v " -is; rwv EXPRESS AND TRANSPORTATION LINE. 4f100DS Shippril from the Warehouse of HjT FREED, WARD & FREED, No. 811 Market street, above 8th el., Pliiladilphil, to all intermediate point along the railroad, to Pun bury end Northumberland in particular, without transhipment and at tlio lowest rales of freight. All order thankfully received and promptly attended to, and Goods carefully uYliveied to all Merchant! and others. FREDERICK SCULLY, June 28, 1858. 3m1l Transporter. NEW CONFECTIONARY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. M. C. GEAIMAIIT, HAS just received new and excellent nmsnrt mcnt of goods at hi Confcrtiuiiary and Fruit Siore in MARKET STREET, cHinbury, where ho manufacture! and keeps on band, at nil limes, the most choice Confectionary, &c, Wholesale and Retail, at Philadelphia price. Anion,; lii stock of Conicetiouarics, may be found : Trench Peerets, Onm props, nil kinds of scant, ll'irncd Almonds, Love 1'rops, ("renin While, Mint Drops, red null white, Leiima Jvllv Oisos, i Hose, Finil Drops, Viniills, ' Huck Oiiitllos, Of nil Scents Oommnii Secrsts. Hock rawly. Lioucriis, Almond Cauuly, FRUIT. Rnnwns, Prmnji, Intt. I'i-s, Currfl'ittl diio!, Ciiroirft, AlmuniK, Rni'ii. Nuttrfn'J Vwm LEMON SYItUl' of a uperior quality, by the aiiilo or dozen. A iu;irrior iiility of Solars and Tobareo, nnd a variety of Confcctiotiarirs, fruit, &c-"ll of which is oilcrcd cheap at wholesale or retail. ICE OKEAM. Ife has also opened an Tee Cream Saloon, and will at nil times be ready to nerve hi customers with Ice Cream. Sunbury, June 19, 1858. ly SSIEJ5IFF & HALI,, Wholesale and Retail Denier in DOMESTIC Sc FOEEION strtct, (Fast side) North Danville, Pa, rSVIE undersigned would respectfully announce to their friends and tho public generally, that they have purchased a very extensive stock of Wines nnd Liquor direct from the Custom House, which they oiler to the trade at Philadel phia prices thereby saving freight Ac. JOHN W. SHERIFF, J. S. HALL, Danville, Juno 19, 158 :f: Dissolution & Co Partnership. ralIE firm of Shepherd and llowelt, Coul Ope. -1 rotors, Locust Summit Colliery, Northum berland County, Fa., being this day (June 1st, IN.'if,) dissolved by mutual consent, the business will be lieneelorili carried on by James M. Map herd and John McFarland, under the firm name of shepherd &. McFarland, who will pay all claims tiiainsl and receive all accounts due to llie Ute firm. JAMES M. SHFFIIF.TiD, Punbury, Ta., CHARLES HEWl'TT, J hamoUin, Pa., JOHN M'FARLAND, Pine Grovo, Pa. Sunbury, June 12, 1553 PUBLIC NOTICE. "jVOTICF. is hereby that the HCSlXESS RE LA'I'IONS, heretofore subbisting between William Wcimcr and tho undersigned, in the Ilru'4 iiture at Northumberland, have, by mutua consent, this day (June 7th, l(j.rH.) ceased to exist ; and the Honks and accounts will remain for settlement and collection in tho hands of the subscriber, who will continue to curry on the business at ihu ol i stand. K01IERT B. McCAY. Northumberland, June 20, 185tt. STRAY IvTAE. jfi AMF. te the premises of IliQ subscriber, on tha 2.r)th ult., a stray mare, 8 or 10 years old, ubout medium size. lie ts full fooled, gal led on each side of the breast, and in color a durk brown, lees, mane and tail black. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take her away. WILLIAM WEI1 ZEL. Lower Au?usyi, May 28lh, I8'i8. FL0UE AND FEED. JL'ST received by tho subscriber a fresh iu. ply of FLOUR AND FEED which will be sold at wholesale and retail CHEAP FOR CASH ONLY. Present piiccs from $5, 50 lo $G,5ll per bbl., A liberal discount to tho trade. Also Crackers of all kinds, Caudles, f?'ja;i, Raisins, Cigars .Sec. A few choice dried apples yet on hand, at $U00 per bushel, they are very nice, Dy oblig ing and trjing to please all, tho subsciibcr l:oie to merit the good will und Putronugo ol his friends uud customers. CO. HAVEN. -Market juure, bUnbury, Juno 19, 1S58. A. J- ROCKEFELLER QVttonicij at Caiu, Practice in Norlhumberland and cdjoiniu; Counties. tSutibury, November 21, 1857.- tf THEITITERNATIONAL hotel, BROADWAY, COKNER OP FRANKLIN BTHEUT, NEW -yORK CITY, lf;is teen rcce'iitly leiitled, TUu Uoi misnie' ne'ly enrpettvt, '1'ae Faiiulure u.id l.e'ds arc superb, And tin; (tilths ai utiiurpitftiul. TAi U'it'S LLM.KIIltA Tt.U f AI.OON3 AUK CONNLCtLi, WITH Tut UulkL. lleTo is com-.ninatcd aii U vomlorts of a Ujuis, Willi ihu lajro.-s ef a pulucu lilli Sl'LFNiJll) LADII-S' FARI.OR Cemiinaiids o:ii anccj'ihlle.l view ol' l'noitiwAV, Tilt: l.Vil.RNA'niJ.NAl, i the most ci-ntriilof uoy ui ilivn kt citnw iiotuls for bosi. ln'hs,or pi-iULU ol' .'imufl.-uiL-iil, nnd often, uimurpasred ad VUill-lea Ul laiuiUuB loid veiilleii.eu vl..lll'K New York. Aevusu Fakui.N, Fropiivior. Nv Yoik, July 3, le: ly j3 Yliole;iIc tMi'occi'y. EIIY &s KUNKEL, Opposito the l'unisylvaliia R ill Road Depot HARRISRL'RG, PA. KEEP a large (dock of the following named ariicles, an J will sell cheaper than any otlur house this side of l'hiladelphia. Call and see ptiee of Colfce, Laid oil, J'ish oil, Kugar, Fisli, Tar, 'i'ca, talt, Ro.in, Hpietl, Hams, l'lt.h, Tobacco, bhouldvis, Unkuiu Ciijara, Flour, l'.obes. Vinegar, Fluid, Calcined Plaster CneciO, ioap, I'andlosic. " S. H. Molaea, r-iyrup, N. O. Molaseen. Alt, Cement, Safely Fuse, Crow Uars, Sledges, lruu an J Nails, lor sale at very small pruMs. Jus3, 1858. ly N0J3LIT, BROWN & KOBLIT. t'abliKt JUtiUcm' -I'liidluR More AND BEDDING WARE-Kt'OMd, Having HE M O V K D lo the new Imii Front W arehouse, No. 'i'i't South Second Street, lelow Dock, Wcit Side, I'HILLDELPHIA. JV OW oiler to ther cuMomersi and tho public gciieiully, a uew and lull aortinent oi C A III NET HARDWARE Sc MATERIA LH. They invite the attentiou of the trade to their stock of Hair Stating and Curled Hair, of their their own maiiufactuie I Also o a full asaort- nicnt of UEDDINU AND UPHOLsTERV. J'hiladelpUa, July 3. 1858. ly iiabing Tactlo. Ked (?ork, firaas, CoU ttu and Linen Likes, Out Lines, fcea Grass by the yard, tSiioods, h'Jie, Ktrby, Liuieatk and L'aflula Hooka, KoJs, 6Vc.,iorasle t-y tANnRSTHS' Agricultural Vnro liouco and Peed Storo, Nos. 21 and 23 South Cr( ilrtel, h'tu-een fur let nnd Chesnut streets, Philadelphia. J.S always open to the inpr-elion of every one interested in Fanning; or Gardening, The subscribers therefore invite the public generally to call ami examine the large and welt selected stock of Agricultural Implements and Machinery, great variety of Horticultural tools. Warranted Garden and Flower Seeds. Grass and Field Seeds of tho inot Reliable Quality, which they oiler for sale at the lowest cash p.iics, wholesale or retail. ',. '- The agricultural implements sold by us are n.oiFy manufactured at our ttcam works, Urisiel, Fa. Having fitted up this establishment without regard to expense, with the most complete ma chineiy for the manufacture of various kinds of agricultural implements, we are prepared to sup ply oil articles in this line of tho very brl quality,. Landreth's Warranted Garden Seeds ha' been before the public for upwards of sixty years; llitir wide-spread lopularity and tho increasing demand from year to tear are tlw best evidences of their superiority over all others, tV Countiy merchants can be supplied with seeds in papers, or in bulk, on the most liberal terms. liloomsdalo, near Brutol, Pa., our garden seed grounds, contain three hundred and seventy acles, and is the largest establishment of its ' hid in the world. li. LANDK LTII oV HUN, Nos. 21 nnd 23 South Sixlh St., Philadelphia. Landreth's Rural Register and Almanac for IH5S, containing a monthly Calender for tho i arm, uaruvi and Ufeciiuouse, cas re hau gdatis upon personal or prepaid ii plication. iiniadeipiiia, May 2Sd, 1858. Ir. IV. EI. It KUl.MOlt, OF I,ANOASTi;it City, late of 1'hil.idelpl.in, where he lias hem in siieci-Hstiil prnctice Inr u iiiiinlier lf yeiirs. received Ins cduentiuii nt the best Alevlieid College in the l.'uUcd rule-s. nnd had the expel icuce ahd praelu'e in llie iliiteient H'pit;r for seveiul yeaie, a ineiiilirr of tin Airilvtleiu Mttleul Iitslilute ul iew Yolk, and latu Medical fio neon of the Lnil'Ml Pln'cs Nnvv, lU'WCtieis hui.eU to the public lei attend nny profemi'iiii'tl ea!ls. I'lie purest medicines nlwavs on htiud direct from tho beKl U.boiatone ol our c..uuliy,h:id thi liotanienl Gul dens of liie' worlj. No pnienl meilicill'. plesenlnd ol le eoniiiicmltil. Mediiines used only which will not break down the constitution, but will lenovtitn the VRtin fioin oil ihjiliies it hu'a vusniined fr.-m mineiiil nie-iielncs. Chro nic and dilficult (Iis-ii-f must he treated upon ana!lieul Piiuciptes, winch is to know nnd ns certain what dieeuse m lis nature . -ind el:ur;t.1er leqmre a Mi" I, dae ol the chemical const M uent. o UVery siul mel dmdnf the l:unum Isuly; the eliriMLes til solels nnd iliinli tut; curable of umlcrcoiug. lokiww v.-lial medicines to emjl" t i curu Uist.'ifea rrfitnresa Knowletlye oi lliee.ieiiucal cotit,t Clients of all ui'enls employed in medicine ; iind it we nr in pos session of this ku.'wMi'ife, it is porailile I octne nny d, sense no matter of how lomr ptninluiir nnd leave the putieul. ill a heallhy and ierletly inr.-d e'"ii'lilii n. Melnuclioly. Abeiiaii. n. 01 tied state t,f nlieualion nnd wcaknessoi Hie incid winch leueis persons ncJip ib!:- of enjoying the p'eioures i, r peifoiiiiiinr tlie ihitiesol lite; Fys pepsia J thai distrcsr.iug diseflse and (ell der.lioyer i f hcuilli and happiness, iiiideraiining the constitution, und yeaily c'irry::ic, tliousnnde to untimely uravt. can most cnl'l luti eally be cured, ltlieuinatisiu, in any form or eon litimi, chronic or acute, warrniueil curnlilci I'.pilepsy ol lalliim fciekniss; n!l chronic nnd sinbh.rii tan s of Feueile lJi-B'-iises rndieidly removed ; Salt I! Ileum, nnd every ileseiip lionol uleeiation, Plies nnd Serofuloiis JJiseases, wltieh have unified all previous medical skill can be cured l;y my treatment, when the constitution is let exhsusnd. 1 do say till divuscs (ves, I'lnsumption) can be cured. ICancei cured witiiout the knife. 1 will remain in my oilicc on Wki.nv.davs nnd S.wru Uays. from 9 o'el. ck A. .M . to 3 I' M , to nccm-nodale patients fuan a disLiue.', mid consult la the F.tnfhsli und tiermim laiaiunies. iil umke visits lo nnv i.Uta.iee if required. May be addressed by letter, Fulton s-.piaie, Lancaster city, Fa. . II. Will l.UUll, Al. i. J ane 5, U Cm SILVEIl PUT2D-WAH2. MAX UFACTVHED 111 lO II !tf O. Til E 4 r & ss, rgIIE oldest Electro Plater in the United Slates. manufnetnres of every variety of Goods plated with pure silver, Alba I a, Uritlania and Steele. Tea Setts, Urns, AVnilera, Casters, Cake Bas kets, Pitclnrji, Goblets, Coiumiiiiiiiii f'crvice, iSpoons, Forks, Knives, &c. All goods warrant ed as represented. North Last corner 0th and Chesnut street. Philadelphia, I'enna. May 8, 185S. ly P. MELANCHTOII EHIIJDEL, Jl'STIt 1: OF the acs;, STJITETJJH.-S', PA. Ojf.ce in Deer Street, immediatili op2osile tlte Public School House. All business promptly attended to. Monica collected and all ordinary wilting done. Suubury, April 25. It57. tf wJ si . (t'ormerly Kline's Il-'te!.) 1.F.W1SUI RO, r.NKI.N CO., VA. R. Ci.ISETZi:C, lt ln Ror. f pills? is one of the larp. st und best (uruished Ilole'B on .1 the Hmneli. It is loenl.M ill 11. e bnsieess pint ol" Ihe t n. (it beitir llie only Hotel in Mtilkel Spene ) '11.1 propiitl'-i is rietciiniiied, to use every cxution to make ins h . uie one of the best ill t.ie State j and il oners lare iietaeenieiits lor persons wh 1 speed a shot! time ill one of the. most pleasinit towns in cculial lVnnsy I hares very n . -Jerae. . June li, IS'.'.- COME ONE! COME ALL!! LEARN THE LIST OF TKILE-S AT THE People's One Price Store. E. Y. BRIGHT & SON, stwnmr.i'A., HAVE received their large and choice select ed stock of ITS 77 GOODS, Composctl of mi r tulles variety, und tu which t:ioy rt''i't'tliilly invite iho attcrit.nii ct ihe pub lic fielin usuurcd th:it their large assorinuwit and great variety of all kinds of l.oo.s combined with ttic exoi-edingly low juices which they are lUtermtucd to eeli at, will render entiro ea tibiae tiuu. CP COUNTRY rUODUCE wanted in ex change at ihu very Li-host marLct prices. June 5. 1658. SUNBURY ETEAli" FERRY AND TOWING BOAT COMPANY. IRA VHLLEKS and olI.i. are rr.pertfully itsfurmcd tltat llie ru'.hkm il.fr hua etahlUbt;d a STEAM FLHIiV over the ajujuthuiina, at SunUury. That a large, sale and cotumodioui ntcaiuhont will run reulnrty and promptly, at all hours duiing the day, to cany itt paMMigem as well ca vc'li.i lue,, Ac, hitwern tunhury and the landing on the opptite eidd of the river, buih wnytf, oi- to and Irom tfunhury. 1 h utcauitioat will run from Market Street Wharf, and wid cjrry pj:-r;e,:-'crd to -t.J from lha Ttifket morni.i und evj iiniK. i hj iMeain rtrry now ullordti not only a tfc and oonvenu-nL trnntiit over the bnn-Uk-hatkiiJ, but iiUo a p'r aaut nnd areeul)Ie ride. T. CJsliMKNT, I'ropiiwtur. Asri'itEW lloovi.ii, U'uplain. unLury, M:iy 1, 1 HT.W, W A S 1 1 IN G T OJT li"6" U S eY A.COVERT, rroprit-lor. BUNBURY, X.., fHl! propiietor rcsoctfu!ly informs hU f lends - and the public generally, thai lie u repairing and renovatinjjr the "Washington lloue,1' uo aa to enterluiu both transient ttud permanent vitfitura in a tft:iutle and eeintl-rUbte manner. 'i'huuklul r the Patronage extended tu tu father, he respectfully aulicita the contiiuiam e of the same. 11 will Uke chiirge ol the "Wash ingnin Hour-o" on the first duy of Airil, next- Ha will hse an Oinnihus running to the different Ifaihoud pepoU fjr tlie acconunodaliou of I'sfcfceners, free ol chuo. V. A. COVEHT. Sunbury, March SO, 15:4, - NOTICE. VLL persons indebted to James Heard, Ute J'jothunotaiy of Aoithuniberland county, lor ftes, Ac, are requested lo make imuiediute pay ment, and tbua save cost and further trouble, as aJI accounts remaining unpaid will be placed in the hands of a Justice for collection. J'uyincnU cau be made either to the auuscxiher or to J. iS. II curd, at his ohice. JAMES BEARD. Sunbury, March 37, lS:id. if A TENT blUTTANIA BfOPPEKS fo uar uoiuej lor saio oy li. U MASNEI!. Sunbipy, July 19, 1S65. WHEELER & WILSON 'MAMUrAflnTBmO CO'S FAMILY' SEWING MACHINES. - 'I'lII nnsniraons favor wliich hisuf-ivlcdthe intrmliic 1 li. n "i WiiEKi.ra A Vn.'N's Fumitv Sewnnr M- snflirient evidence of hs excellence. It is necl ' owe,, ,iy, that this uselnl inrtriiiuenl is liecomiua a i d.'iiienticiiisMiuiii'ii i the tnet ii) rreognized by iiasneeese- ; I'll n . in thou wind, of Fueillies in everv nuk in life To ; lb. scwh., liiivnii,ilii.rL,rr:oLHlironiaviiiliiiit:ii inii ,vi'S ' of its iM.vnnts.gcB, it nwy irt trr nrtiiM to any, Ihnt its util ity ian lfl pril! m to la solved, lut n nur-.'tcW nln-.tly riitli'.ed. The hirhfst tcslmcny constuiitly ciitercil, C"'i. fiiiiing the vrniict whieli It.-n given Una iiitruinenl so wiile hii I r-n i;ilile a n-putntitiii. Th!d .M.iiliuic is coik ivvti m a principle rnlirtly orifi n:il, heme fpmiully nnd mtmirnhiy mtipteJ U-ihe in' st per Ict l winktiii i very kind of tualerinl ; and, linving Itpu Milifeifd tti thri-o y wits' ti-st v( the meat WJiiching ch;ii:ieif liy l':itnilirt, rik! in vn'i'-us hiniicSes f Minu r'M'tiiic, witlt iliKUnirnifhtd siu-eeFS, il is helirvrd tint in nil the prfat pMnts riiptifito to a & nip!rtn nnd prarttcal t.vinn iM itch inc., itennnot lie pppnuifhtil in exetllent'O. Anit'iiir the unifouhted -l vmil.iufs it panoses overall otlirrn, tnav he irniK'tl the Inliowinjt ; 1. Its siihplieity of ci!nsrTiirli'Mi, nntl roiiscrjMOit free dom tY'un ileinnacmpiit and iwd t" rpiMrs 'J. lis unexampled mpidilv and eauo of opeiotiuit. .1 ncielt.'-a m wt'MM'iit 4. 'i'iie great Viine:y of pnrpnpa to vhi'"h it cun he nn p!it., wlm h eiui he aclnt.ved hy no ether iucelmu'ai iurar. And, 6. Tin pro-eminent httmty nnd durnl-iliiy nf tho wnrk. 'l find your Machine i'tea'imtile I have mct! il a year, nnd it h-ts never heen mt.nf onler. The stiteh is vny tin latile, nud ran he adn;te: in fhiu nr v jarse inatera'Is. It v.-nrk witli tin-rap.otiv 'f a d 'iiea pair f h.inilt ; mvts Ynuth tmi", fntlfrne nnd xp uv. )n i y Mir M .-hinea is used in my i'aihiT's family ; naoll.er in (tie h'n'.M-ho'd of nriftrr; nun others hy van'o'iM friends. The opimnra of nil ncc.-rd wnh tliiit 1 have just expressed." Mra Anna Cora hilchie. 'Tin re ia hut one Pewng Maehine ; nnd thnt is Whee h'! mid Wilson's. r' Judge AIeii;s, ol" the American Insti tute. Tlie Pewtrrj M'lehint pnrrrha?edof you hiBheeu whcl ly scrviftahlc " lr. Himu-I fifMid. No family mil uflord t" dn wilh-'ut it. OriNio.s of tusN.w Vona Pfess. '.Ve prefsr them f'.r family tt. Tribune They ine tlie favtuite fur fnmili''S Tinien, Are wilh-mt a rival. ts; tent Hi? Anierienn. VrV.s iiiftre iitiii LnJy t!i:i:i the hand Item M. Pi the wt-rk of ten ordinny sewors Jmir Coin. Kquul to nine seamtrtsres. tlmne J' tirn.il Thk ni'ielime, fur tannly life Advoe'ttu ,V Jounnl, Mori hi.n.-ral'le to Atneilean p-!.'iis Iinlcpeii.tcnt. ' W e ranu t mwziv.v anything ii're pertect l-vangclist. Will uive eetne KiliFiacli'ta. Ohscrver. The h' t evi r i:ivcnt d. - l?l.ritjtiau liumlr'T. J ei .!okit'i( for tin hcHt, Fee these I'x'iniMier. AdiriiraMy adapted ir ftoioly use. I'lir li.it Je. Indifpt'tkFti'.ilc in every lunuiy -The 1'rrnrhcr. We praise it viih e'iihn!:t?ni. riniiiau li.tcllineer. Worthy ol 'he hi;!ht (t aw.ud. uhhath He'vrder. A heneiaelion of the U!'' I'litnatie .Mim"!zine. Mrti;n n in opinion. M rs. St; -hcii: Monthly. lUyoiid all ipifstcn, the ma'-hiiiLa. Life iJi-sMrnfrd. Tar -;ti h ea ii. 't U-i unraveled. Am AiTticu'luiift. Tiiey uiiiiiiUii.1 tin- pie-eiiiitienee. Kxprets. Javes the time nal aalih 4 f ten women. V.Ht-r Cure. Our h"tis( is in cflafies with it. porter's Spirit. Pupjily Ute f if.!iin;:ui.;e wnrld L'aily News. Are pre-einiiu ally -iperioi. IsiidieV Vintor. o.ieofiair ii,ai)it-I.ii;d p 'ds iT. W Journal. fin i'. ailed i;i evety (pitity. I 'ay Book. 1'ietiy. useful, niauif:;;!.- Levlu:'f (iazette. Ui4V no t j'lnl I'-r I'linilv nee Munlpal Wnrld A triumph of nie- hauieal i nius .. Y. J-airna!. t-'omhine 'ery ri qulrcnn-'it. latui!y Machine. Vastly euperior lo all oIh"is (o-ldfji Prize. We fMimot tire in itfc praise New Vtuker. Tor f jrtlier partimliiri upply to H. 13. Matwr, Sunburv, l'a., ntrrnt of the inatiufactuier, who wt!l supply machines at the iiu.nufucturcrd' priee.i. I-Minhurv, ;Ty 1", IS-". If S E L E C T S U M II EE GOODS. I. A li tl E A SiSO U'L'M KNT ! Wli have receive J ourNKAV (it)ODSforthe ' summer trade, ami rcs(ctfully invito all the world and the rc.it ut uiunLiiid to Call and St F. TllllH. IVopIo who woulj economize anj lave their dimes will do well to call ami see how very cheap ,. N , I,., I,.. I ,.,t ,1.1 II .... ..l I, lo iiurchase from us. Un mo. . j snnt as to the actual value of all kinds of Ciood'.l J In ro aro a great nmny reasons !iy peojile should closely examine our stock, and while it is clearly demonstrated that the 'obvious meaning ami imports" of this multitude of reasons refers directly to the ULlllTY Ol' '1 T.XTia.E, and chiapucss in price cf g.vdi, it will at Iho same strike tho mind of tho ol servim; ECOHOMI3T, that a state of thing combining a great and di viTiilied 6ii;i'Iy, with low t'ticcs, must brinir about a "consummation dcvuiitlv to he wished" in making the l'OUtt M.IN KlCH.and the rich man opulent. And although wo may digress, yet permit us to add that n.. thins would afford a heller yrounj work f r a summer evening's cnleitaiumont, than for the l.ind moiher who is presumed to have ex amined our htock, to gather her little llock around her, nud tell 1U..1 of HiUli'lIT &. SO.Vtt beau, lilul good, the handoiue Silks from France and Italy, the KiMons and Laces from Lyons, the Merinos from t rance, the prints- from Manchester, the Linens and Lawns I rum (ilasgow and Dub lin, and a thousand things of great beauty and utility. Hut to be a little more prnctn.nl, we will state for the good of the country, the risimi generation, and the full grown, more in detail iho goods we retail, in very largo or smallet slices, at very greally reduced prices ! and thougl we may regret we said it, we'll sell our goods on six months ciedit, at the end of w hich the people "flush," will come and pay us wall a rut-h, foi none can feel so unconci rued about a dvht so fully earned, as to be guilty of procrastination, to the hazard of llmir reputation. Then tlentleinen ami Ladies fair, hearken, If you've the time to spare, and hear of New (iooda rich and rre, received and being opened. OP CLOTHS, There 'a brown, and black and blue, Yea Cloths of almost every hue. C7 djLSXlE?kES, We've not lust what ou nerd, of mixed an striped "Crat rate" Tweed, for lho?e exposed or named as sick, we've Cassimeres bolh strong and thick ! for those who bv fashion think to win, we have the beautiful French Doeskin an ar tide, w e do expect, sir, can't be excelled in point ot 1 exture. OF VESYINCS, Silks and good bluek balins, of every variety ol patterns, fur weddings, parties, or the street, for gentlemen marrinl, or less discreet, whom we will furuixh from Hat to lioot, with a cheap and charming w.djmgauit. Uut Ladies I pardon this dereliction, and do not derm this all a fiction, for surely we are bound to say, we love to turn Irom grave to gay from dull old bachelors, draadlul drones, whom farhiuiiuhlo eliijuelle disowns, who, in a word are sluggish w it, hut, in human mippinrss, neo phyfmi. Gentlemen, we bid you all adieu the Ladles are walling for something IS t, ; Cashmere Delaines Silks llerege lie lieges Kobea Ciiughaius Lawn Chall 1 issues Chintzes Plaids of every pattern, and latest styles, so rich that thai they r xiilo a smile suited for Ladies of Dura rt i l age, as well for those who would Ex bAiK orelly lor the maid becoming for the ino ther, and oil, red cheap lo the one or the other, Hihbous embracing one bundled pieces, beaulilul Belts suited fur ices," (iuighaiua, solid, plaid and atrijies assorted, and "Aipiilla liobes" just imported. Mid the undersigned with modesty reverts, to corded flounced and steel hooped Murta and well reconciled we trust tha ladies faces, will gate with fond delight upon our hand some Laces Inserting, Kdgiug. of Jaconett and Swiss, allordmg beauty to those who otter bliss ! three hundred pieces of good pattern Prints, and very handsome styles of new French ('hintx, white, mixed, and brown Cotton Hose, much cheaper than some people would suppose. Hpool Cotton, Tapes. Pins, lluttons, and iNeedlrs in profusion t llolibin, Lord, Uounet ire, and blond Illusion. Then come one, coma all, you'll Cud ua very handy'iu showing each the '-modus operandi" of buying and selling cheap. E. y. 1IKIU1IT & SON. fc'ut.Lury, June 1J, 1858. SILVER WATCHES. A few double case English biUer Watches, for sale at very low prices by H.JJ MASeEK. vjibury, April 12, ISZQ. JO!TES HUoSE. Vriil.l.S COTtSH.Y, Proprietor. Cor. of Marlet Slrtft Market Square, lutiiisnuno, TA. rp?TI! Nr:V AND KI.KaANT HOTF.t. reeenilr X led by lh Messrs J ONI',?, in IlnriiifmrR, ., hnv inff Wn iciw' for a t:rin of rests by Hie uiHl6rsined, ha Uikc ttiis tntthiK of ciiIIiiir tlis attention of his former p itioiis, nnd the tinvellitic eomnmnity, thereto. IIiiviiik front of one hundred nnd forty feet on the rrimM,i-irireet ol the eily, nnd Fifty-two Feet Front oa Aiuiket Hin:ire, it enniiiit fail to pruvo attractive as well as invllina lo strHiipers. 'I'lie (. loiinlicra re of fine sire, well ventilated, end lighted vv itti (ias n munlier with eoniiecling d.iurs ma kinu them very ilesimhlo for families. " Tho Hulls arc warmed throughout by Hmlersi and every mKtern iinptoveineiit, in luct, has heii added, that inny c.'uducs to the safety, coinlort, and hniipincss of the gWYt. Visitors moy, therefore, rest asnreil, Ihnt Uie 'Jones ftouKef tuts Ik'i'ii mnde perfect in all its nppoiiitmeius thnl ea h ii..'irlnieiit h:ts been plueed in cllinire of F.Jirte rii'iirptl sod Coinpctent Persona thai ill every pnrtirnlsr the M-ri.'in Ti-tnen h.is mioptrti hy tno rnipriotot, wumn-iru to tlios,. win nmy nnke it llitir h"tnr, ns grwit n denrea orc - ir,l"..it ns may bcobuinte-il ul any similar citubluhinent In the Suite. ... ., , , To n :urc this ilesuante reiitt. lie hns fiirnislieil the Tul'lie n,l PiiVHln Private Pnr'.T. f'lminlieis, Dining lluoin. e., Willi entirely NllyV Kt'lt.M't't Rll; run! also nrrnii-il wilhin tlie iMiildirr. a fine Ilnrlurrs Sutimii, Oys ter iilm.n, lire.rinc; rt-xnr.. lint nml C"ltl Puths. As. Tin. Oili'uiry Lii-iMirtmcii. nml Dininn H-siin will receive thf i.-ii.-i i! ..tiiiiinn it il.? I'r-'prirfnr, wlorli he trusts, will In: n suit, lent rrtnrniilff tlml nil t::slrs will lie suited. Alter relurniinr Ins linrl:lt thnuks to his old friends anil nlnni, l"nr the Keiieri.iis patr.inni;p su Imih ext mrlril In hiin nt the ''('overly Ilnilf." and nlpo to his frirmls nnd rvitr.iitt nt the ''Coliiiril.-a H'.une," I 'ape Hantt iluring the seni.ni of isv,, ,e rr'pftfully solicits a contiuaunce of it at the "JONES HUl:SK. VVELI? COVER LY. January SO, 1?5S. Ooos. 1857. FALL & WINTER GOOES ! 1858 -A.T I?. "VvT. C3-PU"52-'S FANCY DRY GOOD ST011E, Market Square, Sunbury. XJOW rercivej and will continue to receive ' the largest and best selected eilock of Llaek Cloths, Cassimeres, Cassinctts and Vestings, c An assortment of Dress Grinds, viz: Fancy printed Calicos, Chillim, printed Lawns, Do Lain Ilarejes, Merinos, Cashmecs, Alapacas, Dreai bilks, 0iui,-hain6, &.c. LINEN AND V1IITE GOODS. Irish Linen, bleached ami brown Drilling, Sheet . ing, P(.iowcaei'ing, Sic. Dress Trirrvfiincs in Great Variety. Boots and Sh' HaU'tiJ eni. y Hardware, Cedarware, Groceries, Cjueenaware PALT and FISH, Cheese, Crackers, Serxara, Tbarco, Wnull", etc., an assorsmcnt of other Clods too tedious to mcritioh. Feeling grateful for past favor wo beg leave to ai re our old friends and tho public that no '. 711 our part shall be wanting to morit a c.; nuance of our patronage. joiiuutry produce taken in exchange at the behest market price. i F. W.G'ilAV. .Sunbury, Dec. 12 1G57. tf fhrt-SS Li '2y t- ESTABLISKMfi" IN i i - - n v o F BALTIMORE. v,Tfllll 9 liny siren v urrrnnnis nns J I nml ia Norlh Hay street, near Payetts, llaltjinore : si.crc is kept always on haml, or made lo order, every ri le of r rcncii Th ac-a-iLi ui riusn, Hair, Cloth .illr.M'ei'lie. Yu-A Full SitifT omi Meilullion Parlor Ann Cliairs, ,i I'UisIl Hair, Cloth or Uroentclia. Km.. I Pull i'ii:l Cnrveil I'nrlur Lliaira in sets, with Plusii, rlnr, Clolh or Brocnte.le, SOFAS- Half Chairs, Koel Plimh 1 FreHf'h Spring MnhoKnny and AValnut Parl.ir in Hair, clotlMiml 1'iin.li. ttg Chairs various designs, in Hair, Clolh and Mu.rpiiinr lmuges a large assortment atvna en hand, r any pattern uuulcor covered Willi any gols to oilier ' . I CHAWDBH SUITS. Inilahrraiiv or Wnlnul. comiilele, from S35 op. Caie Chairs mid llorkinir do. the largest ust irtmeiil re.ult made in any one hoase in the United Slates Iroin Kl.i i 1o:'.rll Ul,. Il:i Itnoin. ll.hee anil Lliiini? L liairs. in ik, amui or Ifalmsanv, with Cuue, Wood or blulled beats. an mm .tment tinlaneiiie over 50 dozen. U xt seat Chairs and Bellees ana uoeiting t nairs. nve. 1IIO nozell. GJt and PIimii Frame Inikinv (ilasses. or every variety. .Ml kinds of Heals, Hair and Husk .Mutlinssim. A. MATiHOT. N s. 23 ami 21 N. Gay st , near Fayette at., Baltimore, .iugiiil I , Is. j7. ly TOR SALE OR RENT. TPIIE large double frame house in the Borough of Northumberland, belonging to the estate of H. Kay, deceased, i I. is is a very desirable residence, beautiful! situated on the North llrancli of the Susquelmnua, w ith a largo garden Carriage House, Slable &e., bclon?ing to it. 1 erins moderate, l.nquire ot C V . rcatcs ilhumsporl, or D. llrautigam, Lsej., or Ilium Iierland. Man h 27. 1858. KEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS I ' HE subscribers respectfully announce to thcii friends and the public in general that they have ri ceivci at their Store, in Upper Augusta township. Northumberland county , Pa., at Kline's Grove, their Spi liiX ntul Summer Goods, and opened to the public a full assortment of Metch udize, eve , consisting in part ol Cloths, black and lancv I assimcres, Checks, Kentucky Joans, together with a general variety of Spring and Summer Goods, adapted to all grades tl persons. lir.Ani Maui Clotbiko very cheap. Ladies' Dress Goods, Summer Shawls, Giughams Challi Delaius, Ducals, Itobes A Quil es, Calicoes, Ulack Silks, &c Also, a fresh supply of Drugs and Medicines, Groceries, &c. A new supply of Hardware, Queensware, Wooden ware, ic. A largo assortment of BOOTS and SHOES, suitable for Men, Women and Children. Hats and Caps. Fish and Salt. And ull goods usually kept in a country store. Our display is unsurpassed. The above named stock of goods will l sold at prices to suit the limes for CASH nr in exchange for country pro duce at the market price, A up shall be happy to meet our friends and the patrons of our establishment, and sell them goods st such prices as caunot fail to give entire satisfaction. Thankful for past favors we hope by strict at tention to merit a continuance of the same. J. F. A. I. r. KLINE. Kline's Grove, Pa., May 15th, IH58. A VALUABLE PAR IT AT PRIVATE SALE. rilHE subscriber will sell at private sale i JL FA KM, situate in Point township, Nor tbuinberland county, about 3 miles from the borough ol Northumberland, on the Danville road, adjoining lands of J. C, ilwrlon, James Nesbit, Chss. Parks and tha north branch of the river Susipiehanna containing 75 to 100 Acres, to suit purchasers. The land is in a good state of cultivation. The improvements consist of a large frame HOUSE, well finished; ripriug House, built over a never-failing Spring close to the house, liana. Barn and other outbuild ings. AidMichard with young and choice fruit trees. The above tract will be sold on reasonable terms and an indisputable title given. Posses sion given on the first day of April next. For further particulars inquire of the iubacri her, residing ou the adjoining fsim. JAMES NESBIT. i fuiut kmtuhip, January X, LM. tf ! SPRING ARRANGEMENT. LACKAWANNA & BLOOM SBTJRCr R.E, AFFDRDINR superior ftieitities for travel to Htw 1 ink, l'liiawhrlph a, anil the North suit Wrst.hv oiia. Mfeti.in, at Peranum Willi the trains of the Oelnwai lrnvsnrs, and Writ pi n Itairrnnri Ciimpnny j alsii fur tr.vel 8,,uih and Wert over llie Calmwissn, WUIianisnort and Lne Halliuad ami eotineclnig trains . 0OIN0 NORTH N. Y. . Mini. " rsi A M 0 It dn Isr Rujiert, Bloom, f'PT, Lime Ridg,, Jlerwick, llcnch lliivrn, Jtwicll (titiVfl, Sliicssliinily, Ullnkirk'sCferk, W'mt Niinticoke, Plymouth, Arrive al Kingston, liiive Kmestoit, Wyoninp, est I'litston, 1'ittnto i, I arkawimna, 'I nylorvrlle, Arrive nt Acenmmo phikid'a duiiuu. Alsil. 5 10 PM- il 2ti do v 3 5.5 do 3 in dn ' 3 8.1 do 4 US do 4 I do 4 30 do 4 65 do 6 00 do 5 HO do t 30 do 1 4.1 P. M. 8 35 do 10 do s ,io do 6 85 do fl : do 0 (Ml do 9 4.1 do . 6 in do 3 00 do 0 SO do 3 IS do 30 do . n 81 40 do . lo no do do do do (lo do 7 in 7 to 7 on 8 10 8 40 8 SO S IS 0 30 do ft 3.1 R Mi 9 M III 00 111 HI io eu do do do do do do nintim, in no do Thi' New Vnrk M;til Trnin ronnects with the Kxnress L'.ol .... 1,1 A. T I,. .11 1 Arrive in New Yoik 7 IS I'. M. dn riuladcl.lua, by Cainden k Amboy Rsilrriad, I'arefrnin Rupert to New York 8 00. Bnsgsge check etl throuah. The aeeommndallnn Trnin North, connects nt Pcrantnn with tlie Exjircss Tram ext, on the L. L. 4. W. liail- wmn. GOING SOUTH Tliila. Mill 8 Ul A. Al 8 10 do Leave Prrnntnn, Tnysirville, l.ttcknwanna, 1'ilUt. n, Vesl I'illsloii, Wyoming, Airive ut Kiiig,t..i, Leave Kingston, I'lyinoulii, Naimeoke, llniiloek's Cr'k, !)iickrliiimy, Htuch (irovs, llrncli Haven Hcrwii-k, I.inie Uiilge, 1-:;t, HU .in. Arrived at Rupert, Accommo dation tt 3n A. M I I 4S do li 00 M. III 15 P. M. N Y Mail. OOP At. 4 4 10 do 8 vo t 31) 8 3.1 8 10 4 20 4 3(1 1 35 4 40 1J 3ll do lii 40 t 00 9 00 do t 00 do 10 40 do do do no s is 6 40 a so 7 0 7 40 7 6.1 8 15 8 45 O 10 9 IS 10 3U 11 m II 15 II 4.1 It SO do do do 11! (Kl do ia in p. m. lli 30 do fi in do 14 SO do 1 CO do 0 IS do The Philadelphia Mail Train eoinrr onth. connects with the Mail Tmin nt Rupert, g.iini; Knit nt 1 ll J for Ciittnwusa, Port Clinton, Pnitsville IteaditiK, Ac., arriv lug at Philadelphia, at 8 25 P. M. Also with Mail Trnin goini West at 3 o'clock P. M. lor Danville, Milton, Mun cy, lUinintport and Kliniin. Paejirers hy the 4 o'el. ek P. M. Train coine Snith can tnkelhe II o'clock P.M. Kpiea train lor Elmirn and the WeJt, or .nlr;e nt llhsnnsliarg ami Hike the 4 o'-el-Hk A.M. Train going EaU, arriving al Plnladclncia or lion isl.org at 14 noon. t F.J. LEAVENWORTH Ar.arch 13, l?53 -in Hopoifiitcildent. GEORGE HILL, A??C?aT2T AT LAV, RESPECTFULLY informs the public and JU.V1) liis friends ceuirnllv. that he h ns romm-ed to Sunbury, and has opened a law office at his residence, in Market suunro. His acquaintance with tho English and German enabled him to transact busines, in both languages. April 10, 1Ho8. ly wnoLrsAtti axii IIitail J3COT STORE, South Fourth S.l, ahove Chesnnt, PUil'a. 40 mjOOTS, Shoes, Gaiters. Ac, promptly made tiD to order in the verv best stvle. nml nf il... best material. Philadelphia. Mcy 9, 1857. Baddlo and Harness Maker. HENEY IIATJPT, JB. -fK RESPECTFULLY informs the eilizens of Nunburv and the pub f'iul Jife'WlwUiuAluab.e, baa. taken liecli, one Joor cast ol b. Haupt'a Cabinet Ma ker shop where he is prepared to turn out woik in his line ol tiusincss equal to any mane in mis section of tho country. Orders promptly execu ted and all kinds nf produce taken in Exchange Sunbury, March 20, 1858. ly SADERYAND HARNESS MAKING. r'B'MIE subscribers respectfully inform the citt--- icns of Sunbury and vicinity that they have commenced the above business a few doorhebove the Post Office, Market Square, Sunbury, Pa. Work of all kinds in their line of business will be dono promptly and neatly on the most roa- ii . i.llMU'Vli t. I1V6TLM1 onaiiie terms. i i.r.orciv a ui.jiuu. February 13, lS.'id. J O B 3 . W IIKA il li, ATTOKNET LAW, Orice in Mackel St., opposite the Court House, EUNBtiay, FA. Collections made nnd ProfesHional Business generally attendej to Promptly and Carefully rniLAiir.Li'iiiA HrrraiEM t : llullitt 4 Fairlhome, Diebl Sr Weriz, Davis & llirner, F. Tylot 6i Co. Sunbury, June 20, 1P57. S-- -T$ C-V CJ-1 Market Street, Sunbury Pa. TMIK subscriber respectfully informs the citi zens of Sunbury, ami the public generally that he has purchased, and will take possession in the above well known stand on tlie 1st of April l.ext. formerly kept by Mrs. Thompson. That he will put the same in complete repair. In addition he will provide a conveyance to carry passengers to and from the different Hailroad de pots, and will leave no efforts untried to render bis hotel a desirable stopping place Tor guests and travelers. JOHN LEIbEU, February 20, 1858. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE . OFFEIILD AT PHIVATE SALE. ftTVIK subscriber oilers at private sale, a cer J tain lot or piece of land, situato in Lower Augusta township, Northumberland county, about 8 miles below Sunbury, bounded on tho wen by the river Susquehanna, on the south by land ol George Sei lor. ou the east by land of m. Kroh, and on the norm by land ol win. It. Jones, containing 6 Acres and 18 peri lies, allot' which is cleared and in a very high state of cultivation. The Northern Central Hail Road nasscs tbrouch the tract, and is also bound on the east by the Main Road leading from Sunbury to Jlairisburg, which together, with tho River upon the west, and the fertility of the soil makes it a very pleasant and desira ble situation. ALSO, another certain Tract of Land, situate in said township, adjoining lands of William Kroh, on Ibe south, the heirs ot Kooert and Ar thur A uchmutv : on the east Wnt. V. Silver- wood, and a public road ou the north, and Win K. Jones on the west, containing va Acres l .i perches strict measure, jlbout 60 acres of which aie cleared, and ill a high state of cultivation and the residue most excellent land for cultiva tion, but is now covered with excellent timber, and if purchased soon, the purrhaser cau get a large quantity of Railroad Ties on the same. This tract is also well watered, having several fine amines unon it, and every field can he wa tered thereby. An indisputable title will be giveu and terms of sale reasonable. . WILLIAM K. JONES Lower Augusta tp., January 8, 1857. tf STORE. MISS LOUISA SHISSLER, respectfully in. forms the citizens of Trevorton and sur. rounding county, that she has opened a uew store of Millinery and Fancy Goods, at Trevor. ton in Shamoktn street, nearly opposite iiiiouse Tavern, where all kinds of liomiets and Fancy Goods cau be had at the lowest terms. Dress making also attended to it (he best manlier and latest atyle. - w Ajril 25, 1858. tf LMONDS. KAlSONS. FIGS. LEMONS, Ac., ii c., just received fresh supply and Ifor sale at the CoutecUonary stove or M.C. GEARIIART. Sunbury, Me 18, llSfe Tnln IlanUhcd t LIFE PROLONGED. 1 HOLLO WAY'S PILLS To suiter the nnlns and penalties of sicklier whfn the eertnin menus of cure ma ncceteilile to all, is p.itive midlieSS. The Ve.ellllile lim.ilv. nclln nnwrftilH. nnm the causes of disn.se in all the n'uiCs, nerves, anil tisaues Of the body, exile! the morliifl mill m.isiHnn. mnlt.r Irom ils lurking places in the svttem. cleanse and puriry eveiy wrelion, lelmiH the shartered eon.titutioit, resUire the vijor and virility nf the enfeebled frame, and tend to pro. long life lar liryoml its nidinaiy linns. MILLIONS RELY ON Tni'.M! In every qiinrter of the glolw, among alt nnlions, civil. Izeilnnd savufe these Pill are nscd with equnl ami unva rying sujerss. Tiiey are ailvertincd in every pi inteil Inn aunse, nnd whereever couiinerco has penetrated, they nro Ul continual demand. ALL INTERNAL DiaisASE" Yield to Iheir si-lion, Dyspepsia, I.ivet Complaint, Af factions eif the Uowris, the Kiilneyi, the Nerves, the Lntiffs, the Throat nnd the Brum, ihnt hnve prevmurly dcfind all hiiuian skill and all other remedies, aie expciti liously andllll'alililv cured iv tins nll-eonriitering ineilieiae lluiill.Y PROS I II ATlu.N F.ven when the mitients nir reilueoil to the !ai.f ili.(.ri.n of feehlenrsii, they may be recoperal. I.y the rpsiBtlei8 linic and alternative properties oi lloltuwn'y'a Pills. FEMALES OF ALL ACES, From whntevsr Variety of the ailment peculiar to their sex they may he suffering, may rely with entire coufiih-n.-e on the trTeet of this Slreiigthing, reviving, Safe end iin mediate remedy. lloltoway's Pills are th lest remedy known in the world for the following disease: Asthma, Fever and Apia Stone and Grnvel Rowel Complaints Female Complaints Scci.nH.-ny Smp Coughs Heuiluehes Inward Weakness Colds lurlnieiitiiul Liver Complaints Chest Disease Influenza I. ownessof Spirits (3nstiveiiess liiflaminiition Piles Dyspepsia Venereal Allectioiis Dn. l.asA Worms, of all kin.Is yri psy t II CAUTIOM ! None arc g.iiuiaa tin'ess llie words "Hollow ny, New York and lxinilou,' are discernible ns ns a water-mark in every leal of the h.iok of riirectioas around each nit or lsx f the Kame inav lie plainly seen hy holding the leaf tn the light A haiiihiome reward will lie given to any one rendering such information ns may lead to the detecti. u .4 any party or parties counterfeiting Hie medicines or vending the some, knowing llicin to be spuritias. Sold nt the Manufactories of ProfeporlIo!.i.owAt 0 Alniilen Luce, N,-w York, ami 211 Slnin.l. I Ion, by nil respectable lliuvgists nud Dealers in Medicine tiironeli. out the loiitcd Stales, and the civilized world, in boxes, at 21 cents. 02J cents, ami ?l each. IT" Tflereis a cousidcinOle saving by biking'the lnrcer size, N. n. Dirreiions for the gniihince of patienls ia every disorder arc nltixcd to each box. Oct ln r 17, l.",',?. lyca "ruRNiTRE7 ruRNii ureTi THE LAUGEST STOCK EVER OFFERED IN SUNUUilY. rasliloiiablo, C heap autT I'scfal npiIE subscriber, long established as a Cabinet nn,l Chair Manufacturer in Sunbury, thank ful for past favors, solicits a continuance of the public patronage. His stock of Cabinet- Wurc, Chairs, ,Jc., rcnbracea liVMlY VARIETY, ISEFIL AXD OllSA BiEoSTAL, in housckrrping. It is unnecessary to enume rate, as anything that may be requited in his line can be bad at moderate prices. Cheap for Cash, or Country Produce Jaken i.i exchange. Establishment .S'outA East Corner of Market Square. tlT Those knowing themselves indebted to the subscriber would oblige him by making pay ment. isF.OASTIAN HAUPT. Sunb:irv, April 4, l57 tf Thlfl Pah h frm IB j4irfft'.y p-fvf ti rrfri In r Fni Bi, Ttrfn!(st, Ae Fb Sll, UfediurMRii Wai.Co'.Jel tlBil OJ.CTHi.1 tliD ItLJ Olltir VtW Tr lflTfDU.t. All kmrji of Wf, mad Ctmtat ar Maaily iliafTtwbU u. 1 wotlhlo-a in -,l.nr- In v'i'ti"p IMj ti!" ln fm'b!lf, 0i hrTs.ni-r ele'i; ihj wi.ild in An InfalMc, iinplt, Euy and r.npt i m Mfln.li'si' 8'ttlir. r !!.. iiitrt. in Hie rm't t urerlrvf rfi m-7 w to tier; rev-iud tlilt urtirU by fftt sTtnnoment ( hit ! pt 4i tl 'e mad rt u.M ho h AAiuiMd it tj it i wilxcal ft funlt. It il w fATlti U" I ti k0p H krllflM pit mp SVnritt!lt( to tlioift'ini. Trv tt, unit in til r where m Itttlaro m 'J.B ftlfJl trist ('nr. 4li.. niMsl Mill lui raf lluilf l T li irifnt I'vrM UiiKlalt'rNtc'i TsVeis-'srt Ounf rtitTstr. nt fri-m tr.st ni'snsivs r.s uvesfi hv i,tiir. ); vrwrtiy Mkl, nil cannot rinj' ot r rea tut, m Xlif otofilfir i. Larr anntah to lu ll ft fu!.-l'i rotit:li. Vlu-ra ia no l.aiui ibwUt tt to detrivli! tha l)u f(Hifit- It U n, ' snliral ftf TlO. rifici' of boalm Ha n oi ire wmi tut 1 nrrt i i. i tu a wtittittn uisMtLttia win ttaa Bw txha.- Lam. A A Lid t. UAL DISCOUNT TO TflK TQAPbh Jl LUDLOW can ca. S L'lue SU, N.Y Sept. 12, 1KT PHILIP E. FTTPI.DY. WHOLLSALE AMI HITUI Grocery, Wine and Liquor Store, S. E. cor. Walnut and Water Streets, PHILADKLPHIA, DEALE11S and families will be promptly supplied al the lowest prices. October 4. Iri.lli. tf OLD PENS with and without cases, ef a "H verv superior quality, just received. Also a Iresh supply of riling I lui.l, lor sals by 11. II. MASor.it, Sunbury, Dec. 27. FLOUR, REDUCED TO $.1 10 Per Karrcl- rilHE subscriber respectfully informs the fit i i. zens of Sunbury and vicinity that he has just received a supply of r LOl , which he is oiler in (j at wholesale or retail from $5 40, $6 37 to 6 P7 J per Burrel. He also sells some as low as 70 eta. per quarter, all of which he WAK RANTS to be Good. CANDLK8 fur sale, wholesale or retail. Thankful for past patronage he hopes to con. tmue to merit the same. GIVE HIM A CALL! M. C. GEARIIART, Market St., Saubury, Pa. February 27, 185. LANCASTER COLLIERY FOR SALE. Itti)ortunl to Coul Operators. ri' HE undersigned Lessees cf the "Lancaster -- Colliery," near Shamokiu, Norlhumberland county, Pennsylvania, wi-hing to retire from the business, oflcr fur sale the Lease and Fixtures of said Colliery, on satisfactoty terms. 1 hi Colliery has been in operation since 1J4, and has been succcsslul beyond expectation. The Coal is a sutierior articles for all uses to w hich Anthracite isapplied, and a good market has been established, which can be much extended. The Breaker and Fixtures are of the very beet char acter and will recommend themselves lo persons acquainted with the business. J he Lease runs to January 1, IBM, aud la a favorable one for the operator. For further information apply at tho l.olltery in person, or by letter to Kliainokiu, P. O., Nor thumberland county, Pennsylvania. COCHKAN, i'EALK &. CO. February 6, 1858. tf GKOUGK UKNN, NNOUNCKS to the citizens of Sunbury and vicinty, that be hasopeueJ an olUceiii Sun bury, above II. J. Wulvcrtou's office opposite ( Weaver's Hotel, w We he is prepared to allend to all kinds of work belonging to the profession it the latest and most bur-roved style. Alt roiV well done and warranted. December 13, 1656. FOR BENT. FlHE Store Room in Market street, lormcrly A occupied by P. W. Gray. Apply to tlu ex seulors of H. Masser, deceastd. April 17 U58. mmrnm ISAAC HI. AVILKEUSON, 3vIJfVlJTJlrAaTTJIEI'.or, FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. - foliia, Dlvniis) it ii ijouiipf-a Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, URI'JRFAST AH HIM.G TABLES and also VENETIAN ELINDS, equal to Philsj delpliin manufacture. rJEflSTEADS, of every pattern and price CUPUOAUDS, WOKK AND CANDLfc STANDS TOILET TARLF.S AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every article in thia line of bis business, rjHE subscriber respectfully calls the attentioi . ...v mwoi w .in, iuio viiu spirnuiu as sort men t of every quality and price of C4tnitI3T-WAIll2 which cannot fail to recommend itself toevery ane who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship nnd splendid finish, made up of thr best stock to bo had in the city. No effort in spared in the manufacture of his ware, ami the subscriber is determined lo keep up with the many improvements which are constantly heir inado. B He also manufacture all kinds anJ qualities of CIIAIIiS, iicludnig varieties never before to be had ir Simbiiry, eurh ssMaiiooant, Ei.ack YWixt-r r.'.'.,'"'lin M '" iS am Wiv , t.IlAIKS, ANii vasct Piaio (Stools, which am of the latest styles, ami warranted to l o twcclnd by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscriber is determined that there siial' be no excuse for persons to purchusn furnituic in the cities, as every conliilciice ran be euL-rlaini t about thequalily and finish of his ware .111.1 t lairs. 'J'hesc articles w ill bo disposed of on as gooof term as they ran bo purchased elsewhere. Coun try p oduce taken in payment for worlt. ' UNDERTAKING. Having provided a handsome IletnsK, he id now prepared fur Undertaking, and attending funerals, in this vi cinity, or at any convenient dilaiico from this place . The Wore Uoom is in Fawn Btrccl, lo low Weaver's Hotel. He has also purchased the right tf manuiac tnring and selling in Northumberland ctii.ty, Gould': patent Excclsoir Spring lied, whi. h l.c will luriiii-h at reasonable rules. Springs put in old bedstead lor tlm e dollais. ISJC M. WILKEKSON. Sunbury, April 18, 1H.',7. tf. WE STIIL SURVIVE THiTw!5Tj NOTWITHSTANDING ilK-astoniehimtqnnn x' titv ol Goods that I brouybl into town last Spring, I succttdrd in selling tlirm all coil ex cejit what I gave away, and Iind to biirrv tr li e city, for a new lot, i un'.cr thai my cu.tomeis might not be put to the inconui.i,....,e of Ltiyiu? at olhcr etorcs, where they v.-ould b cba'tced killing prices. Prcfitiug by pr.tt c.'.p, li. i.cc, I have just brought 011 ' Twice as I-Iany Gootb, and I have now tlie larucft and CHEAPEST A.SSOUT.MENT ever ollered within he;uins nf this place I am bound to sell CHEAFE-tt Til AN svilS, before. I need not say die .per than tnv neigh bors ; for that is no longer a .li-H;teil tart. I am now ready to deal o.,i g,!s twenty hours out of twonly.four Kim,! n s excepted at lower prices than any person ,;;ua t,,r. . Just rail for any thing v,iU want. I , dct.r nnued to SUPPLY ALL DEMANDS that may be made, reaiouah!,. r.r urireasonable. Ca,l soon, as the rush is .'remendous. T- U'LE.MENT. onnoury, uec ri, 1HS7. ly thathfi has cotiiuielicc.l '-''il'iTflBlliilho.' "U.i kinds f KART11 1'.N V A Ul:., at his minnlactory in Whorlleb. ny sireet, one 8-piaro east of the Kivpr. lla b:. iii'-acil tba services of lr. Haiic. and you can tl:, rcl'i.J depend on haing 11 good article. 'J'be iub.ic are respectfully invilcd 10 call. Al! oidcrs from a distance isiil be proniptly atlciided to. P. M. SHIN DEL. Sunbury, Feb. 2, lSriR. ti .. s. uwnwix's Ni.'.y Paper, rrinteis' Card nc! Envelope EH OTJfc'-IE, AV. 405 Commerce Street, I'lcitad. lj hia. Cosh buyers will li:ul it for thcii ir.ierc.4 to call. January 16, 1S.",8. fmos. Ssr:.u-!:V.sic. riHE subscrilier has l.ien a pointed Agent for 1. Messrs Gcddcs A lrii ol l.ewislmrg. 1. r the sale of their Straw, Hat A Corn-Fodder Cut ler. This Culler is tho best i i ue. Farmers and others are respectfully requested to cill and uxamine for themselves. P. B. MASTER. Sunbury Drccmbcr 2C, 1 S.'iT. if SAiiuix i. jfiiv:i;, ATTORNEY A.T LAV, Ojjlce on South Second, near Market Str".t, I. E w ii-ui; r g , p a. Practices in the Counties of Union, Norihun be, laud and Montour, All PbofkssioNau 'VsiN.ru entrusted t h;s rare will receive pr.rnj.t and fj tl.ful alter lion. Octolicr 3, 1857. ly WHITE HOUSE HOTEL. POTTsVlLI.E, r.. I HE subscriber respeclfi lly aiUMi'Mct to l.: old friends and it.c public, that In has t;.l.i that old and w ell Uiun ii cs'.aMb hmcnt, the Whiio :iIoisa Hotol. At the corner of Centre nud Mahautogo sis., i the Borough of Pottsville. The house has i. cently been very much enlarged ami othertti. improved, rendering it quite as cotiiforlnhle -any other Hotel in fchuylkiil county wh: the stables are large, in guud coi'dilion, and u tend by careful, attentive, prudent hosilcrs. To travellers slid others who may stop at I house, he promises every altiiiliou calculated render them couiluiiaLic and satisfied. JO.-. M. FF.Cr.Ki April 5, 185f.- if STii fi nntl i r. CHKAP WWlYlirs AND JKWKl.ltY. WIIDLK8AI.E A0 UKTAiL, at llu. "PlolinbL Wateliea and Jewtay Hori-'' ..i. li- (in.i North Second Sireel, Coiner ofiiuny, I'lnl.ul, l( li.a. Gold Uver Wslehes, fall J IrJ, lo card cases, i Silver lsvvAr, lull jweUcJ, . "y a?4ivor ipiur, jt'u cm, i- uie p iivcr uo U.iltl lirucf It-tH, UlHtl I'Clli, MUM IMlfl Mtuf tl!vtT hoMtf, (i.'ld INimrr hli.;fc;r ul t,i ,-il ; uh C-jtinn. j Vii vtn y puteiit l.u c U.1 t Mlir nrm!i u. ,.,1 Ailgoixisi wtriuiilcd tu tj) ui'tii ilirv rc .1.) i r . , Kl'Al t KI-.H A HAKI l lv On haixl nte (. .Ul and Stiver Lt t,r ui. l l.c WiH ltiwr ttuin Hie ! (inr i'UtlaUcajtJi, Ocloijcr 10, r57 lybW rariuers I.ooK lo lour Intt i : XsIlC 1 LIME 1 1 n"HE suilscribct lespcctfullj informs tin Uteri and the public generally, that I. leased the lime kilns of Ira I . Clement m butyl aud' that he fc ttwr.ys on huiu.s teaJy to supply a good quality of lime to a' may want for building or fain, a puipu.- ' Htihas also a kiln at Keeler sYrosus $ from bunbury, oi two from Snvoertov. n. nr All kinds of Country i n Jui exchange, . ' GEO Cuuburj, Usk. JS, 1J7.