Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, August 07, 1858, Image 3

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. i nrfcittTiia moM utaii.
ce o the Artny into Suit Lake
City Visit to Vrovo. ' '
cm 8n1t Lake to tu1t S) Lara
id ! The arm iiterd tbit city
the column extending ten miles
(t was all day passing uiroagii
not soldier lull lu ranwt nil
; ontaida to the temporary camp.
. A. correspondent or me new
aayt ....
m magnificent and cheering to
, but exceedingly hmniliuting to
rmons who witnessed it. men
eatedly prophesied "in the name
od" tbut the army should never
illcy, and whose private convex
mblic speeches fur months past
II of brave declurutions of their
determination to see that the
s fulfilled.
iy tho facilities of the Mormons
ti gain at the troops is a topic of
h, and especially the defences in
, understood to have been plan
r S. M. Blair. There are in this
ifficers who served in .Mexico, all
lure that Echo Canon, even hud
Jed wilh Mormon militia, would
ed not a quarter of the diflicnt
eral Johnston's command that
iantlv overcome at Cerro Uordo
iel Uey. Tho heights or the
is deep'dells constituted nothing
than a trap for those who might
dipputo the passage of troops,
lid require far- greater resources
em than to assail.
lies encamped on the Jordan,
r a mile or more along its banks,
inston, on the 28th, made a re-
with ft view of selecting a site
y post, which lie is to establish,
e absenco of tho Uencrul, the
' the camp on Jordan devolved
lexander, uf tho 10th Infantry,
e orders the troops moved on
iirigham's Canon, twelve miles
e City, and on Wednesday six
rto West Creek Canon, for the
obtiiiuing the necessary feed for
herd?, the grass in the Yulley
insufficient. Tho army will pro
in ia its present neighborhood;
.it locutions are decided upon and
General Johnston mamfe?.,, n
desire that his comm.'ud thould
the people ns li'.lie as possible,
jh every foot o( lund in tho tor
elongs to tho United Slates, ho
;ed todepiive the citizens or their
eg for cattle They do not give
r any such sentiment, but some
iders indicate the bitterest and
ius spirit towards him, speaking
"d d hound," &c, beruuse he
nt onco with tho entire urmy to
distant from the city. .
spondent visited l'rovo, 43 miles
e the great ooiiy u tne .Mormons
lit congregated. Thero lie found
in houses, some in tents, in wa
odges. llrighain Young's house
;fiuuru block, with a close fence
iid no windows to the street,
lilo stranger witnessed u n.vel
walked down tho inner front of
f family "shambles," umid the din
'.'hildri-u "too numerous to men
j passed the long row of booths
le by side, each with a wife at its
imld'bo guilty of an unpardonable
loo did 1 lull to say something m
ie appearance of Iirigham's spirit
1 very little opportunity, however,
.ioo. as 1 found myself vutliin the
' the Prophet's home suuetuury by
id wus uot wurrauted, therefore,
or inspection. Such glance as 1
iwever, showed mu that ltiighnm
some taste, uud that his spirituals
ly line-looking women some of
id, q-iite pretty, and all of them,
could judge, intelligent. I 6Up.
r in tho shanty "quarter" some
!ti but whether they were all of
of the Prophet, or whether these
his eutire household, of courA !
Wmed. The general imprestiou
to bo that he has nearly or quite
lie only claims to havo forty
ing, having had forty-seven allu
his, doubtless, is the highest figure
o, us tho 'Saints' consider a largo
c'.nldrea subject of pride and
iise ivi3 are all their owu ser
tfva noises of their own children,
n sitting under the overhanging
shanties just at dark, wilh their
bildreri hanging around them, all
Uing or teasing at once, was ccr
ettivu of'a foundling hospital.
mom ia language wlilcri would disgrace ft
brothel. I do not belinve that they are all
insincere in this. That many of them are, 1
most believe, so long I know them-to be
men of strong sense in regard to other mat
ters ) but tho mnises of tba people whom I
have met rather seem to me to have been
willingly blindvd to have schooled them
selves into the belief that they are performing
religious duty in carrying out the disgusting
system of polygamy.
Tfe Is ft man litllo over, the medium
height, somewhat Inclined to corpulency, wilh
dull, bullet looking sort of a head, sandy
complexion, and an exceedingly sensual look
ing mouth. When walking in tho wind lie
usually wears ft pair of green goggles. With
those upon bis uose, we would naturally take
him for ft country schoolmaster, who Lad
wielded the birch year enough to acquire
chronic back-ache. Without them, ho looks
the wilful, unrestrained end vulgar man of
the world, who has just lost ft heavy stake nt
a rat Gght. Fur be it from me to caricature ,
tho man I havo no such intention. I do
not mean to chnrco him with any of the vul
garities shadowed in his face, for 1 have not
had siiflicieut opportunity or observation to
bo able to judge of his tastes in such connec
tions j but the language employed above will
give a clearer idea of bis expression of coun
tenance than uny other 1 can employ. lie is
affable in his maimers, exceedingly kind, but
patronizing, to his associates and inferiors.
easily excited ut times, and ulnars aping the
dignity of roynlty, with n mock gruvity that
is ludicrous to the unii-.ved beholder. He is
evidently a man of much shrewdness in worldly
mailers, a good cusiuess manager, a judge of
human nature, and skilful player upon" the
weokness of his fellow-men, knowing exactly
how to touch the cords which shall produce
the music he wishes.
The order of his mind, nevertheless, is low
and vulgar. He is not a logician, and is easily
cornered in an urgument upon almost any
question with which any ordinarily skillful
opponent ia familiar. Everybody knows that
tie is uneducated, lie is withal roll or Sell
righteousness and vanity, and it would pri
bably be diQicult to find any more C tain
mode or giving In in olleiice than by exposing
his ignorance on nny point, w. matter how
trivial beftn.! his subjects. educated
men of mind and mai k t'.rtppeJ of the glitter
with which his pos'lic., of Prophet and Priest
surrounds him r,t,otla his deluded followers,
he won'.1 nnk to the level of quite nu ordinary
tp-i. Klder Taylor, of New York, formerly
editor of the Mormon, is fur his superior in
personal appearance nnd intellect. Such is
I'righum Young as be appeared to your cor
respondent. linlCllAM's INPKCKNT Ar.fSB OF TI1R I" ItERIDKNT.
A Nmr Work bt Dickkks. -A new work
by Dickens, Is in preparation. The subject
has been fivorlte one wilh him for twenty
years, but he has only lately commenced to
work out his original idea. The wm'k is to
be an onslaught upon "respectability" in
other wordf, epoo the conventionalities of so
ciety. He will establish tests for genuine
respectability, prominent among which la the
rnle that every respetable man shall get his
garments at the Brown StonsClotWng Hull
of RiockliiU A Wilson, Nos. COS and COS
Chestnut street, above Sixth.
Orncttt. DrsrATCtip.i trom Utaii. Dei
patches from General Johnston to the war
department state that the engineers ore en
gaged in the selection or a site for permanent
fortifications, South of Salt l.ake City. For
ther than this, the advices contain oothing of
apecinl interest.
New Advertisement.
To the Voter of Northumberland County.
W W A VINO been solicited by many of my fel
tf B low citizens to become a candidate for the
I hereby announce that I present mjself to tho
Democracy of the county fir nomination nt the
apprearhibg primary election. If nominated and
elected I w ill use the heat of my abilities to per-
lorni llio duties ot llic otlice,
Siinhury, June 3J, 1858. le
To the Electors of Northumberland
Fstiow Citizexs : We are fiuthnrizc.l to
announce THOMAS D. GRANV, ur the Uor
oush of Punlmry, as an Independent candidate
lot the dike of a .
at tho ensuing t'ection.
Mr. Grac. too wrll known to the pKori t of
Nnrthu'iiberland county to need any commenda
tion at our h iinU. No one qticn'innii hi qualifi
cations for the poxt ; his character for morality,
Industry and subricty is irrcproarhalilc and his
popularity as a man and ctliricncy aa an officer
undoubted. I'or the last six yenra ho line beta
the principal clerk ill i olliee, ami Ida un
tiring imliutry and ability, hia amiable manners
and obliging dispotitiiin have elicited the confi
dence Slid eatccm of all doing biisinens there.
V.' confidently submit his r.ame. and earnestly
ask our frllow citizens to HAI.I.V TO Hid
SUTORT. Rrfpeclfullv.
Suiiburv. June 14, 1 6ft8.
JUST RECEIVED by the subscriber, auhis
FI.OL H STOKE, Market Square, Punhory,
ft fieh supply ol Water, Butter, Sugar, Ginger
and Soda Cracker, for sale hy the pound or
barrel, at whoteeale Harriatmrg and rhiladclphia
price. Those wMiing to purchase will please
give him a call before ordering elsewhere.
He also continues to receive, weekly, supplies
of flour, giving his customers a fieah article and
at verv reasonable rates.
Sunbury, July 31, I6.r,a tf
Wyoming:, ttuerne County, Ta.,
TTA8 e linliby and quiet location, Is very
eaaily cresiijtto ly I lie I.ncknwantia and
Dloomabnrg Railroad and othrrwiae, and fur-hi-he
te both min the Ifwt lacililio fir uudy,
tinder fnilblul and accompliFieJ In
the elementary and filgher KiirIhIi, f lasnirsl, or
ornnmenlil brsnrhea, thorough iii'lrorliou nnd
traiuing ia given. Tho Normal IVpaitmcnt fur
tiiahea special advantage lo tb'no preparing In
teach. The next term begin AiiRufl 2-1, Ad
dreaa the Principal,
W'yoining, July 31, IK68. St
k srir.ircAi. wifk bVn.u.
riuus to know whether UtesQ wo
nippy in the etraD";.' tbey led,
ice. ut their ,CS impressed me
nvicUo ibut their was the bap-to'-i-i
lip'.'iDssncss, on exislance in
he rL'tier und holier sentiments of
-od olfectiou had been sacrificed
liar of fanaticism. They seemed
e virtuous, wil ing, perhaps, nnd
bill nevertheless uuhappy victims
ted tortures, by which lliey hoped
lintly reward. To u few of ti em,
.bi-s-j remark would not ujiply.
lha younger females appeared
s or reckless, but the elder, who
uted in circles where woman was
her than vasal lave, wore their
dently wilh iuwurd muiiiiurings.
the latter, I fancied I could di
er whose name had been secretly
.iled to nit ky a mutual friend, us
Abuse eyes bad long emeu been
tho degradation of her conditllm,
was looking forward wilh earuett
in s to the hour when the riiii i-afely
lection, arid abahdou tho association
amy. I did uot attempt to cou
ii any of the "sisters" in l'rovo in
the institutions amid which they
e (Jentiles are watched with jealous
could not buvo introduced the sub
ul inaliing trouble for the partner
i as well as for ourselves. A couple
Californidhs there on business, the
i ventured a little of ihe coininouest
to ihe younger wives of uu aged
h spurted eight, and were suddenly
up short by the fatherly husband
dry M.'iiiticiui uud forciuie intinia
I lliu ladies ill rpiestuiii were his
)ur gatiaiil, took nit, hint vftd sub
nnif thereafler llio relrehi .( bu
cli eulltt bauds hud placed in their
y by duy.
uite sat;sfjid ihut all wo hu.e heard
iniitery ami degradation, os the
polypuiny, is true. I do not meun
it every wifa who share her lord's
with half a dozen others, lives u Yito
out misery but that the general
of the system is to make woman an
eiop, deprive her of the courtesies
to the gentle sej uuder more fortu-air.stuu-es,
and to make her a soul
I, iuslead of the reCuinjj element
sing ornaiiieut in the social circlo,
a cheerful radiance and eenial
How can it be otherwise when her
affections are continually siihV.t
ir outraged, end she find berlfonu
I servants, rattier than tht c-omnau
elpinuU of man? I have eonvrid
e l Oni'ier of Hie brt-ihern here and
upo i tbissuliieet. They talk about
to utmost coolness, cbulVnn us to
ioripture proofs sgaiost the propria.
umy, and aru its advantages with
rtii claiming it to be rnlieious dutv
p children to the Lord, end soforciog
The next day Biigham delivered a sermon'
in which he held forth as follows :
What is the present situation of affairs?
For lis the clouds seem to be breaking,
l'robably, many of you have already learned
thai (jeneral Johnston passed through the
Ureal Suit City, with his command under the
strictest discipline. Not a house, fence, or
sidewalk has been infringed upon by any of
his command. Of course, tliecamp. followers
ure not under his control; but so fur as his
command is concerned, while passing t brooch
the city, he has carried out his promises to
the letter. .
Wo told Commissioner Powell and Mc
Culluch, in conference, in answer to questions,
that we most ussureclly believed all they said,
and all that I'resident ituehunuu dictated
them to say, so fur us their interest was con
cerned. We said that wu believed thut Pre
sident Buchanan would fulfill his words,
when his own interest prompted hi m so to do.
We did tuit say whether be would or not, in
opposition to his interest.
We hare reason to believe that Colonel
Katie, on his arrival ut tho frontierslelc
graphed to Washington, and tliut JySers
were immediately sent to stop the march of
the army fur lull days. That Favors of an
anxiety for peace. I expect to fee, if the
lato advices uf the (lOVernmeut are Carried i 1858.
out ; that portion of the L'uited Slates army
now here have tho priviteuo of going whero
the interests of the couulry demand them ;
and the portion lint mas to start for this
place ordered in other directions.
I tore tho Prophet bUcdttiB excited and
burst into a tirade ugaiust President liu
cliuiiau, culling him n diii-vllinrj ol't dotard,
h-Adsc titcn purtij ullutr should have been I 're
tideut twenty Jice yews ayo, when he had a
little seme vtnmt him, if ever, lint the Saints
did not court wur. They preferred peace, if
it could be had, and they had made it. The,
were willing that "tho world" should b .v
the shadow of the settlement, providej the
annus n a u tne suostauce, as uu nu.,nUined Krhna-iiruvc,
they bad. Ho cared nothing f',r ii g 0,n ! liiBtu,
name. He cared not if tt iramuled it ! i lyov, oui uu nun ie,.l vneill, UOIl I laiwiauurg,
tram i,io ic
h.v.e trouble.'
Register and Recorder, &c.
DR. J. I). MASSER. ofSuhbury. rcupcclfully
offers himself lo the electors of Northum
berland -counlv a candidate for RE(lTElt
ORPHANS COURT, at the ensuing election,
subject to Democratic Rules.
Siunhury, July 10, 1859. le
13y the qusrl, gallon and barrel, 'or sale by"
SuiiUmr, July 31, I8SS.
Snydor County Normal School.
'IHT. Kiilli session of this Institution comincn
ccd on the 27ili of JULY, and ronliuues
SS wcela. Encouraged by past sucrecs, iucreancd
efforts will be made to rouble atedenls to ncijuire
a sound mrntul, moral and phyKical education.
'J'be Academic Department embrace all the
branches conatitutin; a Ihoronch Englith, Clas
airal, Malhematical and Nciciitilir. Education,
toucilicr with Muaic, Drawing, Painting and
has been established and heretofore well attended
in which Tiai'hen, and those wishing to become
inch, can prepare themselves for the profession.
'I'mims IIau- ix AtiviJtct.
For Hoard, Tuition, Room, &c, i T
session of it 'i weeks. S2 to ijino
Tuition alone, ;-i r tjuaricr of 1 1 w l:. g l to U
Muaic, Drawing, Paiming and Erencli at usual
Students can enter at any time.
For catalogues. &c., address
GEO. F. Mcr'AKl.ANP, Principal.
Juiy 31, 1
1) It. II AKTyi AX,
4 X I M TIC t I. I II I I C I i .
To the Voters of Not thumber land County.
TsTAVlCi Itecn solicited liv niv frimls. t
II I, ,,11- .ir.u ...!: I
date for
Should I be elected by the stiffracea of my fellow
citi7ena I pledge myself to perform my dutiea
wiib the inmost of my ability and to the best
intrresta of my constituent and the public at
large. A. II. UI.AIR.
Milton, July 10, lfi5fl. te
11E subscriber offer himself to the electora
of Nnithumberland County, as an Idepen-
dent Candidate for the office of
And promises, if elected to fulfill the duties of
aid xtlice faithfully and iinparlinlly.
Point Jownship, July 24, 185B.
jNorthern Centra. Uailwjiv ! !
AM) AUKlv TMXI4 Jtl.r-.7ili,
ths? 'I'miiis i ihe Norllivru Crntiol Ktutwuv
Cni,aiiy will leave I'-.ily, (SutiJyjm-j.cei.i?tl) us folj -wu :
UIHALO AII MAU.Ut A rvritss Tit A IN.
rrom UAl-TAiMUUK tu SUNUL'lt Y & U..MIKA
Physician for Diseases of the Lungs.
lortttffty J'iisiciaii to Cincinnati Murine
IJosjtiUtl ami Incut id s littrmt, Currttt
jtonttiuff Mtwber vf the Lomh:i
Mctticttl Sucirtt? of UbjtrcutiuH
Author of
I.KTTtim to Ixvaluis." and Editor
" MlliRiL Tl.TItOrM urk.
MMItttV, "Watlitn-lon llup(' Frtttoy
Auguat 13, ls.
1MN VILLI', " Mont wr Hons? Atiui)t 19.
II l-O O.MslIl RO, Au;nu 14.
1) It. UARDMAN trtt Ctniiutnpli.Mi, Ilmiiclnli, I.v ;
rYngitua, Atihm:i,aml die case ul llic Tiirout unU l.uu
by Mi-Oxul liitmttiliop.
lr. fhinttimi.'t rlainn in putlic c nfi iuic nro fou:itlrd ;
upon the it'lliiviii(( lai-u :
1 Iln ihurtugli mid romlete nrquufnt-jnce wilh lliu
(rfi(.iic oC the imwl ttjlebtattJ ilt)siciun ot Kur-'pciiS '
wrl! nq Auitricn. i
Jl lci uhoritic ofliit ylem vf niiiliralion Jif- !
fvri' j Irtmi ever; other rvrr yrt adopt) dtH: uot iimKe !
H'at ti inale well ; nut tear ilnwn Ut build up unin dk- ,
jftrHitif nil itunriu drugs nnd tttitt-Mtt'tis nuiierulw.
J. III! utijilwtOf uttrd i5H.'iieiiui' in I J s it:tl I rnctll'c
w4tere tivery fo.m ol di"" wai pimcultl iot hi treat- )
mrui uud in can f ilt atli, mi exiniiiKitiru uf ih dent
btidy ittnd!, mid t!ie oppt-ujui.c1! !' tliu ti.ltftdl euflully j
it'aivddowii by hi nu n IihihI ("ur future fta'fruec J'lirs j
ii'ttes nnd olifrrvtitiona iMib mni'c wtien riimrlrtcd. will ,
I or in two Uittt V'luuit'S ut fiw liuudred pavs rinti, wIid'Ii
Will l puMihtird fiTtiir hciittitot tho HI cJii-al 'prtlrjKiti. '
4. In ndJilioii to tin, lui vast rXwt uiu.-r, tnquirrtl ly j
Inivclliiip nrmiy five jrtin, tr.titiug llioit&ur'di iniuuully, I
liuvnuii riltil 'rt(it iidviniiaM tr tlisiiMli u nnd liie
itudy uf till itismtri lurultriil to the liuninn luu ily. Iti ilt: ;
prrind ol Hum l hai IrTivrled n dirtrjm e ue.iily eijuol to j
two entire viriails ut (he p Mi , mul Iii4i ncrn, prrtsmbed
fur and been imsuUrtl by ururly JJ liiousvui.t iu ulii!s. 1
ON nd alter Wednesday the 9 lath July, ihe
undcrsigni d will run hi STEAM WSHRY
LOAT, rccularly, for t asrengcra, lielvfen Bun
bury and Northumberland, according la the fol
lowing achcdule, vii:
I.enre Msri.ol atrcct wharf, Punbury, at T.fiO A.M
Returning, leave Northumberland at 7.30 "
Leavo cJunbury for l'ry Valley at 8.30,
touching at Noilbumln rland at 9.45 "
1! 'tiininii. touchat Nerlliumber'd at 11.80 "
Leave Si.i-bury for Nuilbumberland at S.DO V.M
lieturnina;, leave Northumberland at 3.80 "
Leave Hunbury for Ncrlhiinibrrtand at 6 00
(Returning, leave Norihumberland at l-'JO 11
Whrii tonvcr.icnt, iiitcrmrdiats trips will be
i FARE In and f ern PinXury and. Nprlhum
brilsnd 10 eenta, or twelvo 'i'itlits Tor One
'J'his arrnnqrnirr.t rill not only prove a real
convcnirnii- to persona visiting the two place
on business ur plrasure, but atl'ord n agrrrable
and pleasant ride on one of lbs most pict .risque
portiona of the brsutiliil Siisqnebami.
IK A T.fl.EMKM'. I'ropricter.
Knlibury. July S. IRftS.
5UT received by A. V FISHCIl. at Ida
Drug Flore, Munhury, l'a.,
Also, .Vcrrw, butts. Door Knols, Thumb
1. aid. i s, and all hardware necessary forbnililinr.
A splendid lol of pocket and table cutlery, Scis
sors, German 8ivrr Spoons.
I.OOlllll (.lilSXCs).
A lsrRe stoik of Looking (ilasres, received and
for sale Ly A. W. FISH Bit.
Sunhury, July 17, IS5H.
' DitltrG"&. CHEMICAL '
HE uudeisicncd having teccived a large and
well selected stock of
I'tti o iii'UH ttuci ilirmlrali,
llycsliiti't, Oil, l'iiints, lil.iss and Putty, is now
ri.aily to fill onlcisut a moments notice.
In connection ilia Hie alovc you will find an
j aMoilnient of Fancy Notions, Toilet -Inkles and j
j I'l'ifnnn-ry of nil kimls, 'i'oolb, lluir, Mails and I
I Clolh.'s llriisbes of cvciy vaiietv.
Cuh'.oimiH niil llml bii stoek coinplcte coin- !
pri.-iiij; iniiny mtielcs it is impossible here to ,
euunicru'.o !
1U:.I U.M IIEK llic place, i.eitdoor to the IVo
plo's tlno li ice Store.
J li)sii'iaiis I'recrij'tions compounded accurate
ly and can full v.
A. W. FiiSilEK.
'uiihury, July 17, ISSS.
rP II fC Jurors drawn uud summoned fertile
- ripccial Court, 2d week of Aug'til next,
rieeil not uttcud as there will not be any Court
held at tbut time.
blicrili s olbce, .uuliurv. )
AiJAiN 'run
ir ;i.-:it, A ; a I no ony naio wiucu, nn-nj
. -'J 'rjlU jltii S) r - - - I al.-lt an.
tiio cntdrnl In tUo lata ex
tensire fuc.
At the burning of the Arii
Inn Uuibliiigs. April, lib.
and in tb GREAT. HUE. in
Market street, May Ut, tati,
the genuiho
ii .SitT 31 F
the V
U the M
'I ht rtr r
fn ikfl ! b'u
rnre iitrlocrfneii
out' vt ht inrtii
Cbfirpf t ty nu
1001)rt Kb-'
f l '.;i:E!.
Market strut, U
iiiterincdi. te pou..
burr and Mi.ilb .ii.
Iransl.ijinn nt u.
, A!i Mill'H thul.lill:
n'.lrn.VO t i, nnd d i.u
McrJ.unts nnd ft'-.rrn.
June !ifl. lt'StJ. Su.'ji
HERliiNO 6 A KB.
I'rcservcd the. Jewejry of Ceo. W. Pinion A
ltro.i Dooka, Papers. Ac, of Fi-hcr Hro.,und
Edward Kcamana &. Co., after remaining cx
pnsed in tho. burning ruina for ncirly I tJKIY
HOt'RS, and proving corrlu-m U wh it we
have fihvav cbijmcd for tlictn, 'i II EI1I GKEA I
SSl'rEHIORITY over all securities now lno n.
I.t these fires, THE l!l'.lM;!N(i,i SAKE,
aleiidinp- ido by i.'e villi btf itlicrtief d as
'warranted lo stand 10 pri ti n', tnnip l.rt, t'liu
Hcrring.,, cnnie forth the AC'K NO Wi.Ellli ED
VIC TOR, not only preserving their lontciil in
EXCELLENT order, but leii.K ill themselves
in a to no ihruneb another urdvul, WDW COSTSTIC
while Ihe boasted Salamanders" of other ma- i WHOLESALE AIo
kcM were badly used up in every instance, and ! . .-.p. pi
in somo carca ibeir entire con'eMs vxmpleleiv Z1'
doslroyed. i 1 )! A?i J"-t raa 'f d ""T ,
To the public he would simi-lv ny. that, du- I A of goods at lit Ci:::
tine tlie r..ii...e., e,.,.rilie II EKI.'INU'd SAKE : fruit Storo tn MAI-.KEI 6,1 ..LI
has been liefure them, r.iore tbau t hundred
have passed throiigli nrcidcntal fin without the
occurrence of a single loss.
We wonid, therefore, CALTIO.N purchasers
against the niisreirisenlation of interesttd p:ir
tics. The HERRING'S PATENT is the only
KIKE PUOOF SAKE made in this citv, which
i protected by a PATENT RIGHT, and we
will to retist more t'cu double the
umuunt ol heat of any other Sufj now known.
Farrd, Ilci rlni; &
Hole Manufacturers ;n this Stale of
"Herring's Tatent Cbampiott Safes,"
HI H-ViiiufVi., J'hiludu.
tjT "Evans & Watrnii'a Irtinfovcd tfahimail-
deis," "Oliver Evans'," "C. S. ttavlcr's,". and i of a superior quality, by the single or
Hcott' Abselos," Iron Chests, (n large assort; j superior quality of tcur and j'oia
nirnt bavins been taken in pait pineiit for I vanely of t. onlcctionnric, fruit, ic.
here be manufacture atrd kcci
all times, the liioM cheiee Con'
Wholesale auj Retail, Dt Pbilui
Among hia clock of Conk
found :
1,'iTf I'ln
Mint iJn-p
Jrllv ( ski
I'niil In.';
t-liek t ',,. I nn
Aln.jiid C
1titii';iri, i'rti!n-s(
!atfi. tiff's
CnTJiiiti drift!, ; , . Caions,
AlllMlldH, .ittl .St -.t t Nnu l'f (t!! ,
fronelt Swiots,-fVirm-J
rrenm While,
Iiii in
" Vsi'..ia.
OHiiui-iii lets.
- I
Juiy --'till, lNftH.
FEIHE Fuhscrihcr respectfully inf irms the citi
zens oi ouuourv aim vieiniiy, inai ue win
'Herring's,") will be solJ at low
Philadelphia, July 10, 1S68 ly
l II II A DELI Hi A A ND "r.S.1 DinG
ON AND At-'IKK MU.NDA V. Ju'v 5. tW. tbeil-wn
inoiinrK I'liBfienilr train will U-uvtj rutlsvili.i ol 9 13
A M., pnssing Kcix'.ios; alUil A.M , nml m r:ug ut
i'iiil;u!i iptim ul l'J iict'ii.
The ilowii Altruo"!! Ti.nn will leave Pottsville at 3 30
P. M., pMsnini; lUiidiiig ul j.t'G, nnd arriving at l'liilniisl
,inn ul T. ',0. i'. M .
M.'niii. mill Al'iernnoii Piiseiif,M Trnina leave I'Lila
tt'-lehis ut Mini. Iinurs lis lierc:.-i'.ire, V Jo A. M. iiiiit 3 3'J
I'. M , parting Heuttnigul 1
W A. ."!. nini 0 07 V. M.
rosrentr Train leaves lirmluig l ID A. M , (nf'.fr
nrrtuil ol Down kiuI Up Mitiioi? lisseiir-T irmn
l'oltsvil e nml Vhilui'ilplua,) mul ariivM in lltiriistairgct
W.:t," ir'on, ix lime ! ci'lmeel wilh Vussenirel Tui.ns l-r
Smil.Lity, i;'.::iT:i3;ioit, I'.Ii'iirj. Vittshur-r, Clitniibi-rsluirir,
l'llltlllii're umt 1.: nt iih'. r. ll.M iirninr. leuvps Uui rifctiui ll
mt 'iXJ V. M , after inlr.. l ot rtifcifiiter 'I ruins I'r.'l.i u!l
ii.'i'Ve poiul, :mil arnees ;.l Hi'iiiio i-l -l ..5, in lime lo
c'Mmect Willi t'p nml llowit V:oiseii;:er Tiiiilt. Vj I lt:i-
il!e uml l'liiluclt lilna, Ihe Mime eviniiv'.
ri.i,ilie.T ui.J lii;uTii::iuik::?.
July IT, tM?. :r
is blleicd cl.cap at nholcsalo or retail.
lie ha alio opened an 'ec Cream Kaloun. and
will at all liuim be ready to serve his customers
nitb li.c Cream. .
Sunbttry, June 10, 1S5S. ly
Agricultural Waro Jdousc Hnil Seed
Xii). 21 und 23 South Cll: street, Idintn .Vttr- and Chesnut street, I'hihi'h'jihii.
118 always open to the inspection of every on
interested ill Farming or tiariltiiit.i.', ""
au'oscribcrs therefore invite the public c,en
to call and cxaihinb the large an.'. eil .
stock of Agricultural Implements and .Macli.
(treat variety of Horliciill jral tools. Wnrran
tirden and . 1 lower hceil-;. Grass ai I ic'u
8reda ol tbo mott Ecliubio Qualily, v.i,ie'o they
ofl'Kr f"r aulc si the lowest cash prices, wholesale
or retail. .
The agi! implcmenl eAi by i.i a
motliy i:iatiu!aetUTed ti our tS'ni woilt
of tne t remsiu in ibis tilace lor Itie nornoso of civina
may be consulted at ,ss ns on the PIANO, to such as many desire i
! instiuction. His terms will bu reasonable. He )
innv be found at the Washington House 111 this j
i Suubury, July 17, 185S. I
i.3t S'-util Tl.inl Ftlect. lu'lv.XM li:'rf
J'lre-ts, VUil.ADKl.t 11! A,
Orrtll ;.nl I'ittna Kil'
li.ent oi l.i-uli'.er, l-'luitiuil ui.'l in ti.e Ko.i
also iu:iisoli: i.i:atiii:u.
Alt of whK-Ii will Le s iM low tor Caaii, or CUt us ir.l
.4VS. WooJ. Cross Cut and Mill fuws '"Vg AM kin.ts of T.cstlier in t'.o Hou:1) wanteJ. f..r
SSiiiierior arliele at KlsllEli'rf. ! vvliieli I lie nwiket price wiil lie kivcii, in cjIi, or
.Sun'iurv, July I7tb, 18.r3.
iaiEfi',oii. & B.:MT!i:ri stoue. ; "'l1;1"1: lav. .
I'. hlliMAlnlCiV o. ; rrraid to expense, with tlie most ontpleie r
N'i. 31 S"utli Tl.inl Ftiect. In-tv.-eM Mr'irt iniJ Chssna1 j cliii'.eiy fjr Use nianitfactuie i,f va.'ieus kit
i ari.eiiituiitl nil iilemciitrf, n.'e t ,ei ari
TM1K V S:-nni.l. niJea, PrVi! I'm s ,.!,! ;Uiv ami , j,v n; ortc!c tu ibis line of llio very U't
Calvert Sution,
'I'rrV'iiii'ii Junction,
4 311 . M.
7 411
under font, I'm if you do you'll
!." (3re doubter.
COY. r0". Fix's ASsl'KA.NCKS.
Uov. l'orc'.i addressed the Mormons, a,
suriiij; tbvut that, '-The Federal Government
di'ina1.: nnlhtug of you, rellon cilizens, to
dfy, which it does not require of the inhabi
tants of every State nnd Territory within lliu
Union, thai you shall be obedient lo the laws
of your country, that you will respect the
civil authority, und thut its officers shull bu
received by you, and enter upon the dischurge
of ibeir duties unmolested. All this, 1 um
happy to ray, you assure me you are willing
to yield, und you claim that you never have
beeu otherwise."
I n regard to the location of posts, lie says :
"The President has ordered the establish
ment ol one or two more military posts in
this Territory fur various purposes, but chiefly
to protect travellers from Indian depreda
tions. While bo eluims, and will exercise.
the right to send the army wherever be nitty
please, his object is not to make eucutnp
mehU in uny uf ycur cities. Ueueral John
ston told me thut he did uot nigh his urmy
to bo stationed near a city, lis said that it
would corrupt the morula of the army, tu you
kunw is ulways the case when un urmy is in
such a neighborhood. I am not udvisd
where tint uiiny T Utah will be sluliniied ;
but if Carson Vulley is the best plnce fur an
encampment, us you inform me, I believe
thut he Will luke them there. 1 believe tbut
he will bu very prudent in the di.-pof itinn of
the troops. If I were ut the luud of the
army I would wish to station it where it
would be convenient to protect the great
highways to the Tacilic from Indian depredj
turns, and where it would have grass, wood
mid water ill obuuduiice. In relulion to the
turse force now under orders to march to ll
I'erritorv, 1 have no idea thai so larsre un
army will be permanently stationed in Utah,
lor the t erritory Shall remain at peuce. 11
is needed lo currison Ihe forts along oar sea-
ca.t from Texas to Maine, and to guard our
frontier all aluug the British line. Ihe army
lo be pertnu.ieutly located in Llan.
A postscript says, tieneiat joiinsinn lias
lelurued from hi visit to various alleys.
with u view of selecting a locution fur W Hil r
quurlerj. lie considers tne country over
wbicu ha has passed lo o essentially a ueser v.
lie has seen no poinv uu cuunucr.
well adapted to the uses of a permanent post.
Tha urmy will mova within two Or three
days. hoever, to Cedar Valley, about forty
live miles from Sail Lake City, tan or twelva
from Lehi. and fifteen or twenty rroin rrovo,
where tarrocks and storehouses will b iim.
diuttla erected. Tha location ia a favorab s
.... i . e . ..l .r -... . t.
0 hi lioin bicb to couiinanii ins ciuei imin
mnnts with promptness and nfliciency. Oratl
is very s. area, however, for largs herds, and
it baa been decided to send back to Fort
Leavenworth all the animals not absolutely
necessary to be retained.
Estimated by Ilia Trigone, the population of
7 :c
e 45 ti uu
u sr u 57
iu ii in io
10 iu iu tu
in si iu u
11 u; n U7
II 19 II
11 117 II -
11 41 II 41
11 40 II 4
Mlll.Ml, 1 1 67 11 67
WuUxmlou'u,. IjiU 1st UeJ
l.'iilimtiiuii, l'i 14 Ii 14
Uyatrra, 14 -."O 14 KO
.llunlg .intr)-, IS ihi l-i ST
l.ti-ei's IK i -t -l)
Muucy, III 35 VI 3li
Mnnloiirsvilte, IU iu li iu
WlHuinnjKirt, I OU
From PLMlll.V lo Sl'NuTRV 4 BALTl.MOltF.
Arrive. Iiive.
r.linirs. 6 on a. M
illiuiiisnoil, 9 00 V IS
Moiiiimrsvilte, V v St
Muiicy, V U V 41
Ucigei's, V il U SI
Mo.ilg.aiirrr, U SJ V M
lister's IU Ul Ik 01
I lii.inl. wn, 10 0-1 III IS
Waltoiilown, 10 II 111 It)
Milton, U IM IU 31
l.swistiurg, 10 4U IU ii
i:ininsqubue, IU t7 IU 47
Nortiiunilirrlsiid, IU 5 11 00
hlMilltV, 11 oa 1109
Helius-t.rovr, . II Vo II l!5
'I'ltviiriiui 1 auction, 11 39 II 11
lieuigi'ti'Wii, II M II Si
Millrsliuig, U 10 111 H
llulll'uS, I IV li -il
llridseiiorl, 1 S IS
Ymk. 3f3 3 30
Calvert Suin'n, 0 s
In rrlnli n lo ttte fi'll'iwing ititeast-s. nili.-r virn c.;ai
plieuteil with Lung Aileeliiins, or exitiin; ulune, 1 aim
inviletl eonsii.tuti.'ii urtiull finil llitln pioieplly i uiuLie.
Vr lopus suit nil l'.' Frtu.iie c.niiplaniis, li regu
lar it Irs oikI tVeuknns.
1'ulpilaliou and other fmrns of Ilenil llis?nes I.iver
Coniplaiiit, llvspepsin, and ull oilier Liikeskt.-s of Stomuili
uml Itiiwels, Hilrs.
IV All diseases ut Ihe Ky ninl Knf i Neiliut;ia, K.jn
iepsv, smt all fornu nf Neivnus Uise.,se.
No ciisrse uf Consultation
8 1J. UARDMAN, M. D.
June 1'J, lo38
S. IIAK'S Premium Patent Knaincl Furniliire )
Polish. This polish is highly valuable lor rei-lo j
ring the oli-li on nil liimU of Furniture, Clai,
CariiiRC liodies, H-ir Clolh, Vc. Alb", for re-:
moving spots, billing scratches, Ac, Ac. War
runted lo dry immediately and retain its gloss.
Price SO els', per buttle. ' Sold bv
a. v. r!Mii:i..
July !7, lr.
Citrate of Magnesia
PHIS ( repar-jlioii is rccomincudcd as an ex
; ccllenl laxative and purgative. It operates
I mildly, is entirely bee from uiw unpleasant luste
' resembling lemonade in flavor, prepared and sold
jby A. W. FlisIIEi:.
j Bniiliiiry. July 1", I e"H.
; isroTiCE.' "
I & I.I. persons haviim eluims on Michael C!ra
bam, cuiLcontraclor on Section S 1, Nor'b-
l:ll..l !L .-VhlHI.',, Uit 1 I. .Ill Stored free of l".l iirje, a:;J 9 '1J on Coirmitaiiiii.
l'li:l..iMpl.ia. July 3. IrSB 1
T(oi.S."in,a n.ui- , LaiidrflU a .arru:il.d Oarden tVe.'.s n ..
! nceij eeiiTc me pu.-.iic lor nt'i' itros oi ii"-:rv vcurt-" ;
! lluir widi'-spreud I opu'iui'ilv end ihe im r. ;iii,s'
' dciunnd from y?:ir t.i vcar ara ihe best niJcnce
; ofl'ieir superiority cLr r.Il clltcrs,
' tTi?" Country ntnreliaii'.s can be supplied wilh
I ced in paper-, or !n bulk, on tho roost HV.tSl
! '.crn o.
j Elon!r.Sv'a!', rear Cris'.ol, Pa., our garden
j i;r.iunds, contains three hutiilrej and scvci.
! acre, nnd is the lartrest ct;ii'lisliini-nl of its iuu
! in lha world. 1). LAN DHl'l'II (J..
; Nos. Ul and C3 bor.tb Sistli St.. rinl-.dolpliii.
l.atiilrctli's Kural Kegister nnd Almanac br
is'fjfi, cnntainini; a niot;tbly Calender lor ll.j
j F'an.i, (!ai;!-i and (ireci.l'.o-js-c, cs n: i;vi
cavTir. upon personal or prepaid a; plieiiion.
I r.'iil.idfli.hi.i, May S-d, Is.!-;1.
ilns. MAF.I.V W1IA liTON lerpeclfully iti-
' forms her frirttd ind the public c.eneralh,
that rhe will accommodate them with irttci:i;i,
at her resilience, nu every evening (Swidty ex
cepted) duiiugtlic preset:! amtiier.
Sunbnry, Julv :i. JS'-M.
iVaioti'salc Ciirorrry.
Opposite the PcniKyh niic Hail Hood Popot
13. V. 28 J.iiJ:?,
C'l'y. lule nf fiiiLulctpliia
1 rr laxcasti:!.
1 jihj(. rcccivctl liiti tliicati;'ii nt. t!n-iu-sf Viiiri. VlUi-.
Iva Ll'J a ,are toc l,f 100 ulov.in4 namoJ j , llie .!ltivmiI n.,Ilala fr t-v: .i vt . . : .
a hL article h, ami will cH cheaper iliau any : tlie auuMumi , Insiitrtr .r. . . . -oil,,
r house this side of Philadelphia. Call and j 2!" '
materials furnisbe!
consider me in city
Froia BALtlMOltli lo SLNUl ltV
ralvcrtSuti iu.
ilridccK ft
t'luik's Fcny
II illux
Mull uili'iigo
Trcv'utoii Junction
seiijia-f.r. iv
Wais Ultima
Mu. cy
Monuura ilia
II 00
1'J t i
I to
J It
ti l
V il
i so
3 1. 1
3 IA
3 Ji
3 so
4 I'l
4 18
4 SI
4 J
4 40
4 S8
a is
s ej
5 3
S 50
H (10 A.
11 14
I 10 I.
X 18
8 :I6
a vu
3 01
.1 H
. 3 3d
3 S4
4 14
4 16
4 31
4 3(1
4 SI
4 6s
5 114
From tUMIHA lobt.Mll'RY . UALT1MORB.
Melius Grove
Trevort'iu Jaaclloa
Clark's Fan J
Calvert Slstiiio.
July 34, 16jt-
4 I
4 as
4 3U
4 11
4 40
4 6S
t SS
- 10
6 34
0 3d
1 il
1 1
1 si
t IS
It 3U A. II
4 U
4 'J J
4 3D
4 Ul
4 41
4 41
4 M
i to
6 66
a vt
f 3
f 44
T 13
t t
1 FONIFIICR. for sal at flsHER'S Drur
.... (..,.!,,. I I! ,, I
"Tho Greatest Bioerauhy of the Aee." or labor which Uk y may
Now KKADY : way bolilinj! for, will plea.V piesetit them to Dr.
Tirr ttpu vt ntiniur i is ipuf ucenw. W. 11. Msrr who has bound himsilf in an iti-
Ill I lircc oltmii-ii. Octavo.
rplllS work cuntuius upwauls of 2,000 pages, ts printeit
X on bue iiipeT,aiuJ liuiidsoiiiel) bound in vailous t j li s.
ll is illuslruletl by sevciul engravings iu sleel, li.d liiilne
li'us luckliiii'es ; aiieiaa llie lonoei are two Due puilonts
ot Jsrrsksn.s. Tne fue similes eilitiiuce, aiuoug nlh.-rs,
the oiigmul druft of ilia l)ecturuti ii of liidvpeiidellce, in
JsrvKKsoVa awn lund. wining.
'1'Uis is, in every scusa. on nuttiorizeJ woik: it was
Undertaken under (lie uppro'iut loll of his Inmily, and with
an unreserved access lo nil the private papeia ot JcdWMiu
in their possession ; and hus received the Lenetil vi ilieir
lecolleclioiisaiidopiuioiis ut every slep.
The work miliums llie expressions of Jefferson on every
great pulilic'iucatin which alosc. frooi Ins advent to pub
lic life lo his deuiu a ieriod a uoout sixty yeurs, uud
euiuiacing the jvli i c forming pvtind ol the Kepulilic ll
contulii ieffers ill's hetetof ire unpulitilied fuimly corres-poia-a
j selections from la finest published letters, state
pupeis, etc , etc.
opinions of Tin: rnKse.
Noolliei Life of Jefferson ever piililithed pnlmUy
tone tluit avei will be published can War any compari
son to llns in Ili.irouUuess, luliu as uf liieideul niul eon
si. irntious BJelity
Tins biogiuphy tins evidently been taV" "f love, nnd the
years ol pulieut, ussidui-us toil ilhuseost, have lei igivi ll
Willi uugiuvlgiug, uudiiug eiiiuusiusui i its .
At h-iiHi the nuMie have a Life ol 1 hi'mua Jetli i.u
that is r.ot on'y Usciiuilitig, and iheieloresure to lie ppu- i
lsr, bul one that will sliiiid Ihe essential hlstoiic test Umt
ol aceurie) undlruilifuliie-a Ills seen llml ttte r mint, i
w.irk ot' ihe whole is authentic cotrtiiponiry inalenul. ami i
ol the lushest 'ider. To guliier It hits l.ern the work il !
years v e ivnuiuiml e mpure tint vohune wilti il:i.t
iiiimnsli'e and iiieoinpurubie bto(;ruphv ( llo&u-cil, uud j
let aofaltlilul is llie portraiture 111 il Jeli' is llimle t.i I
dav ol huiiseil,llullns nulure, los eery s ill, is dciiiiuti-il '
with a dMlluelnesa lst unlike th..t III wlneli J,,linsi'U
stumls out in t he iuj;ca el lioswtii. n- st-u Tost.
imbued Willi lliat eiitliusi.islu: nuiuiruln u il Ins niU I
jeel, wittioul which u titiigiapher is ritely siireesslut, Mr. '
Uulliuill nevrlthcless does ln4 seek t-t hide wiiulevel I'uuits j
lie may nud, w(l. from himself or fr.nn llic reader, lie
tuiuls tut nictuie as i. inmvveii inMiea ius sn. uui tie
ie nuiiited, -wiiittsnd ut) ' 'ihe ptetitre gains by Ibis in
lilo-iiks cliilii(K, without 1 mug any of lis inujtine pr.i-
porluina -Albany Lvening Jnun-a'.
mooiie wno runs uis exe, n iwrvn iskim' y, i.vei ."
work, will fail loba sntlhd lhat .Mr Itun Ull hss added
vciy largely to Ihe stock ot' Itie world's iiilorinutlon alut
j,Ucr.ii..tlil he has had ueeess Iu ansiicra I ilheito uu
exikitrit aisl that he una d.Hie luore llmu wna eves ii me by
una bclora hun t illustru'e the itersonulity of thai gieul
stati-snian .New York Kvening rst.
Vc have read Willi ilcliplll .Mr. Kummil s cnpiivaiing
details of Mr Jiciin's i.ersoiiul instoiv, wh oi u bus
aclfuiiuai, guiuereu, unu auutiruwy sn-uycu .......
a gieat nirii-lv of authentic sources, liitlieito uiiexpl.rrd
Out of lh teinplinn riehlieas of bis unlelmls, the able uud
clear sighted antbui haa construe tril a b-'"k, st once e.v st
snlccUuiiliuj and nistiuellvc one lien biihuu sij,.i
by eveiy patriot of the bold "i-Kuhm lid l.'aqaoer.
l neie chh neutiiy tie iiiiihm, n. .........
iniiarluilily aid industry wlnrh Mr. Ilandull ha. bii.titl.t
into emubiiislioii iu Ue coniposili"ii of ibis bi. graphv
He Inn worthily exeouica inuru wunicg ishix i nna-
ad.-lphia I'teis.
'It will tuke plure amtaig ius eiu.iccsi cuissirs oi .nir
riesiilileialure.aud be coiisullril by every future hiaUiIian
ol ll.isc.iutry." Philadelphia Kvening llutleliu.
' We like ll because it uoiiaer ooiteeuui. pumuiea, esun
geiates, nor diSlnils, but anprnuchta, hi every iusluuce,
and la avert- particularly, llie career of the imlile character
ube opinions have dona ail much to ahnpe lha tbimcslie
and foieiga policy of the luttion lie euninbutrd so greatly
In call uilorxisUNira ''.-New Orleaiui True Urtla
C7 Tbia wink will b aold exclusively by snbscriplion,
at tha low pi ice of 87 40 Isiund in el-ilh.
Ripcrienead Canvassing Annus wauled, m all parts nf
lbs country , Pi obtaiu suleiil fur Ihu work. Appli
cants aUould. atal what counties they weuld bka W can
vass. 1 .
Sipeeissan copies will b aenl by mail, pr-paid, te any
address, reeelpl ol' ts pfic. ni
lm fall pan ucularsarieresa
DKRKY JACK)N, Fnhhaher.
Nu ' ll Nassau Street, New Yoft.
July 1, WSi.
see price if
ColVee, '
i cj,
S. II. M
I.uid cil,
1! sms,
t'lieu! b r,
rith oil,
C-iK-iiiid I'lus'.er
Candies' cVc.
i 1 lie 'inrrv t:u dicliu s :i v.-:ivs r:i li::n.! ihrri
b Pa'. Iib -nit' tl-,- it i i,r c H-iitry, am! t'.e li 't:e,n-ii G;n
j J c.: llii- iv.-r'-l No p-itnl iNC.iu-iuf- i-rt-K--i tl-t i1 i le
; eiiiltinrn-ti it. ,Vleil:i.iiH t-.jcii i-niy vv ii -;i wil! I-, t l.reaie
j d ivn 111-! e i.i-iltut ..Hi. t -t wiM n !,.vr.;i: t!:e cwteiii. Uo':l
I nil u -it u ;i-s ii mi- l.iitn-il from ntiin-rii -ir ! -'ii-,. Clii..-
:i;i-ui-ii , i i! ii;- -'Si- must !
J p; in'.-li-t-f, V.-ll.i-il s t-i Ullu :t l-i-; ' t
' i.i 1 .- !'. ilnre :n:-.l ,!,Kr:i-!rr Ir-ii n I -i
; vl.i ni.i .-.inM.tiiiitof e.'erv s -'--t ::'i l r.
li.-.. t ; tli: cl.;',n'i i tint-.-- solnls uiiJ liv-.i
bases, Syrups, N. O. .V, olas-st -e.
sliuitient of writin-r with me to dtaw said lira
hum's estimates and keep me baruilcs against
all claimed against said (ii ibnui.
K. 110GLE.
Siinbiiry. July S, 1S5S.
tullmrlii' Zitiiitivi i I slate.
OTICli! is heit'hy Riven that letter of ad-
n inisiration bve l-een granted lo tne sub
scriber on llie estate nf Calhaiiue '.iminermaii.
lute of Lower Augusta towiifhiu, Northumber
land counly, lit ecu scil. All persons indebted are
requested Iu make immediate- payment, and iboi-e
huving claim will present iliem for atltlemcht.
Lower ytiitriista li., July 17, IS.i I'.t
.Vu. 261 South Second Street, 6 doors alore
HAVE now on muni the largrrt ats.iitiner.t uf
r i e c4 1 1 1 x i;t m a m i i k i:
Than ihcy huve ever had at any previous time,
and lliey invite llie public Iu t ail and examine
ihcir slock before purchasinj;. us tbey It-el couti-d-ti! their f riers will bu a siiliieient induce,
niont lor all who want -ood l.:nituro tu buy at
their cstnbiinbtiicnt.
A l.irpe us?jrnnei:t of I'isu's l'.uck and Tinion
Dining lix tension Tables alwuv a on hand, Spring
and Muttrcsscs ( rnisbed ut lowest piiees.
furniture taiclully uuilicd and ou reasonable
Pliilailelpbia. July 81. ISSB ly
AttV OlllgS, I'WIiltS. &t-.
NEW sujiply of Urugs, Faints. Oils,
Fluid, Ac, just received and for aulc by
A. V . I IMir.K.
Kunburyjuly 17. 18o.
b'cbi.iii'i'S. Wild t.:licrry liraiuly, iilacklierry
uij Lavender brindiea for medicinul purpose at
July IT.'fti. A. V.
Also. Cement. Safely Fee.
icd;c, Iron and Nails, for sale
(.'row U.irs.
nt very small
cute :i;iy l
t '.i v e llic ; MieiH
I .
July 3, '8S3.-
rraclicc lu Northumberland uml in);oiiiiij
v. ,ir,i n,ti.i . in- :j !c
, lv: r f hr etu i,;
i?i 111 '.tlu-1 11 ; ii.ui i;
lijTi, it h p. . .-,..f :.,
i'l j riiid i.
ftly curi't. ecu V. :i.
tii. i, ii thr.t F..:'f nlit i-.r-.l.'-ii p.-.,!
!.i''h Ttii U-::: iil -f vi
..sea si' t'i.1 I' 'I iifsrruj
tSuii.iury, Novenil'cr 2!, IS57.
imoADWAY.coiixr.ttor i'iianiclin struct,
llns been recent!)- r-jf,
Vus iloonrs me newlv cnr.-elr,',
Tuii ruriitture nun l:! nre mpeili,
-nil Cn liull-M n:e ni;?urp:-l!ir.l.
TAVi.uns it:i.i:nn aii:ii ai ohms
Atia eossvetsn wiru mtnortt.
ITcre I cotiteutmtr.l all ll.e cuinforls ol a h-Jir.a, -.v.'.a
the liijiinies ol 11 paiiicu
tul: sn.i:.M.:;u;ii:s' r.vr.iiu
Ct'a:ii'iu!t. nu! unc-; utft
virw ir t!ii-iv,
it tU nioat rittr:d nf any w t.ili t fi '" ' '.
tWsa.ot places u auiiiaciuci.:, .iuJ t-CW-a j.f? u 1
Vi.iic Ut tuii.tur-t and ci.t'riii it v:.'..tiiJ N' U-
A i Fit m Knak.vjAS, I'ri-i'.-K'inr.
New YuiV, Jiily 3, Ibii !y
lllidiTLChi . I.t! in-,
j i1irt;.H.i Ti'. I'-" :i I;i
j t'l n'.l JvW i 't.jtl-.; t -j
.WMiou l'll;i. kn i w '..
! n- i?rii u-r t f li w !
1 in ;i l:ifiltliv pfiiV
I .".h'l.n.ciiK:; . A.r
! v :; uogr li-.c ;ni:t.!
t f;i..i Tin1 .Vu,;ri-M
j pt-1 -Hia , tii'ii iijiti '.-f
iinu ii'.ppt:; y, uu l TaiiMiii?; Ur c.usmiihihi. :i
corryiii,' 1 .wni'-siiuV t n:i'iiitc!y fr;ivr.i, t-.m n;-..'
rai'.v he ourid. K hfti r :,it i t ;wy r:M .-r
cnr.iii.v" ir CfUir, v.trran:ed I''.; Iiicjf-'.y
! sicliiirt ; n.l ci ro.dc aiul flnl,;.-ni :i!.ts-l Ti
R4;!Bfi ru'liiM'i'y n irm .-.I ; Sitlt Uiit'i iii,!'.1 - Vi '
I Vu it tf lltcrrntionK, iIrn S-n nil n l,;.4t.u
j hav! tf'ilJitl ni: vr i- t u nit tlica! '.'. " t V
tin -!nii!t, iv urn Um . 1 1 1 1 ii . 11 t t'.:.i.i
1 tit ftly rill ili '.trs (yi 1 'tn.P 'i!1i'; -i-; .'L. . L
lirt'aa'-tTiiareiJ wiilfi.t the kn:.
I will icnniu 1 a 111 . on Wr.M r ve r'
Uv, iroi.i y -V! M . u r. i' M , 1 - 1 . .
1...ii-iiti fimii a cr. u:,. c-.w t i t t .
Ocrm:in ImiRiirpoa. i'l m .l.e vi 1. ' .
iriui-cil. Atny Ite r.Jiljrtffi ty lc.:t:, F
inca;er c'ty, ra.
4.1) ...t i! l ifiil
;i . t ii4t."-ii
i-! ' I;.. l.lMlltiit
ate e..i.i,-.-f
e-iipi-.j I 1 .-me
. l)i-
'I !-ir!y
. h.v.'i
-e liti.-n.
Jun 5, I; ST -Cm
iv. r.
' :j .'.:. t r acti T.' -t . v
j jo:i x a . j: r. 4 t? s c;
rUiii: o'.J.--i Electro F-aler i.i !! I .'!.'-
! maniiCi turf t-l rt.-ry u:ii u c
j j.lalfd wilj jitta at! !-.-! . Albs!?. t''-"5
I atrrle
1 .fi, I ir.n, ', . iiu-vr, t .0 '.-.,., 1
r;:.! (;..'!,! , I'. ;, n. . : .-,
i. F.'i:.. Kiiit.s, .v: r.,-i.
- t,i i. ; re rii'.r J.
t ci.rscr Cth ft.'. C. c -; i : i-'
i':.:u.!c:. !.... :
1 1
I .er:
.1 8' S
!;ciitc:t ezilzzti,
;m i: i; v Till-.
BHOWN'cJ and Breiiiir Eaautnca ofGingai
and Husband' Mgnciaaf -
July I.
I1'.S'1K)NC.'H & SONS' Superior Ikiiiiiig
3 Fluid, for sale ut flHKU'C "
- lit un ui d Chemical Kuipuiiuui.
Suubury July 17, I8S8.
poilT MONAlfcS, Tooth end ilalr Btujiie
all qualities, and any quauii V, for sale by
A.W. FlSilElt.
July 1 7,'i F.8.
I JURE OLIVE foil, .fur t.ibl use,-two 1i
at 371 and 624 cauls iusl received bv
July IT, "SS.
A. W. FISH Ell,
1 FI.OWF.KM, Ac, of ilea best quuliiy ; a
fresh upply juat received and fur sale at I be
IJrui Htura of A. W. FISHER.
Suubury. July 17, 1858.
Stationery. A large upply of fancy
Faper and Envelope. Mourning, I,
and Cap Paper, Pen. Ink, Sand, 4e at
. 4I0SLIT, mOWU d E03IIT,
'ii?liu't Mnfccn' rinc'isitr torv
and hedu.'.nc VAi:r-r.oo.'.u'.
lla!tifl J'.E M O V E 1) t the i.ew In n Fioi t
Wjrehouse, No. ':'- tSi'iilh i'ec. nil Stt i-l,
below lioek.Wcat Sk'r, I'ii ll.l.t'Fi.I'lil .
i UV viler to tber customer nnd tba pul-lic
generally, a lien and full assortment t l
Tbey invito the attention of tl.j IrjJc lo lluir
stock ul' i I air Seutinj und CuilviJ lluir. of tl.ctr
llicir own lnoiii.fscliiie ; Aleii to a lull a'n'l cf FKUDiMi AM) L I'll OJ.STEK V.
Philadelphia. Jul -l, lootl. ly
IlisBolution & Co-ravlnexthip.
''HE (inn of Shepherd and llewelt, jiiI Ojic-
ralora, Locust tfunVnil t'o!l!ery, Nmtfcuiri
i l-i i - i. i, it.;, .i . lui, i.t.
Ih.MO dissolved' by mutual consent, the business ; rVI E Ul ,-twnticd would rc; ocllully
,.ll I- l..n,..l..,lli e,.rri.l .Ml !,v J..mes M. Ci It 0- 1 to li.llf IllCiUS BllJ t..J pUOllO LUIicrt
herd and John McFarbind, under tha name j ihut they have purchased a very cxlctisnd a:ocU
i.fbbepbctd & Mi Fa-land, who will I'-y all I f Wine and Lliiuorj di.ecl bom the Cu.lom
claim gaiiit and receive all atccuuia due lo It i Hou.-e, which tbey offer to the I'sAi Phil-dci.
lato linn. , V-'1 l,'t-'l invreriy aavpig ircigui at.
It Vtra Xf RftrMlRRD HunburT, IV, ! JOHN W. SI!
vr street, l:).i:U'i.aui p;-;vi.- ...e-
j J'-J,:ic SJ:,-. ! Ji. :.
: All business promptly niter. ib .1 t . Miuii
1 collected ti,l n'.i ordinary wriiin dui.f.
! iiii!".i.-j, A ul S.-. I '-'.' li
,Ms:E,.aE'rc ham,
I .H7.u.''.iV and JhluU i!.V'i f.4
i roiaEici-isr cc rocc.iiira'rja
Mill strut, I2i. t tide) .: : lMitville, V. .
CHAbl.KS HEW KIT, tlliumosin. P i
JOHN MTAKf.AND, Pin d'rov, i'a.
Suubury, June It 1 558.
Grass. Cot-
in. Boa uias
I fishing Taoklo. Ked Cork.
I.. i. l.ii.Aii l.ikaa. Out
by the yard. Snooila, Fli, Kirby. MroericW. and
Carlisle Hook. KoJ. ckc, for aale b ' '
Jul 17. 'M
J. B. II Al.l.,
Danville. June 19, 1859. if
rpobaooo and Segar.-2u.oo m ported l .io.ulei.t n.i
-a- Begarof variou brand, bldorado, t Ig, suluvriber, who
Cavendish and fin eu tobatx ,rj3,(ER.sJ
I Cuutury, Iu' IV, IS'.
TVTOTICB ia Lereby that the ItfSlNES UE
l.ATIONS, herolnfore aul'sialing bcteeii
William Weimar and llie tindenijixd, in tb
Drug Store at Northumberland, havo,-by intitua
consent, this day (June Tin, ld&8. Ceased tu
aiist ; and the Honks nd account Will remain.
colleen. .n in ib band of ilia,
rill contiuua to cant oil' iM
1.... i.... . ... ,1 1 ! ... I
, ousiiiesa ei ma wi I ataiiti
! .,ttOflKRTJ
I .V.''., '' tei
rsw-yora city t uuj)00 and ila snviron
W9V.J f.-abjliy FKfM tdi ;urJ to ljK3(?c.
to tair pubi u.tCUJSBi &j fir
ttoi. rx 29 ft.