Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, June 26, 1858, Image 3
" "THE fERSIA At CAfE EACE. THREE 0AY LATER FROM ECnorE. St. Jou.ns, (N. F.,) Juna 21. The Royal Mail eteampliip Persia, Cupt. JuJklDS, which left Liverpool on Saturday, the 12th inst., was boorJed ofl'Uopu Knco.nt eight o'clock on Saturday ' evuuing. by tho steamer Victoria, the nowly employed news yacht of tie Associated Truss. The Atlantic Telcernpli fleet snilod from Plymouth on tho lOlh iust., nntk-r fail only. The fleet was expected to reach mid-ocean, cud commence tho operation of subinrriug tho cablo on the 20tb of J une. In all proba bility, the great undertaking has boforo this comm'eucod, and if no accident happens to mar its success, the Niagara will ruacli Trinitv P.ny nbout tho 29th init., Tuesday next. " H. 15. M. steamship Agamemnon, was towed out of Plymouth Sound, nt 9 o'clock, A. M., o the 10th, and the U. S. ftonmer Niagara, at 11 o'clock tho same day. The squadron subsequently started under canvnn, with n northerly breoro. The affair 'l tbo f U-umor taglnin, ntiu luo Hi, , te growing ont f the imp. i.onmont of ; t . Prisoner s arm and it was bought, expo JhB Kngliihrugiuoer. between Ureal B.-itnin. I liet to make ynother and more thorough Sardinia and N.plwf had been satisfactorily I examinat.on of h.s porson. A halt was made ' ' I tn,l Itrn (l.ill o r.irn l-nro fetor- ntrli Imrrnlo SetlleU. Il'l'raeli Iii the IKiur-o of Commoup, Mr ropmliaUd all idea of tho danger of a wnr 'u M ...i , I." ..,i, :.,, r with France, nud aaid that the relations of the two Powers were of tho most nmic.ihla . fcuture. ! The rubt-1 uVnortpJ Earcilly at the ap- . pearance of tho Itiitiah troops, unJ their vie- 1 tory wus n liluoiilt-s? or.e. An attack on Calpeo was expected in a ' few days. j Tho' Dank of Franco had increased its i (specie nearly seventy millions of francs within u month. A misut.deralanding between Austria und j France wq considered imminent. The warlike preparations in France had nttracted tho public attention in Fr.glunJ, nnd formed the bubject of duluto in Purlin-im-nt. Mr. Fitzgerald stated in Parliament, that Mr. Mason, the American minister at Paris, labored under a grave misapprehension in representing the English government us nc quiotscius ia the importation, of free laborers from Africa. txi'i.osio of the pesx- SVUV.V.MA. Particulars nf lie Disaster Xear Ta-a Hun dred Lives 1.0.-.1 Mist Ifjrrible Dimsttr of the Wstirn WaUrs. Fro:n t'.e Memphis F tgl., Itth inst : We Ikivo to recorifVt t lid present time, probably, lb? mont horrible steumboat accident and los of 1 i f"o th;it ever occurred upon tho Mississip pi. Tlia stt'imer Pennsylvania, com uiailded by C ipt. Klinfeltpr, and plying b;-tw.-c:. the Cities of St. l.oui.s.nnj New Or igins, us shn nai Hearing the lowor point of li rd'nw lyinsr about seventy miles h dow this city, .Sunday morning last, between t!i .: hiiui'j oT six and seven, exploded two of ! r b.iders making a roport s of a hundred pieces of orJiniinuo, und blowing tho entire front, portion of tho boat, together with about f.vo hundred of her passengors -both d"ck. and Ob 111 -hundreds ot loet into the air. M.iy..f tl.-Mi. were asleep in their berths at j fllsUjn BnJ pruU.ct ,I0111B lubor homo pro the ton.-, a.vl wvra hniried, noawalaned, into ; . . . . : ilulustrv renerallv. It eternity. It h said tbo river, a tew moments lifter this awful oecurronco, presented on of ; tlo ni-ist hirrowing scenes ot disaster ever Witties.--ed. Ciiint.iin Kloinfelter happened to b in the barbr shop at tho moment and thereby es caped sharing the fate of tho more unfortu nate. As toon ns pofsil.le, ho crdered tho u.icltor to bo cast, bat tho lino soon sr.r.ppc-J, nnd tbo boat, and tho boat, which in the mean time had taken firo, flouted on down ; a wood boat was hailed. The owner, .Mr. llarrison, cam to the iomedinte re.-cno ; the deud, dy inif and wounded, as well as tho living, were put on the woodboat, save a few who could not In t iken pfT before tho wreck took tire. At one time tho woodboat seemed as if ail he:in to the wreck, find miich soriou? appro- hetmion wus folt as to tlio prospect ol some two hundred being burned up in the woodboat Owin?, however, to tho energy and decis-ion ol purposo i I l"W nooio aim uaruig apirtis, j tho woodheut, after beini? separated, was drawn over to Ship and tbittle lrdand, where they witnessed the wreck burn up below them in u sruico of about ton minutes, and where thev remained u::til about ono o'clock, when the ste liner imreriai, lo h.u u.r ixt v.'iieaos was bailed, nud towed tho woodboat down to A u.-tin. I Tho following persons were brought to this ; city by he fteumer I'iana. and left on Me-m I Piivil". Aluep Co.' wharf They will , t,U s irvive, perhaps, with tho exception of X-tvier lliuch, Mi-anaourK. ti.o Daratono c.t the French Opera 'I roupe, ot .New Orleans; Vnir i. ...,! ".Villain liny and W m. Howard, it Louis ville. Wm. Woods, rilt'.htirg; John I .add, Fn cb.ii.d; lleo libizcr. Pittsbuiy ; John rj.iyre, iii.irt- Isaac w t-lor. tarn rouoiy, umn ;,',r Kanch. f-'tr.isbourt', cf tbo rreuch . ii . t - ( Inera l rotilio (it .ew urienua ; L.. 4, of tho French Opera Troupe of New tileunsj Hubert P.r..lherton, Colundnis Ohio, badly burned ; Jas. MeCormick, Xuw York s. ubled and bruised j Hubert Chapman New Orleans, s'uldod ; Captuin H. liaekt r, New Ymk, scalded ; Charles Ashbrook, St. Louis, Ecalded ; G'en. Sands, New Orleans, (1 ii.g rous ; Capt John S'. Fail held, I'oston mister of tho U nil" Stream, dangerous ; Ilen rv Schultz. St. Louis, r.r.t dangerous, injury cf tbo head ; Matthew (.'omnialcere, t. Lou is, badly scalded. A largo number of the pas.-engers, both of tbo wounded and unhutt, remained upon the bauU, near the fccne, until about four o'clock in tho afternoon, when tho Kato Fri-beo eaina up, took them on board and brought them to Meuijihis. Pour died on the Frisbee while coming up Jas. Derris, chief engineer; Father Pellcrop, New Orleans; N. Ha'.itch er do.; John Uautcher, do. The steamer Piuna, which also came to in piace ot tcci .I, nt, did her part nobly, fchu took ten of the bounded rron. tho Frifboe nnd bronKht them to the wharf boat here. Some Bhe took ,,ii nn tbo river. Thu exact cause of this lieart-ronding ncei- dent cannot be ascertained. They only had on between VM and 15 pounds of Etoam, whilo her charter permits 110. Tbcy were not firing up ut the moment, but on t ho contrary,, were cleaning tbo coals out ot tno firuaces. Her niacninery wan oumo years olJ which most likely, was the causo of her bursting. Vk--tfrn Texas. "Dunger Ahead" Un der this caption the New Ur'ieaus Bee ex-pre-. much alarm touching the. rapid immi gration of Hermans to Western Texas. 1'hey already, it sys. outnumber the Americans ten to'ouo. whilu a slave is not .to bo found anions those engaged in oggriculture. It irives tbe opinion of from lexas thus : "Our iuformant states, as tbe result of personal inquiry and obsrvulioo, that if n in n kod should occur, boforo ten yirselap-e, Texas will bo divided tuto four St iles-one tdafeboldins and the others Tree To ivoid so d.-ustcrous aconsumatioo should be tho earnest aim of overy ripht-thniking un l tr.iD hearted Southerner, k orlunaH-ly tho evil is vet only in embryo, eud cao U destroyed by prompt, oucrgelic measures. j;a l-oad con.inunioatluii. tbe Uce thinks, will d i much to populate Western Texas with Ku'ithern agriculturists, who woald coauUr.i(.t the free ljbi,r tendency. Wheu yrfu ronin into priu'.ing o!Tic lot fc.l the pricurs hard at orIr, yucn Uy up ne.ute a've by rifng yi: t-xHmyu. THE CATTAll Or A BAND F 100 ItOBDERS . ARRKSTEO AT PIKR COVE. - From the Allegan, (Mich.) Record Ou the morning of Tuesday laBt, S. W. Carpenter, of the Dubuque Detective Tolica, arrived in this village, and after an interview with James Garrison, left in cotnp ny for Pier Cove, which is so mo tvreuty live miles west of this place. Their business at that place wns the capture of a man by the name of Bell alias Swcetling, whom Carpenter had been following for about a fortnight. The object of Jhcir scorch was peeling bark for Mr, 11. Hnrrinpcr, and was boarding at the Louse of Mr Ficher at Peir Cove. Ifell, or Sweetling was known to bo a most deperate ruffian, and consequently bis arrest had to be arraign ed with caution. It was ultimately effected jut as lie had taken his sent at tha dinner table, by Garrison's seizing him aronnd tho arms. At thu same moment Carpenter rush ed from his concealment, and in less time than it takes to relate the fact ironed tho prisoner. A hurried search was nuidd of tho prisoner's person, but nothing beyond on old jack kuifo was found. The three then instantly sturted for this place, but they had not proceeded more than half a mile before Carpenter's sus picions were awakened by his elbow coming in cuiituct with somo hard ruiiRlance under I 'otl('ell Rrd tapped, were taken from his per- vmg oe.n serreu om, nnu.-r eacn arm and a foimidnble bowio ktiirn was found hid- den in his right boot. A tlwusund dollars in counterfeit money wbb likewise taken from lull.. Wo leivrn that the prisoner recognized Cor pouter, and w;i3 cxecedingly earnest in get ting a promise to bo kept out of the hands of tho mob, when they shoeld reach Dubuque. From this time he became very talkative and communicative. We gather from a con versation with Mr. Uiirrison, the following antecedents of Dell or Swelling. Four two or three years he has bet n captain of a gang i of ono hundred and sixty robbers, on the j banks of the Mississippi Ho lived in a per- fuel palace on tho Iowa brink, nnd passed as I n retired pl.isician, which enabled his gang to i visit him without suspicion. They owed fcov- oral boats in which they wero accustomed to j run their plunder to a southern market. The j goods or property stolen by the gang amount i I'd to between fifteen nnd twenty thousand j dollars. About a fortnight ago, nn attempt i was maju to arrest Sweetling in one of his ! boats, but l.o escaped after being wounded on i the forehead by a pistol bull. It was from this event that he was followed by C'arpen- j ter. Tho eurgo of the bout, on which .Sweet-: li.i.v ....... nnlii.i. no uL' tt'ii, trnlnn.l 1.T- I j himself at ten thousand dollars. His bidding ' phice at Pier Chvo was discovered by tho iu j tt'i'Cfpticn of a letter which his cousin, who i came over here with him, had written and , posted to relations in Illinois. A Mkhitkd Co.MruMr.NT. Tho Philadel , pl.i:i Inquirer says : "At the ureal meeting j held hist evening, resolutions were adopted, highly complimentary of tho cotirso purMied ; by thu lion. Simon Cameron, one of the I Senators of this State in Congress, nnd by the lion. K. Joy Munis, tho able Itepresen- tativu ol the .Second Congressional District. .... ,, ,',, ,...' ihr.,.i '.,1 il,n PSC,',,n which has cleU. stoodmanfully by the! ;,,,,,.,, , IVnnsvlvnnbi. nn,l rn,bM.vnrH,l tn I must be grotiTying to them, on their return to their constitueuts,-to hear the exclamation, "Well done, good and faithful servants." As l.vor.MoiH has been brought out on the North Pennsylvania KailroiiJ, in thn shape of a station indicator, w hich informs thu passengers of tho name of thu station or place which the train may bo approaching. A cylinder, placed in a conspicuous part of each cur, contains tho names of nil the stop ping places ou tho line of tbe road. As tho truiu reaches or leaves one Kt.itipn, the brakesman turns out and exposes to view tho name of the next. It is a great boon to traveller, especially strangers. JJarrisburp 'liUgraj'h, RoiTiii k Heady. ThiB invincible estub- j lishniont, under tho proprietorship of Mr. W. Hancock, wo ure uluu to feu is prospering, as it deserves, notwithstanding the pressure of tho times. As wo noticed amne weeks ago the workmen were paid in cash, nnd there is now in tbe ltuu"h and Heady store a large and excellent aasortuieut of goods, which are I sold as cheap as they cnu bu had elsewhere. i .uniuuur .imiiiuuii New Advertisements. Notice to Retailers, &c. Tho venders of foreign and domes-tic rocr i , d) M'wiUl , ,ll8 cuuntv , N oi th urn be r" ,., .. laUe ll0tice tbat tb..-v u are usse.-ied I , - - - - . and nited by tho appraiser of Mercbauts' tax es, for the year lNit, as follows : Mount Carmcl. Jlass. Lie. M U 00 H 7 oo 11 7 00 I t 7 OO 13 10 00 H 7 no 13 10 00 I i 7 00 II 5 00 11 3 60 13 10 0D 13 10 00 U 7 00 11 7 00 13 10 00 j 1 1 7 00 li 7 00 1-J 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 11 7 00 11 7 00 14 7 00 11 7 00 14 7 00 13 10 00 11 7 00 13 10 00 13 10 00 14 3 00 14 3 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 13 10 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 13 10 00 14 7 00 11 15 00 14 7 00 14 2 60 14 2 60 l i 7 00 14 ' 1 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 00 14 7 CD A. J. Miller. i l iederick 1 uhnon, I l.enril A- l.iit'in . . , HeWelt ic Shepherd, j Coal. I Cochran, Peal i Co., j O. W. lUvor, I .". 1.. Kuush, W. 11. Cla-riii.glon, F. A. Clurko, ti. 1. Cudwuittder, V. Fegely. Jacob W eili'ii-r, ! Julias S lino, i Zimmerman i Mowery, .auuitrnuin Ac I ursel, C'uintroti. Daniel Huupt, L'jft'r Muhaiiay. (J. W. Snyder, J. 11. Adams, John Kniiukey, Dauiei Hein.e, - , Washington. , WjH; Kahries " ' j ' ' uut"' Jordan. Wi-ist A Shartel, j J. fk-hwurtz, I Jehu Weist, I Lowtr Malawi. i r.iias Weist, jus,.I)U y1)0tz, rV. D.ttey. Peter lturrel), John Hiugomau, coal yard, CbrUtiuu Albert, lumber, Jackson. J. ll. SticLer, William 11. Klinger, William Deppeu, 'Little Mahanoy. Jude Hotheriml, Michael Latshaw, coal yard, b. 11. Hutheroiel, mill, Zirlt. Seers &. Forsyth, Keliu it Kraiiu r, Herb iV' Deppeu, Marcus btioUbe, Keuben Kline, 11 I). Maze, Lover Aufiusta. Eli'us Einerick, John Zimmerman, K i Shutter. ; Jouuihau Heit, John Hull, J, r. i' I. I'. Kline, Shamokin. J. A . Bergslresser, Huff McWilliarua, John Vanr.ant, fl. Miller & Co.. Ti. Miller, ngH, Withlngton & Chidister, Elizabeth Osmun, ;' Chilisquague. James Reed, Adam Conrad, T. 11. Fh,her, Milton, Goldman, Moody & Co., S. Ij. Finney, W. II. Frymire & Brothers, Ileinen & Housh, T. 8 Stndon, J. Murry & Co. Node fc Good, J. K. (,'orry, H. K. llaag, Isaac Drown, 8wcnk .t Strieker, do do Cyrus Drown, Lewis Swank, J. F. Caslow, S. Dernheim, Kawn i Chapman, William Stiner, sr. Isaac. M arsh, U. W. Askin, J. Angstadt, Samuel Ayres, J. F. U auger, Puvid Krauser, J. & M. Yout, J. 1). (iehring, iSnmuel Hair, coal nnd lumber, John Finney, coal, Delaware. lloguo fc Rank, Antrum & Sons, Hays ifc MeCormick, J. .t F. Filer, S. M. (. Welik, S. li. Uartranlt, I.cieis, lloup A-. Savugo, F. T. Disel, Xui thumbirluiitl. 14 14 14 14 14 7 00 T 00 7.00 7 00 1 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 12 no 10 00 15 00 15 00 7 00 10 00 15 00 10 00 10 00 iC'0 10 00 5 00 10 00 14 14 14 14 12 13 11 11 14 13 11 13 13 12 13 11 13 14 14 14 14 14 11 14 It 11 14 14 11 14 14 14 13 13 12 12 14 11 14 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 01 00 00 50 50 50 50 r.o r.o oo 3 oo 3 00 2 50 7 00 5 00 10 00 io oo 12 50 12 5 2 50 1 00 10 00 10 Oft io oo 10 00 W. T. Forsyth, James Tugjrai t, l! I. Tagglrt, M. H. Priestley, S. A. Putkriibiin", William KUiott, A. D. Youngirinn, KUz.ibelh llubbuit, James Scott, 1. M. Druudigam, Ilenrv Weuck, K. McCoy, Juuob Powel, 10 00 7 00 I 7 00 I 5 00 I 5 00 2 50 I 2 50 : 2 50 2 50 j 2 50 ' Vui'tt. S. V. S. Hewitt, 12 12 50 Sunlury. John Young, 11 7 00 J. II. Fugle, 13 10 00 F. V. Uriht A: Son, 10 20 (M tieorge F.rigjit, 11 7 00 P. W. Gray, V 12 50 j Friling A- Grunt, 13 10 00 Ira T. Clement, 13 10 00 Hei.j. Zetlleuioyur, 14 3 00 Macbtv (ioar'uart, 11 2 50 A. W." Fisher, 11 7 00 Uussler & Claik, lumber, 11 7 00 An appeal will be held at tho Commis sinners' Oflicc in iSunbury, on Tuesday, the 13th day of . July, between the hours of 10 and 4 o'clock, whi n those interested uioy at tend, if thev see proper. ' J A M FS LYNN, ..p. F.lysburg, Juno 19, 1S58. Stl V. S; I IT' & E2ALf, - Whvhsate and Littail Dealers in Domestic WliTES jf-lTD LIQtTCE.3, Mill street, (Las' side) North Danville, Pa. npHE undersigned would rcsporlfully ennnuncc -- to their friends and the public per.erallv. that they have purchased a very extensive stork of Wiuci nnd Lirjunrn direct from the House, which they oiler to the trade at Philadel phia prices thereby fmiui: freight &c. SOUS W. SHERIFF, J.S.HMX, Daaville, June IS, 1S58. if. IOE OREAMl B IIS. MAK1. WHAKTOX respectfully in forms her friends md the public generally, that she w ill arcommndate them with icr. kbam, at her residence, on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday evenings ol each week iluui.g the present summer. Suubury, June 19, lRf.a. FL0UR AND FEEDr JUST received by the subscriber a fresh sup ply of FLOI'R AND FLED which will be sold at wholesale and retail CHEAP FOH CASH ONLY. Present prices from $5,50 to $15,511 per bbl., A liberal discount to thn trade. Also Crackers ol" all kinds, Candles, Soap, Raisins, Cigars A c. A few choice dried apples yet on hand, at $200 per bushel, they are very nice, lly oblig ing and trying to please all, the subscriber hopes to merit the good will and Patronage of bis friends and customers. C. O. HAVEN. Market Square, Sunlury, JuncJO, wa.-- AUDITOR'S NOTICE. rPHE umKT8i,ncil, appointed hy tho Court of Common iMcai of SortlnmiU rlanJ county, Auditor to uitriluto the money arising from the w!e of the real c-itate of Weikll, will altoiid lor (lint at h in o flics in Sunburv on Saturday the SOili inst.. at 10 o'clock. A, M. llENUV DONNKL, Auditor. Ruubury, June 12, 1838. 1 TO I R . II A It D M A , Anatical Physician and Physician for 2H senses of the Lungs. Late of the dncin nati Marine Hospital. Editor of the "Med ical Stethofsmj.e'1 Corresponding Mtinher of the London Medical Socu ty of Observa tion Author of "Letters to Invalids" $c. Mhv te rniultrtl follow : WJMJAMi'OKT, I'a , Htel, fcaiuidsty, July 10th 1859. LOCK-ITAVF.N', . - 12th LKWISHIHO, . 13ih SL'NBL'R Yt nth HAllUlHUUtG, . . - 15lb& Iflth. D. IlAltbM AN treat! Couiumplion, Bronchitu, U. rvngitut, Afcdmia.anJ U;euM of tlie'luruat ami l-uniin, by Mt-.ticu! Ii.l.alution. Ui. lliiiftnuin'i claiuii to public conudrnce are founded upon Urn lullo iiii lucu: I ilia tli r(uh and comi lrie arquoiutaure with the practice ot the inutt cck'tuaLed phye.ciaiu of Kuri'pe u well ui America. i t he rtH-uiiuriltvs (( hit ivstieni of im-dicutH'ii dif fering Irom every other ever yet ad ipted nnl make ick to in .We well ; imi lour duwii to build up etiin Oisv carditis nil dangerous drugs and iHiimmoui mineruii. 3. Hi uiinrut'tdeutud eipenciice in ll spiul practice where oveiy iouu ol duruw wui pieseulrU for his trrat mvDt and m cut of death, an cxniuinaiioii of tlm dewt body ntude, and the nprMaruiices of the iflectl caieiully noted down by hti owu hand for futuie reference. These notes Mini obterva lions thu Bisdu vher. completed, will form two lame vlmnsof live hundred pupes each, which wiU be published frthe benefit ot the Medical proftusum. 4. In addition to tins, his vast experience, acquired by treve.Iiiiit neuily five yeare, trtatiner thousands anniuilk-. huvnaffiidcd freat advautagea lof observation and the Mudy of all diseases incident to the human family, jn this lntHj of time ha has Have led a distance nearly equul to two entire circuits of the globe, and has seen, prescribed. tor ana uceu ouiumiieu iy ueariy jv tnousana mvaiius. ALL DISEASES TREATED ! InTelition to the fell wins- disoasea, aitber whan ennv plicated with Lung Aflectiotis, or eaistina; alone, I also utviieu DonBU'iaiit'uuBiiaiiy mm uicm prumpiiy curucie. Prolapsus and aU foriua of Female complauiU, Irregu la r it ics and Weakness. Palpitation and other forms of Heart UiseasHi I.iver Oniptainl, Uvsprpsia, and aU other Uiscaava of ltooach and b wrl, files, 4c. ( T All diseases at the Eye and Car j Neuialf ia Epl iepsv. and all fornie of Nervous Diseaee. iT N'i charge of Coinulta-Jon c v. hapt-va: ,m i) June IV IMP m SALT! SALT! PI'MIE ailvrrtiwrn keep constantly on bad X LARGE PUrFLY of : CroiiiMl klum tall, Affliton Fine do., Marshall and Dcakin Fine tnd DAIRY SALT, which they ere. now selling at VEKY 1,0 W rmuEs. CAI5K, GKISE &i CO., ; Crain and Lumber Company House, Juna Ifl, IHfiS 3t Balliinore. JXTEW OONFEOnONARY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. M. C. GEARIIAIIT, TAS just received new and excellent assort ment of gooda at his lonfrctionary and Fruit Store in MARKET 8TKEET, Sunburv, where ho manufactures and keeps on hand, at all times, the most choice Confectionary, 4c, Wholesale and Retail, at Philadelphia prices. Among his stock of Conlectionarics, mny lie found : Frenoh PittcH, Onm T)rop, nil kimli of scent, Rurncil AIidoikI:, l.nvr Ilropn, Cmm Wh.t, Mini TJrupip. rti! ami white, " Ix-m m Jelly Cakei, Kuio, Kiuil llrepR, " Vanilla, Htick Camltrn, nf ull eeiili Commim Sioicti. Hoik rnmtv. l.iiiuoiue, A'm 'nJ Caiulr, TRUIT. Rnnanae, rrunes, CurrnntR diicd, Citroim, AImpjiiUb, R'tit.m Nntscfr.1! kiiuli I.KMON SY11UP of a superior quality, by tbe single nr dozen. A superior quality of Stairs and Tobacco, nnd a variety of Cunfcctionariea. fruit, Ac, all of which is otl'ered cheap at wholesale or retail. ICE CREAM. He 'has aha opened an Toe Cream Saloon, and will nt all times be ready to serve hu customers with leo Cream, Sunburv, June 19, ly DisEolutioa & Co-Partccrship. r"Ml E firm of Shepherd and Ilcwett, L'oal'Opc - rutor.-i, I.orust Summit Colliery, orthum berlaiid County, Va.., bcinn llii dy (June 1st, lsrN.) dissolved by mutual consent, the business will lie heurelortii carried on by James M. Sbep herd and John MrKarland, under the I'.rm name of Sli rjiberd & McKarlniid, uho v. ill pny all claims ngaiiibt and receive all accounts due to tb 0 late firm. JAMES M. .SHEPHERD, Sunburv, li., CHAKI.r.S HEWE I'T, fJliamuKin", V., JOHN M FA1U.AM), Pine Gruve, Pa. Sunburv, June 13 155b. in. is. win inoii, OF I.A.NCASmH City, laic !', w Ilmc he bus bren in succcsh ul prac tice anumt ti (if yeara, received his cditrutin nt the best Alt. heal Cl.11. e in the l.'i.ittii J:;"!!, nnd h-M the expenenc ui.l praciice m tlie d.rTt icnt Ili apiUls for ft-vernl veins, a nu mbi r of tin APHiyticui MtHlKMl liifttru'.t; of Sew oik, r.;;t! ! .t Mt!n::il uiiii-on nf ilie l" nited Mat cr Nnvy, n v hiiiist'll t Ihe public to at it ml :iny T" v;i'.U '1 he sii I'm iiitdiciiiv!! uIwumi i n li;tn'l tlitr-i i it1 in t!ic beat t-il"i:tt' ih' ol . ur u -ui.iry, mid the It t.uiioiMju iteiiH of the woil'l. No piicnt iiiedicinr pieeci i!i d t r 10 fi'tnii'.eii.le'l. iM edii ine ii.t-d oni v liicii will nt t k'cuk U"wn tiie rni'ril'.uucji-but wi-1 n-n vn; the h sit-.u it 'in ol! i.;nnrs it i:is n.hta.n. d tr'ni miiieiiil mcillcintfl. (Jilt nic ui.d Ll.:iicn!t tlimittrs n;unt lie ireHttd upon unti!ytinil piiijciplen, which i? to know nnH n ccrtuiii whnt diarjn-c is 1th iintuie toi.l i li:ir,u't r require u knovl die ol the chenncal ronsi tuo.-nti every sum! un-t tluntof tlie b 'tly ; the clianijes th''fct; suln'i nnd fl-nils uiv r:ipnb, i i iiudcrifoin, 'J o know what medu ines to r.-inploy to vim; rl i not see mniircR a kn.'WktlLre of the clit inicul constituents ot ail npen'.s finl' id in medicine ; ntiil if we lire in -s-jfcpion of ihip t.iu w'dlpe. it is p -Ksib't; t cnu :iny dis a..c n matter of h 'W I 'in simntinr nntl i"avell e ';itii'iit in n lieailtiy ur:il 'fi feet y cuied cndill' :i. .MrlMnciiL'Iy. Atmrratin. t that flute, ot rilienrttioii rn.l We.iknesso (he niind hlch icitdeis ptTsnR iiu'iij n'le - 1 Mijoyinp the pVnmres j i-i forinmp tin- liutu-Kol hie; liys pepvirt ; ihnt dtstreHninir ilfiisc ninl ti ll do'ioyt-r of health nnd li!ippimri. undermining tlie constitution, nnd ycnily carry I uj ti.onfande to untimely craves, can hi.f emphati cto! be ruied. Hheiiumttwii, in nny form or C'tndition. chroi'.ic ir nciite, w;irrantctl eirnble; llpiiepy o lailmt; siekneMi; nil chronic nnd rtulilvrn cnsrs-n'- Ui seamen r'idiciidy removed ; Silt llheain.iim! rery df- -rip. ti'-n of n!('vTn:i")r;, IM.s and Scr"lul"us Uienie.s. wlncn have baifU'd utl previous nu.i i-nl skill enn i.c eiued Ly iiiy trenliueut, when the cndittit ton is n 1 exjantntcd. I tl any till dist-riFi-s (ye, Cnusmiip'i -n) can be cured. f.Cnncfr cured ilin'nt :he knife. 1 will remain m ii.y o:tice on WfiTNrsDva flnd S.TfR Hats, from f.' frcl ck A. M . t 3 P M, M iifcmindtite patients f n in a diHtune, and coi. suit in the I'.nelu.h nnd Ueiinan !ai'.i;urc Will maitd vit-.'i to nny instance if teijtnrl. Ali.y be additsscd by leilev, 1'uiioii IS.jiiiiie, Lunca-iitr c.ty, Pa. W. H.AVMTMon.M D. Ju:ie5, 1,9 0m RI"JIERU HOU (1'i'TiniTiy Kime'i 11 id.) I-KWlSliritU, IMON CO., I'A. It. .lll l A l , I'i'oprSvfor. 'I 'IMS is niio .t" tl,f Uirgcs! unl list lurnislrct U-Mf'.i nn 1 the U'rsl liiuiirli. l m Nicitiid ill i v ImylitM ;;iil ' ol the li'wn. (tt t cit.i? U.'.- mily ll"ttl in Market iiKirf ) ( 'J lie pr"tirii'i-r is lictt-i u i n i, tn um cvrry t xUun hi ii.Hkt? I. is iic'isv i.c ' i i!.f lt-t in l!ie ;:iit ; :iii'l it UVis r;tfe iiidiiciiiciita 1 r t-i i.e wh Biu-rnl : (ti. rt itiu in ; rncif li;t- ut.-sl j'.riifijn. towns la te;iUul rrinidylvaiua CttMi'pfii veiv dtrii'. COME OKE! CO HE ALL!! l.EAlt.N THE 1. 1ST OK I'KIUI'jS AT THE People's One Price Store. E. Y. LltlGHT k SON, sr.xp.i-fiv, pa., SJAVE received their large end choice select- i-J slock of 1T3V GOODS, Composer of an endless variety, anil lo wiiieh tliry i Oipect fully invito ihe attention of the puli lie feelini; asuured that their large assortment and great variety of all kinds of (ioods coml-itud with the rict t'diiifily low p ices which they are determine J to sell at, will render entire satisfac tion. ITT COUNTRY rUODl'CK wanted in cx change at the very highest niaiket prices. June 5, Iba3. IAND WARRANTS. The highest price 'will bo given for Warrants liv the suit crihei H. lt MAKSEK. C AME ta the pretnisei of the suhfcriber, on tho tlfitn u't., a stray nmre, 8 or 10 years old, about medium tire, "he is full footed, tai led on each tide of Ihe tirenst, am in culor a .iaik I brown, less, niano and tail black. The owner is j requested lo come lorwani, prove property, pay charges and take her n-.vav. WILLIAM WEHZEL. Lower Auijusta, May 2Sl!i, IG.'.H. Si'l UN O AX D S U M M Ell rVIILLINER.'Sr GOODS. MlNtt .11. I.. -ll.sltr, respectfully an nounces, that she Iras just returned from the city with a new, cheap and elegant assort ment of Spring aud Summer Killinery GooJs, Consisting of . new pattern lionnets, Straws (iinpsanj Fancy Uonuets, also Kihbons, Flowers and Fancy Trimmings, Ladies l-iet-a Cap, ic, all of which w ill be sold cheap. lionnets ff tivury drscriptiuiis made to ordor. Old bonnets bleached and pressed in the best manner. Thankful for past patronage, she solicits a con tinuance of the same. bloie in Fawn Street, 2nd door below the Kail Road. Jun'.urv, AprilJ7lli, 1850. !m$ GUNBUUY "S l'EAM I'ERRY AND TOWIKQ BOAT COMPANY. rpHAVELLEItS and others are respectfully inforiued that the subscrilier has esta'.ilislud a STEAM FEHUY over the Susquehanna, at Sunhury. Tbat a large, sale and commodious steamboat nil! run regularly and promptly, at all hours during the day, to carry foot passengers as well as veh.clei, 4c., between Bunhury and the landing ou the opposite side of the river, both ways, or to and fiom tiunbury. The steamboat will run from Market Street Wharf, and will carry passengers to nd from the Packet morning and evening. The fcleam Ftrry now affards not only a safe and convenient transit over the Sus quehanna, but also a pleasant and agio able ride. IRA T. CLEMENT, Proprietor. Aioatw IIoovkb, Cap.uii. Hunbury, May 1, 185U. rilHR ftore Room in Market atreet, fonneily X wccupitd by P. W. Cirsy. Apply to IhseiJ ccutors of II. Master, deceased. April 17 1 .'. SELECT SUMMER GOODS. LA 11 (IE ASSORTMENT ! TVK have rereived our NEW GOODS for tbe tuinmer trade, and respectfully invita all the wnrbl and tbe rent of inanl.ind to Call ihd Bf.K I'lltH. 1'copln who would fotiomite and lava their dimes will do well to call and sec bow very cheap goods can Lo had, and sbould Ibey not roncludo to purrbuse ftom us, Iboy will bo more conver sant an to (ho ni lunl value of nil kinds of Goods. 7'hrre a.c great many reasons why people should closely examine our stock, nd while it is clearly demonstrated that the "obvious mraniiir. and importa of this multitude of re&toiis reforH utrectiy to ino ur-ici l i t.A.1 uim, aim cheapness in price of Roods, it will at the same strike tho mind of the observing ECONOMIST, that a state ol things combining a great and di- versified supply, with low puces, must brine: uboul a"consominatinn devnuily to be .slie,l" m making tho I OOK M.-lMilCH, and the rich in a.. ..,..n,i... j.ersons. And allhouph we may dicrcsa, yet permit r.s j UKkut Ma nr. florin i erv clenp. to odd that lintbina would ollord a better cruniid , . ,, , t. t.i , .. , f . . . ., i I.a'Jlfs l.tcs.i (Tooori, bumincr Shan!.., (iniciiams wotk foi a sonimer evriiinir s entert liiiment, than ' ... ,, ,,, . ,, , ,, , .... , for tho kind mother who . presumed to h.te ex- I CIi"V 1 V1'!""1 lh'"lU' ?.!"'A 1J'"' amine.l our slock, to uath. r her little flock nr,,n:.d 1 ,. t alico-. Llack Ar. , her, nml lc 11 t!-m ol'DKUiHT & SON'S l.rnu liful gooih.thc .hiiiilsomo SilUs frozji Franrif arnj Italy, the KiMmiir ntul I.aren fr om TyoiiH, t!.e Merinos from France, the print front heeler, tlie l.inciiR and l.awnn from d'ifisgow and liuli lin, Mhl a thousand lliin uf ircat beauty hih) utility. IS ut to be a li It lo nmrc prnciiil, we will Mate for the gnod of t!ie coutiti v, the umhi; prnerali in, ami the full crown, nunc in dctuil, the good wo retail, i;i vny l.irte or hinuilrr nlict'!, at very r really retluevil pricen ! nnd though wo mny rejn t v. e said it, sell our goods ou six mouths credit, nt the end of which the people 'flush," will cotno ntid ny us w it Ii n rni-li, for none can fed unconcrined uhot.t n ileht no fully eitinrd, ba to he p,ui!:v of procrastination, to the luzjrd of tlu ir r.-put-uivm. Then f'Coth'tmn tii;d Liiilivn fnir, you've i he time to spare, nnd t f v (iooJd rich and r;ire, received and lu-inr oj curd. or cloths, TIitTo 's lirown, nml Mack und Mu", Yea Ciellii of ulmoht pver' lme. Wt've (nt juu m r J of iuim.iI nii sirijii'il ''iirsl rale" Twir l, oxios'iI or nnnit-J ns bii'I;, vi''ve ( ' i t-l. 1 1. anil lliiik ! th.n' who liv I'.ii k M win, we have tlio lirautilul Freneh D.'ikiii nn or-tii-If. we do expect, tir, iaii'1 Iutmv!!cJ in j .tint oi' Texture. OP VE5TIUG3, f-'illis and fi.u.J ! Sdtii.'i, ul' evo't a.i.-ty i-l 'ttorns, lor vrcli'ms, :ntit's, or tlio siii'.t, fir Hi'i.llenirn tmii'ri"1. or losn cliscrret, v. limn wo wiil lurnil! fn-iii Hal tn lio.'t, with a c'..i ii !ti;J elm nn in c woil.liiiir suit. IJ tit l.ud ami s ! pardon this 1 r.'li. tt- n. and do we art) o t .! , i, ivhian a Wunl, li- il- not deem this alia fulion, fur fur. liotllld t-i Sav. we lavi-Io til-11 from e;r-iv from dull old barhdorfl, dre.u'ful d r:.e I lshinnaMi" i l-ijiii tu- li -vvii.i, wl.-a. in are urs'-Ii ij.l,t, in hrinaii lu:r;a:n iliv'iK. (, nt!, men. v.e bid V ou nil :nu l!.c Ladies are wailing for souiethinrf NEW; Ca-liineres I'i I aiia s S:!:.n 1'erepe Llt'lirr-es Kola's 1 1 ill)-hams La win I 'ha! Irs Tisrues Cliintzes l'laijs of every pattern, nnd latest style., ? lieli tlia! that they exdle a siniie suited for I.adic of Ibifiriii L ace, as well for t'.nv-e v. !m wotil.l Ex oai.e rt My lor ihe maid becotninr; for the mo ther, ntal . !!'. red cheap to the one or the other. Ribbons cm! .raring one linn.! i e I pie; s. bi a-, iiul lint.' foiled for "N'eii i s." (i.u.'i...:i.s ;.i'i i. Ind andstiipra ao.-orted, and "A ipiill.. ii ! " i i-.' imp rlrJ. AnJ t!;e titi.le.,i.i.ld it;i m i.i'i-.iv rcvcils, to corded ll auiiceJ and steel boat.'-l Skirls - nnd well ri'i'oneih .1 we tru"t tho IioIiim faces, v.iil e.i1- with fond ileliuhl upoti our band some Lares lu-irtinus, Ediiin?. of Jaconet', and Sivi.-i. ell'iriiiu ; bcuuty In t'noso who t.lll r iilis." ! three hundred pieces of Rood putt, ru Prints, and very li..ii'so:in civics of new French Chintz, white, mixed, and brown Cotton, much cheaper tlian siane people would tail pose. Spool Cotton, Tap.-,. I'.m, Ui.iions. and Needles in pri'l'ii.-inn : Lol l in, Cud, Eounet W ire, and blond lllii-ion. Then can.c one, cumn all, you'll lind us very li .ndy, m pliuwing tad. the -modus opt taiiLi" of buyi- ; an. I s. Ilinu' ehi ap. II. V. LKKjIIT A son. llll or;-, Juno 1 2, 1 "dS. X.iN2r.ETKS' Acricultural Wavchousio ar.d Peed Stcrc, Nos. 21 aul 23 ."Jo',.', bf.'i .-!.r, t, ; .,r. In ami Chtsiuit streets, Dhi'aJJhitt. always open to the in-peetioii i f cviiry one interested in Farniinrj or (iard-nin.', Tlie subscribers lliereforc invite tho public nenerally tocallan-l oamiuc the lar-c and well selected t-tock of Auricultiiial Implements and Mnehir.ery, fireat variety of llorticnll jral tools. Warranted (iaiili-n and Elowir Seeds tira.-s und l icld Seeds ot the most lieliable Ijualit-. , which ll.ey oiler f'T sale r.t the lowest i-asli piiees, wholei.ilo or retail. Tnc sr-riculluul ii.'.pa i.a i.l-. s. Id by in are mostly manufactured ut our tlc.itu woiUs, Uristol, l'a. llavins fitted up tl.i cf.a'.li. !.::u ut wlihout regard lo expense, with the most complete ma ehineiy for 1 ho manufacture of vaiious kind of ajii icuiluutl implenit-n's, we ale picpar- d to sup ply u!l articles in this iiue ol 'the very best quality. Jiel'.i's Warranted (lardeil Seeds have been hi foro the jm! lie for uj w -ards i f . i.vly years ; their wide-spread lopu'iariiy and iho in.rcasiiiij demand from year to car a-e the bc.-t nidcnces of iheir superiority over all other, t"5 Country mmchanu c.iii be .iip;.l,i d wi'li t-ccds in paters, nr in luik, on tl.e moi-t luirul terms. Elonrntiale, near Eii-b I, l'a., p-.-.r cr irdi n -eed grounds, contains t!:uc Iiuu.iud i.i.d acres, and is ll.e I u -c-t t-st.ibli .bmeiil ..I'iis iud in tho world. 1. LA X DI ETH A. n'O.X, N'oa. 21 and 2:5 s, liIi siMli , J'hiladelpliia. I.andielh's l.'uia! l.'cgi-ter and Aliuaiiuc fir iHf.S, oontjiiiii.t; a monthly Calender I, r ll.e Farm, Caidei and Creei.h.uitr, c..n i: t; hah ciiiTis upon per- inu! or prepaid a plication. l'hiladelphia, May 'iad, lHriS. In l!c liin l if oni.Mtoci Pirns of oi tliiimlit rlaitvl ( our.ty. Martin Weaver, l No 3'J AivjstTtrm " -1 A. I). ISf.S. William MeCmty Jinl J William Shann -n ct Ea- E:cte do Partition? chel his wife. J lci. nda. IIOTICE. To William Mi l.'arly, and Wiliinin Shatm ni and Ea-liel his who. Vou are hereby inilifnd, that in pursuance of the ubovo writ, lo me di rected, an luqni-itiuit will be held upon the pre. mb-os described in slid writ, lo wit : A cci'.iin tract or piece ot land, situate in Coal towm hip, containing 70 acres, or tlieieabauls. hounded by laud, now or t ile, of l.ud.via, t.'ass, Marltu (iass, John lirady and others, ran Tuesday the VI'.. ill day of July next, ut 10 o'clock A. M.'olsaiddiy for Iho purpose of inakius partition of or lo value and appiuue llit-1 -inn-. At w hit h time aed plme you may attend if you think paper. J X .XI t.M lAAUlMJ, .11. clieiiil s olliee, Sun'nury. ) May Ifith, IH.'i8. I HSTOX3CIXJ. " A l.L persona indobttd to J ime Heard, lato l'lothoiiolitry of lx"oilhumla.-rlaud county, lor ft-st eVc, are rrtpiesled lo aiake immediate pay ment, and thus sav a cost ami loilher tiutil-le, a all accounts reinain'uif unpaid wiii be placed in the bands of a Jusuc lor collection. 1'aymenla can be made either to tbe subaciiber or to J. H. Beard, al bis olliee. JAMES HE A It D. unbury, Marth27, 18S if "ifiljnE OLl E OIL for luble, two sins A- at 37 J and ( cents just received by A. W. Fls.UElt, March IS. .,- - (KOWN'iS and Ureiiuii's Essence of (.iingei " snd Husband a .Magnesia at Mjuu 1-1,'CiV. TI HEII'H, FOB. SALE OR RENT. TT'II E larca double frame house in the Daroui;h of Nnrthumlicrlaiid, belonginii to the mistn of C H. Kay, drcfnsrd. This is a very drfliral.!'! rrsiiinncr, beautifully situated on tlia JNorlli llrniib of tho SiiFqoi-bsnun, with a largo Ranlnn, Carriage Hou'.e, Stable Ac, lielonginp: to it. Terms mcdeiSle. Enqulro of C . Scatcs, VMfiiniport, er D. Eraulignui, Esq., .Norlbuin borland. March 27. IR.r.9. NEW GOODS I NEW CO0D3 ! rpil K subsrrilcrs respeclfully announce t j tin ii -- friends ind tho public ill eeoernl (lint tlx v have received at their tiloro. in Purer Autusta i town.bip. Korlhumbfilaad county, l'a., ul Kline Crovc, tluir fcy.-liifr ninl SuniUirr ttooiH. I sml opened to tho public a full ofsuit'nri.t of , .Merch ndi.e, A c , ci.m.i:.tin3 in part o! Ch.lhs, .!.,ck and fncv ( n--Mireie, Checks, Kenlu, kv . J.-ans. toeether with ci neral varielv of nrin- j 0II(i SUUIIIIL.r C.uu,!s, adapted lo all grade t'l ! ii'( ii iip.-ii supply ui inii ami eii.uiii;it ' (irorcrtt'S, Ac i A now sui't'Iy of ir-iitlnarr, .Jiifcti.-waro, ! Wd.hUh w ire, Ao. I hTf:,c ii..s,irlir.ont of KfilTS nml MIDi;., fiiitjl'lo fur M-.n, Women ami C!iii.!;rii. ll.vis iiiul C'.ws. 1" i s ii and tAi.r. And nil Ki'd.n usually kopt in rni:i!Fv !oro Our dis lav is unsurp.issoj. Tlio iijinve n.iiiiod lock nf g.iods will In; sulil at firires to suit tlio timed fir CASH or in rxeliango for country liro dure nt the noukct piire. Anp shall ho l.n i'v I meet our friends mil (ho patrons of our oslaidibSini iit, mi l sell them (,'ords at sudi prices as cannot fail to five entile i-aliHt'af lion. Thankful for past favors we hnpn hy strict at tention to merit a continuance of the same. .1. V. A I. l K I.I.N E. Kline's drove, l'a., Msy lStli, 1 .":?. WlIKKI.i:;'.".t WlLSdN i.iiiirurAcrur?iNO cos FAMILY MAC'1M:S. mm TV.' H'. flniniiviF f.ivt'r wliicii !r-8 :'tioi1i l ilif irtr-'ti"-n "I W UM:LbR Wii-i-N't? 1 '.ni.ny :-i !. f - ... .t lit t - i ' i I i.B eX 't i;.-. r IT lit j.rl. a i t ny. I1, f. .; $ i;ii,tr r.i. m ic i -s-i m uti u ' :iax iit.,1. :i i i n" is r' .r'n-ril :iv ns ti.i't:f. in I;:- ti ;,!,;. . i lull.,, .ta ii. very r i:.!: in l,V I . v, ii :. u e lit! !;i-rI- i i t i.iu.t ; ti-:ii, n ;:, u Ivi K V t::l.f!-'S, ii iiki ti ! : ...:s ; fj.iy, t' 'n r 1 1 : - ( IIS j ny is 'ii. In 1 1 - f ; i : 1 1 . !'-l in.ii Hi i il- i- .l.vii :titH.itl.t K triit!. 'C ill'' VC! t :i!r .in-! ri ! :i 1 It in .lL;i'M..t' in en r,;it, tu-iui; sj i.c..t!ly m ti W til. nil t'Vt i ii Sn'.ji"" vl I ' -l Uir'tc I..- ct''i hy 1'nmiiti t I nit n nri'ic t iUUiT:!1'1' ml I ' i. iv m ; t.- K f'f Mm U- d I Ii it in I, .-lil.l I t w frif'tiir.. W it!. !!r-'ii'.M pin..! t .-j ll! T'i i.(-';it '.-til.i tt ;'t:f !' t :i irtf.vii..: M:i'-hiiic u -j m. ..( he n-.-r r Ailing X'. v uv.iioul-u.imt::f, nMn.'iS. iv iv i c liaii.t-tl liic tt..i-i ii t :c Hl."l . ;iflKViI i :n ;-fj 1. l'" s.iti;:i. ity ' t c ii'tn ji: in. ..r. e iM iv.t f.rc- !.'lli ftnili l"t;:n;:' u:- .:t ai.4 llCi r! . f ; i :r. "J. It U".'"?c i..i: : ' v,.-..; iy .;:.! t.i.-.l i ;' v n-; 1 Tc iv. '.. v i ;i:ci.t A. 'f!'0 it'i.i. ii? if! y pur;pr v. Lii.h it ri, ! hm- hk!; i';i!i le acltii-vni I.-, n ;i.r- iv-! A i..!, i ft. 'I ;;e .rf-i-rr.i:ii iit I'i'nuty Tii'J thirn'-ilif y -f tit-- wcrk j ''I 'i'i! y-.'tir Mut'litur iiivuiu.'i!'!)? 1 !mvv uwd ti it y-iir, n'i I it iit-vt-f I't-i'M ut f i r. 1 in: s'iv ti ts m v ' l.ll.U-. itn-l en !-e :iil :t(fil In tt:ic or i" Uf.'-e r i'.!. l.'V It m w i'.i ., --.iiif n a d. r'n i-.iir t i" lii-::.i , rwvn imit'li tinii'. in' it itcil t'.ifj!M!. (Mierf yt'ur M-iii;n. ; in iifcf.l in my !;! in'i 'n t'iiin.'v ; neither in O t U c.Mt'lit.'J "(' ! r. fiM'-r ; nt!it!ieip ly v;r tVi'-n-iF. Tpc p.ui i.a v (" j nil ;n-r di wiii teal 1 li.tve i.iM exirvts: J." f.t n Ai.i. i Cur:- III- I'liiTi- IS I. !( I Sll.l Wl'.3t.; tl:lc. wiiii: "Uaeltiae lUgu Mt-ii;a,ol I ail-1 lliat 1 W!;,-. ic Aniui .cull 1 . : i. 1 1 - ' J ' I'h" --w n v M -i-l.tii i-aieli ifilof y. n Las l-eeii w!i 1 h -''reie' a'. 'e !(.- lir .imael I i.-wtl. i.i Ian. I.;- r.ia n.i 1,1 1 1 , i wo;; "at it. I'l'lM el 11IK eV 'oKK PHm. ' t- ti :-a 1: - .a l" r :ie--ily a-r: . Tn1 iiik Tt'.e. hi e- the;e- Ini roiali.-s . - Cia -.1, Are walheii- a 1 1 . ai. - t-. leaf i lie Aav r.ean. W'oiSs in. -re nn i. mil;. Il.aa t!;e 1. -i!- Ileia'.l il-i ll.e w-'rk t, leu eniieaii t- v.a rj .1 ai c'ein. I'.. aal to in...- sea i.llrhi.v lit inc. J, Tin: aei'-ata--, l"r 1: u:-t;. AJ.neule Jo'.nnl. .M"--t ll-'ll. T 'ha- to AMelleall I'-r.uiS lii-lep-' a. V t-ii'.n l l ma-: ii a- am I a ins it rlt tt i. a Will ei-'e t liloe bata-fai-ti.'ii -Ci 'I lie I . nl ever Hit e-iileil. -Ctn l.-t lull 1 1, piie-r. Ill l"-a,ir2 I. T Ilie 1-i'hl, see lli'e t -.ana .fr ' aem'teil l'..r t.-tta'y in.' t'l r t'e i'-. l-i'tis.-eiifal.!.' i:-. every l.-ain'e. '1':,-- rr.n-'lar . i- ,ani-c n Willi e eli'isi i.-iii l ':n in-i.ta lniel Wiailiy ra tile lilf-'l.''l u,. ai-l :i: !-:i:li II".". ul A lenelac'i II ' I l:.t an - I'ulnaul'o Mi; t?..i.. V. iil( al la .'-i.oi.'ii ,11m. Me, l.ei k' M, al.'i y. I!'".t-,:'l :-li iaa stl. a. tae lliaeianea la.u ll; . ;ri .ti. -I. 'l at- stia 'i c. ui:;. it I a'p'i I Am Arlrai'.ui .at. I !iey irenat-ii i tla ii:.-.e! ii:a?'i(-r l...i:eMi Ti'.Ve-!, l! i- I .an- r .! teaUll i I t n v. la- n W'a'er I ',:?. I -ar leai.-eiK.:.! t.i ia i eslael- s Willi II V 'I I' I 4 r;-.. :t. S'ljiji.y llu; f.i s a' ii'i'.:!e l-ai'y Nt-.u. Are .ri'-enniii ntl nai-t-rl-ii . I -ia as' r. till-' "I t'-Ji IM'IM Iumu ti iii' J-'lll.ll. t ''i -I ia ivt-ry .uo'ily. Liy lion-:. I'n'lly.lie'elal, 111 ir-aul - l.-'slit:' tiiizi il,' II its 11 1 renal li-i I'nnalv usr Mum.-iil W. r' l A tiiiitnj'li el int-el.aiia-ai eeliliia !' . .1 .aiii .l rnll'-i.ia. . Very Te 1 j . irotO' l.t. t'.iil.liy M ...-n.' n.v. 'at:!y t-api in r ta all at In m t Men I'i t7e. W e eiiua-it tnc in 11s ira:-; Ntw v mlt, r. I or I ullier particulars apply to II. 1!. Ma-s-T. Si.nbuiv, I'a., ueent ol the uiaiiiifacturt r, wl- i will nujiply niai.liincs al the r' prices. Sniii -irv, Vay II. l-."i if ""Biiivirii rATjavAnifi M AMl'AC I till 11 UT jobs e . .ii is: n i s ."v; h . r'tti E oldi .-t Eieciro l'L-.ter in the l.'i.itetl 5ilpn, inai.iilacliirt t .,f ivrry vaii-1, of tt-.-.l.- p! ited .Ml!) puie silver, Al'aata, ISiillacia ai.d Sit t In Tea Setts, Cms, Waiters, Caslei. Cuke Has I.tls, I'iteta r-J, liollils, Coiiiiai.i ion rtrtiec. Sjn.ons, Folk, Knivca, v-tc. ed as rem esciitial. A 11 tuodi. w ii ia..! Xorili East corner Pt!i May , tS.H Iv sr.d Chrrtint ,.tT,--!. l'!n! iJtlpl'.ta, renna N2V AHr5A.I' C3U2vl E3M"T J-'rrsh Arriv.i ,. J) ll U O S, PAINTS, OIL S, i; Ili: undt rs'riH .1 .'ii.tinc taken tl-o stoie f ir- lutrlv kept ly Wiiii.un A. I' i mw ready to lot orders ar.d J re. cnplioiis nt a inn. loenls not'ee. He has 4 luie and M-l! k. lect. d stock ol" Ire -li -tnd pure lr.UG3, CHEMICAL, Dye-sliiO'-, (Ill, Taints, Uia.i, l'ut'.y, anJ all kinds ol l'dtent Mcili-.'ines. ria ir A.xn coxrncTMXAiiv Tobatco si-.d Itii-ar'.c 1 Sizars tf ihe cli-.i-ftl brands. Fancy .Notions' Imlct articles, a iJ i'er lutitery of all kinds. Tooth ai d Hair Li cl.ei of cwry varitty. Cami'hine and Fli'i.l a.witjs n land. Customer will find l is slock complete, t'n. priini many aim les u n iinpossihip lu re lo t-tiu ; uieral.-, and all sold at huh!. a ate prii-.j. li. iiit niber Iho i-la-'c, next dct-r tn T. V UrighC M tiuiiuo li Siore. A. W h'unhurv. March 1 I, IS.'iT. risHER. j W A S 11 1 N U T O N Jl O U S L , V. A-C'UVE.EST, J't riM itlur, I SUMBUKY, VA., FIMIE ropiietor rtsptcllully in firms bis fiit-nd i and ihe public generally, that he is repaiiip; ' and renovating lha "W' I! f) io i to ciiicrtsi.i ! v:, Uausiei.lunj pen. . unci. 1 vis. icis I in a suitable and coinlai u'.ile inaiicer. ! 'I hankful lor Ihe taUt usi;c d to his , f.illur, ho respectluliy st-licii tbe coiiluitianca nf ;therame. lie will lake chaiij ot ihe "Wash ington House" on the first day of Apiil, next. ' He xvlil hitve an Ouinitms roiiniiitr to the ' different Itailroad Depots for the accoininodalioii ot I assen-jt is, Itit- ol cbaree. i W. A. CJ. LET. Suubury, Maivll JO, l! 5fr- S I' III NO A R n A X G E M E N T . LA.CKAVATt JiA &EL00MSLUI.C E..U rrotllHNc; suprri ir fsrii.iirs f..r tn-Vfl t i ,Nvlv Vcik, I'tiilml, ij-h , mirttH 7i itii nml W ! !., . liftlims nt !iri,l..n vri'h tlii-liiiin. of ihr'kaiviuuiii nn! ViM,..n K n'i !r. u.l (,nn 1 1, vv : '- f,""' W'", f'V,'r l"llHWtiSI, illl.llll'pi it sn. hue l(uilic(j m:d cinncrtuig lnni:s (!OI0 ,ORTH. , N. V. Ari- .nirno. f! :!." '"a 'al!. 4xu ii. M,i '"r"". ntnA.M. iitnpr i.l r. 15 ,v. vi t . 1.IU..I r.t'i', 4:1 Jj 3 X d I.WW.-k, ? l. A , ;j) ,, , Hwieh llitvrn, 1 SS .1 . ( , ,j , Ki-aeh fo.iv, 7 5il i)c II ! i !liirkh:fiiiy, p Id i! i f j Dual 't'k'sia.rti, f 4a ( ,i Vi,Ni.niC"k.j, M .! (,1., ., I'ljimntli, n ii d" i j. Arrive '. Kir.cutoii, ) C-l it i l aO d . I .l e KiiOrl.-n, 9 Si .!i t ' V.. .'1 SI ,! V)il:l,f, (1:11 i! i li ii.. s .1 r, W il I'if.i.'.' 0 53 r!o 1M rl 1 . M ii . I It : -" n, 10 lJ Ho i i .ii h l-l ii . I.i elMveiT.en, l Io r 1 V li .1,1 .1 , l.o. '.tvi.!.-, in si) i 3 10 (I.i r .M ,1 Arnvf; at Scriint.m. 1" 30 l.i 3 1.5 :; d . 'J lie N..v Vo-k Mi'l Tiaai . onnut- w "V. "..t I .; f. mc I .Ml l I.. V. Kioto-.'. Ariivi- 111 New Vruk V la I' M. .! riuiaJta-iiia. I.v Cu:::r:-.ii ti A.-, . r. : ( V I'. M. ' Kai- li -1 t; .'! ?;- t" "c-.v lY.rk y, f-j. Kaf , :.. f i: r. nb!i. I 'i" . i -Kiv. .ttoi-l Tr'.;n Nra !li. .!-''.: is a' ' 1 " i a 1 w oil 'la' l: -r, 1 r hJ. :- 'liaia tft, mi t'.c l. L k V.M. j OOIV-J SO'."!' j I JliJ -li M i.: I ! 8 A. M. It ja A. M 4 I f; I i .ivl.-rvillc, H III 1! l ., r! , 1 n 0 j tan rauvrnaui, h vm ,-1 IV IT' M. t '.'a rl - f'ff. ; : 1 ! la 1- M. I :..t IM 1 Itlstal, M :.."i ll IJ Ml .1 1 1 .V, i'i ! Wy I;, f 'l da 1- ;il (J 1 4 li ia I ii. i-, (l I' I t 1 Or 1 j 6 "? 1 I.i a c Ki; r!-ai, HO. r CO r: 1 l':ynt -ti'.l-, r C 1 0 I.'- ii S ai-ii-.titi.. 1 1'-, ,1 , i j 1 a , lla .l... ., t'i'i, II Ifl ii . rl .',1 1 ' !i.H-k. 'Liaiv , II I a iii 1 W j 1 ! II- a. h (;r .v. 1 1 VI (to r In 0 ! !! a. !i Haven I'JI'I (J. 7 .jj i!a . ii.Twi. :, !: in p. .; t- .1 . ! i.m.r- Ui ',,.., i :. 1 .t i 1;, . . I I '.-. r. 1- I ' -i ' H 1 11 1! . 1 In in, iv i i v ;., : t ' Ainvi.J at , it':, .1'., 1 ui da !: :r .: Ti-- f :'s .i 1 "ail Ti nr ri-s- M:li, e -nrfts v.- Mi Ma;! 'I 1. 1.-1 B. l;u, n. f -r:r ' r- ,-t 1 .t I'. i C'lt'ai'.'- i. I ' a I i aia-.a. I -u: aia- -, v.aiiv I ill.- al I'i.i a ' '. l.,a :o V 1' "! A'- i tt oil Mail T-a . ;' i- J'fuv.ue, M;!t i;, ?.Ji V. M Truin r'-.ii'C c ' .: ti t tr:-.'i t i IV ;. i.nii lliiinci. f ly 1 "'. i II uVt. i V. M 'lV-llll R' li'fj L.J hi; i lake la. I :h- V ek A. .1 '"'ui,- ti-'f fit' 1 I": ;t"o::. OEOIIGE HIT. r,. W.T TV, , r- .a ' 'JL' w . 'j C FIi t:i h li.v ini. A ' i t as . a i ;-3 t:iiM.t!s t;oiii r.ill . ti...: h' l-i..-- r. nmv . t' S'.siiliurv, I'.i.'l Inn fj i'i:iJ a law i lfun n! li: rt!iiSnct in Mrtrktt mj;j.i;i Mi- iju;ii:i'..i,.' , v.'itli tl.o V.i.i '.-h :u ! (i.r.i.rjn i i..i t U.ui.-a-t l n im- in .-;h !..i,c i: ii-M. 10, IS.V- y 4 W i V.H01.I.HALL AMI KKfAlL -BOOT STOE11 !.') .VwA mrth .S.t, n!.--c i, I'u . W pOO'J'S, Shoes, (iaitcis. Ac. roi-i.t!y nun!,- 9 to order in ll.e vcrv . tyln, ai.d vi l!- be.'t muleriar. riiibidelpMa, Mav P, l.iT. - A C.-.S'I i!u?!X!'-:: K."l.f;.tvri.' M.r:S (WVS I'. C;-;: it K! at; 1 V tla in . 11 . - 'aivrr ef i'K in i-s. ill s' at :t. ! ( !i, a l. ru -i ( I'M. I?.l I.I.N , r i ...i io ;!.-' i''iav .a .i la., eiu a. . ! -I c i- i I" i : :l!i; I nil 1 K, i..i 1 .-.i: i'ii."ii M ii.e- i t M.e:- -'l-il I i t; II lit Ilie utr. i. 'he.-' 1 1... ,., ,.;: ;.; it-r i rat r... ic I is j -,. am - IV' I'-'-t Cam: !..-; :,rivi'.f v ! ,vv lle I : ii aaiet 'I llit a lea -:' ai -- i 1' Hie l 00-1 I. is li ill- r; '.ai li.aay . s : 1 ii a'."-, s ..) B l,.r l:.. f f.A.'iN, I.i whi- a va!l l.f n.'i.a- C .,l nee.-i. i,-i. fail! wiii la; la .-i.-oiaian ..'a-'; 1-' H 1 I.N L)i aej I IT l SONS s. r.i r. ,::.', m liHre,,, r.-. M V lllllS I,IKU;. MIAV.-IS, I.l.r..5 I' I ' K ISiilN I. I i HtllS t;. ia ,ai y. l'arel ;cers wiii eit-ut ii,!vior: t-" in i;- r.u ea'l. tlie ll. "it i In-ill. "llic li.ii."ie hiv; i la'e It LtlU: tut- i'. ,w sla.anj Tl.t s;-,ii'.'o"ii is central, run'. tt. ic v.' .il I.'.'.- 't Mareh 1. :.. -3airij '.v. Eacidlo and llurnc?a linker. IIENKY II-f-v.XTT.-T, JiaV. ItEsy-Ct; 1 i I LL in!orn.-i ciiuens ol Suiib-.irv ami the i lic generally, tliat ho has taken iho slmn cecupicd bv Eiieht nrd Eeck, cue dosr eajt ot S. I'aujjt'. Caninet Ma ker shop where he is prepared to lain cut wc;k in his line of business eoual to any ma le in il, section of llic countiy. Orders promptly execu ted nn 1 all kinds nf produce taken in Excl:a;ik- Scnln.iy, Maitl; 0, If."-3. ly r. i-iELAiiCi-iTOjr giiixlhl, ivsTtt'c tiv tssi: 1'ti.uu, tiUNDtrilV, ;;,.'.t i.'i . .'.'ia :', ii.;i-1'-..-,'. ' ,i- ?.-:: ' Pv".i: A.'. .'.'.-I.-.---. Ail ! .fint.-.s j :o!ii'tly mter.J.-l t ' M ..:.; t :i.e;-d a:.d a'l ordina'y witlings dviie. .ua! ary, A pill ''.r. Ir j,. tl Tilcm F.ciiuccd to Suit, tiie Tmts (i. : e wuirr ..-1:. ) t! oh-re HU1, PhlU r. e r.t.;.: hi: ii-ricttia ---f tl.e atxve well-ioi.nvu cs( cue.' tnar.!l!iil l--r tl: vcrv le t r..l ; :t':ii,a .tat I he- sl.Vf'1 li;t I .-rn.i-ie te !'. : - ri I , a. l-itrii .' ' ' re i-r.'.i- II lar-n th i ij-jl year, lain tills lln ili -1 I" i; ar lliei.tii a tl Ihe eaian: ll::.t ll.ey are eti. r 1 i ii"ii t! e- o,.'-n if f . v a til .villi a cail. i" r. . , in alhb 'a.-' ,i' fi t 1 1 i i e.. i-i:;T"t ta:-n'.t ai. a .!l-ei ( c.-t -i'!il) !:itl"il. !. to devr't - oar -a'.-.' :,'c' n I 1 l' illar (iuifce!vti,w'it'i I'a- o-n.iile.n i:.:t v: ' to uive gviieral satis-'a.'-e- I. Mi'i:s & srovrn, l:.uec cunt. u't. vr 1 l.iii 51 25 per t'sv ar.iat-. w,li i.l.v.ivs hr m jt-j e,!.-!i (,i r r.' f ti - xv t ti;i;m N. II r l-l il' I". : ea p l and li-rr. fu-anii 'at Uuh't.-C ' I Ksi-t S V si i. A.a.l II. !' 3 l A. h UOCKKi K LLVAl rxUnvncn at Oiiv, iit" i'i Ncrthuin'.ei Ijh J my, Novctsil'ti :i, l?i'.". Co'.iiti. Suii'j I'.cVJ". A Ihi,;c sc cf f..ii' v .X k ' I'.iper nnd Envelopes, .M . -1-r in I. , J.flti' aud Cap I'sper, Pens, !.:':, s,.i,.l, tV-., it M...-. h 1 1, ':,. A. V. H- iiUK'S. iiii-J yciTars- so.ftiit l'rr- t ! r'l various braids. Eldi-r i !', I. i . i.d tine cul to! aceo al - Si.;::r I 'axet.Ji.h A. W. ri.-IIEh V. Bun! ry. March t I. 1H..7. 13ATCHiU"LV, JOCKEY CH I!, sl'lilXt 1 l l.DWEliS, ic, r! the be-t qntlii) ; n f.reh supply just rvcti-el ci. l tor sa'e st l!..t Drug Stoic of A. W. i'isliEl.. SuuIhiit. Af. 1, 13S7 IJI KE CONCEiXTEATE!) LYE fiiv S.V 1 ruMFIEi:, lor sale at FIs?HEK-.-J It Sli-ro. I'rico 0 eta. ft LMOMW, KAlsOXX FR;, LE.MU.Xts A.C., Ac, jutt received a fu sli su;-ply and for stl" at tbw CynlctH ii.J.'v si ne M. V.. iiEAMl! AET. SunVury, May l, ll iSORTauJ MADEEIA WI-XE3, hcM.-.'j.ij Schnapps, Wild (,'lieiry brandy, Ili.ici.leir.y xn l Lsvend. r I raiitlius for .":-. du intii I iirp-ia- s -.1 March 14, '57. . A. V. i'ltlillll. n15.vlE.XT LKIITAMA l-'TuIiEBS f. jl t ar bottles lor sale by II. H VASsF.K. S'j.ib-.i., July 19, !S;-o.