Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, August 07, 1858, Image 4
r : -it "i - ' i ". '. ..- -of 7V, ittrka ure so easy, yii'S sky, dim Otlt . By T i I root. uch hko hums, ! ut Iho muniing 1 lird lii'pnmrs lj of time. . hi. iuri'8 ore untight, nv impntii-ntly ubout, v 1 i! burses ought, Tim first turn cat. ' dowy moods nppenr. 'p rosy Angered gill r my pillow tlenr To riivly pearl. iK'J by olhi'r men's, u season tpiiiintly begs lippr rife lnFnre the hens jluvo laid Ihcir eggs '.nble pillow st'irt, ei in the oust uwiikpii ? y ftrpnky port, Kxcrpting bacon. , Mr. Orny 1ms drawn, o haste tho dewy prafff omong, .uu upon the upland lawn " Well, ho dipil young. "Wilh rummi-men euch c-uily hours ngrcp, And swoops Ihut earn betinu'S tiieir bite nnd sup, Hut I'm no cliuiuiug boy, mid will not bo All up ul! up. Fo bote Ml lie. my morning c.ills delVrrint', " Till something neorer to the stroke or noon ; A man tlmt'a loud pn-rocionsly ul stirring, Most be a spoon. a MM 111 '' j.1- il) n m 0 v o s . :is CofRT. Hon Unvid Paul I'.rowr, '"udelpliitt liar, relates the following y in u lato work of his : " ..nek had instituted n suit for nipdical iimt. ono of his neighbors, and the .-ait being brought for the use of another... camo hiuisell the witness. j .mi. " who was employed to defend tho suit to expose the quackery and ignorance T.orthlessness of the services rendered, ioeted the doctor to the following cross uiiiiuation : 'ounstl Did von treat the pntient r.c-'-to the most approved rules of sur- ssHy all means I crrtninly did. Did you dicnpitnlc him? VilPSaLndouljtedly 1 did; that was u matter of course. Cour.s.l DiJ yon perform tho tataiiau operation upon him ? Witness Why of course; his condition required it, nnd it was attended with great v jnsel DM yon. now, doctor, subject person to autopsy ? Witness Certainly; that was the last remedy I adopted. Counsel Well, then, doclor, 03 you first cut off tlie defendant's head, then dissected liim. nnd ha still survives it, 1 have no more to nsk, ond ir you claim ho still survives it rpinckery deserves to bo immortal. Laid Oit DkcidfjjI.y. Some of onr youii e. r male rollers may have heard of "brandy that kills at eighty rods." n anecdote told us the other day discloses tho ruel ol the existence) of a compound, culled whiskey, considerably more certain in its effect. i'hf.r.,v n attendinc a dance one &LECT SUMMER GOODS. LAUGH ASSOR TMENT ! WK have received our NEW GOODS for the mi minor trade, and respectfully Invite alt the World and the reBtof mankind to Call iin Sua Tits. People who would economiio and lave their dime will do w ell to call and w e. how very cheap good ran be had, aud should lliey nut conclude lo purchase from ua, they will lc more convcr Kant as to the actual value of all kinds of Goods. V'hcrc are crcal manv re:ion why people should closely eiamine our neck, nnd while ilia clearly demonstrated that the "oliviou meaning end imports" of Ibis multitude of reaaon rcfera directly to the BEXUTY OK TEXTURE, and cheapness in price of good, il will el tho ame strike the mind of the observing ECONOMIST, llint a slate of thing combining a great nnd di versified supply, with low prices, must bring ciImuI a "coiisiiiniualiun devmillv In be wished in making the TOOK M.I.N KlCll.and the rich man opulent. And alllioueh we mav dijres. yet permit to add that twilling would att'ord a lictter ground work for a ummerevpniiig's entertainment, than for the kind mother who H presumed to hive ex amined our stock, to gather her liltle Mock around hrr. and tell them of DliiGHT & SO.V8 beau- liful goods, the handsome Silk from France and Italy, the Kihhons and I.accs rom l.yons, me Mrrinn from Trance, the prints from Manchester, the Linens and Lawn Inmi (Jlasgow and Dub lin, Mid a thousand things of 8real beauty and utility. II ut to be a little more practical, we will stale for the good of the country, the tiding ceneration. and the full grown, more in detail, the goods we retail, in very large or smaller slices, at very greatly reduced pin es : anil inougn we may regret w c said il, we'll sell our goodit on six months credit, at the end of which the people flush." will come and pay u with a rush, for none can feci so unconeirned about a debt to fully earned, as to be guilty of procrastination, to the hazard of their reputation. Then licntleinrn and I.ailies fair, hearken, it niEELER & WILSON MAMXTTAOTtJUINO COS FAMILY SEWING MACHINES. r UK uiinnnfinim favor wliifli tvittiHciuledilie hitnuluc -I ti'n of Whkklkh WiLnoN't Fmnily Sewing Ma ultltie, i eullku nt vvkU ucu of ii rxccilrnre. Jt i Md iuts now tt tav. that lhi itnil imUimn ut fi Iwntmniff i (I 'trifstic iiaViiiui. ii : fht fnrt il rtcwuiKid lv Iib mevt-w- (ill nij i,i thou tHitrlkof Faiiiilici in every rtink in life. Ti th we who biivliitliertorLfruiiittliri)inuvulliiigttieiiiHflvri it ii ailvaiiippi ft, It itmy not lr nrnitt to nn, that ttttt Myntn )f. lMii to le olC(t, but n nicer ulrwidy "Hlii.tiJ 'J he hiutt tcn'.tnony in coiintmttly offered, cm tifminc the vcnlirl which hits given thii iiutruiiitiit Bj wide iiiiilenvmitlca repulnlinn. Thm .Miit'liuie ii euiifvivwl vn n prim'ipte cnllrcty flripi iml, limine fpotinlly nnd oitmirubly ndintl lolhe twmt per-iVt-t Work on every kind of mnteritii and, linving been mtijerit'd tit n tiirce yenra' UM oi me iii" p;itriinig rluimclt'i liy rumilie mid in nri u ItrimchRi of Mntiu- Inrture, with divthisuiihrd mtrt'cti, it it Iwlievrn thiit in all the prent poiiitu rt'tpimite to i cuinplclc nnd pnictitiil Btviny Mm'liine, It rnnnot he Mppront'lied in exrellence vVfTl illir tt'tf Ulldoilhlltt UdVHIltllffrl it pr'MfHL'S UVCf fill othori, niu- le named ihe follnwingt 1. Its Miinplieity of cmi'rnrtinn. in id ponscqnent free dom from di-rnnrnienl mid ntcil of rrpnim H, Itn uiirxmiipl'Ht rnpidiivnnd eitue of opciution. 3 II iMiit'lt'fti tnovriitfiit 4. The prent vniiety of purpose t vht h il enn he np p!it., which can be achieved tiy no oilier inccliniiM-al iiiMin. And, 5. Tim pre-eminent lienntynnd nnrnliihty of the work 41 find yoitr iMachine invaluable I hnve Mw-d it a yrnr, nnd it h:n nv'i Itern out nf ordtr. The nitrli m voiy dtt rnbte, nnd rn be udnptrd Ut tine or c-'iirKe tntiirriiil. It work with the rtiniditv of n tl"Z n tmir of hmtdic : mvr much tune, fiitipne nnd expanse. One f your M:h-Imiic ii utd in in v iniln'r'a 1';tiinlv : HiiUhcr in ibe houietni'd of amiiter; mid ollicri by viiruun fricntlfl. The opimoni of nil nrc-tfd wiwi tliitl I hnve iiist cxnrcFed." Mn Anna Corn ititfhte. Tltcri! is but one Pcwiup :lcllille : nn.l tint if W h JONES' HOUSE. HCLLS COTEIILY, IToprlelor, Gt. of Market Slrecti Market Square, HARRiSBURO PA , u rpm NEW AND El.ttfl ANT HOTEL, feeently r X lud by Die Meisn JONK.'S in Hun isburp, Pa., hnv intf been K-fltct' for a term of ytnti by the ninlenignetl, ha Inkea thii method of enlhug the ntlrnlhm of nil former pntrona, nnd the travelling community, thereto. Ilnving a frmil tn one bund red and lortv ftet on the miiH-ipnl itrcet ot the city, nnd Fifty-two Feet Front on Market fn,unre, it en i mot fail Ui provo attractiv WH ai inviting to it mi uteri. The Chnmttera are f Una aixe, well rentilntcd, nnd I'mbtr! wilh t:ii a nninlier with connectiuf Awr-fl km lhm vorv ilMirulitit for funitlii-a The llulli ara wirm-tl tbrotighont by fTenteref and everv mudem iiiint ovrinent. in fact, bin been ndtled, that may dun luce to the safety, comfort, and hnpptneai f the Vniton inny, therefore, reit aim ml, .ttiut the'Jnrs Jlouie' bni iK-en mude pei feet in nil ill npp'iintmetiia thut inch depnrtinent hai Iwcn pbiecd hiehmgeof Ki- rtem cd mm t.ompcient reraMt tlmt in every pnrunimi l lie ai-itrin rhieli tun lonttnl hv the Trtmrietoi. wiihifl rd to tbiipe wli' limy in ke it their home, ni greiil n depree of comfoit ni mny bcobttiiucdat any litnilnr eaUbbelnneiit in the tffde. To Mfiire tins driiiinble rrmlU he hm fummlieit Ihf I'liLlie and I'uvate I'nvnfe I'nrlMrn, rbntnbenT Pining ll.Hiin. ft c, with entirely N K W F I-1 N IT l: H K and nhio nrrnnged within the Imildiig. n fine Ilirlieri tttoim, Uya ter Sulon, Ureimg Honr Hot nnd Ckl But hi, A i. TheCuliiiurr liepnrlmen and Dining Hom will receive the enpeeial alicntioii of il.e Proprietor, which he tmita, M ill l.r MtitHcifitt itnmtilt lh:it tdl Itifltel Will I mitetl. After returning hii heartfelt th'inka to hia okl frienda and nntroni, fir the peiienma mtrouage ao imig einnirai to him nt ih f:nvrlv Hume." and nlto to litl friendl and iKilroiif nt tlte(l,tuinb.a flmiae Cnn lilaitd, during tlie lea hi oi h..i, ne reipeeiiuuy aoiiriu a coihuiuuiiv of ltatlhC"JU.M'MULPI'.." Jnminry 90, IMP Omoa. SPRING A RRANOEMENT. P&yr-'j - LACKAWANNA &BLO0MSBTTRO B.R. AFFOItDtNO uperiur fncllitlM fnf tratet lo New York, I'hilaiMph a, and the North and em. nrptlunt al Prmntim wilh lh train or th Oetawai IrVnwnnn ond WrMern Knilrond Comrmiiy ! for trH tWh and Wert over the Cntnwiwn, Wllliamtport ana bi tvdvnp, leidiiiK iu firstrattf tpiritf, Rot his heg prottj full of ardent," and finally retir ei"to tho privacy of an arm-chair, hero he p.itcoinrc.riubly'"cornird" aud pretty much incapable oT locomotion. Just then H camo nlonjr, and seeing him, addressed him with : ' What's tho mat ter, Charley 1 laid out. th " "An 'tiro tnistako : didn't lake morit'n a thimblerul," hicenped Charley, ". ihty rod wh-wbisky, nud tho niis'ble fool gave 1110 t'n a'MhVr" DVISU FOR HIS CcifSTBV dv Tnoxv. Will 11 Col. C wns a candidate for Conpress in one of the nortb.C6tern .State?, he was op nosed to a eeiillcninn who had distinguished himsell in tho war of 1S12. Difcovering, in the course of the cuuvas, that his oppoHeul't military reputation wns operating strongly to Lis prejudice, ho concluded to let tho people know that he was not unknown to Tame, as o soldier, himself; nnd accordingly, in his next speech, ho expatiated on his aehieveineut in tha tented field as follows: "My competitor has told you of the services he rendered the conntry in the lust war. nia tell yon that 1, too, acted an hnmblo palt in thut memorablo contest. When the tocsin of war summoned the chivalry of the west, to rally to tho defence ir tho national honor. ), f.dlowcitizunc, animated hv that patriotic spirit which glows iu every American bosom, hired a substitute, and his bones uro now bleaching on tho UtnUs of tho KuUin. He was elected. Fro-i DofOLvs JEiutoi.DVWir and IU-. iion : Womtn and Warriors. With women as wi'.h warriors, there's no robbery all's con- -.ast. A brulen ehtrarti-r.The character that :e.'da low to nieud it, is hardly worth the tinkering. A land of phnti). Ivirth is hero so kind, Hint just tickle her with a hoe, ond she laughs with a harvest. .1 iinili'if promise, Ma kissed her and Tronisid fcMich beautiful lips 1 Man's usual into he was lost upon tho coral reefs. Woman's Lire of dies. Ask a woman to a tea party iu the Oaiden of Eden, and khe'd bo sure to draw no her eye I da and scream. ''I can"! go without n new gown.' Maids and uu'S. Women are nil nlike When they'ra maids they're mild us milk : once make 'em wives, and they lean their backs against their marri.iga certificates, aud defy you. CARTorriti:, the French robber, was once requested by a young man to be engaged in LU band. "Where have you served t" nl(ed Cartouche. "Two years with un Attorney nud six months with an inspector of the po lice." "Well," answered the thif, "ihut whole time shall bo reckoned as if you had --rved in my troop." At a fashionable city parly, at which low necked dresses wero a prominent feat ure. Miss U addresced hercouutry cousin: "Cousin Sam, did you ever see such a glori ous sight before t" "Xfver suite 1 teas weaned" said Sam, blushing. Mm. Pabti.xutok. Sayi Mrs. Parting ton, "When a woman has once married wilh a congealing heart,- and one that beats re sponsible to ber own, she will never waut to eutur the inaii-tiuie state agaiu." Tba young lady who was "lost in thought" ui oeen louod. sue was "buggiug an idea, loolitiff very much like a man. . Tha woman who never interfered with ber husband's atTuirs arrived iu town the other day. ii uuuiurncd. vou've the lime lo spare, and hear uf New (Jooda lei and Wilimi'." Judge .Mi'iga,ol' llie American Iiili rich and rare, rrociveil and twmg opened. OF CLOTHS, Tlirre' hrnwn, and black and blue, Yea Cloth cf almost cvefy hue. OP CASSIKEHES, We've got jut what ou need of mined and airiped "first rate" Tweed, for thoae expoced or named asairk, we've Casnimrreslioih strong and thitkl for there who by fashion think to win, we have the beautiful Krench Doeskin an ar ticle, we do expect, sir, can'l be excelled in point of Texture. OP VBSTINGS, Silk and good black Satin, of every vaiiely ol patterns, for wediling, partiea, or the street, for gentlemen married, or leu discreet, whom we will furnish from Hat lo Uoot, wilh a cheap and charming wedding suit. liut I.adir ! pardon thi dereliction, and do not deem this all a fi -lion, for surely we are bound to av, we lo e to tu n from grave to gay, (rom dull old bachelor, dr adful drone, whom .fashionable etiquette iliwn, who, in a word, are lui?ffili ihl. in human hupiiilie, neo- phyle. (Miillcmcn. we bid you nil a heu the l.adie are vraiting for oinething KEW; Ciishmersa Dclaiiie Silk Hercge Dehegea Kobe (iingham l.awn ('halles 'J'isrue Plaids of every pattern, and hteit stylce, go rich that that they rxtite a smile suited for Ladies of l)ov iiTri'L age, a well for those wha would K ccr. pretty for the maid becoming for the mo. ther, and off! red chenp to tho one or the other. Kibbuna enihracing one bundled piece, beautilul Hells cited for "N'eices," (tinghain. solid, phiid and stripes asuortcd, and "AquiUa Holn?"' just imp 'rted. And the midemgned, with moileaty reverts, to corded flounced nud steel hooped Skirts and well reconciled we trust llie ladies faces, w ill gate w ith fond delight upon our hand some l.aces Inserting, Edgings, of Jaconetl aud Swiss, affording beauty lo lliose who oiler blis! three hundred piece of good pattern Prints, and very handsome atvlcs of new I'rrnch, white, mixed, and brown Cotton Hose, much cheaper limn some people would suppose. Spool Cotton, Tapes- 1'iin, buttons, nnd iNecillcs in profusion : llohhin. Cord, Uonnet Wire, and blond Illusion. Then come one, come all, you'll find us very bandy, in allow ing each the "modus operandi of bu i g and selling cheap. I 1- l!ljlf 2UT X "Ttitf jtpwiliff Mnchlti? pnrclniy'-ilnf y.ll liaH hecll whol ly scrvit'ctilile 1 HfV llr t-iuinn-l I jr-n-il. No family r:m iiltorrl lo ilo witlimit it. OptMoKt or tiiisMew Vokx Pncis. .Ve prcfsrlhcin for tnniily un1. Tultniie Tticy me Iht ruvoult'i lor lainiiics Tunes, Are'wnli'Mil u riv:d. IVionttlic Aincricnii. Works more litiirotinly Ui;m tlie h:uiil ttfntld. llt tlie work of tiii or.immy fewms Jour Com. Kfpjal lt nine it-.nntreFses. Home Jmirn..! 'I'll ilinchmc, for I'amily iisl. AdvitL-ale Jolirnnl. Most hotrnilite to Anii-rlrnn fnuis lnili pt-nilt-tit. caun 'I mririin? nnylloit nrrc pen't-ul Kvangcliftl. Wilt iive rnlirt) latmtacliou. ( 'licl ver. Tlie lnst ever invealcd -Clirislian liitiiti-r. In lonkii'ft for tin lt-st, ttirw l!xaimtirr. Admirably ntlriitcd for family not'. Chronicle. lf.(li;t'iiRalilc in every family. The Preacher. We praise n wilh eiilhiiHia!in Intellireiicer. Wor.liy oCtlie higheat uwaut. SultKilh Herorder. A benefaction of Ihenge. Piitnani,i .Maiiintf. iUagitnl in operation. Mr, llcphcn' Mulilhly. Hfyiaid all rnestl''Ut Ihe llia'-hincs. I .il e lllaMriitrd. The Rtiteli eannol he mirnvelcd. Am Agi ieullm ist. rhey inainlam the I'.xpn-n. :lves the lime mm heauii 1 1 li ii'ii. vi nter t ore. 1 lur holiselntM I in rcslucica with II. Polli i's Spirit. Supply Ihe- fisliionaMe woild Daily News. Arepre-cinou-iilly ruperioi. ju(hs int'-r. One of oar liontrhoid p-ts V . t. .b-nrnal. l"iirinlled in eveiy (pia'lly. llay Hook. Pieltv. imel'nl. mairiral.- l.eshe liazelle. Have no ctpiul ia latliilv une .Musical Wir!d A tiianipli oi inci-hanical ciiiiis N. V.J.aiinal. t'oniliine every requirement. Family Macn.ine. Vastly superior to nil olheis liolden Prre. We cannot lire in III praise New Yorker. Tor f Tiber particulars apply to II. II., Siinbnrv, 'a., ai;i'iit of the manufacturer, who will supply machines at the manufacturers' prices. SmilMirv, May IS. IMP. If Erie KUtod and eoitneclins; train OO1N0 NORTH. N. Y. Aceommo. Mail. nation. Son AM. 0 IS do 9 ii tn T 10 t 5. 7 so 8 tfl e 4n 8 SO 0 1.1 tT Fnperl, r:?,r, , l.nne liiilg, Herwiek, Ilencli lluren, lleetl Ctlnre, liiekahinny, llunl'K-k'aCrrek, Weal Knlltlcocef -month, Arrive at Kineston, Kiiifrstoit, vyomint: Wetl Pittaton, Pittston, Ixckawanna, Tuvhirvrlle, Arrive t PVntnton, du do do . do do do dn do do . rhltad'a Mail t I0P.M' S tu do S 3 s at 4 4 M 4 It 4 30 4 M ft UO 8 20 90 do S 30 do ! R SO 9 SS 10 110 III 10 IU !W 1 43 P. M. . Ill do 1 tn do t an do S 4t do 3 IX) do S 3-1 s ao ft M 110 III a ao 10 30 do 3 13 do 30 do ' WAONDERFUL COINCIDENCE. All nations) oflhsJ an me Mind I 1857. FALL & WINTER O0OD9! 1858 AT T. "W. GKRAJY'S FANCY D It Y GOOD STOKE, Market Square, Sunbury. XOW received and will coMinue to receive ' ihe lnrgent and best (elected Stock of P.lack Cloths. Cassimercs, Castinetls and Vesting, f'C An asortment of l)re Cioods, y'vi: Fancy nrintcd Calicos, (Phillies, printed I.awns, Do Lain llnrege, Merinos, Cashmeres, Alapacas, Urcs Silks, Ciitighams, fcc. l.IXEN AND WHITE GOODS. Irish Linen, bleached and brown Drilling, Sheet ing, iillovcacing, &c. Dress Trimrniugs in Great Variety. Hoots and Slnies Hals and Caps. Hardware, Cedarware, Uroccries, Queetisware 8AI.T and FISH, Cheese, Crackers, rfegurs, Tobacco, SiiiiIT, &c, an assorsmcut of other Cioods too tcdioua to inenlioh. Feeling grateful for past favor we beg leave to 8.-"-e our old friend ond the public that no si. t. in our part shall be wanting to merits coc. nuance of our patronage. ,i)uutry produce taken in exchange at the highest market price. P.W.CRAY. Sunbury, Dec, 12 1857. if Till! I-AIU.I.T The Nrw York Mail Trnin Connect wilh lh Kxnrcaa (nine: Knst, on I) I.. t w. Hnnnmn, Arrive in .-cw . . do Philadelphia, t-Tninden & Amtmy Raillnad, e an p. M. ... Fare finm Kllperl to new l or u uu. uoggnge cures' rd through. . I hs aceommonaoon I 0101 rn'rin, v.-iuir. n. with lh Kxpre Tinin Wesi, on lh U. U & W. Kail. roau. . . Gtll.NO SULT11 Tliil. Aecommo- N. Y Mail datioil Mnil. fi IKi A. M. It 30 A. M 4 IHil'M. f to do II 4S do 4 10 do t -m do 14 IK) M. 4 SO do f no do 14 1.1 V M. 4 30 do t do 14 30 do 1 35 do ti iu do 14 40 do 4 411 do I Mire teliinton. I'u) hnvilte, Ijieknwunna, I'illston, Weat I'illston, Wyouiins;. Arrive at Kinpaton, l.euvc Kinttston, Ply monlh, Nnntic'.kc, llnnliN-k's Cik, hickshiiiny, lleach Grove, Hench Haven Herwh-k, I. line Klilge, '":'. HliKan, Ai rived nl ltiiert, 0 00 do 14 40 do 1 UO do 111 40 III .'ill II 01 II 1.1 II ii II All 14 00 dn do do do do do do 14 loP. M. 14 30 do 14 40 d 14 Ml d o I 00 do 6 110 IS 6 40 0 .'.II 1 40 7 40 7 S3 S 13 H 43 9 10 tl IS HOLLO WAY'S OINTMENT. Tha iinlvcrKirv of .ntritHuctinn of IMIowiv'i Ointment on plil tn lie a Juliiloe totpvn. It hni tnved cmintlt-M multiut(Tt from riip-firritreinrtit, pumlywitmn, tmililflilon, nfiinv nnd ilrnlh. ffltirtini fmm tho iiiffno ti Wlnon it ! upplieiif lis urn linn imnn limit ns wny mronpn every rnntiiift nud henmr ntf the txMlvt to the voiy source nd hniii of wit eruptive, itlrermtft, tiiinnroim, mid entire- roimdiiiritrB. It diitiiiruihrt the fvlirile principle that Irrda lhem,iitid the otiiwnrd yniptmn In do, hr til, and puna awny with a rnpidity ittcriAlible to those who have Mot vitiirtrd it. ecnopn.oc khvptioxs and The poiton of arrofult hna nrvrr hern nrutnilized or eTpvlled by nny nf the rrmrdies of llie plinrumctpa in Thea dr onl.tMe tn tint viritlrnt nnd driinirtive rlnnriit in I1idl-iwtiv Ointtnritt. Miijfndie h iirtdie. the errrtt I Frrnrh and Kt.glili anrfrrnni, do 110 deny ir diapute this grent fact. There it tU'l'rin of fcmfula tlmt mny Hot be J controlled and rmcil by thin lmlsninic reinrdy. CANCKRl? ANDTL'MOltP. The knife or rnimtic mnv remove a ennt-rr nr tumor. but the aerds fif the terrible exrrrtreure rrtnnbi in the blood, and it la tm reppHlurcd in a worse form than brfiire. llillowtiy1B Ointinrut, on the coutitrnry. pene trull' into the circulation, and prrvndrs every tnf ilr Vesicle, and ki Is thediieuxu by ilestioytug the cotfutive principle that geiivmtnl nnd suptnins it INFLAMMATIONS OF TIIKSK1N9. All rntlict and ordinary eruptions, hr well ns Kryitipelas, Acne, Kiupwnrni, Cmbunclcs, Scnld Hrtid, Snlt Hhrtim, Leprosy. Frirkly Heid, Ac, aie icmovcd by a few biuk appiicuiions ui ine tinunniT. ACCIDENTAL INJI flU, WOl'NDS, Hprniiis, Uruist-s, HrnMs and Burns are imnuflmtclv rebel ed hv its iiiipbtntiii. The iiiflun,rnu lion quickly snbs'tlcs, fever nnd lot-kjnw aie prevented, and under a persuveutig ue f the prejuirntion, tlx pro cess oi lira ling is souii ncconipus.itu Doth the Ointment and Pills shout d be wetl in tht fnt Irwin $ cases 0 13 do 1 frO (1.1 Tlie rhtlndrlphin Mnil Train pniiift Mouth, pnntierta with the Mnil Trnin ut Hupt-rt, ruir Knst Ml P. M.tor rnttuwisM. Vort Chnt-Mi, Ponsville Hmdinff, Ar .aniv ins nt, at H A IV M. AI Willi Mnil Tnmi goinff Viat nt H ti'clork V. M. lor Danville. Milton, Mini cv. iHtiinfp"rl nnd Kbntta. ' Fiimciik' by the 4 oVl- rk P. M. Train foi(f .-uth cuii tnke the 11 o'clock P. M Kiprers train Klmira nnd the Wrst.oi Unlpc nt Hl.nnnsbiirjr and Hike tlw 4 o' cl.vk A. M. Trniu going I jut, arriving ut Plutadelpcia or llur.lsb.rg at 14 LBAVKNWonTI March 13, I5.'iS Bin tsuperlnteihleiit. 18AAC M. yiLKEIlSC KlA.NXji'A.aXTJIlEll Ol FURNITURE ASD CIIA) Of the most Fashionable Style ffofri, Dlvnnw and I.omiRi Bnreatis, Secretaries, Sideboards S0F1, BRKAKFrlST 4ND IHMNQ TABI no also VENETIAN BMMJH, equal to I Jpljihi manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of erry pattern and CUPBOARDS. W01IK AND CANDI STANDS. TOM.KT TABLES ANE EXTENSION TABLES, In ahort,etcry article in thi line of hi bin rPHE aubacriher reveclfully call the ath of the pulillG to hi large and (lenJ aortroent of every qflnlity and price of c Aitivirr-wAiti: which cannot fall to reiomhieitd itself toeTi who will examine it, on acronrtt of It d wnrkmanahip and plcndid finiah, maiTS np licat Mock to be had in the city. No el pared in the manufacture of hi wore, a uhftcriber ia determined to keep tip wi: mnny improvement which are conatantly mane. Ha alio manufacture alt kind and m of ciiAins, nr.luiling variettc never befnre to ha : Hunl-ury, micli a Mhooa!it, Black V akh t;i Mi.Kii Maple Untt u n ; akh W CHA11I8, ash rAKt f I'iaio Stoiii., wl of the latest itylea, and warranted to be c by none manufactured in the Citie or el Tha Bubscrilicr ia determined that the be no excuse for penona to purchase furn the cities, as every confidence can be en about the quality and finish of his i C'Sairs. 'J'hcse artk lc w ill be diposed of on i term a they can be puri-huacd elsewhere try p, ml uce taken in pavmcht for work I -r L'NDEKTAKINO. Havina i (W Ia Vw-Hlcrt rsumli ' handtome llumr., he ia now prepa i imiciuimiir, aim niieiKlniR luneraU, in cinity, or at any convenient dittance fr place . The Ware Toum is in Fawn 81 lmv Weaver', Hotel. He has a I no purrhuard (lie ripht of n Inrinxand acllinc in Northumberland fionld's patent Excel oir Spring I'etl, , will furnish at reasonable rate, gprinj old beilsteod tor three dollar,. lAC M. WILKEK Sunbury, April 18,1857. tf. tt itT Joints fleers Vriipreul fnri, Wuiiiwla of all kint!, S-.iMs E. Y. lilUUHT S SON. Punbury.June 12, 1358. SILVER WATCHES A few double cape English Silver Watches, fur snle at vyrv low oriccs by H. II XI ASSEK. Sunl.iirv. Anvil 12. If. COME ONE! COME ALL!! l.EAIJN THE LIST OF i'l.ICKS AT THE People's Cue Price Store. j:. y. bright & son, fj J AVE received their large end choice select- rd stork of 1TEV" GOODS, Composed of an endless variety, and lo which lliey rcHprctfully invite the attention of the pub lic feeling assured thut their large assortment and great viitiety of all kinds of lioods combined with the exceedingly low p'icea which they are determined lo sell at, will render entire aaliafac lion. 3T COUNTRY PRODUCE wanted in ex chniic at the very highest market prices. June 5, I85S. SUNBURY STEAM TERRY AND TOWING BOAT COMPANY. rpRAYELLEIIS aud other are respeeifully - iiif.irmed 1 lint the subscriber bus established a STEAM FERRY over tlio Susquehanna, at Svnbury. Thut a large, fu and cominodiout steamboat will run reculuily and promiitly. at all hours during the day, to rurry font passengers as well as vch.clus, Ac, Ix-lween Sunbury and the binding on the opposile side uf the river, both ways, or to and from Sunbury. The steamboat will run from Market Street Wharf, aud will carry pnsscngers to r.d from the Packet morning and evening. The Steam Ftrry now fl.rd nut only a safe and convenient truiibit over llie Sus quehanna, but also a pleasant and agreeable ride. IR.V T. CLEMENT, 1'ropri.tor. AxKMrw, Csp.ain. Sunt urv, May I, 1S5H. W A S II I N G T ON'lI (Yu S E XV. A ( OVi:ilT, 1'i opi iilt.i , SUNBURY, PA., 'IIl E propiietor respectfully informs his fiiends -"- and the public generally, that he is repairing and renovaliug the "Washington House," sou to entertain both transient and permanent visitor in a suitable and comfortable manner. Thankful lor lb patronage extendrd to his father, he respectfully solieita Ihe continuance of the some, llr will take charge oi the "Wash- Market Street, Sunbury Pa. J'tllK subscriber respeetfully informs the cili -- 7.ens of Siinbnrv, and the public generally. thut he has purchnsed. and will like poci-s:i.n in the above well known aland on the 1st of April next, formerly kept by Mi. Thompson. That he will put Ihe same in complete repair. In addition he will provide a conveyance to carry passenger to and from the ilill'ercnt Railroad de pots, anil w ill leave no elwrts untried to render hi hotel a derirnblc stopping pl.ire for guests and Uavelers. JOHN LEIsKlt. February 20, IR'iS. FOR SALE OU BENT. TH E large double frame house in the Borough -1 of Northumberland, belonging to the estate of C. II. Kay, deceased. This is a very desirable residence, beautifully situnted on the North Mr-inch of the Susquehanna, witli a large garden. Carriage House, Ma hie Ac., belonging to it. Term moderate. Enquire of C. W. Scutes, Williiini'.port, or D. Urautigam, Esq., Northum berland. Man h 27. 1S5S. GEORGE HILL, ATTOP.1TET AT LAV"S 8TJNBTJR, W" ESI'ECTFl. LLY inform the public and j I hi friends generally, that he has removed to Sunbury, and ha opened a law ollue at hi residence, in Market square. Ilia acquaintance with tho English and (ieriuan enable him to transact business iu both languages. April ID, 1858. ly " ' " C. SEITZSP.T'S WHULISAIX AMI ItKTAIL BOOT STORE, 40 South Fourth S.t, abort Chenvit, 1'liil'a. OOTS, Shoes, liaiters, Ac, promptly made to order in the very best sty 1c, and ot the best material. Philadelphia. M By 9, 1857. io rCY lluuioiii I ,n ml m en Hum Mfrruruii Hnre lunifftt Clmnt(t IIiiiuls Kruptittni Sure Ilrattn Cltilliluim Tilt s Src Thnmli KiRt'ilm Ithrnmti1ism Strr of nil Guut Kill Hhi'imi kin.lf PI in l)israst-a Snraina CAl"TH f Ncnir nrf iTfiiuinA imlrii Ihe wnrdi 4,Ilnltowny. Now Vnrk Mini IpihUih," ore diwerniM mm I nt wuirr-Hiiii-lt iu every Ifiif f tUr Ixwik of tlirrc(in;i ! tiPMiuil rKrh mt nr Ipi ; thr Kume mnv Im plnmly irrn lv hoktnif; lite Uiil tn tlie Jicnt A luitntn'ine rt-wnnl will Ih givt'ti t miy one ri'iiflrriiif! mu-li infunnntitm nt inav Itntd t" the dtwti"ii of nuy mrty r pnrtit-t cuulTfeitii(( Hip niftliciiica ni venitiac tlie kiiiic, Wiiosving tlicm tn be npfiriitui. ?hM at the MnntiiMett'rlri or prnfor Hom.owat M Mniilnt 1-nne, New York, nml 'ill Strnml. IihIih, hy nil re-dpeptnlile Drill! glut a nntl l)c;ilr in Miilirine tlinmph. out the t'uilitl Stiiti.', unit the nvilizctl world, in Utxt-d, tit iC rrnta.CJ rent, nml t:irh. 17 TlieixMK a ctniRitlrtuMe :i viiig ly diking the larger izt N. II I) f.r the gnHnnee of pnticnta An every I C(.pt wml ) gave lwlyf a)j Q jur IS ESTABLISHMENT IN Til K C. IT V OK II A 1. T I M O R F. . u.l NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS ! rPII E subscribers respectfully announce to ihrii -1 friends and the public ill general that they have received at llieir Slora, in I'pper AugusU township. Norlhuiubcrhiiid county, I'a., at Kline's I tjrove, their Sprltis and timiiicr (uoli, a ml opened to the public a full assortment of Mercli inlize, & c , consisling in purt ot Cloths, black and fancv Cassimere, Check, Kentucky Joans, together with a general variety of Spring and Summer Hoods, adapted to all grade if persons. ltKsiiT Mahe Clothiko very cheap. Ladies' Press (ioods. Summer Shawls, (liughams Challi IVIains, Ducal, h'olies A'Cjuil les. Calicoes, Elaek Silks, &C A I so, a fresh supply of Drug and Medicines, Groceries, A e. A new supply of Hardware, Qucensware, Wooden ware. Arc. A birge assortment of HPOTS and SHOES, suitable for Men, Women and Children. litis und Csea Fish and Salt. And all goods usually kept in a country store. Our display ia unsurpassed. Tlie above named stock of goods w ill be sold at prices to suit the times fir CASH or in exchange for country pro duce at the maiket price. Ann shall be happy lo meet our (rie.nls and Ihe patrons of our establishment, and sell them goods Bt such prices a cannot fail to give entire satisfaction. Thankful fur past favor we hope by strict at tention to merit a continuance of the ame. J. F. &. I. r. KLINE. Kline's Grove, Fa-, May 1Mb, IHS8. - I ATlllOT'sl G" lreet Wnrrrnnm, in 1 1 unit U .North tijy street, neai l'nvrtle, Halinnors wheic ll Kept aiw.'iys on iiniin, nr la-iilc to nnh-r, evt. ry alyleof Krencb TKTK-A-TK TliS, in 1'lmli, lliiir, Cloth or Hnientclle. Krenrli Fall fluff anil Meilnllinn TorLil Arm Chairs, 111 riush. lliiir. Cli.lh or llroe.itrlltf. 1'reiicti I'ullStml Taived I'arli.r Chairs 111 seta, with Plush, lluir, Clutb or llroenlrlls. s o r a s Ilnlf French Poring .Mnliopuny and Walimt Pur lur Clcors. in lluir, Clitli nml riiuli. Ilorkiug Chair, vsrious designs, bi Hair, Cloth and rinsii. tiiirTSiriii!r I.ntuip(4i a lurrre nasirlineiit alira) en hm1, or uu) ullern iiwdeor covered with any gooda to order. chahber suits. liilMuliogiiuy or Walnut, eouiplctr, from up. Cane t'liiora and Hot-kins; d. the lurpest n&Mrtment rendy untile in nuy one house in the L'nited Stutea from llfl'i n tl-Zt'll up. t:ir lloiiin, (iifice and Iliiiini Chairs, hi Onk, Wulnut or M.-iliojriiuy, Willi Cane, W.hhI or Mtuffed seats-lul aas Mlluent eli,hincing over 50 dozen. WikhI seat t'luira uud Settees and Rocking Cliairs. over 100 d'zrn. liilt nud Plant Frame lyMikme lllaiises.or every variety. All kinds of lieiti, lluir and Hulk Matllnsst-s. A. MATItlOT. ami 4" N. G iy at , near l-'ayelle St., Baltimore Angu, 1 1, 157. ly Saddle and Harness Maker. HENRY HAUPT, JR. RESPECTFULLY inform Ihe citizen of Sunbury and the nub- v. n.. .1 i.- i.-- .:. lie ceiirrsiiv, inui nv lias lUKeil the shop occupied by Uright and Deck, one door east ol S. 1'aupl' Cabinet Ma ker shop where he is prepared to turn cut work in hi line of husineas equal to any made in this section of Ihe country. Order promptly eiecu- t ted and all kind of produce taken iu Exchange Sunbury, March 20, 1858. ly A VALUABLE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE. 'Ml E subscriber will sell at private sale a Jl FAKM, situate in 1'oint township. Nor- thuniberland county, about 3 mile from Ihe borough ol Northumberland, on the Danville road, adjoining laud of J. C, II or ton. James Nesbit, Chas. I'ark and the norili branch of the ritcr Susipiehanna containing 75 to 100 Acres, to suit purchasers. The land ia in a good slate of cultivation. The improvement consist of a large frame HOL'E, Weil finished; a Spring House, built over a never-failing Spring close . , . .... ington House on ine nrsi ouy oi April, neji. - ---- - - - He will have an Omnibus running to the '"H An O.tlmid with young and choice fruit dilfereiit Kuilroad Depots for the accoinmodjlioii of Fassenuers, tree of charge. W. A. COVE ItT. Sunbury, March 80, IS5, JSTOTIOB. VLL person indebted to James Deard, Lite I'rolhoiiotary of Nuilhumberland county, for fees, Ac, are requested lo make immediate pay ment, and ibus save cost alid further trouble, a all account remaining unpaid will bo placed iu the hand of a Justice fur collection, payment J can l made either to llie subscriber or lo J. S Deard, at his otlico. i. JAMES BEARD. Sunbury, March 87, I8f8 tf ATENT UKITTANIA 81 OFFERS oar bottle lur sale by fo Buiibury. July 19. I BAA. H. B MA8SER. FOR RENT, flHE Slora Rosun in Market s'reet, lormcrly JL occupied by F. W. Gray. Apply lo theei eeutor of H. Mssser, dc,seL Apsil fr im. tree The above tract will be (old on reasonable terms aud an indisputable title given. Fosse aion given on Ihe fust day of April licit. For further particular inquire of the subscri ber, residing en the adjoining faun. JAMES NESRJT. Pishrt tom4iajs Jnmnn SO, IMM. f 8TORB. 'lllSSLOI'ISA in form the citizen o1 Trevorton and sur. rounding county, thai aha ha opened a new store of Millinery and Fancy Good, at Trevor Ion in Shainokin street, nearly opposite Knouse'a Tavern, where all kind of Uounet and Fancy Good can be had at the lowest term. Dress making also attended tit ia ihe heal manner and latest style. April ti, IR.1S tf T A I.MON'DS; RAISON8, Flag, LEMONS. e.,jut received a freh supply and for sale at the Confectionary store of . . M. U. GEARHART. tunbiiry, Mr If, mtTT SADERV AND HARNESS MAKING rIIE subscriber respcclfullv inlorm the citi zcn otunbury and vicinity that they have commenced the above business a few doorscbove the Foal Ollice, Market Square, Sunbury, Fa. Work of all kind in their line of business w ill be done promptly and neatlv on the most rea sonable terms. CLEMENT cV OVSTER. Februay 13,1859. joii s. iti:.iiii, ATTORNEY A.T LA.W, Ojjict in Maclit .., opposite the Court House, SUNBT7BY, FA. Collection made and Frofessional Business generally attended to Fromptly and Carefully. FHiiADiiruia RirauRMcc ; Uullitl If Fairthorne, Diebl I, Wertx, Davis & llimey, F. Tylot & Co. Sunbury, June SO, If 57. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE nFFF.RKD AT PHIVATE BALE. 11 K ubsciibcr oiler at private sale, a cer tain lot or piece ol land, situate in Lower Augusta township, Northumberland couuty, about 8 mile beluw Sunbury, bounded on Ihe west by the river Susquehanna, on Ihe south by land ol George reiler. on the east by land ol Wm. Kroh, and on Ihe north by land of Win. R. Jones, containing 6 Acre aud 18 perches, all ot which i cleared and iu a very high state of cultivation. Tha Northern Central Kail Road passes through th tract, and is also bound on the east hy the Main Road leading from Suubt'ry lo Hairisborg, which together, with the River upon lb weal, and tha fertility of lha soil make it a vary pleaaant and desira ble situation. A LSO; another certain Tract of Land, aituate in said township, adjoining land of William Kroh, on the aoulh, the heir of Robert and Ar thur Audi muty ; on the east Wm. V. Silver wood, and a public road on lha north, and Wm It. Jone on the weat, containing 93 Acre 181 perchea strict measure. About 60aerea of which aie cleared, and in high alate of cultivation and ilia residua most eicellenl land for cultiva tion, but ia now covered with excellent limber, and if purchased oon, lha purrhaaer can get a Urge quantity of Railroad Tie on tha earn. Thi tract ia also well watered, having aaveral fine pring upon it, and every field can be wa tered thereby. An indisputable title will be given and term of aala reasonable. WILLIAM R.JONE8. Lower Augusta tp., January a, U57. tf l'at.M BOOK BINDING. f I'lIK siilwrihera, having U'licht the tliudeiy hue ol !te. 1 phen 1) and l.viunii II. Wilson, "I Millon. uud added t it amne superior ' iniplciucnu. nnd having secuicd Ihe siipriinieudenee of Mr. II. K UtiWM i, who hna for leu years In-ill emplojcdl e of Ihe best lliuderics iu I'li.l nml con, i a with llie first reeoliiinriidutiiuis for iiilcyiity und competency, nie now pictured to HIND OH It K - 1) I N D Books, Tamphlets. Magazines, News papers, Music, &c , &c, ill eveiy sljk- dt-siretl. Work nmy either lionnd or Itntf biuud, in Calf. Komi, Turkey Moroce ', tlieep, in oilier liOticr, or MiinIiii of viirioiis colora mid oitniim ulcil With Milihle Paper "I different liaures, I hadis nud nil ois Old Uihles and oilier Umkaor Tape,, which 11 is de sired tn preserve ns ii e rials in a Ian. ill, can be lucde more secure hv the Itiuih-i'sskill. ( 0- lilauli li.iiks, lld l. s, II-n.ll sod Prnver ILutt, P.K-liet b.ioka. Albums. Ularlcs. r, I.K TTKItKU WITH UOI ! Ul Irible nud iloraliU eliariieters, tu oilier. Ml'eilC I'OHTFUI.IllS, e., niiide to suit euslomeip. A 'isid lliuderv bus long Urn desired la tins vicinily, and we call therefore lin sl espeelfully solicit the ubhe Kilroiini;e, lriislini-thai il will he siillicit-nt to leiay the oull.y nml risk 1" lleul. tools. st.H-k, nnd workuu-n nil rcoiiiiiiiv iiioiii-c. w? uliull i-xm'Cl llA' ON UI-II. I V Kit Y if nil w rk Jk-i We inleiid to ehnrge in l. rale, reus 'nn- j hleaud uniloriii prices, on llie "lave mid Let Live" pun- ciple nml hope lo uiiikr itn peiNi.incnt busini-sa. t Otlii-c in llie eetiler of M.irk'-t Sqiiare. north side sceond ! sioiv. niij'iiniiiK the "Chronicle" and I'lfices i third d-ir Irom lbs rosi tiilu. i WOKliKN & COKXKIJL'S, IVop'rs. IlrST K lliwvsr,, Aeent. 1.1-n-oUinr, .May .", K.S- ly VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SAE. riHE subscribers, hxecnlors of the estate o M. Henry Masser, dee'd., oiler nt private sile the following propertvii: A lurge two story frame dwelling house, together wilh about fit) CURES OF LUND, Situate in Lower Augusta township adjoining land of Daniel Kaufman and other now in thr occupancy of John R. Kaufmun as a store and dwelling. The house is new and tlie location a good one for business. AIm a TRACT OF LIMESTONE LAND, in said township on the river a!ou 5 mile be low Sunbu.y, adjoining binds of J. T. MTIieraon and others, containing, about SHI acre. The soil is productive and contain limestone and other mineral. Also a tract of Land, containing about II .i acres on Ihe hill, about two miles below Suuburc, adjoining lands uf the liciis of llie late John Conrad nnd other. There ia, on thi tract, a small orchard of choice fruit. For further particular apply to the subscribers, xccutor. Ihix. Oetolier IJ, lf.17 lye FURNITURE ! FURNITURE ! ! "j THE LARfiEsT STOCK EVER OFFERED I IN SUNBURY. raxliloiiablc, llitiip ami l acliil , f I'M IE subscriber, long established a a Cabinet I- and Chair Manufacturer in Sunbury, thank ful for past favors, solicits a continuance of the public patronage. His slock of Cabinet-Ware, Chairs, J c, embraces ICVUIV V.tllltrV, ISEFIL AM) ORV- (t.tNTAL in housekeeping. It ia unnecessary to enume rate, as anything thut may be required in his line can be had at moderate prices. Cheap for Cash, or Country Produce taken in exchange. Establishment South liust Corner nf Mttrlei Square. XV Those knowing themselves indebted lo the subscriber would ubligc him by making pay ment. Gftfi SF.IIASTIAN HAUPT. Stinujiv, April 4, 157 if WE STILL SURVIVE THE C VOTWITIISTANDIN(Jihetni. tilv of Goods that I brought into t. spring, i succeeded in selling them all j city, fur a new lot, in order ibat mv t might not be put to the inconvotiiencc at other store, where they would be killing price. Profiling by past er have just brought on Twice as Many Goods, and I have now the largest and CI! ASSORTMENT ever offered within I. this place. I am bound to fcl CHEAPER THAN EVE before. I need not ay cheaper than i bora; for lhat is no longer a disputed I am now ready to deal nut - Th! ran h W I.. Wrim Yi-t,Vh Mm r t sstiM-nl, Main iiia,lTt ar, U mjrj gi . n"! otnn 1 thaMi t,j otl.rr Cab mrrt iavM.U t. All iri'li pf Wm rn-l ?nnl r tniMilf dia.ii;iab! la pfYtoi-tin Ihf a anitU tati MtVi. t1 lnTn r 'ift iv.irfo. n n.-t. m nn Infa.LDIe,, t,r and Rt.i I i.iro.-ff' I'.,, )iii' BAlintr ru uici ittiri i in the o tn'ainitr Cttna nmy fry k ho likvt ' is 1 it lay ff IltlilC fkli.l -rnfl.eMl IM U VtilUorj: fa flii!t i It it nrf At ! .I in Vrftp ilt ftft)' f nt !ln t to Jirrrtion Try it, ui itt ll h 'fi fnitnr it I ,''' frVl.tuf Hit ('All ti tlmtl-T Mill I ecflinle.! Tlio rnt ia I'u'tt Oi ft-lultsrr.,w'4 Tatalt-'o. Gm, I dttTf f- nt ft:n lli iUriiaUi aM'O iiOs-rl I t .thara. Tha vnlinr ia nn in nHrol iw l ii. lh (,vVot nu kTBak.-ta w utd on nil harCi.n- Tii'o-cnirc U Urr oncaf b It -l it fo!1-fgl lOa'b. t'Uorsi i tv l.oWl ;b itt M l At U riornio lit Uilit: I U mav r Milcclv uf Til. fUit i r,nti;V of i-oi.l.n haul oi tio frrThrajaJ rrt, mi l u, M whu bn.a lrlt4 tt,ia UI ua oli.str (-sin). liuki:au DiscorsT TO the TUaVIL IinurK out of tWMitv.fonr iSnnil;vi at lnwrr ricr than nnv person iltire a Just cull fur any lliing yuu want, m i iu-J to SfprLV ALL DliMAM): tliat may be tnoile. rpasonal! or nn Cull oon, a9 iie ru?h is tn-infmi. IK A T. CI.K Suuhury, Dec 2fi, t S.r7. ly 'IHE subscriber respectfully in'ori 1. zens of Sunbury and tlie public that he has commenced the maiiufa kinds of KAIITIIKXWAItK. at his manufactory in W'borlh lieirv square east of the River. 1 lo ha i services of Mr. Hmr, and vnu r: depend on Living n gooil article, areespcetfully invited to call. All onlers from a distance will I atlundcd lo. P. M. K Siinbnrv, Feb. 2, IS56. tf il. ii. massek, v P. B. MASSEK, Kx FRANCIS U I 'I'll EH. ) Sunbury, January 19, 1856 if A LIUKHau D1SCOCST TO TI1C TUB. A LUULOW CAN CO. 1 u, ts-ir. Beit, PHILIP Z. PTJKET. WIIOLKStLK A N II R ETA 1 1. Grocery, Wine and Liquor Store, A'. E. cor. Wulnut and H'ufer Streets, PHILAUKI.l'HIA, DEAI.EHS and families will be promptly supplied at the lowest price. October 4. I8.'6 if HOVER'S LIQUID HAIR LYE. The teatiinnt-y of INof. Ilonlli and Dr Uiinckle lisi-ieg ircviouly lieeu ublilieil, Ibe following is uow atklej From Prof. McCI.HSIvl'.V, n.rineil)' r-ofcir of 'I'lifory ami I'raetii-e of Metlirtne in the Keniale Meitieul College if IViiiisilviima, ami late Proressor ol' rurgery in llie Ailieficaii C'olleguof Mrilieine. A.e. : IMllLADKLI'IIU, Nov. 37l!t, tJO. Ma. .to.iril E. Hove -A ninl of V"ur I.Kjl ID 11 A lit 1YK will coitviiiee tlie most akeitieal, lluit it isa safe, k-LUiANT, and kvI'icaciocs preparation, t'uliks liymy others, il lias In severnl Installers proveil seivicenlile in Ilia cure of some cuuiieout ernptioiia ou the lieuil, uial 1 base no beaiuuioii in coiiiiiu-iMluig it to those requiring s ieh su aiiplieatioii. Very resiweliully, J. F. X MeCLOSKKV, IIP, 476 Usee M., above Dili. IIOVKR'3 WBITIXO INK, inrluiline HdVKnt Willi IM) I'l.t'lU. ami IUIV Klfl IMlKUUI.F. I.NhS, atill iii:Hiiliiiii tlieii ina-h eliarneler, wlock liaa alwaa tiis-tiiiB-aished them, anil llie estensive drinaial tirat createtl, Inks eimliiiuetl uniiiteriitleU until llie pieseul. Orders addressed lo the .Manufactory, No. 4 IB RACE street, above Fourth, (old No. 144.) Fhiladetphia, will receive). rompt attention, hy JOSEPH E. HOVER, Manufacturer. December 8 I8.'7. April S5, 'f7, ch. DANVILLE HOTEL. JOHN DBEN, JR., . t, JUarLct Street, Danville, I'a, f IHIS is one of lh largest and most eoaimo X dioua hotel in the interior of Fennslvauia il has been reeentl filled up, in excellent die, wilh all ihe modern convenience. Danville J, 8ept. 32, 1855 ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ujjic opposite the Court Huutt, Sunbury, Northumberland County Pa. Preinpl allenlioii lo busineaa ia adjoining otintiea. BLANK Parchment Paper Deeda ami blank Nforltatfes, Bonds, Executions, Summons, aVc, for sale b H. B. MASSEK. 8unburT Auri t. 1 8 ft IV .STOVES- ; IOR SLE B an excellent econd hand Caok - ing Stove, also aeveral Cylinder Coal cttoxe. Eunuira at thia oflica. AfiOI.U FENS with and without cases, of a lH very superior quality, just received. Also a fresh aVppIv of Wntinn Fluid, for sub by II. II. M ASSER. eiunbury, J)er. 27. I85fi- "FLOUR REDUCED" TO $.7 lO I't r Ilni i el. fSHE subscrilier respectfully informs the cili- 1 zeus olXunbury and vieinity lhat he ha just received a supply of FLOCK, which he is otli ring at wholesale or retail from $5 40. $6 3?) to 6 87) per Barrel. He also ell some as low as 70 rts. per quarter, alt of which he WAR RAN I'S to he Cood. CANDLKS for sale, wholesale or retail. Thankful lur past patronage he hopes to Con tiiiun lo merit Ibe same. UIVE HIM A CALL! M. C. tiEARH ART, Market fcU, Sunbury, Pa. February 27, 1858 LANCASTER COLLIERY FOR SALE. Iitiportaul to 1'onl 0ernlorit. 'IMIE undersigned Lessee of Ihe 'Lancaster i l'o!ll..,i " i.u.. Kk....l ... V....l...n.l....l I " J , ... iiium III, .iwimuiumilHiiil county, Pennsylvania, wi-hing to retire from Ihe business, oiler for sale the Lease and Fiiture of aaid Colliery, on (alisfaeloiy terms. This Colliery ha been in operation tine I8j4, and ha been (uccesalul beyond expectation. The Coal ia a superior article for all use to w hich Anthracite isapplied, and a good market has been established, which rail be much extended. The Breaker and Fixture are of lha very best char acter and will recommend themselves lo persons acquainted wilh Ihe business. 'I he Lease run to January I, 18A4, and is a favorable one for lha operator. For further information apply at tha Colliery in person, or by letter to eihainokin, P. O., Nor thumberland county, Pennsylvania. COCHRA.N, PEALE &CO. February 6, 1858. if IDEJM TISTRY OKOIIGE 11 ENN, 4 NNOUXCE3 to tha eilixan of Sunbury and viciaty, that b haa opened an office in Bun- bury, above li. J. ulverlou'a ottic opposite,;. Weaver's Hotel, waere he ia prepared to alplen to all kind of work belonging lo the profession, iu lh latest and moil improved etyle. All work well dona and warranted. . December S, I86. .. s. i, i: NKW Paper, Printers' Card and 3 WAREHOUSl Aij. -105 Commeire Strett, 'l,i, Cu.:'.i buyer will Gud it for the sll. January IB, 1S5S Cmo. Stra.v-C.Uler. rpiIE subscriber has been appoint 1 Messr (iedde, & M.ush of L IbesaleoriheirSlraw, Hay cV Corn ter. Thii Cutter is the l est in u. and otlicrsare resicrtl'ully requeste examine for themselves. P. B. Sunbury December 2(1, 1857. i s i i n:i. ii. oit iv f;7ffe mi Smith Second, nenr M LE WISBI RU, P Practice iu the Couulie of L'ni berland and Montour. All Fiioicssional lirnuii li s arc will receive prompt and lion. October 3, 1 857. I y WHITE HORSE IK rOTTNVILLE, PA rlIIE subscrilier respectfully arm old friends and Ihe public, tha lhat old and well known rstahlislu White Horse not At the corner of Centre and Mali the Borough of Potlsvillc. 'I be cenlly been very much enlarged i improved, rendering il quite as i any other Hotel iu Schulkill i the slablcs are lurge, iu Rood com lend by careful, attentive, prudent To travellers and others w ho n house, he promises every attenlior render them comfortable aud satis JOS. April 5, 185C.- if sr.ii' rri:n v utit CHKAP WATCIIliS AND Jt VI TlltH.KS.U.K ANU RF.TAII., at i V W'ulelies and Jewell )- Ktorr" .-iio. North Six-oiiil !lreel, Coiner ul tUairy, Gold Uver W'utehes, full J led, 13 c. liold l.epine, 1H caret. Silver Lever, lull jewelled, Sileer I.epiiie, jewels, Superior liiarliera, Gold lwtuclea, Fine Silver do-, Gold Urneelela, l.vdv', tiold reneils, Cilver Tea art, liold IVus, with Tsoeil sndslilver holder Gold Kinder It lugs TTJ els lo V -.1 via , patent If j , Im H-l S t olhel an All ! war I aultd lo be whnl thev an SJI'AI KKKI I V On hand anile Gold and !dvur I SI ill lower lhaa lha shine priers f blladelrdiM, Ot-lolief 10, lr57 l)f ' Farmers Look lo low LIME I LIi rpHE sudscriber respectfully in -I- mer and Ihe public generali leaed Ui lias kiln of Ira T. Cl bury. and. that he ba tlway o redy lo upply a joed quality of may want foa- building or farming He baa also a kiln at Keefer's from funbury, or two frana Snvd 17 All kind of Country Prt exchange. -EO, ' raiffnry, Dw. u, 1837. )