I i) BT EUII.T It TAflE. Out r.monp, tlie -i .11 i'i '-r sfcadowa Vi ,th Lit: 8'..ic!i ue it: her huT T 'v iutf .sheaves the shadows i ..u- i..-t nnd i!-r Sinliii; Ihro'.il. ihe dusky Valleys Ch..it v o. -iioi's up and down Go . t.r'lilt:.' rniil.'ii Lucy, Willi tlio locks ol' shadowy brown. Four ft.'i t fuiiiMit r-liiin"' have risen. From lie irr-vii lap c t" t:..- ? r.iij. , Aii'.l tlif licuniy f i ' their "armenia .li mi r evcryiniag i i s luv tlio autumn nioadoti8 li-'.).- L',c.i fi :. I'mita,:'' l.fc, tk'' tt tirtli le.t In r mil!; 'Neath li,.' p-arly gate ol ill-'. I' .vii nnd Jcivn tho sunny fti'iiiro I.k ll.u w..y lliat she must tre-d Very fu'r it i:-,aml pleasant, i'.h tin- sunshine overhead ; 'lay '.hu while hand? uf the niienlit i. :.!. K t peiiily v.hi iv tlio light 31 ,eho? to the far off elory Tlll.l is tli'Vl'f lliill Willi liif'.ht. Vt'iuc-Growora iu lib scuri. a the ptrlrti'i't moni'.ijt mt feel that U sotiu'tiiin nbuttt a vir.o.grow it:?; i y partieul'.'il uf:i;i'Slivo of joy nnd j r. We di not easily o?eapo the eld ions of ITeUrew terms "iho shout, .d ai'tginjia in tho vineyurda" t!m re ;3 of t Ui vintage t iio vine laiiiiichiog, i' the msrry-!': illcd In biyh tho vine ID : j ' red ooeaiiFd joy is dried up Itoui among r.-.'.n wino and oil, tho sign of a fruitful i.'.'mI. Ti e expression?, fimiliar from child hv. '.- "rcrare one for ple'sai.t ii?picta in a cottony of viiieynrils. All cnu's memories o.i i f vine conntriei are of cbeerfu!, aunny u.: ' ten'pent gayety. .1 fi.lt curious, in tliia vi?it to the ?j;??or.ri v'i-.i-vaida, to seo what would be tho tlT-.-cta r'l' .liii ):nrsuit on Amtuiet'ti bnlita; nnd t'i,",.;r-h the pionperJ work in a now country is not ttr :""--t easy and gay, yet 1 f.nv at i nc.' that Fointthing of this cherry iuGuer.ce v:p perva.lif eve:i this popn'-jtitin, I i-t-ppod Crst nl ileriiuum (aLcut EO milcg i.o'ii frt. l.oui.'.) an 1 in waiting nt thu tavern i. r a wni gro ..vr, v.hcsa piae.? I waa to visit, i watched the peoplo couihig in. There was co '.ue 'hi no; crtriincly ruci"! nr.d carelef." . iu. ;!niyi, yet nt the Fawe time they seemed l,.') thriiiy, we'.l to-ilo pe-ple. Very few t .ii'c l ut tho bar for whi.-key or brandy ; but tin1 most tr.fk n glaa together of tho light intivi? wine, ami chatted aociu'.ly over it, !oni'tii!i?s sitting at tha t..ti!e to iio so, which civilir.ul custrnt h:i yet to t o iotroduccd iu l.ORt p:.-ta rf the I'mted Stale. 'i".a only ti'iplera wrro oi l M'asonricna, r.:;.) cfi'icl for v.-l'.'i.hey, and UaUiCwJ tun I)nic!, mi l a!) Dutch stuH'. The i:ii.J was a good ileal of vines am', land. At l('i,.,.h the V'ne-;::nv-.- whom I e voi-c'c:' Part"' in, nd 1 nccoiiiprnied him . (trough tho vi'.l aire. It ia n very coiuforta hie, thriving loo'uin:' litlh town, iho l;ou.-c3 built mostly of brick, W'ith jh-uant gard.-n9 t irrcuuuing them. Tho population ia ahont l,20i, of wlri h I HB'Jorstoed there ia not one cn A merit an. Tho phico l:ua two or thrto rchoul', supported by public f.uula, and two f Lurches ono Lutheran cod cue Culbollc. Jly friend'a viutvard lies upon on of tho hills, ovuilo.hing tho Mi?-ouii. ' Kin herr liches I. indl" "A Eloiious country I'1 hu e;tya witu enthusiasm, aa v.e reach tho top and ca?t our pyea over tho lan.Uc.ipo. For li:ile3 p .tiiv, oa the EiJo oi thu river hero wn W'cre. tiii.no was a broken view of vine topped l.i'W, v. h:lu t'r.2 l-.cr slept s wero hi uvy with ilea wool', and tho Valleys pteen willi grain. Leyoui'l the river a luxuriant growth if eot-ti-jiiwood t-ycunore covered thu ili.h U it3. Iu the country beyond there, Mr. 11. said, were tnir, a of the richest plantations of tho State, worked by regiooi. Mr. II. 'a L"-.'.:so waa o Ultlo house, tueh as any row set Uor might have, but you imtice thu contrast to the usaul Amdivan's cab.'u in tho i'l-w flowering tries left near bv, ami lid' cut i j v ho'e ' ' i'i' i i. owe truly Ocroian garden-beds 1 U'dor tha wiuJuws. Oiher.vi.-r, tho 1 ii-Fli pa wa3 covered with viikp, usually t i.".! cn t .vo pe!e3 bound toceth-; r, obcut f. ,e feet r.purt. Tiu3 Ueruiaii hiul-been there r..r..... twelve year.', niul uoiv posse.-seil a most j Y .';: l.tth") pioperty. 11 is w ine bad taken t'.t , i ii h'.Uly in Jrl. I.ouis, eve n over Long- J w.,'i..' Ua'i-v.'l.a. Mi St of tho settlers, he a .i... v. i.i Veiy priSi'r''Ua, nnd their wine j v.-r i'o:ul:.;x it.lo gieat demand. They cov- i r .1 .i.i.. I), rreti hiilb ps far ill thu interior v.i'li ti.'lr vim-yards. They lived a good lie, 1 ih- mseUi's, t.nd ho believed had a h ' 3 Wos last ' , r i.:e than uny other Germuua in the j i-ru ciui.lry. Tho town bad produced ear s- i: e eO.000 cuMwn of wma. The , Oo.l situation j fur vineyard's, Lo etatci, ce.ct from c'l t ) fj r.n aeie ; those . d, tl'i or ?.:o. It I preparation befoie ' Harlrg this time j irl bin.-., if by fa: n- j I, to Eaveced. p.-ieh j :uva s- i:ie iijlJ i.r , whi.h ar.j alrer.dy in.prov, IlJed th.o ) or four years' a viunyai l pays its cost, tha viau-gMiver can srp: Jng an J o'Uor work. i-:u uo.v iuiinkr.tnt bhouhl 1 (pJJO Ci'i'l'..'.! to bii'hl 1.'3 wine ciliirr r.nd liOii-o, buy his cu'.tie riiu! :.y citra labor. After v ore o c e fi-or yoats. tha viir'.vard v. ill yi.'i ! i n an average from il.VJ to Hod sulloua vi wi:io lothsecie; a v.-ry l .ioralilu site has b-'en kiio.Tn to prodiiew l.llnU eailons. und !'..0 was the lowe.it ilr. ll.'i lacu had ii.cn. Vv.i ': n, lulb, indi. -iry, can maiii.ge 5 acres. TIn w tie is worili ftoin 51 2' l-i tl ' -r gal'o:i. ei that C Iff an rcie is ti common ie loin. Mr. ii. hid s .1 I his wood cn liie phtct) the li:st yiar ' ii IIC'O, Mid bad received n.o year- iji) gallons from half an acre. It v. " 1 1 bo :i c 'ie that no othej ugriiiuiluie of tho Uaitvd States pres.;iila ii.eh ntuies. CT i ll.' r r.vncnses, the w.':res of labor nto now It i. in ij tents to ;'l a day. i r $12 to $15 ft nor tli ; a row costs from t'ld to i''J; u piir of ox-ti, i' Litj f.5'e) u bor.e, QCO to 70. Vi . ol ia ' i iii about ii 50 a cc.nl ; pi. tat es, 10 coiita a b'she-l, utid wheat &0 tent.. 1 fi ber is ui.vi.ys in iU'tnan-.l, niul, us mwy bo fieri from the p, Ices rf l'.. od, is rxeei'iiinely well paid. Tl.o o't vet n:ii-i "f vices hu bad lori.i t . be iho N filth Yil'giaia tawbl uu I I iibellii. ceol'tic (ju. I'tins far, thu ciiii.'.'ii h u been morp favr- m ue -.ui r.irj ti.au u is in ijerinai.v. 'li '. . -.v I .I r. o e.. i v . ,i u ie i, iii.. ii.. I r.oy.-ar in wLieh tho J ield has r. w 1 ct ;.i tho lab. r: ttl.ilo on the Kbln.' i... n, thero v ill be years iu whi.h the j ori ol ti.u viii-vur U gi t no teii.ru ul i no, i. oi i!;o pi. r ler.aiits, w: ., iiiahu i t! pop il .tl.iu of v.r,; dn-sscra, fall iulo erfat ili.s t e s u'.id poverty. Tho worrt weather in Mr-suuii U the ntllrr. r: -.:.-'. beet of Julv tt. y a lew iioits can survive this but the lio-is fciori.n of .-,..1 'i.ii,;,p ,,,,.i i)..ini.r wl ucli de,!if,T Tie vi ii. u i, f fruit in liei ieomv' iJOAiniieau vineyards entirely ise.pe. I is.'U a.r. I l. what tli'.cl ho toi.sideu J this cu.turo of tu v.uo toh.ve on tho habits of! ii!' iiiiitrymen. He tho.i;i'.it thut thuse liv ing iu this vine region wero much mora i-obcr 'hi '.5 t1 e Guma-i ol the cities, and that 1 Lo Dut.vo wine was ulroaily t'rlving out wh'skcy uuv io mug was uircacy cr.ving c bdJ bracdy from use umong the I ?;ii ka tl ,-iiarery, but hu wus u Ameiicutis. I IK L III... ? to express himself much on this, except to ry iiun ins c niilrymen wisbeU to ItttVu nr tiling to do with it lo tiino he waa cure M ssouii would te a free fcttato, but not at all so souu aa noii.y sanguined people believed. Out of th 'JOU OOO Germans ia the Btate, be di i not Ul eve theie were morethau 15 or .0 who held slaves, aid those hies sorviBli. .Vi Yftk Ti ilui.f. Oraftjno tub Giuric Vixb. We have met witli many experienced poreona who haTo tievcr torn the prupe vine grafted. The pro cess if eo ensy, that thousands who ore tins- iull to 0SS0S9 tllO IIIMVIT Vlll'iolicg, flllltlld especially tul.u care of their old roota ami in sort scions of Ilia new. No tiny rr covering of the grafted piirt. ia necessary, beyond tliu natural soil. In low w hich tlio yralt is to be insetted, is.nv (.IT jour Flock nti J put in your scion with two rr tlirec but)?, wedo. fashion, ai in tlio cleft grafting of fruit treia, and then cover up n few inches, leaving one or two bu.ls above ground j where, the stock is very largo, and inconveuieiit to Fplit, a pitnbht lu.ii', po in n do B8 to br tip the two barks together, answers. Tlio apron's or the old Flock, na they spring np to rob the graft, must bo pulled off. Urnfta often bear tome fine clutters tlio first season of growth, nnd many more the second. In this way, the old storks of v.ild prtipes removed from t lie wooda are very useful with duo care. Wo Love lati ly seeH an old Catawba vino that was wanted for aliude forty feet off, laid down for ft year lill it had rooted well, and then waa Knitted with perfvet success, and fruited the Erst feason. Horticulturist. &) n m 0 r 0 it A CliuTp Wiht Inspector. Not ft very hid joko is told of one of the New York uijht inspectors. It happened a lew evening since, shortly after thu wharf wi.tc'u whs set, thai a pi j in looking country man wa.i seen to leavu a brig lying at Tier .No. C, with afujpieioua looking bundle in bis hanola. It wr.a a laiga puckage, aud a hcuvy n. ;e, and tho Strang! r tugged along slowly up tho pier wiih it nnd turuud tLo comer tweul ing nndcr his load. "Aha ! my lino fu!lov," rjaculuted the lynx tycd inspector a sharp-set oliiciol by the way "aha ! I've got yuu thia time I" nud ap pionehiu the countryman, ho said : "Good evening. Let mo relieve yoo of that loud, my friend." Jib J" responded the man, nneasily. 'J'll take that bundle, if you please." 'Thank you." ''It'll heavy. Isn't it ?" said the officer. "Yaas. Which wav you gtin', naburV" : ''Omno along it's uil right ; I'll take care of this ; come on 1" j "Kiizictly much obliged. It's tarnal hco . vt, an' I've got to git it up to the Howard lione." ''Co'.ne ulonr," continued tho officer hnow 'ingly; "we'il seo abort that T' and iu a few iti iuitea tney reacl.eil the Howard, wuen tue strtii'L'cr observed thut tho inspector had no idea of halting. ' Hallo 1 Which way friend ? I'm itepping here.'' said the countryman. ' H' no matter. I've seized tbia property, and you can explain mutters ut tho custom house to-morrow," continued tho shrewd iu- sp"clrr. "LuU here, fiiend. Not tew fust, if yew pl.'ase. I've paid n.y dnoties on that 'ere lot 1. 1' gcuds. Jest you look ut this, liaow, nud he drew lii tii a bit of paper from his vest peck it sit:;:cil ly the collector. "W by, yon scampi'' said tho inspector, "this is ii permit for your goods 1 Why didti'l you show me that be for ?'' "W'y, in the fust place, you didn't ask mo te-.v; nnd, in the next place, ef I had, you'd a seen me break my back ut'oro you'd ha' brought that bundle clear up hero for me, I knoivi" The inspector bloncd his nose, nnd, cursing the connliymun for u fool, turned down IMmt street instauter, to resume bis lonely round." The stranger put hia parcel in the charge of a servant and grinned a ghastly griu us tha over-zealoua watchman departed, OrncF-IIoLDrRs is Uta::. Holding office in Utah is no joke, and not very dignified, if thia passage from tho correspondence of the Tribune is, as true us it ia graphic : ' I have seen the Governor of the Territory walking gravely up tho road toward his tents, carrying a piece of stove funnel under each urn: ; 1 have seen the Chief Justico cutting the turf fur a chimney, and punching ti e vs. in v.ii.ch were t'rawiug log lo build Lia catin; thf iii'cn tary of State splitting wood, nud the L' nitcd Stales Attorney Mid .Maisbal plas tering tho walla of their but with mod. Yes terday J saw the United h-tuti-s C'unmiissiiin- or' Ktr'ir1'1' L-aff und tilling tn kor.-e- ''ai;'' pd'Jtintf a wagon through u foiU across the rdcr.lh l'ialte, which ho bad di.-coveled by wading, wlalo tne, other CoinmistioULr, I huving nceinnplisbed the pasiage, sat upon a com sack on tho opposite; biitk, mending a j rent in his pantaloons. Thesn pictures may I convince you that tho civil oUieers, at least, in connection with tho Uti.li expedition, are not biuecu.'ea. "Poctor," said an old lady tho other day lo 1 er family physician, "kin you tell mo how it is that some folks is born liiimbV "Why, hem 1 why certainly, madam," replied tho doctor j "it i owing lo tho fact that they came into the v.oild without the power of t-pcech." "La, me," remai ked tho old lady, ' now jutt seo what it is to have a pl.yticu! edicntion. I've axed my eld man moro uor a bundled times that urn s.nno thing, and all I could j over git out ou him was, "kasa they is." Wei! ! I'm ghtd I asi d you, for I never should j n-vlied eatlaiicd w.tU out kucwu' il." ' N'a!:?: Nroorn rir.ri:." The rscimion ! from Norfolk, 'u., which overhauled thu i slave St. aliv.g s-hooticr Ftancis French, huv ; ing Btarel.ed tho vessel, nnd givn no nil j hope? of finding the slave, ono i f them de I cluied in lotd toiio thut they would set the I craft r ti (ire, at tho fnnio tiiuo hurrying the crew t il", us if about to executo tho ihnat, ', when "Ti ny," who was cimcpiib'd under tbe j f uecabtb', iurj't out with "Don't you, Massa , Jccnii lie oiu't uary nigger here." I When Ludy lloil.inj wanted to get rid cf I a fop, she used to say. "1 beg your pardon I but I v.ibh you would sit a little farther off; I there i" sotuet hicg in your handkerchief which i 1 iij nut l:i.e." j A IIjxt If you aro determined tocommit ! suici Jo in con.-equeiiCi! of poverty, do the deed ' eariy iu tlio muriotig, i ut. ud of lulu ut night j and ycu will Euvo the txpeiue of throe meals. A Nero being caught stealing from a In n i roosi, eieasedhiiiisell by SBying, "Dat h i only I cunio our u eo u iuu tuicikiua sieep win oar j eyei o;:ea." A city girl who If a been witn Ler bean to . muii e suL'ariiii! oil. lo tne country, writes homo that "the funniest thinir 1 saw was ( 1 nrley dear trying to cat majdo wox Willi bis moiistachi'8 lu ; a turkey dating thick dough is nothing iu coir.pariten." t-"i.Ki:t'. Women require more sleep than j men, nnd farmers less than those engaged in i ai'v other occupation; Editors, reporters, 1 priuteis, end telegraph Operutors, iiecit no I i -et nt ul 1. La w vers can the n as much as I liiev choase. and thus keen out i,f mischief. Clergymen can sleep twoenty four hours, and put their paritb to sleep dice a week. A I'erson in passing a conceited fellow. happened to fettiku his foot with a cane. ' You hud better knock my Liaius out, and Ci,i:.li me, said llie dandy. "I was trying to do it," was tho rejoindei. The Following Toast waa recently given : The ladies May we kiss all the girli we please, aud please all the girls we kiss." Tbe woman who never interfered with her husband's affairs, arrived la town the other day. bbe is unmarried. There is e l.adv down aant in liiob.niinil.l that she ditduioi to own that the hai ecuimoo 1 tuai. STRING ARRANGEMENT. LACKAWANNA &BLOOMSBURG R.R. VFFORPINO superior (nciliHe f"r trnvel to New Ymk, rhilntlrlh n, nml ilir Nnrih vnil Wrrt, lit con liccli.im lit frriiiitnii wuh Hit- trnuituf Die it lawni I.nfkowniHiH niul W lutein Jfititrimd Cimipniiv ; iilto fr truv.'l S. niii nml Wen nvir Ihr Cntlnw ima, Willininsiiorl iimlKnt Uuiliuuii ami eoniiccling trnini 0O1NO NORTH. N. V. Aecemmo- rtillml'a. I-rov Mail. dalioa. Mail Ri'l'irt, a CO A M. 3 10P.M- Bliwrn, a is ,v, 3 H li l'V, B 93 OJ 3 1 lltl Lime Riclge, a 40 Ho 3 95 il'i Hrriviik, 1 Id do 3 a.1 do Honrh llnvrn, 7 3S do 4 OS do llencli llieve, 7 SO dc 4 15 do liirksliimi', 8 10 do 4 30 do Ilmih ck'tCrrrlc, 8 40 do 4 AS do Vt Nnnticoki), a 60 do fi OH do riyiuiiiith, 8 13 da S HU do Arnvo ul KiniiMon, 0 30 do S 30 do I .cuva Kii.til.m, 0 33 di t 41 T. M. S9.1 do Wuumtii?. 0 rill do w 1U do 6 61) do Writ l'mMon, i'i do 8 50 do 6 83 do I'itmton, lit CO do 9 3U do a 00 do I Jiokuiviitina, lit In do 2 43 do a III do T.ntmvrllc, 10 au do 3 1H do 8 ill do Arrive tu SiT.nitim, in 30 do 3 13 do a 30 do giMnt; KnRt,ntl I) I,. .V W. Itiiihi.ml. Ariivr ia New Ymk 7 if. I'. M. il i ruiUiiWIi l.ui, lv I'aiudcn & Amhny Ruiltnnd, 6 ia V. M. I'nre from liupcrt to New Yolk 0 CO. Uaggngn clicck 1 tdruucli. 'j'lie ncc'mmnil:itiiin Trr'in North, ronnii-ts nt Pcmntnn wi'li ilic Li. reii 'i'lain Witt, mi iho 1). 1. At V. Rail lail. OOiNO SOUTH. TMiil.l. M.ul a to a. m. f III do Accnpnroo. (I llllMI II 3(1 A M II 4.1 do 11 ci M. 1-3 IS 1' M. I'i 30 do N. Y Mnil. 4 00 l At 4 10 do 4 Srt do 4 :0 iio 4 35 do 4 10 do litnva Peinniim, 'l'uyler'elc, l.aek.iwnai.n, 1 it ; t-.i i . Wi'M riitnlin, Vy,.mii.!r, An ivr ut Citirrslr-ll, 1 tavo li'i.klen, l'l in Mi'h, Nanliei l;', IliniU'cli'i. Ti'k slim kt-liii.nv, li'.'ach lileVP, Iteii-l. Il ivc i Ktrwifli, 1 .iiuc lliile, 'IT, llooin, Airivcd at Rupeit, a vii fr r.u a 33 8 4U do do do do U 40 1 00 0 00 do 6 00 do 10 40 10 .'.it 11 0 II 13 It 43 II Sll 10 (0 1J 10 1' 1 30 III 10 l-i 30 do do tin do do do lo M. do do da a eo li 15 a 4u a r.u 7 sii 7 40 7 63 e ia 8 43 10 0 15 1 (.0 (to 0 15 Tlic I'lain trim Mail Truincoinn Pi.nlh. cnmicffs with tl'e M;til Tumii M Iluporr, g.-mi? 1'iiH at I tu 1. M. ft.r C;i!lflV'M. itTt CliiiT 'it. I'ritfvi;u Iteinlii.e, Jf., nniv iiifl 1 liil;iHe!'l.n, nt 8 "2d 1. M. Alst wiMi Mail Tr.iin p 'ire 'c?t nt :) ..'flock V, M, lor i)nnvii!e, Mittuii, AJun cy, i!!i:HTifp"rt uml l'Jmiia. )ip4fiip?ra by the 4 oVW-k P. M. Tfnm piinv Sn-itli can i.'i!if tt.e tl tt'clik 1. M lsprrts trnin ft lVtuini noil liie 'Vtn.i'i Kulf-cnt liltinirr-linrji niul tuke tho 4 n' c l.M-k A. M. iVnin ? 'i':g I'.afct, arnvirg ;it i'tiiljttil.tia or lljrtieburi' at 11 iu"h)ii. F. J. U:AVF WOltTIt M;iro!i 13. 1"3-fl.n Snpeifiitciulent. GECRGI3 niliL, -TTCrLlTEY AT Li: TjpESl'r.CTFULLY informs the public and fj bis t'ricndji generally, tliat he has removed to Sunbury, nnd has opened a law etliie at his resilience, in Marl.et sijuare. Ilis acquaintance willi llie Li 5li-.l1 and (ierman enables him to traiifart 1 usinr.-8 in ho lb languages. April til, ISftS. ly WIIOL1S.1LE AMI lil.TUI. BOOT STORE, 10 .t(( Fourth S.t, above Chcsnnt, PhiVa. H T?00'l'S, fchoes, GaiterB, A-c, promptly mode Hp to order in the very best style, and of the beet material. Philadelphia, May 9, t857. CABD. A Cash 1'lsinkss Exci.cfivki.v. Cn.tni.r.S ADAMS, S. i:. Oreemf r.islith mid Atrh Slit-flu, 1'ln! n..i!iia, infuniii' l'ia lil nistitinrrii, mid 111 l aycm ef lly (illl.U S til-:.i;l!Al.l.V, ll.at lien tTinK ii-i extta exeitioim I'm llie prtisfrali'ia e" hit buiiitpM lhf C-'lllilllT HilMIl, IMIil III eriUT to Cimllic IlilTI to .uil'li:m. p.mils lor rin, i.ml vi.l ilit-iii at tlie i.ovft MnntiT raici. Ii li.is i1ti..i to fll nt the muillest incFtliio advniicc t l-'em Cirii l'.xn.t'Fl'KI.v ! ,1 11 III. u dMCeil tec 'i u t! i'i" munt t,f t uc (l.Mtaa in Ptorc, nml lias n 'v .-pi a iniaiy New Oeni'-, inituljie for lite ueahiin. tu wliicli will he iniirtf ilsulv nilihlinim. fare will he ti ucpoimn alnle i'lilLNLS Olid Tluill ri'IISOS peiirnllv, !ih li.Ti'l"0r'. XKW llii:ss mitilS. SHAWLS. MNF.:;rS. and I Fl'llMMilMi GlUlllScpiiiTiilly. rarrtiascii II; liiul ;n-at letvioitne in pivin? nil rnrly I call, tin- inoiti, .,mii.. "ht niuilJc lVieni'0 is licllcr tl.au llie f I -w Kliiiiiiii; " '1 lif Killliill' M l.-J ccii'm'. n-,; tl.o stoic Will ligl.tfj. Maieli .?, lrf-. 3ie:i v. Eaddlo and Harness linker. IIZNllY JIATJPT, JR. s.f RESPECTFULLY informs the ti y v.f-C'' cniii'iis in .uitiiurv ami llie pun z7:.-'.' 'ik '": generally, lliat lie luis taken iy-Tji' - tbe i-liep oecuoicJ by llngllt nnd Hi ck, cue doer east ol S. l'snpl's Cai ii.rt Ma ker shop where be is prepared lo turn out woik i in bis line of l.u-incio cipuil to any ma dc in Ibis section of the country, Ordirs j'rompily execu ted and all kinds of produce taken in Exchange t-unbury, March 20, ISod. ly p. Hlai:chto:t seisdel, Ji'sru'n of 'run peace, f3TJISri3TJXT.Y, PA. Ciie in Deer ti-ci-.t,iiumi:(li(iU!i opposite the Public School House. All business promptly ' attended to. Monies colli eiid ai d ail omiita: y writings done. Sunbury, A piil '.'5. 18"i7. if Prier s r.cduceil to Suit the Tb?es I (I.M2 WllliH "WIN ) Pace fili-f.il ul n-e VV.iVi, l'hi!ulilj)l,it. MMIi; Piej.ii -I'.n if i.t i.V'Vf vi-IM'iii.wn rrinl lirli I nit nl ! eini: tli ii'Kla! for llit- irry litn-rul p:ern,inj..p .. fcloiviil un a liifiii tl.f! ..irl year. l:il.,i tliis lni-ilioit o' in. I .rii.ii u Hi. ii lin-ii.l.sa il ili,-j nl.'i.Ml at tle'y lire sti j! ii e artil i i ;:. ...i.ii.ii, nlale li. 'in ll" l:ivnr-.il Willi a riill. llurinc t litf W iint-i ia .iilns l) e li.'imi- li-it ln-.n ili..roiisIi. ly rp'io.i'i-il. iiti.ri.vt eu-iil!. iiiaUe uiul oil.tr i't'.eii-.iic ul terniioiis i.i t-Diiii-inplali' a. ll'( ine .1, li-i'innii-.l to il.'Vi'e oar wlin'e nttenli.111 to ''UBlnefij ton', tl .l:..r ouiii.:e. B we Ii I lie 1- oiviclo -it that we aa.l lie aLlc 10 .-ive -rcttctal saiisf u-t".ii. MDI.S A STOvril, r.acf fclleol, nti ne Tlard. TI'l'.M? -f-l !'. ,'rrdiy N. 11. ( '.in 1:1". f v.' !1 I'wiyi! lie i'i reldinrss tfi e-iiery r.o.ieqeili tj ai.ii lieiu fiitaiii'.vijl l.;i)iiln.'--i 11111I IfiiilrouiJ Ue,...i,. s. 4 8. I'nilailvlpliia, Arrll 10, 1?;-? Gin A VALUABLE PARII AtTpIOVATE SALE. rjlll E snhfrrilicr will sell at private salo a JL FARM, situate in Point township, Nor thumberland rountv, about 3 n.iles fuuii tbe borough of Northumberland, on tho Danville rotol, adjoining lands of J. Ct, Hortun, James Nesbit, Chas. Purks und llie norlh branch of the river Susquehanna containing TS lo 1U8 Acres, to suit purcha-ers. The land is in a good state of cultivation. 'J he improvements cniisit of a ldigu frame HOUSE, well I'liii.-hed ; a Spring House, built over a nevrr-failing Spring close to the hou-ic, a Rank linrn and other outbuild lut'i. Au O.cbatd with young and choice fruit trees. The above tract will be sold on reasonable terms and an indisputable title given. Posses sion given on the first day cf April next. For further putlurulars inquire of the subscri ber, residing 011 the adjoining f ilm. JAMES NESBIT. Point township, January S3, 1 858. If A. J- nOCKEFELLEU ClMtorncn at cuu, Practices in Norlhumbciland and sdjoinir.p Counin s. fciunbury, November 21, 1 857. -tf 1 fishing TacklO. Fed Cork, Grass, Cot ton and Linen Liwes, Out Lines, Sea Grass by ihe yard, Snoods, Flies, Kirby, Limerick and Carlisle Hooks, Rods, Ac, for sale bv Murch-U.'ST. A. W.TISHER. JATENT URITTAMA STOPPERS fo twr Hollies lor sale by H. B MA6PER. Bunbury, July 19, I HA4 . SADLER7 AND HARNESS II AKIN Q 'IHE tulmcrilxra rcspectfiillv Inform tha cili lena of SunbuTV nnd vicinity that lhy have commenced the above butdnrna a few doorscbove tho Tost Office, Market Square, 8unbury, Pa. Work of alt kinds In their line of business will be done promptly nnd tirntlv on the mont rea sonable term. CLEMENT & OYSTER. Fcbruaiy 13, 18.8. ,ioti s. eii: i:i, ATTORNEY AT XiA-"W, OjJU-e in Mucket ft., opposite the Court House, EUNBVRV, PA. Collections made and Professional Cusiiicss generally attended to Promptly and Carefully. PitiiAnr.Lriiii RsrEnKriCi I Dullitt 4 Foirlhorne, Diehl Wertz, Davis ct Uiiney, F. Tyloi &. Co. Suiibtiiy. June SO, 1P57. IplouuredWed" TO $. 10 Vcv Barrel- THE subscriber respectfully iuforma the citi zens of Sunbury nnd vicinity that he has just received a supply of "FLOUR, which he is offering at wholesale or retail from $! 40, 46 3? J to G B") per Barrel. He also sells some as lovf as 70 cts. per quarter, all of which ho WAR RANTS tobeUood. CAM)!. US for sale, wholesale or retail. Thankful for past patronage he hopes to con tinue to merit the same. GIVE lil.M A CALL! M. C.OEARHART, Market St., Sunbury, Ta. FcbruaryET, 1S5K. 4 Market Street, Sunbury Pa. THE subscriber respectfully informs the citt" lens of Sunbury, and the public generally, that he has l'lircbnucd, and will t ike possession in the above well known stand on the 1st of April next, formerly kept by Mrs. Thompson. That be will put the same in complete repair. In addition he will provide a conveyance to carry pashcngcis to and fioin the different Railroad de pots, and will leave no cflWts untried to render iiis hotel a desirable stopping plica for gtieils and travelers. JOHN LEISER, February 20, 1 PoS. VALUABLE LEAL ESTATE OFFnttED AT PKIVATE SALE. rpfIIK stibfctibcr offers at private sale, a ccr XI tain lot or piece of land, situate in Lower Augusta township, Northumberland comity, about 8 miles below Sunbury, bounded on the west by the river JSusquehanna, on the south by latid ol George Seiler. on the east by land ol Wm. Kroh. and on tho north by land of Win. I!. Junes, containing li Acres and 18 perches, allot whifli is cleared and in a very hili stale of cultivation. Tho Northern Central Kail Road passes through the tract, ond is also bound on the east by tho Main Road leading fiom Sunbery to Hanisbiirg, which together, with the River upon the west, and the fertility of the soil makes it a vary pleasant and desira ble situation. ALSO; another certain Trad of Land, situate in Faid township, adjoining lands of William Kroh, on ihe south, the heirs of Robert ond Ar thur Auchmuty ; on llie east Wm. V. Silver wood, and a public road oil tho noith, and Win R. Jones on the west, containing 93 Acres 121 perches Etrirt measure, ylbout LO acres of which ate cleared, and in a high state of cultivation nnd ihe residue ui')-t excellent land for cultiva tion, but is now covered with excellent timber, and if purchased soon, the purrhascr can get a large quantity nf Railroad Tics on tho same. This tract is also well w atered, having several line springs upon it, nnd every field can be wa tered ihenliv. An indisputable title will he given and terms of sale reasonable. WILLIAM R.JONES. Lower Augusta tp., January 2, 18o7. tf . ," r)TT r r-?-ji s,.'7'T-,'-f-Vv" BTOHE. MISSLOl'ISA SSHISST.ER, respectfully in forms the citizens of Trevorton and sur rounding count', that tho has opened a new store of Millinery and Fancy Goods, at Trevor ton in Shamokin street, nearly opposite Knousc's Tavern, where all kinds of lionncts and Fancy Goods can 1 e had at ihp lowest terms. Drers making also otlended to irt tho best manner and latest style. Apiil 2S, IS.Irl. tf LANCASTER COLLIERY FOR SALE. Iitsjrui taut tu Co:.! Operators. fZ 111 E tiiidcrsitincd Lessees of the "Lancaster Colliery," near .Shamokin, Northumberland county, Pennsylvania, wi-hing to retire from tlie biiainesa, nlVer for sale the Lease and Fixtures of said Colliery, on ealisfactoiy terms. This (,'i.liii iy has been in operation since 18jt, and has I cm successful beyond expectation. The Coal is a snpetior articles for all vers lo w hich Anthracite isapplil, and a good market lias been rstiihlishcd, which can be much extended. The Enaker and fixtures are of Ihe very best char acter and will recommend themselves lo persons acquainted with the business. The Lease runs to January 1, 16r' t, end is a favorable one for tbe operator. For further information apply at thn Colliery in person, or by letter to f lumoUin, J O,, Nor thumberland county, Pennsylvania. COCHRAN, PE LE & CO. February 6, 1B5S. tf JONES HOUSE. HEtw tovi:ni-v, rroiuittor. Cor. of Market Street j' Market Sytiure, ii a ii k i s u v r e , r A . ciIIIS NKW AND KI.KO ANT IJOTI'.I., recently erec X li'J lV III- Messri JOM K-, ill iiiirl isliLT!, a., Iiav. ini; ut'iii le.iFi'i' Tor a term ol" yeaii t.y ttm uiiiturBujiicJ, lie tni.i tin iix.-ili il nt iMllnifi the uueatioii of In iniiia-r Jiati ins, leal the tliivclluie coiiiiiitniily, iheleto. II iviii l ul vi one liui.ilrnl nml forty feet on the .iitu'i.:.i tirect ol llie city, anil l-'ii'iy-two Fct-t Front on M nket r-ijunre, it cuaiiot tail to prove attractive us well ns itti nii'i: to strani'in. i lie C'ti.onl.crs ure of line lite, well ventilated, nnd licliti'.l w itli Uas u iiuinlier Willi connecting ioorwliia k.e? lliein very ilesiriilile for fnuiiliee. 'tne Hulls ure wanned thrountiuut t.y Ilenlerv; and every ninilelil ii.lpioveilieat, in laet, li.'il lieeil utklt-d, lliat imiy couUuee to the safety, coiiiioit, and lia;iiiiiiL-w ul the gllt'NtS. Viitora may, therefore, reet osinred, that the ''Jones House' has been nuule tieifeet in all us appointment lieu ia -h dt'j.iu uncut has b.'ea paired ill charge ef F.upe licneed ni.d rouipetent l'eisoiislluil tu every pnrtirular tliers:em ivhielt bus ud iptt-d hythe I'roprietoi, will&iford to these wiio lu-jy lu'ike it iheir home, ai great n decree l' .cur. nt qb inuy beuUtaiued at uuy siiiuiur esublishiiieut la the r-tale. 'i'o secure tins desirable result, lie brs faruiilied the I'ut.lle and l'livate I'nvale I'.-irl-ir. flininlir-is, ilniinfr Uooin. c., tt ilh entirely NEW rl'UMTL KK ; and 'io orr;tii!eU williin the tm ililir t . a fine Rubers Kiloou, Oys ter Sal. h'ii. lJrissiii; ll.nnr.. H u and Cold Jlaihs. As. Tt.eCnliiiaiy Ueiiarunen. and Uming lt'ioni will reeeive llie i'sjki-ihI intention of ll.e I'roprietor, vetoeli he trusts, will lie a siililcieut guarantee that all lusles will K snited. Alter re:urniiut his heartfelt thanks to his nkl friends anil iMitrons, for the generous pntroniifte so Imis extended to linn at the ''Poverty llouse.u and a'so to his fiiemta and patr.ais at the ('folunili.u House," Cape Islaml, during the seatoii of In'.i. he reeiwfully solicits a continuance of ll at the '-JOXKSilOL'SK." WELLS COVEBLY. January 30, 1655 Ciaos. fjlobacco and Segars 20,000 Imported -- Segurs of various brands. Eldorado, Fig, Cavendish and fine cut tobacco at A. W. FISHER'S. Btiiibury. March 14. 1857. IJJATCHOL'LY, JOCKEY CLUR, SPRING L FLOWERS, Ac., of the best quality j a fresh supply just received and for sale at the Drugbtoreof A. W. FISHER, fiuubury, A eg. 1, 1857 PUKE CONCENTRATED LYE OR SA 1 PONIFIER. for sale at FISHER'S Drug Storo. Price 20 cts. ALMONDS, RAISONS, FIGS, LEMONS. Ac.. Ac., lust received a fresh aiitmlv and lot aale at the Confectionary store of 4 - - tr-j M.C. GEARHART. Sunbury, May 18, 1S57. stationery.- Pauer and A Urge supply of fancy Note Paper and Envelopes, Mourning, Letter, anJ Cap Paper, Pens, Ink, Sand, Ac., at Mario li, '67. A. W. FISHER'S. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR 8ALE. frill E subscribers, Exerntora of the estate e X Henry Mtsser, dee'd., offer at prVBla aala the following property vizi A large two story frame dwelling house, together with about 60 ACRES OF LAND, Pltuate In Lower Augusta township adjoining lands of Daniel Kaufmsn and others now in the occupancy of John R. Kaufman as a store and dwelling. The house is new and the location a good one for business. Also a TRACT OF LIMESTONE LAND, in said township on the river about 6 miles be low fonliu.y, adjoining lands of .1. T. M'Pherson and others, containing, about 90 acres. The anil is productive and containa limestone and other minerals. Also a tract of Land, containing about 35 acres on the bill, about two miles below Sunbury, adjoining lands of the hciis of the lata John Conrad and others. Thcro is, on this tract, a small orchard of choice fruit. For further particulars apply to the subscribers. H.H. MASSKIl, ) P. 15. MASSE R, Executors. FRANCIS DUCHER. ) Sunbury, January 19, lSTiC if 1857. FALL & WINTER GOODS ! 1858 utVT HP. "W. GHAT'S FANCY DRY GOOD STORE, Market Square, Sunbury. 7VT0W received and will continue to receive ' the largest and best selected Stock of Clack Cloths, Cammere, Cassinettt and Vesting, 5'C, An assortment of Dress Goods, viz: Fanry printed Calicos.Chillies, printed Lawns, De Lain Uareges, Merinos, Cashmeres, Alapacas, Dress Silks, Ginghams, Ac. LINEN AND WHITE GOODS. Irish Linen, bleached and brown Drilling, Sheet ing, J'lllowcaseing, &c Dress Trimmings in Great Variety. Boots ond Shoes Hats and Caps, Hardware, Ccdarware, Groceries, CJuesnswarc SALT and riSH, Cheese, Crackers, Kegars, Tobacco, Snuff, &c, on ossorsment of other Goods too tedious to menlioh. Feeling grateful for past favor we beg leave to -;-e our old friends and tbe public that no e l, l on our part shall be wanting to merit a coivnuanco of our patronage. onuntry produce taken in exchange at the highest market price. P. W.CRAY. Sunbury.Dcc. 13 1857. tf BOOK BINDING. ft UK rii-ic'riliem, bavin' b-'iiuht the U;tnit;rv lute of Efle- A 'la-a L oi.d lAmmi ii. ill n, nf Miit"n, and mMr.il I'' it s.tui' f up- ri'T n:ijlMiii.iit9, HtnJ tutvin avrtitt'tj the su.ieritit. httt ir e ot Mr. II. K LM V.N1 wlw hat f-ti-:i firs br'fu tmt'liti(i in ff the ht-ft Himlerirt i l'tiil.Hi-!;ilii!t, nnd tMiii'-s ath the firtU r(ciiuifiiU.ili(nit fvjr luifjiiU)- und CKrii'iflcii y, iuc now pir.-arcd tu HIND OU RK.&1NO Books, Pamphlets, Magazines, News papers, Music, &c, In every stylr fit iit-d. Wmk nmy either bonml vt hnlf Iwund, in C'iilf, Itonii, Turkey Mrrocc t, hhccpt or otlier I,e:tilier, or Mutlni f vnri'ui colon and ru-imcuUil With MuiLle I'liptr of diilVrent Ct-'tren, fluute ami colin. Old Uihtt-i nnd other liiioki or M;urs which it ia de sired to ptpierve iremorinU in u Uinily, enn be liu.de runri Bfcnre by the Uimler'Bskill. C-" ll!dik 13; ks, Jid les, llvmn nr.A Prver n-Ti, P.-c-kPt liooks. Alnuiup. Iiant.n.u , l.l-MTl.KKD WITH liOLl) in b-ffil.le nnd dnr;ille ehamcterf , to otder. Ml'SlC FOUTFOUOS, iVe.. ninde lo nit cuKtojneri. A good lliadrry lun been tlftin-d in thin vicinity, mid we Mui therrfote tn"Bt n-speclfulty olicil the pubha piitrnnnc, trnMinp thm it will be tmiicic-r.t to itvny the outb viind tirU. l"y Kftit, UkiIs. it t-k,ntul wrKnn'ii nil rfquninsj ni niey, we aha II t xpert I'AV UN UKLlVliHV of nil w-irk.a We nitt-nd t'i chnrge m-Mrternte, rvns nn ble and uinf-iiui prices, on tli "l.ivo und Let Live" prin cipl imd tmpe t i make t n poruianent bneincM. lHife in tin' rciil-r l" Mnrk'-t Squire. U'vrih tide urennrl 'ry, no.i-.inihjr tlie "rtirotnrle" uud Tehgrui'U licca third dxjf from tbe p.tt Office. WOHDF.N A COUNEUL't?,rro-rfc ITknrv Tl. Pow mno. At?eut. I.uvviatfUip, May j, ISM ly TISTBY GEORGE Li ENN, A NNOUNCES to the cilizens of Sunbury and vicintv, thut be bus opened an office in Sun bury, above H. J. Wolvcrton's oflice opposite C. Weaver's Hotel, where be is prepared to attend to oil kinds of work belonging to llie prufession, in the latest and most improved style. All work well done and warranted. December 13. lHofi. T2HU LAttUS.ST ESTABLISHMENT I N T 11 V. CITY OF HAL T 1 M O ft E . MATIIIOT'K Guy Street Worernnnis Hins 13 and SO Norlh Gay street, ne ir Fayette, U iliimore : wlieie is kept ill wnvs on lined, or nndr to order, eveiy siileef French Tfc'rU.A.TJiTFji, in Flush, Hair, Cloth cr rroeili'lie. Fii ueli Full PtiilT and Medallion Tailor Arm Cliairr, in I'l.isli. II iir, Cloth nr llr ratelle. Frew-li full SiiifrCm vitl t'arlor Chairs In sets, with riash, Hair, Cloth or llrncatellu. iiOl'AS. Half Freurh f pring Mahogany and Walnut Tailor Chairs, iii Hair, Cloth and I'lut-h. Hoeking Cliairi vaiious designs, In Hair, Cloth aud Plush. fiiifTPprinj Iunpes a larR nss-irtmenl ahvais en hinid, or uu pattern made or covered with any goods to (truer. ciiAMBnn BtyiTs; TntMhocany or Walnut, complete, from S ',5 up. Ciiiie Chairs unit Hocking do. lite inreest assortment ready made iu any una house iu the Culled Slates Irian 1:1 a d-'zeu up. liar HiKiiii, OIBee and Dinine Chairs, in Oak, Walnut or Mahog iny, wiih Cane, Wood or OtulTud Seats an -assortment tu'.biiienig over .1(1 dozen. v O.M1 seat ciiaiisauu Puttees and R.vkirg Chairs over IUU d'izi'ii. tiilt nin Hlaiu Frame Tvikinf Classes, of eveiy variety. All kiudauf Heds, Hair and Husk .Mauris.,- A. MATIIIOT. Nos. 81 and " N'. Cny st , near ruyells st , Uulmnore. August I, i&j7. ly Farmers I.ooU to Your Intrrcsl. LIME 1 LlJVEE II IIIE sudseriher rcpectfully informs the far mers and Ihe public generally, that he has leased Ihe lime kilns of Ira T. Clement in Sun bury, and that he has always on band, and is ready lo supply a good quality of lime to ollwho may want for building or tanning purposes. Hellas also a kiln at Reefer's crossings miles from 8unbury, or two from Siivdertuwn. I V All kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange. GEO. W. STROII. Sunbury, Dec. 58, 1857. HOVERS LIQUID HAIR LYE. The testiinory of 1'iof JJooth and l)r. Uiiuckle hnvini previously bceu published, the following is now udiled : From l'rof. MeCl.OSKEV, forineily Ftofcssor of Tlieorv and l'luclice of .Medicine lu the Female Medical Culime f Pennsylvania, and lute I'mfesoor of buiaery iu its Anieriuau CoUtgeiif .Medicine, Ac. ; ,r , I'li'tsniariiu, Nov.7th, isae. Ma. Jo. i r it E. llovsa- . uui uf vur uunn II A I It liYii will convince the most skeptical, that il is a ss, ci.ta.isT, and srricAcuics prepuruium. lUiika many utheis, it has lu several mstauces proved auivieealila in the cule of a aue l utaneous eruptions ou the head and I have no hesiiatnui in commending it to Ike, reuuirunr S tell ail upphcalioii. Very respeciiully, J. F.X. McCLOSKEY, M D., 474 Uaos Si., above 13th. IIOVElt'S WniTINO INKS, including HOVFIfS W HITINH Fl.l ID, and IIDVKK'SI.Mjl'l.lUI.E IX k" sol. nia.nuni then high character, which has alwai's di'a-' tiuguished thi-ni, uml Ihe extensive demand hist created lias continued uiiuitrriupted until the present, ' Orders addressed to the Manufactory, No. 410 RACE street, above Fourth, (old No. Hi.) 1'biladelphia. will receiveprompt attention, by JOSEPH E. HOVER, Maiiufaclurer: December o, 1857 April ti, '87, ok. WE STILL 6UEVTVE THE CRISIS JVOTWITHSTAND1NG Ihe astonishing quan tity of Goods that I brought into town last Spring, I succeeded in selling them all out ex cept what I gave away, and had to hurry to the city, for a new lot, in order that my customers might not be put to the inconvonience of buying at other stores, where they would be chaigcd killing prices. Profiting by past experience, I have just brought on Twice as Many Goods, andt have now the largest and CHEAPEST ASSORTMENT ever offered within hearing af this place. I am hound to sell CHEAPER THAN EVER, . before. I need not ssy cheaper than my neigh, bors ; for thot is no longer a disputed fact. I am now ready to deal out goods twenty hours out of twenty-four Sundays excepted at lower prices than any person dare ssk lor. Just call for any thing you want. I am deter mined lo SUPPLY ALL DEMANDS that may he made, reasonable or nnreasoaable. Call soon, as the rush is tremendous. IRA T. CLEMENT. Sunbury.Dcc SG, 1S57. ly Citrate of Magnesia on TASTELESS 8ALT8. TMHS preparation is recommended as an ex eellcnt laxative end purgative. It operatrs mildly, is entirely free from any unpleasant tasle resembling lemonade in flavor, prepared and sold y A. W. FISHER. Sunbury, March 4 1R50. PHILIP H. P-JP.DT. wnoi.r.sAia inn retail Grocery, Wine and Liquor Store, 5. E. cor. W'uhml and Water Streets, PHILADELPHIA, DEALERS and families will be promptly supplied at the lowest prices. October 4. 18ofi. tf IF.l UXDEflFL'L C01KCIDESCE. AIINnlluns of the same Slludt HOLLO WAY'S OINTMENT. The anniversary of the introduction of IIolliwiv's Ointment ouijlit to l a jubilee toievri. It hns saved countliss multiiudes from di.fnrimMnc.it, paratvntion, inutilaiion, i"(r .ny find denlh. hiiiniue from the surfai-- to Wl.iell it is applied, lis healinK leilin hints its wav through every c 'ii'n.g and lira mint ol the b atv, to die very s lit, a nnd lias. s ol" nil eruetiee. utecroiis, tumornilS. mid ranee, rous diseases, ll di-llncuishel the febrile minriplt- thut feeds them, nnd Ihe nitwnril avmrtonis fade, heat, and pss nw-ny willi a rapidity incredible to th 'le who Lavs not wiiiit-sed it. Fcnon-i.ot.-3 F.itrPTioxs and fLcr.r.!. The p 'ismi of perofula has never been neutralized or expelled by nny uf the remedies of the pharniacopmia Th"s de nntidote to this virulent and destructive element is ll 11 way's Ointment. Mnjrndie A; lirodie, the pri nt Freu.-h aud Knglish eurceons, do no deny it dispute thia great fact. T.'iere is uoform of scrofula that nucy not be controlled ondcuied l.y this Imlsannc remedy. CANCI.I13 AND TL'.MOUS. The Wnn'e or ennstie mivrcrmvea cancer cr tumir, but the seeds of the terrible eserescence reinnhi in the Mnml. nml it is soon reproduced in n worse form than liclore. Ilollowny's Ointment, on the countrary, pene trates into the eircnl.ition. and pprv.ides every infected vesicle, an t ki Is thediseiise by destroying the oonosivs ptincipte tl..it gcucrateil and sustains it INFI.AMMATIOX3 OF THE SKIN3. Ail r.i.hes aadordinnry eruptinna. ns well asKr-.'.ipe'ns, Acne, liii.Ru-orm, l.'nibuncles, Scald Ilend. Salt Rheum, Leprosy. Prickly Unit, Ac , uie temoved by a few biisli appluutieiis of the Ointment. ACCIDENTAL INJURIES', WOUNDS, Sprains, Ilruises, Scalds nnd Barns ore Immed.ntcly relieved by its iippliciiiiou. The indatnni.i tion quickly sulis'des, fever and lockjaw are prevented, and under a persevering use of llie preparation, the pro. cess ot hcuiiug is soon uccomnhsaed. Doth the Ointment and Pills should le used in the. following cases : Trillions l.nmlgn Bore' lcs Swelled Clauds Ih'ins Mercurial Sore llreasts Stiff Jninia Chnpped Hands Kruiitioni S re Ilemla Ulcers Chill'iains Piles Sore Thronta Venereal P.-irei Fisiuiin IlheumntiBm Sores of all Wounds uf all bout Salt llheuin kinds kinds Skin Uncases Serums Scalds I rr C AUTION ! None are c-niiiiie ontrn the words ' ll 'lloiviiy, New York und luilon,"aie discernible aa as a water-mark iu every leaf of the Is mk of directions nroiiud ciieh pot .,r b x the some may he plninly si-en by holduiR Ihe leaf lo the lieht A hnudsoine reward will be triven to any one rendering such information ns liiny lead to the detection of any party or parties counterfeiting the nc'ilieincs or vending the same, knowing Ihcm to be spurious. m Sold nt the Manufactories nf Prnfctsor IIomowat SO .Ma.den Kane, New York, aud 914 Slraud. Loudon, hy n'l respeeial.lc Drucftists amt Dealers iu Medicine through out the United Males, and the civilized world, in boies, ut 0 . eenls.C.'j cents, nnd l earn. IV Thelitis a considerable saving by taking the larger S!''S N. It Pireetinpt for the guidance of patients in every disorder nre affixed to each nos. Oct ilier 17, s57 lyca FURNITURE ! FURNITURE ! 1 THE LARGEST STOCK EVER OFFERED IN SUNBURY. Fashionable, tltoap nnd I'seful rTHE subscriber, long established as a Cabinet -- and Chair Manufacturer in Sunbury, thank ful for past favors, solicits a continuance of the public patronace. His stock of Cabinet-Ware, Chairs, A-c., embraces EVMIY VAItlKTV, ISKPIL AND OflXA Kil: Vl'AL. in housekeeping. It is unnecessary to enume rate, as anything that may be required in his line can be bad at moderate prices. Cheap for Cash, or Country Producetaken in exchange. Establishment " South Fast Corner of Market Stjuare. Those knowing themselves indebted to the subscriber would oblige him by making pay meut. SEBASTIAN HAUPT. Sunburv, April 4, 1857. tf - c;mV.,i t r'r.'r- 'A?T"'"ws.s.id., r,l: e !" ' inferior Ci m-v trt. lUIisjHi ft Mj Ill.K-,.n.. , w, ts.li-cM.ua Trvl. . " rtl-' Pn n mUi,, "; ."' "' ' ' . tt'- moo-r in u ..fnd,.j sis.-fr..,,.ri,;;r:..,.:"'";.,.",.r;.,i''': o. 1 l.r . I. , ..,,,: ..J J.. ... - . . is,. lMr,.M.. . . r I.UMI v. e ... i . "snl Krtnr.or i im.ul i-ur. 1..,, i..k.i. r:4 .,.. hlf " " - .. .'.i ' ' "res mmrkM sj,. u ssnkvM ih.oiui i u .t:.. , "'"o-isu iu tji. '''is.ii.1. ,.ii.. , .j foTi, ol' .r e. " " HO H-. UIM U..IM tlUl SSS A LIUi:al DISCOUNT TO TH TSADt. LUDLOW CAN CO. l ilia St., .V. Z Sept. 15, 1F57 fT1 OLD PENS with and without cases, of H very superior quality, just received. Also fresh supply of Writing Fluid, for sale by II. U. MASSER. Sunbury, Dec J7. li58 JJORT MONAIES.Tooih and Hair Brushe all qualities, end any qusuti y, for sale by A.W. FlslIER. March 14, 'hi. Aetv Dnige, I'ulnla, &e. NEW supply of Drugs, Paiiita. Oils, Fluid, Ac, just received and for sal by A. W. FISHER. RunWury.May , 1857. FOR SALE. A Goed second, hand .Buggy. Apply alibis A f r i tsfa . wmsm Ptlflijl "i ii ISAAC M. WILKEIISON, MANTJFAOTt7nEH OP FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Faahionfttle Style gOlitft, VIVHIIN H I)li'(r,- ...?.ureans' Secretaries, Sideboards. rS0F4, BREAKFAST AND DI.1.G TABLES and also VENETIAN BUNDS, equal to Phil.' delphia manufacture. '' BEDSTEADS, of every pattern ami t,rle CUPBOARDS WORK AND CANDL&. STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every article in this line of his bosiness. rPHE subscriber respectfully calls the attentict -- of the public to his large and splendid as sortment of every qunlity and price of . CAIlItET-WARK which cannot fail to recommend itself toevery et si who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best stock lobe had in the city. No effort is spared in the manufacture of his ware, and the snbscrilicr is determined to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly being made. He also manufacture all kinds and qnalitice CIIAIIIS, ncluding T-anctics never before to be had In Sunbury, such as Mahooast, Buck Walsvt sxin Ci-tiLr.it Maple Gnrri; 4n W. .,.,. CHAIRS, A!vn tasct Piaio Stools, which are of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscriber is determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, ss every confidence can be entertnine j about, the quality and finish of his ware and Cinirs. These erlidea will be disposed of on as good term as they enn be purchased elsewhere. Cour try produce taken in payment for work. UNDERTAKING. Having provided a handsome HsAnsr., he is now prepared for Undertaking, ond attending funerals, in this vi cinity, or at any convenient distance from thia place ThcliVors Rocm is in Fown Street, te low Weaver's Hotel. He has elso purchased the right of manufac turing and selling in Norlhnmberlnnd conntv, Gould's patent Exctdsoir Spring lied, which he will furnt-h at reasonable rates. Spriiigs put in old bedstead for three dollars. I.AO M. WILKER30N. Sunbury, April 18, 1P57 tf. THE subscriber respectfully in'orms the citi. Tens nf Sunbury ond Ihe public gencrnltv, that be has commenced the manufacture of all kinds ef EARTHENWARE, st his manufactory in Whart'ohciry f?trect. one square cast of the River. Ill has em;ai;p.l llie services ot Mr. Hi nr. and you can ibej-efoso depend on havinr- a good atticle. The pub.ic are respectfully invited to call. All orders from a distance will bo promptly attended to. T. M. SIIINDEL. Sunbury, Feb. i, IR.'.O. tf X. ti. ..IWRUXCI'.'t NEW Paper, Printers' Card avA Envelope VAKKHOU3E, iVo. 403 Commerce Street, VliiluMphin. Cash buyers will Cnd it for tlierv intcrcat to call. January 10, 1S5S. Cmos. Straw-Culler. PIVTE subscriber has been appointed Agent for 8. Messrs Guides A Marsh of Levil.1Mt;, fr tho sole oniieir Straw, Hay A- Corn-Fodder Cut ter. This Cutter is the best in uc. Farmers andolhersaro respectfully requested to call ar.d examine for themselves. P. B. MASSER. bunnury December SC, 1S57. tf FURNITURE TOLISH. S. RAITS Premium Patent Frnmpl r.,,rnl, .... Polish This polish is biddy valuable for reUy ring the polish on all kinds of Furniture. itnii. Csniajre Bodies, Hoir Chilli, &c. Also, , , re moving spots, hiding scratches, Ac., Ac. War ranted to dry immediately nnd retain its gloss. Price 50 cts. per botlic. Soldbv , A. V.. FI-SHER. Marco !4, IS57. soixix ii. outvie:, ATTORNEY LAW OJjlct vn South Second, near Market Street LE WISBURG, PA. Practices in the Counties of Union, Norlhum brrland and Montour. All PltortSSIONAL Ursir mtriisf.,1 h't rare whl receive prompt and fo'lhful alien tion. October 3, 1857. ly "WHITE HORSE HOTEL. POTTS VI LLE, PA. T1HE subscriber respectfully announces to his eld friends and the public, that he has taken that old and well known establishment, the White ;iIcrso Hotel. At the corner of Centre and Mohantego st.., in the Borough of Pottsvillc. The house has re cently been very much enlarged and otherwise improved, rendering it quite as comfortable as any other Hotel in Schuylkill couniv while the stables are large, in goed condition', and at lend l.y careful, attentive, prudent hostlers. To travellers and others who may stop at his house, he promises every attention calculated to render them comfortable and satisfied. JOS. M. FEGL'R. April 5, 185f.- If STAITFUR &. ll.iKMiY. CHEAP WATCHES AND JEWELRY -lyilul.ESALE AND RETAIL, nt .he .'.,.,t.,:r,-,. ,,l & alchi's and Jcwch y More" Wo. II'' ((il, .,. isj Ninth Second Mreel, C uner uf Ijinirv, Phii.,.lcl..i..a Gold I ever Waiehe., full J Jea lb n,tl f. rtl tiold l.epuie, IS caret, ' o. ,o Jilver Uver, full jewelled, ... ,,i Mlver U pnie. jewels, i m fupercor l,uailiers, i 0.1dS;e,aeles, ' Z J Fine Silver do., , ,n Gokl Itracelets, I Lydy's Gold Pencils, j o Silver Ten Si.M s, set, j (a Gold Pens, nh Penri! and Silver hiliW, 1 i o Gold Fuiijer Kings :TJ cis lo SMI; Watch (,:isses. pla.n . . ''' ,r"'1'''"1 lt-.'' , u 1 'l 5 ! ""'el aniCcs In prupoit on All g. Kids wunauted to be v. hat tln-e nte ."Id lor , ,. t Sl'AI I'I'Elf A HAItlTY. lul soma Oold ami Silver Ltvera aaU Leiunce I'ltl lower th in Ihe aliove prices Philadelphia, October lu, l47 I) tAV ilENRY DONNEL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ujfice opposite the Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County Pa. 1 rotnpt attention lo business in adjoinii g .oui.lies. DANVILLE IIOTEL. JOHN IDEE1NT, JR., Market Stret t, Duni ille, Pa, is one of the largest and most comma. I. dious hotels in Ihe interior of l'cnns h ania it has been recently fitted up, in excellent style, with all Ihe modern conveniences. Dsuvilled, Sept. 52, IH55. T1LANK Parchment Paper Deeds and blank Mortgages, Bonds, Executions, Summons Ac, fur sale b 11. B. MASsEn. Sunbury Apri Sfi, I Kofi STOVES- fTxOR A LE an excellent second-hand Cm k' - ing Slove, also several Sloven. Eiiquir at ibis nllica. Cylinder Coal VJILVEK WATCHES A few double case Er.glih Silie Watcbea, for sale at verv low price, by H.B MASSl'K. Bunbury. Aril It, ISO. "St,;..