Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, July 17, 1858, Image 2
i.iui; t. .'uns. N. r., MTho mnil steam ! ...i:. t'ri, Woitt-n. from llnvrit.nd ' ilti- a.-), ou the SOtli tit, passed Capo lv.. f v'.fi '.li.v morning. . . , . 'ir Coll'.i I '.-vipdell had driven tn reneiu 1 -ck fnitu t:la:i:eU:fire, nud captures ''''.jnrATWSITAlX Tfcc tcrcnu tuJ paid a visit to tho Lev.V .Sore oKatfers nrc 1c Le rnt pn t'19 route In 'tween Oi'.lwoy and America. a jltorrtci,i"" ,,'tn 1,1 a ' (.Vr-vman In Pntl.'ituicr.t. Mr H iriM-, tho liorso tamor, hcl cxltoitcd I;' v. '.udeilul csj loits ' . i',r? Cm (Jncen. ITALY. Yin Prince Royal of Sicily hid been mor r.J to ibe Dutches Mara, of Havana. FRANCE. T ii trar.frorm.ilio!! of FnHIrp slips into t-.r'-r. was tl,'" 1111 n"'k 'ut;'1 a-ti!ity hi 1,'rt,Dc:: BFAIN. S ,:o Is -iinc'.! laoocscd against England, on the eU t questii n. RUSSIA. A IU.;5ia cu'otnn wat bdranvirg Into tie Cu-icasM. K.-vs of Hie Trlrgri'.ph I Int. mins, N. V , July 11. Tli s:eam.tng Llio J j V. t. j f'-'iii Ltverp." I in i ,':'! -.: .vj! pas"ag' .'pcils Laving recti en and ttinitll Mourner, hull 7- -'lit!', i i latitude il ''! North, locgitud" oJ Wt-t. Tloy l:uJo eik'.."ls, Im t III! Lille Ji'cko't h.i;l 110 code and lllrj I't'liM !"t Ululer : niii. i'.:t .same evjuinjf saw u large ft'.''::'-. g dow-n upon tlo others, but cor.! j not make out whether it was. Euglxli nr Ale-..t:eit. Sr. .1 1 .. .ii.iy li. lii? .iptall: ci ll.- iliuo Jacket says tint one of lie steam t r wn large d.mb! d"ek 'V'gate with n C.- !ifi ! lore nn J ait, (.Lo passed within u r.ii'u',1 ii;; J tie; .! her was .i l iiV paddle steam ir, nnJ was X:!:n:t hail '"ii-' Ironi '.' tler. A liv.'.o ptcaunr was lieurh'g iU".v npni j; i.'i t!ie cviniii, v.L-m: were lost s.j;lt ff. " .... l .i.. . a:,. I laLi:ii-l-. !'!3 Jncupt s I"? ci tlo -VUi .ntc re 5 in n liri'CZ-3 Iri'in Miii'.! liy gontli ,!.,( lis;:, wiij ii lucidly fnill ; 'v ol;;iiv '! ii :i. r U VI. "i le weatlnjr ,., ...,.n , I mc..!-.ile :i:iii ;n;i-k ti.I tlio inoriung of 'lie oi i:ipt, ivli-a lleiii wvfii Ftro:;j gules frjci 6euthea ly west witii Uijrh lea. rrie! join I tatu Sf. Lon.5, .1 uiy 12. T'ie Uuli eorreprn- 0;i't ;:' tlio Hi jiuh'.'n ii'., r.iuU-i- tiule T J'.ive jiV3 i,,at tl.i. r o . i 1 1 i o i , s n;:rfi'il upun nt tip Hi'iiifereneo lclwc:i thj l.-ac-o Ctniimifsioii. crs mid ll'" lie .ids i-i tie .Muniii'li C'lmreh uro i.a io'.'icv: tie tro.'pii sir.'.1 on'.r tie city V. illioat I'l'p -siiii.i ; t! evil oCieer? fliuli lit lo perturiii tie duties el' t'ni'ii' olii uc witii'mt interiuptioti, nnd lie kin!! lie un Ctll J .lii'ii .l t J tlo laws (! tie lainl. Ou tie c tii'ir l ui p-.rt i,;i-ncos t 'lali lie for-gutt-'ii, us stated in tin l'li-iiilfiit'.-i priiili ni:iti(:i; u!l tlo luuisi-s in tie city flail be cl.i-'-J ii -it l Ui'.ii civil oRieers nml strati pei, t-.wi ptitii; tile (Hie to L-e oecupii'il ly tie lidveruiT and liii lu..i y. l'vi-rylimly ile wHl bj oliijjed lo bU-i'p in wagi iis cr lii lie I'm' -cror.s ir. the city were Governor Ciitrmiiiij:, Si'cirt.iiy II, iVaiu UmiI tn : i i u t-i d lVu'il dud MCuliOiii; Vi. l'oi--isey, iiiKTiM.-uiioiit v( 1 iidi-iu A Hail s j iir. C'.ii'.j.', linii.iu Ajj.'r.t ; Ji . l.nltuii, Mari-iml oi :Ij Territory, and ilesir9. himoLlon, Kill moid and'.vii, IVrrespntiiii-iiU of tlo N'ew Yuiii Tutus, IL. mid (ii.d 'i'l 'tluue. OaPoscale. July 10 Tie 'strike" of tlo r.ii'iers i:i tti l't ia.iori.' nmi Hudson t-aiiul -i-iii ttiH tui.iiiiue?. tausing serious iticon-en:i'iii-o and l.-s to lie Cuwpuny. It i now atly I""!" m- l siucu a t. u i! coal was tu leu lro:u tie n.ies. I'iituvii t.E, Ju!y 11 A rr'gl'.rul Occident Ptrui-red t'ai-i ioi int.r ill Met rliiuit-'e Coal Opi-ia'.i-.ui. at N iv l niij'.i! .It.lii, Hear llup Juie. A Bi.iii n.i'iic-.i L Ureen, slipped into tie eea! breaker it Was iu oinralion a:.d in; a second w.iS U".n io atoms, which were iCu;!i-i..d biloiv. Yesterday I'ni.iing, ul llirper's Wolf Oio.'k t'lillery, i;e:ii' i iiiner iile, a j'arty ol nii.'.ej j WLile ercending a ilope, bullo cuted by black damp. Five men und u toy v.i'ri killed. Five others wcr ot cut cd Will ioLialiy recover. Tnn tv came law enacts that from and af ter lie passage t( tins uct, no person slml (hoot, liil or '.tlerwiee destroy, uny Plea fatil buwpen t!.s !ir-t day ;! January and the trd iisy of .September, or a'iy Woo.'ocl; le twieu t:i9 fitct day i.l J.ii'u iiy and the fourth day c!':i:y. or i.i y l'r.rtri.!r;o cr Rabbit l. t .CL"i i:.,' ;;-k d;-.y i !' J.mnary Bi.d tlo Rut Lay f I October iri tie present yeur, oud in i ii. atli evry yeur l!r.i-iifuV, m.der tie pU ul'y cl lie d.ia.s L-r I'ucU nnu iVcfj c K-L.'e. Fonim Aditr.ivrcrt and A nericci'i Cult Mr. liionnt, a distiucuif led lawyer of -Mo-biie, ij now iu claso of 4 I'-liiei.-d Fiend trnn, a bot;m Count, claiming to be an of.icT tf tla Zouavi-s, ol Crimean ciM.riry, wlo lis rui oil from Mobil leaving his la'ndlnrd und tailor unpaid, nud takiiig with him Mr. i-.. -e;'s wild t,a di-ii;-'iter, the tnoiLer lav. l'ig w-cvti-c q-nti' as ii.l'a'.E!.t-d with the pro- il s -- miveniuici- ... Lit daughter, i.nd goiie j tli to tvo them married. Tli fellow it-jur- ' is led in .New uiU an Captei.i !irr..i Arnaud j d Riviere, until Lu Lad di-stn yed lie peace j i? feveral (ami'.i.'s u-iJ u-us i vmiw.I i.i m. ' i::ipost..r, nhi-r wlc' t.u wtLt bouth to play .ff big h: ndecce. oats Y( vr Tp-es rr.oa Wot. V. obswvu that these destructive msecU luve be-'uu Heir ravages iu various Loiel- hiiri rfitj A ....',.. . ?. :.. ., . ... , "... Bify be destroyed iu His bimida manner : i a nicl' tlo end of a pole, dip it in lJ'i ei ,1. ,LU llo ll ll liinli.r I ri- Imu wtitn tltf wind is si;:l, cr to tlo tti-.dwnrd when tie wind U biowiug fc:-ialv. so llut Ike tnoite f.o in th burning tur slull pass tlor O; -h-i.y tlrough llu brai, Hy tLib uu-unb luu worms ma nitioeuted und kilii-d. A plan so Siin; lo ut Hi?, und r.uu which promises to be edceiual, sloia l-e at ouco t,ieJ bv every cna whose trees ure at ail uUtcted. i-'jrru-kurg TiUgrcph. EshpvJtits Fir.i n PoTTsvn.Lt loss II-WIRH or fclCUTEItS l llOVIASU Doi.I.AIlS. At about half past nina o'cloek on M aiidav night, smoke uJ Lauu-s were iliscovereil t'o be issuing from lie roof of tie b'nldirga known ns lie "Arcade," situatu ou lie cor uer of Norwegin aud Centre streets. 'J i. claim coon became general, and onr Cm co'ii. pit..ies will lleir ujiparatus speedily rem bed tie ground. The very couibustiblo muteiiul of which tlete buildiugs wero constructed rer.Jered tlem an easy prey to tbe Djiihs. and but for tla very sucetjii.! and strumous fturtft if f.renien. tlev must Lave b-.ii-t.fil I to the cround. Indeed tlo wonder seems lo te that soch was not the ease. Tie origin Cf tie fire is generally attributed to u rociiet bich is said to haia fallen sud burs'.ed upon tbe roof. JJiiiy ncnitur. Archbishop Hushes has Issued circular, drefei" lo ono hundred cf tie wealthiest Un-.iL Cuticles of New iork city, rrono. lU.e tlat they slaaid cud ndvenco tie sum t,f 1.0Jd s a subscription to brein tie tree. Tnii of a majn'.i'cnt in ti e f flii 'n-an Vitfutil k f ift'.eta srd Tiitr-Srst tiriaiv, wwv-i trc. THE AMERICAN. XlfPTie:. ti5E,Vfr(iNDfpi"Nt)Clgtj lATTJRDAY.' JULY 17, 1858. llASSEIi, Ecfitor and Proprietor. II. B Democratic! Btato Nominations. for jt iHiKoi-' itu; siRr.Ntr.coinT, . A. POItl hn, Phllnilrlphln. Ftn CANAL COMMISPIONF.R, ttliftll.LY FlttlRT, lojftlt louafy. i i mi i iiiiiiiiii iw bi i i ii in niw n ! iii mm C3" Artlmr't Self Sen!ii:g Cnna or Jars, nml tie Old Iiominion Coflce pot, for Bala nt this office. ST? The crops, with some exceptions, nre bilt'.T tlir.n wa nnticiptited a week or two since. Many of onr best farmers, however, have suffered severely by tlo weevil, and some from rust. Mr. John Cooper, who cul tivates the Ureenougli farm, below town, nnd who fer jer past had Eonijf tha heaviest und bent wheat crops in the county, has eon siileriillo wheat not worth cutting. In tho upper e:id of this und the adjoining counties tie ii'jury from ihij sor.rco seems to be miicli less, nnd tho crop is spelen of as un ave rage one. C3" Wii.M.ijjsriiRT Kncami u.NT. A cor. resporideLt in tlo Ilurrisborg 'Jilrrraj U f-Eti-tnuti.s tie co-el t.f tie proposed niililury eu cuinpinent ut Wnlatiifport i t C-lOO.UOll, while Here uru only $11,0(10 in lie tr-usury to pity luij sum, nud from tlis orjues tlut tlo (.'oni inunder in C'liii-f slionld cuuutci iniiiid lie o-ler. Ilia calcuiiUion is bnseu on an esli inato of 10,000 men nt 1,50 per day, and 1,000 horses ut $2 per day. Catvauissu Railroad. Trains going South paES l)uuv-;ile as follows : l'liludelphiii Express, n.13 A. M.; Express Freight, 0,1") A. M. ; l'liladJj.hin Mail, 11,10 A. M. Going North Express Freight, 12,30 1 M.; Kltniro Mail, a,20 V. M. ; Niagara Ex press, 11,08 1 M. C" A topjpany of tome forty uiin from JJIooinslurg, in Indian. citume, visited Dan ville on Monday v.ei-k last, und created (piite an excitement with their yells, war-whoops, brundMiing of toiii.ilniwks and Indian ilim-i?. flT Col. Tate, of tin Ploomslurg Demo crat, seems to think that if le would support Gen. Cameron, wo would Eud no fault. We I slould certainly suspect Eo;nttli:ig wrong if ho did. No, Colonel, stick to lie lotteries and to Lecotnpton, nllhough both have been exploded. They are cousios german, nnd tlo two tnpetLor, will immnrta'.izo any man. j Cf A .S ikam Finn Enoine, mado nt Seneca Fuils, X. Y., called the '-Island Queen," p.ised tlir.'ic.el hereon the Northern Central road, for Paltimore, several days since. Tho prico of Ho niaehino is 5,000. Tho I3;ilti morein9 have tlo privilege of trying it befotc they purchase. C??"?nt.i.veciiovu. Hy tho passenger trains down persons can, by means of tlo Ferry, reach Selinsgrove in about CO oiiuulis, in cluding lie ferriage. Remnin until after 2 P. M., nnd return in tlo train arriving hero ut 3,::o p. M. CisTLe Directors of lie Milton Savings Rank met on Wednesday and elected Ex Uoveruor Pollock, President of tlio Institu tion. Four instalments of 5 each ore to be called in by tho middle of September, und tlo Hank is expected to be in operation early in October. 63" Governor Pucker has commissioned Col. Gecrgo 11. Ilassenplug, of Miffiiiiburfr. Div:tiion Quarter Master of tbe Ei;Lth Di vision, composed of tie Uniformed Militia of tlo counlies cf Northumberland, Union, Mootcur aud Snyder, with the lank, of Ma jor. O" During a luto t-toun tho barn of Mr. Frederick Nicely, proprietor of tie RerwLk lio'Jfe, was struck will lightning and set en tie, nud but for its early diicovery and tie ti'iiely assistance cf lie neighbors, would have boon destroyed. CfTh July number of the Americau Agriculturist Las been received. It will in future be published in boll English und German, the latter curtaining all the matter and illustrations cf the former jcurnul, and its German edition is just tie tiling for our farmers. Tie July number commences the second half of the present volume. Pub lished by Orange JudJ, 189 Water street New Yoik. 13 Geo, W. lJaiiimi rsfy', Esi , met with a (irjMilar accident at Atlantic city, llo cth er dev. While bathing io the surf, he was der tlo water, tie blow breaking the limb nnd causing such pain as to lender him tem porarily helpless aud iuseusible. Some friends bulbing with him went to his assis tance, t-tlei wiec ha would have been drowned. The in ctuie was reduced and Le is now at home doing well. 62" Oi;sniiiTiM ihk Tkai k. Ou Thurs day lust William Conrad, of Augusta town slip, was arrested by constable Young for placing obstructions on the Northern Central Railroad track, below Hiomokiu creek bridge. Mr. Conrad own a farm on tho hill, and complained thut the company had rendered tie w agon road up almost impassible. There were eevt-rul periun, fiom this place, with him, who kicked off the obstruction, which ho replaced, about which time the watchman came up. lie now says that he did it in fun, knowing that the watchu.uu was m-ar. Hulas the road had been obstructed before ! ul l"u P"'"1' tuu 01 alr- -onrad had said j 601110 Lara things of tie company, he wu j bound over iu the sum of 1000 before Esq j Lazarus, to appear at lie next sessioi s tw Son Ckals. 'I Le completion of tlx Northern Ccntiul load places witliu our reach u:any, if uot all, the delicacies of tie .more market. To tla obliging cure and uttiuticn of Mr. Parker, baggage master oo tie road, we ere iudubte j fur soms Cue soft J SKst-t, slivs sad kicklpg oa sirivsl. THE FACILITIES Of tAILROAP9. The running of the different trains oo the Norilcrn Central enables travellers to reach many places, evea ttioagh treble the distance, mucb earlier than by tho direct route over the ordinary road. For Instance, passengers for Trevorton can take the train that leaves here at 6,45 in tbe morning to the bridge, and by the Trevorton rood, reath thot place by 8 o'clock A. M. Remain at Trevorton until abont 2 F. M., and return the same way to Suubury nt .1,30 1. M. Fusscngers for Foltsville, will soon, by tho sama early train to Ilarrisbnrg and Uending.jreaeb Potts villo by 12, nt noon. Fnssengers for Harris burg can lenvo hero at 6,45 arriving at Hnrrisburg at 8, for breokfust. Rcmaiu five hours, or until 1 P. M., and return at 3,31 or remain all dny until 9 V. M nnd return at 11,25 V. M. Passengers mny also leave hero for lliiltimore nt 5,45 and arrive nt that city at 1,15 P. M. Remain in Raltimoro 4 hours, nnd return in tin Niugnra Express nt ;), 50 end arrive here nt 11,25 in the evening of the sumo day. Tlo fact that the people of this neighborhood can go to Dallimoro lifter breakfast, (an early one it i true,) re main fonr hours in tho monumental city for business ond pleasure, nnd return home lie samo evening, would have been looked upon us fabulous, not many years ago. Yet this is now one of the ordinary occunences of tho day. ri:orLE- com VKsrios. On Wednesday Inst the Convention nssem bled at llarrisburf, called the People's Con vention, nominated Hon. John M. I'krd of Philadelphia, on the 10th ballot, ns their can didate for Judge of tho Pnpreme Court. Tin Convention was organized by electing Jud):e JoPFiip lenipornry chairman, nnd uf trrwnrds permanently organized ''y tic elec tion of Ex-Governor Reeder as President. On taking lie chair Governor Feeder mado n short, but patriotic address, which w.n re ceived with much applause. The contest was principally between be'. ween Mr. Reed, Judge Pearson, Judge Tlornpsou of Philadelphia und J. Pringle Jones. V)i. E. Frazkr, of Fayette, was nomina ted Tor Canal Commissioner, nn empty honor, at present, wo shoal! think. Somo charges having been made that Mr. Reed was not sound on tin tar fT M oi ton Mc. Michael, of Philadelphia, took occasion nt the clnse. which wns about 12 nt nipht, to state ti nt ho knew, from Mr. Reed himself, that le (Mr. Rci-d) now was. nnd always had been, in favor of protecting American industry. As a profoiitid ar.d well read lawyer, Mr. Reed has probably no superior in tie State, and is hij'lly respected for lis moral worll and integrity of character. Wo have already referred to the excellent character and abili ties of Judge Potter, tie Democratic candi date, nnd it must bo gratifying to llo friends of the Judiciary to know, ihat in both candi dates, we have men ol ibo Idlest character and standing in the community. sale in' Tin: urLAWARi: division. Tho Sunbiiry und Erie Railroad Company ou baturday last, re-soll lie Delaware Di vision to a company of ten or twelve lending capitalists of Philadelphia, namely : J. V. Williamson, A. S. it G. Uoberts, A. G. Fill, K. W. Claiko A: Co., Win. Longstreib. the Messrs Uorle, Chus. Henry Fisher, Judgo llepburne, Ephraim Marsh, of New Jersey, und others. Tie persons named ore unex ceptionable us purchasers on the scotu of ability and character. Tlo price to bo paid is one mHiiiin term hundred and iliKusund inUurs ! payable as follows : M'llt.C'ige It'iiiils, nl 6 jht cent , $I.2'.0.0;o I'r. Ii-rrt-il i I'er ei-nl. Muck, lijyteeO Ten inn'iiliir j ;ij meats ol Ili,0e0 secureU by eii!l.ili-iii', 4nil.tli'0 Casti, en t&tcutioa of li.s, 7.,(hi ei,:j,0nu This eale, or. Saturdiy, was approved by the Governor. Tie cash payment uf $75, OUO was made, and the purchasers -organized into n company, under tlo title of tlio Delaware Division of Pennsylvaniai Canal Company. Jay Cook, E?q.. was elected President. . m m . CJJ A Military Encampment will be held nt Freeburg, tnyder county, commencing on Monday, tlo IX'th of August next, to conlin tie ono week, oud to be called "Camp Wash ington." 3r Colonel bti ptoe Las been defeated by the Utah Indians, and forced to retreat, with eveu killed and fifteen wounded, tV IIakvkst. Tie weevil has not born as destructive in was anticipated by soinn of our farmers, if the weather should continue favorable, until tlio grain is housed, wo will have good wheat to send to market besides keeping a supply for home consumption. M'dtiiti'mn. I'katii hp Pi;i:)r'i:xT Dt r iiANAX's Covsis. An liisl paper ennoiir.i es llr death on lie 3d n!t., of Mm. Hemphill, uf Straw, near Newtonstewiirt, i;i her f ltb year. SI.e was the eldest duual.ler of M r. "V. Mcl'ailaii'l, of I.eai'diiu, wlo ninnieil Maria, ellesl daugl ter of llio late Mr. Andrew lJueluuuu, of Tuttyn u;h. near Oniah, nml wu-. L'rst cou sin tu tliu lion. James linchanan. now Presi dent of tlo United States of America. TllK Clini.KHA at St. Loi is. Two f.ltiil cases ofCLoleru Lave been announced at St. Louis. Tlo Indianapolis Citizen of Friday Inst says : "Liy passenseis from St. Louis this morning, wu learn that tin-re were twenty llree tleatls fiom cloli ra, nn MonUiiy, llie 5th in that city, besides forty cases." As our St. Louis and telegraph are silent on tlio subject, the report is doubtless exagger ated. Dkath rn'iM Lkiiitnixo. We lenrn that a boutmun belonging at Deacii Grove, numed Hiram Ri.maley, was struck on Saturday last, us the bout was entering the lock ut I'ort right's grocery, ami instantly killd. Noth ing could be discovered, upon examination of the body, indicating the cause of his death, bit a small spot upon the back part of the head, which had tie appeurauce of being scal ded. Coal Trap. The quonlily sent by Rail road this week i 31.021 00 by Cuuul 31, 8tG 06 for llo week C2.01O Ou tons show ing a loss of 14,70.i tons compared with the corresponding week last year. All lite regions loose lor the week compa red with lust jear except tho Scranton, w hich pains a little upwards of 51100 ton. The Le. hiKh Vallt-y Railroad Ruined 1,370 tons, but lie Canal loses 2.111(1 tons The Scranton I rail South ban inereaped this veor 80,000 tuns while tie trade North ha diiniuUbed 35,000 lous. jyintiV Juuruul. m Xew re,lEiD"" wet bo have orfronizo.l in Paris, under tho name of the Uuiversul Christina Alliunce. are really American Oni Unuus. They have started au organ called From lhnarrinhnr(t Tetoitmph. " NORTHER"! CEMTRAL, P.AII.nOAD. The following is an extract from a second communication by our correspondent "Penn sylvania,", which embodies some Interesting tacts relative to the history of tbe Northern Central Railroad i "Tim Northern Control Railroad Is ft con solidation of fonr several railroads, chartered by the States of Maryland and Pennsylvania. The branch of the roud from Rridicport, op posite llarrisburg, lo Sunbnry fifiy-four miles wus chartered by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, on the 1-Uh of April, 1851. A convention of gentlemen friendly to the project was held at Sunbnry on the 20th of May following, before the organization of tho company, will a view to promote its success. This meeting was harmonious, and steadily prosecuted their object, and tho company was iinally orgunized on the lOthof June, 1852, when Gen. Wm. F Tacker, now Gov tnn ". was elected President, nnd A. B. War furd, Esq , wns appointed Chief Engineer, io which capneity he acted up to the lual com pletion of the road. "Tho lirst proposals for tho grading nnd masonry of the road were received ut Sun bury ou the. 10th of November, 1852. On the 2-1 ll of the same month a contract was entered into wilh Messrs. Dougherty, Lan maii. Travers nud Uarnum, for the execution of tin work; nnd ou tbe 22d of Februury, 1853, it was commenced. In the spring of 1854 tho work was sus pended for want of meuti9j nnd nfter many unsuccessful ellorts to ruise money, the idea was conceived of consolidating the Susque hanna road with the other roads between llarrisburg und lialliinore, nnd forming ono conipuny of the four. This wns a happy thought, and proved propitious, for after the consolidation, lie necessr.ry means were raised, nnd the work was steadily prosecu ted. Shortly before tho consolidation Gen. Simon Cameron becuuie thu President of the Susquehanna rond. After the consolidation lion. Jno. P. Kennedy, of lialliinore, was elected President, lie resigned about ayenr nUii, for tlo purpose of making a trip to Europe, und wus succeeded by Zelins Uar num, Esq , llo preseut ptesiding officer of tie company. "The acts of consolidation passed tlo Leg islatures of Marjlaiid nnd Pennsylvania re spectively in Muruli nnd April of 1854. under its present title of tho "Northern Central Railway Company." The four companies composing it tire the Haltimore ond Susque hanna, chartered by the Stute of Maryland in 1828; the Yoik and Msryluml Line, incor pointed by the Stuto of Pennsylvania in 1832 : ihe York and Cumberland, by Penn- sy.viiuia in 184G ; nnd lie Susquehanna road, by Pennsylvania iu 1851. "Originally it wus contemplated to extend a branch of tlo Susquebnnna roud from Sun bury lo Lowisburg. A contract wasullotted to Mr. M. Uurk, of our borough, and consid erable work wus done on tho branch, some thirteen thousand dollars being expended. Alter lie suspension of tho woik in the spring of 1854, the iiba of completing this brunch was ubuudoned. The charter of tie Northern Central rond does not embrace it. "This is a concise and correct history of the Northern Central Railroad, ll is an im portant link iu a great chain now, but when it becomes connected with the Lukes by the completion of the Sunbury nnd Erie road, it will becomo He leading thorougll'ute from tlo pieut noithwest to tho Atlantic cities. 1 1 will bo tlo most direct and shortest route by many miles." 01rantiig,5 CMtortul ant) SuUctcIi. A valuubln horse, belonging to ft Mr. Wilson, of Snyder county fell dead in front of the Montour 1 louse, Danville, on last Sat urday urternnon wei4c. Mr. Wilson, to save a protest in Dank, had over-heated the animal, the day being very hot ond sultry. A Growing City. At tlo present time there nro 117 brick or stone, and 375 frame buildings iu ull 400 now going up in Mil waukee, nt nn ngregate cost of oue million one hundred thousand dollars. Fivo French missionary priests nml six sisters of charity embarked lately nt Havre for Texas. Henry Kurtz, a German, wns drowned in the Snsqucbauna, near Columbia, Pa., on the 4tl inst. Tie Molawk Dutchmen nso ladies' framed skirts for scarecrows. The birds think "there is some trap nbont them," nnd keep a 6afo distance ! Ltvislurg Chronicle. C3T An empty crow's nest, perhaps. Western Steamboat Air went. The fol lowing are given ns thu main losses on the Western rivers for the six months ending May 18. 1858: Steamers burnud, 15; ex plnded, 4 snugced, 0 collision, 8 totul loss, 'Jti totul lives lost, CD. Death Warrants. Governor Pucker, on Thursday week, issued the death warrants of tie fol!o'iug persons : John Lutz, Allegheny county, to Le exe cuted October 1st; William John Clarke, Mm. lour county, to be executed September 2-1 1 1 ; Mary Twigg. Montour county, to be executed October 22d. Killed. During the heavy storm that passed over this place on Sunday evening lust, tie lightning struck a stable and killed t wo valuable horses belonging to John F. llerr. Proprietor of tie Fanners Hotel, in North Ward The horses Were standing to gether ; they fell side by side, nnd apparently died witlout u single struggle. Montour .lintrtcan. Petition-. A petition for tho executive cleme ney in behuil of Mrs. Twiggs, has been extendi ely signed by tie citizens of Danville und vicinity. Montour American. Ralon lit, on Saturday, pre sented his credentials to the President, nnd was received us minister resident of Lis Ma jesty, tlo King of Sweden and Norway. Fbiciufil Accident. A few days ngo, a yoang man, uauied lleuley, was sitting in Iror.t of a mowing machine, bxing tie knives. wLcn tie horses started, cutting both his legs ou, ami causirg bis tlcalli in a tew mm ules, near Fulsington, Ducks county, Pa. Joseph R. Chandler, who Ins hopn. for soma years past, connected with the editorial management ol line Cathohe Herald, an nonnees his withdrawal from Hint paper, lie will shortly depart on the mission to which he has been appointed by President uucha nan. Caier and EriKCT. Green spples Lave made their uppearance in our market. Wo four that il will soon become our unpleasant duty loclironicle numerous cases of dysentery anil ctioiera morbus, t ersons who superin duoe sicluesj by eating such trash as green apples, uro deserving of a little sympathy. uurvisoury 4 tnjrujm. lion. Henry D. Foster, of Westmoreland county, has received tho unanimous nomina tion nl the Democrats of the Westmoreland Indiana and Armstrong district, as lleir can didate for Congress. Monet Foimi in a Tbke. The N'orris town Urnhtfr mentions thai a story is afloat in the lower eud of this county, to the effect t nut some suuu in silver com had been found in a hollow tree w hich was cut down near ScLultsviiU a short time since. The occurrence is said to have taken place on the farm of a Mr. Stauffer who Lad sold the tree to another persou. The Gazette de France, a legitimist journal in an article on the Regina Ca-li iucident, says : ' is insulting us," and cou eludes by asking. lien shall we cess to be dupes, and compel England, by our atti tude, alone, to treat os wilb thssame respect at rue luueg, Mates r New OouNTBnmTv A new counterfeit $10 nolo has mado its appearance. It purports to bave been issued by the Rank of Cham bersbnrg, and is signed by J. II, Culbertson, President, nnd J. Lesley. Cashier. Tha vig nette is a tutor nnd pupil. On the right of tho note is Ceres, and on the left is a medal lion head, with the word "ten" inscribed upon it. The counterfeit is somewhut paler than the genuine, but is well calculated to deceive. Nf.w Covkterfeits. Hank of Gettysburg! Pn., 6'b, spurious vig. three females j Wash ington on right. Freehold Hanking Compa ny, N. J., fi's, altered vig. femule support ing n 5 ; bust of man on right lower corner j boy on left cud. llobokeu City 15ntik,N. J., 2's, altered vig. steamslpp mid other ves sels. Hudson County Hank, N. J., l's, vig. female, cars, bouse, bull, &c. ; Washington on right lower coroner; a very poor alliir. Mechanics' Rank, Newark, N. J., 10's, nltered from l's, are in circulation. Mount Holly Bank, N. J., 2's, ollertd vig. vessels at sea. (yiiMMittcafrir, Fur lie Sunlinrr Amerimn. Mr. Carmel, July 8, 1858. Mr. II. R. Massrr Editor of the Sunburn American. Tho Fourth wus cclebruted by us ou the fifth, by a Sunday School celebration, in its va rious exercises. Tho Declaration ol Indepen dence wits read by John II. James Esq. On motion Thos. Schall wns culled upon to pre side ond George A. Kceler ns Vice Presi dent, E. C. Murry Secretury ; Thos Schall then nindo a few remarks which wero very appropriate for the occasion, nfter which Mr. Luciuu J. Mayer was introduced S3 lie ora tor of tlo day, who done justice to tho day we celebrate, by nn oration which was not excelled by any other orator on the eighty second anniversary of the Declaration of In dependence. After the foregoing proceedings there was quite u hop on thu portico of Jesse Rice the balance of the day. M r. Rice doing nil to make Hem happy und comfortable. What n great pity it is that it is not known that M r. Rice has open the large nnd spa cious Hotel known as the Mt. Carini l llouso, he has been making some important improve ments both in und out or the Ljuse, hereto fore there has been great trouble nbont the water, but now ho has llio best kind. His ta ble and bar nre furnished with tho best viands und oiler necessaries of life, lias careful and attentive ho.-tleis, always ready to do their du ty. Come ull and givo him a trial lb n yon can judgu lor wiurselves. Yery truly yours, S. For the Pui.tmry American. Mt. Carmel, July 15, 1858. II. R. SIasrer, Esq. : Wo feel a grent interest in the next Congressional contest, ns it is nil important n strong man should be selected and placed on the ticket, one iu whom the public have full confidence in, nnd con support without any sacrifice of feeling. bampei. John, r.sq., ol fchamokin, is llio man who we Lave selected. Differed in politics, he being a Whig and we Democrats, bat Hie time has now come that wu must sacrifice minus feelings nnd rally around one great principle, tariff nnd protection to the opera tor ond laboring man. Mr. John is a strong man in his own party, aud will make a strong vote in tho Democratic rank. e prefer a workiug man to any Schuylkill county law yer. .MANY DliMOGllATS. July 17, 18.)H. It Register and Recorder. Mr. Editor : I have been informed that Dr. R. MASSER is a candidate for tho office of REUISTKU AND RECORDER. I urn sure that all who nro acquainted wilh him, will bo glad to have nn opportunity lo help nun nlong. 1'oclcr illusser is not a Demo crat of yestorduy, nor is he a democrat for tlio sate ol otlice. lie is a sober unu mdus t nous mnn, well acquainted with the people, speaks Oerman und English and has ull the quul.fieations necessary to make him a popu lar ollicer. lu our opinion he is tho most suitable man that ha" been named for tlo office, and no one can doubt tbat Le is tie most deserving as ho never nskud for nn office, all hough he bus always been popular among nil clusses aud will) the people generally. Itisun impor tant office and ono that should bo filled by nn individual in whom all would have confidence and such a one we have in the person of Dr. J. IJ. .Masscr ol Minhurv. MANY OF SUA MO KIN. Tin: "olii domimuv coffic tot. We nro in the constant receipt of inquiries about the "Old Dominion Cuff, e Pot," recent ly introduced by the enterprising firm of Messrs. Arthur uurnbam, & Oilroy. of llus city; und we here make tie gPiiernl reply, t lilt it is beyond nil quest, 0:1, Ine best colicu maker ever introduced to tlo public, ond the only one by which ull the strength and virtue of coffee can be extricated by boiling, with out loss of aroma. Tho urrangeinent of tho boiler is simple, ingenious, and uO accurato scientific principles. We commend it wilb tlio lull knowledge that it will do nil that is claimed fur it. Ludtfi Book, for, July, 1858. C& 'I bis Coffee Pot, ond Arthur's self- sealing Jars, can bo had at tlis office. li.i.tsTRATED.-Speaking of the U:o Ijrumle, a writer says : ' Imagine one of lie croukedest tilings in the world, then imagine one twice ns crooked, and imagine to yourself a large river three times ns crooked as all these put together, aud you have a fain idea ol the crooked disposition or this crook ed river. But crooked ns the Rio Grande is. it is mathematical etraighlness in comparison to tho crooked perversity of the individual who will persist 111 relusing to get bis gar ments nl the lirown Stone Clothing Hall of Rockhill & Wilson Nos. C03 and 005 Chest nut street, above Sixth street. The Wonpers of the Aue The steam engine and I he electric telegraph have ceused to be the wonders of tho uge. Young Ame rica is vigorously pushing ahead in every de partment of science ond art for tlo amelior ation of munkiud from the toils und Cares in cident to life. Sewing by machinery is tic most recent successful iuvitutiun. ns well us lie most important one to enslaved womun liood. It enables her to escape tho drudgery of hand sewing, and gives her ampto time to cultivate her own mind or those of ber chil dren. Rut of ull the machines thut have ever been invented, commend us to those of Grovkh & Bakkk's, which are tho best in the market for uinily use. Olliees of exhibition and sole 493 Broad way. New York ; 18 Summer street Roslou; and 730 Chestnut, Philadelphia. A valuuhle remedial discovery So muny of oar friends bave derived benefit from the Oxygenuted Hitters, in rases of Dispepsia, and Indigestion, that we cannot too strongly recommend it. It seldom fails to cure. For tale by A. W. Fisheranil Frilingi Grsnt, Sunbury Hays & McCormick, McEwensville, Dr. R. U. McCay, Northumberland, John F. Caslow, Milton, When Du Yali.'s Galvanic Oil was first introdubed into tbe niuiket, it never was thought of being applied, by tbe proprietor, to Lung Diseases, but its being applicable ts almost every olher disease, the olliicted have used this preperation iu Consumption, and although it, bas never cured a purely consum ptive patient, yet it bas saved many who bave ueen proue to me disease irom an early grave. Aautrs voa Ds V ill's Oalvaxio Oil. Fnline, a. w. r-ishar, Dr. B. . McCy, Wu, U 1 anil nssjaiiaM SI axira. IMtmtau'a Ointment and fUll. Couch, sore throat, bronchitis, astbma, tightness of me cnest nod pain In tbe lell side, the pre cursors and accompaniments of Consumption are rapidly subdued by tha regular applica tion of the Ointment after warm fomentation of the throat, chest and side. There Is no preparation in existence which passes soqick fy from the surface to the diseased nnd irrita ted membranes employed in the office of re spiration. One or two applications will sometimes restore the voice which bas been reduced to a husky whisper by cold, aud ena ble tho gasping victim of asthma to respire freely, regularly, and without pain. A few doses of the Pills, by promoting the general health of the system, niinister to tho prefec- tion ond permuneney of the cure. Beware of counterfeits : see Caution at the foot of Hoi loway's advertisements. ADVERTISEMENT- Mark flic Day nutl Dale. I1 1 ,1100 It KM' A III) will lr pmit Inr tiny .Meilirinc Unit will cirri PRATT ft M'TCIIKR'S MAdKl till, for the fi-ltuwinft dinrawB: Rliciitiinntm. Nrunilpia. Siiiiil AfTef'tinn, I'otitrnetrri Jnn,i, Cliolic P.iina, I'mni in the Snip i,t llnrk. UrJiilHlihe, Tii'thnrlie, Hprnnti, (C'fe I hront, Cuts, Itnnnri, IJurnt, anil till tliaemrs i-r llif tkin MtiRelei anil the (ilmiils. Noiir ffmuine without the sig- imlnre of PnATT ft Hdtciikr nttnrhcit to em-li Irfihfl. Prinriml i.ffirr, sou Wnihingtim itreet, Uronktyn, New Vork. fi.M l.y Allien W. Fiher, Dturpit, Market truet, Sunhury, C35 This is to certify, thnt I have mnde but ono npplicalion of llio Magic Oil on my fingers, which have been drawn from contrac tion of the cords, brought on by rhenmfltism. It was of seventeen months! standing, nnd I now entirely cured. 1 cheerfully recommend, it to nil afflicted likewise. J. M.FINIJROOK, ITarrisburg, 72 Locust street. July 25, 1857. ly. ;uori :u& it tm:ii'- CF.I.F.nnATF.D FAMILY SEWING MACHINES, 40' TiROAPWAY, NF.W YP.RK. T30 Clir.SNVT STRF.Fr, PHILADELPHIA. fiT These Machines nre now justly admitted to be the bctt in ubc fur Family Sewing, a new strong, and clastic stilrl. which will not tip, even if eyery fourth stitch be cut. Circulars scut un application by letter. Agents W anted. Tho Northern Central Railway. nml'tenurtiire "f PRsrnfor Trains on and after Jvlt 7th, lcob, ut Mm-l-bt, us f. iious : GOINU POL'TII. Triiis. For llarnc'iurg ft Baltimore. Laves?niilary. Mail Trnin, - - - 9 45 A.M. lli.U'.ilu V Ninirnrii F.xprcss, 104a " Uurdetl and Pussenger, 1.4U r( COMINO NORTH. Trairs. Frum Hauisburg ft. Bait., Arrivt at Sanhnry. Mail Train, .... 3 30 P. M. UtiiriliiHntl Ninpar-.i Hzpress, . . 11 W " U-.inicn unJ Pcssciu'vr, Hill " GOING NORTH. Trains. For Willionispoft ft Ulraira, Leaves Funbiiry. Mail Trnin. - . . 3 55 I' M. liiiil ilouiiil Nincnrn Fsprets, l!3u ' Durdeii und Piieseiiger, - - 4 00 " CUMING SOUTH. Trails Front Lhnira ft XYillianisp't, Arrive at Puinry. Mail Trnin. .... s 40 A.M. Balfjl-i an I Nincara Kxprrss, .11117 " Daidt-u and Passenger. ... V-l " The Stiamtikin Vnlli-y ond rttsvlle Railroad Passenger troiti leaves Snnhtiiy at " Arrives nt Sunbury. C IS A M P. M. II AllRIAGES At Danville, en the 21th tilt, by the Rev, M. J. Stover, Mr. Henry Schick to Miss Mary Alick Sechler, nil of Dauvillc. On tho 29th ult , by tho Rev. R. A. Fir.k. Mr. Thomas Vanzant, of Liberty, Montour county, lo Miss Eliza Dest, of East Buffalo. In Danville, on Tuesday, the Cth inst., by tho Rev. J. W. Yeomaos, Mr. Jambs M. Thornton to Miss Hannah Mart Tatk, oil of Rloomsburg. In Mahoning township, on Tuesday eve ning, the 1st inst., by the Rev. M. J. Stover, Mr. Jeremiah S. Sanders, of Dloomsburg, to Miss Maggie Wei.uver, of Danville. In Shamokin, on 4th inst by the Rev. O. L "lull, Mr, Solomon Miller to Miss Catha rine A. Leva, all of Lower Augusta, Noiih'd Co. Pa. In Shamokin, the Fame dny, by the same, Mr. Jacob Kline, lo Miss Mat Yaoer, oil of Shamokin, North'd Co. Pa. In Danville on Monday, the 2Sth nit., nt the residence of her dauohter, Mrs. Mrs Colt, Mrs. Jemimi Donalson, having; completed, within sixleon days, tho oighty-niuth year of her nge. 1) E A T 11 S In this place, on the Mb inst.. MA KY A LICE, daughter of W. A. nnd Lydiu Covert nged 3 months. In this place, on the 9th inst., ANNA MARIA, daughter of John and Maria Lciser, aged 4 months. In Danville, on tho 2Sth ult , Mrs. EM MA DONALDSON, aged 69 years, 11 months and 14 days. In Philadelphia, on the 27ih of April, Mr. GEORGE LEEHR1CK, aged 41 years, for merly of Dauvillc. In Danville, on the 30th ult., Mr. SAM UEL ANTRIM, nged about 53 years In Harileton, on the 13th ult., Mr. DA VI D HAYES, aged 49 years. In Wellsborn, IV, on the 24th nit., ELI ZABETH, wife of William McKelvy, of Bloomsburg, aged 07 years. Oc Bav lifts. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. July It. IiLIS. -(inin Wheal, sales of fair and good Red at $ I a $10.) per bushel, and While from I0ti$l IS per bushel. Rye is wanted at 70 cents. Corn, sales of Yellow at 80 a 82 cents, nnJ 8 1 a 80 cents from store. Oils are selling at 40 rents per bushel for I'etina. -BALTIMORE MARKETS July n, 1S5. Ghais Wheat, there wire sales of red at '.iiia 100 rts. for fair 10 good Iota, and wlnle at 10., a 1 10ct. for 'Bir, and 1 1 4a 1 20 rts. f prime par rels uf do. Corn, sales ol cood yellow at 73a75 rts., and of fair to prime w hite nt 7Sa77 cts. There were sales of Virginia Oats at 30 cts. and Pennsylvania do. at 3fia3S cts. There w-re some Peiinsj Ivania Rve oil-red and sold al 7a cts. Maryland Rye at CS cts. per bushel. SUNBURY PRICE CURRENT. Wheat, $1 40a 1 BO Butter, $ 14 Kye, . . . 9U Egga, 10 ('urn, ... 75 Tallow, . . . IS Oats 37 Lard, 13 Buckwheat, . . 62 Pork, 8 Potatoes, 75 Beeswax, 24 New Advertisements. MUSIC TEACHER. rTHE subacrilier respectfully informs the citi sens of Sunburv and vicinity, that tin will remain in this place fur tha purpose of giving lessons on the PIANO, la such as many dcsiia instruction. His terms will ha reasonable. He may be found at tbe Washington House iu this place. CHARLES DARING. Sunbury, July 17, 185S. IJ ORT anl'MADERIA WINES, SchieJam (Schnappa, Wild Cherry brandy, Blackberry vnd Lavender brandies for medicinal purposes al July 17, '58. A. V. FISHER. PUKE CONC'E.N TRATliD LYE OR 8A. PONIFIER, for sale ai FIUER'B Pro Tnrv Prira 0 esa. L-J-O-J llo., ..L.JL'!jJ!- irnilADEtWHA AND RE AS 117 f RAILROAD. CHANOB OF icotrrte. ON AND ArTFR MONDAY, July S, 1HW). the dowo mmnine Punrnter Irani will irnve Pniivil!i, nt is A. M., pMin Hemline Hi.ti A. Al., and ..riving ut Pliiladrlihi at Pi Hi, neon. The down Aft.prniN.ti Trntn will trnre r.ltiiTtlle nt .130 P. M., pamiK Hemline; at S.t, and arriving at I'lnlmlcl. phla at 7.4II, P.M. MiTiitne. nml Afternoon Patacnrr Tmmi Irnve Phila delphia at mmi houri ea heretofore, 1 1IO A. M. nml 3af r. M , pnaaing Heading at 111.03 A. M. and 11.07 P. M. I.LBANON VALI.I'.Y l!ltAcrl. PnriMnrer Trnin leaven Readine; nl lo OS A If , farter arrival ol Down and t p Mornirr! Pnsieneer Trnin f rem lollnvilleand Philm'e lehia.) and artivea at llimil,ur at W.ilft noon, in tune In Conner! w ith Pineiig,r Tmaia lor ISitnliiiry, Willmttuport, Klntira, Pitmhurr;, ChKinlierM-urr. Hnllimnte nml 1 jininmiT. Relnrninc, leaves lluiti.l.uiri at ll.'M P. M , after arrival of Puna, nger Trains from nil nhi've poinls. nm! arrives at Rrniliej ut 4 rs, in time laa e mneet with fpand Down Pnssenger Tmins tu I'uttaT villeaud Philadelphia, the same evening. O. A. NlCtll.r.S. July 17, 1P59.-tf - En8'n'r'"'P"t"iiuet. tatltnrlnc Zimmerman' Is a to. MTOTICTU hereby given that Irltcrs ef ad 1 rrinistraticn have been granted to ihe sub scriber on the estate of Catharine Zimmcrmnn. late of Lower Augusta towmhip, Northumber land county, dereased. A II persons indebted ire rerpicstcd to mnke immediate payment, and thore having cluima will present them far settlement. KAMI el H. ZIMMERMAN, Adm'r. Lower ustiatn tp., July 17, 1H58 6t HARDWARE ! HARDWARE ! I JUST received l.y A. W. FISHER, at his Drug Store, Sunbury, Pa., SCOOPS., FORKS, LOG CHAINS, MILL WS, CROSS CL'T SAWS. Alto, Screws. Dutta, Door Knobs. Thumb Latches, and all hardware necessary forhuilding. A splendid lot of pocket and table cutlery, Scis sors, German Silver Spoons. I.oohtnpr Glanwr. A large stock cf Looking Claries, received and 'or ! by A. W. FISHEK. Sunkury, July 17, 1P5S. DPJO- &. CHEMICAL EMPORIUM. fpiIE undersigned having received a large snd X well selected atock of Pure I7i uqa, nm ChriiilcaU, Dveftiiffs, Oil-. Paints, Glass and Putty, is now ready la fill orders nt moments nolirr. In connection with the above von will find nn A'soitnicnt of Fancy Notions, Toilet nit-lei and Perf inieiy of all kinds, Tooth, Hair, Nails and Clothes Uruvltr of every variety. Customers will find his stock complete com prising many articles it is impossible here to enumerate. liUMEMUEIl the p'sce, ncitdoor tn tie Poo pls a Ono Price Store. Physicians' Preoptions compounded aeturelir Iv aud carefully. A. W. FISHER. Sunborv, July 17, IS.'iS. IJL.SHONG'S & 60N8' Sep.-rior Run ins " Fluid, for sale at lHEU'S Drug ard Chemical Emporium. Stllihury July 17, 1S58. UtvV& Wood. Crosa Cut and Mill Saws.- Superior article at FltfHElt'S. Sun'iurv, July 17th, 1858 FURNITURE POLISH. 8. R Ali'S Premium Patent Enamel Furniture Polish This polish is highly valuable for rrsto ring the polish on nil kinds of Furniture, ;inc Carriage Undies, Hir Cloth, &c. AU", for re moving spots, hiding scratches, &c., A c. War ranted to dry immediately and retain its gloss. Price 50 ct. per bottle Sold bv A. ,7. FISHER. July J7, 1R5R. Citrate of Magnesia nn TA8TELES8 SALTS. "T"HIS preparalion is recommended ns ri ex--"- ecllent laxative and purgative. It opcra'.rs mildly, is entirely free from any unplcas u.t taste, resemblins lemonade in Gavor, prepared and sold b? A. W. FISH El!. Sunbury, July 17, IS.IS. pORT MONAIES, Tooth and Hair Bru.he all qualities, and any quanti v, for sale by A. W. FISH Ell. JulT 17. '58. Ietv Drugs, faints. &c. NEW supply of Prugs, Toiim. Oils, Fluid, Ac., just received and for sale by A. W. FISHER. Punbury, July 17. 1 Sat". Obacco and Scp-ai'S. SO.Onil IinpnrteJ Segara of variotiM brands. Eldorado, Fir, Cavendish and line cut tobacco nt J A. W. FISHER'S. Pnnl'iiry, July 17. is.-r). PATCHOKI.V, JOCKEY CI. I U. S:i(i iL FLOWERS, Ac., of ibo best quality ; a fresh supply just received and for nl n't tho Drug Store of A. W. FISHER. Sunburv. July 17, 1 S." 8. Stationery. A large supply of fancy Not J Pappr and Envelopes, Mourning, Letter, snJ Cap Paper, Tens, Ink, Sand, Ac, nt Ju'y 17. Via. A. W. FISHER':-. IJI RE OLIVE OIL lor table use, two sizs - at a7J and C-'J cenls just receiveJ by A. W. FISHER, July 17. V.H. IJROWN'S and Breiniu'a Essence of liinger and Husband's .Magnesia at JuIyl7.V)8. FISHER'S. 71811103 Tackle Red Cork, Grasa. Tot-- ton and Linen I.ikc-f, Out Lines, !ea Grass by the yard. Nnoods, Flic, Kirbv, Limerick and Cariislo Hooks, Rods, &C, for sale by July 17,TiH. A. V. FISHER. TO IIST VALI JD &l D R. II A7FDM AX, A7IAL X T I C; i 1 V II X S 1 V I A - Physician for Diseases of tho Lun. Formerly I'htjsiciwx to 'iicioiuti Maivie lIoittd und Inndids's J!..trc;t, Cnrrei jiondinii Mtrnhtr 1 the Indoi Mtdiral Sticittg Oti.u culi ,n A' t.' "LtTTr.ns to I.WALiiiK." and Editor of the "Mkuical Srt: riiosein-K,' niay be consulted at M Mil It Y. "Wa.hiii-ton llou.e, ' I .lJt,,-. A Dili. I 1,1, i.-:s. ' ' DllXYILLt'.'-MoMuur House," Au;uk i. IDLOUMsUl P.O. Aligns! 11 DH II AIillM W inula i:,.nf uniHi,.n, Ilreu,, Iji rviiiinns, Amlniia. unit dmeimc ul 1.1c Tluoit tiad I.uis by Alitt 11-11 1 n llr. llui.linuirs ebiuis to publ.e e.'nrnlencc are fannleJ Upt'n the I'.'lhiveien luel: l Ilia lli-.r.-oli unil eenii'leie ut-nn.-oiilatire wilh i!e rraellee l Ine m.ibt i-cletiiated pli) si.-tui.s 01 l.ur. pt- ..a wrl! as Amerieu. S 'I he Pet-u.. unties of his svati-m if ini-!u-i,li 11 itif fering iruui every nther reef il ua.i;:r.l--ilncs n"l n.:i.e aiek t-i Itvike wi-a ; lea ttur tl.m-n I . I.111I1I up iit-imt d,t. curitinc ull itunvi'.us ilnus U...I (is in n. i,iMi.-i..n, 3. ills uil'ri-.-t!e;iH-tl 1 Apt-i ii-i:er tu;.l i:i( Whrre ei'riy 111,1a iIim-iim- w:. pi.-M ntt-e ..r l-i and ill eitst s nl ,'i .tth.ati e-a... ln.,-i . I- 11 .1 llu-1le1.1l IxhIi tn lie, mill tlir i.pi-raiiine. s "I I In-alti-eli tl'l.V tl'iteil down l.y l.m own hand I . I'l.lllie llrteiu-e '1 l:i-ae n 'lus mill I'tifervitli.-i.s ti ns ina. o v, tn n Ii Oil v. I 1 f inn two l iise v .luiin-s ! hv - hi'ii-lo-il iies e.e-li. u l.iell Will lie pniili.l.ej the l.-il. fit t llie Mn.u-iil pr.e-iiii. 4. In a.lit Him in llns. h.s ini.1 rxpei I. ni-e, i.i-ii' l-y trave ling iliarly her irais. Ir.iitiilfj III u.iiii.Is .iiini,.i v, hiv. art' -s I l ,-ie-it in eaiiiiiC' s f t i.l.-! v.m n u .1 I'. a nl' ull diriisi s ii.ri.lrii! In I lis- human tuu-lly. In III s nl lime l-.ulu. rii,' il;.';inre ue.aly rtj.n.l t lw,i anli.e euemis nl' ihe itl. -lie . nnd h is seen, pre..-i ihcd of and been o'iil.u!leil by ue:i.: au th 'Us-iti.t iiivuIk's. all rusiMses ti:i:ati'I) : Tn retalian l. Ihe f-tl wni iliS'.-ukes. rin.rr wtien rrni. phratrd with Limit Adi-elion, it eki.lii t: III. .er, 1 iill UiVit.i1 e nikull-'ili -ii '.iiiuilv lin.l tin m pn.n'i'tli 'e. I'r .lnp.tis iiii.I nil I Tina ol Female t-i'iiii'laiii!, In-su-lurilirs mi.l ta.lne.s. PMl,.i-ati..ii Anil nlh.-r f. ins of llri.rt Piseises Liirr Ciin;il-uui, li Sepi.iH, and a'.l other lir4ii-a of Maiiu.a and U .vel. Pi r. Ac rV" Ail .l.senwt al the I've and P.ur ; Neuialgla, Cpi. Iapr, and all furins ol' N'rrviis llisease. IJP Mo aruirsa of Ooasjluiii"tl D HAnPMAN', M. f ton t, TBn