As, foreign $Jctos.. 1U ARRIVAL OF THE INDIAN AT QUEBEC. L&TRR FROM EUROPE. The Telegraph Call Enterprite Return of the Agamemnon The lireak under tier Stern Another Attempt to b Made. Qukbko, Jul; 24. The Canadian Compnnj'a acre tamt.r lodiun arrived ut ttiis pott about four n'clock tlli ulU riUHIII. .mi I Tim final brenk in thu Atlantic 1 elegraph Culilu was below Hi atern of Ibe Aijauiein. mm after one hundred aud furljr-ix miles had been paid out of that Vessel. The Aga. memntm then returned iu mid ocoan ud crui.ed thtre for Cvo dnji in anticipation of meeting the Niagara. On thu Agamemnon ernvinjr at linearis town, it was resolved to coal, and start again, for a liuul to lay the cable on Satur ,lav. the 17tb in, the", Mill being, on boll. aMps, twfUty-Bve b U od red jii lies ol tbe cable 'licfbrf the commencement or the recent nltoinpt, lb Againemuon eiicouuterod a luri n.a Mor.n, and rolled so heavily that great learn were entertained Tor her safety, She sustained eoi.siderublu damage. The cause (.1 the breaking of tbo cuUe la Unknown, the M.aiu upon it ut tbe time bring Viil' light. The electric were Mil mjarud by the heavy rolling-or the ship. Til 14 LATEST. By TtlfS",rl1 '"lom 1,"," l" Liv.rpool.J London, Wednesday. Tans letters report a, visible improvement in commercial utlaiis. Lugo orders had been received iu the inunu taciuriug townn. and purchasers lion, the lui.-d Stales bud begun to appear in the '"'The' crop accounts wtre favorable, but bread.-ttillj were tirui. The London Times, in a leader, controverts Ln-,1 Pali..crlon 'a view or the national duty in regard to tho slave trad... and encourages the nleu of the unneXatiou of Cuba to the United .Slates, as Cuba once annexed, the whulu trade would come to uu eud. THREE DAYS LATER. THE EUROPA OFF CAPE HACE. The India Dill Passed on Second Pending The Ttltyrapk Fieit. Sr. JouVs. N. F., July 20. The Cunavd steamship Ktiioua passed Cupe Rico jeslerd-iy ou her voyage to itos.ou via llalilu.Y., and was intercepted by tho news vachl of the Associated Press. Her dates Liverpool uro Utile 17th Hist , three days laler lhau previously received by the hie liner JtlUlaU III t.ueoec;. .v.w..-t i..i,.m,..ii ! i.t' lie. news was ol.tuiuud. The steamer Nova iscoliaii, from Quebec, urtived at Liverpool ou thu lGth, uud tho lVi sia nil the 1 itll. Ti. steamers Niui!tira und Agameniiion, of liie l. leyraph licet, bud completed their preparations lor a renewal ol the attempt to lav tho cable, uud were to sail ou the I ill. The new India bill, previously passed by !.t House of Commons, had ueeu passed oy tor-llousH of Lords ou second reading, rii.. I. ratal massacro of Christians at Jcd- I,y Mojauiiucdaus had uttrucled much ik'iention throughout Europe, the lurluali tjoveiumeiil hud promised to avenge the i.ussucre by punishing the authors of the (I'.lragu. It was expected that France Bud Lr,;;iat'd would tceupy the place at once. TUB AiLAMIC TliLMlllAHI. 'j; !' i.uiiipmiy me piling to try one more to stretch their cahlo i. nu.-a the Allui.t.e. Tbe Agamemnon hav- ii, - (;.!! luiclt to Ciuetnslowu. and there be !i g r t . 1 1 twenty live hundred miles of cubic h li, the iim-U alto return to the rendez vous in inid-oci'uii and start once more. Af l. - the reieated accident OU the recent trip, it is scarcely to be expected that there Will I,:- any success on another trip, in which pre cise!) tin! same apparnt us me employed und the s 1'ne uiiiuu ol proceeding is adopted ; and uutt iliu.g us wu havo been to giveupthe grand enterprise, we Lave little fuith in thin ii, w trial. The vessels were to sail from i.1 i. i tistoAii ou the 17th of July, and if the w, iilier has been fuvorublo they may now he ul the rendezvous. The khorlest time iu wiiicb we may hear of the Niagura's arrival is uh.iut ten days Irom this time. A fiesh lud i.rii a id a ri ol tho vessels to Europe may us of lien's of them for fotue weeks, iinle.-j ttn-y thouid be Bj'oUeu by koine home ward hoiin I ship. 'I'll ii recent experience soems to prove Hint there is sou.e'hiiig radically wrong 111 the pre. 8 t ni 'dm vperanili. It IS, pel haps, imper tinetit for layineo to criticise the course udop t jd by meii ul tcieiicc. But to us it looks us i it would Oh I, i Iter to run tbe Cable from the A ii. .-1. call side, und obtuiu tbe support 0, id as.-:slauce ul the Uulf titreulu ; it strikes u.i III it Ho steam vessels pulling at a cuoiu i:i opi'o-ite, mut strain it umliilt i.o iii-Uer how j',ui)ile and easy lie the paying out process; it appears probalilu that heavy cables, paid oul hum verticul coils lor a (J,s t.iiice l lliuiisaods uf miles, inu;,t inevitably g,-t lulu knots ur "kinks" thai wi'l prove its uu lo'lh sides ui the waiter, of using the Grout h ..-lei ii aim coding the u .bie ou a Series of reels, much Hill 1,1 it off eusily and auliuul twisting, and of stalling from the American iusleuii ol lion. I lie lirilish side, or frui.i nnd- ii, m. n, seems to be a good oue, und it is to be 4. iiivitled thai llieiu is no disposiliuu to try it. 1'lot exp. iimeiit on which the fleet uie tio-v eng.i, d will, e fear, au.ouut to nothing, except Ihc. deslructiou of the cable, aud the b miii ujitcy of the Compauy. Phil. Evening JJulldin. M ii. Uaiii v tiik Hoksr Tamer. Itoppears 'jy the loreiKii iiileiligeuce, that lUrey, tho c'h'lrati d horse tumer, has ut last experieu c - i a r.-verse ul fortune. The pumphh t pub. In nd by h.i.i some years siuce iu this country ( Miacls linn, which were given rcCeully iu u u-column.-) h is I , uud its way to Kugluud uu 1 been repuliii-l.ed, causing great iudigua to. aamiig Ins i.uii.-cnber3, because lUey lij.i- been coinpeile.i lo pay largely fr leuru in' I lie ait uhicl. liiey might have obtained ny tio piuiphli-l lor a trillu. Mr. llarey has (.a'll.shed u letter releasing his subscribers roiii their oaths ol secrecy, und elating that .no pa,iiiii,vt W..S fi I t -u tnree years ago, mi ll iliiiely apou the discovery or bis system, m l cut ins but a meagre and imperfect des ijitioti of it as now practiced l.y him. It Ti" pi luted lor puvata cin ulutiou among his oi, il-. and lus coine to light only by the teacheiy of some ol them. Cai.u'ohsu Lkitbr Wkiiino. A returned 'a!. I.. i man icceully told us ull amusing stoty f letter writing. He said many of the ii i.-i s are very illiterate, and to write a letter i qnile. a formidable task. On oue occasion, wninc in au iu crossing a inuuotuiu bud be i iw lost and perished 111 the know. Thu lyoU, an animal of that vicinity, attacked i,i oooy, auu wueu iuuuo, ine beau liau c li re !y been eaten off A friend of this young an, aim know his family, was told by the b r nuiiers in a i it waa big duty to write to e father of thu deceased an accouul ot Ins Jnh. After some ut.jectious from waut of uctiee it. tucu uiufertakjiigs, be concluded ibivote the next afternoon toil. . Al night produced bis letter, saying he had done a best he could, aud. ihoayht il luld the ry. jlis letter was as folloas: Hear Maior The' klotas bare eat vour 'lUaaUol. Your. ileor BoocbeiL ' Pdtti the Cbing PtH and Tiftana.) DltCOVKKY ttr A MLRUKR COMMITTED A V KAR AGO, Verdict of Coronir't JurgCifttsion "qf the ifurderer, Onino. 111., July 13, 1808. D. J. Stanley cams to this town last sum mer in company with Win P. Talcott, and they each purchuled railroad land about two and half tnilea northwest of Onaiga. Here Mr. (Stanley built a shanty, aud they lived alono together in it for weeks, In harmony. AIT or sudden Mr. Stanley was missing, and as be wag known to have considerable money about him, aud bad left bis business in very unsettled state, tbe people here naturally in quired the cause of his iliiuppeul'diice. Mr. 'I'ulcott explained it by saying be bad gone lo Chicago on business aud would return again soon. Uut months bare passed away the winter and spring have passed Hiid Tulcott bus lived among us in the character or a respectable citizen, and latterly bas beeu engaged in keeping a livery stable. A short time siuce he wu detected in wear ing clulhing belonging to Stanley ; und also earned a watch, recently tecogniKcd as Stuu ley's. Thi se fuels aroused the suspicious or several or our citizens, who weut secretly lo work to ferret out the mystery. The result wus, that, alter examining about ou the farm where Stanley and Talcott bad lived lust fall, the body or Stanley was round on Sunday lorenuon, covered with about two leet ul' eurth, and quite decomposed. Uu Sunduy evening Tulcott was arrested by the citizens, uud tie cnul'fFsed the murder. Tbe coulessiou he made was voluntary und prompt ed by no one. Immediately on his arrest be was brought into coin I, ond before the neces sary legal papers could be made out to retain lint, tit.der arrest, he looked around on the uudiencu and inquired for Mr. McCourtir. Mr. McCourtir appealed, nr.d was requested by bun to carry word to his wife of his situa tion. Mr. McCourtir usked him what he should tell her. Said he "Tell her all keep nothing hack." Mr. McCourtir then said "I'll haps you are lint fully aware, Mr. Talcott, of the result of our investigations, uud perhaps 1 hud belter tell you that you will Uu absent this ev, iiing, und see her in the morning." "No," said Talcott, (while the audience thickened iiround him,) "tell her my situation, but say to her 1 am inno cent." Mr. McCourtir then said : "Mr. Tul cott, 1 think it proper to inform you that a body has tieeii b ond ou the ptaliiii to-day, uud the citizens here think it is Mr. Stanley's and tlial you are connected with his deuth." M r. Taicutl. to the surprise of all, iinmcdi ulel) replied: "No doubt the body is Mr. Stanley's, and he wus murdered by me, but to, I UiU ulioiiully ; U Was ul. accident." The t xai.iitiaiioii bus proceeded neurly two days und is yet iu proxies. The del'clidulit, hy his counsel, pleads guilty ol manslaughter. '1 o sum up the evidence in lull, as it is uli in, 1 would say thai It tul'y sustains the charge uguiusl the prisoner. Some confessions have been inuii by Talcoll since Sunduy evening, A Inch have appealed as evidence, iu sub stance us follows: One wituess testified that Tulcott told him, Sunday night, that thu watch be bud been carrying was Stanley's, and should he returned to his itletids. Another, tliul he did not kill Stan ley m self d.leuce, bill Stanley uud he were in a passion, und be I ulcott) struck the lirsl blow. Another gentleman, who conducts a paper in this county, declared that he Weill lo Tulcoll, u Monday morning, to see him uud ask him if be could give uny plausible motives thai uclUutcd him lo the deed, us he fell inclined to publish uny thing he might say iu his defence, iu palliation of his crime. Tulcott 's reply wus, "Tdiere is no palliating circumstance ; no hope fur me ; 1 utu a miso rablo wretch. mit-buve hilled linn. We were hunting, uud got Into a dispute about the bull, lint' of the hiMiseundJjJfi 'Wll TOVfr?Iieiue,"hii 1 rushed on him w-itb my gun. . 1 -ttruoU kiiu on ttie l.eud us he was luuuiug away Hum me, which killed him." These, und such like admissions, have been received us evidence it. t his preliminary ex. animation, which, added to the abundant tes tuiiony in favor (,r the good character or de ceased, aud the overwhelming evidence nfcuii'Rl Ii." prisouer, leaves but little doubt us to the nature of the crime. Mr. Stanley's properly wus taken posses aioii ur by Talcott, uud his trunk taken to Chicago lust fall, and there h it. l,g WliU., is iu the hands of the Coroner here, with his contract lor railroad land, which he bought ol the company, and is not assigned to any one. liulh of these Mr. Talcott has inuiiu repealed ut tempts to dispose of to his osvu pecuuiury advantage. THE ATLANTIC 1 I.L(.tiK.tP. The steamer North tWir, ut New York IYnm Livirjuud, tilings us ii.telligei.ce or the failure of the second atin.,i,i i,. 1,, . i... Atlantic telegraph cuble, uud ol' the return ol the N iagara to Ooieenstowti, Itvlaud. According lo the N. Y. Fust, J',-0r. Morfe has nevei expected thut the eXfeilitioii al.i. I. has jiil lailrd, would bn successlul. ' "iio suiiguiue inui a cuble can be laid unu wuikeu beiaeen the termini which th. coinpuny has selected. He dots not di.-guise In coiivictiuu that ihe cuble un buurd Hie company steameis is much tuo heavy , and l hut oue ol half us weight of less might be ..uu una worsen e!l. ctrvely. The I'osi add His vieas upon the subject, uud iheconse qtiences to which they have led, are slid to uao ueeu thu controlling reasons for his being Ml uut uf the board of direction, ut the """" ".Men preceded the re ilii.-iii... ... ii..... r . i. .. . ... ... , ,,to , ,,,0 muck, ui course the company did not muku the cable as heavy u h lni.1' ft... ni-......, ... ; . hh-j,, iu lucieuse ot laying it sticce-fully : und llollili,.. but irial w,t probably ever determine whether i ioi. .tioises view is correct. Jlis opiUlull unquestionably possespes treul wei.-ln .. , .1 will be carefully considered il'uny new exper inent is u,ad. There are oilier provisions ' "ecu aiigpeaicu lo us, ueam-t Ihe ucfideuts to which the plans tor laime subinaiine cables have thus fur proved to be ..o.,-, iiiL-u we win submit without men I for whut they are Worth : urgu a caoie cie. cannot be uncoiled without . thereloru Ihe cublu must be retltd to be laid. The Uecessitv fur v.tciu ... the cable, quadruples (uud more) the risk of UCe.dellla. I Luc. I . , ' . . . ' , .-.. uu- ciiuie must be laid from one ship. The voyage to England is easier, shorter and ,.f-r ).. . front England : therefora the vessel wiib ,L cable should atari fro,,, this side. There la (itiu tuj.l -.,.1 i - ' w o i u uiiij. til luiiiiuuv amj room autlicieni to carry the whole of Hie cable , ever laid i.. luu,B. .... . o.n ixiimnu !,. .,n. : - ... UD Bioweu on a snreea. s.on or reel, iu the Uvia.hau. and the Uvi- "" "on. our own shores." Ou tue leturu ul Ihe Niagara lo Queens toau the stock of the r.,i, i ... . declined ill the London ru, k . il.OUU selling at i'JOO. On it,; next day however, they were ttuuted at from i-uu, LlsiNKsa Soitu. Tl.a Savannah Republi can rega.ds the business prospects or the South Very flattering. Il say the couuiry ia lor the oio.-t puil iu easy circumstances, aud the crops or all kinds, promise un abundant yield a euu.biuatiou uf circumstances that iiever fails to enepire etrery deparliiiaot of trade with cunlitleoce aud activity, . The planter aud fu.ui r being prosperous, and io a condition to uieet all tbvir, the mercbaiils eau lay in their tlucksjxtb confidence, und enter upon their fall specula tions without fear of disappointment, either iu their sales or collection. Upon a gener al SurVfcV uf ilia field, wa thinlr ma I V,a iudietiiiua uf ii.era&eil i..I.a,,..r,i. i., branch of trade and lodusto v i.'Bf'JL"! il!i.lill.k.r!!lUl.'!J.Ul ll.l"lJL.Ll.lJjRy TIKCfll THiDI. The quantity sent by railroad this week Is 41,453 04 by cana), 41,406 00 for the week 82.859 05 tons. The quantity eent shows an increase of2,28t lom over last week but it Tails short of tbe supply for the correspond ing week last year. iliner' Journal. Inurrsfd Ahvcax British EMiotutioS to thb Umtld Status. The annual report of the Uritish Emigration Commissioners, just published, states that the total emigration from the United Kiugdum for the past year to bas been 212,675, showing t moderate in ert aso on the two preceding years, but still a Tulling off of 126,649 from tbe average of the frur years from 1851 to 1854. The uamher or emigrants who returned from the United Slates duriug the year was IS, 448, of whom ll.l.')4 arrived in the lual bail or the year, du riug the progress or the commercial crisis. Last year, the remittances from the United States by previous Irish emigrants, to ena ble their friends to join them, amounted to ouly 003. Ioj, while the average or the pre cediug ten years was about a million sterling. A Curious coincidence in Pennsylvania po litics, is noted by the Harrisburg Telegraph : "The Democratic Stute Convention or the 4lh or March selected a candidate for Su preme Judge from Philadelphia, and a candi date for Canal Commissioner from Fnyelte county. The Republican Coveiition of July 1-lth selected a candidate for Canal Commis sioner from Payette county. Porter and Reed, the respective candidates Tor Supreme Judge, ure near neighbors, living in tho same city. Frost and Frazer, the opposing aspi rutes Tor Canal Commissioner, are residents of the same county, living within eight miles of each other." Slaves down South have fal len iu price ; "great bargains" in Uesh are reported in the pupers. A Mobile paper reports that tho Sheriff of Hunipter county fuid a bat. b of five. A womun uhoul od y en i s of nge, with thice children ncuily large euougb to begin to woik, brought $ l,f)'-!0. A boy rather oidinury in appearorce, -1 years old, suld furl.lH)0, uud a gill about 22 years old with Iter child brought $1,(J0U2. Very lew uttended the sale, aud fewer still came prepared to buy. Imi'iiovkd Coal Stutter. A Coal spliter is iu use at Ron, lout, by the Helawuru uud Hudson Conl Company. It takes the Cuul from the boat, crushes it and seperules thu small I ii in is into four different sizes, which ure carried off in buckets to respective despo 8 tores. The inacfliue is worked by steam, und attended by ubout fifty men, and will breuk and si pi rate 10U0 tons ol coal u day. Heretofore the werk now done with tho ma chine wus performed hy I! '.Id n.ea. The Crops is Northers Indiana Lena, Stephenson Co., 111., July 19, lbSB. Our wheat crop is n failure. Some fit-Ids may yield hair or three-fourths of a crop, while half to three-fouiths of tho whole will not be cut. Many fields of outs are budly injured by rust, which 1 have never seen in this county before Huiby lias mostly fulled. Com looks well heie the seed ylew and wriS not devoured. Fi uit w ill be scarce. Imayhuve one-tenth us many pears, plums bi.i1 tipples us the blossoms promised. Cvrt.sjHiudence if the evening Post. A.v Important Item. From the sinele port of Norfolk, Vu., there were shipppd du ring June and to the present time iu July, 97.(11)9 pufkuffe, of early fru.t aud vegetables Valued at aG.IHIO. New Advertisements. To the Vcteis of Northumberland County. H K A VINO been aolieited by many of my Tel ti a law citizens to bfcoine a candidate for the rtbartmrArcoKutR am, v,.u CF THE OKPIIANs COl.TiT. I hereby announce that I present myself to th. Iiamocrary ot the county for al the approarbibK primary election, ll noiniunted nml led I will um! the best of mv l.,li.i.. . form the duties of the office, .I.,.i.. ..r.i.. ..... ' ' " lr' tiKOli Sonluirv. June 3d, )5S. UKOKUE C. WEI.KLR. Xo tlio Elector s of Kctthumberland County. FiiLiow Citi7.kks: We ara attthorizcJ to at.noune THOMAS 1). OR A NT, uf the Uor ough ol Munlmry, at an Indepehdeiit cundidate Ioi the olhre of REGISTER, RECORDER ic. at the ensuing election. Mr. Oram is tan well known to Ilia rci.ri.E of INerlhumherland county t m-ej nny romnirtala lion at our h mds. N one q..i,,,,, ljb udUfl. cation. Tor Ihe past; hi. character f..r tnoralitv, industry and sohiicty is irreproachable and hi. populanty a. a ,h aud ,-lli.iencj as a., officer undouMed. rorthe last si ,Wl.e ha. Lee,, ll.e principal clerk in thit ollV. ....I t.:. .. .... - - "im ma uit bring industry and ability, his amiable manners and obliging disposition have rli.-it-.l il,. -....p. ilen.e andcsteruiofsll .!..;., . ! t. e c.iiin.lfiitlv snlii.iit l,l-.,.. ... i , ask our fellow citizen, in lilt I v 'i-. ... . v. -. lull . "". i V ma OLliOItl. Jicspcctlullv. , , , MANY VOTERS. Punbury June 24, 1SSH. ncgUtoi' nut ij4 t ordt-r.&c. Tin. J. U. MASfcEM, of Sunbury. re.,iclfully oiler, hiu.sell to the electors of Northuu. berland county a , candidate lor PEOlciTEK AND KECOKDEK AND CLEIIK of 'J iiE OI.'I'HANt,' t OLKT, at the ,u.u,bB election, subject to Democratic Hulea. Sunhury, July 10, 15J la To the Voters of l.Toithumberland County. IAV1NU beet, solicited by my friend., I ..t.i.-y untr my sen as tlie pcot.le . candi date for ASSEMBLY. Should I be elected by tbe .ulTracfs of my fellow citizens I pledee my.ell 1.1 perform mv ,l.,ii.. with the utuimt of n.y ability and to the het interest, of my consiitueut. ami ,,i,i; larB- A. II. IS LAIR. Milton, July 10, 1858. te INDEPENDENT CANDIDATE FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. 'IMIE auhacriber olTera himxclt to the electors J. of Morthuiuberland Counlv. a. n I, I...,..,. dent Candidate Tor the olfice of COUNTY COM MISSION En. And promisea. if elected lo follill the t..ilo-,f aiu mice iniuiiully ami impartially. JOSEPH VANKIKK. Point township, July ii, I8AH MOORE & CAMPION. ATo. 2C1 South Stcond Street, 6 doorf alore ruce. PHILAn KT.p-r-TT a H A V t. now on uaod thu lan.Pkt ...n,im.n. ,.r 1 l.E CAlIiM'T I tuui I Hi- Than they have ,er had at any previous time, ....j ....,,0 IUB iuune iu call and exainiiia ...r oc Miure pu.cIiai.B, as they fcel confi ileut that their price, will U a sullieient I...I.,.. mem lor all who waut good furuiiura Iu buy al their estuhii.hmruu ' A large atoruuer.t of Piatt'. ,ek and Pinion Dining txluision 'J' and M.ltie. f .,nuihed at lowe.t price.. r uiuiture cartlully packed and ou itaumable term... Philadelphia, July 4, I8S8 ly Aw lruii, 1'ulutn, Ac. . 1 fcW supply of Diugs, PainU. Oils, rluid.Ac, juat receivrd and furaale by ' , A. W. FlsliEK. funhtiry.July IT, 1858. KOV N'S aud Breiuie'a Emnce ol Uingei aud Iluabaud'e Magnesia at STOUTTRY STEAM FERRY TO H0R THTJilBEIlLAKD. ON and afler Wcdnodoy llm Slsth July, the undoraignrd will run bia dTEAM KEKKY tOAT, regularly, for p.iwetigera, between Hun bury and INoiihumberliitid, according to the ful lowing schedule, viz." I.eiVeMaikot eueet wharf, Sunbtuy, atTOO A.M Ketumlng, leave Nertbumlwrlnml at 7.30 Leave bunbury for lry Valley at 8.1)0, touching at Notlhumbi rland at A.4S " lleiuuilnff, touch al Nerthumbor'd at 11.30 " Iavu fSunlurj for N'orlhuniherlund al 8 00 P.M Uelurning, leave Northumberland at S.80 Leave Suribury for Nerthuinlierland at 6.00 Returning, leave Northumberland at fi.30 " VVhsu convenient, Intarmcdiate tripa will be made. FAKE to and Sunbury and NorlliHm. herland 10 cents, or twelve Tickets for One Uollar. Tula arrengrmcnt will not only prove a rcat conv enience to persona visiting the two place on blisinetm or pleasure, but allords an agreeable and pleasant ride on ono of the most pict .rcsipje portions of the bci'itilul Susquehanna. IRA T.Cl.K.MUNT, Proprietor. ANDREW IlOOVEi:, Kiinhnry. July , IS58. AGrtlCULTURAL SOCIETY flMIE annual meeliiij of the Korthtimherland X County Suiieiy, In elect cll'i cers and drterinnie the place of Itoldiiig the an nual Fair, will meet at the Court House in Hun bury, on MUMMY, the 2nd dty 0r AL'UL'ST, at I o'clock P. M. XV. C. LAWSON, Preat. July 24, 1838. NOTICE-; rT'HE Jurors drawn and sun mnticd (at the - iSprcial Court, 2d week or August next, nerd not attend as there will not e any Court held at that time. JAMES VANDYKE, ShciilT. Bherill a ollu-c, ifuubury. 1 July 24 th, lss. f MUSIC TEACHER. , rr,HE subscriber renpactfullv infornia the r'ni--- zena or Hunburv bu vicinity, that he will remain in thia place for t! purpose nf giting lessens on the I'lANO, In ai-li aa many duiie instruction. 11 is terms w ill b reasonable, lie may he found al the Wa.hinrjtos House in thia place. 4 CHAHLF.STJARING. Sunbury, July 17, 185H. . v' 'HARD17 ARE! HARD YTARS . " VsfT irecived by A. W FISHEU. at Vit Drug Store, J-'unhury, Pa., SCOOPS. SHOVELS, FORKS. l.OG CHAINS, MI 1,1. $AXS, CKO.Sis. CL'T SAWS. Also, .crewa, Butts, Door Knob., Thumb Latches, nml all hardware nrcessary forbuililiiii;., A splendid bit of pocket aud table cutlery, !cis. sors, Ucrmuti (Silver fnoin. L.(ut;:Iii? Glasst s. A large atoi k or Looking (, received and for snle by A. W. H.SiiEli. Sunbury, July 17, flHE undcrai)nrd having received a large and , Peter Mr..u-c. X well aelected stock of j 10. F,.x Anthony, sellled ly hi. guardian I'ure Drugs and Itt-mtcaH, IMer strmie. Oil.. Piiii.M. Ulaaa and Pnltv. i, iioHri. l7' lu," V"""" 11 "''""-' l:- ready to fill order.nt a moment, notice'. K' M:Ul,d hy "",'ir L'";'."" M; s'' Wolllntfe'. In connection with the at.ovo voti will fitid an - , C- l!U L) I'l, h'.-jEL, Kegibier. ea.ertu.cnt of Fancy N.Uiona. Toilet Ir-icle. and h;'H,rr .' ,n'"c''- , i Peifnuie.v -or all T.h.i!.. ll,.ir ... . uubury, July 1 . 11 CI, alt,.. ItnuttM ndii'd,,, u . .;.. . -' - - , - . , . enunierate LLMLMUER tho place, next door to tho Peo- ple'a One Pi ice Store. . Cn.ton.era will find bis slock complete com- tv vvmTTTT- Vr.T rr-r? A fvi Z prising many articles it i. i.npoaaihle here UiXjW EOUT1 FCI1 IRAV LLEKb ! J'hysicia... Precriplions compounded accurate-' V".- ;x-.'-' A,',u JiMV, jii.v .1.1,, tt.l ...... r.. I... M.wmr.ii .1-, Ihe '1 1:111, .flliu Northern LuiTlal K.ikv.v ' aad carefully JUiihnrv, Jul A. W. J OCO. - v i i- . . . r:' J S,..i unu. iIUbP I.IIL Mllll nil ... . 1 ani.-i "-. ,,u, u.iicit; at Sun'.urv, July 17th, 1S5S. FISIIEJCVs. TURKITURE POLISH, j Poiilhi'Ti,-rc,"i.u,r ,0,i'! K,,"n"' Ku"i rolt.h J hi. pnlmh j uMy ,!,,,, u ring the polish illitl of Furil,ilirett:,.iui tarriajje Eodirp, ILirClelh. kc. Abo, motniB tpata, bidinr; ratehrs, Ac.. Ac. l r ranted to dry immediately and retain it. KUrf Price 50 els. l er bollle. SM h I els. per bottle. Sold hv A. V.'. FIsiIEL I July J7, 1S5S. Citrate of Magnesia' II R ' TASTELESS SALTS. 'piIIS preparatioi. i. recon.i ,dcd aa anex- rellent laxative and purgative. It (,,.,, mildly, is entirely free ft. mi ,tJ ..... 1 . . ... resemhliim l..,...i.. ;.. : ' ' , "l''e . - . 1 . I-.,,, '..iu ina A. W. FisllEU Sunbury, July 17, 1S58. jJullT MONAIES.Toh7d Ha,B,uVhe all u.ualmc, aJ allJ ,Juallli v fitf bh(, (iy July 17. '.,8. A. V. FISH EK. pi'KE OLIVE OIL for table w,- 1,1 371 and OS ccm just received by July 17. A. W. FISHER, pATCHOLEY, JOCKEY CUT!. S'l!l.(i I J LOW Kits. Ac, of Ihe ....litv ; supply jutt reccivej am f((r !ie Dru,t htore of A. W.FISHEK. f uuhury, July 17, IS.r8. Ctafioncry. A large sup;.ly of fancy X,ii, KJ Paper and Envelupes, Mourning, Letter, and Cup Paper, Pens, Ink, Sand. A:e., ut July 17. '..rj. A. W. F1SIIEIPS. TO I3ST"VJ1,II3S. D R. II ARI)M AN, AXtLITKIAL VElYSlCI.i.V tn Physician for Diseases of the Lun3. Formerly J'hyncian to n i;niti Murine JIoKjntiil und Jiirclidt i Jl,iru:t, ( ponding Member ;' ll.e l.ndw Medical Socittg nftibsereutina Author of "LiiTKaa to Ixvaliu.." mil Editor of ti e 'MruiCiL SriTiinbcui-k," may be consult, d at ftl.UlKl. "Wu.Ulllitull ll.u.r,'- ,iUi,i HAS VH.Lt',".Vloutuur II.misp," Auu.l 19. ULUtMlklJlHti, auu.t 14. UK. IIAltLi.MAN Irunt. c. i.,m, li. .,, Ur, nil.iu, rtl.KHua, Jitcao u tba lliruut an.l (.linu. by Alettu-Hl lahalulioii. Ui. llaiduiaa'. cLiun tu put lie emoUeucc are f.ui.lrd Upuu luc lollovvinjc .acts: 1 U.i tli,,Hitb .ikI eiani Me neijuniiits,, with the trupllce,, lUs u.vt wrltla.leU el,).iloi ul lif.a u. Well . Anivru-.. 8 I lie I'ct ul.urille. ofli a )tin (,f,r. fcring .rain every other evef y.l adopUit il ,... iluur ic. 10 utikr wen j uor tent uo,v. t . Iai.1.1 up a, crrllii. all UMiigviou. druaj.k.til p.'is ll. u. iiimm-iuI.. II. ills u...rceiilenttl In IJ. ...tiil a lira Wlier. aveiy lu.m ..I di.rua w.i. !irM uU-a Ut Irrat locnt in rates t4 tlenia, a-i .uu.i.a.ii. 11 ,4 lla, il.-.itl b.ty uwa, h.kI tl.e a)ta-uiuitc.a t ti.t- ..I'ti-i. d curt-iutiy ii.awt down by to. own hand l-.r t'tiiuri- f.-iVrcuta 'I lit-w, H14WI aud ubkervatioiut lltu. u.u. u l n c-..uq,lrted. wel lor.n Ivnibini .luuicsol li v- liundicl ca.-li, wh.rh Will be poblitbed lOrth. In. bt ,4 t... MrUica. ,r,lr.i..u. 4. in Mdd.Unu to tl..., bis vut rXw.u-m- iMairrd by tiav.. nea. ly nve years, i1i,,ub...i. aniiaally nav Ulloiara f,.HI .av.utM. lor l.leivnll"ll m u. lit. study 14" .11 t( iiMMdcirt in the l.tinaiu I'.ilnly. in 1.11. peri. i( tuna a. b.. trawled a tbn.i.r. neatly e.Ul In Iwii entire mreuil. ul' lb. gl.. mat lia en, pr. .-ribed for ejul beea euusuaed by acari) 30 tboua,uid invalids. ALL DIHKAbKS TltKATKI) I lurelatinii ta Ui. loH-.wiiiit diwi.r.. ...her when e.m- f.Ui-.te.l with lajag, r rxutins; alone, 1 ali iivtted C'MifejIutioit aiaually h..d tlieta ra-implly earubl.. Fr.a.u. .nd all f.'luia of i'eiaal. onuphiliit., lirtau lariliea ana WaekneM. A and niher of Herr Uiaeat.-. lavee Coni,l4in.i, UyrrH-tMia, and all other Uiteuwa id Bu.uunh ana Bowel., rut, to. 14T All duMMi at lh. R.-a and F.ur ! Neulalaut. P..I. U.iv, .nd .11 forma n( N'ervou. L)aMae, ur tin rharga 14 (Xwuaai:i :4jat'.'auivawjiw"M t XtZlLAlZLTUXA jTVT-D RUAtl'HO CTiAtJcjij oi? liotrpa. OM A.M A f MtJ.MlAV, Ja f 5, IP". llloil Wn in, iniiiii 'fi.u,-r u. in will leavo r,.iu.vilia .t A. .M.,riiM..,g llcuing- si V61 A. M. anil .Hiving at l'hilua. lpliiH al 111 il.i, i.i'im. . m 'i'littdotea Tinm will Isnva Pntltrllwat 8 M P.M., pMnnJlwiaiiigal.00,aiKlarriruig at I'lillnU plila al 7.41), I'. M. . . , ... , Moiling ami Afiernnnn rnmief Tmlin I'-ara rid bar-In. at Min. t,un a. h.rctn.t.rr, 7 30 A. M. ai.d V. M , pauiug ltuulnif at lu.Uu A. Al. a.itl 6 U7 r . M. IJ'.BANON VAI.I.KT BHAN0I1. riii:n Train Ifavea Ilcmling at 1UHSA M , arrii .lwi Down n t'p M rnn.R l'.eHrcr Tnnii f"1 Hiil'.vlUe and ri.iln.!t-1,lna, ami anlvea l llntil.l.ui at la.lU inxm, la tiino 1 wirl Willi r.iwng.-r o Hunlniry, Villinin.K.rl, llli.ut., I'm ntnii p , Cliait'l'i ''"". Haiti. n,r Bittl I ji.if anU-r,, leaves H.iriH,nrt at ..-, I". Al .after airivnl i.f I'liuenarr ' au-'Va puii.ta, mid arrive, at Riwluift at 4 55, in P"iilireMt'ilh Up ami Hatvn l'afr:ii?T Tiaiua ta t'olta Viile uud riiiludli.hi., tli. wme evening. U.A.MCOT.L9, Ei ginctr and S'aj'eriiilri.dciit. iulf 17, 13SS. tf tat'i.trliic Zii.tmr-rriati'rt .Nttitc. UTHJE hereby Ri'-cn that letlrra of ad u inisiriiticii have hepn ;rniile.l lo.the aub acriber on the relate nf Calhaiii.e ZituiiieMiian. Inle of Lower A.iRintit town-hip. JSoriliutiibiT. land county, deread. All pnrwina indebted are triple. ted to make immediate payment, and lhoe having t hiim will prpent them for arlllemri.t. MAMi;i-;i. II. 7.IMMr.ini AX, Xdiu'r. Lower lunusta Iji., July 17, 18.r.8. Ct TlWlON(V.S A SONS' Superior Tinning Fluid, Tor nle ut FI.VIGR'S I'rtii? aril Chemical Finj.orium. Puubury July 17, ISioS. REGISTER'S IJOTICE. TeVJOTICE ia herehy given to all legatees, H ctcditora and other persona intcrtstcd in tl.eeMntea of the lolloe.iurr limned prraona, tTlat t!te Ktecuiorn, and tii.a.diana of Ihc niiit entnte. htie I'. ii',1 Ihrir urcouula with the A'ei.-tcr ni .i liuutl,erlmi,l cointy, and that the a. line will be pres. nled to llie ('rphma Court of aaid comity on Tucs.l.iy, the Ud day of August, A. U., in the f.rpu.nin of ..lid day. 1. l''ni;lu John, tleci a-ed. nttlcdhy hi. ailtnin intrator du houi. nun I'hiiip V'einer. 2. Lose 1'retta, ueccu:ed. settled by her ad ministrator William Merner. 3. Hetrnk I'liil.p d. es.tsril, aelttrd by hia cx ecutot. Miihnel ami .X.choli. Ilelricl.. 4. l.niiuc, deceased, aellled by her rxrc utor I'lnlip Keitz. 5. Dniii.le tatiih. de.'eased, fettled by her ad tr .r ivilliati Dut.kle. (I. Painter, ileceiiscd, aellled by hi. ex rciT d'eo. A. Frick. 7. MainncHi John, dcrea.e.l, tcttloj by one of hi. etnnMis. .I..I111 F. Dentlcr. 8. Ilehl.iick Peter, deceased, nettled l.y bia ex erutnr IVter Dohin r. 9. Metier U illiam, uereanod, clt!cd by otic of hi. t -xpciitora, Lorenzo Metier. 1(1. Tweed William, deceased, aellled by hi. u.liiiiniti.ilor John Tweed. 11. Montgomery Mary, nettltd by her guar dian J,.hi. I.. Wins, in. 12. Ilu!iklelier;;er Catharine. imnn and I.aac. seltl.-d ley their KUoTili in Frltx Mourer. 13. Kiintz Harriet C. nml Mary C, ectlled by their 141 ! 11 r. Ii .1 11 H ieigfried I I. Alilier Datid L-, tililed by hi. guardian W'illla.n Kn-rette. I 1.. F.IY. llllll.a. Kit!1..! hv l-,.r f-..nrili..ll .1C3S.-3 - , . , issa. JSopUlCnt ClIlMnl il it 11 ! ! ,....,. 'SUIIULR ARRAhGEUEUT. V.'tnfai.y will leave ll..:l;-, (Sini,!:ijs.jicril,uj u. Il II ab : ' .t:(i NdliTII. uXn ti l. ami mu.uia IM-it.Ks TIIIK Kr,.nijAl.TI..L'l!Kt..sL.NUl'llV i 1.I..-.UK.V Arm-J Pulr.-rl Station, ..ik, i:i..!i..i.rt, II iin.ii, .M i,i.-ibiurj, t i;, !.. .., 'I iv..ii,ii JliiicI'ioh, S. iia-!irv. l Mil I, t , .V-nl'u.Hl.i na.ij, I itl,,lf IC .uie, l.,-v Jul((, Mill, 11, I. W .Ill'.VMI, l ,ii.. town, l-.y.;,--., .itoa.', I.eru.-. '. .Mlnn-y, .l.,iit.,ar,, Willimii.Mal, t.ianra, I a-a v, M. 8 b (,-, f 13 tl in I'i III III III -'1 III ill 1 ,1 IU ,k! 11 ' I II na il 13 Uli II - 1 I .i Il HI II i, 11 I '. II t i IH'J II 411 110? Jt 1 a 1 i ij ft I-' 11 u 11 i-'-.u l.'UI i ' i i -'-j I.' ;4 la :,n ia 4 i i a si 4 au w l-i ia on ia u 1 10 coixo Slit 111 rratn t:l.M!i:. .j;.i'.i,u li.M.TlMOi: Anive. 0 11(1 u -II 1:11 1.1 iv, i' (i till A. -M u lo tl -J,. M ;ii II 41 U 41 II t i I) Al v :, J in 11 iu 17 tn -Jt Id La in 10 111 61 II II II I I II -J1 ii ;j 1 nu 8 la , .,i..m"uivii.ef Miaa-y, ti 31 0 It I) l;l ta it II 37 III C7 III Ol 111 Ul 111 ai 10 111 10 0(1 11 I'I II II II :i II M U II H ou 4 iu llt-riivi '., .Mo,ii(,u.try, Kt!ll . 1 ni, nt, u n, UlM..,t..M ii, Mi.ton,, I lllillHtl::,(!IP, .Sol lulllnl't'l ...1(1, sl N Ut II I , S, link-t.rovt-, Trtrvorl.,11 ttinrtioil i-...i:vl .wn, M.lleit'Uit;, I'aj.ll.., Hfi !et.rt, V.ak, t.'ulvcrt l-;, MAIL .TnAIIJ. ouiu .oiitit Fi.iia UAI.TIMDltl-: tu M'MIL'IIY & KI.MIRA. Anive. l..-ave. 10 A. 11 Jl 1 111 p. I U si 1.1 tl 27 8 -H 8 Uli 8 ot 3 CI 8 IH il 3 117 U I'I II CO 4 la 4 li 4 i '. 4 .13 4 a.i 4 S 4 45 6 el 6 :iu r.-.ivi-ri stuti-u. II 1,0 1 a -. j I in a 117 8 -.1 M a 8 .11 I II H a m a J7 3 4(1 j ,' i 4 INI 4 14 4 Ui 4 : 4 :l 4 117 4 li 5 14 6 IS 0 Ul Hi 1, lienor! t!l .1 k I' erry All.icltl.arg llu.-tiaiiati Nlall .ntonirn .in r.-l ivn Trevoitoi. Janctiun rM-lii.-i .nvo SIMM It V .N oitiiiiintM-.liuit) t 'tiii i.q.inoae l.rwutiuig .Milloil Vllllt'WI. rmonti.vvi, IwM'l Mntj-anry ll-icci'a Ma ry Monioiir.vire tv nliain.pat EJ.uiia GOINU gOl'TlI. Flora i:L.MIH.V tu&lMil'iiV UALT1MOKL. MteSStlllf H. & IV Ptl Arnvc, l.eivo., its at, .v M V illui,oiirt, 3 .11 i,u .M 'i.tonrbvillr, 4 18 4 l-J lnnc.., 4 V"J 4 8J Hci(tei's 4 M 4 ott M nUoinery 4 4 ol K.wiT'a 4 11 4 41 1 1.1 nt iwii 4 id 4 4 Uataoiilovia 4 Sj 4 &S .Mm,, .., it. SO, J.clBlairg i ij j 15 cb.iaa(t.c.qua A "a a 'ji Noiiiiumi't-fianfl fi avj 5 ;n hi Mil HV, 6 41 ft ta telin. A .'.i fi 11 1. Junction tt tu s 11 tie-er.wu, VI v8 kniha.u.iugu JJ , 6 08 Uiirliuita.,, C an fi ;n Mill. r.l.urg 6 44 0 41 ll'iin.l 0 67 4 ft.j I lurk', t'eny 7 IJ 7 ij .aii bin 7 V5 T 8W ll.i, Htport , f tl a 40 York tl AS 67 Calvert Bullion. I IS July III, InV?. NOTICE. .4 LL person, having claim, on Michael Cra- bam, auo-coulr.ctur on e-eciiou SI, North. rn Centi.l Hail b'o.d, for in.lerial. furnished or labor which they may consider ine iu any way holding lor, will plraae pre.ei.t then, lo Dr. W. H Mair who has hifti.n bimstlf in an in strument of witling with in tn draw said lira barn's climate, and kecu me kaiii.ltss against all claimed agaiust said Ciiabain. Ii. E0CLE. CuatHxy, Jul 9, 18M. . ...jmaiiii.w.jt ..MLaia....i.u.a."'giai A 1 A ! N I tl K CIIAIPIOH 1 1 The or.y Hula which, in eteiy iiialalioe, ptr.tfrvej U.e'r rn tiro coi.lei.ta iu tho luld x tcn.ive lire. . At Ihe burning of the A ni ls n Ou'.liliail., April 10th, (and In tbe (iKEAT FIKF. in Market eUott, May , l56,- the genuine IJRRRINO SAFB PreferveJ tbe Jewelry of Ue.i. W. KlmnntrA llto. Donka, Papera, Ac, or Ft.ber i Krosend Edward featnane A Co., aftrr 01 posed in the burning ruin for nctrly FUU'PY IinUHS, eud pruiinrr conclu.ivrlv wlmt we have always claimed lor then., TH EIItUIIEAT SUPERIORITY over all anuritic. now known. ,. In theta fire., TUE IlEP.IIIMi'd SAFE, a1ai.t3ii.ti aide by .hie with tho.o advertiaed a. warranted lo .land 10 ptr cent, more firn than HerrbiRV camo forth Ihe ACKNOWLEDliEU VIC FOR t only preaervir.u tlnir contenta in EXCEL TJ.NT order, bul bring in t!iempvea in a condition to go throne,!, another ordeal, while tho linastod 'alam.imlcr" of other ma ker were b.tdly ueJ up in every instance, and .11 aoino caaca their entiro contents completely tloiitroycd. To tho public lie would win ply aay, that, du ring the finneen yeara Ibe II EKI.T-Nti'.S SAFE ha. been ht fate them, r.-.ore thai, two hundred have pawed through acciilpiilal tires without the occurrence of a iti!;lo h.s. We would, therefore, CAUTION purrhaaera against the mbrrprt aenlntton of inicre-led par tir. The IIEKKlMi'S PA I'E.NT i. the only Flfin PI.OuF (JAFK made in thi. titv, which ii protected by a "PATENT KIlillT, and we will cuaranlco it lo more t'.cn double the amount of beat of any other ISafe now known. Fnrri I, Hi-rl lS &. 'o., (Solo Manufaclurcra 'n this Stale of "Herring's Patent Cliampion Sr.fcs," y-l Walnut ft., I'hiliula. ty "Evans A Walfon's Improved Salaman der.," "Oliver Evan.'," (,'. S. (m ler'n," and ' Scull's Abeto," Iron Chest., (a lurj;e n..nrt mint l.nvtnjr heen taken in part payment for "llerrins's") will be sold at low prices. Philadelphia, July 10, ItCirt. ly rTPobaCCO and Eecaro. SO.OIIO Imported -"- Sear. of vuriou. brand. Eldorudo, Fig, ('nveiidi.h and fine cut tobacco at A. W. FISHER'S. Kutihury, July 17. ISIS. jpoKTand .MADEKIA WINES, Schiedam Schnapps, Wild Cherry brandy. Elackherry ttnl I. mend. r brandies lor medicinal purposes al July 17. V.l. A. V. FltfHElt. IJL'IJE CONCENTRATED i.VE OR SA- POM ITER, for sale at FP-HEK'S Dru:. Store. Price 20 cla. I). K1RKPAT1UCX k SONS, Nu.UI Siu'h TI.11.I Sti.-.-t. I,.-! w.-.-.i Mirl.ft and Clientut :iett, l'H!l..lll.:.l llA, 1 'Pit kiIp li Hid.'.. I ii'-il un, I ...lie, I ; TVv nml I (incil Sn.'(,-.l I'nlnri KlI pN, 'I'.W.Nt Kiir, tilt., TAN, M-.U' ami i;i ui:ii:ii' ruoi.s. n,,.i racial uiutart. tlici.t .,1 j.L-jtl,.-., 1 li.itln-d ::n,t lit IllL- I l.ili': l. also Ki.i) soi.i: i.t: vi All of wlncli will L; a,,! I l,,v lur fiisl., nr the usual 1 4'" All kiiulK of I.entl.r it. Ilia It-n p h wanle.', fr w!,ii-li Ha- In-l-i 1 in-.i 1.. t i n-e Will 1,0 Bivea, la raiti, ,.r tn'.'-a in I 1-r Hill'. I.e.iili.-r M .ml 1 r-r ,,f t'l.:..-r. ntitt S-,1.1 "11 C'.minii.ion. l'l..l..ill,!.la, 3, Ir-ur. ly ICE CEjMII PIEK.S. MAKIA WIIAbTCN respettfully in-- forms her friend, tnd Ihe ful.lic Keneiull) , thai .he will accoiumodate will, ickcugam, at hrr resilience, on everv t-vcniui? Sundays cx cepleil) iliiiiiiuthe present numuicr. Siiiihuiy, J til v 'J. lM.'iri. SUV RIFTS SALE. I5y virtiM of a writ or Fitri Fnriat. sued out tif tbe I'outt of Common l'leus or Noilli-uinb.-rlatiil comity ami a Totatum wtit r Venditioni I'jpomi.i, to 1110 ilirected will bo exposed to Public Sale ut tbo Court House in Sunhury 01. Satutilav, tli(! HUtday til' Jul v inst., (IK1K.) ut 2 o'eli e'k P. M ., tbo followint' described H.-al ,r. perty, to wit : 'llm t. no equal undivided third part ofu tract of land, situate in Cameron townsliip, N' cimnty, adj.. initio lan.l. i.l 1' ivid Ull'irnaii on tin- west und land of Dan iel I.oiijj on the lioitb. Ci'ut linin 'JO ncre? mora or less, ubout one bull' of which is clear ed. Al.HO : tbe undivided moi.-lv rr bt!f ri'-l of a Co: tain 1..' or piece of e.or.nd Mlaato ill lr.ict ..nil land o tbo cs'.ato ol .loht, ,.ry mi. u, i'ji:n 1 1 1 ii-ij't tiini .i.auani.y creeii. ."i'.luit!iiir ubout one uere nnd a hali', ull of wb icli i. clean d. W I.i ri on are erected a Saw Milt und u sniall Hi, use. Seized t:i!. n in exeenti.m nnd lo bo solJ as tbo property of Clin',,. s I!, nntn,;,-r. J AM F.S V NHYKi:, Sbcrill'. Pbcrill". Oirice, Mun'.-urv, July It), lnr,H. " SH2ERIPP DALSS. I?V virtue of sundiy writ, of YEKDiTinvt - ICxroM. and Llvaiii Facia, i-sued out ol llif Court of Coiniiii.ti Pleas uf Northumberland county to uie diteete.l, will be exposed to Public tale at ll.o l.'ourt House in Suiiburv, 0:1 U) 1) V the Sdday ol A I lit fsT m xt, nt I, P. M., the following deaciibed Ileal Tropcrt,! wit: A certain Lot of ground, situale in Ihe town of Trevoiton, in tow nsliij., Northumber land cnonly, being lot Ti.t. 0, in 110.71, bouiubd on tho notili I y l!ie b'ailrnud, on the east bv tacai.t uro'iud and ll.e w eih-rciile., on the south by and on the west by olher .-ts of llie tleU'iidanls, whereon i. creeled a two s'.orv liaine hoa.e and kiich. ii. Also, auolbrr certain lot of ground, silniilo in the town of '1'ievoiton, nt ire.aid, 'icing Lot No. 3, in block 110, bounded on then ,rtli by an alley on the eal bv lot No, 2, in sai I block, No No ; on the south by Coal street, and 0.1 the wist by lot No. I. in said block, wherco. is trcctcd a two story fi.iiuo lloutc. Alo, another ce.l.'.n lot of grrut.d, situ:: te in the ton., nl "i'revorlon. Hlo.CMiid, being l,,l No. 3 ill block No. to, bounded on the mut.i by Ma!:a noy street ; on Ihe east by lot No. 4, in said block on Ihe south by llie luilioad ; 011 the wist by lot No. S, in said bl. c, whcicou i. trcctcd a Sl.ughic r-houo. Also, I...I. No.. 1 t 8 i: Pio-.-k No. 1:17 in said town, bounded ell the weal bv .lib. sin . 1 : on Ihe south by ("oul street ; on the north l.y an ! aucy anu on me east l y lot .so, ;t,m anne block. ho, Lot. No.. H li in block No. S 1. 1 ouud- ed on llie west In lot No. 4 ; east bv lot . i. 7 In .ante hhuk; nuith by Mai Let stied and .uulh by an !l. v. Also. Lot. No. 4 & in Mim k No. If. bounded south by the Kailroad; uo.ll. by Mahanoy .'let"; east by lot No. o, and we.l by lot No. li iu same, block. Also, Lois Nos. 8 j 3 in block No. SI. I I.o, Lota Nos i X 13 in block No. .VI. Also, Lots No., 1. !!, :i and 4, iu block No. 4. Also, Lot. No.. 7 M iu block No. ''7, bound ed on tho Weal by lot No. 0; ea; t by ll .No. U, in same blin k ; by the railroad on the north aud Market sliet t Ou the .onih. ' ' Also. I.ut No. .1, iu blink No 34. ' Also, two out lots in said town of Tiev, rion. and maiked Ui .n tbe generul plan ofs.iid town j Nos. ti and lid, coi. taming one acre each. f Abo a celt. in tract ol unimi. roved land, silu ato in liush township, iorihuuibrland county, adjoining laud, late oi Kij p heir., land of Ihe be r. al John Pilurr, d reused ; land of Dt .uy. WiIIibiu liearhatlaiid olhtra. cu;ilaiuiiig Acrea more tr less. Also, an olhrr certain tract or I'iere of laud. situate in Push township, aforesaid, hound-d on llie east by land ol Mrs. liussrl on ihe uoill. by the north east branch of the river fSu.iu. luni.s i on toe rn-.l d I. n,l now or Lie il tile lie.r. of Ja c.b Kerr, deeea-ed, ai d on ibe south by the rad teadiog from Sunbury lo Danville and land uf Kohrri Moore, coiiuiiuiij 6'J Acres mote or lea., nearly alt of w l.ieb ia cleared and whereon at traded two story houaa and kitchen, a b.Vvl -:.:.i: fnmn bam and wnnn .bed, at-rll 0f trgtcr, (r) oribard, out In ilrlini:., ic. ei7id tal.en In eretition and tn b. sold a. flia p.otvTtyi.r Iirnjwniii (Jrarbait and Lui.tititl KAiifiinan. trading aa Crnjamiu Ccarbatt & Co. and II. B. VVe.vor. Ao as Uit property of Denjaru.n Ueaibarl Co, aiidorscra of Alaar AUavia, ALSOr A l Uu attwui itrasj and plana, all tl.a) ctrUia lvntiwy fcrirk butldtnit, sitiiaia- on Sitamoltia street in Ui town of fsbantoktn, raj lot nwruber twelve in block ooehuiidted and nincly-oua ic ccrdiriR to dan of said town, eighteen fret front and twenty feet deep and lot or pir of (tr.iund and curtilarje appurtenant to said building. Heircd taken in execution aud lo Via sold aa tba proptrty of tl.iahotb HoSir.ani ALSOj At tba .m time and plte, all that certain two story ftatno nieK.ii .( und toncment, siluata in thetowrsliipof Zerbo, in t!-.e county or Nor. tlnittiberlnnd, in tbo town of Trevpitcn.nnd num. brred in the general pbi-i of said town, number Four, in block number one hundred and lour, bounded on Ilia north by an alley, on tl.a e-..t by lot number live, now in tho occupancy or Alexan der Licit, on the south l.y Shamokin alrect, and on tbo w at hy lot nuin'ier three, contai'iinn in front 011 S' e reel. and in depth tbi-ty, and the lot or piece of ground and cur tilage appurtenant to .aid building. Srizid taken in execution ar.d to bn sold as the property of M. K. Manly and John Seiblnr. ALSO 1 At the sama time and pla?, a r.rtain lot of crouuil, sitttalo in tbo town of 2'reverton, in Zerbe township, Northumberland connte. hnin lot ,o.4,in Mock lot, fronting on Slinmokin Mrcet and bounded 01. the west by 'ot No. 3 and on tlio cast by lot Nr.. 5, being S5 feet in width and 1.10 feet in depth, wlierejn is erected a two story fiati.B house painted brown. Suiiod taken in execution and lo be sold as the proporty of Malilon K. Manly. ALSO t At it c stmo lime and plare, the following pro. ptrly to wit: A certain tract of land, siluata in township, Northumberland county, hounded by land. 0r the heirs of John Smith. d"c'd. nml Daniel Smith on tho west, land, of Goorgo Keller und the heir, nf f.'cnri:e Divlcr. dee'd, on tbe cast s lands nf John Mart., Samuel Ha'cs and oilier., on the south, and a public lioad and bind late of If tiglt Uellns, on tho north, contain, ing 2110 Aires more or less, about OU acrrs of which are cleared, whcr.vm are creeled a two f-tory frame House, a large liank Darn, Otchard, &ic. Ptized taken iu execution nnd to be a, II' a. the property of 11. O. Taggert, J, II. Furmaii and K. C. Uarlon. ALSO 1 " At the same lime and place, a certain lot of trround, situate iu the town of Mount Carmcl, in Mount t'ar.nel township, Northumberland coun ty. In in? lot No. 1, in block No. 40, it. the gene ral plan of said town, bounded on the north bv third atrct't, on the south by lot No. 2, in said block, 011 the cast by an alley and on tho wet bv Ouk street, containing- 5U feet in front and 150 fed in depth, whereon i. erected a two story franif I.ouye. Seized taken in and to be sold aa tho property of David Llcweilvn. AI.SOl At the same time and place, a certain lot of ground silu-itt' in the Lornuuh of Sm.bui y, land coenti, fronting en Llaikiicrty ttr.i t, ad. joining a lot nf Jacob ''able 01. tho cast, a lot of IMwatd Y. Uii,;ht on the wet, and bounded by a twenty feet ulley on Ihe north, wheieoii are erected a one and a half stoiy Log !!.i ec, al.a a one and a half story Iratne house, out-b Hidings A c. Seized taken in execution m.d to be sold us tho property of Jacob U. Ma.scr. ALSOi At the same time and place, two certain lots of ground, situate in the town of Trcvorton in Zerbo township, Northumberland county, bcinn lota o. 3 and 4, it. block No. 132. whereon ia erected a two story f.amo House, said lots being bounded south by a rtred, hy tu, alley, south-east by the old Uranrh li.iil, and west by the Trevorton Company". Lota. Seized taken in execution nnd to be sold as tho property of John Uracil'. ALSO: Atthesair.olime and! iheititerest share or purpart of Daniel Laycock, supposed to be tho undii ided I'lh part, more or Ics.i, of and iu a eer. tail. Irat t i f Land, situate in Point township, Nor thumberland county, bounded by lands of lha heir, of K. OiveiMingh. dee'd., and lands of l'c ler and other., ci ntaining F.iiiiteen Acre., more or lesg. whereon ore elected a two-story bamo dwelling house, a Ir.n.c aj.plo or chard, .V-r. Seized taken in execution an I to be sold a. Ihe 1 repcrty of V. iilia.u llouncl uud Dau. iel L:iVJ,:,-k. -L.-0: At the eaiv.e tltr-.e and i lace. n'.l Ibn' eer. I,,,,,.,,,,.,,,. sjt''a.I,.J j su lrmso cr bm 1 ine- nnd inuikin st root 1- ., h is .No.. 1 nnd 2 in tho town r.f Trovor. ton. in Nd !l:timl..,,., t.,,tv. cnlaiiiiinr in 1:1 Paid Shainnkin reel' feet, nnd in t.ept -10 1'. . t, and tho 0t or picea "of ground, und furlilii-e.4 uppurteiiant to Paid buildinrr. Seized l.i!;i n i, i.xecntii.n and n be Fold aa tLo prep, i-.y of Christopher J. M. Newman. ... 'AMI-:.- VANDYKE, ShcriX Sheriff ., f unbury, i July 3. 158. I PUOCLAMATIOX. V()lif.K ,s ,rrt.,y given ,.,, tllfl KCVHral t ottrls of Common Pleas, (Jeneral g.ierter the peace, and Oprhans' ( 'onrt. Court ol Oyer nnd Terminer and t.eneral Jail Drhxerv, ill and lor tlio county of Northumberland, to commence at tlio Conn H, u,n, i the borough ol Sui.bury. at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Man.lav. tho ONE VEI'K '8''' "ri."JiH co.'iiii.uo Tbo co. iner, Justice, of the Pe ace and consta ble, u. and lor. he county uf Northumberland, ara to I e then ai.d there iu their ..roecr e son,, wah t!,e-,r rolls, records, iu,jui,'iionS, nl ouicr remenihrai.e,.,,, to do tlio,c thj,, ,0 llclr .evc.ul olh.-e. appertaining to c done. And a. w.tnesit . prose-e-uling in behalf of the Cmiinonl wealth any pri,,,er arc also requested and commanded to be th, ami , attending in their ropet per.a,:. to prosi-cute again.t hitn, as shall be jost-and not to depart itl,uut ieave nt their peril. Jiirora are requested lo be punctual i th.-ir ZZX1 "ie tlme "i",-d " livon umlcr my band at Snnbury, the Sfith day ot June ,,, tbe year of n,I.orj one tboii and et.h hundred aad f,ft,is.t.j ,i;e lode, ollhe fttited State, of America Ibe O'oJ save the Commonwealth. J VAitS VANDVKt: w.,r SheritT's Office, Sunbury, iunburv. i June 1S5S. ( a, t..i., :,tn, me tvourt ct :umi.,on Pico, of , 'bu...! .-,!..,,! CUI,ty, to be held at Sun burv, ihe first Monday of August, jStf. Plaishi;.. , Drrr.A-T.. Pllzabdh Seller's children vs. ,.'bn Kil,,l. JchU Peter Dickcsaii John liowen Atexamh r Cell, James Kager, He nry 'cie. I arger at al, v Shaffer ct al, vs J. B. M user, John A l.lutd, a Jauns Vau.lvko. s Thr-a. Uauin-jardiiei", a. tt oivr .ioi, ill! lenient v. Fireman James Maiotte v. p,i: ,tr Jlunl...,, H V TlioiB-te De.r , Alfred, U ... Lonax. Jce vs Wm I,, U M r lemming eVc, vs Vm L Htllanatain , M ..eitv OLC Haag .V Iliown Ldw.rd tiro. v same va William L Dewart, va llalpli U .glo etal va William Avrea' adin'r, Henry M." K.,hina, va Cbaila llt-llcmtein, vs John Petermaa, t Jo llefl'inan'a adm'ri v Jhn P. I'urscl, W. O. Ksm at al John II. Fox Sarah MHIer J; co. lia J . I lrmeiit Isaac Urow Deborah Huzzy Haztard Jr. StarUk Keubraj Fagely U VVolborn Carbon (tun Imp. Co. Isaac Urovn v John ti Bnjder, vs J. Faru. worth at ah VI Abraham fi r..K DAXIEL BECKI.EY rroth'. Prothouotary's UOica, ' 1 r0lil ajnobary, Jaii 10, V