Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, July 03, 1858, Image 2

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    r 'W vsrn$;-e
-s ,. P-M H
. .J iJL
California flcfos,
.oHV ii'VKiJ MO-iSS "XAYLdtl
ni vs'er.K latch ruon cm.iiorm.
'It" :!; Men, 3 Tajltf. from Aspin.
wall, w.m tho Cr.'ilorriu n nils of the Mb
ruvi';! nt New York en tbe 2?ib u!t,
;.;.' M'8 rmliiou, eight lumlred llioa
.1 in goM.
I'.iliTinIo rrotyht InUlli.Tenoe that
f.-f- i .)iu I'.ic,, of t.'.u Dominican UcihiijIic,
ii.u . 'ijjiln'atod to .'.ii'itiiiui, nr.J was to leave
Hf. Domingo on tho 13th for Cerr-icor
M.i. t of Uis iiiHiercnt.-i Hift the day t.roviotif ly.
1'Lt. vxci'.eim nt iu C:i.i!.-niia rolati-e to
f t '.-Va.-jr Fiver po!il n incs continues.
Th-. r I usii,'! ort oi'S have already left
fcr.i Ff::ti'uo f? liiut region.
"ile California, mikrs aio all jielding lrge
r. ,:.!iit ao( (jvmtg from every section mo
1 ;..i.:.v r..c'f.
Tiio sprii" itjn! prospects were never bet
t r. A fail burvett id coi.fidontly entieipa.
tod. ' '
A. fro Nevada, on Ihb 23d of Mny, de! ii.mny ail tho lutiuiees portion, "of thu
Lc.-, jrlothOoi).
Tho low. ol San Antkini, Calaveras c.,
scis f i. .a iy dtdtroji'd by lira on tho 2d ol
; 'i Su.l. lines were burned i.t Sail Frnu
.'. on May :Ul. li.-5. 1 40,(U)0.
ii.d i -:i Oi MLi Lapi-m coi.tuiu more t....n
"Ml a i, . ; of i.'iualurii, ns.'ii.-i'ljutiitus.
. i..-, ( w.
.1 iYi:l (.f pMiniiiii't if n.cV in tho
r. i.vivr p.ijLMs, ou the io.t of the
.;' ot l'lilii'.-, ivIij u'.tt. nptt'd to tdtoot
A i uu'ortanatrt Viy m,,'., who had re-
' v mu' jny tim ui t ':v eiuti'm.
: i. a :., San JcAqiii". roJ:ty, r.n in-
.-. i.-d John .': .uirrj i, naa taken
t t..-.' " ho bed Inm coalined ou
i vii-ro cf cr-.rJr-r, and " . a i.on. Forty
'i j.sia"!v, !r:t!(f j in ti.e, with
' . t . : L'u'.'Uuiil. cj r.j to tie rcog
J.:o.t. j.if '.-iUa tiv. 'iiiKc'M iu front of tlie
i.r.:t .). fci5 cr sc.i.a cf il.i-iu pt'Litrnted to
till it' rii-r of the i.ud captured the
i;:'.; ikrh uiui c.L.t:.''!.', ho hved in tho
lit.! lory, wliiln tJu ri'i-t broke open the
.iiiJ r,;icri d ;ho cell of tl. jr:iner.
'i h i prioiir' .ri!it weie iu iron?. Hy
r-i a'i cf u eo!-! chlaol, !huy oabt to brcid;
V- whilst tlm -Aictcl'td man nttcn-d
ti.t- mat i:orri!j'u cries, culiii. j for asi'stunco,
ni.a c:-r. i.ji tho most detpuMt.: vesirtaucu to
i. id i .ocnliiiri" 9. TIipEd Inttpr, to fi!
i I'. .iw :i on tho bead with a cold
i n.x !, ,;:;d j -s-i gag in bis month. Thty
to -i ;i,.-5i'i a : ..o uround his neck, ciul
'-r:hr...- isi-j. ty it about twenty-eight paeep
.i.t ., r1: ipmuled him from tho brunch
a tu'i-J v ithul nny further ciremony.
V'rom the enn Tran' u. j lieiatj
G:ut C'viTiityration at 2,iaJa Tuo Hun-
dnd and Vteehe Thousand Dollar) Worth
( J Pr::;r!y Destroyed.
Vha S:nttiman fives tLo fo"owiue pnrtico-ia..-
.. i;.ud by telegraph, of tho tiro tvhich
tv'i-k place Cu .Sunday uiteinoon :
A Sio Lrcko ot:t tit aboot 3 o'clock Sunday
iif;j;uocn, in o (.'l.inn hon.'o, jnst epposito tho
Chu'ch cn Hioi.! street. The
iirii E.' ijftd slowly, but wo were unable to
etnp :ii prot;r;F. All ilio buildings on tho
slUiJ Eido of Hroad Ktret, biow tho Mctho
iliit Church, to Walls' tire-proof building
vvj doitrcyed j those cn (ho satDe side
down to tho National Hotel, Were fared.
J'iitir trout Defeat of U. ?. 2'rnops Three
Officers and Fifty PiiicUs KilUd by tie
Tho udvicco from Oregon nro to the 24th
of May. They Dnnonnco a pcuitral Indian
outbreak there. Col. Stephens' command on
tho Snako river, wa3 attacked on tha 16tU of, and forced to retinal, with tho loss of
J0 privates, 3 o!rk-:i, 2 howiizjrs, the bog.
pa;v iiiTons. and neatly nil thu uniinals.
TLrco companies of dragoons nnd ore tf
infuotry, weio fndged with )o00 Indians.
Tho ol I ho oPScera killed vere Capt. Winder,
of Maryland, and Lieut. Uassen. The came
of tliJ tuii J is not. given.
(I'fiiu llif Poll rmucisco Ui-raM.
Later frc-rit the Frczct River Gold Mines
Arrival of the Commodore.
From a pa5s.10.5pr who arrived by tie Com
modore, v.8 that tho existence of s
teiisivo ijold deposits on river was no
lonsrer donbted. Jlo had wr.rked on a bar
one mile below Fort 1'ulo, but was obliged
to leave ou account of the high water, ile
tbo river is et:ll riBirg rapidly, and thut
)'.! bo impiidiblo to worU to advantage
Icr Lt least l.vo i.iotiths from this time. Tho
ft' 1 11 the nicuaiains in the interior nud
f ar.-;-; vj iip; country is nid to bo from 13 to
"id feet in depth, ail of which must liud its
way to tk? oceiii, through Frnzer river, be
fore the n.iiws c.11 be worked advaulugeously.
Onr iijloro!ant ebjs he saw threo men wash
out o?cr two ounce? of good gold in leas tiiau
one hoar, with a commou rocker.
Lriitix'a Livi::a Age. We are pleased
to see that this reekly puLlicotion of all
thut 'm rtaliy valoablo uci worth preserving
H p.n.,ical literataro of Europe, hag
fUi' J increurcd its tirculutioo since the
com : )ei.cin;er.t of tho new and enlarged vol
nin.i. Th.i Aye decervjs euc.:c33, as there is
io p-.V.icutxu or itj that can compare
with 1: iu mr.ny psrtioalars.
' 9 1
An I:;coR?.CfTlBLP. Pr.KOfRAT.TjJy the on
tieti'd !.T.-,.traph which we copy from tho 6.!, !t wj.l be teen thut Mr
lh"f. i ,lu r U'!"'i' tr.::ts.;y prowiMd the tin-r-t.i''',.Mt
,. ue Mintby tin powers thut
ft" iv.iwj to tai,f? a .hara ol the coul Agency
r cw.j f..,-...ed o;.l by Jthu (Jlan'-y Jones,
M I.m Cu.cs hr.'hera-e e.iiat.hi hi.icnt in
, us-'-,'i,'. ! elf reopen lieterred Mr (Jelz
' H-.:.a.i.i9i in n r.i, 1
u.Iq iu. uviz g.iu additiotal reppect
t: :in t eaor.un, t! u,,J.Uji, dinner ealintf
"""-'' ,l(."u"'. 'H sir.!: zu.i lower in pub-
11 iciiinatH-r.,
0Ue. It i.i fPdr.'r lf ...
i V CI'3'. UI1J 5 r ( .f. i
Tasnnni... cf the c-Jitcp or'th. piper la
t'.vn o:.
V-ni'. '.!k'U itUy -t't j-oiiitmctit rf
Id to' car. V hc k:s J"r'"in-
... """0 '"'r" . s7 Mlice uiidtr th,
t-r'f',;1' ',fr- r"v- 6-H-'intni IV.tmaH.
vl'f' t,,!uesullu hi.
iiJ..i.jj...V...ll.. ,. joufliut
PUr t-tnn Md.
HA' .. Vrc L3'u k" tl,i3 weution,
n-tv'rSin'',P,y-,,k!;:S,-; cs l!,e "oritj of
v, , ' nVtJ 11 a editors gen.
' f,,0n-; .J-volVU,n-:vMto tl..V.r.
I:,' '.''., cia- u v.,io hi wit
II. P. :-IAE3En, Editor nnd Tropriotor.
To Aivumiim. -I he circulation of the Sudbury
AmttK-ni im"iig the dilrtcnt town on th? urqnehnnna
notexi'eei'pd IfequnMed bjrny paper paMiiliedin North
tii Peiiiin tvaiim.
Democrntio State Nominafion8.
roit jiiTwK op"thr court,
WI. A. PORTER, Philadelphia,
WISILtY H101T, FnyrlU Conny
Trenching next Sabbath, In the Old School
Vresbytcrian Church of Northumberland,
will be in the uvening infteod of iifternoon.
Ruiitiest NoOct-t.
Whlisah CRocsttt Mrir El.y A Kniikcl nfTIHr
riihur ihlvnti.'e Gtoerriri Ac, nt tvhnlrtiila. We me
Hill ucqinii.tcd with Mi. Ehy ft nil con ncimincnd thefr
BtjU:4hniuit as oir of the bi h. the ceiinli)'.
We rrfcr our ttiulrra to tl e odvcitiunici.t of Noblit.
brnwn A Nublit, w ho huve removed their store to
S.'Ulh id ttrret, t'liilndtlphhi. They have new an exten.
ive re well filled with every vnrlciy In their linf,
where Caiimet Mukcri nnd other! run bo iirplied with
ever)- thing the7 may want on the mott renicnuUic lei ms.
Auram'e Ser r-3ELiria CK and Jam and ihrOld
PoM:mon Cirr.t Por. I'm irmiert will Cud the adver
tisement Air thcte w .ii known rrlicltfj. in our column this
week. Ve have in use ono of the Old I'. iniiiinn CefTie
Pots, ond eheen'ully testify In its favor. Tticia in Want
of cahcr of ins ut'Ve onick-e can cbtniti them by eprlying
at tint ciT.i'e.
IIide, Oil ad l.CAtHEt ?rom Via can do no better
than rwomnierd thoe in want of thee articles to the
udvirrfwneiit of P. Kirkpntrick A: Sons, SI P,uth id
treet, Pl.iiJtlphii. They nru (rcntlcmcn of clmr.icier
and standing in their lutinces wliose engg.ricnts cnu
be ruliej oil.
Inti-.knatiosu. IIoth., Nw Youk. Strangers going
to New York nro often rrazled to know where they
th'inid st ip Vo tnec ti itd most of the best Hotels in that
lily, nnd for convenience, comfort, as well as economy,
prefei thu,a!ioiml to any other. See advertisement
None to Claiuahts. Ses the Blveitisement of R.
Eo. ron Oi.i.inaci. Sec the ordinance in rotation to
the rpeed of Uailioads Ihioi'-fh town.
Pes Notice of School Directors in regard to exemption
of taxes.
PnER.FE Pales See the various sales ndvciticcd by
SiitrirT Vandyke.
653" For. Rust. A liotiee in Matket street
Apply at this office.
Cy A press of advertising this week, com
pels us to omit tnueb editorial and other matter-
2 Saxi-ei John, Esq., of Shamokin is
recommended as an opposition candidate for
Congress. Mr. John is a good man tyid
stands well with his party.
fel" The first freight traiu over tl.e North
ern Central road, consisting of one hundred
and two cars arrived ut this place on Wed
nesday noon. Most of these cars will he sent
back to Baltimore loaded with coal.
d" Tiis new military company, tho "Sun.
bcby Gcasd," will attend the Presbyterian
Church ca Sunday nest, the 4th day of July.
A sermon ndapted for the occasion, will bo
delivered by the Poetor, Mr. Keardoo, at
half past ten.
fST Some of our coleu-.poraries send hand
bills, as extras, cuclosed in their papers to
subscribers. We have invariably refused to
do this, as it is neither lawful nor honorable,
and it is the duty of Poet Musters to stop all
each papers.
CT Petkrso.n's Coi'nteefeit Detector for
July is already out. This detector is much
superior to the ordinary detectors, and should
thtrofore be preferred by business men.
C3 ArroixTMKNT or Collector at Nor.
TiirjiiiEKLAND. M. J. D. Withington, F.sq.,
has been appointed collector of canal tolls at
Northumberland, in place of John Swineford,
Esq., resignod. Mr. AVithington is well
qualified for this position, and will, no doubt,
make an excellent officer.
sJ-JTUra.nd Hailkoad Oi'E.mno. There
will be in July, probably the 25th, a grand
opening of the Northern Central Railroad.
An excursion train, with invited guests, will
proceed from Baltimore to Niagara Falls,
stopping et tho different points of interest
along tho route, and after a day's sojourn at
the Fulls, will return, leaving the guests at
their different hames, or at the starting point.
61" The cars of tho Northern Ceutral road,
which commenced running on Monday last,
already coma in pretty well filled. An Ex
press train, leaving Baltimore at Cj P. M.,
will be put on the toad on and after Monday
next arrive here at about 11 at right and
reach Flmira about 5 A. M., next morning.
fV The Philadelphia papers announce tho
death of Hon. P.obort T. Conrad and Hon.
Job Ii. Tyson, rather tuddenly on Sunday
last. Judge Conrad was a man of fine tab
enU and was tho first Mayor elected under
tho consolidated City. Mr. Tyson was a fine
scholar and represented Philadelphia iu Con
gress, two yar3 6ince.
CS" The Tariff Qi ;est;on. We are plea
sed to five thut our neighbors of tho Gozttte
are becoming converts to the doctriuft thut
oar manufactures should be protected with a
proper tari.T "against the cheap lubor of for.
eign comitiiis." This is the true Jeffersoni
au I'mnocraey for which we have long con
tended. I Ci' The Vr.i;ii.. Thero is some differ
1 eiice of opinion in regard to the damages to
, the wheat crop by the weevil this season.
1 hroiij,h tho lower coonties an averago crop
is tiiiiieijiiited. In Umou and Snyder coun
ties it U said the crop will suffer considerably
and in this county we Lavo heard Eome coni
pbiuts, but we presume the damage will not
be an great na was anticipated, and in Ctn
fmtd principally to the wbito wheut.
ta7 Candidates for t'ocgnji in thfl Col
umbia couu'y didtr.&t. Tha following have
been learned by tho opposition j
Colombia has named Frauk SUwart Esq,
Win. O. Hurley Fsq., is ako spoken of.
I.uteruehas named Messra. jflton, Nelson
nnd Scrnotoo. Moutour. John Foly Ksq
1 V C an-l S. P. Kte.
Thn opening of the Northern Central Rail,
roud between Baltimore, Philadelphia, Ilor
ribbnrg, and intermediate places, 0 Sunbnry,
took pluce on Monday Inst. The cars Sonth,
for narrisburir, Baltimore and Philadelphia.
loft Sunbnry at 9 A. M., after the arrival of
the train from Wllliamsport, by the Sunbury
& Erie. Amonp; the passenger, down we
observed His Excellency Win. F. Packer,
onr worthy Governor, on hi woy from Wil
liamsport to the tapitol, who during the short
stay while changing the cars, received the
congratulations or a nnmber of his friends in
this place, which during hisyonth, for 6cvernl
years, was his adopted home. Ile naturally
fell 0 glow of pride and satisfaction, in
the final completion and triumph of an enter
prise for which be bad labored many year,
especially while in this borough, which, at
his election, phowed the gratitude of its ci
tizen by giving him the largest vote ever
polled in tho place for any candidate. In
the afternoon, about 3 o'clock, a number of
our citizens were weeding their way to the
station in Market street, to witness the arri
val of the np train, which had left Baltimore
at 8 A. M., arriving at Harrisbnrg at abont
12 M., where passengers from Philadelphia,
by way of tho Lebanon Valley nod the llur
ricburg & Lancaster Railroads connect with
the Northern Central. Tho cars reached
Sunbnry in good style at 3 P. M., the
schedule time. At tln'l place tbey stepped
from the cars of the Northern Centrul to
those of the Sunbnry A Erie, for Williams
port, at which place they arrived at OJ P. M.
Quite a crowd was collected at the station to
witness the appearance of tho first regular
troin of curs and passeugrrs direct from
Baltimore and Philadelphia, by railroad. It
was something, indeed, worth witnessing an
event of the greatest importance to tho whole
community, and one to which we had been
locking forward for many years protracted
by various discouraging circumstances, but
which, after an indomitable dpgree of perse
verance, enterprise and liberality on the part
of our Baltimore frieuds, particularly, has at
last becu accomplished. As we observed the
cars approaching we involuntary remarked
"we are in town at last."
Among the pnssengers were Mr. Barnum,
President, nr.d Mr. Mugraw, ono of the di
rectors, from Baltimore, both early, steadfast,
and persevering friends of this great work.
Also, A. 1$, Warford, Esq., Chief Engineer,
and his ohlo assistant, Muj. Dickinson, and
Philip Dougherty, Esq., of llurrisburg, one !
of the dim-tors, nud others connected with j
the road. Tho Northern Central, which U
now completed, ia a consolidation of the
York Si Baltimore, Ycrk A; Cumberland and
the Susquehanna Railroads, extending from
Baltimore to Siibbury, n dii-tauce of loS
miles. The road, especially tho new portion,
from Sunbury to Bridgeport, opposite Jlur
risberg, is one of the, best constructed roads
iu Pennsylvania. It is a work which reflects
uot oniy great credit on tho monumeutal
city, but v ill prove one of her most profitablo
CiT Lottery, and Political Morals.
The Miltonian tukes to tusk Col. Tato of tho
Columbia Deiuocrat for aiding, puffing and
advertising, the Litteries of Swan A: Co.,
which have been denounced as a swindle some
time since, and the proprietors indicted. In
the very same paper, which contaius a paid
puffin favor of these swindles, is also a seuii.
pious article, Gliding fault with tho political
morals of Uen. Cameron, becanso some ono
dated to name him, a mere celf-madu man, for
tho Presidency. Such is the consistency of
truckling politicians nowadays. Here is a
mau who has been committing an offence, ev
ery week, for a year past, that renders him li
able to confinement in the penitentiary, Cod
ing fault with the political morals of a man
like Ceu. Cameron.
fciT Forney, iu the Press, of Friday last,
takes a view of the progress of the political
field in Pennsylvania, and thus discourses on
the prospects of thoso members of Congress
who sold oat their independence to the orii.
iiulors of tho Lecotnpton swiudlo, for a mess
of pottage :
"LecomptoB is at a fearful discount in
Pennsylvania. It will not pay one dime on
the dollar. It being rejected by all the
shrewd politicians, even endorsed as it is by
Congress. I n nearly every Congressional dis
trict in this State tho Democrats ure either
trying to get rid of the w hole record to bury
it out of sight or else are bowing their 1-e-compton
Representatives into privuto life.
Iu the Bucks und Lehigh district, Ileury
Chupmuu's reuominatiou is demanded as es
sential to the success of tho party, owing to
his independent rcsibtanco of tlie Kansas
policy of a majority of Congress. In Chester
uud Delaware, the champion of popular sove
reigntv, Johu Hickman, is admitted to be the
only I'emocrat that can be elected. In
Montgomery and part of Philadelphia, Owen
Jones is pertiuueioubly beggiug for a re-nomination,
ticdigled by the United States Mar
shal f r tho oublern district, who is most
shamefully piostituting his office to help this
doublo recreant into Congress for unother
term ; but we hope thut the Democrats of
Montgomery villi resist this audacious appeal.
Id Berks J. Clancy Jones is opposed by the
very (lower of the Democracy, headed by the
English organ of tho party. Even in the
Tenth Legion, Mr. W. 11. Dimmick is rot
safe, though backed by the recollection of an
overwhelming majority. We hope to tee
Colonel A. C. Brodhead, or (Jeueral W.
Lilly, of Carbon, or Mr. Preer, of Monroe,
rui.uing ngaiuft this faithless Represent!
tive.J There is little hopo for Paul Eeidy in
the Luzerne district: little for Rei'ly in the
I Franklin diclriet ; little for Ahl in the Cum
Lberlnnd district ; and uone at all for Gilli.
. r.- -e .l!t
01 tue lariou, or iiewuri, 01 tuo ni.uujmin
district. Montgomery has mad a his initial j
battle in the West, having carried his notni-'
nation with a rush. A to the Lecotnpton
triumvirate from this city, if there is one out
of thu three scot buck, we thall be aston
ished. 'Behold tho picture, gontlfinen Lfcomp
tonites. Ponder upou it. Act upon it; aud
re 111 rui her thut tho inly sensible action is to
Mthuraw your neaten norsie m m tue true,
and so save their distance und their honor."
ST Ttiu American Hon. cs in England.
The lust steamer brings intelligence that a
match has been made for a race between the
American borse Prioress and Beadsman, the
winoor of the Dorby. The race is to corns
off in October, the terms ars 600 abide.
A match has also been made between Mr.
Ten Broock's horse Babylon, (4 years old,)
and Lord Chesterfield's Telegram, (3 years,)
at even weights, for X200 aside, 9 be run tbs
( day after tbs above.
Exciting Ihrrort at Proto CV'jr Will not
Allow the Soldiert Among their H'umen
Poverty in Utah,
The Mormons are busily engaged in forti
fying Proyo River, Spanish Fork, and Hob
ble Creek Cannons, and all the approaches to
the Utah Volley, where they have moved all
of their families. They tell the Indians that
they intend to throw a medicine over tho
soldiers which will moko them die like dogB,
and also boast to them that it ii Brighutn
Young's powerful medicine which keeps the
army from moving.
The Fort Bridger correspondent of the
Times, May 28th, writes as follows :
Brighnm Young and Heber Kimball are
both building houses at Provo City. Brig
ham's bouse is about 200 feet long, aud he
has some 100 men busily engaged in its con
struction. The people are all concentrated
in Utah, San Pete and Fillmore Valleys, and
are actively engaged in planting and sowing
grain and vegetables.
The people are well armed, and guns are
offered for solo at low prices.
The printing offico of the Desert News has
been moved from Salt Lake City to Fillmore,
and that newspaper is at present published
A'o compromise or peace has ytt been ef
fected, but iu our opinion the Mormon ques
tion is thus resolved.
The leaders have offered to give themselves
np for trial, upon a pledge that they shall be
tried by a jury chosen from among tho Mor
mons, but they declare that they will never
submit to a trial by a Ueotile jury. They
are still, as they declared from the first, wil
ling to allow the civil officers and civilians to
enter tho vulley and reside there, but tbey
will not submit to have tho army quartered
among them.
To these they will, I have no doubt, adhere,
and will allow the civilians to come among
them, but if tho army ultempt to move into
the settlements, or nu attempt is made to
arrest those indicted for treason, unless it is
upon the condition which they have made,
they will resist and fight to the last.
Tbey are now prepared to fight, for they
are well armed aud equipaged, and their fam
ilies are concentrated. Their force is va
riously estimated by thoso persons who have
seen them this spring, nnd who ore entitled
to credit, at from 10,000 to 25,000 fighting
men; their numbers have been very largely
increased during the winter by emigrants aud
returning missionaries from all parts of the
world, whe huve entered by way of California.
Ou tho evening of the l'Jth instaut, three
wagons, belonging to a party of opostule
Mormon families who have been fortunate
enough to make their way out of the friendly
grasp of tho Saints, arrived iu camp. The
rmnib of the head of the largett family is
Yancy ; he was originally from Tennessee,
and has resided in Salt Luke Valley for a
little more than a year. The balanco of tho
party consists of bis sons and son-iu law, and
a family, named (Jreen. They resided near
Oregou City, and ulthcagh they have a pass
from Gov. Cn mining to come out of tho ter
ritory, yet they were stopped uud turned
back twice whilst they were coming through
the Cannons.
These families roport thut Dinety-ninu hun
dredths of the Mormon population are re
duced to a poverty oven greater than theirs,
for thoy bad the means to leave the territory,
and in this were rich. Many of tho women
were absolutely naked, and are obliged to
clothe themselves like Indians, in old quilts.
We loom from the lips of one of these
persons, thut an olJ woman and her son, by
whom eho was supported, liviug iu his
neighborhood, were Bospectod of being "Gen
tiles ;" that one morning, shortly before ho
left, tho old woman was found lying in bed
with her throat cut, aud her son was found in
the garden, killed in the same manner. He
says that he bus repeatedly seen dead bodies,
with throats cut, floating down the Jorduo
Cy Striking tub Admixistrasio.n. The
editor of the Reading Gazette, having given
Glancey Jones, tho member of Congress from
old Berks a severe and justly deserved dress
ing, the editor of the Pottsville Standard
just appointed Post Master, comes to his
rescue, and says :
The reputation of Mr. Jones is a national
one, and when the editor of that paper strikes
at him it strikes an indirect blow at the ad
ministration of James Buchauan.
This reminds ns of the newly appointed
country Squire, who on being rather roughly
handled by a neighbor, exclaimed, "Do you
"know sir that when you are shaking me yon
"are shaking the commonwealth.
Proceedings of the Borough Council.
Slnhury, June 29, 1858.
Council mot at the time appointed, Chief
Burgess J. 11. Zimmerman, in the chair ; mem
bers present Suinde), Youugman, Bruncr,
Stroh, Clark, Wilvert, Friliug and Martz.
Minutes of last meeting were read and ap
proved. Committee on Ordinance, reported an or
dinance to prohibit Rail Road Companies to
allow their locomotives or trains of cars to
ruu withiu the limits of the borough at a
greater speed thuu ul the rate of live miles
mi hour, under a penalty of tweuty-nvo dol
lars for euch offence.
On motion the report was taken op and
acted upon. Second reading was called for
and on motion was granted, a vote was taken
und tho Oidiuance passed -unanimously.
Committee on (irave Yard, reported that
grass, brush, int., bad accumulated to a great
extent in the Grave Yard, ulso that a num
ber of graves had fallen in, making it unsafe
for funeral processions to pass through, and
that Borne person or persons had broken and
otherwise injured uiouumeuts and enclosures.
They recommend a sexton to be appointed to
keep the grave yard iu repair ; also, that the
council take immediate action to prohibit
any further depreuations to monuments, tc.
On motion the report was luid over until
next meeting.
. On motion, adjourned.
Olran'mp editorial anb StlfctrH.
At St. Louis a man was fined $100 for car
rying iron knuckles.
The largest billiard room in Buffalo now
charge but ten cents a game.
Why ore hoops like an obstinats man?
Becaube tbey often stand about trifles.
Blessed are they that do not advertise, for
they shall be rarely troubled with customers.
An earnest effort is being made in Pbila.
delpbia, to erect an asylum Tor the iotempe.
Tho wheat in Virginia will generally yield
an averuge crop, and the tobacco crop proinL
bed to be very large.
Tho Democracy cf the Fifth Ward, New
York, ure to erect ou iron polo 260 feet high.
Truly, this u an iron age.
' Geo. D. Prentice, the editor of the Louis
vilht Journal, bus enrolled himself as a rueiu
btr of the Sods of Temperance.
Reading will lava a gruud display of Cre.
works on tbe evening of the 6th of July.
v by can t wo I Are we too poor to be palii
otic t
Salt Lake, in Utah, is Salter than tbe sea-
Two quarts of its water will niako a piut of
salt, itocu salt exists in large quantities iu
the neighboring bills.
Rirdy. tbe borse tamer, has made in three
months in England sod France, the sum of
100.000. Ile will go to Germany and lus
s.a, lt be will make si much more.
The last thing Mrs. Cnnningbam-Bnrdell
has done Is to bay a farm in Carroll county,
Ohio, paying $5000 down npon, and tbe pa
pers say she is going to take immediate pos
session. A tipsy Irishman, leaning against a lamp
post, as a funeral procession was passing by,
was asked who was dead. "I cau't exactly
say, sir," said be "but I presume it is tbe gin
tlenian in the coffin."
The effort to raiso ftfjO.000, for the addi
tional endowment of I lliuois College, at Jack
sonville in that State, bus it is said, been en
tirely snccessful.
Below Point Uoopce, La., is one broad
field of sugar cane covering thirty thousand
acres I There are rows four miles in length,
and as straight as an arrow. At ono point
the traveller can couut 15 brick sugar houses
at one glance.
Tdk Last and Worst Kansas Outraob.
A woman, writing from Kansas, a horrible
account of the outrages perpetrated by the
border ruffians of both parties, reaches the
climateric thus :
"But the meanest of their mean acts, they
threw into the icell my ttraic bonnet which I had
left behind in a bundbor, it being raining when
1 set out."
Heavy Damaged. At the last term of the
Federal Court of Pontotoc, Miss, tbe father
of Nancy Wilson of Virginia, a young lady
about 16 years old, obtained a judgxient of
$40,000 damages against Robert Wilson, of
the former State, who was Bnd is a married
man, for decoying his daughter away from her
borne and seducing bcr.
Valuable Gloves. Rev. T. O. Lincoln,
of Utica, N. Y., hns been presented by tbe
youth of bis congregation (Baptist) with a
pair of kid gloves each of tho fingers and
thumbs of both gloves had folded in it a ten
dollar bill I
clcgvapj)ic l'ctos.
The Paris Moniteur denies explicitly that
any extraordinary preparations for war are
making in France.
Tbe Canton of Geneva has protested
oguinst tbo expulsion of refugees from Swit
zerland and demands that no expulsion shall
take pluco.
Tbe Emperor of Russia has invited tbo
French Ambassador to accompany him on
his journey to ibe sonthero provinces.
From Santa Fe Loss ol Life Capt Marty's
Train In a Snow Storm.
St. Louis June 23 .The Republican's In
dependence correspondence, under date of
the 23d inst.. says that the Santa Fe mail
had arrived, bringing dates to tho 1st inst..
Cupt. Marcy bad been heard from. Between
tbe Arkansas and Platto rivers in a snow
storm ou the 11th of April, be fost 250 mules
Biid a large number of sheep. Col. Loring
had proceeded very well until April 20th
wbeu he was overtaken by a snow storm in
vtbich six of his men were frozen to death.
Lieut McNally, Regimental Quartermaster
lost forty or (illy mules and all bis beef cut
tle and sheep.
Mr. Alexander who was (ending a train to
Utah, lost all bis animals except 15 and was
obliged to abandon his wagons ou tbe road.
The New Mexico Minit g Company was
fully organized uud ready for operations.
Their establishment is the most complete ever
erected in that country, and the most sanguine
hones are entertaiued of ultimate success.
Messrs, Hall, Porter & Co. are making
rapid preperations for transmitting the mule
to California, via New Mexico.
His Delly Nicataguisn Project Disavowal
ol Ilia Freuch Minister.
Washington, June 27. Consnl Sartiges,
the French Minister had an official interview
yesterday with Mr. Cass, during which he
tendered the fulliest and most satifactory dis
avowals of all complicity by.the French gov
ernment in Mr. Belly's project in Nicaragua
and Central America.
The Vermont Reform Conrentlois Fre Lot
and Antt-Slavery Discussion.
Rltland, Vt., June 26- The "Reform
Convention" is still in sossion, and this mor
ning Mrs. Julia Branch of New York, intro
duced a resolution setting forth that the sla
very and degradation of woman proceeds from
the institution of marriage, and that, by tbe
marriage contract, she loses control of her
name, personal property and labor, affections,
children and freedom.
The afternoon session was devoted to sla
very discussion.
Among the speakers was J. S. Foster, who
said that "sooner than one slave be held in
bouditgo, down with the Union, the Constitu
tion, Religion, tbe Church and the Bible
let ull go to hell and damnation 1"
Register ond Recorder.
Mr. Editor :
1 bare been informed that Br.
J. B. MASSER is a candidate for tbe office
sure that all who are acquainted with him,
will be glad to Lave an opportnnity to help
bitn along. Doctor Master is not a Demo
crat of yesterday, nor is he a democrat for
the sake ol omce. lie is a sober and inous
trious man, well acquainted with the people,
speaks German and English and has all tbe
qualifications necessary to make bitn a popu
lar officer.
In our opinion be is the most suitable man
thut haB been named for tbe office, aud no one
can donbt that be is the most deserving as
he uever asked for an office, although be has
always beeu popular among all classes and
witu the people generally. It is an Impor
tant office and one that should be filled by an
individual iu whom all would have confidence
and such a oue we have in tbe person of Dr.
J. B. Masser of Snnbury.
MANY Or 5u AMUrilN.
Tub Neva. Advices from St. Petersburg
state that tbe breaking op of tbe ice on the
Neva, took place this year with unusual rap
idity. It is customary, 00 this occasion for
the Governor to cross the river in a boat and
to offer the Emperor acup of water filled from
the center of tbe river. In former times, the
Czar replied by fiilling the cup with Dutch
ducats : bot now only 200 rubles ere present
ed by tho sovereign. It would be in better
taste to give the cup bearing-Governor a suit
of clothes from the Brown Stone Clothing
Hall of Rroekhill & Wilson, Nos. 603 and
C03 Chestnut Street above Sixth, Philadel
phia. Advice to Ladies. Do yon wish
to preseve a clear end healthy complexion.
without the use of deletions coimet cs or
drags, and escape tbe penalty and expense of
doctors bills? Ji you do, go to bed early,
take plenty of exercise in tbe open air. and
do not spend a majority of any day (u sewing
by band. Sewjua by band has been a treat.
er cause of the distraction of health than any
other employment the sex engages in, and
now thut the day for its necessity has eone bv
it would bo suicidal fur any young lady, who
can persuade her futher to purchase for her
ono of Grover & Raker's Sewing Machines,
to sew by band ana thus become a slave at the
expense ol her health. The Grover & Bv
kkr, Machine is easily managed by any per
son of ordiuary intelligence will not get out
oi oroer, ana sews a stronger and more bean
tiful seam tban can be done by band. It is
tbe only machine 10 tbe market that has civ
en entire satisfaction to tbe families oaioir it
inasmuch as its will not rip, ero tf every
toiru ititcn ee cm.
Oxygenated Iiittirt. This remedy for Dys
pepsia which astonishes all who have nsed It,
by its Instantaneous and almost miraculous
effect has obtained a distinction and popular
ity beyond any medicine we have ever known.
For sale by
A. W.Fisher and Friling A Grant, Sunbnry,
Hays A McCormiek, McEwensville,
Dr. R. B. McCay, Northumberland,
JohnF. Caslow, Milton.
8prained Ankles end Wristscan be reliev
ed of all swelling and pain in f) to 30 minutes
by the free nse of Dwall't Gulvanic Oil.
It acts by imparting Electricity. to the part
affected starts op a new action in that part
and a cure at once obtained.
Aoxnts ro Do VAtL's alvanio On. Frllinf
Grant, A. W. Fisher, Dr. R. 11. McCay, C. Weak, il. D
Maize, Lirrgstreasei Hull.
Mark the Day and Dale
IVSt ,000 RJiHVAR l will he pnid for any Medicine
that will excel PRATT BUTCH KR'S MAOIC OIL,
for tlie frllowine; diseases! Kheumalisin, Neurnleia,
Ppimil Affection, Contracted Joints, Cholic Pains, Prims
in the Pule or Buck, Hendnbhc, Tooihnche, Ppinins, Pore
Throat, Cuts, tlmises, Burns, and all diseases of the skin
Muscles and the (ilnnds. None (rentiine without the sig
nntnre of Peatt A Botciier attached to each Label.
Principal omce, SOS Washington street, Brooklyn, New
York. Hold Ly
Albert W. Fisher, Diuftgist, Market street, Sunbury,
O" This is to certify, that I have mode
but one application of the Magic Oil on my
fingers, which have been drawn from contrac
tion of the cords, brought 00 by rheumatism.
It was of seventeen months standing, and I
now entirely cured. I cheerfully recommend
it to all afflictod likewise.
flarrisburg, 72 Locust street.
July 25, 1857. Iy.
tST These Machines are now justly admitted
to be tha best in use for Family Hewing, a new
strong, and elastic si itch, which will not tip,
even if eyery fourth atitch be cut. Circulars
sent on application by letter.
Agents Wanted.
On Thursday, the 24th ult., by the Rev.
P. Born, Mr. Jacob Weiper to Miss Martha
Ask Potts, ull of this placo.
On Sunday, the Cth ult., by the Rev. J. D.
Reardon, Mr. Isaiah Lytlb to Miss Hen
rietta Seasuoltz, all of this county.
1858. Gn if Wheat, sales of fair and good
Jiei at $la$l05 per bushel, and White from
$1 10 to $1 12 per buHliel. Rye is wanted nt
70 cents. Corn, sales of Yellow at 76 a 77
cents, and 71 a 75 cents from aloro. 0U are
selling at 40 ceuta per bushel for Penna.
Grain Wheat, there were sales of red at 95a
100 cu. for fair to good lots, and white at 105 a
1 10 eta. for fair, and t I'.'al 13 eta. for prime por-
eels of do. Corn, sales of cood yellow at 7375
cte., and of fair to prime white at 75a77 eta
There were salca of Virginia Oata at 37 cts. and
Pennsylvania do. at 40a4t eta. There were
aome Pennsylvania Rye offered and solJ at 7?
cla. Maryland Rye at C5 cts. per bushel.
Wheat, $1 40a 1 60 Butter, - - $ 14
Rye, .... 90 Egss, ... 10
Corn, .... 75 Tallow, ... 12
Oat 37 Lard, ... 12
Buckwheat, 62 Pork, .... 8
Potatoes, 50 Beeswax, 21
New Advertisements.
Be it Ordained, by the Burgetset and
Council of the liorouqh of Sunbury and it is
hereby enacted by authority of the same, That
on and alter this date it shall not be lawTul
for any Railroad Company, to allow their
locomotives or trains of cars to run within
tbe limits of the Borough at a greater speed
than at the rate of five miles an hour under
the penalty of twenty-fire dollars for each
offence to be recovered as debts of the same
amount are by law recoverable.
On motion, itie auove ordinance passed
There will be a meetinc of tbe citizens of
the Borough of Sunbury held in tbe Court
House on baturday evening, July 3, ls59,
tbe object of which is their approval or re
jection of this Ordinance.
Uy order of the Chief Burgess.
Sunbury, July 3, 1858 It 2'oirr Clerk.
By virtue of certain writs of Fieri Facias
issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of
Northumberland county, to me directed, will
be exposed to Public Sale, at the Court
House, in bunbury, on baturday, toe iltli
day of July, inst., (1858) ut 1 o'clock P. M.,
tbe following described real estate, to wit:
Two Certain Lots of Ground, situate in the
borough of Sunbury, Northumberland county,
in thut part of suit) town commonly called
Hendricks' and Clements udoition," con
taining each 30 feet in front on Chestnut
street, and about 130 feel in depth, adjoining
lots of Daniel Henninger on the East, and
lSenjamio Hendricks on tlie West, whereon
are erected a two-story frame house and a
frame stable. Seized, taxen in execution,
and to be sold as tbe property of William
Also, at the same time and place, a certain
lot of grouud, situate in the Borough of Sun
bury, ulore6aid, and marked on the general
plan of said town No. 319, fronting on Whor.
tleberry street on tbe North, and bounded
by Bilberry alley 00 the South, on tho East
by lot No. 318, now owned by William
Hoover, and on the West by lot No. 320,
owned by Margaret O. Lyon; containing 60
feet in front and 230 feel in depth, whereon
are erected a two-story frame boose and
kitchen. Seized, taken in execution, and to
be sold as the property of Henry Petery.
Sheriff's Office, Bunbury, )
July 3d, 18S8. J
4 LL persons bavins claim on Michael C.'rs
bam, auo-contraclor on Section 34, North
ern Central Kail Kond, for material furnished
or labor which they may consider ma in any
way holding for, will pleas present them to Dr.
W. H. Mar r who ha bound himself in an in
strument of wriune with me to draw said Gra
ham's estimate and keep me harmless sgainst
all claimed against said Uraham.
Sunbury, July 3, 1858.
ICE CIlE-A-3Vr 1
RS. MARIA WHARTON respectfully in
form her ftiend tad the public (uncrally,
thai tha will accommodate them witb icicaSAN,
at her residence, on avery evening (Sucdsy ei
cepted) during th present summer
Sunbury, liily . !. -
AT a meeting c f the Board of School Dircclora
ofButihury, on the Bd of June last, a resola
lion Waa adapted, authorising the the Bceretarr
to publish a list, of the exonerations on th lai
duplicate of Jared Brosioua for 186S, in puriu.
ance of which the following Is published 1
Josetih Bower
Ueorse W. Kichl, 60
Fred's. Noaker, 60
Jacob Rake, (0
Wrn. II. Thompson 60
Dilworth Dewees, 60
Duncan Myers.
Franklin 11. Pott,
Hhcaf A: Illnck,
1 43
Dnnirl I) right,
A. C.I). Fisher,
Dr. Jhn Markel, 1
Wciser Zeigler,
Win, ltartlow,
Geo. Oliphant,
The. Hands,
Charles Burns,
Oscar Kichl,
Isaac Verges,
Washington Harb
Jacob Strine,
Wal'cr Bell,
Goo. Noakcr,
Morris Parsing,
David Stewart,
Alex. Gazelle,
Theo. lioliins,
Wm. Kieffcr,
Charles Itcarhart,
Published by
order of the Board,
I'. W. GRAY, tJccretary
fcunbury, July 8, 1868. 3t
To the Voters of Northumberland County.
HAYING been aolicited by many of my fel
low citizens to become a candidalejbr the
office of
I hereby announce that I present myself to the
Democracy of the county for nomination at thu
approaching primary election. If nominated and
elected I will use the best of my abilities to por
form th duliea of the office,
Sunbury, June 3d, 1858. to
Wholesale ftroccry.
Opposite the Pennsylvania Rail Road Depot
KEEP a large stock of the following named
articles, and will sell cheaper than any
otlitr house tbia tide of Philadelphia. Call and
aee price of
Coffee, J.ard oil, Fish oil,
Sugar, Fish, Tar,
Tea, Salt, Rosin,
Spices, lisms, Pilch,
Tobucco, Shoulders, Oakum
Cigars, Floor, Robes,
Vinegar, Fluid, Calcined Platter
Cheese, Soap, Candles A c.
S. II. Molasses, Syrups, N. O. Molassra.
Also, Cement, Safely fuse, Crow liars,
Sledges, Iron and Nails, for aale at very smell
July 3, 1858. ly
Cabinet Ulukcrs' Flndlug Store
Having REMOVED to the new Iron Front
Warehouse, No. S22 South Second Street,
below Dock, Wctt Side, PII1LLDELPIII A.
X OW offer to thcr customers and the public
" generally, a new and full assortment of
They invite the attention of tho trade to their
slock of Hair Seating and Curled Hair, of their
their own manufacture ; Also to a lull assort
Philadelphia, July 3. 1858. ly
lias been recently rcliiuai,
The IloOMisuie newly carocita,
Tlie Furniture una tie. if ore iu,:b,
rtnd ilia UdlliSQie onsurpuriH:d.
AM CoriMICTUl Willi I11LU0IEL.
Here is concentrated all Ui coiuiutis ol a home, with
tlie luzants of a paluce
Commands and uneq.'nlled
view op taoAUWAV,
is the most centrul of any ot Uieti si el-ms Hotels fir h :ai
ncss.or jiiuces of amusement, and .'Hers uufiutpn.ed ad
Vantages to families and gentlemen visiting ew Y.'rlt.
Ai-racD Fuerma.n, tVynctor.
New York, Jaly 3, IS08 ly
No. 31 South Third Street, between Market nnd Cbetmit
Streets, PliiLADELI'iilA,
I OR sole Spnnih Hidee, Dried and salted; Dry ond
1 Oreen Sailed Patna Kipp, 'FANN Kits' OIL, TAN
.NtRS' AND CURRIERS' TOOLS, and n"eral assort
ment of Leather, Finished aud in the Rouli.
AH of which will be sold low tor Cash, or the ns'inl
ry All kinds of Leather in the Rough wanted, for
winch the highest maiket price wdi bs g:ven, m, or
taken 111 cxehane tor Hides.
Leather Si t. d frts of Charge, aud Sold on Ccmmosioti.
PbiU.delpl.ia, July 3, lbia ly
Thousand! of this nrvv Ci-ffee Tot tave already been
old, und the demand from all par in of Ihe flitted Siati
u rapidly on the incrraw. Wherever in induced, it tiai
given the most cumplete ta uiactiHii.
Makvt better coffee than it ii Doasib'e to obtain tn anv
other wv because, liyau hiqciiIi Us but simple arrange
ment, the housekeeper may bull her cofiee lor any tench
of tune without luss of orumu, thus securing a!l tlm etc.
ments of the coffee iu Uieu natural aud, proportional cura
Giresa healthy beverace. Nervous, dusp"itic. and bil
ious persons who had not datred to use t floe for yean,
have been able to drink their favorite beverage 0171011
when made in this new boiler, ttd without an occurrence
of any ot the old uupirasaut consequences, ltts health
bcctnisa by they use ot a endciiser, evaporation is pre-
veiueq, ana uis eonee can ue uoiiea long enough to releasd
ail the natural elements of the berry, and get them in just
proportion in the beverage.
Is the moat economical, for nothins beimr lost hv eva
poration in bnitinff, nue fourth less entice is rruiihd;
wane me ueverage is stronger, more delicious.
Nerer fails to do iu woik right Cook cannt snml
your cup of cofTee by neglect or forgetfulness, alter she
has placed the boiler on the stove or range.
Is manufactured under tlie patent for the United Stales
117 4c 110 South TenUi Street, Philadelphia.
CP Also, meuufuctureie sf the United States of Aithur'e
Ceiebmtro Putcnts Air-Tight tftli-iteatir.g Cans A. Jars.
July 3, stxJ.4t
giuce th introduction of these now celebrated Cans su4
Jars, ovsi
and notwithstanding all sorts of contrivances for ths so
utivplisiiment ol ihe same object, nusl of which weia
iiuisiess than frauds upon hoi-tekeepers. have been otter
ed l the public, tlx. siuiolieiiy 01 AaTiica's, I lie '
Willi winch they sre mailed, and tlie certa.uiy ol r. sui
have made them the lavonie Caus and Jars ever) where ,
and now iu
since the.r introduction, their reputation stands, by fenerst
acknovlcdgmeni,t:ii above any oilier can or jac 111 lb
ir.arkcL In pro.f of tins, we quote, from almost imiums
raba. testimonials, th'S one from the
FD1TOR OF THE LADY'S ROOK, in Ihe July aura
ber lor Julv, He says -
'Tr,r celebrated Ca. ai..l Jars, the first intr dueed a:i4
by all Kids, the best, ae steadily comn.s into general ie
Thousands of houkeepi e, who in past e" s n, '"
tempted to try otlitr can sad y.rt , a. J m kt m-re r
less of then fiuit m .mseqncuc, will bcgiidw liam 'hat
Arthur's never fails. For two ear.,.s wt have sa.ij, uso
an other, and w r peat the advice "
Arthur' Cant and Jursar
Thev hav channel round tin mouth, on th ouU-.d,
h;d with cement whea told, end sll ready f" eaJlnur
You hv, afiar fiibuf ynni vessel with hot fruit, only to
heat yooi lid, and prea it into ths cement, when th worn
.s doue. It uutcuona r followed caroiuily, sutcrss it
always cwiaai.
CT Takt N..tiet, that Arthur- Cant and Jars ail beer
the sainp. On ihe I'.u Caus w:U f d 11 nn
rreurd in ihe r.ieult on the earth..wr Jars. .'
la me hoilom ; aud la ra.sed kllsrt o lb -d ol
Glass Jai.
Tut Caks-Piii, tjaarl, half-fi ill.. and .ilUn ) Th Csiis i
Fire proof t.aiewaie(euHd Jjais uU Jis(Jrj, and haUallon ' grat.) N s-V
Qoi.sw.M-Pii.t,v)u.rT and half-jaUoa. " '
OvAts-PiuLnuariauebtlf ssUon. '
art raw tufa, aud under the pnteul for la Uaiied Sauta
117 and !l South Tt S... 'P';
A!r a.Hier iha Pt'; HJ. '
Jm ; J, V4S, . tl