Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, July 03, 1858, Image 3
SHERIFF 3ALE3. TJY virtue of sundry write of Via-DtTioat - ExrosXs and Lit am Facui Issued out of the Cdiirt of Common Pleai of Northumberland i - - .1 : , i ,:n i. .... l t..i.i: VOUlllJ IV UIB UilCVlVUf Win uo IU Ulllll. Salfl at the Court Houe !n Bunbury, on MON T11V .1.- Ol J Aflfinia'P ! I nVlnoli i to M., the, following described Reel Property, A certain Lot of ground, aituate in tha town ol Trevorton, in Zerbe township, Northumber land county, being lot No. 6, tn block no. 71, bounded on the north by the Railroad, on the enst by vacant ground and the woigh-scalee, on the south by . and on the west by other loti of the defendant!", whereon Is erected a two tory frame house and kitchen. Alto, another certain lot of ground, situate in the town of Trevorton, aforesaid, heing Lot No. 9 in block 140, bounded on thenarlh by an alley on the cast bv lot No. 3, in aaid block, No. WO j on the aouth by Coal street, and on the west by lot No. 1. in aaid block, whereon is erected a two story frame House. Also, another certain lot of ground, aituate in the town of Trevorton, aforesaid, being lot No. 3 in block No. 66, bounded on the north by Maha noy atreet , on the cast by lot No. 4,m .aid block on the south by the railroad ; on the west by lot No. 2, In said bluck, whereon la erected a A'.ffi.Nos. t 2 in Block No. 137 in aaid town, bounded on the west by 6th street on the aouth by Coal atreet on the north by an alley and on the east by lot No, 3, in same block. Also, Lota Noe. 5 & 6 in block No. 84, bound ed on the west by lot No. 4 ; east by lot No. 7 tn same block ; north by Market atreet and aouth by an alley. ...... . . , , Also. Lota No. 4 it Bin block No. 56 bounded aouth by the Railroad ; north by Mahanoy atreet; eat by lot No. 3, and west by lot No. 6 in same llock Also.Lota Noa. 8 4 9 in block No. 51. j41so, Lota Noa. 12 & 13 in block No. 50. Also, Lots Noa. 1, 2, 3 and 4, in block No. 4. Also, Lota Noa. 7 If 8 in block No. fi7, bound ed on the wpst by lot No. 6 ; east by lot No. 9, in same block ; by the railroad on the north and Market atreet on the aouth. Also, Lot No. 5, in block No. 34. Alto, two out-lots in aaid town of Trevorton, and marked upon the general plan of aaid town Noa. 65 and 99, containing one acre each. Also a certain tract of unimproved land, aitu ate in Rush township, Northumberland county, adjoining lands late of Kipp'a heirs, land of the heirs jf John Pitncr, deceased ; land of William Depuy, William Ciearhart and others, containing 35 Acrea more or lesa. Also, another certain trict or piece of land, situate in Rush township, aforesaid, bounded on the cast by land or Mrs. Russel ( on the north by tho north-east branch of the river Susquehanna; on the westb'land now late of the heirs of Jacob Kerr, deceased, and on the couth by the rood leading from Sunbury to Danville and land of Robert Moore, containing G9 Acrea more or less, nearly all of which is cleared and whereon are erected a two-story frame house and kitchen, a frame barn and waggon shed, well of water, an orchard, out-buildings, tc.' Seized taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Denjamin Ciearhart and Emanuel Kaull'mati, trailing as Benjamin Gcarhart &. Co. and II. B. Weaver. Also as the property of Benjamin Gearhart 4- Co., endorser of Wears & L'avis. ALSO i At the same timo and place, the fallowing pro. petty to wit: One full undivided third pari, the whole into three equal part to bo divided, of and in all that certain tract or piece of land situate in Coal town ship, Northumberland county, Pennsylvania, bounded as follows, to wit : Beginning at a ches nut oak on line of land surveyed to Henry Antes, thence by line of land surveyed in the name of Frederick Antes, north 21 weat 155 perches to a c'.icsnut oak ; thence by land of Jeremiah Brown north nineteen and a hall degrees west 49 perches to a pine knot j thence by land of Alexander W. Jihuston and others aouth 78 degrees west 18", 1-10 perches to stones; thence by lineof land aur- i .v, MnmA nf Knhprt Grov. south one vcycu m iuo j' - .i aaf na hnmlreil ami sixtA-five and nine- tenths perches to stones; and tlience tiy line oi ' R' " . : ' land surveyed to nenry a mm .umaiu, i i.m 89 degrees cast 201 perches to the place of begin ning. containing two hundred and ninety-eight .,.i Aia..a tiorrhpH strict measure. Also, one full equal undivided third part, the whole into three equal parts to be divided of and :.. n ti... oortnin irnrt or riiece of land, aituate 111 ail his vw. - r in the said township of Coal, and bounded and rllrw tn wit: Bejinninir at a pine at the corner of a tract surveyed in the name of w nn fj,i"n. iticnce nv line oi asinc iuiiu .i. ii .I...... in m.i hG 4-10 nerches to a lii'im 1 'J ul b ' - " -i post; thence by land late or now of Johnston. Gray and others norm B4J uegrees easi w. i-iu :percnes w b wiwuumin , -j veyed to Samuel Wetherill, north 3 degrees west 13 5-10 perches to a enesnui oan; menm uy .1 ..ArtVt UQ3 AotrTfem nal 27 R.10 nerrh- llie sauiD iiw. 4 "l b" - - ---- , es to a stone , thence by the same north 3 degrcea . . .1 ,i. en west h percnes tosiones ; induce nurui o uigico . l.t ..a...l,aa la a nnat . tlipiipn llV line of land VDDl v -vi." " 1 ) - surveyed to John Brady, aouth 1 degree east Ci 6.10' erchcs to stones ; thence by lineof land now or late of Alexander W. Johnston and others, south 81 degrees west 138 perches to a white oak; thence by tho same south 70 degrees west 71 perches to a poplar ; thence by the same south 40 degrees w est 52 6.10 perches to apost; thence by the samesouthC9 degrees west 27 4.10 perches toa post; thence by the same aouth lfij east 50 perches aouth 17J degrees east la pcttut. mm ouui pi - - - r line of laud surveyed to Dr. Benjamin Young ; .... t, . L. On .1 thence hy line oi ine sam loung uum o ucg. .a i9i in rrrhf i iha idace of beeinninz. containing two hundred and sixty-three acres and thirty-one percnes, strict measure. Seized taken in execution and to be sold aa the property of 1 nomas uaumgaruuer ALSO : a t it mm, timA nil rtlaee. ane eoual undi ' ' - i . . vii'ed third pari, the whole into three equal parts i II..: l.l nt : .11 lli.t .rtnin Iral nr 10 neuimucu ui hi un m. . piece of land situated in Coal town.hip. Nor. tbumberland county, State of Pennsylvania, liounded and described as followa to wit ; Be ginning at a while oak, south one degree east forty aix pcrchea to a slone ; thence south twenty-tight degrees east ninety-eight perches toa pine, south sixty-two degrees west one hundred and furty-four perchei to a stone corner, south twenty-eight degrcos east fifty perches to a pine, north sixty-two degrees east twenty-eight perches 4o a pine, aouth sixty decrees st forty seven erchea to a pine, north fifty-five degrees east two hundred and thirteen perches to a post north thirty lour degrees west, one hundred and eighty, five perches to a post, aouth seventy-five degrees, west eighty-two perches to a while oak the place of beginning, Containing two hundred and twen t acrea alrict measure, being part of a larger tract surveyed in me name oi . &c. eiied taken in execution and to be .old aa ihe property of Tbonua BaumgarJner, terreten--auts. ALSO: Attbessroe time and place, al! that certain two-story brick building, aituate on Bhmokin atreet iu the town of Shanukin, and lot number twelve in block one hundied and ninety-one ac cording to plan of said town, eighteen feel front ,nd twentf feet deep and lot or piece of ground and eurtil'ag appurtenant to aaid bl'ld'S; rte.rej taken in execution and to be .old a the property of Elwabeth Hoffman. ALSO: At the same time and place, all that certain two story Irame messuage and tenement, situate in thi. towiuhip of Zerbe, in the county of Nor thumberland, in the town of Trevortctt.and num. h-red iu the general plan of aaiJ town, number Pcur in block r"mber one hundred and four, tojnuod on the north b, an allev, on the eaat by lot number jive, now in the occupancy of Alexsn. de.- Lien, on the aouth by bhamokin atreet, and on tao w.'.t by lot number three, eontal-ung in front on Hhamokin Street, twenly-n.e feet.and in depth liirty feet, and the lot or piece of ground and eur titae appurtenant to said building. Seized taken ia execuiion and to b. told a tne property of M. K. Manly and John Sechler. AL80: At . eanie tira and place, the following pro prty to wit : A cetiin t.aft tra of land,tluake In bhamoVln township, Northumberland county, boanded by lands of the heirs of John Smith, dee'd, and Daniel Smith on the weal, lands of George Keller and the beirs nf George Dlvler, deoM, en the east t lands of John Martr, Samuel Ha'es srd others, on the south, and a public Road and lands late of Hugh Bellas, Esq.. on the north, contain ing1 230 Acret more or lesa, about 00 acrea of which are cleared, whereon ore erected a two story frame House, a large Bank Barn, Orchard, &c. Seized taken In execution and to be aolij aa the property of H. G. Teggert, J, H. Furman and E, C. Barton. ALSO i At the same time and place, a certain lot of ground, situate in the town of Mount Carmel, in Mount Carmel township, Northumberland coun ty, being lot No. i, in block No. 40, In the gene ral plan of said town, bounded on the north by third street, on the south by lot No. 2, in said block, on the east by an alley and on the west by Oak street, containing 50 feet in front and 150 feet in depth, whereon is erected a two atory frame house. Seized taken in execution and to be sold as the property of David Llewellyn. ALSO i At the same time and place, a certain lot ofground situate in the borough of Sunbury, Northumber land county, fronting on Blackberry atreet, ad joining a lot of Jacob Cable on the cast, a lot of bdward x . Uiight on the west, and bounded by a twenty feet alley on the north, whereon are erected a one and a half atory Log House, also a one and a Halt atory Irame house, out-buildings dec. Seized taken in execution and to be sold aa the property of Jacob B. Masser. ALSO: At the aame time and place, two certain lots of ground, aituate in the town of Trevorton in Zerbe township, Northumberland county, being lota No. 3 and 4, in block No. 132, whereon ia erected a two story frame House, aaid lots being bounded south by a street, north by a it alley, south-east by the old Branch Rail Road, and west by the Trevorton Company's Lots. Seized taken in execution and to, be sold aa the property of John GraelT. AL80: At the aame time and place, all the interest share or purpart of Daniel Lay cock, supposed to be the undivided 12th part, more or less, of and in a ccr, tain tract of Land, aituate in Point township, Nor thumberland county, bounded by lands of tho heirs of E. Grecnough, dee'd., and lands of Pe ter Baldy and others, containing Fourteen Acres, more or less, wherecn are erected a two-story frame dwelling house, a frame barn, an apple or chard, d c Seized taken in execution and to be sold as the property of William Housel and Dan iel Laycock. JAMES VANDYKE, Sheriff. Sheriff a Office, Sunbury, July 3, 1S58. LIST OF JURORS For Northumberland County, for tba August Term, A; D 1808. GRAND JURORS. 1 George B. Sinton, Coal, 2 Peter Swartz, Jordan, 3 John liower, Loner Augusta, 4 Jacob F. Uougnr, Milton, 5 John F. Dcotler, Delaware, 6 Jacob Noecbeo, Sliamokin, 7 llonry Morgan, Northumberland, 8 Daniel Kverett, Coal, 9 George Kenn, Sunbury, 10 Fleming Nesbit, Chillieqnaque, 11 Philip Scbreyer, Milton, 12 William Furron, Shaaiokin, 13 Samuel Bluir, Milton, 14 Poter Kuch, Northumberland, 15 Isaac Marsh, Turbut, 16 Samuel liovele, Lower Mahanoy, 17 John 11. lleller, Chillisquaque, 18 John Troxell, Milton, 19 Jonathan Bordoer, Lower Mabaooy, 20 Johu lionghtier. Coal, 21 Charles Kuse, Hush, 22 Henry llaos, Shamokin, 23 Franklin A. Clark, Coal, 24 Michael liionn, Upper Mahanoy, TRAVERSE JURORS. 1 Joseph Kennedy, Rnsb, 2 Jeremiah Longsdorf, Jackson, 3 Hugh Martin, Chilliequuqae, 4 Charles Ileehuiun, Turbut, 5 John J. Hitter, Turbut, 6 Robert Cunimings, Chillisquaque, 7 Gideon Kondarinel, Coal, 8 John N. Conrud, Loner Augusta, 9 Christian Wentzel, Jordan, 10 John 13. Scout, Northumberland, 11 Johu Iiohner, Jackson, 12 Kbenezer Uustian, fSuubury, 13 Philip Gibbons, Point, 14 John Shriller, Northumberland, 15 Valentiue Klaze, Sbamokin, 1G John Gulick, Point, 17 Samuel T. Burrows, Lewis, 18 Daniel Cu,rroll. Sr., Turbut, 19 George lleim, Washington,. 20 John Dottinger, Sbamokin, 21 Suinuel S. Malick, Lower Augnsta, 22 Daniel Kramer, Cameron, 23 Joshua Cole, Turbut, 24 Alvin 11. Alexander, Coal, 2f Andrew Kitler, Cbillisquaquo, 2i Isaac Brown, Milton, 27 Peter llileman, Sunbury, 28 Daniel Shaffer, Jordan, 29 William Osman, Rush, 30 Samuel Trego, Lower Mahanoy, 31 Miner O. Mursb, Turbut, 32 John W. Hulther. 33 Abraham Binguman, Lower Mahanoy, 34 Daniel Dressier, Chillisquaque, 35 Isaac Deppio, Jackson, 3ti John Mengar, Lewis, 37 Jacob Huotzicber, Lewis, 38 Oliver B. Hoffman, Coal, 39 John Kepperling, Northumberland, 40 Poter Masser, Sunbury, 41 Henry Peters, " 42 William Harrison, Northumberland, 43 Henry Morgan, Point, 44 Samuel Fetter, Suubury, 45 Daniel Smith, Jr., Delaware, 46 Israel Duiiklolierger, Little Mahanoy, 47 Amos Anderson, Delaware, 48 George 11. Coder, Coal. JUB0RS EOS SPECIAL COURT, 9th day of August, A. D. 1858. 1 William Nesbit, Chillisquaque, 2 George Geist, fc'r., Jordan, 3 Matthew Beouelt, Lower Augusta, 4 Isaac Buyer, Lower Mabaooy, 5 George Kut, Turbut, 6 John Kuns, Lewis, 7 Johu Puust, Cbillisquaqne, 8 Isaac Seller, Suubury, 9 Scth Cadwalluder, Miltoo, 10 John Mauser, Point, 11 George P. Kemp, Lewis, 12 Reuben Zarttnao, Jackson, 13 Andrew Laverty, Lewis, 14 John Adams, Rash, 15 Joseph Vaudyke, Northumberland, 16 Lucas Young, Lewis, 17 Albright Jones, Northumberland, 18 John liar man, Jr., Lewis, 19 Peter Keeser, Zerbe, 20 John Clark, Sunbury, 21 Simon Genres, Milton, 22 Jacob Kremer, CbillUqaaque, 23 David Zartman, Washington, 24 George Dastiao, Jr., Sunbury, 25 Thomas Tea a, Milton, 26 Simon Coble, Washington, 27 John Bowaian.tif'., Lower Mahanoy, 28 Philip Metier, Rush, 23 John Mariz, Milton, 30 James Rusael, Cbilliaqnaqae, 31 John D. Conrtd, Lower Augusta, 32 Asa Eveiett, Turbut, 33 John Riddoll, Delaware, . 34 Andrew Kieffer. Torbot, 35 berauel Caldwell. Lewie, 36 Silas Wolvertop, Upper Augusta. FOR RENT. rjHE Store Room in Market street, formerly X occupied ij r. w. oay. Apply w eeutora of H. Master, dsctjsed. April IT To lite Elector of Northumberland Comity. Fuiiow CiTisie t We are authorized to announce THOMAS D. GRANT, of the Bor. ough of Sunbury, aa an Independent oandidate for the office of REGISTER, RECORDER ko. at the ensuing election. Mr. Grant is too well known to the riont of Northumberland county to need any commenda tion at our hinds. No one questions hia qualifi cation for the post hie character for morality, industry and sobriety is irreproachable and ,is popularity as a man and efficiency as an officer undoubted. For the last six 'years he has been the principal clerk In thil olfice, and his un tiring industry and ability, his amiable manners and obliging disposition have elicited the conS dence and esteem of all doing business there. We confidently submit his name, and earnestly ask our fellow citizens to RALLY TO HIS SL1TORT. Respectfully, MANY VOTERS. 8unbury, June 24, 1858. To the Electors of Northumberland County. f AVING been solicited by many of my fellow citizens to become a candidate for ro-elec-lion for office of REGISTER A RECORDER AND CLERK OF THE ORPHANS' COURT. I hereby anneunce that I present myself to the Democracy of the county for nomination at the approaching primary election. Having had ex perience for a number of years, and being the present incumbent, I flatter myself that I would be able to render general satisfaction to the citi zens of said county, and if nominated and elect ed will use my best abilities to perform the duties of the office. C. BOYD PURSEL. Sunbury, June 26. 1658. fiME to tho premises of the subscriber, on or about the 12ih day of June, 1858. in Sbamo kin township, Northumberland county, a black Cow and a red Heiffcr. The cow is about eleven and the heiffcr about two years old. They both have a star on the forehead and are white about the belly and hind parts. The owner is requested to come forward, prove properly, pay charges and take thein way. LEWIS CHAMBEKLIN. Shemnkin twp June 21, 185M 2m PUBLIC NOTICE. "aJOTICE is hereby that tho BUSINESS RE LATIONS, heretofore subsisting between William Weimer and the undersigned, in the Drug Store at Northumberland, have, by mutual consent, this day (June 7th, 1858.) ceased to exist; and the Books and accounts will remain for settlement and collection in the hands of the subscriber, who will continue to carry on the business at tho ol 1 stand. ROBERT B. McCAY. Northumberland, June 26, 1858. PROCLAMATION. IV OT1CE is hereby given llint the several " Courts of Common Pleas. General (Junrtcr Sessions of the peace, and Oprhans' Court. Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Deliver)', in and for the county of Northmnberland, to commence at the Court Hi use, in the borough oi Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, the 2nd day of AUGUST next, and will continue ONE WEEK. The coroner, Justices of the Peace and consta bles in and for the county of Northumberland, are requested to he then and there in their proper per sons, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, and other remembrances, to do thoso things to their several offices appertaining to be done. And al- witnesses prosecuting in behalf of the Commonl wealth against any prisoner are also requested and commanded to be then and there attending in their proper persons to prosecute acainst him, as shall be just and not to depart without leave at their peril. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their attendance, at the time appointed agreeable to their notices. Given under my hand at Runbury, the 2(Uh day of June in the year or our Lord one thous and eigh'. hundred and fifty-eight and the Independence of the United States of America the 8 2d. God save the Commonwealth. JAMES VANDYKE, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Sunbury, June 2H, 18u8. J LIST OP CAUSES. FOll trial in the Court ol Common Pleas of lorlhumterlanil County, to be held at Sun bury, on the first Monday of August, 1858. PLAiNTirrs. DxFExniSTS. f ..l.- t.-:..i.i 1 Elizabeth Seller's children vs. V" l H!C( Ul Ul, Peter Dickeson va Shaffer et al, John Bowen vs J. . Masser, Alexander Colt, vs John A Llovd, James Eager, vs James Vandyke, Henry n else, vs 1 hos. Uauingardner, S. Wolverton &I T Clement vs FEgleman. James Maione v Phila & Suubury R R Co. Thomua Uerr ve Alfred Knease, Wm Lnnax, dtc vs Wm L Hclfenstein, (J M Flctnming &e., Wm L llclfeiibicin K I Keilv cVc va same Haag & Brown vs William L Dewart, Edward Gross va Ralph Bogle et al John II. Pox . vs William Ay res' a dm r. Sarah Miller if co. va Henry M. Robins, Ira 1. Clement va Charles H ellenstcin, Iaac Brown vs John 8 Peterman, Deborah Huzzy va Jos Hoffman's adm'r. Hazzard Sl Starick vs John P. Pursel, Reuben Pagely vs W. G. Kase ct al William Wolhorn va John o onyder, Carbon Run Imp. Co. vs J. Parnsworth et al. Uaac Broun va Abraham Straub, DANIEL BECKLEY, Proth'y. Prothouotary's Office, 1 Bunbury, June 10, 1858 j PORT and MADERIA WINE3, Schiedam Schnapps, Wild Cherry brandy, Blackberry md Lavender brandiea for medicinal purposes at March 14, '57. A. V. HSHEK. Notice to Retailers, &c The venders of foreign and domestic mer chandize, within the county of Northumber land, will lake notice that they are assessed aod tated by the appraiser of Merchants' laz es, for the year lButf, as follows : Mount Cormel. Clasi. Lie. A. J. Miller, 14 $7 00 Piederick Fahrion, 14 7 00 Beard ii Boweu, 14 7 00 licwelt t Shepherd. 14 7 00 COM. Cocbrao, Peal i Co., 13 10 00 G. W. ltavor, 14 7 00 S. L. Roush, 13 10 00 V. U. Cherrineton, 14 7 00 F. A. Clarke, 14 5 00 (. B. CadwulaJer, 14 3 SO V. Fegely, 13 10 00 Jacob Weimer, 13 10 00 Jonas Slioe, 14 7 00 Zimmerman & Mowery, 14 'I 00 Zimmerman k Pursl, IS 10 00 Cflttwfrjrt. Daniel JIaupt, 14 7 00 Upper Mahanntf. O. W. Snyder, U 7 00 J. II. Adams, 11 7 00 John Kuiiukey, 14 7 00 Daniel lieirxe, 14 7 00 lratnj;fei. William Kahriee, G. U. Raybuck, 14 14 1 00 7 CO Jordan. Weitt & Sbartel, J. Schwarti, John Went, 14 7 00 H 7 00 14 1 00 15 10 00 14 7 00 ia i oo 13 10 04 Lour Mahanoy. Eliai Waist. Joseph Spota, A. Dittey, Feter BtirrIl, John Bingrn(irj, eonl yard, 14 3 00 Christian Albert, lumber, 14 3 00 Jackson. J. E. Sticker. 14 7 00 William II.Klingor, 14 7 00 William Deppen, 13 10 00 Little Mahanoy. Jode Rothermel, 14 7 00 Michael Latshaw, coal yard, 11 7 00 S. 11. Rothermel, mill, 14 7 00 Zerbe. Seers & Forsyth, 13 10 00 Rcnn & Kramer, 14 7 00 Herb Deppen, 11 15 00 Marcus St rouse, 14 7 00 Reuben Kline, 14 2 50 II. 1). Maze, 14 2 50 Lower Avfiutta. films Emerick, 11 7 00 John ZimtnennatK 14 7 00 KauDnmu Si Shaffer, 14 7 00 Jonathan Reilz, 14 7 00 John Hull, 14 7 00 Upper AuQviia. J. F. A I. F. Kline, " 14 7 00 Shnmcffiln. J. A. BergMreeser, 14 7 00 Huff McWilliamR, 14 7 00 John Vanzant, 14 7 00 S. Miller & Co., K. Miller, eg't, 14 7 00 Withington & Chidister, 14 7 00 Elizabeth Osmun, 14 7 00 Chilisqvaqvt. James Reed, 14 7 00 Adam Conrad, 14 10 00 T. II. Fisher, 14 7 00 Goodman, Moody & Co., 12 12 00 8. L. Finney, 13 10 00 W. H. Frymire 4 Brothers, 11 15 00 Heinon & Rousb, 11 15 00 T. 8 Staden, 14 7 00 J. Marry & Co. 13 10 00 Nagle&Good, U 15 00 J. K. Corry, 13 10 00 II. K. Haag. 13 1000 Isaac Brown, 12 1250 Swenk Strieker, 13 10 00 do do 14 5 00 Cyrus Brown, 13 10 00 Lewis Swank, 14 7 00 J. F. Caslow, 14 7 00 8. Bernheim, 14 3 00 Rnwn & Chapman, 14 3 50 William Stiner, sr. 14 3 50 Isaac Marsh, 14 2 50 G. W. Askin, 14 2 50 J. Ancstadt, 14 2 50 Samuel Ayres, 14 2 50 J. F. G auger, 14 3 00 David Krnuser, 14 3 00 J. & M. Yout, 14 3 00 J. E. Coining, 14 2 50 Samuel Buir, coal end lumber, 14 7 00 John Finney, coal, 14 5 00 Delaware. Hogtie & Rank, 13 10 00 Antrum fc Sons, 13 10 00 Hays & McCormick, 12 12 50 J. .fc F. Filer, 12 12 50 S. M. G. Wenk, 14 5 00 S. B. Hartrault, 14 2 50 Lewis, Roup Savage, 11 7 00 E. T. Disci, 13 10 00 JYorfftumleri'amJ. W. T. Forsyth, 13 10 00 James Tnpgart, 13 10 00 G I. Taggart. 13 10 00 M. B. Priestley, 13 10 00 S. A. Butkenbino, 14 7 00 William Elliott, 14 7 00 A. B. Youngman, 14 5 00 Elizabeth llobbart, 14 5 00 James Scott, 14 2 50 1). M. Braudigam, 14 2 50 Ilenrv Wenck. 14 2 50 R. McCov, 14 2 50 Jacob Po'wel, 14 2 50 Teinf. S. V. S. Dewitt, 12 12 50 Sunlury. John Young, 14 7 00 J. II. Englo, 13 10 00 E. Y. Bright & Son, 10 20 0" George Bright, 14 7 00 P. W. Gray, 12 12 50 Friling & Grant, 13 10 00 Ira T. Clement, 13 10 00 Benj. Zettlemoycr, 14 3 00 Maclay Gcarhart, 14 1 50 A. W. Fisher, 14 7 00 kiasslvr & Clark, lumber, 14 7 00 An appeal will be held at the Commis sioners' Office in Sunbury, on Tuesday, the 13lh day of July, between tho hours of 10 and 4 o'clock, when those interested uioy at tend, if they see proper. JAMES LYNN, unit. p. Elysburg, Juno 19, 1858. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. THE unuVrigneJ, appointed by tho Court of Common l'leaa of iSorthumlirlanJ county, Auditor to distribute the money arising from the sale of the real estate of Ciiakufs Wkik ll, will attend for thut purpose at his office in Nunbury, on Saturday the 26ih inst., at 10 o'clock, A. M. II EMU' DON .N EL, Auditor. Sunbury, June 12, 1858 NEW OONFECTIO NARY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. M. 0. GE A1UI ART, nAS jubt received a new and excellent assort ment of goods at hia Confectionary and Fruit Store in MARKET STREET, Sunburv, where he manufactures ai:d keeps on hand, at all times, the moot choice Confectionary, Ac, Wholesale and Retail, at Philadelphia prices. Among his stock of Conlectionariea, may be found i French Petrels, Ituntett Atinnndl, Cream White, " IienuTO Ilcwe, " Vamlla, Cnmmon Secrets. Liquor K-a, Oum Drnpi, all kiiuta of Kent, tve Dions, Mini Drops, red and white, Jill)- CtiWc, Kiuit Drops, Puck Cumltes, of ill seenls Rock Candy, Almond Candy, iKUlT. Bananas, I'ruties, Dutr., Fis, Currants diied, Citrons, Alinunds, Ratsons, Nuts of all kinds LEMOX SYRUP of a superior quality, by the aingle or dozen. A uperior quality of Srgari and Tobacco, and a variety of Confectinnariea, fruit, Ac, all of which is offered cheap at wholesale or retail. lOE OREAM. He hSs also opened an Ice Cream Saleon, and will at all timea be ready to aerve his customers with Ice Cream. Sunbury, June 19, 185 ly . AND TRANSPORTATION . LINE. CiOODS Shippfd from the Warehouse of JT FREED, WARO A FREED, No. 811 M arket street, above 8th at., Philadelphia, to all intermediate point along the railroad, to Sun bury and Northumberland in particular, without transhipment and at tho lowest rates of freight. All orders thankfully received and promptly attended tn, and Goods carefully delivered to all Merchants and others. FREDERICK SCULLY, Jure 20, 1858 3in$ Transporter. FL0VR AND FEED. JUST receive by the uWriter ft freih iup lily of FLOUR AND f LED which will be uld tt wbuletale tnt) rlil CHEAP FOR CASH ONLY. Present prices from fi,50 10 $8,5( j er bbl., A libertl discount to the trede. - Also Crackers of all kinds. Cahetles, Boaj. Baisins, Cigars Ac. A few choice dried appl'e yet Uh hind, at $200 per bushel, tUy are very nice, By oblig ing and trying to please all, the subscriber bopM to merit the good will end Patronage of hie friend end customers. CO. HAVEN. Market Square, 9unauryt jris ;ftf.8. TO INVALIDS. DR.II aTTd MAN, Anotical Physician and riysuian for Ji geanct of the Lungs.-lMtt of the (Sncin nati Marine Hospital. Editdr of the "Jlcrf teat Sutho8stope"-Con eibnlHtitf Member of the London Medictd SocUhj of Obiterva tion Author of "Letters to Invalids" Jt?. Mnr ba coinnltM ai follnwe : WILUAAW.'UKT, I'a , Kffl Fl"te,. ttatuidny, July 10th 163S. I.OCK.TIAVEN. . . . 19th " LKWISUURO, . . . 13th MJNBt'RY. . nth HARRISBURO, . . . 15th A 19th. PR. tlARDMAN trout Cntifttimptimi, Urnivhittt, U rytikrit in, Athma, mid UincfiM of the Tlinmt Hint Lungs, by MtKiicnl Itthuliitinrt. Dr. Ilanltimii's cliiiniM ti public confidence nre foumlvd upon the following Juctit; 1 Hit thorough nwl rnmplcto ncqtmlntanpo with tha pructire of the most celebmled phyRietunt of Kurpe ni well tit Aineneit. it The Prt-nlnirities of tut tynin rf mrilimtion bf ffring from every oihr ever yet oiloptr. ltea not mnke irk to nmke well ; tun tenr dnwtt to I mi Id up ngniti--li- earning nil tliingcroufl itriiRi and poig'mouft nimcruls. 3, ill uiiprt't'Pilentfd experience iti lleniiitnl practice where eveiy fotm of ilnrutte wui preM-nlcd for Inn treat ment and in t-ieei of death, nil cxumiiinttnn nf the dear) body made, nnd the upper ninrr of the nfTected carefully noted down by his own hnnd for future rcftreuee. These notsi und obiierrTttiona Ihtia pimtu when completed, will form tWo Irttee volumes of five hundred pnpra eneh, which Will he published for the ht?ntf.t ut the Medical prol'eiiii. 4. In addition to this, hia vast experience, ncfiiired hy travelling lirorty fire yittrl, touting thnusnods uommlly, haveosYirdcd preat advantages for olFcrv.'iti- ii and the study of oil diseases wridrnt to the humon luimly. In this period of time he hns traveled a dia;ice nearly exjunl f two entire circuits of the globe, ntnl has seen, presented for and beta consulted by nearly 30 thoufmnd invulida. ALL PISE ASKS THEATET) ! In relation to the following disease, either vihtn ceni plicatwl With Lung ArTfvtion, or existing nltnc, I a two invited cousiiHiitioii-isunlly find them promptly curable. I'm in puns nnd nil forms of Female complaints Irregu larities und Weukuets. rulpitntion and other forms rf Heart Pisecsca Mvw Complaint, Dvspcpsin, and all other Diseases of t?louiach and llovflt, filcs, &c. All difases at th Lye and Par ; Nruiolgia, iepsv, nnd all form of Wtvouk Diacnse. W No etiarge of Consuliatin S. D. IIAR&MAN, M D June 13,1PM 0m SALT! SALT! riUK Klvrrlisprs ktci ronstanlly un ba J a X I.AIJGE SLTI'LY uf Ground Hum Snlf, AnIiIoii FIiic tlo., Marshall nnd Diakins Fine nnil 1AU(Y SALT, wliich they are now selling at VLRY LOW l'lUCEiS. CAK1I, GEISE Sc CO., Grain and Lumber Coinpany House, Junel9, 1859. 3t Haltiinorc. MiiEiiiFV ' "ia i a M'?,alcsn!e anil lu tail Dealers in Domestic WIITES LIQTJCRS, MM stitet, (i'us' side) Xorth lJatfille, Pa. rlHE undersigned would respectfully announce to tlieir friends and t!ie public " generally, that they have purchased a very extensive stock of Wines and Liquors direct from the Custom House, which they otlW to the trade at Philadel phia prices thercliy saving freight Ac. JOHN W. MIERIFF, J. 8. HALL, Danville, Juno 13, 180S. if Dissolution & Co Partnership. rpilE firm of Shepherd and Hewett, Coal Ope rattrrs, Locust Summit Colliery, N'orlhum lierland County, l'a., heiiiK this day (June 1st, !K.r)A,) dUvolvcd by mutual consent, the business will be liencetorth carried on by James M. fchcp herd and John McFarfand, under the firm name of Shepherd ic McFarland, who will pay all claims against and receive all accounts due to the late firm. JAMES M. SHEPHERD, Sunbury, Ta., CHARLES HEWETT, tihamokin, l'a., JOHN M'FARLAND, Pine Grove, Pa. Sunbury, June 12 1558. Dr. V. II. llllMOH. OF LANCASTKK City, late nf Ptiii itiflphia, wlic:c he bus been in lucceuful pnirtire l:ir h Miimbrt nf veiirt, received hts educnli' ti nt tlie Ik it Attxtii.'ul lolUgo iti the I'niteil States, t ltd hrid I be expeiicuce and pntctile in lire dirtVitnt tlcpitiila fur nrverul yearn, n uieinbt r uf llie AiiHlylieiu Medit'iit Iustttutu uf New Ymlc, and hte Miiliral "iSufguoii -f llie t nttud Stitca Navy, ii"v utters litniFeU tu tlie public to utlendany prol wainiinl cn!ts. J tic purest medicines uhvavn n hiind dirert from the beat Luuoiutorie of our country, and the Htaniml Gar dens of tlie world. No patent inedicm prescribed or re commended. Medline imt-d only which will not break (ltwii tlie Ct'itHltutin, but will miovatc tlie lystem fioni all iiguneii it hua lusuined frm minernl uiedieiiit'S. Chro luc ai.d (l:llicult diseusea must be treated upon analytical principles, which i to know anil na certain diaease is Ita iiiiture and character lecture a knowledge iti the cheuiirul cunstitueiila uf every iMid aiul fl'itdof the bumaii ln-dy; the chaniies thoie aoluls nnd fluids arc CJpfiMe ef umleriroiiig. Tu knuw what medicines trt cnipli y to cure diwuscs fiuirv u kiuwledjie of the cheniica! cwuMiluents, uf all agents emplnjcd tit inetlicine j and if we are in pi, cefwioii omIub kuowldie, it ia possible tocuie anydiaraae no matter of how lung atuudini; and leave the paticid in a heulthv and periertly cured cimhli"n. IMelanelioly, Atierrutin, oi that atate of alienation and weak nes of t lie mind which render persona incapabln of euuiyinp the pleasures nr pel forming th duticaof lite; lya pepma ; thai dialrening ibaeatte nnd I It (lt -ir) er i f health oim! happineM. undermminp tlie Cciislitution, uhd yenrly carrying thntifamte to untimely smvea. can moat eiaphati rally be cured. KlicuiuutiMii, ui any form or condition, chronic or acute, warranted curable; Kpilepay or falling aicknchi; all chronic und atubtxirn ctisea oi Female Di eaffca radically removeil; tSalt lllienm, anrl every dearrip lion of ulcerations. Pile and Scrofulous Diseabes, which have baiiU-d all prrvioua medical skill can be -cuied by my tieaimciit, when (he constitution ia not exhausted. 1 d Biiy all diseases (yea, Consumption) cuu be cured, t's Cancer cured without the knife. 1 will remain tn my oiTiee on WsnxrsDAva nnd Satur liAT, from 9 o'clock A. M , t 3 I M , to aeoiiunodaia patienta fiom a distance, and consult in the Kilinh nnd (ierinau lancuat-a. Will make visiia to any distance if required, ftluy be ttdilict&ed by letter, Fulton Square. X.'iituuster c.ty, Vn. W. W.UlIITMOn.M P. June S, lh5? Cm " RZVZERBdUSX3r (Formerly Kline 11 U-l.) LF.WlSlitnO, UNION CO.. PA. n. G IItTZl 1 1 lioirUlor. ia one of the iarceat and hcrt fitnushed llotell on 1 the West Uiunch. It la located i'l the busii;esa part f the town, (U Iwmg the only lintel in Market Square ) The proprietor is detctihmd, to use every to make hia liouae one ih the best ni late ; and it t-rt'eia rure mdiu emeiiis tor peraons vh spend a hhort time in line of lite imat pleaftaut tuwns in central I'tun) l.'ucia. Churpea very inotlrntte. Lewivbuig, June 12, loH. COME ONE! COME ALL!! LEAKX THE LIST OF PlilCES AT THE People's One Price Store. E. Y. BRIGHT & SON, suxurny, pa., nAVE received llicir lurgc anil chdee select eJ stock of 1TEV GOODS, Composed of an endless variety, anJ to tvliit'h they respectfully invite tlie attention of the pub lic feeling amu.'cJ Hint their large assortment and grent variety of all kinds of (Jo hU romhined with the exceedingly low piiies v. liith they are determined to fell at, will render entire satisfac tion. tV COUNTP.T PRODUCE wanted in ex change at the very highest market prices. June 6, I8S8, " STRAY IsJRT CAME U the premiss of I he uWiiler, on the Suth ult., a stray mare, 6 or 10 years old, about medium sizo. Hie is full fouled, gal led on each side of the breast, and in cnloradaik brown, legs, mane and tail black. The owner is requested to come forward, prove proprrty, pay charges and take her away. WILLIAM WEMZEL. Lower Augusta, May SHth, 14,'tfl. SUNBURY SIEAM TERRY AND TOWING BOAT COMPANY. WRAYELLEK3 and other, are respectfully informed that the aubscrilwr has evubliibed a STB AM PERKY over the Susquebanna, at SunWury. Tli it a large, aafe and commodious steamboat will run regularly and promptly, at all bours during (he day, to carry foot passengers as well aa vehicles, 4c, between Bunfury and the landing on tlie oppotite aide of the rttr, both waya, or to and from Sunbury. The eUamhoat will run from Market bueet Wharf, and will carry passengers to and from the Packet morning and evening. The bteain Ferry now .fiord, not only . safe and convenient transit over the Sus quehanna1, but also a plcaeant anT agreeable ride. IK A l. ILIHILA I , rioprttior. -Aanaxw Hoovsa, Capiaoi. eunory. Msy !, I?S. SELECT SUMMER GOODS. LARGE ASSOHTMKNT ! IV E he reeeiveJ our NEW GOODS f..i )r " " summer trade, and cctfully invite all the world and the restof mankind to Cali i People who would eronomirc and uvo their r ... . ... . 1 fllmes will iln well to call and see how very cheap goods can b had, and should they nut conclude to parchaee from us, they will be more conver sant as to the actual value of all kinds nf Good'. 7'hcre are a grrat many reasons why people should closely examine our stork, sntl wuile i' is clearly demonstrated that the "obvious ineailing and imports" of thii multitude of reneohS fifSrs directly to the UEUTY OK TEXTt'RE, n!id cheapness in price of fjoods, it will at the saint) strike the mind of the oli. brvins, CONOMiel1, lhat a stnte of things comliininR a great ah1 di versified supply, wild low prices, must bring about a "eonsumhistion dcvnuilv lobe wished" in making the POOR .'LIN lUCH.aud the rich man opulent. And although we may diareas, yet permit us to add lhat nothing would alTurd a better ground work for a summer evening's entertainment, than for the kind mother who is presumed to have ex amined our stock, to gather her little flock around her, and tell them of II RIGHT & SON'S bean til'ul goods, the handsome Silks from France and Ilaly, the Ribbons and Laces from Lynns, the Meiinos from France, the prints from Manchester, the Linens and Lawns from Glasgow add Dub lin, and a thousand things of great beauty and utility. Hut to bo a littlrt more practical, we will state for the good of tho country, the rising generation, and the full grown, more in detail, the good we retail, in very large or smaller Block of goods will be sold at prices to suit Ihti slices, at very greatly reduced prices I and though ; timea for CASH or in exchange for country pro we may regret we said it, we'll sell our goods on . duce at the markt price-. ix montha credit, et the end of which the people Anp shall ho linppy to meet Cut frleni's an f "flimli," will come and pay ua with a rush, for ; the patrons of our establishment, r.;.d j!I them none can feci so tmcuncerned about a debt so goods at such prices as cannot fail to give entire' fully earned, aa to be guilty of procrastination, satisfaction. to the honrd of their reputation. Thankful far pa?l favors s hnf-; by strVrl. at- i nen iientlerr.en nrul I.adics lair, you've llie time to spare, and hear of New Hoods rich anl rnre, received and being opened. 02? CLOTHS, "niere's brown, and black and blue, Y?a Ciotln of almost everv hui'. . OP CASSIlEP.ES,' We've got juit what jnu need, of nixed and striped "first r.ite" Tweed, fjr those exposed or named as nick, we've C'assimeresl.olb ttrong and thick! fr those who by fashion think to win, we have the beautiful French an ar ticle, we do expect, sir, can't becxcellcJ in point of Texture. or VESTIWGS, Silks and good bl.ick Putins, if every variety ol I patterns, for weddinps, parties, or the street, for i gentlemen married, or less discreet, whom wo will furnish from Hat to Boot, wiih a clie.ip and charming wediling suit. But Ladies ! pardon this dereliction, and do not deem this oil a fiction, lor surely we are bound to say. wc love to turn from grave to gay, from dull old bachelors, dreadful drones, whom lasluonable etiqtiettu I'is'jwnt", who, in a word, are sluggish w ights, in human htippiness, neo phytes. Ocntli men, we bid you all ai!ieu tho Ladies am waiting for stfSieti'ing NEW; Cashmeres D?latnes Silks Hereee Dubeges Holies Ginghams l.awns ('halles Tissues Chintzes I'laide of every pattern, and litest styles, so rich that iIiai itiu. b i a . .. .. ; I i - t e 3 ' ,. , , " Uut'UTFl-L age, as well for those who would fc,- protty for the maid becoming for the mo- ther. and otTcred eheao to tho one or the nth.r. Ribbons embracing onehundied pieces, beauliful Belts suited for "iN'eiees," Ginghams. solid, plaid and stripes assorted, and "Aqutll.x Robes" jiist imported. And the ufnlersign'd with modesty reverts, to corded flounced and steel hooped skirts and well reconciled we trust the ladies faces, will gaze with fond delight upon our hand some Laces Inserting, Edgings, of Jaconett and 8wim, allording beauty to those who offer bliss! three hundred pieces of good pattern Prints, and very handsome styles of new French Chintz, white, mixed, and brown Cotton Hoee, much cheaper than some people would suppose. Spool Cotton, Tapes. Pins, Buttons, and IS'eedles in profusion: Bobbin, Cord, Bonnet Wire, and j blond Illusion. Then come one. come all. vou'll iiiiu us very nanny, 111 snowing cacti tne "modus ojierandi" ol'buyii g and selling cheap. E. Y. BRIGHT & SON. Sunbury, June 12, 1858. LANDEETHS' f... , . . ' - . Seed Agricultural Warehouse Store, Xos. 21 and 23 South Cth street, letwten Mar. Kei and Chcsnut streets, Philadelphia. J8 always open to the inspection of every one interested in Farming or Gardening, The subscribers therefore invite tlie public generally to call nnd examine the large and well selected stock of Agricultural Implements nnd Machinery, great variety of 1 1 tral tools. . vv urranteu Garden and Flower Seeds Grass and Field Seeds of the most Reliable Quality, which they offer for sale et the lowest cash prices, wholesale or retail. The agricultural implements sold by us are mostly manufactured at our steam works, Bristol, Pa. llavinir II-,1 nr. ll.ia willwuil , 1 . .' , , regard to expense, with the most complete mi chinery for the manufacture of various kinds of Buricullurn! ininlrnienta. we are nrenared to sun. ply all articles in this line of the very best quality. Landreth's Warranted Garden fc-ivds have been before the public for upwards of sixty years; t tit i r wide-spiced ropularily and tlie increasing demand from year to year are the best evidences cf Ibcir superiority over all others, Vif Country merchants can be supplied with reeds in papers, or in bnlk, on lh: most liberal terms. Blooms'Jnte, bear Bristol, Pa., our garden seed grounds, contains three hundred and scienty acres, and is the largest establishment of iu iud in the world. 1). LAN 1)1! ETH i SDN, Nos. SI and S3 South t-iuli St., Philadelphia. Landreth's Rural Register end Almanac for :S, containing a monthly Calender for the . Farm, Gardei) and Greenhouse, nt hk iuh biiiTis upon personal or prepaid a plication. ! Philadelphia, May Sid, 1858. j In (lie Coiutof Common 1'ltal of ioi lliiinibei laiul omily. Martin Weaver, "I No. 30 Am-ustTerm v A. V. !bo8. William McCarly ind William Shannon A It:.. L'reve do Partitiono chel his wife. J Fuctenda. NOTICE. To William MeCarty. and William Shannon and Kschel his wife. You arc hereby notified, that in pursuance of the above writ, to tne di- reeled, ar. Inquisition will be held upon the pre- miscs described In said writ, to wit !-A certain tract or piece ot land, situate m Coal township, contatiiing 10 acres, or theieabouis, hounded by land, now or late, of Ludwig Gas, Martin liau, John Drudy and others, on Tuesday the ititli day of July next, at 10 o'clock A.M. of sit id day for the purpose ot making partition of or toveli.e and appraise the tame. At which time bed lace you may aiicnu n mini paper. JAML'S VANDYKK, Sheriff. ShcrifT oflire, Sunbury. ) May liih, !". NOTICE. VLL persons inJcbtrd tn Jsmet Beard, late Prolhonotaiy of Noithuinberlandcounty, for fees, cVc, are requeste-l to make immtdis'e pay ment, and thut save cost and further trouble, at all accounts remaining unpaid will be placed in the hands of a Justice for collection. Pay uienti ran be made either to the subscriber or to I. B. Beard, at his otiice. . JAME9Pl5An3. Sunbury, Marib ST. lSf.8 If JIjKB OLIVE OIL ttr table use, two sue at S7I sad 024 cents just received by A. W.FIS1IEH. . March U.'M. n KGWN'8 and Breir.iu'a Essanca of Gir.goi and Hosbtnd't Mtinis.t at M:eh It, 'ST. ri?iicn ft. P0E SALE OR RENT. rfff E laree double fmrrie hn'ttM in the BorourS - r.t Norl'iumberUrd. brl'iiu'in ! the nnir nf P. K. Kikv. tlrrenrd. ThU l n ver ili'hi'fitile 1 rrsuleiire. lf mil iiily siiiiotoci in me ..o.-': IJrmch of ""rviii'i, with a laie gflnVn, Carfinue H'insc,Slide At., Mnnuiiia; to it I Terms r"o.lernte. Bixpure of r. . Scales, II'mi: ..... ... T. Y un V . ll, .. ... . Williamrprt, or D. Hruutinam, Esq., Nur'huii: lierlnnd. Mai ill 27. Ifi.'lfl. NLW GOODS! HEW GOODS I rPllE suhfcribeMrespeclfolly anno ;i:re tj (lieii A friends and the public in general that they have received at their Slore, in Vypct Augusta township. Northumberland county, Pa., at Kline's Crove, iftr'r Spring nfid smflir-'r Prol, s'n j opened to the rlublie a full assortment of Merchandize, Ac , consisting in part ol Cbiths, black and fancv Cisimrres, Checks, Kentucky Joans, together with a general variety of Sj.-rini; and Summer Goods, adapted to all gra j tf ji'rfo"'!, . . limm Mi'js Clotiiixs very chrap. Ladies' Dress Goods, Summer Shawls, GinjjJiam Chalii Delains, Ducals, Rnbcs .'tuil Ics, Calicoes, Ulack Silks, Ar. Abo, a fresh supply of Drug and Medicine, Groceries, A i. A. new supply of ITat'ln'.tr, '7'jc?n(JVRre( Vi'oodcn ware, Ac. A large Brsortit.cht of BOOTS and SHOE.", aultalln fur Men, Women end Childitr.. Hat and Cats. run and Sif. And all goods nally kept In a tluntry Mure:. Our display is unsurrassed. The above nnmeij tcntion to merit a continuance of the same. J. F. A 1. T. KLINE. Kline's Grove, Po.,?!ay 15th, lfluiJ. winciKif iTwiLsoN MANUrACTTJBINa OO'S- FAMILY SEWING MACHINES.' B r r..rri - s'.l ri'llE unsnitnons which hnsuttemledthe ititrrKtui;. 1 ti mi ol Viierler fc SVilsi's Kami)) 'v:r.,: Ma cldne, is suuVirut evidence uf iia excellence. I' is need.' iepsnnwio Kiy, tl.jt this ucciul insipiinent ia leciniurg a it anemic iri ii tiT i' it : i!ie fuel is rcC'ui'fd ly iis :icftt(t. Inl ui,- in ttmu s.inds rf rfliniiies in ever r.uik in !'ife. '1 I i!i"8u who liiive hillier-. rt-l'ini.Ht I'nnn svaihnff theiuyelves . nf us udvuntnpes, it run y iut It uuiimi to lk , tl::i' Its lit'!. llyisnnla iTi'litcm tu he solved, Inii u m.ees already 1 realized. Tne h'glKit uitmony is cunMnntly -t f. v:? the verdic' whi'-h kns given tins iiutriuneul a I wi'ltt n.(ucnia.,ie a reputation. 1 Tn:i .MuThiue is cwu-'.-n'ed on a principle entirelv origi nal, beiia specially iri'l udnnrably t.d'pleJ toiKe nn'sl nr. I feet work on ev-ry kind of rrptenai : and. Iv'V'.i- been i sulijected n a three yenn' tt-;t f the in. sl s.,teliini; ! cliarnclel l,y Fairiill',s, and in vnpi 'lis In nlilr of Msnu. laciute, wiln uistinemslie'! fiueeess, ll ii heuevtu umt in all llie emit points rtquinte I" a c m.plcte end ptiiitieul bewm; Mue'mic, it c.n.iot Le npprwhnl m eare'.lew-e : Ami'iurti-e umlouttc uuvur.t .-iri-s il p 'timus over 3 ,n"":11 , 1. lis simplicity of consructiin. and conaennent fro. djim I'rotri iteraiigenienl and need f re-aiis 3. I' unexampled mpiditv und eanc of opeiotinli. 3 Its iioist-t. -s m"Venient 4 Tlie ereat vnitny o! purpose . whii-ii it en. lie up p'iw., whieh can h achieved ty no utiier iaertianieat UH-aiis. And, !i. The pre-eminent hennty nnd duralnii'y of the wnrk. oj find your .M:iehine . n v :iluuli'.e 1 huve j'ted it s venr, And it i..'S n-vel l-eell nut of (,rd,T. Tilestitetl is eiy dn ruLle, nnd ran .i nd:i;it.'d to fii.e c;r e arse inaieri:i,s. It virks T!th the r-li 'd'tr uf n Jt.zell pair of hnuds ; nvrl mui'h t:ine,.frit'jrne and epene. ne,H" vur, i"'q is used in my fnther's futility ; -anther in t n.-uat no u f a siSt-T ; nnd others I v vartoas friends. The opinions cf ! cuUthuf "Ut ' H" "t"--"-M Ann. "There is hut one Sev.-in? Maehin'! : and th.-.l is Whee ler and Wilson's.' Judce .lenfs, id' the Anitrricnu Insti tute. . lv serviceable "Kev nr. Pamnei (ire md. 1 I.Th. srn.t. ... ....i-nB3.i nr k... .1.,, u-l, ,1 No family can tutord to do without it. Orisioss of tiieNew Yobs Pacss .Ve prefsr them for Inmily use Ti'iiio'e Ttlcy are ihe lavotltes fur families Timet., . Arc without a rival. Scieiitifie Amcm-im. Vorks more unu'otinly than the hnnd llemid. I Do the wurk often ordinaiy sewers JVur Com i Kquu! to nine scnnitressea. Home Jrunml j Tub machine, for family use. Advocate ,V Journal I Most honorable to American ueiiuis Independent. : We cannot imuailie anything more perfect hvangest ; Will Sjive entire satisfaction fibs-rver. j The best ever invented. Christian Itiluins. j Jn tv.kii:sf for the beM, see thefc Kvirniner. , Admirably ndnpted fir family ui"e. Chri itnelt. ' Indispensable in every family. The Preacher. ' We praise it with enthutiusin Ciinsiisa liilellijrencer ' Worthy of Ihe hiuhe.n uwaid. Sabbath itee.irder. j A benefaction of Ihe ape Putnam's ; Maniuil in operation. Mrs. ifepheus' Monthly: lie) onii un iul-siiiii, ine iiiacnine. i.iie ii.iiFiraie'i. '-jle .titch eminoi be unruvelcd Am. Atfiieultutui. Tiiey maintain the pi-e-tmin-'nee Kxpiefcs. j Sives the itmr and health rf ten women. Wa'er Cu-t . l iar household is in ecstasies with it. Hoitei'apir.U Supply the f.ishionatde world. Ibitlv s. I Are pre-eniineiitly superioi. li.'e" Vit'.r. ! (hie of our household e ids L' S. Jouruul. I t'nrivalled in every ruJ n' Oay i l'letlv. useful, luaeical.- l.e?:ie's Ijnzette . ' Ilava nn eouid for family ure M usical World . A tnl"lph of meehnnical feiiilis N . Y . JouihS.. roniMue every rer ,'nireinent. I-'aniily Maer.ziutt. Vastly super;or to s'l uiheis Golden Pri7e. We cannot lire in its praise New Yorker. I For further particulars Oliply to H. I). Masser ! Sunburv, Pa., agent of the manufacturer, win will supply machines at the manufacturers' ' prices. H irnr, Mar IS-J8" tf . j . MAM't.'.tttiitu nr ! join o. ?.i r. n Si. s ox s . rlHF, oldest Liectro Plater in the United Statcf, ! A manufactures of every variets of Goods plated with purs silver, Albata, Urittinta and ! Steels ! Tea Set!?, Urns, Waiters, Casters, Cake II as i kets, Pitchers, Goblets, Communion r'ervice, Sporjn.s, Forks, Knives, &r. All sjou'Js warrant 1 ed as represented. Jtorth Iiast corner 0th and fn'snut street. Philadelphia, Tcnns. Mav P. IRot lv NEW AHBANCJEMEWT I Fresh Ari:"il of IDRUOP, TAINTS, OILS, kc ' flHE under.-Ijnel i'r-s tnl.en the store f..r. ! A merlv kinl r7 V.';!!:-t.i A. lUut'.er, is now fcady to hll orders and prescriptions at : ments notice, lie has a large ami well select? 4 aloc'' of freehand pue DRUGS, CUST'ICAI, i I)je-slti Oil, Paints, Ghss, fntty, and al! 1 kinds of Patent Medicines, j FP'"'T ND CONFTCTIO'v KRV ' Towco' ,'d 'imnorl'd ' Hcra of tho cboi.-es- t .,. r3,v Notions' toilet srlicles. sttd Per- funierv of all kinds. IVotti at.J llm Ur.i.lies of eviry variety. Camplinc bnrl K'ui".' rlxar in la Customers will find his s'n.-fc eorr.pUte, eeru. ; piising many articles it is impose .Ue in is to en.i j merate, and as ! I told at moderate prices. I Kemehiber the place, r.-.xt drcr ti C T. ' ilright'e MamruotU Store. i " a. w. rifiirw. j Sunbury, Marcli !4, 1117. ; "WASIUNGXO ITOU S E J si. I m visic i, i-ropi iitui , rflHE proprietor lesj.ctfully mfurma hie f.-ionJ K and toe public geeerslly. that be is repairing and ronovalirig the "Washiugtoii liuse," sj us to entertain bg'.h-transient and pcrmauenl iwr in a stjitable and comfortable rnr.t-ner. 'I hsi.Uful lr the atronage ntfii-'id to tit father, he respectfully aohcita the r 'n'-iuiianco cif Ike same. Jl will Uke chrs,a id t!. "U' lltute" on the st Jay cf A j ti'. Mil. Ut will have an tiiiiiiliiis rn.oiing to thai dfl. rint Itcilrosd Depots loi the acconinioduiia-n bf I'teavns' rs, fjee of charjre. V. A. COVLUr, futiu-J, MsrcV. 10, Hit, -