Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, July 10, 1858, Image 3

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    From the St. Until Republican
Vashixcton, June 21, 1859. The corre?
potidouci between Senators Uwin aud Wil
son, ns given to tbo public, lias given rise to
timcti criticism upon the apparently ridiculous
position into wnich both these gentlemen
have been placed by their difficulty on the
floor or the Senate. The published corres
pondence does grent injustice to the Ca'.ifor-
inn senator.
The California appropriation bills had all
been supported and voted for by Mr. Wilson.
A bill regulating the pay of surveyors in
CuliTornia was under consideration, and Mr.
Lrodtirick stated on the floor of the Senate
thai labor and living were as cheep in Cali
fornia as in the Atlantic States. This state
ment, though contradicted by Mr. tiwin, was
tnnilo the pretext by Mr. Wilson for a violont
tirade against California, whom he represent
ed as "having botb arms in the treasury,"
ii i id endeavoring to absorb the whole public
revenue of the country. Mr. Uwin asked if
tho Spnator from Massachusetts bad not sop.
Jiorted all tho appropriations for California.
Mr. V. answered that he had, until new light
yas given hi in by Senator llroderick. Mr.
win rejoined that such a course was dtma
gnyiteism." Mr. Wilson inquired if the re
murk was applied to 1) i in, and Mr. (Jwin ma
king no answer, Mr. W. said he "would sooner
be charged with dcmagogueisni than itealim)."
Mr. Uwin sprang to his feel and anked if the
Senator from Massachusetts intended to
npply the epithet to him. Mr. W. said ho
bud uo explanations to make, whereupon Mr.
i. pronounced bim "a liar, a coward, and a
tlandcrous traduccr of character." Here
i mlcd the afl'uir on the floor of tho Senate.
Kurly the next morning Mr. Uwin, not re
ceiving any message from Mr. Wilson, selec
ted Senator Fitch, of Indiana, ns his friend,
and dispatched a challenge, which Mr. Wil
ts on declined accepting. This closed tho cor
respondence, and us there hud been no expla
nation or apology for tho language used by
Mr. Wilton, wo w?re on tho eve of having
imother ' caning afluir." Precaution had been
tibid to prevent a sectional bias being given
tu the diflicutty, by the selection of n Senator
from a rrco State to bear tho chullenfe. I
my we wero about having another "caning
u!luir,"j when Senator Seward, os tho friend
of Mr. WiUun, umlci took to bring about a
Kr.'.tlcmcnl by on nmplo apology from Mr.
Wil.-.on. Mr. Seward culled upou Mr. Uwin,
ut:d begged that hu would suspend uuy actiou
unlil lmMr. Seward) could make an effort
tu :ettlu the iliflieulty amicably. Mr. Uwin
consented to grunt two buiirs lor tl.u purpose
,l ictciviug an apology from Mr. Wilson.
..I r. he ivaru ui umw up m i-m,"
iis tM ins being sath-fiietory to Mr. (J win and
bis friends, M r. Seward hunied on to proctiifc
Mr. Wilson's signature. The latter a iked j
tixo to show it to. some other friend?, nini:
tho enemies of Mr. (jivin succeeded iu i.uJu
uig Mr- Wilton to refuse his nignntiiru.
Mr" Seward recrctled the result, but deter-I
' . ... ir.., .... i,,-, ,1 !
rmiU'iJ not to leuvu uny c """"
arrcit a street fight. Ho sought tien. lbivis,
:-Vi.;ilor fium Mitibsippi, and iato Secretin v
,r, ntid begged him to ceo Mr. Uwin,
ni.d get !.. in to luodify, if possible, bU demand
t ,r :.n upi.!o,:v. .Ueu. Havis undertook the
t but bViirst Bought an interview with
Mr. 'Wi!.-on, to leatn bib vinws. Uen. Havis
e . t'ated the pr.ipr.oty of Mr. Wil: on fixing
ejln ho-irs between which he would bo upon
i',.r biuk of t'ue canal, and ready to defend
l.itr.s.f. This could ba done without any
f'Jrmal 'clulienge. Mr. .Wi'.oi.i. asked what
v.ouU be tho probable result of such a meet-i-.f.
-Tho O-eath of cue or both of the par
t:.-s' responded Ueo. l'avis. .Mr. Mison
lit oiv:e iIhI.uhJ that modu (if settlement,
i.!:d ;."U. d what Mr. Owin proposed doing.
1 doubt not," said Ueueral Davis, "ho will
attack you on sight, und in a rencontre of
that kind, he will have every advantage or
von. accustomed, as ho bos always been, to
the hazards of a frontier lire." Mr. Uson
then expressed himself ready to make any
apolosy which might be agreed on by Mr.
lUvis, Mr. Seward and Mrs Crittenden, and
imiieiJiutelv addressed a noto to Mr. Uwin
to that cli'ect, which is published with the
correspondence. Mr. l'uvis then held on
interview with Mr Uwin, and asked him if
be wus willing to entrust his honor in his
;Ueneral Davis'O hands. Mr. Uwin said he
wai, but that ony settlements contemplated
must be speedily made. Uen. Davis said
"You know Wilson will not Unlit, and we
must have no more "caning affairs." lour
-eputation for bravery is not involved ; that
ius been established on five different occa
sions. You can afford to bo generous, ami i
hope you Will leave tho whole settlement to
the persons indicated by Mr. Wilson." Mr.
:'!w;n assented to the orrangement, and hence
tho adjustment ns published, in which Mr.
Wilson disavows npplying the offensive term
to Mr. Uwin personally, but ouly intended it
no referring to extravagant legislation for
L'uUfonim. Mr. Wilson was rather unfortu
n do in the selection of words to express the
ilea of ' extrava.-iii t legislation" and the
history oT the trunsactiou shows that the
Massachusetts general won but fuw laurels
:u the quarrel which he provoked.
Tho "great ones" of tho earth have been
justly designated as suclrfor having achieved
tMids and objects unattulned by their fellow
men. If we traco the rise uud progress of
them, we shall see, that not only has their
Bitccess been owing to a new Idea or original
suggestion, but in o fur greater measure to
tho systematic mode of carrying out the pro
jects, and bring them to a Euccessfol issuo.
Jn no instanco has thrs Tact been moro truly
exemplified than in the career nud lightning
triced progress to fame of Thomas liollowuy,
und tho proportionate univcrsul dissemination
of bis Tills and Ointment as a specific for
nearly every disease of the human framo.
Wo have been fortunate enough to learn
from bis own lips the vwdus operandi of this
wonder-working system, which evinces its su
yoriority not only in baring reached the
iiame or perfection, but in keeping afloat this
iito'bty organization, a "harp or a thousaud
ttnngs" to keep iu tuue.
i ilm ri.ader conceive to himself the pos
sibility of crealiug and continuing in working
order a business from whoso focus two arti
thn Hiifiole coeuomen of Holloway's
Tills and Holloway's Ointment, are kept
verpetually in the band and within the reach
of ouo iu every hundred of a community, and
that community coutained in no less limits
la of the earth'i broad surface.
Now this is not only accomplished but done
with ease and brrmony withul : these almost
..i.;,.. ,;inn. rompilip. called oricinally ub we
are assured) from tile vegetable productions
uf that soil which gave us birlb, are moreover
eo compounded, from carefol study and re-
i. o. tr, not with divers tendencies, but
wonderful unity or effect ; the individuol pro
nurticB of Holloway's medicine, become pas
lice or active to auit the exigencies or the
cso the Tills containing both tonic, as well
RJ detergent qualities, develops tho ono or
tho othor, t the symptoms of the patients
rase mav demand, the OintmeDt beingan
exnelluut" aa well as a bealiog application, - uimilur mode of attaining the desired
end, thus mutually assisting nature to cast
' . .! f is it t n or i nil
oil tu Common enemy. uu BuuwMD
I reitrn of fell disease.
Mutb more could be said on this point that
can wU come within the scope of this short
"tide, which we have thought U our duty to
i Jm casual dance at a great underta
king that may have escaped the observation,
tlv the due appreciation of
. it..- ,.f ur readers: 6 system Con
?.;..a it ...a and carried out as it is, by
. master mind. W. will at some future time
render kou.e further interesting particulars
with regard to this peerless ana uopreie
Bitten by a Snakb. A man attached to
Hall &. Co'i Amphitheatre, was bitten by a
snake, yesterday forenoon. The anake wan
that exhibited by the "old Snake woraen,"
so familiar to our people, and which has at
tracted so man; curious eyes at a cent a peep.
Tho showman wus desirous or purchasing the
snake. a rattle snake, witb some hair a doz
en rattles ; and for the purpose of driving a
profitable trade the old lady seized it by tho
neck, holding it up to bis admiring gaze, witb
the assurance that she had charmed it into
perfect docility. The would-be purchaser at
tempted to take his snakeship iu the samo.
manuer ; but seizing him too low on tho neck
was bitten in the thumb. Dr. Rutherford,
being immediately called upon, administered
over a quart of fourth-proof brandy, making
him almost instantaneously drunk and insen
sible. 1 his proved a successful antidote to
poison, end the man is now doing well,
having escaped all tho dreaded effects of the
bite. We have not heard whether negotia
tions were resumed Tor tho transfer of the
suuke, but should rather think the man bad
enough of that kiud or critter.
Since the nbovo was in type we have learn
ed, from Dr. Rutherford, that the effects of
the poison is he thinks, killed, but that there
is still dunger or tho effects of the bite. The
man's name is John Madole. He has been a
resident of Marathon, Courtlund Co., N. Y.,
where his relatives reside. His friends there
have been written to, and tho man himself
taken to the Poor House the Circus com
pauy having left without making any provi
sion for his comfort. He was formerly a raft
man. Harritburg Telegraph.
What n volume oftbonght tliere is iu the
following item which is going the rounds :
"A Ynt NO Slicidk. A little girl, twelve
years old, attempted to commit suicide at
lioslon, tho other day. She had been severe
ly punished several times by her teacher, and
fearing further chastisement, she drank a tea
cup full of burning fluid, but an emetic saved
her life. She gave her reasons for tho act
that the girls "picked upon" her; that sho
was called "stupid," mid her teacher had pun
ished her, and sho was tired or lire."
The world will never know now many peo
havc been made 6tnpid by tho simple cry or
"dunce" which has been hurled at them. The
lute Uov. Marcy was a "stupid" boy until he
got a teacher, who had senso enough to treat
him"intclligently oiil ..ankly, insteud or "lar
ruping" the futuro statesman for every fault.
A Fkmas.k BACiiKi.on. At tho first annual
commencement of At ount Union Collego Ohio
tho degree or Bachelor or Liberal Sciences
was conferred, amongst others, upon Aliss
Jane W. Chapmau.
New Advertisements.
VI I. persons having claims en Michael Gra
ham, sub-contractor on Section 54, North
em Central Hail Road, for materials furnished
or labor which they may consider mo in any
n ay holding for, will please present them to Dr.
W. H. Mnrr who has hound himself in an in
strument of writing with me to draw said lira
hum's estimates and keep mc harmless against
all claimed against said Graham.
R. EOfiI.E.
Sunbury, July 3, 1S58.
j IRS. M ARIA WHAUTON respectfully in
' " forms her friends ind the public generally,
thai she will accommodate them with lex cream,
at her residence, on every evening (Sundays ex
cepted) duiing the present summer.
Sunhury, July 3, 1858.
liv virtue of certain writs of iVfi'i Facial
issued out or the Court or Common Fleas or
Northumberland county, to me directed, will
bo exposed to Public Sule, at thn Court
House, in Sunbury, on Saturday, tho 2-ltb
day or July, inst., (18'i8) nt 1 o'clock P. M.,
the following described real estate, to wit:
Two Certain Lots oT Ground, situate in tho
borough or Sunbury, Northumberland county,
in that part or said town commonly culled
"Hendricks' and Clement's addition," con
taiuinu each 30 foet in front on Chestnut
street, and about 130 feel in depth, adjoining
lots of Daniel llenninger on the hast, and
Denjamiu Hendricks on tho West, whereon
are erected a two-story frame houso and a
frame stable. Seized, taken in execution,
ond to bo sold as the property of William
Also, at the snmo time and place, a certain
lot of ground, situato in tho llorongh of Sun
bury, aforesaid, and marked on the general
plan of said town No. 310, fronting on Whor
tleberry street on tho North, and bounded
by Dilberry alley on the South, on the Kast
by lot No. 318, now owned by William
Hoover, and on the West by lot No. 320,
owned by Margaret O. Lyon; containing CO
feet in front and 230 feel in depth, whereon
are erected a two-story framo houso and
kitchen. Seized, taken in execution, and to
be sold as tho properly of Henry Petery.
Sheriff's Office, Sunbury, )
July 3d, 18.r8. J
Pk IT Ordaisku, bii the Durgcftr ami
Council of the JSorourh of Suiiburu and it is
hereby enacted by authority of the same. That
on aud alter tuts ilato it shall not bo lawful
for any Kuilroad Company, to allow their
locomotives or trains of cars to run within
the limits of the Borough at a greater speed
than at the rato or live miles an hour under
the pcnnlty of twenty-five dollurs for each
offence to be recovered as debts of the samo
amount aro by law recoverable.
On motiou. 1 ho ubovo oruinauco passed
lly order ottlie duel isurgess.
j no. w. jji'cn F.rt,
Sunbury, July 3, 18."8 2t Town Clerk.
AT a meeting cf tho Hoard of School Directors
of Sunbury, on the 2d of June iaat, a resolu
tion was adepted, authorising tho the Secretary
topubliaha list, of the exonerations on tho tax
duplicate of Jarcd Brosioua for 1850, in pursu
ance of which the following is published ;
Joseph Bower
60 (ieorge W. Kiehl, 60
60 Frcd'k. Noaker, 60
60 Jacob Rake, 60
43 W'm. 11. Thompson 50
60 Dilwurth Dewees, 60
50 Washington JIarb 50
43 Jacob fctrinc, 60
60 Waller Bell, 50
60 Geo. Noaker, 60
60 Morai Tersing, 50
60 David Stewart, 60
60-' Alex. Gazette, 60
60 Theo. Kobiua, 60
68 Wm. Kiefltr, 60
60 I
Duncan Myers,
franklin 1). rolls,
Sheaf & Dlack, 1
Daniel U right,
A. CD.t'Uuet,
Hr. Jt.!in Market, 1 43
VVetscr Zeigter,
W'm. Bartlow,
Geo. Oliphant,
Thos. Sands,
Charles Burns,
Oscar Kiehl,
Isaac Verges,
Charles (iearbart,
TublUhed by order of the Board,
P. W. CRAY, Secretary.
Sunbury, July 3, 1658. 3t
To the Voters of Northumberland County.
HA VINO been solicited by many of my fcl
low citizens to become a candidteafor the
ollice of
I hereby announce that I present myself to the
Democracy of the county for nomination at the
approaching primary election. If nominated and
elected I will use the best of my abilities to per
forin the duties of the ollice,
Sunbury, June 3d, 1858. le
riHK Store Room in Market street, loimerly
X occupied by P. W. Gray. Apply to theei
ecutois of H. M sneer, dectsstd.
April 17 I ''
CaMnet Makers' Finding fUorc
Having REMOVED to the new Iren Front
Warehouse, No. 2S South Second Street,
Lelow Dock, West Side, PIII1.LDE1.PHIA.
iV 0 W offer to thcr customers and the public
1 ' generally, a new and lull assortment of
They invite the attention of the trade to their
stock of Hair Seating and Curled Hair, of their
their own manufacture Also to a full assort
Philadelphia, July 3, 1858 ly
Wholesale Ciroccry.
Opposite the Pennsylvania Kail Koad Depot
KEEP a large stock of the folloxting named
articles, and will sell cheaper than any
other house this side of Philadelphia. Cull and
sec price of
Coffee, I.ard oil,
Fish oil,
' Rosin,
Sugar, Jr'ish,
Tea, Salt,
Spices, Hams,
Tobacco, Shoulders,
Calcined Plaster
Candles &c,
S. II. Alolasses, Syrups, N. O. Alolasncs.
Also, Cement, Safety Fuse, Crow Uars,
Sledges, Iron and Nails, for sale at very small
July 3, T858. ly
Una been recently rrtittctl,
Tlit. ITrvmiN nit, newlv Ciirimtcil.
Tlie furniture nun llcili are superb,
rtntl tin' Hiilhs rite ninnirinwil.
Here is cuiii-i iitriiiid all the Clintons ui u home, with
the luxurit-i of n tnlncu
Comm:iuils and une.unlled
vif.w or uroauwav,
is Hie most crnlml of miy ol lliufi st elms Holds fur husi
ni KH.or plnces of HiiiuKiiiint, nml i(Ur nnsiitln'Sfctl ml
vuntugus to families nud pentlrinnl visinut; N.'W "rk.
Al.KRFl) I'iiki.xan, I'ropiitlor.
New Yoik, July 3, Irtf. ly
fiii)E7oi"-E.iTiii-:ii STom:.
.No. 31 South Tliiril Strwt. between Mnrll' t Bad Chcinu'
flreem, I'llll.AHKl.l'lllA,
v .mI. C Itri. rniil aiOtil - 11rv null
V lirct-n sillnl l'aturi Kiptu, TAN.NT.ItS' lilt., TAN- I
S MIS' AM) i.Tliltll'.KS' J'UIJ1.3, nml general UMorl-
nieiit ol l.eatliLT, J.'thiKlii-u nud in the Hough.
All of which will he sold low lor Coth, or the na'ial
I"" All kinds of t.enlltcr in till! ttounh venule I, f'r
which the hiphtut niniki-t price will Iw givei ca.-li,-nr
Liken in rxeliunpc for lliilt-s.
I .rather Slon.l I res of Chnicoud Sold oil Conimiwiou.
riiiUleli-lna, July 3, IWs. ly
Thousand of this new Cottee Tot have already heen
sold, nml the ileinuikl Ironi all purl of the I'mleil Mutes
is ratuilly on tlie inerenw. herwver Inlrodueed, it has
given the lu'vt complete n isfuetloii.
Makes better coffee than it is nossile to ohtnin in any
other wny becaune, by mi nigell). us but simple urrange-
ment, the housekeeper may bull her eollee lor any luiitini
of time without Ioks of uruina, thus securing ull the ele
ments of the cllee iu then naturul and proportional com
Gives a healthy beverage. Nervous, duspeptie, mid bil
ious persons who had not dared to use c itlee for eats,
have been iible to drink their favoillc bevcrace Mpuiu
when made iu this new lioiler, anil without an ueriirrenro
of any ol the old unpleasant coiiFurpicnccs. b is healthy,
btvauseby they ue of a ciii.deiiser. evaporation is pre
vented, and (lit collee. enn be Kuled long eunuch to release i
all the natural elements of the beiry, and get tnein in just
proportion in the beverace.
Is the most economical, for nothing being loit by eva- j
poration iu boiliur:, one fourth less collee is rcqiurltd; :
wlule the beverage is strntiger, more delicious. I
Never fails to do its woik right. Cook cannot spoil :
your cup of eoll'ee hy neglect or foigetfulness, alter she I
iius pUcud tic boiler mi itie stove or runge. I
Is manufactured under the patent for the United Slates
1 IT A. 119 South Tenth Street, Philadelphia,
r Also, manufacture! s si' the t'nited Stalesof Arthur's
Cclt hratsd I'alculs Air-Tijht 6ell-Seuling t uns & Jars.
July 3, 1S. tt
TY virtue of sundry writs of Yesiutiom
KxroxAS and I.i:vni Finn issued out of
the Court of Common l'leas ef Northumberland
county to me directed, will be exposed to Public
Sale at tho Court House in Sunbury, on MON
DAY the 2d day ot Al'GL'ST next, at 1 o'clock,
P. M., the following described lu'al Property, to
wit :
A certain Lot of ground, situate in the town
ol Trevortoit, in Zerbe township, Northumber
land county, being lot No. C, in Mock no. 71,
bounded on the north by the Railroad, on the
east by vacant ground and the wcigh-scale, on
the south by - and on the west by other
lots of the defendants, whereon is erected a two
story frame house and kitchen.
Also, another certain lot of ground, situato in
the town of Trevorton, aforesaid, being Lot No.
3, in block 1 40, bounded on the north by an alley
on the east bv lot No. 3, in said block, No. 140 ;
on the south by Coal street, aud on the west by
lot No. I. in said block, whereon is erected a
two story frame House.
Also, another certain lot of ground, situate in
the town of Trevorton, aforesaid, being lot No. 3
in block No. 5G, bounded on tho north by Maha-
noy street ; on the east by lot No. 4, in said
block on the south by the railroad ; on the west
by lot No. 2, in said block, whereon is erected a
Also, Lots Nos. 1 & S in Block No. 137 in
said town, bounded on the west hy 5th street ; on
the south by Coal street ; on the north by an
alley and on the east by lot No, 3, in samo block.
Also, Lots Nos. 5 & B in block No. 81, bound
ed on the west bv lot No. 4 ; east by lot No. 7
in same block; north by Market street and south
by an alley.
Also, Lots No. 4 & H in block No. SO bounded
south by the Ruilroad ; north by Mnhanoy street;
east by lot No. 3, and west by lot No. 0 in same
Also, Lots Nos. 8 V 9 iu block No. SI.
41so, Lots Nos. 12 ct 13 in Work No. Sn.
Also, Lots Nos. 1, 2, 3 ami I, in block No. 4.
Also, Lots Nos. 7 A 8 in block No. H7, bound
ed on the west by lot No. 6; eat by lot No. 9,
in same block ; by the railroad on the uoilh and
Market street on the south.
Also, Lot No. f, in block No. 31.
Also, two out-lots In said town of Trevorton,
and marked upon the general plan of said town
No. 65 and DO, containing one acre cnrli.
Also certain tract of unimproved land, situ
ate in Rush township, Northumberland county,
adjoining lands late of Kipp'a heirs, land of the
heirs of John Pitner, deceased j laud of William
Dcpuy, William Gearhaitand others, containing
35 Acres more or leas.
Also, another certain trict or piece of land,
situate in Ruth township, aforesaid, buundd on
the east bv land of Mrs. Hussel ; on the north by
the north-east branrh of the river Susquehanna;
on the west bi land now or late of the heiM of Ja
cob Kerr, deceased, and on the south by the road
leading from Sunbury to Danville and land of
Robert Monro, containing 69 Acres more or less,
nearly all of which is cleared and whereon are
erected two-story frame house and kitchen
frame barn and waggon ahed, well of water, an
orchard, out-buddings, A c.
Soiled taken in execution and to be sold as the
property of Benjamin (iearbart and Emanuel
haurTman, trading aa Benjamin Gearhart & Co.
and II. B. Weaver. AUo as the property of
oenjamin uearnari o vo., endoisets ol Mears
ct Davis.
At the same time and place, the fallowing pro
pert to witt
m-. r..n .... tki.j . l .. .
three equal parU to be divided, of st.d in all that
certain tract Ol piece of Ii
lece ol land situate in ;oal town
ship, Northumberland county, Tenm-ylvania,
bounded aa follows, to wit : Hrginning at a ches
nut oak on line of laud viivydto Henry Antes,
thence by line of land surveyed In the name of
Frederick Antes, north 2i" wrest IS5 perches to a
chcunut oak j thence by land late cf Jeremiah Brown
north nineteen and a'half degrees west49 perches
to spine knot; thence by land of Alexander
Johnston and nthers south 78 degrees west 186,
8-10 perches to stones; thencehy line of land sur
veyed In the name of Robert Gray, south one
degree east one hundred and sixty-five tnd nine
tenthi perches to stones; and thence byline of
land surveyed to Henry Antes aforesaid, rorlh
89 degrees cast 501 perches to the place of begin
ning, containing two hundred and twenty-eight
acres and eleven ptrthes Strict measure. '
Also, one full equal undivided third part, the
whole into three eqnal parts to be divided of and
in all that certain tract or piece of land, situats
in the said township-of Cosl. and bounded and
described as follows to wit : Beginiiihg at a pine
at the comer of a tract surveyed in the name of
William Oreen ; thence by line of same land
north I J degrees west 180 4-10 perches to a
post; thence by land Into or now of Johnston
Gray and others north 84J degrees east 252 7-10
perches to a chesnut onk ; thenco by land sur.
vcyed to Samuel Wetherill, north 3 degrees west
13 5-10 perches to a chesnut oak; theme by
the same north 88 j degrees east 27 8.10 perch
es to a stone , thence by the tame north 3 dcgiees
west fi perches to stones ; thence norlh89 degrees
east 94 perches la a post ; thence by line of land
surveyed to John Brady, south 1 degree cast 02
6.10 perches to stones ; thence by lineef land now
or late of Alexander W. Johnston ain) others,
south 81 degrees west 138 perches to a while oak;
thence by the same south 70 degrees west 71
perches to a poplar ; thence by the same south
40 degrees west 52 5.10 perches to a post; thence
by the same south 69 degrees west 27 4.10 perches
to a post; thence by the same south 1"J degrees 50 perches south 17 degrees cast IS perches
and south 22 degrees east 13 perches to a post in
line of land surveyed to Dr. Benjamin Young ;
thence by line of tho sold Young south 89 deg.
west 132 2.10 perches to the place of beginning,
containing two hundred and sixty-three acres
and thirty-one perches, strict measure.
Seized taken in execution and to be sold as the
property of Thomas Ilaumgardner
At the same time and place, sue equal undi
vided third part, the whole into threo equal parts
to be divided of in and all that certain tractor
piece of land siluuted in Coal township, Nor
thumberland county, State of Pennsylvania,
liouudod and described as follows to wit : Be
ginning at a white oak, south one degree cast
forty six perches to a stone ; thence south twenty-eight
degrees cast ninetv-right perches to n
pine, soulh sixty-two degrees west one hundred
and forty-four perches to a stone corner, south
twenty-right degrees east fifty perches to spine,
north kixty-two decrees east twenty-eight perches
to a pine, south sixty degrees east forty seven
perches to a pine, north fifty-five degrees east
two hundred and thirteen perches to a post, north
tl iitv four degrees west, oun hundred and eighty
five perches to a pi'st. south seventy-five degrees,
west eighty-two ptrchcstoa white oak thn place
of beginning, Containing two hundred and twen
ty acres strict measure, being part of a larger
tract surveyed in the name of Lawrence Loniison
Ac. foiled taken in execution and to be sold as
the property of Thomas Uaumgardner, andterrc
At the samo lime and plaep, al! that certain
two-story brick building, situate on Shamokin
street in the town of Sham.ikin, and lot number
twelve iu block onehuudicd and ninety-one ac
cenling to plan of said town, eighteen feet front
and twenty feet deep and lot or piece of ground
and curtilage appurtenant to said building.
Seized taken in execution and to be sold as the
property of Elizabeth Hotl'man.
At the same time and place, all that certain
two story tiame messuage and tenement, situate
in the township of Zerbc, in tho county of Nor
thuinbcrland, in the town of Trevorlon.and num
bcied in the general plan of said town, number
Four, in block number one hundred and four,
bounded on the north by an alley, on the east by
lot number five, now in the occupancy of Alexan
der l.ieb, en the south by Shamokin street, and on
the west by lot number three, containing in front
on ftlianmkin Strect.twcnty-fivc feet, and in depth
thirty feet, and the lot or piece of ground and cur
tilage appurtenant to said building. Seized taken
in execution and to bo sold as tiio property ef
M. K. Manly and John Sechler.
At the same lime and place, a certain lot ef
ground, situate in the town of Trevprton, in
Zerbe township, Northumberland comity, licing
lot No. 4, in block 101, fronting on Shamokin
street and bounded mi the west by 'ot No. 3 and
I on the east by lot No. 5, being 2.') feet in width
and 150 feel in depth, whereon is erected a two
rtory frame house painted brown. Seized taken
in execution and to be Fold as the property ol
M allien K. Manly.
At ti e same time and place, the following pro
perty to wit: A certain tract of land, situato
in Shamokin township, Northumberland county,
bounded by lands of the heirs ol Juhn Smith, dee'd,
and Daniel Smith on the west, lands of George
Keller and the heirs of Georgo Divler, dee'd. on
tho cast ; lands of John Mart, Samuel Dales and
others, on the soulh, and a public Road and lauds
late of Hugh Bellas, Esq.. on the north, contain
ing 230 Acres more or less, about 90 acres of
which are cleared, whereon are erected a two
story frame Houso, a large Bank Barn, Orchard,
&c. Seized taken in execution ami In be sold as
the property of H. G. Taggert, J, II. Furinan
and E. C. Barton.
At the same time and place, a certain lot of
ground, situate in the town of Mount Car in el, in
Mount Canncl townidiiii, Northumberland coun
ty, being lot No. I, in block No. 1(1, in tho gene
ral plan of said town, bounded on the north by
third street, on the south by lot No. 2, in said
block, on the east by an alley aud on the west by
Oak street, containing 0 feet ill front aud 150
feet in depth, whereon is erected a two story
frame house. Seized taken in execution and to
be sold aa the property of David Llewellyn.
At the same lime and place, acertain lot or ground
situate in the borough or Sunbury, Northumber
land county, fronting on Blackberry street, ad
joining a lot of Jacob Cable on tho east, a lot of
Edward i . U right on the west, and bounded hy
twenty feet alley on the north, whereon are
erected a one and a half story Log Mousy, also a
one and a half story Irame house, out-buildings
eve. Seized taken in execution and to be sold aa
the property of Jacob B. Masacr.
At the same time and place, two certain lots
of ground, situate in the town uf Trevorton in
erne township, Northumberland county, being
lots No. 3 and 4, in block No. 132, whereon ia
erected a two story frame House, said lota being
bounded south by a street, north by on alley,
south-east by the old Branch Rail Road, and west
by the Trevorton Company's Lots. Seized taken
in execution and to be sold as the property
of John Graeff.
At the same time and place, all the interest share
or purpart of Daniel La) cock, supposed to be the
undivided 12th part, more or less, or and in cer.
tain tract of Land, aituate in Point township, Nor
thumberland county, bounded by lauds ol the
heirs of E. Greeuough, dee'd., and lands of Pe
ter Buldy and others, ccntaining Fourteen Acres,
more or less, whereon are erected a two-story
frame dwelling house, a frame barn, an apple or
chard, iVc- Seized taken, in execution and to be
cold as the property of William Housel and Dan
iel Laycock.
At the samo timo arid place, all that cer
tain two-story framo house or building and
basement; situate) in Slmmokiu ttreet, block
l'JS, loti Nos. 1 and 2 in the towu of Trevor
ton, ia Northumberland county, containing
in front ia said Khamokib street HSJ feet, and
in dept 40 feet, and the lot or piece of ground.
and curtilages appurtenant, to tuid building
fio& tk0 in execution and to be Bold at
- lu" J"ul'" lJ n"illu" . .uiiiii,
Sheriff's Office, fuubury, i
July 3, lD8. I
Pince the iutruductinn or Iheie now ccleumtcd Cam and
und nutwIDmlBiHiinf nit nrts of conlrivonrrii for the ac
coivpiinlimrMit of the go nip object, moil of which woio
hi l le lew ttinn frnmlfl upon hmekrrierri, hnva ber-n oiler
H to the public, tho multeity ol AftTifUk'ii, the eiw
with which lltcy nre mam.prd. und the rrrtnimy of nunlt,
imve nind thfin the favorite Cuim and Jart everywhere :
ttnti huw in
ftince their introduction, their reputation tniinli,h)- gencrnt
aeknmvlHement, frir above ony other cmt or jnr in tho
mnrket. In proof of thie, wetite( from nlinunt iitnuint
rahle IcMiinonints, this one from the
ElITOn OF TIIK LADY'S HOOK, in the July Hum"
her for JhIv. lH.'.y. He myt .
"Tlicae celfhrnted Cnna nud .lorn, thefimt introduced and
hy nil ik11, the hcit, are alendily coin inn into rpiutuI line.
Thonminda of li ou acker per s who in pout ruM!ii, were
tempted to try other cuiia mid jur?, nml who lout more or
Icon of their fiuit in coite'pteiict , will hey Ind In Irani thnt
Arthur! never tail. For two ar:iMna we have Mid. uai
no oilier, nnd we r pent the advice."
Aithur'a Cuiia and J urn aro
AixrKi;PARi;i roussAUNc:.
They Imve ft ehmiitet n round the mouth, on the oiitxitte;
filled with cement when mid, timt nil remly fur aenting.
Vnn htive, after filling jomi vemel with h"t fruit, only to your ltd, nnd pri-M tt into the cement, when the work
ui done. If directions are followed direful I y, suectM ii
ahvuyi ceitaiu.
iiT" Tu l;e Notice, thnt Aithur'a Cum and J:r till hour
the I Nit en I Plump. On (he Tin Cum you will find it im
piefcd in the met;ri; on the eurtlienw.'ire Jam, in an ovnl
on the hoitotn ; and ia raised letters on the aidts v( the
tiluK! Jura.
TiS Catm tim. runrt, tnlf-pall., and en Hon ) The Cmm
Fire proof 'tStonewnre (cniic-col.) Jiuf I'int I Jnr (exrepl
f)Mart, and hnll'.gnllon. Tie) Nkst
Qiieeii5vre -I'nit, quart nnd hnlfg;illoil. to wenru e
(iLAAs Pint, quart unci half gallon. j c"ti-my iu
art. ir its ?i:i.r-snAMNt; CANS ,v jars
nrc manufactured under the patent for the United Ptatci
AHTnrn. i.trnii a.i, a on.noY,
117 mi l Mil touth Tenth Htiett. Philadelphia.
Ale mnmihictuiera nmlrr thnt patent for the I'nited
July 3, IS)?. U
list or JUItOXIS
Tor Nortliumbeilaud County, for the
August Term, A. 1) ls;8.
1 (leorgo 15. .Siuton, Co ,
' Teter Swartz. Jordan,
3 John llower, Lower Augusts,
4 Jacob F. liougar, Milton,
5 John V. I'l ntier, Uelaware,
fi Jacob Noecheo, Shamokin,
7 Henry Morgan, Northumberland,
6 I'aniul Mverelt, Coal,
9 (Ieorge llonn, tiuubury,
10 Fleming Nesbit, ChilliEqnaque,
11 1'hilip Schreyer, Milton,
12 William Fnrron, Shamokin,
13 Siiinuul Ulair, Milton,
11 l'uter Kuih, Nortliuiiiburland,
15 Isaac Marsh, '1'urbut,
1G Samuel liovele, Lower Mahanoy,
17 John U. Heller, Chillisquaque,
IS John Trosell, Milton,
19 Jonathan Uordner, Lower Mahauoy,
20 John lloiighner. Coal,
21 Charles Kase, Hush,
22 Henry Haas, Shamokin,
2it Franklin A. Clark, Coal,
2-1 Michuel Uiown, L'prcr Mahanoy.
1 Joseph Kennedy, Hush,
2 Jeremiah Longsdorf, Jackson,
Ii Hugh Martin, Chillisquaque,
4 Charles Heuhman, '1'urbut,
5 John J. Hitter, Turhut,
C Uobert Cumniiugs, Chillisqnaquo,
7 Gideon Koadinmel, Coal,
8 Johu N. Conrad, Lower Augusta,
'J Chrittiau Wontzel, Jordan,
10 John H. Scout, Northumboilaiid,
11 John Dohner, Jackson,
12 F.benozer llastian, Sunbury,
13 l'hilip tiibbocs, l'oiut,
14 John Shriner, Northumberland,
15 Vuluntino Kluze, Shamokin,
1(5 John (iA'-ick, l'oiut,
17 Samuui l'. Uurrows, Lewis,
IS Dauiel Carroll, Sr., Turbut,
19 George lleiui, Washington,
20 John Dottinger, Shamokin,
21 Samuel S. Mulick, Lower Augusta,
22 Dauiel Kramer, Cumoron,
23 Joshua Cole, Turbut,
21 Alvin II. Alexander, Coal,
25 Andrew Kitler, Chillisquaque,
20 Isaac IJrown, Milton.
27 Peter Hilcman, Sunbury,
23 l'aniel Shaffer, Jordan,
29 William Osman, Hush,
30 Samuel Trego, Lower Mahanoy,
31 Miner U. Marsh, Turbut,
32 John W. Hulther, "
33 Abraham F.ingaman, Lower Mahanoy,
31 Haniel Dressier, Chillisquaque,
3.") Isaac Deppiu, Jackson,
3G John Mengar, Lewis,
37 Jacob Huulzicher, Lewis,
3S Oliver I?. Hoffman, Coal,
39 John Kepperling, Nortliumbeilaud,
40 I'eter Masser, Sunbury,
41 Houry Feters, "
42 William Harrison, Northumberland,
43 Henry Morgan, Point,
41 Samuel Fetter, Sunbury,
4r Daniel Smith, Jr., Delaware,
46 Israel Dunklubcrger, Little Mahanoy,
47 Amos Andorson, Delaware,
48 George 11. Coder, Coal.
9th day of August, A. I.
1 William Nesbit, Chillisquaque,
2 Ueorge Geist, Sr., Jordan,
3 Matthow Duiiuett, Lower Augusta,
t Isaac lioyer, Lower Mahauoy,
5 George Kutz, Turbut,
6 John Kuns, Lewis,
7 John Foust, Chillisquaque,
8 Isaac Seller, Sunbury,
9 Selh Cndwallader, Milton,
10 John Maiu-er, Point,
11 George P. Kotnp, Lewis,
12 Keuben Zai tmau, Jackson,
13 Andrew Luverty, Lewis,
14 John Adam.s, Ku-b,
15 Joseph Vandyke, Northumberland,
1G J.nca8 Young, Lewis,
17 Albright Jones, Northumberland,
18 Johu Harmun, Jr., Lewis,
19 Peter Keescr, Zerbe,
20 Johu Clark, Sunbury,
21 Simon Guhros, Miltou,
22 Jacob lvromer, Chillisquaque,
23 David .artman, Washiugton,
21 Georgo Hastian, Jr., Sunbury,
23 Thomas Teas, Milton,
20 Simon Coble, Washington,
27 John Hottman, Sr., Lower Mahaocy,
28 Philip Metier, Hush,
29 John Martz, Milton,
30 James Hussel, Chillisquaque,
31 Johu i. Conrad, Lower Augusta,
32 Asa Everett, Turbut,
33 John ltiddell, Delaware,
34 Andrew K idler, Tui but,
35 Samuel Caldwell, Lewis,
3G Silas Wolvcrton, Upper Augusta.
To the Electors of Northumberland
Fr-tiow CiTirms We are authorised to
announce THOMAS D. GRANT, of :he lior
ough of Sunhory, as an ludepehdeut Caudidalij
for the office of
at the ensuing election.
Mr. Grant is too well known to the rr.onr. or
Northumberland county to need any commenda
tion at onr hind. No one questions his qualifi
cations for the post ; his character for morality,
industry and sobriety is irreproachable and his
popularity as a titan and rflicienry as an ollicer
undoubted. For the list six yens he has been
the principal clerk in thii ollice, and his un
tiring industry and ability, his amiable manners
aud obliging disposition have elicited the confi
dence and esteem of all doing business there.
Ve coniiJenlly submit his name, and earnestly
ask our fellow citizens to RALLY TO 1114
SL'ITOHT. Respectfully, -
Sunbury, Juue SI, ISd.
To tho Electors of Northumberland
J A VINO leen solicited by miuiY of my fellow
rjtirenAto become ft candidate for ro-cli!t
tiuh for office of
I hereby ennnunce that I present Jnysolf to the
Democracy or the county lur nomination at tho
approaching primary election. Having had ex
perience for a number of years, and being the
present incumbent, I flatter myself that I would
he able to render general satisfaction to the citi
zens of said county, and if nominated and elect
ed will use my best abilities to perforin the duties
of tho ollice.
Sunbury, June 20. 18S8.
7 XiisT or CAUSES.
Tyon tnnl in the Court ot Common l'leail
Northumberland Couiily, to be held at Sun
bury, on the first Monday of" August, 1853.
rr-AiSTiirs. Dr.i EsiiAvrs. Seller's children vs. '.lm K'hl. John
Peter l'ickcson
John llowen
Alexander Colt,
James 1'aRcr,
Henry Wcise,
Wolvrrton &.1 T (
i rger ri ai,
vs Shaffer ct al,
va J. J. Mnwr,
vs John A I.loTd,
V James Vandyke,
s Thos. Unumsnnluer,
lenient v FEclt-man.
James M aione v 1'hila & Sunlmrv K K Co.
Thomas 1err v? Alfred Knca?c,
Wm I.onax, &c vs Win 1. Helfrnstein,
(I M Klemming Ac, vs Wm I. Ilellent-lein
H lleilv Ac vs same
IlnagA Brown V9 William I. Dewart,
Edward tirofs vs Halph Bogle ct al
John 11. Pox vs William Ayres' ndin'r.
Sarah Miller co. vs Henry M. Kobins,
Ira T. Clement vs Charles Hrlfenstein,
Inac Brown vs John S l'etermnn,
Deherah Hu77.v vs Jos Huffman's adin'r.
llazrard ri Slarick Vs John 1'. Purscl,
lieuben Parrely vs W. (i. Kase ct ul
William Wolborii vs John S Snyder,
Carbon Run Imp. Cd. vs J. Faruswnrth et al.
I.saac BroAii vs Abraham Straub,
Protlionotory's Cilice, 1
Sunbury, Juno 10, leW J
1 ' J v()C I . A A TJ ( )N-
TV'OTICK is hereby Riven (hat thn several
' ('mirta of Common l'leas. General Quarter
Srnsions of the peace, and Oprhans' (ourt. Court
or Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery,
in and for the county of Northumberland, to
commence at the Court IK use, in the borough ol
Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, iho
2nd duv of AUGUST next, and will continue
Tha coroner, Justices of the Peace nnd consta
bles in and lor the county of Northumberland, aro
requested to be then and there in their proper per
sons, with their rolls, record, inquisitions, and
other remembrances, to do those things to their
several ofiiecs appertaining to be done. And ul
w itnesses prosecuting in lichalf of the Commoril
wealth against any prisoner arc also requested and
commanded to be then and there attending iu their
proper persons to prosecute against him, as sh;,ll
be just and not to depart without leave at their
peril. Jurors arc requested to be punctual in their
attendance, at the time appointed agreeable tj
their notices.
Given under my hand at Sunbury, the "Rth day
of June in the year of our Lord one thous
and eigh' hundred and fifty-eight and lbs
Independence of the United Slates of America
tho H2d.
God save the Commnmve:illh.
Sheriffs Ouicr, Sunbury, j
June 2(, 185S. )
AME ti the premises or the subscriber, on or
about the 12th day of June, lSoS. in bliamn-
kin township, Northumberland county, a black
Low nml a ml lleifler. J he cow is about cloven
aud the hcillVr about two years obi. They both
have a stur on the fotchcad and are white about
.!. I...ll ....I Kt...t 11. ,.........l
... .....u ........ ....,uo.vU
to come forward, prove property, pay charges and
take them way.
Shamokin twp June 21, lrtfiH Cm
VJ'OTICK is hereby that the
l.ATIONS, heretofore su
subsisting between
William Weinier and the undersigned, in the
Drug Store at Northumberland, have, by mutual
consent, this d.iy (June 7lh, lSriK.) ceased to
exist; und the Rooks ami accounts will remain
for settlement ami collection in tho hands of the
subscriber, who will continue, to carry on the
business at the ol I stand.
Northumberland, Juno 3d, IH5S.
T' HE undersigned, appointed by the Court of
Common Pleas of .Northumberland county,
Auditor to distribute the money arising from the
sale ef the realestato of Chaiilis Wkiki:l, will
attend lor that purpose at his oliico in Sunbury,
on Saturday the Sfith inst., at 10 o'clock, A. M.
Sunbury, June 12, 1858
UAS just received o new and excellent assnrt
ineut of Roods at his Confectionary and
I'ruit store in MARKET STREET, Suuburv,
where he manufactures and keeps on hand, at
all times, the most choice Confectionary, Ac,
Wholesale aud Retail, at Philadelphia prices.
Among his stock of C'oiifectionarics, maybe
found :
Krrneh fercts, Omn Props, nil kinds of scent,
jluriu'ii Almonds, l.ove Drop,
i:reain While, Rl'iit Urops, red and white,
' I.em ai Jelly I'nkes,
Itoiie. I'init limpn,
' Vunilla, r-!i;-k Candies, of all scents
t'.nnnion Seeicts. H'v k Candy,
l.Kiuoiice, Almond Candy,
Tt;ttiannn, 1 'um-i.
lnic, riCR.
Aliui'iiiltt, ninff, Nui-B tf t!
ef a Fuprrior quality, ly Ihe ninale or .W.en. A
surriir quality of iScuars niul Tuhui'ca, u ml a I
vani'ty uf l-imlit'tinnuru'n, fruit, c, all -f wludi
th oilirfj chrnp at whoK'salo or n tail.
He h:ia al opened an Tee Ciejin Haltmn, nnl
will t all times lie ready to bi re his ;u.-touierH
with h e Cream.
Kunliury, Juno 10, 1S.'H. ly
OUDS Fhil.pril from tlifc Warehouse of
KKEEt), VAf!l) & I'lU'EL), No. 811
Market strett, aliove Rlli st., rhiUih'liiliia, to all
iiitermeiliatp points along tlie, to Sun
Imry anil NorthumlierlHiul in J-urtit ular, without
tranKhiiuirnt anJ at the lowest rates nf fniglit;
All orders thankfully received and proinlly
attended to, and (ioods carefully delivered lo all
Merchants and others.
June STi, 1358 yin$ Transjiorler.
Jt'sl" rectived hy the stilisrrih6f a fresh nip
ply of FLU I' It AM) FLBb which will tr
old at wholei-ale and retail
eft-sent prices from $5, 50 to $ti,ru ptr Ml ,
A liberal disrount to ths trade.
Also Crackers of all klnJn, Caudles, Pcap,
Raisins, Cigars die.
A few choice dried apples yet on hind, at
$200 per bushel, they are very nice, Hy oMig
inj '"' trying to please all, llm euWrilicr hocs
to merit Ilia good will und I'stransgo of his
friends and customers.
Msrket k'fjuare, tSuiitiury,
June li, 18.t.
1OKTand MA LIE It I A WINF.S. fchieJum
Schnapps, Wild Cherry brandy, Ulscklicrry
ind Lavender brandies for uiedicinal purpura al
March H.'bl. V'. 1'IMJBK.
n n. K aTTd m A N
Anntical 'i;tVftm rtiid I'hlsiciai.
featcs of the Lungs. t.atc of the Cincin
nati Marine lfospilul.F.ditor of the "Med
ical Stttltistiops,"- Corresponding ilciiibc?
of the London Medical Society of Olsertd
torn Author of "Letters to Invuf fic;
My lie eoituhr.l pi fullowR ... I
Wll.UA.MM'UK T, Pu , lile I ;
isiiliildny, Jn'l '.Mil K,1
MiCK-IIAVrN, - - - IJ'li "
l.KWIrilifno, - - - ll'li "
ff.MlfltV, .... Mil, "
llARItlSUl Rn, . . . lath ft in4.
I) It. HAItDMAN tn-nts Conminiiliuli, tJr.'Mi !nll. !.
rvn"ttn, Aptliiui.,uutl (hutusc ul' Uil-'1 incut und l.ui,
ly ttlt'diciil Jii'ittlQl'Mti.
IJi. fliir-'in'.iu's tlri'iim n jiut.Tic cii'.r.'Jtr.?c ore feuidtfc
npt'ii tlie f"llcwiir fiicis:
I 1 1 ib tli'r-i'Kli snd cumpl. te iirqMiiintaitf-e v ::h Ii r
pr:,.-t if "f tlie cvl-.-tuutc J f'i; si'-lans n! l.'.l pi.- a
well Aim-ii'-H.
12 The I'eculiiiiities of rvHti-m of nuilicution do"
r.Ting from every oilier ever ji-'l nil-iplil il"tl not ni:ik.
sick lo linke we'll ; lli'l le:il'vjl In 'Mti'-I III. n:un dift
cunlinff nl! d:oi?;eioiiii ilrMu nm! jm' ino:p tliinnr.-iH
'J. II' Hiijie;.'v'lent'-il e-r-!i'.-e Mi IlMpil(il pracin:c
where every li'i:!1. t il'to-ioie v;is preH'-utrd I'nr Ins
nient rtml lit r:n:-s of Jeullt, mi cuiilr.niiiliiin nf ll.r
hnly nitiile, nnd Hie Tii.virniices (if thenneetrd cn'.-lnlly
n-tcil il-'vvn hy his own h.irid f-T fnture reH-reiiT. TlieBn
hour mid oliser:iti"jiii tins lnfnie 'ii-n crMn;i!e!i'l. wil!
form tv'.'n tine .ihnneii nf Ii n hiM:'lr?d in''. e .eh, whirh
Will I'e pnlilnliH f.irl'ie li'-lul'tut th Medi-:.' fTi'l. f,i.iii
4. In addition til tins, hu v;ist expei H-nre, ii.T'juired !
IriiveliinK nemiy lie ,;irs. Ir.nting (hi (ifcotnU diiinnlh',
Imve nllirdeil frent iiilvrint:ic.-i l'"r ilmerv:ili in nnd t I'm
aludy of nil dlst-arrB incident to llie himiHii liinnly. In tjn4
period of lime lie Inm truveled a ilisliiiiie lienrly npnil .,
two em ire circuits of the ej .In? , jnd li:in iicpn. prrii'i ilic-'
lor and heen cillfulled ly nearly at) thousand inulul.
Al.t. DtrRArr:S TRKATF.l
In relation to the folfiwiie- direnrtn. enlier v.-iiei, riin:
plieiileil with l.nnr; Altc'linii, i-r exiitmj al I '!'..
IllVlleil ronKullatli,n-MRil:lly find tliem prom;.! !v
I'mtnpmis and nil fnrmsoi cumpl.iimn , Irrix'i.
laritieB and Weaknesii.
I'alpitation and .'111 -r f'lrnin ef Ili-nrt I lij.,-rt.-n f.ivi.!1
Complaint, Dysprpria, mill all other lJisciiHin n N iiirn i!
nntl ilowel, riler, Ac,
IV All iliwaren at the live mi ! fm ; N'.tnul'.:n, '1; i
ieiv, and all forinn of rieivo'l His.-uv.
rT No charge of Conruluilion
June li. t'3; Gin
riHE advertisers keep constantly on had r!
(.round Hum sol,
ANhtoti Flue tlo.,
r:lrphall and Ucakinil Fitio and 1'AIIiY SAI.'I
j width they are how selling at VtUV I,OV
(iiain and Lumber Company House,
utio 1U,JS58. 3t Baltimore.
Wholesale and Jlctail Dealers in
Mill street, (East side) Korth lMmvillc,Va.
nnilE undersigned would respectfully announce
to their friends and tho public generally,
that they have purchased 8 very extensive stock
of Wines and Li'junrl direct from the Custom
House, which tltoy oiler to the trade at Philadel
phia prices thereby saving freight 4r.
- J. S. HALL,
PnnviHivJuno Jfl; 18fl. tf
Dissolution & Co Partnership.
r"MIE linn of Shepherd and Hcwelt, ('onl Opc
rutors, Locust .Summit Colliery, oithuui
berland County, Pa., licing thia day (June 1-t,
IH."iH,) di.'solved by mutual consent, tbo buinesi
will lie heuccloith carried on by J anics M. shep
herd and John McKarland, under the linn name
of hlirpherd & McFarlaud, who will pay alf
claims against atid recti' c all accuuiila due to tlie
late lirnl.
JAM12-1 M. RIIEPI1ERD, Sunbury, Pa.,
CHAKLEH 1IEWKTT, Phamokin. Pa.,
JOHN MT ARI.AND, Pine (Jrovo, Pa.
.Sunbury, June IS 10f8
Iir. V. II. ritii.noit,
Of I.ANCASTKR. Cily, late of I'lnln.t. Iplna , when
lit lias been in mecesfl'nl pmeliee i"-''.- Ilumliel of
5'. jeeeived Inn ednn,n. n at the jLt Jl.ilieal i o!ltKe
'' '.hc "'u'1 .?'.'; J 'J ' l'f" " la.ce
i m me nill'lelil iiorpiiH.8 lor several
e;iri n t?ieiiitt r nt
the AiiHlytuMi McilicJil lnilit "I Nnv V-uk, ami late
Mflical sufjieim i tiic l tiiini Mji'ta Ajvy, ii'u "litre
hinikcll to tlie I'ulilic In HtixuJnuy ,rfijM'iiriil
'1 liputfl uicihcuicti ulwnvfton l.ntui (Jinti trm 1'te
hest lAitKinioritj-ft uur c unlir, iiinl the JItnht l Oai
dt'iiK if the wot hi. No patent innti(.'in? jnrm'uljiM nr ic
coiDinriiiletl. Molfuies ueil mtly whuti will ivt bnk
ili'WU the f'tnrsHtmiuii, but will mii'Vulc the .yteMi funil
ull ihjunc it h is RiiKUtiuctl from iinnt'i;il iiiciltniuH. Chro
nic and ililliciilt iiisu'iBt.ij muFl he ircatnl unni iniolvficf'
piin-itcf, whirh tf to kmiw :nvl n eeitant h it dtt:c
ix lii nature nml phsinietrr iciimic a kimwtnte nl tht
flu muni oi'i.ititiu'iiifc nf every i i I :mJ llttid"! tin hiinimt
iKuty ; the etianct-it thm klnl! ;ni UutiU ;ne niiinbli: i f
Mii'.iTjntir . Tokiitiw wliut nifiu'tiitB t Mii;t- t vuiv
it;tkti rejuirc8 a knnwlctlgc t Ihc th,iniiMl 'it;:tttm mu
nf nil Iirul!t rnipl'iyi'il III lllillt'lllf ; :tmt It u f UTK li) p'.s.
Ht-MtK'ii nl tlim knn Idtlge, it is msiii!e t rme Jtnvd'
u mutter ( ti-"w lom gtiiiitliii? ami Iruve lim piucut
in n liealitiy mi't prrl'ec'ly curt-t ii.niiii' ii.
Mi'luiu'lioly. Aln;ntitiun; ni thnt hfite r' a!i-nHti"n niil
wiakm-fcs ( tlie iiiuu! wbirh u-nilrr piTHMix mr-Ji jth1- -tt
iiif; the pleaMirew fir perfurininp the Hurirs liu-; 1);
pfpFiu i that (I tat netting li8c,uf' nini f l I Hi simyer f hcaiili
niul ImppiiH-rF, Hfi'li-Tdiiiung the constitution, and y iilv
'3rrm'r; lhnii.ainti to untimely urave-, 4-jii iu& rmj hjti
rally t-e cured. H hcuuiutifciii, in anyl'nini ir cnnditmii,
t-liTotiir nr neut't warranted enrahltr; 1'iMl'-pHV or tuning
ickn'tn ; nil thmnic ami tiilirn e;tsiB"t' Keinrt1' li
eeastit ruilimily itnmveil; iktil lUirinii. nntl ev-ry riesiTii -(it'll
ni" ulfi-ratiiMtt, 1'iles and S'n'lul' um liit-u.-. n. which
have liHllted all previous iiie1ieal rkil! can ln cut I hy n y
tiriiiincut, Wlitm Ihe eoiifiiiutum i n"t vxhan-'i '1.
I 'In My all tliacnH'i (yei, CiinPHinpiii'M) etui K eiUtd.
iV't'aneer cured without the kmie,
I will remain n my i:Iice n Ki'vr: pys h t ir--
j Iiayx, linin M el ek A M.. t r M , f imii-wtM'..
paiieiiiB 1 1 1 tin ii iii'tiiif-e, ami r ntua hi i iik r ni u-iv
(iiTinaii !aniu;ijr. Will mak-- i r-1 t ! nn .1 -t ui.'i: u
le'Uliel. May l-e UdJieaat'd I'V ii'l'H, I u S ;';-i: f.
IsaaeuIer eilv, Vn.
W.U VIIUMt'i;,M p
June 5, lv ''in
O'ermerl) KliueV ll-d l,)
n. ;.iii:rzi;i t ii oiri tor.
' l'H IS is one nf the Urgent and lu-M inriiiMn l IIt'en
1 the Wect Itiumli. It is liKHled m tli-l-uin : :!
'I tlie- town, (il lu-ina tlid i'lil v I I'M el ui l:tkrt .m- )
'1'he proprietor in del iiiniud, i nse eviy'.
make it i ii--use niici'l' tht bebt in lac ltc , and it it' it.
rare indueeinenii, i--r peistil8 vh " '-'d a rh -rt fmte hi
niicnfthv iiiosi I't'.iBiiiii tuwna tu ccalfjl I'ttuid) !.m:i
t'liJiii't k very umd-'iiite.
I.ewifliin. June lv!, Its'w1.
"C O M E 6 N ETC 0 M E A L L ! !
People's One Price Store.
i;.m:ur, r.i.,
HAVK rrcclveJ their large uiitl choice MiK't
rJ stock uf
t'niriinisrcl (if nn 'rnJli-ss nricly, aiij ! wliicli
t'.u y rciCL-lfully invito tlio atleniiiMi uf iLo ju!
lie IrvlliiR burcJ that tlu ir lire asMirlnu nt
and gt' al Miiii ly of all kni'l.s it (ioi.ils cvnl'iiii'.l
with t!ir rxct'Ciliiigly lw jnicr which thy ai
ihtcrniiiitU to sell at, will render entire ati.-Jjc
12" CorNTUY rUOPT'CB u-intcJ iii ex-
i chaime ot the very hiln 4 rhurkit j.iice.
June ft, IH.'i
M R la the nrcniUcsof the sul'.-ciil'!-:, oi:
' tfu Si.'uh ult., a htray mare, 8 or I'J jear.f
j old, about medium ie. ho is full fVi.'ted, (tai
led on each ide of the breast, ami in ci lnr a dark
I brown, legs, mane and tail black. The owner is
J r-.ucKled tn come forward, provo pr.ipcily, pa
diaries u:ij take her away.
! I.e-.vef Augusta, May Smb. IS'i.
IKAVF.LLERS and mliers are rifecifatly
int' irmcd ilif.t the subscrilier h'as e.talililii 6
a KTBAM FERUT over te Sm-nu t. anna, at
i H unliiiry. 'l a htrge; salu and comiiiodioua
' steamboat will run rejulsrly and promptly, at
' all hoofs during the day, to carry font paari'gi rs
as well as ili.cles, Ac., Inlwecn Kuubi'fy and
; the landing on the 6ppole side ef !he river, hoirf
' ways, or to and from Sunbury. The steamboat
'will run hum Market Mreel Wharf, and will
I carry pusscniji ra lo and from the Packet moiiiiii!
aud evening. The Meam Firy now alVjrd no
' only a sale and convenient tr.iusit c'ver ihe (uT
uuclmuiia, but also a plesssni and airreeahle rii '
IRA T. CLBMUNT, Vi i uvi f
I Am itw IK'ovi a, l'p a n.
i Su hn May I.
tjeuiou eukcfjiii-w .