n as mr liiiiTis upon personal or prepaid at plication. . Philadelphia, May 22d, 1858. Dr. V. II. Ullli.-tioit, OY l...M.A!"li,l! Lily, late ol Pliilail-lpliia, vlis'c he has been in sncccsstul pnielice far a iiuuPh i of years, rcceivrtl hia at the best .Mcilmal l',,ier;a I..VNCA!Tr.R in l no Ifiotea sta'es, anil hait the cxix'tienee mill pr.iL I n--i iu the il.ib-ieiit Hospitals for several cms. n uirinlit r of ttie Analytical Medical Institute nt New Y..tS. ami lals Meiilcil rui(!eon Ihe I'tutnt Males N-iv-. n.iw , tleis Ininselt to the public loatli'iiiluny prt.lessioiu.l calls. I hepures' liiettlciiles nlntivs i'-ii lian.l ilo.-et Jr. m Ilia best lt i atone ol our coutllrv. anil the II .titnieal i.hi- I ileus ol' tlie worlil. No taleut iue.iiciueires'-tirif it i.i r... I conuaeiulal. ttHlieiiii.'b useit onU which will U"t hr-as j down the e.itist'tutii.u, lint will icuoviite the ssteui tiom all injuries il has siistaiue.l ir.-ni iiiineta! uieiliri'n, s t" hro. inc anil itinicull diseases must he ireuri-il iipnn tuiab tical pituelples, winch is lo know anil ns eerta.a what disease is Its nature mat churn. ler leijulre a kii.iu'le.lse ol thu eltfinieul coustituenls ol ererr sni'd and lliinlof ihe hutnau Isd; ; Ihe clrins-s those solids an. I fluids ure nipahleis" am1ers;ouir. To know whin tnedieiues to snp!oy to rare diseases rUirc6U kuowlt-rlire of IhcchcuiiiviicoitsntuciitK of all neeios einplnye.1 in hiedicmc ; and if we are in pos session of l his knowld.lgr, It is possilile tneme any disrnsa no llintier of how loinr etruiinsj and ltve Ihe patient ia a Inndlliv and perlectly cured r'oudiiioii. Melancholy. Alienation. oi Hint stale of a ienntion as.1 weakness ot the mind whu-ll renders persons iucH(Hdile of enjoying Ihepleaturesor pcrforuniar I In- duties of hie; l)v. pepsin ; lliut distressing tiiseascund fell desi rover of heal'li uud happiness, uiiderinininc the e.iiistirulisiiK nmt yearly currying thousand?- to untimely ruvea. can inovt emphati cally ne cured. tvlK-uunitisin, lu any loriu or condition, " 1 chronic or acute, warruuted eurahle; llpilepsy or fallon; ' su-kness: alt chrome and stuhtsirit cases of Female 1- senses rn'henllv removi'd ; rlilt Riieum. and every descrii. tl.ll of ulcetatloufc, Piles nud Scri'lulus I liseases, whli Ii I le.v,- Isltll..,! ull ttreei.,,, t.iu.l.n,.l .L.ll I.u I I trt-atiueiti, when ihe coustltutnm is n..t exhausted. I do Fay all diseases (ves, Ciaisiiuiptioii) can he cured. reTuncei ellreil without the knife. I will remain in my otliee on Vkiinks:hv nn.l Pvtcr Iits, !iom II o'el ifk A. M . to 3 I' M , In .iic.nim.lHi., patients finm a distance, and eonsult m i tie Fiujiish and (it-rinau lauciiafres. Will make visils to any ,lit:iiice If ie.mred. Sluy be uddressed by It'.ter, ri'ilton Spiaie, ltucastcr e.ty, Vn. W. II. YVIIITMOH.M. 11. June 5, tsiS din SILVER PLATEH-WAKE- MA'lt rvtTi 111 II lit J O II 0 . 31 E 4 I ti SOSS, r"pil E oldest Electro Plater in the l'i.itf.1 Mates, - manufactures of every varietv bf (iuod plated with pure silver, Albata, Brittanii and Steele Tea Sells, Lilis, Waiters, C'aslprj, f'nUe Ilas- kcts, Pitchers, (iuhlets, Coliitnunion Service, Spoons, Forks, Knives, Ac All goods warrant ed as represented. North East cornr 9th and Chesmit street. Philadelphia, Pcnna. May S, l&.ifl. ly nilLADEZiFZIXA AND KEADINO RAILROAD. CHANGE OF HOUR3. 0 AM) AFTKH .MOMMV, July a. 1- .-. the.l'wa inoiiuiit; Passcuser train will lea p. itvi!L hi n It A . M ., piissmi lEsading utOSl A. -M , and arnvog at Philadelphia ut o a, -on. The dowa Alteriiootl Trulh will leave Potlsville at ,T 3T 1'. M , passion Reading at 5 al.l! aniving a! I'lola te. ploa ul 7. lu. I'. .M. Moriuiij ui'.l At'lsriiisni Pasiscprr Trams leave IMu.s delphiual siliu. hours us ht-retolore. jo a. M umt Z o'l V. 1., puisling Utadn.g nt lo.t'.i A M. mill t' UT V. M. I.FHANON VALI.F.Y nitAMtl. Passenger Train lem-es It eadins nt IUt.-A M , nfun arrival ol liovvii ami t'p .Vlorno. I'as,eur;sr Truiu lr,.to Hottsvllf unit riolai'tlpinn,) ai'.J !"IM es ai !Ian .si u. a ar 12 M.', inxiii, la time I" connect with Passei.-..-, Tia.ns .-r s-uuhury, Wilhamsport, F.hnira. Iinsliarf!, rtinmU-tslntrc, and Ijunasli r. Itetniiiiutf. h aves Ilio nsl.iirrf at Hi P. .M , after airival tif Passenjsr Trams from ail above points, hiuI urnvc.s at iiradini: at 4 aa, in lime to connect with l'p and Down Passeuaer Tinins lo lVtls Vlllcail'l Philudvh.hia, the sums rrniniL'. C. A NlCCil.l., f!nglnevi and So pet inreodent . Jaly IT, l?.-,.-tf r. kilanchton shindel, Jt Stlt 11 JF TUK PEsCCf STJJSTEXJRY, TA. Office in Deer Street, immediately opposite the Ptdilic School 11-juse. Allluiness promptly attended to. Munis collected and all ordinary writing done. Sunhury, April 2ft. It57 tf mii.hii i ra.ti.i., H'AofjuZe and Retail l'ealers in FORHION Ss DOMESTIC Mill strict, (East side) .Xvrth I'uncitle, Pa. ( rK ,llKirrBineil would respectfully announce j A ,., ibeir liiends and the nubile eenerullT. . ,lM ,h),y iavo purch,e.l a vory extensiee stock, j uf Wines and Liuuor dincl from the Custom ! Nii. tthieb tb.'v nll'ps 1.1 iba tru.'s at Pbdndel. ' J idiia iirices llierchy saiitig frctirht Vc. jcit w . tiiii;ir r , J. s. H M L, Dsnvi::, June 15, 1858. if PUBLIC NOTICE. TjOTfCE is hr eby I J- L.VI'IONSJ, lurcb ihst the Hl'slNEsS RE- -tofora snbsihting brtwsen William rimer and ilia undersigned, in lb Drug Slore at Northumberland, have, by mulua, const ul, this dy (Juu 7th, DJS8.) ceased to exist; and the Books and accounts will remain for sellieu.ei.l and collection In the hand of Ilia subscriber, win) will cotitmne lo carry ou thu business at the ul 1 stand. WOIIERT B. McCAT. Northumberland, Jun 20, 1868, PORT MON A I F.S, Tooth and Hair Brush all ijuslities, aud any tjuinli v, for sale by A. W. FISHER. July 17. S8. 111RE Ol S r. OIL for tabl uso, lw 1 at 37 J arid 02 J cunts- just received -At A. W. F July l7,ii.