7 p. lm- .tvrr i, linfi 1 via .nc; fur- . assed both .0 House of rat in Furlia- , D'lsrneli gave .it (uis prt'uriiiC icrico, cm tlio tntit slavcrs, which, it was factory, and uccoui- o unimportant, rnis against Chris- abated. iluliimore, from Iluli ' ul Liverpool on llie ,'V Ariel reached in(? o' 23J. ons, Mr. FiUgcruid .or Cyclops was ou demand ample com tlio punishment of .he recent massacre, heavy armament that .ivico'lhut muy be ue . wus notified t'unt it was merely fend a. Fusha to t tncusures must be takeu je Dritisb iutegrity iu the f Lords has repealed tho bill arrisges with ft deceuBed wife's . ..dia bill has been finally passed. Karl of Derby staled thut the govern would give indiscriminate, protection to da und religions in India, but would . material assistance to any measures lor vonverting tho natives. Ho thought it would bo undesirable to attempt to remove t.A .Cl-i i,,,.l Inna nf c.lQtp. In the House of Commons, Lord Stanley j BtuU'd that betwepn January tiil July -Olh, j seventeen thousand troops bud been sent out to India. He added mai me Ku. em inent was well aware of the great importance of striking an effective final blow at the in- j surgcnH iu the course of the ensuing cold j season. , . i Mr. Forteseuo asked gov.riiincnl whet In. r , !.,.., i ,,. Ihi.ru trior ilenitrl from i Hie policy of their predecessors with respect 0 f iha .,l,i ,,r viitin rhius suspected ol slave trading, and asked what course they Intended to pursue ou mai fiiojen. Mr. Kitzjfi'iuld replied that tho matter . was under the consideration of government, j but be could oot be expected to ftutc wjiut j course they ould take undui circuim-talices . which had uoL vet occurred. Ho had, how- . ! f f it... 1..H ' ever, every nope, and oeiiei, irom mu mu gu.ge of the American govenimeiit und the American on.bas.-aJ.ir, that the mutter would kli.u-ilv arrive at a sutitfactory conclusion. Mr.'D'lsraeii ktated that liiuu had been commumcatioiu b.-tween the English nnd American (iovernni"Hts reepeciii:g 'ho ul-le-ed ucts of the Hrilisb cruis. rs, oi.d these communications wero now in abeyance. Du rii.g tin abeyance, the Govt rnuu i.t of the I'liited St ites'had made a friendly overture, that Her Majvt)' (Juvcrumciit fhould oflVr to t!:e I'uited St'.tes a plan for their Coiiiid- eruliou, which should accuiiiplisn too pulling down of tin) slave tiade, without producin misunderstandings. Her Majesty's Govern ment had accepted the offer, and wore tow eiijrsge.l in the consideration of u plun which they tioheveil will satisfactorily uccomplich til ibt! ot'jtct.H thut both ir.rties dein d. Thu special corii'spnndeiit if the London Times, writing on board tho Aguuieliinon befoio t!ie departure of the Atlantic Tile graph tlect, on their final uUeii.pt to sub linr;ro tbe cable, complains bitterly of injuri ous statements spread abroad from tho Ni agara, in regard to tlio conduct of the prew of the Ag iiiieuiiion duriog the fearful storm wli.jli th.? encountered. He denounces ul I such rumors ns utterly false, and eulogies the bruvury which was evir.ced during the tryin,; period. In tho same letter, the writer prununucc-s n wire-covered rublo wholly unfit for a sub niarino t.-legrnph ucros-s iho At Imilii', and suy jit-ets that a thin copper wire, i-i.vered with guita perclia und greased yum, and weighing only about one-fourth of '-he present cable, is the hind of thing to hope lor Riii-cess with. Tim news from China has nearly all been atitiripntod. Trade at Canton was nearly at a staud still. At Shanghai-, trade was un settled by tb. news from IViho. The new silii crop was favorably reported upon. Se rious alarm was feit ut Canton, and (U.iiitit:i'-R of goods were being suit to Hong Koug for safety. TRANCE. A.t American Curvkttc at tiir Ciibkeocuo T.iK3 The M niteur do la Fiitt announ ces thai an American Stato corvette, used for tho instruction of Ihe pupils of tho naval Readonly has left tila United States to be. present ut t lid jtc of Cherbourg. The Tachl of ll:u King u Prussia, the Grille, ha been tj.xed oa to represent tho Prussiuu Eivy al iLu sauiu jttet. IlL'SsIA. The T.uiperor had returned to St. Peters burg from his vitit to Archangel. U is stated that the veeulatiuns for iho Piiiaiicipalion of llio turfs, us drawn up by lha Central Committee, ure of such a nature, that, if adopted, they would render tho eman eipation perfectly illusory, und would produce conseipieuces of the greatest gravity. I'or exampie, it is enacted that each seign or.al estate shall form a commune, und that the i.obiu owner shall be. the chief of it. E ich cnmtiiur.e is to havu an Bdministralinii. On of iu duties will ba lo divide the lan is awarded by the noble, to impose taxes and to decide cn the admissioa of new, or the dopartm-j (,r old, members of the commune. P'Ut no iidmissiou can be made, and no per mission whatever to leiivo be granted, except with the express conseot of Iho noble; und W'j&t of its decisions urn not to be valid, Unless confirmed by him. Ju cus of inso lence, disorder, or drankeniiess. tho uoblo cau, c!' his own solo authority, inUict piiui,h. ineut uol exceeding teu blows from a rod, or turee. dayj' jmpriaouinent. Tho chief of the commune cau, m his ubfeuce, transfer all his powers to his steward. Its project seems intended to fu.Ul a threat which many of the UoOlea make, and tbil is i mUii... lion of the si-if to be nut only no bttt. r, but ten worse than before Ibo emaneipatiuu lavf, (ivek Snow iv Siicam Letters UOin tit. Petersburg states that u Polish exilo iu Siboria. has invented a 111 on us of ap plying steam power to the traction of the edge, by which journeys may be made on the Irozon tirars und steppes covered with froten snow, which abouud iu tba Russian corT.inioDS. - . ' - . ... mwdv ,,. Olll.d- Imkr'jm Paid Tho interest on lb Stato debt, due on tho fust of August wus puid al the Farmer;' and Mocbanics'.fSsnk, Philudel. phia, on Monday tbe 2 I inst. 'I bis is the iiret time that tbe iulerttl bus been paid ut this U.mk. The money bud boon dupi.sited Ihoro by iho ritnta Treasurer I'orlLe purpose, in cca.pliu(ice with un i-cl of tbe lust Legislature.- tf-trrUKr Ktgstcrt. AMERICAN. eespb4PFa H, vie fu f .' t nir bty tf iwpgrTSCit'wty BUNBtTRY, " SATURDAY. AUGUST 7, 1858. II." B. MASSER, Editor nnd Proprietor. To AwaTi-".Tr- eirentatl. "f the IMiiibiirv Amerteiui nmuit: the different town mi the !utr)tielimis n in exeaeileil lfei-il!d by miy rP r-uMnlietl in Noith em Pe iinevlrmiia. Democratic) Stato Nomination-. l OIt Ji:UCirT6"Tll I-. "tM HtKMK COVItT, W.M. A. PIIIITF.H, r-nllotlelniiln. run. CANAL COMMISSIONER, VtTI..Y FrlOT, reyeile tvnnr- Kr Tor It ext. A bouse in Maiket street Apply at tin's office. C3T Arthur' Self dialing Cam or Jars and the OKI Dominion Coffee pot, for Sale lit this office. tX3"Tlis editor's absence will account for want of (lie usual I'ditorinl. tjjjr Rain The fine' continued mini of Mi.ml.iy ami Tuesday will greatly stimulate the glowing props. 17' The mail fram Philadelphia oro only nboiit hulf right. The post master at I'hila. delphiu fends tho letters and papers, about one half tho time, by way of Ilarrisburp, and the other half by way of PottBville. This is all wron and should be corrected. iff' Timk-Tai:i.r. The corrected time-table of the running on the Northern Central road, under the new schedule, will be found in our paper this week. iy A lotiTTKD. J. II. Campbell and Pol onion I?. Roycr, were admitted to the IJar 0n Wednesday lust, to practice law feVeri Courts of this county, in the fcy Sign of iiik Times. At a recent dis. pluy of fireworks at lied ford Springs a trans purency bearing in large letters, the follow, ing legend, wus uu altriclive and interejting feature : o 0 o oooooooooooooo o 0 o e o o o o o o 0 SIMON CAM Kit ON, TARIFF, IS CO. 000000000000000 It wus received with long continued cheers by tho assembled thousands. roi'KT ruin i:Mir.s. Notwitl.ttaiidlug the heavy ruins during the early part of the wttk, tho attendance ut Court wus very lurge. The returns of tho Justices of tho Pence shewed a heavy eriini uul record much heavier thun bus been brought up for u long period ; and the crimes charged were cf a much higher grade than usual. Court opened at the usuul hour on Monday moruing, with all iho Judges on tho bench. Tbe following list shows ibo proceedings up to Thursday 110011. t"immoiiic((iii is Jonathan Leslur. In dictment for Fornication nnd Bastardy, du fcndatil bound over till nest session on ac count of the absence of a inuteiiul w itness al present beyond the jurisdiction of the Court. Cymmontrciii vt John Ham. Indictment' Assault und buttery. John is a lar0 tilth-tic individual who appears to bo n very un gallant specimen of humanity. The facts were that John aud his neighbor Harriet Rosa were not on tbe most amicable terms. John's muu was plowing a field which Har riet claimed. Harriet reinonstated in a very strenuous und emphatic manner against this proceeding ; whereupon John kuocked her dowu with a done and then und there punish od her by a soveio kicking for obeying tho laws of gravitaliou. A verdict of guilty was rendered und John invited to a residence effcix weeks iu tho coun ty prison and ordered to t-ntr into security to be more unliable towards nil good citizens generally and Harriet in particular for the space of uno year, if possible. CiiMonu-iiA t'. Michntl Graham. Cliaiga Fornication uad bastardy. Coiilin aed for the sumo reason as similar euso ubovo' Commonwealth vs Malhiiu liuhicr. Charge of obstructing the Trevorton Railroud. De fendaut held to bail in 1000 fur bis appear unoe ut nuxl sessions. Comnionu talth vs .Vichatl Farley, Indict ment for Assault und battery with intent lo rob. The jury thought Michael guilty and so il was rocordo.l. A motion for new trial spending. Michael wus shot in tho leg ut tune of tho alleged assault and the operation of diipiU'.ioti lud to be unJorgjii) by hint. C I'liiiionirtitlth vs William Everett. Charge Aisauit uud Mattery &c. Dill returned ig uorainus ; County for costs. C'ofimoiiUi'uA vs John I'hil!ljs Indict ment Fornication and Ua6tardy. The de fence in this case wui anything but credita ble to the good morula of the viciuugo of the piilies. John was found ; vlly and received tho usual sentence. Cummomcculth vs William Fullmer and L'hailtt JlitlJIes. Charge, refusing to open public road. No bill uud County for costs. Commouit cullli rt William Cinral. Charge placing obstructions ou the Northern Cen tral Railroad. Defendant held in fcSOOO for I his apiiearanro at nexl Sessions, 1 I 1 tl 1 lu.n ...... . ... f V India. mi nt, Muyhem in shooting Michael Farley in the leg. Those two nan met oue night just btluw Icwu, and a collision occurred. Cus. per says Farley demanded bit money, where upon ba ordered hint off uud eventually put u churge of duck shot into bis leg. Morlibca. iiuu eututa auu tbe leg bad to be amputated Farley tells a different story, but it appears the jury didu't believe. Verdict cot guilty. Coiimioinoealft 11 Jam,$ Fusion Cut: Smith and Charles Jay. Cbura placiuy obstruc tions on the Trevorton Ruilroad. No bill uud prosecutor lo puy thu costs. Commenced t-i . ) ?..-.... meul for passiugcouutoifvit n,oay. Ytrdiii Oct goiliy. tf Telegmpn ) TIIR ATLANTIC TKUtOtlAPII t, UI. A wo were about going to press the fol lowing Telegram was plsced In oor hands by Col. Tardy, who is the Director at the lions' Telegraph Office, to Philadelphia. Our rpadrrs who ell remember that the first efforts to necomplisli this great work were tinsnccpssful, will rejoice ol its completion, and reel indebted to Col. Purdy lor planing them in possession of tho news. Mo?t pco pl doubteJ its practicability, but it Is done and now wo can hold fralernal.lalk with onr brothers on the other sido of the Atlantic. This is certainly tho greatest event of tho last half coDtury, fruitful as it hag been in great discoveries and improvements. It Is truly n grand contemplation the intellect of man triumphing over time and spneo and tho delimits. Who ran say wliut is im possible to the bun, ng mind, nnd persevering energy? What will be tho next great pro gress in the world's advancement T rim.ADKi.riiM, August 5, 1858. J. II. Purdy : Tho Atluntic cable is sue ccssfully luid. Niagara at Trinity Day. khnnkdV, House Ofhee, Operator. - - 65" Samvm. II. Ito r ii Ei;MRt.. Among tho prominent candidates for Sin-riff of Philadel phia at the ensuing election is Sumuel II. Itulhfrmel. Mr. It. is a native 0r this Coun ty, o gentleman of stem integrity, an uxcel lent citizen nnd n very popular niun. G'iT' Tlio Scotch Iron Contract, recently ellccted by the Government is denounced in the warmest manner by the Press, the North American eus : Fancy what the feelings of Andrew Jack son would have been, if told thut every drop of water Ibut he drunk while President would How through royal ihunntlii. but lo the lucid. Six thousand tons of cast iron pipe were wuuted lo supply Ibe city Washington with water. Congress made the necessary appropriation, (one of the inducements being to supply iiechumcs with wcrk during the pieseul dull times,) proposuls were invited, and a iay fixed lor their reception. When ull wero in, then was brought to bear certain influences winch nre only known at Washing ton. It wus necessury that the successful bidder should be a democrul ; iu fuel this wus absolutely essential, so thulthe faithful might be the recipients of democratic money, be sides which, a person who is not strictlv enti tled to a contract, und yel receives it, is ex- peeled lo pay his friends. Under this process 1 bids from responsible parties legitimately eu- j gaged iu tho making of pipe, wero rejected j us (ufi rum! severul i's und u few t's not dot- I led or crossed und the culitruct awarded ut u higher price, to a gentleiuun or this city, j who by tho. directory, is u brass and iron foun- j uer, i.i.iuoarii sireel, uelow :llow, where in iu a building lUxoO lot t, be curries ou Doth . professions I -Now, it is as well known ot Wellington us here, that a brass and iron founder is not ne- i cessarily a maker ol iron pipes ; that muny of ! our largest iron rounders never niuke. tht-in, und Ibe recipient ol the coulracl cannot be 1 churged with being in tho business, or intend- ."'6 su ".m 11. 1 no contract oeing uuiy signed, sealed uud delivered, and the Peiin" rj. ......... u ,? uuiiu): oiiij- n11iH.11iK.-e11 i .1 lv,t,.;u ..n.l A..... I....: .I..I- - I in tueir columns More II mkjor I'hiUuhiphia mechanics, tho job is quietly transferred to British sell, und thu 10,00(1 that would have done much tj benefit our coal and iron miners, uud our blast fun. nee men uud iron louudtrs, nnd also our coating vessels in transportation to Washington, will be expen ded in buililin up our rivuls in Eneluuu. When our 011 government goes abroad for i its water pipe, when off-red to thum by Amo- ex f.ee t fnrciirn eov-i.rn.iit.iit a 1 .1 ei,ii, lu.rw I r . uiii i-jiiiiu,ria ui nt u ii-ss pr.ee, nuw can we we ignore the fact that our iron has beeu pro-j r ... 1 '"" "tu lpeiiur iu incus, iny conipeieill ; uuiuoriiyi cull we t-xin ct lliem to ut.preci- ato it ? Tho injury done to us us a nation,! by this trick of our democratic guvcrumeut, ciiur.ut be estimated bv millions. I What Nkivspapeiis po rort Nothiso. It is thu experience of every man who has ever been connec ed with a newspaper that pub Ushers uro more poorly rewarded than any ! oilier class of men in the L nion. who invest an equul amount cf labor, capital und thought. .Such has been our experience. Newspa per publishers aro oxpected to do more service lor b-s3 pur, to stand moro snong ing and "dead-heading," to puff and defend , inure p..-oplo without Ice or hope ol reward, ' 1 bun uiiy other class of men. They credit j wider uud icnuc-r, gel oiteuer cneaieo, suuer more pecuniary loss, uro oftiner the victims of misplaced confidence, than any other cull, ing in the community. People pay a prin ter's bill moro reluctantly than uny other. It goes hinder for llu 111 to expend a dollar on u valuable newspaper, thun ten 011 a care less gew gaw : yet everybody avails himself freely of the use ef the editor's pen and the printer's ink. How muny professional and political reputations and fortunes have been made und sustained by tho kindly, though : 'the galley coppers were only half filled with unrequited, pen of tho editor t How muny soup, yet, nevertheless, it nearly ull pound embryo towns und cities have been brought j out, uud scalded some of the poor fellows into notice uud puffed into prosperity by Iho j who were extended on Ihe decks, holding 011 press? How many railroads, now in success-1 to anything in reach. These, with a dislocu t til operation, would huvo foundered but fori lion, were tho chiuf casualties; but them tbe asijtoiice of the Sever that moves the ' were others of bruises oiid contusions, more world j" in short, what brunch of activity j or les3 severe, und of course u long list of und industry has uot huon promoted, slim n- escapes moro marvellous than any injury, laled and defended by the press T And who j Ono poor follow went head first from the bus tendered it more than a m serablo pit- lance for lis mighty services? Tho bazaars ' of fashion uud tlio haunts of appetite and dis-! sipulion uru thronged wild un eager crowd, ! bearing gold to their open palms, and the commodities there needed aro sold ul enor mous profits, though intrinsically worthless,' and paid for with scrupulous punctually while iho counling-rooin of the newspaper is the place of Jewing 1 nd cheapening trade, orders and pennies. It is mado a point of honor to liquidate a grog bill, but not of dis honor lo repudiuto a printer's bill. llurris burg Tel. Dki-artckbof Mimktkk Ucckalf.u'. Hon. Charles R. Uuckuluw, tba newly appointed minister resident al Ecuador, was to have left bis homo at liloomsburg, Pennsylvania, yesteiday morning fur New York, en route fur tbe scene ol bis future luburs. Mr. Duck ulew will bo uccouipumed by bis lady, little sou and daughter, and Muster Charles li. ISrockwny, of Reach Haven. They travel by wuy ul the isthmus, and, if successful in their voyage, expect to reach Ibrir destined future home in some twenty fivo or thirty days. M r. Ruckitiew (suys ibe liloomsburg Demo crat) curries with bun, in bis distant voyage, Ihe warmest swupalhiet uud tbe best regards of oot only Ins luto fellow-citizens of lilooms burg, but the Auiericuu people generally ll'itsA. Union. Co a 1. Tkadk. The quantity sent by Rail road Una week is 3'J,ti04 1)0 by Cuuul 40, 534 04 lor the week b0.228 04 tons The Cuuul leads the Railroad this week. The demand fur Coal is slacking off, aud ihe shipments will evidently decrease next week Several of tbe operators title I hat iu ull pro bability, they will be compelled lo stop their works, and nsaily all wilt be forced lo curtail for the ensuing month, which in dull limes, is tba dullest uiootb iu the year. Miners' Jour, nut. Dr. Mott, of Uuiou College, has been Ofly 6v yri at tba bead of tost iustituiicD. """"a" . J JL' !". . TUB AOAMftMKon 151 A TOlM. The' correspondent of the London Tines who accompanied tho Telegraph flei-t givea graphic aud thrilling accootit ot tho I'.nriii which almost made a wreck of the .Agamem non. A scene on board is thus described t Daybreak on Monday ushered Iu a fierce a gnle as ever swept over the Atl.intic. The ship was almost ns wet inside as out, and so things wore on till 8 or 9 o'clock, everything getting adrift and being smashed, end every ono on bonrd jamming themselves up in cor ners or holding on to beams to prevent their going adrift likewise. At 10 o'clock, tho Agamemnon was rolling and laboring fear fully with the sky getting darker, ar.d both wind and sea increasing every minute. At about hull' past 10 o'clock, threo or lour gi gantic waves wero seen Approaching the ship coming heavily nnd slowly on through tint mist, nearer and uonrer, rolling on liku hills of green water, w ith a rrown of foam that seemed to double their height. The Agu mumnoD roso heavily to the first, and then went down quickly into the deep trough of Bvm IUIIIIIK Vtl.1 as DUC Mill, " H 'St to capsize on the port side. There was a' I.., r..ii;... .... ..t... .i:.i . HB ..i..,. .ci fearful crushing as she lay over Ibis way, for everything broke adrift, whether secured or not, and the uproar and confusion wos terrific for u minute ; then buck slip cume again on the starboard bnuni in the sumo manner, only quicker, and still deeper thnn befere. Again there was the sanio noise and crushing, und the officers iu the ward room, who ktiew the danger of Ihe ship, struggled to their feet and opened the door leading to the main deck. Here, lor uu instant, the scene almost defied description. Amid loud shouts and efforts to save themselves, u confused mass of sailors boys and marines, with deck buckets, ropes, ladders, and everything that could get louse, und which bud fallen buck agaiu to the port side, were being hurled again in a mass across Ihe ship to starboard. Dimly, und only for an instant, could this bo seen, with groups of men clinging to the beams with ull theii might, with a muss of water, which hud forc ed Us wuy in through porta and decks, suging about ; and then, with a treuiendious crash, us tho ship fell still deeper over, the couls slowed on the mum deck broke loose, und smashing everything before them, went over among the rest, to leo-wurd. The con'i-dust hid everything ou llieiiiuin deck in an instant but the crushing could still be heard in nil directions, us the lumps and sacks of coal, with stanchions, ladders and messlins, went leaping about the decks, pouring down tho hatchways, und crushi. g through the flish sky lights into the engine room below. Still it wus uot dune, nnd suging again over anoth er tremeudious wave, tho Agumemtiou drop psd down still moru to port, and tho con Is on the sturbourd side of Ihe lower deck gave i way. ulao, und carried tvi rj thing before them. -Mailers now became mosi serious, lor it was evident thut two or three mure sucli lurches, uud the muss wuuid go like reeds, while hall of the crew might bo maimed or killed below. Cupluiu I' reedy was already on tho poop, With Lieiituiiuul Gibson, und it wus Hands, wearsbip." at once, while Mr. Brown, the. in defatigable vugineur, was ordered to get steam up imtneUiulely. I he crew gamed the fli.r-u Willi 111 lii-ii iv iiiHl n,,l 111 ul i.p 11 , 0f B0I1,e minutes, lor all thu ladders had been broeu 8wav, uud Ihe men were grimed with t.0ll ,u,t, uiid many moro serious marks upon t.,r fut.t.s of i11)W Ull.j- Wvn r.ocked ubout below. There wus some confusion ut ii,t, I'or tbu slwrtn Has) f.-urlul ; tho officer Wl.le ,11u1h inaudible, und u wild, dangerous runi.ing iiiouiilain high, heuved the great ship backwards uud lorwards, so that thu crew were unable lo keep their feet, even for . nmiant, ami in some Cases wero thrown ucruss the deck in a dreudful munner; two murines went with a rush head foremost into tlio pa ing-uut muvhiii.-, us ir they meant to bull 11 over the side, yet strange to si'V, nci- thertho men nor tlio machine suffered. ! What mudc matters worse, the ship's barge, i though lashed down to Hi- deck,, had partly I broken loose, und dioopping side tj sole, us i ,1L. ve,6li m'-hed, it tbroutened to crush'eny ventured lo puss it. Tho regular disci- filing n r f I,., alii,, li,muiur c.tn t.,..,.- ,1... 1 . 1 . .' . " ' , ' . , ' una mecrew sei 10 woik to were rounu ine Mnp on the starboard tack, while Lieutenant l0bSOIl ulld Muiiy Wl'Ut below to SI 0 after those who hud been hurl, uud ubout the mini her of whom extravagant rumors prevailed! among tho men. There were, however un fortunately, but too many. Thu marine sen try outside thu wurdrooin door oil Iho main ilt-ck hud not time to escape, und was com pletely buned under the coais. Sumo time elapsed before ho could go oat, fur ono of tho beams used to shore up tho sacks, which had crashed his arm wry badly, still lay- across the mangled limb, jamming it in such a manner that it wus found impossible to move it without risking the man's life. iSuws therefore, had to be sent for, uud thu timber sawn away before the pour fellow could b extricated. Another marine on tho lower deck endeav. nred to Save himself by catching bold of what seemed a ledge in thu planks, but, unfortu nately, it wus only caused by the beams straining apart, and of course, us tho Aga memnon righted they closed iigain, und crushed his lingers Out. One of thu ussistunt engineers (Mr. Harvey) was also buried among thu coals on the lower deck, and sus tained some severe internal injuries. The lurch of tho ship was calculated ul J.'i degrees ' each way for five limes iu rapid succession main deck lulu tbe hold, without being hurt. und ono on the orlop deck wus "chevied' ubout for some ten minutes by threo large casks of oil w hich had got udrift. und any one of which would huve flattened hi in like u pan cake had il overtaken him. As soon us wo bud gone round on tho oth er deck, the Niagara wore also, down, us if to render assistance. and boro Slia bud witnessed our danger, and, as we ufterwurds learned, imagined that thu upper deck coil Iul broken loose, and that we were siukinL'. Things, however, wero uot so bud as that, ; though they were bad enough. Heaven knows lor everything seemed to go wrong that day. The upper deck coil had strained the ship to the very uttermost, but still held on fast; but not so the coil in the muiu bold, which hud begun to gel udrift, and tho top kept work ing uud shifting over from side lo sido, or.d tbu ship lurched, till some forty or fifty miles were in a hopeless state of tangle, resembling nothing so much us a cargo of live eels and there was every prospect of tbe tangle spreading deepor, us tbu bad weather contin ued. Rkvent.k op a Glut.. Au Irish dandy, named James Martin, had been for a low mouths past paying attentions to Mary Sher i'luii, a chambermaid ut the City Hotel in Hartford. Recently the girl bus discovered i Ibut bis intentions were not honoruble, ond approaching him uud tukii g hold of bis era-, vut, uskud bun why he wore his bundkeichici ubout his neck so close in wurm weulber. "It's not too close," suid James. "H is,'1, said Mury and loosened it. "Now," says Mary "what did you give me to coax fcu." ' Nothing," says James. "Tukelhutl'' says Mury, and ut thu same lime drew a razor ucross thu throat of Mr. Martin The wound was very dangerous, but the fellow escaped with bis life. A lady having written a letter, coucludod it us follows : "Give everybody's love lo every body, so thut nobody may be aggrieved by acjboxly tt!ing forgotten by acutehody." C&tcaningo O?tiitorial anil Sclctttb. A CrjKtul Palace it befng erected at To ronto, Canada. The recent arcidont on the Erie road will cost that corporation 100,000.' " It Is estimated there are 221,000 horses In New Kuglaud, and 4, .'.00,000 in the United States. It is estimated that 200.000 worth of strawberries were sold in New York City during the lute strawbery season. Tho famous (or infamous) Eckel hn innr" ried Mrs. Cunningham, and they now live to gether, as of old, in New York. On tho ll'h init., Wesley Fisher, of Otta. wa, HI., shot his wife dead. She bore the re putation of being "fair and frail." The salo of Port Snelling has been con firmed, and tho agents of that swindlo on Government are enjoying the immens profits. A paper speaks of a lady why has a mous tache on her lin. It is not uncommon for , , . i .... f"nB !" moustaches ou their lips but rare thut they prow there. Why nro gloves generally unsaleable? Pecause tin y are kept cn hund". Tho M innesntn Assembly linve passed a law filing Iho ruto of interest nt fifteen per pent, per annum on money. It is thought tbe Senate will stick for eighteen per cent. SonvJ of the residents of Pottsville nre milking preparations to emigrate to tho new gold region, on Fruzer River. Tho Reading Railroad Freight Depot building at Pottsville is completed, nnd rea dy for tho reception of goods. It will be a great convenience to tho business commuui- There nro seven hundred crlli in the- Ohio I'enitcnliiiry, and six hundred and nluct.'-iiinr convicts, having only uno cell vacant: No les than 40 or f0 persnni have pome lo their death while Working in Hie mines of Schuylkillc ouuly, within thu last fifteen mouths. An rxchnmr, in pulling a soap, says "it is the best ever used for cleaning a dirty nran'ii face. W'c have tried it, and therefore we know." Wheeling people call thiiiR by their ruht nnmea. liiskej in familiarly known as "ltust head"and Uinaer Pop, as "linttlehelly Pop." 'Projlo, says a modern philosopher, "go according to their brains : if these, lio in their head, they .study ; if in their belly, they cat and drink, if iu their heeli, tliey dance." A western editor having published a long lea der on "llo," a rival pdper iu ihe same village upbraids him fir obtruding his family matters upon the public. The quantity of land advertised lo he sold un der the President's pnK'lainalion, in California, next Prbruary, is over .'',000,1)00 acres. What a fun. cl.nnre to buy tar in. A VAi.fAm.P. Pkizk. A letter from Luck now, 1 ndia, dated A pnl, 2"tll says, that ou a previous day, a duly box wus fuiind, ufler ull hour's dicL-iiifr which, when opened, was found to contain a collection of rubies, di- umonds. pearls, tc, of the value of 100,000 : "i"-'-" TmeGhkat Citop.-Tho Cincinnati G.i?.ette ; .... suvs that t he crapo crop iu the ret 1011 ol that ! CUV this seusuii may lie designated hs nlinost ' un entire failure, homo few vineyards will I with the people generally. It H i. 11 impor havefoinelhiiig of a crop, but, in the uggre- j tar.t olhco und cue that should be filled by uu ll 1 1-., i,i,u ,,i-,tiw. ,1 u ill ii,,t ti.iv ilu. individual in whom ull would have confidence. expenses of teudiii'' the crop. AnF.d'tor in Iown has been fined two ! hundred doll, rs for hugging young giil in 1 church. .'ally Arjus. Cheap enough We once hugged u girl in church some ten years ago, m.d the scrape has cost u.s a thousand a jear over since. ('.iVo''o ,l;iiriiV(iii. Fatal Fmiit ekivvkkn P.noriirits. A fight ' took place ul Poesletikill, N. Y. on Wiulnes day niL-l.l between two brothcis, named Di- moudiu tho course of which William Dim,,nd ; ! wa I Un as killed, 'i ho other brotner was arrested ; nd held to uwait the ret ull of tho Cononcr's ! : . 1 '1 4 ' ) The Riviere) ond P.loni.t Affair is ll.us "I'"" l"K " ' osi ; 1 our daue,hier sal be la.lv ol von cent Dai's nie vit all my love eternal." .Said Minni?r Riv ynre to Madame IMount "You lie. vou scamp," roared Ihe indignant Colonel! "You'ie but an unpaid balance of account. As Itkm mil Finrv.i:.v. Governor Ranks, of M ..ssac!ai-:ett. in .1 speech made ut Wal- ihani, just .Saturday, said tho Grst motion he ever m ule was in un ussembly of tin-men, and I thetiivt speech l.u ev. r mudo wui in Iheeiipino j liniiHo lu sustain that motion. The first offi- j J cial honors ho ever received was ns a yourg ; i tnnn from uu engine company in Waltham. I (Lclcgrapljic D'cfos. Washimiiun, July 31. Dr. Forney, the Superperintondciil of Indian A Hairs in Utah informs t lie Interior Department that fifteen children belonging to tho train of emigrants murdered ut Sweetwater have been found, tho whites having effected their ransom from tin- I ndians. Laily in June four Germans were murder ed eighty miles from Salt Lake City, it is sup posed by thu Indians, who it was repoited wero creutiug difficulties on thu Southern route tii California. Dr. Forney intends visi ting the Indians with a view lo their pacifi cation. j Miaiouli ft-'lrcllnti. ! Sr. Loci, Aug. -1. Incompleto returns j fool up the Congressional vulo 111 the county 1 us fullowii : I Rarrett. (Democrat.) . C71S I Dlair. (Lmaiicipatioiialist,) - bl'J'J j I'-reckeuridge, (American,) t'li1) I The remaining precincts in the county yet , to be liearJ from, will increase Rurretl's mu- jor.ty to neurly, if not quite, tcvcu buudred ! votes. The whole Democratic ticket is elected by j au average ni.ijarity of 500. ! l-uls from Kew Mrxleo. St. Lons, August 2. A despatch from Independence, dated tho I 30th tilt., states thai the New Mexican mail, with dates lo the Pith, had arrived. Thu mail party encountered violent storms or wind, bull uud rain nu tho route. No rain had ful leu in tho vicinity of Santa Fu for severul months. Largo bodies of Iudiuns were met on the pluins, who manifested uu unfriendly feeliiiL', and evinced a disposition to forcibly relieve tho mail part v of thoir arms and 1 revisions The Fourth of July was celebrated in fine stylo ut Santa to. 1 be declarutiou of lude pendenco was read iu English and iu Spanish, aud addresses delivered 13 botb lancuaircs. The Apache Indians, heretofore so hostile , Hie w lutes, aro now perleclly hiendly, and Imaged in planting large crops of graiu 00 onetii) river, travellers aud uerds pass 1 rough ther country unmolested. tf A larce party of Culiforulatis. who arrived at Albuquerque the latter purl of June, have determined to take the thiily-fl lb parallel to accomplish llieir Journey. The commercial nows is unimportant. Put siness wus dull, but tbe prospects of a speedy revival 01 truao wcio good. Nkw Yoks, Aug. 4. The exciting cricket mutch between Canada aud the United States was finished this afternoon. The Cunadiuns were handsomely beaten Their first innings were 81. and second ir.nines 101. T be Unit ed StutHS, first inninus were 117, and tbe second JS, with 6 wickets to go dovo- AVlLRRSDAItRK Aog. 4. Col. John 1,. Duller, an old and esteemed resident of the Wyoming Valley, died this afternoon at this place. Ha was gem-rally known throughout the State. , Proceeding of the l36rough Council. riosavat, August 8d, 1H!R. Counril met at the time appointed, Chief Dot gees in His choir. Members present IShimlel, Uruncr. Mnrtz, Youngmau, Gray, Wilvcrt, llu theraud Killing. Minutes of last meeting were read and ap proved. Committee cn Finance reported progress. Committee on New Charter reported progress. Committee on Grave Yard reported progress. V, Y. Weise presentrd a hill for clefkinsf at May election of $ I SO. On motion, the bill was rejected. On motion of G B. Youngmnn.it was Hi foi vr.!., That tho committee on Roads and Diidges be authorized In employ some competent per-ion to makn a survey and estimate of the probable cost of making the street crossing what is commonly called the Dntin, and make report at the next meeting of Council. On motion of Win. A. Uruuer. it was IttsnLvm, 7 hot the Chief Uurcoss he instruc ted lo request Ihe County Commissioners to re move the pump-trough in inaiket square, other wise it will le removed by tha llish-Coustable. On motion. Adjourned, J.NO. W. UL OH Bit, Clerk. (Loimmuucatrt. For tie fiuiitaiiy Amerioan. Mil. LntTon. Among the different per sons named for Senator oT this district, to suc ceed C. R. litiekalpw, resigned, is Cupt Hkvry Donnki.. of Sunbnry. Without in tending to rolled upon or disparngo the claims of any other candidate, wo do not hesi tate lo suv that for ability uud proper quali fications for the position. Captain Donne!, stands at the head of the lift. No man has any claims. M a matter o rig 11 ,0 oiiice.- Officers are und ought to be tho servants of the people, ond why then not employ those best (i-iaKaied Lr their respective duties. MANY. F-r the Suuliurj Ameriraa. Ecgistcr unci Recorder. M it. Lt.iiuK : I have been informed that Ir. J. 1. M ASSER is a t-andidate for the officii ol RKGLSTKR AND RECORDER. I 11111 sure that all w ho uru ucrpiaiuted with him, utill l.i, nl.i.l t,, t.v-.t nn f ttiti. rt II li il V In lli-lli l.i.ii nloi.Lr Doctor Mass.-r is not a Demo- ...... . r ...... ..-.i.,. i.- I, .1 , r.. l iatU, , , I , ,", OH - ll,.llllv, .,-1: .-.-'... ... , 1 1. . . f (I . . I 1 . 1 j .. ef I... ..,! ,i,l,t a HUT Mirhi Ul ,'liivr. 1,1. in i ruin, .,,., ,, . 1 ,1 . , . 1. trious man, well aciiiiiiinled with the pen .le, , ' ii-ii 11 11 ,1 speaks Geiinan and .nglish nnd has ull the 7 1 1- . . . iiiialifu'atniiis ut-cerharv to make li nit a tiopil- 1.. ,.m.. ' our ,-,pi.,i(,n he is Hip most suitable man L.laL lias lieell 11a lieu lor ine o uce. linn no one , , , , .1 .1 ''an ll"ul)l bul he is the most deserving-as I... ..... ..h ...-...1 .m n r.Oi.t.. .. 1 I I, ..,.. I. 11.. l.'.a ",: --i.e "" . ..,...... ..v aluys been popui.ir among ull nasses nr... i a in,e wo l"lVl' ll'u !Vt tf Ih' Manser of Snnburv. M ANY OF SHAM OK IN. The Kcrtl cvn Central Kuilway. Arrivnl ami artrc Pusioiivrr Tia.ui ea a::ti after Jtai -JTih, It-it- at -H.r..r.v, ut i. .i..v : 6CHMi POT III. Tr.MNs. For Ilnrrtsl-uii; V llniiuiu'ic. I.cr.rt-sS'uiiLiirY. S IS A. M. .- 1 1 ' 1 ti " Mai! T.-o... llitir.il.-.V N: 'C-ir.i llxpri.Bt. Ii.iiiieu a:ul I'.iHfi-l r, COMINC NOIITII. T.1.VN1. Fr.i.a )l..ili!nirs- A Ur.l!.. A: MulTri". IIiiTikma-t N.-i;ar ! press, lliiulrn ami ti-i.tp-:, - ire :rt P.ilil.ary. 3 10 P. M. !l IS 3 II! A. M GuING Ndlt m. Tpa-xs. Ti'r Vil.i:iiiis;.rt A lilmira, ! eaves Sunl. i. e. Mu! T.aia. .... 3 .H P M H;iX,:,i mil Niiicurn Kxprrra, II'-"- " Uurilea and l'..Mvn;,-r, ti 30 A . M coming '.' nr. Trains I" 1 .'in Klinira A Wiljie.iui.'t. Airi-'enl Saiilniry Mail Tr.-.in. llnrt'.ii-' .nut N' nuira r.xprt-ts, UuKta aii.1 I'usstiigi-i'. J 11 A. M. II " H JO IV M The Viaini'hlii Vnllej- nml I'ututMl ..93riip.r t : H I II !flV, iSctMIIV !,! Aruvts at f-u.il-tiry. - c Itullio.ut ! IS M - 7 lo I'. M ?sEl-D 2?s. HA?sDlAlT S ADVKIITISKMEKT. Hark the l;ty nnd !:!?. ILiUtiwstj Pill In casa where niedirul rklil bus exhausted all its expedients, and the practitioner sorrowfully admits that bis re pertory contains no drn that will help his patient, this all conqnerin antidote achieves its most signal triumphs. W hero tho frume is reduced almost to a skeleton, tint appetite gone, and u general atrophy of tho system prevails, a course of the Pills will infuse ener gy into the wholu vitul organization, and spur into action every torpid and pulsiud function. Thus nature is enabled to com bat the di bilitating in'liiencu of disease, while the uutiseptio properties of the remedy aro al work upon the unimul fluids, purify them IVorn all nutter antagonistic to health, und imbuing them with nutritious and life sustaining elements. Du I'ull's Galvanic Oil, is 0 blessing to in valids for it will relieve them of their pains as soon us it is taken internally, cr applied ex ternally. Pain and misery can Hot exist where the GALVANIC OIL, is used. Aiic-iT tea Du Vall' Calvas-c Oh From A Gram, A. W. FiUx r, lr It. li .McCn;-, C. W eak, 11. I) AUizt, Ut-rj;alraiei A llu,!. Corusuwmiiim, the great scourge by which so many are doomed to a premature grave, could iu many cases bo effectually cured by simple remedies. 11 taken in season. II i.i tar's Cherry JSalsun has cured huudredj wi L- 111 a tew years. For sale by A. W. Fisher ami Frilinj.t Grsnt, Sunbury Hays t MeCormick, McKwensville, Dr. R. U. McCuy, Norihumbciland, Juhn F. Ca.-low, Milton. CltOYt It & U iULK'si c 1:1 1'-tn a'ild FAMILY SWINQ NACIIINES, tri !IROAUWAV,NKW VGIttv. T30 CIIKSM'T TRKh. I', I'HILADKM'ilU. IV Thesu Machiuti tre now justly admiped to be the best in uae for Family Sewing, a new strong, and elastic slucli, which will not rip, ewu if every fourth aiileh be cut. Circulars em on application by Utter. Aiits Wauled. lP"1.0mi It It Wall II will he nnnl for suv Madtime llul will excel I'll A I I' A lil TCIO.lt f SAO!C I1L I l',-r Ihe f, lli.wii.g iliwRHi :-Khouuiuliaiu, Neuralgia,! tS,inul Alfrctl'iu, Ci.ntiucled J.Miilf, C'l.i.lic rama, t'tfins ; in III SJiils ul li.iS, Uriiilalilie, T'Mitliui-lie, (Apnniia, i Throul, Cala, linna. a, Hums, uinl all dili-aaea 1 1" die asm Muaiitca nntl ilia Glsiida. N.aie tenuino williout the aig- lialuis of I'SAll A HsiCHKH uliiiclieil to cai-ll lailiel t'riuciiiHl ortice, eoU Wukiiii'Shiu atrect, Brooklyn, Nw York. S..UI l.y Albert W. tr ishai, Piuial, Market atrset, 5unburyi HOT This is to certify, thut I have made hut one application of the Magic Oil on my fingers, which have been drawn from contrac tion of the cords, brought on by rheumatism. H was ol seventeen months standing, und , , , .-.ii.. now entirely cureti. t cueeritiiiy m-uutsnrnu il to all afflicted likewise. J M KINRROOK llurrisburg, 72 Locust street. July 2 1357.-ly. M a it n i a a k s . On th 2'id Inst , by the Re. O. G. Er. lenmeyer, Sou Mai.ick, Esq , ot Seliwrove, to Miss. Mart AkR Rocsii, of Freiburg Snyder county. On the 12lh Inst, by the Rev. 8. Doner, Mr. D. W. Oai'olkr, to Miss l.nzv Ash Ott, both of Seliitsgrove. I) 15 A T 11 S . In Northumberland, on Sunday, the 1st innt., JOSEPH, on of M&iktf and Mary I'rirsfiy, ngeJ 3 ycjra. Cic Par lids. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. Aug. fi, 1859. -Onl! Wheat, sales of fair nnd good Red at $1 1U0 per bushel, and While from 30 lo $1 40 per bushel. Rye is wanted at 70 cents. Corn, sales of Yellow at 87 a 99 cents, and 87 a BO cents from store. Oats are selling at 42 cents per bushel for Pcnna. D A LTI MO R VT M ARK ETS A ug. 3. ie8. (inn Whent, there were sales of red nt 112 120 rie. for fair to good lots, and white at 1 13 a 1 15 els. for 'air, nnd 1 20a I a!) cts. for prime par cels of do. Corn, sales of irood yellow at RlaR2 cts., ond of fair to prime white ot fit cts. 8811OI There were sales of Virginia Outs at 30 cts. and Pennsylvania do. at 3li38 cts. There were some Perms) Ivonia Rye offered and sold at 75 cts, Maryland Rye at C5 cts. per bushel. "SUNBURY PRICE CURRENT."" Wheat, SI 40a 1 fiO Hotter, 14 Rye, .... DO KgR. 10 Corn, 75 'fallow, ... 12 Oats 37 Lard, - 13 Uuckwlieat, 62 Pork, - 8 Totators, 75 Uucswox, 24 New Advertisements. Senator. US'" We are authorised to state that HENRY Un.NNEl. will he a candidate for tlio SENATE; , , Vem3,.taXlc ,,,, i J . . . . . ORPHANS' COURT SALE, pi'RSUA NT lo an order of the Orphans' Court of Northumberland county w ill be exposed ly win tie exi to public sa'c at the house of II. U. Weaver, in the ! town of Trcvorton. on fs ATP li U. Y Ihe 4 1 Is day j ol sEI'TEM BE K, next, the following described i real es'ale to wit : Two certain co-i'iguous lots nt pieces of of ground, situate in the town of ! Trevorton in said county of .ortlinniberlond, I beini; numbered ill ihe general plan of said lo ! roU"h, .Nt-o. 3 and 4 ih b'ock 132; whereon is I creeled a two story fr.iine house, being hounded 1 soulli 1V a strtet. north bv an alley, snuili east n , , t. f t.v lit,. .. .1 ltr..i,rli K:ilt If. mil nml vvt-xt iv hit nf I "V UU UIU 1J I ., m II ll.llL ll'.,U Ulll ,,.,,. . 1 iteuiainiii I uboii, occupied by the J revort.111 ! 1 J ' ' ' . , ,. 1 CiMiipaiiv. I. nto Hie estate of John Itsnelt, ilec u. ' r, . , ... , . . . ,, . '. , , i 5S.de to commence ut 10 0 clock A. M. olsaid day ... .., . , , . w i,en tt.e teems v. niuc uiae.e Known ny I fiv vJ(r o. UEUUUN KI.I.NE, AJm'r. ftho Court ) 1 , ,- .,,-,..,.t ..... 1 - U, 11 K-l.li, i n- f. l.. - Klinbur A, i;st T ;3s. ' ' " i State of tho Bank of Horftumbcrlial Ar.gust 5. 1853 u. 1 mi. I TIM. I Csr.m,l ie,ck, j N"t'' n, riipulaiitii, . i I'r. f.t nint lyrs, - ; Ii.vi-l.-iiiN ivi;-a.J, j L'ifce.iuiiH, Inleics: ru-.J I-iciii.;e, l'lu'e oll.tr llsnVi, ' " fitjius.V.-S, ! assi:tsi. i W.'.'a V Ire rtiu.i-J A I-orv-.i Perns, '.v.mi.l i-ln-.e lyfiei liank wl .N-r;l:uin!.L'i'.9uit tst. c. - ! f 'Ihrr Slf. ', . . . - UI-.-.I l:.1te. ' I'l.-ICFt il.-S -UI.I, I'jrrnl eiprere, line l,v ' Ihrr liiinVi, , N,.i ..! ,'Hu-r Uiuikt, !; ,-. . e Ul Yadilf, . a"ji r.,o no i;n -jri 4' f- 017 l!i 1.101 TO - 1--J7 V 4 Tl', III FI.1I3 13 ?130 rot cs SS4t.3sJ TD 31.TiD 13 . 1-.-0 P.I 1 ,.',ii on . ?.e : 3111 si - 1 lop ri 18 3IS :r .;,.', O.'J . 4-i.OT.I i'j WJS.TIM " e csl.il.ii -1!' li e nB'.iis ef tlie h jut uuil true l t!ie utt i.f my I rmify il.ut th.i t.. nuk nf .-Mt!iii.iil'i'r!:iiu1 1. m.i Icilte ni.tl tiiilL-l. 1. It. Pr.IESTl.EY, Cusbier Pwrn nml s.ilia.-rilit'J 'jcfoie 11 : (Sii-jim!) Je.lIX CAKF. J. P. F A li M E 11 S A T T E X T I (. .! ! The best article in the tvcrld for raising WHEAT IS LEINAE'S MiPEIt I'llOSl'HA TK ill' LI M E, at 10 per ton, or 2j els., a lb., by thu j barrel. j Analyzed and recommended for tlio Wheat ; and Grain Crops, by i Professor CH AS. T. JACKSON, Chemist of the I I'uited Mutes Patent Oll'iic, W.isl.iimtc-ii, 1). C. I It will n-psy the outlay f0 t) 100 percent. I uud will not burn the seed by coining in contact as Guano docs. I Tnv It Pn..vs Ir. 1 G A. I.ElNAi". Proprietor, i No. It Sotiiii FRONT tvr.e', i Philadelphia city. Pa. .' Or of rny Agonta.thronc.hoiit th Country i Ana!) sis can be seen at iny Office. Cnale i Mciltd with tho orJtr, will receive prompt utten- i lUn. A liberal discount lo Stcfi '.eepris r. bo bay t. sell B'ain. Paridilets, rsn be had '. my Oilier. Aagcxt 7, IB58. liui l. A. L. il. H. O. BROCZEtr, L'J Ctitf Strut. -V;n- York. MAM'FACI'l iikh i. t GLASS 8 Y R I N li E lioMlEPATIlIC VI AM G R A UU ATE D ME AM 'EEs, N I'RslN'.V bO l"I EES, E I C. Gins Ware for ( heinisK. DvinutoK Peifuiuer. Photographers. etc. A liV:A i.T.vfnSn; made lo, il.o traje. Orders from Ciuniry Di uei;il and Ucalers solicited. Price Lists sent un ap luu-' lion. August 7, 1S5S. 3m Alnnl fVuiii lit: JamcN 1l..faircli C1-' Till. M-.W-MHilv I.IMJ IX! IK.MAI.V .M e.-iiui-clu'ii f-.r tl.e p;t enilit yeaia wilii Hie u:n ve lns'i-lu'i-ui, c Chief I'iiysieia.., anil a iwc-vc lens' i- U.S.- 1 1 btc.l) iti-Viiu.in lu (tie Cute ,-f l'i.!:n lull C'iiiiiii(iti..i. unJ its Wiiiilred itivna s, .-i;t-il,.r wu)i iny utuii'ielrU . p-1 JHimil:lll.- Olid adl'iliai:b-e i uih .1- !.e"l K'srnu-li iiMxl' ii'.l aliltle Iya ieri'n- ajalt-ia i,i Xlti.i-'i.l Inl.n: t-.'"" 11.1 t'lublid inc t-i ainve al a Ccciiive, niricl, unit tuei c.siiii c urte uf treHiuient ', r die (s t.11.1- au.l i.uiiiul can- ,.1 ..11 el.ie.ltvs .-f Ihe 'I'ln.ut, i.uiis and A.r-I'.iaista. H ln laiiulii.n, Ihe vajKii and c.a.ii.ve prwinu-a ,-l iiie.;u iiii's Hie direct.) ud.lu-eeeil to the d itr-st-d igm a mid llu- nil- 7 U'liuiit. 1 di ant ud.-iae llie t.ac ul Mt-eicul lnliuunti'ii m uiiv kind, t.i die excluii.'ii .a g,ini.-l iioin eut ; ui-.i nl-tlioui-li 1 consider 11 a usi lul uc.ho ui.t 111 ll.e pnerr uuiit aen'ieilt of tb. ae fe.nfnl and ..fun f.illil disensa, let I deem ll very ueeeasiny lli.il tili pa.iut slieald liiiu lit benefit l'f tslb feiiend t-.lti I .Cill tli.;itii.i'l,l 'I f.r id. :t--ui my ireataienl la the ulsn-c d-seust-s. uud the hil. cluu aelei ul' lri Inatilulioii i-vei u hieli 1 live a.i l -nu l-a-' li e I lie.tcii to praaide, ara to well ki oimi t- 11, ed an, ul si or C.llllilrlit trcm Illf. A' l.lc a 'UflliU in-io I'lii.n.: and 1 r.-lt-sauia:il friendf, tlir.-ugli w:i- se ;ltiUiuilii. ic nut tha slsive ehatil) haa U-en iu, to- ui.d ni. rally fii.'iid and aflcj dua c"iiiderjtl 11, 1 hi.ve e.'iii-ludid tn n-ue a ell srraiigenietiia 11a will In nig the Wnttns ,l n.y e&ie (isiiea and tre.ittr.eiit vviLlii.i the rsuch i f nil. and ll. .1 I'-'li- tne llljaclf, ua heiclol -li-, to lie re I'nly vvlei enured the 1 lnli.n,ary, it wild were n!.!a I-. visit lej a. my elh. e -j Hi'ii.ng tliarefure ll.-t the urrtniiieineiil will giv enliif I ailiiiscll.'ii b 'lh to my r..isi'.i.al luetliiiu and die puh I lie, I w-uld reswc.f a. i) ami.. nin e ... ..'i.i-lui. m, ilinl 1 ran I n.'W be c.uiAuliid h is -nu ly .'r i.y Liui. ou all Uiseaaia aa ulsive, sndlhut Ihe ntedi. ti.es. the aame as u;.l in ll.e ln- aiiiauun, prei-arcd ti auu eaelt u.e.iuiuiil i 'e, i.irtn.ini; Var',a, Medical Inhalers, c Ae . w el la I. rwreed ! ei.resa t i any iwul.'l llie I'niteil tSiulea r ll.e Ciuiinl 'l. TsXMt My tcriLSoftreiiiiU'-ut bv laiter arena f-ilm-s, vis : S ! lr inimlb f..r on II iw'.ienl, w -hii-h ineludi- rmitl--vins aullicient fur i-uu tn.-i.ili'a use , ni I nri.,liii a. .dan lalialing A.na.Htia. I'a ni.-nt aa f Mows l 'i t- be paid Ui i xpr.ai Afl' t.l en rseeu't -f the b z ol Mnli- cina.aud the tulaucii SO l the ex.ieal of li e iu -lit II. II the patient U cuied or itV.illtel) aiil.iSed lllnhe treiil nisiii I'at.enla, hv (jivn g a full bial -rv - f iheir eiiae.ai d th.tr avniKtiiita in fu. I. can I I'.u -d us wi ll bv leiler aa I by l-eis. nol esauiuuillon Pnlieiils niuilii.p lb, mie vi el- Dr Jrrit,alrealiiienl innv re!v iis'l, l.imiedlau- ami i ' nie.il relief, aa be ae;.l in Sua l" lre.il a raw i-ver tln ty (hM aiiKuiunudJ-., data. Ix-iteia i:r iJmt it uriiy si.anejea r I i ...li Nn SJ.i 1 t ii t.j istr-r m i , ... T..rl..l; : V p a rioaicia-u , i . - v s.r . , i,.-. . ..ef.a fally muted n. e :l i. tl.. I ..'.in .y. www uny aitnc enai-a eint he wuiiae4, and wli.-ra oar uu,,r..ira apisimiita fot ihe luhsilaiivu it ateiluatad tiijs t eua ba j ace.1 and luapaoted. t Aafuat T, -t.a