k I' ly i w I: i 'California Icu.':$. (Cotto.o'i.im'.i m V "i a aupi-rlor quality of cluy TIIK SKW aS' ortu tin aw' than a y.'r ago idea U.t eUW .. .. i . . 1... 1 1. nil HUVe t) I HI l.eniiei, , I ,.. aetirct'ty 1! uiw.eti anutii mi nn Itritli't'li ' .elan llli.ll 118 tlltf l' d norl uwfst cm nor orimr.-oui.try, tvoultl 5 greui otat--Sound when es that pro nukjh is t lint presents a der, almost is prociniis, nds nil dial these great lll'lll UlutlUll be Hudson ylliing was rli a iimr KiHiii .,..,. I, P'lw, oiiU aeeni 10 fuim ' T u" ', .' ',-More ol. slat. -white, and 'ofllm Duciie. J U'f viewed from th on..-.'-'' dure prosperity l " -t Vil'W StlCUCtln "' 'I l0.w till.5 of Old VM 1 tonal lu v iiiuuioo- mi 1 1 will conrentr is material to know "diggings" "", '"" cf the discovery en Hay i:niiiniiiy, uinl ' puiihslied in retain letatve rcf idinir. or 1 iltl regions. Ono ii I'm ill 1 ittllans-, Hear '1 I 111 in SoU.WHI woiih of Kl pvlkl'll U Without till! USIt ' ,. k.-r i.ii U or pan. Three- ',' .. .... i... i riiuitnciiceii g in those i received vcr, inure liuil been Tom lis ultir- J'! I'tlgl'l ,U';,I no rages r I r.v in Oulifurni.t. 1 "vrt noduUUcV ..!' il,.- nY.W.. being r'al to those- ' CI.. f.,-.,i,i in --1'J. when, however, many return m Im.i.i here to -I...IHH" with sail hearts und empty pockets, iiiistu.' our Khlorudn ns u .. I, jr. Willi ri bald tn thel-Xtl-tlt of till! '..-lllr-rn .L'-invf.': 1 liuvi- il short answer l". in, I.e to tin- i' H'iii.r. '!'. nm;e lilt ' , I I'.W i. l' u:-lr Sfirhru r,,U-rnui. rs t uliir-k '.".. throurh t ', IJ ,rmil , (h,r:i. II "i5'i '.''"" '' """I '-; -. ,h iui SSmll. ts hr:i. ;. ; l.ri tf-.r... ''.' .'i "-'" "' I hi, i-i tli tin' earn'- 1 1. 1 1 tl of ."'"intain, with 1 i,. ..ml tl',.1.' n .In V -r ln'H.k. I " m-'. s f.M. i' 'M f.ii'. 'l in Vliiln.J.-l- 'il a.ni.e i"? i) tio ii Mfi iu w il h I ant ron nr,l il nul : or willn.ul n family, o i . 1 1 : tr 'it. I w-nnlil sny, Mop where you v wli-it in belli r than fold, ir eh i'.i.i- C'iKl To tin- tl in up- 8). Hit that Is th will t i ti:e ,ini:uur'l of civil con--t, 1 would say. -no ulietoi" but (.' pn o.I to er.iM. inter poiii" peril by land nml ,!, tiv water, mi l uboin nil. take care that j . 1 i I. in ill. n t i!i"ir.i a nioriiinir orenm r. ':'.: your bead from yon. l.r some vears v, e s'.i:.. prolix ly have const ant liiin i-oiril.-r1. (wbicli Hl.iiOO ."fn eminut v. o' ) iir.,1 r.o small m J ..!,:! lJ-.'.l's eiiiirSMlii-S, Y'.nr-. truly, N". V, TI.o ci.'ui.ilo at .omit of tju.iircl V. K M. M 13 is thRt of r,-Fp . :i-.c ef .'- ru! '..t "I.e-t r ::i l a ii n t;i E't 001.0 KicirKMOT 7 ,'.1 y'l.-.'; AVj.'iTfjri fi ru Mini. S in ritAM iM o, June '20, lS-3. M r. ri-.s. Kwrr':3 : Hold, pold, is tho only 1 ; 10 ; 1 1 l i' lii-urd on our streets. Tho . ov. i-y nt U'nv ih-priMls t f I b f precious mo ili ll.rf p"s.Fil.l'S of the Hudson's Hay ..i.p.,tiy lias startt il our ever excitable pop .turn "noitliwnid on tie enrch. The ex om.1,1 ba.J now asfuineil tho form of mi .il.-u oe. hi .1 men who a lew inonlhs f-ince o-',e.l ul the i.'ea ( f U-avine Culifomiu to I r now (HcL-mi.'S. nre now niuiiug 11. e l in il.e ei rerol xodu j. Thero are r,.' tir.-1 i-l t-s sti iin.eis 1 11 the roule, i. L' pnsM'.-iu'em lo I'razir, follows: i.ub'.ie. Columbia, Punuino, Oregon, N. v.heiti aid Cuil--7. beloi'Clui; to J'uc.lic M.i:i S. Co., llio Hi-oilier .1 otiatlian uml ',, :;e, beKmcinu' to dpt. Wright, nnd the : ,i i.i C.iiz. In b nin to Mesrs. I'avis i .Ion! i i. 'I h- se steamers in connection with l iiii.bi'is of t-a.liti(.' Vessels, liuvo cal l iod tdl' ti in i or sh .res ut b'nst ten tliousniid pa.-sen-I . : - sli.iv lie fi-Ver bl i.ko out. The Mute, t.. i !!.!' ri turni d miners, published in the , ,1 t . . 1 ft rs. iii e only iiui'inB iuei to iue iiuuie ,l'i that tho uold is beginniiiK lo find Its y "... this eiiy. those who doubted uro con-j no, .1 ll.at the nit is thele. u A I: MoT. Iiant. d l-urniss. who returned ye'. I ..I .) otitho ll'-p-iblii-. toM me personal, y r .'. ' i!.ii . : i -r the time he worked, hn never t ,..; ( M less tiutli two i in.ikS per day, but e.. ; l.o riviT rai.-ed from ll.o niiltinc of tho m. ,.v on the mountains, tho miners in his par i, to v.-a. hc.l out I'.oui liio bar on wbith v...re working lie tlu-ii came down to S.-i I'lautisi-o or tl.a pnrposo oT lay.n in i r .v. -i .,i,s. ii.touihiiL' to start on his return i.oo.it tho middle of J illy beforo wh.cli time 1 ii s.i-.s tho iniii. rs cannot wurli to uilvantaoe II,. ,ti.t.i-ip;i!is much tr.iuhlo'wilh tho Indi i.i s, v,m n;e frreat thieves nml very piarrt-l--i. tin- contempt tb' y have for tliH A me. i in- being I'ufUeied ly iho II. tl. Co., nn I. i,, o tlie.n very ovetb.aiir.tr. Tiny mo till ..oiiiTiv il;(T. r. nt race from IIipfo we have in i'.i'il'oi'uia. lieitiR stout, f ctivu men. w ho do l it know such u wind us fear. Other parties ;oolir:u his statements in ery respect. l'or some time you uiu-t expect the remit :anec.t (.rK'idd (i-oui this St ile to .1. creaM', us naiiy of the Impost tpiarlr. lodes have stop )..,l wurd. on uccoiinl of the scarcity oriaiior. in the interior, llio iuu.;i minim: camps are tint s'. entirely .b-ni I' d, the miners lu int; in ti ui;- way to tlio liorlh. I cannut but h i i that our nierchai.ls will stiller, and per i.i s s.on,. in iy have to p.i under, us the mer--. - in the iiiierior cannot d.spofe of their ' oi ls, nod ot cioiiso cm. mil meet their pay lists' v. hi tl llioy come due. A lively do- II .' IV I has sprii'i up lor p.stols ami rules, an c.. ol the I'.ii ni'-r (i.ivolvors) anioiiniiiii.- . .. i.i M;. I bioii-' kiisl'i-iku ul in one ut on 1. .1 i . r arrival. Ti eie is every pnopict that bread..' nils v.'.i I e hiah, u ;l i-enls cr p. und has been t) ;ed and r. la-ed hr wheat in lliu ti.ld. 5 icon mid other Salt meats. ur l.tinginp l pace. Culbie. loj, suitar, canJIes, and .Ihel- tods in that line, are Very dull. Mothinn has eipeii.-nc. i! no change except- , l o-ihe cuaisi-r (I'laiilies su.tublo fur the nun?. Dry goods ure bad stock w. ft. in Ike Ni-.v York IlcralJ , tr.r i.iti. 1 1 v. pun-nun- if the Vi'y!'jU Gentiles Lite Jl- if, We , s'.ii.T Likk City. -lime 18. Ks,3. I in.: -in.- a perfeclly level plain, apparently 1 .1 i i ..... i ...ii.. A i I I.tt" llillea WI..O lino unu umiiiit-u '.".".a il.uost serruuiid. d by muuiilains. .Near , nn iiioi.liiuins, on ti e eu.-l u. iue piuin, i.i;ci i u sccliun of land six miles sipiure , ,t out us ii ctv, the tlie. ts, till of which me i ich wul. r than Hroadway, regulariy laid ut tiiol ruuniiig ei.i.ily ut r.ht uiiglestu , ii uiher, eiiii.'i' lino lu.i lit uml South oi e..-t i.n.i west ; th''.V Ul" 130 feel wldei . Mi naiio nr.- 'J'l feel wide; the block ; v, , v .,io,., i,it,n coniaii.ii.g teu acres of ll. I i.e Ci'V h..s h'le. n titer 18 ill one iii .en .u iiio! i-.Ji.lccu iii ll.e other; lley ure , paved, und if much tru.ni.li j dining wet tth. r int.st Lo very muddy. Tho si e of io ciiy gradually siopes Ii inn the north to . souih; ut the pie.t. nt tiino there n a i -h .s'.ie..;n i f wuter running dowu tho sides ')' .III llo reel I x i ; ii"ith and south; water stn aius is ci.nveie.l into almost ..V o ti.len ill the city, lor lirlfuinig pwrpn " CuUuti wood uml' other tree have b. en . . ...:.. 1.. :.. l,t ..... ..1. t tint along 1 v. iy stieei j turn i.ii(.iti r.lui'u 11111J llallo give a pn uii.ir cuarui i" .. 1, on 11 in rei'uiar iitoi,i.i.;it...i. . .. . .1 I.I ... 01111111 ul i)iiilt."-s h ive been built over the streams in-ill iio v niters-ret tho mtieWHiKS. Tie W II ;s veiy spal-eiy 1.. covered w til houses ; Ihe m Mor pint ol ll nitre ure winj i-v ' ree I. lilt? babilations on a Hiliuio block, .1 .1 will be umeiiibereiJ that the blocks e veiy Urge. J he houfid aro built close the ...lei uf the blocks, the rest ol the teu bc.tit,- li'.lid ut g-'idit.: Clol tOJr J tiun tt city nt pront contains tinmprous small Oi M of wlimit uml aonid very lino gardi-niu I'liu luiiisfs are nil built (if uiluliu tun iirii J lirii-k ( tlwy nro nlmut 5 inclii-n tvnh-, 10 i.i- rlii'B lung Hinl 4 iniliro tl.it-k ; tin )' hih niailu far iiulliJmi; iur- Vk'IJ' f llbftulitlul ie IiuH.Iiiiuii u a though witb mi iuili- uuri'i ubli', Vi'V it iMVii to the tout tnirmllu pt 11. e city a vi-ry lively iiinl ilin?ant iipiicaruiui'. Tim build. inc luck neat uml i-uiiihirtul'ln ; llicy ure kii'iiiTally rnmll, mmlcsit etructuri-?. Iiuvmtr no claim In nrelnU'Ctuial bt-uuly i tln-ir Ktjlu is vaiii'jjutfd, lint not rcniiirkably so. l'rot.u bly no oilier city in llio world of tliis sizu pri-Ri-Lls to tin! rj ol tli tiipruiii-linK tnyu yeur so niuftuifici-nt a propKct ; the ex.u.t ppucu it oci-.ipii'i", I lie Mrct'ls fet a it wt-ro in n jewel I ripi'liiig liinok.", wliiel. filibtmi l.riulil us silver in lliu snr.lilit, llieir bretidtl. mid ri'uularit y, the rows of young verdunt trees that border lipi-n them, the. lively color of t lie linuses, the beautiful aniens uml or I'lnii'd with tlio suiall lields thick covered with lluweiinif wlu-it, give to it nn nfpict siiijjiilmly ulti-BCtivi'. i-t-peiially whin it is I'tililruMed with the Imnlf riiij; bleuk unci l.arien Hiouiiluins, This city, so beautiful, to lMulale.1 liom the rest of thu wn'lil, ut pres ent fo full of iiitete.ut.tu t ho win Id. wiih its nleusant firi'luil-ilii uml eariloliQ. is tho Wolk of but ten yens, and that too in a barren j Valley, wilhuut Hiiuulalieiiiis veiretatioll hit-her than a willow bush. Tin re were nbout 10,UU0 nu'.r'iilaiits ill the city brleio il was klepopu luted bv kii.'w of JJ. iiibuni. Ttlii Am uf'I t)il.vu llonsin The I.oii. ; .Ion l!l .; U'.iU il Tinutt is 1 ul.li-loi'o a Series t ..I ml. i b s, wruleii lij l;.iiiy, the hoise-t mi'l J hi eliik.-ul.it loll ol Ins thiol). He Ins ilotw. 11, roe cn.ol.al lai'ts, III it I . I let) !o tl.e l.oi.-o, on which be elects his theory. I'liu lirt is that ihehotsc is so Const iluli il by nature, tlint l.o will not kil'k-r ret-ii-tatice to any do ... .no! 10.010 of 1. 1111 whii h be fully cu:ii, tc lim. ils, il inuilo in u way consistent will, the laws uf nature. In proof l His hu refers to the want uf reason. in the lior.-e, which pro teins that ti 11 i nt it I from nsi.-tno the imp si lions conslanlly practiced tipon him. 'i he liuiu IS so ii.ticli Mrt'iioer than 11111II, that, il ,11' possessed tho logical faculties, mid was il'ii- t herefiiro, to realize his iiilvaiil.ioos in a oiiloi t wiih man, he wi ul.l not submit to be driven, or ridden, but would snci-essluMy do- 10 Hal lo be loft lieu to roam bis luvulite iiiih- tyres. llappily for us, tho horse his no rea son ; iiuisi tjUei lly no cunscn iism n ul niipu sit on ; mid 1 s a coiolla'y no Ihoiifil.t of liis-u-licdii-nce, except iuipuUivclii-SS, w hell the law of I. is liatuie is violated. Tlie si eoii.l proposition is that the horso had no consciousness of his strength beyond h.s eXirer;eiico, and that (icci-rdiiily, hu can oe h.iiiiilej 111 coining to our on 11 w.ll, Willi ail loice. pA'i-iy k.iie ncipiaililej ivitli lioises I. tiii.ts l lie tiutli if ll.e !ir.-l pi oyrr it urn, uml ihelalter pint billows lojiieaily liom il. I lie ihinl prooosit ion is that ti.e hoi .0 will permit any object huwcTer friyhU'ul in up-i'i-ui mice, lo ci.ioe iiiuui.ij, over or oil i.l.i.. II. al does Hot lllllll't pain. When fear e.l?t i'roui iniaoinal ion, ami not from the iulln-lioti of pain, that fear can be moved by shotting 1 Hi .1 Hu re 1 1.0 Cause lor llu iinii" ii.niy Ouu- "er. llir.li II ket.fsi Snoi:s roit I.amks A wri ter in ihe Mulirul nml Suri:irnl Juiinml has be, ti tning to write tluwn tho hii;h heeled , bools nt Jin-sent in vogue with ihe ladies, iiinl udvi'i-ii'.es their abroaliuti hi ihe ground j that they destroy ihe iuslt p ami weaken the ! muscles uf the I nub. That is till absurd!: II c.ll lieeb-i! bouts lias been worn by men ' ever since lin y slopped point! barel'uot, while I fur sumo j;ei, era! ;oiia, uulil quite n c.-iill), I tvoiiii'U huvo boeii t:oiii slip shod, mid me ; j llio muscular developnu nls uf Ihe men h s ! I III in tliOfO of the oll.er se. ? (Jnitn .Stee. j j However, u coleniporary Pays, wo thit.lt wiih i j culls. d. rablu fincu und liuth, that ballet dan- j I cors it i tv a v a do In-sl in liili.ln eled iiait'-rs, , I and where can be fuund duuiper liu.bs ni.d j more nooi cu ULtires liom uuior.L' i ,eui ' j Peles, the hili heels keeps the lout out ot ; 1 1. ,Vet, und thus prevents colds, or what j 'Mrs. I'ji tinotoil iliiht t'Tlll quiliis? Ill ll.e; ,uj. lM l.ei.tii,.. ,i"h heels, unr in.-di.-al i and surgical friend is "going it blind." The ! high heel is nut only promotive to heallh. hut j il adds to '.ho appearance of the wearer. In i a ilul foot thero is no tnoro beauty than then- ' is in a snail of right ankles. Our surgical 1 bn.!'.. er should circulate more largely, ui.d ' lust -ad uf urtfitinir ..misou-ie chuu:d keep j pulled. Dmiali) Cuiimu rciul. Yai.lk or !SiiAi'i:Tni:i:s. Very few owners j f leal eMail' in coutitiy towns, seein lo have iny idea even of the l'olllllii'ii'i.,1 value if' -hade trees, One in'cp.e of ground, perlo.ps ; not Very eligibly located, commands it high ; .lice, while i.i.o'.li-r in a far belter position is i in. I wanted seais' ly ut any rale especially b) 'huso who luVe the ineaiis to make tl consul- : ruble invest iiieiil , simply because there ure j no uttractivo elude trees nothing to make it i lioine pli'iisaut iluurt. Suppose eveiy ill- j ,ai, I Ion ll in the L i.ited Stales should iippm- pt i lie I ho St. tail sum of unu hundred iloihns j annually, to be t'n''esr' in this w.ty in beuu- j tilling nml t,n i.'.i...v the jdace, what uchaiige j tenor twenty Veins tvonl.l pruduce ! 'lake . nv.iy the in in.licei.l shade irees which now oi iniuieiil our own town, tiud all'.. id such u 1 giiiteiul shade during the nppre-sively waiiu .miner in. uths, tin, I you would reduce ihe ! value of r-iil est tie, til once, very cuiisideru- j itly. Wi-call attention now lo the subj.cl, be. ituse shade lieesiiuw nre itpproci itid. j 1'lio-e. therefore, who realize how much plea- . -me Ih. y are deny irg then. selves, will please j I i k'uiember ut the i roi er tin e, in the bill i r I ii ling, to give this matter ther l luliipt tit- I t ent ion. lltirrishin ij I t It trnj h. Tiik F.mi r a Pitur. I.:n i n. CI, a5. I.eicli- r. the printer of the free-luve pnper nt Hcr- I tl llcighla O'uio, has cuiiiir.illi .l suicide. I I is mother, mi excellent lady, residing in Iowa, d.d all f he colli. I lo win her sou from I he seilucl ive iiilliieuces of u Sensual fallal I cisui, but in vain ; nml llie end has beuu ties pir I'.iuii, insunity mid suicide. New Advertiecraeiits. To the Voters of Northumberland County. ! AYINO l ien su'.icitnl by ninny nf my fel. i low cilrzeu to become u can.'nhite for the Hi. e uf i EECIs'PEk .V EKCOnUEII AND CLERK OK THE CKPII ANS COLTJT. I hereby annoonre that I present miaelf In ihe I inoi racy of the lountv for nomination at Ihe n proarh.hu primary t letliuii. If iiounii.tli d an. I elei lid 1 will use the Ii ! ol my abilities lo per forin the duties uf Ihe olli. e, CEoKCE C. WK.LKEII. Suiibnrv, June 3d, Is-'iS. le To the Electors of Northumberland County. Kr.tiox-r Citiikks : We are au.hoiic.l to announce 1 HUMAS U. CHAN I', k.f :lie Itor. oiKliol Sunbury,. an Ii.depehdi-iil CandiJale . .. f.ir iue ointr 01 HEUISTER, RECORDER &c. at Ihe ensuing election. Mr. tirant is loo well known to the rr.ori x uf Nuriliuu.heilan.l county lo nred any i "iiiiiu iida 11. in at our hi. ids. No one questions his quulifi. eiiti.u.a f or ihe post;' his character for molality, industry and suhrirly is liioiuimclijlile unit i.i jmpubinly as man and tllu.ciirj as an oiiuer 1 ....duo biro, r urine iu-i en jcaie ne u.taiern .1 ..e.i.n.l a-latrb III flltl nll.l'J. Hllli lllJSa IMI I 1 ' ... . - . ... t .li..n.itl..i. I,,.e ll.-ilt.l tlvA rnitfl. BOO VUllg'iiK -"rr"'" - . ... 1 1 ..1 ilriice and iHrt .i. t'l .. uoing euaiitraa uirir. V,' eonhoeiill) suhu.it his I am. nd rruitly aak our lelloW cilixen M KALLY TO 111- bUl l'Ofil'. lii.peetfull). 1A.NVT0TEK8. rNir.'.W ?jg( C, t"r'fr. ia-,n structure. I lie color of tl '.uuV.i.ra I """at nuiiee. II. 18 uui. VPrj RfgUtcr nntl rtrrortlrr, &c. Flt. .1. D. MAPSER. nf Punl-iiry, rppnctfn1ly cflrr biinn lf to the clertnrs nf .iirlhiiiu Icrhiiul rniiulv a cumliitHto fur 1 1 1 " f ! I I'l'.U AM) KKCnltm-'.K AM) Cl.l'.KK UK I'll tc OHI'llAiNS' I'OL'HT, nt the e.nuing election, euljut to rrmocrnt.C Itnlcs. Wiiiilmty, July 10. I wqS.- Iff To the Voters of Northumberland County. llAYIMi Itui gnlicite.l bv my frieniln, t lii-tcby idler tnvmll as the people's candi kijle fur ASSEMBLY, fehould I be rlcrtrd by the siiflrseca of my fellow ritizens I pleilte mytu'lt to perforin my clnlies w ith the inmost ul n.v ahilitv mid lo llio beat int.-rpKls of iny ronstiiiiciiti and the puWin at larue. A. 11. UI.AlIt. Millon, .Inly 10, 1H5H. to musiFteacher! " r"HE tubseiilirr rei-iirclfullv informs the rlii - reiiK ol fSiinbtirv uml viciniiy, thai he will re inniu In thia plain lor the ur'OFe of tiivinn lessi'hs nri the I'lAAH, to aorli aa li.nnv ilcnire inslriii'liun. 11 is t.-rma w ill be renanniilile. He innylc luuud ut Ihe anhingluii House in thia iilnce. CH Anl.KS DA KINO, .un bury, July 17, I Slid. IIARDVAEE ! HARD V ARE ! ! T5 ,:s'' "-n-i'cd by A. W I I V ,,ue f-'tore. .Vimbury, Pn., HKi!. at liia fftMips. mioveis, iin;Ks. i.no- CHAINS. MM. I, tMWJS, Clitlfs (TT SAWS. A Nn, icrri-. Units, Door K mils', Thumb L.-ili liea, uml all ImnhMire nrerssnrv fur luiihlini-. A Rplciiilitl lot of mvkct .mil table cutlery, Scis- j son, t.'t iiii.ni Silver Spoons. 1 Kooning (;l:is,-s. j A brer Mok uf Looking t i lasses, n or ivnl nnJ i f"r sale l-y A. W. l lslIEj:. I Sunbiiry. July 17,lS.'i.'. I Tt. wl sj? C E3VC3?Oni"CJ3VT I fZlH- tniilersiiic.l bavin-; rrceited a lurgc and I JL well n li. Ii .l atni k ul Ii:rc Ihji-,, nstil tirrtlcalsi, llyesttiffa, OiN, Paints, Class an. I 1'ntiv. i. tin I ready to I'. 1 1 ordersat n momenta imli.-e. I 111 coiineclion with the above yen will fn o ' a-is.'iluiri.t of Kaiiey Notions. Toilet -ll'i. les and j I'eiltiineiy t.l all kitnls, Tinilli. Hair, Nails and I j Chillies IJ r ushes of e erv vaiiclv. i j Cnstumeia will tinit jiis bio. k roinplele eum ; piisiint many arii. lis it is iuipnasible here to ; cnumernte. j 1U-..M l,.MIH. Ihe place, next door to ihe ',i- i pls's One li iee Si. up. ' I'll) si, -in us" l'u ciiplikinsc.impoiiih d accurate- j ly and can fully, a. v. nsiiEi:. .Siinburv, Jul v 17, 1S.M9.- j fcjJ.-lW Wi.,.,1. Cro. Cm ui.d Mill Saws.- S., eiior urii. le at l'i-11 Eii'c!. i Sun'. im, July 17th, IMf!. j FURI.'ITURE POLISH. S. IM ;;'s Pteiniitm "iit, nt l-'im m-I l-'urnilun-! IVlish Tl.ia polish is ,ia,: valuiil le i;,r nl,, j rini; the polish on all kinds of I'lii'intuio, Class, I t'liriiauo llodii-a, H .ir Clolh, ,Vc. Abo, lor ru- luoMi.S t-pols. hitlin.j. si rali hr.i, tVe.. A c nr ranted I.i dry iiiiiniiliately r.i.tl retain ils i;li.-s. I'lice fttl c!s. j tr bottle. Sold bv A. 7. riNUEK. July .'7, Citrate of Magnesia mi I TASTELESS SALTS. flHIS prepnrjtion N reeoiiiinei.ded as an e A r.,l.,..i I 1 . i. - k. m o'r.i.eit ; mildly, is entirely (tee from ntiv unpleasant taste ! resemhlina U nioiiade ill flavor, prepared and sold -t'.v A. W. FISH Ell. I Sonluiry. July 17, 1 S.'.fH. j JJOI.T M( IN A I Es, Tooth und Hair P.rush,. i x all qualities, and any ijuauli v, for sale bv A.W. KisiIEIS. Jolt- 17. '.' ! Iiiii".m, Paints. Jtf. A ? ,:.V supi'lv of .mCM, paints. Oils. .Si. I'luid.&c, just reteiteil and for ink- by A. V. 1 IMlEli. Sunbury, July 17, IH.aa. rItobacCO and Scgnrs SO.Ollo Imported St kr.ua of various brand. Eldorado, Caveinliali and fine rut InhruTO al a. v. itsiie:,-s. Pmihtiry, July 17. Ik.'.S. git HIT uml M ADEKIA WINES. S, , Schnapps, Wild Cherry brandy, Elm-: lie.laill kberry Hid Li.veiuler brandies fur medicinal lirp.iea nl .'itly I i. 'fttl. A. V i isiiei:. ni'bi: CD.M E.N I KA'I ED LYE Oil S . ' 1 rti.MI'lEli. for rule al l'L-11 EE'S J)ru, ; Store. Price till rls. 1 JA'i'l llul LY, JU( KEY Cl.l II.TplH 7i : 1 FI.HU 'EES, Ac., ut ihe lest ipulitv ; a f.esh supply jinl leccivej and for talc nt llie' Drim Store ..f A. W. I'lsll EE. ' t'uiibury, July 17, l.S.,8. ; tat ion cry. A lurjr supply of fancy Xtf i " 1'aj.er and Envelopes, Mourning. Letter, and "ap Paper, Pens. Ink, Sand, Ac., nt ! July 17. T.H AW. FISH Elfs. 'ill Ul. OLIVE till. I.r table uTe.ITwoTiii - ul H7J and C'.'J ccnls just received by A. W. FISHEE, i July 1 7. 'SH. BliDWN'S und 11 initi'a Essenee uf (iiiini mill II llshlll.d': Ji.lv 17. V,s. Mnsuuia at FISH EE'S. Ij'ishins TucklO. Hid Cork, Crass, Cut-- ton and Linen l.ises. Out Lines, Se.i Class by the yard, f-'imods. Flies, Kiiby, l.iinciiek and I'urlislu Hooks, Hods, Ac., for stile bv July 17,'f.K . vV. FI-iHEi:. D R. II A RDM AN, iS.iLYTItbtlt I II X S 1 V I 1 X AMI riiysician for 13i5ca:es of the Ltirg-s. Formtrhi Physician tit ('inciitiitili Murine llu.-jnt'tl uml Jitrnliils's Jlvlrcut, t'unts poiitl'iuci M,u,ler tif the l.ituht Mitlicul ifociitt nf Obacrvutiuii Antltti' tif "I.'.itiiis to Iwtiins." anJ Editor of the ' Mr.iiiPti, s 1 rTiinsciii't," may be comulttd ul MM1I It V, u.liiintan l.outs,-' l ii-lay , Au.ust u, i-;s ll.t.N VILLI', "M.oilour linme," Au.n.t 19. ULi'UVs,uilti;, Aii"ut It Ult llAlII'MAN Ircau l..,iir..iiiipli,.n, Hronch.lij, rt niiiias, Asll.nia, itnd a.atite ul tliu 't'i.roal and l.u.ifia by Mt'.lii-jl Inhalation. li. Ilaitliiiiin'a k-laiini to public c 'iiudrtice ure founded up"ii nn loli'.itt i.'i; n.eib: 1 II. a Itiofouklli uint r"ltl It-te aru:iinlDiire w-illt ll.e prucitee ol the moil veicuiuit-u pli)aii'iaua ol l.ur.'petiai will na Au.iriia. I 4 I he Pi. ul oriliia rfleiayalrm ef III. d rail "11 ,bf. I fenui-Uotit every olln-r et'et yil u.lo;.teil d"ca tf-l make e.c 1 1 make Wei. j li ! leur th.tt 11 t . btt.ld up tiktaiu kl.t caol.ai; 11ll1it111ectouhrt11111aHi.il jsiia 'itoua iiiinenila. j 3. Ilia iiiipit-vdeiiiid experitnee in lh'epinil 'ruclice 1 Where eveiy ..'.in 01 uiseate vvaa pte-a-uu-d li.r 1111. ii,.;tl- ! I'"'."1 '". df"lh" """" ''"", " 1 i-kJ-fiitiU-, miti tor 'ttai;uti'i o li.r titlcrttd ch the ih i'.l Vitf lllliv lloli-il down I.)' Ills own Ilitlid I'T f.llUll- lcferei.ee 'I l.t'tM- li .lea anl titicrvali"ii ihua li.itee when eompli led. will form two laiue v 'lun.ea ..' live luiinlietl p:i(:ea eie-h, vvhieh will be puiil.klicd lor the iK-iurlt ol the M.dicul prolraaioti. 4. In Kiltt.li.iii 111 th.a, hia vntt rxpei letiee, at'Luireil Itjr .ruve.aiie neaily live yroia. tiiattnj; Ih 'uaui.tla aielituliy, hat. art rdid f leal MUtuinuara l,.r t.haei vatiou e.l the aiu.ly ut nil ilikeuiH-a iiiri.-lc.it iu Hie ' umait family. In tlua peri.sl .if tune tie liaa Itut'rleil a dlbliinre iie.uly equal to two enure cni iiiu ol ihe gl ilia, anil has Been, prrecribed .01 und ueeit Colitullcd by ittarly 30 la.iuaaiid invalids. A 1. 1. DISRAHKSi trf.ati:d Iii relation lu ll.e loll, wine ditoieee. riilicr when cun plicated with Lung Aflei-li. iia, or eiitnuii u lour, I bI-ki l invited tiiii.ulLutl"il titsuullv fliid llwm ......i.nti.. ..11. I Uii.,-, B.ia tt Mik,.... ' a .. . ' I',. ..itution and t,lt l-ubmalion and oilier foima of rtearl TJias... 1 :.M C. uipmi..i, Dyapepita, and all oihcr Uneaira of rtniiiauu Ultd Bovvela, Files, It. IW Aildiaeuaeaoiiha Eyi tut Ear; Keuialfia, Eol lapav, and nil foioia of Ncivoua D'Btata). iy .No clJU,e u( CvneuttaOo... titan fWaTi i , Tiiii ,JEtTirtA and ntAumo I RAILROAD. Oil (Y AN. b Tint MdNliA V, July .', ilintm-ii iii.Miiinff riiKcnKi-r train will leave roiitvina in r.i.t A. ,l .i.aii.n Ki'iiiIiiir i.l I'.OI A. M., iln'l UH1VI.1K HI l'liilii.l.'l.liiii .1.. '2.ii;,, i.ooii. 't he ili.w il Art -riiiKin Tinui will leave l'otlavilli- S 30 I'. tl., pawuiir It ending at 6. 00, and arriving at I'lulailiJ plini at 1AU, V. M .Mnrniiii- and Aflen.01.11 ra-npi-r Trilna lii.vo floln ili'l liiii at ainii. h"ura na hrn lolorr, 1 A. M- M V. M , eaaaiug K vailing nt Iu.(j3 A. M. sail li.Oi 1". M. l.rDANON VAl.l.KY PltA.Ntlt. rnwenger Train li-nvet Ri-uiIiiir nt lo A M (ifter orritHl o Duw.i ami t.p Mornine I' ikkimi!" Tni'n "'.'. HutiaviHe anil I'tiiliu'elk.liiit,) mill artivca 111 Ilnrnal nri: nt lii :j.i iionn, 1.1 tin in t" coninci Willi I'lmci'ii' r 'rui.e lor Hiinliiirf, W.i:.nn.irt, Kl.mra. riilsl.i'.B, I m.n.li. ipLiirs, ll.illim.ue anil ljtiiiaali r. Iti lniu.111;. ki.ti-a I Ini rlvl.n Pn at 4.4S IV M ,i.fUT ailiv.il of 1'imf -np.-r 'l't..'na Irom 11.I atf.ve p-iinla, mill urnvt-a at Itunlirg lit 4 .Vi, in nut'- lo conned will. L' i unit Down raMriiuer Tiiiina t' Toll villvund I'liilnddi'li.ti, the mum I'vi nuiir. ti. A. Nirdl.t.S. CntiUieer oml snii'tmiiviuloi.t. Ju'r 17. 1?59. tf Ctilliiirlnc Ziiiniirriii.iii'sj I stair. ".'OTH'E is hereby Kiven tluit lellers of ml 1 'I rr i niwt ru ticn have been prauled lo the sub K?riber on the ralale of Cathaiine 'imiiiernino. Intc of Lower Augusta township, Norlliumhi-r-l.iml rountv, deceased. All pi rsuns indeli'ed are requested to make immediate payment, and lhoe linvinit cl.iiiiia will prraeiit them fur si tllemenl. SA.MI El. II. ZIMMEKM AN, Adiu'r. Lower Iu(;u9la tp., July 17, ISoH. fit Il'NI!ONC'.S A SON'S' Superior llnri il g Fluid, for sale at I IllEli'.S l-'riiR ai il Chemical Emporium. Pimhury July 17, INoH. REGISTIpTs NOTICE. N' O TICK is hereby aiven to all lefiali .---. rteilitorS and utiier per--. ins iuleie.-ile.l In the esl.itra ol the folhuvioii r.aiiu d pt ra.ins, Ihal Ihe Kxecolers, Atiiiiinistr.iiors and Ci.aidims ,i( Ihe sii.l estates have tiled their urroun's with the ii'ejister of Notlhiimherlan.l rountv, uml lh.it ih. same will be presenle.l to llie Orphans Court of said eomitv on Tuesday, the o.I il.iv of luijut, A. 1). 1n5S, in Ihe forenoon of sihl day. I. Eimle John, ili-eeiseil. settled by his admin istrator de bonis lion Philip V riser. ii. Lose Fret In, deeessed, M illed by l,rr ad ministrator William Slcrner. 3. II cluck Philip deivj-rd, settled by !u ( -ecutois Mieluiel mid N'i. hulls lletrick. 4. I!eil7. I.ailuc, deccined, selilcd by her exi c Ut T I'llllip Eeilz. ft. Huiikle Sarah, ilceeascj, setllid by ln.a.l n inislrat tr Killl tn Duitkle. ti. I'..iuler Jacob, il. ceased. scllloJ by his rx rcnlor (iro. A- I'rii k. 7. Manimiess John, deceased, n-ltled by one of his exr. ul.u-, John F. Hi oiler. 5. b'eiilii.ek Peter, deicased, settleil by his ex- J ei-iitur I'eter Ibihncr. , U. Metier W illiam, dt i-ensed, tettlid by one i f i his execut.trs, Lorenzo Meller. 10. I ivetd W illiam, deceased, settlcJ 1-v his I administial.tr John Tweed. j II. .Monttfniiirry Mary, tctllcd by her guar I ih.in John I,. Wuis.'ii. j I-. Hunkleherer (.'lUhariiie, Simon auj leaar, i settled by their ttnanlian Felix Mauler. i 1:1. Kii.il. llariiel C. uml Mary C, settled by ! their gnaiil.ii.i Wil.i.tfii Seifued I II. Miller David 1.., silliitl by his guaiihau iili.im l.'veietle. j I''. I'ox Emilia, settled by her guardian j I'eter Sirmise. I IG. Fox Anthony, settled by his guar. loin i i'eler Strouse. ! 17. Kull Ceortte It, Henrietta It. nml Celeste j S., settled ly their tiiuirili itl John F. Wolflintrr. j C. liOVU l'L'KSEL, K.oisiir. I Itegi.ter's OMiee, ) Sunhury, July 1 ). It ; 1853. 1S58. TRAVELlJy ! ! JMEW ROUTE FOR INortlicin Central liailwiiv!! SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. IMMlM AMI Al l I II SIIIMIIV, Jl I V .oil, Iso-, llie 'i'ralna .1 .in. .Notlln-rn I'l iiOnl Kin a..y C'lllput.) will teat c 1)1. 1 It', (ts.ii.il,. s t Ariel"'' as l"!i,'.t : GUINU Ndli ru. Illll'UUAM) Mll.tlll t.M'l. IVS 1IIAIV Irtit UALIlvOlil-toJ1! NIllllV i:i.Mii:. AruvJ l.ii.tc. I'lilt-crt siuttiuu, i, :,n V ik, b ut s in 1 ' liri.ti;. port, li 15 tl -J", I. , Ill IU 10 ij .Mi.l.-i arg, IU 'JS In ill ti p-lott .., 111 i.. la .a '. im 'it"ii Juucikai, 11 U 11 oi !S.-ln.s-l.iov.., II ij II li t .u ii v, ll -" 1 1 :.o -.i:li.iii.i,eiiui.d, 1 1 :il ll a i i'i.inis.u nji.e, lit, lilt l.etv.aiiultj, II I'J 11 i I M.ii a, ll .,7 1 1 ..la 'iilown, 14 13 14 I - t. .im.l "tvil, 14 It 14 11 l.).lv., 14 vll 14 i.i .tb.t.lii -niery, 14 44 14 44 l.eiiii l'a 14 41 14 41 Mu.K'v, 14 :t.l 14 ai) Mo.itoiirsville, 14 H 14 1:1 illian.airt, 14 .'I 1 10 l.auiia, 4 40 COINO POt.'TU Troin KL.MlIi.V to t-l .NUl II Y UAI.Tl.MOli II Arrive. la'av.. i:iii.ini, u isi ' W ll ......apnit, 0 00 ! 10 M.'li'. 'U.t i..e, li -.1) '.' 40 .Mui.ey, b ill li :jj lit'l LO l 'S. li 41 ll 1 1 .M,...lp. mery, 0 IJ u a l.iti'-a 0 -15 U 45 I in,,..!, vvn, ll M ll .11 ulsontovt n, b y .M.:i..,i, In ,'7 n .a 1 tvit.l,nrtr, In ij .i 17 t l.iHm.i.ii..j.ir, ll 41 1u 41 N'.iliii.iiil'i rsiiul, 111 lit 1,. L:i t III 11 V, ' I) .1) 10 II) , i.ns-t.iot h. In !J l ,r, --rt-v. at. .i Junction, II !.j 11 II l.toik-il tvn, II II 11 lj MllllUlillie, 11 a. 11 :h li.ii.n.x, 11 .'1 11 : llu.lu' is.rt, 14 1 1 1 to oik. 4 isi 'J ta Call-ill ?,ali, n. 4 .'si aVTA-IL TRAIN. litilXQ M'UTII M. I F rom U A LT I V. o li L lo M M 1 1 1 1 Y k 1. 1 .M 1 1! A . AlllfC. I.'.ave. S I U A. M 1 1 r.o ii 11 14 44 1 10 P. M 1 'll I SO li u7 S ej il 41 SI 47 2 trt U . 4 'a ti jj 4 .'.I vl :,i a 01 a ej 'J is 3 H 3 an 3 3 4 3 37 3 37 3 4') 3 111 3 .'. 3 .'.ll 4 00 4 klS 4 IS 4 li 4 4t 4 4i 4 W 4 .14 4 a I 4 al 4 37 4 as 4 Ij 4 11 5 14 6 1.3 S 15 U M r-itiftit siaii hi. ; Y ork In i.ls'i-i" rt . Clink a l urry ! Hallux j Alilli-lkl.u.-j. . ll'it'l.il.l.lll M.ili i.lont:o lii'1'tf.'ilawil Tri't"ll"ii Jui.clloD -.'tins-lirove SI Mil HY, N'.ill.iiintH-rluiid Cl.il l.iUitqud l.t-wiahure; Millo.i V'iiiaiiito-il ri.iotilotva lotler'e .Monite'iurry llerei 'a .Mu.ey MoittoiitaviPe I'lijiosiiitrt Lluo.a 0 I'J CtUNO SOl'Tlf. Fium El.Min A lo Isi .Mil H Y & KALTl.MnKC. Arute. 3 50 4 14 4 4J 4 : ! 4 33 4 II 4 4-i 4 .-'5 6 M 4 li .-, 40 6 3J 5 41 5 .'.i 0 IU 41 U aj C ::s 6 44 ti 47 7 13 7 t; 1 SI v.v 1 H I.e tve. 14 30 A 4 lu 4 14 4 41 4 :.a 4 3S 4 41 4 4S 4 ilj 4 111 4 la 4 -Jil 4 ! ft ti 4 iS ti 11 0 44 ti :.4 ti 3S 0 44 0 ,) 1 11 a-- 5 40 V 47 Etlliira, VV ttliuiiiaport, Mont' u.kt ille, I Mnni'V, I H.sgn'a M i.uoiiirry 1.) aiei 'a t lii"iitowa ulkonlowtl .M.iioit, lkviautrg l lii.litsii.tiU Norlliunitik iland SI'MIl HY, l-lii,a Orove Ttevoii .11 Junction lieort', town, Muliunlonu lluthai.a.i, Mlllt:s4iulg II11I1I1.I t'lark'a 1'euy llbliplllll lltiiitepiirt ork t alvert Elation July Hi, lne NOTICE.- VLL persons having claim 011 Michael firu. bam, auo cunlraclor on fcei lion M, N on h em Cential Kail tioad, for muteriala luiiushed ur labor which they muy connJcr 1110 iu any way huhling; for, will please pirarnt tin in lo Dr. W. II. Man whu ha hound hinist If iu an in slruiiieiil uf writing with nit- In draw said lira bain's ea'.iinali t and keep me haruilcei tgaint all claimed sgalnal Saul liiabaui. K. BOGLE. untwry, July 9, JS44). A ( i A 1 N "HU CHAMPION I I 't The uny hale whiili, nieveiy ' , L iiislanee, l.reierved IheT in- " : . . .... 1 r 'ijJAMrlOtJ: ji lire 01.11 ins 111 in" on" tenuve lire. At Ihe burning of Ihe Arti san liuii.lii.fi, April l.llb. VrVii.l in the (Hi EAT KIRK in : .-.i ,..-. : ill 111' It Cl auCOi, 1. lay lal, l.'", j the genuino JIEIilklMJ SAFE Preserved the Jewelry of Ceo. W. Simons .V Uro.; Hooks, Papers, Ac , of Fisher .1 liro .iind E.lwaid Scaniiina vV Co., afn-r remailiim ex posi-d in the huriiiutt; ruins for netrly FOKTV. HOCKS, and proving conclusively wh it w1! have nlrtiiva el iimed lor them, Til EIH tiltEA T Sl'l'KliltJKI'I Y over all sei-mities now known. In Ihese fires, THE 11 ElIKIN'li'S SAFE, slaitdimi si.lit by si.lo wiih those adtertisul as "iviirraiited lo stand 111 per cut. inoro lire limit Hi rrioitV," ranie loilhlhe ACKNOWLEDt.'EH VIOI'iiE, not only preseiviim their cuileiiis in EXCEL EVP older, but being in linuoihes in a roii.liliou to ro llironnh ano-hir oulenl, while iiie boaHtc.l ' Salnui.imli rs" of ulhi r ma ktrswrte badly used up ill every instance, und in same cms their entire rontenls completely j destroyed. ; To llie public he would sonptv s.iv, lli'tt. tb1 ' ling Ihe loiiriicn years the II Elilil.Mt'S SAFE ; has been !,(, ne liiem. rime limn Uto hunibid ' have p.issrd throngli ai-'-idenlal tiris without Ihe , iii ci-nenee of a si.u'e lost. j We would, then lure, CAlTIn.N pun I.user ! auaiiisl the inisiepii sriitation of intcir-lcl par j in s. The IlEUEINIi'S I'A PENT is Ih.- um j 1 l.'.'E PlidiiF SAFE miiib- in this nit, whnli lis prottfti.l by a PATENT Kit. Ml', und we i will )Tii.ir.ii:!ee il lo r.-.-i.-l more b en ilo-obic the i aiaounl ol heat of any oilier Sal.- ivnv known. tt'ai r I, Sti ll lire & Oi., ! Sole M.inuf.u turers mi this Stale of "IIonLn"'s Patent Chainplon Safes." ol II uluUt '.'''. j tT' "l'.t.ins.V .ti son's Improved Saliman dei j," -tiliver Evans'," "O.S. t,a-. ler's," and I Scott's Ahsel.is." lion Che-ts, (a iarge nsn'il 1 no nt luninir been taken in pait put incut lor i -lierrie'-,") will be sold nt low pri.es. Fhils-h Iphht. July I.', UsoH ly j fc DJMTiltliri .s't'Ol'lt;. I). KIl.KI'ATI.l'.'K t'c Na. .-il rs -iiie 'I :! I J'tii-'. ' - os" t I, ii-1 Ll, re, Is, I'lill. MO.t.l'lll V. Ft M.KS IP' .It ol Mle Sl'.lti.l ,. ..:, .1 -.i: AN ll i t lilt II;. I -,l :r.'' .:'". ' I'"' P.i'l ' ... Tsi;i.-s ru.. 'I N- "'UIOIS ; I L'f V ""SOII le 11: lit":-!. a ii.r. i.c.a I'iir.ii. ,1.1 ,.u- t--r I..I-I'. or Ii " -'' I.I, I...,.' , i. -o.i:, ai.-sii 1:1:1 '. l ira will l.c AM ai. il" l.l'jl' i' i..'.,r.. - ti.a'k'l i t i :..!. ' I.-,- .! t', :. a. i-.t- i i 'if I! .'i ' wil1 I e i; :l. w I.K'll. I T a. iii cj Ii, or I.. 1 on Con.aii.sti.Ti. ..l-lpllli NC3I1T, E.5.0VN & IJCSLIT. 'iit:l.tt .iraKi iV L Iiu'.ii it i-'orv A.NH IIEl.DINi: vYAKE-Ei'OMs. H.iviii;' Iii'. M() EH to ihe rrwlrn Front .tiehoiise. .No. n-.-J Son ih Seem. I Min t, below- Dock. West Sii'cPlill.l.HEI'FHI . I. tl W oll'. r lo t'.ier ciMtonicrs and the jml In ' tii'i'i rallv. u new anil lull as-iu tinciit ol CMil.NET liAlillWALE A MATEKIAl.s. 'i'io y iiivile th.e ntn nlion of ihe Ira. lc to their stock nf Hair Seatims nml Curie. I 1 1 air. if their tin :r u.t n 10 im. I ictuie ; Also to a lull n-s, al lium of HI'.DDINC AND I I'll 1 i!.TEE . ' I'hila.'elpiii a, July :J, 1 ly ! ICE CBEAM i : f! 3 ES. M Alii HAI.TON tlsp.elft.lly i,,. 'vu f, ims her liicial 11. d Ihe fnl-lic iii.tiail), 1 that slit will i.'i nio.l. ,te tin in wi:li 11 1. 1 iii:am. 1 at her iffidriicr, on eterv eti 11111 (.Sm.u.i) s ex- ceptei!) iluiioi; '-iie pr. si r.l saiu:..(T. i Sunhioy. Jul, , ls.'.tt. i " SIIL'UIFF'S SALL j Ey viritie of a writ of I'itii '.oi'.". sued out of tho Curt of Coimnoit I'lens ul Nmlii ! umbeil.uid eoutity and .t Testatetn wrt f j I . .t.li'i 1..1 :i!"i.w. I" im iliieet-.l will bo evpu.-.d to I'li'l'lo- Sal.' lit Ih- r.-i'.tl lloil-i! ! 111 ..ii.loirv on Satin.hty, the i'lst day ol July ! in-r. 1 1 ...... 1 at '-' o'clock; I". M . the iulluwii g ; deseribi-d lb ill properly, lo wit : i 'I he one equal undivided I hii d purl of u lita.lil' In.d. sita.ite ill Cuiiier.-ii township. I Norihuml). rl i: ;1 co'inty. ul.i'uiiii2 l-ti'- ! ! David l't.lliu.iii on Ihe west .i-:, hind of Dan j i.-l Loiil' nn the:;oilh. ro.1l.ti11i.1a 'JO acres I ini iM nr less, about one half of v. h:cii is clear- 11. ore ol id. AI.sO : to'.' nn.li. Me.l mniety or half part of a certain lot or piece of ground situate in it-no township, adjoining the p.bi'Vo d. seribi d trad, mid land el the estate of . I ol. 11 Weiiiy ii.i-.i, Daniel llauptni d Muhuoin- crei U. .'out. killing about ulie acre nil. I 11 ball, nil 01 whiclys kloi.nd. Vi'lieie.iii lira erected 11 S itv M.li und u sn.iill House. Seized taken in execution and to bo sold, as llie prupeity of Charies Ileniiincer. JAMES YANDYUE, fhtriX ShcrilT s nilicf, Su'sb'jry, I July ID, l-.i. ir .ik-st. : ! I") virtue of ci-iliiin nils of J-'vii 'n -i '.-isM-.e.l out "I the Ci'iiit of ('oinmon I'lt-as of N"i thiiii.bei.t.iiid t-iitiiity, to n.e directed, will ' lie exposed lo I'uli'.u" .'-ale, nl lb" Cuiirl 'lie use, in Sunbiiiv. oil Saturday, lie 'Jill. I .lav of July, inst., V) ut 1 o'ebek I. M.. the follow ing ilesciilu d real eslale, to wil: Two Certain I. "ts of Orur.nd, siltlate in the liuiniigh uf Sunlitily, Nul'.iiunibei .atul emu ly. tin thai .ait of siiid town t-uiiinii-i'ly culled ! Ilel.linilts' imd Cleiuelit'j llildilii ll.'' cull- I tailllllg Cell ill) felt ill llUtlt ill Cilestlillt ! siietl. atul aliiiut Hill feel in depth. nd'oiiHiie I, u .,1 1),. l.i. l ll. iiiiiiiL'i r on Ihe Last, ui.d Eei.j.iinii. llendiicks on tho West, wheicun me 1 licled u two sluiv fian o liui'so Itbd 11 I'rainu stable. Seized, ' taken ill 1 xeciituui, and to be m id us '.1.'' ptopetty of William Atkins. Also, at the sanio t:iii mid pl.t;e. a c; rt.t.n lot nf ground, situate in ihe Eoiuugli of Sun. biirv, iiloii stud, und liimked on the gi-neiul plan of sai l town No. iii'.', lienlittgoTi W lu.r tlibeiry stret't on tho North, and bounded by H.lbei iy iilb-y on the Smith, on the l is! by lot No. ill.-, now onni-d by i'limni llouv.r. stt.t. on the Wffi by lot Nu. ::', imned by Murguret O. Lviii: containii g on fi it in liont und 'JlliJ feet in depth, wheii uii mo erected a ttvo-slury fnuii'j house nt.d kilcheii. Seix.-d, taken in execution, mid to bo sulJ us the pi npeiiy i f lleiiiy 1 lery. JAMES AN DYKE, sin-,.;!'. Shel ilV'aOlV.ce, Suiibmy. 1 July ild, lxftn. J Opposite Ihe Pi iiiis) Ivuiini lvail Iioad Dej.o. HAElilsiil Eti, PA. "T- EE!' a laro,e stock of llie followiiiii iiame.1 UVi anicles, au.l win sen rue. per . "i oil. i r house tins aid of l'hl'ud. Iphl.1. 1 an a tco priir if Cudie, Lard oil, Kih oil, Tar, Heain, ll'i'li. Sit)-ar, 'I'en, Spices, Tull.lCC'", Citiais, 1 ish, S'ult, !lan:.. iSlioiildera, Flour, Oakum liobre, Cubiiud Piustrr Cu. idles A r. N. tl. Molasats. Vineiiur, Hind, Cbirse, Soap, S. II. Molassea, Si ruua, . i .. .1. Safeiv Fuse. Ciow liars. ,-llso, . - .- - ,. rtik-dki'-s, lion and .Nails, lor sale oi enj' "" prillis. July 1, ' 8.-3. It FOR refills Piuru iiuuiii in ........ . - s-tll Sloro Iiooiii in Maiktt 'iel, lonneny I ociuiurd by 1'. W. day. Apply tl't'SJ - - - - . .eT.mi. ..I 11. Ma-ecr, d. ee.ee.1. Afsll IT !!. Till: "OMi IKH.IIOV' CCPPSE POT. Tliniifnin nf tl.ia ,u'v r. tT.-e Pit tve nlrra-li- l.-m 'I I. tn ul ll.r .1, inaml (rom lilt 1 nrla r-f Ihn tl.1il.1l flut.a I. r.ipi.llv nil thi- ilirri-.m., V her.'Vnr .Mr ilnpivl. It lii'a .vea li.o tno.t r iini'lfli at lnt'urli'.n. ra.,.. ... ,,i.,,i,.ii,u i.t'i-. nf,T (Vfnki.it I tl.. nofli, llmi, it im t-r.ll.'i. ... i.lifni.i in t.tii 1 I'll.rr w iv l..ei.ii.. t.yn.i inmul na l.-ti .t;..ln nmin'.. , i in. wh, i,;r ,..,. i ,.,u(..c ll. . :i- .r i. i i .. . . ii"-i"n"i iiiucoituriniiiLi. in.iiraiui.'i jiii'i'i'iiuN... l-iiii- ; i Tilt: f)l.HI)iiMlSMON ori-r.r. rnT I nivMn li -n-l'iv Lwaingi- N' rvoii. .I'l'pi'ptle, ai,.1 M i loin, ei-r-'otia wlio I, fi.l not II iri- t 1,1 e, h. s I ,r -... i l.,., rr,,TM .e'l.ii , 1 liavtt l,r..l n',!r lit ill. I'll 0 : w li.'i. luii.lr iii 1 1; i ne-.v boil fi.vo-lii et' itnv "I lln-o'l liiiplfi-Hit ''oiiv."..!-.'.''-. I-.a l. , l.i-rini-e bv tliev n-i. ol it C 'l .l-T.-. r. rv..P"Tni ."it I Oll.ltV, I" : vrnt.-,l. nml the ..!!.' fan b- ."ili-:l I .1.': rts u - o t. l, I all llil- l.:ili.'.il si- .ooliln ol ll.e linrrt , anil Ht l ihca i" J1'-1' j iroiniili.'ii .1. III.: Iievro'i:... i Tin: (M,i) n.iiiM.i rorrv.i: Put ! la tin- ni"Rl e.",ii'inii-:il. for ii-.-lii'i t Ihmmi; I .st to ' v.l:.:toil 1,1 I m .ill okT. one fon'lll less e ll'. . i.s ., 0 .1 lot ; ( Will1.' Ill" l.fVel.'lL" la alo'l per, ttlori' il.-iieiol... 111 II lll.l) dominion rut f i.i: pr vr V, vr f.il. . vo,,r fit, ol e ti Iris j ;t,n. t',e I it. ila wot It la'' Ti k I'.uoet ri".i l,f n. :', i t or f- tit," iVi . r, nlli r s'i .. it on llie alova or ri.u.'e. tiik ci, n iiomimdn currpr. nrr In innmii .ti-l Lir. il uti.ler tl.- i.nli at for tin; I .1 r1 : it 1 by ah nn ii. in i: mi m .v i.n.rnv, nr ,v i in s ..- ;o. le'nar'iir. nr,'t i .1 I-., in, is .ir-l , T'-n-l. S--.-t. I'll . -. -f ll,- r I M-.ie-tf Vol ut'. ;!.t SiJi-H'.-oii s l '1.11:' .S. .bin. Alto r-. I .-. I a. i- e. i .i.r 1 eV 1 J : jY virtue of sundry writs of Yi-MiiriiM F, PUN 1 s and Lr.v.tui F H 1 ts i-.oii .1 cot ol ' t'vi C.'tirt of ('o!iiiii"ii Flint ot N orihuiu.. rl in.! '. r.'iinty t i me ilne.'teil, will h" expired lo I'lii.iic N..I" lit the Court House in Siinbury, 1:0 MU.N DAY the '.M ilav ol A I (I I'S'I" next, at I n'i loi-l., ' I'. M., Ihe liillo-.viiiq ilesci i'.u d lU-al Property, to I wit: : A rerl ii:i L"l of trotKiil. sitin'e 01 t''" bot-o ; .,t Ti'ciortoii, in '..-i hy township. N'o'thmnl er ' i in. I county, heiiikt I 't No. (i, in bio. k no. ", I, b, m:i. led 0:1 Ihe north 1 7 the Eailroad. 0:1 ll..' ea-t bv vacant cru'ind mid the xvrijh-Fcnli-s. on , ihe south bv iiinl on Ihe v.t si bv ulher I .ts of Ihe del'ei.ihiiits. --"hereon isi reeled a two j s'.orv lr:toio I101.se and kitchen. Also, nuotlur certain lot of croiind, -.incite 1:1 Ihe town of Tievorteii, nloresaid. ".enm Lot No. -.in block l!0, lioiiniled on the ti.irth by nn iilb-y o-.l Ihe east lit lot No. II. in said block. No. 1 10 ; on Ihe south 1 v '" 1 "treel, nil 011 iiie west by lot .No. 1. in s.ii.l I ht.'i, whrreoi is erected a two story fi .inn House. Also, another re. lain 1 't of nront-tl, situate in I the town of Trovoitoii. ifo'tvnid, bcint; lot .No. II 1 i 1 h! .li No. li'-'', bi on:, led i n Ihe lioitli i.v Ma!.:i I i.'.v s-.iei l ; 0:1 Ihe cast by lot No. 4, in said ' hloi-k 011 Ihe soiiili by the riul.oad ; on the wtst bv lot ."In in said hi. ck, win lean is elected n Si in..' Itt. r house. A'.-.i. Lots Nos. 1 .X' t in b.oik No. Ih. in said tow 11, h.inuih'.l on the wtst by 01I1 stit ei ; ul 1 ; ' the s,nil!i ly Coal si net : mi the north by 1111 ; ,' aliev and Hi the r-ist I v b't No. Ii. in same lluek. . Al- t Lots Nos- ft A A in hh.ik No. HI. bound- 1 1 e.l 011 the we-t b lei No- 1 ' east by I"! -No. '' 1 in a.tuie hi ul.: l.uitli by Maiki.1 t".!i..-tai.'l muili : ' by an ..!:ev. ! ' A Isi. Lots No. I A ft In bloii, No. oli bounded : si -,il!i bf the Euilroail: iiuillt by Mahuiioy sunt: ' eist by lot No. a, and west by let No. ti ill same '. hb't-k. Also, Lois N'..s. 3 A '. 1:1 block No. .' l. 1 .-Es.., l.O-S N"- i'.' AV bi ill I'ioi'k N". .''. Also, Lots Nos. 1. '.', :1 and I, in block No. 4. ; Also, Luis Nos. 7 .V N in block No. !"(', liouii'l i e.l ou the west by lot No. 0; east h,' lot No. I1, I in s-inie block -, bv the rniiMiid en tho liorlh and ! ; Market street on the south, i Also, Lot No. r', in block No. 31. ! Also, two out-lots in said town of Trevortoii. ! and marked upon the qi ner-.il plan of raid tuwn ' Nos. lift and hii, coitta.iiiui; iie arte cub. ; j Al.-o a pertain tract ul' unimproved bin.!, situ . i ate in Hush township. Nuiiliuuiherh.ini coiiiiiy. ' niijomiiii: hue's l.-.te of Kipp's heirs, hind ol the I hturs .il .lo'iin i'in.er. dnias.-.l ; I ni l i f Wilii iin 1 l'ipuy. Will'u.111 til aih nt an I I'llu-rs. ro:.t ail. in-; ' 3ft Acres more or h'-s. I Also, unoilur ceiti.in Irtct or r'nee of land, : silu.-ile ill Eush township, alores.nd, b.a.niDd I'M Ihe east by hind tit Mrs. K'itel ; oil ll.e nortli l y Ihe norlh east bn.neh ol the titer Su- pj.'h.innn ; on the wcsl It ' land now or bile of the lo irs ul Ja cob Kerr, decease 1, and on li e south I y Ihe road It ildlltg lV..in Sunbuiy lo D.:"ii:le tu.d i::l: 1 ol Eol.erl Moore, clitaiiiiiu ' Acr.s uio.e or less, neaily all ul which is ihau.l and whereon arc eieited a Iwu-slory baii.c h oee and ki'ol.cn. a fiai'ie barn nml w.igqou il.i-!, well ul v-a'cr, 1.11 oriluird, otit-buihiinus, Ac. Seized tal.t-u in execution am! lo he said a - t'. r prope'ly ot lienj.iiuin Ceaihutt :,nd I'.in-toii, I KauHinan. Iradinn us Eel j uniu Cc.11h.1rt A Co. and 11. 1). Wtaver. Als.t t.s the propeit) ul lleiij.iiniti C.-.til.a.l .H'd, cutlo.-t.ers if Mi'iirs A Davis. AI.-O: , At Ihe same li.ue and plate, ti.e loll jnii.J pr ' uir'.t to wil : I One full undivided third pari, the whole ii.lo ; lhrcceipi.il pails la be iliinled, uf and in nil 'hal ; peitain 1 .n t er i. ee ol h.nd .ituale in Cal l..tt 11 j ship. Nun' 'Vibeilalid cumy, Tt 101-) Ivai.ia, boiiuded as fTuioV. , lo win Eegliiniim at a i Li .--j nut oak on line uf land sniveled M 1 i cut V Antes, thence by line of loud suiveved in tl.'- name id rii.leti,-!; Antes, iiiitthtij' wtV l-'ft pco h- s to ti , chi.siiul oak; Ihcncch) land late . I Jeri-nii.ih li:..w;i '; 1101 Ih iiii.eleen mid a'.hall dcRiecs west 111 perches ' lo a 1 iue knot; ihence by bind of Alexander W. Johnston und itthrrs soiil'i IS drgieis -m-i I. ft, ' :-lil pertlics to sloi.es; tin nn by line of b.1.,1 sui i veved iu the name of Hubert Cray. :-..ulh o:u I degree eaot one hu'idri'd ami !N-i'.ve and i.inc 1 lentlM pen lies lo slom s; nn.l theiice by line of : hind sniveled to Hi my Antes alorisai.i, 1 . : !i S!l degrees edit "Jul pen lies lo I lit-p! .ice ij I ci;io ' n'uig. t-.tiilaiiiiiig Iwo hi. 1. ibi d tird twri.t) -i icht ai its and rlt-MU perchi. strict n.easuii'. I Also, one full i.iual undivided thiid p'rt. iho 1 wh 'le Ititu ll.rie 1 'p.al psrt'. to 1 c tlivi.lid ot nml , j in all th it nii.-iii 1 ru -I ut 1 ii 1 e i f land. ' .luate 1 in the sai.) lowiishiput ( 'o .b und Uiuiuh d and dcsiiihed as loioie.stu wit : lit ii.n.nj m a pin j nl the corner ol u trait suivryrd in the lame ul I Willi am Cri ru ; tin nee by line if .iiie land I iinil'.l lj desires we -I Inti !!! pi r. hi s It a I post ; thence by land In'.e or now of J bu-nui j C 1 1-y an.! 1 lin n 1101 Ih SI ih (10 c 1st 1-1 il I peribes lo a chc-nut oak ; llirie-e by land -nr. 1 veved ta S'j'nui I ilhciiil, liorlh it ile;;nes vvi-t ' 111 ft-II) tenhtslo a chi'-bc.l o::k ; ihinie by , llie saint iit.'ith i-s, ilt-tfrecs fast ill t.l I'lc'.i es to a Hone , tlieiice by the s.iii.e nor.h 3 .1. s i v. est 1. 1 ircl." to stems ; ll.e nee no: Ih s't ih tr, rs I rusl 1) I perches to a post ; thence ly line ul land 1 surveyed to John lirinlv, sou h I i'iir.e cart 04 : ft. in j.i nl'.cs 1.1 stones ; ihi n. e '.-v lii.eof h.u I n.. , i.r lair ul Alt tn.i'.vr W. .I...:, .to i and i.lhus, i soulll r I ih i;ree ; wc.-l CIS 1 11 hi - M a w hill- uak; I 1hc1.ee by the f..r :c sooih'il) ileiiiees wot 1! I pert hfe I ) a ''yh.r ; lhci.ee U the ean.c KutV I It. deer. ( wcsifti 5. Ill penhi .to a' -si; th-nce ! by the siiiienniilil'i'. dc-urs west -J i 1.IU pi rOoa ! tea posl ; I'nrut-e bv the tame smith D ih'icc. i 1.1st fto perches a.iudi ,J d'-i-.n-.s eas I a 1 1 n he. ', and souih '."-: di g: cea east 1 :i j etches lo a pu.t m 1 lint-of land surv.ried to Dr. Eel j imni to-, is : j ihci.ee bv line uf the nai l nuns s u h 'J tli tf i west Eli S.Utptrchi. to the bnc ' f be-imnin, ' 10ni.111.intt wo biiudr.d and aitly-lhne otic. 1 and Ihiilv-i-nc J '-'chi. strict measure. ! Siiztd'ltl.eii in riecutio.i and to be IJ as thti j - ; f rau, ,rdi..r io 1 1 ""J " - - - Ai Ihe same tin - and l-!ee. "f ''l"'1 al liluK vii'ed Ihi.d pail, the wholn ui'.i three eounl art. ! lo 1-e divided ul in and nil thai eerlui i Iract ur piece uf lanJ siliuled iu Coal township. N'oi- , lliui'.berUml rountv. Slate of I'riinsvltsi.ij, j 1'i'Uiiihil ami ilc-ri. bed as follows to wil: Hi-, eiiiiiiue at a white oak, toulit ono degieo east i ' foi.y six peiebesto a alone; tlicnco south turn, j I ty-eight degree east idnetv-ritl.t en lies to a 1 pine, ao'iili .ixiy-two degieet ui-.l one hunjiid , i and forty -lour perches to a atuiie corner, south tweniy-eikihl degrees tnal filly perches to a pine, ! nertli aitly-lwo Jegiees east lwtuly-tig'..t pceiu s j la a poieautilh. Maty decreet eaal lorly seven ; I ta r' has to a bine, i.mlh lilly-lite di eri t a vast !,.., .1 . .. .. ... ..1 i... 1 .... 1 .i .i.... ; itvt. iiuiiui. . ..." , ..s.... .v ... mtiiy ...utorK.... '""'k ! tv percnes 10 a poai. aocui .,y.j-u.. i.i.Mee.. ; tfsrt iKl.r Iwa (-rnnni.n whi- njk ihe jb" of U sinnine, ConlpiifitiR twoliunrlrr d ami Itirn 1 aires strict mrsc'ire, l-oitiar part of la tjer tr:i'-'. survpyet in ihe damn ut Lawrence l.'immon cVe. rciiei) Liken in exerulinn and to I t so'J is tho properly of '1 liom is I! atiD.sot'Ji.er, a-ltflira tenants. A1....U Atllie sairie time nml p!u, al! that ferlatn '"'"'"'"y l"'rk buihlinir, ..'ttint.. en Miamokin street lit ll.e t.tvk it ,.r Kl a;.. ....l .. i ... ii 'iii.m v.. on iiiiui.-'i "'out lain niiiiiiini ati.t i.ini lt'-oiin nr.. ronlm? to pl,,n of M,iJ t.mn. einlitefd V, t front n,ln "veiny It el ilcep .111,1 lot or plOi-o til (iio.lll l an. i rnrlilaije nppnrtei.int n i, btiiiilinj. -j I .. r k ii i-vecutiitn in. I to be sutd os tho i'"l,M.' " ...ii. ii iioooiati. ' ALSO, , At the ann.n lime n:.d pkirp, nil Hint rertabf Iwo storv Itanie ine-sni.tp ami teneuicnt, situate I in 111. I'.wusi.ip ot "erbe, In (he entn.ty of N,,r : thuni'ierhiud. 111 ll.el . wool 'Prev.irton.iiii'I num. i bi n d in the general plan of raid toivn, number I Four, 111 bbn l. nuinbei one humlreil an-.l four, I bounded on tli liorlh hi 11 11 alley, 011 the enst I y ' lot inonher lit e, uotv in Ihe uetuip inrv i f Alevsn . iler Lii Ii, ,01 the s'lutii by Sham.iUin sirrit, and on j the v'.'.'st bv lot nuiii-'iT ihrce. rr,t.tii!iiu; in lioi.t , on .'I. tn t-b hi S if 1 I te.ei I -lo p li el ai d in (b ptli ( til rtf left, u'r I the lot or piece of ground i.tnl i ur- tihiip apptiriioi.mt lo sai 1 bt.iloiiik;. St iyr.l taken ' 111 evt,'i:i..ii nn. I lo be sul.l a i:if preporly of M. i. M-.inly und Julni Serb er. ! ALSOi At Ihe same li.no .1:1,! pl-ice, A 'ruiin I tl of croi rd, situate in the town nf !'ri ei ton, in Zorhr township, Niiri'.tiiinheilnud county, bein I 't No. 4, in block I'.M, fioi.linrr on shainol.i.i ' street nml boun.li .1 11.1 the west by 'ot No. 11 und on the east bf b l N .. ft, bring 2ft feet in width : and IftO feel in ileplii, whereon is recti-, I a Itvo ' story linme house painted brown S, i.-.ed taken in execution Mel lo he sold o tho pro c:ty uf : Mah! in K. Manly, i ' ALSO ; '. At tl e sv.io time and place, the following pro. perly lo wit: A pprtaiu tract uf land, situatil in S0.11110I io township, Northiimbcrhin I county, 1 .iuiii'c'I by lan.l. o tin' heirs of John Smith, d-c'. I, an I Daniel r-ii.ith on the west, lands of (ieoigo I-i -! lor and the le irs nf (ieuroe Hitler, dec.!, imi i the ra-t ; l ied.- of John Martr, Samuel lla'es and other.-', on the south, and a public lioad and lands . bile nt Huli Hellas. E--p on ihp north, contain iur; ":in Acres more or b-s, ubou! '. ' J acres uf which are rleaied, wheieon nre eiectc.l a two , slory Irame House, a huge Iiank llarn, Hichard, .Vc. Si ied lal.en in i-xeciition met lo be sob' as j the . rope.lv ol" H. ti. Taqfjert, J, H. Furuiail and E. (.'. Hut'ton, ALSO: At the san.e lime and place, a certain lot ru , mound, situate in the town of Mount Curmel, ill Mount funnel township, Norlluimbi rland conn : tv, bi'iii4 lot No. I, in block No. 10, in the gene. I ral plan ul said ton n . hamuli d oil ihe nerili bv third street, oil ihe south by lot No. ill said bloik, .111 the enst by nn alley and on the west by ; Oak sheet, containing fit) feet in front and lfto i i'.rt iii lo-i lti, v hereon il rrecltd a two t.i:y iiiiinf house. I-ei7.e.l taken in eveculi'in anj to tie s ild ai, the property of EatiJ Lie ,t elli 11. ALSO: At t!i- s.-ii.e liu'io and jda.-e. acerl.tin lot uf'our.,1 -iti'le in llie boro:i'.;h of Shii'.ii.iv, Norlhunil er. land loiiiitt, lioi.tinii on Ehickberry strict, a. 1 i 1011114 a lot t.l'.l.tcoii Cii'jle on the c.'.st, u lit of E.lv.'iid . Eiitht on llie west, -mil houio'.id by a t'.M'i.'v le1 1 uliey or, liio n .rl.i, whereon are eie.-ted a one and a half story Log H ouse, nbo j one mid a h.:!f stury lrame house, out-huiidings Ac. Sei.ed taken in execution and lo ho sold as the j roj.crty uf Jacob E. Mtisser. ALSO: At '.t.e smip time and lice, two certain kit of ctound, i iiunie io ihe town of 'i'u .oilon ii X"rl e t'l'.v i.ship, N'oitlniiiiheriitii l county, bein I Is No. Il and l,!il l l 'ik No. I o'J, w hereon is erected a two t-toiy ti .11110 House, said lots beuu; h .uailt d so..t',i by a stria t. north by nn idle), south east by ihci.ld liian.-h Eail Hon, I, aii l wctt l y ihe 7'iet. rlwti C.uitp.'ii.) 's Lots. Sei7ed taken in exce-ili -n a::J tj to o! I as tho pr.ipeity . f Johi, tii .ClV. ALSO. A t thr fi::.r lime a'-.d pi .t or. all the inter,-at s'as: or purpart of Diniel Liycek. supposed lo M the muliti.led ICih part, more or I. ss, of nml in a cer. I tin iracl of Land, situate In Point township, Nor- thuinbe, I m.1 couniv, I ii.ied bv finds of iho lo irs, of 1'.. ( ii eeii'inuh. dec'.!., nu l lands of I'e ler iJ.il.ly and others, cetttairi iq Fouilein Acres, mo.' or b's.4, w hereon ate creeled a two st try inline .Itv kllinj h 'lise, a frame barn, an apple or chard, .Via ei7cd taken in execution au.l to bo ! as the propeily uf i.limi Huuscl a::J Dan iel 1 .lvcot'k. ALSO: At ll.e rr.n;e t!,-.te and '.toe. uii that err tain r.vcst. ;y frame bei. 50 or building iitiil loi-eni.i.i. si'.tiiite ill Sliainokin street, blue Is 1'Jj, I ii" Nos. 1 i.tnl 'J in the loan td'Trevi r- tot:, in N'01 ! h'luihi". laud county. coiil:i:niii' ill front i:i said Shauiuiviii si reel 2-- feet, a:.il in depl -lii it i-t, ni.d I ii" lot or piece of ground, an I curt ilnges npput tenabt to said bnildii g. Seined taker, in e.eeuli..n 11I1.I to be fold us thu irunnly uf Christopher -I. M. Newman. J MES VANDYKE, ShrriiT. She.iiV's Oir.ce, ."tinhiiry, ) .Inly :t. l,-r'M. ' s I' i I CI X,'l A ' IK ) N V ' ' I It E is here ' Colli t-. "1 Co ehy pit e.i ihct the s.-ier-i1 lien I II l.hi.'il.i onion 1 ji:- .,1 th.e p: . r ai. 1 'Pi . :. 0 e, and Oi rh.ius' C.ti't. Coi n liner ai.-I ie:i"al J.iil Del:. ;. . .-ot my of North.M.berhind. i.t 1 '"i ii IK 1 ' . i:i 'he horoueli ot M-.ck, A. on V.md.iv, t.. I 1:1 1.11J fir the coioi.-.i'iicf at the san'o.iiv. '.n o ti.i.1 i'-v ..! AI'lit'sT rex-. v in one v.i;:::;. i'h..i r.,r. :. I '.cs in and f rroiietli -I ( r, .In ol l'i '. c and l"'lis-i. o, :!: ii'iibcrhti:.!, t in 1:1 ti.eir pi"j'ci p. r .. in-p-'.-itioi:. i.e. I 'se. t,ii...s lo I'.t ir be ,l.,:e. Audit;- rl'.e c, ill,') of . be then and flu ' s.ii.-, v. n'i I In .r r..l!s, r-.' 'i. ulher it liii'ui oi aliccs, to i'io ll several ol h.-i - a iij'crtatniiiT I witi.e-st '..-ocmi!!'.- 'a helu.li of iiie Coiuin !.! weal'.i. iij-.oii'l :'.ny pnsonti i.'-e a'.-o rt ipiesie.l ai I coiu:u:i:eli ': to be then .11. ,1 there atti miii.e in 1! 1 .: pr.ovr p'-rs to pioseeute ue.iin.t lulu, its shVi be pis: .. d not to .1. part without t'-ll. 1:1 or-" are le jil'ti d lo he pl.t iiilt :..!..:. ee, ut the time a.'i'oiii'c.l it-ate al ti ."r a Hi.i! ill ll.i I agirran.v- ta lh. ii notices. Citeu under my hiHu'i nt Sunhi.T). the si'..:i '' cf June in ihe year of cur Lord one ll,, ; s and ris'1!' I11111. bed and finwiehl In.!c ciideiK-il llie I'liHtd StjUs of An.rim the ti'Jd. C'oJ save Ihe C.'.inuoiiite.illh. JAMES 'AN n K E, sl.-rf. b:ieri:l"e Oll'ico, SuriLury, I June Jl., D-ft-h ' J "jlist or : causss"' T 1 1 K l';ai ill the Com: ui (Vm.iiuii I'll a1 - N'o-thllulbeiland County, t.) be he:. I at S... ' lu.v.'Ui ih" nr: t Monday of Angus:, Isof. 1 I'liurait. Uiiitiutii. , -, , J-'liu ki. 1.1, Jji.r E .ztbk'-.h el!r cu:ljri:i vs. , ' 1 .treci tl ul, I'eter l-i kssen v H.i.firr ct ul. John Eewcu a J. ii". M iik Aletai. '.t. Coll, t John A i.le. !.- Jilltic Eug'-r, 1 Jm-os an 't a, !d lily Wt.tO, v 'i'h. .s. JJakiUi.-- :r.:iat, , S. Vi ubt rtoit T Cli incut '.I fl'.r:uio'' ; James M alone v. En-la A t';.:.l..:V It lit- ' Thomas Den vj Allied Kucite, Win Lcnav. Ac vi Win I. ID'l .o C M Flsiiiuiii iSiC, vs m 1. Hii .'i vl. It F Ecilv A s Hani.' v W'ill'A'ii I. r-warr vs Hal). h Li'i!1-- tl ' ts W ill.j-:i A s r.V t !.-. r. i He-KV ' Hahii... va Lharlia Hi):cn''rtn, ts John S I'eleiiu.a. v Jos llulVinnu'c sJiii'r ta John I'. I'uisi i. va V. ti. K jsc it al John b Snvder, Haaj A lS'owi Edward Croaa Jol.iiH.Fux Suriih Mhler co. Fi u 'P. CU uisut i-eae Hi ..t. n I ii-boiuli H UtiV lii,:;i,l A. Stain I.Vijbt'ii Purely Wiilium Woihorn t'uii'oii Hun Imp. Co I suae Uio vii ts J. Furnaivoilli el V va Abraham t.fauh, DANIEL lUXKl.LV, l'roil.'y riD'hwiiolarv'a UlSee, t )jht,liii' , J -irs, J, )i 1 ,