Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, July 31, 1858, Image 2

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    Califonia $lctos.
- -
Th 6teamMp atone Taylor, from A spin
wall, arrived lit New York, on the 2lh inst.,
bringing California dnles to the fith instnnt.
tier specie list amounts to nearly 61.200,000.
The Frazer river gold excitement coiitiuors
tinabaled. One letter writer, vouched tor in
the Ban Frnuclseo paper as reliable, snys
nil Erst day yield was seven hundred do!
lure I
Yictoria wns crowded with Amen'coos, who
t'fid rnn up tbe prices of building lota to
Tbe Hudson's Bay Company are buying
gom uon el sfin per ounce.
The Indians had commenced molesting tbe
emigrants on tbeir rond to the mint. A
party of ten, encamped Dear Schorue, were
eltncKed, and lis killed.
Twenty-two canoea, filled with Indian war
nora, were popped going into Victoria, and
two hundred more were on their WBy and
daily expected. It is feared that the mining
region win tie overrun oy mere warriors, and
u indiscriminate massacre follow.
Fonrtcen ateam and aailing vessel hnd left
Ban Francisco daring the fortnight for Frazer
The California Supreme Court has decided
the Sunday law to be unconstitutional, and
all prosecutions on that law have been abun
ilie Firno Indians have pot up another
quarrel with the Apaches, and have mustered
upwards of a thousand warriors to give them
battle. The Fimoa hove always been a
peaceable and industrious people, and have
ever been etauuch friends of the Americans.
It is the determination of the Fimos to "wipe
cnt" the Apaches, or as they express it, to
eat them up entirely, which is a consumma
tion devoutly to be wished.
Ned McOowan was arrested on the 25th,
i ion oucramenio wiinrl, just alter the am
Tal of the boat, on a charge of libel, preferred
by officer Chappel, of tho police. He wns
conveyed to the City Hall, and whilst stand
leg in the rorridor, prior to giving bail, wns
buui at. j nicer uovee lias since been held
to answer for the act. Meanwhile McUowan
has gone to Frazer river, having been con
reyed from the revenue cutler Marcy to
Jlurin county, and thence to the steamer, ua
the was passing out tbe "Golden Gate."
"Y learn from Mr. Lewis Dorr, just down
from the mines, that Frazer river Is falling
rapidly, water being now four feet below high
water mark. Tbe miners are not doing much
now, but it is conOdeutly expected that a
great Lumber will te able to get to work
within ten days or a couple of weeks. The
cluim, of which Mr. Dorr is one of a company
in possession, is located on a bar about one
mile above Fort Yule, und it is thought it
will yield fcnndponiely as soon as the river
falls. Provisions canuol be hod without pny
ing the moit exorbitant prices such as 50
per bbl. for black flour. At Fort Hope good
flour is worth 50, sugar 50 ceuts per pound,
nud other articles in proportion.
At Fort Yule, there is little or nothing to
be had for love or mouey. Milling and cook
ing utensils are very source, and enormous
prices are obtuined for them. The Hudson's
Boy Company bud seized the mining imple
ments of some miners ou Hill's bar, for vio.
la'.ing the law in regard to trafficking, which
excited considerable iudignation uuiong the
Mr. Dorr thinks tbe best way to reach the
diggings on Fruzer river is by water, and not
tbe trail, as tbe Frazer river will be naviga
ble for curious within a week or two.
Tbe Satellite, on Monday last, overhauled
eleven canoes containing miners, and ascer
tained that all weie provided with licenses
before ullowiug thni to proceed on their
way. Victoria Gazette.
Tbyiko it nun. in advice from ting
land by the Indian represent that the Atlantic
Telegraph Company intended to make another
trial to la) the mile across tho ocean. The ve.
els were to start en the 17th, and by lhi lime
are in mid-ocean, again at work running u(T the
Cable. It must he confessed ilint the hupe ol the
company keeps up well under all the discourage
merits thej have experienced, but they probably
think they will never again have the chance of
mine tho experiment under suth favorable cir
curoeiancee, Willi the best ships ol two liovcrn
Tnei.U at their scivk-e. The account which we
pohlish in another column of the breaking of the
continuity" and the mysterious causes of that
catastrophe, do not serve to impress 'he minds of
readers wiin any great hspe of success in the
present eipeiimrut. It is so similar to the ex
perience in thefirst trial thatwssmaile,ss to lead
strongly to the presumption that the conducting
wires become broken during the laying of the
cable, probable fnm the untwisting, and leaving
the whole strain upon the core, and thai this is
the reason the "continuity," or transmitting pow
er of tbe wires, is destroyed, in every instance
e tried, before the cal ls is paid out more than
three or four hundred miles. We shall look,
however, with interest to the result of the experi
ment now being tried, but we confess, wait di
minished hope in ils success, whim we look at
the number of probabil.lies agiiust it.
Tbi ITartist Probpkcts. Indiana. The
wheat crop will be fully an average one.
Oats rather a failure. Corn promising.
Grass abundant.
Ohio. The wheat crop will full but little
below an average in unnnlity and quality,
Outs end barley will lull oH' considerably.
Corn will yield an average should the soasou
prove favorable,
Georgia Corn and potatoes promise on
Immense yield, bo also throughout tbe
toulliwest Cotton crop is also Due.
Alabama. Tho prospects indicate as fine
a cotton aud corn crop us any ever made in
the Slate.
Aritamai For corn, tobacco, wheat aud
oat the prospects are tolerubly good.
Texas. Wheat good. Coru mule than an
average. Cotton u lurge crop.
iVeio York, Vermnnt. Massachusetts, .Veic
Jersey, and Pennsylvania, all promise a full
average crop Ol wheat, brass an immense
yield, and potatoes and corn very promising.
Wiicontin The wheat crop will fall be
low an average, so also ia many portions of
Virginia and Maryluod. Ihe sugar and
cotton crop in the Sooth premise a laigo
A Pkontablk Ci-aiKEss. At the meeting
of the slock holders nf the Company Wheeler
& Wilson's Sewing Machines, held in Hiide.
port an Wednesduy last, a dividend otjty
per cent was declared. On the first of Jan
uary lest a dividend of twenty per cent, was
declared and a year ago a dividend of forty
percent Tbe capital stock is one h unfiled
and iizty thousand dollars. The stock is now
at a premium or 300 percent, The Company
re uciw manuraclunug, at Bridgeport, fitly
machiires per day, end keep 2f0 men iu con-
tant employment. They pay the patentee
of one particular combination in their ma
chine ten dollars for each mac hiue they man
ufacture. The same peculiarity is also adopt,
ed in the Grover & Baker nud fie Singer
machines, and the same sum paid the paten
tee for tbe use of the right.
Novl Rrckpijih. On the 3d of July tl.a
Republican of Ashtabula, Luke aud (Jeauga
rouuties. Ohio, gave a public reception to
Benalor WaJe and Joshua It. Giddiugs
They formed a procession which, to use the
laugoage of tm Ashtabula Sentinel, the Ke
publican organ, headed by twelve beau
t.M uegro girl, each bearing a baouer repre
senting the twelve States that are true to
freedom." who, aW, with tbeir flags occupied
the it 4.
8 j r a j .i r,
E A..
8ATUEDAY, JULY 31, 1858.
IL B. MASSEH, Editor and Proprietor.
i o AirvxaritERi - -The circnlntlnn of the Sunhury
American among the different town! on Hie Snrnnelianna
noi exceeded ifcqaatSed by any paper puMialiedin Noith
in I'eiintTlrania.
Democratic? State Nominations.
ViI A. PonTtR. Philadelphia.'
roa canal commissioner,
(3F ro IkENT. A bouse in Market street
Apply ot this oillce.
T Arthur's Self Sealing Cans or Jars
and the OIJ Dominion Coflee pot, for sale at
mif ouice.
k.- ua our Lrst page is an excellent
sketch of ft sermon, on a rrnivi iih;..n K
. . J
lienry ard Beecher.
ICT The travelling over the Northern Cen
tral road is improving everyday. The cars
in the 4 o'clock traiu op and 11 o'clock down-
ore generally pretty well filled. In a few
weeks we expect to see them crowded.
CJT Artui'b's Home Gazettb comes to us
well-stored with useful and entertaining unit
This publication, whilo ia the hands of Mr.
Arthur, will always be a desirublo fumily
The Danville American quotes butter
in thut place at 12 cents per pound. Ve
are paying here 16 cents per pound und have
been paying 20 cents. Sunbury has been,
for sevtrul years, the head Of market for
provisions. Ihe provincial towns in the
neighborhood try hard to keep up, but are
frequently obliged to full buck.
C2 Serenade. We listened, the other
night, to a serenudu by the st:ing band of
this place. We seldom ever heard better
music at any time or place. This bund can't
well be beut.
63" Furniture, io.-Wo call the often.
tion to the advertisement of Messrs. Moore
& Campion, No. 2b'l south 2nd etreet, Phila
delphia. Tbeir establishment is one of the
largest, ns well as ouo of the best in Phila
delphia, and their work is u'l warranted to be
of the lest quality.
sjT LrriEL'e Age. This popular
pcriudicul, published weekly by Messrs.
Stuiidl'ord & Dellisser, New York, contains
in a condensed from the best, and most desi
rable portions of the various foreign publicu.
tious. it ia a most desirable publication in
every family.
tbe opeuiug of this Academy will
notice or
bo found
in OUT 'lerl itinrr li, - u:- .
Mcr arluud, the principalis an active aud
efficient instructor, aud the location of the
institution, ia desirublu, ou thu score of health
aud economy.
Cy '1'dk Primer. A useful book to the
craft, contains a lurge amount of interesting
mutter for tho general reader. It is got up
in excellent style and conliiins n large amount
of general information. It is published month
ly, by Henry t Huntingdon, N. Y., ot only
1,00 per uunuin.
The President of the Pennsylvania
railroad, threatens to reduce the fare to one
cent per mile if the New York roads do not
put up their fare to the usual rates.
Some of our Democratic friends in Schuyl
kill county are in great tribulation, und have
been surely puzzled to know where they ure
uud what they are. They waut to kuow who
constitute the. Democratic party iu that
county, aud where it may be found. Many
of them having long since abandoned those
lundmaiks laid down by Jeflersou, the founder
of Democracy, and substituted therefore some
new fancied notions of the diy, thny End them
selves utlout in the open sea without compass
or rudder. In this dilemma they buvu up
pealud to 11 ou. F. W, Hughes for informa
tion. The authority of friend Hughes, on
matters of political fuith with some iu Schuyl
kill, is utmost us potent m that of bis name
sake, the DiEhop of New York.
Mr. Hughes is so uble and ingenious law
yer, and we have great regard for his opin
ions ou subjects iu w hich he is not interested.
The Ltcumptuu malady has given him a
greut deal of trouble, aud he bus hud us
much us he could attend to since the break
ing out of thut epidemic, iu keeping up lis
victims, from Uov. liiglerdown. Mr.ilughus'
opiuiou is, of course, made as fuvoruble for
his clieuts us possible, aud is iugeuiuusly
alupted for the occasion. He decides that
the Lecoinptuuilea are the siinou puree,
Iu doiug so he due not, of course, refer to
thu principles la d duwn by JvGcisuu aud tbe
father of Democrucy, as they Would ueces'
surily iguoie all thu arguments used iu sup.
poit ot that mongrel measure. According
to Jetl'ersou aud hi followers, Democracy
was thu uubiasud expression of the popular
Will. According to l.ecou.ptouisin, Do moo
rucy cuusisl iu uiukiug the opinion of uiuuy
conlorui to the opiuiou of uue. '.'
Mr. Hughes very good nuluredly says, the
people of Kansas, uudef the lCnglisb bill.cnu
uow vote for or uguinsl the Lecouiptoo CoH'
sliluliou, but omit saying thut this subiuis'
siou of the question to the people is uccoin.
pauied by threat and promises of reward-
promises of tome millions of acres of land, if
they vote for Lecompton, and uone if they
vole agaiusl it. This is, a Judge Douglas
observej iu the Senate, like the freedom
allowed by Louis Napoleon, who permitted
his soldier to rote, but told them if they
did not vote fur him, they woulJ lose their
Lead. No, do, Democracy never recoguiaed
the right of controlling public opinion by
threats or promises.
The Adjutant General has published re
ply to numerous letter addressed to him, on
the subject t.f the payment of the Volunteers,
who may attend. He properly advises thetn
to rely on their own funds, and not expect
much if any, from the'ciiute. We copy the
concluding part or his letter :
The rules and regulations from my office
are now io the bands of the State Printer,
and will soon be ready for publication. 1
make the following extract Trow theln, as ap
phcable to the present subjecj, Viet
"The military Tund in the Slate Treasury
is responsible lor no military expeuses except
thofe cf the AtljiiUut General, General Stull',
military storekeepers, repaiis of arsenal aud
cpuus oi arms, dec.
If the military Tund in nnv rnunfv ia
suflicieiit fur the payment of the expenses of
iu- miguuv, inu cuunty treusarer will m.ik n
pro ram division among the eeverul claim-
. No officer whatever. Hi nnv divifiinn nr bri
gade, ha uny authority to make expenses
which shall iu any event be chargeable to the
The county treasurer will ha rr..rut n.l
observe the luw, io muking payments, uud are
2. To pay no military expenses nnless on
i! order of the Board .f
the Act of Assembly of April 21st,
4. The salaries of Bripniln Iihhpm nra twill
not be paid until the close of
year, being the last day of December in eueli
yeurj if paid helolu, und the suid Inspectors
..-., iuue vueir proper returns to tins oN
hce, the treasurers do soul their owu ris-k.
1 lie law reuuires this sulurv nut. I,.. ,,..1.1
until uotico is given to treasurers bv the Ad
jutunt General.
lheBriijude board of Auditors will ob
serve a proper economy in thu expenses of
uieir nngaoe, unit pass no bills that are in
any wuy exorbitant.
All military ollicers are enioiner in tnbn
especial care that the proper assessments
are mudo oud all the military luxes collee.
All collectors and treasurers will hn hhl
to u strict account, under the luw in relation
to the collection ol military lines aud tuxes."
1 he Lucumtmient ut Willm Uiuiwirt mill l.s
large und respectable, und il is desired by this
department Unit us runny companies as posM
ble be punctually iu attendance ul thut time.
Il is u "eump ol Instruction" und many able
milllury men from this and olhnr Si,n',.a
bo theio to imparl instruction and give to the
volunteers ussembled tho bel.elH of their
Knowledge und experience. ,
liowever much we may reeret their nWn
yet those who canuol hour the uddilioni.l ex-
pense ure not expected to bu in rami
il wlio can do so convei i! i.ilv wl,....i.i I
uiilitary pride eu .ugli to ultend prompth
where duly calls them. '
A sufficient nniiiber of excellent tents will
be provided for the accommodation of ail, und
tho liuailermuster General will assign quur
ttrs to all eoinpunies immediately ou their ur
rival iu camp.
Ju closing this communication, 1 am plea
sed to state that, tho Commonwealth is likely
to receive a hamUoino surplus from the mill
tury luud, which will Hud its way into the
sinking (und, und assist in paying the dobl
that bungs so heuvily on our people.
Adjutant General,
CiiT Lewikixro. The commencement ex
ercises at the Lewisburg University, cumo
ofTon Wednesday. The new Hall was crowd
ed to excess, immediately on the opening, in
tho morning. Tho betel accommodations,
have been much increased uiyl V"W (ll-rzi'fs
i., ..-, r - ',vti.""' " ' '
Uiviero House uud lound every thing greutly
improved. Notwilhstundiug the greut crowd
and coufusion, Mr. Ilotze! provided his nu
merous gue.ns with un excellent dinner.
y The Liquor dealers of Philadelphia,
during the past season, have been doiug u
smashing businets, in munufacluriug old
whiskey out of tho raw material, by means i,f
drugs and unwholesome compounds. We
ure surprised at the credulity und greenners
of our hotel keepers and others, who pay two
and three prices for these villanous mixtures j
v e would greatly preler dnnkinj; 30 cent
whiskey, fresh and warm from the still, thun
these compounds which are generally sold ut
if 1 to $1.25 per gallon. The law ha some
severe enactments, in regard to lottery dea
lers. Yet. we doubt, if the lotteries do half
the mischief that is dono by dculers ia bogus
"old whiskey."
C3" A writer in the Dunvillo American
pitches into Mr. Leiily, thu present member
of Congress, from that district, in tbe follow,
ing style :
"Our representative, Mr. Leidv, went to
Congress lust full under the conviction thut
those pledges, promises ami instructing
would and should be faithfully carried out.
and that "unless the Black Itepuldu uns sus
tained the fraudulent Lecniuplon constitution
for Ine purpose ol mukinir capital lor 180(1,
it would be kicked out of Congress in short
metro." How bus he fulfilled his pieces!
J! ii retina for the fraud le enmdeiuned ! ! 1
believe there were not a hundred men in the
district who would not lust full as Mr. Lei
ily himself did scorn the thought of his vo
ting, us he did, lor that constitution. Miould
ho be forgiven for thus sacrificing his own
honor and the honor nf his constituents?"
Governor Wise, or Virginia, is a queer
fellow. Ho don't believe ill the South Caro
lina dnct rims on i he subject of "while sla
very" and mechanical "mud sills." In his
speech nt Richmond, over the remuina of
President Monroe, he suid : "I say thut la
bor is not the mud-sill' of society ; and I
thunk (iod that the old colonial aristocracy
nf Virginia, which despised mechanical and
manual labor, is nearly run nut. Thank (iod
we ure begining to raise miners, mechanics
aud niunuf iclurers, thut will help to raise
whut is lefl or that aristocracy up to the mid
dle ground of respectability." (Laughter
and applause ) Mr. Wise is after the Presi
deucy. it is understood, and South Curolina
don't poll all the voles of the Union. liar,
riebury Tdeqrnph.
The Printing Office bas iudeed proved a
better college to muny a boy ; bus graduated
more useful aud conspicuous members of so.
oiety, bus brought more iutellort out and
turned it into practical aud useful channels,
awakened more minds, generated more acme
and elevuteil thought thun many of the liter
ary colleges of the country. A boy who com
meiices in' such a school as the printing office
will have hi talent aud his ideas brought
out j and if he i a careful observer, experi
ence in hi profession will contribute more
towards an educulioo thun can be obtained
U almost any otherjnanner.
Axomr.K Ai.lfu.kd Boouh Lottkrv. The
Mayor or Pittsburg lis mcceeded in break
ing up another alleged lottery establishment
in that city. Th proprietor named Wood,
was arrested. He is aaid to be from Califor
nia. A mong hi paper was a fulflist of the
taxable iuhubilaiil of Mouongahela ceaoty.
Virginia, purportiug to be transcribed aud
certified bj tha clerk of th eouoty,
Icaninflo Ciiitorial anti Scltttti).
Th wpnlth of Wm. B. Astor Is estimated
nt 6.:n,otio,i)Cf.
Many young men are louring Philadelphia
for thu new gold region.
There ate 20,000 women employed In
watchmaking in Switzerland.
Ouo thmisuml boxes if pi'uclies arrived at
New York on .Monday, iu tho Steamship Co
lumbia from Charleston.
A good Minister prayed fervently for those
of his congregation who were too prcud to
kneel, und too lazy to stand.
In England, the averago of life exceeds
thai of Frunte by eleven years, notwithstand
ing the superior French climate.
John' Mc Dish, a giant from Georgia, pas
sed through Noifolf on Friday. He weighs
oou ma., ano is sum to UP leet in height.
11. Perry and A Kcevil, convicted rt Pitts
burg of selilng lottery ticket9. have been sen
tenced to tbe peniteutiury lor one year each.
Letters fro n Sun Francisco give gloomy
accounts from expected depreciation in pro.
peity there, iu cuusequeuce of exodus to l'ra
eier river.
Some was, writing from Caiio, III., since the
subsiding of the flood, says there are now in that
cily Afi't distinct and dillercnt smells, and several
wards jet to hear from
Tin re will be a tola) eclipse of the sun nn the
Mb of Nei tember lie.xt, visible in the United
Males only al extreme suulhern point.
Professor, Morse rails for Burope, with his
family, to day, to he absent a year or Tho
1'riifesKor, it is staled, has already received tho
first iin-tallrncnl of Ihe .tMb'O.OUO presented him
by the liussiau government lor hi telegraphic
l.oso OniTCAiiits. At a meeting of the
cditnrs of the Southern Methodist papers, recent
ly, it was resolved, 'that we rogard th publish
ing of long obituaries hh an evil."
Lord Byron once said, "You never knew a
man's temper until you have been imprisoned
ou board of u ship with him, or a woman's un-
in you unvo married her."
A Cari-entf.k's Bii.i,. 'f ho folbwinir bill
was lately presented to farmer in Sussex :
"To huociug two barn doors und myself
seven hours, lour shil'inge and six-pence."
Vuorti.ei:errib Tho Trenton (N. J.)
True Amcricuu 'ays thut tho whortleberry
crop in the soil hern counties is short, this
JSar, there being in many places nothing
but a "beggarly account of empty bushes,
where, lSl year, the bushes were bowed to
the eurtl with iheir burlhcru of luscious ber
The Crops in- E.snr.ANa. The agricultural
returns vceived in Lngland indicate a much
earlier lurveH than has been witnessed for
m any y.r. The grain uud hay crop prom
ise grcu. abundance.
IIooi-i. The fashionables of rhiludp'phin
no loner wear IK. ops to any extent. 'I hey
are won so ns to be scarcely peiceptible,
which gves then n nent and graceful form.
Large Hoops are now only worn by the unrAr
Bo.VAf.utTK. Tito Washington nnd Bona
partes i united in t)n pi-rson of Madame
Muiat, u-e-rpgeiit of the Mount Vernon As
soeiu'iotilor l loridu. She is tlie grand uiece
of Washington through the Lewises. By
her murine." with Achiilo Murut she became
thu uit-ci in-law tfNupolecu the First.
Snnifc on a I!ah.roaD. Mrs. Margaret
Dnfl. I'ripi Ui-avir county, Pa, where her
husbiinilresidc. threw herself before a truin
or curs in the Pennsylviiniu IJailmad. ueor
Denny's Station, on Frulay lust, whereny
both he' legs were cut oil, cutising her deutb
in a few houra. Shu declared she was tired
of life.
Pnovjism Df.vei.opements. -H '"..Tiip in
I hut Secieioty btunton. now o,5rGu will if
-"-r.iM puliri'" " ' ' . .-.'i.
or l'euiiMv .T.iii.i. in which the ul'oresaid Bug
ler, denounces tho President und cabinet for
rt nounciii( the doclriuu of popular sovereign
!' Fkocs are r.ow n regularly quoted articlo
in the New Yolk market. The last report
rends, "frogs ate in demund and sell at one
dollar per dozen. These ore IWt becoming a
lavoriiu dish, and the demund fur thum is be
coming constantly greater."
Tim C noes of New Jkrsev. The Patter
son (N. J.) Ganrdiun has made iuquries re
cently somewhat extensively from fanners
residing in vurious parts of Passuic nnd Ber
gen und is gratified to In ji n thut the prog.
pects of abundant crops were never more
Important to tiif. Mii.itarv. Only tho
lllh Division of Pennsylvania is ordered to
tho Camp of Iustr-.icl'on ut Williamsport in
September, and will bup iiil. Other compl
nies ure only invited and will receive no pny.
So says a writer in tho Pennsylvania, TJe
Mr. Kaup, proprietor of a lino of stages
from tin place to Northumberland, seems
determined to take the field, lie is now cur
rjing p:itsengers tbrougb for 12 cts., and
we uudorstiiud hn will in a short limu ticket
passengers to Hurrisburg via the North Cen
tral road for the Fume fare churged from Sun
bury to Hurrisburg. .. Go ahead, so much the
belier forllio puopla. MnnVmr American.
Almost a Finn. The alarm of fire on
Friday evening whs caused by the upsetting
nf a fluid lump iu Mr. Levi's drug store. The
Qame comuiiiuicutxil with a tl lid barrel con
Mining a small quantity which exploded. The
fire was however subdued without any mate
rial diiinage, except that of severely scorch
ing Mr. Levi iu his elforts to extinguish the
flames. Hid.
Tub Pkaiui Crof j Maryland. The
Elktou (Md.) Democrat says : We under
stand that Mr. Nathaniel Wilfo, of Kent
county, has sold the fmit of one of his or
chards on Sassafras river, for 7000, to be
delivered upon the shore, W ulso under
stand thut Mr. Iteybold, proprietor of the
I i 1 1, t .. . . .
v ufoeu.ij t-ui-ii lurm, ill nussuiras :ecK. Ill
tin county, expects to realize over 3(1.000
Tinm his orchard this season. This would
seem to indicate thut there hus not becu a
total failure of the crop, so fur us Maryland
is concerned.
A curium story is current about Fuad
Pachu. It i said that the real cause of hi
indisposition is grief on hearing that hi ouly
daughter hud been compelled to euler tbe
Sulliin' harem. Fuad who is mure of an
Europeun Ihaua Turk, aud who bud given
hi daughter an excellent education, had
hoped for her u brighter fata thun the rati.
lactioo of the Pudisbub's "sensuul phantasy."
Half I4 ark to Clkrcvmkm The Pencsyl
vauia Railroad Company now issue tickets U
clergymen ut halt-price. Annuul tickets are
issueu io me clergy, which lby present to
ma conouciors wneu travelling, who ore au-
iku oy inu iaca oi ine UcKrt to pass
the in upon Ihe puyment of one-half the osaal
fure lor such distance as they may wish to
travel. This is a good arrungement, aud will
be most satisfactory to the geiiileinen of the
Muck cloth, who are frequently obliced to
travel more than their salaries Justify. ur.
risourg itttyrapn,
A Griat I.kap. Ale drove of cattle were
passing over the Summit bridge, to l'encader
hundred, soma three week ago, a sniull mul
ey cow leaped through cue of tha windows
iuto the cuiiul. which is some ninety feet at
this point. The owner gave her to a colored
man named William, on conditions he would
get her out, aud it it not a little surprising
thai Sim escaped wiitoui. serious Injury uo
bouss being broken, and is now doiog well.
A steer made a similar leap a Tew year ago,
and was iuitactly killed H'iluiington feuo-
Ths rhmriixvUiB foiling rolll, we is It sta
led, is running full time in making railroad
ron from old rails. A hfavy contract with
the Beading liailroad ia being comploted.a-
I ue process of transforming the old tails in
t new ones i as riillows: The old rail is
cut Into pieces of about four feet ill length,
and then tied into a bundle with wire. It is
thi n passed throug the various rollers, until
It is stretched out some twenty fret, and as
timet tbe shape necessary for railroad use.
i he rails thus made are said to bo better
than new orhs s r,.n0.r : i
rrequeDt working. .The cost is about oue
hall that of the new rails.
Electiokb i Auoi'st. -During the month
or August elections tvill take pUce in the fol
lowing Smtes: In Missouri, on the first
Monday, for members of the Legislrture and
members of Conerpts. in Kenturkv. on tha
same day, for Clerk totheCoort of Appeal,
district judges and county officers. On the
first Thursday North Carolina voles fur Gov-
ernor and member of th Legislature; upon
the latter will devolve the choice of U. S.
Benutor to succper Mr. Biggs deceased. Al
nbama, Texas, Arkansas nnd Tennessee also
hold elections durinrr the month, but iln nut
this year choose either Stato ollicers or mem-
ours ol Uongress.
Kaii.road BniboF. nM Finn n Pri.U.
Inst a bridge on the Steubenvillo and Indiana
Jtunroao, near Uncksville, Ohio was set on
fire by boring holes in the timbers, filling
them with turpentine and then igniting them.
The freight truin enme alone nt its nsn,.l
speed as the fire burst forth, and tho engineer
ami ureman, pulling on the brakes, jumped
off tho train, expecting the bridge to give
jr wiiu me weigiu. I tie train however pas
sed safely over, und assistance bpinrr n ,..,!
the fire was Bonn put, out, tho bridge beinir
c-iiiiiijt uniiiugru,
Jonor Sh.w' Liw i Ohio. The Cleave
land Leader sta'es that fivg young women, of a
company of fouitcen who cked a groggcry iu
Bristol, Ohio, last June, were ttied hv three jus
Itces for riot, aud acquitted, the Court deciding
that the groggery wa? a nuisance and the girls
hud a right to abate it This tiial was made the
occasion of a TemperaiiLe pic.-nic aud celebra
tion, (jot up by Ihe ladies of HrUtol, ni d a great
time they had of it. A larije concourse of pen.
plo a:emblcd, many of iht m coming from tho
adjoining townships, and a great deal of interest
was felt in the hsu of the examination, and the
ejeileinr;iit continued mialutad to the end. The
lourlern uirli enmiL-ed in tha tr :lnn.-li..n all n
'tended Court in a body, drcssinn alike, man-ton,.
and sitting tngeibor, with a flag ut their head.
Nmv CiiiRcii. Tho masons nrn nt work
nt tho foundation of tho new Episcopal
Church iu this Borough. This Church is to
bo built or stone, und in Architectural design
is entirely different from nnvthinir w hue-
I yot seen in this section of Pennsylvania, and
judging from tho pluns, and a very handsome
iiiiiogrupli cf the Church ns it will be when
finished, which has been furnished by the
architects, Upjohn i Co , New York, we
think it promises to be one of the handsomest
country Churches in tho Sluto. Muncu Lu
minary. Fnpljic lclu
1 he Diijiojlliun of th ttuli Forc s.
' Lravenwortii, via Booxevjli.f, July 2.1
ner C. S. Lxpress An express Iroiu Gen"
Harney' huud-quarters, ut Cottonwood
Springs, on the 1 Jih instant, brings a copy of
July 12th, ou the receipt of the instructions
o! Geii. Scott, lor tho Uisposiliuu ol the Club
Col. Monroe, with tbe fourth artillery and
two compuuics of drugoous, will reniuiu in
the District of Plutte.
Col. May is ordered. !...'.:
ir.iii ..oi trrYigoobs.
Two companies of the first cavalry, undur
Major ttedjjwick, will repuir, at once, to Fort
Six companies of the same command, under
Col. Sumner, will concentrate ut Furl Kear
ney, for service on thu Plains.
Two companies ol' thu same regiment, now
in Utah, i-ro ordered to go to Fort Riley.
ww. c,.ti viuer. issued DV llnrn,.v ...
Eteuteuuut Colonel Johnson is relieved
from duty as inspector General of the Utuh
lorceS, und directed to tulie comniaud ut l'mt
Riley. Surgeon Wright returns to bt. Louis
Major Brown of the Puy Department, is
stationed at Furl Iveuruey. Assistant sur
geon Smith is unsigned duty with thu 1st
Assistant surgeon Swift, with two compa
nies ol the 4lh Artillery, will be stutioued in
the vicinity of Cottonwood Springs.
Capt. Simpson, of thu Topugruphicul En
gineers, proceeds to Utah under the move
ments directed in General Order No. 17.
A detachment of recruits, ubout three hun
dred strong, under Major Backus, left fort
Leavenworth ou the 2ist instuut, for New
Another Uevuliilion in Mnlco Itrpoittd Full
of Ztil'iBna.
Nkw Orleans, July 24.
By the arrival at this poit to-day, of the
steamer General Rusk, Cunt. Smith, from
BruZos Sautiugo, the I'icayuue has received
advice from Northern Mexico to thu 21sl
Tho most important intelligence is the re
ported abdication of General Zulouga. aud
ilighl from the city nf Mexico, leaving the
government iu the bund of Cauto uud two
Col. iiii a7.u a bud inurched upon the town ol
Sun Louis l'olosi and captured it utter a fee
ble resistance. A considerable number of
prisoners were also taken. Col. Ztiuzua is
oue or the chief's of the Liberal Party.
General Gurza took bis departure from
Matamoras on the 19lh for tbe purpose of
joining the lorces ol Ueneral idaiirri. 11
was believed that the combined lorces medi
tated uu kttack upon the city.
General CursVajul bad intercepted a train
of fourteen bundled mules, whilst en route
from Tumpico for Sua Luis.
1 he prospects ul the Constitutionalists
geoeraliy were believed to be very fluttering.
Ihe reported violation or the lerritoryut
Zauiura had been satisfactorily cxpluiued.
From all Luke.
Sr. Loi'l, July 26. Our despatches from
Leavenworth to the 23d inst , received by the
steamer D. A. January, statu thut Mr. Liv
ingston, an old trader un the Plains, arrived
the previous oigbl from Sail Luke City with
dule of June 30th. The army hud marched
from the Capital for Cedar Valley, abuul
forty miles below.
Brighani Young and ths heads of the Mor
mou Church bad returned to tbe city, aud
the people are following them en masse.
All was quiet in the Valley when Mr. Liv
iugloo left.
Some returned teamsterx are circulating a
report of rich gold deposits iu the Ticiniiy of
isaiut Yeram'i fort. These statement da
uot receive full credit, in tbe absence of in
formation from authentic sources. .
6. Locis, July 26. Despatches from St.
Josephs lo tha 2'ii iiikt , received by the
sUatndY D. A. January, state that advice
frotp bull Laka City lo July 3J, bad uoeu
Tba .MorniOBs bad all returned to their
homes in different part of thu Territory.
lien. Johustoa passed Ibruuitb Ihu city
with hi bore sod cucanipad 3U milea di
luut oo the other tidu. No troops remuiund
iu the city.
Tha Uufernment officer bad breD duly
installed iu their various oflices and era pre
paring fur tba proper discharge of their du
ties. Urigbarn Young; professes to be anxious to
be tried oo th charge of treason, but iuiia
Ibat tb jury shall eooiiit of Mormoci oal.
Next Senator. -
Mn. Eoitor. Among ths difTerent per.
sons named for Senator of this district, to sue.
ceed C. It. Uuckalew, resigned, is Capt
IJknrt Do,snei., of Snnbury. Without in
tending to re I bet opou or disparage the
claims ol uny other candidute, we do not hesi
tate to say that for ability aud proper quali
fications for the position, Cuptain Duunel,
stands ut the head of the list. No man has
any claims, as a matter of riiibt to office.
Officers ure und ought to be tbo servants of
l no people, and why theu not employ tbuse
oesiquujuuea lor tueir respective duties.
For III Biinburr Aminean.
Mb. Editor :
Wo would announce as a can
didate for Congresainnal nomination by the
DHinocrutic party J. J. WEI M LNSN YDEH
Esq. Mr. lleiiiieiisnytler is a gentleman of
superior as a scholar and a public
speaker, and will if nominated and elected be
an honor to the District and the Stute. We
want a man in Congress who bus ability to
accomplish something for the District, and
therefore feel desirous that Mr. lie!menny
der should be nominated and elected. He is
a sound democrat, bas never run against the
ticket and is prepared to stump Ihe district,
and by argument maintain his principles.
July 22, 185S. 2t.
For the Suubury American.
Register and Recorder.
Mr. Ediior :
I have been informed that Dr.
J. H. MASSKB, is u candidate for the office
sure thut all who nro ucquuinled with him,
will bo glad to have un opportunity to help
hitn along. Doctor Musscr is nut a Demo
crat of yesterduy, nor is he a democrat for
the take of office. He is n sober und Indus,
trions man, well ucquaiitted with the people,
speaks (u rnum und English mid bus all the
qualifications neccteury to make him a popu
lur officer.
Iu our opinion he is the most snitnblo man
thut has been numed fur tho office, and no one
can doubt that he i the most deserving us
ho never asked for an office, ullhoueh he bus
al-vays been popular among nil classes and
witti the people) generally. It is an impor
tant flice und one that should be filled by an
individual in whom all would have confidence
nnd such a on we huve iu the nersou of Dr.
J. B. Masser of Sunburv.
M A N Y O F S II A M 0 K I N.
Fellow Citizl.ns: 1 have nnderstnod there
13 a report in circulation to the ehYct that
I have declined being a candidate for the
office of liegister and Recorder of this county.
Ibis report is entirely untotiuded. My
friends having placed inu before the people
I respecllully continue before you as an Hide-
pendent candidute, and any reports to the
contrury will bu treated by my friends as un
fuuuded nud false.
Sonburv. Julv 21, 13."3. 2t
The North ein Central Rail?7oy.
Arrival aul!etrtrture of fasnf mrpr Truim on and nfier
JlLV i'llli, Idio.m M.Mii Ei,a f..iimvi :
Trmi. Fur Hnrriiburg 4 Cultunore,
Mull Trsin, - . .
. II M
Iliitiuli. A ireira I..trrcM, .
liurdeu and ti.eiiger, . .
rroro Iluriik'jurs, & Halt., Arriro at Suuliury,
Taisi. For iiliaiupport fe Linuri, Leaves eunmiry
Mini Train. .... 3 .M P M Ninc:ir l.xprttl,
1 1 il
ISuiiIca and 1'aun cer,
ei a m
Freru IViimrn k Wiuunr'l. Arrive at Sur.bnrjr
Mail Truin,
K.uTil mul Ninunra r.spres",
UaiJta aud L'uweiigcr. .
S 41 A.M
I 1 CM "
e so r. m.
Tile Shniuokin Vnllry mid Tottsvllle ttnilronit
ranselicr train leiivei Sinihniy nf fl 15 A.
" Arrivts al tinilniTT. . 7.15 l'. W'
Oner. Railroad Accident. A man wus
run over by the Llty Railroad cars
and it was supposed that he was killed out
right. But ou lifting him up he talked cpute
freely and expreed no regiet that he was
knocked down und ruu over, except ibat thu
lull hud extensively damaged a new pair of
summer punts purchased, this morning, at
Brown Stone Clothing Hall of liockhill fc
Wilson, No. C03 aud 005 Chestnut street.
A Good Lwkstmkst. Any investment of
money thut is certain to br ng health, comfoit
and happiness to the family circle, must be a
good ouo. The purchase of a Grovks & Ba
kf.r, Sewifig Machine will do all this, and
brintf more iovons smiles to the face of a bouse
wire, than any other investment oi a use
. . . 1. 1
sum or money. It is a deed id emancipation
from the toils or bund tewing, und win give
her time Tor self improvi-nient, or for the
mental culture id her children, und every
rainily should be provided with one.
A farnrite lUmcdy We believe no inedi-
cine bus ever efl'eclii So many cuirs us the
Oxyfjeiiateil ISitli-r. Incuxesul Dyspepsia
and lio erul Debility, restoring health hih!
ein'erluluess, when ull other remedies buve
Tor sale ly
A. Fifherunil FriliiifrA Gront, Suubury
lluys & Mit'orniiek, MeLueiirville,
Dr. li. li. McCay, Xorlhuiiiberlund,
JulniF. Callow, Milton,
When Du Vai.i.' Galvanic Oil, was lirst
iutrotiueeil into tho market. It uever wa
thou(;li of being upplied, by the proprietor, to
Lung Dieeugeii, but its being wpplicublu to
aiinnst every ulher dieeiise, the sttlietvd buve
used this piepaiution in Consumptiun, and,
although it has never cured a purely con
sumptive patient, yet it has saved many who
have been prooe to thj disease from en
early grave.
Anuii rea Do Vil' (5aivmc Oil Frilm A;
Gr.nt, A. V. riKlirr, lf. It. li. lcty, C. Wonn, tl. l
Maize, lirrfctticMU 4 Hull.
Ifolloway't Ointment and I'ills The chap"
ter of accidents i one of the longest chapters
in the volume of huuiau eutTi-riiig. In numt
hospitals, bruises lucturrs, dislocation, in
cised wounds, scalds, burr. &e., are looked
upon as to be experimented ou for the
belirGl of broods of young sludeuts, previous
lo their debut as full Hedged surgeon. 'I he
amount of unnecessary butchery iu thefe in
stitutions i enormous. At l"at twenty-five
percent, of the "operations" e read are
mistakes abich might ant! ought to have been
avoided. 'Dressing of Molloway' Ointment
and the lubrication of Ihe injured flesh with
that healing preparation, i positively all
that i required io three-fourths of the cases
where the amputating koil'e is now employ
ed. rat or in & iiiuiiR'n
tT Thee MacUine are now juslly admillcd
la b th twl in uie for f'lmilv Kewinf, a new
Irons;, nd elastic litc!i, whiih will not rip,
even if eyt-ry fouith ditch be cut. Cucalar
eot on npplicalion hy letter.
Agent Veuted,
a' '.f U."wi"R dl"'-u"- ll.,mli,m. Ne,J. If
Albert W. Fi.hlr, Pieyglst, M.rket street, Suubury,
jtT This U to rertiry, that I hnv made
but oue application of the M.,gic Oil nn my
fingprs, which have been drawn from coin rue.
turn or the cordo, brought on by rheumatism
It was or seventeen months standing, aud I
,10.W Pnlir cu,r,',, 1 I'hoerfully recommend
it to all afflicted likewise.
, . . """itbvrg, 12 Locust street.
July 23, 1657 Iy
ISSS. -Gn is Wheat, sales of fair and ajonj
Red at IOSaJI 12 per bushel, and While from
1 27 to I 30 per bu-het. Rye j. wsni.-d at
70 cent. Corn, sale 0r Yellow t 81 a HO
cent, and 87 a 90 ccnti from tore. ,. ...
selling at 42 cenis per bushel for Tcnna.
fiHAi Wheat, there were sales of red 'at 112a
"u . mr iHir to good lots, and white at 113 a '
Il5ct. for 'air, and I20al25 cts. for r,i-;,n . ...
eels of dr. Corn, sale of Bond veil,,,. bi.q.i
and of fair to nrimn whirn nt ,.i. oc.nt
There were sales of Vireinia Oats at 30 cts. iiiiJ
I ennsvlvania do, at 36s3 ri. Ti,..-
",me Fennsj Ivsnia Uyc oircred and sold al 7S
cts. Mary land live lit G. l't. IiP riiisrtol
Si 40a 1
f'O Butter, - $ 14
80 Kggs, . . io
75 Tallow, .. . 13
37 Lard, ... J
C2 I'ork, .... H
75 Beeswax, . 21
Corn, . .
Can, . . .
Iluckwheal, .
New Advfitisement3.
li kb cibkr vi.r;.i:
FL'HK flnt'ir vivw . '
By Ihe quart, gullo,, and harrel.' nr sMe bv
e , , , M -' gi:ai!h.;t.
Sunhury, July 31, IRSR.
ji;sT Ri;cr.iVED i,v ne ui-.i!,. ,t hi,
H.OI.'R BTOKB. Marke, H,,ro, .
a fresl, ,,,,,,,!, ol Water, l!u,r, ,;,,;,;
and Soda Crackers, fr sale l,y .he p.,,,,
barrel, at wholesale Hsrril,r and I'h.l.idel, la
price.. I huse vvi.hiug to will
give bun a call before, ordering eh-ewh.-rr.
C O i!AV K..
ue uiso continur'i to receno.
soj p!
. u .or, giving ,, customer a lui, UIiit
m .my icusonanie rales.
Suubury, July 31, IS.r)8tf
Wyoming, Lr.zerLe Coumy, :'a.,
KIAS a hcalthv and quiet l, ,;,., jM v,.rv
n a,S'ly ''X "' I-rk.w..,. Hi,,!
D.ooru..urK R.,!J a,l ,rrw,Ke j
IU-. ties to b,lh see. the !e.-t l.inlitjcs f,r !,
under fuiihiul and aecm.pli .bed leailcrn. i,
the elementary and ,iKli, r Lntri, h. cl,.,iel .,r
ornamcilul hrsnrhes. il.,uli,, ,..,, , ,
traiMog ,,,. 'j 10 4orn,n
....... rJ.,v,., numniaus lo these
teach, 'i he next term levins Au
cress the I'lincipal,
piepaiiu l.i
U"t S-t. Ad-
. , ,l'-a-ivi;i:nc::,a.m.
yoming. July 31, IhSS c't
A K Ti
ci'Uiui me zin cr Ji'iY, nnti rimie
2 w?ck. ViicourngtJ . ast suci i't f, ii . i.;.M i
effuru will be inatie tn rrmMf tili-ilfiiia to hi jtii,,s
a kouihI nifutul, nior; mul -!imc.iI I'.hi.'sn.Hi,
1'Ke Acailrmic Ui'mriiiiei.t , u'l iim
l.roiiclui coiittlitutidg h tlio rout;!. KiIj Ii, ('Lis
bjtal. '.mlit'inanciil ami .Ntt-iiUlK Iltinc.iii.'n.
Inctlur wiili Mutfit, iJiawui, i'ji.iUnu at.l
lai Im'cij olHl'li!n'tl uud tuTt'tofurp At II arrpi.dcd
Ul tvlili 11 'JVacar itf, fthj lhoe VMrlniiij In iti-. no
Bjich, can (nt'jre iliciiisf Ives far tUr ihu'isbiud.
1 id MS II AX.Y i J . ,v ASCt.
Fur 13iaiJ, Tuition, .Zoom, c, jkt
ct;iiiii of weuKik $'r ( ."j-ij
Tuition aim., ;ir quirtprof 11 wk. jf4 tt .tj
Mui, lJiawin, i'ainUng nud Fienih uiubual
Mudeuts enn cuter at any time.
For catalogue, iVr., address
tiliO. F. MtFAUL AND, Trim-H-Jn.y
31, XHbS.
"Ilio Greatest Bic-rapLy cf the
liv 11L.NUV b ltA.MJAl.l-, l.i.. l.
Eii iliue l uliiziuN. octno.
r pIUS work et'iiiuiiiB Uj-WiuJu uf a,Cl p"'''. i nMetl
JL un Uu; y tr, It ...dtouiut lv Louui! in v -ui un t: i ,.
Ji if lll.ialmii.-tt by kct'tMiii ciiyriivuis t-n ic l, ... l i.Nu.r
l'tia luc Mil iic i uin.-i g i lie l.'i u.t'i iut ,i Lit. j i ul .:-iic
il J i''k.tji.i.V 1 lit tut- l nn ! r.'hlitiiir, ).u...i y i!n i,
oiifcjiiiul diMit ol "the lJti:iainu u tU liui t vi.i.i , nt
J.FFtik.'' OU II tl Hid. H ililiij4.
ltji 11 iu every itunc, ut. nuth'fne.i v'tk: ir wai
Unilcitaftcii umlf r the itjiu) -atii ii 1 1 n.'. ,
it UilitJicrvrd Ufc't to :. jiiiilt.p I I J i,r i . n
in itu-tr i.iit6iii j uitd li;4iiit.i mil (ue unlit t thai
ire 'ln'i'li-'iikatut ituii -ui ut t'Vei h ji
I k WOik i-iiitUn.k llit rAitlLH iib I Ji iIvik .;i m)i i-vd y
gttMt fiuli.ioitrtmt- ti h t.u li fce, tanu L. t -I h j u',
in lite i Jla ilcatit a ! ulmul mvi i;r, uu j
ruihiuciii uu- wli.'c i.i'ti.ut .-I ii.c lii,'ui,,u U
Contain tflk'i u1 iitMt-lf fe Uitiu!iileiin.l I.H..I) ((((.
it'i'; ; t icct mi i fititu lut hiiU (luLnnii.tti lt.itit, t.iie
iiti, etc , etc.
onxio.NS or uu-: rt;i
ntJtCf I.Ui f J.ilfiMni tvei u',. ." r I-.,'y
none tkti tvci will be uni.icil c ii m.a .mi t- iu.-.u.
Ml t'l tlilb HI ll). l'lllulM, 1'ill.fM ol III lUi.,.1 ;t.:.l C'll-
KMinHt'iii bot-l.ty
'i'lim luitgiuplij li.-i Utu a l.-tmr "l" love, tnai ll.e
uu itl I'WUeul; uttiilu ua litii il h;k t.M, h.i i tui u i t
Willi Uiigiuugiiig, until ing .utLusuuni'' iv N.ik
'At W iiRth the i.ulilic have a I, iff i-i 'I li ti.nfc Ji '. 1 1, n
Utat ! lU'l l ilt) I..K'lll.iUllg, Hint tlidCI"!!. tU'l- I 11 i j U-
Uir , but uor luut will UtiHi Uic infi-i n t . l ti,:.t
m uvcuric) nnd iruiliiuitn; li i iImi ti.i- m.d-
WorK of lli wliolt; Uuullifiillt: i'li'iiiJiai i. ..Iuium nt.d
ol tlid tic nt uider. i'o it ho Lt nt ihe ur i r
Vtwt v ntpurti ilii Vtlmi.t' v uh :(..
iiiiiuiiMbe ui U iiict'iiirKirai-v lnttnil it iiw . a( .,(.
yet soiaalnul u the imi uuiiuie thai Jt-.i- ian-n is u.m t h
iiUY t'l his hat u if, lui vcr ul, ilr un Hi t
W'b ilulliiilncSfl inl tthhkf I is-, t iii Wl.i'li J In t'
kUutlfe wit uillir p-igt t li. vtU.1,li !. ii t
'ItnUurU Willi that enUiufcti(' uiliuir:.n n i lia niib
Jct, w ilUoul w It it'll a tu.upluT i r.itt .y i.ft .-iu;, ,i r
Huntl.tll lift ft llit-lt'fct dvr i.ol artW t linu- h;.Ltei l.,
lie may liutl, tiiliei lr -iu IhiiimU i-r li' in uu u; d'i. 11c
I. ills Ihe t'iciutt ua Cr intV'II infciaatl tun li nhl be
b ttuuiU'tl, "Maiiiini titl " I Iu' yt tun inn t-y ll.n, m
lilO'iikc r -It H inn, WUlf'Ul io-in any ol I uutjt lic
pji luuiit AlUtiiy vtt.ii g J'tiii.u-.
di vt lut run ln t . h w vr r:imi!'y. " ( ilnfc
Wutlt, will lull I Imi SatiMi'l Ibat Mr Umi.H.t. li t i-, .1. f
Vt-'ty largely to the ( n.-k ! lite wnltl't liiloriii"liiii tiU ut
JrtlrrtsiM lh;t lie lian hul ut-ct-ks to uiri in.
expl'-rttl linti ih.U hr lias dont in -rt than wmrnr d i:-- I y
iii beont In in lo illitfciriit the iioiiu..iy I ll at tti.i
Biatfiinuii "-.New Vm k Lvrmuj I .
We have rtwl wilh dehftht Mr. KumtuM' cartivtMinjr
deUiU 'l Mi J rtirnui'e 4i- nui i.i:or , wl- c It h;.i
tdui'Utalv fulirreit, miti atln.uiil 1) gu uTti t f . n
gicul vun-iyi-l fcuiiitsniic .'uri,', hii'ict uia"l nil
Out iK ihe U iii,aiM- rirlmr ! His intteunf. nr s Uv tttnl
cU-r klhicd auih.M Ime otiotrai t J a In k, ut ikt it.
faiiieiwiniiaj! aiitl inWiiKiive in- lint fch ml Imj nuilutl
by evi ty iin.'i of in html "-Ku Inn ml I I'fjHi.rf.
I'lMie c-uu lie miiy ne i' iintm bi-- ilii itbi.iiy. ttfiinfil
iniwrtiuliiy md wu-h Mr. hn l i.-u;i t
Into CombllMtli u iu ihe v'llipill ii il " l,i (-"I'l'v
li has wortmiy tjtccuitd it.utb wauled l4 I'hiia-
adi lili I'lfO
It will Uke I'lire mihuk the cboiurM c;"!" of Ain
rim.iluei ature, and e amtiMiluU hv ever, future Ihai. iutu
vi ihu4iuiry-'Vt-,ll"rl(i'l, ,'l'r""1 K"
VeUW it because ll nuidirr 0"ncul, paMinU'S, Mug
fteiatefc, iiof datita. but apuMat-hta, la viy intu:rtt
aud in every jorleui:uiv, ihecarerr ot the ti"tl rh'iruclcr
wifwe itiiiii'ws luve dm i ni'ith to ah'tpethe tloHifsnc
andfoieiu policy f lh isitum h miiiiurrl 'gi-ai y
to call tntoexilii " N"W Orleans '1 tun li
Hr This wtnk wH he s-'hl cueluaivcly by aht-riptiyji
t the low pi ire mi ? dir-haiiUwuily Umtid in H lli.
l-;irerie.we4 CavaMinT Aueias wa ted, in nil puts nf
(he eouiiiry, fi oUam ubtK-i itierti for Ihis w rlc. Aili
ranis should ute what ctuMu thry w-uld hke tu tau-
PipimaiiMfles wtH ha nt Ly mail, pra-paid, to auy
diltea. tu reenpt of e piu a.
Fur fail liin-lr adere